#mamma  mia 2
marvelousmerylstreep · 5 months
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everyone say thank you to meryl streep for providing a mamma mia and devil wears prada reunion at the same event 🙏🏻
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olyphant-tim · 11 months
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MAMMA MIA! HERE WE GO AGAIN (2018) dir. Ol Parker
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dcminions · 8 months
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LILY JAMES as DONNA SHERIDAN in mamma mia 2 : here we go again.
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runegifs · 1 month
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bumblesimagines · 1 month
you haven't changed a bit.
do you ever think about what happened between us?
you look really good. i'm happy for you.
Donna Sheridan
you haven't changed a bit.
do you ever think about what happened between us?
you look really good. i'm happy for you.
Pronouns: He/Him/His, M!Reader
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"Where the hell did Laz put it? Jesus." You hissed quietly under your breath, back aching from the time you spent crouched or bent over searching for the damn bottle of whiskey Lazaros had hidden for his own personal use after his mother had forbidden him from drinking in front of customers, not that the bar got any, to begin with, given Lazaros... unique singing and Sophia's often stern nature. "Next time I see him, I'm gonna-"
"(Y/N)! I've been looking everywhere for you, boy! Come meet our new singer." Sophia's voice sliced through the air, demanding and attention-grabbing as always, prompting you to flinch and lift your head only to slam right into the underside of the counter.
"Ow, fuck-"
"Language, (Y/N)." Sophia tsked as you properly wiggled out from under the counter and straightened up, one hand rubbing the sore spot on the back of your head. You heaved a sigh and spun on your heel, eyes drifting over the rather empty bar while you made your way to the end of the counter and finally took in the new singer. 
And she seemed just as surprised as you.
"(Y/N)?" A breathless, surprised, and giddy laugh escaped her as her eyes widened into saucers, the jaw-dropped look almost comical. You stared back at her in silence, your mind trying to piece together how your spunky ex from college managed to find you on a semi-remote Greek island. Donna moved first, practically throwing herself over the counter to wrap her arms around your shoulders. "I can't believe you're here! In Kalokairi, of all places! I mean, I know you mentioned you wanted to travel around Greece but I never expected the first place I visited to be where you were staying!"
"You know each other?" Sophia questioned, one brow arched as she watched Donna wiggle off the counter and plant her feet firmly back on the floor. Donna nodded excitedly in return, brushing some of her loose curls away from her face and laughing again. 
"Yeah! We, uh.. dated briefly in college and then... (Y/N) graduated and..." Donna trailed off, her fingers toying with a ring on her hand. Her teeth dug down into her bottom lip, a dejected look briefly appearing in her eyes. "We broke off. Totally mutual." She assured Sophia with a forceful laugh and you winced when you caught the squinty-eyed look Sophia shot your way.
"Good, good. This means you'll get along, right? That's good." Sophia pursed her lips, the look in her eye telling you that you'd receive an earful later. Donna had a way of making people like her, making them care for her. It seemed her charms even wormed their way into the stern, always straight-faced Sophia. "Feel free to warm up on the stage. I'm sure my son is... somewhere around here." 
"Oh, Laz went to see if Korianna would take him back. Again. With the whole band." 
"Ugh, God," Sophia sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of her nose and heading toward the back doors to retrieve her son from his ex's porch again. You watched her go, withholding the urge to snort until she was out of earshot and out the door. Turning back to Donna, you licked your lips and cleared your throat.
"Uhm... I'm sure you know your way around here. The band will be back soon but, as Sophia said, you can warm up in the meantime. I'm sure you'll bring in customers without them, though." You offered her a smile and glanced over your shoulder, eyeing the selection of drinks you could offer her. "Do you want a beer? Wine? Ouzo?"
"Maybe later." Donna dismissed with a wave of her hand, her brown eyes slowly raking over you. "You... you look really good. I'm happy for you. I never thought I'd find you here. I thought you'd be putting that law degree into use in Greece, not working in a bar in the middle of the ocean. What- What do your parents think about it?"
"And you haven't changed a bit." It was comforting, at the very least, to know Donna hadn't changed her spunky, adventurous nature despite the time that'd passed. She still sported her typical vibrant, almost hippie-esque clothes and was still a singer. She'd always performed wherever they let her back when you'd been attending Oxford. England, Bristol, Reading. At any place in dire need of entertainment, Donna and the Dynamos would show up and show out. "What does the Ruby Sheridan think of her daughter coming to a small, basically unknown island to sing for the locals? This isn't Las Vegas, you know." 
"Well, she doesn't think anything of it 'cause she doesn't know. Like always, she didn't bother showing up to my graduation." Donna rolled her eyes, head shaking slightly, but you caught the hurt that appeared on her face. Despite every complaint, every huff and puff, and insult she threw at her mother, Donna never stopped caring or hoping for Ruby to turn a loving eye toward her. "I went to Paris, you know. Sang there a night or two but something was telling me to come here... to come to you, I guess."
"Maybe if I'd said Spain instead of Greece, that something would've pulled you to Ibiza or Tenerife."
"Maybe," Donna repeated softly, bracing her arms against the counter, her curls tumbling over her shoulders and framing her face perfectly. She traced random shapes into the wood with her fingertip, eyes jumping between looking at you and staring at the counter. "Do... do you ever think about what happened between us? Two years is a long time. Longest relationship I've ever been in."
You pursed your lips and sighed, leaning against the counter and crossing your arms over your chest, head tilting toward some of the fishermen stepping into the bar for their evening beer before they headed back out into the water. You acknowledged them with a nod and fixed up their usual drinks, feeling Donna's eyes locked on your every move. You returned once finished and finally looked her back in the eye. "Sometimes. I- I don't really know what to make of it, Donna. My parents always said it was some whirlwind thing that wouldn't last in 'the real world' and your friends always said it was fated. I was... confused, I guess. I told my family I needed a break and heard of this island when I was in Chania so I came here, found a job and a place to live." 
"I just wished you would've waited for me. You know I would've said yes to traveling, to anything, with you." 
"I'm sorry." You apologized softly, reaching out to curl your fingers around her arm gently. "I'm glad you're here, though. I think you'll really like this place."
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brandyllyn · 2 months
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Baron Harkonnen Dune, 2024
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yourehotcupcakke · 1 year
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young donna sheridan
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juneberrie · 1 year
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🌱 mamma mia! here i go again . . .
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sydlorr · 1 year
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homosandhomies · 1 year
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A big thing I did that changed my life was to start noting important days in history and in fandoms on my calendar so I always have something to look forward to. Then, I started adding my own little traditions on the days. Like yes, I rewatch the first season of Good Omens every May 31st. And now I have to rewatch the second season every every July 28th. June 5th evening I watch Les Miserables and then for June 6th I wear red and black. Yes, I watch Mamma Mia 1 AND 2 on July 17th and only listen to ABBA. November 22nd and December 10th? Well sorry, I'm unavailable I'm mourning the deaths of (historical) Blackbeard and Stede Bonnet. But straight after, on November 23rd, it's the Doctor Who's anniversary! Who could miss rewatching a favourite season of Doctor Who? December 15th? Sobbing over Neil Perry's death and rewatching DPS DON'T GET ME STARTED ON THE HUNDREDS OF LOTR DAYS I USE AS EXCUSES TO REWATCH THE TRILOGY!
It's just a little something to help me keep looking forward and to make me excited about small, regular days. Sure, most of these are sad, but I get to rewatch content I love and start new traditions and I love that!
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marvelousmerylstreep · 4 months
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Just Meryl Streep and Cher at the Pre-Grammy Gala (2024)
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cybersexuality · 11 months
Tanya Chesham Leigh
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I've recently discovered everyone is wrong about Mamma Mia and I'm the only one who understands it
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animentality · 1 year
Physically I'm here, talking with you, mentally I'm on the fictional Greek island of Kalokairi, singing songs by Abba. Meryl Streep is also there.
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Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again (2018)
Director: Ol Parker
Cinematographer: Robert Yeoman
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