#mama onodera
pastelchad · 2 years
Ok but I love fem!Oda being a total girly girl while fem!Saga can't be bothered to do anything besides paint her nails occasionally and keeping her hair long...but she secretly finds Oda's love for all things feminine adorable so she's a little disappointed when they meet again and it seems like she's grown out of it but then some morning-after snooping reveals a stash of high fashion magazines, tons of glittery makeup and an entire wardrobe she's never seen before that looks pretty much the exact same as Oda's but just a bit more geared to an adult woman
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misscorn · 2 years
Day 3 -Birthday/Jealousy
I finished writing this from my phone and am posting from my phone for @sihjrweek because while I was working on this my laptop starting smoking and then died :)
Takano Masamune supposed that luck and misfortune really were two sides of the same coin because while he felt quite happy to be leaving his apartment at the same time as Onodera RItsu, it was clear from the look on Ritsu’s face that his neighbor did not feel the same. 
“Good morning.” Masamune said as they headed toward the elevator together.
Ritsu eyed him for just a moment, hesitantly walking beside him. “Good morning…”
“Did you eat breakfast today?” Masamune asked as he hit the elevator button.
“Yes.” Ritsu scowled, not appreciating immediately being interrogated. 
“Just coffee is not breakfast.”
“I had breakfast!” Ritsu insisted. 
“Sh, some people in this building are still trying to sleep.” Masamune scolded, mostly just to annoy Ritsu and not because he was genuinely concerned for their neighbors sleep cycles.
However, Ritsu’s actual need to be considerate and polite overpowered his instinct to yell at Masamune, meaning he ended up rolling his eyes when he thought Masamune wasn’t looking. There was a soft ding and the elevator doors slid open, both of them stepping in.
Masamune yawned, leaning against the wall as they started descending. Of course, he couldn’t help but to notice the way Ritsu’s eyes kept flicking over to him nervously. That wasn’t new, but it seemed to be at a higher rate today. Was something on Ritsu’s mind? Before Masamune could ask, Ritsu’s phone went off. It made the younger man jump a bit before he answered.
Masamune didn’t try to eavesdrop, but it was unavoidable to hear Ritsu’s side of the conversation, which seemed to mostly just consist of ‘thank you’s to his parents. Ah, his mother must have called again and recruited his father into it this time around. Masamune wasn’t entirely sure what Ritsu could be thanking them for, though. 
“Yes, yes…um, I don’t know, I haven’t made any kinds of plans yet,” Ritsu’s eyes once again flitted toward Masamune and Masamune pretended not to notice, “but please don’t set up anything for me, I’ll probably be too tired after work anyway.” He added quickly, becoming quiet for a few moments and Masamune couldn’t make out much from the phone, but he definitely heard Anchan come from Ritsu’s mother. 
Masamune tried not to scowl or roll his eyes. An was a…nice girl. She was fine. But the fact that Ritsu’s parents still seemed to think that Ritsu was going to marry her was more than a little irksome. 
Well, that’s one way to put me in a bad mood quickly, Masamune thought to himself as Ritsu pleaded his mother not to bother An with ‘that kind of thing’ which didn’t help Masamune’s jealous imagination. 
Maybe she’s trying to set them up to spend tomorrow together, Masamune thought, standing a little straighter. Tomorrow was Ritsu’s birthday, after all, so of course Ritsu should spend it with his ‘fiance’, at least that’s what Masamune assumed mama Onodera’s logic was. However, Masamune intended on spending that time with Ritsu and nothing was going to stand in his way.
God, I feel like it snuck up so fast, Masamune thought, but that was likely due to the whirlwind, high-stress environment that was their everyday job. Not that Masamune wasn’t prepared. He had a cake for them to share, drinks, and a gift in his apartment. 
He just may have forgotten the detail of actually inviting Ritsu over to his place.
Of course, that was going to be remedied the second that Ritsu hung up the phone, which seemed to be happening soon as the elevator dinged once more and the two of them were let out on the ground floor. Ritsu said several goodbyes before he was finally able to hang up.
“Do you have any plans for tomorrow?” Masamune asked as they left the building together and started heading toward the train station. 
“...Tomorrow?” Ritsu echoed, blinking at Masamune in confusion. "Not today?"
“Yeah.” Masamune said. Was something about his question not clear or was Ritsu still half asleep?
“...No?” Ritsu said, furrowing his eyebrows a bit and frowning
“Good, keep it that way. You’re coming over to my place tomorrow after work.” Masamune said.
“Y-You can’t just decide that!” Ritsu immediately argued.
“I already did.”
“W-Why tomorrow anyway?” Ritsu asked. “Are…are you b-busy t-tonight or something?” He continued, refusing to look at Masamune as he spoke.
Masamune raised an eyebrow at that question. “I’d love to spend every single night with you, but I’m planning on staying at the office later tonight, trying to get ahead on some work.” He said, so that I don’t have to worry about it on your birthday, idiot. 
“Oh.” Ritsu said a little too quietly for Masamune’s liking. 
Before Masamune could ask what that ‘oh’ was supposed to mean, Ritsu’s phone went off again. They continued to walk to the train station together, Ritsu apparently talking to an aunt and uncle of his, expressing his gratitude and thanking them with a smile as they spoke animatedly over the phone. The sounds of both foot and regular traffic echoing on their way to the station was enough to keep their words muffled from Masamune. 
Masamune couldn’t help but to feel a little petty, wishing that Ritsu would cut the conversation short. He enjoyed commuting to work with Ritsu; it meant a little extra time with the man that he loved outside of the office. How was Masamune supposed to subtly flirt and embarrass him in public if Ritsu was on the phone? Ritsu wasn’t even looking at Masamune!
Annoying, Masamune thought, staring at the device in Ritsu’s hand and cursing the creator of the first phone for putting him in the position of being ignored by his favorite person. Hopefully it wouldn’t continue to be a distraction. 
The phone, in fact, continued to be a distraction. Throughout the workday it pinged with messages and rang with calls, making Ritsu flush with apology as he inevitably silenced it.
It irritated Masamune to hell and back, not only because of the sound, but because since when was Ritsu so damn popular? Just who the hell was hitting up Masamune’s (soon-to-be) boyfriend so much?! 
“Seems like someone really wants your attention, Richan.” Kisa teased with a laugh as Ritsu rushed to put his phone away after he finally silenced it.
“N-No, it’s nothing like that!” Ritsu denied frantically.
“Aw, come on, who is it? You never tell us anything!” Kisa complained. “I’m starting to think you don’t like us.” He added with a pout.
“What? That’s not true at all! And like I said, it’s not like that-it’s not just one person.” 
“Oh, Richan! I had no idea you were such a player!” 
“What?! No! You’ve got it completely wrong!”
“I don’t knoooow, you denying it just makes it look worse.” Kisa grinned. 
“Really! It’s mostly family, they’re just telling me ha-”
“Kisa, stop distracting the noob! Onodera, stop falling for his bait! Both of you get back to work!” Masamune ordered, irritated with their bickering. 
Kisa said an insincere and far too cheerful apology while Ritsu mumbled out something that might have been ‘yes, sir’ before they both focused on their work once again.
Hopefully that’s the last of Kisa teasing Ritsu for a while, otherwise this is going to be a long day, Masamune thought with a quiet sigh, but at least now I know it's his family that’s been blowing up his phone and not that Nao asshole or something. I wonder why his family keeps getting into contact with him today. I hope everything’s okay. If there was an emergency I’m sure he would tell me that he had to leave right away. 
Masamune looked away from his work, planning on observing and assessing Ritsu to see if he seemed extra distressed today, but he ended up meeting Ritsu’s eyes. Ritsu jumped a little at being caught staring before looking away quickly and practically trying to faceplant himself into his work - as if that would make Masamune forget how Ritsu had been staring at him. 
Now, in any other context, Masamune might have felt flattered, happy, even excited or smug at catching Ritsu staring at him. 
But why had Ritsu looked so sad?
“Good work today everyone, see you guys tomorrow!” Kisa beamed, getting ready to leave. Mino had already left, but Ritsu, Masamune, and Hatori were still hard at work.
“Ah, Kisa-san, is it okay if I walk you out? I actually have something I want to discuss with you.” Ritsu said, standing. 
“Sure!” Kisa said, a little surprised by the request, but not displeased. Ritsu assured the other two men he’d be right back before he started to leave with Kisa. “Is everything okay, Richan?” Kisa asked as they started to walk toward the elevator, Kisa perhaps purposefully going a little slower than usual.
“Yes, everything’s fine, it’s um…honestly it’s silly and really embarrassing to ask about…” Ritsu admitted. 
“Aw, come on, we’re friends! There’s no need to be embarrassed about anything.” Kisa assured. 
“Right, well…” Ritsu took a deep breath. “What if…there’s a person who says they like you - says they l-love you even and they - um - they forget your birthday?”
“Oh my god, is it your birthday today?! Did you tell me that, did I know that, was I supposed to know that?” Kisa asked.
“No! I mean - yes - today is my birthday, but I don’t think I ever told you that?” Ritsu said. “A-Anyways, um, what do you think that means?” He asked. 
“Wait, did you say that someone loves you? So you do have an admirer?!”
“I shouldn’t have said anything, please just forget I asked!”
“WAIT and this bastard forgot your birthday?!”
“Good night Kisa-san, please have a safe trip home!”
“Don’t you let this person off easy, Richan, if they really love you then they better make it up to you!” Kisa huffed. 
“Good night!” Ritsu repeated, quickly retreating from the conversation. That had been a bad decision in the very long line of bad decisions that was Onodera Ritsu’s life.
“They’re not good for you if they don’t prioritize you!” Kisa called after him and Ritsu decided to pretend like Kisa didn’t exist for the sake of his own sanity. 
I don’t know why I thought that was a good idea, Ritsu thought as he entered Emerald and got seated back at his desk. 
“Everything okay?” Hatori asked.
“Yes. Sorry about that, it’s sorted now.” He said to Hatori with a slightly tense smile before throwing himself back into his work. 
Right, his work. Ritsu should just focus on his work! Today might be his birthday, but it was still like any other work day. He couldn’t do anything subpar just because today was supposed to be ‘special’. And so what if Masamune hadn’t said happy birthday to him? Ritsu didn’t want him to! Ritsu didn’t want any kind of birthday celebration with him whatsoever. Ritsu should be grateful that he got so many kind messages from family and friends, especially at his age when birthdays start to matter less and less. 
It’s not that big of a deal that he forgot… Ritsu tried to tell himself. Besides, my birthday isn’t even over yet! There’s still time for him to say something…not that I care…at all…
Ritsu couldn’t even convincingly lie to himself. This whole debacle had him feeling like he was in high school again trying to decipher his Senpai’s feelings. Masamune said he loved him, yes, said it maybe a little too often in fact, but how serious was that declaration? Was it not serious enough to memorize one little date and say happy birthday when that date rolled around?
Maybe he’ll say something when Hatori leaves. Maybe I’ll stick around since he said that he’d be working late tonight, Ritsu thought. Ugh, I’m so selfish. I keep pushing him away, but want him to wish me a happy birthday anyway. How pathetic is that? His mind added miserably. Okay, enough moping, Ritsu told himself as if that would make a difference, sitting up straight, let’s get some work done! 
Masamune would definitely say something before Ritsu left to go home. 
“Onodera, you should head out.” Masamune said. Hatori had left a little while ago, leaving just Ritsu and Masamune in the office and while Masamune liked it being just the two of them, he didn’t want Ritsu to exhaust himself before tomorrow. It wasn’t like Masamune had anything crazy planned, but he didn’t want Ritsu to be dead on his feet while Masamune was trying to celebrate with him. 
Ritsu looked over at Masamune and stared, understandably shocked that Masamune was trying to shoo him away. “Um-but I-” He started to protest, fumbling over his words as he struggled to gather his thoughts and actually come up with a coherent argument as to why he should stay behind. 
“I don’t want you to wait up for me and end up fainting. Again.” Masamune said. 
Ritsu frowned at that. “I’m just fine, Takano-san.” 
“You did good work today, go home and relax. I don’t want you to be too tired tomorrow.” Masamune said. 
“Yeah, we’re spending tomorrow after work together. Don’t tell me you already forgot.” Masamune said.
Ritsu didn’t say anything, just quietly and slowly started to gather his things before standing. He was then very still as he watched Masamune for a few moments, not moving to leave, but not speaking either. 
“Is something wrong?” Masamune asked when he realized that Ritsu was just standing and staring. 
“No-uh-I guess…I’ll just be leaving then…”
“I’ll see you tomorrow. Get home safe.” Masamune said. 
Ritsu still didn’t move yet. “Is there…a-anything else you want to say to me?”
Masamune frowned at that question. “No? Is there something you want to say to me?” He asked. “Actually, now that you say that, I’ve been meaning to ask if you’re alright. You’ve been acting a little off today.” He said. 
Ritsu seemed to carefully weigh Masamune’s words before he stood a little straighter. “I’m fine. You know what? I actually meant to tell you that I just remembered that I do have plans tomorrow, so I won’t be able to spend time with you. Good night, Takano-san!” He snapped before storming out, suddenly much angrier than Masamune had seen him all day. 
“Wha-Onodera!” Masamune called after him, standing and following. “What the hell is going on with you?” He asked, feeling blindsided by the small outburst.
“You not knowing is the entire problem.” Ritsu said cryptically, making Masamune frown. 
“How am I supposed to know if you don’t tell me?” 
“You are supposed to know.” Ritsu said, walking faster as if that would make Masamune give up. Briefly, Ritsu was grateful for the fact that most employees had cleared out by now and weren’t witnessing Masamune chase Ritsu down desperately. 
“How?” Masamune reiterated as they stopped in front of the elevator and Ritsu pressed the down button aggressively, ignoring him. “Ritsu, look at me, talk to me, what have I done to make you so upset? Please just tell me so I can fix it.” 
“I shouldn’t have to tell you.” Ritsu said. 
“I’m a lot of things Ritsu, but a mind reader is not one of them. I’m not gonna play these stupid games with you.” Masamune said, getting frustrated at Ritsu’s unwillingness to communicate. 
“It is stupid.” Ritsu said with a sad laugh. “It’s stupid and childish, but you’re supposed to know.” He added, starting to struggle to choke out his words. “You’re supposed to know because you love me.” 
Masamune stared with his mouth slightly agape, for once at a loss for words. He started to shake his head as he tried to grasp for even the smallest bit of understanding as to what Ritsu could possibly be talking about. "I don't understand." 
The doors to the elevator opened and Ritsu stepped in, but Masamune kept them open with his arm. "I'm not letting you leave without talking about this." 
Ritsu's anger suddenly seemed as though it had burnt right through him, leaving him tired and defeated as his shoulders slumped. "I really want to go home Takano-san." 
"You're running away again." 
"No-I'm not-it isn't like that." Ritsu assured. "Please, I just want this day to be over. We can talk tomorrow." He offered.
Masamune couldn't help but to smile bitterly. "Your schedule suddenly clear again?" 
"Good night, Takano-san." Ritsu said. 
Masamune didn't move yet, staring Ritsu down and waiting for him to inevitably give in like he always did, but Ritsu refused to meet his eye. 
"Tomorrow. Before work I'm marching over to your place and we're talking so be up bright and early." Masamune said sternly before he finally stopped blocking the elevator doors. 
Even as they started to close, Masamune continued to stare at Ritsu and Ritsu continued to stare at his own feet. 
The second Masamune’s brain could register sunlight the next morning he was in front of Ritsu's door and knocking insistently. 
It took a few minutes, but eventually it creaked open with a very unhappy looking Ritsu standing behind it. 
"I told you I would be here early." Masamune said before Ritsu could get in a breath to complain. "Can I come in?" He asked. 
"I don't think that'll be necessary." Ritsu said. "This shouldn't take very long." He added. "Do you know what yesterday's date was?" 
"Yesterday's date?" Masamune repeated. What the hell was Ritsu going on about? 
"Yes. Do you know what yesterday's date was?" 
Masamune couldn't believe this was how the conversation was starting, but he supposed it was better than having no conversation at all. "The 26th. Happy birthday today, by the way, I'm sure this isn't how you wanted to start it, but you insisted on waiting to talk." He answered, crossing his arms. 
"Are you joking?" 
"About what?" Masamune asked, starting to get frustrated. "If anyone is messing with someone here, you're definitely messing with me." 
"Takano-san. Yesterday was the 27th." 
No, no, no, no, no-
That couldn't be right, yesterday was the 26th of March, today was Ritsu's birthday, today was the 27th of March, Masamune didn't miss Ritsu's birthday, Masamune didn't miss the chance to celebrate with his one and only love-
Masamune rushed to take his phone out of his pocket and checked his calender, a big fat '28th' staring him in the face. 
"Fuck me, are you fucking kidding me?!" 
"Takano-san, not so loud, there are people still sleeping!"
"I'm so sorry." Masamune said, ignoring the scolding completely. "I'm so, so sorry Ritsu - I forgot your birthday - except I didn't forget I'm just a huge fucking moron!" He groaned. 
"I-It’s really not that big a deal…" Ritsu tried to say, suddenly feeling very silly for his behavior yesterday. 
"Of course it is, it's another birthday that I didn't get to spend with you, and it's all because I'm fucking stupid." Masamune said miserably. "God, what is wrong with me? No wonder your phone was going crazy, all the people who care about you AND who know how to check their fucking calender were wishing you a happy birthday. God damn it. God fucking damn it!" 
"Get inside before people start to become concerned, you're making a scene!" Ritsu said, grabbing Masamune by the wrist and pulling him into his apartment before shutting the door.
"I didn't forget Ritsu, I really didn't. I have stuff over at my place to celebrate, that's why I asked you to keep your evening free today because I thought-" Masamune cut himself off with a frustrated groan. "I'm so stupid. This is why you were upset with me yesterday, right? Or have I done something else extremely idiotic recently?" 
"Recently? Just this." Ritsu said, trying not to sound too amused and failing.
"You're enjoying my suffering." 
"A little bit." Ritsu admitted. "Now that you're not screaming in the hallway, its a little funny to hear the demon editor in chief call himself an idiot so many times." 
Masamune scoffed a bit, mostly at himself, still in disbelief. "Consider it a late birthday present: my full admission that I'm the biggest fucking moron on planet Earth." 
Ritsu smiled just a little. "But, um, i-it was silly of me to get upset anyway." He added, starting to turn red. "I mean - I'm an adult so birthdays aren't that big of a deal to begin with and there's no reason for you to remember it…" 
"Of course there is. You said so yourself yesterday: I should know because I love you." Masamune said. "And I do love you. So, so much." He added, taking Ritsu’s hands in his and holding them tightly. 
Ritsu blushed even brighter, staring down at their clasped hands. "Well…I-I can still come over tonight. I-It’s not like I celebrated my birthday with anyone yesterday, so…" He swallowed hard, slowly dragging his eyes up to meet Masamune’s. 
Instead of responding, Masamune leaned in to kiss Ritsu softly.  
"Good morning, Richan!" Kisa said brightly as he sat beside his coworker. "Any updates on what we talked about yesterday?" He asked, always endlessly curious about Ritsu's love life.
Ritsu turned just a hint of pink. "Um, it ended up just being a misunderstanding." He said dismissively. 
"Well, I'm glad it worked out in the end." Kisa said. "You guys, did you know it was Richan's birthday yesterday? And he wasn't gonna say anything!" Kisa announced to his other coworkers.
"Kisa-san…" Ritsu said in complaint. 
"Happy late birthday Onodera-kun!" Mino said cheerfully.
"Happy late birthday. Did you celebrate after work yesterday?" Hatori asked. "We could've all gone for drinks."
"Oh, no, I really wasn't feeling up to it anyway, but um-I-I have plans tonight." Ritsu said, unable to help the way his face burned. 
"Oooh, what kind of plans Richan? Whatchya look so shy for~? Could it have to do with that person?" Kisa pressed. 
"Kisa-san, please…" Ritsu was not above begging so that they could move away from this topic.
"Stop harassing Onodera and get to work." Masamune said plainly. 
"I didn't hear you wish Richan happy birthday, Takano-san." Kisa pouted.
Masamune sighed at Kisa's petulant behavior before looking at Ritsu.
"Happy late birthday, Onodera. I'm sure that next year we'll all make sure to say it on time." 
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asknarashikari · 3 months
George and Ikki: *enjoying their ice cream bars*
Tsukasa: Is that how you two suc- Vice: *chokeholds him out cold* There. Got him out cold. *tosses his ass back to where he came from* Natsumi and Daiki: Thanks Vice. Vice: No problemo, senpai-tachi.
Onodera: *walking in the male side bath* Oh! *in a joking manner* Look at what we got here... You two making out or something. *snickering* Hikaru and Tamaki: No! *Move inches apart and whistle like nothing happened*
ReviceCast reactions?
Hikaru and Tamaki better not be doing anything or else Mama-san's gonna whoop their asses, Rider powers be damned.
As for the other two... Welp, that would ruin ice pops for them for life. (More for Ankh, I guess)
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perfectlovepoison · 5 months
thoughts about spring emerald 2024 (sekaiichi hatsukoi ritsu no baai act 38 & junjou romantica act 60(!!)) and other random thoughts nobody asked for
[SIH act 38]
wew...actually I was surprised that the chapter went as it did. It felt actually kind of cliché to introduce a character in this chapter, have her confess, and use that as a way to have ritsu confess. I feel like...it almost felt dare I say it rushed?? considering all the build up to this moment, why did it have to be done in that way? I feel like it was meant to build up to the climax but particular aspect didnt quite land for me. And it may partially be because of all of the hype leading up to this chapter, my expectations may have been impossibly high...
that said...that's not to say I didn't enjoy this chapter. In fact, I really did. I appreciated all of the callbacks...the rain, takano handing ritsu the coffee, ritsu's phrasing 'I'm the one who loves you the most in the world', firstly it was like a title drop, I was like He Said The Words!!! also the phrasing being kinda like 'I'm the one who loves you the most', like it's not just that Takano is his number one, it's that his love For takano is the number one in the world, that wording actually caught me by surprise a little bit. But yeah, it's that kind of careful wording that I appreciate from nakamura-sensei.
Admittedly takaritsu are not my favourite couple, but I have come to appreciate them more. I understand their popularity, and as i've reread sih in the past year or so and caught up, I have genuinely enjoyed their story bc I always like the flow of nakamura-sensei's stories and gags even when they are a little bit cliché. When ritsu confessed, from that point onwards I did feel happy and relieved, maybe my heart did flutter a little bit???? I am happy for takaritsu fans but I'm also happy for them. Please just move in together god damn. tbh, I am more excited to see where they go next now they are 'together'. we can call them together now, right???? we still dont know what they are calling their relationship lol. but I think it's good enough
also I think that the sex scene was pretty sexy, i like that onodera seems to be enjoying giving takano blowjobs recently (thumbs up) thanks for coming to my ted talk
[JR act 60 (bruh 60??????? 60 acts really?????)]
And ofc sih is the biggest topic right now but I'm also curious about where JR is going to go. It actually felt like a very important chapter solidifying usami-mama is standing against usami-papa. (Actually I'm getting very confused with all of the complex usami family business but I, /think/ I'm following)
even if usagi did not really accept misaki's words in this chapter. The way Misaki was ruminating over the situation, it felt like we were gearing up for Misaki to somehow solve this whole issue, Somehow, just by being himself, and having some kind of outburst in front of all the family members probably. Honestly I don't even know, but now I guess we have team usami-mama vs team usami-papa. And usami-mama doesn't hate her son, but was just trying to protect him and/or just failing at being a emotionally-involved mother(???) tbh I don't envy misaki, because I really struggle to follow what the Heck is going on here...anyway we stan toudou's muscles.
I am looking forward to where the story goes next, but even as I feel that the story is gearing towards Something, it does feel somewhat slow, so I'm not feeling a sense of urgency here. so that said...
[overall random thoughts about jr/sih ending]
It does kinda feel like JR/SIH are gearing up for the end but by gearing up I mean it feels like we are really only just heading for the end. Obviously, it's super hard to tell what the end looks like because none of the stories in JR/SIH have really ever ended?????? How many plot threads can we expect to tie up here?
But it's not just Takaritsu and Usamisa I'm talking about, but also
Yukisa – Kisa suddenly meeting Yukina's family in act 12 just recently, I mean Yukina buying them a ticket to Hokkaido out of nowhere and just going straight there?? and the narrative flirting with the idea of them coming out to Yukina's parents (even if they ultimately didn't) I think this is not the first time this has been somewhat brought up but I was surprised at how close they got, I honestly thought they might do that in this chapter
Miyashino – of course I can't not mention it............in the previous junjou mix, Shinobu just casually throwing out there that he's sick of lying and they should just tell his parents...like, it's a gag but it isn't because you know how serious he is. Plus in the same chapter he also brings up how he knows he might be getting in Miyagi's way and that their relationship would not be seen as acceptable to most of society, but he still has no intention of breaking up anyway. Which are like, all obvious things to the reader but actually shows Shinobu's maturity in comparison to the past, the fact that he can acknowledge all of those things whilst keeping (relatively) calm...anyway, they are my otp, I could write entire posts just about them but that wasn't the point...I just feel like in lieu of getting junjou terrorist chapters we are just getting these like...plot points??? thrown into junjou mix chapters
Nowahiro have also had this thread with Hiroki's parents going for literally years (irl...& maybe in universe??? how long has it been???) they are just two working adults who are 100% comfortable with each other but navigating the troubles of busy working lives together, in this case as well I feel that coming out to Hiroki's parents would be the main thing which would provide some kind of tension & character growth, unless there are other things I'm not thinking of, (there could be, I'm not an expert on them)...Asaisa also kinda similar they are just two adults living their lives but they have their standing to consider in terms of family and also business...like they Could go that route but is it the goal??
>>I mainly ended up talking about JR because I'm not really caught up with all the SIH novels so idk where torichia and kiriyoko kinda stand in all this (cough I can read japanese but I forgot where I got to and I can't even remember which novels I physically own so idk which ones I should buy or not man it's a whole thing
Kiriyoko should really just be a happy family.................
[conclusion (maybe)]
anyway my main point was........that there is just So much to think about...would all these stories really get tied up? There is so much to consider lol. Like in a few years time, I think it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that I've been reading/watching jr/sih for half of my life, so it's very hard to imagine it not being there. I just wonder if the end will feel sudden or not, and to what extent every side story will receive a conclusion. I wonder if nakamura-sensei (& including fujisaki-sensei for the novels, though I guess it was nakamura-sensei who created the characters) thought about endings when she started all of these millions of stories? But I guess for some of them, it's a bit like we just see a window into their world, so how does it 'end'?
I think considering nakamura-sensei's track record, things won't get tied up that succinctly, and even (an) ending(s) would take a long time with many many chapters, which will in itself span multiple years due to the nature of emerald's release schedule...but then again, like with ritsu no baai act 38, things can also be suddenly tied up very quickly, unexpectedly...
plot points that I didn't expect to happen for various couples, suddenly happened...so things could happen more suddenly than I expect.....
anyway those were really just my gut feelings after reading those chapters, not everything may be accurate and so on!!!!!!
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sweetness-pop · 3 years
If Mortal Kombatants Have Japanese Voices: Sonya Blade
Sonya Blade being voiced by Sayaka Ohara
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Ohara's roles include
Erza Scarlet of Fairy Tail
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Yuuko Ichihara of xxxHOLIC
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Yasuko Takasu of Toradora!
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Mrs.Yuigahama of Oregairu
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Selvaria Bles of Valkyria Chronicles
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Nanako Onodera of Nisekoi
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& Masaki Kurosaki of Bleach
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rayysblog · 5 years
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COLLECTION OF OYASUMI PUNPUN CHARACTERS AS VEGGIETALES FACTS TWEETS. also, the last one I couldn't choose, so its every main character in goodnight punpun
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amaya-chwan · 3 years
Takeaways from Therapy Game Restart Chapter 15 + Hinohara Exhibition Goods Animate Listing
Hi all! I hope you've all been well! ❤️💛💜
I'm finally out of lockdown and back outdoors! Ahh, I have missed the sun! ☀️😍
I've been a little busy enjoying my time being outdoors and have been inundated with work lately, but I have finally managed to read the latest chapter of Therapy Game Restart! 🥳🥳🥳
Before I get to our takeaways, just a friendly reminder:
🎉 You can order the goods from Hinohara-sensei's Exhibition on Animate right now! 🎉
You'll have to order through a proxy, but the listing should be up until around the 3rd of December 2021! Link to the listing is here!
Alternatively, if you head on over to the Animate Online Shop webpage and search 日ノ原巡, scroll down and you'll see a blue icon of Shizuma and Minato with the words:
Click on the banner and it'll take you to sensei's listing for the exhibition goods only! Most items are still available for preorder except for the Therapy Game & Secret XXX Washi Tape!
Anyway! Onto our takeaways~ In this chapter:
We continue on from the last chapter (i.e. we're still in the flashback before the ending of chapter 13/opening scene of chapter 14).
Minato at the hair salon! Time to get ready for their date~ 😍
Awww, Shizuma getting all excited in the car to see Minato, bless! 🥰
DAMMIT ONODERA, you and your darn sweet tooth istg. 😒😒 Poor Shizuma, stressed about trying to get to Minato on time! 😭
STAHP IT, those cute texts between Shizuma and Minato! 😘❤️💛
Aaaaand Shizuma finally snaps at Onodera... 👀👀
WOOOOW. Okay. So we finally, finally get to see Shizuma's feeling and thoughts regarding his break-up with Yuka and reflecting on his current situation and his relationship with Minato. Legit speculated this in my first takeaway 2 years ago now! (BLESS, we've had TGR for 2 years now!)
Dang... Onodera, you... are very blunt. I honestly don't think it was the best time for Shizuma to hear what you had to say, but it gives him a lot to think about.
Okay, Onodera can be nice, lol.
BUT OMFG, Onodera, brain fart LMFAO 🤣
Also, didn't expect to see those characters then and there! 👀
And that’s it for this chapter’s takeaways! Wow, I am actually glad we get to see how Shizuma is processing/sees his past relationship with Yuka and how not to let the same thing happen again (i.e. seeing his partner leave/cheat on him).
But also dayum, I just realised I've been doing takeaways for two years now! Time sure flies! Thank you to everyone who's been reading along and enjoying this beautiful series with me! ❤️💛💜
Anywho~ For a more detailed breakdown/summary of this chapter, please continue after the cut! There may or may not be a surprise scene (or way more) there. Please keep reading if you want to see~  😉✨
Our front page features Onodera with her long, flowing hair and cold, blank stare directed at us. The captions read:
After observing him, someone who is sociable and doesn't know when to give up... little by little, he is different to the newcomer I've always known.
We see Minato at the hair salon of someone from Mama's bar/friend! After waiting for a little while, Minato's friend finally attends to him and asks what he wants done.
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Image from this Dear+ Twitter post!
Miyako laughs and finds it adorable that Minato is doing all this. Due to their excitement, they talk as if they were in the bar, and Minato picks up on this. Miyako tells Minato that it's okay to try and be like someone (hair/appearance wise) but reminds him that he's wonderful enough as he is right now.
Minato disagrees, and remembers what Itsuki told him ("It doesn't matter who it is, just don't lose"). He unfortunately sees so little of himself, thinking "I wouldn't want to date someone as troublesome as me, either," and comes to the conclusion that he should change before Shizuma realises this too. He reminds himself that he cannot afford to lose. So he asks Miyako to give him a look that will make Shizuma want to touch him at one glance.
We're brought back to Shizuma and Onodera, who are now on their way back to the clinic after their final house call with Tono-kun and Shiratori. Shizuma notices that Onodera has been looking at the hair tie she received from Shiratori and smiles. Shizuma comments that Shiratori is a nice person, but Onodera asks on what grounds is she a nice person. Because she gave Onodera a hair tie?
Shizuma praises Onodera for speaking with Shiratori and finds their interaction quite nice to see. But Onodera thinks otherwise, believing that it was because Shizuma was there that everything went as smoothly as it did.
Before Onodera can say anything more, Shizuma decides to let out a little remark, which irriates her.
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He also asks why Tono-kun suddenly acted like that at the end. A little shaken by the question, Onodera changes the topic and asks if Shizuma has recorded the clients' medical information, and he has. She thanks him for his hard work and asks him to contact the clinic to inform them of their return.
Right after sending the message, Shizuma begins to get excited about his date, until Onodera remembers/sees something and decides to take a detour.
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Shizuma wonders how Onodera can consume that amount of food with such gusto, and reminds himself that he needs to get back to the clinic ASAP. He suddenly ponders at the possibility of being late and wondering what he should tell Minato. Just as he is on the verge of a realisation, he gets a ding on his phone.
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A sudden gust of wind blows Onodera's hair everywhere, and at Shizuma's suggestion, she ties her hair up using that hair tie. He comments on how long her hair is and asks how long it took to grow it out. Onodera simply says she's forgotten. Interestingly enough, Shizuma suggests this: "How about trying out different ways to tie it up or braid it? A lot of females do that."
Onodera sighs and tells him that he asks a lot of questions. He reponds by saying he's trying really hard to show an interest in Onodera and get to know her (i.e. platonically, not romantically).
Looking out at the window beside her, Onodera sees what seems to be a woman and her 2 children, one a boy and one a girl, and we see the pig tails on the little girl.
Onodera then, however, opens up a little. She says that her hair isn't long for appearance/good looks, but is a little prayer of some sort. That's why she doesn't do much to it. Upon hearing this, Shizuma expresses his piqued interest and wonders what her prayer could be.
She then asks Shizuma if he has a partner (恋人 lit. lover. I chose a neutral term, partner, since Onodera doesn't know he is dating Minato, a man). He is surprised by her question, but his very obvious smile while texting Minato gave it away.
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She continues to ask about his family, school life, hobbies, his friendship with Tatsumi etc. Her sudden questions make Shizuma feel like he is in an interview. He suggests they should invite Tatsumi to join them next time; however, when he says this, Onodera's eyes go blank and she begins to say how nice it must be for Shizuma to have a partner, a loving family, a childhood friend, and a workplace where he gets along with everyone. She expresses her jealously, with flashbacks of Shizuma getting along with his coworkers, clients, and university friends.
Unfortunately, Onodera says one too many of these remarks and Shizuma's just about had it:
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Onodera realises she's stepped on a landmine and tells him he's making it bigger than it really is when in reality, he should just talk to his partner like he would his clients when they have a fight. Shizuma then opens up about Yuka and how their falling out and break-up was the first time he'd ever felt like how he is feeling now.
We get a flashback to Shizuma during his university days and it seems to be a really stressful and important study period for them. Visibly tired with dark circles under his eyes, he turns to see Yuka calling out to him on campus, asking why he hasn't returned her phone calls. He apologises and says he was studying all night. So to make up for it, Yuka asks if they can have lunch together. Before he even gets to respond, Tatsumi and their other male friend call out to him and say they'll continue studying later and pick up where they left off yesterday. They tell him they're going home to freshen up and change clothes and ask if he wants to do another all-nighter with them.
Shizuma tells them he'll have lunch with Yuka, but Yuka interjects and tells him they can have lunch together at another time. She understands that he's got to do what he has to, so in return, she asks him to give her all his attention after his busy period is over.
But for Shizuma, it was too late. He realised too late that he made her feel lonely, and she just endured it. He thought it was perfectly normal for her to just endure this for him, and he feels that he made her think that it was normal too. We see Yuka bow to Shizuma when he finds out she's cheating on him, and her apologising for not trying hard enough in their relationship when he did. He didn't realise he lost her until she left.
Back at the present time, Shizuma continues to confide in Onodera. He says that while he has no right to say this as someone who's made their partner endure so much, he wishes that he and his partner can talk to each other before they both reach their limits.
Shizuma begins to think about something directed to Minato. His inner monologue here:
"Humans are different to animals since we have words. So when we're in pain, when we want something, we have a way to communicate that. But why do you (Minato) hide such important things from me? // When such a boundary is set that doesn't allow me to ask, I feel as though I am intruding into your space. // And so, if the distance between us cannot be filled while we can chase each other every day, then..."
Shizuma tells Onodera that he thinks about that from time to time. And he thinks:
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Just as Shizuma pours his heart out to Onodera about his problems, she laughs. Bewildered by her response, he asks why she's laughed. She explains that she finds it weird that he's made such a gloomy expression thinking about that.
She offers him a hypothetical situation: what would he do should Tono-kun's condition suddenly take a turn for the worse right now, given that Tono-kun is unresponsive, foaming at the mouth, convulsing, and Shizuma would hear a barely audible groan asking for help.
Shizuma responds: I'd go to Tono-kun.
Onodera states that being a vet is exhausting work. Their personal lives and plans have no influence or relation to their patients, and that their spare time is filled with additional study to help them gain more knowledge to save lives. They can't possibly compare their current work-life balance to when they were in school.
She reminds him that he's the one who told her that he wants to learn how to save the lives of his animal clients as quickly as possible, so he should be prepared for this kind of thing if he really meant what he said.
She continues, saying that a relationship where the first year is full of stumbles and falls, such as Shizuma and Minato's, should be given up on as quickly as possible. She bluntly tells Shizuma that he and Minato are incompatible since his career goal and Minato's 'sensitivity' are not a good mix.
Shizuma's eyes widen (in disbelief at her words) as Onodera continues to ask why Minato's fears don't dissipate despite knowing where Shizuma is, with a panel of Minato lying on Shizuma's chest, smiling.
She then says he can always move onto the next person if someone isn't good for him. Before she can finish her next sentence (which I think might be "That's what I've been doing, even now..." but not 100% sure), she sees she's overstepped her boundaries and said too much yet again. She remembers what people have told her in the past about learning how to be more delicate in situations, and how and when to say things.
Pursing her lips, she offers to take Shizuma to his meeting spot with Minato. She tells him that she'd be troubled if he takes the day off tomorrow because he got into a fight with Minato for being late.
Shizuma asks if her advice was to break up with Minato or to help them. She tells him that her advice does seem confusing, but she doesn't have an interest in his relationship whatsoever. While trailing off in her sentence, she manages to say "rubber" as in a c*ndom, which Shizuma picks up on and is slightly awkward about.
She snaps out of it and tells him that as a thanks for his help today, she wants to drive him there while she's in a good mood.
He refuses, saying he just needs to return to the clinic to change. But yet again, lady luck is not on his side--Onodera points to the sky and it seems that sun is already setting.
In our final panels, we see Minato's friends (who want the 4some) who spot Shizuma and Onodera at a shop. They grin and it seems they'll be using this little piece of information to their advantage.
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And that’s it for this chapter! THANK YOU FOR READING THIS FAR! 💜 Wow! For a 24-page chapter, that was really content heavy, text heavy, and had character development for Shizuma and Onodera. I'm all for it! Honestly hoping we see Shizuma tell all this to Minato and clear all this miscommunication... 😖😖
I actually had one more image to post here, but there's a 10 image limit per post on here But that's okay aha!
2021-10-30: Proofread done! Not as bad as I thought, but I had some weird grammar and poor word choices in there hahah! Thanks for being patient with me!
📢 As always, please support Hinohara-sensei by purchasing her books and CDs! 📢
And please also refrain from resharing these translations and images outside of this post! Thank you for understanding! ❤️💛
There will be a chapter in next month's Dear+, so I shall see you then! The opening page for TGR will be a colour page, so we have much to look forward to! 😍
As always, stay safe during these turbulent times and look out for each other and for your loved ones! 💜❤️💛
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mariautistic · 2 years
honestly something i really love that i didnt realize in my first read is how the thing all onoderas have in common is their lack of capacity for vulnerability. in punpun’s case it’s even more hurtful because you can see both the influence his family’s issues have on him and the progressive development of his own enclosure, and the tense tug of war between their need for love and proximity with others and their incapacity to let other people into their hearts and be kind to them turning, in mama punpun and yuuichi’s case, both into high mantainance people that claim they dont need anyone and the ones causing the most trouble out of everyone in the cast
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sihasbiotakukpoper · 7 years
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ChenBaekXI = Kosaki + Chitoge + Tsugumi???
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doarofantoma · 3 years
Bună! O să încep cu subiectul meu preferat și anume anime-urile shounen-ai/yaoi. De ce? Pentru că pot și pentru că așa vreau eu heh.
Dacă nu știți ce înseamnă „shounen-ai” sau „yaoi” să știți că e vorba despre relațiile amoroase dintre bărbați. Așa că dacă aveţi probleme de înţelegere a anumitor anormalităţi din societate (nu sunteţi open-mind) atunci genul ăsta nu e de voi.
Nu vreau hate sau ceva așa că hai să ne ignorăm reciproc dacă credeți că o relație între doi bărbați este ceva mult prea „anormal” pentru voi.
Deciii... până una alta, hai să ne apucăm de treabă!
5. Gakuen Heaven
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Bănuiesc că toată lumea știe ce e aia „harem” nu? De obicei e vorba de un tip care are o turmă de fete după el. Și totuși, uite că există și o serie anime în care există un tip care are o turmă de băieți, care mai de care după el. Puțin ciudat, dar vă zic sigur că e o serie drăguță.
Itou Keita, un tip obișnuit, este șocat când este invitat să participe la cursurile instituției de elită, „Academia Bell Liberty”. Deranjat de mister, este distras și mai mult de dinamica socială a școlii. Într-o mare de tineri uimitori, Keita se străduiește să afle ce îl face unic și cum poate merita să fie tratat ca un egal de către băieții din BL. Lipsit de o anumită abilitate, începe să se întrebe de ce a fost ales să intre în lumea privilegiată a talentatului și a frumosului? Pe parcurs, el dezvoltă relații intense cu aproape toată lumea de la școală, dar este teribil de atras de prietenul, colegul său de clasă, prea îngrijitor, dar foarte misterios, Kazuki Endou.
4 . Super Lovers
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„Drăgălășenie” după mine acest cuvânt descrie cel mai bine această serie formată din două sezoane (s1 = 10 eps // s2 = 10 eps). Deci în acest anime avem parte de o dragoste frățească... poate puțin cam prea frățească pentru cele două persoanaje principale.
La aflarea veștii că mama sa era pe punctul de a muri, Haru Kaidou - fiul cel mare al familiei - zboară până în Canada. În momentul în care ajunge, află că nu numai că mama lui l-a păcălit, dar și că ar trebui să aibă grijă de fratele său adoptiv, Ren Kaidou, un copil antisocial care se simte mai confortabil în jurul câinilor decât al oamenilor.
Datorită naturii neîncrezătoare a noului său frate, Haru întâmpină cu greu un contact cu Ren, dar relația lor crește în cele din urmă. El îi face o promisiune lui Ren: vor locui împreună în Japonia după ce Haru va absolvi liceul. Cu toate acestea, din cauza unui accident nefericit, Haru pierde toate amintirile verii pe care au petrecut-o împreună, inclusiv promisiunea pe care a făcut-o. Cinci ani mai târziu, așteptându-se că Haru își va ține promisiunea, Ren ajunge la Tokyo; dar pentru Haru, Ren este doar un băiat întâmplător care pretinde că este fratele său.
3. Junjou Romantica
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O altă serie extrem de drăguță care mai e și preferata mea, dar totuși pe care nu am pus-o pe primul loc deoarece, chiar dacă eu ador seria asta cu toată ființa mea, are defectele ei.
Cuplul principal al seriei este format din Misaki Takahashi - Akihiko Usami (Junjou Romantica), însă avem și două cupluri secundare: Hiroki Kamijō - Nowaki Kusama (Junjou Egoist) și Yō Miyagi - Shinobu Takatsuki (Junjou Terrorist).
În Junjou Romantica tânărul Misaki Takahashi își dorește cu desăvârșire să își continuie studiile superioare la Universitatea Mitsuhashi din mai multe motive și de aceea acceptă ajutorul oferit de Akihiko Usami cu meditațiile. Usami este cel mai bun prieten al lui Takahiro, fratele lui Misaki și un tânăr romancier foarte popular. Relația celor doi se transformă treptat de la o relație profesională într-o relație mult mai romantică. Misaki este reticent să-și recunoască sentimentele pentru Usami, iar multele provocări la care este supus de-a lungul seriei îi îngreunează situația. În Junjou Egoist povestea urmează evoluția relației dintre Hiroki Kamijō și Nowaki Kusama. Foarte dezamăgit de faptul că prima lui dragoste, Akihiko Usami i-a refuzat sentimentele, Kamijō are șansa de a se întâlni cu un bărbat care nu lasă nimic să-l împiedice: Nowaki. Numele său înseamnă „taifun” și este pe cale să-l ia pe Kamijō într-o plimbare cu vârtej care va răsturna totul. În Junjou Terrorist povestea se învârte în jurul relației dintre Yō Miyagi și Shinobu Takatsuki. După ce l-a salvat de niște huligani, Shinobu este ferm convins că acolo a fost mâna destinului și se îndrăgostește de Miyagi, despre care află puțin mai târziu că o să îi fie cumnat. La ceva timp după ce Miyagi și soția lui divorțează, Shinobu ia legătura cu Miyagi, spunându-i tot ceea ce simte pentru el și cum că el nu are de gând să renunțe, ci o să îl facă să îl iubească într-un final.
2. Sekaiichi Hatsukoi
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O dragoste adolescentină. O despărțire puțin forțată și doi oameni care au rămas cu câteva sechele după. Cam despre asta este vorba aici în general.
Povestea anime-ului se desfășoară în centrul unei edituri și prezintă povestea a trei cupluri homosexuale; astfel că îi avem pe Takano și Onodera, Kisa și Yukina, Hatori și Chiaki ca personaje principale în aceasă serie de-a dreptul minunată (pentru ochii mei, desigur). Povestea nu prezintă tocmai ideea de iubire ideală, mai degrabă aș putea spune că e anormală, din mai multe punte de vedere, o iubire cu greutăți în urma ei, dar într-un fel o iubire frumoasă.
Ca și cuplu principal îi avem pe Takano și Onodera. Aceștia au împărtășit o conexiune destul de puternică cu mult timp în urmă, dar din cauza unor motive puerile, aș putea spune, totul se destramă între ei și astfel drumurile lor se despart. Totuși, karma ține mereu să intervină așa că cei doi se întâlnesc zece ani mai târziu.
Deși Onodera, în trecut un puști dulce, iar acum un rebel în toată firea, a fost odată îndrăgostit lulea de Takano, de data asta își promite că nu o să mai fie la fel, dar ce să vezi, Takano are șarmul și vorbele la el, iar micuțul nostru șaten nu-i poate rezista, oricât de mult ar vrea.
1. Given (shounen-ai)
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Și acum... să bată tobele Dum-ba-badump e timpul pentru primul loc din acest top. Fiind un anime din 2019 animația este superbă.
Este o serie de-a dreptul minunată care are de toate! Băieți drăguți, o trupă, muzică și multă, multă dramă, dar are și momente adorabile, amuzante precum și un sărut plin de dulceață care te va face să te topești pe podea ca înghețata lăsată în soare.
Țnându-și strâns chitara sa Gibson, Mafuyu Satou iese din apartamentul său întunecat pentru a începe o altă zi din viața sa de liceu. În timp ce trage un pui de somn pe scările școlii, face cunoștință cu elevul Ritsuka Uenoyama, care îi reproșează că a lăsat corzile chitarei să se ruginească și să se rupă. Observând cunoștințele lui Uenoyama despre instrument, Satou îl roagă să îl repare și să-l învețe să cânte. În cele din urmă, Uenoyama este de acord și îl invită să participe la o sesiune de repetiții cu cei doi colegi de trupă: basistul Haruki Nakayama și bateristul Akihiko Kaji. Vocea lui Satou este izbitor de frumoasă, umplându-l pe Uenoyama cu hotărârea de a-l face pe Satou solistul trupei. Deși la început reticent, Satou acceptă propunerea după o întâlnire emoționantă cu un vechi prieten. Cu sprijinul noilor săi prieteni, Satou nu trebuie doar să învețe cum să cânte la chitară, ci și să se împace cu circumstanțele misterioase care l-au determinat să îi fie proprietar.
Și asta a fost prima mea recomandare de aici! Sper că o să dați măcar o șansă seriilor anime shounen-ai pentru că sunt extrem de drăguțe și îți dau o stare de spirit minunată.
O să fac și partea a doua deoarece există mai multe serii anime pe care vreau să le recomand și desigur o să fac recomandari și altor genuri de anime, pe lângă multe alte chestii pe care o să le postez.
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ku-mi-ko · 4 years
If I didn’t know any better, I would’ve thought that Takano had lit Sorata on fire and ding dong ditched Onodera’s apartment with his flaming corpse and slapped the shit out of Mama Onodera from reading y’all anti-Takano thinkpieces.
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pastelchad · 2 years
More sih yuri posting:
What if in addition to constantly being pushed to practice cooking and cleaning, fem!Ritsu was constantly forced to babysit her younger cousins and kids around the neighborhood? She had to babysit so much that she hardly had time for anything else and is still bitter about it
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misscorn · 4 years
Day 3
"Anchan's birthday is in a week." Onodera Youko said, currently sitting at the dinner table across from her son, her husband absent.
Ritsu nodded as he pushed his food around on his plate. He was fully aware that March 14th, An's birthday, was fast approaching, but not for the reasons his mother was hoping. No, it was because March 14th was also White Day. Ritsu was both severely stressed and excited about it.
Ritsu planned on going on an aquarium date with his Senpai after school, thinking it'd be a little more special than their typical bookstore-pandaway combo. Not that Ritsu disliked this pattern at all! He just wanted to do something different for the holiday.
Then, they'd go back to Ritsu's house where the brunette would prepare dinner. His parents weren't going to be home since his dad always took his mother on a trip for White Day from the 14th to the 17th, so he figured it was the perfect time to finally invite Saga Senpai to his house! He had already started practicing cooking and baking the day after Valentine's Day. He figured he'd need as much practice as he could get, seeing as he had never done either of them before, but he was definitely improving!
Ritsu intended on making white chocolate chip cookies as a gift. Although his Senpai didn't particularly like sweets, it was tradition to give something white. So, he'd give the cookies in addition to some bitter dark chocolates that Saga was more likely to enjoy. Additionally, he'd give a white rose, since his Senpai had given him a red one and he thought it would be a sweet gesture to mirror. And...perhaps the most embarrassing and overkill gift idea of all: a jar full of paper origami stars that, when unfolded, have reasons he loves Saga written on them. His Senpai had asked him once before why he loved him and Ritsu simply didn't have the time or the courage to say all the reasons to his face, but he could definitely write them down!
"What do you plan on doing for her birthday?" Youko asked, interrupting Ritsu's thoughts about his string of plans.
"Oh, well, since it lands on a school day we were going to hangout over the weekend instead." Ritsu said. "But, I'm not really sure what to get her..." He admitted.
"Why don't you just spend time with her after school? It's not as special if you celebrate after her birthday's already passed. Plus, it's White Day. She did give you something on Valentine's day, didn't she?" Youko said. She recalled Ritsu coming home on Valentine's day, giddy and flushed as he held tupperware full of homemade chocolates. An was really such a sweet girl, going through the trouble of making the chocolates herself.
Ritsu felt a swirl of dread start to form in his stomach, recognizing his mother's tone. "Yes, but mother-"
"Its the polite and gentlemanly thing to do. Imagine; not spending White Day with your fiancée and to make matters worse, blowing off her birthday as well!" Youko said.
"And as for what you can get her, I have a great idea." Youko smiled brightly. "Promise rings! Such a cute and meaningful gift, she'd love it." Youko continued.
"Anchan and I aren't a couple!" Ritsu did not mean to raise his voice, but his frustrations of being talked over got the best of him.
Youko's cheerful demeanor left her. "Don't be ridiculous, Ritsu. You and Anchan are a perfect match. She is a lovely, intelligent, kind girl from a fine background and she undoubtedly adores you. What more could you ask for?"
"Mother, I..." Ritsu trailed off and frowned. "I just-I don't like her that way!"
"You won't even give it a chance! Who could possibly be a better fit for you than Anchan?"
"I'm only fifteen, why do we have to start talking about marriage now?" Ritsu desperately wished his mother would let this go, but his mother was just as stubborn as he was.
"Because your future is important and should matter to you, Ritsu." Youko said. "You are spending White Day with Anchan and that's final. If you'd like, I can help you pick out a pair of promise rings." She offered, the happy tilt in her voice returning as she tried to force the conversation back on track.
Ritsu just mumbled something in assent in order to stop this awful conversation, fully intending on avoiding that little ring shopping trip. Let his mother believe that he would spend White Day with Anchan. What she didn't know wouldn't hurt her.
Ritsu tried to act normal around his Senpai for the rest of the week, (well, his version of normal, which was already a certain level of nervousness) but he could hardly contain himself.
"You're being weird." Saga commented on March 12th. Exactly 1 day, 8 hours, 14 minutes and 25 seconds before 12 A.M. on White Day. Yes, Ritsu was counting.
"S-S-Sorry, I just-um-I-I had something I wanted to ask you." Okay, this was it, deep breaths Onodera, deep breaths. "I was wondering if you w-wanted to...spendWhiteDaywithme?" Ritsu squeezed his eyes shut tight as he waited for an answer.
"...What the hell?"
Well, that wasn't a good sign.
"I thought we were already spending White Day together." Saga said. "Or did you forget what you said?"
"N-n-no, of course not, the opposite actually, I've been thinking about White Day nonstop and what I should do, what would be a fun date, what sort of presents I should get you-"
Saga glanced around the library to make sure they were alone as Ritsu rambled before he cut him off with a gentle kiss.
Ritsu blinked a few times, dazed and completely embarrassed, but undeniably happy.
"So, tell me these ideas you've been thinking about 'nonstop'." Saga echoed.
"Well, I want some of it to be a surprise." Ritsu said after he managed to get his thoughts back in order. "But I thought it'd be fun if after school we went to an aquarium together and then...my house for dinner."
"Your house?" Saga was surprised to say the least, his normally stoic face for once betraying him.
"U-Unless that's not okay?" Ritsu said, automatically assuming the worst, as he typically did. "We don't have to go to my house, we can do something else-"
"No, you can't take back the offer now. I'm coming to your house." Saga said quickly. He was endlessly curious about Ritsu's home and more specifically Ritsu's room, so he'd be damned if he let this opportunity slip by him.
Ritsu smiled a little and nodded before he became shy. "And um...my parents won't be home...s-so..."
"Ahhhhh, I see. Who knew you were such a pervert?" Saga teased, but his straight face and serious tone gave no hint to his playfulness.
If it were possible for humans to combust into flames on the spot, Ritsu would have done so. The younger teen shook his head vehemently as he made frantic and wild hand gestures. "No! I-I didn't mean it like-I'm not-!"
"I was just messing with you." Saga smirked a little bit. Normally he didn't really joke around like this, but Ritsu's reactions were priceless. Even in the beginning of their relationship Saga would never say something like that, but Ritsu managed to get deeper and deeper into his heart every day and break down more and more walls.
Ritsu's whole face was red, including the very tips of his ears. He looked away out of embarrassment, not knowing what to say.
Ritsu swore his body somehow heated up even more after Saga leaned forward to press a kiss on the back of his head.
"I'm looking forward to White Day. It'll be fun." Saga said. "I'm expecting to be impressed."
"Y-You're teasing me again." Ritsu complained.
'It's not my fault you make it so easy.' Saga thought.
White Day was sure to be fun this year and hopefully for many years to come.
...Or maybe not.
The day had started off fine, completely normal in fact. When Ritsu woke up his parents were already gone. They always left early in the morning.
Ritsu was completely exhausted. He had stayed up all night, excited and anxious about White Day, but Ritsu's exhaustion caused him to miss the small box and a note left for him in the kitchen.
It was such an innocent item with good intentions behind it.
It was a thoughtful gift that would surely be cherished.
It was going to ruin everything.
Ritsu had already made the cookies last night and had the dark chocolate, keeping both of them stored in his kitchen. He'd also purchased a white rose the previous day, telling his mother it was for Anchan when she asked about it. It probably didn't help to feed into the insane fantasy his mother had, but he didn't have any other excuses. The jar of stars was also hidden in his room underneath his bed. He'd spent at least 4 or 5 days making them all. He planned on giving Saga these gifts in privacy later today.
As the day went on, Ritsu started to think that maybe it would have been better for him just to cut class since he wasn't able to focus at ALL! An agonizing 7 hours later and he was released from his class, hurrying out front where he and Saga had agreed to meet after school.
Ritsu beat the older teen to the entrance, waiting for him as patiently as he could, unable to contain his bright smile once he saw him
'Damn it, why does he have to smile at me like that? I don't know if I'm going to survive today.' Saga thought as he walked over. "Hey."
"Hi, Senpai! H-Happy White Day..." Ritsu said, the latter half coming out a little quieter so no passing students would hear.
"No gift?" Saga didn't actually care about a present, excited to just spend the afternoon with Ritsu, but he couldn't pass the opportunity to mess with him.
"S-Senpai, don't tease me!" Ritsu complained with a pout. Shit, that expression wasn't good for Saga's heart. "They're at my house. But come on, let's go!" Ritsu's excitement returned to him quickly as he set off. Saga followed.
The aquarium was a little busy, so it didn't give Saga many opportunities to sneak attack Ritsu with PDA, but he still enjoyed himself. Of course, he watched Ritsu more than he watched the actual animals, but it was still a good choice for a date spot.
When they finally did have a moment alone, Saga reached out, gently taking Ritsu's hand into his. "Thanks for bringing me here."
Ritsu blushed, but felt electrified by the touch. "Of course, Senpai. I'm glad you're having fun." He smiled.
Saga couldn't deny he was enjoying himself, but what he was REALLY looking forward to was finally being in Ritsu's house! He had his own preconceived notions about Ritsu and how he lived, so he was curious about how right or wrong he was. And the hormonal teenager in him wanted to do it in Ritsu's bed.
But, when they finally left the aquarium and arrived at Ritsu's home, Saga wished that he had jumped into a damn fish tank instead.
Sitting on his Kouhai's porch was the girl who had given Ritsu chocolate on Valentine's day.
"Richan!" She stood when spotting them, looking angry. "Where have you been?" She asked, putting her hands on her hips.
"A-Anchan? What are you doing here?" Ritsu asked, genuinely confused.
"Didn't your mother talk to you? She called my mother and set up for us to spend the day together! For my birthday! We were supposed to meet after school, but you never showed so I came here, but you obviously weren't home." She frowned and crossed her arms.
"No! My mother didn't tell me anything about this." Ritsu said, going up to the front door and taking out his house key to unlock it.
Saga cleared his throat.
"Oh-uh-Anchan, this is Saga Masamune, Saga Senpai, this is Kohinata An." Ritsu hastily introduced them. Crap, this was bad, this was so bad!
"I think I recognize you...you and Richan hang out together at the library, right?" An said.
"Hai." Saga responded blandly.
"Well, it's nice to meet you." An said politely.
"Same." Saga looked away from her and An decided to ignore his rudely aloof nature. A friend of Richan's was a friend of hers, after all.
"Um, well, come in I guess..." Ritsu said before going inside, Anchan following.
What. The. Fuck. This girl already had her chance on Valentine's Day and, according to Ritsu, was rejected. Now she was going to interrupt White Day too? Saga was absolutely pissed, though he tried not to let it show as he walked inside.
"Um, I was going to make dinner, if you want to sit in the living room and relax..." Ritsu said awkwardly. He was with his two favorite people, so this shouldn't have been as bad as it was, but oh boy was it terrible.
"I'll help!" An offered with a smile.
Ritsu tried to insist that it was okay and that she was a guest and that she didn't have to, but An ignored him and marched into the kitchen. Ritsu couldn't do much other than shoot Saga an apologetic look before following her. Saga decided to trail behind him, not wanting the girl to have even a moment of alone time with HIS boyfriend.
"Hey, Richan, what's this?" An said, regarding the box on the table.
"Oh, I don't know. I guess my parents left it this morning before they left." Ritsu picked up the note and started to read it. His mother detailed the plans she had set up for An and Ritsu today in the note and also explained that inside the box was...
"Rings? Are these what I think they are Richan?" An asked after opening the box, her curiosity having gotten the better of her. She plucked the note out of Ritsu's hands, the boy frozen in terror as he realized what was happening. "They are! Promise rings! I'll have to thank your mother for getting them for us, they're so cute! Let's put them on!" An beamed.
Saga turned and stormed out of the kitchen, Ritsu breaking out of his shock when he heard the front door open and slam shut.
Ritsu quickly ran after Saga, ignoring An's concern as she followed him out. "Senpai, wait!" He called after him, somehow managing to catch up.
"What the fuck, Ritsu?!" Saga whipped around to face him. Oh God, Ritsu had never seen him so angry. "You told me she was just a friend, that you rejected her!"
"She is! I did!" Ritsu insisted. "She's just a friend!"
"Then why the hell is your mom buying the two of you fucking promise rings?! On fucking White Day too!"
Ritsu started to tear up, but he couldn't cry. He needed to explain everything before he lost the person he loved. If he started crying then he wouldn't be able to get a word out.
"W-We're in an arranged marriage." He admitted, feeling so ashamed for not telling his Senpai the truth earlier. "But I don't like An like that! Its a fantasy created by our parents and I've told my mother over and over again that I won't go through with it! A-An and I are not a couple and we're not getting married!" Ritsu insisted.
'Please, please, please believe me, he has to believe me, please.' Ritsu silently begged.
Saga looked between Ritsu and An, who was standing on the porch. He clenched his jaw, shaking his head and refusing to meet Ritsu's eyes. "Looks like you're the only one who thinks that way." He turned and walked off again, Ritsu staring helplessly as he did. The image of his Senpai blurred with tears before they finally started to fall.
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asknarashikari · 2 years
Chiaki: Guys, check out what Gai sent to me.
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Genta: I personally don't have a problem with Decade. I have more beef with DiEnd.
Takeru: His first visit wasn't bad.
Takeru: Still, couldn't they have sent us the plan before mercilessly attacking us?
Kaoru: Is this the "Kamen Rider" that has attacked us as a means to an end?
Mako: He is.
Kaoru: And you have met with him before?
Takeru: Our paths had crossed paths once or twice.
Ryuunosuke: Hime-sama, Decade is someone touted to destroy multiple worlds. Or at least that's what Tono-sama has been told about Decade.
Kotoha: They were very friendly.
Kotoha: Didn't Natsumi-san's grandfather helped Jii-san make cookies?
Mako: And Kuuga - by which I mean Onodera-san - was also helpful.
Kaoru: There are two Kuugas?
Takeru: Onodera-san hails from a different world than ours.
Takeru: Our world already has a Kamen Rider Kuuga.
Takeru: Not that we know anything about him.
Takeru: All the other Riders are secretive about him.
Mako: THat or none of them also know of this world's Kuuga.
Genta: Take-chan, why did that Narutaki person said that our world has been infected with Riders when that Ayakashi transformed into DiEnd.
Mako: From what I heard from various Rider allies.
Mako: Before Decade traveled to our world, they haven't heard of any Super Sentai teams.
Kaoru: Hmm
Kaoru: It is possible that your first contact with Decade has fused the world of Super Sentai to that of those Riders.
Ryuunosuke: Tha'ts impressive Hime-sama!
Takeru: That could very well be the case.
Takeru: However, I very much agree with what Gai sent Chiaki.
Ryuunosuke: Tono-sama is right.
Ryuunosuke: Marvelous and Decade could have told us the plan BEFORE attacking us.
Kotoha: Somehow, I'm thankful that this happened before the ToqGers were called.
Mako: Who in their right mind calls children to battle?!
Chiaki: We should get in line.
Chiaki: From what Gai said.
Chiaki: A lot of Riders are also upset by the situation the ToQgers found themselves in.
Kaoru: Oh, Magimother was horribly upset upon learning of the real ages of the ToQgers.
Kaoru: Her husband had to calm her down before she'd call a blizzard in the middle of summer.
Takeru: Actually, Yamato of the Zyuohgers has confronted the Rainbow Line about that,
Takeru: Let's just say, there's a reason why he's being called the Mama Sentai recently.
Let's be real if Tsukasa met Kaoru she can and will throw him on his ass within twenty seconds of his appearance
Also, he wasn't entirely at fault with the whole Sentai-attacking thing from Super Hero Taisen. Marvelous was in on the plan too, and he didn't even tell his own teammates. I bet Kaoru would also kick his ass for it, especially since she gave the Gokaigers the Shinkenger Grand Power on account of the Gokaiger's camaraderie.
As for the ToQgers.... ehh I'm not really sure the Shinkengers are in any place to speak. They grew up being trained to eventually fight as Shinkengers, and considering what happened to the previous generation, they would've had to fight regardless of how young they were when the Gedoshu started being active again.
Kaoru herself was only seventeen when she assumed the headship of the Shiba family, and all that time she was raised and trained in seclusion, all to master the Sealing Symbol. She never even met her dad because he died when she was still in her mother's womb.
Mako didn't see her mom much because Mako couldn't migrate with her parents when they left for her recuperation. And she couldn't leave with them because Mako's grandmother wanted her to train as the next Shinken Pink.
Takeru spent the better part of childhood living a lie, pretending he was head of the Shiba clan when in reality he was just a body double for Kaoru. Even when Genta first met him he was already doing that.
Which... ya know, in hindsight is kinda worse than what the ToQgers had? Being a Shinkenger isn't an easy gig already, but growing up like that, knowing you can end up like Kaoru's dad (dead on the battlefield) or Mako's mom (permanently injured) and knowing you might have to raise your kids like that too? Geez louise.
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“As long as I am who I am... this loneliness will never be filled.” -Mama Onodera, Goodnight Punpun Vol. 3
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peaches-art · 8 years
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not as positive as most of my comics and drawings but I was inspired by miss onodera from oyasumi punpun! I may redraw this later on since I am still trying to figure out how I want to express the feelings for this
(side rant: relationships – whether platonic or romantic – take effort; communication is not only encouraged but also necessary. There is little room for pride and ego if you value a relationship and want it to continue)
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