#malec being as sweet as candy
sweet-demiboi · 3 years
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Request rules:
I don’t write for heterosexual relationships.
I write for female x female, male x male, non-binary x every gender.
I also would write for ftm or mtf, if you want it.
My english is... probably bad at some points, so please be gentle with me XD
I will write smut if you want (I actually like it). At this point: If you’re non-binary and you have a woman’s body: I will write for you and a male (or another non-binary with a man’s body, or another woman, you got me).
I only write smut for people, who are older than 16 (in the story).
I like to be creative in every genre, I guess, but I haven’t written angsty stuff yet (but I’m open for it) and I’m not good at bad ends...
You can describe yourself as specific as you want, for example what nationality you have, or skincolor, or anything else.
Requests are CLOSED RN
NOTE: When a character's name is orange I DO NOT write for them at the moment.
Who I write for:
Peter Parker
Warren Worthington III
Loki Laufeyson
Thor Odinson
Natasha Romanoff
Wanda Maximoff
Pietro Maximoff
Tony Stark
Bucky Barnes
Sylvie Laufeysdottir
Tom Holland
Tom Hiddleston
Thomas Brodie-Sangster
Dylan O'Brien
Harrison Osterfield
Henry Cavill
Ben Hardy
Harry Potter:
Hermione Granger
Sirius Black (young)
Remus Lupin (young)
James Potter (young)
Lily Evans (young)
Regulus Black (young)
+ Poly: Wolfstar, Jegulus
Maze runner:
+ Poly: Newtmas
The hobbit:
Thorin Oakenshield <3
Kili Durin
Fili Durin
+ Poly: Bagginshield
Lord of the rings:
+ Poly: Aralas
The witcher:
+ Poly: Geraskier
Helluva boss:
+ Poly: Stolas x Blitzo
Love, Victor:
Mia Brooks <3
Benji Campbell
Hawaii Five-O:
Steve McGarrett
Danny Williams
Tani Rey
Alexander 'Alec' Lightwood
Magnus Bane
Jace Lightwood
Clary Fairchild
+ Poly: Malec, Jace x Simon, Clizzy
Arthur Pendragon
Sir Gwaine
+ Poly: Merthur
Chronicles of Narnia:
Edmund Pevensie
Prince Caspian
The goldfinch:
Boris Pavlikovsky
+ Poly: Boris x Theo
Stranger Things:
Eddie Munson
Billy Hargrove
+ Poly: Mungrove
Enid Sinclair
Bohemian Rhapsody/Queen:
Roger Taylor
Brian May
Gwilym Lee!Brian May
Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor
+ Poly: Brian x Roger
6 Underground:
The hobbit:
Thorin with an introverted boyfriend
Thorin with a jealous boyfriend
Thorin being attracted to his smoking boyfriend
Thorin with a boyfriend who can transform into a horse
Love at first sight
Arachnophobia is a bitch
Thorin with an angel boyfriend
Thorin with his FtM!Pregnant!Husband
Peter Parker
Little chat #1
Little chat #2
Studying with Peter
Bottom!Loki x Top!Male!Reader
Soft sex with Bottom!Loki
Loki with a boyfriend who can only sleep to noise
Little chat #1
Bucky Barnes
Wholesome smut
Thor with a boyfriend who is the god of wisdom
Loki/Peter/Tony/Thor x Male!Reader (also NSFW)
Tom Holland
Little chat #1
Little chat #2
Little chat #3
Little chat #4
Little chat #5
Helluva boss:
Imagine being Stolas and Blitzo's boyfriend
Love, Victor:
Mia Brooks:
Being Mia's girlfriend
Magnus Bane:
Magnus with his boyfriend but it's very gay
Alec Lightwood:
Alec Lightwood x Trans!Male!Reader
Sir Gwaine:
Little chat #1
Night activities
Candy hearts
(Y/N) is drowning but it's funny
Pregnant!Ftm!(Y/N) (and Gwaine being a sweet husband)
Merthur and Male!Reader x Gwaine fucking but no actual smut
Marauders comforting you after you were raped by your boyfriend
Stranger Things:
Billy Hargrove:
smoking together for the first time
Male!Reader makes Billy question his sexuality pt.2 pt.3
Comforting Billy after he gets abused by Neil
Making out with Billy
Fucking Billy after pe class
Eddie Munson:
giving trans!Eddie a blowjob at a pool
Roger Taylor:
you have sex for the first time after Roger gets back from tour
new name for trans!masc!(Y/N)
Sir Brian May:
Going to university with Brian (Trans!Male!Reader)
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alecmagnuslwb · 3 years
When Black Cat’s are Seen (Tis’ Halloween)
Part of my Malec SpideyCat AU
Read on AO3
Magnus loves Halloween. It’s pretty clear he fancies a good dress up and while he knows maybe it’s a bit of a stereotypical Halloween thing to do, he loves a good sexy costume. I mean he wears skin tight leather that’s incredibly low cut, he knows he looks good and dammit he enjoys flaunting it.
He also has an unstoppable sweet tooth, so his thieving plans tonight aren’t quite as high class as they usually are.
He elegantly slides down an exposed dead electrical wire gracefully landing in an alleyway deftly skipping over a nearby puddle. He slips out onto the street small children and some not so small children with half assed costumes running happily on sugar highs around him.
No one bats an eye, no one accuses him of being the infamous Black Cat for real. Not tonight.
He taps his long freshly polished for the holiday claws along a fancy gothic metal fence, heels clicking to a stop at the base of the massive house, one of the few full homes still standing in this historic section of the city.
Everything’s apartments nowadays, but not this place. On the steps sits a large black velvet sack of candy with a sign that reads ‘please take one’ sitting beside it the words actually burned into a wooden plaque in perfect calligraphy.
Magnus snorts as a pack of kids who actually follow the signs rule run out past him. Take one he scoffs in his mind, he knows who owns this building. Seelie Queen could pay for a year’s supply of candy for each kid that hits her stairs.
Magnus checks his surroundings finding most of the children moved on or distracted by the brownstone across the street with the large carnival style display. He smiles slipping through the gate and pulls a small marble from the little satchel at his hip tossing it onto the stairs. The marble glows to life cutting off the camera’s that rest discreetly just above the door frame.
“Well,” Magnus says to himself with a smirk as he takes the few short steps towards the bag. “Those work then.”
They’d been a bit of an impulse buy from his favorite pawn shop owner in town, some camera detecting marble’s that he’d picked up off the street left behind by some iron clad superhero or another after the last massive alien event in the heart of Manhattan.
Clearly it was a solid investment.
Magnus bends over picking up the velvet sack and tossing it over his shoulder. He happily hops down the steps still slipping away unnoticed by the children on the street as he hears a faint sizzling behind him the little marble self-destructing on the timer he set.
He’s got a couple dozen more of them at home that he knows will come to great use for him when he makes his way back to Seelie Queen’s home in a few weeks’ time when she’s scheduled to head out to Paris for a week, leaving all sorts of gems and jewels and dirty little secrets behind.
Magnus practically skips along the street heading back down the alley. He slips his belt off and flicks it up pulling down the building’s fire escape and casually making his way up it holding the bag tightly and scrounging through it.
When he reaches the rooftop he walks carefully along its ledge tossing pieces of trashy candy over the edge. The woman is rich she can definitely afford higher quality sweets.
He hurrahs in triumph when he finds a real actual whole Butterfinger.
“Now that’s more like it,” he says dropping the bag down on the roof and sitting himself on the ledge. He dangles his feet over delightfully kicking his feet as he munches on the chocolate bar, eyes casting across the cityscape.
The sun is setting slow and low, the shorter days creeping their way in lighting the horizon up in golds, reds and comfortingly dark purples. He loves the views like this, loves the feeling of being the only person up here to see the city like this.
Well one of two people. Magnus leans forward his eyes catching on a stagnant spot of red and blue perching a few buildings over.
“Spider,” he says with a smile popping the last of the candy bar into his mouth. Of course that handsome bleeding heart would be out here now watching over the children of the city. He flips to a stand grabbing his stolen bag of candy and taking off into a run. His heels click onto the next buildings ledge, but Spider doesn’t seem to budge, doesn’t seem to notice.
It delights Magnus to no end that he seems to be the only one who can sneak up on everyone’s favorite superhero when his Spidey senses are so aptly focused on something else.
He lands completely silent on the building where Spider stills sits perched and watchful, ready to act in a moment’s notice if someone below needs him.
“Trick or Treat, Spider,” Magnus says and Spider flinches ever so slightly startled, almost imperceptibly. Magnus notices it though and delights in the shiver that follows when Magnus gets close running one sharp claw across Spider’s strong soldiers.
“Are you sure you don’t have any superpowers, because you shouldn’t be able to sneak up on me like that?” Spider comments his eyes trained back on the scene below.
Magnus smirks tapping his nails lightly onto Spider’s bicep.
“Nope, just little old me,” he says. Vaguely he hears Spider grumble something under his breath ‘nothing little about you’ which damn near makes Magnus, a man who’s not shaken by much of anything, blush. There’s something about this Spider that drives him wild.
Magnus drops the large bag of candy on the wide ledge before lying himself across it, one leg bent at the knee right in front of Spider.
“Stealing candy from kids seems a little below your pay grade,” Spider comments moving his head Magnus’ way. Try as he might even behind those big bug eyes he can’t hide the way his gaze trails along the length of Magnus’ body. Magnus preens under the attention, under most attention, but especially under Spider’s. Ever fascinated by the hero who won’t ever take him in, but chases after him like he wants to all the same.
“I didn’t steal it from a child,” Magnus says with a chuckle. “I stole it from a rich person’s doorstep.”
Spider hums and Magnus thinks there’s a smile forming underneath that mask. “Is that all you stole?” he asks his attention back on the streets below, scanning.
“For now,” Magnus says sitting up and shrugging his shoulders. “Maybe you’ll get to chase me when that changes.”
He puts all the flirtation in the world into it, his voice smooth and light. This time he knows there’s a smile under that mask.
“Maybe I will,” he says a bit of damn near fondness slipping into Spider’s tone. Oh, one of these days Magnus is going to know him underneath all this blue and red. Magnus swerves dangling his feet over the edge slipping as close to Spider as he can get.
“Anything nefarious going on with these little monsters tonight?” he asks gesturing to the children happily dashing about below.
Spider shakes his head. “Aside from the man in the cat suit stealing candy,” he says and Magnus would bet there’s another smile brewing under that mask. “It’s been quiet.”
“That’s rare,” he says this city is almost never free of crime. He should know, sometimes he’s the one committing it. He pulls on the string of the bag digging into the bag.
“Would you like a Crunch bar?” he says and Spider scoffs instantly.
“Hell no, I don’t hate myself,” he says and Magnus finds himself wishing he knew what Spider’s disgusted face looks like. Spider unfolds from his crouched position swinging his legs out over the edge.  “I will take a Reese’s if you got it though.”
Magnus smiles digging back into the back triumphantly holding up a king sized Reese’s Cup. Spider takes it gratefully unwrapping it. He reaches up a hand pausing for a second at the base of his neck contemplating something. He must decide upon it after a few beats lifting his mask up just enough to free his mouth and take a bite.
Magnus soaks in the moment his breath hitching so, so quietly at the view, soaks in the only bit of Spider’s face he’s ever gotten to see, the only skin he’s ever gotten a glimpse of aside from little holes in his costumes from bullet grazes or Magnus’ own claws even.
His lips are a pale pink, shapely with a plush bottom lip Magnus would give a thousand diamonds for the chance to bite into. His jaw is defined a light trail of hair that tells Magnus it’s been a day or so since he shaved. Magnus only barely holds his claws back from dragging along the edge of his skin. The sun still sets behind him painting a beautiful picture of muscle and pale skin in the low evening light.
He shakes his head away not wanting to be creepy staring at him as he eats, even though he bets his Spider senses caught on the second Magnus’ breath did.
Magnus grips his claws on the concrete ledge and bends forward lifting up just a bit as he watches below. He sees Spider’s hand hover behind him from the corner of his eye ready to catch him if he were to slip. He won’t, but there’s something comforting about that hovering hand waiting for him if he did.
They sit beside one another quietly for a while the sun sinking lower and lower. The quiet usually unnerves Magnus, he always likes to move to have some sort of music playing or action happening around him, but this quiet feels nice. Just the sounds of the city and laughing children with his strange unshakeable Spider acquaintance, or whatever exactly he is, beside him.
“You wanna take a walk?” Spider says suddenly breaking the quiet.
“A walk?” Magnus says squinting an eye.
“Yeah I mean I, uh, I could stand to do a street sweep or two and I just thought you might wanna,” Spider pauses gesturing his hand out rapidly as he talks. “Walk.”
He tilts his head to the side embarrassed as he finishes.
Magnus smiles softly slipping up into a standing position tossing the bag of candy back over his shoulder Spider’s gaze tracking each movement. He holds out his free hand to Spider.
“Let’s take a walk,” he says and Spider takes it. Magnus smiles at him before letting go of his hand and turning around freefalling off the ledge, the last thing he sees Spider shaking his head. He lifts his hand belt still wrapped around it and catches the expanding hook to the edge of the building gliding down the side of it gracefully to land on the sidewalk one leg outstretched.
“Woah, cool,” one kid says in passing. Either blissfully unaware of the Black Cat being a criminal, a criminal supporter or just assuming it’s a Halloween trick. Either way Magnus winks at him as he hears the familiar thwip of Spider’s webbing from above.
“Show off,” Spider says with a laugh when he lands down beside him. Magnus pulls up from his fancy pose to his full height.
“Showman,” Magnus corrects with a wink securing his belt back around his waist. He flips the bag off his shoulder digging back in pulling a green apple blow pop out and slicing it open with his index claw.
They walk in that same comfortable silence they had on the building’s ledge, Magnus’ heels clicking in time with Spider’s soft footfall.
They blend in on street as they walk more than they could any other night, even bumping into other versions of themselves as the sun gets lower and the kids start to scatter making way for adults in skimpy nurse costumes and knockoff Thor looks. They comment on a costume every now and then, Spider preening just a bit when a kid runs past him shouting that his Spiderman costume looks legit.
“Well look at that,” Magnus says indecently popping his second lollipop from his lips. He gestures a claw to the side to a couple dressed up as the Black Cat and Spiderman pressed close together against a wall smiles on their lips and hands wandering. “If only that were us.” He says wistfully his eyes trailing from the couple to rake up and down Spider’s body.
Spider laughs nervously just a little his shoulder bumping with Magnus’ their gloved knuckles drifting softly across one another.
“No!” a child shouts from across the street and just like that Spider is Spiderman rushing over to the child’s aid.
“Hey, there princess,” he says to the little girl dressed in frilly pink and purple. “You okay?”
She takes a deep breath her eyes downcast, little gulps that tell Magnus tears are about to fall any second now.
“I dropped my candy bucket in the sewer,” she says, one big tear slipping down as she looks up at them. Magnus steps up behind them. He quietly shifts the bag on his shoulder slipping a hand in and taking a few things quickly from it.
“And my sister won’t share hers, I just know it,” the little girl gulps, a few more tears falling deftly down onto her shiny dress.
Magnus crouches down beside Spider as he comforts the girl, whispering reassuring platitudes that actually seem to be working. He shoots out a few little webs making her giggle wetly, convincing her he’s the real Spiderman which makes her smile even more, little glitter covered hands wiping her tears away.
“Well, you’ll just have to brag about this big bag you managed to get and not share with her if that’s how it’s going to be,” Magnus says pushing the bag the little princess’s way.
Her eyes go wide, really noticing Magnus for the first time.
“Really?” she whispers awed by the candy and a little bit by Magnus too he thinks.
“Really,” he says with a soft smile, the little girl returning it in kind.
“Wow, thank you,” she says tiny hands hefting the bag up. Spider reaches out a hand ready to catch her when the weight of the bag makes her wobble just a bit, but she rights herself and holds on tight. She wraps her small free arm around Magnus’ neck hugging him tight for a moment before another girl’s voice rings out calling a name fit for a princess.
“Coming!” she shouts stepping back from Magnus seemingly yelling to the aforementioned sister. “You’re not a baddie like the tv says Black Cat!” she shouts in glee rushing off with newly acquired giant haul of candy in hand.
Magnus freezes his mouth dropping open in surprise just a bit, feeling oddly flattered by silly little comment from a girl who he’d just given an industrial sized bag of candy to who probably thinks he should be up for sainthood for the action.
“She’s right,” Spider whispers where he’s still crouched down beside him.
Magnus blinks his eyes slow and a little disbelieving, he knew Spider at least liked him on some level, but this, this is something else. He swears he feels his stupid heart skip a beat. This kind, interesting, frustrating fucking Spider.
Magnus stands to his full height brushing imaginary dirt from his suit to give his hands something to do so he doesn’t do something silly like reach out and pull that mask of Spider’s back up and kiss him on those pretty lips.
“It’s nothing,” he shrugs off smiling coyly when Spider joins him at his full height as well.
“It’s not nothing,” he says his arm gesturing out like he’s about to say something else, maybe even reach out and touch, but he freezes body going rigid his gaze slipping from Magnus’ face off to the right and up.
“I know that look,” Magnus says reaching into the little pouch on his hip taking out the candy he’d skimmed before giving his bag to the little girl. He’s grown accustomed to the tense line of Spider’s shoulders when his Spidey senses hit, even when he’s the cause of them. “Friendly neighborhoods to save.”
“Yeah, I’m sorry, I gotta-” Spider says his voice laced in genuine sadness to have to be going. Like he wants to just keep walking the streets sharing chocolate bars with a thief all night. Oh how this game they’ve been playing is changing, is steering deeper and deeper into something else.
Magnus waves a hand through the air stepping close to Spider. “I get it,” he says pulling on one of Spider’s hands coaxing it open and placing the small handful of little Reese’s Cups into his palm. Spider look up at him, his lips tilting upward just a bit under the mask. “Once a thief, always a thief.” Magnus says with a smirk. He moves to step back dropping Spider’s wrist when he pauses stepping close once more.
“Happy Halloween, Spider,” he whispers before pressing a soft kiss to Spider’s covered cheek leaving behind what’s likely the last remnants of his dark lipstick. For a second he swears the eyes on Spider’s mask go just a little wider, the same way they almost seemed like they had the first time Black Cat placed a kiss on his cheek.
This time though he doesn’t run away leaving Spider high and dry with a bag of money he just slips back slowly claws lingering on Spider’s wrist just a beat too long.
“Happy Halloween, Cat,” Spider says reaching up an arm and shooting out his webs, his feet lifting off the ground and taking him away. He slips between buildings one armed, the candy still in his other hand until he’s out of Magnus’ eyeline, till the darkness of Halloween night wraps around him.
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kinkymagnus · 5 years
hmm let's talk more about twi Malec, like there's just so many endless possibilities
any specifics? no? just kidding, you can’t respond, this is an ask! okay, i’m just gonna throw some random twi malec shit out here then
twi magnus…..hes soft. but also. i feel like since he’s got more Repression™ than canon magnus he’s like WAY WILDER. 
canon magnus a few months into them boning: hey alexander wanna tie me up? ;) 
twi magnus a few months into them boning: hey so i have potion that will give you magical tentacles to tie me up and fuck me with?
(obviously this isn’t just out of nowhere or anything but im saying while they’re both kinky twi magnus is surprisingly a little more shameless when it comes to sex things.) 
twi alec. is HORNY. so horny. canon alec? pretty horny. twi alec? MAXIMUM HORNY. good thing, too, because twi magnus hasn’t been fucked in a few centuries and that has BUILT UP. 
they bone a LOT 
also imagine: twi alec and shitty one-liners/pick-up lines and bad jokes
twi alec says, completely deadpan, “want me to take you to the Bone Zone?” and twi magnus first is like “i am, frankly, horrified and disgusted” but can’t stop himself from laughing (especially once alec is laughing at the cute little face he makes with the scrunchy nose, and it’s so contagious magnus can’t help but laugh too) 
i have a line in one of my twi fics where magnus basically says something like (jokingly/playfully!) “you’re pretty full of yourself, huh?” and alec responds “how you’d like to be full of me, too?” and magnus giggles and it’s ADORABLE AND THAT LINE IS JUST SO FUCKING TWI MALEC TO ME OKAY?
also twi magnus is not innocent of pun crimes. no magnus is innocent of pun crimes. 
twi magnus: [makes a cute bad pun] [wiggles eyebrow a bit] 
twi alec: that was terrible. that was a real stinker. what the fuck.
twi magnus, every goddamn time: gonna PUNish me? ;D
twi alec can and will cook breakfast in bed for his boyfriend
magnus, sleepily blinking: hng? 
alec, with pancakes and eggs and bacon and freshly squeezed orange juice: hey babe :) decided to surprise you :) it’s “i love my boyfriend” day
magnus, still half asleep: ufck did iforget something i dont have anytihnf oryoutgfckkk
alec: oh no babe “i love my boyfriend” day is every day because i always lvoe you and i just decided to do something nice for you :)
magnus: did the dream about wearing acid washed jeans keep you up again?
alec, shuddering: they’re so ugly
okay but seriously he’d totally just be sappy and make magnus breakfast and stuff
and magnus is like “i can make u a sweet dreams potion?”
possibility one: alec walks in on magnus making a bunch of chores do themselves fantasia style and is like. uh. what the FUCK. and all the dishes drop to the floor and magnus honestly looks so SCARED that alec’s heart breaks a little even tho he’s also trying to process how confused he is and magnus stutters out something about not being a monster and may or not may not be descending into a panic attack because he’d been so careful for so long not to reveal the truth to ANYONE, only like three people know who and what he is that he actually talks to in the world and a mundane finding out is not good much less his wonderful boyfriend who’ll LEAVE HIM and HATE HIM and he’s–he’s–and alec’s like. oh fuck that. and hugs him like hey it’s okay i’m really confused and i hope you explain later but you could literally never be a monster, especially not for floating some dishes,
possibility two: magnus, scared shitless, tells him, but alec always knew. i love this shit. alec’s just like “babe. babe you weren’t subtle.” because magnus has got a lot of really powerful magic and he’s only jst learning to control it again and it’s waking up, like having a foot that’s been asleep for a long time waking up except if the foot changed the color of the wallpaper when it sneezed and glowed when it was happy. this metaphor broke down. you get the idea. 
there are more possibilities but im tired
ok but when magnus’s magic is revealed. magnus is like. 1. ecstatic to give alec lots of little magical gifts like a little enchanted pendant with protective charms and a magic candy (like a chocolate frog, just a fun little thing that would make him laugh) and the sweet dreams potion and so on. 2. kind of expecting like. he’s more than willing to give, but he kind of lowkey expects alec to like. expect it. to expect magical solutions to his problems. magnus can do the dishes with a wave of his hand, he kind of expects to do the dishes every time now that alec knows he can do that. but alec’s like “what are you doing” “…magic? we’ve gone over this” “yeah but it’s my turn” and magnus is like “i can just do it with a wave of my hand” and alec’s like “you think i dont notice how you collapse in my arms for cuddling and end up dozing off every time? it takes energy. and even if it didn’t we still share the workload even if you can do something easier you don’t have to do everything for me” and magnus is lik,,e,,e,,e,e??? oh. 
like alec appreciates him and is so loving and wonderful and thankful for things magnus does give him but he doesn’t let magnus indulge in the tendency to put everyone else first and take on all the work? he doesn’t take magnus’s magic for granted? 
it’s great
nsfw detour!!! 
twi magnus gets RAWED
u kno how i said that twi magnus is horny and wild? and also lonely and has not had a good hard fuck in possibly over a century? 
magnus has an extensive toy collection.
many, many dildos and vibrators. nipple clamps, magic toys that can fuck him or tie him up… and it’s like all different sizes, types, materials, uses… some costumes and stuff that he bought for himself because they make him feel good/pretty but he doesn’t wear that often because it feels shameful or weird to do by himself.
alec definitely teases him senseless. ties him up and presses the vibrator to his clit until he’s crying, rolling it around and applying pressure and then taking it away again, stimulating his whole clit without mercy
or those. i dont know what they’re called, they suck (literally, not as in “this is bad/this sucks”) and make ur clit/nipples get swollen and sensitive? yes.
fuck his pussy AND ass with various dildos and toys of different sizes and shapes :)) 
sometimes at the same time :))))) 
y’all alec recording him or taking pictures. making him feel so deliciously exposed and watched. amazing and iconic 
also: public sex. twi malec can have fun too
it’s not right away, i feel like twi magnus would be more into things like overstimulation and getting recorded than being fucked in front of people. he still loves the latter, don’t get me wrong, but it’s more canon magnus’s thing? he’s more used to like… showing off ;)
but when magnus does feel confident enough to try that (baby steps–alec groping/teasing him in public, maybe fooling around in a vip booth at pandemonium or its equivalent, until he’s ready to be fucked properly and god once he is, once he lets go, it’s so amazing
he’s used to hiding, hiding under layers both literal and metaphorical, and here he is totally exposed and vulnerable but 1. he’s being taken care of and he’s safe and alec is just making him feel so good, kind of like, forcing himself to express how good he feels and not hide it, making him scream and cry and beg and love it, 2. he’s just? being admired? worshiped? there is nothing demeaning about this, it couldn’t be further from it, he’s exposed and people are fucking basking in it. he looks beautiful, he looks goddamn stunning, he looks fucking amazing and everyone wants to watch and touch and alec’s there holding him and loving him,,, aAAHHh
twi alec becomes immortal, no one can change my mind.
twi magnus: i love you but……i’m…i’m immortal
twi alec: oh. that…. ok.twi magnus, sad: it’s okay… i understand if you want to l–twi alec: become immortal to be with you? oh good i know it’s kind of a dedication considering i haven’t even proposed to you yet–twi magnus: yet? wait-
obviously twi alec doesn’t just completely jump into this with no consideration but look. look. he loves magnus so much, and anyway, it’s not like immortality doesn’t hold any appeal for him anyway. yeah, he knows it’s harder than it sounds, but like, there’s so much potential in things he could learn and do and see, and he could do it all WITH THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE. he could NOT leave him behind when he’s been left so many times before. he has hesitations, but like, in the end he chooses immortality and he doesn’t ever regret it
it’s like that stardust quote. “ I imagine [immortality] would be kind of lonely. Well, maybe if you had someone to share it with. Someone you loved. Then it might be different.” LDKJFLKGJHG YEAH BITCH THAT’S MALEC
also angst: magnus is like. at first. actually against the idea. and alec’s kinda like. hurt/confused/upset. and then magnus explains that if alec’s mortal, magnus will lose him to death–maybe sooner if alec leaves him, but it’s like a letting go thing, it’s inevitable. but if he’s immortal? all of magnus’s immortal lovers… they get tired of him. they get bored. they get annoyed. they stay with him, maybe they’re even in love, for a few years, or if he’s lucky, decades. but eventually they always leave. they drift apart first, they might suggest seeing other people. but they always leave. if alec’s mortal, his leaving is inevitable even tho it will break magnus’s heart. if he’s immortal, then it will inevitably be a choice, and it will shatter him all the more.
of course, magnus wouldn’t stop him even if he was very staunchly against it, it’s alec’s life, but like. he’s worried.
and worse, it’s not just that, but like. once alec grows tired of him, because he will, everyone does, once alec decides he made the wrong choice… he can’t take it back. if it’s soon enough, all his friends and family will be old, and he’ll be forever young, even if he is able to become mortal again it won’t be the same. and if it’s later, they’ll all be dead. magnus doesn’t doubt his ability to make new friends, of course, but the idea of alec regretting his choice, leaving him and being alone or feeling alone, of alec being out in the world lasting forever because of him, cursed with that same lonely immortality magnus has? that thought hurts more than anything, causing alec his type of pain.
so alec is like. no. NO. what the fuck i’m not. i’m not going to grow SICK of you, i’d never be tired of you, or–bored? REALLY? of you? what the fuck. your past lovers suck.
to be clear not every single one of magnus’s exes suck, but they all did leave him in some shape way or form, or else they wouldn’t be exes. you feel. i mean, he’s still friends with dot but it’s been centuries and we dont know what happened between then and now? idk man let me have that angst ok
eventually alec can convince magnus that he’s not leaving and he loves magnus and it’s okay but that little doubt niggles at the back of his head you know? 
on their hundred year anniversary alec kisses him senseless and says “still not bored of you”
same with every other anniversary, but especially the big century ones
they don’t ever break up. they have fights, some worse than others, it’s not perfect, but they always find their way back to each other and communicate and mend their wounds
twi malec cuddling during thunderstorms, thank you.
magnus curled in alec’s arms, face buried in his shoulder
alec’s arms around him
ok but look. twi alec being social media savvy. 
(note: i have never used instagram and i am MAKING SHIT UP.)
alec with an instagram. he’s out here taking pictures of his sweet adorable boyfriend. he’s got a decent number of followers but it goes up a LOT when he starts dating magnus because holy shit who’s this cutie? and then someone finds those god-awful cringey commercials that i still insist magnus made on a dare he lost PLEASE he’s a dork but REALLY?, and they’re like WAIT THIS IS THAT PSYCHIC GUY FROM THE MEME COMMERCIAL WOW HE’S DORKY CUTE AND HOT? and magnus is like (hides face) oh my god
why does this make me think of a twi malec youtuber au–no no no NOT RIGHT NOW
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Alec’s First Halloween
A/N: Whelp, Flufftober is finally over for me. It was fun and a lot of work and I decided to go out with a bang with a malec fanfic! This malec is from the books and the graphic novel! Just letting everyone know so there’s no confusion on why Alec has blue eyes in here. I hope everyone enjoys the fanfic and for now, I will be taking a small break until I begin writing again! Thanks so much for all the nice things you guys said here and on ao3 during my time working on Flufftober! Enjoy the fanfic! :D <3
Summary: When Alec goes to Magnus’ loft during Halloween, he comes in contact with the celebrating Warlock, who teaches him some valuable things for celebrating Halloween. 
Word Count: 1932
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It was Halloween night. To Mundanes, it was supposed to be a night full of fun. People dressing up as the monsters the Shadowhunters would most likely hunt while getting candy from going to houses for trick or treating. Others threw supposingly fun parties but it all seemed a bit much to Alec...until he met Magnus. The Warlock was known for his extravagant parties and it being Halloween, Alec just knew that the Warlock was most likely planning something for the special night. Or...so he thought. Letting out a sigh as he passed more young Mundanes, Alec strolled into Magnus’ loft and raised his eyebrows at all the decorations his boyfriend had put on his door. It included flashing orange and purple lights along with what looked like zombies and mummies plastered on the word door. Rolling his eyes fondly, Alec took out his key and opened the apartment, reeling back in shock as he got blasted in the face with a cloud of fog from a fog machine.
“Magnus? What the hell?” Alec grumbled, waving the fog out of his face before he entered the loft, closing the door behind him tightly. The last thing they needed was to have the smoke get into the hallway and cause a panic among the Warlock’s neighbors. Glancing around the heavily decorated loft, Alec rubbed the back of his neck as the song, ‘Monster Mash’ was loudly playing around the room, literally vibrating the floor. He really hoped that Magnus put up a silencing spell or else...yeah. Stepping further into the loft, Alec called out for Magnus again until a voice called for him from the kitchen. “Magnus, is this much fog really necessary? It seriously looks like there’s a fire in your loft.”
“Aw, Alexander. Of course it’s necessary! It’s Halloween, ya know?” Magnus cheered, finishing up the last of the ingredients he needed for his special spooky punch. Stirring the liquid with a ladle, Magnus snapped up a little spoon and took a sample of it, humming as the sweet beverage coated his taste buds.  Letting out a fond sigh at this, Alec moved closer to his boyfriend and pressed into his side, staring into the plastic black cauldron as he examined the orange and fizzy concoction. Holding out the ladle, Magnus raised his brows as he waited for Alec to give the punch a taste. “Go on, it won’t bite!”
Staring at Magnus, Alec knew that his boyfriend wouldn’t give up unless he did what he said, so with a grumble, Alec allowed Mangus to give him some of the punch before he swallowed and closed his eyes, letting the sweet flavor come over him. It wasn’t that bad! Opening his eyes, Alec huffed when he noticed the smirk on Magnus’ face before he shyly leaned in and pressed a kiss to the Warlock’s face. Placing the ladle back in the cauldron, Magnus placed his hands on Alec’s waist while Alec wrapped his arms around his neck, bringing them closer while deepening the kiss. Pulling away with a pat to his boyfriend’s waist, Magnus pressed another kiss to Alec’s nose before he smiled at the flush that filling Alec’s cheeks.
“Come on, let’s have a little fun. Just you and me, okay?” Magnus asked, rubbing his thumb across Alec’s hips, hoping that his boyfriend would say yes. He knew that Shadowhunters  typically didn’t really celebrate many holidays and Halloween was including one of those holidays. Pulling Alec closer, Magnus pressed their foreheads together and gave his boyfriend a puppy eyed look, not feeling sorry for basically begging him. Rolling his eyes at the look he was getting, Alec sighed before he nodded, stepping back in shock as Magnus cheered and gave him a grin. “You won’t regret it! I have so much planned! But first, let’s decorate a little more okay? I have some fake spiders I’d love to hang around!”
“Okay...but if one fake spider ends up in my hair while we’re decorating, I swear I will punch you,” Alec muttered, shooting his boyfriend a warning glare that made the Warlock chuckle. Alec was a Shadowhunter and he fought many terrifying things, but spiders? Shaking the thought away, Magnus nodded and reassured him that he wouldn’t let him handle the spiders. Keeping his word, Magnus took all the spiders out of the bin while Alec handled the rest of the things. Using magic to have the spider hang from the ceiling, Magnus turned around once he was finished and noticed that Alec was tapping his foot to his spooky playlist while he finished up putting the jack o lanterns on the tables and plugging them in. “I think I’m done...what do you have planned next?”
Clapping his hands excitedly, Magnus cleared his throat before he summoned two pumpkins from who knows where, along with some pumpkin carving tools and a large bowl for the seeds. Arching a brow at this, Alec stood still as Magnus scattered some newspapers on the wood floor before he plopped down next to a pumpkin, looking up at Alec with a sparkle in his eyes. Blinking, Alec glanced around before he slowly moved towards Magnus, sitting down next to him as he pulled the free pumpkin towards himself. Handing Alec a marker, Magnus got one for himself before he got to work, making a cute design on the pumpkin’s bumpy skin. Peering to his side, Magnus frowned as he noticed that Alec hadn’t started and was only staring at him as he worked. 
“Aren’t you going to carve it? Unless...do you know what we’re doing?” Magnus asked, capping his marker for a moment so he could give his boyfriend his undivided attention. Flushing slightly as he was caught, Alec bit his lip and shook his head, staring at the marker in his hands as he fiddled with it. Frowning, Magnus hummed before he scooted closer to Alec, placing his chin on his shoulder as he thought about how he should explain it. Pressing a kiss to said shoulder, Magnus smiled and reached for Alec’s hand that was holding the marker, stopping the fidgeting. “Well, we’re going to carve these pumpkins. We’re going to separate the seeds from the guts and after we’re done making designs on the pumpkins, we’re going to clean and bake the seeds.”
“Oh...okay, I can do that,” Alec mumbled, shooting Magnus a thankful smile before he pressed a kiss to his lips, picking up the marker as the two of them finally got to work. Not really knowing what kind of face to make on his pumpkin, Alex furrowed his brows as he worked before he came up with an okay looking face. Turning his eyes to his boyfriend, Alec observed as Magnus grabbed the big carving tool and started cutting around the stem. Doing the same, Alec let the ends meet before he pulled the stem, watching as the top came out and the gooey orange cuts dangled from it. Cracking up at the disgusted look Alec let slip, Magnus grabbed the carving spoon before he got to work. “Do we really have to put our hand in that...stuff?”
Chuckling, Magnus shot Alec an amused look before he nodded, turning his attention back to his pumpkin as he spooned the guts out, separating the seeds with his own hands before he tossed them in the bowl. Shuddering slightly at the thought, Alec swallowed the lump in his throat before he grabbed the spoon, slowly slipping his hand in the pumpkin. Biting his lip to hide his laughter, Magnus watched as Alec scooped the guts and seeds out, hesitantly touching the slimy guts so he could get the seeds. It wasn’t long before the guts finally didn’t phase the Shadowhunter as he dropped the spoon and scooped the rest of the seeds out with his hand, sliding them into the bowl just as Magnus finished up cleaning out his pumpkin.
“Okay...now what do we do?” Alec asked, flicking the guts that stuck to his fingers onto the newspaper as Magnus stood up and picked up the bowl. Waving Alec into the kitchen, Magnus told him to quickly wash his hands while he took care of the seeds, letting cold water rinse over them, getting rid of any of the pumpkin guts that were stubbornly still sticking to them. Once he was sure the guts were cleared from the seeds, Magnus placed the seeds aside and washed his own hands, shooting Alec a smile once he noticed his boyfriend was waiting for him. Lacing their hands together, Magnus pulled Alec back into the living room and allowed him to lift the pumpkins off the dirty newspaper, snapping them away and into the garbage. “Do we start to carve now?”
“Yep, we start carving. Now be careful, and make sure to stick to the lines of the design you made,” Magnus instructed, putting more newspaper down before they sat back down, pulling their pumpkins close as they grabbed their tools. Letting out a hum as he listened to Magnus, Alec grabbed the small carving knife and began to slice around the design he drew on earlier. Doing the same with his own, Magnus squinted his eyes in concentration, letting the only sound around them be the music and the sawing noises from the tools they were using. It took a bit, but after he finished, Magnus put the tool down and wiped the sweat from his brow, pushing the pumpkin back to examine his work. “Not bad if I do say so myself! What do you think, Alexander?”
“Woah...that’s amazing, Magnus! While mine is um…” Alec mumbled, scratching his cheek as he compared his pumpkin to Magnus’. Cocking his head to the side, Magnus scooted towards Alec and got a good look at the design Alec had carved out. Looking away from the pumpkin as Magnus looked over it, Alec expected to hear his boyfriend laugh at him but when nothing came out of him, Alec slowly turned to face him again. Seeing the soft smile on his face, Alec sighed in relief before hands cupped his face, gaining his attention. “M-Magnus?”
“Your pumpkin carving skills are kinda low, but don’t worry it was your first time, okay?” Magnus whispered, shooting his boyfriend another smile as he pressed a kiss to his lips, blue eyes meeting yellow cat-like ones. Pulling away after a moment, Alec grinned shyly and nodded, turning his attention back to their pumpkins. If he was being honest, he was actually quite proud at how his pumpkin turned out. Letting go of Alec, Magnus stood up and nodded, snapping away the newspaper again before he picked up his own pumpkin. “And if I’m being honest, your pumpkin’s face is such a mood. Now come on, let’s place these out in the hallway near the door.”
Chuckling softly, Alec nodded and stood up, picking up his pumpkin as he followed Magnus. Putting their jack o lanterns outside the door on each side, the two stepped back and chuckled as they examined Alec’s pumpkin. Wrapping his arms around Alec’s neck, Magnus pressed a kiss to his boyfriend cheeks before he pulled him back inside the fogged up room. It was time to have some punch and get the seeds ready to be put in the oven. Letting Magnus pull him, Alec couldn’t help the soft smile that rose on his face. If he was really being honest, Alec knew that he wouldn’t mind celebrating Halloween as long as Magnus was with him.
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heartforheart532 · 6 years
Beati Bellicosi and A Kiss From A Rose reviews
So I forgot to do my review last week and therefor decided to both reviews in one go.
First up is 3x13: Beati Bellicosi
What I did like:
The Lightwood sibling scenes - It was nice seeing Izzy and Alec having a comforting conversation where Alec listened to Izzy and calmly reassured her that she could always come to him. Also Alec eating a candy bar and then explaining that it is a candy bar bc it has the name candy in it... comedy gold.
The sizzy aftermath scene - Simon is so sweet and incredibly selfless. He felt so bad that he had to drink from her and Izzy just calmed him down she could handle it. Communication is key.
Izzy/Magnus scene - It was small and short but I love how Izzy isn't scared to open up about her addiction anymore and go to others for help. Magnus being understanding and then telling Alec? Love that.
Clary reuniting with her family - although I am pissed she didn't hug Luke and her reunion with Magnus was originally cut (later uploaded to twitter) her hug with Izzy and Simon was heartwarming to see.
Things I didn't like:
Heidi. Just. Heidi. Why is she here. What the fuck is she doing. We don't need her. She doesn't fucking need a storyline. She's irrelevant and brought the vampires vs werewolved feud back for no reason. She's awful, selfish and should just die. I hope Maia rips her throat out for what she did to her pack.
3x14: A Kiss From A Rose
What I did like:
The Malec scenes - they never cease to amaze me, even when they are experiencing a few hiccups. They always find a way to communicate with one other eventually and be each others rock. I love seeing such scenes.
Izzy doing forensic work - It's literally been season 1 when we saw her do this and it was long overdue! They were a tad short for my liking but still important in my opinion. She's more than just good looks people!
What I didn't like:
- Maia shouldn't have to forgive Jordan just because he was "dying" thank you. That was unnecessary.
- The whole Jonathan disguised as Jace scene was just so weird and when he kissed Clary- YIKES. No thanks. The ice skating was cute tho.
- Magnus going to Lorenzo and getting "his magic back" only to have to give him the loft in return... Bullshit. Fucking, fucking bullshit. Especially since we know his body will start to reject the magic. Alec's face tho when Magnus came in and used magic? Priceless.
In conclusion I felt like these episodes get darker and more angsty when we go on, which might lead to me having a longer list "what I don't like," not because I don't enjoy the scenes because I do, but it'll be hard to see what's coming next.
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malecsecretsanta · 7 years
Merry Christmas, @darkrunsout!
For @darkrunsout as part of the malec secret santa 2017 gift exchange,
“promise”, ~6k words
(best enjoyed with a mug of hot chocolate and listening to this) ((i hope this is what you wished for and you enjoy this! happy holidays!))
Over the years, Magnus had forgotten what it felt like. Looking back, he really had forgotten what it felt like, to be this in love. Sometimes, in moments that felt too perfect to exist even in his magical world - so full of love and joy it was tangible, like candy on the tongue - he believed that he had never loved this way before, not really. Not for lack of lovers he had adored over the centuries, who’d adored him right back. Not for lack of sincerity, no. Simply, because love like this was not paralleling one-way streets. Love like theirs, love that changed for the better who you were and how you perceived and what you believed - love like that was a mirror, and to be able to love someone this way meant letting someone love you. Meant being let to love someone, with everything, everything there was, so fully you were unafraid to show your truest self; so fully you grew to love yourself from being loved by them. It meant loving so selfishly it was selfless in itself. No constraints. No doubts. No fears. Just the fact of it, pure and relentless and existing outside of limits like time or space or even death.
The sobering morning light was falling through the half-open blinds like fingers of cool gold searching for skin to kiss. Slowly, Magnus came awake from it, from the glimmer catching in his lashes and warm breath tickling his fingers faintly where Alec was pressing their tangled hands close to his chest. Half aware, Magnus carded his fingertips through the short hair beneath them, gentle and familiar. More slowly still, a smile spread across his face as realization of what day it was dawned on him following consciousness and aloud came a yelping half-laugh he quenched where it had risen for it to be overtaken by the next one in line until Magnus was grinning like a fool, muffling his laughter-mouth against the curve of Alec’s neck right below his nose, breathing him in and loving each movement he made as his boyfriend was waking up in his arms.
Which, incorrect. Fiancé. Betrothed. Husband-to-be. Magnus couldn’t help it, couldn’t stop it, the overwhelming joy that was warming him to the very tips of his ears so very suddenly, as if it had never left, making his heart flutter in his chest like a hummingbird’s wings and forget what sleep was. Instead, he pushed a nuzzling kiss to the nape of Alec’s neck - and another, and another, lacing quiet words in between.
“Good morning, baby.”
Alec made a noise when he blinked his eyes open, one that sounded like “Mornin’.” and Magnus recognized as the ‘we had more than two drinks last night and there wasn’t too much sleep because we were busy doing something else, but it was worth it’ noise and he adored it, and he adored that he recognized it (Of course he did, though, of course he recognized the noises Alec made in the morning. This was his fiancé, after all.) (Magnus’ heart kept tripping over the word, repeating it, for confirmation of the fact was just as sweet every time as the very first. Fiancé. His fiancé).
With more soft groans, Alec’s rune-covered arms stretched out in their morning-heaviness and Magnus’ hand, still clasped in Alec’s, went with it, all the way up.
Light caught on them, then, perfect and breathtaking. Matching, as if it was months from last night already, instead of the morning after; matching, as if they had said their vows; matching like a promise made, because it was. Gleaming simple bands of platinum - nothing too fancy for they were not meant to be worn forever - wrapped around their ring fingers, catching the winter sun’s weak light.
Walking home had always been to Magnus’ liking. It was a simple pleasure with portals at your disposal, something to indulge in because when you did, it meant you had the time to.
They both enjoyed them, those walks, enough to make them another one of the many small rituals weaving through their relationship like golden thread.
Dinner, and a walk. Shopping, and a walk. Sometimes, it was just a walk and nothing else, hands intertwined between them, feeling insignificant and closer to each other than possible, lost in flocks of bustling mundanes; feeling like they didn’t have their world on their shoulders, like they were just another couple, like they were Magnus and Alec - and together - and nothing else.
Tonight was a night just like that. Not in the mood to stay in, they had dinner at one of their favorite Italian places, the one they went to when leaving for Rome, time differences and all, felt like too much of a bother. It was enjoyable as ever, sharing their day over food and flirting a buzz into their veins over coffee, but all throughout it, Alec seemed a little wound up, almost nervous, shaking his head with a genuine smile each time Magnus inquired if something was bothering him.
When they were leaving the restaurant, the snow had already been falling for some time, so sparsely it never truly reached the streets and yet falling it did, covering the very tops of the streetlamps with a crisp cover of white, being caught twirling in the city winds to create a winter wonderland - ‘New York in the midst of climate change’-style, mind - for them to stroll through. Magnus looked up into the sky, adjusting his scarf, watched the way the flakes were tumbling down gracefully, and felt such entire content he recognized it as the rarest kind of happiness. The kind that wasn’t momentary, but lasted - for hours, for days, for weeks. The one he got to share with his love.
Buttoning up the last of his dark coat, Alec stretched out his hand, and Magnus reached over, holding onto it. “Let’s take the long way home.”
Of course they would.
The long way home lead through Washington Square Park. This time of year, just days before Christmas, the park was illuminated even as late as now, the trees along the pathways decorated in full gleam with thousands and thousands of lights caught in the branches and leaves, culminating in the breathtaking gigantic Christmas tree twinkling in all its beauty under the Arch leading to the main fountain. It was magical, in a precious, mundane way; one that Magnus, despite - or maybe for - who he was, enjoyed with inexplicable thoroughness. Somehow, it was calming, to watch all these humans rush by with their hands full of bags carrying presents from the heart for their loved ones, or take leisurely walks, cold air making their smiling faces gleam rosy-red, lost in their own little stories.
In New York, Holiday season just felt right. Like with the cold arriving, the world was slowing down and finding peace and yet, the entire city was alight with cheer, gleaming like a star itself, a reminder to take a moment and just lean back for a while. Like children’s bright gleeful laughter echoing from skating rinks, and long silent snowy nights spent in loving arms, and happiness so pure and wholesome it ached. Next to him, Alec was letting their joined hands swing back and forth, humming indistinctly to himself with a small smile on his lips. Their steps were in sync as ever and Magnus was feeling so fully warm - so perfectly, fully warm - he caught himself wishing the long way home would be even longer, despite the cold, despite the late hour, despite wanting to fall into bed with Alec already. A little longer, just tonight.
“Anything special you’re so happy about, Mr. Lightwood?”
Alec glimpsed over, night-dark eyes catching on the lines of Magnus’ face visibly, and shook his head, smile widening into a full grin. “No. No, I just…had a good time tonight.”
“Well, I’m not surprised,” Magnus said, voice fringed with affectionate teasing. “Pasta all’amatriciana always does that to you.“
Alec’s expression softened back to a fond smile.
“Mhhh. ‘M not sure it’s the pasta, though.”
Magnus raised a brow in response but Alec just walked on, step close to elated as the tree came into sight, and Magnus laughed a little, shaking his head. Almost two and a half years together and he still managed to conjure up that feeling in Magnus’ chest, all the time. That sweet surprised note. That special kind of magic that made Magnus feel like he’s never been in love before this, like this was it, butterflies in his stomach and skin tingles all over and breathless giggly kisses sunk back into sheets. Breakfast in bed, being reminded of him at every corner - warm affection flooding his chest, bookshelves banging back into walls they pressed each other up against, eager like the very first time.
Chuckling over his suddenly racing heart, need to kiss him in the middle of the walkway stifled, Magnus gripped Alec’s hand more firmly. From somewhere, there was music.
Passing by the Arch, musicians came into sight, having set up along the beautifully illuminated way, playing Christmas carols and festive tunes for the passers-by. A group of violinist and cellist caught Magnus’ attention, playing one of his favorite holiday songs and, as if he knew, Alec’s step slowed in tune with Magnus’. Which he did, didn’t he.
This was the third holiday season they were spending together and by now, Alec knew. Knew Magnus liked golds and silvers for decorations, knew where the lights and seasonal trinkets were stored in the many nooks of the loft, knew the songs Magnus would be singing along to at the top of his voice and in all languages possible all December in and out of the shower, and the ones he’d be skipping when they would cuddle up in front of the fireplace (that just magically appeared each year around October to replace one of the dressers in the living room), drinking eggnog with extra spike and interrupting their kisses for quietly told stories only.
They stood there for a while, arms sneaking around waists and hands into pockets, just listening peacefully, until the song was over and Magnus pulled Alec with him to drop some loose dollar bills left in his pocket in the musician’s violin case and walk on.
“I love the holidays,“ Alec exhaled then, as they were making their way past the magnificent glazed fountain, turned off for winter season, and Magnus smiled, calming his previous worries. That’s what it was. Holiday spirit. Running his thumb across Alec’s knuckles, Magnus replied with the first thing on his tongue. “And I love you.”
Glancing over, Alec gazed at him for a while, a weird look to his eyes that formed a small question mark in Magnus’ mind, before leaning in to place an ice-cold-nose tip-pressing-into-it kiss to Magnus’ cheek, making him gasp a little at the sensation.
“I love you, too.”
Sometimes, Magnus did wonder if the fond smile Alec constantly conjured onto his face as if he was a magician himself would leave actual wrinkles with time, immortality or not. Sometimes, he was sure of it.
As they kept walking along, a gathering of people appeared before them, surrounding something streaming with light that elicited laughter and “Ohhhh”s and “Ahhhh”s of delight from the crowd, accompanied beautifully by the distant music. Curious, they walked closer, until Magnus recognized what it was.
A backdrop of a true winter wonderland was erected by the side of the way, with bright flood lights shining and illuminating the scene of snowy hills and a wintery forest. In front of it, a young couple stood on a white tarp-like sheet, with character-masks on, being photographed by a young man wearing dreadlocks pulled up into a bun (and - apparently - fuzzy earmuffs), who kept giving them direction how to create the most funny “Santa and his reindeer”-photo possible. Pushing a little closer, Alec’s interest dug itself a crease between his brows.
The next couple standing in the short line came forward, taking some cute, romantic pictures of them hugging close, kissing each other’s cheeks, smiling brightly. The photographer’s assistant threw a few handfuls of fake snow into the air that got caught in the stream of wind from the tiny fan standing off to the side, creating a beautiful effect the photographer captured on film. Few minutes later, some dollars were exchanged and the couple walked away happily with a USB-stick in their hands.
Pressing into his side, Alec murmured “Let’s do that.”
Having meant to walk on, Magnus turned to look at Alec, surprised.
“You know, we could go where there’s real snow right now and take pictures there.”
Gazing over at the clearly romantic setting and then back at Magnus, Alec tilted his head to the side. “Yeah, but this is so…”
“Cheesy?” Magnus finished, amused. Alec laughed a little, his hand squeezing Magnus’, thumb running across knuckles in affirmation.
“Yeah. It kinda reminds me of the photo booth.”
The photo booth…Thinking fondly of that trip, of ‘Have you ever tried that?’ and eagerness and barely squeezing into the little space and Alec’s fingers on his wrist, pulling off his bracelets to wear himself, of feeling young and foolishly in love, of that strip of pictures Magnus knew Alec had to this day tucked away in his wallet, he gasped in mock offense to hide his smile.
“Alexander! The photo booth wasn’t cheesy!“
Rolling his eyes back in matching mockery, Alec sighed, all drama. “It so was.”
In response, laughing gently, Magnus clicked his tongue and glanced over to the set-up again, and back at Alec. “Maybe, but we were fresh in love, weren’t we.”
Dropping the act himself, Alec smiled right at him, and the sincerity of it pulled another wave of desire into Magnus’ chest, hot and burning. Desire to never have to stop looking at Alec. To never have to let go of his hand. To never have to not see him like this, happy, excited, wanting to take ridiculous pictures to make memories that would last. To never have to stop loving him. Then again, he didn’t have to do that either way, did he.
“I wouldn’t say we aren’t still.”
The words squeezed Magnus’ heart almost painfully with how true they were. As if how he felt about Alec would ever go dull, when it grew more brilliant with every passing day.
“You make a point I can’t possibly argue with. Come on.”
Pulling each other through giggles and the crowd of onlookers, they took their place behind the two couples standing in a row off to the side, awaiting their turn. Watching the spectacle, Magnus leaned back against Alec to nudge him into attention.
“Are you gonna play Santa or the reindeer though?”
With an even tone Magnus immediately recognized, Alec answered. “I guess that depends.” Trying to hide his knowing smile behind it, Magnus threw Alec a raised brow.
“And on what might that be?”
Lowering his lashes, Alec grinned and pressed his mouth to Magnus’ ear shell, close enough to muffle his words even from the couple right in front of them.
“Just whether or not you’ll let me ride you tonight, I guess.”
It took Magnus a half-second to process, finding his suspicions somewhat met, and just like that he was caught in it. Laughter, and laughter, and more of it, until his cheeks were hurting in the cold and people nearby were throwing them curious looks.
There, surrounded by Christmas carols and snow falling, by golden lights like stars in the sky and a buzzing excitement like it existed only this time of year, laughing at his boyfriend’s dirty joke, Magnus looked at Alec, with his hands on Magnus’ waist and his nose red from the cold, wiggling his eyebrows, sarcastically seductive and yet with the warmest, most sincerely indulged glimmer in his eyes, and thought, for an uncounted time since the moment they met, 'why can’t I have all of eternity with you’.
“Santa it is. Even though you’d make a good Rudolph, look at you.”
Laughing softly, Alec’s gaze slipped down, catching on Magnus’ huge smile as so often before. With a hand to Alec’s neck, running fingers into his hair, Magnus beat Alec to it and kissed him, sweet and sure and not too short, right on the mouth. Beard scratched against goatee with a slight tug at their chins and pulling back, Magnus pressed another kiss to Alec’s winter-cold nose, just for good measure (and so it wouldn’t freeze off, hopefully).
The last couple before them was called up, two older women dressed warmly in duffle coats and beanies, who laughed into the camera and kissed each others’ rosy-brown cheeks and shared looks of utter fondness that Magnus knew some people might misinterpret intentionally but seeing them, a certain joy found its way into his chest.
He remembered how many had given for this, throughout history. How not so long ago, things had been entirely different still for mundanes, especially those who did not have privilege to protect them from violence. How much there had to be done still, how in his own world, things weren’t all that much different. How even the love of his life had been scared to be himself, fearing he might lose it all if he dared to openly be with who he chose to be with. How what they were doing right there was pure bravery, in some ways. Lifting their joined hands up, Magnus pressed his mouth to the place where their knuckles were crossing.
The couple took a last picture, hugging close, and the photographer called them over, turning to his computer screen to filter through the shots and push them onto the next USB-stick.
“I dare you,” Alec then said, just as they were called up, “to lift me.” Magnus puffed out a laugh since they both knew exactly he could do much more than that. Amusement tinged his next words sarcasm.
“Oh, you dare me? How about on my back? Like you’re flying?”
Alec grinned, a glint in his eyes. “If you can manage.”
The assistant to the photographer, a young person with short black hair, a good dozen piercings all over their face and poison green nails that Magnus appreciated for their boldness, handed them the masks portraying their characters and Magnus could feel anticipation blooming in his chest at the prospect of those ridiculous shots. Cat would give up on their friendship again, he could almost hear her voice, imitating a certain British accent, and knew this was worth it and even if only to see her roll her eyes at the pictures and still take ten home ‘to show Dot’.
“Babe, you know we will get hell for this, right?"
Alec chuckled, pulling on his Santa face and doing a wonky, somewhat muffled Cat-impersonation. “You mean, ‘You two are ridiculous, let me take a copy home’? I hope so. We should take Madzie on Thursday.”
Turning towards the camera, Alec leaning on his shoulders, already posing, Magnus nodded, having thought of this already. “We should, she’d love this.” And then he grinned.
The photographer kept snapping picture after picture, delighted over their dedication to the story, shouting “Yes, keep going!“ as Alec held his flat stomach like he had a beer belly, ho-ho-ho-ing, while Magnus, doing his best not to fall into a laughing fit, tried and failed to push him on, grimacing into the camera even if his face could not be properly seen.
After several more improvised poses, Alec pushed himself up on Magnus’ shoulders at last, with ease, who straightened, supporting Alec’s weight so he could let his arm fly free. Santa/reindeer plane-carriage. An image for the ages. Maybe they’d just print holiday greetings from that.
“Ohhhhh”-ing along with the crowd, swaying dramatically, as if this was any challenge at all, they twirled around in the artificial snow blowing around them, once, twice, until the photographer called “We got it, fantastic!” and Magnus let Alec drop back to his feet carefully. They had to pretend, after all.
Reaching up to pull the mask from his red, much too red face, Magnus noticed Alec’s brightly shining, almost tearful eyes. He was grinning cheek to cheek, all tomato-face.
Hoarsely, he mustered, "You make a cute reindeer.” Magnus barked out a laugh.
“Thanks, dear Santa. Is everything alright?” Searching his face, Magnus watched Alec nod rapidly around a “Yes”, and finding nothing but a strange elated agitation, he pulled the mask off his own face, turning to the assistant to hand them back, thanking them for their help. Maybe Alec really was simply having an exceptionally good time tonight.
“Let’s take a few normal ones though, okay?”
Magnus was talking over his shoulder and only noticed something was off when there was no immediate answer and instead, a sudden, united, incredibly loud gasp from the crowd and a dead-pan exclamation of “Oh my God.” from someone within it, clear enough even he could hear it.
Turning back in confusion, Magnus’ heart dropped into his stomach. And then, so fast he could taste it, it climbed back up and up and up and up until it was clogging his throat, cutting off air, cutting off everything but the sight before him, already swimming in the tears that shot straight to his eyes.
Alec was kneeling, on one knee, holding a small box in his hand, open like a treasure chest. Two separate rings were gleaming inside, polished silver in color, catching the intense lighting beams and reflecting them to shine brighter than the stars.
Alec was smiling, still rather red-faced and utterly unabashed, and so full of something Magnus recognized in intensity it was making his stomach do somersaults and his lungs grow with a feeling ready to break free until he felt like he might explode. He only noticed he’d stopped breathing when an involuntarily deep, wheezing inhale reminded him of how important oxygen was to witnessing this moment. His head was spinning and he had never enjoyed the feeling so much.
“Hey, you okay?”
Magnus nodded - firmly, despite the head - because Alec’s voice had been promptly laced with a gentle sliver of concern there was no need for and Magnus needed him to know that. “Just talk, please, before my heart gives out.”
To that, Alec smiled, cleared his throat dramatically, and looked at Magnus, for an endless moment. His free hand stretched out and Magnus got hold of it with both of his, trying his hardest to not crush it or start crying before Alec had even said a word.
“Magnus Bane.”
A shiver rolled down Magnus’ spine, almost violently, and he willed himself to stay still and just breathe, blinking through the wetness. He was no patient man but by now, he was good at patience. Immortality taught you over the centuries, and as much as he wanted to blurt the answer right out, he could see that Alec meant to say a thing or two. And Magnus wanted to hear it, every last word of it, commit it to memory, preserved forever. Alec took a deep breath, smile never leaving.
“From the day I met you, my life has not been the same. You turned my entire world upside down, and with you in it, things were finally the right way around. And every day since, I am the luckiest man on Earth for having you by my side, for getting to spend my days with you.
You saved me. You showed me that it’s okay to be myself, and teach me how to be a better person than I ever thought I might become. You take away all my fears. I wouldn’t be who I am today, without you and the way you love me.”
At the word “saved”, Alec blinked and his eyes had grown glassy with tears that he visibly tried not to let take over. At the word “fears”, Magnus felt his own tumble down his cheeks, almost warm against his cold skin. There were not enough words in the world to describe what they were to each other and yet, here Alec was, always trying to do the impossible, always succeeding at leaving Magnus speechless and his heart aching with having to hold so much love.
“Magnus, you are the one. The one I want to wake up to, the one I want to hold when I fall asleep, the one I can’t wait to spend every moment in between with, to take care of you and cherish you and love you and laugh with you...and make you as happy as you make me. You are the one for me. My best friend, my future, my whole heart. My home. You have all of me, and you make every day worth it. When you’re next to me, nothing seems impossible. Even when it’s difficult, everything is beautiful, and easy. When you’re next to me, I feel invincible. When you’re next to me, and your hand is in mine, there’s nothing I miss.”
Alec took another breath, shaky with the tears sitting in it, trembling through the air. His voice was choked up and raw, terribly full of emotion, and as he looked at Magnus, soft and pleading him to understand, he shook his head a little, a tiny back and forth Magnus recognized, too. He ignored the streams down his own cheeks and exhaled past the lump in his throat and smiled, a presumably watery smile of purest affection, squeezing Alec’s hand hard and getting his own squeezed in return.
“Magnus...all I want is you, forever. I love you, all of you, always. I can’t live without you, and I don’t want to. You are- you are the love of my life and I want to spend the rest of mine with you.”
A last deep breath then, before Alec stared up at him and smiled so brightly nothing could or would ever match it and if Magnus would stare right at the sun on the most cloudless day. His heart stopped for a full beat, ready to burst into a million doves and spread this feeling of truest happiness into the world.  
“I really think we’ve been to dinner enough times for me to ask, baby. Will you marry me?”
The beat came, the only thing he could hear in the wake of those words, a rush of wings drowning him in the moment, and Magnus could feel himself coming undone entirely, all at once, exhaling on a half-swallowed sob and a half-held back laugh in pure release of anticipation, with his shaking hands stilling around Alec’s and his heart bouncing around its chest-cave like it couldn’t contain it, this, all of this, and Alec, swimming in Magnus’ tears, Alec with his eyes and his mouth and his cheeks all red.
Had there ever been anything else he’d done, but stare at Alec? The line of his brows and the curve of his jaw and the way his hair was ruffled beyond repair- Tears of his own were sitting so blindingly in Alec’s eyes a tiny voice in Magnus said ‘He can’t see a thing’ and since nothing but the overwhelming, blinding presence of deepest, most uninhibited love was there to stop it, he blurted it right out.
“You can’t see a thing.”
Alec stared. And then, unbelieving and endlessly attached like he should have known, “Yeah, neither can you!”
His breathless laughter rang as he shook his head, averting his gaze for a moment, the movement loosening the tears from his eyes to fly across his cheeks.
He looked so incredibly beautiful in the fall of light and shadow with diamonds on his skin and happiness in his veins. Entirely by himself, he took Magnus’ breath away.
“My ears are fine, though.”
“Well, let’s hope it stays that way for the rest of our lives, hm. I can’t possibly be shouting at you when you lose your hearing in sixty.”
Alec crumpled a little, dramatically in shock, hand pulling at Magnus’ still clutching his.
“Are you saying you won’t love me when I’m old and deaf?”
Slowly, Magnus sunk to his knees too, in part because he wanted to get closer but mostly since the way his chest felt - his heart, his heart, exulting, rejoicing, trembling with the reality of him and Alec, together, forever - made his legs grow too weak to support his weight and they just bent in on themselves, overwhelmed. Alec’s cheeks were damp and cold against his palms and thumbs and he was looking at Magnus like he was the sun and the moon and all the stars in the sky, like there had never been another way to look at each other but this and even if it was too little to express how Magnus felt this was still it. He loved him. An absolute, undeniable, perfect truth. He loved him.
“I’m saying I’ll never stop loving you and if a thousand years from now.”
“Just say yes already!” A shout from the crowd, followed by laughter, and just then Magnus remembered that they had the company of some two dozen people, standing in the shadows, apparently anticipating his answer, not knowing that there had never been another one but this.
“Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you, Alexander Lightwood.” And then, laughing through the thunderous cheering and clapping, Alec’s free hand gently wiping the tears from Magnus’ cheeks that just kept coming, he softly said, “But you knew that.”
Alec grinned, red cheeks burning.
“I did, I did. You aren’t very subtle about how much you love me, you know.”
“GUYS!” Another shout, from another mouth, almost severe enough to come across as genuinely dismayed; almost. More laughter ensued and Magnus looked over, catching sight of hands clasped before mouths and huge grins half-hidden in the dark beyond the lights before he yelled back, making the crowd clap.
“We’re getting to it, dammit!”
Laughing along, Alec pulled a ring from the box, carefully, and raised his brow as he asked for Magnus’ hand. “One last dance, Mr. Bane?”
Magnus grinned in return, trying for wicked but knew he was failing hopelessly, for he could feel happiness radiating from within him like heat from the hottest furnace.
The ring slipped onto Magnus’ finger like it was made for it (which, knowing Alec, it was) and Magnus, just as carefully, took the other and pushed it up Alec’s knuckles, making sure it was sitting snug. Pulling each other up from their knees, their hands were holding onto each other’s until they pulled each other in, hugging so tight Magnus stopped breathing again and didn’t care about it for a moment. Nothing, and not even breathing, was in any way as important right then, as holding Alec close. His eyes slipped shut and he pushed them back, more tears wherever they were coming from, because apparently when you felt like crying, it did not have to be from sadness. And there he’d been, just half an hour ago, thinking he was the happiest he could possibly be. How foolish of him, to forget, that Alec never ceased to amaze him.  
In the end it didn’t need a word, not even a cue. It came as naturally to them as breathing, or being together. Truthfully, Magnus couldn’t say if there’d ever been a kiss as sweet as this one between them, as many contestants for the spot as there were. Though, he thought, laughing against Alec’s mouth in sheer exaltation, kissing him, being kissed, over and over and over, as the crowd kept cheering and whooping and clapping, there would be another, wouldn’t there, inevitably sweeter, come time.
“We’re gonna get married,” Alec said, voice still morning-rough, staring at the place where their hands were caught in mid-air. There was no surprise in his statement, or hesitation, just a grin Magnus would see if he could tear his eyes from the rings around their fingers. A grin that wasn’t a grin but an expression of joy so full of the feeling it just widened the mouth until you felt like it might rip you in half.
“We’re gonna get married,” Magnus repeated, slowly turning his hand to catch Alec’s fingers in his, pulling their joined hands in. With care, he placed his lips to the simple string of metal wrapping its way around Alec’s ring finger. Beside him, Alec robbed and rolled around like a herring, determined not to let go of Magnus’ hand under any circumstance, until they were staring at each other, expressions matching like their promise for the future. Or at least that’s what Magnus assumed he looked like for he had not felt his own grin coming undone yet; he wasn’t sure it ever would. Shuffling closer, Alec planted his face back in the pillows.
“You know, I have dreamt of hearing you say that.”
Magnus could feel himself choke up, and swallowed around the lump to make it disappear. Truth be told, this had never been an ‘if’ to them, not for a long time. Just a simple ‘when’.
“You know, I always knew you were a sap.”
Alec snorted, looking up from under his lashes, voice teasing. “Only for you, baby.”
“Is that so?”, Magnus teased right back, unable to take his eyes off Alec’s face - the lines his smile was creating, the fading year-old scar all the way down his temple.
“I thought you got the clue by now, with the marriage proposal and everything.”
“Oh, that’s what these mean? I thought they were a fashion statement! Good Lord, Alexander!”
Magnus rolled his eyes back dramatically and Alec laughed again, both more amused and softer, a laugh so very typical, so very true - Magnus’ chest flooded with it. Sighing, he robbed a little closer himself, leaving so little space between them it was basically nonexistent. Underneath the blanket, one of Alec’s always cold feet dragged up Magnus’ leg, draping thigh over thigh.
Like that, they just stared at each other for a long, long moment, gazes catching, until Magnus ran a thumb along Alec’s terribly scratchy jaw.
“I can’t wait to be married to you.”
Alec’s face lit up, eyes shining, and since they were so close, his next words singled out as delightfully curious.
“D’you think it’s going to be different? Than now, I mean.”
Chuckling, Magnus gave it a thought.  “No. No, Luke’s been calling us married for years, you know that, right.”
“I can’t believe we’ve been married for a decade now and we haven’t ever noticed.”
This time, it was Alec’s turn to roll his eyes and they both fell into laughter, rapturous and honey-sweet with the feeling of it - of knowing that this was right. Magnus looked down at where their hands kept finding their way back to each other, fingers running along Alec’s absentmindedly. Naturally, without thinking about it, without even noticing it was happening. When simply being close was the greatest source of comfort, that’s when you knew.
“I don’t think it will be that much different. But I can’t wait.”
When Magnus looked up again, Alec was looking at him with an expression to his face that he knew all too well. After all, he’d seen a million times before. Love, so true, so tangible it spelled itself out in the curve of Alec’s smile, the line of his brows, the way his beautiful eyes shone.
“I can’t either.”
Noses brushing, Magnus leaned into a kiss like none before, a 'first morning after our engagement' kiss, and as Alec mouthed an “I love you.” against his smile, pulling Magnus closer, Magnus knew he would enjoy every moment of being not-yet married, and count them down impatiently nonetheless.
in case you’re wondering, yes they did get up eventually, after breakfast in bed ofc, and yes they did spend the entire day decorating the loft falling over each other kissing, that really is what happened you’re absolutely right. they also both teared up over the pics they found on the USB stick from the night before, at first bc the damn santa/reindeer thing was hilarious and then again, bc the photographer had captured every damn moment of that damn proposal in the most beautiful shots (AS HAD BEEN PLANNED WHICH IS A VERY INTERESTING CONVERSATION BC ALEC REALLY DID THAT).
they marry on the most perfect september day you could possibly imagine and two weeks later, for his birthday that year, Alec turns immortal, even though they don’t know that just yet. but it happens and they live together forever, happily ever after.
happy holidays!
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indecent-lemon · 7 years
Good Morning (a fic)
This takes place right before Malec’s portal to the London Institute. My personal contribution to his holy day. Enjoy!
Fluff and Angst
“Magnus,” Alec slammed another drawer closed and frantically scrounged in another one. “Have you seen my fancy sweatshirt?”, Alec said. His hair dripping from his recent shower.
“Alec, there is no such thing as a fancy sweatshirt but if you’re looking for that moth-eaten rag check the hamper.” Magnus called from another room.
Alec scrambled to the laundry room. They had to leave, to London, soon and his heart was pounding a bit more than it should’ve. “It’s not here!”
You’d think the dreaded, yellow sweatshirt must’ve disappeared with a bout of magic from Magnus, but no. The warlock secretly loves the worn wool and the mothball smell. It’s a gentle reminder of their differences and how they don’t need to be the same person to love each other.
“Magnus, what am I going to do?” Alec sat on their bed, despondently.
Magnus appeared in the doorway. “What am I going to do? Did you mean what am I going to wear?”
“Y-y-yes,” he sighed and set his head on a quilted pillow, staring at the ceiling.
Magnus copied Alec’s actions. “Alec, you know you can tell me everything.”
They sat in silence for a full five minutes. Usually they could do this comfortably but there was an aura of unease.
“I’m scared, Magnus.”
“So am I. The divide between downworlders and shadowhunters is becoming greater and—”
“I’m not worried about that. I mean I am but I’m worried about something more important.”
Their eyes met for the first time that day, they both gleamed with want. The unconditional want for a loved one to be happy.
“You, Rafe, and Max are more important,” his voice became tainted with malice.
“And I don’t want to lose Rafe to those jerks. I don’t want him to grow up, become way cooler than Jace, and be underestimated because he has a warlock as a dad.
"And I see the way they look at Max. Our sweet-as-candy baby boy is hated because he’s blue and amazing and he may have powers, that they’re jealous of! I’m scared he might grow to hate himself or that he’ll get sick like…you.
"You’re getting tired more easily. I can see it in your eyes. I have no idea what’s going on but I have every idea what’s going on. It’s bad luck for being good people. The universe hates us.” Alec stopped talking and finally breathed out. He clutched his throat as if he were trying to believe he said all that.
Magnus wiped a tear from his lover’s cheek and proceeded to wipe his own. “Alec, I know it seems unfair and that’s because it is. Those bigot shadowhunters hate us but look around. We have a family. A downworlder-shadowhunter family, never been seen before and it’s wonderful. We have people that support us even if I get sicker, even if Rafe turns on us, even if Max hates himself. There are people who’ll bring us right back up.”
Alec breathed, “I love you. You’re so…”
Magnus hushed the shadowhunter with a kiss, his lips warm and soft and buttery. “I know and I love you too.”
Alec made that “wow” face like he always does after they kiss. Magnus doubts he’ll tire of it.
Alec shook his head as if to get the wonderstruck out of it. “You had breakfast without me”, he teased.
“Well I knew I couldn’t eat looking at that horrid sweatshirt. I still have some toast and eggs left.”
Magnus stood and beckoned his boyfriend to follow him into the kitchen. On their way they passed an open door in the hallway. There was Max wearing a cowboy hat and holding a watergun. A gold star gleamed at his chest.
In his most gutteral voice he said, “Put your hands up. I’m the sherrif.” He pointed at the star at his chest.
Rafe, in a bandana, and the missing sweatshirt declared, “I don’t think so Sheriff Maxie. I’m a low-down punk and I don’t care about the law. 1…2…3…”, they both took a few steps back. “Draw!”
Rafe whipped out his watergun and waited for Max to stop fumbling his gun with his tiny blue fingers. When they were both armed. Rafe giggled as he squirted at Max’s badge. Max, taking that as a direct insult ran to grab a supersoaker he hid in the closet. Rafe ran after him, which made Max chuckle madly and yell, “Hi Dad! Daddy!”
Rafe froze in his tracks, he hadn’t recalled seeing his parents standing in the hall.
Magnus snatched a smartphone out of Alec’s quaking hands with a sly smile. “Oh let me record. You can’t ever focus.”
Alec’s head was down and he was clutching his sides. A strange noise came from his throat.
Rafe frowned, “Dad are you crying?”
Alec quirked up, beaming, tears streamed down his face. “Crying tears of joy! You’re so cute. Don’t mind me. Go back to your play. I’ll just be over here dying of cuteness overload.”
Magnus shot Alec a look. “You’re scaring him”, he turned to his kids. Rafe and Max had a confused expressions. Although, Max was probably wondering why the fun stopped.
Magnus shut the phone off. “Well this was a morning. You kids hungry? I’ll make pancakes.” Magnus waltzed into the kitchen and couldn’t help but smile at his family seated at the dining table.
All of a sudden Alec exclaimed, “Oh my God! I invinted people over for brunch!”
Magnus grew tense, “Who?”
There was a pause and giggles from their sons. “Everyone, Daddy. He invited everyone”, said Max.
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cutebunnykook · 7 years
I was tagged by @syublove thank you! ❤️❤️
1. How tall are you?
I’m 5′2″ 
2. What are your favorite TV Shows?
I like Grey’s Anatomy, Shadowhunters and i’m currently watching Riverdale 
3. What are your favorite YouTubers?
I really like Wong Fu Productions, Jun Curry Ahn, BTS Jams, jrekml,  ilikeweylie, east2west, From head to toe , Leenda d productions, Kawaii sweet world and so many more 
4. What’s your favorite feature of yourself?
I don’t really like anything about myself 
5. Cats or Dogs?
I’m unfortunately allergic to both but dogs  
6. Candy or Fruit?
Depends on my mood because I don’t really like anything too sweet, so fruit I guess. 
7. Hot or Cold?
8. What kind of phone do you have?
Iphone 5 
9. Movies or Music
10. How many kids would you like to have? Boys or girls?
2 kids. One girl and one boy but the girl being the oldest. 
11. Top 3 favorite foods?
shepherd pie, rice, leek soup 
12. Top 3 worst foods?
Cantaloup, sardines and idk 
13. What’s something you’re afraid of?
Disappointing my family and being unsuccessful in life 
14. Any phobias?
15. What makes you the happiest?
Being with friend and family 
16. Have you eaten today? And if so what?
Yes, too many foods to list. But for breakfast I made blueberry pancakes, eggs and sausages. For supper I made stuffed peppers and chicken. 
17.What time is it currently where you are?
11:50 pm
18. Snowy day or rainy day?
Snowy Day 
19. If you could paint your room any color what would it be?
I actually would like my room to be white 
20. Makeup or no makeup?
Makeup!! I look dead without it... every time I don’t wear it, people assume i’m sick. 
21. Dressy or casual?
22. Milk or soda?
23. Favorite smell?
No clue 
24. How are you at meeting new people?
I’m pretty bad at it. I’m super shy and awkward so meeting new people doesn’t usually go well. 
25. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
Check my phone 
26. What’s the first thing you see when you look at someone?
27. Top 3 personality traits you want in a partner?
honesty, dependability, to have good communication 
28. Kiss or Hugs?
29. Going out or staying in?
Going out 
30. Lastly, tell your followers something they may not know about you.
My nationality is Chinese. My family speaks Toisanese which is a dialect of Cantonese. I can understand a bit of Toisanese but I cannot speak it. TT
I tag @eternal-malec @inlovewith-shadowhunters @cityofheavenlyships @monstajaebum @bangtansperfectgirl @rosejimin @thegoldenmaknae97
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abloodycrow · 8 years
I just ??? I kind of feel like having an amazing m/m relationship, that's not only completely canon but the ONLY canon ship currently, and then hardly showing it is kind of like a worse death than shipbaiting? Like at least with shipbaiting we know what we're getting ourselves into, objectively we know we could be reading into more than we'll ever get. But to actually have that ship and repeatedly have it skirted over/ignored is just awful. Like they thought just having the ship was enough.
(okay I did type an answer for this but then Firefox crashed, so here we go again)
Alrighty, my little grey faced friend, I don’t think that this ship is being ignored at all?
This argument has suddenly amongst the fandom appeared simply because we didn’t see Malec fall down on the bed together, basically. I see this couple as a romantic bonus that the show has - so let’s say, if this were a hetero couple, everybody would be sighing with boredom over the hetero couple that had nothing to do with the plot, but with Malec, it’s a good thing that they’re here. They’re not necessarily adding to the plot with these scenes, the plot could work without those scenes being there, but they are there! We have these scenes, these glorious scenes, and we have sweet and tender moments. This ship isn’t being ignored, it’s being added into the story, it’s like you’ve gone to get one piece of candy from the vending machine but another one falls out as well so you get two pieces of candy! Happy days!
Remember in the books, when Malec disappeared for like an entire book, because they were travelling? THAT is ignoring the m/m relationship, there were a few lines of ‘yeah they’re doing alright’ but nothing more. In this show, we get to see their realtionship growing, we got to see them relaxing with one another. Now, if we were to receive a three episode stint where Malec were on holiday and the only thing to do with them was Izzy saying ‘they’re having fun’ then, THEN, I’d get it - I’d be pissed too. But each episode we get a treat with these two, and it’s precious.
We get to see Alec try so hard to make Magnus smile, because he wants Magnus to be happy. But those scenes, where we do see Alec trying to make Magnus happy - don’t necessarily add to the plot of the show whatsoever, they’re there though. We have them. We get to see them being a happy couple!
Remember what show you’re watching, Shadowhunters. You’re not tuning in for a show called Malec.
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25 Quick Fix Fics: Or, Stories that help me deal with people and keep my job
Ugh, You ever have one of those days where you think that crazy cat lady might be onto something?
Okay, I’m getting ahead of myself.
              So, here’s the thing, I am not really a ‘people person’. I don’t like big crowds; I don’t like excessive chatting and overblown drama. I have a very low tolerance for stupidity, obnoxiousness, or rudeness and my general reaction to seeing a couple being exceedingly affectionate and overly cutesy is to wish I had a spray bottle. Another thing? I work in customer service.
              I deal with people for about nine hours a day. Despite that, It actually takes quite a lot to put me in a bad mood.  Somewhere along the way I have developed the mindset; if I have to be there anyways (since, you know,  I’ve grown somewhat attached to things like food, shelter, and wifi) I may as well make the most of it. I chat, laugh, joke and smile. I usually come across as one of the cheeriest people you could meet. Know why? No, it’s not something I get in the pharmaceutical part of the store, and no, it’s not my innate ability to mask my sarcasm as sincerity (well, not just that); It’s because, most of the time, my head is filled with fanfiction. Fluff, humor, and weird little bits of randomness that just put me in a good mood.
I think we all can use something like that every now and then. Whether it’s about something specific or if you’re just in general having a bad day; sometimes you just could use a bit of a pick-me-up. A bit of sweet, funny, harmless something, and sometimes, you need it rather quickly. These Are a few of my favorite really quick, short little stories that can cheer me up and make me smile when I really need it; and they’re all under 2,000 words, so you can literally read them on a five minute break.Hope they are as beneficial to you as they are to me:
Baffling, Beautiful-Steve McGarrett's idea of pillow talk. Literally, the shortest story I have, less then 400 words.
Jack does his part to protects the world – Jack protects the world the best way he can.
C is for COCKTAILS- Alec May be a bit drunk, and sappy, and cuddly- part 3 of ‘A Shared Life (Malec Alphabet)- Most of this series is fluff, but there are a few angst ones, that, yeah..
G is for GLITTER- Alec was a curious person and it was his curiosity that led to his downfall. Or rather, the glitter explosion that was currently raining down on him. Ch. 7 of A Shared Life (Malec Alphabet)
The Strange Sunday Morning Meanderings of Xander- Xander has too many thoughts on a Sunday morning.
Ornithology- Greg wants to be a red-tailed hawk. Just sweet, domestic, fluff.
Candid Yams- Xander And Spike host the Harris family Thanksgiving- yeah, it.. it doesn’t really go as planned, but there’s pie!
People and Angels of Walmart- Sam and Gabriel have to go on a supply run. ( I honestly don’t know why I like this one so much, it is just so random, I can’t help it)
Get the candy Gabriel- Sam has had it with Gabriel eating all the Halloween candy, he has went to get it FOUR times, now its Gabe’s turn. Total Domestic fluff
Roller Coasters and Caramel: Gabriel is afraid of roller coasters, luckily the cute guy he sits by is also VERY sweet and helpful (teenage story, So fluffy, and cute)
Anymore- Ezekiel finds out about Jakes past as a country singer; he thinks it’s hilarious, until he doesn’t ( this was based on the fact that the actor who plays Jake (Christian Kane had this a bit in his past, and he does have a great voice)
And the Box of Love Letters- Ezekiel is sick of love, but maybe that can change ( also, bonus for Aro! Cassandra)
Flashy lights, Painted Smiles- Isabelle is an actress being interviewed about her leading man, but he is SO not her type, the cute, redheaded reporter interviewing her, on the other hand….
True Loves gift- A Soulmates AU in which the name of your soulmate shows up on your arm on your 18th Birthday
and I never saw you coming (and I'll never be the same) - Magnus is just shopping in Sephora, Alec got sent to pick up some things for his sister and thinks Magnus must work there because, well, he’s just so pretty.
Beauty and the Beast- A Grimm fairytale AU with Nick and Monroe, kinda like a play, but not. ( So, funny, I can’t stop laughing reading this one.)
Say Hey If Your Gay- Teen AU in which, Sam is accidentally outed to his moms conservative friends, much to the delight of their Son, Gabriel
Pack Life- Boyd decides to make a documentary about the pack, insanity ensues.
Fun and Games- Casey agrees to join Chuck and the guys from work for poker at the Buymore- only problem, they didn’t tell him it was strip poker!
Wrong Time, Wrong Place- Okay, so maybe a hostage situation at a bank isn’t the best time to pick up a cute guy, but in Sam’s defense, he is really Cute!
Christmas Dinner with the Winchesters- The Winchesters, Their Angels, and Bobby spend Christmas together.
Simon la Exploradora- Simon wants to impress Raphael by learning Spanish. How does a Nerdy, newly turned Vampire do this? By watching Dora the Explorer, of course
  Sexy ways to get your man-  Steve wants to impress Danny, he takes advice from a drunk Kono, and Cosmo
You Can Say Anything With Flowers- Sam runs a flower shop, Gabriel wants something for his arrogant Ex’s Wedding.
Warlocks are Better than Wizards; Alec takes his little brother trick-or-treating for the first time, they meet a Warlock who is suspicious of Alec, but also completely gorgeous.
So, there it is; my list of quick fix fics (try saying that three times fast) to make for a better day. I hope they are as beneficial to you as they are to me.
Jackpot Boyfriend Winner: Alec, loopy from a potion, thinks Magnus is a nurse, but he doesn’t remember any nurses being that pretty. I saved this for last, because, If none of the others could cheer you up, this one will. The cutest thing I’ve ever read.
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