#man or astroman
gotankgo · 9 months
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1993 - Cheater Slicks + Kudgel + Man or Astroman
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radiophd · 1 year
man or astroman? -- name of numbers
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man or astroman are touring again adsdfcgvbnm i want them to come to my city SO BADLY
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popopoyata · 8 months
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tinyreploid · 11 months
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actually uploading the art in full on its own. Just a lil parody of a tiger beat magazine i made for @freezeman049atdwndotcom (friend @zeibei freeze askblog)
It was very fun to do and i loved inserting little in-jokes (:
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sparkpop · 9 months
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Happy New Years! ! (Sorry it's a bit late ^^''')🎉
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spritesitrus · 1 year
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i felt like these were supposed to have a theme but it's probably just that they're gay
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cak3o · 9 months
hope people enjoy seeing my live reactions to things related to megaman because i just realized that tenguman and astroman were in two different games.
they are special do not separate
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hoshi-no-pops-05 · 10 months
he is lost
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disturbeddynamo · 9 months
Hey Dynamo, what's your opinion on the other KGN numbers (+ Astro and Tengu) ?
Ugh geez, where do I even start...
Well, let's start with Cold Man. Cold Man is probably one of the more tolerable out of them. He's actually a pretty, no pun intended, cool guy. He's not hostile, not a dumbass (he's a bit slow, but it's nothing too serious), and he's pretty thoughtful. I guess it's the fact that he used to belong to that Light beard guy before being taken by King. But I like him enough to talk with him and hang out. We're close enough for him to let me rummage around inside him too, something he allows Astro, Magic, and of course King, to do....it's like a dog letting you rub its belly as a sign of trust. It won't let anyone get close to it's internal organs since the belly is one of the vulnerable aspects of the animal..
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Pirate Man...This guy is, brutal. Like, bloody "Spartan 300" kind of brutal. This guy honestly sort of scares me for the fact that he would not hesitate on getting what he wants. A pirate is a pirate after all, so I guess it's inherent, but...seriously. I would not be there on the day of "Bolts n' Chase". Brief explanation of what that is. As a way of "entertainment", King makes up some of the most bullshit ass games. This is one of them where it's like spin the bottle, only it's King spinning his axe and wherever the blade points to the near Robot Master, they are it. And the "it" is the prey and has to survive for exactly 2 hours from being dismantled from the other members. The game is also a way to test endurance, stamina, ability, and cunning. Now with that, Pirate does not hold back. He will do anything, even if it means killing his own member just to get to the top. At the end of the day, it's just a game. Pirate is just some crabby Pirate guy who speaks in old sea shanties.
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Burner Man....I hate him. With a passion. For so many reasons I will not list here, that is for another day. But to put it simply, he just does not. Listen. He's a total, uncompassionate jackass. A personality like his does not mesh well with mine. A robot like him can't even comprehend a piece of paper towel stuck to his face even if you pointed it out to him, he's so fucking blind. But...even though I hate him, I also sympathize with him. My heart aches for him for sooo many different reasons, I don't know how to explain. And it's one of those reasons is why I'm probably socially inept, why I don't chose to feel happy, because this problem still lies within...him.
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Moving on. There's Astro Man. Another one of which I consider to be a little more tolerable. I won't lie when I say that I sort of feel bad for the guy. He did not want to be here, but King forced him to join. I am glad he was here though, not by any cruel means, but I'm glad to have met a guy like him. I relate to his struggle for being at the hands of King. I think we are closer because of this shared pain. Despite his more skittish nature, Astro is also very thoughtful. It may also sound a bit...funny to say this, but I may have a(n) Astro crush on him too, but I don't really know. I could just be clingy to anyone who gives me the slightest bit of soft affection...but, even then, I don't think it would even be possible since I suspect him and Tengu already have something between them. I don't think anyone would date someone like me though, but I shouldn't get too sentimental.
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Tengu Man. Iiiiii- honestly have not much to say apart from what I mentioned about him and Astro. But maybe aside from that, I don't see him as the "romantic" type or anyone interested in relationships. He seems to pay attention more to himself than to others. I guess his confidence is what makes him charming, but I wouldn't know. I don't pay much attention to the guy. He does have a pointy nose though :3
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Ground Man is, who I'd describe, a quite solidarity philosopher. He seems to disappear wherever, whenever. Then he pops out of nowhere with something new to say, or as I'd like to call, his "sermons". He spends all his alone time just thinking up these kind of thought-provoking philosophies. They're all either about the social unjust between humans and robots, among other things that may change your perception in life. I may not take half of what he says in consideration since they all also sound like something I've heard of before in Greek mythology or old poets, which is amusing in within itself. He's a contradiction. He's hostile while also allowing me to ride on his shoulders, but I guess I should be grateful that I'm not ran over by his treads.
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Last, but oh no certainly not least, Magic Maaan. This guy can be annoying. Just annoying. With the how he interrupts times when it gets really serious, he pulls out a magic trick out his ass and it completely throws off the entire mood. I don't hate him, don't get me wrong. Some of his tricks are impressive, but I feel like he was just recruited as a King's number just to preform and entertain. I wanted to mention other things, but I also don't want to think about it... I hated that he treated me like a little kid though, I tell him that I don't like being called pet names or I don't want my hand being held for reassurance, but he does it anyways. I just let it happen and honestly I stopped caring since um..King does the same thing to me (T/.//T
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Thank you for coming to my Ted talk. Have a nice day.
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mutedeclipse · 2 years
Astroman ☄️
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Went down the bomberman to megaman pipeline
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rastronomicals · 19 days
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September 5:
On this date in 1985, John Cougar Mellencamp released his eighth album, Scarecrow. I won't judge material I haven't heard, but the hits are junk, except for the ostensible title track, which is brilliant.
on this date in 2000, Man . . . Or Astroman? released their sixth album, A Spectrum Of Infinite Scale. My favorite is "Song of the Two-Mile Linear Particle Accelerator Stanford University, Stanford California"
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DAMM BOI HE THICC, THAT ASS GOT ITS OWN GRAVITATIONno it doesn’t, stop that houston, we have a problem, this fucking bottom came back for another astronomical ass-whoopin.
second verse same as the first, that Death Star-lookin’ bootleg booty is so big is so you can do your own goddamn trench run in it but astro man ain't got no ass-tro for you here. i also saw that acclaimed sci-fi film that a couple people liked--it was a million-to-one shot, and that’s a lot of misses you’re gonna suffer before you get anywhere near close to a hit. get off those astroturf fantasies and get back to earth before you start making mistakes of a cosmic proportion
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Would you do some cute snuggling with Astro Man headcanons?. Big guy needs some more love tbh
*Astro man adores any kinds of hugs/cuddles
*so when you asked him for snuggles, his immediate response was “yes, absolutely!”
*if you’re not careful, tho, he may pick you up and hold you close to him, and will not let you go for a while
*though he’ll let you go if he sees you getting uncomfortable or anything
*but he will lose it if you fall asleep by him, like “oh gosh what do I do?? Do I leave them to sleep here or bring them elsewhere???”
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no but the jimmy neutron theme song really didn't have to go that hard
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valentronic · 2 years
electr1c-funeral -> lo-batt
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