#Vampire Diaries Verse
redemptivexheroics · 2 months
First Date [Closed]
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For the first time since Henrik and Caroline had admitted their feelings for each other, they were finally on a date after much pushing from their friends, mainly Elena and Bonnie. Henrik didn't want to go on a date in Mystic Falls, he felt Caroline needed something other than her own backyard for a date, that's how special she was, so he told her to pack for th weekend and they were heading to Virginia Beach. They were sitting outside on the outside patio of a beachside restaurant, thankful that Caroline had a Daylight ring so she could enjoy the scenery. "So what do you want to do after lunch? There's a couple of tourist spots here in Virginia Beach, not exactly my first time here, though the last time I was here was during the late 1800s," Henrik stated, trying to giggle at the giddy look on Caroline's face.
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house-of-slayterr · 3 months
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Greetings and Salutations,
And welcome to The House of Slayter. I’m Your Host, Fang, and I’ll be your guide through your Fandom Fantasies. So buckle in as I take you down your path of choosing…
Pick Your Poison:
Harry Potter-Verse
DC Comics
Gotham (TV Show)
Criminal Minds
Baulder’s Gate 3
The Vampire Diaries-Verse
The Lost Boys
Teen Wolf
Adventure Time
An: Will continue to update the list as I join more fandoms.
Side Blogs:
Little Blog: @little-buggy-beetle
Vampire Role Play: @auroraofsaints
The Slayter Family 🥰:
Moonbeam🌙: @mothmans-kingdom
Bubbe🐳💙: @kados-of-chaos
Greenie🐸🌿: @emeraldfangs
Platonic Soulmate 🫀: @joelsgeetar
Wifey 🥺: @myers-meadow
Beetie 😊: @ajarofpickledtears
Petit Rat🐀: @the-limp-linguine
Grand-mère🥰: @gabrielle-de-lioncourt-anon
My Queen👑: @oceansrose2002
Pretty Willow🥀: @willowbrookesblog
Mothman🦋: @x-littlemoth
Onion Boy 🧅: @frenziedslashers
Pretty Penguin 🐧: @keffirinne
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allysonkgirl · 1 year
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@3brihd inspired
“Nature’s loopholed.”
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anewkindofme · 1 month
For a shield from the storm: Chapt. 22 [Message Received]
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Two times Damon went to extreme measures to send a very important message: No one hurts his baby brother.
On AO3
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sukibenders · 1 month
Rewatching TVD, seasons one and two, it's always been kind of weird when people say that Elena was selfish and whiny during these seasons. Now, I can't speak for past that (though I think that's largely on the shows poor characterization that impacted many others), but in the first two, she's nothing but selfless---from standing up to vampires even when she was just a human to her willing to sacrifice herself for her friends, she's anything but selfish. And whiny, I won't lie, tends to be so misused especially towards characters, often female, who display trauma (eg. Katara) and then are often met with said trauma being compared to other characters. While others in the TVD verse have experienced traumatic moments in their lives, everyone processes it differently and it definitely shouldn't be compared. But also: imagine your parents died in an accident and you are left adjusting to it, then your boyfriend and his brother ends up being a vampire, a new wave of supernatural enters your life and, often times, effects you and your friends, only to then find out that you are also tied to a supernatural aspect that involves you, and some of those you care about, dying. I don't know, but if that were me I'd be a little whiny too.
Also, many of the things that happen aren't even by Elena's know-how or agreed by her. Her friends often take matters into their own hands, especially under the guise of protecting her, and often leave her out because they know fully well that she will risk herself to save them if came down to it (eg. when she willingly handed herself over to Elijah and, in response, Damon had Bonnie spell her [Elena] in her house to prevent her from doing so again).
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eternityunicorn · 6 months
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Part Fifteen (+18)
Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x OC Eternity
Genre: Romance/Drama/AU
Warnings: Language/Violence/Smut (*Smut chapters marked +18)
Summary: A night of passion with a centuries old enemy ends up changing Elijah Mikaelson’s life forever. In investigating a plot against him and his family, he finds out Eternity is pregnant with his miracle child. The issue is that she in league with the New Orleans witches, plotting his death and those of his siblings. This makes for tense beginnings for these parents-to-be, but perhaps all is not lost. Impending parenthood might just be enough to finally bring these two together.
Read Here: AO3/Wattpad
Tag List: @elejah-wonderland @beautyandwords @darknightfrombeyond @njeancastro316 @elijahfangirl1984 @arrthurpendragon
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soft-persephone · 11 months
Writing nsfw content about teens in fandom spaces is defiantly a nono. That seems to be the general consensus, but what about all the YA novels or books about high schoolers written by and published by older individuals? Some of them even write hella explicit stuff for the teens in their stuff too. What makes it okay for them and not for fanfiction writers? I am genuinely asking.
This is not made to justify actual harmful content at all. You know who you are.
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itsliyahhbih · 6 months
Okay so I haven’t posted on here, made any works IN YEARSSS. And I guess to due to my lack of activity ? I just have a bunch of like porno Mfkas on here following me. I still reblog stuff, heart stuff but it’s like my account became one those lost accounts yk 🤣 so I’d really like to start getting back into this! Writing is one my hobbies and I have a lot of writings I’ve yet to post anywhere 💕 so with that being said I will be taking any requests on thee following fandoms !!
Really any Dc comics character
Harry Potter
Miraculous lady bug
Legend of Korra
Avatar the last air bender
Avatar (The series with the Nav’i yk)
The originals
The vampire diaries
And ofc if I get a request for something that isn’t possibly on the list , I will be willing to talk to you and see if I could still produce a work for you! 🫶🏼
‼️There really isn’t restrictions on my writings or what the request can be of!! I write fluff, angst, smuts, create head canons and create fanfics, etc‼️
I’m really thinking about posting a fanfic I been working on here about the Spider-Verse but, I don’t want to post it and it flops 🤣 So we’ll see how it goes..hopefully I can get some requests from y’all !🥺 Feel free to ask me ANY QUESTIONS LOVES THIS IS A JUDGMENT FREE ZONE 💯🤞🏼
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redemptivexheroics · 9 months
Resurrecting Enzo [Raven/Bonnie] Continued...
@tofeelthecold Continued From Here
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"I don't mind doing this; someone needs to be happy; I've had mine already; time someone for else to have it," Raven said as she slid the spell over to Bonnie. Bringing Enzo back would be a breeze with two powerful witches doing the spell, and that way there was no risk of anything going wrong. It was a complicated spell for something so simple as resurrecting someone.
"Well, it doesn't which Mikaelson, but for my sanity's sake, it can't be Klaus or Elijah; those two just make me want to flip someone on their ass. Probably best if you ask Kol; he and Rebekah are literally the only ones I can tolerate."
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thechaosmuses · 4 months
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Closed Starter for; Buffy Summers (@little-miss-buffy) TVD Muse; Malachai Silas Parker kai parker starter call
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"So, you're the big bad vampire slayer I've heard oh so much about. You know I've gotta say you don't really seem as scary in person. Is that a usual thing or are your vampire killing powers feeling a little off today? Promise I won't judge, we've all had magical performance issues. It's completely and totally normal."
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allysonkgirl · 1 year
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anewkindofme · 1 month
I had a random idea of Stefan fiddling with his ring and Damon having a heart attack every time he sees him doing it. I do that with my own jewelry, is how the idea even came while I was doing that with one of my rings; Stefan logically knows that if he takes it off he will burn- but he does it either way and Damon sees him doing and dies all over again. Enzo probably would as well of he saw Stefan doing that honestly-
You sent this to me so long ago and I thought I answered it!
Honestly, every move Stefan makes is going to freak Damon out for quite a bit. The fiddling of the ring is just the tip of the iceberg.
I think when most vampires turn, they forget that they can actually die. It just takes more than an average human. So, Stefan acting indestructible and like he's king of the world would freak Damon out.
Enzo is the much calmer one of the two and he'd honestly just straight up put Stefan in his place. Let him know that he needs to be careful and really lay into how all the dangers can effect not just him, but others around him.
Ask me stuff about my fics!
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sanguinelupus · 1 month
ASK MEMES. @alwysndforever Esther said: "i won't leave you. Not now. Not ever." before its revealed she is linking them all to kill them :)
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Sometimes Klaus wants to believe his mother. The shame he felt upon seeing her for the first time since he tore her heart out is the only reason she is still around, and most of the time he regrets that decision. But there are moments, such as now, when she utters words that he longed to hear when he was just a boy and begging for a mother's love. Moments that threaten to strip Klaus down to his very core. It's in these fleeting seconds that he somewhat believes her intentions are noble, that she wishes to rectify her past mistakes, her past neglect.
If only he could truly allow himself to fully believe it.
"Funny," the hybrid starts, shoving back the unwanted water in his eyes. He refuses to be weak in front of her again. "How that was all you had to say when I was being beaten half to death by your husband, and I would have felt like my mother actually cared for me." Steps are heavy as he nears her, voice lowering dangerously. "Instead, you chose to look the other way. So you'll have to excuse me if I'm not particularly keen on falling into whatever family nonsense you've roped everyone else into."
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eternityunicorn · 5 months
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freezegirl · 6 months
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verses (more to be added at a later date):
SKY HIGH: set during and after the movie. see here for the lore.
SKY U: main timeline. (sky high & sky u have been folded into the marvel continuity on this blog and i will write a post on that later.) khione has graduated from sky high and is now enrolled in sky u. but of course the life of a hero in training is never easy. it wasn't in high school and it won't be in college slash university, either.
THE BOYS / GEN V: khione has been injected with compound v much like her parents before her. she's got access to cryokinesis and hydrokinesis, though. she's currently enrolled in god u and, due to her parents, chose the crimson countess track despite the fact that she's got what it takes and actually wanted to try her hand at getting into the lamplighter track. while people called her freeze girl in high school, these days, her chosen hero name is frostbite.
INVINCIBLE: third gen with hydro/cryo abilities. goes to the same school as mark and samantha. declined an invitation to join the teen team and joined up with the stronghold six, which then turned into the stronghold seven.
MARVEL: main universe. mutant with hydro/cryo abilities. think iceman. (she wants to meet iceman so bad.) her parents wanted to send her to xavier's but ended up relenting when khione made it clear that she wanted to go to sky high and sky u (but that win came with a price).
the gifted: a mutant with hydro/cryo abilities. she's with the mutant underground and has made a sizable donation (it's not like her parents will miss the money.)
DC: metahuman with hydro/cryo abilities. think caitlin snow. except khione's had hers since birth. she has an undisputed love for ice heroes and ice villains.
THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY: has hydro/cryo abilities. her parents - who have similar powers - run in the same affluent circles as allison.
DESCENDANTS: a well known auradon born. daughter of two retired heroes (permafrost and ganga) who have been planning out her entire life. her parents are
TEEN WOLF: third gen ice (and water) elemental who has lived in beacon hills since forever. it doesn't take her that long to figure out that werewolves are a thing. she's not part of any pack but wouldn't balk at helping out if need be. has a soft spot for scott mccall and the mccall pack as a whole.
TWILIGHT: vampire who has a combination of hydrokinesis and cryokinesis as her special ability. comes from a long line of vampires with similar abilities.
FIRST KILL: legacy who comes from a long line of vampires with extra abilities: her dad is a cryokinetic and her mom is a hydrokinetic. khione has inherited both powers, which is great. she's also inherited their enemies, which is not so great.
TVD: third gen ice (and water) elemental who is around jeremy's age and has been posing as an ice witch so far. not really part of the mystic falls gang but wouldn't say no to helping them either.
THE ORIGINALS: third gen ice (and water) elemental who is wandering around new orleans in search of her friends.
LEGACIES: third gen ice (and water) elemental, starts out at mystic falls high but ends up transferring to salvatore's when her powers get exposed. thinks malivore is a dumb name. not part of the super squad or the anti squad but helps both out if need be. she mostly hangs out with the stronghold six (and when she joins the group as their seventh and final member, the name changes from the stronghold six to the stronghold seven).
COBRA KAI: khione is trying her best to stay out of the karate war, lest anyone finds out that she actually has powers. but her parents want her to get lessons from daniel, specifically, because he's so well known. khione would really rather not, though.
ONCE UPON A TIME: khione arrives in storybrooke much like elsa did in season four, turning storybrooke into a winter wonderland. the young elemental is only here for one thing and one thing only: finding her friends.
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itsliyahhbih · 14 days
DAMN…it’s Been a minute since I’VE personally posted. I’m so sorry to my submissions and writings I put on pause. I’ve truly had a lot going on in life lately and I am trying to still be active but it’s hard. Truly my life is just a bit more important than social media/my blog..I do still love y’all and appreciate the continued support !! I’m currently off work, so with that being said I will possibly be getting back into writing. I just can’t promise anything because as I stated , I just sadly got a lot going on! 🫶🏼🫶🏼 I will keep you guys posted but SERIOUSLY !!! Thank you sm for the patience and understanding of my situation! Much love 🖤🖤
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