#man …. 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️
yrsonpurpose · 3 months
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"bodies are just bodies"
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guardiolas · 7 months
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kittyundercover1 · 3 months
He slayed too hard I’m afraid 😔🤌💙
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Season 1 WK episodes are just too good, man
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celiciaa · 5 months
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katasstrophy · 1 year
nsfw, minors do not interact!
i literally cannot stop thinking about service dom! sanzu head stuffed so so full of him<3 you’d think he’s all mean degrading in bed but this man literally devoted his life to serving one man without expecting a lick of appreciation for it you praising and pleading soft and sweet for him drives him mad with devotion he’s a goner he’d treat you so well he’d give you literally everything you ever wanted if only to keep you singing for him and him alone i– i suddenly can’t breathe
“how’s that feel, angel, hm? always lookin’ like a shit– like a fucking vision speared on ma’ cock. all f’ me, yeah? use your big girl words, baby, tell me.”
“so good, haru, so, so good– you always make me feel so good. i love it, mmm i love you. please make me cum, please wanna cum. wanna feel good f’you.”
“fuck, baby. only one who can make you cum so good, right? fuck– fuck, that’s it, hold on f’me i got you pretty girl. always gonna, always gonna make you feel so fucking blissed out because m’ yours, yeah?”
“mmhm yeah, only you, baby. only one for me ‘s you, always feel so good with you, haru– you’re mine.”
nothing– absolutely nothing makes sanzu lose control more than you claiming ownership over him, praise spilling from your lips like a confession until there’s only you, underneath him, clinging to him, wanting him, overwhelming his mind and senses as he plows you into the mattress until you’re sobbing and keening for him, granting your every pleasure and desire <3
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autistic-daydreamer · 6 months
I believe each of the og foxfire kiddos are allowed to go batshit crazy and in fact should.
Fitz and Sophie especially since they're like,, the closest to slipping and have every right but lowkey wanna see Biana and Dex just go "Yeah murder"
Keefe should be the only one that doesn't because he's tired
And Marella who's technically apart of the og group is also there going "wtf"
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whereismyhat5678 · 4 months
I said I was gonna do it. I said I was gonna do it. I said I was-😵‍💫😵‍💫⏱️⏱️
Wait- oh what happened?…Why was I- OH LORD-
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How did this depressed looking Gustavo get in my-
(Tw:….Self….harm..? Yeah that’s self harm, he’s pulling his hair out)
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Evil Peppino REALLY fucked him up….
Evil Peppino when I catch you 🧍‍♀️🔪
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pookiepiastri · 3 months
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🦅 Siri play American Boy by Estelle 🦅
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baeshijima · 7 months
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i made the french toast and it smells so good
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torhues · 2 years
kageyama tobio.
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kageyama doesn't have a high alcohol tolerance.
in fact, he doesn't have any— maybe a little bit— but mostly no, and yet still, he doesn't refuse whenever someone offers him a drink. you've been over this many times, telling him that drinking is not volleyball and continuing to drink probably won't improve his tolerance, though your effort is of no avail.
because if it were, you wouldn't have been standing inside a restaurant-bar at eleven pm, watching the alder's trying to get a hold of an almost-passed-out kageyama tobio, who, for some reason, smiles the moment you enter his currently blurry field of vision.
"we're sorry you had to come here this late," ushijima apologises while you throw kageyama's arms over your shoulder, making sure he doesn't fall because of the lack of sense of balance. "i could've dropped him home but he insisted on going with you,"
which is another reason why you want him to stop drinking.
while being your best friend makes him one of your top priorities, it absolutely doesn't mean he can call you at the most ungodly hours and have you pick him up after heavy drinking sessions. and even if he does, he can at least try to be a little decent and cooperate instead of saying that you're the one who's drunk and he will drive you back to your place and even look after you for the rest of the night.
"tobio, i don't think i'm the one who needs supervision today," a sigh escapes your lips as you manage to get him on the back seat of your car.
"i will look after you so, don't worry," he replies in a chanting tone.
it's quiet now.
you steal a glance at him through the front-view mirror. kageyama is busy basking in the city noise and street lights. cold winds brush past the rosy dust on his cheeks, his blueberry eyes telling a story of a million stars under the crescent moon, as if they're communicating in a language so foreign for the humankind to comprehend.
these are the moments when you realise that one could ask why you like kageyama, and you could give a thousand reasons why you're actually in love with him.
"do you know, we lost today," he speaks above the blaring horns of vehicles. kageyama sounds sober, or maybe it's just the mood that has gotten him in such tones.
"is that why you drank too much?" while your works keep up with his', your mind is busy focusing on driving as your filter through the traffics. on other days, the roads would've been quieter, a little emptier. though, the weekends are not.
kageyama exhales heavily. "maybe,"
and it gets quiet once again.
kageyama isn't a talkative person in the first place. he has always been the quieter one, the person who succeeds in silence, finds solace in lack of noise, but having him stay quiet next to you feels out of place. the reason is far away from the usual 'he talks a lot when he warms up to the people,' because in most cases, it's not true, and it wasn't for you either.
none of you talked properly until a year or two ago, and just when you had started getting to know each other, you had to move to veinna for an exchange student programme you applied to; and ironically enough, you bumped into each other at a bar a few months earlier. turns out, kageyama only ever talks if he has a lot on his mind. he distracts himself by striking conversations, but when he's quiet, his mind is empty, and he ends up overthinking, blaming himself for things that weren't his fault.
but, you realise you can't do anything, so you let the rest of the ride pass by in heavy silence.
"are you still thinking about the match?" the question leaves your mouth the moment you park in front of his flat, holding the door open for him to get out the car. "it's fine, winning and losing are by products. what matters is that you gave your best,"
it's funny because you're in no position to say that when you frown upon the exact same things. winning and losing, despite being secondary to effort and hard work, mean more to people. no one cares what you've gone through, or what you are going through. no one cares about the process, they care about the product. it's one of the new things that make you feel that you and kageyama aren't so different, after all, despite being polar opposites.
kageyama and you have been on opposite tracks ever since the day you met, and it doesn't even have to do with your zodiacs and personality— you don't like sports, while he earns off them— and, you don't know how you both got to a point where he's the person you trust blindly and you're the one he seeks for in the dead of the nights. it's something that comforts you while reminding you how you both have completely different worlds. perhaps, it's in the habits and insecurities that follow, or the simple realisation that kageyama is a star while you're just a planet revolving around.
there's a line between him and you that's stopping you from entering his world, and vice-versa.
"tobio," you call him again, putting an extra emphasis to get his head out of the pool of self-depreciating thoughts he's drowning into.
"i'm thinking about something else," you unluck his door, he turns around to face you, "i'm thinking about you,"
he settles his eyes on you, fixating them there for a better look as if he has never seen you before. kageyama doesn't get out of the car and instead, spends the next five minutes staring at you as you stare back at him with the same interest, or perhaps more, before he breaks into a soft chuckle. "you're cute,"
and his words leave you speechless.
you don't want to overthink and assume a complete different meaning of his words, changing the trajectory of your relationship— which is actually what you want but, not this way— you decide to play along. "well, i believe i'm more than just cute for being the one to pick you up whenever you're wasted—"
"and pretty," a pause follows, one that makes you forget how to breathe. "you're beautiful, and smart— maybe not smart, or a little bit smart— and you always listen to me despite having your own problems, you have a good alcohol tolerance which balances us out— i don't know what i'm saying," your heart skips a beat, "i think i'm in love with you,"
"you're drunk, tobio,"
"no, no— listen," but he insists, taking a step towards you with the most troubled expression because you are not getting him— it's makes complete sense in his head. "you're like a perfect set, like, like the one that makes my heart skip a beat and makes me so nervous but also puts me at ease and is the reason— no wait, fuck, i mean—"
"you don't know what you're saying," you interject with a chuckle, trying to put up a normal front while in reality, you're losing sense of everything because kageyama is confessing to you; and, it's both an honour and a shame because he is intoxicated at the moment.
"i don't," he exhales.
kageyama falls quiet once again. there's dejection on his face along with hints of desperation to voice his exact feelings, to make sure you understand how he feels about you, and you know his words couldn't me clearer, but he is drunk. you know better than trusting saccharine words laced with smell of alcohol, although you would've already kissed him if you were braver and he was sober.
"but i really love you," he speaks up again, chanting the same words as a mantra, "i really do love you,"
"you should g—"
"more than volleyball," it's serious, he wants you to know, because kageyama told you that volleyball was his first love, and now he puts you above it.
another step towards, his hands brush against yours before he links he index finger with yours. you almost give in, almost, finding it hard to control yourself through the close proximity between him and you. it feels like the time has stopped when his eyes settle on your lips. you find yourself getting drunk on the alcohol in the breathe, or the way his lips are barely centimeters away from yours. "i love you,"
your hands rake up his chest, a moment of regret floods over your mind, you push kageyama away. "say that again when you're sober,"
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stxph-artist · 1 month
check on your fellow reverie audios enjoyers, we’re going insane 😭
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willowcreektrait · 8 months
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JULES JACKSON : ❛ P-please but I'm a prom queen! you can't kill me! ❜
Jules and Kazuo's relationship is a complex web of mutual admiration and unspoken tension. As the school's reigning Prom Queen and picture-perfect jock, they are both aware of their respective popularity and their roles in the social hierarchy. Jules sees Kazuo as the embodiment of physical perfection, a symbol of her own elevated status, and secretly appreciates his presence. On the other hand, Kazuo views Jules as the stunning queen of the school, acknowledging her charm and charisma. However, their interactions are laced with a hint of unspoken attraction, and beneath the facade of their individual perfection lies a curiosity and yearning to explore what exists beyond the surface.
Jules and Jackucho share a complex dynamic within the halls of Copperdale High. As the school's Prom Queen and the peppy cheerleader, they embody two very different aspects of high school popularity. Jules, with her poised demeanor, views Jackucho with a mixture of amusement and exasperation, appreciating her vivacious energy but often finding her overwhelming. In contrast, Jackucho idolizes Jules, perceiving her as the epitome of beauty and grace. She yearns for Jules' attention and seeks to emulate her in every way, with a relentless crush hidden beneath her bubbly exterior. The two girls, despite their differences, navigate the complexities of high school, with their relationship characterized by a blend of amusement, adoration, and a hint of rivalry.
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In the eerie and nostalgic setting of "The bay has eyes," Jules embodies the essence of the "Prom Queen" stereotype, echoing the themes of 80s and 90s slasher horror. Despite her seemingly untouchable popularity and poised exterior, her survival in the face of terror is far from guaranteed. Jules doesn't meet her fate early on, but her status as a potential final girl hinges on her resilience and resourcefulness, qualities that become evident as the story unfolds. While she isn't a scream queen in the traditional sense, her charisma and captivating presence lend an air of drama to the unfolding horrors, making her a compelling character.
Jules starts off without a conventional weapon, relying more on her wits and adaptability. Her stats reflect her personality, with high charisma and a good balance of physical attributes, showcasing her athleticism and presence. As the story unfolds, Jules unveils her survival instincts, shedding her prom queen exterior to reveal her inner strength.
Her character is more of a red herring than oblivious, her determination to be crowned prom queen occasionally overshadowing the true nature of the threat. Jules is willing to fight fiercely to attain her desired title, even if it means facing the terrifying dangers of the bay.
Her speed in pursuit is remarkable, a reflection of her athletic prowess and determination, enabling her to outpace danger when the need arises. In the complex world of "The bay has eyes," Jules' character is a layered portrayal of a seemingly perfect prom queen who must dig deep within herself to confront the horrors lurking in the shadows.
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guardiolas · 7 months
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s0lona · 10 months
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Something silly
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fatuismooches · 10 months
Hiii ive been wondering how it would turns out if dottore and the reader eventually disagrees on something and had a fight instead 😭 dottore would literally stands firm to his point and wouldnt let the reader win
Haha yes you're right, the Doctor is quite stubborn. Tighnari says that he's quite arrogant and extremely confident in himself and his abilities. Which is completely true lol. Though you're the only one he really has arguments with (besides Pantalone maybe) since everyone else is way too scared to even look in his direction. And even if they did he'd shut them down really quickly. But since you're the only person he views as an equal to him, Dottore would be more open to listening to your opinion. Even still it's very hard to change his mind or make him see a flaw in his logic. Though you have helped him learn about the phenomenon known as "love", sometimes it still doesn't register in his mind that being a lover comes with "obvious" responsibilities like the need to compromise and listen every now and then. He doesn't understand why you're upset, he's the one being rational here no? He can't see any holes in his reasoning. Depending on how upset or irritated you are it'll probably slip his mind or leave him confused for the rest of the day. Especially if you give him the silent treatment. He really hates that. And he might even get mad at you for being "petty." (As if he's not the one being unreasonable 💀)
A lot of times it ends up with his child clone being huffy and annoyed at him. The child clone has the most freedom of expression/emotions out of all of them. The kid segment would actually understand that your feelings were hurt and that Dottore needs to do something otherwise you're "leaving him forever." Even Pantalone gets wind of the situation and started lecturing about "fair exchange" to him *cough how you always do/have done a bunch for things for him so it's only right he does the same cough* Though Dottore's way of showing love is unconventional he really does care for you in his own crazy way so he really doesn't want you to be mad all the time.
I can't see Dottore giving you a downright apology, but when he comes around (which may take a while) you can tell he's actually given some more thought to the argument and does feel a bit bad for neglecting to see your perspective. Perspective is quite important to him in general and your one is definitely at the top of the list. He might not have necessarily been won over to your side, but he has understood you a bit better. Bear with him, it's a learning process.
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The transmasc struggle of getting ur hair cut and the hair stylist giving u a “women’s cut” so instead of a cool little guy you look like a 70 year old lady, because ur too scared to go to a barber in ur conservative little small town :)
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