#makeup on point ll ic
3lossm · 19 days
there's a pressure to being a town hero , saving lives and kicking butt is only part of it . being good is engraved into her , into her very being. as if the atoms that assembled for her creation were specially made , bright and positive , by the universe itself . her sisters are the same , mostly -- buttercup is more chaotic than blossom would like : filled with a rage that's easy to trigger and ready to pounce at any moment , easy to instigate . bubbles is inherently good , an innocence that makes it easy to take advantage of her at times . blossom makes it a habit to keep an eye on her . on both of them . but that comes from the nature of being the leader .
& the only reason she's offering her notes to him is because SHE'S GOOD and [ . . . ] it makes her feel good , even if it's a little more complicated when it's @madestars . their relationship , bad wording , their dynamic is more .. arduous than that of their siblings , who have found their own ways to get along and play nice . brick and blossom on the otherhand ... there are spells where they get along . they have phases , getting along just for it to go down the drain, thanks to their natures . GOOD VS BAD . the peace comes just before the calamity though, and it's difficult to find the balance there. it ' ll always be this way . she's altruistic , selfless for all the right reasons and he's selfish for all the wrong reasons . she's able to watch him with a careful hesitance, reminding herself again that THIS WAS A BAD IDEA ; A TERRIBLE IDEA !! a temporary truce, she'll be throwing in the garbage .
she may be a hero , but that doesn ' t stop her from wanting to be her own person , her identity is hers despite the shared DNA , she knows who she is. yet , she finds herself doing these stupid things , perfumes and makeup ; advice from bubbles , new fashion choices , she doesn't know what she's looking for really , doesn't know why she's suddenly caring what he anybody thinks , why he's been stuck on her mind -- she chalks it up to the fact that he was sick and that she's just a caring person ! even if it's one of boys that nearly took out townsville at one point ( she ' s been trying to tell herself that's all in the past ) .
patience wears thin, ice beneath the summer sun . pink eyes, watch his red dart , watch him analyze and she's about to share some of the sour attitude that she's getting the more he looks and the less he answers , but he takes the book before she gets a chance . bummer . eyebrows furrowed now , her pink eyes roll in response to him ,   “ yeah , you ' re welcome !   ”  voice raises as he leaves her standing , not like she needs to yell , she's only raising her voice enough ...
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thewiddlestwampire replied to your post: I should really do something about that skeleton...
I’m the only family member you have that isn’t a giant piece'a shit (to you) now GIVE ME
You better find a good home for whatevers haunting that skeleton.
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rotating-pebbles · 3 years
okAY can we talk about this special
cw newest sanders sides spoilers
just some things i noticed
-Roman was SO SAD in this video
>"and i'll be the son!" "whose only dream is to...Be a star.." Roman said that last line so depressingly (grammar). Does he not just want to be seen as the side who only wants Thomas to be the star? Is he becoming more aware of how egotistical he can be? Although he did start off normally (i loved that sm)
>"patton" grimace. "and logan" less of a grimace "and,,,virgil!" big happy, geniune not-just-for-show smile. So, he's still holding a grudge against Patton which is understandable. Logan though? Is he angry at him for siding with Janus too? I feel like it's going to end up with everyone else trying to reason with virgil and roman or something
-Roman was so ICONIC in this video
>The freaking opening of his bit was GOLD
>He loves Nico so much omggg
>The energy is stunning we love to see it go off queen
>"Who broke this vase???" this remains my favourite sanders sides bit ever so far
>Stock images=iconic
>please dont kill remus he'll probably love it
>the beef with janus 👀
"oh i regret not throwing paper at logan first"
-Logan was such a sassy bitch and we love to see it
>Should we be concerned about the amount of wine he consumed in those few minutes? He was literally holding a salad bowl before straight up holding the bottle with ✨class✨
>Logan you can't deny your mom title
>"not our most feminist moment" YHRCYUBTEC
>*long ramble* "my point is i dont think we deserve an anniversary"
>Logan calling Thomas out for the listening yes please
>validating virgil=you have feelings dude
-Patton was the softest little puffball we got but also angsty??
>proud papa x100
>please dont cry
>overprotective dad? inner resentment? scared of change? listening to janus?,,, "Nico,,,,seems like a nice guy" You seem very hesitant there sweetie is there something you'd like to tell us
>still glossing over mistakes by changing topic to ice cream? relatable and would love to see a boys night but you gotta stop padre
>we applaud the energy levels
-Janus being Janus but +100 confidence levels
>Janus shared stuff and t e c h n i c a l l y part of the group=even MORE self confident i can feel it oozing off him through the screen
>the s a s s oh g o d the s a s s just can o even pick a quote? just the whole time
>Logan wins the wine drinking this time sorry
>The fandom already dubbed you the wine aunt you just accepted it and now everyone's going crazy
>Ah yes e v i l p l a n s yes ofc
>Let us see the hamster
>*casually sprays remus with soap* *Remus accepted it and drinking it*
>those character evaluations *chefs kiss* nothing more but excited to see some crazy deep theories of t h o s e
>snazzy dance moves my guy
-Remus,,,need i say more?
>REMUS SAID HONEY REMUS SAID HONEY REMUS SAID HONEY spending too much time around Janus perhaps??
>I love that he's now officialy the cool jail uncle
> "see i'm roman! get my better side~" icon
>fan-artists take notes now we know where his embylum is
>ah what lovely brotherly bonding
>Remus stop trying to k!ll yourself in this video wtf put the soap d o w n
>no spoilers >:(
>calling thomas out abt mindpalace (i'd love to see what remus has done with the place)
>very true is there a correct way to sit? the gays would agree
>snazzy dance moves my guy
-Virgil was unusually energetic yet still edgy
>emo cousin? i can agree with that but would that make remus his dad and patton your uncle, or patton your dad and remus your uncle we need answers people
>thats sure one long list you got there,,,
>he got so mad about the makeup comment please also what a great use of swear words
> you got it spot on now i require someone to marry me in space with gandalf and dumbledore
>oh yeah he d i d egg on the falsehood thing a true hero
>everyone:hands him affection him:ew what am i supposed to do with it
>so he likes being a puppet i can respect that
-Orage side revealed 😱
>he's patton's snack 😳
-c!thomas (and thomas) getting us all to doubt everything about the entire series for a split second /lh
>he's a great interviewer and definately doesnt almost fall off chairs
>oOOOOOooOoOoOo you liiiiiiike him you're blushinnnng seriously he were so flustered when roman beought up nico and i can understand that for him
>he's so terrified/annoyed at janus and remus that its funny
>dont mention the word... callback >:o
>"no not a literal hand"
>we love and and are proud of you
-The new series trailer
>d&d style thing? roleplaying? i love it
and thats all i got, please add on!
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holykillercake · 3 years
Hazy Justice - 03
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🇨‌🇴‌🇵‌!🇸‌🇲‌🇴‌🇰‌🇪‌🇷‌ 🇽‌ 🇲‌🇮‌🇱‌🇮‌🇹‌🇦‌🇷‌🇾‌🇩‌🇴‌🇨‌🇹‌🇴‌🇷‌!🇷‌🇪‌🇦‌🇩‌🇪‌🇷‌
word count: 2.5k
summary: After eight years serving your country in a war, you returned to your hometown as the new head of Trauma Surgery in one of the best hospitals in the country. You were expecting a calmer life now, but suddenly you see yourself choosing between your brain and your heart, light and dark, justice and evil.
highlight: ¨You looked like millions of dollars, and you felt like millions of dollars.¨
warning:  Use sunglasses. Too bright.
notes: .Dear comrades, it has been a while but it's finally here! With new characters and lots and lots of threads.
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🇱‌🇪‌🇦‌🇻‌🇪‌ 🇨‌🇴‌🇲‌🇲‌🇪‌🇳‌🇹‌🇸‌, 🇭‌🇪‌🇦‌🇷‌🇹‌🇸‌, 🇦‌🇳‌🇩‌ 🇱‌🇴‌🇻‌🇪‌!
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¨Hello...¨ you were instantly greeted by the tingling doorbells that let the owner know whenever a client entered the establishment. 
Your eyes traveled to the half-moon bar where the slim and tall woman leaned casually, cigarette adorning her elegant fingers. Her eyebrows raised as she took in your figure, double-checking if you were not someone else.
¨Oh! Y/N-chan, is that you?¨
¨Shakky!¨ she made her way out of the bar to hug you ¨It´s so good to see you! You haven´t changed at all!¨
Her kind chuckle made you feel like a kid again, and you couldn´t stop yourself from tearing with the nostalgic feeling.
 ¨Thanks, Baby. Now you,¨ she put her hands on your shoulders and opened a distance, eyes examining you like a mother hawk ¨you look tired. Eight years in war made you no good.¨
You nodded and laughed ¨I guess we can put it that way.¨
¨Come, treat is on the house.¨ 
Clapping your hands, you followed the lady towards the bar. ¨So, where´s Rayleigh-san?¨ 
¨He just left, but it shouldn´t take long. He´ll be happy to see you, Y/N-chan.¨
The circumstances that connect you to Shakky and Rayleigh go way back to decades ago when your parents were still alive. By that time, all you knew was that they were friends, people you could trust. You were not allowed to ask more questions about their jobs, and you couldn´t find a suitable answer with the information you had. 
They were always on the road, visiting only once in a while. They would bring incredible gifts from various countries and discuss ¨adult matters¨ with your parents while Crocodile helped you with homework. 
Whenever you brought up your curiosities to your brother, he would say that they talked about the war, and you were too young to hear such things. Crocodile was also not allowed in the room, but he´d always peer into the conversation through the ventilation ducts. 
If he´s saying, it must be true.  
Since your dad was a Lieutenant Colonel, there was always the possibility of his unit being requested to offer back up or engage actively. You never minded it, though. He had already been sent to a lot of dangerous missions, and he came back every single time. He was strong and invincible. He would always return to his family. 
Well, that was true until the day you found your mother in the kitchen, breaking in tears, holding a smudged letter in her hands, together with your father´s dog tag. 
You stared at her and your brother, blinking in the hope of seeing what was wrong. The woman at the kitchen table did not look like your mother. She had no sparkle in her eyes or pride in her chest.
On the contrary, thick and dark tears fell from her eyes, blurred from the makeup that always accentuated her piercing gaze. Her lips were not curved in the tender smile she used to carry. Instead, she bit her lower lip so hard that you could almost see blood staining her pink lipstick.
¨Dad´s not coming home.¨ was all Crocodile said.
That was not the time when things got completely off track, but it was a significant change in your family's life. The government offered a military pension and a country flag for the services provided by your father. However, you had to be transferred to the Commercial District, where your mother worked as an archivist at the Ohara Institute of Historical Research. 
¨Y/N?¨ you heard a male voice call, making you turn. 
Your eyes shifted between the two male figures standing at the door. ¨Rayleigh-san!¨ you shouted like a kid seeing Santa Claus at the shopping mall ¨Smoker!?¨ this one came out more like a question. 
¨You have grown, little one!¨ he patted your head like old times. ¨Maybe my white hair makes sense. I´ve aged!¨ he laughed cheerfully, and Smoker tilted his head. 
¨Finer than wine!¨ you giggled, then turned to the other white-haired man, cheeks blushing ¨This is, uhm... I swear I´m not following you.¨ 
¨Oh, you two know each other?¨ Shakky asked, adding two more old-fashioned glasses on the counter. 
¨We´re neighbors!¨ 
¨That´s great! Come, we have a lot to talk! Today is on the house!¨ Rayleigh shouted similar words as his wife. You wondered if that was the synchronization of personalities or if the alcohol he had prior was impairing his judgment. 
Shakky decided to close for the day, wanting to spend as much time as possible in your company. The clock seemed to have stopped while you were drinking, eating snacks, and catching up on years of conversation. 
It was funny how sometimes it felt like a ping pong game between you and Rayleigh. Every so often, the conversation would turn into matches of him serving shots of military-wise improper questions and you backhanding with ¨That´s classified information, Rayleigh-san.¨.
Did he have a poor memory or all those years of scotch and cigars in your father´s office taught him nothing? Either way, you were having too good of a time at that table to worry about his faulty memory. 
¨Are you sure you´re neighbors?¨ Shakky asked with a playful grin ¨You seem to know nothing about each other.¨
¨I would say that´s a pretty sharp point.¨ you answered in the same lighted tone. 
¨Tight schedules, I´d say.¨ Smoker added, shifting on the couch.
¨But it looks like you´re free today. How about dinner? Four of us, our house, like old times Y/N.¨ Rayleigh seemed too keen on this, and you wondered if he was trying to set you up on a date. 
¨Well, as much as I would love that, I´ve got plans for tonight.¨ 
¨Let me guess,¨ Rayleigh created a tension ¨classified information?¨ 
You laughed loudly at his stupid joke. It was a predictable Ray-san ice breaker, but you couldn't help yourself. This man was a blissful delight. 
¨Much to your content, tonight´s plan I´ll be able to spill.¨ you teased him ¨I´m having dinner with Crocodile tonight!¨ 
What happened after you pronounced those words would have gone unnoticed by someone inattentive. It felt like a slight change in the air, like those quiet moments before a bomb exploded, when the clock stopped ticking. 
You didn´t have the chance to question before Shakky took the wheel. 
¨That´s great, Y/N!¨ her elegant hands embraced yours, affectionate and caring ¨Did you see how much he´s changed?¨ 
¨Uhm, actually,¨ you blinked, focusing back on the conversation ¨it´s the first I meet him in... eight years.¨ 
The tightness you felt in your chest almost made you tear, and the woman saw it. Her eyes carried a hint of compassion... or pity. 
¨You miss him a great deal, right, Baby?¨ 
¨Yeah...¨ you shrugged ¨he was out of town when I arrived, so I only got the chance now. But how´s he doing? Did he change a lot?¨
¨Oh, baby, it´s been a while since we met. He´s a busy man, you know.¨ 
Your brows raised, then furrowed, and you had a perplexed smile hanging on your lips. You would not have believed those words if they hadn´t come directly from them. 
¨Oh, wha- well, I´ll¨ a nervous laugh left your mouth ¨I´ll drag him by the hair, then! Busy man, bullshit! He used to bug mom and dad all the time, asking why you guys couldn´t live with us!¨
¨Don´t stress yourself over that, Y/N.¨ Rayleigh said with his gentle smile.  ¨He runs a lot of businesses, I´m sure he would drop by more if he could.¨ 
Shakky nodded¨And, it´s your first time in the Light District, right? Was that the only district you haven´t lived in yet?¨
¨That and the Noble District, obviously.¨ you rolled your eyes.
¨You lived in all other districts?¨ Smoker asked after a silent moment in the conversation.
¨Yeah, long story and not that interesting. You´d be bored, trust me.¨ 
¨It´s rather difficult to find someone who lived in more than two districts, so I´d like to hear that.¨ 
¨Alright, but don´t say I didn´t warn you.¨ 
You peeked at your wristwatch, running some basic math in your head and deciding that it was time to go if you didn´t want to be late for dinner. Your lips twisted in a pout, and your expression dropped a little for having to leave this fantastic moment.  
Surprisingly enough, leaving them was not as difficult as you imagined. Maybe because they reminded you that you could visit them anytime now, or because you did not want to act like a crybaby on Smoker´s car. 
He said it was also about time for him to leave and offered you a ride back home. You would not have to take the subway and would get the chance to know him better.
 A win-win situation. 
The first minutes were a bit silent, but after you asked him if he should be driving since he had quite a lot to drink, he responded with an awkward stuttering that was rather charming. The conversation that followed was smooth as you realized he was way easier to talk to than you imagined. 
Smoker was respectful, always making sure that it was ok for you to talk about your past while sharing some things about his life as well. Inside of that car, he almost seemed like a different person. His brows were not furrowed ad his voice sounded relaxed. 
The ride ended too fast for your liking, and you saw yourself waving goodbye when deep down you wanted to ask him to stay for a coffee. Unfortunately, you couldn´t, maybe some other day. Now you had to make yourself presentable to meet your other half, your brother. 
The Light District was nothing like you had seen before. The entrance was marked by a gigantic golden arch, which carried an equally shining bell.
Tall palm trees swayed in the cool breeze, tinged with orange by the sunset. Luxurious establishments, whose signs began to be lit, occupied both sides of the clear sidewalk. 
From a distance, you could see the tip of the Ferris wheel of the Sora park. It did not spin due to the recess, but the lights remained on. The roller coaster that had been the cause of the accident was surrounded by tall metal poles, being repaired for the reopening of the place.
The driver Crocodile sent to pick you up lowered the window so you could enjoy the view to the fullest. Your hair started to fly in the wind, and a delicious smell of butter invaded your nose. The restaurants had already begun to heat up the pots to receive their customers.
The Light District was projected to offer convenience to the ones who were willing to pay the price. Therefore, all that was best was located in Eldorado Avenue, the main passage that extended for kilometers like a luxurious and soft red carpet. 
¨We are approaching the hotel, miss Y/N. Sir Crocodile awaits for you.¨
¨Uh...¨ you murmured, amazed by the view. 
You squinted when something reflected in your eyes, catching your attention, and a gasp got stuck in your throat when you spotted the famous Hotel Verde.
 Well, it was impossible not to notice it. 
First of all, it did not look like a hotel. It resembled more a small town. Even taller palm trees guided the way towards the entrance, both sides occupied by ponds and tropical plants. The building stood tall like a lighthouse and at the top rested an enormous golden statue of the reptile that represented its owner.  
You did not wait for Daz, the man your brother chose to escort you, to get out when the car stopped. You put yourself out as soon as the limo parked in front of the main stairway. After so many years without putting on a heel, maybe you would accept a hand to go up the stairs.
Your hands smoothed the dark green silk dress that dragged on a short tail, courtesy of Crocodile, along with shoes and jewelry. You looked like millions of dollars, and you felt like millions of dollars.
When the valet took the car somewhere else, Daz put himself beside you, offering you his arm. Your heart pounded like the Ox Bell at every step, and you breathed through your mouth, trying to keep your cool. 
You saw various types of people coming in and out of the hotel, all of them embellished with jewels and shiny tackles like Christmas trees. Each and every one exalted wealth and power, with their nonchalant glares and pointed noses. Your gut twisted, remembering Shakky and Rayleigh´s words, wishing Crocodile hadn´t turned into someone like them. 
The long stairway was divided in the middle by a golden rail, separating who went up from who went down. That might have been the reason why the man coming down your way caught your attention. Or perhaps it was the weight of his gaze, hidden by the reddish specs. His blonde hair and skin seemed like gold, the pink suit looked orange-ish due to the sunset, and his wide grin made you quiver. 
He walked with two men by his side, freeing the way for him. At some point, no one dared to come close to the stairs. It was only the five of you. 
¨Daz!¨ the man, who seemed more familiar now, exclaimed ¨I wonder who´s the person that would make you leave your boss´back.¨
He approached you, hungry gaze brimming on his tongue. He was tall and seemed even more as he closed the distance. 
¨Not even the luxury dolls get to be escorted.¨ he gently took your hand and kissed your knuckles with delicacy. 
You weren´t convinced by his gesture. If anything, you felt bothered to see him disrespecting the house´s rules, as if that disrespected you directly. ¨Tell me, dear, what is your name?¨
¨If you wish to know something from someone, it is more appropriate to introduce yourself first.¨ your voice came out indifferent and a vein popped on his forehead before breaking into laughter.
¨Fufufu I can´t say you are wrong!¨ he leaned back, large hand on his stomach. ¨I´m Donquixote Doflamingo. It surprised me that you couldn't put that together. Now tell me, doll, what do they call you?¨
You sighed and looked around, spotting a figure at the top of the stairs that lifted your mood and gave you all the strength and confidence you needed to end the conversation. A smile grew on your lips as you turned to Doflamingo, eyeing him with nothing but the will to leave. 
¨They call me Lieutenant-Colonel Y/N L/N, Division Surgeon of the Army. Or just LT Colonel L/N if you prefer.¨ you offered him a respectful nod before turning your attention to the man who waited for you with a smile on his face. ¨Now, if you excuse me, Mr. Donquixote.¨
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m0etenchandon · 5 years
Period sex (Reader x Joe Mazzello)
Pairing: Reader x Joe Mazzello Summary: Joe wants to help relieve your cramps, resulting in fluffy period-sex Warnings: SMUT (18+), fluff, period-sex, blood mention, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), fingering A/N: I only got positive response from you guys when asking if this was something you wanted to read, but if you don´t just skip it. It´s not really graphic, but there are definitely mentions of blood. Wish I was funnier so I could capture Joe´s personality better.. Thanks for reading! Wordcount: 2.6 K
“Are you sure there´s nothing I can get you?”, Joe asked with a pout. You were on your second day of your period, cramps actually slowly killing you. It was the first time Joe had experienced you on your time of the month, having opted to postpone them using your birth control for a while. You hadn´t been together for that long, only 5 months, and were still very much in that everything-ends-in-sex-phase of your relationship. Therefore, making it an easy decision to just skip them. However, you figured you could handle one period. What you didn´t expect, was how intense the cramps would be. Joe had immediately come over to your apartment when you told him, showing up with ice cream and chocolate. Being the amazing boyfriend that he was.
“No, just hold me”, you said, snuggling further into his embrace. His arm that was around you were drawing circles on your back, desperately trying to soothe you. He hated seeing you like this, hated feeling this helpless. There was nothing in the world he wouldn´t do for you.
“It´s so unfair that women have to go through this”, he said. Joe was leaning down to kiss your head when you suddenly fisted his shirt, feeling another wave of pain hit you. A whimper leaving your mouth as you clenched your eyes shut.
“Sometimes I wish I was a werewolf, you know like in teenwolf, and then I could take all your pain away”
“What are you talking about, Joe?”, you giggled, slowly opening your eyes to stare at his dopey face. Happy to be distracted for a few seconds.
“Just saying, I would definitely become a werewolf for you babe. And, bonus, I would be really fast and strong”
“You´re such an idiot”, you laughed. Putting your hand on his face, you leant up to press a kiss to his smiling lips. Completely melting into his touch, pulling away with a smile on your face.
“And besides, who decided that your boobs will look fucking amazing right now but be too sensitive for me to touch”, he pouted. You rolled your eyes, letting out a small laugh. “I love your boobs”
“I´m sure that’s awful for you, my love”, you said patting his chest. “At least you´re not the one who has to walk around wanting to fuck whenever and wherever”
“You see, that´s where you´re wrong. I would take you any surface of the house, anywhere, anytime. I will never not find you attractive, babe. Pretty sure I would fuck you even if you had the personality of actual garbage”
“Even if I never put on makeup?”
“Definitely”, he answered as he kept caressing your cheek. A huge smile plastered on his face.
“Or if I only showered once a week?”
“Even if I said I hated the Yankees?”
“Hmm, I´d have to think about that one”, he giggled before pressing his lips against yours. He pressed his tongue into your mouth, slowly moving. His hand holding your face close. Humming contently, you kissed him back.
“I could give you an orgasm, you know”, he blurted out once you pulled away. Completely taken aback by his abruptness, you raised your eyebrows. “I heard it helps with the pain”
“Well yeah, they do, but trust me you don´t want to do that”
“I would, babe. I´m serious, if you want to then I´m more than willing”, Joe said. You eyed him, searching for any sort of hesitation in his expression. Getting your period always left you a horny mess, just a small naughty thought making your heartbeat increase. You had never tried period-sex before, but from what your friends had told you it was a whole ordeal. It was messy. The relationship was so fresh still, and this was the first time he saw you in this situation. It felt so intimate, so personal. However, you found yourself wanting to. Needing him to give you an orgasm in fact. At least one. Your legs involuntarily clenching together.
“But it´s so messy”
“We´ll put a towel down, it will be fine, babe. I know you´re desperate to get off”, he said as one of his hands started teasing the waistline of your shorts. Shivers shooting down your spine. “I´ve seen how you bite your lip, how you clench those beautiful thigs together whenever I do or say something even mildly sexual. I know you want me, I know I turn you on”
“Aren´t you grossed out by all the blood?”, you asked. Your heart was beating at a million miles an hours, body warm with both arousal and embarrassment.
“You think I can´t handle a little blood, babe? I´m an actor, I see blood all the time”
“Yeah, but this is different”
“I want to, Y/N. Please, let me help you”, he said before caressing your cheek with his thumb. Eyes locking with yours. You bit your lip, contemplating his proposal. You couldn´t understand how he even found you attractive in this state. Your hair was in a messy bun, one of his hoodies covering your body. However, you trusted him. Trusted him to tell the truth, to make this pleasurable for you.
“Okay”, you whispered, seeing his eyes light up.
“Yes, now get to it”
You were impatient at this point, the mere thought of having an orgasm getting you excited. Your clit had been aching for his touch for days.
“Suddenly eager, are we?”, he teased. His lips started pressing soft kisses on your neck, your back arching off the bed in response. Your hand tangled in his messy hair.
“Do you have a tampon in?”
“Geez, yes, Joe. Oh my god”. You felt embarrassed at his words. He was so blunt, obviously not at all disgusted by the whole situation. Joe hummed against you neck, enjoying how you were squirming under his touch. His fingers started dragging down your torso, avoiding your sensitive breasts, and falling to rest just above the waistline of your shorts. Teasing, sucking onto the skin on your neck. He dipped them underneath, immediately finding your clit, making you gasp. You were so turned on, even the lightest of touches sending you into overdrive. The pleasure was so intense you found yourself arching of the bed, rutting against his fingers. The coil in your stomach instantly tightening, lightning bolts shooting up your entire body. Whimpers leaving your mouth.
“So responsive, Y/N”, Joe muttered against your neck. You could feel him smirk, but you were only concentrated on his fingers. You were so close already, clit twitching under his touch. He touched you with just the right amount of pressure, drawing perfect circles on the sensitive nub. “Are you gonna cum already?”. Out of breath, you found yourself not being able to answer him. However, the loud moan leaving your lips was all the confirmation he needed. “It´s okay, babe, you can let go. I´ve got you”, he whispered. That was exactly what you did. Your fingers dug into his scalp as you felt the knot in your stomach start to unravel. Your clit twitched, pleasure washing over you wave after wave. Joe´s name left your mouth along with a string of curse-words, eyes rolling back into your head. The orgasm was so intense, you didn’t even know what to do with yourself, legs shaking uncontrollably.
“Wow, that was quick”, Joe laughed. His breathing was short, the bulge in his pants uncomfortably tight. As your eyes fluttered open, you turned to look at your boyfriend. His eyes were blown wide, a thin layer of sweat covering his forehead. You placed a kiss onto his lips as your hand fell to rest on his bulge, earning a whimper from him. “Shut up”, you mumbled into his chest, embarrassed. Trying to regain your steady breath.
“Are you sure you want to do this?”, you asked as you slipped your hand underneath his joggers. His breath hitched in his throat as you wrapped your hand around his aching shaft. Desperately nodding his head.
Pulling your hand out, you sat up to discard your hoodie along with your shorts. Joe´s hands were all over you, caressing your every curve. He placed open-mouthed kisses on your shoulder, your neck, your jawline. Humming contently, you pulled of his shorts and boxers. His cock sprung up to hit his stomach. Warm and heavy. He pulled off his own shirt, before sliding your panties down your legs. His hand immediately inching its way towards your heat. You arched into his touch, before remembering that you still had the tampon in.
“Wait, I have to go and, you know, sort myself out”, you said as you pulled his hand away. Joe seemed to know what you were getting at, shooting you a smile as you headed for the bathroom. Your entire body felt hot, aching for his touch again.
You discarded of your tampon, grabbing a towel, and walked back into the bedroom. Joe was sprawled out on the bed, one hand lazily stroking himself. Your mouth watered at the sight, your knees growing weak.
“How do you want to do this then?”, you asked hesitantly. You really didn’t want to make a mess of the bed, and certainly not of Joe. The imagine of him covered in your fluids sending a shiver down your back. “I think maybe you should be on top”, you continued, walking over to him. That would at least make it a bit less messy.
“Come here, Y/N”, he beamed and rolled onto his side. He opened his arms and gestured for you to come lay in his grasp. You laid the towel down on the bed, before crawling over to him. Leaning down to place a soft kiss on his lips, you yelped as he flipped you over, your back against his front. He wrapped both of his arms around you, holding you close.
“This way?”, he asked, placing kisses on your shoulder blade. You nodded, walls clenching at the feeling of his hard cock poking into your backside. Joe lifted your leg, scootching closer to your heat. Reaching down, you lined him up with your entrance. “At least we don´t have to worry about lube this time”, Joe snickered against your shoulder, making warmth spread across your entire body. You couldn’t believe you were about to do this.
“Joe, I´m sorry it´s gross”, you whined. You were about to pull away when he thrusted his hips, sinking his cock into your slick entrance. The sensation was out of this world, a gasp leaving your mouth. You were so sensitive, both from your previous orgasm and your time of the month. You could feel every ridge, every vein of his cock sliding against your walls as he slid in inch for inch.
“Fuck, I love you so much, Y/N”, Joe moaned as he bottomed you out. Those three words never failed to send a smile to your face, butterflies going wild in your stomach. He had said it only a few weeks ago, but you were positive he meant it. You could see it in his eyes.
“P-please, Joe. Can you mo-move?”. You were impatient, craving the feeling of him filling you up again and again.
He nodded, pulling out before sliding back in. Moans left your mouth as he continued his slow pace.
“It feels so good, princess. So tight for me”, Joe whined. The frequency of his thrusts increased, sending bolts of pleasure through your entire body. He placed hot, open-mouthed kisses to your shoulder blade. The hand holding your leg up definitely creating bruises. The room filled with slick noises, along with the quiet whimpers and moans leaving the pair of you.
You felt your leg start to ache and by the heavy breathing Joe was doing, you could tell the position was straining for him too. “Wait, let´s switch positions, Joe”, you whimpered. He hummed, ducking under your leg to take you missionary instead. The new angle causing him to hit your g-spot. You let out a gasp, a smirk forming on Joe´s face as he started thrusting again. His now free hand started rubbing tight circles on your clit, you back arching off the bed.
“Better?”, he asked as he leant down to give you a kiss. You hummed as his lips met yours, your arms wrapping around his back, holding him close as you felt yourself nearing climax again. Joe was too, his breathing uneven, thrusts growing sloppy and less precise. “Gonna cum for me, Y/N?”, he asked, pulling back from your lips slightly. His breath hot against your mouth. Not trusting your voice at this point, you nodded before pulling him to you again. Your legs wrapped around his waist, urging him to finish as well. With a particularly angled thrust combined with his fingers working your clit, you were pushed over the edge. White, hot pleasure shot through your body as you felt Joe twitch inside you. He kept rubbing your clit, cock stilling as a warm sensation coated your walls. Your legs were shaking, fingers digging into his back. Your name left his mouth along with a string of “I love you”s  as he held you close. Riding out both your orgasms.
You stayed like that for a while. Joe on top of you, still inside. Your fingers traced circles on his back, enjoying just having him close. He placed soft kisses to your neck and jaw as you felt your eyelids growing heavy. “You can´t fall asleep yet, babe”, Joe hummed. You knew he was right, but you just felt so loved at the moment. His body hot against yours, dopey smiles on both your faces. You could stay like this for the entire day, but the slick feeling between your thighs kept reminding you that you had to shower.
As Joe slowly slid out, a hiss left your mouth at the sensation. He sat back on his knees, a grimace covered his face. “Not to alarm you babe, but it looks like a fucking murder scene down here”, he laughed. Your eyes went wide, hands flowing up to cover your face. You were absolutely mortified. Joe wasn´t however. He pulled your hands away and placed a soft kiss onto your lips.
“Oh my god, that’s so embarrassing”, you muttered once he pulled away. Reaching up to wipe his hair that was matted to his forehead away, he beamed at you. Butterflies going crazy in your stomach. “I love you, Joe. Thank you for doing this”
“I would say the pleasure was all mine, but from the sounds you were making I´m pretty sure you enjoyed this as well”, he smirked, wiggling his eyebrows at you. Giggling, you rolled your eyes.
“Shut up”, you mumbled, punching his chest lightly.
“Do you feel better?”. Joe caressed your cheek, genuine concern flooding his eyes. You leant into the touch, nodding your head. If not completely gone, the cramps had definitely gotten lighter. You grabbed his hand, placing a soft kiss onto the back of it, earning a huge smile from your boyfriend.
“Come on, babe, let´s get you cleaned up”, he stood up, holding out his hand for you. Trying not to let your eyes drift down to the mess you´ve made on both Joe and the bed, you went to stand up. Cringing from the slick feeling between your thighs.  “We can act out the shower scene from Psycho”
Permanent taglist (open, let me know if you want to be added or removed): @tanya-is-dead, @meghans-corner, @killah-queenz, @miss-tayylor, @sunflower-borhap-boys, @seasexnsun, @valkyrie-and-lokis-daughter, @joes-milk, @pantamemes, @unicornofdanger, @monochromedeacon, @pushthetide21
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I Just Want Them To Be Happy
When Lex Foster was eight, Hannah was born. She had known that she would get a sibling soon, her ‘uncle’ Gerald had explained it to her a few weeks before he went back to his wife. She didn’t really care at the time. She was so busy with everything going on at home and school. There was nothing to make her care about a living potato that didn’t even exist yet.
Her mom brought her home from the hospital and left the baby on the couch to go and sleep. Lex had picked her up before she could fall. Hannah was her name apparently. Lex remembered that her grandma’s name was Hannah. Something felt right, holding her sister in her arms. She felt like Hannah was more than her sister. She had to be there for her, their mother certainly wouldn’t.
Hannah was so big in her arms, but Lex was small, even for her age. As she looked down upon her little sister, she knew that she would give the world for her. She had the same green eyes as Lex, the only thing Lex could ever thank her mother for.
She held Hannah for hours, not knowing what else to do. She wasn’t as tall as the crib, so she would have to leave Hannah alone to find something to climb on to put her little sister in. She never wanted to leave Hannah alone. She could see everything in the room that could possibly hurt her. Lex couldn’t let anything hurt her little sister, no matter what.
When she finally stood up, Hannah woke up. She didn’t start crying like it showed in all of the movies, she just looked up at Lex with her big eyes. Lex recognized the glow of trust in those eyes, and she held her sister closer.
She walked into their shared room and looked at the old crib her mom had found a few weeks earlier. It was broken down, but Lex had made it as comfortable as possible for her. She had put her favorite soft blanket down so they wouldn’t have to lay her little sister down on just the hard wood. It was worth being cold for a bit if Hannah was comfortable.
“I’m going to set you down on my bed, don’t roll off, okay? I know it’s not comfortable, but it’ll only be for a minute.” She promised the baby. Hannah just cooed.
She sat Hannah on her bed, the baby now laying on her back. Lex walked back to the crib and noticed a drawer at the bottom. She pulled it out and tested stepping on it. The wood groaned in protest, but it wouldn’t break.
Lex walked back to her bed and carefully took Hannah back into her arms. Her little sister looked tired, and Lex couldn’t bring herself to move. She hummed as Hannah slowly started to fall asleep.
It took ten minutes for Lex to talk herself into putting the baby in her crib. She could hold her sister forever. In her arms, Hannah was safe. Lex also felt powerful. Like she could do anything as long as she had her little sister by her side.
When she was finally in her crib, Lex watched her for an hour. She made sure that Hannah was still breathing. When she was sure her sister wouldn’t be going anywhere, she left the small room to get herself something to eat.
Within a year, Lex learned how hard it was to take care of a baby while going to school. She learned how to change diapers, how to mix formula, and how to shelter Hannah from their mother.
It was hard finding someone to watch Hannah while she was at school. She didn’t talk to many adults, or anyone at all, and Hannah would scream and cry every time she left the room. She needed someone who could deal with her little sister without scaring her.
It ended up being a woman from the street across from the trailer park. A newly married woman named Charlotte. She had offered, and Lex hadn’t had any other option. She had cried in relief when she came back after school to see Hannah eating apple sauce and watching the television.
When Lex was thirteen things changed. Hannah was able to go to school, and Lex herself was making money. Her newest ‘uncle’ had made her a deal, and she started selling. Even some high schoolers were buying from her. She had a pile of money under her bed.
Life got harder as well. Her mom drank a bit more, and when it was at its worst it was no longer just protecting Hannah from yelling. She had to use makeup to hide little bruises on her arm.
Hannah was also having trouble in school. Lex was told by Hannah’s teachers that she would throw tantrums and wasn’t socializing with other students. When she talked to her about it, Hannah cried.
One amazing thing happened though, she met Ethan Green.
She was waiting for a buyer at the playground. Hannah was playing with a stuffed spider that she had wanted named ‘Webby’. The transaction went well, and she walked back over to Hannah with fifty dollars in her pocket. Even Hannah had dubbed it a good day.
They walked hand in hand to the Dairy Queen and stood in line. Hannah was staring at the menu, eyes wide. They made it to the front of the line, and Lex ordered herself a dipped ice cream cone and fries while Hannah got a banana split. Hannah smiled when she heard the order.
Lex noticed Hannah getting antsy, messing with the straps on the backpack that was almost the same size as the five year old.
“Why don’t you and Webby go and find us a table?” She asked, smiling down at her little sister. Hannah looked nervous, so she tried to comfort her. “I’ll be right here, and you can quietly play while we wait.”
That seemed to do the trick, as Hannah nodded and rushed off. Lex turned back around and watched as they worked on their order. The small place was a bit busier than normal, but Lex didn’t notice. Until she heard Hannah talking to someone. It wasn’t in the same way as she talked to Webby, but almost like how she talked to her.
She turned around and was met with a sight that was...odd. Hannah was hugging Webby and talking to a squirrelly boy with curly dark brown hair. He had on a leather jacket that was about four sizes too big and a shiner that made anything her mom had done look like nothing. And Hannah was talking to him as if she had known him for years.
She quickly walked over and got between Hannah and the boy. “Who are you?” She asked. Her tone was a bit harsher than she had meant for it to be, but the boy seemed to back down. She counted it as a win.
“I’m Ethan. Ethan Green.” He stated. It was obvious he was trying to be smooth, but his voice cracked as he finished saying his name.
“Okay, Ethan Green, why were you talking to my sister?” She asked, looking back at Hannah to make sure she was okay. She was smiling.
“I saw the kid sitting alone. I wanted to make sure someone was here with her.” He explained to her.
Lex turned sharply and studied him. He didn’t look threatening, and his eyes didn’t have any malice in them. “Okay.” She said. She held out her hand “I’m Lex.”
They shook hands and her order was called. She left and watched as Ethan got in line. She walked back with the ice cream and fries and gave Hannah her share. She smiled as they both ate their ice cream.
“Webby says that Ethan is nice.” Hannah mentioned as she dug into her banana split.
Lex smiled and looked at the line, where he was messing with the cuff of his jacket. “Well if Webby says so I’m sure it’s true.” She smiled at her younger sister and took some of her ice cream.
A few minutes later she heard his voice in a pleading tone, “Come on man...all I have is three bucks. It’s just a dollar difference, no one ‘ll notice.”
“Hey, Banana, can you watch my ice cream for a second while I go do something?” She asked, and the five year old’s eyes widened in glee as she nodded, eyeing the chocolate covering on the ice cream.
Lex got up and walked over, “Hey, you dropped this at our table.” She said, extending a five dollar bill towards Ethan. He looked down at it, then back at her before carefully taking it from her.
“Oh, um, thanks.” he mumbled. Lex nodded once then walked back to her seat with Hannah, who had chocolate all over her face, assuming that was the end of their interaction. It was not. Not even ten minutes later three dollars were put down next to her fries as Ethan sat down next to her.
“I can’t pay you the other two back, but thanks.” He said. And he started eating his burger. She decided not to make him move. For the first time since she saw Hannah on the day she was born, she felt like she was with family.
The first time she kissed Ethan, she was fifteen. They were at a party. Someone had made jello shots and they were all playing seven minutes in heaven- spin the bottle edition. Ethan was across the circle from her, and he was on his third or so shot. They had been keeping up with each other.
They had become close, and they did almost everything together. She came to him when she kissed Deb from their fourth period. And he came to her when he had his first kiss with Zoey. Those two were now in the corner, making out.
Lex watched as the others in the circle stared at her, eyes wide as she spun the bottle. She noticed James from the smoke club staring at her and Joey Richter seemingly praying. She was starting to get nervous.
Slowly, the bottle started to slow down and it came to a stop pointing at Ethan. They both looked up and stared at each other. There were a few ‘oo’s and ‘aa’s as they slowly and shakily got up. They were then pushed into the closet together.
Lex looked up at Ethan, and he looked back down at her. He looked more nervous than she did. “Um...Lexi, we don’t have to do anything in here if you don’t want to. But if you do want to-” She cut him off by giving him a quick peck.
Ethan then pulled her close and the two actually started kissing.
They stayed in the closet for longer than seven minutes.
The dream for California was born when she was sixteen. Mr. Huston had left because his wife died or some shit, and Lex had flunked out of school. Now she was working at ‘Toy Zone’, where dreams went to die and old creeps came to get toy ponies.
They were sitting outside of the trailer sharing a blunt. Lex had called him crying after her mom gave her a black eye, which she was now icing. She had Ethan’s jacket draped over her shoulders, and Hannah was playing with her toy spider.
“I just want to get out of this fucking town…” Lex mumbled, resting her head on Ethan’s shoulder. “I want to take Hannah and never have to see anyone from Hatchet Field again.”
“Well if you don’t love my ugly mug you could’ve just said so.” Ethan joked. He felt fondness rise in his chest as she looked up at him with a smile. He wrapped his arm around her.
“You would come with us. We’d go somewhere happy. Where it never rains and it’s always warm. Where Hannah’s teachers would understand her and I could be an actress.” She mumbled, taking another hit.
“And as final fuck you to our parents” Ethan added, “I’d get my GED. Show them how smart I really am. Maybe even go to college so I could become a doctor or some shit.”
“You are smart. And I’d want Hannah to be happy. I want her to have everything and more. I want her to experience everything. I want her to see things I never got to when I was her age.” Lex told him, something new bubbling in her chest.
“Like what?” Ethan asked, looking down at his girlfriend.
“Like the beach. The closest thing to a beach she’s seen is the shitty lake in Clivesdale.” She explained. The picture from that day was hung on a mirror in her room. Ethan was there, and he’s kissing her in the photo. Hannah is making a sandcastle with Webby on top.
“What about Florida?” Ethan asked after a moment of thinking. Lex looked up at him with her eyes swimming with laughter.
“People from Florida suck. Jamilia from world history is from Florida.” Lex responded, smiling up at him.
“Good point. Hmm...beaches….what about California?” He asked, “Beautiful beaches and Hollywood. I bet they have good schools too. Added benefit, it’s across the country”
“California…” Lex mumbled, and something felt right. “I like it. Me, you, and Hannah. All in California.”
“Hey Banana Split!” Ethan called, the tiny girl looking up at him with her big eyes. “What do you say that one day Me, you, and your sister go to California?” He asked.
Hannah mumbled something to herself or to Webby and looked back, “Webby says California is good.” She smiled.
Lex hit Ethan’s stomach lightly “Don’t get her hopes up for something that won’t happen.”
He looked at her, “Who’s to say it won’t? I’ve got the van, and you’ve got the job. I bet within a year, if we save all of our funds and keep spending to a minimum, we could just go.”
“You’re not fucking with me, are you E?” her voice was filled with doubt and surprise.
“Cross my heart and hope to die. I’ll get us to California.” He told her. Her smile was so bright it could light up the world more than the sun.
She kissed him and he held her. “I’ll get us there Lex. If it’s the last thing I do.” he promised.
Lex is seventeen when her first Black Friday at ‘Toy Zone’ approaches.
She meets with Ethan after she takes the doll and shoves it into her bag. She learns about the change in price, and her world is changed. They have more than enough money to make it now.
Hannah starts to have a panic attack and begs to go home, and Lex looks up at Ethan. “Seven thousand is more than enough for me to leave early.” She smiles down at Hannah, “What do you say we get the fuck out of here tonight?”
Hannah nods and hugs her tighter than ever before.
Her and Ethan leave, not knowing what they had left just in time. Stopping by both of their houses to grab the suitcases packed so long ago and the stashes of money hidden around the trailer. Lex leaves the note for her mom on the coffee table she paid for.
They sell the stupid fucking doll to a man in an alley, who thanks them more than anything. Ethan tells her on the way out just how much he spent on repairs and Lex swears that she wouldn’t leave him even if they didn’t have the extra cash.
They drive for days, hardly stopping. They only stop for gas and bathroom breaks, only stopping at a motel when they’re more than a thousand miles away from Hatchet Field. They get one room with a queen size bed because Hannah still has nightmares when she sleeps alone.
They pile together and fall asleep holding each other close. On the news the next day Lex sees her old teacher holding a woman close as he explains the horror that they faced on Black Friday. He’s also got his son close by and Lex’s heart breaks a little thinking of how she left things.
She shoots him an email, apologizing and wishing him well. She tells him that she’s okay. He replies within the hour, thanking her.
When they all get up, they take turns in the crappy shower. Hannah goes first and comes out in an oversized flannel shirt and jeans, Ethan’s hat firmly planted on her head. Her hair is still wet and she goes to Ethan, who poorly braids it for her.
They drive for another fourteen hours until they reach the state line. Ethan drives them to a motel in one of the bigger areas near the beach. They pay for a room and Lex excitedly pulls Hannah to their room with their bags.
Lex pulled out a bright and new yellow swimming suit for Hannah along with some black shorts. It had little bananas and pineapples all over it. She had bought it for Hannah when she had gotten her first paycheck that would go to their move.
Hannah saw the beach for the first time when she was nine years old. She cried with joy.
They took a picture of them and a picture frame for it is the first thing they buy for themselves in California.
Lex is eighteen when she is once again surprised by Ethan Green. She’s eighteen when she has the best night of her life.
Everything was perfect. They have a two bedroom apartment. Ethan was working at a car shop and Hannah was helping with other kids on the spectrum while Hannah was at school. Hannah still sometimes slept in their bed, but for the first time in her life she had her own room.
She went to auditions in her free time, and Hannah and Ethan were always there when she didn’t get a call back.
Then she gets a call back. She’s surrounded by people who look like her, who sound like her, some who are better than her, but she got a call back. She cries when she’s told. Hannah draws a spider on her arm for luck.
They ask her to sing thirty two bars and perform a monologue. They smile when she sings and nod as she performs. They say to keep her eye on her phone.
She goes home and hugs Hannah and kisses Ethan. Ethan smiles and mentions that he has a surprise for her, one that includes Hannah having a babysitter for the night. Lex laughs and hugs him, kissing his cheek.
She looks in her closet and pulls out a dress she bought for her first audition. Even though she didn’t get a callback, she loved it more than any other outfit she bought. It symbolized something new, a chance.
Ethan refuses to tell her where they’re going. He’s dressed more formally than she’s ever seen him, all formal except for his leather jacket. They drive for less than an hour and she smiles when she sees the beach.
The sun is still up when they get out, and Ethan grabs a picnic basket. She smiles over at him, “This is the cheesiest thing we’ve ever done.”
Ethan just smiles and holds her hand as they walk down, then he lays the blanket over the sand. They sit on the blanket and eat some of Lex’s favorite snacks. She smiles when she notices he’s bought everything he knows she likes.
“This is all very-” She stopped herself and smiled, taking another bite out of a bag of chips he had brought. “Where did you get champagne?” she asked, eyeing the drink. “All of the places around here card you.”
“A friend from work bought it for me” He replies, wiping his palms on his jeans. It’s a nervous habit Lex recognizes from when she first met him.
They finished the food and set it aside to cuddle and watch the sunset. She then noticed Ethan shift, and she sat up completely to look at him.
“So, um, Lexi…” He started. Ethan looked at her, smiling nervously. “I’ve known you for five years. I’ve loved you for five years. And I’ve been willing to do anything for you and Hannah for five years.” He spoke softly, but his voice was still strained and nervous.
“Oh my fucking god…” Lex spoke, her eyes filling with tears.
“I asked Banana about it, and she said that Webby approves. So,” Ethan shifted awkwardly to be on one knee as he pulled out a ring “Lexie, will you-” he was cut off by her kissing him.
When she pulled away he smiled at her, “marry me?” he finished.
“Yes!” She smiled, wiping tears from her cheek. Ethan smiled as he put the ring on her finger. It was a moonstone engagement ring with tiny diamonds on it.
“Holy shit E, how much did you spend on this?!” She asked after inspecting it more. Her smile was still so wide it hurts.
“I’ve been saving up since we moved here, so I spent about six hundred on it.” Ethan told her honestly.
She was too happy to care how much money he had spent.
The same night she got a call saying she got the role. She was going to be an actress.
Lex is twenty when she gets married to Ethan Green.
It took a year and a half of planning, and even longer to put it all together. Ethan is attending the community college nearby, Hannah has been going to extra art classes, and Lex has so many roles now. She’d been cast as a lead in a production of The Addams Family Musical, and more people saw her.
More went into planning a wedding than either had expected. Finding invitations, making reservations, hiring a florist, and more.
Lex took Hannah to help her choose the dresses. They decided on a greyish white flowy dress with flowers for Lex and a blue dress that went just above the knees for Hannah, her maid of honour. They left with the dresses and smiles on their faces.
Ethan had invited a few people from work, some from school, and Henry Hidgens, his uncle from Hatchet Field. Lex had yet to invite anyone.
She took time to decide on who she had wanted to invite, and she made the decision to invite Tom Huston and his family. He checked up on her every week or so, and he was the closest thing she had ever had to a dad.
He RSVPed as soon as he got the invitation. Lex couldn’t stop smiling for a week. He had emailed, asking to bring his new wife and kid.
The day finally arrived, and Lex was in her room, changing into her dress. Hannah had on her favorite flannel over her dress, and she had her hair pinned back with flowers braided in. The sisters sat in the room.
Lex stared into the mirror as she finished with her makeup. She was never one to wear much, so it was taking longer than expected. Hannah’s playing with Webby as she waits for her sister to finish and drive them to the venue.
It takes three hours to do her makeup, but soon Lex is driving herself and Hannah to the venue. Hannah smiles as they arrive. “You look really pretty.” She tells her older sister. It takes everything in Lex to not start crying, so she settles for just hugging her sister.
They head inside and soon everything starts. The audience is small, but in the front sits Tom Huston smiling as he holds the hand of his girlfriend Becky Barns. His son Tim is next to him, smiling at Hannah. Tom’s sister-in-law is next to Tim, holding the hand of a man who looks very uncomfortable.
Ethan walks out and fidgets with the rose pinned to his suit. He looks up as the music starts and people rise.
Hannah and Lex walk down the aisle, and his breath is taken away. Lex is just glowing, and he almost can’t breathe. He can’t imagine how she could look any more beautiful. Hannah gives her away, and they stand, just looking at each other. It’s only when the minister clears his throat does Ethan remember to move the veil.
Ethan says “I do” before the minister is even done talking. He blushes, but Lex can’t stop smiling up at him.
When they kiss, it’s better than any kiss they’ve shared ever before. People cheer but it feels like they’re the only two people in the world.
They pull away and Lex has the biggest smile in the world. They move on to the reception room, where food has been set up for the handful of people around them.
Ethan goes to talk to his uncle, leaving Lex to talk to her old teacher. She walks up to Tom and his family with a nervous smile. Hannah is playing with his son.
“Alexandria!” His eyes light up and he hugs her. She hugs him back and she smiles at the safe feeling she gets from it.
“I still go by Lex Mr. Huston. How’s life?” She asked. She looks at his family. His girlfriend has her bright red hair down, and his sister in law is dancing with the guy she brought. He seems to be calm around her.
“Well my life is pretty good now. I’m finally teaching again.” He smiled. “Jesus Lex, this is amazing. I’ve seen you in those commercials, and in that one movie. You’re our very own Hatchet Field star.”
Lex smiles and nods “Thank you sir.” she still isn’t used to praise from those that she cares about, even though Ethan and Hannah give it out freely.
“I’m real proud of ‘ya Lex. You’ve always been a really good kid.” He tells her. His voice is laced with sincerity, and Lex can’t help but hug him again.
She is introduced to Emma and Paul, who are apparently engaged. Emma smiles kindly at her, as if she recognizes something in Lex. They get a quick congratulations and then time for the first dance.
She walks back up to Ethan who is smiling at her like she’s his entire world. And she knows she’s looking up at him with the same look.
It’s less of a dance and more of them just holding each other and swaying, but it’s perfect.
After an hour people are starting to leave, giving the two their last congratulations. Tom makes sure that he gives her a check as an extra gift, and she cries as she hugs him again.
Tom is also the one watching Hannah for the three days of the honeymoon. They’re staying at Lex and Ethan’s house, which they bought when Ethan turned twenty a few months after she did.
They kiss as they drive off to the first five star hotel either has ever been to.
Lex is twenty-one when she and Ethan assume legal guardianship of Hannah. It takes a lot of paperwork, but the look on Hannah’s face is worth it. They go out for ice cream and Lex can’t help but start crying. It’s the best day of her life.
Lex is twenty-three when her and Ethan start talking. Hannah is fifteen and landing on her own feet as a person, and she has friends and her art. Lex is so proud of her little sister. She feels like Hannah doesn’t need her as much anymore.
Hannah’s out with her group of friends, and Lex and Ethan are sitting on their couch in the front room. They’re holding hands and Ethan is rubbing circles on the back of her hand as they watch a movie.
“Tom is visiting next week. He’s bringing the whole family, even the new baby.” Lex tells him, resting her head on his shoulder.
“Him and Becky finally had a kid, huh?” he asks her, smiling lazily as he looks at her. She nods and he swallows nervously.
“You know, we would be great parents.” Ethan mumbles, kissing her head.
“We would…” Lex replies. Her tone of voice is questioning.
“I was thinking the other day, what if you and I tried to have a little one?” He asks, feeling his confidence returning.
“You wanna have a kid?” She asks. Her voice isn’t terrified, so he continues.
“Yeah. Think about it. You raised Hannah when you were eight years old, and she’s the best person in this fucking world. Imagine what our kid would be like now. We’d be great parents, and we have the money and help.”
“You know, I think you’re right.” She smiles, “I think we should do it. Me and you.” She kisses him and they smile at each other.
Hannah hugs them both for ten minutes when she hears their plan to have a baby.
Lex is twenty-five when she finds out she’s pregnant. Hannah is the first person she tells and the two of them cry.
Ethan comes home to look at his two favorite people in the entire world smiling at him from the couch like maniacs.
“What’s going on here? Banana Split, you look like you’re going to explode.” He smiles nervously.
Lex hugs him tightly “It’s finally happening…” She mumbles as he hugs her back. It takes him a moment to realize what she’s talking about, and when he does he starts crying.
They go out to celebrate. They discuss and decide not to tell anyone until they’re sure and Lex is five months pregnant. Ethan holds her hand throughout dinner and he can’t stop smiling like an idiot.
Hannah talks about possible names as she sorts her food. Her eyes are as bright as they can get as she pictures having a niece or nephew.
They go home full and happy, and Hannah goes to her own room. Her room is full of posters and toys. Her desk is covered in college acceptances, just waiting for her to make her choice. NYU or the University of Denver. Lex told her that she could go to any one and they would make sure she could go. She was hoping for an acceptance from the Pratt Institute of Arts.
Hannah climbed into her bed and held Webby close, falling asleep as she mumbled “Today was a good day.”
Ethan could kill Tom. When he had asked, the older man talked about how wonderful it was to have a pregnant wife. How Becky was just a little tired, but that was as bad as the mood swings got. Tom was a fucking filthy liar.
While Lex was the love of his life and he loved her more than the world and the universe, she was a force to be reckoned with. He couldn’t blame her, as she had a life growing inside of her, but it was hard to be her husband at times.
At five months, they told everyone. Tom had cried and Becky couldn’t stop smiling. They had told them over Skype, and Lex had cried.
At six months they found out that they were going to have a son. Ethan was like a beam of light and Lex couldn’t stop smiling for the next week. Hannah couldn’t stop cheering when she found out.
Hannah left for Pratt when Lex was eight months pregnant. There was a lot of crying at the airport, and Lex couldn’t stop telling her little sister how proud he was of her. Hannah had been through so much, and she was so happy. She had accepted herself and been accepted by those around her. She couldn’t imagine what could’ve happened if she would have stayed in Hatchet Field, surrounded by ignorant fucks.
When Lex went into labor, she was at the beach with Ethan. They were dreadfully unprepared. Lex put on her coverup and they drove to the hospital. Surprisingly, they weren’t the only ones there wearing swimming suits.
It was fifteen hours of hell, for both Lex and Ethan. Lex was in unimaginable pain, and Ethan had to watch the one person in the world who he would give anything for in unimaginable pain. He was there for her as best as he could be though.
The delivery room was filled with Lex’s screams for over an hour. She’s screaming and breaking Ethan’s hand. He stays by her side and doesn’t complain.
Lex is twenty-six when her and Ethan’s son is born.
He’s six pounds and seven ounces. His hair is brown and his eyes are blue like his dad’s. He’s a tiny angry ball, wailing loudly.
Lex holds him and looks down, and she feels the exact same thing that she felt when she held Hannah eighteen years ago. It felt right, holding him in her arms. She loved him just as much as she loved Hannah immediately.
“Hi…” Her voice is raspy. And he looks up with curious and loving eyes. The same eyes that she remembered Hannah looking up at with her.
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nah-never-mind · 4 years
50 things you can learn from a Korean drama
Hot, rich, younger men love fat, older vulgar women.
If you have a best guy friend, he is in love with you. And secretly you are too.
You and your boyfriend will always playfully chase each other on an ice rink, at the beach, or in the leaves. And you'll laugh for no reason and your boyfriend will hit you "playfully" but the force of his push will have you flying across the room. But it's okay. Cuz you're still laughing like a crazy person.
Brothers/cousin/uncles/nephews will always love the same girl.
You're allowed to make U-turns wherever you want in Korea. And there is never traffic on the side you want to u turn to.
There is a super quick payment device that allows you to pay a bill quickly enough for a guy to run immediately out of a restaurant after his angry girlfriend storms out.
Everyone has cancer.
If you're sick, all you need is an IV to make you feel lots better.
There is vomit and urine all over Seoul at nights.
Fighting at a pojangmacha with a random stranger is merely part of a normal night's event.
Soju must cost 10 cents. Everyone drinks it everyday all the time, especially the poor people.
If you're rich, you're a jerk.
If you're poor, you're an angel.
Women sleep and wake up with a full set of makeup on.
You're not studying hard enough unless you get a nosebleed.
If you have a nosebleed, you most definitely have cancer. And you have no money to pay for the surgery that will save your life. And your liver is missing. We're not sure where it went, but it's making your cancer progress faster.
If you work in a sool jeep, you have massively curly hair and wear flashy colors from the early 90's.
You always order orange juice or coffee at a cafe. And you never drink it. EVER.
You will always call your boyfriend by his job title. Or simply sunbaenim. Never his name. Never. He doesn't have one.
If you TRULY love each other, you must die together in the end. Frozen outside instead of finding shelter like sane people. Just frozen....
You go to America you come back miraculously successful. You go to England you come back amazingly fashionable. You stay in Korea the only thing that changes is your hairstyle.
And if you come back with no apparent reason then it's because you have cancer.
Everyone always goes to the same hospital no matter where they are.
If you stand out in the rain for more than five minutes, you'll end up with a fever and vertigo and people will rush you to the hospital to get some magic IV. And instead of taking an ambulance or driving they'll race you on their back.
Even if you're poor and can't eat, you never wear the same clothes twice.
If you play a poor kid, you always have dirt on your face and your hair is always messy.
If you're saving someone from being hit from a car, you'll push them out of the way and wait for the car to hit you instead. Big Smile Couldn’t be more true, they’re like a deer in the headlights.
Everyone has a long lost sister/brother/twin. Usually one they didn't know about.
If you don't want to answer your phone, you can't just turn it off. The battery needs to be taken out.
All Korean men can drink hard, smoke long, sing well and play piano. Usually all at the same time. And at the same restaurant that has a piano that they let anyone use.
If you're in a relationship, you must at one point leave and have your lover tearfully come RIGHT before you board the plane (vice versa applies as well. You can be the chaser). 60% of the time you see each other, the other 40% you're roaming around in circles and pass each other about six times, but miraculously never see them.
If you're getting off a plane, you're ALWAYS wearing sunglasses. ALWAYS.
All guys wear hideous tracksuits zipped up to their neck. Even if all they're doing is jump-roping.
Girls will always storm off because they're mad and the guy will stoically grab them by the arm and swing them back—and by magic, not dislocate their shoulders.
Guys always look like they're 6 feet tall, even if they're only 5'10. Thank you, camera angles.
Guys like to wear foundation, eyeliner and sometimes a smudge of lip liner.
You always get stuck in an elevator with someone who makes you feel uncomfortable. Even if there are six different elevators, you'll always be stuck in the same one with that bastard you hate (or just fought with).
Unless you're fabulously rich, your in-laws will always hate you.
So will your sister-in-law.
Your brother-in-law might be pining away for you.
There are only 2 ways to kiss. You either press your lips against theirs with your mouth completely shut, and just press away for a very long and uncomfortable time. OR you devour the other person and suck out their soul. In both instances, the world spins.
A guy will always get the right size ring, even if you're never held hands.
People stare off into space and ponder a lot. They'll just stop in the middle of the road and watch a leaf on a tree for a good three minutes, and just ponder.
You'll get pregnant the first time you have sex.
You'll get pregnant if he kisses you on the forehead.
Hell—you’ll get pregnant if you hold hands.
If you overcome great obstacles to be together, one of you must die. Probably due to cancer.
One Korean man can kick the butts of 6 gangstas. Especially when they all stand in a circle and attack the guy one by one. Then when each of them get their butts OWNED, they wise up and attack the guy at the same time. Then the guy will get pulverized and bleed out onto the dusty concrete floor of the empty warehouse they've found to fight in. There will be a fire in a trashcan somewhere. And the girl will have watched this the entire time, screaming in horror. Instead of calling 119, she'll just watch and cry. But it's okay. Cuz the next day the guy will be fine with a few random bandages and a few face scars. But never a black eye.
It ain't a real fight unless the gangstas fight dirty with a stick or switchblade.
If you study in the states (preferably Harvard), you are one of the top students and can speak perfect English (as assumed by the reactions of those around you). Why the rest of the world OUTSIDE of the TV can't understand a single word uttered out of your melodramatic mouth is beyond me.
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@hatofmischief​ cont. from here
“What, is that some kind of stupid pun?”
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She loved it. Not that she would say that out loud. Liking puns was for dorks.
“Ugh- anyways I’m just saying. If you’re like, going to bother with dressing up why not be accurate. There’s a costume rental booth at the other side of the festival you know.”
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Oh right, didn't I get zombified during that zombie incident?
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I should really do something about that skeleton in the main hall. 
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@ahtohallanfound​ cont. from here
It wasn’t something that had been noticed right away. But it seemed that starting from when Elsa had expressed interest in purchasing the plot of land she now owned from the Northwest’s family company, there had been a stirring in the woods. Sightings of something monstrous and howling. And as time passed- it only grew more powerful.
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“I believe you can. You purchased this property from my family awhile ago and I just have some questions for you.”
Pacifica wasn’t sure just how much of the spectral hauntings Elsa had been exposed to. But the whispers in the woods worried Pacifica, there were too many coincidences. She had to be sure that this woman was prepared. It would be like sending her into the lion's den if Pacifica didn’t at least warn her that something dangerous was stirring in the woods.
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Dumbass vibes
Anonymously tell me what kind of vibe I give off
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Says the dumbass that can’t even hit anon.
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@hatofmischief​ cont. from here
“Yeah yeah- don’t mention it. Literally.”
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There were parts of Pioneer day that Pacifica loved and parts that were well. Exhausting. This was a day that attracted trouble with the ghosts. Somehow she’d gotten roped into one of the Pines twin’s adventures and every bit of her body was sore and tired. She simply didn’t have the energy to nag Eclypsa at the moment.
“You were hovering by the food booths right? Do you know where I can get like, some coffee? Anything? I need something.” Especially after trying to keep up with Mabel. Was there still ghost slime in her hair? She couldn’t get it out.
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Wait who am I as a person outside of my parents????
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All my personality traits and my interests were shaped because of them. Am I just a copy of them? Or a mish mash of traits they just liked and tossed into a person?? An extension of them???? I literally like, was NEVER allowed to exhibit any kinds of traits or interests that they didn’t approve of.
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pinetrce replied to your post: I can’t like, necromance for shit but I can...
I dunno, I just read the incantation. Does that not work for you?
I tried that but it’s still difficult! The best I can do is make them twitch or groan. I don’t know how you managed to summon an entire hoard.
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I can’t like, necromance for shit but I can certainly try.
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