duracel-battery · 2 months
ceaseless watcher turn your lips upon this wretched thing
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duracel-battery · 3 months
genuinely i do think aromanticism gives me shrimp emotions. i don't experience love in a way that is fundamentally the same as most people but i am effortlessly recognizing and experiencing the secret third thing and all the hundreds of secret things after that
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duracel-battery · 4 months
everyone who makes high republic fan content, i love you so so so much, it is with your content i am sobbing into when yet another one of my favorite character's die.
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duracel-battery · 4 months
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BREAKING: Geode has arrived at the Met Gala
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duracel-battery · 4 months
again? so soon? i beg of you.
can i not rest.
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duracel-battery · 4 months
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send help.
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duracel-battery · 4 months
"arthur returns" au but instead of like him returning now he returns in the 80s because i think he should be forced to wear neon and rollerskate everywhere. i need him to use 80s slang.
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duracel-battery · 4 months
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I have done it. Vine boom for every slap
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duracel-battery · 4 months
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my small contribution to the dinluke community
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duracel-battery · 5 months
the aspec war on bots is preparing us to take over denmark
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duracel-battery · 5 months
pspspsps come collect ur bot slayer badge
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duracel-battery · 5 months
was out hunting bots in the ace tag and read the tagline to one of the health advertisements as 'alien power supplement' and was like 'huh! getting creative?' but later i saw the same ad again and realized i'd just misread the word aizen :(
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duracel-battery · 5 months
can i not rest.
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duracel-battery · 5 months
sometimes my friends will go "yeah [insert character here] is hot" and i have to silently stare at the wall for a bit to realign attraction into my view of how people see a character. sometimes i will repeat "[character] is hot????" over and over again like a broken record to cope. truly terrible.
as an aroace i will forget that being attracted to people is normal until someone else mentions it and it shocks me into silence
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duracel-battery · 5 months
as an aroace i will forget that being attracted to people is normal until someone else mentions it and it shocks me into silence
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duracel-battery · 9 months
I couldn't get McCoy's words from "Requiem for Methuselah" out of my head and so I put spirk moments for his words. because spirk make my body ache. that's all.
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duracel-battery · 9 months
i wear a white and black ring as an aroace person and every acespec or arospec person i've met i've had to describe why i wear them every single time except once. i was talking to an acespec friend of mine a bit ago about the card suit thing and they didn't even know it was something that was done. idk it feels like every time that i bring up something i learned about as being ace or aro culture, my ace and aro friends have never even heard about it. it's kinda sad
every time i think about the aphobia and blatant erasure of aspec culture that’s been so rampant in online spaces i get SO sad. now aspec people don’t even know their own history!! aspec people are calling queerplatonic relationships “just friends”!! people are confusing asexuality with celibacy and aromanticism with asexuality!! aspec people think aspec identities are a 2000s fad!! this is so sad!!!!!
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