ULTRAMagic Interlude: Shadowland Chapter 26
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After the delightful lunch, Gabriella and Weaver briefly retired to a lounge to let their food settle before heading out. Noticing a magazine on a coffee table, Weaver picked it up and began looking through it. “Fashion? Hum… What the? Hey, Gabriella, what’s with all these demons wearing these weird clothes?”
“Oh it’s just the current fashion trend. Rubber and synthetic fabrics are in right now. Not my cup of tea personally as I prefer clothes that breathe.”
“Jeez, none of this looks practical in the slightest…”
“They really aren’t. I’m hoping things shift towards traditional Victorian dress. I can’t get enough of that aesthetic… as you can certainly tell. Of course due to Inferno being non-linear in time, we have an ungodly amount of fashion to choose from.”
“I see. Heh, that’s not bad… So what was in before this?”
“Roaring 20s. It was probably because we had an influx of… well, um, perhaps I should spare you the details. Point is that people are fickle about what they wear and we’re very open to new ideas here in Inferno.”
Weaver continued to flip through until he got to a section that made him set the magazine down. “Good lord, that’s unheard of back home, haha.”
Gabriella chuckled. “Be careful, some of those issues tend to get a bit risque. Just as a heads up, my mom is into that kind of clothing. She loves sleek and shiny and even has a red bodysuit for the more adult centered social gatherings.”
“Yeah, I noticed some of the mannequins over there… Not going to lie, I wouldn’t mind trying some of that stuff on…”
“Truth be told, I don't hate tight and fully covering attire, I just can’t bring myself to wear it for prolonged periods of time. Mother is an arcane scientist, but she’s also a fashion designer by night. I’ve tried on some of her prototype outfits and it was fun, but not something I’d do on the regular. If you want to help her out with that stuff, feel free to let her know.”
“Arcane scientist… is that like an alchemist?”
“Yes, but her profession is a bit more broad.”
Getting back on track, Weaver had a chuckle. “How do you go from a woman of science to a fashion designer and back again like that?”
Gabriella smiled and shook her head. “That’s just who she is. I’d argue seeking satisfaction and pleasure like that runs counter to the pursuit of knowledge, but she makes it work. I cannot criticize her without acknowledging that my pursuit of knowledge puts me at risk, more so than her.”
Weaver got up to stretch. “To each their own.” Walking over to the bookshelf, he began thumbing through until he found something that interested him. “All of these look pretty eerie… what are they?”
“Oh, be careful, Weaver. A good portion of those books are more than just books if you catch my meaning. Some of them are what you would call cursed or hexed. I’m not sure how they’d affect you if you read them…”
He pulled out one that was a reflective black. It had glowing red runes all over the front cover. The pages were much the same, being quite odd to flip through. “What’s this one? It’s… it’s…” Weaver began going through the pages with fervor, his eyes widening as eldritch knowledge poured into his mind.
Gabriella noticed this and stroked the spine of the book with two fingers, causing it to quiver. She then snapped her fingers several times in front of his face. “Weaver! Can you hear me?”
“Huh? What? Oh yeah… what was that?”
She looked at the book, noticing that a black goo had formed over his hands. “Oh dear, that’s not good…” Seemingly aware, the book retracted the goo back into it. “That book is… that book is…” She noticed Valentina in the entrance way. “Mom, where did you get that book?”
“Stolon sent it to me to tinker with after his most recent assignment. It was in the depths of Miranda, appearing to be a grimoire of sorts. Mind if I ask what you two saw in it?”
“Um… something about Void magic?” Weaver replied, somewhat unsure of what he witnessed.
“How fascinating. Stolon could probably tell you more about it” Valentina pointed out. “Either way, I guess it’s yours now, Weaver. Books like that are incredibly finicky.”
“Oh, really? Well I guess so if that’s how it works…”
Xavier walked over, frowning at the book. “Yes. Now please get it out of here. It’s been flying around, causing messes all over the place…”
Valentina had a look of regret on her face. “Oh my, It has? I’m so sorry, Xavier…”
He smiled. “Don’t worry about it too much. I like you guys too much to stay mad at you.”
Gabriella sighed. “Well I suppose all of this is our cue to go deliver that package then…”
“Sure,” Weaver agreed as the book vanished. It was still there, just out of the way for the time being.
Collecting what they needed, Valentina saw Weaver and Gabriella off as they left the mansion. Xavier pulled his car up to the entrance, offering to drive the two to where they needed to go. Stolon’s mansion was close, but not close enough for a reasonable walk. As they drove, Weaver noticed that they were not leaving the land exactly, just going off in another direction. Gabriella explained that in the past, King Paimon had gifted land the size of a small country to his underling, Zaem. Zaem further invited some of his friends and coworkers to come live with him, dividing the land equally amongst them.
“Wow, this Zaem sounds pretty generous,” Weaver observed.
“Indeed,” Gabriella replied. “He’s also working towards a spot on The Infernal Council of Order, seeking to succeed Paimon.”
“And I think he’s going to pull it off,” Xavier stated. “He’s finishing up his 5 year trial period soon and his record is sterling.”
Weaver got out his book and began skimming through it. “Well that’s good to hear. I hope he gets the position then.”
After some more driving, Xavier pulled up to the entrance of Stolon’s mansion. “And here we are. I’m going to head back. Give me a call if you need me to come get you for whatever reason.”
“Will do, Xavier. Thanks,” Gabriella said as she got out and shut the door.
“Thanks for the ride,” Weaver replied.
Stolon’s mansion had a more regal appearance to it, something that was apparent from the outset. Gabriella went up and rang the doorbell, which gave off a melodic series of chimes. “Hopefully Stolas is here today.”
The ornate doors opened, revealing a bulky, older gentleman with a stern look on his face. This gave way to a smile once he saw who was at the door. “Gabriella, how wonderful to see you” he welcomed in a gruff, British voice.
“Hello, Sullivan. Is Stolon home? Mom has a package for him.”
“You’re in luck, as the master arrived home not too long ago. Before anything else, however, who is this young man?”
“This is Weaver Craddock. He’s a blacksmith from Shadowland. He’s also my boyfriend.”
“Wonderful. Welcome to the house of Stolon, Mr. Craddock. Please, come on in.”
“Thank you, Mr. Sullivan,” he replied as they all went inside.
Sullivan stepped over to a phone of sorts and pressed a few buttons. He then spoke into the microphone. “Master Stolon, Gabriella has arrived with your package from Valentina.”
As the three waited in the parlor overlooking a fountain garden, Weaver started to look around. This mansion shared similarities with Valentina’s, but it felt like royals lived in this one. There were more refined paintings, heirlooms were on display here and there, and trophies were all over the place. He could tell that Stolon’s family was very prestigious and proud of their achievements. Weaver wanted to ask about some of the awards, but two children ran past before he could. Sullivan immediately went after them, ordering them to cease running in the mansion.
“Who were they?” Weaver asked.
“Forlas and Stoltur, two of Stolas’ younger brothers” Gabriella answered.
“I’ll have to apologize to Sullivan for that as it was my fault for getting them so excited, haha” an older, Irish voice said. Weaver turned to see a man with long, dark hair that trailed off into what looked like feathers. He had a face full of facial hair and dark eyes that were trained like a bird’s eyes. “Gabriella, great to have you back, lass” he stated as he straightened out his tuxedo.
“Thank you, Stolon. It’s great to be back. Things were a bit heated in The Unlight, but I had to come home for a breather.” She handed him the package. “Here you go by the way.”
“Excellent, but I’ll have to tend to this later. The missus is off in the gardens with the kids for a picnic and I need to get back to them. Before I do, who’s this gentleman?”
Gabriella smiled. “Stolon, this is Weaver Craddock, a blacksmith from Shadowland. We’ve been fighting together and, well, he’s my boyfriend now.”
Stolon promptly shook Weaver’s hand. “A pleasure to meet you, Weaver. Fighting the good fight against those troublemaking Proch’s, I presume?”
He nodded. “Yup. Finally got the upper hand on that rat Milosh after demolishing his dumb cult’s church.”
“Very good! Very good indeed. Truth be told, I’ve been begging Dragoslava Raynot to summon me to get a part of the action, ha. Speaking of which, Gabriella, you were in The Iron City, weren’t you? How is Drago doing?”
“Good, good. Desislav and her were all over the place last time I checked… that was about two weeks ago, but I imagine not much has changed.”
“Ah, I see. And Blood-Wraith, how is that starry-eyed lad doing?”
“Um, well, he seems to be a bit worried as of late. Worried about a lot of things…”
“Oh dear, that’s not ideal. I’ll have to make plans to go visit them then. Maybe bring them here for one of our picnics.”
Weaver nodded, then realized something. “Oh, sir? Not to jump subjects, but what is this?” He inquired as he got out his book.
Stolon took a moment, then gave a laugh. “That is a void grimoire, my boy. Looks like the one I handed off to Valentina. I’d dare say it’s chosen you as its owner.”
“I see. Well Aureolus is going to be thrilled… also can’t wait to show Dunja this. So what’s the deal behind it? In where it came from. I’ve seen this kind of stuff before, but this one is vastly different.”
Stolon cleared his throat. “Not too long ago I was tasked with dealing with a living planet from The Dark Void, or the shadow of the Cosmos. The eldritch object in question had wandered into Earth’s solar system, looking to merge with Earth itself. My team and I put a stop to it, isolating the interloper in orbit around the ice giant, Uranus. We had to implement a cover story afterwards that it was a moon called Miranda that’s always been there. Evidently the entity is female. As for that book, Pruflas was tasked with looking after Miranda and began poking around. He sent a whole bunch of those books back and tasked us with studying them…”
“Master Stolon?” Sullivan said as he stood in the parlor entrance, holding Forlas and Stoltur’s hands. “I believe these two are overdue to go outside.”
“Most certainly,” Stolon replied with another laugh. He then turned to Weaver and Gabriella. “I’ll be outside if you two need me. If you’re looking for Stolas, he’s in his room, stargazing.”
As Stolon left with his boys, Gabriella took Weaver up a winding staircase to the third floor. “Gabriella, what kind of demons are Stolon’s family?” He asked.
“Corvidae. Stolon and Stolas are ravens. Forlas and Stoltur? They’re bluejays. As for Sullivan, he’s from another family of eagle demons.”
“Neat. Are there other animal based demons out there?”
“Naturally. If you can think of it, there’s probably a demon for it.”
The third floor was a hallway with many rooms on each wall. At the end of the hallway was a door with Stolas’ name on it. The wall and door were decorated with carvings and etchings of constellations, something Stolas had requested. Gabriella knocked on the door several times and waited. She mentioned that Stolas had a habit of getting engrossed in his hobbies, so he would probably be a minute. After a little bit of waiting, the door opened with a soft creaking. The two were greeted by a slightly unkempt, youthful man with dark hair and eyes.
After rubbing his face with a cloth, the man got a good look at who was at his door. ���Gabriella, is that you!?”
“Hey, Stolas…”
“Gabriella!” He exclaimed as he gave her a big, friend’s hug. “You’ve been so busy as of late. How have you’ve been?”
“Fantastic. A bit roughed up while exploring, but still fine.”
“You must tell me all about it and The Unlight, posthaste!” Stolas then looked at Weaver. “Oh Hello, who’s this?”
“Weaver Craddock, nice to meet you” he replied as he held out his hand.
“He’s a blacksmith from Shadowland I’ve been working with. He’s also my boyfriend” Gabriella explained.
“Oh…” Stolas hesitated as he looked at Weaver’s rough and calloused hand. “Well it’s a pleasure to meet you, Weaver. Come on in, both of you. Just, um, mind the mess. I was doing some writing and taking notes on an epiphany I had. It was a very good research session.”
The three moved around tables and stacks of books to a miniature lounge. It sat underneath a platform that held a huge telescope that stuck out of the domed roof and ceiling. Across from them was Stolas’ sleeping quarters. Weaver could tell from the sheer volume of bookshelves and scientific instruments that Stolas was a scholar. It all reminded him of Claudius’ mansion and Sten’s libraries.
“Are Zasiel and Cynassa free at the moment?” Gabriella inquired.
“No, Unfortunately. They’re off having fun at a fashion show in New Paradiso…”
“Huh, since when were they the fashion types?”
“Tanya. She even tried to rope me into it, ha.”
“Who’s Tanya?” Weaver asked.
“Zasiel’s girlfriend. She’s also another Angel native to Inferno.”
Stolas placed a stack of paper, several quills, and multiple inkwells on the lounge table. “Now Gabriella, tell me everything you can about The Unlight. Don’t worry about me, I’m ready to write.”
Gabriella chuckled. “Alright then. It’ll be quite the tale though…”
“Again, fine with me. And Weaver, don’t be shy. If you have anything you want to share, go on right ahead.”
“Oh, okay then. I’ll let Gabriella start, however.”
She took a breath. “Where do I even begin?”
ULTRAMagic Alternate © 2022 William Ford II (ChaoticTempleKnight)
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artistassinideas · 13 days
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Guardia cyborg:
Para cuando realmente quieres mantener a los intrusos alejados.  
Cyborg Guard:
For when you really want to keep intruders away.
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sibyl1 · 9 months
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A Zyarthan
On Sibyl 1 exists a nocturnal humanoid race known as the Zyarthans. Their pearlescent black and shimmering blue skin helps them to fade seamlessly into the darkness, making them the apex predators of their realm. Adapted to thrive both in the vast depths of the sea and on the rugged terrain of the land, the Zyarthans possess remarkable agility and endurance. With superhuman speed they dart through the water and glide effortlessly across the land. Their lithe forms allow them to maneuver with unparalleled grace and lethality. They can strike with lightning speed, catching their prey unaware before vanishing in the blink of an eye. They are the ultimate apex predator.
So-Fi Zyarthan Female, 04-29-2023 AI Art, MidJourney Creative Writing by So-Fi
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lovejessicaryan · 1 year
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Thank you @hollyrandall for having me on your podcast at the @avn expo 💕 I am super excited to see what @joi.city can do ! Anything #bladerunner inspired will have my support 🤖 #sciencefictionfantasy . . . . . #hollyrandallunfiltered #joicity #neonaesthetic #podcastinterview #jessicaryan #cultofjess #avnexpo2023 #avn (at Resorts World Las Vegas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnLkEdVrgk4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thenerdynarrative · 5 months
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Anyone else snag some great audiobooks during the recent sale from @audible ?
I loaded UP on a bunch of self published titles and this is one of them! Best part is the author narrated the book, which I always love because the author knows just how it’s supposed to “sound”
I’ve been tearing through this one - anytime you mix science fiction, fantasy and horror elements together, it’s bound to give me a good time. Throw in the man-eating robots and it’s a win-win 😉
Below is the full description for THE FAILED TECHNOMANCER by @booludlowbooks
There’s no room for failure in the robot apocalypse. Not if you don’t want to get eaten. With the world destroyed by insane, man-eating robots, only technomancers stand between humanity and utter annihilation. Unfortunately, 64Bit might be the one technomancer who can’t command robots with his mind. As an acolyte, he has managed to hide his shame, but then an army of hungry robots came marching right toward his home settlement. Hopelessly unprepared, beyond the point that revealing his secret would do any good, 64Bit gambles everything on the slim chance that he might be able to wake his master from a coma before everyone is devoured.
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chaotictempleknight · 8 months
Hey there. Here's a reminder that I am currently working on a big project called ULTRAMagic Alternate. It has it's own blog
You can read the first chapter of the first story arc, ULTRAMagic Prelude, here:
Side note, I have implemented a table of contents.
I still need to do a lot and get caught up with my posts though. Given how long away from Tumblr, I have a bit of a backlog. Also the art is going vary in quality because I have been working on improving over time.
Definitely check it all out if you've got a spare moment.
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fredhandbag · 1 year
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All Systems Red by Martha Wells is the first book in her Murderbot Diary series. “On a distant planet, a small group of scientists is conducting research accompanied by their Company-supplied security android. Unknown to the group their SecUnit has hacked his own governor module and refers to himself as “Murderbo” He hates all human interaction and prefers to spend as much time as he can watching entertainment vids. But when a nearby group of researchers goes quiet, it’s up to Murderbot to get to the truth.” How can you not want to read a sci-fi novella with a character called Murderbot. He doesn’t do any murdering, just protects his group from the compromised androids. This reads like classic sci-fi (Asimov and Heinlein, not Jules Verne) There is technology here but the story is about the characters not space ships 🚀 and worm holes. A nice change-of-pace and a quick read. This was published in ‘17 so I’m headed to read the rest of the series. Do you like a little sci-fi? #allsystemsred #marthawells #themurderbotdiaries #scifi #sciencefiction #novellas #tordotcom #sciencefictionfantasy #bookstagram #bookshelves #booknerd #readinglife #bookphotography #bookcommunity #bookblogger #sodacityreads #suspensebook #bookhaul #literarycrimefiction #homelibrary #bookrecs #actionsuspense https://www.instagram.com/p/CqLF4ldLj2f/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gustaffo-vargas · 1 year
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Morning sketch 🤖 #sciencefictionfantasy #artistoninstagram #instagramartist #inkdrawing #originalart #originaldrawing #originalsketch #doodle #sketch #sketchdrawing #inksketch #characterdrawing #characterdesign  (at Edinburgh, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnjSwLSMIJY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ladyangelsea · 1 year
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🌌𝗣𝗢𝗥𝗧𝗔𝗟 𝗙𝗔𝗡𝗧𝗔𝗦𝗬 𝗢𝗥 𝗙𝗔𝗜𝗥𝗬𝗧𝗔𝗟𝗘 𝗥𝗘𝗧𝗘𝗟𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗚?🌌 Do you prefer the thrill of discovering new realms through mysterious portals or the nostalgia of revisiting classic stories with a fresh twist? I love both portal fantasy and fairytale retellings. I can't choose between them. I can't decide, I love them both! ☺️ The thrill of discovery in portal fantasy and the nostalgia of familiar tales in fairytale retellings make for the perfect combination. The choice is yours, but one thing's for sure: both will transport you to places beyond your wildest imagination. 😍😍😍 So, tell me, which one would you choose? Portal fantasy, fairytale retelling, or a combination of both? Let me know in the comments below! ❤️👇 🌌🌌🌌 #portalfantasy #fairytaleretelling #fantasybooks #bookstagram #bookish #readingcommunity #booknerd #bookworm #booklover #bookaddict #bookstagrammer #bookishfeatures #bookishlove #bookishlife #bookishthoughts #bookishpost #bookishcommunity #bookishworld #bookishphoto #bookishphotography #bookishgoals #bookishinspiration #sciencefictionwriter #fantasyauthor #sciencefictionfantasy #scifiauthor #sciencefictionauthor #fantasybookstagram #scififantasy #themoonstarsandskychallenge (at Naperville, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnXJ4RpLYbx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Here is #darthvader doing his thing, marauding across the galaxy. Cool. 👽🌵🧠 #starwars #starwarsday ##darthvaderedit #alongtimeago #alongtimeagoinagalaxyfarfaraway #maythe4thbewithyou #maytheforcebewithyou #skywalkersaga #skywalker #lukeimyourfather #lightsaber #redlightsaber #scifiart #sciencefictionartwork #sciencefictionfantasy #fanart #digitalart #digitalartist #photoshop #wacomcintiqpro #space #spacewar https://www.instagram.com/p/CdJ0bdxPJXy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ultramagicalternate · 3 months
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Relevant Posts: Maxima, Dragutin, Shadow, Blood-Wraith, Vlastimir, Faustus, Cliff
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    Mayhem is a rather infamous Devil for those that know of him. He is a unique Chaos Devil who has never really fit in due to antics and habits. Chaos is also a rare affinity for Devils, causing him to face mild prejudice from his kin. Not being one to let people tell him how to live his life, he learned how to use his abilities and set out for the realm of Chaos. It is here where he proceeded to throw himself up against a wall for several centuries in non linear time.
    Why was Mayhem in such a dangerous realm? Simple, he wanted to become a Discordant God of Chaos by challenging one of the gods for their title. No one had the heart to tell him he was in way over his head, so he kept going for some time. Naturally the Discordant Gods that fought him would easily defeat him. Discordant War was one he clashed with the most. Of course the god admired the devil's moxie and began secretly training him with each encounter. 
    After an adventure with a jabberwock and Spiritus Magni Maxima, Mayhem would return to Hell of Universe-23 and settle down for a bit. He would also take the chance to explore the bizarre realm known as The Unlight after reading about the adventures of Gabriella Pari. 
    In regards to his weapons, these are a pair of machetes he forged himself... with help from a blacksmith devil by the name of Cliff. These blades allow him to channel his power in the form of blue and yellow fire. The magical fire extends the machetes into full blown swords that can burn anything. As for his magic aside from his chaos fire ability, he is adept at Necromancy. Typically he either asks high ranking demons for help or outright summons them to grant him their boons.
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Further reading: Will vents to Mayhem
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Here's another character from GTALT (An UT/DT AU I worked on on DA) I am bringing back into canon: Mayhem... Mayhem? Who's Mayhem? Basically GTALT was a mix of Undertale and Deltarune that had Jevil in it. The thing is that this was my own interpretation of Jevil. So I figured why not take the design I drew and repurpose it for an original character? Plus you could argue GTALT Jevil wasn't actually Jevil. Either way, here's mayhem, a Chaos devil.
I'll talk more about his personality and partners in the next art upload as that one will also feature him. Mayhem does have people he allows to summon him.
The day prior to this upload was annoying as I was tired and not in the mood to work on art. And then here comes this morning where I got the urge to actually work on something. This is my second time drawing a profile for Mayhem. The first time was just to get the concept out of my head. In regards to why the lore is sparse this time around, I've got plans for Mayhem. He's going to be appearing in a side story for ULTRAMagic Alternate that should be coming out after Shadowland and the Interlude bonus chapters.
Don't worry, Eon 1 won't get pushed off until next year. I am certain I can get everything I have planned for this year done this year. If not, Chaos 1 (the side story) will be postponed. It's an interesting series of events, but it's not terribly relevant to the main story of UMAE.
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artistassinideas · 1 year
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Giant Insects on a Spring Day.
Insectos gigantes en un día de primavera.
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sibyl1 · 9 months
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Flight of the Lotus l
Legends whisper the lotus fields of Sibyl1 hold profound secrets. That their beauty is not merely a façade. These radiant flowers are said to possess the power to unveil the innermost desires and dreams of those who dare to traverse this alien realm. Visitors speak of experiencing vivid visions, where their imagination entwines with the cosmic energy that permeates the landscape. Every evening as twilight breaks the blooms take flight to deliver their collected imagining and burdens to the Gods. Among the floating blooms, mystical creatures, unseen elsewhere in the universe, are said to frolic in celebration during this moment. Graceful, elusive beings of astral elegance whom whisper wisdom and tales of the cosmos to those fortunate enough to encounter them.
So-Fi Flight of the Lotus l, 06-01-2023 AI Art, MidJourney Creative Writing by So-Fi
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pixoplanet · 2 years
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It's January 2nd, Science Fiction Day. On or about this day in 1920, prolific science-fiction writer Isaac Asimov was born in 🇷🇺 Petrovichi, Russia. He emigrated with his family to 🇺🇸 America when he was three years old, and grew up in Brooklyn, New York. As an adult, Asimov became a biochemist, but he gradually abandoned that career in favor of his passion – science-fiction writing. He wrote or edited about 500 volumes before he passed away in 1992, the most famous being his 🧮 "Foundation," 👑 "Galactic Empire," and 🤖 "Robot" series. He also coined the word "robotics" and introduced the world to the "Three Laws of Robotics."
In honor of Asimov's substantial contributions to the science-fiction genre, the Hallmark Channel and Scholastic Corporation organized the first annual US National Science Fiction Day on this day in 2012. The event has grown in popularity throughout the US over the years and has now begun to take hold throughout the 🌌 universe.
So, kick back today and let your imagination run wild with a good 📚 sci-fi novel, 📰 short story, 💥 comic book, 📺 TV show, or 🎥 movie. You won't be disappointed if you choose from a master like Jules Verne, H.G. Wells, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Robert A. Heinlein, Ray Bradbury, Arthur C. Clarke, Frank Herbert, Mary Shelley, George Orwell, Michael Crichton, Frederik Pohl, Gene Roddenberry, George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, or of course Isaac Asimov. ☮️ Peace… Jamiese of Pixoplanet
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thenerdynarrative · 1 year
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Ignore Bob and his romance novel - let’s talk about FOOL MOON - the second in Jim Butcher’s urban fantasy series, The Dresden Files! This is reread number 3 for me and I couldn’t be more happy about it. While this one is a lot of fans’ least favorite, it’s one I have always enjoyed! Come on, it’s werewolves! Scored the audiobook from my library and James Marsters is such an excellent narrator. SYNOPSIS: You’d think there’d be a little more action for the only professional wizard listed in the Chicago phone book. But lately, Harry Dresden hasn’t been able to dredge up any kind of work: magical, mundane, or menial. Just when it looks like he can’t afford his next meal, a murder comes along that requires his particular brand of supernatural expertise. There’s a brutally mutilated corpse, and monstrous animal markings at the scene. Not to mention that the killing took place on the night of a full moon. Harry knows exactly where this case is headed. Take three guesses—and the first two don’t count... #Fiction #UrbanFantasy #Fantasy #Mystery #Dresden #TheDresdenFiles #Reread #JimButcher #Supernatural #AmReading #Bookworm #Bookstagram #Audiobook #JamesMarsters #FoolMoon #Paranormal #Magic #ScienceFictionFantasy https://www.instagram.com/p/CoLLaEKrmGp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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add-writer · 3 years
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Finally wrapped another episode. Enjoy!
- Ben
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