#makes me think of the good ol days of this fandom on tumblr
fright-night-city · 2 months
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Fright Night City 2024 Prompt List - Sweet or Scary
Day 1 - Oct 25 - “We have cookies” // Malfunction
Day 2 - Oct 26 - Pumpkin Spice // Something in the Water
Day 3 - Oct 27 - Black Cat // Oni
Day 4 - Oct 28 - Under the Moonlight // Possession
Day 5 - Oct 29 - Fortune Teller // Beware of Flashing Lights
Day 6 - Oct 30 - Carnival // “You look lost”
Day 7 - Oct 31 - Free Space
Seasons greetings and welcome to the first annual Fright Night City!
This is a Cyberpunk 2077 Halloween themed community event which is open to all mediums and all genres. As long as your art is CP2077 (Cyberpunk/Cyberpunk Red ttrpg is okay too) related and in the spirit of Halloween, you’re welcome here and welcome to make whatever you like! I put a trick-or-treat style prompt list together to help feed the inspiration but there’s also a free space if none of them speak to you. Feel free to pick one prompt, combine them, and/or do multiple entries for the week.
I do ask that you please try and post on the day your prompt is assigned to (if you’re doing a combination plate, just pick one of the days, please do not ping me multiple days with the same entry), although nothing bad will happen if you don’t. There are no prizes or judges for this event. We’re all just here to have some good ol’ fashioned Halloween fun. Think of this like hanging out at a giant haunted corn maze with all your fandom friends. 
You do not need to be following me or this sideblog to participate. If you’d like your work to be featured on this Tumblr blog though you do need to tag me (@fright-night-city) and use the following hashtags when you post (#fright night city and/or #fright night city 2024). You're welcome to post and host your art in other places and link it here, but Tumblr's where I'm hosting this event and the only channel I will be searching for entries.
Due to the adult content and themes in Cyberpunk 2077, please be advised that some of the art featured in this event may be explicit in nature. Be respectful of each other, tag things appropriately as needed, and be aware of Tumblr’s community guidelines and terms of service. I’m not going to be policing any of this but if I catch anyone being intentionally disrespectful in general or to other participants, I will curse you and then banish you for all eternity. 
If you miss posting on the scheduled prompt date or end up posting after the event is over, no worries. You’ve got until November 30, 2024. (I'm cutting it off after that dudes because it's winter holiday season.)   
If you have any questions feel free to send me an ask or a DM! But otherwise have fun, happy hauntings, and I look forward to seeing everyone’s spooky creations!
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luvtonique · 5 months
I wanted to address all of the controversies about me and put some explanations on them because unfortunately we live in a day and age where people just see the dirt without ever wondering how the dirt got there. They think "Man that guy never washes his car look how filthy it is" because I just fuckin went offroading 10 minutes ago but they didn't know that.
Aight let's start with numero uno, the thing I'm called the most, the big word for good ol Jay: Transphobe!
This is the one with the most hilarious backstory of them all which to this day baffles my goddamn mind.
I used to be a hated artist because I drew violent shit, I was known for Lil Miss Rarity which is a super violent comic. Naturally this lead to people saying that I was "killing children" because I was drawing violent (and sometimes pornographic) images of a children's cartoon show (My Little Pony).
So in my quick rise to stardom, I had a lot of hateful people attacking me as well, and I had fun with it. I called them out, called them stupid, etc.
Well, one of them was Dumbo. Dumbo spent 6 full months making posts about me that are still on their blog to this day. Every single time I made a post, they reblogged it or reposted it, to call me a shithead, call me an ass hole, wish I'd kill myself, etc.
One day I was doing a fundraiser to put away money for a potential emergency because my mom had hurt her spine really bad and was in the hospital. I had a goal of $300 and raised $1200.
Dumbo, of course, was saying hateful shit about me still, and said, I quote, "I hope that whore dies in the hospital lmao"
So, I looked into who Dumbo was. The Brony fandom was, at the time, all about Love and Tolerance, so I did some sleuthing and found out they were an artist on DeviantART taking full color commissions for $10. I commissioned them on my DA account, and asked them to draw Lil Miss Rarity. They and I had a very polite conversation, and since they drew the picture very quickly I tipped them 100% and told them to up their prices because their art is very good.
They thanked me, not knowing it was me (despite that it was literally my main account), and I walked away.
Then, they checked my gallery, found out it was me, and went into a rage, making a post that says, "LMFAO, Jay just begged for money and then turned around and used it to commission an artist for double their asking price, what a shithead!!"
So, I took the screencaps of all of their death threats over 6 months, compiled them all, and showed my massive Tumblr following in a huge callout post against them. In the middle, I referred to Dumbo as "he/she/it/clown" and everyone (AND I FUCKING MEAN EVERYONE) completely ignored the 6 months of death threats and how consistently polite I was to them, and sided with Dumbo in a moment that labeled me "Transphobic" for the rest of my life.
Another instance is I called Kris from Deltarune he/she, and was called transphobic for that, and got the amazing quote "That's a real-ass child and you're misgendering them deliberately," to which I replied, "That's not a real-ass child that's a fictional character you fucking retard"
I grew up in Los Angeles in special ed classes and have a mentally retarded brother, I have the pass to say retard, fuck off.
I grew up in Los Angeles with a father who called himself "N*gger Bob" (he's white) because he was a super racist who believed being asked to help take the trash out was "akin to slavery." He also beat my retarded brother half to death for having a black girlfriend.
I was in LA during the Rodney King riots, I was in LA right in the middle of the Crips and Bloods trying to kill each other and having fuckloads of gang shootouts that I overheard when I was chilling in the Ceritos (spelling) mall.
I know what racism looks like.
A white boy saying the n-word while playing Fortnite is not what racism looks like.
A white boy singing along with Busta Rhymes (hi that's me) on a livestream and casually dropping n-bombs because I'M SINGING ALONG WITH BUSTA, BITCH, is not what racism looks like. I had three black friends growing up, Davion, Julian and Smalls, and also Undrier but Undrier was retarded and I didn't consider him a friend he just followed me around and called me "Day" because he couldn't pronounce J's. But me, Smalls and Davion would stand on Davion's aunt's porch and eat zucchini cornbread and listen to Woo Haw and headbang and sing along til the fucking cows came home.
But now that I'm grown up, my upbringing apparently doesn't matter, my FUCKING SKIN COLOR DOES (you know, racist ideology!) and I'm no longer allowed to say the n-word despite having casually spent my entire childhood surrounded by black friends who were completely okay with me saying it. I grew up in the hood, motherfucker! Bellflower born n' raised, bitch! Wes' Side!
But I'm <skin color> and since <skin color> isn't allowed to <thing that's designated for only other skin color to do>, I'm racist.
I was molested when I was 13, which thankfully didn't leave too much emotional scarring on me. Anthony Sevarino, the dude's name was, and he shoved my hand in his pants and showed me his dick during a camping trip and said he was gonna fuck me in my bed. I was so shocked by this happening that I didn't even tell my parents who were in the same motorhome literally asleep 10 feet from me.
Growing up, I always had a really emotional trigger to seeing harm come to children, I hate it. I cry and shake uncontrollably when I see children getting hurt, no matter what. It's the only thing I have I'd call a "trigger."
I saw that episode of Rugrats where Tommy cuts his finger and then he's scared to do anything anymore because he might get hurt, and that made me fucking bawl, it still does, seeing Tommy cry super fucking hard over seeing his finger bleed- holy shit it's making me teary eyed right now just typing that.
So, naturally, I don't want children to get hurt and am extremely against pedophilia, child predatory behavior, MAPs, grooming and these FUCKING PEOPLE WHO KEEP CASUALLY TALKING TO 13 YEAR OLDS ON DISCORD FOR FUCK SAKE.
"But Jay! You drew foalcon! Those fictional ponies are underaged!"
What, you mean that tag that's still extremely popular and always has been in the brony fandom?
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Yeah can't imagine why I, a very popular artist in the brony fandom from 12 years ago to 10 years ago, would ever draw something so insanely high demand and so insanely popular. Can't fucking imagine.
Never mind that I haven't drawn it in 3 years, removed all my old images of it, and even announced I'm not drawing that shit anymore, I'm still losing friends when they find out I did once, because "I can't associate with a pedophile I'm sorry." (See: "I can't differentiate fiction from reality and also can't allow a person to move on from a troubled past that they had.")
Also never mind that the few crowdpleaser foalcon moments in Lil Miss Rarity were officially written out entirely (the part where Twist and Sweetie Belle kissed).
But you know what's amazing? Being part of the brony fandom and being an artist willing to draw anything meant that people would come to me and literally confess that they're in possession of the "real shit" and wanted to know if I was interested. Seven of them, seven, are in prison now because of me and my buddy "Z" contacting the FBI with their confessions and the shit they shared with me thinking that I was a "safe person" to admit that shit to.
My position in the fandom as an artist who gets to know their commissioners personally and was willing to draw that type of shit was literally fishing out real actual predators and putting them in prison, but I was still getting called a pedophile, and still get called it today. It's fuckin great man.
I was trans. Shaved my hair half off, dyed it blue, called myself Jynkx, cussed out my family, moved to Ohio with a guy who wore diapers around the house (with his brother living there) and collected loli figurines, and dated a transgirl who was catfishing and manipulating me for 9 fucking years. I have a Discord server to this day with pronoun selection roles, my best friend is trans (I met her when she was cis and helped her come to the decision to transition and it has since improved her life and happiness), and almost every mod in my Discord server is trans.
The problem, of course, is that the trans activist community hates itself more than any other, which makes perfect sense if you think about it. This is a group of people who encourage hating cisgendered people, and encourage people to hate the body they're in and to transition to a "different body." It's been proven multiple sources that there are entire "Femboy Cults" (search that on YouTube) who are actively seeking out depressed people to manipulate them into starting HRT, and cutting off their family.
Bridget, as you all remember her, was a manipulator who lied to me for 9 years of dating to make me depressed, hate myself, hate my family, give her thousands of dollars, and kept promising we'd meet some day while turning down every opportunity (such as conventions we were both already going to) to meet (yes, I went to conventions she was at and didn't meet her).
I was a victim of manipulation, was surrounded by horribly manipulative and narcissistic pieces of shit who warped my mind and made me believe I was depressed because I was "an egg" and needed to go get on HRT and change myself. And I almost did! I came within a hair's reach of shoving a hormone-altering drug into myself in hopes it would cure my depression, and then went "Wait a second, I'm not depressed because I'm a woman trapped in a man's body, I'm depressed because femboy-obsessed manipulative pervert rapists want me to turn myself into their fetish." I broke up with Bridget, I moved home from Ohio, I waited for my hair to stop being blue, and I became proud of myself for escaping that horrible situation and bettering myself mentally.
So how's this make me a transphobe?
I draw LGD (Lesbians Getting Dicked) because I think it's hot when girls who like girls have sex with guys. I've drawn some pretty offensive pictures of it such as a pic of two lesbians being told "Pride month's over, ladies, time to be straight again" while being surrounded by hard dicks and looking scared.
Why'd I do this? Well because a lesbian friend of mine also likes that shit and we did that as an art trade.
But why do I draw it on my own sometimes? Because it's hot. It's fucking fictional porn, it's not real, it can't hurt you. I tag it LGD and only post it in servers you need accounts to see. You don't like it stop going out of your way to look at it, and if someone slams it in your face in your private "We Hate Jay" Discord server (which there are many of. I have moles who tell me.), that's not my fault y'fuckin dipshits. I properly tag and hide my stuff so only people who want to see it can see it. If someone showed you a picture of my spread asshole, you should get mad at them, not me. They're the one who SAVED IT TO THEIR COMPUTER AND SHOWED IT TO THEIR FRIENDS UNSOLICITED, YOU MORONS.
Next up: AN ASS HOLE.
I've spent 13 years being called all of the above names no matter how much I've catered to their activism and was even part of their activist movements directly. Fuck you.
Next up: A NAZI
I said on Twitter, "I hate that no matter what you say on this site, someone somewhere will get mad."
And that, without any further comment from me literally at all, turned into a massive amount of people including "Wootmaster" (Added note: I talked with Woot in private and he gave me the okay and apologized, we cool) calling me racist and a "Bootlicking Nazi." I literally did not add to it. I literally just said the opening line and left it for 3 days.
That's why I deleted my Twitter.
That's why people think I'm a Nazi.
Because I said "I hate that no matter what you say on this site, someone somewhere will get mad."
You see why I make angry rant posts like this one?
Because this is how I've been treated for 13 fucking years.
I've been attacked, called names, labeled evil, told I'm phobic against the movements I was literally part of and being an activist for, had money stolen from me by perverts who got arrested for drilling a hole in the bathroom wall at a brony convention to jack off to his female roommates (he pretended to be trans and bullied them into letting him room with them in their "Safe Women's Hotel Room" and then did that shit and got arrested. But not before he stole money from me! Six thousand fucking dollars!), lived with a fucking probably actual child predator who would show me his loli figures and foalcon posters every day and try to convince me to like them and showed me his dick multiple times...
I literally was smack dab in the middle of super ultra liberal activism and trans activism for over a goddamn decade, right down to blue hair half shaved off and calling myself Jynkx.
And I come back, snap out of it, and get cussed out and called transphobic and "the reason trans people are being killed" because I don't like the flowery 1-dimensional LGBT representation in World of Warcraft and have a 9 year running best friend I went to multiple conventions with decide instantly that I'm a Nazi racist communist because I didn't disown my mother when she voted for the orange guy, and because I called one of their friends "Insane" for identifying as fae/fie and thinking they're a goddamn gaelic woodland sprite. (Btw he was my most frequent commissioner for loli shit and used to jack off while I was drawing it for him.)
You see, people.
I've spent 13 years surrounding myself with and getting personally connected with the lives of my commissioners as a brony/furry artist who was deep into LGBT and Liberal activism.
And in those 13 years I've come to realize that I surrounded myself with the most fucking disgusting and evil people on earth, who no matter how much I would shill for them and do what they asked, I would still be the label-covered punching bag whose reputation is now so utterly in the trash that literally no matter what I draw, say, or do today, I still have people on shady Discord servers n' shit calling me a fucking lolcow and a pedo and a transphobe and a Nazi and a racist and a homophobe and an ass hole.
I have learned in 13 goddamn years that you can't appease these fucking lunatic psychopaths.
And so I don't anymore.
So who am I really?
I'm an incredibly easy to talk to artist, I'm a dude, I love roleplaying and drawing pictures for people, I like writing song lyrics, I love hearing about new inventions and innovations, I love goats, I love dogs, I think cats make bad pets but I don't mind cats, I'm making a video game about an elf girl, and I want you hateful people who I've lived rent-free in the heads of for over a goddamn decade to leave me and my fanbase the fuck alone.
Love you all.
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sakasakiii · 6 months
hi!!! how long does an average panel of one of your comics take??
i love your work so much!! it got me into silmblr hehe
HI NONNIE!!! thank u sooooso much for checking in and for ur lovely ask! it means a lot to hear that my silly ol scribbles were what introduced u to the glorious landscape that is the tolkien fandom! on tumblr no less!! i hope you stay a real long time, and have a blast while you're at it 💖💖
now onto your question! that's some good food for thought uhhhh i can try to estimate?? its been a while but i shld have some rough ideas abt each that i can share! the time frame each comic/panel takes is highly dependent on WHAT kind of comic it is. i hv two kinds of comics I usually do: 1) full-length, and 2) goofy/4koma.
i have a few full-length comics laying about in my archive, but my most recent one/best example is Ghosts which was around uh.... 7 pages excluding the bonus panels! in terms of the process, i usually divide it into 5 stages:
Drafting: this is either the fastest stage OR the slowest depending entirely whether i know what im doing LMAO,, if i have a set idea for what i want to happen, i might get drafts done in a few hours, but if i flounder, it can take a few days 🤔
Lineart: relatively simple enough once i hv the draft down, so id say anything ranging from an hour to half a day if theres nothing else going on irl
Block colouring (main actors): there are DEFINITELY easier and more professional ways to do this with mass-selection and the lasso fill/bucket tool, but idk how to do that on SAI (my art program) so i colour everything by hand HAHA which makes the process longer.... half a day to a day?
Shading: THE WORST!!! definintely my least favourite bc i find it tedious due to all the details/prettification of elves that i am legally obliged to pour into this stage 😭😭 as a result, it can take days!!!
Background + Lighting + Final Rendering: similar to the previous stage haha it just depends on how much effort i wanna put into the final product looking nice. roughly a few days? it kind of meshes with stage 4 anyways haha
just for fun, i hope this process gif for page 6 can illustrate that 👇
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these are just rough estimates, bc all in all, the time it takes so finish a page is really dependent on how free I am hahaha. Also, I usually work on full-length comics like Ghost which have more than one page all at once, which means I drafted all 7 pages at once, then did the lineart for all 7 pages at once, coloured at once, shaded rendered bla bla bla 😚 iirc, i think it took me 11 days in total to finish Ghosts before the end of June last year!
For goofy/4-koma, its usually just one page with less detailed/more cartoonish/chibi character styles so it takes a day or two days at most! again, it all boils down to how free i am hehe
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YEAH SORRY THIS ENDED UP BEING AN INFO DUMP but thank you so much again for asking and letting me ramble! <3 i ended up having a lot of fun looking back on my drafts n thinking back on my processes.... theres defininitely room for improvement, but thats another worry for another day heheh 😎
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elvisabutler · 2 years
good ole fashioned spanking
summary: you test elvis's patience at a party. he reminds you what should happen to bad kittens when they do things like that. fandom: austin butler | elvis 2022 | elvis presley pairing: austin butler elvis x gender neutral reader rating: m word count: 1393 warnings: spanking. mild daddy kink implication. mild dom and sub implication. copious use of the word kitten to refer to the reader. elvis's anger problems. elvis's possessiveness. unhealthy bdsm in relation to the spanking. use of spanking as a punishment. coming in one's pants. there is a hint of aftercare mentioned. author's note: welcome to day 23 of kinktober, spanking with austin elvis. i see 60s hollywood austin elvis with his or 60s elvis with this. pick whoever you want, i'm easy. been a while since i wrote spanking but i'm fond of this piece to be honest. also if you saw me post this twice, blame tumblr and their tag problem. i know this still isn't in the tags but i'm not redoing this again.
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"I spoil you too goddamn much." Elvis mutters as he pulls you along through the crowd of people. "Only explanation for this nonsense you wanna pull. Draping yourself over every goddamn person in that room. Every single person had you in their lap except me. And you came there with me. Wouldn't be in here if it wasn't for me. spoiled brat thinking you can tease a man like that. Thinkin' you can tease me like that."
You're no stranger to Elvis's mercurial moods and his possessive nature- his possessive streak that can circle the globe. But this, oh this time you might have pushed him too far. There's always a hint of affection in his eyes when he's angry, when he's been like this before but looking at them now you are reminded of a raging storm at sea. Staring at those eyes makes you think of drowning and you're not sure if you can handle it, if you can pull yourself out from that potential whirlpool.
"Elvis." You say, trying to pull him close to you, trying to calm him down. "You were-"
"What?" He hisses, his hand moving to grasp your chin, forcing you to stare him down. "I was what, baby? Busy making sure you're taken care of? Making sure no one's out to get us? Let's hear what excuse you've got for being a brat."
He's right, you are a brat and it always shows in situations like this. In situations where you should be a good kitten you do the exact opposite. This time is no exception.
"You weren't paying attention to me. You took me there and left me alone. Had all those people hanging off of you, hanging onto you like they're taking you home. At least everyone who I touched wanted to touch me. They wanted to take me home." You pause, watching his nostrils flare and his brow furrow. "Maybe I should have let them."
Elvis's grip on your chin tightens momentarily before he lets go, and practically snarls the second you both reach your bedroom. The force he uses to open the door startles you just enough to make you jump. You know he won't hurt you, he never would but this reaction is something entirely foreign to you. He drops your hand as he shuts the door. "The hell you should have. You're mine and you know this. Ya know none of them can do the things I do for ya." He moves to grab your hand again, pulling you to the bed as he sits down on it. "Over my knee."
"No." Your answer is quick, practically spat out as you realize what he's about to do. "You're not about to-"
"Spank you?" He asks, his chest heaving in frustration. "Oh yes I am, you're acting like a brat, you're gonna get treated like one. Ya need to be taught a lesson and I'm 'bout to teach it to ya."
Before you get another word in, Elvis manages to get you into his lap, your ass in the air as he pulls down your pants. "Would've done this with the pants on but ya wanted it like this. Gonna get it like this."
Your body shivers involuntarily at the gust of air and you find a hint of arousal curling in the pit of your stomach. This should not turn you on and yet you find that it is especially after the first smack of his hand. His hand should have more rings on it, you know this but you figure the pause in when he pulled you onto his lap and when he spanked you was filled with him taking them off leaving only one on his middle finger. His hand moves back and falls down on your ass once again earning a choked off sound from your mouth. You think it was supposed to be a breath.
"Count." His voice comes out a low rumble, using a register you didn't know he possessed and his hand feels like a cool balm on your ass that feels as if it's on fire just after two hits. You have to bite your lip to keep a moan from escaping.
His hand comes down again and you grunt, your arousal becoming more intense. "Three."
Another smack. "You gonna throw yourself at people again, kitten?"
"Four." The number comes out as a whimper before you shake your head. "If you ignore me I will."
"Wrong answer." He growls and you swear you can feel the vibration through your soul as he brings his hand down once and twice before giving you a chance to say the number.
"Five. Six." Your hips move against his thighs, trying to gain friction, any kind of friction to alleviate your problem. "I'm yours but you didn't-"
He smacks your ass once more as you moan midway through your sentence. "Got ya ruttin' against me. Ya like this? Want me to spank you more often? You gonna come without me touching you?"
"Seven." You choke the number out, tears forming in your eyes. "I don't know. I-" You feel his hand gently stroking your ass before he raises his hand again and the sound of his skin hitting yours echoes in the room. "Eight, Elvis."
"Two more, kitten. Just two more and I think you'll have learned ya lesson." He murmurs, leaning forward as you continue to rut against him. His hand moves between your legs to discover just how aroused you are and groans before he smacks you yet again. "Oh ya gonna be the death of me. Gonna fuck you after this. Even if ya come, gonna have sex with you after this."
The desire to come is threatening to overwhelm you, threatening to force you into doing just that. You know Elvis won't appreciate it, won't approve of it but it's getting so hard as you get the friction you need and with his hand swatting you. It takes you a minute to say the next number, your head starting to loll down into Elvis's lap fully. "Nine." Your voice is practically a whisper and a whimper all at once.
"Atta kitten. One more and you can come. One more and you'll say you're sorry won't you." His voice sounds like it's in a tunnel but you get the gist of it, hearing the words come and sorry. It makes you shudder in his lap as he finally gives you a final slap. "Come for me."
"Ten!" You shout as you come almost instantaneously after what sounded like an order. It's never happened before but neither has this. Your body shakes as you come down from your high and as you feel Elvis stroking your now throbbing backside as he sees your release on his pant legs.
"Goddamn, kitten. Look at the mess you made. Gonna have to change my pants if we head back out to that party." His hand never leaves your backside, still stroking it as he takes his free hand to get you to look up at him. "You alright?"
A hum leaves your lips as you nod. Your behind stings something fierce but that was an orgasm you didn't think you were capable of having let alone with the promise of more to come. Elvis pulls you up into a sitting position and frowns as he sees you wince as you sit down. "Got some lotion for that in the bathroom." He gets up to go grab the lotion and a new pair of pants for you. He turns in the bathroom doorway, watching you as you watch him go and get the items. "You sorry about tonight?"
"I am." You whisper as you focus on breathing and not crying from the increasing pain.
Elvis's frowns only deepens when he reaches you after grabbing the lotion to help your backside feel less raw. He has you lay on the bed before rubbing it in soft circles, making sure to not miss a spot. His lips move to kiss your neck as he murmurs in your ear. "Such a good kitten. You still want more tonight?"
Your answer takes a while to form in your head as he continues to place light kisses against the back of your neck. When you finally do it's simple and just one word.
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catgirl-catboy · 1 year
I'm damn proud of my archives, so check them out I beg of you!
Fandom post- posts about a specific fandom I'm in. Usually tagged with the fandom in question to make it easier to block or search out.
Not my fandoms- More serious and general posts. Probably what you're here for. Might mention fandoms, but ones I'm not in.
Alice and Bob- The names vary in the tags. Just means the post in question has these two characters in it. Could be shippy, could not be. 99% of the time, the more plot important character is listed first.
Meta- Insights about my fandoms, or fandom as a whole. Not seperated.
Femslash- good ol yuri tag
Humor- Funny shit for a rainy day!
Useful shit- guides and the like!
I love searching tumblr for old/rare fanart, so I take requests for which characters to queue. If you want more of a blorbo from one of the following fandoms on your dash, send me an ask!
Danganronpa, (including fangans!) Ace Attorney, Hazbin/Helluva Boss, Homestuck, One Piece, Madoka Magica, Death Note, Fullmetal Alchemist, Warrior Cats, Berserk, Arcane, A Song of Ice and Fire, and Dungeon Meshi!
my ao3
About me under the cut, but its 100% optional DW.
Name is Cat. Any pronouns but they/them work.
Teens are welcome, but my blog is an adult-centric space. If you follow this blog, you're going to see things that may make you feel bored/uncomfortable.
I don't check carrds. I sometimes check pinned posts. If you don't want me going through your stuff, understandable, but the block button is the best way to do that. No hard feelings, I promise.
If you're actually reading these, please comment "got your nose" below my pinned. Satisfy my curiosity.
I am too scatterbrained to be good at trigger tagging. here are a list of frequent triggers my blog posts about, but if you are the type that needs something tagged, I advise you not to follow this blog.
I do not want to hear negative opinions on how I run my blog. I promise you, I do not value your opinion as much as you think I do.
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darlingian · 4 months
weekly tag wednesday friday
thank you to these lovely ones who tagged me: @jrooc @creepkinginc @energievie @deedala @gardenerian
@blue-disco-lights @vintagelacerosette @heymacy
how did you get into the fandom? I just kinda inserted myself. Lmao. Followed a bunch of gallavich blogs and did some detective work to find an invite link to the discord. lolol
how long have you been here? just over a year! (this time) I've been on and off tumblr (with the same blog!) since 2010 though!
what’s the first fandom channel you found? (Youtube, Reddit, Tumblr, Insta, Twitter, FB, other?) Tumblr, aka the fandom Homeland.
what’s your favourite now? tumblr is my ol' reliable.
which mutual have you known the longest in the fandom? I first reached out to @gallawitchxx by being annoying in her inbox. Then I did the same to @gardenerian. Sorry pals.
which tumblerino’s did you have your first fandom crush(es) on and wanted to get to know? @gallawitchxx and @gardenerian , hence the inboxing. Buuuuut also @heymacy and @heymrspatel and @whatthebodygraspsnot and
@michellemisfit . You all seemed so cool and like authorities on the subject. lolol
first Gallavich fan fic you read (or that blew you away that you remember) The first gallavich fic I ever read was not very good. LOL. But the first one I fell head over heels for was Restoration by @palepinkgoat. I think about it all the time.
first fan art that blew your mind? @steorie art of some kind! Possibly something from Cooperative Gameplay? Or @deedala 's Mickey and Debbie fanart.
fanfic trope that you were sure wasn’t for you but now you low key (or high key) love? AUs. for a long while I refused to read anything but post series fics.
what surprised you most about this fandom? How much WORK people put into this fandom. There are so many people not only writing or making art or gifs etc, but there are people who have databases of deleted fics, fics that align with certain tropes, there are people organizing fan events like it's their job, people who are encouraging newbies, people making prompts lists and running very specific blogs for very specific fandom needs. everyone working together on this thing that we are all a part of. It's just so beautiful. And like yeah, this happens in other fandoms too. But the consistency here is just so lovely. Plus it feels big enough to usually stay pretty fresh, but also small enough that you can really form connections.
moment in the show (or YT vids if you’re one of those) that you fell in hyperfixation with Gallavich? I specifically remember watching the scene where Mickey is beating up Ian at the abandoned buildings in like 2013? and thinking "Oh no. I'm never getting over these two." and I took a break for a while but it did ending up being true so far. lol
ian or mickey? Ian Clayton Gallagher is so special to me I have a hard time articulating it. So, Ian. <3
which Gallagher or Milkovich are you? At times I have felt like Lip, Fiona, Mandy, but these days I feel like a Ian/Debbie combo.
I'm not tagging anyone else because I'm so late. <333
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paintedkinzy-88 · 4 months
Hey so can you help me with what to draw. Like animals and such.
it’s hard to grow on tumblr so I need help.
I manly do animals and creatures.
thank you.
I may not be the BEST person to ask, given that I haven’t been following my own advice lately— BUT
Take whatever animal/creature you like drawing the most, and design your favorite characters AS that animal/creature. Make it as fantastical or as realistic as you want! Just some good ol fashion character design. Full reference sketches and some added doodles usually work best for me and help me get used to drawing them as such. Make a story out of it if you really wanna. I think fanart in some form is a good way to grow your profile faster, before moving on to OCs or original stories, IF that’s what you want to do!
I also firmly believe that what you draw doesn’t matter so much as long as you have the patience and try to draw often (yeah see this is where I’m falling behind lmfao). Fanart, original, or both — the people that like your style will come along! You don’t have to burn yourself out by trying to post every little thing or draw every single day, but maybe try out a schedule? Or just a goal? I find that Tumblr likes posting often, especially starting out, since it relies so much on reblogs.
These would be my suggestions mainly cuz it’s what worked for me in the past. I drew what I wanted, what I was good at, in fandoms I liked, and didn’t really expect anyone else to enjoy it all so much, but they did! And that’s an awesome feeling (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧
(And tag me! I’ll reblog ya!)
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marleysfinest · 7 days
i have love to share muvva
@drivemysoul my cherished snk swiftie pal. it was so delightful to watch u liveblog it truly unspoiled since i'm also quite the latecomer too and i feel very Affirmed in my own reading and feelings!! they are so damn smart and funny and full of love and deserve the world. i also feel like we're in a weird exchange program every time they quietly like my nick cave posts as a real life australian meanwhile taylor swift is practically my neighbor
@felineverdure my doppelwife down to name and possibly ethnicity whose art i LOVE (big shout out to skin tones and melinated jean, impeccable hair and noses and jawlines, contributing to the tumbleweeds of the hitchannie tag), we have the same taste in old men, responsible for More More Chefs AU. if i get my shit together for RJW halloween the bit of flojean is for her, that's how powerful kat is. every day i'm more alarmed by how hard our interests overlap (asoiaf, buzzfeed unsolved, (g)i-dle)
@avellanaslesbianas the backbone of kenuri micronation who tolerates my depravity. we've both projected loser 80s rock musicians who've aged into conservatism (morissey and cave) onto this man. her art can make me chuckle til the cows come home AND fall to my knees. besides snk i feel like a bit of a minority in this corner of tumblr as someone whose weab lifetime has mostly been in (mahou) shoujo and josei and yuri so avellana is also my bud on that front
@daryascurse OH our pedantic ass philosophical speculation about selfshipping into AoT while not white!! i feel very giddy when darya asks about katken and i count her as another shoujo comrade, furuba and bssm especially. darya also has Quite juicy music taste and vibes i just imprinted on immediately idk!!!
@strawberrystepmom my pisces brother let's run an astrology consultating business out of a houseboat
@myrtlesandasphodels is very precious for our ASOIAF shared wavelength that i *think* translates to having good robust thoughts on the women of snk. i am neglecting our girl annie so much lately but rest assured she is not forgotten. every donut i eat brings me back to carly stratmann
i will always count @oxygenbefore1775 and my NIECE @fromriches-tosin as my first friends in this fandom because i entered quite truly like, a month before RJW 2024, and i admire their writing so hard. they inspire most to keep up canon x canon writing!! i'm so behind on just reading let alone writing fanfiction but their shit is top of my damn queue. i live for all of mae's art but especially mikasa my god
@pisspope is the reason i selfship to begin with you damn witch (gn) and i do think we met on the streets of ********* five years ago and fractured the universe. i love our kink venn diagram and holding down this side of the pond together. i scroll up to our entirely spoilered boot discussion to laugh periodically. i think we will meet physically and that's a threat
@marleysfinest just that This is ur milestone event and the liveliness of your inbox every damn day shows you have a big ol heart and are so good at gathering people, it's so very moon-jupiter trine of you
MORE LOVE IN THE WORLD!!!!!!! Kat ily behind words kiss kiss mwah mwah
spread the love for muvva’s feel good 500!
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caplanbuckybarnes · 2 days
no worries, honey.. i figured that was the case. you want writing tips?? Sure.
Never force your writing. If ideas don't come to your mind, don't force them. It will sound like hell, and you will indeed hate yourself over it. Are you stuck on a scene in your writing? Skip it and write what comes after. The words will come eventually. I can't tell you how many times I was stuck on a scene to write out the following few scenes after, and then the scene I was stuck on came back to me in droves.
Write what YOU love and what YOU want to write if you don't want to write out a request/idea someone sent to you, then don't. You don't need to explain yourself. Don't feel as though you HAVE to accept a request from someone; you'll burn yourself out and hate yourself worrying over the request/idea.
Write about whatever you want to: your favourite character/blurbs. Write new AUs, write angst, fluff, smut, whatever you want. Ignore the antis; every fandom has them, and it's honestly not worth the time and effort. Block the people who try to bash you for writing a character/pairing they don't like. Fandoms are meant to be a fun, safe space. Write what you want, and love every word of it.
Don't proofread ANYTHING until you know you're finished with your piece of writing/art.
Get an extra set of eyes to look over your work, whether it's some stranger on the internet you trust or a person in person who you trust to be completely honest with you about edits/scenes you need to rewrite/whatever else they might ask. Sometimes, when we look over our writing, our brain ignores the mistakes, so get an extra set of eyes.
You don't have to post every day/week/month to be a writer. You're still a writer if only one word gets written/typed daily. Take care of yourself first & foremost. I know writers on tumblr/ao3 that have burnt themselves out writing nonstop, it's not mentally safe to force yourself to write just for a few commetns/reviews/kudos.
Which brings me to Ao3/Tumblr stats. DON'T compare yourself to other writers. EVER. Yes, there's always going to be a fic that's more popular then yours will EVER be. & that's totally fine. Whether you get one like/kudos/comment, or a thousand of them. ENJOY WHAT YOU DO! because guess what?? As they say on Whose Line Is It Anyway? THE POINTS DO NOT MATTER! you're writing for FUN, no other reason!!!
You'll be your absolute worst critic when it comes to your own writing. Don't be too harsh on yourself. The reason why you hate your own writing and think it sucks & nobody is going to read it is because you've read it over numerous times yourself and found it to be predictable; NEWSFLASH, DING DING! It's NOT!!
You will ALWAYS improve your writing. I recently went back to look at a bunch of my own writing from 2018 and noticed how much I've improved since then. Yes, the writing makes me cringe, but that's entirely okay. It means I grew as a writer.
Experiment with Aus that you wouldn't see in canon. I tend to always, always go for a good ole Mafia AU, because, let's face it, guns?? blood?? gore?? but also, fluff?? baking cookies with your lover ay 3am AU?? hellooo?? I never know where my mind will take me when I start a new drabble/one shot.
11. Take your time; don't rush a word out.
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zootopiathingz · 9 months
I watched Zootopia like 6 months ago on a whim, and now the fixation is still hyper...ing.
Anyways, Judy and Nick are the best and deserve everything (I genuinely couldn't remember anyone else's names the first time I saw it) aaaaand yeah it's sad that the Fandom is basically nonexistent.
Actually, it's still going strong(?) on AO3 (i've made a few one-shots (shameless self promotion I'm Not_Quite_A_Moron there)) but still, kinda sucks.
Anyways, random headcanon time:
Nick has two moms (he doesn't have specific names for both of them, he just yells "MOM!" anytime he needs help)
Judy actually really likes eating meat, Nick just has to convince her to try it
Nick became really closed off and touch starved after the Junior Ranger Scouts incident, so now, he's a chronic cuddler (especially with Judy (which she loves))
Judy's on the autistic spectrum (she often stims by tapping her foot, and she likes to display affection via playful punches to the arm)
Judy was born on the same day that Nick got muzzled, as if the universe itself felt bad and said "here, have a rabbit" (definitely didn't steal this one from Tumblr nope certainly not)
Nick doesn't really like Gazelle's music, he's more of a rock kind of guy, but he'll stomach any song for Judy’s sake
Judy's asexual (Take one look at the nudist club scene and tell me she isn't at least demi)
Bestie I’d just like to say AAAAAAAAAA
Sorry, but I just got SO excited when I saw someone submitting headcanons! It’s been way too long since I’ve been able to have a good ol’ Zootopia discussion. Oh and I’ll certainly check out your fics! My user is Pixarpnflover so be on the look out for some kudos!✨
Anyway, I love the idea of Nick being raised by two moms! There was supposed to be a plotline about his dad—John Wilde, I believe was his name—but got scrapped along with a lot of other content. So until it’s actually mentioned in canon I’m choosing to believe his mom in the flashback was in fact a raging lesbian lmao🤷‍♀️ also would that make him a double mama’s boy?🤔
Ooo an herbivore converting to a meat diet? How intriguing! I like to think now that she lives in the city that Judy would be open to trying new foods, which would include poultry and fish. I can see her favoring sushi or even turkey.
Nick being openly affectionate after meeting Judy, and reserving most of that said affection for her? Hell yeah. He’s very unapologetic about it too. He’s waited far too long to share that amount of vulnerability and comfort with someone. No way he’s ever going to hold back🫂
Autistic Judy my beloved🙌🏻 You cannot convince me she’s even a little bit neurotypical, I will not believe you lol. I love that her natural rabbit behavior could actually be interpreted as stimming!
Dude, I have believed this headcanon for so long!! The second I found out their age difference, I just knew there had to be some kind of coincidence going on there. I mean, Nick could’ve just said “when I was a kid” when beginning the story, but instead he specified his age (or an estimate, at least) and I think that a choice on the writers’ part. Anyway, I’m a big believer in fate/soulmates, so even just the idea of Judy being born, destined to cross paths with Nick someday to heal his childhood trauma and make his life better, just melts my heart❤️😭
Haha yeah, you can tell the concert at the credits that Nick was only there for Judy😆 Not to say he wasn’t enjoying himself, he just wasn’t nearly as enthusiastic as everyone else. But ya know, the things ya do for your girlfriend!😋 I can also imagine Judy listening to music she doesn’t necessarily enjoy either. A certain loud rock song starts playing on the radio and before she can even think about changing the station, Nick goes “oh I like this one!” And so she smiles and suffers through it. She may even end up liking it anyway!😌
As for this last one, I kinda have to disagree. Not to say she isn’t ace or demi, and no hate to anyone who shares this opinion! But idk, to me I don’t think someone not wanting to see a bunch of people walking around ass-naked makes them ace or a prude (which I’ve seen some fanfics try to claim her to be?) I mean, I’m horny asf and I’d be just as uncomfortable walking around a nudist club😆😅
…I never thought I’d type a sentence like that lol
Anyway, thanks for sharing these! I sure hope the fandom comes back someday, but in the meantime I’ll be here waiting and open to exchanging more headcanons! :3
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Who’s this Anson character? I took a step back from tumblr and now I feel like I need a book to figure out what I missed lol.
With him yet again leeching off of appearing with Jared this weekend, now seems as good a time as any to circle back to this ask because I too have been perplexed by Jared’s supposed friendship with this guy for some time. And as per usual, I brought receipts.
Anson Gordon seems to first be publicly linked to the Pads in Sandy Molinare’s Instagram in 2016. This looks like he has been a part of the wealthy, and fairly conservative circle that both the Pads and the Ackles use to run with at that time.
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He clout-chased a few times in 2018 in his IG story and wanted to let the world know he has famous friends, with Jared and Danneel (in the background of a video) making appearances. He then started more regularly sharing pics of himself attending UFC fights with Jared in January 2020. And since then, his presence has only grown to include other Austin goings-on, more testosterone fueled events, some weapons safety and/or stuntman gig on Walker that included some brief screen time, meeting up with the Pads on their 2021 Italy trip, Jared’s car accident last year in which he and his son were passengers, and a spot on the Pads Family Feud team earlier this year. He is seen, and confused for Jensen somehow in the comments, in this IG post of Jared’s, sliding down a slide like best buds. He is regularly seen showcasing himself on socials interacting with Pads errand boy, Charlie Capen (you won’t convince me he didn’t record that slide video), as well as Clif and various Walker actors.
I will be 100% transparent here about my political leanings that run deeper than fandom. I don’t like this guy because I feel like he is the very conservative, aging frat boy of my nightmares. I don’t care that he’s rubbed elbows with other rich people at the Out Youth Gala, he is a salesman at the end of the day. I feel like he and I would strongly disagree on a lot of important (to me) issues/values, and the transference I feel when I look at him is strong. (That means he reminds me of people I know in real life.) He appears quite motivated to flex next to Jared at any opportunity and draw attention to himself. (Jared doesn’t showcase him nearly as often. The slide post kinda surprised me. Again, who’s a good boy? Charlie is!)
To me, Anson comes off as caustic, shallow, arrogant, and chauvinistic. Here’s the story of how I got bored and nosy during the pandemic and came to these opinions:
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This post from February 2021 was deleted months later as Anson posted more and more with Jared and Walker actors and gained followers/eyes on him. Now why in early 2021, would some folks from Texas even joke about secession?? The most obvious answer: the growing uproar over covid, mask mandates, vaccines, general pandemic limitations on their gentrifier (sorry/not sorry, wealthy Austinites) rich-kid fun. Look out y’all this privileged white male is “startin trouble.” Somebody ask this guy where he was on January 6th.
Exhibit B is less damning, but it irritates me so imma include it:
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A smug face and pose like this with a firearm captioned “virtue signaling” sure feels like a jab at the sNoWfLaKeS, given the rest of the context. No, shooting guns isn’t a crime, and in fact it’s this guys livelihood, but why add the snark if you’re not an ass and hoping to instigate? It feels like a safe bet that gun laws were also up there on the list of reasons for Texas secession dreams.
Exhibit C, posted to his story in August ‘21 just prior to his IG account going private for a few months and right about the same time the Pads themselves got Covid:
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I would love to know how Jared responded to being tagged in this mess. No I’m not suggesting he gave the Pads Covid, but I do think someone from the Pads or Walker team told ole boy to cool it with the anti-mask rhetoric so as not to reflect negatively on Jared, hence the private account. However you may feel about mask mandates at this point, remember that this was late summer/fall of 2021. Covid was obviously still rampant as the Pads and Anson himself would soon learn after returning home from Italy. How dare the Uber peasant ask that he respect his safety as he provides a service. Fuck that guy, right?!
It was after this in November 2021 that Anson first seemed to try to redeem himself by attending the Out Youth Gala with the Pads and also with his favorite accessory, his wife, in tow. What I won’t include here are the gross IG story video highlights from a different event that this tool has conveniently saved in which he documents his seemingly intoxicated wife’s side-boob for an uncomfortable amount of time. Guys can dig their wife’s bodies, and even do so on their own social media, but you gotta trust me that the ick factor is palpable. Bodily autonomy being what it is, maybe she’s ok with the multiple posts of this type, and I can respect that…and he’s shared quite a few.
But for me the final straw was when, not 24 hours after the horrific Robb Elementary school shooting in Uvalde, Texas on 5/24/22, Anson’s IG story was plugging his firearm silencer business and hyping the launch of new products at the NRA convention that coming weekend in Houston.
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If you followed the link early on when I called him a salesman, you may have already figured out that this man has made a sizable fortune off of engineering top of the line silencers for assault rifles. The IG account tells me that they sell for about $700-$750 each. None of this is a crime, but he’s not exactly reading the room in this moment. In comparison, Gen was sharing post after post to her IG story during this time about the need for reform around gun laws and sympathy for the victims. But this guy knew a big convention was approaching and he needed to capitalize. Then he went golfing.
Are you still with me?
So this is why I cringe whenever I see this Wish version of Jensen snuggling up to Jared.
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He’s not deserving of the positive assumptions that some fans/Jared stans have made about him based solely on his proximity to Jared. And let’s be honest, with the great big fandom divide these days, a lot of Jared fans are just all too eager to root for anyone that isn’t Jensen. But, in my opinion, you don’t get to show up at an LGBTQ fundraiser claiming to be an ally when you have no doubt voted to protect your own interests (guns, money) and cast ballots for people who also support drag bans and an end to gender affirming care. It doesn’t work like that, especially not in Texas. He’s invested in Texas staying red, and if you recall or scroll up, there was a time when it wasn’t red enough for him. He’s certainly not voting for LGBTQ+ human rights, but he will write them a check for damage control in the aftermath. What a guy.
To clarify, this is NOT an anti-Jared post, although some may see it as such. There’s no suggested call-to-action for the fandom coming from me. Jared is not Anson’s keeper. But at the same time, to an extent, we are who we associate with and with whom we spend precious time. And Jared spends a fair amount of public time with this clown and allows Anson to attach himself to him and profit off of him. Leeching onto Jared is the best thing this guy did to get his face and his veneers seen by a larger audience. So Jared, I love ya, but it’s not a good look. This guy had no qualms showing people who he was when fewer people were looking, but deleting posts doesn’t delete screenshots. And I’ve got those, as you can see.
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bks-blogs · 6 months
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#101DalmatianStreet #Save101DalmatianStreet #disney #DisneyPlus #101Dalmatians #101DS5thAnniversary #101DSSeason2
How's it goin', my dedicated pups?👋 I think it's safe to say that our 7-day celebration event of 101 Dalmatian Street's 5th Anniversary has officially come to a close!🍻
I for one had an excellent time throughout the past week celebrating 5 years of the show with all of you faithful 101DS fans! It's still hard to believe how the time flies!😁
We had a great time together in those 7 days, with all kinds of fun fan-content and small events that 101DS fans could enjoy!
From the bottom of my Tanuki heart… All I can say, thank you all so much for making this event meaningful and memorable to the 101DS community.🙏😌
It's folks like you that keeps my inspiration and support for the show's future strongly ignited, and we will continue to ensure that 101 Dalmatian Street has an impactful legacy through our support and dedication.
As I had said before, 2024 is the time where we look to re-energize the fandom's enthusiasm and support for the show, and I believe some of these projects I announced over the past week (And some of those I had already announced a while back like the upcoming 101DS Tumblr series, and some that's under the wraps) will give us an open path of what to do next in our longtime support for the show, going forward.
With the 5th year of the show rolling by, I could not be prouder to be a true 101 Dalmatians fan, and especially 101 Dalmatian Street TV series!😊😁
For now. I'm going to take a much-needed break to help little ole' me stay in shape, enjoy life and stay connected with my human fam, and then get back to working on my 101DS fan-art and projects! A whole month working on the 5th Anniversary animated video and working on the 7-daily announcements really had me drained, so this is a good time to take it easy on myself!
Thank you all again for helping me put this event together! It really means a lot to me. And as always, until next time, my dedicated pups! Peace to all of you! And peace to the talented people from @atomiccartoons, Passion Animation and Gigglebug who had worked on 101 Dalmatian Street!✌️🥹
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onepawproductions · 10 months
please dont put ai art in main fandom tags thank you.
Hi, I'm not sure which post or fandom you're referencing? Also not sure what you mean. I don't put random art generated by an Ai on here. I use Ai tools as part of my process to help bring what's in my head to the screen. I have a disability that severely limits the use of my hands, and Ai tools have given me back my ability to create art again. It's been such a blessing to my life, honestly. It was so depressing to spend my entire childhood learning to draw and paint and sculpt, then go to school for it, only to have EDS/MCAS/Epilepsy/detached retinas (amoung other stuff. It sucks, I know) smack me on the nose with a rolled up newspaper in my mid-twenties.
I know there's a lot of misconception about Ai Art right now. What is is, what it isn't. Like those one-shot gens pushed out by people using highly modified ai generators, putting out massive amounts of art that looks super pro but without soul. That's not what I'm doing, but I can totally understand the mixup! What I do doesn't come from a website where a descriptive sentence will give you jaw- dropping art. It's more similar to digital artists using Adobe Photoshop, and is a very involved process requiring days and sometimes weeks of work, several hours a day.
I tried for awhile tho include more about the process, so people can see how hard it is, but this doesn't seem to be the right forum for that. I think Tumblr is maybe more of a "show me the finished stuff" thing? I could be wrong, tho, for sure.
Or, am I miss-tagging? I know a lot of my art is not just fanart, but fanfic fanart. Is that it? I do wanna get my tags right... Hmm
Let me know! Since you posted anonymously, I'm not sure if you'll get a notification of my reply. Go ahead and PM me, if you like. I think I have the PMs open. :)
Meanwhile I'll tag this to the fandoms I'm tryna make inroads with. Maybe someone there will know!
Oh, right. Here are some examples:
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A Harry Potter chapter heading for the fanfiction audiobook Im recording, shown here mid-process. I can see it in my danged ole head, but its over a week in and still struggling. I had to even uninstall/reinstall my entire system when it went belly up due to a bad extension, yargh. The scene is chapter 17 of The Muddy Princess, by Colubrina.
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These are a culmination of about a month of work trying to hone in on Taylor Heberts face. I picture her as an amalgamation of about three different awesome women I've known in my life...plus Claudia Black! I think they're pretty good, but not 100%. I'm still trying to find the right place to post my art and discuss with people, but tumblr seems to be not the place for that sort of thing.
But anyway. Yeah. Where should I sort these so the people who wanna see em can see? Am I getting it right?
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elvisabutler · 1 year
teddy bear
summary: you and elvis enjoying a morning wake up routine. fandom: elvis presley | elvis ( 2022 ) rating: t just for a brief implication of future and past sexual activities pairing: big daddy elvis presley x plus sized female reader ( but honestly, can be read gender neutral, but i mention bosoms ) word count: 924 warnings: big daddy elvis. mentions of names regarding weight ( pig, cow, etc ). use of the word fluffy instead of fat. author’s note: i'm not actually tagging anyone in this because it's so self indulgent on my part that i'm just doing the normal tumblr tags and running away because i just want to wake up to big daddy and be each other's damn teddy bears. because listen i weigh more than elvis did at his death supposedly and the man can still crush me with his half a damn foot on my ass. also the pics in the moodboard are not meant to betray skin color of the reader. only the size.
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There's something ironic you think about how once upon a time when Elvis was svelte with that Southern good ol boy charm he sang about wanting to be your teddy bear. The you at that time might have been every female in the entire world but nowadays it's mostly just you. Mostly just you and him in bed in Las Vegas or on the Lisa Marie or any number of places. It's mostly just you and him and his need to stay up contrasting with your scandalous love affair with sleep. One night you realized the trick, or at least a trick to get your fiance to sleep was to sing that song at him. You're not him when it comes to being a vocal powerhouse, things sounding raspier than they have any right to but it gets the job done. Sometimes it ends in a roll among your shared sheets but more and more it just ends in him snuggling up to your ample bosom and listening to your heart beat a steady thump thump thump for the man you love. Other nights he lulls you to sleep with a whispered version of the song, smirking as he tells you to put a chain around his neck before you swat him on his behind that puts your own to shame sometimes. Those nights end with your head on his chest, playing with his chest hair as you listen to the steady thump thump thump of his heart that beats only for you and his daughter.
The thing is these nights always have to end. The two of you can't stay in a cocoon of heartbeats and warm blankets. He has to get ready to sing his heart out and you have to do your own thing. You're usually the one who wakes up first, arms and legs tangled together with a man who's about as fluffy- a term you will always use to describe him because enough people call him fat- as you are, cushioned from the world and every horror that might await the pair of you. Every problem, every set of words designed to injure both you and him are kept at bay when you stay in the bed.
You feel his eyes and hear the subtle uptick in his heartbeat that signals that he's awake before you hear the growl of his early morning voice. "Too early to be up, darlin'. Go back t' sleep."
A laugh leaves your lips. It's a gruff sort of thing but it makes Elvis smile hearing it when he first wakes up. It reminds him who's here on his chest. It reminds him who helps him sleep at night and who helps him get up in the morning when things ache. "if I didn't see the sun shining brightly even though the curtains I'd believe you, baby. Time to get up. We have a lot of things to do. Last day before we can head to Graceland. Gotta give them a good show, Elvis."
His eyes, heavy and lidded with sleep widen just a bit before he pulls you closer to him, clinging to the last vestiges of sleep and relaxation with a world that's just you and him. "Could cancel. Wouldn't be the first time."
You know unless Elvis truly can't perform that he would never cancel a date and yet you have to pull your head back from him a little and raise your eyebrow at the comment. "You wouldn't. Not after the last cancelled show."
The last cancelled show where the press had ripped him to shreds and where pictures of the two of you were plastered across the papers painting him as a portly pig and you as his little cow. Nevermind that you're certain your fiance could snap a number of men in half from his strength that hid underneath the extra padding. The extra fluff for you to kiss and squeeze. You feel Elvis's large hand against the back of your neck and you can't help but mirror the movement, placing your own hand on the back of his neck. You think he's going in for a proper kiss but he just nuzzles your nose. It makes you scrunch up your face before you force yourself to roll on top of him, straddling his thick thighs between your own thick thighs. His groan has you giggling a little sinisterly.
"I wouldn't, but wit' ya straddlin' me like 'm a prize bull, ain't sure I got a choice." His hands move to cup your ass and squeeze before pulling you somehow closer. "Think maybe ya might be able to give me the right incentive."
Your answer is a solemn nod while you try and keep an eye on Elvis's body, trying to see just what he has planned only to realize you don't even feel his thighs flexing. It allows you to relax. "That so, you want to-" Your words get cut off with a yelp as Elvis manages to gracefully flip the two of you, his body pressing down against you, pushing you into the bed as much as he can. You're not like some of his other girlfriends but it almost makes the way your own weight bends and shrinks when presented with his own that makes his body pressed up against yours. Your hips buck up only to be met with his solid weight that refuses to move.
"Ten more minutes 'n 'll show ya."
You don't leave the room for another half an hour.
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literaryoblivion · 7 months
How has your time off of tumblr been?
Haha fine? I think I replaced it with Twitter but now Twitter has fallen apart and I started social media on so many other platforms that I now don’t use just because I was trying to keep track of fandom friends. So now I just scroll twitter until I get annoyed (which happens a lot) and then go somewhere else. And sometimes that’s tumblr and I like things to queue but don’t do it so it looks like I’m not around 😂.
These days I mostly stick to a couple discord servers and group DMs but I do miss finding and meeting new friends and fandoms. It kind of makes me feel old when I get nostalgic about the good ole days 😂😂😂
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kiigan · 6 months
canon questionnaire.
what made you pick up this character?
Itachi was actually my first ever rp muse! Allllllll the way back when, when we didn't even know the truth about the massacre and Pein was only a silhouette and believed to be Minato but actually called Uzumaki Arashi. Good ol' days. But also - I picked him because I was just so drawn to his backstory, or lack thereof. At the time we only knew he was Sasuke's older brother who apparently had gone psycho out of the blue, and I just had this hunch that there had to be more about that mess. Also because, honestly, do you realize how cool Itachi's first appearance was.
how did you get into this franchise/fandom?
I got into Naruto because my first boyfriend was a big fan and introduced me to it lmao. And then I introduced my best friend and we started writing together just for funsies, and then suddenly our whole group of friends joined in and it became a glorious mess and so much fun.
what’s the best thing about the show/series/books/comics/etc.?
I mean... it's the typical shonen anime? So it provides super cool battles and action sequences, as expected. But, not to be biased, I totally am the Akatsuki are one of the coolest antagonist groups ever created. I put them on legendary levels such as the Ginyu Force from Dragon Ball.
what’s the worst thing about the show/series/books/comics/etc.?
Probably the ungodly amount of fillers. I understand why they happen but, personally, I would much rather wait and go for a few months without content than to be presented with low-effort ideas and plots that, often, only ruin the pacing and even provoke continuity errors. And I gotta say, Kishimoto's treatment of female characters is questionable at best.
what’s the best thing about the fandom?
The fandom itself! Fandoms are what we make of them, and especially on a website such as tumblr where you are responsible for curating your own dashboard experience (...if we do not count the stupid tumblr ads and recommendations). Meeting new people with similar interests, the possibility to make friends that live literally on the other side of the world, getting to write with super talented people that develop your own muse so much, watching people get passionate about their muse(s) and creating such wonderful headcanons and metas.
what’s the worst thing about the fandom?
Again, the fandom itself. There are nice people and toxic people everywhere and that's unavoidable. In my humble opinion, what matters is to focus on the good ones.
what’s the best thing about the canon you are writing?
Itachi's whole story breaks my heart. At the same time, there is A LOT about him that was never disclosed in canon (even with the Shinden novels) and I love to explore those parts. I love to imagine stuff like what would his hobbies be, how would he react to [insert situation], how would he get along with [insert character] if they met. One of my favorite things, at the moment, is to create headcanons for my post-war verse and to create my own canon about how Itachi would adapt to things such as now being practically blind, having to properly monitor his illness, his thoughts and emotions about returning to Konoha, how to try to fix things with Sasuke, etc etc - it's been so much fun!
what’s the worst thing about the canon you are writing?
Uhhh nothing really? I mean, there are the general issues about Naruto as a whole, but regarding Itachi specifically I can't really think of any huge problems right now. Other than him being dead T-T
have you tweaked the character from canon? if so, what did you tweak?
No and yes. No, because I try my best to be as in-character as possible and to be faithful to Itachi's nature as a character. But, yes, because I write a lot of canon-divergent verses and those obviously require adapting. Even in purely canon settings, I'd say I tweak some stuff in that, for example, I love writing Itachi as a quirky child (and then teen and adult) and as a very caring and nurturing person, even when he cannot openly show it. It's totally fine if not everybody agrees with my interpretation but, to me, it makes a lot of sense and gives me a lot of joy to write.
are there some things you dislike about how the show/series/etc. portray the character you have picked up? if so, what?
I wouldn't say I dislike... but also because, all in all, Itachi doesn't have much screen time lol. So there isn't much of a chance for Kishimoto to screw him over. I would, however, have loved a chance to see Itachi ponder on the circumstances that led to the massacre - for example, does he grow to regret his choice as he gets older? He does this reflection a bit when talking to Naruto during the Edo Tensei period, but that wasn't enough for me damn it! Also, while we're here, I'm gonna be forever salty that, in that same period, we were denied a chance for Itachi to reunite with Kisame and with Shisui.
what would you say is the most unique trait about your character?
Itachi has a lot of idiosyncrasies, which is one of the reasons why I love him. Little quirky nerd weasel~ Perhaps the most unique trait, however, is his idealism. He was severely traumatized by the third war and that is the basis for his idealism but, at the same time, he truly believes in what he preaches. He truly believes that he can get strong enough to make this world a better place and this is the sort of undying motivation to do good that, for example, I only see in Shisui. Of course, a lot of other characters have their own strong motivations (Naruto himself being the easiest example), but these two Uchiha idiots are mostly the ones who commit to the there's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for mindset.
are there any other characters from the franchise you’d like to play?
On discord, I have written little bits and pieces of Kimimaro, Temari, and Rock Lee.
are there some characters from the franchise you can’t stand? 
I can't stand Danzo for all the obvious reasons, but that's also exactly why I love him as a villain. And, um... the same applies to Hiruzen, in a way. I do believe that Hiruzen is a man with good intentions, but he always falls victim to his own passiveness. The way Itachi goes to him after having literally just murdered his parents and traumatized his little brother for life and all Hiruzen can say is I'm so sorry this happened. Hiruzen is just a gutless Danzo, resting on the laurels of the whole Will of Fire spiel.
what are your thoughts on the canon ships for the character, if any?
Honestly, I'm not even sure if Itachi has a canon ship? Izumi is supposed to be his girlfriend but at the same time it can easily be taken as Izumi having an unrequited crush. Personally, I think they are very cute together but I would have loved to see more development other than to make it like "let's give Itachi a gf because he's cool and needs a girl to dangle as a trophy".
what is your personal ship bias for your canon character?
I am dying on the Kisame/Itachi hill and unapologetically so. Their bond is so special and precious to me, the way they grow from not-so-veiled death threats upon first meeting to genuinely respecting each other. The way Kisame, known as the Monster of the Bloody Mist, lets this scrawny Uchiha kid take the lead and trusts him without reserves. The way Itachi cares, even if he must keep up his detached psychopath persona, and keeps Kisame out of harm's way whenever he feels a battle won't go in his favor. THEIR MATCHING RINGS, IN BOTH THE FINGER POSITION AND THE SYMBOL MEANING. And the way Itachi is literally what Kisame thinks of as he's about to offer himself to his sharks. All of this is so *CLENCHES FIST*
are there any ships you can’t stand, why?
...Um. Sasuke/Itachi.
how long have you been writing the character?
Technically, for almost two decades. Not continuously so. If we are talking about this blog only, then it's been since January 2024.
should people get into the franchise you're writing from, yes or no?
I mean, sure? If they like the franchise and have characters they would like to write? I don't see why not.
if you could sum up your character with one sentence, what would it be?
I already did it above, so: Little Quirky Nerd Weasel
which song do you feel describes your character the most and why?
I have a few, actually! For some examples: "Gasoline", by Halsey, "Second Chance", by Shinedown, "The World of Mercy", by DIR EN GREY (this one is particularly👌👌👌for my villain verse). I think they're very Itachi-coded in both lyrics and melody. And, of course, the song in my pinned post: "Scarlet", by Yamaoka Akira. This song is peak Itachi vibes, especially when you look into his eyes. And, uh. Generally, almost all DIR EN GREY songs inspire me a lot to write his replies, because a lot of them are also the songs that I started writing him to, all those years back.
tagged by : @sagemom ♡ tagging : if you're reading this you're tagged by default~
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