#male fae x non binary reader
monstersandmaw · 2 years
Hey Ghosti, did we ever get a story for Kiridai (from Bronwyn’s story)? He seems so interesting/mysterious and I’d love to know more about him! (also I just reread Bron’s story for the nth time, i love her sm 🥺)
We did! Although, as with a number of my old stories, tumblr has quietly messed up the spaces and formatting a bit. It’s still readable but it’s not great. I’m on mobile so I can’t easily sort it out right now, but if you still want to read it, it’s here, with an nb reader (sfw).
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Hi I saw that your headcanon requests were open so I wanted to request m reader x Sebek if that’s ok
And thank you for writing for the male and non binary twist fan out there!🥰
also if you have emoji anons may I be 🐌 anon ty
Thank you for being my first ask snail! and you're welcome! I adore this fandom and wanted to provide some of my own writings about it!
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Character: Sebek Zigvolt Description: Sebek X Male Reader headcanons! mostly being general relationship headcanons as well as a few of my personal. Word Count: 317
☆ To get this boy's attention, you had to be like Malleus or did something to get his attention from his young lord, which to that, I congratulate you!
☆ With that being said, I like to think Sebek balances out his schedule to have a sweet time with his lovely boyfriend, if his schedule can’t be changed he will provide a gift!
☆ I have a strong headcanon, that is very dependent on fae types, and the gift would be based on what would catch his eye. 
☆ Since Sebek’s fae typing isn't mentioned I am going to go with crocodile, being that on his wiki it mentions his family's high “biting power”. Even being half fae and human, I like to think the fae instinct still kicks in. 
☆ Crocs themselves like bright colors, so imagine Sebek having a busy day and can't spend as much time as he could with you, so he comes in with brightly colored flowers so that he can show that He misses you and wants to provide a proper courting item.
☆ When it comes to affection, I like to think Sebek shies away from PDA since he is one of the guards of Malleus, but in private HOO BOY, he is a big ol’ baby when it comes to it. Purring and cooing while nuzzling into his boyfriend’s neck or chest. 
☆ Since he has a front to put up, he will deny all allegations with a faint pink on his face “NO! I DO NOT PURR! WHERE ARE YOU PULLING THESE OUT OF??” 
☆ All of Disomnia adores you! You make their rage cucumber relatively calmer, He is still loud and protective of Malleus but he focuses on both Malleus and you. ☆ Overall, Sebek, despite being busy and focusing on protecting Malleus, is an attentive partner and is willing to take care of you as well.
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eroticmonstersimp · 2 years
Male minotaur x non-binary reader
(please ignore any errors)
You released a heavy sigh as you saw the one person that always seemed to ruin your mood enter through the door of your shop. Luke. He was a stuck up fae with the ego of a drunken orc.
Usually fae were calm, gentle beings. But not luke. He was raised by centaurs after he was found abandoned by the riverside as a baby. You would think he had been raised by orcs... catch his ego.
"Hellloo my one and only. How is your day going lovely?" Luke smirked
"Fine unti-."
He cut you off. "Wonderful! I'm glad to hear!" With a roll of your eyes you turned around to act busy with some glass jars behind you. Maybe he would think your busy and leave.
"So have you got an answer for me yet lovely?" Luke had been trying to court you for almost a year now. But you always refuse. You were big on personality. So luke failed almost immediately. You werent interested in someone who cares more about their looks than those around them.
"I already told you man, my answer is no, and will always be no. I'm not interested. "
Luke stomped his foot like a toddler. "And why not? I'm the most good looking guy in town. I do not understand how you can say no...to me!"
"You should ask yourself that. You've been at this for almost a year now but not once have you showed me you were actually interested in me. You've never tried to get to know me, ask me my favorite color or even buy me flowers. Last time I checked most beings show interest to those they fancy. "
He laughed. It was loud and high pitched almost. "So is that what you want my lovely? Flowers? Tell me what kind and I will buy them for you. I don't know if you knew this but...I am no poor being." You sighed for the tenth time in Luke's presence. He was completely missing the point. That is how you knew he was not really interested in you as a whole. Only your appearance.
"I want none. My words obviously flew over your head."
"But lovely just sa-" The front door to your little shop opened with the ringing of your father's bells over head. In ducked a minotaur who easily stood at almost seven feet. He was wearing a dark grey cloak and had a fairly large sized bag swung over his shoulder against his side.
"Welcome to flowers and potions how can I help you?" The minotaur looked down at you with a relaxed expression. The fur on his face was long and thick. You noticed a few grey hairs here and there. He was up there in age it seemed.
"Do you carry rosemary, peppermint and lavendar?" His voice was groggy and deep, but also calm.
"Yes we do!" You turned and pointed to the back left corner of the shop. "Right back there is all what you ask for. Let me know if you need anything else." The minotaur simply nodded and walked towards the direction you pointed. His hooves made loud stomping noises as he walked away.
You looked up to see luke still standing in his spot from before with his arms crossed against his chest. You blew a breathe. "What is it?"
Luke sucked his teeth. "I don't quite appreciate how you just ignored me for a stranger." You rolled your eyes.
" what do you expect me to just ignore my customers to talk to you?" Your voice raised slightly in annoyance. Luke never failed to make your blood boil.
"Yes actually. That is how your suppose to treat your future husband an-"
"EXCUSE ME? FUTURE HUSBAND? WHO SAID YOU WERE MY FUTURE HUSBAND?" Luke looked at you in shock in result of your sudden outburst. He quickly regained his usual smug look.
"Well...my lovely. I mean there shouldn't be any disagreement here..I am the best looking guy in town, so why would you refuse me?"
"Um I don't know. Maybe because I'm not interested. Ever thought of that?!" If you werent mad before you were now. Luke had nothing but the audacity. All he did was come into your shop every few days and annoy your head off for his benefit. And now he pulls this! You were tired!
"How are you not interested? I'm luke! The most handsome fa-"
"Excuse me." You looked to your right to see the minotaur waiting to be checked out. You had'nt even noticed him walk up.
"Oh! I'm so sorry! Were you able to find everything you need?" You quickly looked over the items he started to set down on the counter to add up the price.
" I did. Thank you for asking." The sound of the shop door quickly opening and closing caught your attention. Luke was gone. You released a sigh of relief. "He seems a little ahead of himself." The minotaur grunted.
You chuckled. "He is. He's been trying to court me for the longest now. But I continue to refuse him. But he just wont leave me be. It truly has me drained." You gasped. " excuse me for ranting." A light blush spread across your cheeks.
The minotaur breathed out a small chuckle. " no need to apologize. I can tell you are aggravated with him."
" yes I am. It is exhausting dealing with him on a weekly basis."
"I can only imagine." The minotaur gave you a small smile. You returned it and slid his items back across the counter top.
"That will be 20 coins." He reached into his bag and pulled out a small drawstring pouch. He reached out and set the coins down in your hands. You could feel the fur on his hands. It tickled your fingers.
The minotaur packed the items into his bag and made his way to the shop door. " I wish you well with your situation." He chuckled.
You giggled. "Thank you. I also wish you well." He nodded and ducked back out the door.
You stood alone in your shop. You looked down at your fingers where his fur swept across them. You could still feel the warmth.
Right after night fall you closed up shop. You had swept the shop floors, dusted the counters and made sure everything was in place.
You were surprised luke hadn't shown back up. But you definitely weren't complaining. You enjoyed the quiet.
After the minotaur you didn't receive very many customers. Only the little old lady from around the corner who had a tea obsession and a few other beings passing through.
After Locking the shop doors you walked out into the quiet streets of town and made your way home. You were tired. "Y/N! On the way home for the night?"
You looked over to see Mr.Wentworth. He was an older man who sold daily essentials. He always had a bright smile on his face, no matter the weather. "Yes sir! You know me, once the sun goes down I close up."
Mr.Wentworth let out a laugh."I do not blame you child. Gets pretty boring around here at night. Here." He handed you a small bag. You raised an eyebrow.
"Its my new signature soap, made from honey and dandelions! I need someone to test it out for me. Tell me how it does." Mr. Wentworth gave you a smile.
"Okay then. I'll make sure to give a thorough report next time I lay eyes on ya." You said your goodbyes to mr.Wentworth and made your way home. About half way there you noticed quite a few beings gathered around an old alleyway.
Probably some drunkens. It's none of mine to worry.
"Give it up old man! We know your carrying something valuable on ya! Just help us out." You looked over as you past by to see a group of lizard folk and rakasha gathered around someone standing in the alley. You couldn't quite make out who it was though.
"Instead of stealing from an old man why don't you lot go out and get jobs. It will surely make you more that'll last longer than what I have." You recognized that voice.
"Shut it old man and hand over the bag. You old minotaur always be carrying valuable stuff on ya. It never fails. "
Minotaur? The minotaur! The one from your shop earlier. You cautiously made your way over to the group. "Excuse me, but what are you all doing to my friend here? I've been looking for you for quite a while now."
The group looked at you hesitantly. You ignored them and stared at the minotaur. Trying to signal him to play along. He cleared his throat. " I do apologize. I went out for a drink and forgot how to get back to you."
You nodded. "Its fine. Just come on now. It's getting late. Have a nice night you all." You turned on your heel and started to walk away. You could hear the minotaurs heavy footsteps behind you. You were surprised the group let you both go so easily.
"Thank you." You looked over at him and smiled.
"No need to thank me." The minotaur grunted and followed close behind.
After about five minutes of silent walking you decided to ask a few questions."I just realised, I do not know your name."
"You may call me Astaroth."
"Astaroth.." you whispered. Letting the sylobols roll off your tongue.
"And yours? "
"My name is Y/N. A pleasure to officially meet you." You reached out your hand and shook his large one. "I take it you are not from here? I haven't seen you around before."
Astaroth chuckled. "Yes, I'm passing through."
"Do you have a destination?" You asked.
Astaroth paused in his tracks. "Actually I do not. I guess you can say I'm looking for a place to settle. But until then I am a traveler."
That caught your attention. How long had Astaroth been on the road? And why? You held your tongue. You didn't wanna ask to many questions and seem nosy. "Do you have a place to stay for the night?"
"I was just about to ask if you could lead me into the direction of an inn. I should've checked into one earlier. But I forgot." He let out a nervous laugh. "The older you get the more you forget."
You laughed. "I must be elderly in mind because I'm always forgetting something." The both of you continued to laugh. "The inns here are very expensive. You can stay at mine for the night."
Astaroth eyes widened."Are you sure that will be alright?"
"I'm sure. You can sleep on the couch."
You opened the door to your small cottage and invited Astaroth inside. "It isn't much but...home sweet home."
He visibly sniffed the air. "It smells wonderful in here. "
"Ah yes. That would be mr.Wentworths lavendar candles. He gifts them to me on a regular basis." You walked across the room and hung your bag on the hook in the corner. "You may sit if you like. Make yourself at home."
Astaroth nodded and made his way over the your couch in the middle. You heard him let out a grunt as he sat. "Are you hungry Astaroth? I can whip something up real quick."
"Please do not go out of your way for me. I do not want you to feel as if you have to do extra because of my presence."
You smiled. Astaroth was very polite. You knew the night would be a cool breeze. "Its quite alright. I'm pretty hungry myself to be honest."
The sound of your creaky old cupboard was heard as you opened it to grab your cutting board. "Say astaroth. How old are you? If you do not mind me asking."
He laughed. "How old do you think I am?"
"Hmm, 30's?" He looked to be maybe in his late 30's. Judging from the grey hairs.  You had heard minotaur grey earlier than humans do. Astaroth let out another loud laugh. You swear you could feel the vibrations within your chest.
"I would say you were close, twenty years ago."
You gasped. "Your fifty?!"
"I am." He nodded. "53 to be exact." You hummed in response. You could tell he was a little older but not that old. Fifty three?! He looked good for his age.
"I must admit I'm horrible at age guessing. I do apologize."
"Do not worry young one. I actually take it as a compliment." His voice was laced with amusement.
A blush spread across your cheeks at the nickname. Young one. You liked it.
You walked over and placed the plate of food in front of Astaroth. You noticed he had removed his cloak and laid it across the back of the couch. His upper half now bare. His chest was covered in dark beautiful fur. "It isn't much. Just some bread, cheese and fruits. I hope it is enough for you."
Astaroth gave you a smile. "It is more than enough. Thank you."
About an hour later you came around the corner with your arms full of blankets and pillows. "Here you are. This is all I have to spare. Let me know if there is anything else you may need."
Astaroth thanked you and lifted the blankets from your arms. "It is highly appreciated. I doubt there is anything else I will need. I wouldn't want to bother you anymore young one."
There it was again. That nickname. You cheeks were burning up. Though you couldn't tell if it was from a blush or from the fire crackling in the fire place nearby. You bid good dreams to Astaroth and turned to make your way back to your bedroom.
"Wait." You turned around at the sound of Astaroths voice. "I have a question for you."
You smiled. "What is it?"
He looked over towards the fire place. The reddish orange flames reflecting off of his dark fur coat. "I would like to thank you for your hospitality. How about breakfast tomorrow? On me. "
If you weren't blushing before you were now. "That would be wonderful. Thank you."
Astaroth nodded, propped himself up onto your living room couch and covered himself in your blankets. "Good dreams then young one."
"Good dreams Astaroth."
Astaroth ended up staying with you a little longer than planned. Ah he promised, the next morning he had taken you out for breakfast. It was simple but you enjoyed it. Over the food the two of you told eachother of your stories. Astaroth had been born in the mountains, his parents a part of a small village of minotaur. Until about twenty he resided in the village. He loved his home of course, but he found it lonely. Each morning waking up to the same people, the same routines. Rarely did the small village get visitors besides the usual traders bringing in goods. So once the young minotaur gained his chance, he left. At first his parents were worried for him but soon realized he would be just fine.
The longest he had stayed in one place was five years, a much larger village down on the countryside. There he had met another minotaur, much like himself.  Before he knew it, he had fallen in love. Things didnt last long though. The other minotaur had grown tired of the countryside and wanted to travel to the city. Astaroth had no problem with that, having been traveling for years himself. But the other minotaur had wished to leave without Astaroth. Telling him that they saw no future with the other. Of course astaroth was upset, but he had no choice but to let his love go. Not long after their depature Astaroth himself left the village, continuing his traveling. 
You told of how you had grown up with your father, your mother having left with another with you were ten. Your father had been a gentle man with a love for herbal medicine. He taught you how to conjure up tinctures for muscle pains and syrups for sore throats. Everuything he knew, he wrote down, keeping all of the information stored away in multiple books, none of them large enough to hold all his wisdom. 
A while after you had turned 16, your father had opened up the shop you know ran yourself. From day one business had been steady. The locals had been receiving remedies from your father before you were even born. So no trust had needed to be gained. 
Now you were at the age of 30. The shop had been running for a little over 17 years, your father retiring 5 years ago. He still made regular visits to the shop, randomly quizing you. It was his way of keeping you sharp. You had moved out at 23, getting your own litttle cottage on the edge of town while your father still stayed in the house you had been raised in, located near the towns center, 
You and Astaroth sat and chatted for hours, asking eachother questions and enjoying the others company. You told the older minotaur that he was welcome to stay with you as long as he needed. You enjoyed his company, the only person you had every really stayed in a house with were your parents, and it had been years since that. 
A week later you were in the shop, grinding up dried pine needles with your mortar and pestle. The bells above the shops door chimed and you looked up to see none other than Astaroth making his way inside. “I thought you would like some company.” his voice had a deep rasp to it. You smiled and motioned the large minotaur behind the counture. 
“I do believe i would like that.” you opened a small cabinet beside the counter and retreived another mortar and pestle, placing them in front of your new companion. “While your here, you can give me a hand,” you smiled. Astaroth nodded as he watched you drop a few bundles of dried usnea into his mortar. He picked up the pestle and started grinidng at the usnea, the fuzzy looking plant not taking long to reduce into a light green powder. 
“What is this used for?” he asked, continuing the grind the powder. 
You poured your grinded pine needles into a jar, half way filled. “ it is called Usnea, or what my father likes to call old mans beard, “ you chuckled. ?” its is a slow growing lichen that grows upon the bark of tree branches, buy it doesnt nesscarluly need the bark to grow. They’re antibacterial and the powder can be used as a bandage for small open wounds such as cuts as scraps. You can also make teas with it. Great for clearing congestion and cold.”  The minotaur had stopped moving, his dark eyes focusing on you. 
“I would have never known.” 
The shop door opened and in walked your local nightmare. Luke. “good evening lovely.” he didnt even ackniowledge Astaroth’s prescnece. In his arms he carried a large bouquet of flowers. They were marvelous. Gourgeous. The fae lightly placed the flowers in front of your. “Tulips to represent your Perfection, along with Peonies to idolize your beauty and elegance.”
What had happened to Luke in the last week, you weren't sure. Nevernhad he gifted you flowers, or had been so soft spoken. Luke gently grabbed your hand, rubbing his thumb acorss your knuckles. “ i ask for your company tonight. Allow me to treat you to dinner.” oh it was obvious something had happened. Maybe the self centered fae hd finally realized how much of a nausaince he was. You chuckled in embarrassment,m slipping your hands from lukes. The gesture was nice, it was. But you couldnt help bnut think it was all a set up. Luke had never treated you this way, never brought you gifts, or even politely ASKED you of anything. 
Astraoth stood idly, watching the scene unfold. “Im sorry luke, but my answer is no. i just dont fancy you.” A visible frown sunk upon the faes cheeks. He snactehd up the flowers, a few escaoing the bundle and anding on the counter. 
“Whatever more do you want from me!” he yelled, his eyebrows furring in fustration. “ you ask me to buy you flowers and i do that! I just do not understand you!how could it be so hard to say no…to ME!” the angered fae roiughly gripped the flowered between his knuckles. He turned on his heel, heading for the door. “It is fine.” luke swept a hand through his bright colored hair, rearranginf the strands that had fallen out of place. “ inm sure there is a woman mroe deserving you somewhere close by. Dont come running to me once you finmally realize im the best here for you. Specifically better than that minotaur.” he stomped out the door, tulips and peonies falling in trail behind him.
You quickly turned to Astaroth, anger evident on his face. “That stuck up boy really needs to learn some manners,” he growled. You sighed, placing a hand on the large minotaurs forearm. 
“And that he shall learn from some other than you or I”
Astaroth had gathered all of the fallen flowers, placing them in a vase, filling it a third of the way with fresh water. “There is no reason for these beauties to go to waste, now is there?” you smiled, putting away the last of the now grounded herbs. 
“No, there isnt.”
Within the hour the shop had been closed, the sun already starting to set on the horizon. Mr.Wenworth was where he always was at this time of evening. Standing at his small wagoned shop, selling his essentials. You walked over, hand raised in freeting. “Good evening Mr.Wentworth, what do you have today?” the old man looked over at the sojnd of your voice, his face immediately lighting up in joy. 
“y/n!” he rounded the wagon, enveloping you in a hug. “ let me think dear..” he rerounedd the wagon, moving aisde a few jars and crates before he pulled out a small basket. “This! Is my newest creation. A bundle!” inside were a couple bars of homemade soap as well as perfumes, candles and a bttole you didnt recognize. The old man picked up on your wonderment and plucked the bottle from the basket. “It is soap! For the dishes. Made of boiled ivy leaves. It actually does a wonder, and it smells good too” you gave a light laugh as he returned the bottle to its place. 
“This is impressive, “ you complemented, “when will it be for sale?” the old man snapped his fingers in excitement. 
“As soon as i get enough bundles put together to sell!” he pushed the basket towards you. “This one is yours. You are what i like to call my little helper. Let me know how they work.” Mr.wentworth turned to astaroth. “Dont let them forget. This one has a bad memory.” Astaroth gave a loud laugh, taking the basket from his arms to carry himself. 
“I will make sure of it.” the two of you said your goodbyes to Mr.Wentworth, making your way home. The streets werent as busy tonight. Mostly people preparing to close up shop for the night and children rushing home for dinner.
You opened the cottage door, Astaroth followin gin behind you. “Mr.Wentworth is quite the Company,” he said, placing the basket aside the sink. 
“He is. He’s been making soaps since i was young. Its all i ever use.”
“Well that explains why you alwasy smell so lovely.” a blush rose on your cheeks, the warmth travling down your neck. Thankfully the fire hadnt been lit yet, Astaroth couldnt see you. You stood hung your bag on its hook as usual, making your way around in the dimly lit room as best you could. Heavy footsteps traveled across the wooden floor. Astaroth genrly grabbed your arm, leading you towards the couch. “I suggest you sit as i get a fire going. Don't want you tripping in the dark.”
You sighed and relaxed within the cushioned seat. “And what about you astaroth? I assume you cant see any better than i can.” 
“I asume i can young one. Us minotaur see just well in the dark. I find it helpful when traveling at night.” so he could see. Another blush covered you. Could he see how he made you react? 
Astaroth had been nothing but lovely within the week you had spent together. Helping you in ghe shop. Cleaning the cottage and even fixing you food. A true gentleman he was. You had to admit, you had developed a little crush on the minotaur. You blamed that nickname he adressed you as. ‘Young one.’ it never failed to make your legs weak and have your heart pound against your chest. 
A small flame lit in the fireplace. The quiet crackles slowly growing with the brightening flame. Astaroth loomed over it, poking at the wood pieces causes bright red embers to rise. Once the fire was lit astaroth stood, crossing the floor towards the kitchen. He lit a few candles, providing a bit of extra light. Soon after he returned to you, sitting down beside you. 
There was a comfortable silence, only the fires pops and cvrackles reaching your ears. Occasionally you could hear Astaroths deep breathes if you focused. “I truly enjoy my time with you,” he suddently said, his larges hands fiddling with the cloth of his pants. “But i feel i am intruding if i stay much longer.” 
You whipped you head towards the minotaur. His large statur looming over you even when he sat. “but you arent1 i told you you were welcome to stay as long as you wished.” he huffed, letting the ckoth loose from his grasp. 
“I am aware. But i still feel as if im overstaying my welcome. I do not wish for you to grow tired of my presence here.” you slipped your hand into Astaroth’s much large one. The warm fur tickling your skin.
“Trust me Astaroth, that wont happen. I enjoy your being here. I enjoy the talks we pursue. I enjoy your help around the shop. I simply love having you around me. You make me feel so…” you paused. You didnt know what to say. You knew exactly how he made you feel, but couldnt put it into words. “Jus dont leave. Not yet. Stay a few more days atleast. That way i can prepare some things for you to take along with you.”
You didnt want the minotaur to leave. But you also couldnt force him to stay. Astaroth was his own being, with his own mindsets, feelings and emotions. Astaroth lightly squeezed your hand, his eyes gazing into the fire like they always did. “I dont wanna leave you. But i am afraid of a repetion of the past.” 
The other minotaur. They had left Astaroth, giving him no type pf warning of their true feelings of him. You rubbed your thunb across your companions. He continued to gaze into the fire, dark eyes gklazed over. “I assure you, here will be no repetition.” he turned to you. “We havent known eachother long but, i know how i feel. I care for you Astaroth. I love your company. Your the sweetest being i have ever met. Everyday you clean for me, make sure ive eaten and make your way to the shop, helpoing me with whatever i request. None of those thin gs you do for me are nessacery. I quite fancy you Astaroth.” it was your turn to gaze into the fire, eyes wide in fear of rejection. 
The minotaur placed a hnd below your chin, guiding you to look at him. “At first, i did thosr things in a way to repay you of your hospitality. But soon i found myself wanting nothing else but to be doing for you, young one. Your knowledge of plangts and herbs fascinates me. The way emotion fills your eyes as you speak of your passion of something way more than i will ever understand alwasy leaves me wanting to listen to you talk more.”
He ran his thumb across your jawline. You gently closed your eyes, a satisfied sigh leaving your lips. “Then do not leave.” 
He didn't reply in words, instead the minotaur leaned in, pressing his forehead against yours, his horns were cool as they made contact with your skin. You placed a gentle kiss to his cheek. The two of you sat that way in what fekt like a pleasurbale eternity beforre finslly astaroth pulled away. His hand still held your cheeks. You laid your own atop his. The fires warmth was a blanket across your exposed skin. Its heat only adding to the warmth you felt in your chest. 
Astaroth gave you a smile before standing, breaking your contact. “I hope you dont think im gonna llow you to bed without any food do you?” you laughed, your stomach tightening. 
“Well i guess not. What shall you he preparing for me tonight Astaroth?” 
“Whatever i can find to satisfy you.”
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thetravelerwrites · 3 years
Shelter Forest: The Towns (Masterlist)
Ichabod (Male Demon/Fae: Het) Part 1, Part 2 (Lemon)
Arkag (Male Orc: MLM​) Part 1, Part 2, (Lemon), Part 3 (Lemon)
Eli (Male Jackalope Rabbitman: Het​) Part 1, Part 2 (Lemon)
Balkat (Male Orc; Het, Lime​)
The Purple Hoarder (Female Japanese Dragon; WLW)
The Swamp Singer (Male Frog Fae; Het​)
The Freeloader (Male Sheep Satyr; Het​)
Wrykas (Male Minotaur; Het, Lemon)
Geyarajan (Male Gandharva: Het​​) Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (Lemon)
Karrghed (Male Orc; Het​​) Lemon
Thandur (Male Orc; Het) Part 1, Part 2 (Lemon), Part 3
Sheng (Male Yeren; Het​) Part 1, Part 2 (Lemon)
Alexei (Male Satyr; Het) Part 1, Part 2 (Lemon)
Sheb and Meetak (FTM Goblin-FTM Minotaur; MLM) Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (Lemon), Part 4 (Unfinished)
Roji (Non-Binary Fae; Gender Neutral Reader)
Akjan (Male Orc; Het) Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (Citrus), Part 4 (Lemon)
Ynghadin (Male Minotaur x Female Elf) Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 (Unfinished)
Growing Pains (Centaur Dads; Non-Romantic)
Margaret and Rourke (Male Orc x Female Human) Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (Lemon), Part 4 (Unfinished)
Kofi - Paypal - Patreon - GoFundMe
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Everything here is SFW with warnings at the beginning for anything that requires them. Enjoy!
Wanna request a story? Here are the rules.
Gender Neutral Orc x Gender Neutral Reader: Quarantine Fluff
Male Wereliger x Female Reader: Part 1, Part 2
Gender Neutral Merperson x Gender Neutral Reader: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 (final)
Male Satyr x Gender Neutral Reader: Special  (one-sided)
Gender Neutral Shadow Monster x Gender Neutral Reader: Let’s try this again
Female Fae x Gender Neutral Reader: Celebration
Female Fae x Gender Neutral Reader: Watch where you’re walking
Female Drow x Gender Neutral Reader: Part 1, Part 2
Female Werewolf x Female Reader: Gesundheit
Non binary Tiefling x Gender Neutral Reader: Study Break
Female Harpy x Gender Neutral Reader: Movie Night
Last modified: (10/14/20)
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delldarling · 4 years
I’m sorry to hear about the writers block X( Will pixie and “unexpected” help?
this is a few days old, and from a night where I was Struggling A Lot. I put up a post hoping that a prompt or two would spur me into writing, and Hammi was lovely enough to send something in 💖 obviously I didn’t end up writing at that moment - can 2020 calm down please??? - but I knew I would come back to as soon as I worked through things.  So thanks very much for being so utterly sweet all the time, and for waiting so patiently for me to get myself together  💖
male pixie fae x witch!non-binary reader 475 words sfw | confessions!! anxious pixie!!
The branch vibrates, like a spider bouncing in the middle of its web. The leaves are loud in their rustling, currant berries scattering all over the ground like beads of blood. Taran has to grit his teeth to keep from biting his tongue, green arms wrapped tightly around the branch to stop himself from being thrown off, one leg hooked around the branch for good measure. 
This is not how he wanted to meet his witch.
He knows they see him, or saw him. They must have, after he slammed so hard into the branch, shaking it about like a beast. He’d gone to such trouble, planning their next meeting, catching the tail end of them telling their neighbor that they’d be harvesting the currants for jam the day after next. 
“Hello?” They ask, sweetly, kindly, kneeling quietly in the grass, careful not to burst the berries littering the ground. 
He almost wants to cry. Taran had planned to arrive early, to seek out the very best, brightest berry and to present it like an item from a quest. That was a romantic notion, wasn’t it? He’d heard some of the other pixies waxing poetic about quests after Lyoren managed to impress that changeling fellow. He’d hunted down some kind of.. Leather bag? But that hadn’t been what had truly mattered. It had been that Lyoren had been paying attention. He’d shown how much he cared about the changeling!
“A pixie!” Taran’s witch murmurs, and he notices that the branch is still now, and sunshine is warming his face. He has to blink, to narrow his eyes to see their face with the sun ringing their head like a halo. “Oh, I’ve seen you before, haven’t I?” They ask, brushing a stray bit of dirt off of their cheek. “Though I fear you’ve caught me by surprise today. I wasn’t expecting any guests.”
Taran’s cheeks and ears flush hot, wings buzzing as he attempts to right himself. Now he hasn’t just missed out on questing for his witch, he’s made an absolute fool of himself. Once his feet are steady, Taran sniffs, sketching out a textbook bow, wings spread to either side. 
“I am Taran,” he declares, hoping he’s speaking loud enough for them to hear. “And I’ve come to-” A dragonfly zips by, upending him from the branch, and then everything is soft and warm and-
“Oh, Taran! Are you alright?”
He opens his eyes, glancing down at what he’s laying on, and his heart starts beating as fast as a hummingbirds. His witch is holding him. “V-very,” he chokes out, highly tempted to grab hold of their thumb and hug them, overwhelmed with joy as he is. “But now, I really, uh-” He swallows and stands tall, thankful for their steady hand. “My witch,” he announces, lifting his chin. “I’ve come to confess.”
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So I was kinda looking into Fae things and stuff because it’s really interesting and I thought about an Au thing for the Arcana where the LI’s are rather Fae or part of the village the Mc/reader lives in I’m really bad at writing, but I was thinking about Fae!Asra and a FTM or Male reader/MC ? (Idk you guys don’t have to do any of this since the research is kinda difficult and stuff) But Thanks for reading my idea!
{Fae Asra x FTM Reader}
Word count: 288
~~Mod Dill UwU~~
• Asra wouldn't be the type to worry about what others may think of you. He gave part of his heart up just to revive you, since he wasn't there when he wasn't there when you needed him the most.
• He would promise not to hurt you and to take care of you until the day he dies. You are the most important thing he has and he will protect you, it doesn't matter what happens that changes you physically he will still love you for you. 
• Being non binary himself he will be the one that understands you the most. Since he truly loves everything about you nothing would change in his eyes.
• You're still his precious jewel so when you ask to change your gender to male he is kinda skeptical but glad that you will be happy with your decision.
• What shocks him the most is you're asking to give your hand away in marriage. He will shout with glee and rush to tell everybody to invite to you guys wedding
• After you ask there will be a celebration for the two of you including Faust. There will be pumpkin bread, tea and of course lots of shared kisses
• Probably a make out session that would probably lead into more of a heated makeout session but anything to make his lover happy.
• During the wedding besides a wedding cake there will be pumpkin bread, it won't be a private wedding so many will come and enjoy your vows and watching you become Y/n Alnazar. 
• That will be the happiest day of his life being able to go home that day and know that you're his forever.
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delldarling · 5 years
mobile masterlist + nav
If you’re looking for the desktop version, you can find it here! ((Mobile and desktop have been updated as of October 13th 2021)) You can also find my patreon masterlist right here! It’s available to view even to non patrons and includes well over 522k words of unreleased fiction! =)
Below is the list of my current works! I edit and reblog regularly, so checking out this list via my pinned post is your best bet! If you happen to find a link that is broken, please let me know! I will get on fixing it up ASAP
Saire | “frustration” alien pirate x f!reader ; lemon
Bat Monster
Tobias | “both?” male bat monster x gender neutral reader ; lime
Xathiel | “distraction” non-binary celestial x gender neutral half-demon!reader ; lemon
Fynch | “ommittance” male changeling x f!reader ; sfw
Equinox | “overwhelming” genderfluid deity x gender neutral reader ; citrus
Spiros | male deity x female reader  1.”charting dreams” ; lemon  2.”pining” ; lemon  3.”bridge” ; sfw  4.”made of dreams” ; lemon  5.”changes” ; sfw
Holler | “the lord of frost” male deity x gender neutral reader ; lemon ficlet. “jasmine” ; sfw
Deger | “truth” male demon x transmale reader ; lemon
Elea | “best” female demon x female reader ; lemon
Feliere | “seen a ghost?” female demon x gender neutral reader ; sfw
Inkling | “spellwork” male shadow demon x gender neutral reader ; citrus
Valir | “hold on” genderfluid demon x magic user!gender neutral reader ; lemon
Arroven | “the city is hoarding hearts” male dragon x gender neutral reader ; lemon
Heren | “adventurer” male dragon x gender neutral reader ; lime-ish
Sindre | male dragon x female reader 1.”treasure” ; lemon  2.”admiration” ; lemon
Zi | “pulled” female half human-half dragon x gender neutral reader ; lime
Irilen | “vantage” male drider x gender neutral reader ; sfw
Lace | “wrapping” female drider x gender neutral reader ; lime
Sirren | “games” male drider x male reader ; lime
Rook | “kindling” male drider x male reader ; lemon
Ciaran | “bouquet” male dullahan x female reader ; sfw
Owain | “dregs of sunshine” male dullahan x gender neutral reader ; lemon
Shuck | “home” male dullahan x gender neutral reader ; sfw
Aspen | non-binary forest spirit x gender neutral reader 1. “forest rumors” ; sfw  2.”forest truths” ; lemon  3.”forest vows” ; lemon
Hyrian | “always, we return” non-binary rain spirit x gender neutral reader ; sfw
Aebren | “starlight” male elf x female reader ; fluff/citrus
Malgier | male elf x magic user!male reader ; sfw drabble
?? | “courtly” goblin fae x gender neutral reader ; sfw
Anthos | “trust” male flower fae x gender neutral faerie!reader ; lime
Casimir | male reptilian fae x female reader 1.”heater” ; lime  2.”reunion” ; sfw  3.”lazy” ; lemon  4.”teeth” ; lime 5.”lure” ; lemon  6.”jonquil” ; sfw
Feil | “wings” female fae x female fae reader ; sfw
Galvan & Finlay | male sparrow faerie x gender neutral reader x male eagle faerie ; lemon
Gar | “pining” male nature fae x gender neutral reader ; lime
Glad | female pixie x gender neutral reader ; sfw
Merrick | male fae x gender neutral reader chasing truth ; novel length reader story (masterlist)   oneshot.”tremble” ; lemon ficlet.”kiss” ; lemon
Owl Faerie | unnamed owl faerie x gender neutreal reader ; sfw 
Peregrine & Harper | male fae x gender neutral reader x female fae 1.”flirting with danger” ; sfw  2.”crossing the bridge” ; sfw 3.”choices” ; sfw
Peregrine | “horns” male fae x gender neutral reader ; sfw
Pyx | “lost things” female fae x gender neutral reader ; sfw
Roran | male fae x gender neutral reader 1. “dancing” ; sfw  2.“sigh” ; citrus  3.“taste” ; lemon/lime  4.”cattail” ; sfw/citrus
Roran & Aodhfin | “bandage” male faerie x gender neutral changeling!reader x male faerie ; sfw
Ruaidhri | “request” male unseelie fae x gender neutral reader ; lemon
Taran | male pixie x non binary witch reader  1. “love” ; sfw  2. “unexpected” ; sfw
Tinsley | “angsty reunion” female fae x gender neutral reader ; sfw
Wisp | unnamed wisp & gender neutral reader ; sfw
Wisteria & Oleander | “lost” female faerie x female reader x male faerie ; lemon
Verene | female faun x gender neutral reader  1. “eager” ; lime, 2. “impatience” ; lemon
Einion | “embrace” male giant x male reader ; lemon
Grimshaw | “fretting” male giant x gender neutral reader ; lime
Honor | non-binary ghost x gender neutral reader 1.”the chill of honor” ; lemon  2.”daydream” ; lemon  3.”honor unbound” ; sfw
Irux | “pretend” male goblin x female reader ; lemon
Erasma | “beloved” female gorgon x female reader ; lime
Tyrith | “proven” male griffin x gender neutral reader ; lemon
Vale | “command” male harpy x female reader ; sfw 1. “command” ; sfw  2. “be selfish” ; lime
Harnish | incubus x transmale reader 1. “mine” ; lemon/lime,  2.”minutiae” ; lime
Winsome | male kelpie x gender neutral reader 1. “the muddy shore” ; sfw  2. “the woodland fort” ; lemon
Enver | “eggnog” male lizardfolk x male reader ; sfw
Harkspel | “chord” male mage x gender neutral reader ; sfw
Disios | “missed chances” merman x gender neutral reader ; sfw
Echo | “currant river” merman x gender neutral reader ; sfw
Iason | “caught” merman x gender neutral reader ; sfw
Loure | “for breath and land” non-binary merperson x gender neutral reader ; sfw
Nileas | “good ideas” merman x gender neutral reader ; lemon
Rivulet & Alethea | “flinch” male octomer x female human ; lemon (3rd pov)
Tal | “courting” male mershark x female reader ; sfw
Taron | “make me” merman x gender neutral reader ; citrus
Quay | “smirk” merman x female reader ; sfw
Westerley | “selective” mermaid x gender neutral reader ; sfw
Gethen | “translation” male death’s head hawkmoth x gender neutral reader ; lime
Iolanthe | “cold hands” female mothperson x female reader ; sfw
Ori | male mothperson x male reader 1.“a-dork-able” ; sfw  2.”dust” ; sfw
Hior | “diving stars” male bog mummy x male reader ; citrus
Mystery Being
Illu | “sand & glass” non-binary being x gender neutral reader ; sfw
Calandra | “problem?” female naga x gender neutral reader ; lemon
Rada | “stay” male naga x female reader 1.”stay” ; sfw  2.”beyond words” ; sfw
Origen | “under the mountain” non-binary nightmare x ghost!gender neutral reader ; lime
Cadrem | “first sight” male orc x female reader ; lemon
Rilga | “longing” female orc x female reader ; lemon
Shorn | “stubbornness” female orc x elf!male reader
Sorsell | “with you” male orc x male reader ; sfw
Bower | “charging” male coded robot x male reader ; lime 
January | male coded robot x gender neutral reader ; sfw drabble
Suileabhan | “trouble” male selkie x gender neutral reader ; lime
Sketch | male shifter x gender neutral reader 1.”malleable” ; citrus  2.”sharing secrets” ; lime
Kharis | “defenseless” female siren x female werewolf reader ; lemon
Yeva | “resting” female succubus x gender neutral reader ; lime
Jest | “matching” male troll x gender neutral faerie!reader ; citrus 
Baine | “sweet clover & a mocking mouth” female unicorn x gender neutral reader ; lemon/lime
Daciana | “caramel” female vampire x gender neutral reader ; sfw
Haines | “proposal” male vampire x female reader ; sfw
Tuesday | “promise” female vampire x female reader ; sfw
Warren | “offering” male vampire x gender neutral reader ; lemon
Baz | “happiness” male werewolf x female reader ; lemon
Carvon | “save me” male werewolf x gender neutral reader ; sfw
Grey | “purring” non-binary werecat x gender neutral reader ; sfw
Morven | “mi cridhe” male werwolf x gender neutral reader ; citrus
Pyre | “bearberry bargains” male arctic werefox x gender neutral reader ; lemon
Kusuo | “promises” male yamabiko x gender neutral reader 1.”promises” ; sfw  2.”first” ; sfw/citrus
To Be Written
Doran ; Male Faerie with a thousand faces x Male Fae!reader
____ ; Deity of Love x Gender Neutral Fortune Teller!reader
____ ; Armored Alien x Gender Neutral reader
The Unseemly ; Poly Fae Band x ?? reader
Vampiric Tree Nymph(s) x Gender Neutral reader
Goat Eyes ; Ghost? Demon? x Female Ghost Hunter!reader
930 notes · View notes
monstersandmaw · 5 years
Stories from 2019...
Here’s a list of all the stories (40!) that have gone up on my Tumblr long stories masterlist since the start of 2019. There may be more bits that I’ve missed, but here’s what I found. Feel free to browse in case you missed something! Don’t forget that there’s also the short stories masterlist too!
Thanks for making it a great year and for inspiring me to do more and be better all the time!!
Male orc (Dragh) x female reader (nsfw)
Deaf male tiefling x female reader (sfw) Part Two (sfw)
Male scarred werewolf (Rhett) x female reader (sfw) Part One, Part Two, Part Three (nsfw), Part Four
Male minotaur x female reader *commission* (sfw + fluffy)
Female space pirate x female reader *commission* (nsfw)
Male minotaur x female reader (sfw and disgustingly fluffy)
Male gnoll (’Poodle), precursory drabble prompt (sfw)
Lich, no gender mentioned, monster’s POV - prompt “Housekeeper wanted; living or dead”. Sfw
Male orc dom x female reader sub (sfw, early stages, meeting up and working it out) Part Two (sfw) *ko-fi commission*
Homeless male merman x reader (sfw) Part Two (nsfw), Christmas Special (nsfw)
Non-binary trickster spirit x reader (sfw)
Poly male minotaur x male orc x female reader (nsfw)
Male dom orc (Bresz) x female sub reader (nsfw)
Male changeling/fae (Mhorrin) x male reader (nsfw)
Male orc (Dhurak) x reader (sfw)  *Starfall Springs*
Male tiefling (Killygren) x male reader (nsfw) *Starfall Springs*
Male orc (Noah) x reader (nsfw) *Starfall Springs*
Male reptilian fae (Adan) x female reader (nsfw) *commission*
Female selkie (Bess) x female reader (nsfw) *Mermay/Starfall Springs*
Male merman (Connor) x male reader (nsfw) *Mermay/Starfall Springs*
Male octomer (Caspian) x reader (nsfw) *Mermay/Starfall Springs*
Male hermit crab mer (Leo) x reader (nsfw) *Mermay/Starfall Springs*
Male selkie (Dennek) x reader (very light nsfw) *Mermay*
Male each-uisge/sea kelpie (Rhion) x reader (sfw) *Mermay*
Mothman (Fitz) x male reader (sfw) *Starfall Springs*
Male vampire (Ruben) x trans male character (sfw) Part One, Part Two and a slight AU feel extract (reader insert, sfw)
Male white tiger rakshasa x female reader (sfw)
Male scarred fae (Winter) x female reader (Violet from Brenn’s story - see above) (nsfw)
Male samebito (sharkman) (Tai) x male reader (sfw)
Male centaur (Jaime) x reader (nsfw) *Starfall Springs*
Male lizardfolk (Bik) x female reader (nsfw) (commission)
Male lich (Rhae) x reader (nsfw) *Starfall Springs*
Male half-orc (Tamas) x male character (Josslyn) (nsfw) *Orctober*
Male orc (Arikh) x male human (nsfw, D/s) *Orctober*
Female orc (Rakasha) x male character (Virion) (nsfw)
Male ice orc (Reshi) x female reader (nsfw) *Orctober*
*Male triton Fae (Kaerio) x female character (sfw) *commission*
Male fae (Winter) x female character (sfw) *modern policeman AU for Winter!*
Mute male siren x female reader (nsfw) *Starfall Springs*
Male Uruk-hai x reader (nsfw) *Orctober*
Patreon - Browse my Masterlist here
More stories below the cut to save scrolling thumbs... 52 stories and drabbles in total... plus all the Discord drabbles which aren’t listed on there.
Monthly exclusives
January - male kelpie x female reader (Dolen) (nsfw)
February - male living armour x female reader (Berion) (nsfw)
March - android x reader (Iru) (sfw)
April - non-binary alien x reader (Mith'in) (nsfw)
May - male shark mer x reader (Requius) (nsfw)
June - male naga x male mummy x reader (Vashett & Akah) (nsfw)
July - male naga x female reader (Nila) (sfw)
August - male minotaur x female reader (Will - *Starfall Springs*)
September - non-binary demon x reader (Ilya, *Starfall Springs*) (nsfw)
October - non binary leshy/leshen x reader (nsfw)
November - patrons not charged, no story
December - interdimensional eldritch entity x reader ('the Dark' *Starfall Springs*) (nsfw)
Weekly Episodes of Embers, a dragon shifter romance (x reader)
Orctober specials 2019 - using the Inktober 'official' prompts
1. 'Ring' - male orc (Liam) x plus size female reader (very light nsfw)
2. 'Mindless - female orc (Khara) x male reader (nsfw)
3. 'Bait' - male half-orc (Tamas) x male character (Josslyn) (nsfw)
5. 'Husky' - female orc (Renasa) x female reader (sfw)
6. 'Build' - male half-orc (Tamas) x male character (Josslyn) (sfw)
10 'Pattern' - male orc (Arikh ) x male human (Kit) (D/s & nsfw)
Giveaway drabbles *New Category*
#1 - male orc x f/nb reader (domestic, nsfw fluff)
#2 - Male naga x female reader (sfw)
#3 - Storniel x Rashel x reader (nsfw)
#4 - male hellhound x reader (sfw)
#5 - Astriah (arachne) x male reader (nsfw)
#6  - male reader x male centaur (light nsfw)
#7  - female reader x male gnoll  (sfw)
#8 - male shadowborne fae x female reader (nsfw)
#9 - male mershark x female reader (nsfw)  
#10 - female banshee x male orc (nsfw)
#11  - male mothman x male reader (sfw and fluffy)
#12 -  genderfluid demon x reader (hurt/comfort nsfw)
#13 - male shadowborne (Shaer) x female reader (sfw and fluffy)
#14 - non binary shadow monster x ace female reader (sfw)
#15 - shy male scholar x female albino dragon (nsfw)
#16 - male orc x female reader (sfw/comfort)
#17 - male werewolf x female reader (sfw/fluff)
#18 - male naga x nb reader (sfw/fluff)
#19 - male drider x reader (sfw)
#20 - male melanistic chimera x female reader (sfw)
and a few more doodles and drawings and character profiles, plus endless polls etc. which I didn’t pop onto this list!!
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delldarling · 5 years
I just read through a bunch of your fics that I missed because notifs somehow turned itself off and just want to say I love you---I love all your faeries but if you're not opposed could I request a tiny fairy sized faerie? like a little garden pixie size guy trying oh so hard to impress the pretty giant human? thank you!
male pixie fae x  witch non-binary reader300 wordssfw | love!!! so much
Taran is in love.
He knows it’s ill advised. He knows that it might never amount to anything. He’s a pixie, with a thorough knowledge of plants and helping them grow. He tends blooms in the spring and summer and leaves the realm of humans entirely in the late fall and winter. He’s detail oriented and isn’t easily swayed- or rather, he hasn’t been. He’s always been the first to wake, the first to coax blooms into opening, the first to spread his wings under cool Spring light- Until now.
Taran is in love with a human witch.
He cares little for power - it’s the passion that catches his attention. It’s the compassion that keeps him coming back, the continual cycle of kindness, the sweetness of their smile and the gentleness of their touch. He has to fly far out of his way to reach the cabin, to find their garden and hide amidst blossoms and vegetables, waiting to see a face that rivals the beauty of the earth, that rivals the heady warmth of the sun. 
Taran would willingly lay prone, would forego every day’s work, to claim a kiss from them, to sit on their shoulder or tangle himself in their hair- Taran loves so much that it hurts, that it’s all he can think about. He can’t wait for chance to put him in their path any longer - though he knows they’ve glimpsed him once or twice. He has to bolster his courage and speak to them. He has to seize the day and confess.If he didn’t, if their love was given to another, or they never spoke his name or acknowledged his presence, Taran thinks he might die from the pain of heartbreak.
He has a plan, and he clings to it as he soars.    
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monstersandmaw · 5 years
Twelve Days of Exomas - 70+k words of exclusive exophilia stories!
So, they’re all up now.
*wheezes and passes out*
For a long excerpt from Day Six (male were-yeti x reader) see below!
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Twelve Days of Exomas (Christmas Special stories) 2019
Day One (male mummy x female reader - v. light nsfw)
Day Two (male djinn x male reader - NSFW)
Day Three (female were-hyena x female reader - NSFW)
Day Four (male sharkmer x reader - v. light NSFW/kiss)
Day Five (female orc x male reader - NSFW)
Day Six (male were-yeti x reader, Part One - SFW)
Day Seven (male were-yeti x reader, Part Two - v. light NSFW/kiss)
Day Eight (non-binary demon x reader - light NSFW)
Day Nine (male werewolf x male vampire x female character, Part One - NSFW)
Day Ten (male werewolf x male vampire x female character, Part Two - NSFW)
Day Eleven (female naga x reader - NSFW)
Day Twelve  (male haunted mirror/Fae (x reader - NSFW)
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Day Six - Male were-yeti x reader  long excerpt (sfw)
“Come to Snowy Starfall Springs, they said. Live out the fairytale Winter Wonderland dream, they said,” you spat as you waded through knee-deep snow, way off the trail, lost, freezing your backside off, and with the daylight hours slowly burning out. “Fuck.”
The eerie stillness of the woods didn’t help either.
Short, stocky, slow-growing pines, their branches laden with snow, stood sentry against the approaching night, and the old, softened tracks of either a cervitaur or an actual deer were the only sign that anything else aside from you was even alive out here. You might not be for much longer unless you found that trail and headed back, but you couldn’t be that far from where you’d gone wrong. You had driven three hours out of Starfall Springs into the Starfall Mountains, parked up at the trail head, donned your awkward snow-shoes, and plunged eagerly into the wilderness that morning. You’d only intended for this to be a four hour hike, but instead you’d missed a turning somewhere, and had ended up somewhere off the usual trails, in the arse end of Winter Wonderland. “Happy Solstice, eh?” you chided yourself.
You’d just stopped and resigned yourself to digging around in your pack for your phone and compass - having been assured that the trail would be easy enough to follow in a nice loop from the car park - when up ahead, the stillness broke as something shifted between the trees, and you froze. These parts weren’t known for harbouring particularly dangerous wildlife, but there were packs of wolves, and even feral werewolves if the stories were true, and you were easy picking like this. Tiredness seeped into your muscles along with the cold, and you flexed your fingers, frozen on the point of sloughing off your backpack.
To your utter astonishment, a young child appeared between the snowy pines. Unlike you, he was not really dressed for the cold, wearing only a sweater and scruffy jeans. He stopped, stared straight at you, and then laughed. It wasn’t a particularly kind laugh either.
“Shit,” you hissed, watching your breath fog across your vision for a moment. Your eyelashes were frozen, creating a thick border of white around your vision because you’d neglected to bring your goggles too.
The child bent and swept their hand through the snow in a rapid arc, sending a wide spray of powder glittering through the air, and amid the flurry, they turned and ran.
“Wait!” you yelled after them. “Wait! Is there a shelter around here?” As if you had no more sense than a jackrabbit, you plunged through the trees after him, immediately tripping on the toe of your snow shoe and pitching into a deep bank of snow, face first.
His hair had been a white blond, and his skin a warm, rosy brown, and somehow he looked like he belonged here among the sleeping pines and wild, endless skies. You, meanwhile, were making more noise than a bear in a city trashcan.
Around your fresh mouthful of snow, you cursed and rolled upright. It wasn’t easy to do, but you’d fallen over enough times on your way out from the trail head to learn how to pick yourself up. Faceplant, roll onto your front, rock up onto your knees, windmill your arms a bit, stand up. Rinse and repeat.
As you straightened again, you heard the boy’s laughter and froze. “Hello?”
It seemed to come from one direction and then, a moment later, from another.
“Fuck’s sake,” you muttered bitterly to yourself. “Listen, I got turned around and I could use your help. I’m going to freeze my butt off if I stay out here tonight. Can you help me or not?”
Empty childish laughter was your only response.
Sucking in a deeper breath - cautiously because if you breathed too deeply and too quickly you’d start coughing with the cold - you headed in the direction you’d last seen the boy prancing through the snow like a Solstice reindeer. How did he move like that? Could he be a fae? At that point you were almost ready to sell your left kidney for a safe place to spend the night, but as the thought crossed your mind you realised that maybe you were more desperate than you should be. You still had perhaps an hour left of daylight, and you had a compass and a detailed map in your bag.
Out of nowhere, a deep, bellowing roar split the silence, crystalline fragments of winter peace shattering as your ears rang and you stumbled, catching the front of your snow-shoe again. You went down hard with a grunted ‘oof’ and felt your ankle go. It didn’t snap, thank all the gods, but you’d sprained it before and remembered the shock and the sudden rush of heat. You couldn’t have helped the yell that left your lips as you went down even if your soul (or your left kidney) had depended on it.
Defeated, frustrated, and in a fair bit of pain, you just lay there, face down in the snow for a minute. Perhaps the bear - if it had indeed been a bear - wouldn’t notice you if you just lay there.
Heavy footfalls reached you not long after, the snow squeaking slightly as it was compressed beneath large feet.  
Summoning the strength to turn your head, you looked and found two enormous, fluffy white hind paws, tipped with thick, four-inch long, jet black claws standing right beside you. You didn’t think that polar bears lived in these parts, but by this point, your exhaustion ran bone-deep, your muscles were shaky and cramping with the creeping cold, and your reserves of courage had just run completely dry. And with that, you went limp.
The creature knelt beside you and turned you over, chuffing softly like a tiger and gripping your backpack as if it were the scruff of your neck. Your stomach swooped, and when you opened your eyes, you saw that you were five feet off the ground, in the claws of a creature you’d thought only existed in ancient fairy tales.
A yeti had you in its claws.
Stars danced in your vision and you went limp before you could process much more than the dull, deep growl that reverberated around pronounced canines and black lips.
Warmth washed through you and you wriggled gently before a flash of sharp pain shot up your leg and you stopped moving immediately. At the sound of your shuffling, something sat up straight beside you and you blinked again, trying to clear your vision a bit.
Covered by a soft, woollen rug, you were lying on a sofa in a wooden cabin, with an iron, wood-burning stove blazing away at one end of the modest space, and with vibrantly coloured rugs and throws decorating the floor and couch. Everything had a handmade look to it, including the house itself right down to the cement used to seal the gaps between the rounded logs of the cabin walls and the rustic wooden handles on the doors.
In a chair near you sat possibly the most handsome man you had ever seen in your whole life, and the first words out of your mouth when you spotted him were, embarrassingly, “Am I dead?”
He laughed joyously, his ice-blue eyes crinkling at the corners. His skin was a warm, rich tanned brown, his eyebrows steel grey, and his long, thick, wiry white hair tied back off his ruggedly chiselled face in a half-ponytail. He looked to be at some intangible age between thirty and forty, with laughter lines around his eyes and one or two between his brows. His lips were full and looked infinitely kissable, slightly chapped, and he had a thick, pale scar on his chin that stretched up his neck, over his jawline to his lower lip that just invited you to press your fingers to it and draw him closer for a kiss. Naturally, you did none of that, and just stared at him like a thunderstruck imbecile.
“You’re not dead,” he chuckled, and you immediately felt hot all over, under your skin. He had a beautiful, rich, deep, lyrical voice with a lilting, thick accent. “But you did twist your ankle pretty good. How do you feel?”
As you blinked again, you realised that it was dark outside and that the curtains had been drawn against the night. You shifted again, trying to sit upright, and you realised that your foot was cold. Staring down at it, you discovered that he’d strapped a plastic ice block to it, wrapped in a tea-towel. “Where am I?” you asked groggily. “What happened?” and then you added, “That kid… there was a boy out there…?”
“You mean that one?” the man asked gruffly, scowling and jutting his chin over his shoulder at a wild-looking boy standing at the other end of the cabin. He was resting his lean, wiry frame against the doorway to what looked like a kitchen area, though it was hard to see in the low lamplight. The kid, perhaps nine or ten, flashed you a wickedly sharp smile and disappeared into the other room.
“Yeah,” you said lamely. “He’s yours?”
“Yup,” he said, standing up and looming over you for a moment before backing off, mostly so you didn't have to crick your neck to look at him.
He was wearing a creamy, cable-knit jumper with an intricate pattern on, and pale scruffy jeans with a rip in the knee. Where he was tall he was also broad-shouldered, though there was a softness to his torso that spoke of a different kind of strength from movie stars and body builders. He was the kind of man who could lift a tree trunk without much difficulty, but probably couldn’t sprint for long without getting winded.
“Who are you?” you asked as he turned away and reached for a mug on a nearby table. It looked unusual and you realised a second later that it was carved from wood. Something in the back of your head said, with the voice of your late grandmother, that it was called a ‘kuksa’ by folks in these parts.
“Oh,” he said, pausing and glancing back at you over his shoulder. His hair was thick and coarse looking, hanging just down to his shoulder blades but you still felt the inexplicable urge to run your fingers through it. You frowned, wondering whether he’d slipped you something while you’d been unconscious. “I’m Arttu,” he said, drawing out the consonants in a way that made your mouth go a bit dry. His eyes were so blue that they were almost beyond comprehension. You’d never seen anyone with eyes that colour. “Here,” he added, moving back to you and holding out the kuksa.
You made no move to take it from him, no matter how rough and big and inviting his hands looked. “What is it?” you asked.
“Water,” he grinned. “You’re safe here, I promise.”
“You can’t blame me for being wary,” you grumbled, sitting up awkwardly and reaching for the cup. “Passing out in the claws of a yeti and waking up in the cabin of some supernaturally handsome guy…”
Arttu nearly dropped the kuksa as he handed it to you, but he laughed almost shyly at your words. “Well,” he said, oddly flustered and with his cheeks slightly flushed. From the other room, the boy yelled something in a language you didn’t speak or recognise, and Arttu replied more softly in the same.
You tried not to make an indecent noise at the sound of his voice, and looked away. You took in the way your foot was propped up on a cushion and, for the first time, noticed that your very unflattering snow-suit was nowhere to be seen.
When you looked back up at him, Arttu was licking his lips nervously and had stepped back even further. You drank and then set the kuksa on a nearby hand-made, pine coffee table. “I mean it,” he said in a soft, earnest voice. “You’re safe here. Are you hungry?”
For you? “Uh, yeah?” you said, suddenly realising how long it had been since breakfast as your stomach clenched almost painfully.
His lips twitched and he nodded. “I’ll be right back.”
Read the whole thing, and gain exclusive access to monthly stories, WIP snippets, polls, character bios, and our private Discord server right now!
And don’t forget that the represents a whole year’s worth of exclusive content in just 12 days!
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monstersandmaw · 5 years
Monsters & Maw Patreon-Exclusive Masterlist
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I’ve done these before, but here’s the most up to date list of everything that’s up on my Patreon, 99% of which is not on Tumblr.
Updated 01.10.2019 (UK date format)
Patreon Exclusive Monthly Stories
May – male naga x male reader (Chu’a) (nsfw)
June – male alien x reader (Kirthn’hul/ ‘Kith’) (nsfw)
July – male fairy x male reader (Jinx) (nsfw)
August – cherry blossom dryad x female reader (Cera) (nsfw)
September – male tiger rakshasa x female reader (Bhisaj) (nsfw)
October – male satyr x female reader (Kieran) Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five
October BONUS – Orctoberfest female orc x female reader (Khasha)
November - demon prince x reader (nsfw)
December - female kitsune x female reader (Yuki) (nsfw)
January - male kelpie x female reader (Dolen) (nsfw)
February - male living armour x female reader (Berion) (nsfw)
March - android x reader (Iru) (sfw)
April - non-binary alien x reader (Mith'in) (nsfw)
May - male shark mer x reader (Requius) (nsfw)
June - male naga x male mummy x reader (Vashett & Akah) (nsfw)
July - male naga x female reader (Nila) (sfw)
August - male minotaur x female reader (Will - *Starfall Springs*)
September - non-binary demon x reader (Ilya, *Starfall Springs*) (nsfw)
Weekly Episodes of Embers, a dragon shifter romance (x reader)
One, Two , Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine,
Orctober specials 2019 - using the Inktober 'official' prompts
1. 'Ring' - male orc (Liam) x plus size female reader (very light nsfw)
Giveaway drabbles *New Category*
#1 - male orc x f/nb reader (domestic, nsfw fluff)
#2 - Male naga x female reader (sfw)
#3 - Storniel x Rashel x reader (nsfw)
#4 - male hellhound x reader (sfw)
#5 - Astriah (arachne) x male reader (nsfw)
#6  - male reader x male centaur (light nsfw)
#7  - female reader x male gnoll  (sfw)
#8 - male shadowborne fae x female reader (nsfw)
#9 - male mershark x female reader (nsfw)  
#10 - female banshee x male orc (nsfw)
#11  - male mothman x male reader (sfw and fluffy)
#12 -  genderfluid demon x reader (hurt/comfort nsfw)
Twelve Days of Monstermas Special Series!
Day One: (male reindeer cervitaur x reader - NSFW)
Day Two (female gargoyle x male reader - NSFW)
Day Three (trans female tiefling x female reader - NSFW)
Day Four (male alien x reader - NSFW)
Day Five (male octomer x reader - NSFW)
Day Six (female demon x male reader - NSFW)
Day Seven (male orc x male reader - NSFW)
Day Eight (male minotaur x female character - SFW)  
Day Nine (female rakshasi x reader - SFW)
Day Ten (non binary avian x reader - NSFW)
Day Eleven (female banshee x reader - SFW)
Day Twelve (male yeti x female reader - NSFW)
Commissions *New Category* (also posted to Tumblr)
Female space pirate captain x buff female reader (nsfw)
Male minotaur (Axel) x female reader (sfw)
Prince of the Court of Night (Naeryn) x female reader (nsfw)
Prince of the Court of Night (Naeryn) x female reader - Part Two (nsfw)
Male shadowborne warrior (Shaer) x female reader (nsfw)
Male reptilian fae (Adan) x female reader (nsfw)
Starfall Springs *New Category*
Introductory post with logo art
Preliminary map of Starfall Springs
Early list of characters so far...
Centaur farmer concept art and info (Jaime)
Orc blacksmith concept art and info (Dhurak)
Skeletal lich mage concept art and info (Rhae)
Woodcutter and carpenter minotaur concept art and info (Will)
Tiefling innkeeper concept art and info (Killygren)
Story #1 Dhurak (male orc x reader, sfw)
Story #2 Killygren (male tiefling x male reader, nsfw)
Story #3 Noah (male orc x reader, nsfw)
Male vampire & male kelpie best friends (sfw fluffy)
Fae Realm *New Category*
Jaerhin - Prince of the Court of Fire aesthetic and info
Inikeira - Princess of the Court of Air aesthetic and info
'Poster boy' for the Fae Realm doodle
Fae Courts - 'wiki' style info post
Ystlynn - younger son of the Court of Spring, aesthetic and info
Cirdan - Prince of the Court of Winter, drawing and Fae Realm info
Fae seer/priest aesthetic, ideas, and fae world concepts  
Concept art and drawings
Volcanic elemental drawing
Half orc cinnamon roll (Tuk)
Hades on his way back from the baths...
'Creepy' kelpie (Dolen) doodle
Claude - Belgian draft centaur boy
Náin (or Nathan) Cadash - dwarven Inquisitor
Deor - Legolas' fictional son
Eldarion drawings and info
Eldarion and Deor
Pensive Hades
Finnok the goblin sketch and story concept
Dullahan sticker
'Really?' Persephone pins a flower in Hades' hair
Persephone playing 'fetch' with Cerberus
Persephone doodle
Hades portrait
Hades studies
Hades doodle + ramblings
Bashir - lich boy
Luai - demon guardian
Mauhir - male uruk hai concept drawing
Laughing triton drawing - different style
Female tiefling
Faun drawing
Storniel - male antlered reaper demon from November's story
Male satyr - Kieran
Male satyr - Kieran (Inktober drawing)
Fen’an – non-binary desire demon/incubus (to be renamed...)
Gawain – faun boy
Effie – female moth monster
Japanese-inspired shadow demon
Lokh – male living wraith
Male cervitaur (deer centaur) + bonus story snippet
Male mutant (nsfw)
Kith – alien from June’s story
Laughing triton
Character Profiles and story concepts
Blind Seelie Prince aesthetic and long, multi-part story plan
Female undead house of horrors actress - aesthetic and story plan
Male police centaur - Josh
Female orc - Amber
Modern day police minotaur - Soli
Fenan, duskan elf - massive character bio, background, and story plan
Female zebra warrior centaur
Genderfluid näcken -  Ealjá
Spooky haunted locket
Black fox kitsune - Garrett
Symbiote aesthetic
Minotaur ‘lord of the manor’ - Edmund
Male mutant aesthetic and story concept
Hydra girlfriend aesthetic
Winter and Violet's aesthetic (characters from gnoll boy Brenn’s story)
Ice fae/demon aesthetic
Centipede alien aesthetic (nsfw + oviposition!)
Male mummy x reader (sfw) extract and aesthetic)
Male kitsune aesthetic and info
Android/human hybrid (Calum Fairburn) aesthetic and background
Necromancer lich
Modern witch aesthetic (Phia from orc boy Lasca’s story)
Selkie boyfriend aesthetic
Male tiefling doctor and story notes (long)
Ghosti’s extensive headcanons on fairies…
Jackal-headed/'Anubis' monster aesthetic and ideas
Whale shark girlfriend aesthetic (Rhinca) and story notes
Female eldritch horror aesthetic
Big modern orc boy aesthetic and ideas
Patreon Exclusives
New series, premiering in June - Hunter's Choice - a mlm vampire x hunter action adventure story!
Non-binary trickster spirit (Locke) x reader Part One (sfw) Part Two (nsfw)
Male goblin x female reader (Valentine's special)
Male wraith x reader Part One (sfw) (Lokh) Part Two (sfw)
Male mutant x male reader Part One (sfw) Part Two (sfw)
Male vampire x trans male reader (sfw) long WIP extract
Prince and his bodyguard (sfw) (mlm; long, non-terato story extract)
Writer's Corner - Blog posts on Creativity
Writer's Corner #1 on Writer's Block
Writer's Corner #2 on 5 types of writer and their quirky habits
Novels: ‘Weaver of Threads’, ‘Riftgard’, and other extracts
Weaver of Threads - extract, in which Tomas and Kai discuss soul-bonding
Riftgard Chapter One (full!)
Weaver of Threads – Chapter One (extract) + aesthetic
Weaver of Threads - General Magic 'wiki' style information post *story-spoiler-free*
Weaver of Threads - Schools of Magic 'wiki' style information post *story-spoiler-free*
Weaver of Threads – World Map
Weaver of Threads - Map of Varden City
Weaver of Threads - Schematic of the Black Citadel
Leirym (prologue)
Other (including video content!)
Tour of the Workshop with Ghosti - Video!
Ghosti answers your questions in a video!
Japanese metalwork blog - making and carving a tsuba
Metalwork update – ginkgo tsuba
A glimpse into the workshop and command central!
For access to all this and future works, become a Patreon supporter!
94 notes · View notes
monstersandmaw · 5 years
Monsters & Maw’s Updated Patreon Masterlist
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This list is public and free for anyone to browse, so you don’t need to be a Patron to at least see what’s up there. Hopefully something might entice you! This list comprises everything that is unique to Monsters and Maw’s Patreon.
It does not include early release posts which are also found on Tumblr, links to polls and updates, paid commissions, or super tiny sneak peaks. Please let me know if any of the links aren't working.
Updated 06.08.2019 (UK date format)
Patreon Exclusive Monthly Stories
May – male naga x male reader (Chu’a) (nsfw)
June – male alien x reader (Kirthn’hul/ ‘Kith’) (nsfw)
July – male fairy x male reader (Jinx) (nsfw)
August – cherry blossom dryad x female reader (Cera) (nsfw)
September – male tiger rakshasa x female reader (Bhisaj) (nsfw)
October – male satyr x female reader (Kieran) Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five
October BONUS – Orctoberfest female orc x female reader (Khasha)
November - demon prince x reader (nsfw)
December - female kitsune x female reader (Yuki) (nsfw)
January - male kelpie x female reader (Dolen) (nsfw)
February - male living armour x female reader (Berion) (nsfw)
March - android x reader (Iru) (sfw)
April - non-binary alien x reader (Mith'in) (nsfw)
May - male shark mer x reader (Requius) (nsfw)
June - male naga x male mummy x reader (Vashett & Akah) (nsfw)
July - male naga x female reader (Nila) (sfw)
August - male minotaur x female reader (Will - *Starfall Springs*)
Twelve Days of Monstermas Special Series!
Day One: (male reindeer cervitaur x reader - NSFW)
Day Two (female gargoyle x male reader - NSFW)
Day Three (trans female tiefling x female reader - NSFW)
Day Four (male alien x reader - NSFW)
Day Five (male octomer x reader - NSFW)
Day Six (female demon x male reader - NSFW)
Day Seven (male orc x male reader - NSFW)
Day Eight (male minotaur x female character - SFW)  
Day Nine (female rakshasi x reader - SFW)
Day Ten (non binary avian x reader - NSFW)
Day Eleven (female banshee x reader - SFW)
Day Twelve (male yeti x female reader - NSFW)
Commissions *New Category*
Female space pirate captain x buff female reader (nsfw)
Male minotaur (Axel) x female reader (sfw)
Prince of the Court of Night (Naeryn) x female reader (nsfw)
Prince of the Court of Night (Naeryn) x female reader - Part Two (nsfw)
Male shadowborne warrior (Shaer) x female reader (nsfw)
Male reptilian fae (Adan) x female reader (nsfw)
Starfall Springs *New Category*
Introductory post with logo art
Preliminary map of Starfall Springs
Early list of characters so far...
Centaur farmer concept art and info (Jaime)
Orc blacksmith concept art and info (Dhurak)
Skeletal lich mage concept art and info (Rhae)
Woodcutter and carpenter minotaur concept art and info (Will)
Tiefling innkeeper concept art and info (Killygren)
Story #1 Dhurak (male orc x reader, sfw)
Story #2 Killygren (male tiefling x male reader, nsfw)
Story #3 Noah (male orc x reader, nsfw)
Male vampire & male kelpie best friends (sfw fluffy)
Fae Realm *New Category*
Jaerhin - Prince of the Court of Fire aesthetic and info
Inikeira - Princess of the Court of Air aesthetic and info
'Poster boy' for the Fae Realm doodle
Fae Courts - 'wiki' style info post
Ystlynn - younger son of the Court of Spring, aesthetic and info
Cirdan - Prince of the Court of Winter, drawing and Fae Realm info
Fae seer/priest aesthetic, ideas, and fae world concepts  
Concept art and drawings
Volcanic elemental drawing
Half orc cinnamon roll (Tuk)
Hades on his way back from the baths...
'Creepy' kelpie (Dolen) doodle
Claude - Belgian draft centaur boy
Náin (or Nathan) Cadash - dwarven Inquisitor
Deor - Legolas' fictional son
Eldarion drawings and info
Eldarion and Deor
Pensive Hades
Finnok the goblin sketch and story concept
Dullahan sticker
'Really?' Persephone pins a flower in Hades' hair
Persephone playing 'fetch' with Cerberus
Persephone doodle
Hades portrait
Hades studies
Hades doodle + ramblings
Bashir - lich boy
Luai - demon guardian
Mauhir - male uruk hai concept drawing
Laughing triton drawing - different style
Female tiefling
Faun drawing
Storniel - male antlered reaper demon from November's story
Male satyr - Kieran
Male satyr - Kieran (Inktober drawing)
Fen’an – non-binary desire demon/incubus (to be renamed...)
Gawain – faun boy
Effie – female moth monster
Japanese-inspired shadow demon
Lokh – male living wraith
Male cervitaur (deer centaur) + bonus story snippet
Male mutant (nsfw)
Kith – alien from June’s story
Laughing triton
Character Profiles and story concepts
Blind Seelie Prince aesthetic and long, multi-part story plan
Female undead house of horrors actress - aesthetic and story plan
Male police centaur - Josh
Female orc - Amber
Modern day police minotaur - Soli
Fenan, duskan elf - massive character bio, background, and story plan
Female zebra warrior centaur
Genderfluid näcken -  Ealjá
Spooky haunted locket
Black fox kitsune - Garrett
Symbiote aesthetic
Minotaur ‘lord of the manor’ - Edmund
Male mutant aesthetic and story concept
Hydra girlfriend aesthetic
Winter and Violet's aesthetic (characters from gnoll boy Brenn’s story)
Ice fae/demon aesthetic
Centipede alien aesthetic (nsfw + oviposition!)
Male mummy x reader (sfw) extract and aesthetic)
Male kitsune aesthetic and info
Android/human hybrid (Calum Fairburn) aesthetic and background
Necromancer lich
Modern witch aesthetic (Phia from orc boy Lasca’s story)
Selkie boyfriend aesthetic
Male tiefling doctor and story notes (long)
Ghosti’s extensive headcanons on fairies…
Jackal-headed/'Anubis' monster aesthetic and ideas
Whale shark girlfriend aesthetic (Rhinca) and story notes
Female eldritch horror aesthetic
Big modern orc boy aesthetic and ideas
Giveaway drabbles *New Category*
#1 - male orc x f/nb reader (domestic, nsfw fluff)
#2 - Male naga x female reader (sfw)
#3 - Storniel x Rashel x reader (nsfw)
Patreon Exclusives
New series, premiering in June - Hunter's Choice - a mlm vampire x hunter action adventure story!
Non-binary trickster spirit (Locke) x reader Part One (sfw) Part Two (nsfw)
Male goblin x female reader (Valentine's special)
Male wraith x reader Part One (sfw) (Lokh) Part Two (sfw)
Male mutant x male reader Part One (sfw) Part Two (sfw)
Male vampire x trans male reader (sfw) long WIP extract
Prince and his bodyguard (sfw) (mlm; long, non-terato story extract)
Writer's Corner - Blog posts on Creativity
Writer's Corner #1 on Writer's Block
Writer's Corner #2 on 5 types of writer and their quirky habits
Novels: ‘Weaver of Threads’, ‘Riftgard’, and other extracts
Weaver of Threads - extract, in which Tomas and Kai discuss soul-bonding
Riftgard Chapter One (full!)
Weaver of Threads – Chapter One (extract) + aesthetic
Weaver of Threads - General Magic 'wiki' style information post *story-spoiler-free*
Weaver of Threads - Schools of Magic 'wiki' style information post *story-spoiler-free*
Weaver of Threads – World Map
Weaver of Threads - Map of Varden City
Weaver of Threads - Schematic of the Black Citadel
Leirym (prologue)
Other (including video content!)
Tour of the Workshop with Ghosti - Video!
Ghosti answers your questions in a video!
Japanese metalwork blog - making and carving a tsuba
Metalwork update – ginkgo tsuba
A glimpse into the workshop and command central!
Rewards include access to our private Discord server, early release on all Tumblr stories, monthly exclusive stories, character bios and drawings, polls, and relatively freequent Discord drabbles/free requests.
85 notes · View notes
thetravelerwrites · 6 years
Ironblood Interspecies Daycare
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Rating: Teen Relationship: Male Orc x Female Human Additional Tags: Exophilia, Orc boyfriend, Daycare, POV First Person, First Person Perspective, Male Reader Content Warnings: Kids, Children, Self-Esteem Issues, Self-Worth Issues, Disowned Words: 5035
An orc running a daycare takes on a new employee and feels an immediate attraction to her, having to struggle with his own feelings of inadequacy to get close to her. Commission for @ban23​. 
The Traveler's Masterlist
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You might think that running a daycare would be a weird job for an orc, but orcs are a clan-oriented people. Caring for and watching over the young is sort of ingrained in our nature. I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.
Of course, since my daycare is open to all species, we have quite a few kids. There are a lot of human-only care centers, orc-only, fae-only, and so on. They’re usually pricey and exclusive, so an interspecies daycare that takes lower income families was a boon to the community.
Unfortunately, we couldn’t take all the kids whose parents applied, which made me feel terrible. According to the law, there had to be one care worker per five children, and I only had four employees plus myself. I was hoping to expand, but I was having trouble finding more caregivers.
It wasn’t for a lack of wanting to pay more people, it was more a lack of experience. I didn’t hire weekend babysitters; I only hired people with professional experience in child care, whether it’s a degree or a teaching position or several years of homecare, like a nanny or au pair, accompanied with references that were nothing short of glowing. Just because these children came from poor families was no reason to think they deserved anything less than the best.
Thankfully, there was a new applicant with a degree in child psychology with a special focus on interspecies relations, and spent four years as a school counselor. She was also a registered nurse. She sounded perfect, and if hiring her meant we could take more kids, then that was all the better.
I had scheduled her interview after close of the business day, when all the kids had gone home. I always tried to be in the back when the parents arrived; some of the moms were… handsy.
After closing, the five of us gathered in the back area for coffee and so the others could grab their personal belongings to go home.
“Ms. Jones keeps asking if you’re single,” Jacob said as he grabbed his things from his personal cubby.
“Mrs. Peterson, too,” Said Emily, wrapping a scarf around her neck. “I swear she’s gonna start camping out near the front door to ambush you when you leave.”
“Please, Karen from the grocery store has been leaving notes with her weekly fees. I keep giving them to Jukah and he keeps throwing them away.”
“They’re wildly inappropriate and very graphic,” I said, sipping coffee and looking over invoices.
“Really? Oh, damn,” Jacob said. “If that’s the case, I’m going to keep them from now on, then. I’m not above living vicariously.”
“Why don’t you ask one of them out, Jukah? They’re clearly into you, and there’s no shortage of options,” Emily asked, putting on her coat. She was the only other person besides me who worked here that wasn’t human. She was a bright blue kobold with dark spikes along her jaw and two sets of horns. Her tail was smooth, however, and dragged the ground when she walked. She often let the smaller children ride on it to make them laugh.
“They’re too pushy,” I replied dismissively.
“I thought orcs liked pushy women,” She said.
“That’s a gross stereotype and you’re wrong for saying it,” You said playfully. “Different orcs have different tastes, just like everyone. I don’t push you toward every buff bodybuilder I see, do I?”
“Gross,” Emily said, her face scrunched up.
“See? Because I know you like skinny weirdos,” I told her, laughing.
She laughed too. “You’re right. I can’t even lie about it.”
“So what kind of woman do you like?” Esther asked me. She was the grandma of my employees, having been a pediatric nurse for decades and started working at the daycare because she refused to retire.
“Why are you people so interested in my love life all of a sudden?” I protested.
“Because it’s weird that all these women are literally throwing themselves at you and you’re not interested in even trying with one of them,” Kody said. Kody was non-binary and was a big help in teaching the kids to be respectful to each other.
“I keep my work life and my personal life separate,” I said simply. “End of story.”
To be honest, I really didn’t know why these women found me so appealing. By orc standards, I was considered extremely ugly. I’m about a foot and a half too short for an orc, and even though all orcs are born with a natural muscle tone, I was way too skinny. My tusks are too small, though that’s actually fine for my line of work. I even file down and cap them, just to be sure I don’t accidentally gore a kid when I pick them up. I don’t wear my hair long the way other orcs do, in braids or plaits; I keep it short so the kids can’t pull on it. I even catch flack because of my eye color, a flat turquoise, which is exceedingly rare among orcs.
It wasn’t just my looks that made me unusual among my people. I’d grown up in a typical stronghold, but I’m quiet, introverted, and self-conscious. I’ve never felt the same sort of personal pride that other orcs feel in being an orc. I don’t hunt or fight or spend my time in other typical orcish pursuits. Timidness and a lack hubris are seen as personality defects for my people. In the eyes of other orcs, I might as well be human, and that’s in no way a compliment.
My only redeeming features were my skin, which was the deep, dark forest green found most attractive among my kind, and my natural ability and instinct to care for and teach the young, which is a high priority in orcish culture. That’s probably the only reason I wasn’t thrown out before I came of age. When I was old enough, however, I left the stronghold with no intent to return, and I’ve never regretted that decision.
So, these womens’ attention, especially the more aggressive ones, is baffling to me. I’m nothing special, in fact, I’m downright substandard, so this new-found attention was jarring.
“Just think about it, man,” Emily said. “You’re a nice guy. It’s a shame for you to be alone.”
“Guys, seriously, stop worrying about me. I don’t need to have a girlfriend to be happy. Now git,” I said, waving my hands. “I have an interview to conduct in thirty minutes.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Kody said. “Whatever you say, Boss.”
I shooed them out and started cleaning up the play area. I enjoyed the time alone in the daycare after work. It gave me time to think about ways of improving the atmosphere for the kids. It was always good to have new things for them to do or they’d get bored and tear the place apart.
I heard the front door open as I was stacking tiny chairs and a voice say, “Hi. Are you Jukah Ironblood?”
“Yes, I am. Can I help you?” I called over my shoulder without turning.
“I’m Briauna Ramos, I’m here for the interview.”
“Oh!” I said more animatedly. “Of course, come in, I’ll be right with you, let me just finish up here.”
“No hurry,” She said pleasantly, closing the door.
I picked up the last of the chairs, stacked them, and turned. And stopped in my tracks.
The woman standing patiently at the door with a expectant smile on her face was petite with thick thighs and a cute little belly, wearing a flowing yellow top with black jean leggings that did nothing to hide these features. Her skin was a deep brown and her amber-colored eyes were wide, framed in long, black lashes. Her hair was silky, wavy, a little fluffy, and fell to her shoulders. She wore a small barrette in the shape of a bee to keep it out of her eyes.
She was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen in my entire goddamn life.
“Something wrong?” She asked, her eyebrows drawing together in concern.
I realized I’d been standing with my mouth open for about a solid minute and shut it so quickly that my teeth clicked.
“No, sorry, um… please,” I said, gesturing at the door to my office. Once there, I sat at my desk and motioned for her to take the chair on the opposite side. She lay her coat over the back and sat down, pressing her her cold fingers together and putting them between her thighs to warm them. I tried my best not to stare at her thighs. I wanted to put my own hands between them and feel how warm…
I mentally slapped myself back into reality. Stop it.
Her application was on the desk in front of me, and I riffled through the papers for a moment to collect my thoughts.
“You come highly recommended,” I said, attempting to keep my voice even. “Your references and credentials are incredible.”
“Thanks,” She said. “I’ve wanted to work in childcare my whole life. Working at the school was okay, but I actually didn’t have all that much to do. Most kids who need a counseling are already in therapy, and there wasn’t much need for a nurse most of the time, so I spent hours in my office with nothing to do. I want to work more directly with children. This daycare seems like a perfect place, especially since it caters to lower income families. They deserve the same degree of care as private facilities.”
I felt myself smile. “I completely agree. That’s why I only hire the best. And you’re pretty close to perfect for this job.”
She smiled with her whole face, and I found it hard to breathe. “Thanks. I’ve applied at a few places, but I like this place the most. The facility is large and clean, and the list of activities for the kids is diverse and stimulating. You seem like you really care about kids.”
“I do,” I said. “Providing a safe environment for them is my first priority.” I looked through her papers again. “We have a former nurse on our staff, but she’s no longer practicing, so your nursing status is great. We get all kinds of bumps and scrapes here.”
“I can imagine,” She laughed.
“Well,” I said with a tired sigh. “I’m satisfied with your experience and I think you’d be a good fit here. When would you like to start?”
“Well, I just moved to the area, and I’m getting my apartment unpacked. How about Monday?”
I nodded. “Sounds good to me.” I stood and held out my hand for a handshake. “Welcome to the team.”
She took my hand, shaking firmly, and it was like an electric shock passed from her into me, making my whole body tingle. I gulped and tried to keep my professional demeanor in place.
“Great, I can’t wait to start,” She said enthusiastically as she pulled her hand away and threw her purse over her shoulder. “I’ll see you Monday, Mr. Ironblood.”
“Oh, just Jukah, please. Formality goes out the window pretty quick in this place,” I said, laughing.
She laughed with me. I could listen to that laugh all day.
“Thanks again,” She said, and left. Despite my best efforts, I couldn’t help sneaking a peek at her ample rear as she walked away. I said down heavily at my desk and tried to calm myself.
Well, shit. So much for keeping my personal and professional lives separate.
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She arrived early on Monday morning, before the others got in, and you had a few minutes to show her around.
“This is your personal cubby,” I told her, showing her a cubby on the lower shelf. “You can keep your phone with you in the common area, but try to use it as little as possible. If you have to take a phone call, either come back here or go outside.”
“Gotcha,” She said. She was wearing a powder blue sundress and darker blue leggings with her hair in a tight, fluffy ponytail two tendrils of hair hanging on either side of her face. She looked adorable.
The others wandered in shortly after the two of us put our things away and I introduced all of them. They greeted her politely and engaged her in light conversation, asking where she was from and how she was liking town so far, as they started on the coffee and pastries I brought in for them every day.
I had about fifteen minutes before the daycare opened, so I went to the waitlist to notify the families at the top that I could take them. A couple of people had already found accommodations, but the ones who hadn’t were overjoyed, two of them even asking if they could fill out the intake paperwork that day.
A paper plate with a pastry and a cup of coffee was placed in front of me. I looked up, and Briauna winked and smiled at me before returning to the back room.
Oh, god. This was bad. Love at first sight doesn’t exist, I told myself. She’s pretty and sweet, sure, but this is just an infatuation. Don’t even think about it. Didn’t you just tell your team that you didn’t need a girlfriend to be happy? Besides, dating a co-worker is always a bad idea. She probably wouldn’t be into you, anyway. Just get a grip and let it go.
The children began arriving, and I was out front to greet them, dodging the over-eager mothers as best I could. Kody, Emily, Jacob, Esther, and Briauna came out of the back when they heard the children’s voices. They quickly fell into their roles, including Briauna, helping the kids take off their jackets and instructing them to put their shoes and lunches in their cubbies.
I’d say only a third of the kids were human. The rest were a mix of orcs, fae, beast creatures, and even a little half-demon girl. Most of the children were between the ages of two and five, though we did have a couple that were under two years old, and they were mostly Esther’s responsibility. She was the best at handling the babies.
“Okay, little ones, sit in the circle and play the quiet game for a minute,” I said to the group, and they scrambled to find a spot in the big, red sitting circle in the middle of the room. “We’ve got a brand new friend who’s going to be helping us out from now on. Her name is Briauna.”
Briauna waved at them and said, “Nice to meet you!”
“I want you guys to be nice to her,” I continued, “And stay on your very best behavior, okay?”
“Yes, Kah-Kah,” said the chorus of little voices.
“Kah-Kah?” Briauna asked in an undertone. “That must go over well with the Spanish-speaking parents.”
I grinned. “We’ve all got nicknames. Emily is Emmy, Jacob is Jay-Jay, Esther is Essa, and Kody… well, Kody doesn’t have a nickname, but theirs is easy to pronounce, even for the littler ones. Just wait, I’m sure you’ll have your own by the end of the day.”
Sure enough, the children had started calling Briauna Na-Na by lunchtime.
“Told you,” I said as we began laying them down for their afternoon naps. She grinned at me with the tip of her tongue between her teeth. I felt like slapping myself after wondering what that tongue might feel like on mine.
Naptime was when we took lunch. One of us was assigned to sit with the kids as they slept so that the others could eat, and there was a rotating schedule. Today was Kody’s day. I made a note to add Briauna to the schedule later.
“So, how was your first day?” I asked her over my club sandwich.
“Amazing,” She said. “It’s exactly what I was hoping for.”
“Yeah, the kids are great,” Emily said. “They almost make the pay worth it.” She grinned and stuck her forked tongue out of me. I reached out and whacked her spiny shoulder lightly.
“I wish I could pay all of you more,” I said a little regretfully. “We’re applying for low income care grant for businesses that involve children, and when the grant comes through, I’m hoping I can give you all bonuses.”
“Bonuses,” Jacob, Emily, and Esther all said in unison, like zombies.
Briauna shook her head and laughed softly. “Honestly, I don’t care about the money. Today was probably the best day of my professional career. If I didn’t need to eat, I’d do it for free. It’s exactly what I’ve always wanted. Kids deserve a good start, no matter who or what they are, or where they come from. I’m so happy to help do that for them.”
I stared at her in an awed silence, feeling as if my heart had taken up all the space in my chest, leaving no room for my lungs. There was no point in lying to myself anymore: I was head over heels in love with this woman.
I forced myself to look away from her, and ended up glancing at my other three co-workers, who had sudden knowing smirks on their faces. I scowled at them and lowered my eyes, eating to occupy my mouth so I wouldn’t have to answer questions.
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Walking home that evening, I couldn’t stop thinking about her. I knew myself well enough to know I’d never have the courage to just ask her out. I’ve never been that confident. All of my exes had asked me out, not the other way around. I thought about having someone ask her out for me, but I shook the thought out of my head with a grimace. This wasn’t high school. I was a goddamn adult and running my own business. I should be able to ask her out without a buffer.
Thinking that was easy, doing it was another thing entirely.
As I passed a novelty store, I stopped and looked in the window. There was a very tiny stuffed deer sitting in a little gift bag with chocolates cookies.
I stood there, staring at the stuffed deer. In the old days, orcs wanting to charm a mate would go through a courting ritual which usually involved hunting large game, like bears and deer and the like. I definitely wasn’t the hunting type, but… the point was to show your adoration through gifts, to show what you can provide for your mate. I certainly didn’t intend to leave dead animal on her doorstep, but I did want to offer her affection and companionship.
I ducked into the novelty store and bought the gift bag without really thinking about it. And now that I had it, I had no idea how to present it to her. I couldn’t just give it to her during work in front of the others; I was too self-conscious. I hadn’t seen her anywhere outside of work, so I couldn’t “accidentally” bump into her someplace else. I wasn’t going to show up at her house unannounced like a goddamn creep. I sighed, hoping I’d figure it out.
The next day, I was sure to get in before everyone else and hide the gift in my desk. As it happened, that day was my day to sit with the children during naptime. After the kids were sleeping and everyone went into the back room for lunch, I snuck quietly into my office, retrieved the gift, and slipped it into one of Briauna’s coat pockets.
After naptime, Briauna took out a book she’d brought from her own home and had all the little ones sitting in a semi-circle around her. She was naturally gifted at holding their attention. Well, not just theirs. I couldn’t stop staring at her.
I had put a high precedent on early education, so lessons on shapes, colors, numbers, and letters were a weekly thing. Not enough that it overloaded their still developing brains, but just enough to keep them engaged and help them retain the knowledge. We often did a flash card game with a points system, and the winner got a reward from the toy chest.
“You’re going to scare the kids if you keep making faces at Briauna like that,” Kody told me as they looked over the children’s worksheets.
I scoffed. “What are you talking about?”
Kody gave me a deadpan look. “Come on, man. I’m not blind. You’ve been staring at her all day. Hell, you practically drool. You’re really going to act like you’re not attracted to her?”
“Just drop it.”
Kody raised their hands in surrender, their eyebrows shooting up to their hairline. “Fine, fine.” They shook their head at you. “You’re a hot mess, you know that?”
“I’m more than aware, thank you,” I told them. Again, they shook their head and wandered off to set out the art supplies for creative time.
They rest of the day passed without incident. Briauna pulled on her coat without checking her pockets. I watched her with my heart in my throat as she left with the others. Kody shot me a meaningful look before following her out of the door.
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The next morning, she came in with the giftbag in her hand.
“Who left this in my coat?” She asked.
“That was in your coat?” Emily said. “There’s no note or anything?”
“No, I found it in my pocket when I got home,” She said. “I thought maybe one of the kids put it in there, but the price tag on the bottom said it was, like, twenty bucks, and I don’t think toddlers keep that kind of cash on them.”
I winced internally. I’ll have to remember to take the tag off next time. I’d never done this before, so some mistakes were bound to happen. I’d have to be more careful in the future.
“So, which one of you gave me this? Jacob?”
Jacob snorted. “Girl, you cute and all, but I’m gay as the day is long. It was one of them,” He said, gesturing at the rest of us.
“Not me,” Kody, Esther, and Emily said in unison.
“What about you, Boss?” Emily asked.
I tried my best to look affronted. “Please, I spend enough money on coffee and donuts for you losers every day.”
“So, none of you are going to own up to this?” Briauna said. “Really?”
“Hell, maybe it was one of the kids, you don’t know,” Emily said.
Briauna rolled her eyes. “You guys are impossible.”
“You like it,” Kody said, grinning.
Two days later, a teddy bear and some caramels found their way into her pockets. A week after that, there was a stuffed tiger and gourmet hard candies.
On her day to sit with the kids at naptime, I brought her a coffee, and she whispered, “Who do you think is leaving me the presents?”
“Dunno,” I said. “Could be any of them, really. Well, except Jacob.”
“Not you, though,” She asked shrewdly.
“I’m your boss,” I said. “Wouldn’t that be inappropriate?”
“I guess,” She said, shrugging. “But I thought you said formalities went out the window here.”
I gulped my heart down. Thankfully for my slowly crumbling facade of professionalism, the soft bell that alerted the end of naptime went off, and it was time to get the kids up for afternoon playtime outside.
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That evening, while I was alone in my office, I was going through this months invoices while also looking at edible fruit and chocolate arrangements on my phone, when I saw my office door open. Kody stood there, leaning on the doorframe with their arms crossed.
Putting my phone face down and fixing a neutral expression on my face, I said, “What’s up?”
“Dude, do you really think I don’t know what you’re doing?” They said.
“I’m filing invoices,” I said.
“Come on, man, you know what I’m talking about. I know you’re the one leaving Briauna the gifts. Esther’s married, I’m asexual, and Briauna’s not Emily’s type. It has to be you. You’re not that slick.”
I sighed. I knew they’d caught me. “Are you going to tell Briauna?”
“No,” They said. “You are.”
“I can’t,” I said, scrubbing my face with my hands.
“And why not?”
“A lot of reasons,” I replied, reclining in my chair.
“Name one,” They said.
“I’m… weird.”
Kody laughed. “We’re all weird, Jukah.”
“It’s...” You sighed. “I doubt she’d even be into me. I’ve got… a lot of baggage, and not everyone is strong enough or willing to carry it with me. Trust me, I know. Every girlfriend I’ve had has seemed to buckle under the weight.”
“So you’re saying she’s not enough for you?”
“No!” I retorted, sitting up. “I’m saying I’m not enough for her. This place,” I gestured at the walls. “It’s all I’ve got. I’ve got no family, no friends besides my co-workers, no life outside of my work. Hell, I don’t even have my health. I’m a shit excuse for an orc. I mean, I’m too damn shy to ask a girl out. What does that tell you?”
“Maybe she likes shy guys,” Kody argued.
“Orcs aren’t supposed to be shy,” I said with a scowl.
Kody sighed in frustration. “Why are you so obsessed with what orcs are ‘supposed’ to be like?”
“You don’t understand, Kody,” I said with a return sigh. “I grew up in a stronghold, a traditional one. The pressure they put upon us to be the best orc possible was suffocating. I wasn’t the only one who who had to deal with it, but I was the only one who couldn’t live up to the expectation, the only one who didn’t grow up into the orc I should have been, and that has severe repercussions in orc communities. I was my stronghold’s biggest shame. None of my family speaks to me. My clan won’t even acknowledge my existence anymore; I’ve literally been erased from the book of clan lineages.”
“Dude… I do get it,” Kody said. “When I told my family that I was non-binary, asexual, wasn’t planning on having kids, wasn’t a Christian, and had no intention of taking over their business, they fucking lost it. I was their only kid and they had placed all their expectations for the future on me without asking me how I felt about it. They kicked me out, cut off my tuition, wrote me out of their will, refused to see me or take my calls. I went from working on a degree in medicine to living on a park bench. You were the one who gave me a chance. You gave all of us a chance.” They came in and laid a hand on my shoulder. “I don’t really give a shit what other orcs think of you, and you shouldn’t either. You’re worth so much more than they’d want you to believe.”
“Thanks, Kody,” I said. “It’s hard to undo an entire lifetime of being told you’re not enough.”
“I know,” They replied. “But do you really think Briauna is the kind of person who would think that? And if you do, why would you want to be with someone who does?”
“I don’t think she’s like that,” I said. “That’s one of the reasons I like her.”
“Then ask her out.”
I sighed sharply and ducked my head. “What if she says no and things are awkward, and she decides it’s too weird to work here? I’d have to kick out all the new kids we just took in,” I shook my head, resolved “I can’t do that. The kids come first.”
Kody groaned and rolled their eyes. “God, you are insufferable!” They walked to the door and leaned out. “Would you please come in here and put him out of my misery?”
To my complete shock and horror, Briauna walked in with a sheepish smile on her face.
I stared at Kody in disbelief. “Wow… you are… just… so fired.”
“Please, you need me,” They said, backing out of the room. “I’m basically your conscience.”
“You are the exact opposite of that thing.”
They laughed as they made to exit the building. “You kids have fun.”
Briauna stood there with one of the stuffed animals in her hands. “So it was you, then?”
I stood up and raked my hands through my hair. “Yeah. Sorry.”
“Why are you sorry? It was sweet. A little creepy, but mostly sweet.”
I snorted. “I wasn’t trying to be creepy. I just wanted to get your attention.”
“Well, it worked.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out a little stuffed bunny, something I hadn’t given her, and held it out to me. “Would this be enough to get your attention?”
I laughed and took it. “Yeah. And… maybe… dinner when you’re free?”
“I’m free now,” She said. “And there’s a curry place I’ve been dying to try since I moved here, but I’ve never had the chance to go.”
“That sounds perfect,” I said, grabbing my coat.
“Kody’s right, you know,” She said as I opened the door for her, stepping out into the chilly winter evening. “You shouldn’t care what people think about you. Well, except for me.”
“And what do you think about me?” I asked her.
She put her arm around my waist. “I think you’re really cute. I did the day we met. I was hoping the gift giver was you. And I think shy guys are adorable.” She lay her head on my chest. She was a short little thing. “I’m also hoping you won’t be too shy to kiss me goodnight.
I put my arm around her shoulder in return and lifted her face with my other hand. I kissed her softly and she pressed into it, parting her lips as if asking for more. My tongue reach out to toy with hers, and she moaned into my mouth. I pulled away, licking my lips.
“Dinner first,” I said, smiling.
She snorted. “You might regret that. It is curry.”
“I’ll take my chances,” I said, leading her down the street.
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Since my work is no longer searchable, please do me a favor and reblog this story if you enjoyed it. Help me reach a wider audience! To help me continue creating, please consider buying me a Kofi, becoming a Patron, or donating directly to my PayPal!
Thanks for reading!
My Masterlist
The Exophilia Creator’s Masterlist
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monstersandmaw · 6 years
Ghosti’s Patreon Masterlist (edit ALL LINKS NOW DEAD)
Ok, here is a link to everything that is unique to Monsters and Maw’s Patreon. Buckle up, it’s a long post I’m afraid.
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This does not include early release posts which are also found on Tumblr, links to polls and updates, or super tiny sneak peaks. Please let me know if any of the links aren’t working. I will tag this on Patreon as ‘masterlist’ and it should appear in the 'featured tags’ area on my 'posts’ page, and it will be linked in my Patreon bio.
(Almost all of this is available to those on the Pixies and Goblins tier and up)
When I hit 100 patrons I will be doing a sticker and handwritten postcard giveaway to those who want them!
Monthly Stories
May – male naga x male reader (Chu’a) (nsfw)
June – male alien x reader (Kirthn’hul/ ‘Kith’) (nsfw)
July – male fairy x male reader (Jinx) (nsfw)
August – cherry blossom dryad x female reader (Cera) (nsfw)
September – male tiger rakshasa x female reader (Bhisaj) (nsfw)
October – male satyr x female reader (Kieran) Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five
October BONUS – Orctoberfest female orc x female reader (Khasha)
November - demon prince x reader (nsfw)
December - female kitsune x female reader (Yuki) (nsfw)
January - male kelpie x female reader (Dolen) (nsfw)
February - male living armour x female reader (Berion) (nsfw)
March - android x reader (Iru) (sfw)
Twelve Days of Monstermas Special Series!
Day One: (male reindeer cervitaur x reader - NSFW)
Day Two (female gargoyle x male reader - NSFW)
Day Three (trans female tiefling x female reader - NSFW)
Day Four (male alien x reader - NSFW)
Day Five (male octomer x reader - NSFW)
Day Six (female demon x male reader - NSFW)
Day Seven (male orc x male reader - NSFW)
Day Eight (male minotaur x female character - SFW)  
Day Nine (female rakshasi x reader - SFW)
Day Ten (non binary avian x reader - NSFW)
Day Eleven (female banshee x reader - SFW)
Day Twelve (male yeti x female reader - NSFW)
Commissions *New Category*
Female space pirate captain x buff female reader (nsfw)
Male minotaur (Axel) x female reader (sfw)
Prince of the Court of Night (Naeryn) x female reader (nsfw)
Prince of the Court of Night (Naeryn) x female reader - Part Two (nsfw)
Male shadowborne warrior (Shaer) x female reader (nsfw)
Male reptilian fae (Adan) x female reader (nsfw)
Starfall Springs *New Category*
Introductory post with logo art
Preliminary map of Starfall Springs
Early list of characters so far...
Centaur farmer concept art and info (Jaime)
Orc blacksmith concept art and info (Dhurak)
Fae Realm *New Category*
Jaerhin - Prince of the Court of Fire aesthetic and info
Inikeira - Princess of the Court of Air aesthetic and info
'Poster boy' for the Fae Realm doodle
Fae Courts - 'wiki' style info post
Ystlynn - younger son of the Court of Spring, aesthetic and info
Cirdan - Prince of the Court of Winter, drawing and Fae Realm info
Fae seer/priest aesthetic, ideas, and fae world concepts  
Concept art and drawings
'Creepy' kelpie (Dolen) doodle
Claude - Belgian draft centaur boy
Náin (or Nathan) Cadash - dwarven Inquisitor
Deor - Legolas' fictional son
Eldarion drawings and info
Eldarion and Deor
Pensive Hades
Finnok the goblin sketch and story concept
Dullahan sticker
'Really?' Persephone pins a flower in Hades' hair
Persephone playing 'fetch' with Cerberus
Persephone doodle
Hades portrait
Hades studies
Hades doodle + ramblings
Bashir - lich boy
Luai - demon guardian
Mauhir - male uruk hai concept drawing
Laughing triton drawing - different style
Female tiefling
Faun drawing
Storniel - male antlered reaper demon from November's story
Male satyr - Kieran
Male satyr - Kieran (Inktober drawing)
Fen’an – non-binary desire demon/incubus (to be renamed...)
Gawain – faun boy
Effie – female moth monster
Japanese-inspired shadow demon
Lokh – male living wraith
Male cervitaur (deer centaur) + bonus story snippet
Male mutant (nsfw)
Kith – alien from June’s story
Laughing triton
Character Profiles and story concepts
Blind Seelie Prince aesthetic and long, multi-part story plan
Female undead house of horrors actress - aesthetic and story plan
Male police centaur - Josh
Female orc - Amber
Modern day police minotaur - Soli
Fenan, duskan elf - massive character bio, background, and story plan
Female zebra warrior centaur
Genderfluid näcken -  Ealjá
Spooky haunted locket
Black fox kitsune - Garrett
Symbiote aesthetic
Minotaur ‘lord of the manor’ - Edmund
Male mutant aesthetic and story concept
Hydra girlfriend aesthetic
Winter and Violet's aesthetic (characters from gnoll boy Brenn’s story)
Ice fae/demon aesthetic
Centipede alien aesthetic (nsfw + oviposition!)
Male mummy x reader (sfw) extract and aesthetic)
Male kitsune aesthetic and info
Android/human hybrid (Calum Fairburn) aesthetic and background
Necromancer lich
Modern witch aesthetic (Phia from orc boy Lasca’s story)
Selkie boyfriend aesthetic
Male tiefling doctor and story notes (long)
Ghosti’s extensive headcanons on fairies…
Jackal-headed/'Anubis' monster aesthetic and ideas
Whale shark girlfriend aesthetic (Rhinca) and story notes
Female eldritch horror aesthetic
Big modern orc boy aesthetic and ideas
Patreon Exclusives
Male goblin x female reader (Valentine's special)
Male wraith x reader Part One (sfw) (Lokh) Part Two (sfw)
Male mutant x male reader Part One (sfw) Part Two (sfw)
Male vampire x trans male reader (sfw) long WIP extract
Prince and his bodyguard (sfw) (mlm; long, non-terato story extract)
Novels: ‘Weaver of Threads’, ‘Riftgard’, and other extracts
Riftgard Chapter One (full!)
Weaver of Threads – Chapter One (extract) + aesthetic
Weaver of Threads - General Magic 'wiki' style information post *story-spoiler-free*
Weaver of Threads - Schools of Magic 'wiki' style information post *story-spoiler-free*
Weaver of Threads – World Map
Weaver of Threads - Map of Varden City
Weaver of Threads - Schematic of the Black Citadel
Leirym (prologue)
Other (including video content!)
Tour of the Workshop with Ghosti - Video!
Ghosti answers your questions in a video!
Japanese metalwork blog - making and carving a tsuba
Metalwork update – ginkgo tsuba
A glimpse into the workshop and command central!
112 notes · View notes
monstersandmaw · 6 years
Ghosti’s Patreon Masterlist - *updated*
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Ok, here is a link to everything that is unique to Monsters and Maw’s Patreon.
This does not include early release posts which are also found on Tumblr, links to polls and updates, or super tiny sneak peaks. Please let me know if any of the links aren't working. I will tag this on Patreon as 'masterlist' and it should appear in the 'featured tags' area on my 'posts' page, and it will be linked in my Patreon bio.
(Almost all of this is available to those on the Pixies and Goblins tier and up)
Updated 05.01.2019 (UK date format)
Monthly Stories
May – male naga x male reader (Chu’a) (nsfw)
June – male alien x reader (Kirthn’hul/ ‘Kith’) (nsfw)
July – male fairy x male reader (Jinx) (nsfw)
August – cherry blossom dryad x female reader (Cera) (nsfw)
September – male tiger rakshasa x female reader (Bhisaj) (nsfw)
October – male satyr x female reader (Kieran) Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five
October BONUS – Orctoberfest female orc x female reader (Khasha)
November - demon prince x reader (nsfw)
December - female kitsune x female reader (Yuki) (nsfw)
Twelve Days of Monstermas Special Series!
Day One: (male reindeer cervitaur x reader - NSFW)
Day Two (female gargoyle x male reader - NSFW)
Day Three (trans female tiefling x female reader - NSFW)
Day Four (male alien x reader - NSFW)
Day Five (male octomer x reader - NSFW)
Day Six (female demon x male reader - NSFW)
Day Seven (male orc x male reader - NSFW)
Day Eight (male minotaur x female character - SFW)  
Day Nine (female rakshasi x reader - SFW)
Day Ten (non binary avian x reader - NSFW)
Day Eleven (female banshee x reader - SFW)
Day Twelve (male yeti x female reader - NSFW)
Concept art and drawings
Claude - Belgian draft centaur boy
Náin (or Nathan) Cadash - dwarven Inquisitor
Deor - Legolas' fictional son
Eldarion drawings and info
Eldarion and Deor
Pensive Hades
Finnok the goblin sketch and story concept
Dullahan sticker
'Really?' Persephone pins a flower in Hades' hair
Persephone playing 'fetch' with Cerberus
Persephone doodle
Hades portrait
Hades studies
Hades doodle + ramblings
Bashir - lich boy
Luai - demon guardian
Mauhir - male uruk hai concept drawing
Laughing triton drawing - different style
Female tiefling
Faun drawing
Storniel - male antlered reaper demon from November's story
Male satyr - Kieran
Male satyr - Kieran (Inktober drawing)
Fen’an – non-binary desire demon/incubus (to be renamed...)
Gawain – faun boy
Effie – female moth monster
Japanese-inspired shadow demon
Lokh – male living wraith
Male cervitaur (deer centaur) + bonus story snippet
Male mutant (nsfw)
Kith – alien from June’s story
Laughing triton
Character Profiles and story concepts
Blind Seelie Prince aesthetic and long, multi-part story plan
Female undead house of horrors actress - aesthetic and story plan
Male police centaur - Josh
Female orc - Amber
Modern day police minotaur - Soli
Fenan, duskan elf - massive character bio, background, and story plan
Female zebra warrior centaur
Genderfluid näcken -  Ealjá
Spooky haunted locket
Black fox kitsune - Garrett
Symbiote aesthetic
Minotaur ‘lord of the manor’ - Edmund
Male mutant aesthetic and story concept
Hydra girlfriend aesthetic
Winter and Violet's aesthetic (characters from gnoll boy Brenn’s story)
Ice fae/demon aesthetic
Centipede alien aesthetic (nsfw + oviposition!)
Male mummy x reader (sfw) extract and aesthetic)
Male kitsune aesthetic and info
Android/human hybrid (Calum Fairburn) aesthetic and background
Necromancer lich
Modern witch aesthetic (Phia from orc boy Lasca’s story)
Selkie boyfriend aesthetic
Male tiefling doctor and story notes (long)
Ghosti’s extensive headcanons on fairies…
Jackal-headed/'Anubis' monster aesthetic and ideas
Whale shark girlfriend aesthetic (Rhinca) and story notes
Female eldritch horror aesthetic
Big modern orc boy aesthetic and ideas
Patreon Exclusives
Male wraith x reader Part One (sfw) (Lokh) Part Two (sfw)
Male mutant x male reader Part One (sfw) Part Two (sfw)
Male vampire x trans male reader (sfw) long WIP extract
Prince and his bodyguard (sfw) (mlm; long, non-terato story extract)
Novels: ‘Weaver of Threads’ and ‘Riftgard’
Riftgard Chapter One (full!)
Weaver of Threads – Chapter One (extract) + aesthetic
Weaver of Threads - General Magic 'wiki' style information post *story-spoiler-free*
Weaver of Threads - Schools of Magic 'wiki' style information post *story-spoiler-free*
Weaver of Threads – World Map
Weaver of Threads - Map of Varden City
Weaver of Threads - Schematic of the Black Citadel
Tour of the Workshop with Ghosti - Video!
Japanese metalwork blog - making and carving a tsuba
Metalwork update – ginkgo tsuba
A glimpse into the workshop and command central!
72 notes · View notes