#makes it easier for verses and stuff
synthaphone · 4 months
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Unfond of this new style of illustration for item artwork on Neopets- the Chokato Kiko Taffy clearly took a lot of time and effort to render, all for a result that looks vastly more uncanny than the Bubblegum Kiko Taffy + the rest of the item set it was based off of.
The final image is only 80x80px, there's no need to give it that type of rendering treatment! It only makes image less clear. In addition, making the pupils smaller, adding an outline to the iris and reducing the mouth to a pinprick combine to make the face look creepy and haunted doll-like instead of cute.
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fiepige · 1 year
Hobie and his guitar appreciation post (part 1)
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I just love all the different ways he uses his guitar <3
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weirdopponent · 1 year
The apple, the classic, bright red like struck skin
fits firmly in your palm.
You crush it in your teeth and between your jaws, it snaps like broken bone.
Scavengers feast on what remains, what you leave behind.
The pomegranate, cut in half, bleeds like a heart
from four chambers, from its severed veins
which it doesn't need anymore, taken from its body like this
The peach falls to the ground and no one catches it in time
and it bruises readily, tenderly
martyred for the health of the earth
The cherry grows in pairs
One holds the other which holds the other back
When you split them apart, the ladder of your ribs aches in sympathy
The apricot shines golden from its perch in the golden sun
reminding you of the guardians blinding halo, its fierce flaming swords
Is it ever blinded? The fruit is sweet on the tongue
A banana?
That's just silly.
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byanyan · 1 day
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ㅤㅤ" oh. you. "ㅤsomething almost accusatory rings in their voice as they turn in the direction of the approaching footsteps, sure that it's someone who's been attracted by the sounds of fighting. a familiar figure is somewhat reassuring, has the fledgling lowering their hackles slightly, though they remain on guard — even if this particular kindred gave no reason to not trust them the last time they met, being kindred on its own is more than enough reason for them to remain suspicious and at the ready. wiping the vitae that dribbles out of their nose with the back of their hand, byan scoffs and shuffles over to where they'd tossed their backpack before all the violence broke out.
ㅤㅤ" 'f you're here for the fun, y'just missed it. "ㅤa half-hearted gesture is made in the direction of the three men slumped on the ground, all in varying states of unconsciousness. one of them might be dying. byan doesn't care.ㅤ" an' if you're here for somethin' else... make it quick. i got places t' be and cops to avoid. "
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⋆:°* ♡ @mxldito ⋆·˚ ༘ * no pressure one-liner call.
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wildflowercryptid · 1 year
perhaps today, i shall work on icons for zinnia & wally. 🤔
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gyofukuki · 8 months
@astarablaze sent: ' humans are made up of violent, miserable fools - but so are we, so are we. ' / roy & tia
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Roy scoffed lightly at her words, but at the same time, a small smile already tugged at the corner of his lips, betraying affinity despite the disapproval of her words or, maybe, (how unfortunate!) enhanced by it. With hands buried deep inside his coat pockets, he paced the floor in silence, before reaching the window. "Some of us, for sure. Not all of us." he looked closely at his own reflection, melting into the view outside, rain droplets hitting the glass, making his own features a little harder to recognise. He had little doubt these days if he qualified for her definition of humanity, however scathing. He could live with that, but-- "not all of you, either."
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royalreef · 1 year
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(( Also another reminder that I treat all ships as occurring in their own contained universes/timelines. If a crossover occurs with another ship or muse, I also consider this a different ‘verse, independent from the others. It keeps the timeline easier to remember for me, and prevents things like cheating plots. If I ever send an ask to someone or have a thread with Miranda and a muse discussing another muse, unless otherwise specified, these are considered their own thing and entirely “optional”.
The only real “exception” is the Union Verse, which is considered primarily crack/noncanon to begin with and operates as a low-stakes, low-plot setting to let Miranda’s harem various partners interact.
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fiepige · 1 year
I'm seriously considering posting about my concept for Venom!Hobie (I know that canonically Hobie would NEVER accept a symbiote due to how they're used in his universe but I just think it'd look really cool lol)
I have a bunch of ideas about the design but I CANNOT draw lol (I know cringe is dead but I honestly don't know if I should post the sketch I made...)
The implications of Hobie having a symbiote just fascinates me, like what would it require for him to actually accept one? What would be his breaking point? Or would the symbiote have to really mess up his head to convince him?
(Also I'm a sucker for some good angst where the spider-gang would have to try and save Venom!Hobie from the symbiote somehow cause they'd know that deep down Hobie would never want this)
Made a post where I talk about Venom!Hobie here for anyone who's interested!
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citruslullabies · 19 days
Hon, I'm gonna be real honest with you
I watched the trailer .. and I'm a little weirded out.
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logansdiscordkitten · 25 days
Making my vent journal more cutesy. Very demure.
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in-toxi-cant · 1 month
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Random morning thoughts-- i kinda think at some point it'd be neat to have a verse set up where people could, ya know-- summon Angel in typical demon fashion lol (but as of rn, i don't think i've got the brain power to get that cooking--)
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age736 · 5 months
cooking up a jjk verse for sun wukong here
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bluebellthesponge · 11 months
I thought she knew my world revolved around her. My love light burns for her alone, but she couldn't see the flame. Only myself to blame. I should have known...I should have known...
joey’s verse:
A heart full of words left unspoken. Now that we're through...I'd sell my soul to have this silence broken, oh, I thought she knew (I thought she knew…) I thought she knew…
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disownedbytiime · 2 years
Someone left me a comment on jttou (to which I haven’t replied yet but I’ll try to do it tonight if I can use my computer) about something like a Christmas special and ngl that sounds great. Obviously not done by Christmas this year, but it gave me the idea that when I finish the whole thing, I may do a couple of extra chapters with some special events for them, and Christmas sounds like a cute thing for parents-children (and just having experienced having my nephew and niece spending their Christmas at my house gave me a better idea).
But I really have no idea how to do it exactly. I’m not sure if Christmas exists at all in the game. Yes, they have ‘holidays’ and winter vacations, but I’m not sure if the festivity actually exists. (And not even as a Christianity thing, just… like the gift giving and stuff). And if it exists, how do they celebrate? While it’s a Japanese game, it’s not really set in Japan (even though they do celebrate the new year similar to Japan), so I don’t think it should be celebrated like they do over there. And tbh there are a lot of things in the game that seem more western-like. (Like the school year.)
But ‘western countries’ is too broad and obviously the traditions are different in each place. How I celebrate where I live is very different from USA and Canada for example. Hell, it’s different from the south/center of Mexico where they don’t really do any Santa-related thing and it’s more about Jesus. I’m sure the countries in the Southern Hemisphere celebrate way different since it’s summer there. I guess it’s different in Europe but idk about that.
Now you’ll say: well, every country in the game is supposedly based on some real-life country (or several of them), but I didn’t set my story on any real place in the game haha. Ig it’s supposed to be on a ‘twisted w/onderland’ neutral, sort of place where everybody can move around between countries if they want? So idk.
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hotchfiles · 7 months
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ❝ the mood i'm in ❞ ─ an adhd chronicles blurb
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pairing: aaron hotchner x fem!adhd!reader. summary: sometimes rearranging a whole entire closet is a biological need. content warnings: fluff, adhd antics (i'm diagnosed don't try to come for me) word count: 600+. a/n: this was requested by @ficmeoutofthisworld and i felt the need to make a blurb!verse of it, so expect more fluff for these three 🩵 & the idea of jack calling you honey came from honey is for love by @angellsell
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      “Daddy, honey has that weird look again.” Aaron can’t help but smile at his little boy, putting the files he was working on down on his desk, telling him to come closer with his hands. Jack had gotten into the habit of calling you honey very early on in your relationship, that being one of the pet names Aaron used the most when talking to you. It was too endearing to correct him, even after you moved in. You both just let the boy be, knowing that he would call you by name once he got older.
      You didn’t mind him not calling you mom or any of its variants, even if the relationship you shared now was much alike mother and child, Jack didn’t remember a lot of Haley by himself, he was too little, but Aaron always did his best to keep her memory alive in him, so if for his young mind it was easier to call you a pet name, you would take it every single time with a smile. And so would Aaron. 
      “What look, buddy?” He asks even though he’s sure he knows the answer, having been through that a few times over the last two years. 
      “She’s staring at my stuff and sitting on the floor.” Bingo. Every once in a while you would get obsessed with something, it made sense after you were diagnosed with ADHD and he learnt how to accommodate you properly, but for a while it was just a big clash of his organized and controlling nature and your chaotic mind. 
      “Let’s see what she needs, okay?” Jack nods, leading the way with his dad closely behind. They find you exactly as his boy explained to him, sitting with your legs crossed on the floor, staring at his wardrobe so attentively it might scare the unknown eye. 
      “Darling? What’s going on?” He asks without entering the room, not wanting to invade your space before you called him in, instead he decided to lean on the door frame, observing you with his kind eyes.
      “I want to rearrange all of Jack’s clothes but we need more hangers for that and I don’t want to go to the store just to buy hangers, but I also can’t get up to go to the kitchen and check what else we need.” You answered quickly, finishing your ramble with a huff, dropping your shoulders and looking at your fiancé with a pout that made him get closer to you, offering his hands so you could have some support while getting up, you lazily do it, being embraced by him as soon as your feet touch the ground. 
      “Go watch something with Jack, okay?” His tone is always soft, as if your conversations, even the silliest and mundane ones, were secrets for you two to keep. He knew you too well, so he prevented the whine he knew would come–you wanted to get this done, you needed to rearrange Jack’s clothes or the itch in your brain wouldn’t leave–and he did so by holding both of your cheeks with his hands, making you look at him. “I’ll make the shopping list and then you both can go to Target while I get some reports done.” You nod happily, his hands moving with your head. 
    �� Telling you to watch something with Jack could seem like a mindless choice of words, but it wasn’t, Aaron knew you were feeling stuck and how bad that made you feel, you needed a dopamine kick before you could do something, and no better way for that than colorful silly shows with your favorite boy.
      By the time he’s done with the shopping list, you had already started another important project: Napping on the couch with Jack. So he leaves it attached with a magnet on the fridge, gives you both soft forehead kisses and goes back to work, not minding the fact he did it quickly for no reason, happy you were resting and that it was done for when you decided to shop.
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scented-morker · 1 year
Enhypen when you’re their Bite Me dance partner
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Idol!enha x background dancer reader (they’re female, but I didn’t use any pronouns so can be read as gn) 945 words. ⚠️PSA: just bc idols interact with the other gender doesn’t mean it’s romantic and I am in no way trying to imply that!! This is fanfiction and shouldn’t be taken too seriously!! ⚠️
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No because when you first meet him he seems so calm and polite and you’re like “wow this is gonna work out so well”
Because even tho he’s super hot (hello?) He’s not trying to use it on you
But we’re all very familiar with the switch up when he starts performing
suddenly he’s smirking and holding eye contact and just 😳
You feel like you might need to go take a lap and cool off
He chills out eventually but the first time he literally made you run your hands down his chest 🫠🫠🫠
“You know you can touch me right?”
He notices your hesitant movements and literally grabs your hands to put them on his neck 🥵
“See that wasn’t so hard was it?” bark bark bark bark bark
Literally SO respectful
When you guys meet for the first time he goes out of his way to get to know you because he doesn’t want it to be awkward when you start dancing
He keeps it up later too, he always asks “is this okay?” before putting his hands on your back or anything (even when you’ve run the song fifty times)
Every time you come back on stage he gives you a little wink 🫠
And everytime you do the like dip/lean back thing he makes silly faces at you when you come back up 😭
So all the fancams are trying to figure out why you’re laughing in the middle of the dance 😔
Okay because he’s a flirt and he knows that he should keep it professional with you but you’re just so pretty 🥹 he can’t help it
You notice how he always seems to be touching you a little longer than everyone else
Like Jake the choreographer stopped everyone five minutes ago why are you still holding on 🤨
Always acts like he’s gonna drop you when you lean back in that one part (I hope you know what I’m talking about)
Like he’ll have his hands on your waist and then let go just to watch you drop and then catch you again
(He thinks your angry face is cute when the song ends and you smack him for it)
Bites his lip EVERYTIME on the part where you touch his chin 🫣
He’s so awkward I’m sorry 😭😭
Like you’re ready to start dancing and make your choreographer proud but he’s really making it hard
You can tell he doesn’t love the idea of touching you (rude 😐) so you try to go a little easier on him
You just lay your hands on him instead of grabbing or anything, and you don’t lean as far back bc he’s not actually holding your waist he’s just putting his hand in front of it 😭
But then the choreographer yells at him because he’s gonna end up dropping you so he has to actually touch you
“Uh is this okay? Where- where should I?”
You try not to laugh at his bashfulness, grabbing his hand and putting it on your waist
“You have to support my back right here okay? Don’t let me fall.”
BUT HES THE ONE WHO FELL (for you) 🤭🤪🤩
Literally made you feel instantly comfortable, he has the least threatening aura ever
He was all “hi! I’m sunoo!! I can’t wait to dance with you 🥰😁”
And you were like ☺️
At one point when you guys had marked it a few times, not actually doing the partner stuff you looked at him and went “are you sure you can hold me up?”
It’s not like he had to hold all of your body weight but like dang you needed some support ya know, and he just moved so gently that you were a little suspicious
This offended him immensely of course, and he picked you up right then and there
Just threw you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes
“Yeah, I’ll be okay”
okayyyyyyyyyy 🥵
Slow burn x100 bc he’s a responsible and professional leader 👏
He asked Niki about how to better dance with a partner because he didn’t have any experience with it and wants to make sure he does a good job 🥹 (my baby)
He is DETERMINED to make this choreography perfect, and is not afraid to correct you
“Make sure you actually touch my chest when you do that, it doesn’t look as good when you just pretend.”
Okay Jungwon 🤭 I’m sure that’s why 🤭
When he starts really performing with facials and everything you’re literally losing it 😭
Like face burning bright red, what happened to the cute guy you were dancing with for the last month why is he staring into your soul mid dance
One time he touched your knee while you did the like drag up by their chin move and you literally had to take a walk
He knows what he’s doing okay?
Like I said previously, he’s the only one with experience in partner dancing
So you were worried at first that he’d be shy because you knew he was the youngest one
But then the first time you ran the song together he grabbed your waist and dropped you so low your ponytail wiped the floor 😭😭
He makes SO MUCH eye contact you literally are on the verge of combusting
When the boys point it out he says it’s because he has to watch you to make sure you don’t need anything because that’s what good observant partners do (boys a liarrr)
Since you’re one of the ones that has to start on the ground he always put his jacket on the ground during practice so you wouldn’t hurt your back/shoulders 😭😭
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