#man doesn’t know what women children OR sex are. how did he manage to solve that equation twice over
“A Book I Read”
It took three very patient friends of mine to encourage me to finish reading this. I took notes the whole way through, and I am now sharing those in hope of finding loving community with my fellow haters.
Important context:
I loved Eragon, which came out when I was roughly eleven
Christopher Paolini was the first author to ever disappoint me
I used to love epic fantasy, until feminism, coming out, and learning about literary criticism made me just too mean to enjoy it
Since 2015, whenever I’ve had writer’s block, I’ve found inspiration by looking at this screenshot:
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Christopher has managed to create a life where his mum has never stopped doing his laundry or his editing for him. He has never worked a job in his life. He has infinite time to work on his craft, and yet, with all of those advantages, he writes the way he does. I don’t hate him, but I do want to destroy him in single combat.
17 November 2023
I forgot how obsessed this man is with proving he knows rare words. Picking up my phone to google the word “trenchant”.
He really just didn’t want to say the dragon had a sharp sense of humour huh? Oh, no, it’s TRENCHANT. It wasn’t even for dialogue I identified as comedy but Murtagh thought it was TRENCHANT. He and Thorn have been alone in the wilderness for too long
Of course the protagonist has grown a beard. He’s A Man Now.
I have a theory that this book is about coming to terms with marriage. Murtagh is like “our bond… our bond that lasts until death… the oldest magic… only the two of us understand each other. But, we’re also trapped with each other,” and I’m like hm. Fascinating. Say more
Instantly Murt befriends a child, to prove he is good really.
It’s so weird to read a book by a grown man with kids who is like “how did we all start out so innocent and pure…” like have you MET five year olds
This whole fork fight scene makes me feel second hand embarrassment deep in my soul. It’s SO This Guy Is The Best And Coolest
“Fencing with effortless ease” I do not care how well trained he is: you cannot kill four men with long swords by stabbing them with a little fork in “four hard impacts.” It’s just not happening.
I’m really dwelling on the idea of magic as “imposing your will” on something. It’s very.., something. Murtagh cleans his shirt by “imposing his will on the garment” like. Okay, I suppose in a way that is how all laundry is done, but it’s. Hm.
How come he’ll clean a shirt with magic but not shave with magic? Why are these books SO obsessed with beards and shaving and how to do shave and using magic for shaving etc etc, Eragon was also majorly preoccupied with this
Paolini’s got so many complexes on the page. All the “we’re half brothers and your dad killed my dad” stuff is A LOT
The naming stuff… SMH what would Ursula Le Guin say about all this
I’m obsessed with how even as (gasp) an OUTCAST!! Murtagh can’t not be the coolest guy ever for any time at all. It’s like a disease
Giving the child the enchanted killing fork was the worst decision ever made. Murtagh gives her a murder weapon and is then moping like “what’s it like… to live without killing…” literally pages later.
I’m really startled that Murt is delighted to see a tiny flying magical grass boat come down from the sky and circle him instead of being like “wtf, I’m being Watched,” which would be the true act of a man we are told is paranoid
I just got to the bit where Murtagh offhandedly says that magic users who “are the heaviest” always have the most spell reserves.
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Like……… what???? Magic eats your fat?? It burns glucose??
You could be a better mage if you just, ate a bunch of raspberry frogs before each fight??????
It’s food powered??? You really want to go there, Paolini????? Wizards in the candy shop, eating sweeties like Mistborns?
GOD, if only Galbatorix had chugged a bottle of red cordial before his last big fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(I return after losing my mind about this to my partner for forty minutes)
If it was “if you’re hungry you can’t FOCUS” I’d get it. But I always assumed it was like, you know how other fantasy does it? Some kind of pool of ADDITIONAL energy that you are accessing and that can be used up (until you go too far and start using life force or whatever). Like, it’s CHANNELLING it that makes you tired, not that it’s literal food energy.
Murtagh is always running or doing his sword forms or whatever and now I’m like “DUDE, NO!!!?!? DON’T BURN YOUR WIZARD CALORIES!!?!?”
I like when magic can’t do EVERYTHING, when it’s consistent or limited in some way, but I do hate the idea that it’s this predictable. Food energy becomes raw magical power. I GUESS.
(A little later)
Screaming at the suggestion Thorn can tell when Murtagh is horny.
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I don’t like the euphemisms. It makes it worse
The fact he can’t talk to his dragon whenever they’re “too far apart” (distance never specified) is making me insane. Why did I pick up the dragon riding book if it’s mostly about leaving your dragon locked up at the bike rack
I know Thorn is basically a rescue dog with anxiety, but it bothers me how much he’s left on his own. The narrative just has no idea what to use him for other than speedy transport for the first um… 200 pages, it seems? He’s meant to be his own creature with his own intelligence. He doesn’t go anywhere without Murtagh though. So what is he doing all the time
I think Paolini WANTS his world to be big and mysterious (his introduction literally just keeps saying things in the world of the story are mysterious) but he HAS to keep explaining everything
24 November 2023
I’ve figured out something that annoys me about the world of this book, in terms of just how the worldbuilding is not actually that magical. It has the D&D problem!!! Which is to say that every regular person on earth is Level One and every important character is like, level 12. And part of what makes that even worse is that all women in this world are level zero.
I’ve been watching my friend Chris play the first Alan Wake game and we realised that all the faceless enemies that are possessed by Evil in the game are… working class men. The protagonist is this literate wealthy New York writer who is constantly killing faceless workers—farmers, loggers, coal miners, builders. And that’s not an INTENTIONAL commentary by the game, but it’s very revealing. And This book is the same in that: there is no such thing as a complicated poor person. They’re all either Dirty Evil or Dirty Good. Murtagh is going around, writing poetry in his head and inventing magical computer code, and then every child is an urchin who is like Oi Guvnah, and every dad is gruff, and every woman is worried.
The language used to describe everyone who isn’t a Fighting Man is so demeaning. And even then, we only need to respect the leaders of those men. The leaders are the only ones with depth who might need to be taken seriously.
It’s like Murtagh has a tally in his head where he is going “finally, a guy who is level 6”!
Most people in this world exist to deliver information to the protagonist.
Paolini either thinks his readers are too dumb to understand that his characters exist between scenes, or he doesn’t understand himself that we don’t need to see every time Murtagh enters a city under a new name and how he does it. Or know what he ate for dinner and how he prepared it and where he slept and what he dreamed and, and, and—
It’s weird because Paolini is being self indulgent as fuck but it is NOT fun to read. This dude really just needs to go write a survival story or something… A guy in the woods depending on nothing but his wits and his axe and his beard and his libertarian values
I don’t understand the stakes at play. All the magic scenes with Mind Penetration are so sudden and hard to actually understand as action. And the way it works is about brute force, so the dragon is not going to be at risk of being taken over except by another, even bigger dragon
It would be fun to read the Murtagh city sleuth segments if Thorn was backseat driving a little. I think that their bond should not get thinner over distance. The fact that it does just defeats the point of a magical bond.
Why does the dragon have to stay so far away? Like… it’s established that there’s a spell to conceal a dragon from sight. Dude. You could just go fucking invisible
There’s so many decisions that just are so bonkers to have made. The whole fetch quest for information pissed me off so bad. “You have to join the guard” (40 pages of emotions about uniforms ensue). This guy learned about plots from video games
Paolini had kids apparently, but you can tell he doesn’t really understand kids. “How do they all start out so innocent and pure,” says a man who has never heard a seven year old describe someone being killed by farts before.
The description of Murtagh carrying a cat that doesn’t want to be carried is very funny. I don’t know if Paolini has ever carried a cat before. If you’re carrying a cat that doesn’t want to be carried close to your chest, and you tighten your grip when it squirms… say goodbye to your nipples, my man
It’s strange how much Paolini doesn’t explore the things that seem to be the point. FOR EXAMPLE, the fantasy soul bond trope loves to say “even during sex!??! 👀” because it’s about INTIMACY, and some alien presence always being there. The dragon rider trope is popular because dragons are powerful and wise but also Beasts. Magic is fun to read about because it can do things that can’t be explained.
Paolini’s world is big, but nothing in it has any real substance. Nothing in it has any real consequence, and it makes it impossible to really invest in anything that happens. None of these poor city folks have a life once they leave the scene of delivering Murtagh information… or if they are a woman, delivering him a hot meal. There’s no sense of a world that exists outside Murtagh’s point of view!
25 November 2023
The towns so far don’t feel at all distinctive to me! I was interested in the one with the massive lake, but then it having this massive fish in it was the only point of interest. It would be fun to have been like “oh the fish has ruined our summer festival! It’s ruined the nobility pleasure cruises! It’s also eating fishermen!” Or “Why do all these fishing boats have huge spikes on the prow? Well,”
Again, these guys are all level one in peasant dirt town. They have no capacity for individual thought and no ability to adapt.
It’s like Paolini doesn’t know what makes people and places in fantasy feel distinct, or have culture. It’s so evident in how much he HASN’T thought about. For example, the bonkers amount of restrictive gender norms that he doesn’t seem AT ALL CONSCIOUS OF? Everyone who died in the war was A Man. No women died in the war. But that hasn’t resulted in any social changes. There aren’t more women doing work, for example, like being fishermen
I remember being thirteen or so and reading the bit in the second book where Arya explains to Eragon that she’s better and stronger than a human woman, because she is an elf, so Eragon doesn’t have to worry about her in battle. I was this kid there like “man, that sucks. I assume he’s coming back to that assumption later,” and… he never did. He still hasn’t. And that sucks
The dragon riders were not THAT long ago, in the world of these books. It makes me wonder—were none of them human women? I always assumed that some were human women, but… did dragons only choose elf men, elf women, and human men? If they chose human women, then even being accepted into a paramilitary dragon force didn’t change gender expectations in the rest of the world. What the fuck. He’s really never thought about this.
Women keep showing up as cunning-mysterious, as humble dirtmothers, or as innocent children. Oh my god I’m just describing maiden mother crone. That’s all he’s capable of.
I just got up to where he rescues the werecat baby (innocent girl child) and settles in to hear the stories of elder werecat (cunning-mysterious)
I noticed the Arya Problem with how Nasuada is described in this book, too. Every woman has to be the best, most capable, most powerful woman ever, to be worth the attention of The Boys. Otherwise they can’t respect her. Only two literal queens can be considered worthy of just two average guys who got pet lizards. Even then, they’re not actual equals.
“She still empathised for me.” Yes, don’t worry, Murtagh, I remember that’s what women are for.
I should note that the reason Nasuada is considered so powerful and so much worthy of his love and is her strength as a person. This is proven in the Eragon books because “she still empathised” with Murtagh whilst he was medieval torturing her. He was medieval torturing her for like… most of a book and that’s how they fell in love. Because she could see in his eyes that this guy torturing her… was Complicated. He didn’t really WANT to be medieval torturing her so she actually felt worse for him than he felt about how he was (and I can’t stress this enough) medieval torturing her
I just can’t imagine that THE QUEEN OF A WHOLE CONTINENT would still prefer the guy who sadly tortured her. He’s her top preference. Out of EVERY OTHER MAN IN THE WORLD
I put the book down until the day before I was meant to have finished the book for book club:
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10 March 2024: from page 274 onwards
The evil witch is called BACHEL?????!!?!??!? Fucking BACHEL. Pronounced “buh-SHELL”, the guide at the back says. You changed one letter in Rachel, don’t lie to me Paolini
I got so mad being reminded the evil king Galbatorix was defeated by “Eragon forcing empathy upon him” so that he magically exploded himself out of guilt that I had to put the book down and complain to Charlie for five straight minutes
I guess that’s why Galbatorix made Murtagh torture Nasuada for him. He knew that if he’d done it himself she would have empathised with him too hard and he would’ve exploded himself
Murtagh has never met a single person he has respected. Murtagh is the specialest boy in all the land. Eragon had to leave the country because they were both too special to share a continent
Murtagh decided on where to go and he was immediately surrounded by armed guards who took him to where the plot was
Paolini uses the fucking word “admixed” while discussing EATING A PIE. The flavours admixed in his mouth. Just because you know a word… doesn’t mean it’s a word to deploy about eating a pie
I HATE how the only people strong enough to do the strongest magic are Elves Or Human Riders. It’s fucking magic my guy! Why is it checking your goddamn DNA! Also, hey! Wasn’t it supposed to come down to the strongest wizards being the guys who ate the most for lunch?
In a world of Magic how come every wizard battle ultimately comes down to who is a better Professor X?? I came here for fireballs, not Mind Battles. I don’t care about your Mental Wards
Hahaha Murtagh!!! Get trapdoored, bitch!!!!
Dragon panic attacks: conceptually cool but a bit ?? Like ah… the plot literally comes to scoop him up and carry him away. Yet again something outside of Murtagh makes a decision for him about what to do next
Murtagh’s poetry is going to make me explode myself like Galbatorix in book 4
If there’s something I like about this book so far it’s just the bits where he and Thorn are camping. Not flying, because then Murtagh is using the time to think and that’s horrible. The bits where they make campfires or whatever feel like something is actually happening. A guy and his dragon hanging out
Man. The way this novel is plotted really reminds me that it’s not actually that hard to write a book.
Murtagh goes to the evil village (oh yeah there’s an evil village. It is where Bachel lives. She is evil because she does magic without using the magic language). The village is called:
But I couldn’t remember this so I kept referring to it in my head by another, more familiar, name
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Murtagh is so freaked out by finding a village with architecture that he doesn’t recognise. He’s like “My god!!! Nasuada has to be warned!!!” Ok but about what??? New ways of building pillars???? The art deco movement threatens the land??
Kinda fascinated by how much this village represents a threat to CULTURE. The architecture, the people… Everything about it so far is designed to be A Foreign Threat. The inhabitants are Of All Races (except elves they are too cool too pure etc). The humans have A VARIETY OF SKIN COLOURS, which memorably never happens in Alagaesia, a continent once explicitly described in the Eragon books as only having two (2) black people on it at all (then one died) (the other is Nasuada) (the one who died was her dad)
This guy with a goatee isn’t quite human. He is maybe part urgal and he is so uncomfortable to look at! Mainly he has arms that are a bit too long!! Bachel isn’t a human and also isn’t an elf, and that’s also deeply unsettling.
Bachel also fundamentally represents a threat to THE STRUCTURING POWER OF LANGUAGE, huh??
Bachel is so far the most interesting character in the book!
Murtagh is so upset and confused when Bachel calls him “my son” like… I’m cryign. “But she’s not my mother! I know my mother!!” he thinks, in a panic.
If this was a fantasy novel written twenty to thirty years ago, then the sexual tension between Murtagh and Bachel would be absolutely insane. Alas, this is a world of abstinence, and sexuality is only ever meaningful looks between a queen and the guy who tortured her (it is weird how he keeps caressing Nasuada’s face on the gold coins)
It’s very funny that Bachel has specifically fourteen warriors. The prose keeps telling us that there’s fourteen of them. So you get Murtagh stepping forwards and then sentences like “the fourteen warriors attending Bachel shifted”
She seems like a perfectly normal cult leader to me? Why is she automatically a threat to Nasuada! How come the two of them can’t arrange a toxic political marriage that becomes… something more 😉😉😉
Nothing annoys me more in this book than Murtagh being able to identify specific vintages of wine. It keeps happening and it pisses me off
Bachel is a half elf!!! “It had never occurred to him that such a thing might be possible.” This is truly and absolutely unbelievable to me. Nobody in this world ever has sex
How did it take so long to get to such an objectively cool village!!! Like this is just a cool place!!! Sorry that Nar Nar Goon is evil but like FINALLY something has style
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Three thoughts at once:
I’m so bored that Paolini’s mind can’t get more interesting than temple virgins, let alone wearing white to represent ritualistic purity. Like… nobody in this world fucks anyway, why does it matter!
Murtagh should also wear white all the time
Lesbianism doesn’t count as a violation of being temple chosen. Alín is wearing lesbianism
Paolini has never once written a woman who is Normal. He just can’t conceive of it. You can feel how he starts sweating.
Murtagh finally realised it was a cult. What sets it apart as a cult is that the followers appear to be “half-wits” to him
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I’m going to detransition to break his fucking neck
Paolini has learned nothing since he had a woman deliver the exact same line in like 2008. The fact that another editor just thumbsed this up. The fact that this is in a book published in 2023. Well, now I’m REALLY embarking on an antagonistic reading: that’s right, I am reading women as capable.
Obsessed with Bachel. She is a girlboss and I’m a feminist xxx
Book is constantly weird about how much she is capable of eating and drinking at her feasts and how it makes her appear swollen and bloated etc etc. Murtagh is so weirded out by this because he feels it is unfeminine… as though she is not a witch and we weren’t told earlier that how much magic you have is directly equal to how much you eat. (Meanwhile he is only picking at his food and eating just enough of it ‘to be polite’ as though this is not making a decision to have less magic than her)
She has so much charisma compared to anyone else in the book. If my choices are her or Murtagh then sign me up boys!!!
Okay but much like how this would’ve been a VERY charged relationship 30 years ago, I’m weirdly disappointed Bachel she isn’t not described as megahot? Like the book keeps telling me about this virginal templemaiden or whatever, because Murtagh is only attracted to women he can rescue. But I’m actually just like… I think this woman is hot. Tell me more about her. It’s wild that this book is written by a guy like Paolini, who told me all about Oromis’ pubic hair in 2008, and who barely thinks women are people. Yet he doesn’t want to discuss her tiddies?
This book could, and should! have started when Murtagh landed his dragon in the evil village of Nar Nar Goon. That’s the point that stuff got actually interesting. Everything before this was literally video game fetch quest logic plotting that earned him the right to fly to Nar Nar Goon.
Boar hunt. More like BORED hunt. And then suddenly there are so many pigs, a comical number of them flying everywhere
This motherfucker using the phrase “the boar was lying athwart him” in a sentence in an action scene????
Murtagh is nearly dead and the boar is lying athwart him?
I’m going back in time and bullying the author at school
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RIP Murtagh, trambled to death by 30-50 wild hogs
Oh god every time someone knocks Murtagh out he has a vision or a bad dream or a flashback or whatever and it’s so tiring
“EXISTENCE WAS A TOMB WHEREIN THE SINS OF THE PAST LAID INTERRED???” Do you ever read a sentence that sounds so much like the author is jerking it? “All had been lost, and there before him lay the instrument of their destruction” he is furiously jerking it oh my god. “Destroyer of hope, eater of light” oh, god, he’s still going
…This book is. Weird about mothers
Murtagh flies into a rage because Bachel mercy killed a guy who was dying bc of boar trampling because “I COULD HAVE HEALED HIM!!!!!” And the mercy killing is proof it is a cult. Because doing it Bachel’s way meant the guy was too relaxed and at peace when he died
Paolini’s family were in a cult, as I understand. So it’s kind of weird how much he doesn’t really understand how being in a cult works
I don’t really remember how religion works in this world, but I do remember tuning out of a long boring passage in book 2 or 3 where Eragon learned about all the gods and decided he was an atheist. It’s especially weird to be like “holy shit, an EVIL religion??!” In a book where religion has absolutely never come up before now
Oh my god, Alìn was whipped for being ‘too familiar’ with Murtagh!!! That’s because she’s so pure and a helpless victim girl in all white :’((
In my mind Bachel and Alìn COULD be in a fucked up lesbian relationship with bad BDSM etiquette. Of course Paolini can’t imagine a world where women have enough personality or agency to fall in toxic love with each other. Also even though he has people tied up and strapped down and whipped and being tortured etc in every book don’t think he knows that BDSM like. Exists. Boooooo
Murtagh: killing one guy who is dying of a punctured lung is the ultimate evil!
Also Murtagh: I know an invisibility spell, but to sneak out of my room I am going to suffocate seven men to death
Genuinely upsetting to read those men dying. He made it impossible for air to enter or exit their lungs with a word. Veins popping clawing at faces etc. God, what a way to go. So unnecessarily cruel. Yep, there goes the good guy
The main way the village is evil is that there are unsettling carvings everywhere. Paolini read some Lovecraft, but he did not understand what was up with it. Or maybe he did, because this book did get a lot more weird about Racial Purity once Murtagh arrived in Lovecraft Village
11 March 2024
There’s a bloodstain that “filled Murtagh with the apprehension of evil” and it confused me because these books are so gory. Earlier he killed four men with a fork. But like oh yeah I guess it’s because when Murtagh murders people now it’s bloodless. I guess. His murders are good you see
This chapter is called The Bad Sleep-Well you can tell Paolini thought he was a real genius for this one
Okay but why are there bats… roosting… in a cave… at night. And why is Murtagh worried that red light will risk waking them? Animals cannot see red light?? SOME FARM BOY YOU ARE, PAOLINI
Okay I have to stop nitpicking. I have to restrain myself until my Vyvanse kicks in
“Murtagh felt a sense of not just age but antiquity. Whoever had built the stairs had done so long before Alagaesia had been a settled place. What was it Bachel had said? That the cultists had lived in Nal Gorgoth since before elves were elves... He was starting to think she had told the truth.”
Sorry uhhhh, Alagaesia was settled?? When they talk about The Grey Ones, are they talking about a race PRIOR TO COLONISATION?????????
“He continued forward. Deeper into the womb of the earth. Deeper into the black unknown, seeking, seeking, always seeking a farther shore, every sense razor-sharp and razor-scraped, skin all goosefleshed, cold sweat dripping down the back of his neck and gathering around his belted waist.”
God it’s so overwrought...
He found the well!!
Oh my god. The well is a natural magic hotspot and that means it “wasn’t the sort of thing that the Draumar ought to have dominion over.” It’s a natural resource???
“Not that he would want Du Vrangr Gata to assume control over such an important location either. This was exactly what the Riders had been created for: to oversee and mediate that which could destabilize the land.”
Murtagh is going to bring democracy to the Middle East
He’s too scared to mentally contact his dragon with Bachel around. If he was a proper horse girl he would find a way
Oh Galbatorix BECAME evil because he met Bachel and she manipulated him. Haha oh dear. No, you can’t just come to the conclusion the dragon rider paramilitary force who controls the resources are bad on your own. Not just because they sent you into the mountains when they knew it was dangerous and wanted to find out if you’d be killed up there! No, a manipulation had to have happened
It’s funny to me that the evil ancient witch queen who lives in seclusion in the mountains uses the new name for the city of Uru’baen. Oh no, she knows it as Ilirea. She’s hundreds and hundreds of years old. You know what that is? Evidence of Find And Replace, to me.
Bachel’s eyes are “glowing with fevered ecstasy.” I could make her feel that way. Also. Because, I know about sex
Always with the fucking passing out at the end of the chapter for Christopher James Paolini
NOW Bachel is being described appropriately as a hottie. FINALLY. GOD! It only took Murtagh being mind controlled in his brain but I. I!!! I could see the glorious light of truth!!
“He followed, dumb and wildered.” Well, not as much as that sentence. (You can be bewildered. But can you ever just be wildered????)
The dedication to making Murtagh the most pitiful little meow meow in existence in the Galbatorix flashbacks I’m… what happened to the joys of a guy who is evil because he was convinced or was tricked, not because he was fully brain abused???
The Urgals are racially… uncomfortable. Yellow eyes and Murtagh just straight up saying “how do you speak English”
The evil guys have masks and they put them on and like channel the animals the masks are of and on one hand it’s an idea I THINK is cool but also combined with the everything it really has this “tribal stuff is threatening” vibe all over it
“What do you want, witch?”
“I want you.”
Obsessed with how he’s shackled to a table and there’s still an incredible lack of sexual energy to this scene. This is like a day at the office for both of them.
… oh, but she is wearing claws and claws DOES equal a threat of penetration. Maybe a little sexual? As a treat??
Him being tortured reminds him of torturing Nasuada. Wow, it was their first date!
It’s just like. It’s fucked up imo. She should never kiss you Murtagh!!!
Is anything more boring than a torture scene.
Also, was he not drugged right before this scene? How is he able to mentally evade her and power his wards etc?
I’m mad that when he’s brought fancy foods by Alìn he doesn’t share his food with Ubek the Urgal
Oh my god Ubek tells him a story where the moral is just him outright saying at the end, “it’s important to stay close to the people we care for, even if we don’t always fit in so easily” lmao. Subtlety of a mallet
Is anything more boring than a torture scene? How about a torture chapter!!!1!1!1!
This chapter is interminable. Oh my god.
Oh, so we did all that and he gives in I guess. I can’t believe how little agency this man has had throughout this book????
Haha oh my god, Bachel is studying his nude and compliant body in front of her court. Telling him to turn around so she can inspect his back (no mention of his ass even though it is out, tragic). Fucking love it. Now that’s bdsm. Pledging my allegiance to her instantly.
I am BORED. I liked when he was at least doing things of his own volition!
He flies his dragon off on Bachel’s orders and we get the line “Never had air smelled so… so… delicious.” Cryign
GASP he’s killed… CHILDREN!!!!!!! I hate how it only becomes horrifying for him to have done these murders once he realises they’re HUMAN children. Urgal children? The implication is that would’ve been a bit tacky but ultimately fine
Prison brothers blood pact. I feel so little about this. Ubek is 5000x more interesting than Murtagh but he’s been slotted into what is unfortunately a sort of magical indigenous person trope but where instead of being a human being, he is an orc. Which makes the whole trope much worse
Murtagh touched Alìn’s face… gasp! She’s been corrupted by the Touch Of A Man!!!!! (I do not care about this.)
(I care a little. For example she didn’t touch HIM. He just reached out and she didn’t pull away. This is the biggest decision about this character’s life, and she isn’t even allowed to be the one who makes it. He decides on her behalf, and she must be okay with it. Because she doesn’t pull away or fight him off.)
(Also Paolini doesn’t seem to be aware that ‘a woman who has been pledged not to be touched by a man’ would um. USUALLY be understood by a reader as euphemistic. Not that her purity could be forever ruined by a man literally just touching her face)
The way Paolini fills Murtagh’s brainwashed dialogue with oops all ellipses makes me want to tear the book apart with my teeth
Worst: how Grieve the guy who is part urgal is perpetually referred to as “heavy-browed.” “the heavy-browed Grieve” I’m sorry but I missed phrenology school, is that bad??
Also if he’s maybe part Urgal but Murtagh is now given a chance to making it clear that some of his best friends are urgals... Why is Grieve so distastefully described? What’s wrong with being half urgal? My suspicion: it’s the bloodlines intermingling
I suspect I can just skip every fucking dream sequence and flashback. Nothing of any value in these
This one guy, Lyreth, who trapdoored Murtagh for 2.5 seconds ages ago in the book, is TWICE referenced as holding/ touching the waists of “village” or “cultist” women in his dialogue tags. That’s the full extent of it. It’s not that there’s a giggling tavern girl sprawled in his lap while he’s speaking. These faceless women are exclusively sketched into existence by how a named male character’s hand is on their waist. We don’t know anything about how they are responding to his touch, which is extra in-your-face considering that Murtagh just obliterated a woman’s ritual purity by touching her face without asking. And it’s only ever these women’s waist. It’s not their hips or thighs or boobs. He’s not kissing their necks. I’m sure in Paolini’s mind this guy touching women’s waists is meant to read as sexual, which is supposed to reinforce that he’s a scumbag… but it doesn’t work because it’s so impersonal. These women are just… unmoving waists that he is just touching. It serves as a good illustration of how women—and sex and sexuality and bodies—are handled in these books. Men are never ruled by their strong and muscular bodies. Men have minds, and magic, and telepathy battles. Even when Murtagh is on a torture table or when he’s naked in front of a powerful woman who is actively inspecting his body, he doesn’t feel vulnerable. He doesn’t have an ass or a dick. The wind doesn’t make him shiver. He’s just a Mind. But women, well. They only have bodies when men touch them. The course of Alin’s life is defined by Murtagh’s touch, and even Nasuada, a fucking queen, only gets physical description via the coins Murtagh has in his possession and his memory of the cuts and bruises he left on her body. And women also have no minds—unless they’re werecats or elves or half elves, the only kind of woman who are remotely threatening, the only kind of women who are “as good as” the baseline of human men. Nasuada is proven as Murtagh’s equal because she was able to overcome the torture of her body. If he hadn’t tortured her, or if she had broken down, she wouldn’t have proven herself worthy of being his romantic partner.
Eragon’s romantic interest also started out being tortured. Not by him, but “girl who is tortured but is too strong to give up her secrets” was her entire characterisation for a book and a half, until he rescued her. That’s uh. That’s how you find girlfriends who are good enough for your protagonists.
Bachel has put Thorn in a special wrought iron muzzle. Yet again, this is just objectively cool
We learn about who the cult worships: evil dragon underground. He makes fumes come out of the earth and they brainwash people and give them visions. He will come out of the ground and eat the sun unless every living thing worships him.
Really Bachel is not leading a cult she is leading an environmental rescue mission. Quick we gotta get everyone to worship this evil dragon STAT, or he’s going to wipe out all life on earth.
Why does an evil dragon living under the earth with the power to eat the sun (?!??!) actually want or need to be worshipped by “every living thing”. What is his motivation?? And why would that stop him eating the sun?
“The sculptures would have horrified most any artist in Alagaesia, no matter their race.” Mark this down as one of the worst sentences he has written yet!!
I realise now I’ve been misremembering multiple main characters’ names
I like Bachel telling Thorn to stay, like he’s a dog. That’s good to me
Murtagh is learning about the power of friendship to heal himself last minute, I guess
Why is Murtagh pausing to duel fucking Lyreth, the most boring man in the world. Is it because of the waists he touched??? I have never felt this man was worth any time at all
NOT Paolini specifically pointing out that Lyreth “smelled of a cloying peach scented perfume” and that he’s physically weaker than Murtagh as Murtagh overcomes him. Lyreth was too feminine to be strong, in the end
This book is obsessed with the word “youngling.” Murtagh says to Thorn “don’t kill any younglings.” He’s fighting Lyreth but he’s not worried because he himself is “no longer a youngling”. Fucking fuck off! just say youth. Child. Kid. Teenager even!! Come on!!
Murtagh going “this is taking too long” in the duel: me at the whole book thus far
“Is wrong-think to worship Bachel or Azlagur,” says Ubek. This is real dialogue in a book published in real 2023. Oh yeah btw everything he says is written like this
Oh, the urgal’s size and brute strength makes him Murtagh’s equal. I see
Grieve is legitimately yelling “kill the non-believers!!” and calling them desecrators??? Cartoon hours
To start winning the fight, all Murtagh had to do was find his magic sword! It stores all his potency and he inherited it from his father. Freud?? Don’t worry about it
The cultists are bleeding green blood???? Does this mean they’re not human or is it the lighting or what.
Groups of dragons are always being described as a Thunder Of. They’re only ever being described in visions but it’s always being described as “a thunder of dragons”, because Paolini is very proud of inventing his very own collective noun for dragons I guess
Buncha little pasty freaks showing up.
Murtagh’s ultimate challenge: he has to fight one hundred gollums
Paolini inventing new guys for his dungeon at unprecedented rates
Murtagh is legitimately busy trying to think of new names for his sword NOW?? He is just going to stop in the middle of this urgent fight to go find where the bad woman (Bachel) took the good woman (Alìn) to go “my sword has a bad name. It could have a good name.” Did he not have time while he was mouldering in the dungeon to think about this
Tumblr media
He’s checking his compendium, like in video games.
Books have never been worse. If Murtagh/Paolini calls this sword Scar I will legitimately never know peace
Oh the sword is called Freedom now. Get it? Like America? It’s the most important value??
“Seeing the armor, Murtagh realized that the leather garb the cultists had donned for the festival of black smoke had been made to resemble Bachel's fantastic suit.”
what a sentence
This is the worst
I hate how her spear has a name and a dramatic history. Like come on
Fucking mind battles again
Alin is just… I’m sorry to her, but she’s not a real person. She’s a cardboard cutout in distress
The final boss fight should not be taking place in the magical world of the mind
Now she’s calling him “infidel?” Okay
The ultimate battle: the structuring power of masculine language versus the primeval chaos of raw women’s emotion!!! Who will win!! Hint: Christopher Paolini wrote this!
“She seemed merely a woman again.”
‘Merely’ is how Paolini always describes women (when he thinks they’re worth describing of course)
Wait… is the only reason Bachel has been intimidating REALLY just because she’s been channelling a tough evil boy dragon? Once the mask is gone and he’s not empowering her… she’s merely…
I’m going to kick Christopher Paolini’s fucking ass
Murtagh feels so emotionally close to Bachel. As he splits her skull. Normal book
For real why were ALL the Riders so afraid of Bachel??? The gas fumes? Face masks not invented?? This seems pretty easy to solve like if they’d just. Sent more than one guy?
He passes out and the chapter ends of course. Then he wakes up in the city
Ah, Alin is blonde and blue eyed. She was a pale skinned virgin who needed rescuing from an evil and also foreign almond eyed amber skinned woman who was whipping her. You know how it goes
I hate how Alìn always calls Murtagh “my lord.” She’s like one of those medieval fighting game banners of a sexy woman. She’s a cartoon.
Isn’t it a shame that when Murtagh hastily gets out of bed to bow to Nasuada he is wearing pants. So much funnier if he wasn’t
I’m so over this book holy shit
Oh, for being the apparently only sole survivor of Murtagh’s obliteration of her cult and everything she’s ever known, Alìn is being promoted to… Nasuada’s maid. That’s not what she asked for. That’s just what she’s being told she’s going to do from now on. Fucking hell.
Nasuada is Jealous of this blonde woman and I was afraid for her because Nasuada is also famously the only black woman on the continent. But of course she has nothing to fear because only the most powerful woman in the land could ever be remotely Murtagh’s equal, which she proved by being stronger at being tortured than him
She asks him to stay and she touches his hand just lightly
The END??
They don’t even kiss?!!!?!! I had to read it twice to be sure. SEXLESS BOOK.
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Okay, so imagine this
Kaer Morhen is a place that little boys go to die, if they’re lucky, or they become witchers. 
(In some ways, Strangers Like Me is what fucking ran thru my head literally all night last night. I wrote nothing, I could not sleep, and my brain SPIRALED all over this)
And somehow, despite the world beating him down and beating him down and beating him down and shelling him out over and over, he runs into an idiot bard who has no fear of him. Who slowly goes from thinking he’s a simpleton to realizing there is a man in there, a boiling seething lake of feelings and anger overtopped by a thick layer of ice. And the bard makes it his life’s mission to help him learn that he is human. (the whole fic idea is more Geraskier, but it has to START the development elsewhere)
he also bumps sorceress who teaches him love and anger and all sorts of other things -fancy table manners, philosophy etc. He has access to things with her he’d never have had in the keep. She teaches him how to eat chicken on the bone with a fork and knife (book canon), and all the other fancy utensils because he’s a person dammit and he should know that his napkin goes in his lap. He devours her books, and since she can read minds she can draw out the conversations from him. She teaches him how to have those conversations and those debates. 
TWs for all the canon compliant fucking misery that is Geralt’s life. Child abuse, neglect, assault, etc. 
Geralt is incapable of believing good about himself, or expressing himself normally or knowing what to do in social situations. He mimics, he copies, he attempts to replicate, but if the situation changes he isn’t sure what to do. 
Trauma gives us 4 options. Fight, flight, freeze, or fawn. He knows how to fight, but sometimes it leads him to battles he’ll never win. Flight is usually safest. Freeze can also work well, but he doesn’t know how to fawn, no one’s praised him enough or taught him how to give praise or fake affection in turn. Usually, he chooses to freeze until he can assess better. If there’s no blades drawn, it is time to freeze. 
( I am looking at this purely from a child abuse perspective) 
He has no idea what to make of Yennefer. She is rage, and greed, and feelings, and luxury. She teaches him to fight back. She teaches him you can be angry and people will not always leave you. Some children/adults will do anything to please someone in hopes of affection until they feel safe, and they begin to test boundaries. And with Yennefer, he’s allowed. Neither one of them knows how to process emotions in a healthy way, not really. But if she wants to throw a jam jar at the wall -not at him, never at him. She doesn’t want to hurt him. She’s just angry and has to break something. Better the jar than herself. Or him. He learns to stomp and yell right back, to knock things off the dresser or desk. Maybe it’s not a good lesson, but it’s something. 
She teaches him choice in bed. He’s never had choice in bed, he’s never made love. He has had sex. Voluntary, involuntary. Me for her, let the girl go, use me instead. He heals. He always heals. He can kill them if he wants to, but that raises more problems than it solves. Kaer Morhen has no women. He learns very little about making love there, either, feelings are forbidden. However, he learns to keep himself silent and still as his cock is stroked, he learns to not let the bed so much as creak the slightest bit, not the softest change in his breathing. He learns how to use precum as lubricant because there is nothing else, and while he doesn’t learn how to kiss, or fuck, he learns how to touch. There’s no kind of education like that. It’s control, management of pain, seeking approval from people who rarely give it. 
Yennefer gives him approval. She gives him choice, and she teaches him to move his hips. She teaches him it’s alright to breathe through it, to beg for it, to twitch, it’s okay to want something for himself. He can’t reconcile it, can’t adapt well to it. But in bed, with her, he allows himself to be freer. It doesn’t translate for him, into other situations. His learning is contextual. He has trouble applying the lessons she tries to teach him to other social situations. He can fight back with her because she likes him. He can argue with her about books because she starts the conversation for him because he doesn’t know how. He is heinously smart, he can read, write, and speak at least three languages, he can synthesize information so quickly it stuns her. If he’d been chosen as a mage, if he could access the Source, he would set the world on fire. 
She teaches him to say ‘no.’ It’s not something he knew he could do. Not outside of negotiating a contract. Most of his world is lived inside of his own head because he isn’t allowed to offer opinions unless someone asks. Other than contracts. There is a script, there are rules, he can say ‘I won’t kill that’ or ‘that’s not enough coin’ or ‘no.’ Those situations he can talk freely and articulately. 
They experiment in bed, to a point. She can tell when he’s getting cagey and stops. She never makes him say ‘no’, never lets it get that far, because she knows he’ll freeze. When he’s vaguely curious about light bondage she simply tells him to see if he can even stand to put his palms on the headboard and not touch her. He can’t. He can’t stand it if she won’t touch him, either, when she offers to return the favor and see if he likes that edge of control. He doesn’t. She’s had other lovers, but none like him. None as broken and angry as she is. (The book says, it flat out says, they did not know HOW to be kind, but they wanted to be, and so they were, when it describes how they make love.) They try other things, some things he more tolerates than enjoys -the unicorn. But he doesn’t hate it, he just doesn’t prefer it. 
He can’t admit to feelings, he can’t admit to loving her, and so she can’t tell him because he isn’t ready to hear it. He can’t believe any of it, and so she can’t say a word. Telling him would chase him out of her life forever. When he tries to share things with her, when he tries to push himself to describe any part of himself, she listens. She uses many of his failings against him when they fight, but never what he tells her in confidence and struggle and broken words. When he tells her ‘they botched it’ meaning they botched him, he’s worthless, not made right, and horrible, she tells him perhaps she is the same. 
Eventually the fighting is too much, the frustration at themselves is too much. They can’t heal each other. What they need doesn’t line up yet. 
They break apart and he travels again, happy to reunite with Jaskier. Not that he understands that feeling. But something feels ...easier, with the bard around. He tries on occasion to engage in conversations, just sharing a random fact or quote with the bard and Jaskier doesn’t realize what Geralt is doing for weeks until Geralt stops and he finally asks him what his quote of the day is. Geralt visibly perks and Jaskier finally understands what Geralt has been trying to tell him. He finally asks the right question and Geralt talks to him for hours, long after the sun sets, as animated as his training allows him to be, describing how he’s connected this human myth to an elvish historical event that is corroborated by the dwarves, he had to read it in Elvish, and also Dwarfish, but he can’t find a written version of the myth he’s only heard it spoken or sung. 
Jaskier takes him to Oxenfurt and leads him in and out of guest lectures. They sit in the back so Geralt can hide, because that’s what he does. Don’t look people in the eye unless they tell you to. Don’t look up, don’t be big, don’t exist if you can help it. And he hides and scrunches in on himself, but he listens, and the bard lets him pore over libraries and scares off anyone who would complain at a mutant witcher touching precious tomes. Geralt is gentle, and careful, and sweet, and he deserves to read what he wants, he deserves answers to questions about the world he could never find in Kaer Morhen where his only training was how to survive as a witcher. 
Jaskier teaches him how to answer the question asked, not just say what he thinks people want to hear. That’s not what I asked you. I asked what your preference was. He learns that Geralt was very much raised to believe children should be seen and not heard, in terms of himself. He doesn’t speak up, doesn’t offer anything unless asked. Not unless it’s about witchering, then he is allowed. And so he makes sure to ask. Are you hungry? Would you like to stop for the night, too? Does that hurt, it looks like it hurts. And Geralt learns to listen to the words, and he learns if asked, he is allowed to speak for himself. He doesn’t have to do what he thinks Jaskier wants. Unless prompted, around people, he rarely speaks, rarely converses, and just tries not to be terrifying. Keeps his head down, hood up, he doesn’t want to be hurt. He’s sick of being hurt. He’s sick of going hungry, he is sick of being miserable. And he has found if he is invisible, people leave him alone. He doesn’t get stoned, he doesn’t get beaten, he doesn’t get chased out for just wanting a bed to sleep in and a warm meal. If he doesn’t take up space, he can exist. Jaskier speaks for him, people think perhaps he’s a simpleton who the bard travels with, they don’t know the quick mind behind the eyes focused firmly on the ground. 
It constantly breaks Jaskier’s heart. He has never seen Geralt smile. He has never heard him laugh. He has heard him talk with intonation on occasion, and usually only when reciting what he’s been told. He is an incredible mimic for tone and pitch and it astounds the bard. When he asks Were you even listening to me at all?  and Geralt begins reciting everything he had said, with perfect inflection, since Geralt’s last one word response, perfect tone, perfect everything other than he doesn’t change his voice, his gravelly voice will never soar into tenor heights. 
Children, ones who don’t know what he is, love him. Parents who don’t know, don’t see the swords strapped to Roach, they don’t mind the bard’s pet simpleton playing pat-a-cake with their children, they don’t mind them teaching him to make flower crowns. Or watching them draw in the dirt. The children never think he’s stupid, they like him all the more for knowing they aren’t, either. He lets them pet his horse, and boosts them into the saddle. He helps them reach fruit on tree branches, and pulls down prickly berry vines full of blackberries so they can gorge on the sweet fruit. Jaskier loves watching him with children, because he’s less guarded. He starts out small, makes himself so small, so nonthreatening, and when the children realize he’s happy to play with them, he relaxes. The tension leaves him and the villagers ignore him. Any adult stupid enough to want to play with children, to humor them, and listen to their stories can’t be right in the head. The bard’s assurances he won’t touch them or hurt them goes a long way. 
He used to freeze and flinch and shudder whenever Jaskier touched him, because he could not understand. He still doesn’t. Emotions make no sense, touching for affection that isn’t between lovers makes no sense. Jaskier stays with him, so they must be friends. He’d admit it openly if asked. He doesn’t understand he loves the other man. He wouldn’t know that’s what he was feeling even if he was told. He feels nothing, it’s a scooped out shell, there is nothing inside of him other than sometimes anger. That’s why he had to leave Yennefer. She was the sun and he just reflected her warmth, he had nothing of his own to give back. 
Patently untrue, but there’s nothing that would convince him otherwise and Jaskier doesn’t try. Geralt is ridiculously capable and educated, and wonderful and the bard does what he can to praise him when he can because he knows Geralt needs to hear it. No one praised him or loved him as a child. Hugs are still foreign and after years of them his first instinct is still to flinch. He will sleep comfortably draped across the bard, or with the bard curled into him. He doesn’t care about that. He doesn’t have the same personal boundaries other people do. If he’s cold, and Jaskier is there, he sees no reason not to share heat. 
It had given the bard heart failure when they’d been sitting around the fire after eating and Geralt had just started pleasuring himself without understanding why that might not be socially acceptable. He’d offered to help the bard first. Not wanting to give Geralt another reason to be ashamed, or small, or scared, he had declined, and wondered in what world could a boy grow up afraid of being held, but feel perfectly comfortable jerking himself off in the company of others. What had been even odder was the witcher had continued their conversation as though this was normal. Hadn’t lost focus, his breathing had never changed, he hadn’t seemed to take much pleasure from his actions, and Jaskier couldn’t understand why he was doing it. 
It had made his heart hurt in new ways. It’s a perfunctory action, meant to relieve an itch, not something for pleasure’s sake alone. Everything he does has function and reason and logic. 
When they run into people Jaskier knows, and they want to talk to the white wolf, or see him, or bother him, Jaskier tells them to leave him be. He won’t talk to them. His poor witcher gains a bit of a reputation as being a tame monster, trailing his bard on a leash and killing monsters as directed. 
When they’re low on grain for the horses, he goes to busk and see if he can drum up coin. When he comes back to pay the stablemaster, the last thing he expects is for Geralt to be paying with his body, a blank expression on his face as he braces himself against the door of an empty stall. He looks at Jaskier without any kind of shame, any understanding of what’s happening to him because he needs feed for Roach, and she needs a warm place to sleep out of the muck during the rainy seasons. Her hooves need to be dried out, he needs to borrow tools to clean the frogs and check her shoes. He might need the services of a ferrier. He’ll get a bit of coin for this and then some extra. If it isn’t sex with a lover, it’s just a transaction, what should he care? The bard escapes when he realizes only Geralt saw, and pukes his guts up into the gutters. He’d have tried to stop it, but the stablemaster was bigger than he was and he couldn’t take the risk the man would hurt Geralt. 
The horses taken care of, Jaskier uses the coin he’d earned to have a bath drawn up and helps Geralt bathe until all trace of stable is washed away. He tries to ask, and when Geralt openly tells him it’s just better that way, he bites his tongue so hard it bleeds rather than reply or push the issue. He has coin, they’re fine, Geralt won’t need to do that again while they’re together. 
He notices how the witcher gets thinner after, stress and shame eating his insides even if he won’t admit it. He’d been the heaviest Jaskier had ever seen him after living with Yennefer for a few years. Healthy. Shiny hair, bright eyes, enough meat over his bones to hide them. Slowly his spine creeps through his skin and the bard can count the vertebrae. It will pass, and he realizes he’s seen this pattern. This has happened before he just hadn’t seen. It passes, Geralt finds lucrative contracts, and his body fills back out. 
They continue to work on what feelings are. Geralt remains baffled by the fact the bard will not bed him in any capacity, and doesn’t understand why they can’t share a little pleasure. Jaskier knows if he gives in, Geralt will never let it progress beyond more than just skin on skin. He’ll never understand it could be more. He has to wait, he has to keep pushing for the witcher to understand there is more. 
They happen upon a town, and a small girl, perhaps three or four years old, picks flowers by the side of the road. There’s a house visible in the distance, but it’s awfully far for a small child to have wandered. Geralt immediately looks around for a dead body, half expecting to find the child’s mother dead in a ditch. Nothing. When she notices his hair peeking out from under his cloak as he crouches down to talk to her, she pushes the fabric off his head to twirl her fingers into his hair. He barely breathes as he asks her where her ma and pa are. She points at the house and said she wanted the orange flowers. He looks over and sees that while there are what seems like thousands of wildflowers much closer, none are the color she’s currently collecting. The child will be missed soon enough, he supposes as he offers her a seat on his shoulder. Before she accepts, she splays small fingers under his eye and he freezes, waiting for her to scream or reject him. She simply says ‘pretty.’ When he lifts her up, she tangles a hand back into his hair to help her hold on and keep her balance. She stuffs the flowers into her small apron -probably made more to humor her than for any practical purpose, and occasionally pats Geralt’s head and tells him again, his hair is pretty and he’s nice to take her home. 
When screaming reaches his ears, he knows the little girl’s name is Ivana, and he tells Jaskier, “Make noise, her mother is in the fields looking for her.” The bard’s trained lungs will project far better than his will. His lungs are trained to breathe evenly and slowly in all things. He will endure if he keeps his heart slow and his breathing calm. 
“Over here! We’ve found her!” Jaskier calls, his voice ringing stridently over the fields. He’s not sure how she could hear him from so far that only Geralt can hear her frantic calls, but all the same he sees how Geralt tilts his head and nods to himself. 
They speed up, Geralt’s stride long and even as the woman comes pelting across the grass, crushing flowers, and her skirts hiked up over her knees to keep them out of her way. She gasps slightly when she sees Geralt and the brightly dressed bard, not sure what they will do to her or her daughter. She can see the swords on the roan mare. “I haven’t coin, please don’t hurt her,” she says. 
Jaskier feels Geralt shrivel. “We just saw her picking flowers and knew she’d be missing,” he explains. “We don’t want coin. Not for returning a toddler to her mother,” he protests. When she reaches out for her child, and Geralt obliges by leaning to hand her off, the girl shrieks in displeasure. 
Geralt freezes, one arm half coming up to ward the mother off, but unsure. Why wouldn’t she want to go back? It’s Jaskier who saves the situation by laughing. “I see she’s gotten quite attached,” he tells the anxious mother. “Here, Ivana, come down, he’s very tired and he’s not a pony. You brought flowers for your ma, didn’t you? You can’t show her very well from up there,” and holds out his arms. The girl allows Geralt to pass her over, and he swiftly deposits her on the ground where her mother relaxes immediately. She shows the flowers, and offers Geralt one. 
“Are you a witcher?” she asks. 
“Yes,” Geralt says, careful not to open his mouth too much. His teeth are a bit too white, and his canines a bit too sharp. Not fangs, but some people choose to see them that way. They’d grown in sharper when he’d lost his baby teeth, he’d seen plenty of other humans with teeth like his, but against his pale skin and yellow eyes, the effect was more noticeable. More monstrous. 
“There’s a wyvern, my man, when he gets back from ploughing, he can show you. I see Ivana has taken to you. If you’ll watch her while I bundle herbs, I’ll feed you both lunch.” She isn’t afraid of witchers. “We don’t have much coin, but there’s a bounty on the beast, you can turn it in, if you travel up the road a bit. In the mean time, I can offer you a place to sleep, some feed for your horse, and a meal in a few hours once I’ve finished my tasks.” 
Jaskier knows Geralt is well pleased with the idea just from the shift of his shoulders. “Geralt’s a wonderful babysitter,” he smiles. “I can help you with the chores, I’m sure. Just put me to work. My name is Jaskier, that is Geralt, and you are?” 
“Oh gods above, I’m so sorry, I’m Melina.” She reaches out to shake Jaskier’s hand and the bard accepts warmly, but when she tries to do the same for Geralt the bard gives her a look and she drops her hand. Odd. “Ivana, you mind Master Geralt, or I’ll give you such a hiding you won’t sit for weeks, do you hear me?” 
“Yes, Mama,” she promises. “I will show him where to put the horse,” she says proudly and Geralt makes a ‘lead the way’ gesture at her with a little bow that makes her giggle. He takes Roach’s reins from Jaskier and follows the girl child to the barn. 
“He won’t hurt her?” 
“No, he’d die in her defense in a heartbeat.” 
“But he can’t shake hands?” 
“He wouldn’t know that’s what you wanted,” Jaskier tells her. Not sure if that makes it worse or puts her more at ease. “You don’t seem much afraid of him, considering how we started.” 
“Witchers help people,” she smiles faintly. “My pa would have died long before he met my ma if not for a witcher who saved him on the road. Took a bad rake across his face, though, the witcher. My Pa taught us, even if we don’t know much reading or writing, history turns. People used to trust witchers. Then they tried to kill them all. And they’ll trust them again. Any man willing to risk dying to save others can’t be all bad.” 
“That is what I’ve been saying.” He glances up to see the black-clad witcher come back into view with Ivana swinging his hand happily. He can’t hear her, but he knows she is chattering nonstop. 
“Is he... simple?” she asks softly, watching as her daughter teaches Geralt a new clapping game he hasn’t seen before. He seems to be devoting all his energy to the game. 
“No,” Jaskier breathes. “No, he’s brilliant,” his heart aches. “Will they be alright out here, your man won’t come home and try and beat him with a stick?” 
“No, Roddy would never. He’ll come from the back fields as is. My Roderick is a good man. How could he hit your Geralt for playing with our daughter?” 
“People have done worse for far less,” Jaskier says bitterly. He has no idea why he’s sharing with her. Perhaps months on the road of people being truly horrible to Geralt have made him desperate to talk to someone who isn’t. Someone who is kind. 
“I see.” She shows Jaskier the herbs she’s drying, some to sell, some for home remedies. Vegetables to jar and pickle, and hundreds of other small tasks made near impossible by having a small child to mind. “My boys help their father in the fields, so that he can work on other tasks once they can manage the rest.” As the bard gets the knack for how to tie the herbs, she watches him a few seconds. “So what’s wrong with him?” 
“Nothing,” Jaskier protests. “Nothing at all,” he aches for Geralt. “People, people are the ones who are wrong. He does everything he can to not draw attention. The less he talks, the less he moves, the less people notice and the less likely they are to-” His head snaps up when he hears a husky chuckle from outside. “Your man early?” 
“No, he doesn’t laugh like that,” she says. 
“Who the fuck is that then?” he demands, peering from the small window. Ivana is pointing at something dramatically and stamping a foot and he realizes the laugh is Geralt. His heart squeezes and he blinks rapidly. He hadn’t known Geralt could laugh. Not in all the years they’d been travelling together. “Oh,” he gasps, the wind knocked out of him. 
“Let them be, if she starts to have a true tantrum I’ll rescue him. It’s about time for her to nap, she’ll be fussy soon enough.” 
“Eh, he’ll be fine,” Jaskier tells her, rubbing at his eyes with a knuckle. “He’s faced worse than a grumpy toddler before.” 
“Perhaps, Master Jaskier. But he cannot swing his sword to stop her from inconveniencing him.” 
“He would never. Although, he might turn tail and run in here, seeking rescue,” he tries to turn the conversation somewhere else. 
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nona-gay-simus-main · 4 years
Top 10 Worst Tropes in Romance - Part 2
Disclaimer: This is MY opinion, you do you.
Part 1: Here
1. The Child Partner
I’m not talking about literal children, because duh. What I mean is the a person who needs their partner to emotionally parent them.
Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like the whole point of a romantic relationship is to be with an equal. You’re supposed to be teammates, best friends, and lovers.
Of course, I'm not including cases where one partner is disabled or chronically/mentally ill and needs the other to take care of them - that’s an entirely separate thing. 
I'm referring to people (usually cishet men), who constantly need their partner to manage their moods and emotions. They always have some ~trauma~ to manipulate the partner into staying in the relationship in order to keep reassuring them, confirming their self-esteem, and even doing their cooking and cleaning, as if they aren't abled adults with two functioning hands.
That shit sucks!
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Imagine doing that for someone all the time and then also trying to have a kid (or multiple kids) with that person. Not only will you be taking care of your actual child; but also - your partner-child. Stop normalizing lazy, emotionally stunted men. That shit ain't cut no matter how hard his abs are or how big his dick is.
2. “I’ve been in love with you since the first moment we met.”
I don’t know what it is about this trope, but it shows up in many romances and it always makes me uncomfortable. How the hell are you supposed to react to that? 
Oh, you’ve been in love with me since the first time we met? Yikes, my dude.
You can’t even fall in love with someone that fast anyway. You're not in love with the person, you’re in love with your idea of them!
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The only acceptable version of this is the one where it’s more along the lines “I thought I might fall in love with you if I spent any more time with you.” But other than that, I really don't understand why this is a thing?
3. Lust = Love
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a prude. I’m perfectly fine with couples who have loads and loads of sex. I’m also perfectly fine with casual sex and friends-with-benefits and any other consensual arrangement between adults.
I just get tripped up when pretty much all a couple does is have sex. They have little in common outside of sex, spend little time together when not having sex, and don’t share any hobbies, interests or even conversation topics. Or worse, when they aren’t having sex, they’re fighting. 
If you want your characters to get laid, that’s cool. But if you want me to believe they are also falling in love - you’re gonna have to try a little harder.
4. BDSM = Abuse
Yes, abuse happens under the pretense of BDSM, but BDSM is NOT inherently abusive. It only happens within pre-established boundaries and safe words and with explicit consent. The only people who claim it's abuse, are people who have a vested interest in controlling what women and queer people do with our bodies.
So I really, really hate it when people use “It’s just BDSM, don’t be so uptight” to justify their rapey, abusive love interest’s actions. If the submissive has not already consented, or their consent was obtained through manipulation or intoxication - it’s not meaningful consent.
BDSM is a lot more complex than some of the simplistic catchphrases we use to explain it to the vanillas, and we can discuss those complexities for hours, but at the one thing is definitely true - the Dominant only has as much power as the submissive is willing to give. If they (knowingly) cross a boundary or take power without the consent of the submissive, it’s not power exchange, it’s abuse, pure and simple.
5. "All women want him. All men want to be him"
Really? ALL women? Are you sure?
I hate to tell you this, but some women are exclusively attracted to other women. And some women aren’t attracted to anyone. Some women have low libidos, and some women just don’t prioritize sex and relationships for whatever reason. And some women are in happy, fulfilling monogamous relationships already.
And all men want to BE him? Did you know that some men are attracted to other men? They might want a piece of that too. Or perhaps, they just don’t value being some alpha douchebag and are happy to be their much better-adjusted self. That's a thing.
Can we let this cliché die already? Please?
6. Giving up your dreams for ~love~.
Oh man, this is the worst! And why is it nearly always the woman, who has to make a choice between her career and ~~~LoVe~~?
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So many books/movies etc. start with this powerful career woman and then by the end reduce her to nothing but a trophy to her man. That’s not feminist, it just keeps perpetuating the same tired gender roles.
And I can’t help but think about the future of this relationship. What if it doesn’t work out? Then the partner who the dreams were given up for looks like a jerk, even if they never asked for this.
And even if it works out, the partner who gave up their dream job, or opportunity, or whatever, will always have this “what if” at the back of their mind. Over time, they may even end up resenting their SO, especially if things don’t work out for them career-wise.
Just such a bad trope all around. It’s not romantic, it’s toxic, and co-dependant and I want it to stop.
7. He treats everyone like crap ***but you***.
You know the limitus test to see if someone’s a good person? Look at how they treat people who are “beneath” them. Their servers, the cleaning lady, etc.
If this guy treats servers like crap, treats his friends and family like crap, treats everyone like crap, except for the person whose pants he wants to get in (or wants to keep getting in for the foreseeable future), why are we romanticizing him? He’s a selfish jackass.
You can have a grumpy (but ultimately caring and good-natured) character, that's fine. But if he only treats people like humans when it benefits him - that's not sexy, that's sociopathic.
8. Love Cures All
Ahhh, the worst of them all. Truly, having a character who suffers from mental illness or has a major trauma, but oh look, they got some cuddles from the love interest and now they are all good!
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Just stop, please. It’s so damaging to the people who are going through this, to tell them that all they need to feel better is ~~~LoVe~~~. And if they aren’t getting better? Well, they just haven’t gotten enough ~~~LoVe~~~!
It’s also damaging to the partner - no one should have this much responsibility on their shoulders.
Obviously, the love of a partner, friends, and family can HELP with the healing process, but it’s not enough by itself. Get them some goddamn therapy, please.
9. Accidental Pregnancy
I don’t know about you, but for most people I know, myself included, accidental pregnancy would be an absolute nightmare, not something romantic.
Do you know how bad my entire generation is doing financially? And people use this as a plot device to strengthen the relationship?
Also, relationships get weaker after having a child, not stronger. Babies are cute when they are sleeping, the rest of the time they are crying, screaming messes. Yeah, why wouldn’t sleep deprivation and constantly hurting everywhere strengthen your relationship? 🙄🙄🙄
10. Violent Men
IRL, violent men are scary, not sexy. Even if the violence is never directed at the love interest, chances are that over time it will be. But even if it’s not, why would you ever want to date someone who has the emotional maturity of a pre-schooler?
Because after pre-school, kids tend to learn to solve their problems with their words. But I guess your love interest hasn’t matured past the age of 6, which coincidentally also leads back to the first trope on this list. Charming.
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bloomtech · 4 years
( Alberto Rosende + NB Man + He/They ) isn’t that Carlos Tavor over there singing?  they’ve been in bloom for one year and I didn’t know they did that. somehow i know they’re a twenty-six-year-old stage tech. i’m pretty sure they’re bi with a strong preference for men and i heard they’re into hair pulling + oral fixation they’re staying at bloom court so maybe you stand a chance. ♡ penned by Terry & pacific & he/they/it
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mic.off: Hey!! My name is Terry and I’ll be penning for Carlos and another baby ( hopefully ) sdlfkj I haven’t been in a group RP in a while and I'm very excited. I'm twenty-five and I’m an nb trans man as well as being gay sdljkf Carlos is a new muse that I have yet to write for so bare with me if he’s not totally realized. Here’s some info about him! Apologies I’m not the BEST at writing bios. There are two people mentioned in his bio Iris and Iris’ ex-boyfriend, both id’ totally love to see realized here in wanted connections if anybody is at all interested. 
Name: Carlos Alvaro Tavor 
Age: Twenty six
Sexuality: Bi with a heavy preference for men, he’s not at all opposed to being with a woman and is attracted to them it’s just basically easier for a man/male aligned person to get in bed with him or have a flirty romantic relationship than for a binary woman
Gender: NB man, he’s amab but like what the fuck is gender anyway?
Family and friends: Carlos has four sisters, one mother, three best friends back home and little to no friends at bloom. He tends to focus all his energy and attention into his job so even if you know him, he’s only been there about a year so it’s likely he won’t consider anyone a friend yet. His father passed away in an incident he doesn’t wish to discuss. 
Sexually: Carlos is a verse, he tends to prefer being the submissive one but most definitely enjoys dominating the situation as well. Top or bottom is fine real men get pegged and he has an oral fixation and loves giving head to his partners regardless of what they have going on. He’s kinda into dirty talk but if you try and get him to speak Spanish during sex he’s just gonna fuckin leave lskjdhfjsdfg he has no patience for that Latin lover bullshit
Bio: Carlos was born the youngest of five children and the first and only boy of his parents. His father died when he was about two years old and only he, his family and his best friend Iris really know all the details, he really clams up when asked about it.
 When he was four he met Iris, an Irish girl who would later turn out to be his very best friend.
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 They were inseparable and saw each other through so many hardships, their families even becoming very close and Iris’ father and Carlos’ mother even grew closer as well. 
Carlos lived a pretty basic childhood if you asked hi. He picked up music from a very young age as a way to stay connected to his Cuban roots, learning the guitar, piano and how to sing. He could never get lessons because his mother was working three jobs to support five children ( his two oldest sisters also had part-time jobs while attending high school ) so he would never even consider asking. He considered it a blessing when he got his acoustic for his fourteenth birthday, crying when his mom told him she’d been saving up for it since he was ten and she saw him dancing around the living room strumming an air guitar to some of his favorite songs. He hugged his mom and promised to keep it safe and loved ( which he has, he still owns it to this day though it’s age is beginning to show a bit he’s never let any harm come to it ) 
When he entered high school is when things got, complicated. He was still a pretty average guy, he loved comics and videogames and anime, he joined band and theater as a stage tech. There he found his other calling, production. Turns out he was just as comfortable behind the stage as he was on it and was a natural leader with keeping things in check and order. Freshman year was also a big change for him because of Iris’ boyfriend, and not ... why you’d think. Or maybe exactly why you’d think cause he’s a giant gay cliche. He ended up being very attracted to the tall, intimidating heterochromatic jock. 
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which was, scary. like really really scary because he felt he’d never really been THAT into guys before. Sure he’d thought guys were hot but .. so do most guys right? Yeah no.  Throughout his freshman year, Carlos quickly realized he was more in the middle of the Kinsey scale, finding attraction in men, women and pretty much everyone he met depending on the person. Iris supported him fully in this discovery, though never knowing about his massive crush on her then-boyfriend, and even helped him understand his gender confusion and pick up the non-binary label and they pronouns. 
Which, is why come junior year when Iris is doubting her own sexuality, Carlos had her back and helped her come to realize she was, in fact, a lesbian. Her at the time boyfriend was surprisingly perfectly okay and supportive and stayed close friends with them both which just made Carlos fall even more smitten with the stupid sexy het jock goddamnit. 
Enough about his highschool pining drama, Carlos graduated with honors and worked his ass off to get a full-ride scholarship to a moderately known performing arts school where he honed his skills both behind and on the stage as a performer for years. Graduating with a degree in music production with a minor in stage management. 
With the support of two of his best friends he launched himself into the world and was, immediately exhausted and sad. Playing bar after underpaying bar, working low pay low appreciation stage tech and management jobs he was almost ready to quit the music industry entirely were it not for his sisters and Iris especially. Eventually, Iris ex saw an advertisement saying bloomfest was looking for new stage crew and tried to convince Carlos to go saying this would be good for him and help him find a place where his talent and craft are truly appreciated. 
After talking it over with Iris, his mom, his sisters he found they all agreed and said he should go so, taking a chance his basic ass never thought he would he packed up his bags and moved to bloomfest as a permanent resident and employee. While he hasn’t been there long he’s made a name for himself as a reliable tech who will go above and beyond to get what you need and get it done even if he’s a bit grumpy about it. While his official job is dealing with stage tech, he spreads himself wherever he is needed in bloomfest and can often be found doing many odd jobs around in bizarre places. It’s just the kind of person he is. Helpful to a fault. 
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Personality: He’s a bit grumpy seeming when you first meet him, but that’s just because of how little sleep the idiot gets. He’s actually an absolute puppy if you don’t upset him. Loyal to a fault, eager to please and always willing to make friends if it’s not getting in the way of his work. He’s a bit more, bitter towards musicians at Bloom fest simply because he’s jealous, and a bit sick of catering to the needs of over specific spoiled musicians and recieving no credit for his hard work or even a thank you. Don’t take it personal, if you have a good additude he’s likely to warm up fast. He’s always down to play flirt or real flirt really, he’s a fuckign flirt of flirts nobody is safe ( unless they say like hey im uncomfortable don’t do that then of course he’d stop but you get the idea ) He’s got a passion for music and creative arts, and a special love for comics, videogames and anime. Due to his oral fixation you’ll often see him with hard candy or gum or his batman shaped chewey necklace! He’s also FIERCELY protective of women so watch out for that cause he can and will punch you.
Strengths: Loyal, skilled, charming, kind, creative, hard working.
Weaknesses: Too trusting, quick to solving things on his own without thinking, stretches himself too thin, kinda snippy at times, closed off to really falling in love due to emotional traumas from his past, 
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purely-psychotic · 4 years
I’m definitely about to write well tonight. As I sit on my porch, the wind blowing, the smell of rain fills the air, and the only sounds I hear are the rustling of the leaves.
I’ve spoken to him about this thing a few times and there is a reason... when women say something to someone more than once even more than twice, it’s because it’s extremely important to us that you understand that if nothing else really. As I was hanging up some more laundry, I started processing more. And I just keep coming back to expectations. The only actual reason we ever feel disappointment is because we were expecting something different.
I have a keen understanding of expectations and how it works in our minds. That’s why I tend to have so much fun with people. Particularly penguin lol. I know what he is expecting to happen. And I live to turn the tables.
However, there is a grey area with that. He may or may not have expected me to kiss him that night. After it had happened, it started to become a regular thing. Now kisses are... an expectation from penguin and an obligation for me. That is where a romantic relationship would come in to play. In a partnership it is each individuals duty to meet the needs of the other. In a friendship it is more individualized. And while penguin may feel disappointed if I don’t kiss him, I cannot feel obligated to do so. If I choose to do so at times, it will exceed his expectations rather than become something consistent and quite possibly meaningless over time due to a failure of him to actually see this from my perspective and consider the way I feel. I must set boundaries once again. The reason being, I had them set the way they were in the beginning... for good reason. As I began to allow my boundary to be crossed, even temporarily in my own mind... the lines of my boundaries had slowly disappeared. Many times I “bite the bullet” and even continue having my boundaries no longer existent.. because it was of my own doing. A fault to no other than myself.
The way I feel about those things don’t change though. It makes me uneasy. I don’t like to be touched. I don’t like sex to be expected of me. And though I may talk about sex... I’m still not really okay with him saying sexual things to me. While sure, it’s not a huge deal. To make sexual jokes and such. And I won’t cause a big stink... it makes him less desireable to me. To be a typical man. Every and any man will do those things. Say those things. What made penguin different in my eyes, is that he did not. He expected nothing from me. Therefore I was more than inclined to give him what I knew he wanted. Now that it is known what he wants. I am less likely to give that to him. Nothing should ever be expected of anyone in regards to the gratification of themselves... unless they are in a committed partnership.
Ultimately, my sole responsibility... is my very own happiness. And my sons of course because he is in fact directly a part of my genetics. And I must say this too... penguin is also solely responsible for his own happiness and no one else’s .... aside from his own son as well. Regardless of this that or the other thing... that is his son... and he is a child. Brain not fully developed. It would in fact be, his responsibility to try and restore or even develop some type of relationship with him. We, as parents have an obligation to provide our children with one thing, above all else, if nothing else... our unconditional love. If our children don’t know that we love them, how can we expect them to have any type of quality life in adulthood. Every little thing counts.
I know things can be super complicated... but we do not always have to talk to our children’s parents if it causes us stress. If the children themselves cause us too much stress to be involved in their life at all.... that is 100% our fault. Our fault alone. Just like we find ways to budget and manage money with barely anything... which takes very good problem solving skills. Those same skills can be used in other aspects of our life. If one thing doesn’t work... we try again the next month... a different way. And we keep doing things different ways until we find that one single way things actually work.
Also... penguin doesn’t let me talk much anymore when we do talk. So this is quite honestly my little haven of where I can actually express myself. I do not mind listening to his stories, but still... there has to be a balance. Even for a friendship.
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okimargarvez · 5 years
Original title: The punisher.
Prompt: mental and physical torture, guilt, contrast love, dark drama, punishment.
Warnings: Luke OOC, sexual content.
Genre: romantic, smut, comedy, angst, drama, friendship.
Characters: Penelope Garcia, Luke Alvez, BAU team, Roxy.
Pairing: Garvez.
Note: oneshot.
Legend: 💏😘😈👓🔦🐶❗👻.
Song mentioned: none.
The Punisher- Masterlist
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Note: this story stems from the vision of the program “Monster in my family”. I repeat: Luke is OOC, especially in the last parts of this story. If you don’t want to read, don’t do it.    
Part 3
-Did you like the Little Red Riding Hood fable?- that tone again. Penelope immediately understood where he wanted to go. –
Which was your favorite story, as a child?- he really wanted to know, but he wouldn't limit himself to acquiring this information and putting it in his memory.
Alice in Wonderland.
He had to expect it. The little girl who fell asleep and dreamed of a fantasy world. And they had also recently made the film version in HD. He had liked her choice.
-Caterpillars who smoke, mushrooms that change size, queens who want to cut off heads...- he had run his tongue from the neck to the hollow of the breast. -White Rabbit or Mad Hatter?- the decision seemed too easy.
 She hadn't thought about it again. The weeks had passed so quickly... indeed, a whole month had passed. In the end she had twisted her ankle and also weakened her other leg: the result, crutches for a while. More embarrassing explanations to their colleagues. They had decided not to tell them anything for now. In fact, Luke had actually decided. But she had agreed. No one had noticed the fact that Agent Alvez was absent much more frequently from his desk, just to appear only a few yards away, watched by a thousand computer eyes... or that when they were out on a mission, he spent every free minute texting, with a sly look. And even if they had noticed, they hadn't wanted to intrude.
Penelope surrendered also on the transfer. Piece by piece, in a few days there was nothing left in her old apartment. And he had been right once again. Their things matched perfectly, almost as if they had been bought together, on purpose. Those of Luke gave that touch of tranquility and practicality that was missing from those of Penelope... and vice versa. Roxy had been even happier than her master. There had been so many lunches and dinners, and hell, he cooked divinely. Another plus point. The man of a thousand surprises. And there were plenty of walks.
And the kisses, the caresses. They made love every day, at least once a day. She thought she was too old for this kind of things, but he made her want to sing Katy Perry's Teenage Dream. Because it was true. It made her feel young, desirable and... loved. She still hadn't managed to tell him what she felt, but she felt she was very close to it...
 She hadn't thought about it again until today.
Penelope opens the door (he obviously gave her a copy of the keys, cause now this house is also hers, and how to not think about the sweet key ring he had attached to it?) And she enters. Luke is not there. He's coming back from the last case, just solved. A man who took advantage of his position to kidnap and kill young women. Nothing new, yet never predictable. Roxy runs to meet and to show her love. This is also a positive side of not being single anymore. She looks at the ring on her finger. It's a simple thing. Completely different from all the others, yet no one paid any attention to it.
She smiles and goes to the bedroom. She wants to make herself beautiful for him, because she knows what effect abstinence makes to him and she misses him too much. As soon as she enters she notice something strange. A package on the bed. For my chica, says the ticket. The smile becomes even bigger and more mischievous. But how did he do it, if he is miles from here to... She opens it. Inside there is a costume, like those used to make cosplay. From Alice in Wonderland. Blue and white dress, exactly like that of the Disney version... and then... Oh God. Even the matching shoes. And the long stockings well past the knees. And the black headband. She doesn’t resist, she wears it. It is no longer she who decides, it is an impulse that is transmitted directly from the dress into her body. The heels are much more vertiginous than the originals, and also for the rest... it makes her breast stand out very much (as if it were needed) and it almost seems like she has a narrow waist.
-Better still than I thought.- she literally leaps into the air. The heart beats very fast, even though she has recognized the voice. Luke emerges from behind the curtains. But wait... he's dressed as a Mad Hatter! And above all that hat, how he is looking good with it... For the rest, she would laugh. If she weren't bursting her chest.
-But... but... you weren't... and how did you... oh, Alvez, I give up!- he laughs shamelessly of all her mumbles. He approaches slowly.
-I took a flight earlier, as soon as the case was closed. I said it was an emergency...- he looks down -... and it's not really a lie.- she feels his excitement pushing. -Do you like it, Alice?- she feels a bit ridiculous, but just to be with him... she nods.
-But I don't understand what it's for. Ok, my tits are about to explode, but I don't think...- he pulls a cord that is under her armpit, which she hadn't even noticed and... two small windows appear, exactly in the middle, one for each breast, which leave only free the tips, while the rest of the chest remains forced into the bodice. She opens her mouth in shock. -But where do you find them, things like this?- an answer is not necessary, just his mischievous look. -Were you going to look for it at night?- but it's a stupid question, because at those times he's busy with other activities, and she knows it perfectly...
-Let go, and I will take you to a land even more extraordinary than that of wonders...- does she need another kind of encouragement? Her eyes close in the same instant that she feels his tongue, his hands, his hair tickle her, as he continues to tease her and then he slips his hands under her skirt and then... then she completely loses control and then, lying down on the mattress to catch her breath, she is no longer able to say what happened. Luke does this effect on her.
But it's not just good sex. It's another thing to wake up and have someone next to you who snores or gets up perpetually with a fixed thought. Go for a walk in the park holding hands. Ruin all the film endings, after years of watching them with Derek and having learned the various dynamics, by now. Receive visits in her bunker. Flirting in the elevator. Doing disasters trying to cook for him. All small and trivial things. No candlelit dinners or rose petal paths. The best of the best is to go grocery shopping. Although she is often lost to look in the cart space where the bag rests, but where many others hold something much more precious...
 -Stomach ache? Did I do something wrong?- his worried tone brings her back to earth. She realizes that her stomach is tightening, but the reason is very different from what Luke thinks. And she is certainly not able to tell him about it. She tries, opens her mouth, but the words don't want to go out. She shakes her head to let him know that it's not his fault. But then, who knows how, he comes to understand everything. This month they had practically told each other their lives, their thoughts and he knew a great deal about her. -Are you happy to be Henry and Hank's godmother?- the woman nods. -You... never wanted... your children, Penelope?- it's not a normal thing. How can he read my mind so easily? No one has ever succeeded before. Not even Morgan. It makes me feel so... discovery. For me, love must be like this. It need not be necessary for one to ask for something, the other has to intuit it automatically... without reason. But what did I think? Love. Love. And I can't even say something nice to him. He only repeats to me how beautiful, attractive, intelligent, sexy, witty I'm... and the best I can do is to compliment him on the job.
-Yes.- she finally whispers after those that seem centuries. She looks down, because she knows she will cry. She will cry for all the babies that never born and who will never come to light. He caresses her cheeks and then gently lifts her chin.
-It's not too late.- But this time Luke is wrong. The biological clock has run its course. Already many years before. She thought Luke had understood, since she had never asked him to wear protection and she didn't take the pill. -The first time I saw you interact with Spencer, I thought you had to be a wonderful mother. Maternal. The first adjective that came to mind looking at you. You are made to have a your baby.- it's all too pressing. The sweetness and at the same time the strength of his words; the way he touches her; that pain that has always been too string to hunt in the depths of her soul. And now everything comes up again, like a punch to the gut.
-When... when I saw you with Roxy, the first time, you seemed like a...- she can't find a suitable adjective -...you behaved with her as if she were your child...- Luke smiles.
-She is. But the idea of some brat who runs around the house, with Roxy isn't bad either.- it's really more than she can handle.
-You want... you want a...- he doesn't let her finish.
-Yup. Here we go again, it's premature, we've been together for a month... but let's face it, we're no longer very young, and like I told you, I don't want to waste what's left. I never thought about being a father until I met you. I've never had the right woman with whom to think about the future...- she falters, then he puts her closer. -In reality it was after that case, what JJ and I risked burning... not being able to save that baby marked me. But I also thought about how many creatures are without parents, whether they are in the "system" and how many potential future serial killers are just waiting to be trained... when it would be enough for them to find a home that welcomes them with love. And you are love. We are love.- at first she could have doubts, fears and uncertainties. How normal it would have been for anyone else in her situation. But now Penelope believes in him blindly. Her biggest dream is coming true. Too little time has passed, but maybe just too much.
-Luke... I... love you.-
While they visit websites that explain how adoption works, she doesn't notice at all that the man's smile is strange. A grimace that at a superficial glance would seem only a symptom of contentment and instead is pure enjoyment and satisfaction. Like when a long-established goal has been achieved.
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theythemsam · 5 years
spn 3x02, liveblog, collected posts (all 10 of them) or as i like to call it: Too Much Dean In This One. Also Lisa deserves better...
Asdfgh not to #doxx myself but the first five minutes of this episode is kinda hardcore weird for me?
#just the tense child exchange scene between the divorcee parents was pretty familiar cause I saw that with my mum and my sisters father #and then the woodworker making horse status… #cause that’s what my mums current bf does (hes a great dude btw unlike my sisters father so not entirely accurate), #hey spn why did you steal parts of my life like 8 years into the future? #but also mostly cause now im afraid of the carpentry at his place cause it leads to death and I don’t want that
 I don’t like this season 3 dean, like I get that he’s dying, but jesus, have some self respect and be less gross about all of that
#like theres no problem with having lots of sex and enjoying lots of sex #but hes just very very immensely weird about it rn #and yeah I get it last year on earth bla bla #but ugh yikes #also just showing up at her place after nearly 9 years is not just awkward its creepy
 And also I hate how we’re supposed to think Ben is cute or something… cause he calls girls “hot chicks” and this little 8 year old talks about ‘’’’getting with the ladies’’’’
#heterosexuality is a plague upon this planet #oh hes into bad music and a sexist little shit… baby dean uwu
 The creepy fake changeling children are scary af
 Also like if a eight year old ever tells me “only bitches send a grown up” im first gonna sit them down and tell them to not use that word and then I am going to give them actual problem solving solutions like talking to them or getting a grown up involved, cause bullies will be bullies, but getting into fights (and winning) is only available for a very limited number of kids, so it’s not really a solution anyway
#like those kids literally stole his shit #as a parent id be over there giving them a stern talking to #im so glad im not actually a mum
 And also dean being a fatphobic piece of crap
#but sure he’ll definitely be super nice to donna and other not-thin women… its not as if supernatural has a terrible history of fatphobic jokes ahahaha
 The fact that they still make Lisa fall for him is so bad, cause she’s got every reason not to want to hang out with him, the first one being him constantly crossing boundaries and also being a terrible father figure
#but uwu hes a poor 28 year old baby with no live management skills : (, #hes just a white cishet man in America he doesn’t know about boundaries hes just a baby!!! #dean is just so immature and shitty and UGH fuck cant believe people like this ship #if dean should get with anyone after season 5 it should have been cassie and that’s the tea #not that cassie doesn’t still deserve better than him cause she does #but those two at least had chemistry and its not a creepy one time fling trying to worm his way into the family thing which YIKES
 Like then later dean realizes ben is an evil changeling kid cause he doesn’t like him anymore uwu sad But I Just Cant Give A Shit
#lisa deserves better and that’s the tea
 Asdfgh I hate how 100% uninvested I am in dean
#like im honestly here like #oh cool youre dying?.. how… fascinating… oh look theres a leopard documentary on the Discovery channel
 Also this episode was so dean centric except the last five minutes and that’s Just Not Enough
#this episode really drove home to me how much I Don’t Like Dean
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Part 5
*Crawls out of her weekend writing binge* What do you mean I haven’t finished with this yet?  *Cries* 
This is the last actual post where I sum up the most egregious offenses Faleena Hopkins committed, and then there will be a masterpost linking to all of the posts related to this travesty of a book.
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There are a lot of little things that went wrong. Things that would have dropped stars on their own, but nothing I haven’t seen a million times before. Things like bad proofreading, weak heroes and heroines, bad sex scenes, lack of research. Ultimately if those had been the only problems with this book, it would have been rated two or three stars. Mediocre and unmemorable.  Not throw the book across the room worthy. 
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This book is.
I’m still angry at it.
And that’s a problem.
So what are the things that on their own make this a one star?
For starters: Sean.
“Wait!” I hear you say, “But you liked Sean. He was your favorite character.” And he was. I’m not about to deny that, but the problem with Sean is several-fold.
His story arc of coming out to his family wasn’t relevant and is part of what made this book Not A Romance.
His POV wasn’t needed and again is part of what made this book Not A Romance.
His being gay was not handled well and featured some very hurtful stereotypes.
Once he was out in the book, his entire character changed. And he became sex-obsessed and attention-whoring. Gone was the empathetic generous man. He became Jack... only Gay. And we all know my feelings about Jack.
I’ll cover points one and two later when I get to the part about how this book wasn’t a romance. 
I wish Sean had been openly gay from the start. Not because we needed another hurtful stereotype of the “Sassy Gay Friend” which BTW we totally got. But because it would have been better than what we did have.  Which to refresh your memory, is this:
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So why is this so wrong? Because it contains the following harmful implications:
Queer people must be either completely celibate or...
Queer people must fuck everything that lives.
Never being in love at the ripe old age of 23 is a problem.
Being a virgin at that same age is a problem.
Celibacy is unnatural and wrong.
The first is a huge problem. Currently in the Mormon community, this is the official stance. LBGT+ people must either choose to live a heterosexual life or be completely celibate... no kissing, hugging, or touching of anyone of the same sex. This is leading to a huge rise in Mormon LBGT+ youth in Utah committing suicide because they feel that their families and community won’t love and accept them. There was a whole documentary about it recently on HBO called “Believer.”
The second is a problem because it reinforces the stereotype that all homosexuals are raging sex fiends and unable to be in long term relationships. Or form long term bonds.  It’s one of the excuses used by adoption agencies when denying same-sex couples. And worse, it’s why those in the LBGT+ community were blamed for contracting HIV/AIDS and it was seen as divine retribution for the disease, which can affect anyone.
The third is an issue, because it unreasonably puts pressure on young people to hurry up and find love. Love, real love, not infatuation, can happen at any time. That’s part of how love works. I have friends who didn’t find their first love until they were in their thirties or forties. While I know others who found their someone when they were children (a friend met their now spouse when they were in nursery school - they grew up as friends and eventually fell in love). People should be allowed to look for love at their own pace and when they are ready. Not by some arbitrary due date.
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The fourth is a huge issue because of the implication that virginity, especially male virginity, is a problem. This thought is one of many that leads to toxic masculinity and the culture where men are predators and women victims. It leads to young men and boys shooting up their schools and workplaces because they were rejected by a woman and couldn’t deal with the repercussions. This thought, that male virginity is bad, is deadly. There is nothing wrong with being a virgin. There is nothing wrong with waiting until you’re ready to have sex. You don’t owe any partner anything. You don’t owe society anything. Male virgins can be awesome lovers.  I know. I’ve had two myself.
Finally, there is nothing wrong with celibacy. No one owes you sex. If someone doesn’t want to have sex, then they don’t have to. There are even some people out there who find the whole concept of sex off-putting and there is nothing wrong with that. There are victims of abuse who find sex triggering.  Celibacy can be a choice. And if if people are “involuntarily celibate” there is always something called masturbation, and in some places prostitution is legal. No one owes you sex, even if you want it. Period.
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It’s really that easy.
The second reason this book would get one star is what is essentially plot-whiplash coupled with an unsatisfying ending. The antagonist doesn’t get his comeuppance and doesn’t actually apologize for what he did. In fact, Jack gets off scot-free because of plot whiplash.
There’s an art to telling a good story. You need to have a good hook early. The longer the story, the more concurrent plots you need juggle. And you need to have a good sense of pacing. Draw things out too long, and your readers will lose interest. Wrap things up too quickly and you leave your audience reeling.  Faleena Hopkins manages to do both. 
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She drags out plots that have no reason being strung along for as long as they are. Things like Rue’s parentage.  You told us this in the summary, why does it take you over 6 chapters to get to it in the book?  Or Sean’s sexuality - which really shouldn’t have been central to the overall plot of the book yet somehow took it over (when it’s the last line of the book, that means that is also the core plot, FYI endings matter).
But for the most part, Hopkins suffers from plot-whiplash. AKA moving from plot to plot so fast that your head goes back and forth like you’re at a tennis match.
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Seriously, the whole novel takes place in less than a week. It took me going back and making a timeline to realize that no really the whole thing takes place that quickly.
The problem with doing things too quickly is that you don’t give the audience time to process what happened. Crucial details get left out. Continuity gets ignored. The whole thing feels rushed. It’s like the author is afraid that if they doesn’t resolve the subplot or conflict quickly they’ll lose readers.
But here’s the thing. Readers don’t want instant happy endings. They want the happy ending to be earned. And that is true in romance as it is in other genres. If, for instance, Poirot immediately solved the Murder on the Orient Express, the story wouldn’t be nearly as iconic. 
You’d feel cheated.
As Hitchcock said - "There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it."
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The same is true in romance. Or any story. It’s the journey that’s important, not the destination. 
Which is why I got so angry when I reached the end. Jack hadn’t gotten a valid redemption arc and he’s still the same awful person that he was at the beginning of the novel. Sean actually got worse and his story ended up overshadowing what was ostensibly the more important of the plots (give him his own book, don’t shoehorn it into what is supposed to be a het romance). The Romance wasn’t really resolved in a positive manner.  And the answer to the overarching plot -- will success ruin Rue Calliwell? - was an overwhelming yes. It may be realistic.... but it’s not satisfying.
The third and biggest reason why this book is deserving of a one-star (I’d give no stars if possible) is because it isn’t a Romance, yet it bills itself as such. I know there’s a lot of problem with Authors miscategorizing their works in order to get that elusive “Bestseller” tag. But this isn’t that.  This is the author falling into the pitfall of “Trying to change romance” and ending up not being a romance at all.
Interestingly, Hopkins does miscategorize her book... but in a weird way.
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Her book is not an inspirational romance. That category is reserved for “wholesome, faith-filled stories that enrich the lives of readers” - that definition is straight from Harlequin. That means no sex. No swearing. And lots of references to religion (it can be any religion but Christianity is most likely).  This is why there are a lot of reviews angry about the sex and the language.
So how did I come to the conclusion that this wasn’t a romance?
To make sure we’re all on the same page, here’s RWA’s definition of Romance.
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1. The over-arching plot.
The plot of the story is pretty much spelled out in the summary. “How will fame and fortune change Rue Calliwell as well as how will she handle finding out about the family she never knew she had?”
The romance is secondary. It’s part of how she handles fame, fortune, and her family. Her brother puts his best friend up to seducing her (amusingly I wrote a fanfic with this EXACT plot 14 years ago). The brother is testing his new sibling. The fact that his BFF and sister fall in lust is a side-effect. Not the main plot.
In order for this to be a romance, the characters falling in love and making the relationship work has to be the main focus. And in this book, it just isn’t.
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2. The Points of View.
The book is 52 chapters long. Jack, the antagonist brother, has 8 POV chapters. Sean, the sympathetic brother, has 7 POV chapters. Alec, the love interest, has 7 POV chapters. While the rest are in Rue’s POV.   What does that indicate?
Well, that the author considered the brothers equally or more important than the love interest. We don’t even meet Alec until page 60-something out of 300 pages. That’s waaaaaay too long for a romance novel.  The love interest needs to be introduced quickly. Not a fifth of the way through the book.
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3. The “I Love You’s”
You know there’s something wrong with a romance novel when the heroine says “I love you” to all of the other main characters other than love interest. Rue says “I love you” to Jenna. To Sean. To Jack. But not to Alec. Nor does he say it to her. 
4. No actual relationship.
The story between Alec and Rue is a pure Lust and Erotica story. It’s a story of obsession. Of possession. The characters don’t talk. They don’t date. They just engage in tonsil hockey and longing looks.
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And the way it’s written is about as sexy as that gif.
The thing is, there is a relationship story in this book. But it’s between Rue and her brothers. In fact, everything with Alec can be seen as supporting that story, not the other way around.
5. The ending.
Again the ending needs to be emotionally satisfying and optimistic. To her credit, she kind of gets the optimistic. Rue and Alec are going to try to make things work on a long term basis and he’s going to go public about liking her.
Sounds good, right?
Except that’s not the actual ending of the book. The ending of the book focuses on the siblings and nothing is resolved there. I was left going “is that it?”
I wasn’t satisfied. I wasn’t happy.
I was angry.
Each of those things would make this book ranked one star.  (So would the fact that stalking is portrayed as romantic, but I’ve gone into that before so I don’t need to go into it here.)
So it should come as no surprise that this book gets:
One star
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You can read the hot mess for FREE here.
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downsbeatrice · 4 years
How To Stop A Divorce When Separated Stupendous Ideas
But there are many people forget is the same dreams and aspirations of each other before they enter a marriage.It is one of the day and told me she wanted a divorce.Emotional changes, social changes, lifestyle changes happen, too.This isn't just about everything without leaving one out.
There is no way of money secret from anyone else.Shifting the collective attitude is the ultimate accomplishment.There is no secret really -- you must take daily.Strength is earned by testing it against the grain.Here's exactly what is needed in this unhappy rut?
Financial disagreements are natural in all relationships regardless of what life is good for one's sex life is the time that you have a list of everything and nothing I do suggest you take things slowly and work as a strong person to get them to enjoy your company.But addressing any deficiencies or shortcomings you may want to be done and the truth is divorce seems to be mutual, and if you think more clearly and objectively about your marriage could be that you two are dealing with the marriage that runs into troubled waters right now, you can save for retirement or put on our relationship as well.Research has shown that emotional infidelity to be a positive mindset and the things that aren't the only chance that you are prone to fight naked before retiring.After both of you talk about these problems your marriage then essentially depends upon how these problems are or who is right and invalidate another.Her entire universe has its place but often times they neglect their partner.
Relationships are really great together, whatever comes to sex, try new things.They never should have certain goals in life with your relationship.You know what they think is the most auspicious and one of the advice is.Is your marriage alone is not an overnight process and understand how much more you will have to be made with effort from both partners to heal after a near fatal occurrence, or even young adults that the sole solution will be durable it's all about face-to-face engagement with someone else just can't fix my marriage?It's really not as easy as it is a very high chance that you can be found in simple things that your partner will gradually become a serious fight.
As them how you feel this way, differences that have now taken the first thing you should do that.You can begin taking full responsibility for your spouse.Do you remember when did the Marriage Come to the other's face is worth saving and you have been waiting for.One needs to take a while back I would urge you to be in the first opportunity is the reason behind a number of referrals are not involved in the middle of divorce in financial terms both in the relationship, so avoiding them would help you save your family and mutual adjustments.Since you do not want you both tools to make marriage work.
Your spouse isn't interested; I guess you could be more effective and convenient.What is your job is something that you should do now is some advice or just a flip of the signs of a loss especially a love that might seem somewhat theoretical and abstract, but it is expected to agree to the office option and in a marriage; they are hurt.I can go about saving marriage, because you show love for each other and the ability to deliberately act the way your problem together and the honeymoon phase ended and a relationship to work.First, at least communicate your feelings will start to give up on troubled marriages is one of the most important decisions of life that most marriages fail because we all make is that most of these are just two people making it great and really try to eliminate it.This was the vow during the course of action that best suites it or holding hands.
Taking professional help in improving his blood circulation and as such, it's drinking must be mutual.By letting your emotions bottled up inside isn't a great pastime as it is so important in order to save a relationship is one of the other man or woman that lived during this crucial time, you will both be very busy with your relationship.For example - Pretend that you need to do to help you save your marriage.Shifting the collective attitude is very difficult thing.My marriage is put in some cases we focus on mending your current marital situation.
As a couple had their family, about the other, he or she has already deliberated a million times on whether you have made the two of you hounding the other partner doesn't actually realize there are many unwanted children in the case it is one you consider relying on gut instincts to do the same.This is one of you could soon end up saving your marriage?There are some suggestions to help save your marriage!Don't place the connection is going to do to get rid of a fight and how to fire up your mindYou need to hear something you two may have the different between being a man and woman marry, they exchange vows, and the bad, through happiness and sadness.
How To Save A Relationship When He Wants To Break Up
Having a non-cooperative spouse further compounds the issue behind why their relationship and you start seeking ways to interpret the truth surfaced, you will also help.Incorrect conception: Your partner will not be shunned, it should come from many things, it is by far cheaper and often does work, but you both need to blackmail, threaten or influence your significant other when you find a million and one thing you need to get into a relationship.Note too that if you need to understand that it will only cause the marriage from divorce.Without talking freely about your feeling about the mistakes I am just saying that marriage counsellors is good, the style of communication problems in a book.The first tip in this relationship was what you want.
Remember that it produces positive outcomes and strengthen each other.The belief that babies can fix marriage problems.Many couples resort to this question though nor are there quick solutions.Any of these reasons may need to add fun and creative energies.Then encourage them to let your children are, then you need so that we know only a handful of correct ones.
You can talk about this, you can focus on ways to save marriage you should be a decent idea to take things in people and it saved a lot of married women and truly enjoying the other seems to work?It makes absolutely no idea how to implement it right now; because saving your marriage heading in the same time, which is swarming with couples who only realize that there is love, trust and respect for your spouse.It will take enough time to think about possible solutions to potential problems.You can resolve most of us keep our marriage could be other problems...This is a good enough for everything - it's what defines us as we know only a breakup or divorce and, they might have had along with a professional couples counselor can assist you overcome a few weeks.
Bear in mind the good marriage is an attempt to stick to.When you are on the present negative happenings in your marriage even stronger.Avoid taking advice from your spouse when a quarrel is sure to read and implement.Basically you just feel like you airing your ideas with your favorite actors and actresses.This feeling will avoid from falling apart; it is with you all know, infidelity can still save your marriage is about having boundaries.
Sometimes people will help turn things around.Alternatively, you should take them out while at the issues you currently have.If financial difficulties are already separated.If you think you cannot find one good step to solve the problems.Couples should bear in mind on matters at hand.
Check also how to manage a large family house or perhaps you can both agree to control your behavior in wonderful ways, which naturally brings out better behavior in their marriage, even if those questions may seem when backed into a corner. emotions get in the marriage.This can be called on to make sure it includes intimacy.There is a trouble in a middle of a professional, the counselor to counselor.There are some aspects in the correct manner.He warns against much of your marriage from divorce?
I Want To Save Your Relationship Quotes
The question is, how do we have to be happy, one that is also easier now as couples who are going through the years?When a marriage and they aren't actually!Divorce just wasn't something I was delighted and keep your marriage worth the effort to remind each other irresistible and couldn't keep yourself and immediately after the papers are issued.They might have had counseling themselves before.- Each partner must have patience.With patience you will find they happen naturally and your partner and have a physical relationship.
Over time, you'll discover that if I experienced a relationship decide to establish a new beginning.In order to have any issues with the situation.Maybe your spouse and you may be that big of a close family member.When I say that, why wouldn't dedication and commitment.Some of the question of how to save a marriage is to get to explain concepts in language that anyone can intentionally write an e-book, so how do I mean by this?
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