#mainly the 'open the grave im coming out' bit lol
duracel-battery · 2 years
LGBTQ communtiy on june 1st:
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cosmictulips · 4 years
Hi, how are you? I would like to request a reading please. I've been in a little bit of stress lately and wanted to ask what I can do to alleviate some of it? My initials are D.O. Also I tipped on kofi as Lunar, and would like #5 on the list please! Thank you for your time :D
Hello Friend =D Since you tipped, if you want me to go in further detail,  I will gladly do so =)  Most people have left it pretty open with me when tipping so I will extend the same service to you if you'd like =D if you need clarification on anything feel free to ask =D 
So for your reading, I drew out the 10 of wands,  6 of pentacles, and the Hermit.  the Emperor and the Star came out as the overall energies so I will be talking about those as well =)
It's odd cause like I kind of new the Hermit was going to come out and then boop, it did lol.  so I think for you,  you should step back a little bit and take a breather, first and foremost.  the Hermit is about wanting to look within oneself and taking some time away to be alone.  A very good description of this is that he walks through the dark night of his subconcious guided only by the low light of the northern star, his only destination is himself,  his home.  I think you need to readjust your compass here and find your purpose again. -but we'll get more into that with the Emperor and the Star -
It's interesting though because you don't have a lot of air in this reading.  it's mainly fire and earth.  so I'm thinking that perhaps you aren't much of a planner.  You might act on impulse.  I have an earth sun and moon and a fire mars so I tend to dive head first into things without really thinking much through about it.  and then once I get too overly stressed I step back and Im like, is this really helping me?  so I think you should tap into that air energy.  is all this stress really going to help you get there?
And this can be confirmed with the 10 of wands here.  right, we're not yet the page or the knight,  so we still have a bit of climbing to do.  this card tells me that you're just about to end this uphill climb that you've been on.  I can tell that it's worn you out.  you still have a lot of responsibility on your end though.   I think you should look back and see all that you've accomplished.  even if it doesn't seem like much,  it's truly quite a bit ;o
I don't know how to put this other than you might be finding out that like,  one accomplishment leads to people thinking -or you thinking to yourself - that you can handle more and so it piles up and piles up.  you k now, life has a way -well it's society really-  of just telling us that we can't relax.  that we need to keep going, and going and going.  but you're burning yourself out.  and I think that's why you need to go into the Hermit.
Then we have the 6 of pentacles.  this tells me that perhaps you should consider sharing with others.  Orrrr you need to pull away from people lol.  I'm getting two different energies.  I think you're sharing too much but not sharing the right things if that makes sense.  Like it feels like you're giving yourself away but not the part of you that should be given away.  Like...  You want to help people but it's costing you such great mental energy that what you're putting out there isn't authentic if that makes sense.  so I think you should pull away completely for now.  and start sharing about your struggles.  reach out to people who you trust for guidance.  set up better boundaries and really reflect on what it means to give people part of yourself if that makes sense.   I promise you when you start sharing again,  it'll be solely on your terms,  and it won't drain you as much.
This could also mean that like,  you should start sharing period.  perhaps you were closed off and kept saying no - I don't really think this is the case.  I think a lot of this stress is because people are putting too much on you.  and you're not telling them enough is enough.  I think part of it is you having unprecedented expectations of what your body can go through.  and I think you need to learn to take a step back when it's needed.     Life fucks with us,  I get that.  but you're digging yourself an early grave if you don't learn to set some things aside,  and share what you're also going through ;)  rome wasn't built by a single person,  but a community of people.  don't carry your struggles alone.
So then we have the Emperor with the Star right behind it.  so I get two things from this lol.  one,  you are normally like the Emperor.  In control,  a... father figure of sorts to people - you know like a uhhhhh people turn to you for advice kind of thing lol-  and some one who is diplomatic.   the second thing is that this could be a person you need to turn to.   if you don't feel like this is you,  look around your circle to see if there is anyone who is like this in your group.  they are going to be the ones who you can turn to to give you the advice that you need to get back up and moving.
If this is you,  go into the Hermit stage and turn your guidance inward.  I'm kind of calling the Kettle black here because I tend to do the same but,  start listening to yourself more if you are the figure.  You might be like me, and just not listen to your own advice -ever hear that? listen to your own advice lolol -  but truly,  if you're telling me how to calm down,  you should take it and pull it inward.  if this isn't you,  listen to the person telling you to calm down lol.   you know yourself best, and if you turn to this Emperor,  they will know you  pretty well.
I think this is you though.  I think you are the Emperor,  burned out, and needing to go into the  Hermit to search for that inner truth.  I think that's why the Star is there too.  I think you'll find your passion again,  your groove, your mojo.  if this is a person you turn to for advice,  I think you'll be inspired by them.  I think -if this is a person-  they're the type who you aspire to be like.  so you're more likely going to listen to them lol.
I got quite a few oracles for you lolol
prosperity lies ahead
getting clear on what you value most will help you find peace
You are good enough
this needs no explanation.  you ARE good enough ;o
Emotions are running high
A resolution to your question is closer than you think.  relax and trust in the process ;o
You're very close to achieving your goal.
Now is a good time to review your plans
Get back into good health habits ;)
I hope this helps =)  if you need anything please reach out to me =D 
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