#mainly depression/sui
luminewhosthat · 2 months
Hey guys
I felt quite insecure and ashamed to post this,
But I don't think I can hold it back anymore.
I'm from Bangladesh, my homeland, I speak Bangla, it's my mother tongue, and I'm proud of my roots but my family immigrated to America many years ago. But I still care a lot about my country. So recently, there has been a lot going in Bangladesh. Mainly, it's because of its corrupted government. Our prime minister Sheikh Hasina is literally a dictator, if you go to twitter and search about recent news in Bangladesh, you can see that the situation is not that good. Basically, it's because we have a thing which is called "Quota" and it affects the Bangladeshi Government job sectors in a very negative way. This "Quota" is for the freedom fighters who fought in 1971 war which happened in Bangladesh. But the problem is that, even though those freedom fighters are dead, their families are welcome to enjoy the privileges which the quota provides.
Mostly, the grandchildren of these freedom fighters can use the quota to get jobs in Bangladesh's most prestigious job sectors, which has created a huge unemployment problem in Bangladesh. Also, these "so called" grandchildren are now TOTALLY CORRUPTED AND RUINING OUR COUNTRY while enjoying many privileges given by our PM and Bangladeshi students are very mad about it because normal, brilliant students with ZERO QUOTA cannot get into any prestigious job sectors no matter how hard they try!
Thousands of students have also committed sui*ide because they could not feed their poor family who are looking up to these brilliant students so that they can spin their family's poor fate.
From 13 July till now, the students of many public and private universities of Bangladesh are protesting together and risking their lives in order to remove this disgusting, vile and cruel quota system. Unfortunately, given to these current circumstances, our PM still pays no mind to these poor students who are protesting ENDLESSLY and literally DYING ON THE ROAD !!
Sheikh Hasina has labeled these brave students as RAJAKAR/TRAITORS (Collaborators who aided the enemy country Pakistan in 1971)
Our brave Bengali students, male and female, got so enraged, heartbroken by the fact that their prime minister called them traitors of the country just because they wanted the quota system removed. Following that incident, on July 15, at 1 AM, Dhaka University students, Eden Women's College students and many other University students broke down the gates of their hall at midnight and ran down to the streets to protest while chanting "Who are you? Who am I ? Rajakar, Rajakar!!"
Brave men and women who are protesting against this quota, are now being brutally attacked and mercilessly killed by the government party terrorist organization Chhatra League. The students at Dhaka University are now being attacked with stones, Bats, knifes and literally anything that can hurt a human brutally enough. Our government has turned their back on us, claiming that these students are traitors of their own country, and they are selfish because they do not want the quota system to give benefits to only the grandchildren of freedom fighters anymore.
But the reality is, these so-called grandchildren are now dominating 56% of job sectors with the help of money, nepotism and other dishonest ways while the honest student of our country stays unemployed, their talents wasted, efforts unappreciated and thus, they suffer from depression.
I'm not asking that much from my followers, but please, for the love of God, share my post as much as you can. These mass protests are not being seen enough, share and retweet as much as possible, we need to spread these horrifying actions committed by our PM to the world. Shame, shame, shame on them. Shame on our government for turning a blind eye to hundred thousand of these students. The streets of Dhaka have been drenched with the blood of our students; in order to save their lives, we need to spread this news as much as possible. My cousins from Bangladesh are absolutely frightened, their exams have been stopped, teachers are also turning their backs on these students, they have nowhere to go now. My cousin's classmate got her arm broken off by terrorist organization Chaatro League men just because she was protesting against the corrupted system.
Women are getting assaulted, acids are being thrown at these students, violence is now occurring left and right, our PM is a woman and still, she chooses to betray the students and stands still on her disgusting beliefs with the terrorist government organization Awami League supporting her crimes.
On 21 February, in 1952, thousands of students at Dhaka University protested against the West Pakistan in order to establish the language Bangla as the state language of east Pakistan. Thousands of students had died on that day, which is why we Bangladeshis celebrate 21 February as our Mother Language Day.
It seems like history is going to repeat itself yet again.
Shame, shame, shame on them!
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Feel free to send me anything i can add!!
My oc:
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Art by the wonderful @lefthandedspaghetti !! Joon you're so talented.
Info on him:
Name: Dr. Sydney Forrest.
Full name: Sydney Will-Knox Forrest-Gösta
Age: 24
Nationality/ethnicity: born in England, raised in the us. British, swedish and french.
Accent: british with a hint of french, he cant say certain words.
Languages: english, swedish and french
Gender: male, cis
Sexuality: questioning gay
Hair colour: light, light blonde
Eye colour(s): green & brown
Hair type: short, fluffy, not styled/messy.
Physicality: quite skinny, around 5'9", always on his tip toes so probably 5'5", flamboyant look.
Personality type: INTP
Personality: awkward, intoverted, oddly polite to strangers, sarcastic, caring, sympathetic - cant do empathy.
Disorders/conditions: depression, ptsd, slight autism, svt (supraventricular tachycardia), horrid anxiety. He also have chronic backpain and once in a while borrows houses vicodin, but usually just has wilson massage it (i have chronic backpain and used to have svt.. 😁).
Voice claim!!
Voice: (Steven Patrick) Morrissey. (This but with a hint of french, but oretty accurate.)
Backstory: tw; sui, sh, @buse
Syd was born on the 2nd of june to his parents, Delilah Gösta and William Forrest. Deliah was a banker, and William was a doctor, a very good one at that. Syd didn't get much attention when little, no hugs, no pet names - no normal kid things. He was mainly left to his own devices. He got a proper education, but got bullied a lot for his looks and unusual placement at home. He isn't very confident at all, being extremely shy as his self esteem is very low. At the age of 9, his mum had left for another guy. William was broken, so he quit his job and started to drink, quickly becoming abusive. Syd couldn't deal with it, so he turned to sh and attempts. Non of them worked. At 14, he was placed in hospitalization because of one of the attempts, wilson being his doctor. Wilson noticed how awful his life was, and actually fostered Syd for a year until Syd managed to get into hopkins, getting a dorm at 15. He graduated at 18, started working at ppth and formed a good relationship with house, as well as wilson. Syd told house all about william, them having flings in college. Syd became cardio head at 20, even house is impressed. He sees wilson as a father.
Random facts/hcs!:
He ships house and wilson so much hes actually managed to make them kiss.
House taught him how to play piano.
Hes never had a love interest, but tends to swoon over random strangers.
He enjoys petnames and being held, in a platonic way, probably from childhood issues.
He has pictues of his dad and house from their college days.
His hair is extremely soft, people love touching it, and he loves people touching it (by people i mean house and wilson.)
He has a comfort object !! Its a rose gold stethoscope*
He absolutely sucks ass at saying tounge twisters because of his fucked accent.
He really enjoys cracking his knuckles, annoys the hell out of everyone.
Hes got a wonderful singing voice.
He collects really pretty rocks.
He steals wilsons clothes all the time, literally every time he vists.
Hes basically blind without the glasses.
Hes always on his tiptoes (same, i had casts for 6months when i was like 7 [didn't do anything])
* the stethoscope 🩺 ‼️
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He has a dog!!
His name is Sawyer and is basically just a dog version of himself, why he loves him so much
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(Not my photo)
Tagging! @sillyhyperfixator
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actuallylight · 11 months
It’s November 5. L’s death anniversary. The anniversary of me being L. The anniversary of “winning” against him. The anniversary of realizing how empty the world is without him. Also Destiel Day but that one’s hardly important.
I think I’m going to get vulnerable today.
TW: ED, SH, and sui mentions. Also lots of canon talk
I joke a lot about being God. I poke fun at this day and laugh it off like it didn’t happen. Mainly because it didn’t happen. This is just some random event that happened in an animanga series that I just so happened to be pulled from, trauma included.
I think the reason I make those jokes is to try and shield myself from the truth. I’m not Light. I’m not Kira. I’m not a college student. I just have false memories implanted in my brain that I am those things. Source separation is important, but it’s so, so hard. I want to be Light. I want to be able to express myself as Light free of judgement in order to heal. But the world tells me I can’t. Neither can Ryuzaki. Neither can Misa. Nobody can, not even our brainmades, because that’s appropriation.
I have tried so hard to forget November 5 and January 28. I have sat through those episodes and tried to not react but I can’t. November 5 was a turning point for me in canon. I was severely depressed before I got the notebook. I hardly ate, I didn’t see the point in anything, and I just wanted an out. I’ll get more into that on the 28th, but for now I’ll just say that the Death Note was my reason to live.
Then, as I matured and continued my mission, I met L. He was so infuriating. He was challenging. He pushed all of my buttons but he understood me. He saw me for who I was when no one else could. But I couldn’t let that happen. I had to kill him and win. I had to be God. So I did just that. He died.
I remember how it felt to have him die in my arms. He was so vulnerable. He clung onto me like I was his last hope. The light left his eyes and I wanted to laugh. I went home and wanted to gloat to Ryuk about winning, but I didn’t. I was hit with the realization that he was gone. My only challenger was gone. There was no point anymore.
I’ve done a lot of stupid shit both within my past lives and this one. I bleed to stop hurting. I starve to block out hunger. I want to die to feel alive. I get nightmares almost every single night reminding me that I am dead and so is L. We died and that was that. Sometimes I can feel his heart stop beating. Sometimes I feel mine stop too. We’re tied together in all of the worst possible ways but we still keep crawling back because we’re in love. We’re two doomed monsters just trying to find reasons to live in each other. We find life in the other despite the knowledge that we tried to kill each other and did.
There has not been a single day where I haven’t regretted November 5. I missed him. I still miss him even though we share a brain now. I’m so tired of the constant reminder that he was dead. We were dead. We got a second chance and we’re blowing it.
I want to take the last section of this post to talk about L. He’s the person who pulls me out of dark spaces. He reminds me that there is good in the world and not all people out there are evil. He bandages my wounds and hides my blades and pills when I’m at my worst. He’s the most caring person I know by far. I love him so, so much and I’ll never not regret the shit I put him through. All of the pain, death, and general suffering that I caused him. It’s my fault, but somehow he doesn’t care. I’m so grateful to him and I’m so sorry that it took me this long to say it.
I’m sorry, L. You are the best thing in my life. You didn’t deserve to die at my hand. I love you so much. I don’t know how you can forgive me so easily, but you have and I’m grateful. I still want to become a better person. Not just for you, but for the sake of the world and our system. I want to make things right. I want to live again.
I’m sorry.
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goblinism · 7 months
so i found my old private comic diary from 2008-2009 from around the time i was 18yo. I quit school right before the finals and started working and trying to figure out what i was gonna do. I was super in the closet about being trans too and boy
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cw: sui, depression, anxiety, parental/emotional abuse, dysphoria
like 98% of the entrees i was either tired, angry, sad or all three at once the other 2% was about my hobbies, mainly video games and anime/manga I realize now how in bad and fragile state I was back then, and how living home with one parent being alcoholic really REALLY wasnt doing me any favors there's specifically one entry from 7th of january 2009 that i vividly still remember making, because that night was when i decided im quitting school. i simply couldnt handle it anymore, that night was my breaking point. (insert here lengthy explanation of how i wanted to quit first year but teachers talked me out of it only to want to quit second year but being talked out of it too..) may 11th there's entry with no drawings just me writing "Right now I'm feeling that classic LONELINESS.. but heaven forbid i try talk to anyone (at home) about it... I'm not allowed to be sad because that'll just ruin the day for everyone else!" I'm turning 34 this year, I completed my transition 2017 which is same year I finally moved out officially. From then on both my suicidality and dysphoria left me and though I still struggle mentally and have incredibly bad days with panic attacks and all that, at least those two big evils have not returned. The growth and insight on my own mental state and character has been a lot since then too and now understanding myself better than ever, reading these entries im mortified about what kind of life I had to live back then wondering how the hell I made it through, but at the same time it really gives some hindsight perspective... like no wonder I struggle with debilitating anxiety order I guess the overall reason I write this is that, sometimes being reminded of the hell you've been in puts things in perspective in the now. I need to be kinder and gentler at myself. And so do you no matter what you have been or are going through. on (ig?) lighter note on some of the entries I was still drawing myself having dialogue about things with my """"""oc"""""" who was "my exact clone but a guy instead" and also had the name that's my actual legal name now.
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vvh0adie · 2 years
vvh0adie’s BTS request
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These are the conditions and lists of readers and situations I’ll write. End of discussion. Don’t ask for nun else. You will be blocked. This list is subject to change.
Certain kinks aren’t reflective of my own morals.
Only BTS on this blog. Other groups: @kimchicollardgreens
Read faq/dni for banned prompts.
Request: OPEN { ♰ } | Commission: CLOSED { ♰ }
You have questions/need further elaboration on what’s below, send an ask.
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*Honestly my Wips Catalogue is great reference*
Genres? | smut, suggestive, fluff, angst, combo
Aus? | Probably anything but I’m not too sure myself, so send an ask -on anon, if you want- to gauge whether or not I’d be interested in writing for it. I’ll make a tag that archives, so you can reference it.
Personally Liked Aus? | hybrid, friends to lovers, strangers to lovers, enemies to lovers, sci-fi, horror, supernatural, vampire, werewolf, college, time periods.
Demographics? | I do write the typical straight, cis, conventional couple, but I mainly focus on whats below. Please keep in mind that there are certain experiences I’ll never have or are not educated enough on, so I’d appreciate if you followed below. Members and Reader can be:
— Autistic
— Bisexual
— Demisexual
— Sapphic
— Achillean
— Straight
— Cis Female
— Trans/Nonbinary
Body Positive
— Plus-sized/Chubby
— will not be specified unless stated
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Pairing? | mem x mem , mem x reader
Demographic? | Almost always African American-coded Y/N. Since these are free request, I take control of racial implications* to serve this blogs purpose. Black comes in many shades, hair textures, and facial features, so I won’t write distinctly; just cultural familiarities. But you can still request what’s in General.
*note 1: I may not always imply race either. It depends how I’m feeling.
Levels of harm/explicit behavior
*each following level includes every thing before it
No explicit actions of sui*ide/c*tting/substance ab*se, just mentions
Mild punch, kick, slap, etc.
Not done to/no death of reader/member
No explicit death unless already ghost/human turned demon, vampire, etc
Depression: 1
Anxiety: 1
Body Dysmorphia: 1
Violence: 2
Gore: 3
Supernatural/Horror: 4
note: If you’re still confused, please don’t feel scared to send me a private DM cuz honestly you’ll be helping me make this list better.
*This is tailor made, I mean it. You ask, and I’m more willing to deliver.*
Pairings? | mem x mem, mem x reader, mem x my OCs
Demographic? | Since it’s paid you can specify reader to your hearts content regardless of race, ethnicity, sexuality and gender.
OCs? | Yes, if you enjoy a couple and would like to see more of them in your own scenarios, then you’re free to ask. I do ask that you try to keep it in the sphere of their alternate universes cuz honestly they’d just be different characters at that point.
Situations? | You can follow the one for free request or we can get wicked. All cards are on the table. Send me an private DM and we can discuss how crazy we can get. But I still have limits, but for money I’m willing to write much darker. Note: Depending on the severity, they prolly won’t make it to tumblr but on buymecoffee. Or who knows you may be the only person to every read it? If posted on either platform, you will remain anon just like free request.
breath play
gun play
blood/cum/lactation kink
praise kink
knife play
fear kink
heat/wax play
needle play
electric/violet wand play
degradation kink
con noncon
dub con
double penetration
body worship
size kink
group (4+) sex
anal sex/play
nipple play
period sex/care
impact play
pain kink
breeding kink
pregnancy kink
corruption kink
daddy kink
mommy kink
monster/hybrid kink
legal age gap kink
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lavoiedeleau · 6 months
Le début de la fin avant la renaissance
Bon, pour tout vous dire cela n'a pas été aussi rapide, alors revenons quelques mois en arrière.
Je vous passe la période de sa dépression et de la change mentale énorme pour moi. Je me suis tellement oubliée (sans m'en apercevoir bien sur) que je ne savais même plus ce que je voulais.
C'est impressionnant comme le quotidien peut dévier de cette façon lente, mais petit à petit toujours plus noir et sans crier gare.
Bon le faite aussi qu'on m'avait jamais parlé d'un autre système de pensées pouvait exister.
Alors un gros travail de reconstruction pris le jour, même bien avant la séparation, car au bout de 6 ans, on se sépare pas aussi facilement avec une blessure de l'abandon.
Je suis allée voir une spécialiste en géobiologie ( octobre 2021) qui travail sur pas mal d'axes, entité, sortilège, mémoire, dysfonctionnement du corps. Elle m'a remis en alignement, enlevé les 5 entités accrochées à moi (seulement), des petits changements se sont opérés doucement, j'ai observé mon alimentation, des projets etc..
Je suis allé voir une diététicienne, j'ai perdu du poids mais je me suis vite rendu compte que c'était principalement émotionnel. (Février 2022)
Première vrai révélation a été mon premier rdv avec une sophrologue, à qui je dois beaucoup. Elle m'a dit bon, on va partir sur une séance toutes les 3 semaines pendant 8 mois car il y a du boulot dans la reconquête de toi même (avec le sourire). (mai 2022)
Je vous mets les dates pour vous montrer que ce processus prend du temps, je le vois comme une spirale descente avant 2022. Que j'ai essayé de stopper puis de relancer dans l'autre sens, mais il y a tellement d'inertie que c'était très long. Tout était long dans se passage de ma vie, mais toujours avec une fois en la Vie incroyable !
Well, to tell you the truth, it wasn't that quick, so let's go back a few months.
I'll skip the period of his depression and the huge mental change for me. I forgot so much about myself (without realising it, of course) that I didn't even know what I wanted any more.
It's amazing how slowly everyday life can take a turn for the worse, but little by little it gets darker and darker without warning.
Well, the fact that no-one had ever told me about another way of thinking could exist.
So a lot of reconstruction work began, even well before the separation, because after 6 years, you don't separate so easily with a wound of abandonment.
I went to see a specialist in geobiology (October 2021) who works on a number of areas: entities, spells, memories, body dysfunctions. She put me back into alignment, removed the 5 entities attached to me (only), small changes were made slowly, I observed my diet, projects etc…
I went to see a dietician, I lost weight but I soon realised that it was mainly emotional. (February 2022)
My first real revelation was my first appointment with a sophrologist, to whom I owe a lot. She told me, "OK, we'll start with a session every 3 weeks for 8 months because there's a lot of work to do to regain your self-confidence" (with a smile). (May 2022)
I'm putting the dates here to show you that this process takes time, and I see it as a downward spiral before 2022. I've tried to stop it and then start it again in the other direction, but there's so much inertia that it took a very long time. Everything was long in this passage of my life, but always with an incredible faith in Life!
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tears-exe · 2 years
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The Mental Illness Fiend, Menta-Chan
Blank picrew
More info on my Chainsaw Man oc
Cw mentions of fictional sh and sui
The Mental Illness Fiend, they could be quite scary, if they actually believed in themselves a bit.
A young high school girl had attempted sui, but realized a bit too late how much she wanted to live. The only one who heared her was the Mental Illness Devil, who attempted to save the girl. Unfortunately since the poor Devil was panicking she was a bit too late. The Devil ended up becoming a Fiend. She decided to try and live.
She made a deal with the Devil Hunters that allowed her to go to Fourth East High School as long as she assisted the Devil Hunters Club. Sadly she's not too great at combat which leads to a lot of ridicule from the club.
Menta-Chan is extremely anxious, self depreciating and clumsy. Despite being a Devil shes very kind. She adores cute things and does her best to fill her life with cuteness.
Her blood is ultra sharp glitter she can control. When she fights she cvts herself with a cutesy box cutter. Depending on how much blood she uses sometimes it takes her awhile to heal. As a Devil she had quite a powerful depressing aura and could hear people's thoughts.
At school she didn't really have any friends. She ended up connecting with Asa, mainly because Asa felt pity (and of course felt similar).
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cerealandchoccymilk · 2 years
just saw someone call メンヘラ and 地雷系 slurs hello??
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your-garden-rose · 2 years
This was an ask I’m finally working on as I’m free from exams! :D I’m sorry as it was late while writing this :’(
The ask:
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Of course this could also turn into angst and all of that sorts, because reader would also be a HUMAN exchange student and this time with ABSOLUTELY NO magical abilities! So this could also focus on how reader STRUGGLES to get good grades (mainly to survive and get home soon) and also how they have nooo support from the demons and would have to struggle to even befriend our three new characters, because most of them don't really like humans. [3/5]
This is more like a fanfic idea, now that I reread it, but you could always try to make an ask and maybe add some parts afterwards? If you don't want to that is absolutely alright!! I would write this myself, but I don't think I have as much skill as you ^^;; [4/5]
- ps.: I love your writing, it's so amazing!! [5/5]
Ty darling! I’m glad you like it!! I hope this one is to your liking too <33
@plantsimp <33
Also, let me know if you want the demons, angels, and the royals, the humans, and the reaper’s reactions to y/n and their journal!
Love, Y/N.
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Genre: Angst, no comfort
Ships: none
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May 2020, 10:00 pm [WEEK 1]
Oh, hello there, I found this journal lying to waste on the floor, not to mention, this was the journal i gifted to Mc… guess mammon threw it away since Mc did come and apologise to me profusely for losing it… either way! It’s just my first week here! Mc seems like a really nice person, no wonder so many people love them! I just wish… no. I wish nothing but the best for Mc and their happiness. Anyways, today was actually pretty boring, classes and such. What even are these classes anyway? Just a bunch of gibberish anyways. All these magic words… did it even exist in the first place? Anyways, it took sometime to get used to be living in literal hell. Solomon was weirdly helpful, yet condescending, Simeon was as angelic as always, Luke? Well, uh…. Why was he barking at me though- anyways, I got to go! See ya in week 2 dear journal!
-Love, y/n <3
May 2020, 10:00 pm [WEEK 2]
So…. I’m not really in the best of my mindset right now but this is the only outlet I have so I’m writing this to get this off my mind. Hope you don’t mind the tear stains though. This whole week, to put it simply, was horrible. It was always one thing that kept popping up to mess with me. One, it was Lucifer. He used me as an outlet to release his anger, as I was always tied up… Mammon always stole and sold my stuff, he ended up selling the ring my mother got me… and acted nonchalant about it, and yelled at me when Mc scolded him. He said some… pretty… harsh words… I’d rather not write them down here, if I don’t want anymore tear stains on this beautiful journal. Anyways, Lucifer called me again. Guess it’s to make me feel even more horrible than I already do. I’m ending it here for today.
-Love, y/n <3
May 2020, 10:00 pm, [WEEK 3]
I want to kill myself.
It is evident here, that hell is taking its toll on me.
And I cannot take it anymore. The stress, the fear, that I will die here at any moment. I can’t. I can’t take this.
Mc can’t spend time with me as no one wants them to even be near a “filthy and a disgusting human like me”. Even the three new students seem to like Mc too. Thirteen always finds pleasure in finding new ways to trap me, Mephistopheles always talks down to me. He always seems to know the exact words to pierce my heart, and ruin what little confidence I have that day.. and Raphael? He just doesn’t care.
Diavolo isn’t doing anything about the brothers and neither are any of the purgatory hall residents care.
I can’t…
Please excuse my tears on my precious journal for once.
May 2020, 10:00 pm, [WEEK 4]
This isn’t an entry in this journal. I cannot take it anymore. At first, I was extremely enthusiastic, extremely happy and so full of light. What happened to me? Why am I not the same person that I was anymore?
Lucifer only sees me as a toy, to take out his anger on. Mammon only sees me as a fucking pawn, someone to humiliate for his pleasure. Leviathan? Well? He sure does enjoy playing ping pong with my confidence and watch it deteriorate. Satan only talks to me when he misses Mc. Asmodeus only sees me as a fleshlight and Mc’s substitute. As for the twins? They don’t even want to associate themselves with me and get angry every time I spend time with Mc.
As for the others? They don’t fucking care. I’m literally just a useless human that’s taking up their space. All they care for is Mc. Not me. They won’t let me go back up either. Not even the angels care. I don’t see any other option or any way out other than this.
Atleast if I no longer exist.. if I die… will they be happy? Will Mc be happy?
I never meant anything, and never will mean anything to these beings. It’s fair, that I only put them all in peace.
I hope, atleast now, I am doing a favour to someone…
-Love, Y/N.
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morporkian-cryptid · 5 years
My favorite singer just released her new album yesterday so imma talk about her a bit
Her name is Yéléna Liquini, aka Mrs Yéyé. She’s an entirely independant French singer-song writer, who’s been making music on YouTube for about ten years and whose fanbase and popularity grew mostly through word of mouth.
Her music is mainly rock, with influences from all kind of genres like electro, reggae, metal and a lot more.
She’s a trans woman and a queer activist, and a lot of her songs tackle issues of today’s society and everyday life, such as transidentity, toxing masculinity, what it means to be a woman, depression and recovery, based on her own experience and that of the people around her.
I don’t know how to describe her music, other than by saying it resonates a lot with me, it’s very touching and carries very strong messages. I’ve cried more than once listening to her music, but also laughed, and screamed; it carries so much feelings and I think that’s great.
Here are a few of her songs that I love (I mean I love all of them but I can’t just put them all on here)
Femme, about what it means to be a woman in today’s society
Sal*pe, about slut-shaming and being comfortable with your sexuality (it’s only on Vimeo, the video got taken down from YouTube because there were boobs)
Bonhomme, making fun of toxic masculinity
Je ne suis pas une erreur, about a trans girl’s relationship with her father
Je suis une étoile, about the music industry and a megalomaniac singer who wants to rise above everyone else (it’s kinda old but I still fucking love it)
Impunis éternels, about school bullying (makes me fucking mad every time I hear it)
Comme personne, about being yourself in a society that wants everyone to fit in
The new album released yesterday is called Electrochoc, and it’s her... third one I think? All of her songs are available for free on YouTube, and she encourages people to download them freely.
Hopefully I can spread her music around and make some people discover a great artist and an awesome human being!
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softichill · 2 years
Tehe. You answered quickly yesterday. Don't worry. I can't for the life of me remember if I told you of Tounges and Teeth being my favorite Crane Wives song but I love upbeat music. Not that I can't appreciate slower stuff, it's just rarer. I love me some upbeat sounding depressing music. Like Edge Of The Edge. It's like a creepypasta in song form. Well the music video is worth it but I not too sure of the triggers, tbh. I think it might be sui? And disturbing imagery for sure. Oh! And flashing and trippy ones. Cyberbullying, I think too. I'll be real with you, I don't get it. I know the gist of the message but the true meaning eludes me. Just if you are sensitive to those things you should avoid it. I can guess at it but I feel like Werner Herzog is confounding me with Stroszek again. I should show you the chicken scene. All of the actors hated the chicken scene an the man himself wasn't sure of what it meant but he was sure it meant something. Man is a hoot, I tell you. Him and Jim Woodring. Both opposite ends but damn if they aren't entertaining. OH the band is Panda Bear. I think most of my favorite song from the Animal Collective side of music are nightmarish in their own right but damn if they aren't amazing. I don't reccomend Jim Woodrings art as it is usually disturbing but it's cool too. Sis has a Mr. Bumper vinyl figure from him. I missed the chance for a Breakup Buddy plush so I know how painful it is to see something like that online and go "You lucky sod!".
Ooo sweet!! I had a good pick :D
I think I'll be able to handle that! I love creepypasta stuff
Fjdbfjdbfjd sometimes you just throw things together and think "Yeah this means something. Dunno what though" lmao. I've done it before, it's good for getting away with stuff in art class-
Man that sounds rlly cool.,.
If we're going disturbing, I recommend Mahoroba by SinUbukata! The two Vocaloids in that song are pitched impossibly high, the instrumental sounds a little bit like squeaky violin and screeching metal, and I'm pretty sure it's mainly about sui, but I find it so fun to listen to
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wolff06wolff-blog · 6 years
Educating Blunders You Do not Want To Make.
A mom of 2 and also enthusiastic health and fitness speaker, Lisa M. Wolfe had her first physical fitness post released in 2001. In the final edge there was an iron entrance much like the door the rangers entered from, yet as opposed to having a diamond in the middle, it had a photo of Earth. studiosante could be an excellent choice for strength athletes, especially those that dedicate severe gym time to the Olympic raises in particular. Pneuma: Breath of Life is an enthralling first person puzzler putting gamers' minds to the examination in an aesthetically stunning globe using the power of Unreal Engine 4. Pneuma supplies gamers with a feeling of admiration and an unrelenting resolution to solve every puzzle as well as development via a narrated tale of self-discovery, discovering the essential nature of being. Some individuals draw real motivation from the team environment of the social gym. Hi, I'm Nick Webster, and I'm below to answer the question the best ways to shoot a reduced power shot in soccer. Kite Power Solutions anticipates to open the UK's initial kite nuclear power plant in March 2017 at the Ministry of Protection's West Freugh website in Stranraer, Scotland. Or, if you need a stairway lift for only a brief amount of time, consider renting one. The sizzle of navy power is typically electrifying, however this moment I do not register the sensation. You should be physically near a health club to eliminate, however a fitness center could not remain in the most good of locations. In fact, it's nearly difficult to lift more than you prepared to in order to overtake an additional rival in points. This exercise devices is usually accompanied by a display screen that tracks the heart rate,. along with other info like the number of miles run or calories burned. Il est vrai que j' y consacre a peu prés 4 heures par semaine chez moi en musique et je peu vous alarming que je ne rate aucune séance tant je me sens bien après mon heure de power plate. There are various other basic functions of porch PL-P portable wheelchair lift are as follows. The Supreme Court already chose that concern too in American Electric Power v. Connecticut, in 2011. Both gyms have moved around the central city location of Sparkhill and also provide for a mainly Muslim customers. The Lumo Raise costs ₤ 80 in black, white as well as grey with black and silver magnets. Like many Canal & River Count on projects, the Anderton Boat Lift survived thanks to neighborhood volunteers, most of which are still entailed. Sarah Ridgard, nonetheless, confesses that she chose her university location at the LSE on the basis that the building had a paternoster - an ever-moving lift which passengers enter. The federal government recognizes the possible human expense of coal power stations shuttering, claiming plant closures could have a substantial influence on communities" as they utilized around 100-500 people directly. Your one-rep max, or 1RM, is the heaviest weight lots you could effectively raise as soon as with excellent strategy. Increase your hips by pushing your heels right into the sphere and also raise until your hips, heels and also shoulders develop a straight line. After years of lack of exercise, Carlos returned as the Black Space Ranger in order to help the Galaxy Rangers fight the Psycho Rangers. I haven't check out the key however I think the power communicates the exact same message that was in the key, from a various angle. To Billy went the Triceratops Power Coin, offering him the power of the Triceratops, and also control of the Triceratops Dinozord. Childhood obesity gets on the increase, as well as this is one reason gyms are ending up being so popular. Practising dead lifts, for example, will certainly assist you raise hefty things securely; performing core exercises will assist your stance as well as strengthen the muscles that sustain your lower back. We were controlled by Lothor right into striking the one force with the power to save this world. Turning up to the gym and putting even more weight on bench than you could raise appropriately and also struggling through one sloppy representative is a proven means to stagnate in your toughness objectives. Unexpectedly, from much up the lane, the audio of wheels grating on the snow, might be listened to simply. Only two mayors lifted their bans following the Villeneuve-Loubet judgment: the Socialist mayor of Oye-Plages near Calais and also the centrist mayor of Eze in the Alpes-Maritimes. Near the equivalence point, rather small increments (3 to 5 declines) will be made use of. Taking unmitigated coal power out of our power mix and changing it with cleaner innovation, such as gas, will significantly lower discharges from the UK's power usage," he stated. They typically aren't cheap yet they include that 'Olympic training area' really feel to any type of gym as well as are a whole lot simpler on the flooring if they need to be gone down. In simply 2 years, Vivint had placed solar panels on twenty two thousand houses, producing 274MW (5.6% of overall created in Nigeria), the dimension of a power station! However the national relationship with the gym might be concerning an end, inning accordance with brand-new main figures revealing a depression in the number of normal individuals after years of evidently relentless growth. There is a danger that Liverpool can be as well known for gymnastics as it is for football if they are effective. In Could, Engie's president, Isabelle Kocher, informed a French Us senate board the firm intended a progressive withdrawal from coal-fired power generation, which the share of coal in its power mix would be up to about 10% from 15% over the following couple of years. Every model or variation of staircase lift has their different functions as well as tools yet operations of all of them are very similar. In celestial spaces, regarding a quarter of a mile distance from the Megaship, the Pink and also Red Astro Rangers waiting for their Galaxy Gliders for the shuttle bus to appear. Additionally, allow's not forget that the Power Rangers are a team of young adults - and also most teens do not have bionic busts to fill those sizable metal cups. A variety of gyms now support 360-degree" tracking solutions that consider participants' exercise executed outside the health club, as well as their nutritional intake. At his one year Secondary school get-together, Conner is given the future by Broodwing where he, Ethan, and Kira meet up with the S.P.D. Rangers. When travelling from the main island (Fitness center Island) to the various other islands, boosting your stats will aid you to beat your adversaries. His professional swordfighting ability and also remarkable firepower make him among the Rangers most dangerous villains. When Master Vile turned around time and also returned the Rangers to youngsters, the Ape Power Coin was later damaged by Zedd and also Rita. Luckily, the spell is damaged and also he retrieves himself as he later on becomes the White Power Ranger. With that, the photo of Zordon, along with the columns, vanished, leaving the 6 Terran Rangers standing changed amongst the damages of the Command Facility. Joe relocated the fitness center in Santa Monica over to Venice in one more massive structure that he made manually and it was tri-level. In circumstances such as this one, we typically claim that we are preparing or looking into the most effective technique, however these rationalizations allow us to feel like we are moving on when we are just spinning our wheels. If, at the end of the year, the higher power does not want me to be champion with everything I have offered towards it, I will need to accept that. This paralyzed your interest and you gave up not since you should, but because you felt like it. Your emotions created you to turn a Phase 1 or Stage 2 failing into a Phase 3 failure. The practices of the Exodus from Egypt, which Jews, Christians, and also Muslims share in typical, talk about a dispute in between God's power and also the power of Pharaoh and also the formation of alternate power which was organized by Moses, Aaron, and their sis Miriam. Shane is slowly uncovering his natural management capabilities as a Power Ranger. Bonjour Nathalie, Je suis moi-même à la recherche d'un centre power plate sur Bruxelles. A morning yoga exercise session given by the health club authorities keeps you fresh all day.
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babyberrii · 3 years
Chiến tranh thế giới I, II và chiến tranh lạnh
World war I
Thế chiến thứ nhất diễn ra từ năm 1914 đến năm 1918 đã để lại hậu quả rất nặng nề cho toàn thế giới. Nguyên nhân chính dẫn đến cuộc chiến tranh là vì mâu thuẫn về vấn đề thuộc địa (các đế quốc già Anh Pháp phát triển chậm nhưng lại có nhiều thuộc địa trong khi các nước công nghiệp mới phát triển mạnh mẽ như Đức, Mỹ, Nhật,. lại có ít thuộc địa hơn). Sự kiện trực tiếp dẫn tới xung đột là sự kiện Hoàng tử áo hung bị ám sát bởi 1 người serbia. Cuộc chiến chia làm 2 phe Hiệp ước (Anh, Pháp, Nga sau đó là Mỹ (Mỹ thời gian đầu chỉ ở giữa để bán vũ khí kiếm lời nhưng sau đó tham chiến vì nếu phe liên minh trung tâm thắng sẽ ảnh hưởng trực tiếp tới quyền lợi và địa vị của Mỹ ở Châu Âu), Brasil) và phe liên minh trung tâm (Đức, Áo-Hung, Bulgaria và Ottoman). Trong cuộc chiến này, phe đồng minh đã dành chiến thắng buộc Đức phải kí hiệp ước Versailles.
English version
The world war I from 1914 to 1918 brought serious consequences for the whole world. The main reason leading to the war was a conflict about redistributing colonies (the “old” empires (England, French,..) developing slowly had a lot of colonies while the “young” empires (Germany,..) had less colonies than the “ old” empires.). The direct event triggering the war was the assassination of the prince of Austria by the Bosnian Serb nationalist. The war had two side: Triple entente ( mainly England, French and Russia) and Central power( Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Ottoman). In this war, Triple entente won victory and forced Germany to sign Versailles treaty.
World war II
Axis powers (Germany, Italy, Japan, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria) versus Allies (U.S., Britain, France, USSR, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Greece, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, South Africa, Yugoslavia).
Chiến tranh thế giới thứ 2 diễn ra từ 1939 đến 1945. Hậu quả của Hiệp ước Versailles là nền kinh tế Đức suy yếu và nợ nần (Nền kinh tế Đức xảy ra lạm phát (hyperinflation) do ngân hàng in quá nhiều tiền). Sự kiện đại khủng hoảng (The great depression) năm 1929 bắt đầu từ sự sụp đổ của thị trường chứng khoán tại phố Wall tại Mỹ lan dần ra toàn bộ Châu Âu và toàn thế giới. Tại nhiều nước người dân căm ghét chính phủ và tư bản, họ quay sang ủng hộ các tư tưởng cực đoan. Từ đó là mầm mống hình thành nên chủ nghĩa Phát xít (Đức, Ý , Nhật,..). Trong khi Đức và Ý mở rộng chiến tranh xâm lược toàn lãnh thổ châu Âu thì đế quốc Nhật xâm lược lãnh thổ châu Á. Cuộc chiến có hai phe là Phe Trục (Đức, ý, Nhật,…) và phe đồng minh (Pháp, Anh, Liên xô, Trung quốc, Mỹ …) Mỹ là một nước trung lập nhưng vẫn tỏ ra phản đối chế độ phát xít bằng việc cấm vận dầu và thép đối với Nhật ( Nhật Bản thiếu tài nguyên trầm trọng nên buộc phải nhập khảu các tài nguyên từ bên ngoài). Nhật đáp trả bằng việc tấn công bất ngờ vào Chân Trâu Cảng. Chính vì vậy Mỹ chính thức tham gia cuộc chiến. năm 1945 khi 2 đế quốc phát xít Đức và Ý hoàn toàn sụp đổ, phe đồng minh đã dằn mặt Nhât yêu cầu đầu hàng để tránh xảy ra thêm thương vong. Chính thời điểm đó Mỹ đã thử nghiệm bom nguyên tử và thả 2 quả bom vào thành phố của Nhật Bản là Hirosima và Nagasaki. Chiến tranh thứ hai chính thức kết thúc với vô vàn thương vong và sự nổi lên của hai cường quốc là Mỹ và Liên Xô.
English version
The second world war occurred from 1939 to 1945. The consequences of Versailles treaty were.
Cold war
Hậu quả sau chiến tranh thế giới thứ 2 (1946)
Chiến tranh lạnh giữa Liên Xô và Hoa Kỳ cùng các phe đồng minh do cạnh tranh nhau về hệ thống chính trị Hoa kỳ ( Tư bản ) và Liên Xô ( Xã hội chủ nghĩa) -> Chia làm hai phe và kết thúc bởi sự sụp đổ của Liên Xô ( sụp đổ chủ yếu do chế độ đa đảng).
English version
Chiến tranh Việt Nam Mỹ
Là một phần trong chiến tranh lạnh, Mỹ hòng thôn tính Đông Dương, chống lại chủ nghĩa xã hội bằng cách xâm chiếm Việt Nam - một trong những vị trí rất hiểm yếu, nếu Mỹ thôn tính thành công, thắng lợi này sẽ giúp Mỹ dễ dàng khống chế Trung Quốc và Liên Xô. Cuộc chiến thất bại và mang lại tổn thất rất nặng nề cho Mỹ.
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fyfhjkl-blog · 5 years
How to deal with the stress for women
How to deal with the stress for women
Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) refers to involuntary urine leakage from the external urethra when venting or coughing increases.http://neuroinitiative.org/
Symptoms include coughing, sneezing, laughing, and another involuntary urine overflow when abdominal pressure increases.
Signs are an increase in abdominal pressure, which can be observed involuntarily flowing out of the urethra.
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When the urodynamic examination is characterized by filling cystometry, involuntary leakage of urine occurs when abdominal pressure increases without detrusor contraction.
The main symptoms:
When coughing, sneezing, laughing, going up the stairs or lifting heavy objects, the urine will involuntarily flow out of the urethra. This type of urinary incontinence is not accompanied by frequent urination and urgency, and there is not much urine incontinence; urinary incontinence is aggravated when standing, and symptoms are relieved after lying down.https://www.facebook.com/Neuroinitiative/
The cause can be:
(1) Childbirth and childbirth injuries, especially in difficult labor and forceps operations;
(2) changes in the tissues around the urethra and urethra, such as atrophy of pelvic floor tissue caused by decreased sex hormones after menopause;
(3) surgery has been performed in the vagina and urethra;
(4) Perineal and urethral injuries;
(5) The pelvic mass caused by increased abdominal pressure and the bladder neck position decreased.
Female urinary incontinence is a common and frequently-occurring disease in women. According to global statistics, the prevalence rate is close to 50%. 35%-45% of women have different degrees of urinary incontinence symptoms, and severe urinary incontinence is about 7%, about half of which is stress. Urinary incontinence. And as the age increases, the incidence increases. It has a serious impact on women's quality of life and health status.
The danger of stress urinary incontinence
Many women feel that urinary incontinence makes it difficult for them to talk about it. I am embarrassed to tell the doctor that I would rather change my pants and use the pad instead of seeing a doctor.
 In fact, the impact of urinary incontinence on women is enormous, mainly reflected in the following two aspects:
1. Physiologically affected
Some women are afraid of getting wet and trousers are very embarrassed, just put a piece of lining cloth or pad, sanitary napkins in the lower body to absorb urine, so that the vulva often has urine accumulation and cause infectious diseases such as eczema and dermatitis. , or concurrent urinary tract infections will eventually affect kidney function. In particular, older people should pay more attention to their ability to resist various bacteria.
2. Psychological aspects are affected
Urinary incontinence not only causes physical pain and inconvenience to the patient but also causes psychological stress to the patient. Frequent leaking urine makes the underwear have an unpleasant smell that cannot be washed away; it is inconvenient to participate in some sports activities or engage in manual labor, which will greatly affect their life rules, and even become uneasy, anxious, depressed, inferior, and lose confidence. Because of the odor, it also affects the normal social activities with friends and family. I usually don't dare to go out. I must go to the toilet before going out. The first thing to go outside is to find the location of the toilet, and then go to work. I will go home in a hurry and don't dare to stay outside. I dare not haha. Laughing, even watching burlesque are scared, and more afraid of coughing and sneezing when you have a cold.
[Evaluation of SUI severity]
1. Subjective indexing of clinical symptoms (Ingelman-Sundberg indexing method)
Mild: urinary incontinence occurs when coughing or sneezing, no need to use a pad
Moderate: Urinary incontinence occurs when daily activities such as running, walking and walking require the use of a pad;
Severe: Incontinence occurs when there is slight activity and changes in posture when lying down.
2. Objective examination - urine pad test: 1-hour urine pad test is recommended.
Mild: 1-hour leaking urine 2g;
Moderate: 2g <1-hour leakage urine 10g;
Severe: 10g <1-hour leaking urine <50g;
Extremely severe: 1 hour of leakage of urine 50g.
3. Questionnaire on the impact of urinary incontinence on quality of life.
Internationally, a patient-led questionnaire is used to objectively assess the impact of urinary incontinence on quality of life. The impact of urinary incontinence on quality of life recommends the use of Chinese-recognized urinary incontinence on the quality of life of the questionnaire (Incontinence Impact Questionnaire-7, IIQ-7) This table is the International Committee on Incontinence Experts (The International Consultation on Incontinence, ICI)
Treatment of urinary incontinence
In fact, female stress urinary incontinence is a curable disease. Under the guidance of a professional doctor, help you get rid of the troubles of urinary incontinence earlier and restore your "control" as soon as possible.
With the advent of new technologies, the efficacy of stress urinary incontinence has been greatly improved. The vast majority (about 80%) of patients can be completely cured after treatment, and 96% of patients have different degrees of symptoms. At present, there are mainly the following treatment methods.
(1) Rehabilitation training of pelvic floor muscles (Kegel operation) improves urethral sphincter function by enhancing the tension of pelvic floor muscles and urethral muscles and increasing the reactive contractile force of muscles against pressure.
(2) Weight loss, smoking cessation, and other lifestyle habits adjustment treatment.
(3) Vaginal weight training, electrical stimulation therapy, magnetic stimulation therapy.
(4) drug treatment: adrenergic receptor agonists, anticholinergic drugs, estrogen, and other drugs can increase bladder outlet resistance, effective for mild stress urinary incontinence. However, they also have their side effects, so they must be used under the guidance of a doctor and should not be used for a long time.
(5) Surgical treatment: surgical methods include: 1 vaginal anterior wall repair; 2 retropubic bladder urethral suspension; 3 fascia bladder neck and urethral sling; 4 tension-free urethral suspensions (TVT); Transurethral urethral suspension (TOT\TVT-O); 6 intraurethral injections.
In short, stress urinary incontinence is a benign disease that seriously affects the quality of life of the elderly and requires active visits and treatment.
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mejomonster · 7 years
college/young adult life advice:
if you don’t know what you want to do yet, but plan to go, first aim for an associates degree. Chances are you will meet most/all of the prerequisites for most bachelors degrees if you do this first. (Make sure all classes you take are transferable if you go to community college/plan to switch colleges/aren’t sure). If you have some/a specific bachelors major in mind (like engineering, medical, law, something in-depth) make sure u take the extra pre-reqs for those degrees during your two year associates, just in case. You can change your mind later. 
A bachelors might take 5 years. Most universities nowadays make it so if you go to school full time it still takes 5 years, and on top of that you might change your major, and on top of that advisors sometimes give u shitty advice so you need an extra semester to take the classes you need that the advisors forgot to tell you about. Related - always look for a degree requirements sheet on your college’s website - THAT is the class guide you will use, an advisor is just to make sure you are Reading that sheet correctly and know Which semester to take which class.
It’s okay to not go to college. 2/3 of americans do not ever get a bachelors degree. There Are jobs you can survive on that only require a high school diploma, that will pay $12-22 an hour. If college is not for you, there are ways to take care of yourself and do okay. Look for state jobs, secretary jobs, factory jobs, etc, and remember statistically most guys apply for jobs they’re only 80% qualified for, so you can too. The financial supervisor for Google Michigan only has an associates in accounting. There is a douche in the white house with only an associates in literally Golf Club Management. You can do whatever you want in this life babe, because you can already do those high up fuckin jobs as well or better then they can, right now. 
It’s okay to stop at an associates. A great number of jobs only require an associates degree or training. Mainly just figure out the job or jobs you want in the future, and see what is Absolutely Necessary to be employable in those fields. If you want to be a doctor, you need that degree - but if you just like helping people there are many jobs requiring no bachelors, or just training, or just an associates, or a bachelors in literally any major. That applies to every field. You are going to college either because you want a certain job someday (that you are not qualified for now), or because you want to learn something specific for your own desires. Let those goals motivate your choices. You don’t have to do anything that departs from those goals, not for anyone - not for your parents, not because society expects something. Do only what will get you to where you want to be, to doing what you want. (Even if that is just making more money, or applying for jobs more competitively). 
It’s okay to switch your major if you hate it. (It’s also okay to not know what to major in! In fact, if you cover your pre-requisites during your associates, for the most part you don’t even need to chose until the end of sophmore year! I got an associates in mathematics and could have picked any major for junior/senior year cause i hit so many pre-requisites).  In fact, most people change their major. It’s not a waste of time or money. If you are unhappy, if you are hurting, you should not spend more money and effort towards this thing you hate. If you are hurting too much to figure out what you’d like to do better - TAKE A SEMESTER OFF. Most scholarships will let you keep them if you only take off a semester - cite health reasons (cause you’re probably depressed/anxious/suicidal at this point), and you won’t be wasting money/time/effort while you take the semester off to heal your health and figure out what you’d like to do instead. YOUR HEALTH IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN SCHOOL. YOUR HEALTH IS MORE IMPORTANT THEN ANY DEGREE. When I started college, no one informed me how high the suicide rate is. But it is horrifying. So many people get lost. And even if you think, maybe for yourself, that you can handle the stress, the problem is once you get so stressed out your brain is too warped to realize school is less important then your life anymore. Prioritize your life. You can survive without a bachelors, without an associates (see 2/3 of americans with no bachelors, lots of jobs where u make a living wage with no degree). You can not survive if you are destroyed by your own stress. 
Jobs at colleges/universities sometimes pay part of your tuition. Usually jobs labelled “staff” give more tuition benefits and pay higher wages, and jobs labelled “students” tend to pay minimum wage and offer less or no benefits - though this is not always the case. You CAN apply for “staff” jobs even if you are a student, and you can apply for them at schools you do not attend (though you may start attending them for that nice tuition benefit). Most colleges/universities will have some document on their site describing job types and what benefits each type gets. If, somehow, you score BIG, and you or a family member gets like a middle class wage from a college/university (like a 40-50,000 a year job) then usually the school offers half off tuition. Which could save you incredible amounts of money. But, those are the hardest jobs to get. (however, some of those jobs you CAN acquire without a bachelors degree.)
Remember this is your life. Yours. Not anyone elses. In the end, you are the one that has to live with your choices - and the goal IS to live. If you have to quit, or change your mind, your parents will not hate you (or disown you), and if they will truly care so much that they disown you, remember you are the one that has to live with what you do. So if you’d rather talk to them, because they’d truly disown you if you changed your mind, that’s your perogative. also remember, likely at least part of what’s paying for college is YOUR money or YOUR debt. So even if your parents feel hurt/betrayed by them losing some money to your schooling, remember you are also losing your OWN money by studying something you hate/will never use/that makes you suicidal. So consider if it’s worth YOUR money. Your parents, likely, would rather cut their losses, then help pay for 5 years of school, that you will ALSO be in debt for, just to find out now you are both saddled with payments that were for nothing. So if you want to change your mind, in the long run it’s easier to do it as soon as you want to, instead of ‘after you’re done’ (this does depend on what your goals are though - sometimes pushing through is better for your goals regardless?). And if your family is like mine, and can not/does not help you financially at all, again remember this is YOUR money/debt. Not only should you prioritize your health, and quit anything you hate and work toward goals you actually Want, but uh you are under NO obligation to spend money/create debt for anything you don’t strongly desire. No one who matters is going to hate you for making your own choices regarding your own finances. You are not going to school for other people, you’re going for yourself and your own goals. And if you are unsure, or stressed, again see the point about Taking Time Off to lower stress enough to brainstorm some solutions you might like better. 
Job advice: Cover letters are just letters where you say the skills you have that are relevant to the job, and why you want the job, and what you like about the job/place. If a place requires or even allows a cover letter, do it. Jobs that require cover letters sometimes pay more (not always). Sometimes they give you a chance to get a higher paying job because you can explain that you don’t have a technical requirement (degree) but you do have experience/a capacity to learn. Some digital job boards WILL automatically throw out resumes without certain keywords, make sure if it’s that kind of job board you list programs or trainings or degrees by commonly used names. Indeed.com is a good quick place to mass-find-and-apply for jobs. Showing up in person to places and simply asking if they’re hiring/saying you love the place is a good way to find jobs. If you REALLY wanna work in a certain place, or Really need a job, sometimes just eagerly emailing companies/businesses and asking if you can apply because you have x skills and love the place for x reason is good enough to get an interview. If you need money stat, literally apply for any and everything you can possibly do. If you get a shitty job, you can keep waiting on all the other job apps you put out, go to other interviews, and quickly get a better one, and a better one etc, until you’re in a place you can tolerate/like. If you want to get pickier with where you apply once you have a job to pay the bills, that’s fine too, the sky’s the limit. Keep reaching as high as you can get, as far as you can go until you hit a roadblock, or until you’re truly content/happy. 
If you’re in a bad situation, you are always allowed to leave. Whether its awful family - get away, so you can breathe and think about what you want outside of danger. School - stop, figure out what you actually want, need. Relationship - cut them out, find support, do what you can to keep them away. career - keep applying for other jobs, only stay literally until you can get any paycheck somewhere else (ideally somewhere better, but if it’s a matter of conditions/coworkers any equal stats place will do just so you’re treated more neutrally for a while so you can recover, gain strength, and then find a good place). There is some friend that would tolerate you crashing on their couch, or some sister or cousin or aunt or grandparent or parent. If you need to talk to someone and you can’t, helplines are good kind places to call and people use them. If a counselor/therapist/psychologist ever tells you “you don’t deserve help unless you want to get better” fuck them and live out of spite and find a NEW person to help you because that’s abuse right there. If you can’t escape something, try to minimize it, and find a safe place to vent - hopefully to a kind person, or a helpline or counselor, or all of the above, but at least to a journal - just make sure it’s getting out. If you need help, you deserve it, regardless of how worthless you feel. You deserve it. Everyone deserves it. You are not worthless if you can’t accomplish something. You are not worthless if you can’t fix something yourself. Just because you exist, you deserve to keep existing. That is that. 
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lovacedon · 7 years
Budget brings more negative than positive impacts on stocks
KARACHI: The federal budget announcements for the fiscal year of 2017/18 will have more negative than positive impact on stocks market’s resilience when trading resumes on Monday, analysts said.  
“However, value buying can be expected later specifically in MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International) stocks with Pakistan’s inclusion in MSCI Emerging Markets on June 1,” Atif Zafar, an analyst at JS Global said in a report on budget impacts on capital markets.
“We do not believe any sector, as such, stands out,” Zafar said. He said interest can be seen in stocks, like Pakistan State Oil because of potentially higher cash payout and technology firms due to tax incentives.
Analyst Usman Zahid at First Capital Securities said budget appeared positive for fertiliser, textile, fast moving consumer goods, insurance, pharmaceutical and information technology sectors. 
Zahid said overall budget FY18 remained neutral to negative for exploration and production sector.
“It has slight negative implication for cement, steel, bank and automobile sectors,” he added. “Pakistan Petroleum Limited turned out to be a loser due to adverse changes in exemptions structure of Sui fields.”
However, this should be offset by conversion of Sui fields to Petroleum Policy 2012.
On a broader level, overall cash outflows to settle super tax payments in July-September 2017/18 should dent bottom line of all players going forward.
Analysts said the budget is broadly neutral for the banking sector and negative impact of super tax has already been priced into the banking stocks.
Small funds set up to promote home financing and small and medium enterprise sector’s lending are likely to have a negligible impact on the sector given its large asset size compared to the funds.
The banking sector would also have no impact of tax applicable on undistributed profit, given exemption from the said clause.
Analysts said the budget turned out to be neutral for the fertiliser sector as it rationalised sales tax structure, although it failed to address supply glut in the local market.
Some measures to boost agronomy were also taken in the budget, but the budgetary measures failed to address the existing cash flow issues of the agriculture sector as no relief was provided to urea market and imported urea prices were further reduced.
Urea prices were maintained at Rs1,400/bag, while general sales tax on diammonium phosphate was fixed at Rs100/bag, down from Rs400/bag earlier, and general sales tax on other products was cut to 10 percent.
“We expect fertiliser industry to remain under pressure going forward as weak local dynamics and international prices continue to serve as a double whammy for the sector,” Zafar said.
Analysts said any change in corporate tax rate will have no impact on the profitability of independent power producers (IPPs), except for Kot Addu Power Company Limited.
Overall, the budgetary measures will neutrally affect the IPPs, they added.
Failure to address the circular debt is a key disappointment.
Analysts said the annual budget is a mixed bag of positives and negatives for cement sector with positives mainly emanating from escalation in potential demand. In the near term, however, kneejerk reaction to imposition of higher federal excise duty and super tax may culminate into depressed stock prices, they added.
Zafar said the budget will largely be neutral for textile sector, as the announcement was expected. Overall, the only positive impetus for textile sector from the budget will be timely disbursement of Rs180 billion worth of textile package by the government.  Automobile sector will indirectly benefit from support to agriculture sector.
Budget brings more negative than positive impacts on stocks
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