Andrea Part 5: Stims
Andrea shares the next part of our journey from her perspective. This time focuses on the injections needed to grow the eggs needed for IVF. #ivf #iui #donorsperm #ttccommunity #mfi #azoospermia #infertilityawareness #fertilityjourney #ttc
It is my 30th birthday. A Saturday. I haven’t slept that well (no surprise there). I have a medication centre set up in my dining room. I have boxes of medications, needles, alcohol swabs, and treats for after. Our drink fridge is now also a medication fridge and it is from there that I take my first box. We had picked up the medications the week before from the pharmacy. When the prescriptions…
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althafrana · 1 year
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बांझपन पुरुष या महिला की एक बीमारी है, जिसके परिणामस्वसर्वेक्षणों के अनुसार, प्रजनन आयु के हर छह में से एक व्यक्ति बांपुरुष प्रजनन प्रणाली में,
बांझपन ज्यादातर किसके कारण होता है?
वीर्य के बाहर निकलने में समस्या,
शुक्राणु की अनुपस्थिति या निम्न स्तर,
शुक्राणु का असामान्य आकार और गति।
रूप नियमित रूप से असुरक्षित यौन संभोग के 12 महीने या उससे अधिक के बाद गर्भावस्था प्राप्त करने में विफलता।
महिला प्रजनन प्रणाली में, बांझपन अंडाशय, गर्भाशय, फैलोपियन ट्यूब और अंतःस्रावी तंत्र की असामान्यताओं के कारण होता है।
महिला बांझपन के कारण :
• ट्यूबल विकार जैसे अवरुद्ध फैलोपियन ट्यूब
• गर्भाशय विकार जिसमें भड़काऊ प्रकृति, जन्मजात प्रकृति और प्रकृति में सौम्य है
• पॉलीसिस्टिक डिम्बग्रंथि सिंड्रोम और अन्य कूपिक रोगों जैसे विकार
• अंतःस्रावी तंत्र के विकार प्रजनन हार्मोन के असंतुलन का कारण बनते हैं। इस प्रणाली को प्रभावित करने वाले सामान्य विकारों में पिट्यूटरी कैंसर और हाइपोपिटिटारिज्म शामिल हैं।
पुरुष बांझपन के कारण :
• प्रजनन पथ में रुकावट जिससे वीर्य के बाहर निकलने में शिथिलता होती है।
• हार्मोनल विकार जो पिट्यूटरी ग्रंथि, हाइपोथैलेमस और अंडकोष द्वारा उत्पादित हार्मोन में असामान्यताएं पैदा करते हैं।
• शुक्राणु का उत्पादन करने में वृषण विफलता
• असामान्य शुक्राणु की गुणवत्ता और कार्यक्षमता। शुक्राणु के असामान्य आकार और आंदोलन का कारण बनने वाली स्थितियां प्रजनन क्षमता को नकारात्मक रूप से प्रभावित करती हैं।
आप बांझपन से छुटकारा पा सकते हैं, अगर उपचार ठीक से किया जाता है।
राणा मेडिकल हॉल बांझपन के लिए प्रभावी समाधान प्रदान करता है। अधिक उपचार पूछताछ के लिए, डॉ राणा मेडिकल हॉल से जुड़ें।
Know More : https://ranamedicalhall.com/treatments/male-infertility/
WhatsApp us : https://wa.me/918848511462
Online Consultation form : https://ranamedicalhall.com/consultation-form/
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robotsocial · 1 year
The Role of Male Factor Infertility in IVF Treatment
When it comes to infertility, the common misconception is that it solely affects women. However, male factor infertility is a significant contributing factor that can impact a couple's ability to conceive naturally. In cases where male fertility issues are identified, In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatment becomes an essential option for couples looking to fulfill their dream of starting a family. In Coimbatore, a city known for its advanced medical facilities, IVF treatment has been instrumental in addressing male factor infertility.
Male factor infertility refers to conditions that affect sperm production, sperm quality, or sperm delivery. These conditions can include low sperm count, poor sperm motility (movement), abnormal sperm morphology (shape), or blockages in the reproductive tract. When these issues are present, natural conception may become challenging, necessitating the use of assisted reproductive techniques like IVF.
IVF treatment in Coimbatore has provided a ray of hope for couples facing male factor infertility. During the IVF process, the male partner is required to provide a semen sample, which is then carefully evaluated. The sample is analyzed for various parameters, including sperm count, motility, and morphology. This analysis helps fertility specialists understand the extent of male factor infertility and devise appropriate treatment strategies.
In cases where the semen analysis reveals severe male factor infertility, traditional IVF may not be the most effective option. Instead, Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) is often recommended. ICSI is a specialized IVF technique where a single sperm is directly injected into an egg to facilitate fertilization. This method bypasses the need for natural sperm motility and can overcome many male fertility challenges.
IVF treatment in Coimbatore also offers additional techniques to address specific male factor infertility issues. For instance, if there is a blockage in the reproductive tract, surgical interventions like testicular sperm extraction (TESE) or percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration (PESA) may be performed. These procedures involve retrieving sperm directly from the testicles or epididymis for use in the IVF process.
It's important to note that male factor infertility does not necessarily mean that natural conception is impossible. In some cases, lifestyle modifications, medical treatments, or surgical interventions can improve sperm quality and increase the chances of natural pregnancy. However, when these measures are not successful, IVF treatment in Coimbatore offers a promising solution.
Couples undergoing IVF treatment for male factor infertility in Coimbatore can expect a comprehensive and personalized approach from fertility specialists. The medical team will work closely with the couple, explaining the various options available, discussing success rates, and guiding them through each step of the IVF process.
In conclusion, male factor infertility is a significant factor that can impact a couple's ability to conceive naturally. However, with the advancements in IVF treatment in Coimbatore, couples facing male factor infertility now have a viable solution to realize their dream of parenthood. By addressing male fertility issues through techniques like ICSI and other interventions, IVF treatment offers renewed hope and the possibility of a successful pregnancy for couples facing male factor infertility challenges.
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safehomeopathy1 · 2 years
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neelkanthivf · 9 months
Male Infertility के लिए कौनसी जांचे की जाती है ? | Male Infertility Test | Sperm Count इस वीडियो में हम जानेंगे की Male Infertility के लिए कौनसी जांचे की जाती है ? यदि निसंतानता के लिए पुरुष जिम्मेदार है तो इसका क्या इलाज संभव है ? क्या निल स्पर्म या कम स्पर्म वाले पुरुष अपने स्पर्म से पिता बन सकते है ? अधिक जानकारी के लिए वीडियो को पूरा देखे और चैनल को जरूर सब्सक्राइब कर ले ।
Topics - जानिए क्या होती है पुरुष निःसंतानता Infertility Test For Male Infertility क्या है और इसकी जांच कैसे करे? पुरुषों में निसंतानता का कारण और लक्षण Reason/Cause Of Male Infertility The Most Common Cause of Male Infertility What is Azoospermia Hormonal test for Azoospermia
Hope this information helpful for you : अधिक जानकारी के लिए आप दिए हुए नंबर पर संपर्क कर सकते है।
For more details Call: 9509936377 Or visit: https://neelkanthivfcentre.com/
Neelkanth IVF & Fertility Hospital
Udaipur Center - 10-11, Swami Nagar, Doctor's Lane, Near RSEB Office, Behind Celebration Mall, Bhuwana, Udaipur - 313001, Rajasthan, India
Jaipur Center - Plot No. 196, Scheme No. 16, Girnar Colony, Gandhi Path, Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur - 302021, Rajasthan, India
Kota Center - 1T - 19, near Dispensary, Vigyan Nagar, Kota, Rajasthan 324005
Ajmer Center - 110/3 A, Gokhle Marg, Civil Line, Ajmer,305001, Rajasthan, India
Jodhpur Center - Plot No-21, Housing Board Road, Circle, Pal Link Rd, nr. Dev Nagar, Shyam Nagar, Jodhpur, Rajasthan 342008
maleinfertility #infertility #sperm #spermcount #infertilitytest #infertilityawareness #maleinfertilitytreatment #menshealth #malefactorinfertility #semenanalysis #fertility #infertilitytestformale #neelkanthivf #lowspermcount #nilsperm #azoospermia
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rakeshjosh · 3 years
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In vitro fertilization is not the only fertility treatment option but if the woman is affected by a tubal blockage, endometriosis, unexplained infertility, any ovulation-related problems, or male factor infertility - IVF is the best option. We understand that you may have many more questions relating to your personal circumstances. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us our team is always here to help. 📷: www.hegdefertility.com/conventional-ivf 📷: 8880 747474
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infertilemyrtle · 6 years
Got a call that our long awaited appointment with the urologist (specialty in fertility) has been bumped up to next week!! Hoping he’s able to find the cause of our male factor infertility and help us fix it !
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sparshivfhospital · 3 years
What Are Common Signs of Infertility in Both Men And Women - Sparsh Hospital
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definecomplicated · 6 years
Prepping for FET #1
So it's been a while since I posted an update regarding our IVF journey. Last time I wrote we had just gotten the OK to start our egg retrieval process. I'll start with the good news first in case you don't want to read the entire post. We got 3 genetically normal frozen embryos, all graded AA! Now on to the beginning of the story.
After we got the OK doctor's appointments became the norm. I had to start going into the doctors for blood tests and ultrasounds every two days. These appointments were at 6am in the morning so I was basically living in a tired stupor. We got our IVF meds delivered same day and they were $2500 dollars! How insane is that. The box included so many medications and needles I couldn't believe it. I had to start injecting medication into myself every night for 10 days. It was not pleasant. By the end of the 10 days I was injecting 3 shots a night, my stomach was bruised, and I was in no mood for sexy time or human contact at all.
Brian had his mTESE procedure the Thursday before my egg retrieval. He was fully put under and the procedure took about 3 hours. Those 3 hours were the longest three hours of my life, wondering if we were shit out of luck or not for having a biological child. 3 hours later, Dr. Spitz came out and told me the good news. While one testicle had NO sperm, the other testicle had TONS of sperm. We still don't know why it wasn't coming out, but they got so much sperm to fertilize my eggs. Brian did awesome. He was in so much pain for about a week after the surgery. He could barely walk and it hurt to pee - but he was a trooper. I'm so thankful he was willing to literally splice open his balls in order to improve our chance of conceiving.
The next day was my egg retrieval. My mom was in town helping us out since Brian couldn't drive. I went in to the room and I remember nothing. I think they gave me only happy gas, and did not fully put me out since I woke up completely coherent. Dr. Lin got 24 eggs from my egg retrieval which was GREAT news.
Every day after the egg retrieval the IVF clinic would call us to tell us the status of our embryos. The first call was nerveracking. It was the one where the told us if they got enough sperm to fertilize the eggs. They did thankfully and 14 of the 24 eggs were fertilized. Two days later we got the next call - the day 3 embryo report. We were down to 6 embryos. It's impossible to describe our feelings with each call. There's this moment of disappointment that we went from 14 to 6, and yet there's this immense hope that goes "YES we got 6!" And don't even get me started on the always worrying that none of those 6 will make it to day 6 (which was our ultimate goal). The next phone call we were waiting on was the day 5 and day 6 blastocyst report. When we got that call, they told us they were able to freeze 4 embryos as 2 of the 6 arrested. Those 4 embryos we opted to have genetically tested in order to better our chances to have a full term pregnancy and avoid miscarriage. The PGS testing checks to see if the embryos have all their chromosomes and what sex they are. 10 days later we got the call - of the 4, 3 were normal chromsomally (though we weren't told the sex just yet).
Just last week I got my calendar for my FET transfer. This calendar includes my medication schedule and the prospective date of the transfer  (September 17th!). Today was my endoscratch - which let me tell you, is NOT FUN! They literally put a speculum in you and then a catheter and metal scraping tool and scratch your endometrial tissue. I actually screamed out "oh holy fuck!" during the process. It was about a 7 on the pain scale. Saturday is the last day of the birth control pill and I start estrogen and prednisone on August 31st.
Hoping and wishing that this process goes by smoothly and that we'll have a child in our arms this time next year. Infertility sucks guys, but when you feel like you were born to be a parent, I'll do anything and put myself through anything to make it happen.
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eshachandana · 2 years
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Do you know how #semenanalysis helps to improve Male fertility? Click here...https://bit.ly/3vd35mk to know more about the importance of Semen Analysis in Male Fertility. 
To Consult  with a Fertility Specialist regarding any fertility problems dial  040 4856 9010, 040 4011 5009, 7798983333  
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Infertility Part 16: Getting Ready
Previous: Infertility Part 15: Final Diagnosis As I mentioned in my last post, once my own final diagnosis was complete, we were able to move forward with our next steps at the fertility clinic. This process went lightning fast compared to all other aspects thus far. They were in touch very quickly to book appointments for us and get some final testing for Andrea completed. The following all…
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perpetualplanner · 7 years
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a fresh set of 365 days is coming #cookiebelly #holidaypartyseason #puregoals #infertility #fibroids #azoospermia #malefactorinfertility
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tribeofsuns · 4 years
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I’ve said it before, but it’s worthwhile to repeat it periodically. I understand the intent, most times behind asking our brothers and sisters when they will have children, more children , when they will be done having children, etc. i don’t believe there is ill intention, most times. it doesn’t matter, because if it isn’t your womb or your wife it really isn’t up for discussion, unless said brother or sister brings it up first. STOP. i know multiple sisters that have had multiple miscarriages, sisters that want to be mamas with everything in them, and sister’s that have always wanted big families so their families continue to grow. there is also male factor infertility that doesn’t get talked about as much. you never know someone’s story until they share it with you. mind yours. . . . photo repost from @ogdoula . . . . . . . . . #blackhomebirther #birthworker #blackhomebirth #birthadvocate #homebirthadvocate #maternalhealthadvocate #blackmaternalhealthcrisis #birthstory #birthstories #blackbirthstories #yourbirthmatters #hireablackbirthworker #sacredmotherhood #blackmotherhood #blackparenthood #blackbabas #maternalmortality #infantmortality #blackmamasmatter #blackmamas #birthdisparities #miscarriage #birthoutcomes #infertility #malefactorinfertility #blackdoula #birthyourway #saveoursisters #saveourselves https://www.instagram.com/p/CCtJATvg80n/?igshid=vrkimcn47cca
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risaaivf · 4 years
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ICSI is an advanced form of IVF treatment where a single best quality sperm is picked and injected directly into the egg in order to fertilize the egg. This process is not less than a boon for those couples who are unable to achieve parenthood because of male factor infertility. Visit:- http://bit.ly/32NjoWF #ICSI #IntracytoplasmicSpermInjection #MaleFactorInfertility
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rakeshjosh · 3 years
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Infertility is not just a women's issue. Both men and women can contribute to infertility. According to WHO, the malefactor contributes to around 40% of all infertility cases. Let us break the infertility myths on Women's Equality Day!
📷: www.hegdefertility.com 📷: 8880 747474
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infertilemyrtle · 6 years
Part two; Our Diagnosis
Thanks for reading on. Your support means the world to us. ❤️
So after many a tiring months of trying to conceive, I decided that the old adage “just relax and it will happen” might be true! I refocused my energy into planning our beautiful wedding. We had the most beautiful day, September 15 2018. It was everything we wanted it to be. But as soon as we got back from our honeymoon, my baby kick started up again! I had been tracking my cycle with an app on my phone, Flo for the last two years and I was quite comfortable with my cycle. I had been very busy planning the big day but that longing for a baby was never too far from the forefront of my mind. Of course, now that we are married the family pressure has kicked in too! We had mostly kept our ttc life to ourselves during our engagement. Even now, there are quite a few close to us we just haven’t opened up to yet.
We decided to go to a fertility clinic and get checked out! Mike was quite nervous, with me being so regular and in tuned with my body he began to worry it was he who was causing the delay in pregnancy. Our first consultation went well. It was really basic medical history and a meet with the Dr. Our fertility Dr is just wonderful! He suggested a few “baseline tests” which would help determine any obvious problems. I had to have blood taken twice in my cycle and a sonohysterogram ultrasound. (Also known as a SHG. Or SONO) Mike simply had to make a “deposit” lol and they would test to see if everything was swimming right!
Our next appointment was the results. I was TERRIFIED. It may have been presumptuous but we had already talked about different avenues we might need to take to have a child. We were/are not against adoption, fostering and/or sperm donors. The latter was difficult to talk about. Anyone who knows my Husband knows his love for kids. He has said since the day I met him, he wants a family of his own! A child of his own. He was very receptive to the donor route though. It only broke my heart more. I want(ed) a baby that is half mine.. half is. Don’t we all? Either way, we went into the appointment with an open mind.
My results were great. Not a problem there. He even complimented my tubes. If you’re a woman ttc, you’ll know how sensitive we get about what’s out of our hands. Lol. Either way, it was nice to hear everything checked out on my side! Unfortunately, Mike wasn’t as lucky. While his actual count was average, the morphology was average too, his motility was a problem. His little swimmers are just ... unmotivated! Swimming around in circles is what the doctor said I believe. Lol. He suggested we see a urologist and check for a possible varicocele. This has been explained to us as a varicose vein in the testes which increases temperate in the testes and basically boils the swimmers. Yikes! However, in most scenarios easily repaired with a procedure done in office.
So we were officially diagnosed with Male Factor Infertility. Our dr suggested we go on the IVF wait list ASAP. This list is for a funded procedure called Invitro Fertilization. He also suggested while we wait for both the urologist and the IVF procedure, we could try interuterine insemination. (IUI). He says the motility number isn’t ideal for this but semen does fluctuate and we might still be successful. Lucky for us we are in Canada and fortunate enough to have coverage for IUI. We will be starting that next month!
We still remain hopeful and I still search and scour the internet for natural remedies and suggestions to help us conceive. Stay tuned for all the silly things I have tried during our journey. 🙂
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