#male unicorn
flowersandbigteeth · 8 months
Hello lovely, how are you doing? Can I make a request for some more of my unicorn writing? I'm asking as your writing cheers me up and I fell yesterday and broke both my legs... Arianna-irwynarn
This is just a little thing ^_^ I hope it makes you feel a little better!
Unicorn (Ainsel) x fem reader
General Plot: Your unicorn boyfriend takes you to a party
Word count: 2.5K
TW: murder, yandere behaviors, SFW yandere fluff, side character death, murder
For previous part and more yandere fluff, go here
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“I can’t believe those fools called in a welfare check!” Ainsel growled. “You are completely safe with me!” 
You blinked at Ainsel over your breakfast. His chef had made some kind of fancy eggs benedict and you were savoring it. Your new boyfriend was a lunatic, but he provided the best of everything, so you tried to enjoy it. 
“Well, I didn’t show up for work, and I haven’t been answering my phone, Ainsel,” you said. “Of course, they were worried about me. I told you I can’t just disappear, I have friends and family that are worried about me! It’s fortunate they accepted the excuse that I’d just fallen passionately in love and lost my senses and didn’t come here to kick down the door.” 
Ainsel wrinkled his elegant nose across the table from you. 
“They don’t deserve your attention,” he growled. “I don’t want to go to this party.” 
Your friend Josh, the owner of the new restaurant in town, had invited you to his house for a party. You’d convinced Ainsel that showing up would keep your friends from freaking out again and sending the police after you. 
“Don’t be silly, Ainsel,” you sighed. “I obviously belong to you. You know that, but wouldn’t it be nice to have some friends, too? Your dad and mom kept you on a short leash…they wanted to keep you isolated so you wouldn’t fall in love with a human. If you don’t try to make any friends, you’re just falling into the trap they set for you.” 
Ainsel tipped his handsome head and ran a hand through his shiny black hair. 
“I guess,” he muttered, picking at his food. 
“I don’t like that one,” Ainsel huffed as you tried on dresses for the party. “It’s too revealing.” 
You chuffed at him. 
“I’ve been trying on dresses for an hour!” you complained. “You bought all of these! You have to like one of them!” 
He stood and crossed the room from where he’d been lounging on the bed. 
“I bought them for me to see,” he said. “Not your lecherous friends!” 
You rolled your eyes. 
“They are not lecherous; if anyone is going to be looking at one of us, it will be them looking at you, Ainsel,” you huffed. “You’re stunning, I’m just a normal person. I should be the jealous one!” 
“Chk,” he clucked, looking over your shoulder at the dresses hanging in the closet. “Wear this one.” 
He passed you a designer dress with a pleated skirt that fell below your knees and sheer long sleeves. It was very pretty and modest. You almost chuckled, as the dresses Ainsel had you wearing in the house were the exact opposite and almost X-rated. 
You carefully did your makeup at your vanity while Ainsel dressed himself in one of his trim suits. Even though he was absolutely insane, he was very handsome, and it was hard not to look at him. 
His personality with the public (charming, debonair, confident) was completely different from what he showed you in private (insecure, demanding, needy). He hardly let you at an arm’s length, convinced you would run away if you got out of his eyesight for even a moment. That wasn’t entirely false. You found yourself conflicted. 
He was extremely good in bed, gorgeous, and when he wasn’t giving you puppy dog eyes for going to the bathroom without him, he doted on you. No other boyfriend you’d had before had been so dedicated. On the other hand, you knew he was a murderer and completely unhinged. 
You’d gone through five different chefs because he felt they were “looking at you too closely.” Finally, he’d found a woman of about 50 whose gazes were more motherly, and he could tolerate them. He’d outright refused to let you return to your job and cut you off from your friends until they’d gotten worried and called the police. 
It was apparent this relationship was unhealthy, but Ainsel scared you. He was a wild card, sometimes exploding into murderous tirades for seemingly no reason at all. 
Still, he often indulged you, worried you’d be mad at him. He couldn’t tolerate when you gave him the silent treatment, and his neediness got one million times worse, so you’d managed to talk him into going to this party. You hoped some normalcy would pull him out of this psychotic state. 
“My house is larger,” Ainsel huffed as you exited the elevator to Josh’s flat. 
He made enough money at the restaurant to afford one of those pretty apartments on the top floor with wide balconies overlooking the city.
“It’s not a competition,” you told him, giving him a peck on the cheek. 
He gave you a little smile. He adored it when you gave him some attention. You knocked on the door, and Josh answered, his eyes wide, taking you in. 
“(Y/N)!” he gasped, immediately pulling you in a big hug. “I’m so glad you came! We were all so worried about you!” 
You blushed, and he set you down, trying to avoid the mask of rage you knew was on Ainsel’s face. 
“Oh…you know how it is. New relationship energy,” you said. “I’m sorry I dropped off the face of the planet for a few weeks.” 
“We were very busy,” Ainsel said tightly, yanking you under his arm. 
Josh tried to hide his disdain, but ever the dutiful host, he drew up a smile for the two of you.
“Well, you’re here now. That’s what matters,” she said, waving you inside. “Go and have a drink! I’ll be making the rounds.” 
When you made yourself to the bar, your girlfriends surrounded you, full of questions. 
“Where have you been?” 
“We were so worried about you!” 
“Why didn’t you call?”
You waved them all away with vague excuses. 
“We were just so caught up…it was a whirlwind romance,” you explained. 
“You must accept my apology,” Ainsel told them, turning on the charm. “I fell hard and fast. I hardly let (Y/N) leave my bed for a few weeks. Please forgive me.” 
They looked Ainsel up and down; you could tell they understood the situation. Who would want to leave this gorgeous man’s bed? 
“But what about your job?” Emily asked. “We called the shop, and Mr. Scott said you’d disappeared.” 
Ainsel smirked. 
“Again, my fault,” he said. “I can’t stand the idea of my beautiful girlfriend toiling away when I have plenty of money to take care of her. Perhaps I should have handled things differently, but I was overcome with passion.” 
Emily blushed as he winked at her and nodded, taking a big gulp of her drink. Your friends quickly accepted Ainsel’s answers, both charmed by him and slightly envious of you. 
Since all seemed forgiven, Ainself decided to put his plan into action. He didn’t particularly like you smiling and laughing with anyone but him. He could barely tolerate it if they were your friends, mostly because pleasing them seemed to get him out of the doghouse for kidnapping you. 
The real issue was he couldn’t stop noticing Josh, his competitor, glancing at you from across the room. Ainsel felt he was too informal with you, picking up and hugging you like he had a right to your body. Only Ainsel was allowed to touch you, feel your warmth against his skin. 
Josh needed to be dealt with, but first, he intended to steal his thunder and show him who you belonged to. 
“Just a moment, love,” he said, kissing you on the head and leaving you with your friends to chat while he organized things. He marched across the room back to the bar near where Josh was standing. 
There was a mild stand-off as their eyes met before Josh straightened his shoulders and decided to give Ainsel a piece of his mind. 
“Can I have a word with you?” Josh asked, nodding to a quiet part of the room. 
Ainsel gave him his best innocent smile and nodded. 
“Of course,” he said. 
When they were out of earshot, his easy smile dropped. 
“I don’t like you,” Josh informed him. “What you’re doing to (Y/N) is abusive. Cutting her off from her friends, making her quit her job. Look, I get it, I do. (Y/N) is gorgeous and incredibly sweet, but you are taking advantage of her submissive heart. I don’t know how it is in unicorn culture, but humans don’t do that to their significant others. I am not going to let you abuse her.” 
Ainsel’s elegant eyebrow raised at the challenge. 
“What exactly do you plan on doing about it?” he asked, smirking at his enemy. 
“I’ve known (Y/N) for years,” he said. “She’ll listen to me. She’ll leave you.” 
Ainsel snorted. 
“You’ve known her all this time and never made a move?” he asked. “It’s obvious you’re in love with her, yet you let me, a stranger, swoop in and grab her up without even a fight. Now you’re threatening me?” 
He laughed out loud. 
“You’re pathetic,” he said, smiling. “But I hope you enjoy the fireworks.” 
Josh had no idea what that meant, glaring at Ainsel as he walked away. He would have immediately gone to you, to talk, but Ainsel picked up the microphone the DJ had been using and announced he had a special surprise for the party. 
He invited everyone onto the balcony. 
You looked at him, confused at what he was up to, but you followed the crowd outside like the rest of the guests. Ainsel caught you by the elbow and pulled you up to the front. With you by his side, he turned to his audience, still holding the microphone. 
“I want to thank all of (Y/N)’s friends for coming tonight,” he said. “I know she’s been hard to get a hold of for the past few weeks, but that’s all been my fault. I want to thank you all for keeping her in your thoughts and worrying about her. I was a little selfish, I admit, but who wouldn’t be for this beautiful, wonderful woman? Your care for her touched me deeply. That’s why I thought it was only right to share this special moment with all of you.” 
His eyes flashed. 
“Especially Josh,” he smirked. “Thank you for this party and for giving me the opportunity to express my apologies as well as my passion for my lovely (Y/N).” 
Suddenly, music started playing, songs from the playlist on your laptop– your favorites and there was a loud pop. You turned, looking out over the city to see a display of fireworks Ainsel had organized, sparkling, and exploding along with the music. Your mouth dropped, as did most of the guests. 
He finally turned to you.
“I only wish for your happiness, my love,” he said. 
The fireworks were enough to take your breath away, but what really leveled you were the words set up on the opposite building in massive letters made of lights. 
You turned back to Ainsel, looking for an explanation, but he was on one knee, holding a beautiful, massive engagement ring to you. Glancing up, everyone was staring at you, eyes bright with excitement. You could have said no and embarrassed him, but you had no idea what he would do, who he would kill if you refused him. So, practically dumbfounded, you nodded a silent “yes.” 
His eyes glowed, fireworks reflected in them, and his face was pure joy. He slid the giant diamond, surrounded by more diamonds, on your finger, and everyone clapped. Everyone except Josh who was seething in the corner. Not only had Ainsel made his party all about him, but he’d also cemented your position as the unicorn’s fiancee. 
When Ainsel rose, he pulled you in for a deep kiss while your friends cheered and whistled. Your eyes stung for a moment. Ainsel was a nut case, but this was a beautiful proposal. You couldn’t help but feel spoiled and adored as the fireworks continued to burst behind the two of you. He hadn’t done it in some private place. He’d kindly included all of your friends, which you knew was very difficult for him, and touched you.
He had to reluctantly let you go when your girlfriends surrounded you, wanting to look at the ring. They showered you with praise for how lucky you were and what a fantastic guy Ainsel was. 
Several of your male friends, who had no personal interest in you romantically, pulled him to the side to share a drink, toasting his excellent proposal. A few of them joked that now they were going to have to think of something even more elaborate to impress their girlfriends after this. Ainsel was sure to give Josh, who glared at him from across the room, a satisfied, smug smile. 
As the fireworks finished, one of the guys ordered you all inside for more toasts and drinks to celebrate the occasion. A few guys popped some bottles of  Josh’s most expensive champagne, thinking he’d bought it for the proposal, ushering you inside. Of course, they all thought Josh had helped Ainsel organize this, so they patted him on the shoulder as they passed him for being such a good host. 
Soon, only Ainsel and Josh were on the balcony, as your friends had pulled you in with them to take photos, commemorating the occasion. At that point, everyone was nice and buzzed, thinking of nothing but celebrating your engagement to a handsome unicorn. 
“You’re a bastard, you know that?” Josh spat. 
Ainsel’s eyes flashed, and he moved so their chests almost touched. 
“You want to know what else I am?” Ainsel asked, his voice sharp as vinegar.
Josh blinked, confused, but Ainsel was happy to tell him. 
“I’m a murderer,” he said, grinning an unhinged grin as he used his magic to stun Josh just enough that he didn’t fight or scream as Ainsel shoved him off of the balcony. He fell thirty stories to hit the ground with a wet thud, dead from a broken neck. 
Ainsel straightened his jacket and returned inside, where everyone was too drunk at that point to even notice Josh was missing. To prevent anyone from disturbing the rest of his party, he’d cast a spell over Josh just before he pushed him that would make him invisible to passers-by until much later in the night, long after he’d taken you home to celebrate your engagement privately. 
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vesprynna · 8 months
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🌿Unicorn • Pancake Plant🌿
Day 10-12 of my Drawtober project, Reverie in Green🌿 a loving tribute to monsterboyfriends and plants 🤗💖
Today I offer you a dreamy unicorn fellow, who's smile may just melt the iciest of hearts. While unicorns are normally symbols of purity and goodness, this one might not be as innocent as expected~ 🤭
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aubrietarose · 16 days
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Where are my equine gents? My next base is a masculine anthro horse (or unicorn!) with a whole bunch of different options! Use it to create your own characters, or to make and sell colored adoptables. Get it via my Itch.io or DeviantArt for $10, or through my Patreon. My most recent base is available as a limited-time reward for my $3+ tier Patrons, and all bases at my $10 tier.
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verflares · 3 months
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(click for higher quality!) draconified link concept ive been chipping away at this past week ..... here's my funny little compendium concept for him:
"A heroic spirit has taken the form of this bestial dragon. Unlike it's kin, this creature exhibits an extremely aggressive disposition. It appears highly territorial, and will relentlessly chase down those who disturb its skywide patrols - of which it seems to be endlessly searching for either a long-time vassal or foe. Unfortunately, it seems the spirit within has long since forgotten exactly who it was looking for…"
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foreverpraying · 1 year
Two Very Cute Little Unicorn Coloring (off-topic)
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cosmic-whorror · 9 months
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Capturing the unicorn
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yandere-writer-momo · 1 month
Yandere Head Canon:
A Friendship Forever
Yandere Platonic Unicorn x GN Reader
This is a self indulgent piece for all the people who always wanted a unicorn as a friend when they were young (albeit a crazy one).
Tw: Kidnapping, being held hostage (affectionately), platonic yandere, and yandere themes
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Your hands ran a brush through Andromeda’s white main. The unicorn leaned into your touch with a whinny.
“Andromeda, I cannot stay here.” You softly whispered to your longtime friend. The unicorn turned her head to look at you, her soft voice rung in your brain. It still unnerved you that she’d always communicate with you telepathically despite how many years she’d done this…
“But it’s safe here. You said you didn’t want to get married or grow old, so I brought you here.” Andromeda’s white ears flapped against her head, another whinny left her lips.
“I said that when I was five, Andromeda.” You sighed softly. “I’m in my twenties now-“
“Humans are a fleeting existence! You’d whither away if I didn’t step in!” Andromeda nodded her head. “You’re my best friend! I cannot bear to lose my best friend!”
Andromeda rose to her feet before she shook her head, her dark eyes held a playful glint in them. “Come on! We can frolic together in the enchanted forest just like we always have!”
“We can play forever! This is much better than being with humans. Humans are bad! But not you… you’re the best!”
Andromeda nodded her head at you, a snort escaped her muzzle when you didn’t get up right away. “I know you’re not tired! You’ve slept for hours! Come on!”
You sighed when Andromeda stomped her hooves at you to encourage you to get up. The unicorn happily whinnied when you obediently followed her. “There we go! Want to race to the waterfall?”
“Andromeda, you know you’ll win.” You sighed when the unicorn stamped her hooves against the forest floor.
“Not true! I let you win sometimes!” The unicorn began to circle you as she shook her mane about in a playful manner. This unicorn was still quite childish despite the many years you’ve known her. “It’s been a fifty-fifty!”
Andromeda bumped her head against your back. “Well, if you don’t want to do that, we can make flower crowns in the field!” The thought seemed to excited the unicorn who began to bounce up and down. “You can make your flower crowns and I can eat some flowers! That’s a fantastic deal, wouldn’t you say?”
You gave the unicorn a sad smile. This mythical creature could never understand you properly. You knew her will came from a good place, you’d never starve her or worry about rent anymore… but you missed your friends. Your human friends. And time seemed to pass by so differently in this enchanted forest. The weather was always perfect… And that’s when a terrifying thought entered your mind. How long have you been here exactly?
“How long have I been here with you now, Andromeda?” You softly asked the unicorn, hopeful for reassurance that it’s only been a few weeks… that you still had a life to go back to if you tried to escape.
Andromeda thought for a moment before she stomped her hoof on the ground. “It’s been about five months here, but that’s fifty years in your world!”
Andromeda circled you. “I upset the balance of the forest for my very best friend! But the spirits are not upset with me since I’ve been alone for so long! Yes, yes! We will be together until the end of time! Just you and me… friends forever.”
You felt a few tears run down your cheeks as your situation finally sunk in. You really were trapped here forever with her…
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witchtaunter · 2 days
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Wow, what a cute mare.
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thatscribblingrat · 10 months
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men with big tits. you agree. reblog.
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ikvgai · 2 months
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ignivv · 11 months
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That is... someone else.
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flowersandbigteeth · 1 year
Would you consider doing a fic about a unicorn? One of the few remaining. Who is obsessed with you. Follows you and scares persuers away. Haughty and possessive ethereal and charming. I you're his and if he has to keep you captive to help you see that he's your mate, he will.
I love unicorns!!! I was never a horse girl, but unicorns I can get down with. <3
Word Count: 4k
Ainsel (Unicorn) x F Reader
W: minor character murder, light kidnapping, yandere behavior, sfw yandere fluff
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“Ainsel, pay attention,” the unicorn’s father growled as his eyes drifted over the display, “do you want navy or white?” 
Ainsel sighed, blinking his bright blue eyes slowly. 
“I don’t care, father,” he said, “just pick something.” 
His father turned on him impatiently. 
“This is important Ainsel,” he snapped, “you are one of the last marriageable unicorns on the planet. You need to be serious about choosing a wife. The Embry’s have one of the only female unicorn daughters in existence. You have to make a good impression.” 
He rolled his eyes. 
“If she is one of the last, why should it matter?” he huffed, “we don’t really have a choice do we? I marry her and have as many babies as possible, or else. It shouldn’t matter what I look like.” 
His father pinched his lips into a fine line. 
“There are other males interested in her,” he went on, “if you don’t make a good impression she’ll choose another and there won't be any other options.” 
Ainsel shrugged carelessly. 
“I could marry a human,” he said, “they will birth a unicorn baby.” 
His father took in a sharp breath. 
“You will not marry a human,” he snarled, “I won’t have our bloodline sullied with human genes. We’ve been full blooded unicorns for generations!  A half human baby will have weak magic…then what if the next generation copulates with a human? And the next? We’ll be diluted to nothing.” 
Ainsel had heard this speech a hundred times before, from both his father and mother, but the truth was he couldn’t care less the purity of his bloodline. Especially if he had to marry a mare he hardly knew. He’d seen pictures of Elaine, but she didn’t stir his blood. He hated his parents for forcing this on him. He wanted to live his own life…make his own choices. He wanted to be happy, not a miserable baby maker, shoving his half limp cock into someone he had no interest in to produce heirs. 
“I’m sorry it’s taking so long,” you apologized, entering the large dressing room where the two wealthy unicorns were looking at suits, “Mr. Scott had to take a call, but I can help you. Here are the other options he wanted you to try.” 
You hung up a powder blue suit and a cool gray one on the rack for them to look at. 
Ainsel was not looking at the suits, however, he was looking at you. 
His father grumbled a bit under his breath about having been waiting forever, but turned his attention to the powder blue suit. 
“I think this one is best,” he said, pulling it off the rack and holding it up to examine the stitching. 
“What do you think, miss…?”  Ainsel asked, hoping you would give him your name. 
You cleared your throat a bit nervously. Your job was usually tailoring the suits, not selling them. 
“(Y/N) and personally I think the white one will have the most impact, but it should reflect your taste, not mine. Any suit will look its best when the wearer is confident and comfortable in it.” 
He couldn’t help but smile at your sweet, full cheeks and bright, sparkling eyes. 
“You're the expert,” he said, taking in the flattering little paper bag pants and white blouse you were wearing. You looked so neat and tidy with your hair swept away from your face. He couldn’t help but think you were adorable. 
You bit your bottom lip, considering the suits you’d brought in very carefully, wrinkling your brow just a little. The gesture made his cock stiffen in his pants as he imagined that little wrinkle between your eyes as he made you cum over and over again. 
“I just think you can’t go wrong with a white suit. Especially if you want to stand out. It looks clean and eye-catching without being tacky.” 
He only half heard what you were saying, his attention on the way your lips moved. He envisioned them stretched around his cock and had to step forward and angle his body away from you to pretend he was examining the white suite, so he could adjust his pants. 
“Well what do you think?” his father huffed impatiently, “I don’t have all day.” 
“I’ll go with the white one,” he said. 
His father looked relieved. 
“Alright,” the elder unicorn turned his attention to you, “Mr. Scott knows my account. Just charge whatever else he needs to that. I have other things to do.” 
He glanced back at his son as he made his way out of the dressing room. 
“Don’t be late for dinner!” he snapped and marched out, leaving the two of you alone. 
“I can help you get dressed,” you said after a moment of silence, “once I’ve taken the measurements for the tailoring, we can look at a tie and shoes.” 
Ainsel was happy to undress for you, eager to show off his assets. He knew he was beautiful, all unicorns were. He had a tall, lithe body packed with firm, corded muscles. Women fell over themselves for him whenever he went out. You couldn’t help but blush when he yanked the t-shirt he was wearing over his head, revealing his sculpted chest. 
“You look like a model,” you sputtered to your own embarrassment. 
“I mean- the suit is going to look great on you,” you said quickly. 
Ainsel gave you a bright white smile and flexed his muscles just slightly hoping to draw even more stuttering words from your mouth. 
With warm cheeks you quickly turned your attention to getting the suit ready instead of watching him undress. When you turned back around, he was only wearing gray boxer briefs that left nothing to the imagination, you could see the very clear imprint of his rather large cock, pressed against them and you blushed again. 
“Um…” you muttered, almost dropping the black button up shirt in your hand. 
There was a long silence while you took his body in, which he ate up, grinning at you from ear to ear. 
“The shirt?” he asked playfully, stepping forward and brushing it with his fingertips, making sure to graze your smaller hands. 
“Right!” you said, “um, let me help you.” 
He liked the feeling of your warm fingers just barely touching his skin as you hurried to pull it over his shoulders and let you button it up for him. Not because he couldn’t, but because he liked your scent drifting up to him. You smelled sweet, like peaches. 
“Um…it looks like we’ll have to take it in a little,” you mumbled, as you helped him into the pants, then the jacket, “but it looks good on you.” 
His clean scent, something like spicy ginger and citrus, made you feel a little dizzy. You tried to brush the feeling away and focus on taking his measurements and securing the areas with pins that you would need to work on. Your cheeks heated when you bent in front of him to work on his inseam. 
“My family is new to the area. What do you do for fun, when you’re not working?” he asked suddenly and you glanced up at him to find his bright, almost glowing, blue eyes focused on you. He was so beautiful, it was hard to believe he was real. His deep olive skin had a bit of a sheen to it, as if he was dusted in fine glitter and his raven hair reflected rainbow colors in the light. 
You shrugged. 
“I’m probably not the right person to ask,” you said, returning your attention to your work, “I’m a bit of a homebody except tonight, I guess.” 
“What are you doing tonight?” he asked. 
“Oh…um, my friend invited me out to a new bar. It’s the grand opening. I wouldn’t normally go, but he’s the owner…so…a few of us are going to support him.” 
Ainsel didn’t like “he”, but he schooled his expression. 
“Can I come?” he asked with the confidence of a man who never got turned down. 
You blinked for a second unsure what to say. 
“I’ve been incredibly bored,” he went on, “I don’t know anyone here my age…” 
You nodded as you stood, not able to come up with a reason he couldn’t come. 
“Sure…I guess. I don’t know how good it will be…” you mumbled and he reached a hand out to you. 
“Give me your phone, I’ll put in my number,” he said, so you fished it out of your pocket and handed it to him. 
“I’ll pick you up,” he said as he tapped his number into your phone and sent himself a text message from it, “just send me your address.” 
You were too flustered by the ethereal unicorn wanting to go somewhere with you, your common sense had gone out the window. No one who looked like him had ever paid you any attention before, so when he handed it back, you put in your address and hit send. The name on the contact just said Ainsel with a unicorn emoji. 
“(Y/N), I need you in the back!” Mr. Scott, barked in his gruff voice as he marched back into the room, “I’ll take over from here.” 
“Of course!” you squeaked and scurried off before even saying goodbye. 
You groaned at yourself in the mirror as you tried to put eyeliner on, finally giving up and just going with mascara and some dewy looking blush. You weren’t sure if this was supposed to be a date or if Ainsel really just wanted someone to show him around, so you struggled over what to wear. 
You didn’t want to look like you tried too hard, but you also wanted him to think you looked nice. You tried to shake the thought from your head that it was a date. No one like him would want to date you, you thought. Still, you ended up picking a cute little vintage dress that matched your eyes and some comfortable low heels. You jumped when the doorbell rang, hurrying to smooth down the flyaways in your hair before answering the door. 
Ainsel’s eyes drifted down your body and back up again when he stood before you and in his hands was a thick bouquet of assorted flowers in a glass vase.
“I didn’t know what was your favorite,” he said, handing it to you, “so I told the florist to use them all.” 
He smiled at you, looking you up and down again. 
“You look beautiful,” he said, his voice low and a bit husky. 
“Oh.” was all you managed to get out, as you accepted the vase with shaking hands.
You turned to find a place for them and he followed you inside. 
“This is cute,” he said, sauntering around your living room while you pushed some things off of your coffee table to make room for the flowers. 
“It’s nothing special…I got a deal,” you mumbled, eager to shoo him out of your messy apartment, “we should go before it gets late.” 
“Of course,” he said, placing a hand gently on your lower back as he guided you out of the door. 
You swallowed thickly at the contact. 
You made polite conversation in the car, asking how long he’d been in the area and where he moved from. The conversation came easily. Ainsel was charming and casual. He put you at ease, even though you were still stunned he wanted to come out with you. By the time you reached the restaurant he had you giggling over his silly stories about growing up a unicorn. 
“Who is this?!” your friend Leslie asked with a knowing smile when you walked in the door with Ainsel on your arm. 
Before you could introduce him, he stuck out his hand and told her his name. Your girlfriends were smitten, all asking him questions about his life and being a unicorn. You tried to stuff the little bit of jealousy down that they were giving him so much attention, but who wouldn’t want to talk to him? He was handsome and good at conversation, if not a bit aloof. He spoke with his head held high, always with his hand resting on your lower back, as if you were already a couple. 
Ainsel couldn’t help but keep his hands on you. Truly, speaking with your friends was tiresome. He’d rather be alone, talking to you more, but he knew women paid careful attention to how their potential mate interacted with their friends. He wanted to make a good impression to get their approval, nothing more. 
He only let you go when his phone buzzed in his pocket. Ainsel slipped out of the busy dining room to the small hallway where the bathrooms were to take the call. 
“Where are you?!” his father snarled into the phone, “Elaine has been here waiting for you for an hour!” 
Ainsel let out an impatient breath. 
“I’m out, father,” he said, sounding bored, “I won't make it tonight.” 
“You are seriously standing up one of the last female unicorns on the planet?” his father hissed back. 
“Yes.” he said plainly, which prompted his father to devolve into a tantrum cursing him, that he’d ever had him, and how he planned on cutting him off if he didn’t drop what he was doing and make his way home immediately. Ainsel finally just hung up the phone. It buzzed immediately as his father tried to call him back, but he just turned the vibration off and sauntered back into the dining room. 
A growl bubbled in his throat at what he saw. 
Your friend, Josh, who owned the restaurant had you wrapped in  a big hug, lifting you off of your feet. 
“Um…yes, it’s very nice, Josh, I like the decor,” you said, taking a step away from him when he put you down. 
“I’m just so happy you could make it,” he beamed. 
Ainsel shouldered past him, grabbing you by your elbow and pulling you against him possesively. Josh’s face fell just slightly at the contact, but he forced his practiced smile back on his lips. 
“Who’s this?” he asked tightly. 
“Oh, this is Ainsel. We met at-” you started to say, but Ainsel cut you off. 
“I’m (Y/N)’s date,” he said, a smug aura hovering around him as he pulled you even closer and tucked you under his arm. 
Your body tingled under his touch and your heart skipped in your chest. 
“Oh…” Josh said, “I didn’t know you were seeing someone.” 
“Well we just me-” you again started to say and again Ainsel cut you off with a kiss on your temple. 
“I’m already starting to think of her as mine,” he said, squeezing your shoulder and making all of your girlfriends giggle and shoot you mischievous smiles. 
You blanched at such a direct declaration, completely unsure what to say. Your mouth just hung open as Josh glared at Ainsel. He grabbed your chin lightly with his long fingers so that you were looking at him. 
“Why don’t we get out of here?” he asked, “I’ve been wanting to show you my other form.” 
You blinked up at him, both incredibly flattered and confused. 
“Um…but we only just-,” you mumbled as he winked at your girlfriends and told them goodnight, talking right over you while he guided you out of the bar, his arm still wrapped around your shoulder. 
“Bars are no fun,” he told you as he stuffed you back into his sports car, “let’s go someplace quiet.” 
You were a bit miffed at leaving so early, but you were curious about his unicorn form, so you didn’t say a word as he started up the engine and drove the two of you to a pretty spot overlooking the city. 
“This is much better,” he beamed, opening your door for you and helping you out of the car. 
He pulled you into a clear spot and winked at you. 
“I don’t show just anyone my unicorn form,” he said with a smile, “this is just for you to see.” 
Your cheeks burned as he took a few steps away from you. You blinked and there he was, a lovely black unicorn with a pretty horn, reminding you of the inside of an abalone shell sticking out of his forehead. 
He dipped his head and stepped towards you, encouraging you to touch him. You smoothed your slightly shaking hand over his cheek and ran your fingers through his silky jet mane. His eyes were the same illuminated blue. He bent down at the knee in front of you and it took a moment to realize he wanted you to climb on his back. 
You carefully climbed on, making sure you didn’t tug at his mane too much as you straddled him. When you were comfortably seated he walked with a slow saunter, so similar to the way he walked as a human, into the sparse forest nearby. 
The night was a bit chilly, but Ainsel was very, very warm, so you found yourself leaning down to press more of your body against him. This closeness pleased Ainsel immensely. 
You had no way of knowing, but unicorns long ago would steal pretty maidens like you with just the tactic he was using then. As his magic surrounded you, invisible to you, you felt yourself getting a bit sleepy, relaxing even further against him. Soon your eyelids slipped shut and you fell asleep with a soft sigh. 
“Mmmm,” you murmured as you slowly woke. 
Firm fingers were carding your hair, which felt nice. You sighed and a deep chuckle hit your ears. Forcing your eyes open you met Ainsel’s blue irises looking at you. 
“Have a nice nap?” he asked, with a smirk. 
Blinking you looked around, trying to get your bearings. You were laying in a large soft bed in a pretty room that had definitely seen the touch of a professional designer. 
“What- where am i?” you asked, groggily, sitting up. 
Ainsel cupped your cheek gently before he answered. 
“My bedroom,” he said, “exactly where you should be.” 
“Where I- what?” you stuttered, trying to make your sleepy mind catch up with Ainsel’s words. 
He scooted closer to you on the fluffy comforter that he’d tucked you under. 
“You’re mine (Y/N),” he purred. 
You blinked at him, confused. 
“What do you mean by that?” you ventured and he pulled your hand up to his lips, kissing your knuckles, before turning it over and dropping light kisses over your palm. 
“I want to be with you always,” he explained as his blue eyes flickered up to meet yours, “I don’t want anyone else to touch you. I don’t want you to smile for anyone but me.” 
“Ainsel,” you said, letting out a nervous laugh, “that’s impossible…of course I’m going to smile at my friends.” 
His brow furrowed. 
“Why?” he snapped, clutching your hand tighter, “I’ve worked so hard to keep you. Done things…” 
He trailed off, kissing the inside of your wrist. 
“Done what?” you asked. 
At that he brightened, eager to show off. Scooping you up in his arms he walked with a clip out of his bedroom. The mansion he lived in was beautiful and modern with lots of glass and chrome. He carried you down a flight of stairs and to what appeared to be an indoor swimming pool. Only the water was pink and something…some things…were floating on its surface. Your heart turned to ice when you realized what you were looking at.
You recognized one of the bodies floating in the pool… Ainsel’s father, the man who you’d met just hours before was clearly dead, his face marked with deep cuts. You glanced up to see the jagged hole in the glass ceiling where the two of his parents had fallen through. They must have broken their necks hitting the ceiling before they even made it to the pool. 
“What have you done?” you whimpered, your voice wan. 
Ainsel kissed your forehead. 
“They wouldn’t let us be together,” he said, with clear disgust in his voice, “but it’s all better now. I think I’ll bury them beneath the rose bushes. My mother always liked roses.”
Your instinct was to escape and you thrashed in Ainsel’s arms, beating at his chest with your fists. 
“Shhh…shhh,” he hummed at you, “I didn’t mean to upset you, love. I should have guessed you’re sensitive…that’s sweet…Just calm down. I’ll take care of everything. You’ll never have another worry as long as you live.” 
Your breath kicked up and your heart pounded in your chest. 
“Ainsel,” you gasped, staring at him, your face cold with fear, “you’re- you’re a murderer!” 
He clucked at you, pressing you into his warm chest. 
“That’s such an ugly word. I don’t want to hear you say it again,” he corrected you while he stroked your hair, quite pleased with himself, “I did what I had to do to make sure we could be together. My parents were horrible people…the world won’t miss them.” 
“B-but…” you stuttered. 
“None of that,” he chided, silencing you with a heavy kiss. 
You froze against him, letting his mouth move over yours. His lips were warm, supple and you wanted so badly to give in. He was doing something to you, your body relaxing and your eyes fluttering as you tasted the mint of his mouth on your tongue. 
“You’re going to be a good little mate, aren’t you?” he asked, pulling away, “I won't have to lock you in the basement, will I?” 
You quickly shook your head, you didn’t want to be locked anywhere. 
He twisted his mouth at you. 
“Say, ‘No, my love.’” he ordered, his voice firm and with a bit more gravel than his usual tone. 
“Um…no…my love,” you repeated quietly. 
He rewarded you with a big smile. 
“You are a good little mate!” he beamed. 
You couldn’t stop your body from trembling in his arms. Would he kill you too if you didn’t behave? 
“Poor thing, you’re cold,” he pouted, “don’t worry I’ll keep you warm!” 
He carried you back to his bedroom, deciding to deal with the corpses in his pool later and set you down. Manipulating your stunned body like a doll, he unzipped your dress, letting the silky fabric pool at your feet. Pulling you back into his arms he tucked you under the large, warm comforter sliding in after you. His strong fingers made their way all over your body, greedily groping the bare flesh. He lay behind you, spooning you next to his larger form, while he sprinkled dappled kisses over your shoulders and neck. 
“That feels nice, doesn’t it?” he asked, lightly nibbling your shoulder. 
Terrified, you could only hum in agreement. 
“We’re going to have a long, perfect life together, aren’t we little mate?” he asked, his breath stirring the bits of loose hair tucked behind your ear and making tingles shoot up your spine.
You gasped on your words, scared and unsure what to say. 
“Just say ‘yes, my love’,” he whispered. 
“Yes, my love,” you finally agreed after a moment. 
“Good, little mate,” he purred, “you’re so obedient…we’re going to get along just fine.”
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fafnir19 · 6 months
Hunter Prince
As the youngest prince, I am often belittled, ridiculed, and scorned. My elder brothers, Haas and Rego, are exemplary warriors, while I, Prince Almir, am but a mere shadow in their presence. The king, too, has often expressed his disappointment in me, though he does so subtly, through concerned glances and exasperated sighs. One fateful day, a group of entertainers graced the castle with their presence, and amid their act, they unfolded a tale of Princess Naja, bewitched by an evil sorceress and earmarked for marriage to the fearsome wizard, Zarik. Her plight ignited a fire within me—the chance to prove my worth, not just to my family, but to myself. Stealing away from the castle, I embarked on a journey to rescue the fair Princess Naja.
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Many trials beset me, but eventually, I arrived at the sorceress's tower, where Naja was imprisoned high above, seemingly out of reach. I approached Naja, hoping for her wisdom and guidance. Much to my surprise, she revealed her secret knowledge of the sorceress's books. She disclosed the conditions for my success: "Capture the black unicorn and fashion boots from its untamable hide; Slay the black wolf and forge a cape from its impenetrable fur; Snare the black falcon and equip your garments with its swift feathers." With Naja's aid, and a stolen magical ring from the sorceress, I would then transform into these creatures. As a falcon, I would soar into the tower, transform into a wolf to subdue the sorceress, and flee with Naja upon the back of the unicorn.
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The challenges before me seemed insurmountable, but with cunning and skill, I succeeded in each task. The garments were fashioned, the magical ring obtained.
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As a falcon, I soared into the sky, riding the winds as they carried me closer to the lofty prison where Naja awaited her liberation. My heart pounded, and the adrenaline coursed through my veins as I approached the tower, ready to confront the sorceress and seize my chance to rescue the princess. "Naja, I'm here," I called out in a silent hum, the only sound that carried from my avian form. From the tower, her voice echoed back, laced with an urgency that spurred me onward. "Almir, be swift. Transform into the wolf when you arrive. We must act before the sorceress intervenes." My feathers ruffled with determination, and with a steely resolve, I executed the seamless transition into a formidable wolf. As I approached the tower, the door swung open with a gust of chilling wind, and I bounded forth to confront the sorceress. But as I advanced, ready to confront the wicked enchantress, the sight that greeted me struck with the force of a thunderbolt. It was not the sorceress who stood before me, but a figure much more imposing. It was the wizard Zarik, his eyes gleaming with power and malice. I snarled and attacked, but before I could even reach him, Zarik swiftly subdued me with a collar and muzzle.
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Naja stepped forward with a sinister smile, holding the magical ring. "Oh, Almir," she said with false sweetness. "I knew you would be the perfect addition to our little family." Naja's laughter filled the tower, a chilling sound that sent shivers down my spine. "You see, Almir, love can make one do many things. And my love for Zarik knows no bounds." She kissed Zarik and presented him with the magical ring. "This will be the perfect wedding gift for you, my dear." With a sinking feeling, I realized that the true love story was not between Princess Naja and I, but between her and the dark wizard Zarik. I desperately asked: "What is the meaning of this? Naja, I thought you were—" "Silence, Almir," Zarik commanded, his voice laced with an undercurrent of dark power that sent shivers down my spine. "You will come with us, and you will learn the consequences of meddling in matters beyond your understanding." As I stood there, rendered helpless and captive, the reality of the situation began to sink in. I had been tricked, betrayed, and now I was at the mercy of the very adversaries I had sought to thwart.
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Just as despair threatened to consume me, Zarik's voice cut through the suffocating silence. "Almir, you are no longer who you once were. From now on, you shall be known as Hunter, my loyal companion." I blinked in confusion, my mind reeling from the sudden turn of events. "Hunter? What do you mean?" Zarik's eyes held a chilling glint as he explained, "You possess remarkable potential, Hunter, and I will decide which form you will take—whether it is the unicorn for its speed, the wolf for its prowess in hunting, the falcon for its keen sight, or the human form for its cunning and intelligence." A dreadful realization dawned on me as the truth sank in. I was now at Zarik's mercy, bound to his will and stripped of my former identity. As Hunter, I had become a mere tool in the hands of a powerful wizard and a deceitful princess. Defeated and captive, I could only wonder what fate awaited me at the hands of the sorceress and the powerful wizard.
The days melded into an existence I had never fathomed, where loyalty was my only currency. Zarik, my captor turned master, reveled in his newfound "wedding gift," parading me like a prized possession. I accompanied him everywhere, adopting the form he desired, whether human, unicorn, wolf, or falcon.
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His training was relentless, intended not just to hone my hunting skills, but to break my spirit. "Good, Hunter," Zarik murmured, as I successfully tracked our prey through the dense forest. "I see great potential in you." Potential for what? I often pondered, but all that escaped my lips, in any form, were feigned grunts of acquiescence. One evening, as the sun dipped beneath the horizon, Zarik and I found ourselves in the great hall, partaking in a goblet of wine each. Naja appeared, cloaked in allure as always, her gaze flitting between us with a glimmer of malice. "Ah, Naja, my love," Zarik said, rising from his seat. "Have you come to admire our progress?" Naja's laugh echoed like silver bells, belying the darkness that swirled within her. "Indeed, Zarik. It's impressive how you've transformed Almir into such a useful companion." Useful? I snarled inwardly, my human form concealed by the boundary of silence I had resigned to. Zarik stepped closer to Naja, his eyes alight with fervor. "He has proven to be a valuable asset, indeed. His loyalty knows no bounds, just as yours." Naja's lips curled into a wry smirk, and I could almost taste the bitterness of my own plight. "Hunter, isn't it?" She addressed me as if I were naught but a hound. "Yes," Zarik affirmed with a glint in his eye, seeing his handiwork unfold. "His transformation is quite remarkable, wouldn't you agree?" I clenched my fists, hidden beneath the guise of human semblance, the wine in my goblet forgotten as their sinister exchange unfolded before me.
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Naja approached, her ethereal beauty masking the venomous intent within. "Impressive, indeed," she purred, her fingers trailing along my arm as if I were no more than a weapon at their disposal. I recoiled internally, stifling the violent impulse to lash out. Trapped within my own facade, I could only endure their twisted charade. The moon ascended high into the night as the hour grew late. Zarik and Naja bid each other farewell, entwining in a passionate embrace, leaving me to my thoughts. However, their parting words, laced with veiled intentions, lingered in the air like a thick mist. As they departed, Naja spared me a glance, her gaze cutting through my facade with cruel clarity. "Be sure to join us on our special night, Hunter," she taunted. "After all, you are an essential part of our union." With that, the door closed behind them, leaving me to confront the turmoil churning within. I had become nothing more than a pawn in their treacherous design, a far cry from the prince I once was. The night crept on as I wrestled with the shackles that bound me, both physical and emotional. Eventually, the fateful hour arrived, cloaked in a darkness that mirrored the despair in my heart. I approached the grand chamber, the weight of my captivity bearing down upon me. The door creaked as I entered, my footsteps echoing through the chamber. Zarik and Naja reclined upon the grand bed, their eyes gleaming with a sinister glimmer. My presence, a silent reminder of their triumph, did nothing to dampen their unholy revelry. "Ah, Hunter," Zarik beckoned, his voice laced with a cruel edge. "Come, fulfill your duty as my loyal companion."
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My stomach churned, repulsed by the spectacle before me, but even in my agony, I dared not defy their command. I assumed the form of the wolf and lay beside their bed, a silent sentinel on their unholy union. As the night waned, a haunting realization seeped into my very being—I had sacrificed not only my freedom, but also my dignity, on the altar of their dark desires. The weight of my sorrow threatened to consume me whole, and the hollow echoes of their laughter reverberated through the chamber, mocking my entrapment. In the depths of that chamber, I, the once proud Prince Almir, lay bound by chains unseen, ensnared in a web of cruelty spun by those I once sought to rescue. The night waned into dawn, casting an ethereal glow upon the shadows that enveloped me, and in that ephemeral light, a flicker of defiance kindled within me. Though my captivity had robbed me of many things, it could not extinguish the ember of resilience burning within. As the first light of dawn breached the horizon, I vowed to reclaim not just my freedom, but also the honor that had been callously stripped away. In the hushed embrace of that chamber, I plotted my emancipation from the clutches of their malevolent design, forging a resolve to defy their expectations and emerge from the darkness, a prince no longer in name alone, but in spirit and will.
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shuruzy · 2 months
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Gunnar, one of my Elven Archers in my hire-only run.
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jcosneverexisted-arts · 9 months
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Circle Color
Color circle Big Macintosh, Sunburst, Fluttershy, Queen Chrysalis, Rainbow Dash, Nightmare Moon, Grimace, Izzy Moonbow The characters were selected by the patrons through a vote made in discord.
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snowyflare · 11 days
AHH this is finally done! The infection AU's from a bit ago have dragged me back into my MLP phase </3
I originally wanted to draw the other characters I had for this AU, along with the infection stages but it took me WAY too long to finish this one reference, even with a simplified version of my style 😭🤚
I was thinking of turning this AU into an interactive story where you guys play as a pony and have to stay alive for as long as you can while voting on your next major decision! If that's something you guys think you would be interested in lemme know! (It'll have fan made characters only! No canon)
(Btw this page was made through the perspective of Silver Song; The leader of the group\The stallion I ship Nettle with <3)
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The infection long story short: A cave from the crystal north was filled with these Crystals that drains a ponies magic before draining a ponies energy away. Usually goes after unicorns because they have the most exposed source of magic, then pegisi, and then finally Earth ponies. The more magic the crystal gains the bigger it grows and the wider it can spread. Ponies infected with this crystal go after and copy the crystal to gain magic by attacking other ponies!
His role is to basically hold off the crystals from camp! Eventually he'll learn to make a giant shield to surround the camp.
Here are some other versions of the drawing!
The 1st one here is literally just the original without Ibis paints AI 2x resolution
2nd is without lighting\shading
3rd is without filters!
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