#mako swtor
mandoart · 8 months
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an old art of my first bounty hunter Berra :>
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swtorpadawan · 1 year
How I Ask Someone to Run a SWTOR Operation With Me
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“Shut up, Lady. Altaca, you’re coming with me.”
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pirunika · 1 year
What’s ninos relationship like with the rest of the bounty hunter crew plus any add ons in your lore :)
ahhh love this questionnn thank u <3
Mako : i think Mako's first impression of Nino was like ohh she's cool and kinda scary looking... we will win. and then saw her carry someone's boxes for no reason whatsoever and got like... Oh no. she's even worse than me.. we're going to die. inside does appreciate her kind heart even though she also thinks Nino needs to be a lot more cunning if they're meant to win!!! they are best friends.
Gault : i think Gault is both annoyed at and fond of Nino. Yes she does get in the way of his plans but he also knows she'd come to save him if anything happened as he said later on she's one of 2 favourite ladies and secretly Nino does enjoy the finer things in life so you can see them chilling and enjoying a (very) expensive bottle of wine
Blizz : Mako and Nino both find him sooo cute and unknowingly can be condescending at times but I don't think it bothers Blizz, and he likes them both a lot!!! Nino ofc respects that Blizz knows his thing as someone who can barely use a vending machine. she's like *o* watching him work ( actually this is her @ Mako too)
Torian : WELL.......... :) tldr I believe he really fell in love at first sight as for Nino it was a slow thing and if Torian had responded to any of her early exaggerated flirtations she'd likely not have fallen in love? she was kind of like...testing the grounds. Let's see if you ll jump the first willing woman way lol ( never said she doesn't have her flaws xd) but other than that they have similar hobbies and personalities like both soft-spoken and calm and would rather camp than find a hotel etc also it helps that Nino can't even make ice while Torian well - u know
Skadge : Honestly Nino accepts him into the crew as 'canon fodder' lol like the first thing to sacrifice if things go south or this person to take during dangerous missions bc whatever lol and while they'd never be friends, she understands that they had different lives and experiences that shaped them. He kind of brings an aggressive side to her which is admittedly necessary in their field of business.
Treek : i think they understand each other the most out of anyone being from very alien cultures that value many different things than themselves in their self-imposed exiles. While I can't say they are best friends in the traditional sense they are very close, like.... family.
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jaerantsandwritesblog · 8 months
I feel that Mako has a force sensitivity she's not aware of, and her skill in slicing in addition to just raw talent is how she expresses it, and why she was able to sense the sith spirits at the temple despite turning her holonet scanner off. The same applies to her medical skills. She's got just an instinctive knowledge of what's broken and how to fix it. However, in addition to having too kind a heart for such a really brutal and ugly business, I feel she's got Force heightened empathy and feels the emotions of those you face in combat as well as the planet at large, which means Balmorra was really rough for her though she hides it to prevent being a liability to you. Poor thing needs the biggest hug. But she tries, and that's what matters, plus the fact that she always tries to push for the more reasonable and mostly humane option makes her so endearing to me.
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swtor-legacy-sitcom · 2 years
Mandalorian Justice Has a Cruel Streak
The human trafficker bounty was one Mako was excited for. These were the bad guys. these were the scum she had signed up to take down as a Bounty Hunter. When Wrathe took Skadge, she took it personal. But when Skadge looked at her and said “You Don’t want to go on this one. Trust me Girlie.” She had a bad feeling.  Just, uneasy. It was the look on Skadge’s face
His face had turned from a leer into a nervous glance. Something was wrong. Several hours in, there was just that sense of dread, Gault and Blizz were working on the ship, Torian was polishing his weapons with a soliditary she hadn’t seen before.  Mako had checked the servers in worry. she managed to find a security feed to the place. The epitome of depravity, violation, and exploitation she was expecting to find with a dozen free women and kids was a slaughter house. 
Skadge was being violently ill, or a houk was, as several hardened Sith, hutts and ‘trainer’s were being butchered in ways that... could even turn Skadge’s stomach. Many missed calls. No holo replies. Skadge had come back behind Wrathe. He headed up to the holo-terminal to look at several of the targets.  He was not ok. He was quite his body movements were... off. He was not ok.  Skadge had made some sort of comment about “too bad they couldn’t keep two of those twi’lek cuties.”
Wrathe had been pondering something on the holo, stroking his chin, when he heard the comment. Mako felt a spray of something on her face, and La’Wrathe kept talking like he hadn’t noticed anything. Mako realized in terror it was the Houk’s blood. She gasped and held her mouth Wrathe had grabbed a vibroknife, plunged it into Skadge’s neck without turning, between his jaw, and ripped, over his shoulder, splitting the Houk’s tounge and jaw in half.
He just stood there, mouth gaping, in pain, while Wrathe pretended like nothing happened. He was not ok. this was not ok. She could only stammer and offer to get a medkit, Wrathe told her not to bother, that Skadge was just leaving. Wrathe just hovered near the boarding ramp as Skadge tried to flee in terror.  In the end Wrathe just watched him crawl away, just... watched... like he wanted to make sure he stopped moving. Mako felt like the world was crashing in.   Working on instinct, and a need for answers, Hauled Skadge back and learned how to set a houk’s jaw, and sew a tongue back together.
The next bounty they went on was after Skadge recovered. He hadn’t talked to her since. She wanted answers. This time, they weren’t even gotten back in the hatch yet, Skadge made a joke about Mako ending up there. There was a blur of black armor.  Mako later learned, there was a part of a Houk’s skull on either side, that if crushed with fingers in a certain way, it caused a slow and agonizing death. Wrathe had, to her horror, eased up the pressure to prolong Skadge’s suffering.
Mako called him off. She was beside herself.  Where had this come from? what was wrong with him? She could only sit down on the stairs, playing with a tool when Gault came by and Spoke. He was not a fatherly or Uncle type. but he said what she needed to hear.
“Go upstairs. go to bed. Your Mando needs you”
“what?! after? all that?” Mako gasped
“Mako...” Gault began
“He’s... he’s acting like...”
“The houk!” Gault yelled, pointing at the medbay, “Is PISSING himself in terror right now, laying there, twiddling his thumbs, PRAYING, you go upstairs and this blows over. We’ve all been worried what might happen if Skadge crossed a line. GUESS WHAT? He did. one cruel joke too many. Meanwhile...”
“Am I supposed to just pretend like it never happened? to just kiss him and cuddle up like I didn’t see...”
“Some people need killing. We know this. If he had to have a cruel streak over one thing, shouldn’t this be it? Skadge made a joke about some twilek girls, on their way to a battered women’s shelter by now. But you? oh, the only thing keeping Skadge alive, and we know it, Skadge knows it!  Is you called Wrathe off.  And right now, he’s upstairs, alone. All he wants is what we ALL want. to get paid, and go back and get some sleep after a job. He loves you Mako. But I’m running out of distractions for Blizz, so he doesn’t find out, and Torian can only polish so many weapons. we won’t be ok, until you two are both ok. 
“Gault? thanks.” was all she could say Gault gave her a heartbroken look. These kids. these damn stupid kids...”
Mako went upstairs she found him sitting on the bed.. “I love you.” was all he said. no apoligies. he didn’t need to. some people just needed killing. and He needed Mako. Mako needed him.
They went to bed.  Things were always normal the next day. They never talked about it again. some people... just needed killing. They still did the human trafficker jobs. the red light sector busts. But Wrathe went with Skadge. Mako wished them well waved goodbye laughed... they all knew what was coming. what would happen.   Skadge’s demeanor recovered slowly, but it did recover.  They didn’t talk about it. There were jobs Skadge was kept around for. Jobs he didn’t want to do, but knew a hand for hand was necessary.
 What really killed Mako though, was When Skadge looked back. it wasn’t a gloat. it wasn’t your boytoy is like me. It wasn’t a threat. It wasn’t It’s payback and you’re next. It was a moment of fear, uncertainty. Skadge owed Mako his life. and the only thing keeping him alive, Where jobs hunting the bad guys.
I’m coming back... right?
They came back, Skadge made some crude joke about entrails, and Wrathe and Mako went to bed, holding each other tightly. They didn’t talk about some jobs Some jobs, you needed a big sociopathic sledgehammer. 
Skadge is hated for reasons. I don’t have the stomach to remove entrails. Skadge does. but if you think, Wrathe won’t do it himself... well...
angst brought by ADHD brain and new meds. yay
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reliciron · 6 months
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SWTOR + text posts - part 3
part 1, part 2, part 4
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lanabenikosdoormat · 9 months
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my gift to you all
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seventh-line · 7 months
Swtor: Who Gives the Best (and Worst) Gifts
The best gift-givers:
Kira Carsen
Felix Iresso
Akaavi Spar
Malavai Quinn (He just knows EXACTLY what to get.)
Ashara Zavros
Torian Cadera
Vector Hyllus (His gifts are kind of weird, but sometimes end up being practical. Mostly they're just sweet momentos and keepsakes from the places you've been.)
Raina Temple
Lana Beniko
Koth Vortena (Idk why but I just feel like this guy KNOWS how to shop and exactly what to get.)
The worst gift-givers:
Nadia Grell (She's trying so hard.)
Corso Riggs (Gave you a blaster/explosive/weapon for the 50th time.)
Aric Jorgan
Elara Dorne (Genuinely thinks her gifts are great and useful. They unfortunately aren't.)
Jaesa Willsaam (Light)
Jaesa Willsaam (Dark)
Theron Shan
Doesn't even bother:
Andronikos Revel (Honestly it might be he just forgets to sometimes.)
Kaliyo Djannis (She also might even have the gall to expect something from you, but wouldn't care too much otherwise.)
Arcann (Unless you can pressure him to, he doesn't see the point, and reserves gifts for very special occasions.)
The only gift you need is him:
Doc (Has absolutely no idea what to get you, and all the audacity.)
Khem Val
Lol I started this before Christmas to try and get it done before then. Anyways, as I am creatively bankrupt, send me ideas! Of any kind!
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riachuelowii · 2 months
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Finally played all the Swtor story classes, I have not played through Onslaught fully yet, this is my companion tier list
For both Dark Side Jaesa and Zash, yeah no, I played through Warrior and Inquisitor only once
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68spidey · 11 months
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More Korvan ft my buddy's OC and Mako!
She suggested a blindfold so he could comfortably remove his helmet around her. He appreciates her efforts! One day he'll be comfortable enough to show his face
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sullustangin · 6 months
Fluffy February 2024 Master List
Huzzah! I wrote 29 things for Fluffy February (ok, 28 things plus one very fluffy chapter for my bigger fluffy fan fic).
Highlights: I developed my canon for both Lenn Teraan and Cole Cantarus. I wrote another Akaavi/Mako piece (someone needs to write them an epic Carbonite Years fic). I posted my most explicit work so far (is that a low light?). Dr. Oggurobb has decided to weigh in a lot lately.
I'll post the round up list, and then reblog with the AO3 link.
Snow -- 10 ATC - the smuggler crew lands on Alderaan
Eavesdrop -- 22 ATC -- Someone is spying in the cantina.
Entertain -- 21 ATC -- Theron and Eva do an intel drop at a casino.
Learn -- 10 ATC -- Eva learns how to dance from Lenn Teraan.
Planet -- 29 ATC (chronologically "now" in canon) -- Eva buys a planet. Because.
Fire -- 36 ATC -- Eva, Theron, and the big family on Odessen roast marshmallows.
Recovery -- 24 ATC -- Eva recovers from the Nathema Conspiracy. Risha makes sure of it. CW for untended anorexia.
Smile --over the years -- Theron's teeth may not be real, but his smiles are.
Storm -- 5 ATC -- Eva meets her first magnetic storm.
Care -- 21/22 ATC -- After Theron is injured, Eva makes sure he gets the care he needs.
Quest -- 39 ATC -- Theron and his band of adventurers... need to go to bed.
Discipline -- 40 BTC -- the Grand Admiral headcanon/backstory that's been rattling around.
Splurge -- 25 ATC -- Eva buys Theron a gift that isn't exactly what he wanted.
Free space! I added to Elysium, for a little while.
Craft -- Carbonite Years -- Akaavi knits something for Mako for the first time; in terms of the relationship, that's a big deal.
Spontaneous --- Theron and Eva rope Lana into one of their schemes.
Pleasure -- 22 ATC -- Eva speculates on some of the alternative universes in which she met Theron differently.
Pain -- sometime between 25 ATC and 29 ATC -- Bit of a kinky piece wherein Theron has his old scars replaced by Eva. This is Explicit for sexual activity, biting, bruising, and blood.
Shadow -- the legend of the Voidhound, from a child's perspective.
Partners -- 21 ATC -- A Theron/Eva heist fic, with their radio comms as cover
Reward -- 40 ATC -- Dr. Oggurobb finally retires... or so he thinks, thanks to Bowdaar.
Sacrifice -- 29 ATC (between patches 7.2 and 7.3) -- Theron sacrifices one of the few things to survive from his childhood. Eva is a pregnant person in this fic, so CW for that.
Dance - Eva dances with Jace Malcom. This is a continuation of an eventual post-Nathema fic about a party.
Apology -- 28 ATC (Between Elom and 7.3) -- Theron liberates Arcann from his job at a fast food join in Dromund Kaas by punching him in the face. No, I will not elaborate (I will totally elaborate).
Kiss -- 21 ATC -- Theron thinks about the his views on good morning kisses in the early days after Eva's return.
Rain -- 21 ATC -- Theron finds Eva out in the rain after Koth is worried about her. It's not as bad as it looks.
Protect -- 14 ATC -- Dr. Oggurobb meets the Voidhound on Makeb.
Shy -- 13 ATC -- Cole Cantarus becomes friends with benefits with Eva (she pays at the bar).
Fresh -- anytime after 23 ATC -- C2-N2 tries to start spring cleaning on Virtue's Thief. "Tries" is the operative word here.
@fluffyfebruary, @ayresis, @starlightcleric, @ermingarden, @blueburds-but-swtor, @vihola, @commanderlurker, @sarpndo, @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond, @vexa-legacy, @grandninjamasterren
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snarkspawn · 1 year
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thank you for asking @swtorpadawan <3
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roamingswtor · 2 months
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Rogue Agent set is also on sale, and I'm obsessed with using it for Vette.
(and for Reena obviously)
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i-looove-dillydallying · 11 months
Female npc’s when playing a female bounty hunter:
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jaerantsandwritesblog · 8 months
I'm still mad that you can't romance Mako as a girl. Even though I really do enjoy romancing her as a male bounty hunter, for the voice alone if anything, I've always pictured them as a transfem/transmasc couple and see them as the ancestors of the Tikal clan which eventually trickles down to my OC Verde.
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