#mamma mia premiere
merylqueenstreep · 2 months
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Frida with Pierce Brosnan during the Mamma Mia! The Movie premiere on July 4, 2008, in Stockholm.
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djkerr · 3 days
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Christine Baranski attends the Metropolitan Opera Opening Night Gala Premiere Of "Grounded".
The Metropolitan Opera, NYC | September 23, 2024
📷 Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images
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gardensofbabilon · 6 months
Mamma mia! - Enzo Vogrincic x Fem! Reader
Você e Enzo são os dois atores sensação em hollywood no momento, após tanta insistência de seus fãs, um papel romântico com o galã uruguaio finalmente bate a sua porta.
a/n: deixem requests pfff
tw: palavrões...
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ATENÇÃO AOS CORAÇÕES LATINOS!!! seutwitter e nousotwiterrrr estarão na mais nova comédia romântica da netflix!! Preparados pra muita pegação no set?
kukuesteban o boludo tem sorte pra caralho
juanicar enzo no oscar outra vez!!
10 meses depois
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curtido por vogrincicenzo, juanicar, blaspolidori e mais 1.987.982 pessoas.
seuuser Após longos 10 meses... ''Todos menos você'' está entre nós!! Foi um prazer poder trabalhar com tanta gente sensacional.. em especial meu fotógrafo pessoal vogrincicenzo (fotos tiradas por ele btw!)
carregar mais comentários..
vogrincicenzo melhores meses da vida! adoro seu ser fotógrafo (curtido por seuuser)
suabff amiga!! quanto orgulho de você ahhhhh, que venham mais e mais conquistas, você merece o vogrincicenzo e muito mais hahahahah (curtido por vogrincicenzo)
juanicar *unwritten intensies*
user4 Queria tanto ser o enzo
⤷ snbrasil rt intenso, como é sortudo quem beija a boca Dela
user5 o enzo é um puta fotógrafo, se fosse eu me tremia toda com os olhos dessa mulher (curtido por seuuser)
todosmenosvoce Contem aqui se valeu a espera pra ver enzito e sn juntinhos!!
ver 768 respostas
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curtido por seuuser, juanicar, kukuesteban e mais 1.726.902 pessoas.
vogrincicenzo Alguns registros da premiere de todosmenosvoce, tem sido uma jornada diferente e intensa.
Tive a melhor experiência da minha vida ao lado de uma mulher talentosíssima em tudo que se propõe (obrigado pelas fotos), foram 10 meses de risadas, brincadeiras, choros.. mas principalmente de cumplicidade e amor.
Espero que aproveitem tanto quanto nós!
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seuuser Desse jeito vamos competir para ver quem tira as melhores fotos!
⤷ vogrincicenzo Acho que vou amassar você igual no basquete! ⤷seuuser ENZO VOCÊ ME ROUBOU. LITERALMENTE
⤷ vogrincicenzo Você não sabe perder alalallaa
kukuesteban Que orgulho boludo!! Dale!! (curtido por vogrincicenzo)
user2 ahhhbahhasdbbe eles ficam se fotografando
netflixes Quando vão liberar as fotos que vocês tiram???!
user4 QUEREMOS TODOS MENOS VOCÊ (ENZO'S VERSION) (curtido por vogrincicenzo e seuuser)
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curtido por seuuser, vogrincicenzo, kukuesteban e mais 7.020.837 pessoas.
gqspain Essa semana temos uma edição abençoada! seuuser fotografada por vogrincicenzo na capa com uma entrevista de aquecer o coração dos dois! Link na bio para mais..
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user7 ''Enzo completou dizendo que em poucas vezes na vida foi atingido por um raio tão forte quanto aquele que o alcançou quando viu s/n pela primeira vez'' VOCê TA ME ZOANDO 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
vogrinciclover ''Acho que ter conhecido o enzo durante esse período difícil da minha vida mudou quem eu sou hoje'' VOU VOM6TAR
seuuser obrigada gq pela oportunidade!! Não poderia ter sido melhor e o fotógrafo é sensacional 😊
vogrincicenzo Foi um prazer abrir meu coração e minha câmera para vocês! Até a próxima!
3 meses depois..
popbase O sucesso de bilheteria e de crítica ''Todos menos você'' Com os atores seutwitter e nousotwiterr acaba de receber 5 indicações ao oscar! Parabéns aos nossos latinos!
vgrincsns queremos um pedido de casamento no palco vai ser babadoooo
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curtido por juanicar, vogrincicenzo, kukuesteban e mais 8.979.655 pessoas.
seuuser Acordei com a notícia que somos 5 vezes indicados ao Oscar, que momento.
Enzo, o coração desse filme, não poderia ter feito nada disso sem você ao meu lado, essa indicação não é só minha, ela é Nossa, afinal nós somos um.
Muito obrigada a todos que assistiram ao filme, apoiaram a campanha e me auxiliaram até aqui, em um pequeno gesto de retribuição: um dump das gravações! A vida tem sido tão bondosa comigo.
carregar mais comentários..
vogrincicenzo Mi cariño, estou estonteado de ser a pessoa que você compartilha as honras da vida, obrigado pelo ano e que ano. Você merece.
juanicar Pombinhooooos, vocês merecem!!
blaspolidori 👏👏👏👏
snbrasil Ai tem um cisco no meu olho. Que orgulho de dizer que estamos aqui desde o primeiro dia. (curtido por seuuser)
⤷ seuuser Eu sempre vejo vocês! Obrigada!!
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curtido por juanicar, seuuser, kukuesteban e mais 3.948.029 pessoas.
vogrincicenzo Família unida e comemorando, espero que a sn não me mate pela foto.. Eu te amo meu amor e futura mulher! Compartilhar todas as manhãs ao seu lado é uma benção, especialmente em dias como esses, a vida não parece real. Obrigado a todos.
Os comentários dessa publicação foram desativados.
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amymbona · 17 days
amy!! i started theatre classes this year and for certain classes you have to do shop hours so the past few days i’ve been going to the training sessions… yesterday i did scenery training which involves cutting wood and i was lowkey scared to use the circular saw 😬 so i told the supervisor i was scared (who was kinda cute ngl) and he said “it’s okay, i’m here.” teeheehee! and then later when we were screwing the wood together i was struggling a bit and i said my safety glasses were blurry and he got closer to me and looked into my eyes really intensely and said “yeah, i guess they are…”
thinking about this with patrick!!! 🫣
First of all, damn lucky you!!!
Second of all, fuck yeah!!!
Imagining Patrick being slightly older than All the people who attend the theatre classes but also not old enough to lead it on his own. So he's probably the teacher's assistant, mainly there for the technical stuff, like helping with the music and lights.
He usually just stands in the shadows or carries some boxes, and others don't really pay attention to him, maybe apart from some teenage girls who find him really hot. But he really couldn't care less. Yes, Patrick Zweig is a flirt but it's not in his nature to go after seventeen year old girls.
The age range is like 15 - 20 and you're among the older ones, so your role is almost guaranteed cause you're doing Mamma Mia or something like that. And Patrick finds you really fascinating, the way your voice carries through the theatre and the way your presence feels on the stage. He thinks you're absolutely gorgeous actually and tries to find a way to get closer to you.
So he's being a gentleman, offering to turn your mic on and giving you a hand when you hop off of the stage. That gives him a chance to compliment you and throw in a joke here and there and boom - you laugh, that's good!
And when y'all wre doing costune rehearsals, he's in the backstage to aid those who need it, so he's handing out hats and purses to all the actors. But when you run in, sweaty and unable to see much in the dark space, he offers you a glass of water and unzips your dress kindly, using that as an opportunity to run his hands over your bare waist.
When the premiere is finally there, you're so stressed and afraid, he's giving you a pep talk, holding your hands and telling you you're the most gorgeous girl out there and that you're gonna nail it. You're blushing the whole time, successfully forgeting about all those worries.
And when it's finally over and you come back after a four minute standing ovation, Patrick embraces you and dares to kiss you as well - because you look absolutely stunning with tears in your eyes and flushed face - and you kiss him back and your heart is beating way too fast and everything is absolutely perfect <3
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kon-igi · 1 month
QUESTO MONDO NON MI RENDERÀ CATTIVO (ma un po' incazzato sì, dai)
Un veloce recap delle puntate precedenti:
TI AMO ERIKA DI NOVI LIGURE - Ventitré anni fa una sedicenne ha fatto a fette mamma e fratellino con l'aiuto del moroso diciassettenne, dando poi la colpa agli albanesi. La sera in cui la Lega stava per fare una fiaccolata a base di torce e forconi per scovare i responsabili e linc... assicurarli alla giustizia ops no, scusate ciabbiamo judo. Quella frase del titolo l'avevo vista scritta su un muro nel 2003 e a quei tempi le mie figlie erano troppo piccole perché capissimo le nostre colpe e le nostre responsabilità.
TUTTO D'UN PEZZO - Non leggo più e non guardo serie tv o film. Sono mesi e mesi che la sera faccio binge watching di One Piece, un anime da più di mille episodi, e a momenti mi metto in pari ma non ho idea quanto il mondo del cinema e dell'editoria sia andato avanti mentre ero distratto.
DUE METRI DI TERRENO - L'altro giorno ho assistito a un'accesa discussione su conti correnti, parenti serpenti e carichi pendenti, quando a un certo punto non ce l'ho fatta più e ho urlato un haiku ispirato dal tenore livoroso dell'argomento
Soffi di vento, l'attimo prima spiri e dopo spiri
DI QUESTO TI PUOI FIDARE - Ho ripreso a forgiare - caldo per caldo che sia un caldo fruttuoso - e sono a metà strada nel progetto ambizioso di un'arma inastata che nel Giappone feudale usavano le donne per proteggere casa.
MEDICE, CURA TE IPSUM - Una persona mi ha detto che mi invidia perché se sento male da qualche parte ne conosco subito le cause. Certo... contusione del piatto tibiale sx a opera dei condili femorali con infiammazione da stiramento dei legamenti crociati, rachialgia lombare a sbarra con irradiamento gluteo da compressione del plesso femorale dx a livello di L5-S1 da bulging discale, epicondilite dx con rizartrosi e mialgia del flessore del pollice, corda colica, bruxismo e reflusso gastro-esofageo. Che culo.
MUORE GIOVANE CHI È CARO AGLI DEI - Piccola pausa di ferragosto dal masteraggio su Discord di una campagna di Call of Cthulhu ambientata nel 1983 nel mio quartiere viareggino. Se non sapete cosa sia una Baldoria è inutile vi racconti la trama.
INTERCAMBIABILITÀ DI FACCIA E CULO - Qualche anno fa vidi uno scherzo in cui un critico veniva invitato alla premiere di una proiezione cinematografica d'essai (volutamente orribile) e a tutti i suoi colleghi era stato chiesto di parlarne in modo entusiasta, mentre lui si guardava attorno con sconcerto crescente. Sono 10 mesi che io ho quell'espressione tutte le volte che i mezzi di informazione parlano del genocidio del popolo di Gaza utilizzando perifrasi e litoti che tanto mi ricordano 'allergia al piombo' e 'la scuola non c'è più a causa di eventi esterni'.
NOTTE PRIMA DEGLI ESAMI - Ciao Laura... Ti ricordi quando ti sono venuto a prendere in macchina per andare a fare gli orali della maturità? La mia non fu solo la gentilezza di un compagno di classe ma che tu l'avessi capito o meno non importa... non ho avuto il coraggio di dirtelo e così la storia che avevo immaginato è sopravvissuta luminosa al mondo che è andato avanti.
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cloysterbell · 2 months
Feminism really peaked in 2008 when Mamma Mia! premiered
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europeanmusicals · 1 year
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Based on Daphne Du Maurier’s 1938 novel, by Michael Kunze and Sylvester Levay, two of the most successful German-language musical theatre creators, ‘Rebecca’ has already captivated more than two million people worldwide in hugely successful productions in 12 countries and 10 languages. ‘Rebecca’ had its world premiere at VBW’s Raimund Theater in Vienna, Austria, in September 2006, where it went on to play to sold-out houses in three seasons, and where it is currently enjoying a hugely successful revival. Richard Carson (Maxim de Winter) has appeared in several major West End musicals including‘Les Miserable’s, ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat’, ‘Mamma Mia!’ and ‘Miss Saigon’. Lauren Jones (Second Mrs de Winter) recently appeared in the West End production of ‘Bonnie & Clyde’ as Trish and alternate Bonnie. Kara Lane (Mrs Danvers) was Alice in ‘The Addams Family - the Musical Comedy’, Winifred Banks in ‘Mary Poppins’, Reno Sweeney in ’Anything Goes’ at Kilworth House, ‘Mary Magdalene’ in Jesus Christ Superstar’ and Magenta in ‘The Rocky Horror Show’. The rest of the cast are: Alex James-Ward, Piers Bate, Sarah Harlington, David Breeds, Amanda Minihan, Neil Moors, Nicholas Lumley, Nigel-Joseph Francis, Elliot Swann, Scott McClure, Emily Apps, Melanie Bright, Gail MacKinnon, Tarisha Rommick, James Mateo-Salt, Rosie Glossop. Rebecca will play a strictly limited engagement from 4 September – 18 November 2023. 
[Source: Charring Cross Theatre Newsletter]
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dacreshoney · 6 months
English is my second language, please don't hate my terrible writing... I just write it as it comes to my head:)
Been dreaming a while about this storyline and I just wanted to write it down as something for me to smile about. Please excuse how bad it is :))
Background: You were a world famous young actress who had been in major hit tv shows and films. You started out as a child actress in Harry Potter where you had a young romance with actor Tom Felton at the time. Also having dated One direction star Harry styles in your teenage years, having a fling with your co star Henry cavil in the TV series the tudors, Mamma Mia, Burlesque and Other shows such as The Witcher, stranger things (where you had previously just split before filming top gun with Dacre Montgomery, after your 3 year relationship Dacre decided he wanted to focus on himself and you both felt you were better as friends) he neglected your relationship and didn't put you first. This was where you had a fling after with co star glen Powell, but both decided you were better as friends. You were at the peak of your career, everyone wanted you, everyone wanted to be you and around you. With such a busy schedule ahead of you, with so many things lined up. You'd just finished filming top gun maverick and had daisy jones and the six to finish filming. The premiere in Cannes for top gun came with so many new exciting opportunities for you, with a certain Mr Butler having a say in who would be his Priscilla Presley in the new Film Elvis.
Your POV:
It was the night of the Top gun Premiere in Cannes, you were getting ready with your team in the hotel you were staying at, the gorgeous Hôtel Barrière Le Majestic.This wasn't your first time in Cannes, you had been here for a few film premiers before, but you could still never get used to it, even after all your success, at such a young age bearing in mind. Being surrounded by all the stars you had looked up to for years and working with them, like Tom cruise, cmon.. such a pinch me moment. It's such a surreal moment sat there on the makeup chair looking out onto the French rivera, having your makeup done, having all these people around you tailoring your new designer dress that had just been made and flown in by Ellie Saab. A gorgeous Pearl flowing dress with a subtle smokey eye makeup to bring out the colour of your eyes with Hollywood curls in your hair, slightly tucked behind your ears.
(your gown for Cannes)
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Your agent Natalie came in to round you and your co stars up, you were staying in the next room to your co star and recent fling Glenn Powell since your split with Dacre. The two of you had one crazy and weird night, you and glenn had become close during filming and one cast night out got way out of hand and ended up with you two sleeping together, for you both in the morning to just laugh about it and to this day are the best of friends. You clutched onto your dress following your agent out and headed towards the film festival.
These events were always nerve wracking, in your head you just tried your best not to fall over, your agent edging you along the red carpet with your co stars, lining you up infant of the paparazzi ready to take single and cast photos. Tonight was a big night for you, you were going to perform the hit song from the movie tonight, Hold my hand, not only and actress anymore, you started divulging into more musical things now with your career which essential you trained in all three, singing, acting and dancing. A triple threat some will say. Before the event your agent started guiding you to some interviewers before the main event of the premiere and performance. You smiled widely as you greeted the interviewers, they asked the general questions of the movie and the cast you were working with, these questions always ended up with the odd personal question thrown in there also.
"so Y/N, we know you have to hurry along but the news of you and dacre, obviously very sad but do you think he will be happy for you tonight and what are you plans going forward from this, is there anyone tonight you are hoping to meet and network with?"
"umm" you began, giggling slightly to make it less awkward, "you know life happens, me and dacre are still very much friends, id know he'd definitely be supporting me and vice versa on his journey. some things aren't meant to be but that's okay, we are all adults here and you know I'm excited for what's next for me, I've got a lot coming my way and you never know, something may come out of tonight. I just want to enjoy tonight, meet some new people and yeah I hear the royal family are here tonight so that will be a cool thing, like I've never met a royal so.."
"thank you for that, really appreciate your time and massive congratulations and good look with your performance tonight, we look forward to it" the interviewer smiled.
"Thank you so much, I will need it aha" you say being guided away into the film hall.
The performance came and went, you had a standing ovation from the crowd, this was a massive thing for you. All these people in the crowd were actors and actresses you looked up to and for them to be giving you a standing ovation was something else. You had had your congratulations from your co stars and a few famous faces, it was later after your performance that you were being guided to your table where a tall figure was standing, a male it looked like from where you were walking, blonde hair shining in the lights above him. You stopped as Natalie found your seat and this male figure stumbled back a little onto your toe, you had kind of numbed out the pain as you'd been in heels all day, his hands were cupped as if he had just been clapping or praying, he stood in awe of you as you approached. A small smile came from the corner of his mouth as he met your gaze.
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"my god I'm so sorry, I didn't step on you did I?"
You looked at him smiling, you could tell he was a little shy, he had confidence in his eyes but a shy soul underneath.
"Its ok honestly, I was looking for an excuse to take these heels off really, so thanks for that" you winked, the blonde smiled back at you, his eyes tracing your face so intently.
" glad I could be of service, please here let me get your seat, I am really sorry though" he laughed as he pulled out your seat
"such a gentlemen".. you said as you slowly sat down on the pulled out chair, still keeping his gaze, " but seriously its fine, don't stress, I can see you wincing a little" you joked with him, trying to ease his shyness, you recognised his face, this was Austin butler, you'd watched a few shows with him in when you were younger, carried diaries and rumours had it it was going to be the new Elvis.
"that transparent am I"
"just a little" you winked as you gestured with your hands the little minute sign with your fingers, he then sat down to face you on the opposite chair.
"Austin right? you questioned "I'm..." you were interrupted
"Y/N, yeah I know", he laughed nervously "you were phenomenal up there you know and your movie, I mean you were incredible"
"thank you, that means so much to me like you wouldn't believe, I was shaking up there" you held out your hands to show him your shaking fingers, the adrenaline from the performance still.
"I'm surprised you even knew my name just then to be honest" sounding surprised
"of course, you are the new Elvis right? that's very exciting" you said placing your hand to tap his knee "and I've seen your face around, just never actually got round to saying hi"
smiling at your hand placement he responded "Yeah I am ah, very exciting, just hope to do him some justice you know"
"oh love I'm sure you will, you are great you know or just do a me and just pretend you know what you are doing and everyone will just think that guys got their shit together" you laughed, trying to give him a little confidence boost. shrugging his shoulder with yours.
"thank you y/n , I think I might just have to do that aha"
"I'm sure you will smash it" your agent gesturing that it was time for you to leave, "well looks like I'm being ushered out of here Mr Butler, but it was so nice meeting you and I absolutely can't wait for this to be the other way round and I'm congratulating you as I am sure I will be"
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Austin's POV:
Y/N performance blew him away, he had always been a huge fan of yours and he'd come across you at so many events but had never had the guts to say anything to you, You was in a relationship with Dacre as well at all these events, so he never had the chance and now that you were single he'd found the perfect opportunity. Later that night after meeting you, you were all that was on Austins mind, he had phoned his agent later that night as he knew you'd have to be his Priscilla in Elvis, so many actresses had come and gone but no one he could get that chemistry with. He had to find a way to reach you.
You'd first met Austin during Cannes in 2022 when you had been a part of the Top gun maverick cast, you were half way filming Daisy ones and the six at this point. You had your first day off in a long Time, you just sat down when you opened your phone to 4 missed calls from your agent and a text to call her asap.
"Nat, 4 missed calls, who died?"
"I thought you did with the amount of times I've rang you, I've just had a strange call from another agent and they said an Austin Butler and Baz luhrmann has been trying to reach you?"
"Baz Lurhmann?? and Austin Butler as in the new Elvis Austin..??"
"yeah, so they want you to be the new Priscilla, apparently this Austin guy told Baz and he wants to start shooting with you straight away"
"no on screen chemistry read or audition?"
"nope none at all, this Austin guy really wants you to play her so, guess that's that"
Baz frisking lurhmann wants you to be in his new film, ELVIS. Austin butler requested you to be Priscilla, why?? .... you were so confused but so excited about it, your schedule was about to get a whole lot busier and your life so much more exciting.
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baby-alien11 · 2 years
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Lewis Tan
Like in the movie, 2
Being Miles Quaritch daughter, Pt 2
Scream Franchise
Being in a relationship with Chad and Liv
Being in a relationship with Chad after Livs death
Needles and Stitches (C.M.M)
imagine being pregnant with Chads baby
imagine walking during a ghostface meeting (E.L.)
Procura coquetearme mas (E.L.)
Y/N Ulrich Universe
being Skeet Ulrich daughter and dating Jack Champion
Y/N Ulrich and Jack Champion social
Being an horror icon child with Y/N Ulrich
Dinner with the Ulrich family
Online haters (Y/N Ulrich universe)
Birthday Scream (Y/N Ulrich universe)
Lover (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
Late Prom Night (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
Cat Distribution System (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
Y/N Ulrich and Jack Champion social (2)
Return to Riverdale High (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
Fan Expo Denver (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
Anniversary (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
Extra: Y/N Ulrich room
Season of the Witch (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
Memories: First meeting and date (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
Extra: Y/N Ulrich Premiere Looks
Blurb: Pool Day (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
Memories: First time watching Avatar (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
A Nonsense Christmas (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
Memories: First Public Apearance (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
Memories: Scream Premiere (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
Avatar Set Visit (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
Variety Nepo Babies on Nepo Babies (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
Y/N Ulrich First Anniversary
Blurb: Abigail Premiere (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
Blurb: The Tortured Poets Department (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
MET Gala (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
A 'Mamma Mia' Birthday (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
Monaco Grand Prix (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
Surprise Visit (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
Memories: The Drew Barrymore Show (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
Never Have I Ever
being the good girl dating Ethan Morales
Outer Banks
Unicorns (R.C.)
Formula 1
First Win (LN4)
Tolya Yul-Bataar angst
Tolya Yul-Bataar angst/comfort
poly Chad x Reader x Tara
being pregnant with Ethan's baby
being a Carpenter dating Ethan Landry
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xotrashratxo · 1 year
My Thoughts During the NPMD Premier last night Part 1
these start from ABOUT 30 minutes into the show when I realized I could write it in my notes app and not just live posting to Tumblr lol. I have so many thoughts let me know for a part 2, cause character limit hated me for this.
Peter Wants Song Takes 20 Minutes in universe
bro is too good at playing a prick
It’s giving God Complex
they sound like they’re from the 50s
Why does he refer to his wife as mother
Anyway I kinda love them.
Oh no she’s gay and ILL…. Oh she’s horny.
Actors are too good at acting
I’m dead, I’m the Nerdy Prude that’s dead.
I hate men.
What I hate about live premieres is that I can’t skip ahead
I love women.
Why’s this kinda a slay tho wait
Angela ate. Men make me so uncomfortable. 
Yessss queen blame the bitch. 
oh wigs. 
Oh Brenda EATS.
No yeah, I’m in love when Peter. 
Oh I love Grace.
Grace and Steph are in love. They’re in love. 
She’s so evil I love her
RUTHY IS CHARACTER AI 1. Hate, 2. Friends, 3. I LOVE YOU. 
*Lauren twerking.* 
This shits funny. 
This is so sweet! 
Oh, just when I started to like him. 
Rip I guess. 
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merylqueenstreep · 1 year
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Meryl Streep and Agnetha Fältskog chatted during the Mamma Mia Premiere on July 4, 2008, held in Stockholm, Sweden.
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djkerr · 3 days
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Christine Baranski on the red carpet at The Metropolitan Opera’s Opening Night Gala Premiere.
The Metropolitan Opera, NYC | September 23, 2024
📷🎥 @metopera via IG stories
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just-ray · 5 days
question: have you ever seen a show in the bord gais? im seeing hamilton there bsbsnsbsb and mamma mia and maybe chicago (yes my bank account is broken but i recieved tickets for some from my birthday so yipiee)
I have! I got invited to wicked by two RTÈ and ex RTÈ presenters I'm familiar with. Ordinarily, I might not have gone, but once I did, I REALLY enjoyed it. I absolutely recommend it, especially when it's the premier night of a show.
Genuinely 10/10 and there's a place just across the road where you can get great food and drink after :)
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nyoheadcannonsaph · 1 year
Axis Powers [expanded] Human Names ( + my reasons for them)
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Here we go with the Axis countries' human names! I did some reseach, but again, as before, I believe we can agree to disagree, if you don't like my takes. Also, I'm using the last names from their male counterparts for the sake of integrity (like, if we had two Italies and the male had not-so-Italian last name that Hima invented for him, and then a female version with a more appropriate name, it would get a bit confusing, right?). I don't see them as family, but hey, they are one and the same country, we can't go too crazy with that.
Still, feel free to use any names you prefer. In this particular post there will be a lot of defense of Hima's choices, so brace yourselves. I really think he worked over the Axis characters long and thoroughly enough to make up his mind and some of his impressions were more correct than you could see it at face value.
So let's look at the names, shall we?
May the united powers of pasta, sake and wurst be with you!
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Germany (West) - Nyoitsu/Doiko
Monika Beilschmidt
I don't think it's a perfect name, but it's not bad either. I originally thought of leaving Nyo!Germany as Louise/Luise, but since I don't like copying male names for female characters, even in genderbend, I opted for Monika and found some good grounds for it. It is after all a name of the mother of St Augustine, a woman mostly known for patience and determination in her prayers, which are somewhat related to Nyo!Germany's character. Furthermore, the actual meaning of the name is lost to history, but it was associated with Latin word "moneo", which translates to "advisor; I advise" and Greek "monos", meaning "one". "One advise", is kind of reflective of a line in "I am German-made" about reading each word of the manual (yes, songs are part of canon too, and I will take it as such). So ethymology-wise, it makes sense for Nyo!Germany. Weird fun fact: in 1937 there was a premiere in Stuttgart of an operetta under the title "Monika", composed by an Austrian composer. Not sure if that is related to Hima's choice, but I thought it's worth mentioning.
I also believe that in her youth (*cough* as HRE *cough*) she used other names, probably "Luise", or "Greta/Gretchen" in order not to clash with Nyo!Prussia at the time. She certainly used different aliases, as she's usually seen with her earpiece on, suggesting she works in intelligence during wartime. I can imagine her as a spy, but more of a communicator than actual secret agent. They still use aliases, don't they?
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Italy (North) - Veneziano - Itako
Alice Vargas
I can hear some Italian purists coming over to say this is by no means Italian name, only italianised one. Well, yes, but let me tell you what: North Italy shares more culturally with Switzerland and Austria than it does with Southern Italy. If you happened to watch Hetafacts, you probably know some theory behind it, but if you don't, then let me put it like this: Northern Italian kingdoms were much mostly founded by barbarians "from the North"... Yeah, kind of like Papa Germania got busy with supposedly Grandpa Rome's daughter and "dot dot dot" (forgive that "Mamma mia" reference, I just had to). I mean, North Italy is still very Italian, she interited Grandpa's (or Grandma's?) Rome talent for arts and most of his (hers?) architectural wonders. But it would make sense to have a more Germanic name by origins.
Ethymology: it comes from Proto-Germanic roots, "aþala-", meaning "noble" and "haidu-", meaning "appearance; kind", and it was originally "Adeleide" - a name that young Nyo!Italy could be using, especially when living with Nyo!Austria and Nyo!HRE (I mean, you know who that actually was, but shh). Likely, during the renaissance and later times, she used different names, as I imagine she was very involved with the trade of antique sculptures and so she needed to use various aliases; she also was known to meddle in political affairs, much more than her male counterpart (especially between Turkey and Venice matters), so she used names like "Caterina", "Felicità" or "Margherita", among others. Still, around the end of 19th century, she came back to her original name, using the italianised, shorter version of it, as "Alice" ("Ah-lee-che", for all English natives, who read it as "Ah-lys"; I see you in your sleep and I'm not even Italian myself).
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Italy (South) - Romana/Lovina
Chiara Vargas
First of all, that's the name Hima gave and for one of the few times I can wholeheartedly agree with his choices here. Secondly, it's the Italian form of the name "Clara", which derives from "clarus" in Latin, which in turn means "clear, bright", but also "famous, well-known". Well, that's ironic, if that's the name of Southern Italy and not the Northern one, isn't it? After all, South Italy often complains about being in the shade of her Northern sister - I think she would choose a wishful name, honestly, hoping to highlight her individuality even more. Finally, she's described by Hima as having a "strong image", which can be interpreted as "appearing to have a strong personality" - a very clear one, if I may say so.
I just love everything about this name, it suits her character and makes sense. If she ever used any other name than this one, I believe it could be "Marìa", "Giuvanna" or "Càrmina", all of which are Sicilian-Neapolitan forms of other popular Italian names (the last one is from Spanish one, "Carmen", obviously). By the way, "Ciara" is also correct spelling in the South, as far as I know, but correct me if I'm wrong.
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Japan - Nichiko/Nihoko
Honda Sakura --- 本田 桜
Here I must say I can imagine "Sakura" being Nyo!Japan's human name since forever. The fact that the country takes pride in everything related to cherry blossom and the Hanami season pretty much kicks off the school year over there speaks for itself. Interestingly, Himaruya was thinking of names like "Mameko" (豆子) , meaning something like "bean" and "child" combined together, and "Ponko" (I'm not sure, how to write it in kanji, I only know a bit katakana and hiragana, so there goes what I came up with: ぽん子), which common feature is that they are both ending with "-ko" syllable, which in Japanese is associated with more feminine names (and I put the Japanese names for Nyo!Country names here, you can see the pattern there too.) So I suppose the only thing he thought about Nyo!Japan is that she's like regular Japan, but a girl. I can't come up with anything more Japanese and more iconic feminine name in this language than Sakura, so I stick with that.
If I were to comd with other names, I would go for something like "Akira" (明), which means "bright", or "Haruka" (遥), meaning "remote, distant", anything that describes more of Nyo!Japan's character.
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Prussia - Germany (East) - Puroiko (?)
Maria/Luisa/Julia Beilschmidt
Okay, I know some people like to use "Maria" for 2p!Nyo!Prussia, and some of you will be confused why I didn't put "Julchen" instead of "Julia". Well, there's a good reason for both. "Maria" would likely be the name Nyo!Prussia would use as part of the Teutonic Order, and while 2p!Nyo!Prussia seems to embody that peried of Prussian history, I think it is more likely that during that time, Nyo!Prussia was acting more "feminine", you know, emobodying the more diplomatic side of the order compared to her male counterpart. Also, one of the names the Teutonic Knights used was "Marienritter", meaning literally "(St) Mary's Knights".
Upon the conversion of the order's Grand Master, Albert of Brandenburg, to Luteranism in 1525, Maria changed name to "Luisa", which was a common name in Northern and Central Germany at the time. There's a famous character she shared that name, Queen Luise of Prussia, of whom Napoleon spoke in high regards ever since meeting her in person (just so you know, she was pretty smart and badass). Finally, as she was separated from her sister, Nyo!Germany, she started to use "Julia", with the diminutive of "Julchen" ("-chen" is a form of endearment, like "small Julia" in this context) to differentiate it from more typically Slavic-sounding "Julia". It's still very popular name in Germany now, so I imagine it being the final version as for now (not like Prussia exists XD Sorry, I had to, I got Polish-Prussian heritage, so I can make that joke).
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mermaidinthecity · 1 month
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Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again World Premiere at the Eventim Apollo in London, England - July 16, 2018
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xstevex-world · 2 years
I love that as a fandom we just all collectively decided that Steve Harrington was an ABBA Stan - there was no discussion, just :
“Steve Harrington? Massive ABBA fan, plays them all the time. Has 12 different mixtapes of just ABBA songs. He has a VHS recording of the 1974 Eurovision Song Contest and a copy of the 1977 mockumentary “ABBA: The Movie”. He cried in 1980 when Agnetha & Björn finalised their divorced and again in 1981 when Anni-Frid & Benny did the same. He will lecture you if you forget the album “The Visitors”. He cried again when they announced the stage musical of Mamma Mia and absolutely used his “famous rockstar boyfriend/husband privileges” to get them invited to the movie premiere of the musical.”
We didn’t talk about this, we just decided that that was a fact and honestly, I love our collective braincell.
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