#male to female bodysuit
derfpossessions · 7 months
Rented You Out - Part 5
Denholm and Markus were on their way to their client when they discovered a bodysuit of a man who disappeared a year ago. They decided to keep the suit and see what happened to the man and how he ended up being a lifeless suit in a box from a strange janitor.
“So, what are we gonna do with him?” Markus said.
“I think I should wear him.” Denholm said.
“What?? But.. that wouldn’t make sense.. A suit cannot wear another one! You might risk yourself getting hurt!”
“But I’m not fully a suit! I want to live this man’s life to give it proper closure!” Denholm argued and grabbed the suit’s legs.
“Well.. here goes nothing.” He starts putting on the suit by opening the back zipper. There, the deflated biceps of the guy became chiseled, the veins in his arms bulged out, and the legs became more bolder. As he puts on the mask, his chest started puffing out, and the perfect jawline appeared out of the face.
Sweating, he pants and turns around to Markus, and Markus was in awe.
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“Did it.. did it worked?” Denholm said in a new sexy Vietnamese accent.
“Damn your voice… it’s so baritone and suave!!” Markus’ sex drive was driving him insane.
“Well he is ripped. I’m sure he spent a lot of time building this perfect bod.” Denholm said as he looked at himself in the mirror. His now black hair, brown eyes, piercings and earrings, and tattoos gleamed out.
“Ok then, you do what you gonna do to that body, I’ll just take over your student council duties for today.” Markus said as he left.
“What’s this?” Denholm noticed Markus dropped a bag with panties in it.
“But I thought he was gay…” He added while looking confused.
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Denholm scourged through the guy’s memories to see what his past life had looked like. His name was Vince Long, a Vietnamese-American who was born from a wealthy family, and an alumni from the same high school as him. Vince was a top-tier student with straight-As, and to top it off, he had a hot girlfriend. They were the perfect couple, and the happiest one, until Vince suddenly disappeared.
One night after their 2nd year anniversary, Vince and his girlfriend Aurora left the restaurant at night to head home, when suddenly a white van appeared from the dark and took Vince and Aurora in. To her surprise, Aurora was spared by the men and left alone, she was left scarred and in pain to this day.
As for what happened with Vince next, Denholm couldn’t dig into any more memories, as the load must have stopped once he was turned into a full bodysuit.
“Could Aurora been also spared and left as a half-bodysuit like me?”, Denholm questioned as he looked through the pictures in Vince’s home.
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It’s been a year since Vince’s disappearance , and his flat has been maintained by his family’s staff in honor of him. Denholm puts down his bag on Vince’s bed and looks in the mirror.
“You know what… maybe I should have a little bit of fun first”, Denholm says as he takes off his shirt and starts squeezing Vince’s hardening cock.
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“Oohh… haven’t tried this in a while to be honest..” Denholm whispers as Vince’s sexy deep tones come out of his mouth.
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“Ahh yes.. I’m Vince the engineer.. come here baby.. the fuckboy’s gonna unleash all his cum to you..” Denholm was shocked that even the way he speaks resembled very closely to Vince’s. The months long abandoned bedroom of Vince has been blessed not by holy water, but with his fresh loaded cum that hasn’t been released since 2022. Denholm lies down in bed in satisfaction as he tastes Vince’s long-expired cum.
Suddenly someone knocked on the door. Denholm got dressed and answered it, and to his surprise, it was Vince’s parents, Mr and Mrs Long waiting for him. They held tight his son while they burst into tears.
“We’ve looked for you everywhere! We miss you so much!” Mrs Long said as she hugged her son.
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The parents took him back to their family mansion where they had a Thanksgiving Prayer with a reading on the Prodigal Son, to celebrate’s Vince’s homecoming.
Then, Denholm filed an official statement regarding Vince’s kidnapping to help solve the people responsible for the his kidnapping and the others as well. A joint investigation took place while Denholm gave the police more details about a “bodysuit factory”.
After the party was over, Denholm went home to Vince’s place, where he saw Aurora.
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“Babe… babe is that you?!?” Aurora started tearing up and ran up to him.
“I missed you so much…” ‘Vince’ said in shock while he hugged his girlfriend.
The two shared a romantic kiss and embraced each other with the reunion. For Denholm it felt like he gave Vince the closure he needed, but he cannot live as Vince forever.
Aurora made the next move. She dragged Vince up the stairs and the two started undressing.
Excited, Aurora undresses herself and undresses Vince’s long sleeve, and his tank top.
He revealed his white Calvin Klein boxers while his cock barks back at her as he starts to get very horny.
“This is… wrong.” Denholm whispered as he started grabbing the sheets. “Babe.. what do you mean? I missed you so much!!” Aurora was biting her lips.
“Your breath… your armpit hairs… your leg hairs… your Amazon rainforest in your cock… every single inch of you I am craving right now.” Aurora was starting up the engine.
“Oh I miss doing this.” Aurora said while she touches Vince’s abs. “Babe.. maybe we should slow down.” Vince tried resisting. “Oh fuck this. give me that!” Aurora ripped his boxers wide and revealed the arching cock that she’s been craving for.
Aurora then starts teasing his manhood until it did a standing ovation. They then started kissing mouth to mouth and rolled on the bed, knocking over the bed sheets.
Vince’s mouth started watering as he grabbed Aurora’s breasts to drink her milkshake. He gave her clitties a blessful kiss, and he started inserting it in. The hole kept declining though, like a debit card refusing to be read by an ATM.
She then licked his ass, with the expired butt hairs electrifying out like that one Nair video.
“Why not repair my ass? Civil engineering? Fuck that.. engineer this pussy.” She started cracking up.
“What the fuck is this woman on?” Vince started to get so scared. She then resisted him pulling away and she bited his pecs. He screamed faintly like a little girl but felt delighted and rubbed her back again.
“You know what…? Let me fold you like a fucking pretzel.” Vince grinned. She screamed out loud as he bent her back and put the funnel into the bottle opening. She screamed and screamed and screamed. They were both suffocating in each other’s saliva, cum and seemingly piss. They were banging the walls and even squeezed themselves in the closet. She was freaking out as he chased him down the halls, both naked.
They Netflix and chilled, he pulled her many times to kiss her, and she rubbed his pubic hairs like petting their Shih Tzu Tracy. It was a very immaculate and blessed moment.
They did various poses! Doggy, cowboy, missionary, and our favorite, 69. They did it and did it until they got sweaty and started panting.
Aurora slurps out Vince’s loaded manhood like she’s slurping out a big bowl of ramen. She giggles as his load explodes out of her face, and she kneels down as he starts inserting his rubbery dick into her rubbery pussy. (Hold on… rubbery pussy..?, We’ll get there later on.)
Vince was making sure the zipper at the back of his neck wasn’t opening out as he exerts extra pressure against Aurora in bed. They both giggle as Aurora licks Vince’s smooth sweaty abs and she starts biting them. Vince screamed out but it didn’t hurt as much as he expected, it felt like he got bit by a dog while wearing a silicone rubber pants.
“Let’s do it again.” Aurora said while running out of breath. They initiated their sacred rituals again and again throughout the whole night. Fuck me ‘til up daylight indeed.
As Vince and Aurora finally covered themselves under the sheets, they both rest and as they cuddle each other, not knowing something behind there was opening up. Let me turn it into a saying, Don’t leave the fridge open at night.
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Both drenched in sweat, Vince goes to the bathroom to get toilet paper to clean up the exploded fluids in his room. But something was wrong. The zipper opened a little bit, and was stuck.
Aurora then discovered this and just stood there as if she knew this whole time that he was a bodysuit.
“Babe.. it’s not what it looks like.. I promise.” Vince was in shock and started shaking.
“I- um.. I no… no..” Aurora was also nervous. she turned around to look away, but then it was another jaw-dropping moment: her zipper was also opened, she thought it wouldn’t get exposed but the bra she had just put on wasn’t enough to conceal it.
“What…?? WHAT?!?” Vince tried grabbing Aurora’s arm but she ran as fast as she could and fled the scene.
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Denholm chased her down to the garage, but the bodysuit was starting to melt as the zipper had been exposed. He tried unzipping himself a few more tries, and managed to get out of Vince’s body.
Denholm now ran to the garage door but Aurora had locked it. Denholm tried breaking in, using everything he had on the house to reach the inside.
Denholm figured out that he could simply open the front garage doors and catch her in the act, so he pushed the button and the front garage lifted upward and he rushed inside, but it wasn’t what he was expecting, never at all expected what it was.
He took a step closer but to his surprise, Markus was there, seemingly apprehending the now-empty Aurora suit.
“Markus what the fuck are you doing here?!??” Denholm freaked out.
“I.. I don’t know! I just found this body snatcher somewhere and I followed her to this home! I didn’t know this was your bodysuit’s home!” Markus said.
“Dang it. FUCKKKKK!!!!!” Denholm let out a very loud scream as he started kicking the nearby objects. He was angry. He was FURIOUS.
“I think this suit is also like you, Denholm. I think she was also spared because she’s not hollow right now, she has a pulse.” Markus said.
“Well we better drive her home safely then. I’ll also take home Vince and keep it in our property.” Denholm said as he started the car to head home.
As he headed out, a nervous grin and a blush came out of Markus.
“I wonder if he’ll ever know…”
(17 Hours earlier…)
Aurora: “Yes, yes that would be 45.99 for the jeans.”
Customer: “Ok, I’m paying by credit. I really love your local boutique!”
Aurora: “Thank for you shopping here! This boutique means a lot to me as me and my late boyfriend invested a lot on it!”
Markus then walks in while wearing a face mask and sunglasses.
Aurora: Hi welcome to Beautiful Botanica Boutique— AHHHHHH!!!
Aurora let out a loud scream and passed out.
Markus: Welcome.. and goodbye bitch.
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Markus laughed maniacally as he lifted Aurora and unzipped her back, which transformed her into a bodysuit.
He then started sliding his legs into her more smaller ones, causing a huge stretch on the suit. Her body also expanded wide as Markus’ masculine torso squished in to fill in the void. Soon once Markus put on the mask, the suit realigned and formed itself: The legs started to shrink into a more feminine physique, and the waist significantly decreased and compressed Markus’ body. It was uncomfortable for him but it was all worth it. His new breasts also grew out to his desire. Markus looks into the store’s mirror.
“Hi welcome to Beautiful Botanica Boutique!” He said in a new feminine high-pitched voice.
“Hey Vince.. hey baby… hey… Denholm.”
She said while she seductively stares into her reflection, and giggled. She packed up her stuff and left to go to Vince’s place.
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ultramagicalternate · 11 months
Erika Storm and Dr. Reynard Woodall
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Relevant Posts: Mary Pickford
Master Post
Quick note: I am more than willing to take advice on how to do lighting and shading like you see above. I will happily make changes to this.
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- - The return of Two Infamous Primordials - -
    The Primordials were a group of entities tasked with testing the stability of the Cosmos back when God first created it. Once the Cosmos were stable enough for everyone to live in, the Primordials were expected to reincarnate. Some did not comply, becoming rogue Primordials. The two most notable examples are The Dragon of Old and The Lich of Old. In this case, something different happened. There were two Primordials God tasked with creation, that being The Sulfur of Old and The Mercury of Old. These two rivals created many things... until they fell in love. This union resulted in the creation of three new Primordials: The Fear of Old, The Hunger of Old, and The Child of Old.
    This was unacceptable and dangerous, so God called upon The Evangelist of Old and The Watchman of Old to deal with the issue. The Evangelist claimed Sulfur's power and the Watchman claimed Mercury's power. This forced the two troublemakers to reincarnate. The three newborn Primordials would be spared as it was no fault of their own. While it is unclear what Fear and Hunger are up to, the Child seems to have reincarnated as an Atlantean Alchemist named Hermes Trismegistus.
- - Dr. Reynard Woodall - -
    Originally The Sulfur of Old, Reynard was born in the year 1900. Being a young adult in 1920s America helped him greatly, leading him to becoming an engineer and an architect. He had a change of career once the stock market crashed, shifting him towards the military industrial complex. The chaos of World War II led to the start of a top secret group called The German Anomaly Investigation Group or G.A.I.G. (Pronounced: "Gauge"). His work in this group would lead to him discovering Alchemy, of which he practiced all throughout the 1940s. In the 1950s, Reynard was approached by M.A.I.G., a reformation of the old G.A.I.G. Over the years he would rise through the ranks and become the lead scientist for the organization.
- - Erika Storm - -
    The Mercury of Old was very chaotic and retained this trait even in her reincarnation. Erika just showed up one day on Sky Fortress Camelot (one of the air carriers for The Liger Brigade). Erika did have past interactions with the Briggs family, but it was poorly documented. The only thing Captain Antares Briggs knew was that she was nothing but trouble. Imagine his reaction to Erika just popping up one day and asking for a job in the science division. Things were hectic for a while. Erika had a habit of getting into trouble with her experiments, but she was producing results. Eventually Antares and the other captains of the North American division of The Liger Brigade agreed to promote her to head scientist.
    Naturally Erika and Reynard reunited at some point. They were beyond happy to see each other again. Plans for marriage are on the table. but starting a family is something they are not interested in... for good reasons. In regards to the bomb incident, the Time Watchers feel that the less known about that branch of the timeline the better. What they will say is that no, you should keep worrying and hate the bomb. There is a very good reason why countries do not use nukes on each other and it has nothing to do with opening a tear in reality that allowed a sentient Black Hole to roam freely on Earth. 
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Further Reading: Mary Pickford
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I'm going to keep the after thoughts short. I've had Erika kicking around for a while and I actually was going to originally upload her back when I was doing character profiles non stop (context: this was on DeviantART). Dr. Reynard on the other hand was inspired by Dr. Strangelove: or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. No, I have not watched the movie yet... I've only watched the trailer. I want to watch the movie because that trailer has me hooked.
Again, if you got any advice for shadows like this, please let me know and I will happily make changes to this.
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skuttlesstrawberry · 1 month
Peak queer roleplaying is an enby player playing an ambiguously gay man discovering his Jumanji persona is a lesbian whose former female partner would have been inhabited by his former male partner, AND they would have both been in latex bodysuits!
*chef’s kiss*
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FREE Revealing Bodysuit for Genesis 8 Female and Genesis 9 for DAZ Studio https://www.most-digital-creations.com/freestuff.htm
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mistvy · 1 year
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University Lookbook: Female
A lovely anon requested a university style lookbook, and it was so fun to base this on outfits I’ve worn when I was in school! (Male counterpart coming soon!)
Model: Selina Treasure by the incredible @teddybearwhims - you can download her here ♡
Look One: hat, sweatshirt, leggings, sneakers
Look Two: sweater, backpack, leggings, socks, uggs
Look Three: sweater combo, backpack, jeans, sneakers
Look Four: hat, blazer, bodysuit, sneakers
Thank you always to the cc creators!! @jius-sims @simpliciaty-cc @simplistic-sims4 @simkoos @softerhaze @ceeproductions @trillyke @arethabee @dissiasims @darknighttsims @charonlee
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iwanty0uu · 8 months
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❄︎ all characters are 19+ y/n being 20, second female character being 19, and male character being 21, contains swearing and mentions of violence ❄︎
click me!
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𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏...
Jada kingdom blasted through the speakers of your car, you got off early from work deciding that you would surprise your boyfriend with his favorite, KFC, a movie and some Chic-fil-A for yourself. It was snowy and you were hype, snow was either non-existent or did to much when it came to New York, so the slush of the ice below the tires of your car reminded you of how lucky you were to have a light snowy winter, just in time for the new year. The only problem was, as you parked your jeep already walking towards his door,his keys linked to the ones for your car, the door didn’t unlock.The locks were changed. 
You put aside your immediate anger for this man and taught yourself patience, so it took you a while to figure out how you wanted to react to this, the rock next to his doormat and the key that is usually under it posing as the devil and angel on your shoulder. You could either fuck his shit all the way up, or invite yourself in, but there was no key to your surprise.. dusting the snow off of your uggs and hands,adjusting your light blue bodysuit and white puffer jacket. You adjusted your small white beanie with a sigh.You completely understood what this meant.
The bitch is a cheater.
Being rational wasn’t your thing but neither was being dumb. You honked your car horn a couple of times and watched his windows, seeing the silhouette of a long skinny leg, with toes painted black, and an anklet resembling the one he gave you for Valentine’s Day…You heard the door knob shuffle, and wondered if your hearing deceived you because the front door remained still, and to your surprise he attempted to sneak the girl out of the back door which was diagonal from your jeep that you sat alerted in; door still open and legs hanging out, making eye contact with her as she mumbled something to herself.
Now, you didn’t expect your intuition to be spot on like this, in fact you hoped he had just changed his locks because something happened and he forgot to mention it to you.
“Shit” she said holding her head down covering her face with her gloved hands in shame, she knew she had wronged you and it took you a second to realize who it was, until her slimmer familiar figure approached the side walk, and stood in-front of you.
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“Bro why is she talking to her…”
He questioned as he paced around his living room, grimacing as he rubbed his hands with his face. He was still shirtless, pajama-pants hanging off oh his thick and muscular pelvis which revealed his recently trimmed happy trail, you could tell he liked what he did by how hard his dick was…He claimed you were his first love, took your virginity and loved you like no one else, but still fucked someone you trusted with your whole life, the future godmother of your kids even.He fucked up the best thing in his life.
What a dumbass.
Your eyes widened with shock as she profusely apologized without any pause, ”Y/n I’m so sorry I know he’s your boyfriend and stuff but I couldn’t help it and he left his jacket in Sasha’s car and I was close to his house and I am so so sorry I know you would never do something like this to me and you’ve took care of me my whole life and-“
Tears couldn’t help but welt in your eyes as the snow on your now damp lashes made them all the more sensitive…no word could describe how you felt, the hatred and heartbreak made your nose flush with even more red considering it was already colder than jack frost’s balls outside, you couldn’t keep it together and you wanted to do nothing but ruin her life after you realized..
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imsrtman · 2 years
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▮ male transformation ▫ male possession ▫ male body swap ▫ male hypnosis
▮ muscle growth ▫ muscle loss ▫ muscle theft ▫ weight gain ▫ merge ▫ bodysuit
▮ age progression ▫ age regression ▫ hair growth ▫ race change
▮ mental change ▫ mind control ▫ dumber ▫ language change ▫ accent change
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kotajose · 1 year
4to3 - Lace Bodysuit (Simstimates Kit)
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4to3 - Lace Bodysuit (Simstimates Kit)
1 preset.
Not Valid for randoms.
Valid for maternity (Only for Young Adults and Adult women)
Categories: Sleepwear & Swimwear.
Custom Thumbail
Available for Elder females too!
Download YA / A (mega)
Download EF (mega)
Simstimates kit has a lot of cute stuff for male and female sims, so I decided to do a quick convertion of this bodysuit. It looks pretty cute in game.
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derfpossessions · 8 months
Rented You Out - Part 4
Our story continues on with Denholm and Markus searching for a new client that is willing to rent Denholm’s body out for a spin. The hospital bills are rising up again, and the two needs their classic gig to pay out the loans.
While they were there, a woman named Natasha approached them and heard of their services. “Heyy, you’re that Denholm guy that can be rented from the black market right?” She giggled. “Uhhh.. yeah, but I don’t remember someone booking an appointment with me today..” He replied.
“Oh come on, I just decided I’d come and see you in-person! So, when can I use you?” She slowly walked up to them. “Girl wait… so you’re the one using his body?”, Markus said, who is starting to get suspicious about her. “You think only men can try out men bodysuits?? Stop with the gender roles!” She got lowkey pissed.
“Anyways, can I try it on first before I settle with the deal?” She couldn’t resist her temptation to try on the suit. “Ok, I’ll show you right now..” Denholm taps the button and he goes into suit-mode. Natasha entered his body and it and opened her eyes in his new masculine physique.
“Woahh.. something’s hard down there! Omg this is sooo fucking cool!” She was giggling as she felt Denholm’s cock.
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“It must be fun being a man you know, I’m doing this for a social experiment for my case study.” She added, while looking enthusiastic. She then started rubbing in his body and looked at her new reflection in the phone camera. “Ok time’s up girl the free trial’s over. get out of him.” Markus said as he unzipped Denholm and pulled her out. “Ok I think I like it! I would pay more if you want!” She said.
“Uhh.. well I better get ready then. Just so you know you have to make the payment first before you’ll be able to use the suit.” Denholm said nervously.
“Ok ok. No rush, take your time and I’ll meet you tonight.” She said and then left the two. The two then continued on going to class.
“Are you sure you want that girl to use your body? She sounds like she’s on meth!” Markus told Denholm while walking down the hallway.
“Well if she’s paying anyway then we can’t refuse on a customer.” Denholm sighed. Things are about to get strange from this point onward.
While they were walking they saw a peculiar man cleaning the windows. With him he had a large cart full of boxes. “That’s weird, I never noticed that staff here before.” Markus told Denholm. As they passed by the man, they accidentally knocked off one of the boxes, and the man panicked an stormed off with the cart. “Bro what’s wrong with that guy?” Denholm said while Markus looks down to see the weird box. Inside the box there’s a garbage bag sealed with duct tape. The box was a quite heavy, so they brought it to a nearby classroom.
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To their surprise, there was something rubbery-like in the bag, and when they opened it, it’s a folded up bodysuit.
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“Woah what the fuck?!” The two got shocked by the looks of the bodysuit. They carefully undressed the man from the formal suit he was wearing. It was a little bit drenched in sweat, and the it smelled like it just came fresh from the gym. “Holyyyy shittt?!!” Markus screamed as they started unfolding the suit on top of the table.
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It was a bodysuit of a man, probably in his early 20s, and is ethnically East Asian. “Well he looks like your local gym rat, and a total fuckboy.” Markus jokingly said (he was right tho). “So, looks like there’s a lot more bodysuits out there, not just me.” Denholm said while touching the man’s deflated rubbery arm. They tried flipping the man over to see if he has a switch that is similar to Denholm’s. “Let’s bring this man back to life shall we?” Markus said. They flipped the switch, but there was no response. The suit remained a little deflated, and hollow. The two started getting scared. “Don’t tell me.. don’t tell me this guy is dead..” Denholm was shaking.
“Found one of them I see?” Mr Singh came in to join the fun. The two gasped. “What are you doing here?!”
“Well I knew one day you two would see the others.”
Denholm: “What do you mean… the others..??”
Singh: “You see, your case as a bodysuit isn’t as rare as you might think. Lots of people around this city, fall bait into the numerous kidnappings that occurred. They get taken away in a van, never to be seen again.”
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“What happens to them next? They’ll be put in a large factory where humans are transformed into bodysuits. Their organs, their insides are replaced and retrofitted to become a fully wearable suit, or whatever the fuck magic they do in that place.”
“You should be very grateful you’re even alive. Some people like you do survive the suit process and manage to escape, not knowing how to be able to cope with their lives being changed forever. And then there’s the unfortunate people. The ones who are put into the deep sleep, and forced to be worn as lifeless mascot suits for the rest of their lives. The people who wear them have full access to their past lives and memories, and may choose to continue on that original life, or reinvent their past lives, or a mixture of both.”
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“That man right there… had a girlfriend, aiming for his degree in Engineering, getting ripped at the gym. all of that was taken away from him on one night. Now it’s up to his users if they want to live upon his legacy.”
“That’s all I know for now. I don’t know if there’s ever a cure to this condition of being converted into a suit, but it really sucks for these people.”
Denholm got furious. “I must stop this madness then. I’m gonna put an end to it.”
Markus stopped him, “Are you stupid?! You almost got killed yourself! Our goal is to stay out of from their sight as much as possible!”
“Markus is right. Don’t worry, it will all be better soon.” Mr Singh said. “Well I gotta go teach my class now. You two, stay safe and don’t get yourselves into trouble.”
Markus carried the suit to the backroom. “Hey, one more thing Denny.” Singh grinned.
“With those hot charisma you have, you sure ARE a great kisser.” Singh winked and left. (see part 2 if u dont get what he meant)
“Wha… what did he meant?” Denholm was in shock.
“Nothing! just some side jobs while he was renting you out!” Markus was sweating and turned around from Denholm to avoid eye contact.
“Listen. I trusted you into making sure I don’t get harmed in any way but if you get your weird shit into the conversation I will won’t hesitate to-“ a thud was suddenly heard.
“-to give you all the love you want and need.. babe.”
“What..?” Markus was frozen. Whatever the fuck he heard wasn’t Denholm.
“I’m trying to save you from getting beaten up! Now go clean this mess up!” Singh laughed.
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“Well on one thought.. I think I do want a kiss..” Markus leaned forward from good old Denny and they had a mouth to mouth embracement, with their tongues locking intertwined, forming a heart shape from the divine.
“Pull down your pants. This will only take 8 minutes trust me.” Singh giggled as he took off Denny’s hoodie.
And then the rest is history…
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dolly-birdi · 5 months
Any doll brand that tries to appeal to the christian soccer moms that call their dolls "demonic sluts" or "child hookers" are missing the point so badly. Changing the dolls faces, clothes, or bodies won't improve their opinion on these dolls, because those were never the issues to begin with. These are just the kind of people that take issue with virtually any depiction of the female form because it makes them uncomfortable. Even the amount of skin showing isn't the problem. (I've seen westerners call licca-chan "pedo bait" before. No dolls are safe lmao)
If it was about modesty, realistic body image, positive role models, etc then they would also take issue with male action figures that are marketed to boys as well (they're built like fridges, wear skintight bodysuits, and are made to play in fight scenes). But they don't. I've never seen anyone call action figures "roided up gigolos" or "slutty barbarians." Only the toys designed to look like girls/women are called sexually derogatory names and slurs. How curious.
There IS an important conversation to be had about over sexualization of toys aimed at little girls, but this is not what this is about. These people pearl-clutching over dolls in strapless dresses, skirts, or crop tops aren't doing it because they are concerned about the mental health or innocence of young girls. Tbh I think it's more of a projection of internalized misogyny from these women, and just plain old misogyny from men.
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moonletpie · 6 months
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some outfits for scoobie :>
her favourite colour is green if you couldn’t tell. all cc linked below!
hair - ambrose by okruee
*top | shorts (pippa) | socks | boots (V1) | hat - strangerville gp
top | shorts | socks (ren) | shoes
top (clean reg) | shorts | socks (V3) | hat
top | tights | leg warmers | hat
bodysuit (dainty top) | **sandals | hat
top (taylor) | shorts | shoes | hat | belt overlay (buckle)
top | dungarees | sandals | belt overlay (incheon)
sweater | jorts | shoes | scarf (no.2)
*1901: windenburgish t-shirts by sforzinda in clean tucked roll
**it says 'male' but they're available for female too
all links go to the creators' blogs/patreons/websites etc. if anything is wrong or not matching up, let me know. and i'm pretty sure the hat on outfit 8 is base game. or get to work? could be wrong...
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FREE Bodysuit for Genesis 8 Female and Genesis 9 for DAZ Studio https://www.most-digital-creations.com/freestuff.htm
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skele-bunny · 2 months
Can we get some Swiss/Phan/Dew with them feminizing Phantom? Pleaseee!!!
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I think ghouls don't really care about gendered clothing, they just have preferences to what they wear! Yeah you'll catch Aether in a skirt, or Cumulus in a jean jacket, they know what's considered "female/male/unisex". They also know that women's clothing are very sexualized and some even arousing on purpose more than men's clothing.
Swiss especially knows that! He has his own little collection, and it all starts with Phantom being Sunshine's little fashion doll to see what fits them that no longer fits her and something in his head just clicks. So while he's out and about, just collecting little garments that range from thongs to long sleeve crops. It's all innocent to Phantom, too! Just receiving the gifts as a kindness gesture and unaware of Swiss fetishizing him secretly.
Dew picks up on it though, when Phantom in lounging in the den with a skirt that barely covers his ass and stockings that hug his thighs—Swiss just staring. So then Dew gets involved. "You'd look cute in this!"/"Why not wear this today for me?"/"I like this color on you.", then Dew is feeding into it and giving him outfits too.
Little bat is just so happy to have cute things to wear and moreso knowing his mates love it just as much. He's started understanding it, however. If he wears his miniskirts, he'll have hands riding up his ass. If they wear tank tops, hands from behind will be right under his chest. So, Phantom goes behind their back and gets a particular piece. Asking both of them to come to his room later for a surprise! They're thinking it'll be movie time, or maybe he got them gifts like usual, or crafted little crystal jewelry for them.
So they comply, walk into the room and what are they met with? Phantom laying on his bed with his candles lit, laying on his side and giving them hardcore bedroom eyes. A teddy bodysuit that has a constellation theme with cut sleeves that are cut on the fingers equally, and black stockings with garters.
"Picked it out myself! Do... You like it?"
Phantom eventually learns how much they like it, even being delicate as they push the covering to the side so they don't rip it too much. Made to keep it on the whole night while they devour him.
So if you look in Phantom's closet, you'll find multiple new lingerie sets, each with a theme that mimics his mates ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧
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dsknsk · 1 year
I've said this in a discord server before but I find this trend in Identities to be so funny.
I've noticed that with Identities for male characters, it's like
Hong Lu is now in a bodysuit. Heathcliff is now in a bodysuit. Meursault is now in a bodysuit (though not in the sprite). Also Yi Sang is now a pretty dance battler covered in flowers who literally attacks with a fan and twirling around.
While with Identities for female characters, it's like
Rodion is now the boss of a Workshop. Ryoushuu is now a cannibal who runs a bistro. Outis is now a director. Don is now a director (again!). Faust is now a cult leader.
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godsandvillains-if · 1 year
What kind of clothes do the ROs wear when they're not doing super stuff?
Hello! 🤗
I received this question a lot, so here we go!
Stardom — They prefer to wear three piece suits most of the time, because they feel comfortable in it or to keep up appearances... Maybe both.
Archon — Archon is a simple person, a.k.a doesn't know shit about fashion trends. They like to wear jeans, simple t-shirt, leather jacked and boots.
Paladin — Good luck seeing them out of their armor or without their mask, but if you have the privilege you will see that they prefer to wear a simple style of gym apparel: legging, sneakers and long-sleeved shirts.
Wildcat — They tend to wear their bodysuit underneath their clothes most of the time, so when they shift back they are not left naked. Wildcat likes funny t-shirts, with pop and nerdy prints, ripped jeans and sneakers.
Ace — Ace has a more casual form of their superhero costume that they tend to wear, it's just as useful with secret compartments and hidden pockets. They are always prepared for something and let's be real, they are desperately in need of a break.
Zodiac — Zodiac prefers to wear loose clothing, robes or simple cotton pants and shirts, like the ones adventurers wear. But during formal events they wear african wax prints suits, or long dresses of the same material.
Mars — Mars, like your classical villain, enjoys an old sort of style. Female Mars wears blood red garments, usually fork fitting and long. Male Mars prefers suits of the same tone and especially tailored.
Thanks for the question!! 🍒
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plumbaleena · 2 years
Funfetti Onesies by Plumbaleena
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I am so excited to share with you the next set of my infant bodysuit recolors! Here are some bodysuits your sweet little infants can wear for any occasion!
🧁 6 swatches
🧁 Male + Female
🧁 Any occasion
Follow my daily updated Infant Favorites Pinterest board | HERE
// Please do not reupload and claim as your own
You can find me here - Twitch | Instagram | Youtube | Tumblr |
@maxismatchccworld​ @thesimpanions​
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