#man from hjelmdall
mourningmaybells · 5 months
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oh no not the white supremacy book.
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Roll up your sleeves and start building Communism. (Opt in.)
RHETORIC - Oh yeah! Get the firing squads and the animal wagons ready!
Wait, what? Firing squads? You didn't say anything about those.
Roll your sleeves up further and breathe in the pristine air. [Finish thought.]
RHETORIC - Too late to back out now. You can't make an omelet without breaking a few million eggs!
Roll your sleeves up further and breathe in the pristine air. [Finish thought.]
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Temporary research bonus: -2 Visual Calculus: Looks like reaction... Research time: 3h 10m
People think Communism was some crazy idea that had its comeuppance 40 years ago. A fever that shook the world, never to return again. They were right. Until *he* woke up today – a spiritual corpse responsive only to the call of Commodore Red, prostitutes, and Kras Mazov. For him, Communism is still a *thing*. He will single-handedly raise the Commune of '02 from the oceanic trench where it has been resting, covered in ghosts and seaweed! He is the Big Communism Builder. Come, witness his attempt to rebuild Communism in the year '51!
Ugh, -2 Visual Calculus is not great for us, but I can't *not* equip the Thought.
Anyway, I guess we can look around the bookstore, but remember: we don't have any money, and we need the money that we don't have to have a room tonight.
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Gift books and molten candy.
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MAN FROM HJELMDALL SERIES - The display rack is brimming with worn paperbacks featuring an extremely muscular, sword-wielding barbarian on the cover. Nearly all the titles contain the word *Hjelmdall* somewhere.
"Storekeep, tell me about the muscleman books."
Look through the display of books.
PLAISANCE - "Oh, *Man from Hjelmdall*. A very popular series of adventure novels." She looks at the book with some disdain. "They're awfully immoral and violent books."
"Why are they so popular?"
PLAISANCE - "Blood and violence, scantily clad women, epic narratives, all those mystical things he encounters. They're bound to grab those with little imagination and nothing to do."
"Sounds good. Which one should I start with?"
"That doesn't sound like something I'd be interested in."
PLAISANCE - "What does it matter? They're all the same." She rolls her eyes, then fiddles with her pendant. "However, the customer is always right, they say."
"If you're a novice of the series, I'd recommend 'Hjelmdallermann: the Man from Hjelmdall.' It's supposed to be a good introduction to the series."
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As you can see, the option to buy the book is locked because we don't have 9 real.
2. Look through the display of books.
MAN FROM HJELMDALL SERIES - Rows and rows of Hjelmdallermenn blur your vision. You make out some titles: "Man from Hjelmdall and the Mammoth-Riders", "Man from Hjelmdall: Return to Hjelmdall", and the solipsistic "Man From Hjelmdall and the Hjelmdall Man."
Good god, how many are there?
MAN FROM HJELMDALL SERIES - Maybe a hundred? "Man from Hjelmdall and the Sages at the End of the World", "Man from Hjelmdall and the False-God", "Man from Hjelmdall and the Scorched Earth", "Man from Hjelmdall: The Hjelmdall Colonies", "Man from Hjelmdall and the Swamp Beast", "Man from Hjelmdall and the Snow Crabs."
Is that all?
MAN FROM HJELMDALL SERIES - Not even close! "Man from Hjelmdall in Hell", "Man from Hjelmdall and the Forest of Slaves", "Man from Hjelmdall Under the Lake", "Man from Hjelmdall: Hjelmdall Burning". There's even "The Trial of Death", a Pasternal combat game book set in the world of Hjelmdallermann, and so much more.
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3. [Pain Threshold - Medium 10] Do any of the books call out to me?
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PAIN THRESHOLD [Medium: Failure] - Nothing of interest. Only silence and the cosmic background pain-radiation.
5. [Leave.]
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Old sports magazines, tucked away in a dark corner.
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MOUNTAIN OF BOARD GAMES - A small mountain of colourful board game boxes. There are numerous types of games for all ages. A lot of shelf space seems to be taken up by Wirrâl-related merchandise.
"Storekeep, what board games do you have here?"
Look through the pile of Wirrâl-related items.
PLAISANCE - "Wonderful board games, sir. 'The Viticulturist' is a classic for sure, or perhaps you'd like 'Archipelagos of Insulinde', a very educational game for those interested in geography."
"Raubritter' is a fun game of economic competition, but can get quite intense after a while. We have games for the whole family. You can play with your children!"
INLAND EMPIRE [Medium: Success] - Who are you going to play board games with? Do you have friends or family?
Wow, I have children? A family?
Do I have friends? (Look at the lieutenant.)
I don't want to think about this.
INLAND EMPIRE - Are you actually friends? Or just colleagues thrown together by circumstance?
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heartsinhay · 2 years
Kim Kitsuragi secretly sews professional yet flattering clothing to Harry’s exact measurements and leaves them in containers all across Jamrock for Harry to find
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lafumee14 · 2 years
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the-lady-general · 1 year
Normal RPG: Choose your own identity! (: You don't have to touch the icky-icky gay stuff if you don't want to! (:
Disco Elysium: If your character insists he's straight he gets laughed at by a twink who can't even button up his shirt.
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bellepeppertronix · 2 years
This man is trying to injure himself by reading a Disco Elysium world version of Conan the Barbarian where the Conan expy--one 'Man from Hjelmdall'--is chained up in front of a leering woman on a throne. There is also a bonfire.
Or rather--not trying to injure himself, in actuality. But to think about which book he wants, he has to pass a Pain Threshold? Harrier? What?
Does he see himself as the Man? And his ex (girlfriend? Wife?) As the woman on the throne? Hmm...more Investigation is needed...
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cupboardgods · 3 months
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Dora and Harry in The Man from Hjelmdall and the Devil Woman
Thank you @harriereveryday for the suggestion that ended my fanart dry spell!
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Original Frank Franzetta painting under the cut
I really appreciate that he didn't paint the feet lol. Also he draws men and women with the fattest of asses. I really struggled with scaling down his bodacious bods.
Harry and Dora, me vs. The Mastermind of Mars, Frank Franzetta
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I love learning all these little, weird things about the characters in Disco Elysium. Like, is Bird's Nest Roy not one of the weirdest little guys you've ever met?
He doesn't like beaches.
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He doesn't like music...
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... but he records random sounds...
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... including the Col Do Ma Ma Daqua.
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He also spends about 10% of any given interaction spacing out.
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But to get a little more serious, I think there's a lot more to him. I even think it's possible to draw parallels between Bird's Nest Roy and Lt. Kim Kitsuragi.
He, like Lt. Kitsuragi with the RCM, was part of a voluntary clean-up organization...
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... despite knowing it wouldn't do much good.
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He's also very willing to look away and distance himself from things of which he doesn't approve or doesn't want to get entangled.
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In this very same exchange, you can see Lt. Kitsuragi try to distance himself from your bad decisions in the same way, if you choose to take Pyrholidion.
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I think the biggest difference between Bird's Nest Roy and Lt. Kitsuragi is that Bird's Nest Roy acts like he's a cynic...
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... but the fact that he tried to help with the People's Pile makes me think he's not.
In fact, he likes imagining, losing himself in his own thoughts, more than anything real.
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Did you see that? Did you get what he's saying?
The Man from Hjelmdall may not have been real before the stories were written and read, but he's real now, because he's in the stories.
I don't think Lt. Kitsuragi agrees with that.
But I do.
And if you're reading this post, I bet you do too. You had no idea who Bird's Nest Roy or Lt. Kim Kitsuragi or Raphaël Ambrosius Costeau was.
But you do now.
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kindgreenape · 1 year
DNI: contact mike haters, racist lorry drivers, cuno, moralintern stans, the bourgeoisie, people who consume man from hjelmdall uncritically, garte (he knows what he did), anyone who hates my buddy kim, anti infra-materialists
tag mentions of apricots with #harry don’t look
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dolorianwolf · 1 year
Imagine. You’re a humble pawnbroker. One day, a man with mutton chops comes in, soaking, soggy and soppy, and he slams his gun on the counter and begs you to buy it or he’ll shoot himself.
A few days later, that same man saunters in, and asks in classic porn opener fashion if you’re willing to be serviced for a Man from Hjelmdall shirt because he can’t afford the 2 reál it costs. 
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mail-me-a-snail · 3 months
making a separate post about this since it's spoilers but ill keep it vague since ik a lot of y'all want to play de (ooo you want to so sososo bad)
during the final day of the endgame i completely forgot to do the 18 hour mind project and had no time for it. i was mourning the fact that id never get to hear what the skills had to say about the homosexual underground.
but then. then i remembered i had the man from hjelmdall book in my inventory. so i made harry read that over n over til 18 hours passed and it was near midnight and the mind project finally finished
can you imagine. can you imagine being kim kitsuragi, tired and sore and just wanting to go home, on both an isolated sea fortress and on the cusp of solving THE HANGED MAN after a hell of a week. when your partner. pulls out a macho man fantasy series and reads uninterrupted gone from this world totally invested in fantasy violence
only to turn to you 18 hours later and go "kim i think i like men"
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yellow-yarrow · 5 months
"Now some of you might want to know whether demons still exist in the Elysium world in some way or form, I’m going to leave it hanging)." (x) okay well what is this then
Joyce Messier - "*A Deuill*," she pronounces: "*Who being of great Charme and Guille, sneaketh into the homes of the Godlie*." Conceptualization - That dialect is Ubi Sunt?. You recognize the quote from somewhere. A play, written way back in the Franconigerian century... Electrochemistry - Beneath her waterproof raincoat and silk shirt is a body imbibed in Numb 12 perfume. You are suddenly and intimately aware of it. You - "*And perswades them to addict themselues to his seruice...*" Joyce Messier - "Ah, you know more than you let on..." She gives you a coy little smile. "Philosopher-Detective of Precinct 41." You - (Nod.) "Devil Woman."
Harry is quoting from Daemonologie by King James VI (x)
Daemonologie [..]was first published in 1597[1] by King James VI of Scotland (later also James I of England) as a philosophical dissertation on contemporary necromancy and the historical relationships between the various methods of divination used from ancient black magic. [..] Daemonologie included a study of demonology and the methods demons used to bother troubled men. The book endorses the practice of witch hunting. This book is believed to be one of the main sources used by William Shakespeare in the production of Macbeth. (x)
the funniest thing is that I couldn't find Joyce's quote in Daemonologie. The sentence before Harry's quote is this:
Their mindes being prepared before hand, as I haue alreadie spoken, they easelie agreed vnto that demande of his: And syne settes an other tryist, where they may meete againe. At which time, before he proceede any further with them, he first perswades them to addict themselues to his seruice:
The only place I found that exact quote, was an article about Tony Blair, (published in 2014) (x), where he is described as some ancient evil demon. (it's pretty funny)
I think it's interesting how "Devil Woman" is mostly mentioned when there is something that reminds Harry of his ex
Joyce's perfume, which is "Sweet like the scent of chewing gum on some letter, long ago..."
Klaasje (blond young woman in disco era clothes, has birthmarks on her face - Dora had freckles)
Man from Hjelmdall and the Devil Woman book
another smell that is related to Dora is cinnamon
Apricot Chewing Gum Wrapper - There it is again -- the scent of apricots, with a touch of cinnamon. Smells like the end of some distant summer. The surface of another planet, or some ancient temple.
From Sacred and Terrible Air:
(..)was whispered into Fakkengaff’s ear by the very soul of debauchery. She had the white wings of an angel, but the breath against the disc jockey’s ear had been hot with passion, smelling of cinnamon and primal evil.
^ again with the evil thing (and aren't demons fallen angels?)
Daemonologie was written to endorse witch hunting and through the game there are times where Harry can say some pretty sexist stuff about women (calling them whores and devil women) so it's fitting
so. don't know where I'm going with this but pretty interesting stuff
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concord-and-cliches · 2 years
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always important to study ahead of time
[id in alt and under the cut, sketch also under the cut!]
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[ID: A Disco Elysium fancomic featuring Harry Du Bois and Kim Kitsuragi. Panel One: Kim, starting to take off his jacket, asks Harry with a teasing smile: "So, will this be your first time with a man?" Harry looks startled and wide-eyed back at Kim. Panel Two: Harry looks over his shoulder at Kim. He has a nervous expression, and says: "Um, well, yes--..." In smaller text, he goes on to say: "probably?" Panel Three: Harry grabs Kim's shoulders with a determined expression, and says: "But don't worry! I did…!" Panel Four: Harry, still holding onto Kim's shoulders, looks off to the side with suspicion. Panel Five: In the same position as the previous panel, Harry looks back over at Kim and says: "research". Panel Six: Kim, his shoulders now released from Harry's grip, says, with an exasperated expression: "…….okay." Panel Seven: Harry shoves a bag into Kim's face, startling him, and Harry says: "Look!" Panel Eight: A close-up of the contents of the bag. It is full of books. There is a white book with an upside-down star on it titled: "Mazov x Nilsen: Our Sexual Revolution". There is a blue book with a sunflower on it titled: "Unnecessary Feelings". There is a yellow book with a plastic baggie on the cover titled: "Drugs + Love (Nacho POV)". There is a green book titled: "A Trip to Jupiter". There is a light-blue book with trees on the cover titled: "How Bad Can We Be?" There is a grey book with a cut-off title that reads: "Duck Mullen & the […]" There is a red book titled: "Batsuper". There is another blue book with a cut-off title that appears to read: "Hjelmdall". Panel Nine: Kim looks into this bag with a blank expression. /end ID]
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ladyhedoniste · 3 months
While I'm on the subject of Harry Du Bois' bisexuality, I think it's interesting to know that in the course of the game you learn a lot about Harry's taste in men, for all that he seems to be heavily in denial about being queer.
Other than The Smoker on the Balcony and Kim, when he does think about other men, he seems primarily interested in men who are strong and muscular. (He also very much seems to want to be dominated). Here are some examples:
His interest in Man from Hjelmdall books. When he's reading about an orgy at a blood ritual in the forest, in answer to whether he's here for the blood stuff, Half Light chimes in: "No, beautiful naked people fucking in the bushes is what you came for. Sweat, cocks and and titties please!"
He is obsessed with Contact Mike, a big strong boxer
If you hug the Working Class Woman, Harry has the optional thought "It's good, but I'd prefer a man. A solid muscularity would support me better." and then "Muscles, I said muscles! I want manly-manly muscles."
When he reads the pale medicine book, his brain chimes in about being thrashed by a big man with a branch, while lying helpless and naked on a cool slab
If you go down the fash route, it becomes clear through talking to Measurehead that Harry is sexually attracted to him and would be interested in "light bondage" with him. From what I've read about this route, it seems pretty likely that a lot of Harry's bigoted views in this version of the story stem his insecurity about his disabilities, his serious internalized homophobia, and having thoughts about being sexually dominated like he thinks Revacholian women are by "big foreign men in faraway countries who are better at sex than he is".
BONUS: Harry also seems to be sexually attracted towards people he sees as cool.
Harry was so attracted to Guillaume le Million that he modeled his fashion, "champagne cork smile", and some of his personality on him. Unfortunately it was not possible for him to copy Guillaume's "perfect ass".
The Smoker on the Balcony is constantly referred to as mysterious and cool. This twink with an open shirt and a terrible sugar daddy had Harry so entranced. Is he really mysterious, Harry, or are you just very closeted and very lonely, and immediately drawn to the first visibly flamboyant person you saw after you woke up with your mind wiped?
Kim. Just Kim. He is so besotted with him. I could fill paragraphs, but I'm just going to leave it at "How did you get so cool, Kim?" and that moment where he sniffed Kim's neck during the Communism vision quest. The smell of him set Harry's GABA receptors aflutter. Don't you also get a little bit high when you smell your friend's aftershave and the motor oil from when he services his car?
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weepylucifer · 1 year
Harry: And was the bug sex good? Was the bug sex good on the islet? Did you cum like 15 times from the pheromones, just like in Man From Hjelmdall and the Jungle of Temptation--
Dros: Why don't you go and kill your self
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you're pretty literate for your age, cuno the junior officer
What the fuck does that mean?
Cuno's TWELVE, course Cuno's fucking literate. Cuno's a fucking pig now. You need to know how to do this writing shit when you're in here. Always writing shit down, none of that Man from Hjelmdall shit.
Fucking bitches still thinking Cuno doesn't know shit.
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