#make pyro as queer as possible
jupiterstupiter · 9 months
Every time someone draws/writes pyro tf2 as a gay trans man, or a trans butch lesbian, or a nonbinary bi or pan or poly creature, or any of these plus being aro or ace, or being just aro/ace being the only queer part of their identity, or any mixture or combination of the above or any other queer label ive not yet mentioned, an angel gets its wings <3 hope this helps
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trans-librarian · 9 months
Good Mornings and Model Kits
Tags: M/M, Fluff, Domestic, Established relationship, Team Fortress 2, Medic, Engineer, EngieMedic, Science Party, German Engineering
WC: 1.5k
CW: None this is the fluffiest most self indulgent garbage I have ever written. We die like mercs choking on the sugar of this fluff. You could consider a line or two hinting at suggestive buuuuut it's nothing explicit
Mein Leibe - My love
mein bärchen - My teddy bear
A/N: Sooooooo I always promised myself that I wouldn't start writing fanfic because like idk I told myself that it would be cringey to write fanfic and that anything I wrote would suck but to be cringe is to be free and this image was too strong in my brain not to write and gods I gotta let myself be and create what I want instead of what I think is good enough.
I was super inspired by @creedei and his engiemedic art. I was low-key inspired by these posts: (I also love popitdontdropit on AO3 they're transmasc engie fanfic will make you ascend to a higher plane)
https://www.tumblr.com/creedei/727483531127914496/sketch-dump (third image)
Also its not noted in the fic or relevant but my engie is transmasc I need everyone to know because its my favorite hc. I fell in love with creedei's engie. He's mad gender euphoria for me as a transmasc guy with the same body type (also because i simp hard for medic so seeing the character I project onto with the character I like is just *chefs kiss*). And pyro who is mentioned in passing uses they/she pronouns because I like when this shit is as queer as possible and I get to choose what happens in this story.
I'll probably also cross post this on AO3 at some point and link it here. Anyway, Enjoy!!! *runs and hides*
A quiet dawn begins to trickle light into the Red barracks. All is quiet on a seldom day off for the Red Team. Medic drinks in this treasured time. With a cup of tea in hand he turned towards the infirmary where the notes from his most recent experiment await review. He definitely needs to reevaluate the actual size of a gorilla liver before putting it into Demoman again. The muffled sounds of snores creates a lulling tune that echoes in the halls until...
tink tink tink clunk
tink tink tink clunk
"Hm?" Medic's ears perked up to the quiet sound
click click
tink tink tink
"Vhat is zhat?" Medic turns to follow the sound.
A tiny symphony of clicks and clacks emanates from deep in the halls past the common area and the majority of the bedrooms. Medic follows the sound through the hall.
tink tink tink clunk
tink tink tink tink clunk
tink tink clunk
Medic finds himself at the Engineer's workshop.
"He never usually vakes up zhis early on a day off at least not vithout vaking me for some.....private time" Medic smirks to himself thinking of Engie and his previous day off exploits in Engie's room, Medic's room, the infirmary operating table, the shower... Medic gets lost for a moment in a glow of those steamy memories and shakes his head bringing him back to reality. "Vonder vhat he's doing?" Medic thinks and slowly opens the door and sneaks into Dell's workshop.
Dell's back is facing the door as he sits at his desk. The small bulbed lamp on his work desk illuminates a halo of light around the man. The soft sweater he's wearing adds a comforting warmth to the glow. An etheral god tinkering with his realm. Like a moth to a flame, the medic slowly crossed the room beelining to the one place where he slots in perfectly. Once within reach, Medic wraps his arms around Engie leaning his head on Dell's shoulder placing a gentle kiss before resting his head.
"Good morning mein leibe" Ludwig cooed "What's got you up so earl-" tink "Ow! vhat vas zhat"
"Sorry darlin' sometimes the little bits go flyin' because of the nippers," Engie turned "Where did you get hit?"
"So I can kiss it better." Dell smiled.
Ludwig groaned at the horrible pickup line and smirked "I got hit right here" and points to his mouth.
"I'm very sorry" Dell chuckled. He grabbed the Medic's chin with his gunslinger with the lightest touch only he is capable of and gave him a gentle kiss. "What brings you by the workshop this early, dumplin'?"
"I was getting some tea and I heard the sound of..."
tink tink
"Ow!" another small piece of plastic hits Medic in the forehead. "...Zhat. I heard zhat and started following and it brought me here, mein bärchen. Vhat is zhis anyway?"
"Sorry again. The lil bits that come off the model kit pieces can go flying in unexpected places."
"Model kit? I didn't know you even were interested in these let alone where to find them."
"Pyro turned me on to these last time we went to town. They begged me to take her to this store with all these fancy plushies that are imported so they could get a new one for their collection. Real quality y'know. She ended takin' a while but ended up choosing this nice bear fox thing that I learned is called a tanuki and then there was this other one that was an armadillo and I was thinkin' about it but I realized I would never use-"
"Sveetie. You're rambling"
"Thank you" Engie laughs, "what would I do without you?" He places a hand on medics cheek and places a kiss on the other. "So Pyro showed me these model kits they have and they said I would love these and I grabbed a couple to keep 'em around. This is the first chance I've had to put one together."
"Interesting. Vhat's it going to be?" The Medic looks at the subject of their boyfriend's focus and sees....well a lot of pieces that will make something? Small red and black pieces of plastic twinkle under the work lamp. A large pile of injection mold sheets loom next to Engie's work area. Pieces are in various states of progress some starting to take shape like limbs.
"It's gonna be a robot. A lot of these kits are different robots couldn't tell you much because I can't read the Japanese on the box, but it'll look neat when it's done based of the pictures." Dell informed his boyfriend as Medic snuggles closer to listen to the Engineer tell him about his latest project. "This piece is gonna be one of the arms and it bends like this so you can pose it and change out the hands. And this is gonna be the leg."
"Can I stay and vatch vhile you vork?"
"Of course, moon pie!"
Ludwig pulls a stool over behind Dell so he can stay in his current position arms wrapped around the engineer sinking slightly into his plush yet muscular tummy and rest his head on his lover's strong shoulder.
The symphony of click and tinks resumed as Dell settled into a new rythmn of work. The sound of Engie and Medic quietly talking, giggling, or just enjoying the intoxicating calmness together.
Ludwig watches Dell's hands deftly click the plastic pieces together. He marvels at the precise and delicate movement of the gunslinger. The same robotic hand capable of crushing bone and tearing metal also able to pick up fragile things with ease truly is one of the greatest miracles the Medic has ever seen. He can't help and feel so much love when with Dell. He could just...
"Gah! Ludwig, did you just bite me?" Engineer cried out grabbing the side of his neck.
"I couldn't help it." Medic chuckled "You looked so perfect and it's so cozy. I had to bite."
"You're lucky I love you, moon pie"
"I know. Love you too leibe"
Dell refocuses as a faint set of teeth marks bloom on his skin.
tink tink tink clunk
tink tink clunk
tink tink tink clunk
click click click
click click
"Leibschen you put the thing on upside down."
"Are you sure? this looks right, dumplin'."
"Look at the picture the angular part of the kidney shaped piece should be pointing towards that half frisbee piece on the big piece"
Dell picks up the instructions and squints closely at them. Ludwig reaches his hand over and turns the upside down instructions right side up.
"Oooooooh. I see what you mean"
clunk click claclunk
"Thank you, sweetie"
tink tink clunk
tink tink tink clunk
click click
"Finally finished" Engie and Medic look at the little robot model in all its completed glory. The small figurine shined in the now brighter lit room each piece sanded perfect and each sticker placed precisely. The angular crimson robot sported a long bazooka in one hand and a clenched fist on the other arm. The sleek robot stands posed with one fist raised triumphantly.
"Let me try" Medic gently picks up the robot model and begins to fiddle with it. He pops out the gun hand and puts in a fist. He bends one leg while straightening the other completely. The arms are folded in front of it. After, carefully balancing the model on the table. Medic reveals the robot in a Katosky Kick. Dell and Ludwig chuckle looking at the cutely posed robot. They look at each other. Such a nice moment together. Engie leans forward and kisses Medic lovingly.
"Thank you for spendin' time with me, darlin'." Dell cooed warmly, "havin' company really made my mornin'." He gently places a hand on Medic's cheek and strokes it with his thumb.
Medic places a hand over Engie's. "Of course, my bärchen. I couldn't think of a better way to spend my morning."
Dell and Ludwig bask in each in this moment. Engie looks at his lover and sees the passionate and ambitious doctor he always fell for and keeps falling for every day. Medic sees the strong and beautiful inventor that fought to be here in more ways than one.
"Now vhat?"
"I don't know. Wanna go make a real robot?"
"I've got the perfect spider monkey brain I've been saving for a rainy day!" Medic squealed "You get the supplies. I'll get the brain and bring it back here" Medic planted a hard kiss on Engie's temple before running off.
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bxnnywrites · 1 year
⋆。°✩ MAIN MUSES ✩°。⋆
[PT: My Muses]
A simple list of all the characters I love writing for and believe I write well + the general headcanons and personality I write for em
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Danny Johnson || The Ghostface [Dead By Daylight]
★ Firstly, this is my husband. My absolute man. I will be writing about him so fucking much because I am kissing him. ★ Tall motherfucker, like easily breaks 6'2, pretty small compared to other killers though ★ I write mine as a cis dude, I love FTM headcanons for him and all but in my brain he's cis! Queer Danny supremacy tho. Uses any pronouns but usually just goes with he/him ★ Demiromantic and Bisexual, Danny "Any Hole Is A Goal" Johnson but has a hard time with romance because he very rarely if ever feels romantic attraction. (Unsure of the original source of the demiromantic bisexual flag, but i remade it from an icon i saw) ★ Has NPD (kinda canon but developers used Narcissist as an insult, too bad taking it literally) + ADHD
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Michael Meyers || The Shape [Dead by Daylight + Halloween]
★ Actual fucking giant, like 7 feet tall and some change ★ Also cis, I promise there are trans headcanons here somewhere. Anyways mainly he/him but doesn't really give a fuck. ★ Completely aromantic and pansexual, no romantic attraction but very queerplatonic. Aropan flag by @/flag-mashups (link). ★ Autistic and completely nonverbal, probs some other issues but I haven't thought about it a whole lot.
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Amanda Young || The Pig [Dead By Daylight + Saw]
★ Lil gal (as far as killers go), 5'10 ★ Transfem MtF, She/Her and maybe sometimes They as a treat ★ Pan lesbian + Sapphic, imo she's alright with dating anyone that's not a purely cis dude. Pan lesbian flag by @/bi-lesbian (link). ★ Autistic, c-PTSD, HPD, I project onto this character hard so she gets a lot of my issues.
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Anna || The Huntress [Dead By Daylight]
★ TALL WOMAN 6'3 ★ Bigender Demigirl, always has a feminine connection to her gender but often times feels really masc. She/Her but still nonbinary. Bigender Demigender flag made by @/sakosai (link) ★ Pansexual ★ c-PTSD, Autistic, BPD, another character I project onto lol
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Sadako Yamamura || The Onryō [Dead By Daylight + The Ring]
★ I WILL NOT WRITE NSFW OF THIS CHARACTER EVER don't even bother asking. ★ Itty Bitty Baby, 5'6, smallest of the killers ★ Agender, can't be bothered with it. ★ Aroace, very affectionate though! Aroace Agender flag is by @/rjalker [link] ★ Def has a personality disorder, which one? Haven't decided but something on the cluster b spectrum. Otherwise, ADHD (possibly audhd?) and comorbidities.
Others I will write for under the cut! Not as much detail, just that I would write for them if asked.
⋆。°✩ OTHER MUSES ✩°。⋆
[PT: Other Muses]
The Oni (DBD) // The Trapper (DBD) // Bubba Sawyer (DBD + Movies) // Freddy Krueger (DBD + Movies) // Legion (No NSFW bc their ages are debatable and I'm uncomfy) // Pyramid Head (DBD + Silent Hill) // Trickster (Only to make fun of him) // Xenomorph (DBD + Movies) // Billy Loomis (Scream) // Stu Mencher (Scream) // Harry Warden (My Bloody Valentine) // Brahms Heelshire (The Boy) // HABIT (EMH) // Tim Sutton / Masky (Marble Hornets) // Patrick (MLA0) // Lexx (Whispered Faith) // Lee (Whispered Faith)
[PT: Non-Horror Muses]
Arataki Itto (Genshin Impact) // Captain Beidou (Genshin Impact) // Mahito (JJK) // Gojo Satoru (JJK) // Kyojuro Rengoku (Demon Slayer) // Tengen Uzui (Only with the rest of his wives, the polyamory is staying fuck you) // Muzan Kibutsuji (Demon Slayer) // Gyutaro (Demon Slayer) // Welcome Home Cast (most AU's) // Medic (TF2) // Heavy (TF2) // Sniper (TF2) // Engineer (TF2) // Pyro (TF2)) // Spy (TF2)
⋆。°✩ SHIPS ✩°。⋆
[PT: Ships]
All X Reader ships (self inserts my adored) // Beiguang // Tengens Polycule // Frankly Dear (Frank x Eddie) // Sally x Julie // Frank x Julie (as QPP's, not romantic) // Red Oktoberfest (Medic x Heavy) // Bush Medicine (Medic x Sniper) // Knife Party (Spy x Sniper)
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tf2-hellhole · 4 years
Introduction and Rules and Stuff (CLOSED)
Welcome to my stupid ass blog
     My account is for both Character X Reader and general headcanons, short fanfics, and matchups.
DISCORD SERVER: The server IS open, but you’ll need to message my personal blog to get the link. My personal blog is @enequinox. :)
I can write additional characters (including females) from both franchises, but they will not be given a category in the masterlists.
Team Fortress 2: Scout, Soldier, Pyro, Demo, Heavy, Engie, Medic, Sniper, Spy
Fallout 4: Danse, Deacon, Hancock, MacCready, Valentine, Garvey
Stuff I WILL Do: Angst; gore; injuries; death; suggestive/innuendo; Merc X OC; abuse only if it is in the character’s past. Neurodivergency, mental health, and poly/queer relationships are a little unfamiliar to me but I’m willing to take the challenge of writing it.
Stuff I WON’T Do: Explicit NSFW; Merc X Merc; yandere; rape; mercs being abusive or predatory; large age gaps; incest; pedophilia
I usually open requests for be done in groups, and I don’t open again for another batch until I’ve finished the first one. I try to take around 10, but I’m fine with having 11-13 so it’s not set.
The more characters assigned to a request, the shorter/less detailed the head canons will be, due to how long it takes to write tons of content for a long list of characters.
I usually write the S/O to be gender neutral so anyone can self-project, but if you’d like a specific gender let me know.
For matchups, please make it clear if you want a platonic or romantic matchup. You can also clarify if there’s any characters that you’re not interested in so I won’t pick them, and you can ask for a specific character.
For now, you can only request TF2 and Fallout 4 characters. Please put at the beginning of your request: (TF2) for the TF2 mercenaries, and (F4) for the Fallout 4 companions. This is just so that there’s no possibility of misunderstanding which characters you want me to write.
Please only request characters from one game, for organizational purposes. Please don’t mix multiple games (EX: Asking for Sniper and Paladin Danse in a single request).
I only work on one request at a time. It works on a first-come-first-serve basis; I do all of them in order of when I received them.
I can turn down any request.
Feel free to ask any questions!
En’s TF2 Mercenary Headcanon Masterlist
(NPCs like Ms. Pauling or Merasmus can be added on per request, but will not be given sections in the masterlist)
🐶 - Hybrid AU
🐟 - Mermerc AU
💀 - Shattered AU
👤 - Involving an OC
👅 - NSFW
All Mercs
Do the mercs like to dance? Do they dance with their S/O?
What dog breed would each merc want?
What are the mercs most insecure about, and how would they react to their S/O comforting them about their insecurities?
Mercs as Vines
Mercs With a Short S/O
Juvenile Activities the Mercs Do With Their S/O
Mercs’ 4th of July Party
Mercs With Catgirl S/O
Mercs With Tall S/O
Café Maid S/O
Mercs With Sugar Addict S/O
Test Dummy/Guinea Pig S/O
👅General NSFW Headcanons
Magical Girl S/O
Witch S/O
Mercs with a Rabbit
Rhythm Game God S/O
Trans Male S/O
Very Cute and Very Deadly Homemaker S/O
S/O Who Doesn’t Like Romantic Interactions
Double Date with Their S/O, their BFF, and Their BLU Counterpart
Mercs and Their S/O in Retirement (+ Ms. Pauling)
S/O is Killed on the Battlefield
Crush Sleeps in a Field of Flowers
S/O Who Wears Lolita Fashion
Sugar Daddy Mercs
Overworked S/O
Mercs with Friend or S/O with Grown Kids
Mercs as Parents
S/O Scares Themself Awake With a Fart
S/O Appreciates Their Merc’s Thighs
S/O Takes His Things Hostage Because They Want Attention
S/Os Comforting Their Merc After a Nightmare
Mercs Comforting Their S/O After a Nightmare
S/O Who Constantly Gets Hurt and Uses Sparkly Band-aids
S/O With Sentient Plushy
Pocky Game With S/O
Fem!S/O is On Their Period
S/O Who Collects Knives
S/O Who Sleeps With Stuffed Animal
Dead S/O Returns As a Ghost
Reader Gives Gift to Their Crush During Expiration Date
English S/O
Prankster S/O
Pool Noodle Fight With S/O
First Kiss With S/O
S/O Gives Him Plushie of Himself
Merc and S/O Play Among Us
S/O Who Doesn’t Want to Be a Burden
Fem!S/O is Pregnant and Very Excited Despite the Difficulty
S/O Who Never Stops Smiling
S/O With a Speech Impediment
Welcome Home
S/O Who Was Abused in the Past
Lovesick Mercs
New Recruit is Merc’s Soulmate
S/O Tries to Draw Their Merc
S/O Loves to Share Platonic Affection with Others
Merc’s Pets
S/O Proposes to Merc
Mercs’ Nicknames for S/O
Clothes Designer S/O
Germophobe S/O
I’m Here For You
S/O With Burn Scars
Tall, Lanky S/O
Mercs’ Favorite Form of Affection
Mercs Meet S/O’s Identical Twin
S/O Wants to Stay in Bed
👤Mercs Find Scrap in a Trashcan
S/O With Shitty Childhood/Parents
S/O Thinks Relationship Won’t Work Out
General Fluff Headcanons
🐟Mermercs X Researcher Crush
👤Mercs Learn that Trainer is Uneducated
Mercs Meet a Childhood Friend
🐟Mermercs and Merfolk Crush
Merc Finds Out Their Crush Is Afraid of Him
Mercs Cry in Front of S/O
🐶Hybrid!Mercs with Pregnant S/O
Tenth Class S/O With Anxiety
S/O is Parent to Young Kid
Hints When They Have a Crush
Mixed Mercs
Heavy X Small, Feisty S/O X Medic
👅Support With Shy, Virgin S/O
Dogowner S/O (Scout, Medic, Sniper)
S/O Kissing Merc’s Scars (Scout, Pyro, Demo, Sniper, Spy)
S/O Who Acts Like a Bunny (Engie, Medic, Sniper)
Offense With Asexual S/O
Defense With Asexual S/O
He is Given Food By Their Crush (Pyro, Engie, Sniper)
Catching Feelings for a Friendly Enemy Rival (Demo, Engie, Sniper)
Reckless, Clumsy S/O Wins Match (Scout, Demo, Medic, Sniper)
How He Deals With Falling in Love with S/O (Demo, Sniper)
Friend Merc Tells Him They Had No Dad (Scout, Spy)
Clumsy BF is Brutal on the Battlefield (Medic, Spy)
Demo X Reader X Soldier Headcanons
Demo X Reader X Sniper Headcanons
S/O With Clicky Joints (Engie, Sniper, Spy)
Soldier X Reader X Zhanna Headcanons
Support Finding S/O Breaking Down in the Bathroom
Merc Finds out Reader is Being Bullied by the Others (Medic, Platonic!Sniper)
Scout X Reader X Sniper Headcanons
👤Support and Technician Platonic Headcanons
Helping S/O With College Project (Scout, Demo)
Scout is a percussionist.
Scout With More Relationship-Experienced Partner
Bossy and Aggressive S/O
None yet...
Tea Party
Demo is actually very intelligent and has studied his trade extensively.
Random Demo X Reader Headcanons
New Year’s Day with Demo
Cryptid Researcher S/O
👤Ammo X BLU Demo Headcanons
Demo X Reader Imagine
Demo Fluff Alphabet Part 1
Random Heavy X Reader Headcanons
Summer Morning (Engie X Reader Full Fic)
Engie Being a Dad and Helping Recruit Ease Anxiety
Engie and Merc Who is Like His Child Come Out as Aro to Each Other
Medic and His Emotional Support Husband (Part 2) (Part 3)
Medic’s Proposal in Germany
Medic is Wanted in Germany and Many Other Countries
Lonely (Medic X Civilian!Reader Full Fic)
Catching Shy Recruit Singing (Medic X Reader Short Fic) (Part 2)
Getting Ready For Date With Fem!S/O
👤Medic X Blacksmith Headcanons
Under Medic’s Care
S/O’s Nervous at Checkup
Medic and Child!Reader
S/O Comforts Medic During Mental Health Episode
Getting Medic to Go to Bed
Selective Mute S/O Speaks for the First Time
🐶Hybrid!Medic X Reader Imagine
🐶Medic Cooing
Confident S/O is Flustered By Flirts/Affection
🐟MerMedic X Reader Imagine
Medic and Trans Male S/O Who’s Mentally Not Feeling OK
Sniper X Self-Conscious Transmale S/O
Sniper is Comforted By Friend (Platonic Sniper X Reader Short Fic)
Sniper Protects Friend from Creep (Platonic Sniper X Reader Short Fic)
Sniper With Shy Sibling-Like Reader
Sniper With a Super Sweet S/O
🐶Hybrid!Sniper X Reader
 Sniper X Reader Short Fic (TF2 Valentine’s Week 2021, Day 2, Chocolates)
Sniper Comforts Sibling/Friend Reader After Breakup
Sniper Finally Gets Some Physical Affection
Sniper X Reader Imagine
👤Sniper and Ana Headcanons
Sniper Fluff Alphabet Part 1
Spy X Reader Fluff
Spy Opens Up to S/O
Getting His Things Back From His S/O (Spy x Reader Short Fic)
Spy Has ADHD
Hot Afternoon Imagine
🐶Hybrid!Spy X Reader Headcanons
🐟Mermerc!Spy X Reader Headcanons
AUs Explained
🐶Hybrid AU (Tag- #ens tf2 hybrid au)
🐟Mermerc AU (Tag- #ens mermerc au)
💀Shattered AU (Tag- #tf2 shattered au)
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spys-small-hands · 3 years
7, 5, 25, and 29? :)
Ask me some TF2 related questions!
7. How many hours do you have for TF2?
According to Steam, I've got 313 hours!
5. First map you ever played?
I honestly genuinely think it was Swiftwater or Banana Beach?? Technically it was on my cousin's account because he introduced me to the game a couple of years before I actually got into it. When I started actually playing the game I'm pretty sure my first map was Dustbowl lmao.
25. Favorite cosmetic? (Any class)
The Hundkopf for Medic is probably one of my favourite Halloween cosmetics (and I so badly want to get it this coming Halloween), and speaking of Halloween cosmetics, Pyro's Burny's Boney Bonnet combined with The Spectralnaut makes for a really cool look imo.
Otherwise, the Pocket cosmetics are my favourites too. Ohhh and the Manngaroo set for Sniper too! Furry mercs my beloveds :)
29. Something you love about each merc?
I think I went off the point of the question a little but oh well <3 (Adding a break cus it got a little long oops)
Scout! He's just a guy! A dude! He probably immediately pack-bonded with his team because he's used to probably being the youngest of a group of dudes and I love that for him. I think despite being a little naive about some things, he's smart and sharp, and people don't give him enough credit for that. He is very much Spy's son and people are always surprised about it.
Soldier! Sure he seems too far deep into the patriot thing, but I'm absolutely certain that if anything happened to his friends he would burn down even America itself for them. Additionally he's not stupid either! He's just a funky guy I love him I wish more people would appreciate him.
Pyro! NON BINARY ICON. I love them so fucking much you guys. Complete anonymity? Friends and a job that doesn't tear the hell outta you for being funky gender? In possession of the coolest weapon ever, a flamethrower? Recipe for an amazing character. A very "mess with my friends and I will atomize you" kind of character, and I have a very special place in my heart for those kinds of characters.
Demo! I FUCKINF LOVE DEMO TOO LIKE. He holds so much love and appreciation in him! Despite the negativity he holds for himself, if he's with his friends he can do anything! He's really forgiving too, like those bits in the comics where he forgives Sniper for the moonshine/poison bit and forgives Medic after he explains why he was working with the TFC and also revived Sniper?? This man is a treasure.
Heavy! Hnrg papa bear. He is just the most Big Brother to the team ever and I love that for him. He's got the patience of a saint and he'd do whatever he could to help his team. I adore the way he goes from Giant Man Ripping And Tearing On The Battlefield to Kind Older Guy Who Will Carry You To Bed If You Fall Asleep On The Couch (Again) And Will Let You Stay With Him If You Have A Nightmare.
Engie! Engie is valid to go feral at all times and I love that. In a way, complete opposite to Heavy! In the way that Heavy is typically seen as Big Man Shoot Gun whereas Engie is seen as Polite Little Cowboy. When in reality Engie is a feral little fucker and he'd throw anyone who messes with his machines across the map with just his bare hands. But he cares about his team too! I think he probably cooks for the team the most often, and while he isn't working on personal projects and getting stuck in the funnie little hyperfixation he's probably just milling around seeing if anyone needs anything. Probably one of the best to go to for advice too.
Medic! Random rant but if I see anyone call Medic an evil, morally corrupt fucker who does random experiments to fuck his team up a bit one more time I will seriously lose it. This guy cares so deeply about his team! He'd do literally anything to keep them alive! Not to use an example from before but when TFC's Sniper kills our Sniper? He's so confident in his abilities that he let that happen to continue the facade, knowing that death doesn't mean anything because he knows that he'll revive them and he's taken all the precautions to stop his team from dying! He only does what would increase his team's survivability! He doesn't do shitty things to them! He cares about them! Rant over I'm just very passionate about this. Anyway I love Medic cus he's team parent and he does everything within his power to ensure that no one will die.
Sniper! Just a funky little guy. Quite possibly one of the most gender. Like, loves animals? Crippling social anxiety? Very much queer-coded? Rough relationships with parents? That's just me /j. I adore Sniper so much, he gets typecast as the gruff bastard who'd gut you without a second thought but honestly he's one of the most likely to sit with you when you're having a bad time and let you cry on his shoulder. He keeps tissues in his jacket. He'll probably get you a snack or something afterwards.
Spy! Bastard dad but I care about him so badly. In my onion he's such a complex character and I'm a simple guy, I love breaking characters down into their bare essentials and to me Spy is one of the best to do that with. In my mind he's incredibly damaged by his past and just continously tries to push through every little setback because if he can just live to run another day then he thinks he'll be fine. But if given the opportunity to right the wrongs, to try to set his guilt free and make up for what he's done, he'd do it in a heartbeat. He pretends that he doesn't care but in reality he's always been scared of losing people who get close to him, because that's how vicious the spy underworld is. I'll stop myself before I ramble too much but this guy is very special to me. I care about him a lot.
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sebastianshaw · 4 years
I think Duggan is sincerely trying to make an LGBT-positive story in Marauders, the same way he is sincerely trying to make a feminist story by his own admission. But as with his feminism, it feels kinda. . . half-hearted. He has definitely given us stuff. I am in no way saying he hasn’t. He’s giving us Christian/Bobby and Christian/Shinobi vibes big time. He gave us Kate kissing a woman on panel. He gave the lighthouse captain dead-on definitely winking at Jumbo Carnation. But---and here is my but----these are all so much LESS than he could be giving us, and I feel people are mostly excited because they’re so used to getting NOTHING. But seriously, let’s talk about this for a sec--- The woman Kate kisses isn’t Rachel, Illyana, or even Karma. It’s a rando tattoo artist. It’s not one of the women she has a long-established relationship and Vibes with, it is a nameless character we are never going to see again. It’s even arguably not even romantic. It is the smallest possible amount of queer you could get from Kate kissing a woman. There is no reason he could not have written her kissing Magik, who was RIGHT THERE and POUNCED on her, ffs.  The lighthouse captain winking at Jumbo is, again, a tiny tiny thing. And again, involves a nameless background character.  And the Callisto and Storm issue. . . there are Vibes there but it’s no more textual than it was in the 80s. And that was great in the 80s. But why not do more now? Because you CAN do more now. And let’s not forget that Christian’s same-sex desire was used to villainize him, since it was his interested in Bobby that, iirc, Shaw appealed to to get him to turn on Emma (which still hasn’t been addressed) Not to mention Pyro is gay by Word of God and I don’t think Duggan is aware of that (he didn’t mention Pyro’s name at all when he was interviewed and talked about LGBT cast members; he only mentioned Christian, Bobby, and Shin) and his completely ignoring Shaw and Harry’s past friendship (which might have been more) to turn it into a rivalry that apparently might have included competing over a woman. It’s not that I think he did these things deliberately to Avoid The Gay, I just think he didn’t research the characters, but it sticks out nonetheless. Again, I think Duggan is genuinely really trying hard to be pro-LGBT. And I won’t say he’s not doing anything, he is, and I appreciate what is there. I just think it’s not invalid of me to point out there could be more. TL;DR I feel more like he just wants to drop Hints and Vibes than actually commit to real on-screen representation of same-gender relationships
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mayhemcj · 5 years
Pyro ~ Diego Hagreeves x Male!Reader
Request: Is it possible to do a diego X male reader between him and one of the other 40+ kids, I can't remember the exact number at this moment, who were born with powers. Diego found him and is helping him come to terms with his abilities and both characters realize they are bi and really in love with each other
A/N: I love this concept so much,, thank you for requesting! I started with backstory then reader and Diego are 16, I'm going to make a part 2 to this! I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Homophobic mentions (no slurs), cursing, abusive language (very brief)
Your mother didn’t tell you you were like the kids from The Umbrella Academy until you were 11.
She told you about the old man that came to her when she gave birth at 19, with no previous signs of pregnancy. Obviously she said no. “Who the hell gives away their own child like that?” Apparently the man, Mr. Hargreeves, offered her a lot of money. “He has a gift, and I want to be able to nurture that gift, and I don’t believe you’d be able to do that.” Your mother told you she almost punched him in the nose when he said that. Sure, since there wasn’t a father, it was a bit harder, but she still kept you. She loved you, no matter what. Even if you set things on fire sometimes.
Your powers didn’t really show until you were a toddler. It was only small things at that point; Melting your rubber spoon when your food wasn’t to your liking, heating up your drinks when they got cold, although you’d end up burning the plastic to those cups too. You didn’t have too much control over it then, but your powers didn’t show up much either. You were a good kid, your mother told you. You didn’t throw tantrums, you didn’t fight with your mom or your grandparents.
It only truly got out of control when you had a panic attack at 16.
You recently came out to your mom, and she was very supportive of you.
Your grandmother, however, was not.
After going to her apartment, and telling her you weren’t exactly straight, she lost her shit.
She called you a sinner, going against god(s), not to mention her yelling slurs. She kept yelling and screaming, telling you how awful you were that you liked the same gender.
You felt your face and hands heat up as your eyes started to water. You stood up from your chair and tried to walk out the front door, but your grandmother grabbed your arm.
“Don’t you walk away from me, I’m talking to you!”
“Let me go!”
"Sit your ass down!!"
Your vision went dark, feeling white hot heat from your hands. You heard screams, but they were fogged in your head.
When you opened your eyes, the apartment was on fire. You couldn't see your grandmother anymore. You were surrounded by fire, but you didn't really feel it. You felt.. powerful.
And it scared the shit out of you.
You ran out the apartment door, going down the stairs as fast as you possibly could.
Before you could go out the front door to the now burning apartment building, you heard sirens. You couldn't tell if it was police or firetrucks, or even ambulances, but you went out the nearby alley way door.
You shoved open the door, a puff of dark grey smoke going out with you. You looked around, and after not seeing anyone around, you went to get as far away from here as possible. That is, until you heard a voice from behind you.
"H-Hey! Wh-Who are you? Are you alright?
You turned back around to see a boy, probably around your age, jogging up to you. He was wearing a black suit and mask that covered less than half of his face.
"Pl-please, stay away from me. I-I don't want to hurt you.."
You spoke quietly, taking steps back away from the teen.
You saw a look of realization cross his face before he frowned.
"D-did.. Did you do th-this?" He asked in a small voice, gesturing lightly to the buiding across from them.
"I... I don't know.." You said even quieter, looking down to your hands.
"Ok-ay. Are y-you hurt?" The boy asked, taking small steps towards you again.
"No, I-I don't think so.." You thought back to your grandmother grabbing your wrist, and pulled up your sleeve slightly to see nail marks and small bruises that surrounded them.
The other boy saw the small wounds, trying to come closer.
"C-Can I ask what happened?" He asked, reaching to your arm, but stepping back when you pulled your arm back.
You started tearing up again and turned away. "I.. My grandmother started to yell at me.. I-I didn't want this to happen.. I can't.. I can't control it."
The boy frowned again. "C-Can I get you to an ambulance? Just get you ch-checked out?"
You swallowed and thought for a moment before shaking your head. "I.. I can't go over there.."
"It's o-okay, uh.." The boy seemed to think for a moment as well, looking back to the burning building, the fire now starting to be put out. "D-Do you think you could go somewhere safer? M-My mom is v-very good at first aid, we could help you m-more there."
You stared at the boy, thinking about the offer he gave you, still holding your writst.
You nodded slightly, carefully dropping your arm to your side.
"What's your name?" You asked, pulling your sleeve back down.
"Uh.. Diego. Y-Yours?"
"Y/N." You said after a moment, thinking that 'Diego' suited the teen. "So.. Are you like me?"
After Diego ran back around the building and came back to you, you two started to walk back to his house. It didn't take long, considering the Academy walked to the complex in the first place. Diego pushed open the gate to the absolute -mansion- he apparently lived in, holding the front door open for you. You nodded to him as a thanks, looking at the interior to his home.
"Mom!" Diego yelled out after closing the front door. Nearly immediately, a woman with blonde hair that looked like a pin-up came into the front room.
"Diego? Who's this?" The woman asked, looking at you before shifting her gaze to Diego.
"He was in that fire, on 6th? He n-needs help.."
The woman frowned slightly and looked back to you, nodding. "Follow me, dear."
The lady walked you and Diego to a room not too far from where you were, making small talk on the way. She lead you into a small room and sat you down on a table before leaving the room again, keeping Diego with you.
"I-It'll be okay, I p-promise she'll take care of you." Diego reassured, placing his hand next to you.
You let out a breath when Diego's mom came back into the room with what you assumed to be a first aid kit. She set it on the counter next to you, asking to see the wound Diego mentioned.
After she cleaned your wound and your face from ash residue, making more small talk during it, you learned a bit more about the academy; Specifically Diego.
You immediately started to admire him a bit after knowing him more (and unbenownst to you, Diego admired you as well), and his mom was lovely, and took care of you well.
Diego gave you a small tour of the house before going to his room; You were still shaken up, so he just told you funny stories about his siblings (mainly Klaus but I won't @ him).
His siblings came home after about 2 hours, and he went down to talk to them, leaving you in his room. After coming back up, he told you everyone that was in the building was okay. No casualties.
You let out a huge breath of relief. But that meant your grandmother was still somewhere there; She remembers what happened.
You wiped at your eyes and put your head in your hands.
Diego went to sit next to you, rubbing your back. "C-Can I ask what happened now?"
You sniffed and looked up to him. "M-my uh.. My grandma.. She didn't react well when.. when I uh.." You paused. You really only told your mom and grandmother at this point that you were queer, and half of that party reacted horribly. Diego seemed nice enough, but..
"..Came out?" Diego said quietly, tilting his head.
You swallowed and nodded. "How did you know?"
"Other gays have good gaydar." Diego commented, laughing quietly, making you chuckle as well before realizing,
"You're gay?" You asked, a bit surprised (but not really).
Diego nodded, "Well, bisexual, but definetley not straight." He smiled again.
"Oh.. Me too." You responded, smiling again.
Grace walked into Diego's room a little while later. "Diego? I made you and your friend-- Oh."
She stopped in her tracks when she peeked into the doorway, seeing you and Diego dead asleep, your head rested on Diego's shoulder. Grace smiled lightly, setting the plate of sandwiches she planned to give you two on Diego's desk, carefully walking over and placing a blanket over the both of you.
"Cuties.." Grace whispered to herself, closing the door slightly before quietly walking back down the hall.
A/N: Sorry of the end was a bit abrupt or if this was just overall bad, I wasn't sure how to end it and wanted to get another fic request out. Again, I'm planning to put out a part two to this! Thanks for reading Xx
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“American Things” by Tony Kushner
Summer is the season for celebrating freedom, summer is the time when we can almost believe it is possible to be free. American education conditions us for this expectation; school's out! The climate shift seductively whispers emancipation. Warmth opens up the body and envelops it. The body in summer is most easily at home in the world. This is true even when the summer is torrid. I have lived half my life in Louisiana and half in New York City. I know from torrid summers.
On my seventh birthday, midsummer 1968, my mother decorated my cake with sparklers she'd saved from the Fourth of July. This, I thought, was extraordinary, fantastic, sparklers spitting and smoking, dangerous and beautiful atop my birthday cake. In one indelible, ecstatic instant my mother completed a circuit of identification for me, melding two iconographies, of self and of liberty: of birthday cake, delicious confectionery emblem of maternal enthusiasm about my existence, which enthusiasm I shared; and of the nighttime fireworks of pyro-romantic Americana, fireworks-liberty-light which slashed across the evening sky, light which thrilled the heart, light which exclaimed loudly in the thick summer air, light which occasionally tore off fingers and burned houses, the fiery fierce explosive risky light of Independence, of Freedom.
Stonewall, the festival day of lesbian and gay liberation, is followed closely by the Fourth of July; they are exactly one summer week apart. The contiguity of these two festivals of freedom is important, at least to me. Each adds piquancy and meaning to the other. In the years following my 7th birthday I had lost some of my enthusiasm for my own existence, as most queer kids growing up in a hostile world will do. I'd certainly begun to realize how unenthusiastic others, even my parents, would be if they knew I was gay. Such joy in being alive as I can now lay claim to has been returned to me largely because of the successes of the political movement which began, more or less officially, 25 years ago on that June night in the Village. I've learned how absolutely essential to life freedom is.
Lesbian and gay freedom is the same freedom celebrated annually on the Fourth of July. Of this I have no doubt; my mother told me so, back in 1963, by putting sparklers on that cake. She couldn't have made her point more powerfully if she'd planted them on my head. Hers was a gesture we both understood, though at the time neither could have articulated it; "This fantastic fire is yours." Mothers and fathers should do that for their kids: give them fire, and link them proudly and durably to the world in which they live.
One of the paths down which my political instruction came was our family seder. Passover, too, is a celebration of Freedom in sultry, intoxicating heat (Passover actually comes in the spring but in Louisiana the distinction between spring and summer was never clear). Our family read from Haggadahs written by a New Deal Reform rabbinate which was unafraid to draw connections between Pharaonic and modern capitalist exploitations; between the exodus of Jews from Goshen and the journey toward civil rights for African-Americans; unafraid to make the yearning which Jews have repeated for thousands of years a democratic dream of freedom for all peoples. It was impressed upon us, as we sang "America the Beautiful" at the seder's conclusion, that the dream of millennia was due to find its ultimate realization not in Jerusalem but in this country.
The American political tradition to which my parents made me an heir is mostly an immigrant appropriation of certain features and promises of our Constitution, and of the idea of democracy and federalism. This appropriation marries morally and ideologically indeterminate freedom to the more strenuous specific mandates of justice. It is the aggressive, unapologetic, progressive liberalism of the 30s and 40s, a liberalism strongly spiced with socialism, trade unionism and the ethos of internationalism and solidarity.
This liberalism at its best held that citizenship was bestowable on everyone, and sooner or later it would be bestowed. Based first and foremost on reason, and then secondarily on protecting certain articles of faith such as the Bill of Rights, democratic process would eventually shift power from the mighty to the many, in whose hands, democratically and morally speaking, it belongs. Over the course of 200 years, brave, visionary activists and ordinary, moral people had carved out a space, a large sheltering room from which many were now excluded, but which was clearly intended to be capable of multitudes. Within the space of American Freedom there was room for any possibility. American Freedom would become the birthplace of social and economic Justice.
Jews who came to America had gained entrance into this grand salon, as had other immigrant groups: Italians, Irish. Black people, Chicanos and Latinos, Asian-Americans would soon make their own ways, I was told, as would women, as would the working class and the poor -- it could only be a matter of time and struggle.
People who desired sex with people of their own gender, trans-gender people, drag kings and drag queens, deviants from heterosexual normality were not discussed. There was identity, and then there was illness.
I am nearly 38, and anyone who's lived 38 years should have made generational improvements on the politics of his or her parents. For any gay man or lesbian since Stonewall, the politics of homosexual enfranchisement is part of what is to be added to the fund of human experience and understanding that we pass on to the next generation-upon which we hope improvements will be made.
The true motion of freedom is to expand outward. To say that lesbian and gay freedom is the same freedom celebrated annually on the Fourth of July is simply to say that queer and other American freedoms have changed historically, generally in a healthy direction (with allowances for some costly periods of faltering, including recently), and must continue to change if they are to remain meaningful. No freedom that fails to grow will last.
Lesbians and gay men of this generation have added homophobia to the consensus list of social evils: poverty, racism, sexism, exploitation, the ravaging of the environment, censorship, imperialism, war. To be a progressive person is to believe that there are ways to actively intervene against these evils. To be a progressive person is to resist Balkanization, tribalism, separatism; to be progressive is to seek out connection. I am homosexual, and this ought to make me consider how my experience of the world, as someone who is not always welcome, resembles that of others, however unlike me, who have had similar experiences. I demand to be accorded my rights by others; and so I must be prepared to accord to others their rights. The truest characteristic of freedom is generosity, the basic gesture of freedom is to include, not to exclude.
That there would be a reasonably successful movement for lesbian and gay civil rights was scarcely conceivable a generation ago. In spite of these gains, much of the social progress which to my parents seemed a foregone conclusion has not yet been made, and much ground has been lost. Will racism prove to be more intractable, finally, than homophobia? Will the hatred of women, gay and straight, continue to find new and more violent forms of expression, and will gay men and women of color remain doubly, or triply oppressed, while white gay men find greater measures of acceptance, simply because they are white men?
The tensions which have defined American history and American political consciousness have most often been those existing between the margin and the center, the many and the few, the individual and society, the dispossessed and the possessors. It is a peculiar feature of our political life that some of these tensions are frequently discussed and easily grasped, such as those existing between the states and the federal government, or between the rights of individuals and society's claims upon them; while others' tensions, especially those which are occasioned by the claims of marginalized peoples, are regarded with suspicion and fear. Listing the full catalog of these claims is sure to raise howls decrying "political correctness" from those who need desperately to believe that democracy is a simple thing.
Democracy isn't simple and it doesn't mean that majorities tyrannize minorities. We learned this a long time ago, from, among others, the Moses of that Jewish American Book of Exodus, Louis Dembitz Brandeis, or, in more recent times, from Thurgood Marshall. In these days of demographic shifts, when majorities are disappearing, this knowledge is particularly useful, and it needs to be expanded. There are in this country political traditions congenial to the idea that democracy is multicolored and multicultural and also multigendered, that democracy is about returning to individuals the fullest range of their freedoms, but also about the sharing of power, about the rediscovery of collective responsibility. There are in this country political traditions, from organized labor, from the civil-rights and black-power movements, from feminist and homosexual liberation movements, from movements for economic reform, which postulate democracy as a dynamic process. These traditions exist in opposition to those which make fixed fetishes of democracy and freedom, talismans for reaction.
These traditions, which constitute the history of progressive and radical America, have been shunted to the side in an attempt at revisionism that began during the McCarthy era. Over the course of American history since World War II, the terms of the national debate have subtly, insidiously shifted. What used to be called liberal is now called radical, what used to be called radical is now called insane. What used to be called reactionary is now called moderate, and what used to be called insane is now called solid conservative thinking.
The recovery of antecedents is immensely important work. Historians are reconstructing the lost history of homosexual America, along with all the other lost histories. Freedom, I think, is finally being at home in the world, it is a returning -- to the best particulars of the home you came from, or the arrival, after a lengthy and arduous journey, at the home you never had, which your dreams and desires have described for you.
I have a guilty confession to make. When I am depressed, when nerve or inspiration or energy flag, I put on Dvorak's Ninth Symphony, "From the New World"; I get teary listening to the Largo. It's become one of the alltime most shopworn musical cliches, which is regrettable. My father, who is a symphony conductor, told me that Dvorak wrote it in America and then contributed all the money from the New World Symphony's premiere to a school that accepted former slaves. But as the story goes, his daughter fell in love with a Native American and Dvorak took the whole family back to Bohemia.
Like many Americans I'm looking for home. Home is an absence, it is a loss that impels us. I want this home to be like the Largo from the New World Symphony. But life most frequently resembles something by Schoenberg, the last quartet, the one he wrote after his first heart attack. Life these days is played out to the tune of that soundtrack. Or something atonal, anyway, something derivative of Schoenberg, some piece written by one of his less talented pupils.
The only politics that can survive an encounter with this world, and still speak convincingly of freedom and justice and democracy, is a politics that can encompass both the harmonics and the dissonance. The frazzle, the rubbed-raw, the unresolved, the fragile and the fiery and the dangerous: these are American things. This jangle is our movement forward, if we are to move forward; it is our survival, if we are to survive.
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