#also reposting some stuff i drew before
spritesitrus · 1 year
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i felt like these were supposed to have a theme but it's probably just that they're gay
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circuitreats · 10 months
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Look at them. Magnificent. Absolute specimens, even.
Reposting some DCA pieces I made a bit back! Thought it'd be nice to have all the big ones in one post c: I also drew the Eclipse one before Ruin came out!
If you like these arts, please consider checking out my Etsy shop, which has the Eclipse and Sun print available for purchase along with some other cool stuff! :D
591 notes · View notes
Pairing: Vampire!Hozier x reader
Word Count: 7,286
Warnings: vampire au, language, alcohol, blood, blood sucking, thoughts about unaliving oneself, fingering, light choking, oral (f receiving), penetration (also the reader is female and has hair covering their neck)
Summary: You had heard rumours about the man living in the old mansion down Hollows Lane. Gruesome ones. Enticing ones. Little did you know they were all true.
A/N: I blame hoztwt and my undying vampire kink for this.
Picture found on Pinterest
If you enjoy my story, liking is great, but leaving a comment or reblogging is the stuff that keeps me going. No permission is given to copy, repost or share my work on other platforms.
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 There were rumours about the man living down Hollows Lane. Gruesome ones. The first time you had heard them, you had laughed out loud. A simple prank, you had thought, gone by the end of the month. But they just did not stop. 
There were also other rumours. Enticing ones. The man was a seducer, they said, a master of his art, and he knew how to have a good time. You had heard women gushing about his talent, about how they had never been satisfied like that before. It was almost too good to be true. Especially since all he wanted in return was a tasty meal. 
A small price to pay if the rumours about his unearthly qualities were true. And as soon as the thought had manifested in your mind, your ears picked up the deep roll of thunder in the distance. A warning, maybe. Probably not. Still it was enough to make you trip and stumble a few steps forward. With a deep breath you steadied yourself, pressing the basket of food you carried to your chest. Just one more turn, one more road to walk down. You could already make out the roof of the grand mansion at the far end. There was a whisper, carried on the breeze, as if it was calling you, a ridiculous thought, you chided yourself, but still your feet had picked up their pace again, the determined clicking of your heels on the pavement the only noise in the lamplit street. 
Finally you reached the iron gate and its signature creak brought back memories from the first time you had walked up to his doorstep. You had been so nervous, almost dying inside from anticipation and anxiety alike. 
You had no idea how this was supposed to work. All you had was some kind of code word you were expected to say to him. 
The large door knocker felt heavy and ice cold as you lifted it and brought it down three times. For a long while, almost an eternity, nothing happened, and you were about to turn around and leave when finally the dark wood in front of you moved. And there he was. He was even more beautiful than the women had described and you doubted there were words in any language to do the looks of this man justice. 
“Can I help you?”
He just stood there, waiting, glancing down at you as he towered in the doorway, but that was all it took to stun you into complete silence. Your mouth felt utterly dry, your tongue too heavy to move even if the code was short and easy to remember. 
“Are you quite well?”
At least you managed to nod and that seemed to please him somehow. 
“What’s your name?”
“Y/N,” you blurted out, your brain happy to start with something simple. 
“Pleasure to meet you, Y/N.”
He held out his hand to you and you took it without hesitation. It was soft and warm and his touch almost had you miss out on the moment when he drew in a sharp breath, his upper lip quivering strangely, but it was gone as fast as it had appeared and soon you doubted whether it had been real or just a product of your shell-shocked brain.
“Do you want to come in?”
“Yes! I mean, no. I—” One eyebrow shooting up, he observed you carefully as you stumbled across your own words. “I’m sorry. I am so nervous and I have no idea how this works.”
“I can see that,” he chuckled. “But there is no need to be nervous. Just tell me the words and you’ll be fine.”
His green eyes were so calming as they seemed to stare right into your soul. It should have worried you, should it not, that he seemed to be able to glance at the deepest, most well-hidden parts of you so easily, but instead you felt yourself relax under his gaze. 
“Carpe noctem,” you finally managed to pipe up.
“Good girl.”
His voice was low and raspy and you felt your walls tighten around agonising nothingness upon his words. He smirked, knowing full well what he was doing to you already and as much of a warning signal this should have been, it turned you on beyond reason. 
“Now, that wasn’t so hard, was it?” You shook your head. “And the rest of this will be just as easy, I promise. All you need to do is be back here on Saturday, exact same time. Dress to your liking, I want you to feel as comfortable as possible. And bring all the ingredients to your favourite meal.”
You nodded mechanically.
“Are you sure you got it?”
“Got it.”
Gosh, why were you like this? Why could you not just be chill about this? You were embarrassing yourself in front of a man who would supposedly shag the brains out of you this Saturday if one could trust the rumours in this town for once. He on the other hand seemed completely unfazed, maybe even enjoying your flustered state, telling from the satisfied smile on his face. 
“Okay, see you on Saturday, then,” you were quick to end this torment, even waving stupidly at him as if you had not already done enough to traumatise yourself. But he was just as quick as he caught your wrist mid-air, a movement too fast for your eyes to catch up and he did not even allow you a second to blink before you found yourself pressed up against his body, one arm slung around the small of your back to keep you in place. 
“Goodbye, angel,” he whispered, his breath mingling with yours in the tiny space that was left between your mouths, a space he was keen to erase completely as he leaned in. His kiss was featherlight, making you doubt once more whether this was actually happening or if his lips on yours were just another product of your delusional mind. All you knew was that it made your knees weak and you were very thankful that he was still tightly holding you. 
Even more so as a sharp sting shook you from your hazy state. Your lip. And the distinctive metal taste of blood. 
“What the hell was that?” you hissed in irritation, two fingers finding your lip and as you pulled them away, the dark red liquid was shimmering in the eerie light of the evening.
“Just a little appetiser.”
You wanted to protest, to tell him off, but once again you found yourself rendered speechless by this man. And he knew how to use your petrified state as a strong hand wrapped around yours, holding the fingers laced with blood in place, and then his mouth opened to take them in, licking them clean as he stared right into your eyes from underneath those impossibly long lashes. 
“Can’t wait for Saturday to come.”
You did not know how often you had gone over this scene in your head these past days. It made you shiver, every time, but even more than that, it made you want him, to a point that you started to question your sanity because you knew you would never find peace again if you did not have him. Just once. 
And so you had done exactly as he had told you. You had come back, Saturday, same time, wearing your favourite dress and heels, both red like your lipstick. The outfit was not really comfortable as he had suggested, but no other item of clothing in your wardrobe managed to make you feel yourself as much as this. And god knew you could use as much confidence as you were able to muster. 
In your hand you carried a basket full of ingredients for your meal, no matter how odd his request still seemed to you. Why would anyone see a self-made meal as a fitting price for…well…for what he was about to give you in return? Living in a home like that, he surely was wealthy enough to afford a cook if he did not want to prepare his own meals. Would that not be much easier and less risky than having to eat a surprise dish from someone who did not know half the time what they were doing? Maybe he had some weird food kink or it got him off to watch other people work for him. 
Whatever it was, he left you no time to think about the matter further as the door suddenly swung open. Your hand was still hovering awkwardly mid-air since you had just been reaching for the knocker. And it stayed there for a moment longer, your nervous system sent into overdrive as you took him in.
He was even more radiant in his gloom tonight, if that made any sense at all, but there were no better words to describe the pull he had on you. He was dressed in all black, jeans, denim jacket and shirt, which conveniently was not buttoned up to the collar, thus allowing a fine view of his fluffy chest. Different to your first meeting, he had decided to pull half of his hair back in a ponytail, allowing the rest of his curls to fall freely around his shoulders. He might have trimmed his beard a little as well, but you could not tell for sure, the memory of your last encounter still a bit blurry around the edges. 
But all that seemed secondary when he fished your hand out of its weird position and brought it to his lips for a gallant kiss.
“You’re back.” He was beaming, his eyes so full of joy that you almost believed he had doubted you would return. “Come in.”
He still held your hand, making a welcoming gesture with the other, waiting patiently for you to step inside. Another thunder rumbled through the night, louder this time, and you hurried to cross the doorstep. With a heavy thud, the door of the old mansion fell shut behind you, causing a violent shiver to run down your spine. And you could not help but feel like red riding hood in your dress, who had just entered the wolf’s den, fully knowing he would devour her. 
“Welcome to my home.”
And what a home it was. Dark wood and old carpets dominated the place, staircases wound their way upwards elegantly, leading to even more rooms that seemed wasted on one inhabitant alone. Oil paintings decorated the walls, portraits as well as landscape scenes of places far and near, and here and there antiques caught the eye, collector’s pieces, possibly, or family memorabilia, passed down from generation to generation. And as if that had not been enough to remind you of those old gothic movies, the whole house seemed to be covered in a sheen of gloomy, flickering light, as if it was solely lit by candles. But of course that was ridiculous, nobody sane would rely on candles today instead of electricity. It must be some of those ultra-realistic LED candles that sat on the chandeliers and candelabras you passed by on your way as he lead you deeper into his lair.
To your great relief his kitchen was up to modern standards, at least far more modern than the rest of the house seemed to be and you thanked the heavens for that. Even the thought of having to cook in a kettle over an open fire doubled your nervousness in an instant. 
You did not speak much as you went to work, but you knew you had his full attention. You could feel his eyes on you, observing your every move, following you around as you tried to concentrate so you would not mess up dinner. An impossible task, it seemed, but what could you do? Sending him away was rude and out of the question. This was his home, you had come here of your own free will, knowing full well the terms of this deal, and if you wanted your needs satisfied, you would satisfy his, even it meant to have your every move studied.
You almost jumped out of your skin. He was so close, his voice coming from right beside your ear. Accompanying his words, he pushed a glass of red wine into your periphery. You hummed in affirmation as you took the drink from his hand. Eagerly you set it to your lips, gulping down a swig and then another as you found it did nothing to end the sudden drought in your throat. And yet you found yourself leaning back against him the moment his hands found you. One was careful to brush away the hair from your shoulder, while the other tenderly glided up and down your arm. You felt his chest move as he inhaled deeply, bringing you even closer, letting the deep vibration of his satisfied hum take hold of you too. 
“Mouthwatering,” he concluded, and he was already pulling away, the last you felt of him the brush of his fingertips against your neck. 
He must have lied to you, a white lie, but totally unnecessary as he did not seem to intend in the least to eat the meal you had prepared for the both of you. He sat across from you at a table that felt uncomfortably large at a dinner for two, twisting a glass of wine in his hand. Yet he was neither drinking nor touching the food on his plate.
“Are you not hungry?” you inquired, already unable to hide the miffed undertone in your voice.
“I am,” he stated plainly as if your question had been obsolete, as if in fact your question was the confusing bit of this conversation and not his totally antithetic behaviour.
“Is the food not to your liking then?” you refused to let him get away with it this easily. And as you waited for his answer, your fork dashed down to impale an innocent piece of vegetable.
“It looks delicious.”
He sported a smile, totally unfazed by the message of the little stunt you had pulled. If this man intended to seduce you by giving you the full boyfriend experience, even the aggravating and irritating parts, he would be in for a surprise tonight.
“Then why don’t you eat?”
“I will.” He had just finished his statement when lightning stroke, bathing the room in its cold, white light and for a second your heart stopped in your chest. It was only an instant, but the picture of him had been distorted completely, his mouth wide open, a pair of razor-sharp fangs glistening in the eerie light. 
You did not dare to blink, and still you must have, as only a moment later, everything was back to normal, he even continued speaking as if nothing had ever happened.
“All in due time, angel.”
Angel. He had called you that before. You had no idea what about you exactly made him think this was a fitting nickname for you. You certainly did not think of yourself as a being of light, and no one else before him ever had. Not that this was a bad thing, on the contrary. But what bothered you about it was the fact that he had already chosen a term of endearment for you, while you did not even know his name. 
“Will you at least tell me your name?”
Your voice sounded awfully strange to your own ears, a mixture of pouting and whining. It never sounded like that, not even in your lowest moments. And there had been quite a few of those.
“You can call me Andrew.”
“Andrew,” you repeated, letting his name roll over your tongue as if you were testing the sound, testing what it felt like to form the name with your mouth. It was not intentionally done, but when you looked up from your plate, you found his eyes already glued to you, and the hunger reflecting in those deep green orbs made you shiver in anticipation.
An anticipation you felt now more than ever, and it was threatening to drive you to insanity as you casually flicked through his record collection after dinner, trying very hard not to let your nerves get the best of you. You had moved to the living room now, or was it his music room? You had no idea, but the piano and the record collection let you assume as much. 
“This one.”
You pulled the LP from the shelf and handed it to him. Andrew was already waiting by the record player, taking it from you. 
“Great choice,” he commented. "Unbelievably talented musician, and an exceptional woman. You would have loved her.”
“You say that as if you knew her personally.”
“I did,” he stated as he found your gaze, and not for a second did you doubt that he was telling the absolute truth, however impossible it seemed. 
You watched him walk over to you, and you both knew that he would not answer your question. He did not need to. But instead of taking the last way out and run, you took the hand that was already waiting for you and nothing you had done in your life before had ever felt this right. 
There was just one question left to ask, you wanted to blurt it out and get it off your chest after it had pestered you for days, but you waited until you had both sat down on the chaise longue by the window. 
“So, ehm, how is this gonna go?” You were still holding his hand, your fingers playing with his as you spoke. “Do you want me to tell you what I like?”
“No.” His voice was like velvet. “There is no need to tell me. I will know.”
“Know how?”
He slowly detangled his fingers from yours, and when his eyes found yours again, something about them had changed.
“I can sense it, your desire.” His words had distracted you, allowing his hand to move unseen. It found you, found the sensitive spot of bare skin right above your knee. He did not even have to look and had found his aim still, making you suck in a sharp breath of air as his warmth seeped into your skin, gliding higher and higher up your thigh until his hand had vanished underneath the hem of your dress completely. “I can sense what brings you pleasure.”
Your eyes must have fallen closed under his gentle caress, and yet the touch of his lips did not startle you as they found the outline of your jaw. He moved slowly, placing featherlight kiss after kiss along the path to your ear.
This was the moment. It had come at last. Time to give him his part of the bargain. And so you brushed your hair aside, craning your neck to allow him full access. 
“Not yet, angel,” he whispered, his lips brushing your ear, “not yet.”
Instead of the teeth you had awaited, his palm settled on the most delicate spot you had offered him. He placed it right above your pulse, claiming what was his to take whenever he desired. He could probably feel it, feel the blood rush through you, and the thought was enough to coax a soft sigh from your throat.
But your pulse against his fingertips was not the only thing he could sense. Above it all he heard it, loud and clear, the thunderous drum behind your ribs, as if your heart was waiting for the right moment to break free. That would not be necessary. There were other ways to free you.
You moaned, a sound that warmed his icy heart, and when he let his hand glide up your thigh, your legs fell open for him. He blindly followed the moist heat, his eyes never leaving your beautiful face, watching as you slowly let go. Soon you would be lost to the world, your world, and would become part of his instead. He was just about to tear the last barrier, fisting the exquisite fabric, he gave it a harsh tug and there was nothing left between you and him any more.
You were so soft, softer as the finest silk, and the moan that fell from your lips when his fingers dove in between your silky lips to spread the slick that awaited him was so sinful it almost swayed him to allow himself a little taste of you. But he knew better than that. The wait would only heighten his enjoyment. He would not let his ravenous thirst ruin that for him. 
Your head sank back as he slowly slipped inside of you, exposing even more of your neck as another sinful sound broke from your lips. This was impossible, he needed to do something, to silence you for a while until he had gathered enough strength to withstand the urge to sink his teeth into you and suck you dry. And so he pushed his thumb past your lips until he felt your tongue press against it, sucking it in deeper. 
Soon he had found the right rhythm, pumping in and out of you, crooking his fingers every now and then to brush along that sensitive spot inside of you. He loved how the stimulation made your breath hitch in your throat, how your eyelids fluttered in that tiny moment of pure pleasure. It drove him wild, to play you like that, and for a second he forgot himself, his thumb gliding out of your mouth to squeeze that frail neck of yours. 
He let go immediately when he heard your heart skip a beat, it had startled him, but your whine came instantly, eyes flying open to find his, begging him silently to do it again. And who was he to deny you your pleasure? So he squeezed again, lightly at first, then harder until your hand grabbed the collar of his jacket, your back arching as you pulled yourself closer to him. 
You were close, so close, and he wondered…Tilting your head back, he dove into the crook of your neck, his tongue darting out to lick along the prominent vein. He could taste your pulse against his tongue, taste the sweetness of his triumph as he felt your walls clenching down on his fingers. Just one more step, one more ace up his sleeve to drive you over the edge. He knew you could feel it, feel the slight sting as his fangs brushed along your neck, teasing the skin they would soon break, a promise so ardent it left you no choice but to come with a desperate shout. 
He held you as you trembled and shook, riding out your high against his fingers. You were enchanting in your rapture and it was in this very moment that he vowed to give you everything you wanted, he would cater to your wants and needs until you felt you could take no more. 
He had never understood those who got high on striking fear into the hearts of their blood donors. Fear only staled the taste, while satisfaction heightened it. All those hormones, serotonin, oxytocin, prolactin, dopamine, adrenaline, mixing to form the most delicious concoction. 
But there was something more to it. The truth was, he liked giving something back. It made him feel less guilty about what he had to do to survive. He had not really chosen this life, well, he had, but he had been young and in love and full of hope that sharing eternity with her, the one who had turned him, would be worth it. It had not even lasted a decade before she had tired of him. Apparently commitment was not only difficult for beings with a limited lifespan. 
But with her gone, everything had seemed pointless in the beginning. All the things he had given up to share this life with her, he missed them terribly. And he loathed the killing, the never ending thirst. He had thought about ending it, numerous times, but he had always found more reason to hold on. And with a few alterations of the rules, he had also found a way to make it work.
He did not kill anymore. There really was no need to. Except for the fact that there were no witnesses if he did. Still, it was possible to survive on smaller portions of blood. He needed to feed more often then, which in turn increased the risk of getting caught. And so he had come up with this transactional system over time.
It was as easy as it was effective: he gave them what they wanted, and in return he could feast. Before he let them go, he made sure to erase certain memories of the shared time, and since he was good at his side of the transaction, they came back freely.
But this right here, you, you were more than a transaction. It had been nothing but a matter of business with the others, sex was just sex, a means to get what he wanted. But for the first time in forever there was something more than hunger he wanted to sate. He wanted you, wanted a taste of what it felt like to be alive, truly alive, not just a slave to the never dying thirst. 
It had been a while, and he had been sure he had forgotten by now what it felt like, but with you, so full of life as you writhed with lust in his arms, he remembered everything. And he needed more of it.
You must have sensed it, that he was about to let go, and his punishment came promptly. “Andrew,” you whimpered, as if his absence was pure agony, and he hurried, moving with lightning speed as he disposed of his jacket and made his way down to the floor. He knelt between your legs, pushing up the red fabric to expose his next treat. He was ready to dive in, to devour you, lick you into oblivion, but the gentle touch of your hand as it cupped his cheek held him back. 
Your eyes were so soft, full of affection and he felt a sting in his chest as the thought crossed his mind that he did not deserve this. Not at all. He was merely using you and still… His lips pressed to your palm in a tender kiss. The gesture did not even remotely match the endearment your eyes held, but it would have to do, for now. 
And then you surprised him again. In the blink of an eye your eyes darkened, your hand moving into his hair, while the other pulled the red fabric even higher. And on your lips, those pillows of sinfully smeared red, formed a smile that would surely bring him to his knees if he was not already kneeling. 
Eager for the touch of his lips you pulled him the rest of the way and his mouth found you with a moan, as if you were the most exquisite he had ever tasted. But what did it matter what you were to him? To you, he was the best you had ever had, and he had not promised too much when he had claimed he would know how to please you. He did. Oh god, he did. 
Swirling his tongue, he drew small circles around your clit until tiny stars started dancing before your eyes. But he had no intention of ending this so soon, you knew, as his tongue slowly glided all the way down to your wet entrance, teasing you, just to glide back up. He repeated his sweet torture a few times, over and over, until you lost count. And just when you thought he would never stop this torment, his tongue dipped into you. Hooking his arms around your legs he pulled you closer, sinking even deeper into you. You keened, one long, drawn out cry of pure delectation. Both of your hands had vanished into his hair by now, securing him right where he was. Not that you feared he would cease his endeavour, but you needed to feel him, needed to feel that this was real and not just a fever dream, your mind caught in divine delirium.
“Andrew,” you sighed breathlessly and for a second he stilled, dark eyes staring up at you, searching intently for any signs that you wanted him to stop. But you did not. Far from it. And so his eyes dipped back down, his upper lip quivering treacherously before his tongue darted out to lick one long stripe along your crevice. He sighed, eyes falling shut as he inhaled your scent, and you could feel your walls twitch upon the ferocity of his gesture. His forehead creased, nose scrunching as he bared his teeth, the two prominent fangs now unashamedly on display, and like a savage beast he leapt forward, to devour you properly. 
“Yes, yes,” you yelped, fingers tightening in his hair and he growled against you. “You’re gonna make me—” But you did not get to finish that sentence before your orgasm washed over you in a mighty wave, drowning out everything but you and him. Completely out of control, your legs wrapped around him, locking him up in the prison of your thighs where he still worked you, fervently, until your body went limp and your legs finally released him. 
Your eyes still closed, you could feel him, his kisses on the inside of your thighs, his movement as he left his spot between your legs, slowly crawling up your body while he covered it in more kisses, your hips, your stomach, your cleavage, your neck. You held him there for a while, relishing in the feeling of his mouth right there, right where it belonged, but all too soon for your liking he pulled away. 
Your tiny whine made him chuckle, and the most beautiful of smiles still curled his lips as he resurfaced from the crook of your neck.
“Should we take a little break?”
“Never.” Your answer was finite. You did not need a break. In fact it was the last thing you needed. There was something else you needed more than anything, and your fingers had already set out to get you exactly that. Skilfully they worked, opening button after button of his shirt, revealing more of that fuzzy chest. And now it was your turn to taste him, to kiss and lick that milky white skin while you kept on freeing him from his clothes. With a moan he sank against the back rest, one hand vanishing into your hair. He did not do anything, left it all to you, let you take what you wanted in your own sweet time. It was only when you had unfastened his belt and opened his trousers that he helped you shimmy them down his long legs. You had thought he would look more vulnerable once you had completely bared him, but there was nothing vulnerable about him. He was still exuding the same predatory power you had felt the moment you had first laid eyes on him and you knew you were damned for it, but it pulled you to him like a moth to a flame. 
“Turn around for me, angel,” he ordered and you did. Kneeling on the chaise longue, back turned to him, you melted into his touch as his fingers found the hidden zipper on your side. He was in no hurry to pull it down, allowing himself to revel in every inch of your skin that came to light, dragging one finger along it, all the way down to your hip, where he gathered the fabric in both of his hands and pulled it above your head. 
In an instant his hands were back on you, exploring your body. One arm hooked around his neck, you exposed yourself even further for him, and when he finally cupped your breasts, kneading them tenderly, playing with your hardened buds, you sank back against his chest. Wedged between you, resting right between the cheeks of your behind, you could feel him, all of him. And it was more than apparent that he wanted you just as much as you wanted him.
Carefully your hand moved through the tiny space between your bodies until you had found him. He hissed as your fingers closed around him, teeth sinking into your shoulder as you moved, slowly, stroking him, worshipping the silky hardness until it was not enough anymore to feel him like that. 
You guided him, bending forward until you could feel the gentle press of his head against your entrance. Lazily you dragged him up and down, coating him in the juices he had so expertly coaxed from you. 
“Fuck, angel, you are so wet.”
And with that you pushed your hips back, sinking him deep. Your reward was another growl that echoed through the silence. He was quick to pull you up against him, burying his face in your hair. He just held you like that for a while, enjoying your bodies in unity, his hand right above your heart, his breath drifting through your hair and down your neck, covering you in goosebumps. 
But then he came to life, his hips moving, slowly at first, then faster, and once he had found his rhythm, you knew you were lost to him. It was perfect, just perfect, the steady rocking of his hips, his hand following the call of your sex, vanishing between your thighs, while his other still held you, trailing up your chest until it had found your throat, gently applying just the right amount of pressure. There was no way you would last long. How could you with the amount of pleasure he coaxed from you, leading you towards your next high as if he had been born for that purpose alone. 
His lips found your ear, mouth falling open to lick along the bow it formed. “Come for me, angel. I know you want to.” And while he still whispered the redeeming words, you obeyed him once more. 
You would have tumbled and fallen from the might with which your high took hold of you, but he held you tight, mumbling soft words into your ear as you moaned and sighed and mewled like a possessed woman. Softly he pulled you back with him, moving your malleable body around until he had you straddling him, your head resting against his shoulder while his hand drifted soothingly up and down your back.
You had no idea how long the two of you had been sitting like this, your hand on his chest, his heartbeat steady underneath your fingertips, calming you until the fog that had clouded your mind had cleared. 
“I always thought vampires did not have a heartbeat,” you rambled as you pushed yourself off of him. 
Andrew smiled, like a mushy drunkard, you thought, and for a second the word besotted came to mind. But of course that was just you seeing things that were not there. And he made it so easy for you, this fantasy, even reaching for you to rest his hand against your cheek. 
“There is much for you to learn then.” 
And when he pulled you in for a kiss, you did not care anymore whether this was a fantasy or reality. Like a drug, his lips drowned it all out, the doubt, the white noise in your head, and made you focus on him alone, his mouth, kissing along your jaw, down your neck, rekindling the flame that had just cooled down to a faint glimmer in a heartbeat. 
“Andrew?” He hummed against your pulse, and you had to swallow hard, forcing down a moan, before you could continue. “Will you make me come again?”
He still did not leave his favourite spot, as if you had simply asked him for the time and not to fuck you again. “If that is what you want.”
It was. It was all you wanted, all you could think of right now. And since he made no inclination to give you what you wanted anytime soon, you reached for him. With a gasp you found him, still hard and ready for you. And as you guided him once more to where you needed to feel him, you told him about something else you wanted, something you longed for even more than for your next high. 
“I want you to come with me this time.” Your words finally made his mouth still, his head slowly coming back to light as you continued, “I want to feel it, want to feel you, deep inside, pulsing in your rapture.”
A growl rumbled deep in his chest, and there was something about his eyes that made you want to run, something wild, something carnal, something you could taste on his tongue as he pulled you in for another kiss, deep and searing, while he pushed up inside you in one sleek thrust. You pulled away in a gasp, panting heavily as you stared down at him. He had the audacity to smirk, his eyes darkening with every passing second.
“Go on then, angel. Make me come.”
As he spoke, his hands had grabbed your hips. He was guiding you now, the roll of your pelvis against his, just for a while, until he trusted you had overcome your surprise. And when you moved on your own, you could feel his hands wandering up the length of your back. His tenderness was misleading, your suspicion proven right as he dragged them back down harshly, his nails surely leaving trails in their wake. You keened upon the unexpected sensation, your head lulling back. And it seemed this was the moment he had been waiting for all along. Immediately his head dove down to your chest to claim his reward, sucking in your nipple like a starved man.
You felt as if you were falling, tumbling through the air while he kept on ravaging you. In a desperate attempt to save yourself, to grab onto something for dear life, your fingers found his hair again. You pulled and still he did not budge, tormenting your soft flesh until you were betrayed by your own body and he was rewarded with an unhinged twitch around his length. 
“It feels so good,” he moaned, and then it seemed you were not the only one who found herself betrayed by her own body when he confessed, “You feel so good.” 
And while you were still soaring on his declaration, however insignificant it might have been, he hit that one spot inside of you that made you clench even more violently than before. He moaned again, a low, guttural sound that made you quiver, and when your eyes locked with his, another smirk had found its way onto his lips. Like a bloodhound he had locked onto that spot that made you dizzy with desire, sending those tiny shocks through your body with every hit, they spread and pulsed, crawling along your skin until you could feel the racing beat of your heart underneath the thin layer of skin that covered your neck. 
He must have felt it too, one arm wrapping around you to pull you closer, while he used his free hand to brush away every last strand of hair from your shoulder. His gaze found you once more, and now the hunger was more apparent than ever, wafting through the dark pools of green, mixing, until they had lost all colour and you stared into pure darkness. 
Giving permission was easier than you had thought, it felt natural to nod, to watch his fangs grow to full size once he knew you did not oppose, to feel him grow inside you at the same time, and just as his teeth broke through your skin, he came, giving you everything he had while he took what he needed in return. 
You had feared it would be painful, but all you felt was pure bliss as he feasted on you, as he stilled the craving that he must have felt all night, stilled it on you. And as you gave yourself to him completely, you were carried away by the unexpected momentum of your high. You fell again, spiralling through a tunnel of colours that burst through the darkness around you. You felt light as a feather, but plunged down with the speed of a rock. And yet there was no room for fear. Not even as the colours began to fade and you were left with nothing but darkness. 
You were dizzy, almost delirious, fighting so hard to hold on to consciousness, and if you failed, it would be his fault entirely. It was not supposed to end like this, but you had tasted so good, so scrumptious, that your taste had sparked the faint hope he would finally be sated. An illusion, of course. This hunger would never end, but it had made him foolish, had made him take more than he usually did, almost too much. It had taken him everything to pull away, just in time, as it seemed.
A soft sigh came from the place against his chest where your head rested. He was still cradling you, softly rocking you back and forth after he had mumbled his futile apologies. You probably did not even hear them in the state you were in. The state he had put you in. 
He cursed himself as he carefully scooped you up into his arms. He usually did not let the donors stay over, never, that rule had not ever been broken before, but he did not care about rules anymore. What he cared about was you, and you needed rest.
Slowly he lowered you onto his bed before he laid down by your side, draping the sheets over you both. 
“Sleep, my angel, you deserve to rest.”
You looked so peaceful in your slumber, and he did not even question why his hand reached out for you. Lovingly, he brushed away a strand of hair that had fallen into your face, his fingertips gliding across your brow, your cheek. He wanted to touch your lips as well, but he was afraid he would wake you, and so he kept his distance, his fingers still tracing their form, even if he could not feel their silky touch. 
You were different. He had felt it all along, but it was only when he had tasted you, rich and warm on his tongue, that he had known for sure what it was that set you apart from all the others. You were what the likes of him called an old soul. One that had lived many lives and carried the wisdom of the centuries. Maybe that was why you had read him so easily. He was sure you had at least felt it from the beginning, what he was, and the fact that you had chosen to seek him out nonetheless still irritated him.
However odd all of this might seem, he was more than aware that finding an old soul—or being found by one—was a rare thing, especially today, when souls hardly lasted for one full lifetime. Maybe he should keep you, just for a while. To take care of you, your old soul and the body that housed it. Just to make sure the world would not lose another precious being like you. 
Metamorphosis (Sequel)
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fanofthelamb · 3 months
lovely art you make please never stop!!!
WAAA TOO SWEET. thats it. MOREEEEEEE ART DUMP!!!!!!!! im not sure how many of these i posted but!! i think mostly it's all new!!!!!!!
I wonder if this'll become a thing for me. BAHAHAH
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scrapped ref page i've made before ^^^^^ it was similar to nari's except it turns out the red's color jitter was too extreme.... the grren was AMAZING tho. Comments with the pieces btw!! and 30+ pics I think?! So expect a long ass post. :) this isn't even all the unposted art, just the stuff I thought was good enough to post!
First thing's first! How about a comic I never posted? I was kinda embarrassed by the writing of it, but this WAS just something to help Rue. (You might notice a lot of the art in this thread was sent to Rue and never posted. Sorry Rue. little of this is new for you. sone is tho. orzzzzz)
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Woah? The lamb has feelings? The lamb has bad feelings about their past?? Who knew. Shocker. (also LMFAO AT NARI IN THIS HE REALLY SAID "oh ur crying? I'll give you a reason to cry")
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something to kind of help storyboard out the animation i'm tryna work on. its not going well. turns out that shit is hard.
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and some beyond the grove narinder. yall eat BTG nari UPPPPPP.
speaking of BTG? how about some panels of a future page? Chapter 1 still. feel free to laugh at how strangely i draw the draft. ti works for me!
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back to normal nari. IN PANTS!!!!!!!!!!!
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THIS isnt actually a drawing it's a real image taken of me and rue
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i dont know if i posted this or not, actually. i am not a big fan of it, though.
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i need to draw leshy and val more </3
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idk if i posted kalladad either BAHAHAHAHA
also, i dont know if i posted THIS either. i dont SEE it but i could be wrong ?
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now how about a couple of kissing booth scraps?
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long with the scrapped comic where narinder kills and eats the face of the goat. </3 rip that thing (the goat LOVES fighting and LOVES someome who can beat thier ass almost as much)
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and some heket bullying her brother (she wuvs him tho)
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i dont know which acc i posted this to, actually. i drew this bc rick kept reposting halflife shit BAHAHAHH
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oh and here's a vent piece or two i made with annona. they seem harmless enough to post i guess? i wish i made more content with them.
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i jsut wanna chew them between my molars like a marshmallow.
this si also sometihng i made for rue BAHAHAHAHAH HAVE I POSTED IT? IDK.
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and of course, the least toxic totally-not-abusive-as-fuck pairing of lamb and the red crown. this isnt exclusively BTG related but I dont know how much interest people would have with him being a character on FOTL? he is 1000% having his own role as his own charavter in BTG though.
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oh, and this guy i wanted to post forever ago, but i needed time to adjust to his design. this is the best i have made of him and it might be what sticks. he's leshy's uncle. (took worm baby in after both his siblings went missing)
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more nari, because he's my most popular scrumplie. probably bc i draw him the most and a lot of my stuff is nari centric. nude nari because i literally couldn't think up what i wanted to draw on him. i was gonna edit clothes on later and forgor BAHAHAHA
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i actually dont know if i posted this too? this is tyar and baal <3 baal was pretty shocked to have learned vitas was tyar's spouse. he's still not ready to talk about it, but he does want to ask the lamb about it one day.
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and some childhood memories i never finished.
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i MIGHT have posted this one ?
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i posted pieces of this page but here's the full:
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bethelighthalazia · 4 months
Breakfast in bed
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Summary:  What could turn a stormy and thunderous morning into the best morning of the week? This would be the only explanation of Jongho's actions on this Sunday morning.
Genre: fluff
Pairing: dad!Jongho x fem!reader
Word Count:  804
Warnings: very cute?, Jongho being a sweetheart, some fluff and cute domestic stuff 
[note: this fic is only partially beta´d. its also part of a miniseries for dad!ateez]
networks: @mirohs-aurora-society
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© by bethelighthalazia. Do not repost, copy or translate. Unless stated otherwise, those works are mine and born from my own ideas. I don't have any claim on the mentioned real existing Idols whatsoever.
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Sunday. A day in the week, on which you would get out of bed, prepare breakfast for your husband and daughter and then try to make them go for a walk through the park. Today however, you´re woken by a rumbling thunder. 
Groaning, you turn around under your blanket to wrap your arms around your husband, but only grasp nothing. Where was he? Had your daughter yelled for him because she was scared? Turning again, you looked at the alarm clock on your nightstand; 10:30 am already. What happened and where was Jongho?
You heard the main door close and a squeaked giggle from your daughter, have they been outside in this weather? “Shh, we don´t want to wake eomma, she went to bed late last night.” Jongho said quietly, you could hear the smile in his voice as he spoke. Slowly, you got up and wrapped yourself in your bathrobe, your footsteps almost not to be heard as you dragged yourself to the living area of the apartment. 
Neither of them noticed you watching, Jongho giggling quietly as he helped Byeol take off her muddy rubber boots and her little raincoat. Your three years old daughter truly comes after her dad, fearless and the cute nose scrunch when she laughs included. Before your daughter could run off, Jongho already picked her up, carrying her over to the bathroom, the grocery bags standing in the hallway. You quietly went and unpacked the groceries, listening to your husband and your daughter with a smile. Despite Jongho being an Idol, the three of you were living in a small apartment and it was wonderful, you wouldn't have wanted it any other way.
Jongho's voice, accompanied by the giggles of your daughter echo through the apartment and it makes your heart swell. “We only need one little towel for you, Byeol- no, no that's eomma’s we can't-” Your husband tries to negotiate with the still giggling three years old, he'll bend to all her wishes and whining in less than a second, you just knew it. “Okay, okay fine…you can have eomma's towel- not this? But- Byeol, wait!” You weren't able to hold back your laughter when he, once again, gave in to the wishes of his daughter, which the girl heard and promptly came running. The view of her, wrapped into his too big bathrobe and dragging your towel after her, just drew more laughter and a soft smile from you.
When Jongho finally caught up, he saw you standing there, the little girl on your hip, the towel in your other hand. He slowly approached you to press a soft kiss on your lips, but a tiny hand between your faces stopped him, causing his eyes to go wide. “Why, Byeol?” He asked the giggling girl, who just pouted. “Appa no kissy! My eomma, my appa. Only me kissy!” The pout still on her lips, Byeol leaned towards Jongho, both her hands on each side of your husband's face as she gave his face a squeeze. The laugh from you caused him to stare at you, his expression priceless. “Yah, don't laugh at me, y/n. I just want a kiss from you, jagiya!” He whined and you then leaned in to kiss him, which then caused Byeol to squeak and try to separate the two of you. 
“Eomaaa!” Byeol then whined and you gave her a surprised look, head tilted. “You nap! Appa me make food!” She explained and you couldn't hold back another little chuckle, before handing her back to your husband. “Okay fine, i´ll leave you two and go back to bed then. Make sure she doesn´t hurt herself, Jongho.” “Don't worry, love. Go and rest a little more.” He hums and when his lips pressed a last kiss to your forehead, you left for the bedroom again.
The sounds of kitchen utensils clattering and your husband and the little ball of joy that is your daughter let you doze off, making you sleep a dreamless sleep until you are woken by two kisses. There they were, Jongho wearing an apron and looking rather disheveled and exhausted and next to him was Byeol. They had brought a tray with breakfast, some pancakes, some savory bits and homemade orange juice. “Birthday eomma! Appa and Byeol made food!” Your daughter squeaked, pushing a picture into your hands as she climbed up onto the bed to cuddle with you. Jongho couldn't hold back a chuckle, it wasn't your birthday, and he did try to explain it to Byeol, yet, he also didn't want to lessen her joy of giving you gifts. And after all, he got to spend a wonderful morning baking and cooking with her for you. So, he made both of his most beloved girls happy, and that's what counts, right?
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taglist: @mingis-mizu, @tinyelfperson, @hotteokkay, @minkilicious, @bunnliix,
@gong-fourz, @yeosangiess, @dinossaurz, @scuzmunkie, @h3arteyes4mingi
(if you want to be added to a taglist, follow the taglist-link in my pinned post)
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kurishiri · 3 months
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03 . . . the past records ˗ˏˋ🍎🪞´ˎ˗
— this translation may not be 100% accurate or may contain creative liberties. if you enjoy, please consider reblogging, but don’t repost or claim these as your own!
— cw: none.
Liam: Hearing Al say they played this game to decide whether he stayed by Lord Elbie’s side or died... it makes me wonder, does he really hate being by his side that much?
Roger: Haha, it’s nothing that serious. If he really hated staying by his side that much, he wouldn’t have just left it to something like luck. He would’ve taken it in his own hands.
Liam: Right? That’s what I was thinking.
Roger: He says stuff like ‘it’s a game of luck,’ but really he just wants a cover up.
Liam: So... if he doesn’t have an excuse, he can’t be together with him? But why?
Roger: ......Who knows.
Liam: Hmm... I feel like despite hearing the whole story, I still don’t know what’s the answer to that question that started it all.
L: Why is Al with Lord Elbie?
Roger: Word’s that when they met, they were both going through something that made it hard for them to be apart from each other.
R: And anything more about that is beyond me.
Liam: Hm...
L: You see, Al has been helping me satisfy my curiosity by indulging in my whims...
L: ...but he would really have gone and done something dangerous, if I asked for it, I feel like.
L: Like, he puts his life on the line just for a game of luck... so much so, I wouldn’t be surprised if we found his corpse tomorrow... I guess.
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L: Oh, maybe he also has the ‘Cheshire Cat’s Curse’ like me?
Roger: ...If he did have such a Curse, maybe he would be able to be a part of others’ lives without feeling the need to keep up a pretense.
—— Perspective shift ——
Today’s mission for Crown was to pass judgment on the person who’s been illicitly making drugs, and to gather proof of their crime.
William and Harrison were to pass judgment,
while Alfons and Elbert were assigned to gather proof.
In a certain warehouse containing imported goods,
Alfons and Elbert were able to find the raw materials used to make that dangerous drug hidden within the very general spices.
They were carrying out their mission without a hitch——
when suddenly, several bullets shot through the air, piercing holes through the burlap bags piled high in a heap,
until the contents of the bags spilled on top of the two men.
Elbert: There’s an eyewitness... we have to go after them.
Alfons: Do you really have the luxury to say that when we’re in this state?
The two of them were buried in so much spice from the waist down, it was hard to laugh it off as any joke.
And Alfons let out a sigh as though he were fed up.
Alfons: This is William and Harry we’re talking about?
A: They won’t let a single one go alive, so it should be fine.
A: Anyhow, more importantly, I can’t help but feel an inkling that I’ve run into this smell before—
Elbert: ...! Al, over there, there are cats.
They had probably been hiding somewhere in the warehouse, but some stray cats had shown themselves, gathering around them.
Alfons: Ah, yes, I remember that spice’s scent now.
Elbert: ...?
Alfons: It’s cat powder.
While they were having an out-of-tune conversation, the two became surrounded by cats.
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Alfons: Come now, don’t cozy up on your own quite yet. Why don’t you help us out?
A: I hope you know the reason you guys can indulge yourselves in cat powder is because of us?
A cat drew closer to Alfons as he petted it around its neck.
The cat purred in response, snuggling its body up to his palm.
Elbert: ...Hehe.
Alfons: Whatever is the matter, suddenly laughing like that? Don’t tell me you are on a cat powder high as well?
Elbert: It’s not that. It’s just... I was remembering how you dote on cats, even when you act more like one than the cats themselves.
Alfons: I’m afraid you have me ever so slightly lost with that train of thought...
Elbert: I mean, when I think you saved that cat who had trouble getting down,
E: you would push it away when it got too close.
E: And when I think you have petted it... you pretend you don’t know them...
E: And when they’re going through a hard time, you are there by their side... but then, when they’re not going through such times, you try your best to distance yourself.
Alfons: ...You are quite an observant one, aren’t you. So? Would you mind telling me why you look so happy then?
Elbert: Because... I think that side of you is wonderful, Al.
Alfons: ......Is this your attempt to woo me?
Elbert: ...? No, I didn’t mean to woo you.
Alfons: Yes, I knew that from the start, so please don’t take my words so earnestly.
A: ...Elbie, how would you like to play a little game with me?
Elbert: Game...?
Alfons pulled out a coin from his pocket, flipping it in the air with his finger.
Then, when the coin fell atop the back of his hand, he covered it with the other.
Elbert: I guess, I’ll bet tails then.
Alfons: And that leaves me with heads.
A: If it is tails, as you say, then I win. Otherwise, it’s yours.
Elbert: So, the one who guessed wrong wins... somehow, it feels like it should be the opposite.
Alfons: Well, you can think of it as playing with a ‘mirror’ that is myself. And so, that which is incorrect becomes the correct choice, and conversely, the correct choice becomes incorrect.
Elbert: What will you do if you win?
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Alfons: Let’s see now...
A: I suppose, if I win, I will go on a journey to the edge of the world.
On the back of Alfons’ hand, the coin——showed heads.
Alfons: And once again, it is my loss.
A: Truly, when it comes to making the wrong choices, there is no one who can hold a candle to you.
A: ...I realize this is sorely belated, but is it alright if I ask you one question?
Elbert: ...What is it?
Alfons: The day we first met, when I suddenly appeared before you, what made you want to take me into the manor?
Elbert: ......
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full masterlist 🍎🪞
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dromithecat · 1 month
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Yeah it's here!!!! My masterpiece!!! I'm so proud of this, I could actually shed a tear *snif*
So, a couple pointers:
1- Thank you for your patience, this actually took way longer than I expected and the fact that I got suddenly swamped with work did *not* help-but it's here now!! Hope you like it :D
2- If you remember the original piece I posted (the sketch) you'll notice quite the differences here and there. Can you spot them all?
3- One of the reasons this took so long is that the candies were supposed to be all generic when I suddenly remembered there were canonically halloween arcana candies I simply could *not* exclude and keep my self respect. Or the five years of my life I'll never get back from having to edit them in. *Sigh*
4-The costumes are based on the Arcana Halloween Charms. All you Lucio stans I hope you can understand that I simply couldn't in good conscience give kid Lucio the original outfit that his adult counterpart wore. His new outfit is based in his Devil-sona from Muriel's route, hope it suffices.
5- For a moment I was a little bummed about how accidentally overproduced Nadia's pumpkin was but honestly that's such a Nadia thing to happen that I can't help feeling that it fits perfectly.
6- This was very fun to make but I also kinda felt like my soul had been given in sacrifice to the digital art Gods. I'm freeeeeeeee
7-If anyone wants to repost remember to credit/tag me!!! Also if you want to edit your own Mc too just dm and i can give you the clear version with room for them.
All in all, this was fun!!! See ya around fellas ;)
Edit: Some stuff I forgot to mention:
8: there's a hidden devil's chocolate in Nadia's pumpkin as a reference to her reversed ending (give those players a reference. Players love 'em references. I know cause I'm a player)
9: Lucio's pumpkin is the only one that isn't super loyal to the original, that's bc at first I drew them all from scratch before learning how to properly reproduce them. I was planning on changing it too but I realized that I accidentally made it look like the ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °) emoji which i personally find hilarious so I kept it.
10: Julian was suppossed to have a pumpkin like the rest but I thought "Julian is totally that drama queen club kid that is COMITTED to the aesthetic and would totally use a bag instead of a bucket since that's what a pirate would use...completely disregarding the fact that they tear easily and lose like half his candy on the way home" (don't worry, Portia made sure to point it out and they Hanzel and Gretel'd their way back to rescuing his pirate loot)
11-Asra got Muriel his costume since he didn't want to come wear one at first
12- Asra's bucket has licorice that both resemble's faust and his parent's snakes. He also got him bread from the baker (everyone else had 2 themed candies and I felt bad for Muriel who only got one)
13- Both Julian and Portia get Mazelinka taffies
14- Mc's bucket has all 6 themed candies that directly reference the love interests- yaaayyy references son
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enidtendo64 · 1 year
I just finished Wednesday today and I'm full on the wenclair ship!!!! so I'm glad to have seen your art just as I'm done lmao. if you read wenclair fics do you have any recommendations?
OOOOH Okay nice nice!!!
I'm so sorry this is so late but I hope you still want some recs, bc I def got some for you! I tried to keep these pretty succinct and not too many bc a lot of these are pretty long reads but these are some of my fav Wenclair fics to read and reread! I made sure to put different types/genres of fics in here too so there's a diverse list of flavors on here! Most will be complete but I'll throw in some WIPs i've been keeping an eye on!
If We Make It Through December by overnights: If you love FLUFF and Enid interacting with the Addams Fam! A wenclair STAPLE tbh, fake dating, Enid being invited to the Addams Mansion, and CHRISTMAS fic all in one! The dynamics between the Addams and Enid are always sweet, and Wednesday and Enid just teeter on that close friendship to oh, maybe it's love??? thing and it's so sweet to see. It's just very lovely and wholesome! A great execution of that 'fake dating but oops you were in love all along haha' trope!
Magus et Lupus by wigglewyrms: Ok like I had to rep one of my pals in here but in my defense this is genuinely so good and one of my favorite wenclair fics before we even became friends! It's a fun fantasy Wenclair with dialogue that's just so fun and snappy and witty! You're gonna have fun reading their conversations and then you're gonna get caught up into the world and the story! The plot is very fun and the end is a very fun payoff! I think I might have overused the word fun a lot for this fic but like that's just what this fic is--It's entertaining, it's engaging, and it makes you feel like you're having fun reading wanting to know what's next or what's this person gonna say or etc. It's a fic you read and you feel good! 100% Recommend! I even drew art for it if you're interested (which I should honestly repost on here soon)
I'd recommend their other stuff too-- Stubborn, Single Minded, and Obsessive is great if you like the slasher horror genre with a dash of Addams Family Values Lore, and their most recent one that's a WIP, When The Moon Shines Red is a very fun fic focused on Enid's werewolfisms but dangerous, with a very sweet friendship to relationship evolution between Enid and Wednesday!
i know the end by thriftedstars: If you're an angst lover like I am, you're gonna LOOOOVE this! A sort of groundhog's day type of fic, it focuses on the day of the last episode of the first season--Enid, Wednesday, Tyler, Crackstone, all that entails in that night. It's a really fun read just to know what happens next and how Enid gets out of the situation but also to see the girls' relationship grow in this terrible situation. Lots of emotion! Listen sometimes you just need the hurt for the ending to be sweeter! Recommend wholeheartedly!
curtain call by hanjisgirlfriend: on the complete opposite side of the last fic, Curtain Call is an enemies to friends to lovers Wenclair that does an amazing job of capturing that kind of high school love story kind of vibe but like also a dash of youthful nostalgia. It gives me the same vibe of like, if I was listening to the Kids album by Mac Miller--They're kids and they're friends and they're growing up and they're growing up together. I HIGHLY recommend as well, like it genuinely makes my heart lighter thinking about how sweet this is.
raven in the den, wolf in the nest by Barbara_Lazuli: So you might be familiar with the author's name--Artist, Comic maker, Writer, literally what CAN'T she do!!! This fic is another fake dating fic but a different flavor from the first one! This one really dives into both Enid and Wednesday's relationships with their mothers, as well as the building feelings they already have for each other. Their bond in this fic is nothing short of sweet and heartwarming, and I genuinely think this is one of the best fics in the tag! Just got so much substance! Also all the Addams family media references and the Loona refs-- like Barb if you read this you're a champ for making Wednesday play Sonatine and also listen to Hula Hoop and just for making this in general????? Seriously how are you so talented bro
queen of the night by heyfools: Look, a flower shop AU hits okay? And this? THIS HITS. Wednesday is an owner of a flower shop, Enid needs a job, and we know where this is going. But man the way you get to know both characters a little more--their histories, traumas, likes and dislikes and their personalities beyond "appropriately polite cowoke" (well, polite for Enid, not so much Wednesday at first) it's soooooo good! You have a journey along with the characters and you really get invested in their relationship! A great read, especially if you wanna read something like in the afternoon light with a nice lemonade maybe, or like just a very relaxing fun read!
Forged in Blood by RiseAboveTheAshes_203: Okay so this one is a HEAVY HITTER! We're getting into the big bois! It's a 100k fic about Wednesday and Enid basically dealing with the consequences of Enid becoming a blood wolf-- and bro you are seated, belted, strapped into the ride every step because PHEWWWW what a RIDE! It has really interesting lore building upon werewolf society in the show and also witchery and magic from the Addams family. And all of that is great and amazing but the real star of this is just Wednesday and Enid being Wednesday and Enid--they are DEVOTED to each other! Even if they don't quite understand the full means of it yet, and if it gets them in trouble sometimes. It's amazing to see their relationship grow and them understand what they truly mean to one another and it's a captivating love story that also happens to have fun world building for the show and amazing moments that just leave you so tense to know what happens next! I was so tuned in when this was still a WIP I remember refreshing the tag every lunch time for a while for a chapter I was HOOKED, and I'm sure you will be too!
A Kidnapping By Any Other Name by Ravenmoon33: So bear with me this is gonna be a long one; Ok! So this is the other WIP I've put in here (aside from When The Moon Shines Red) and let me tell you--this fic changed my life fr. Some TLDR lore about it tho--the version I linked above there is a revised version! They have an old version they still have up on their account and honestly I also HIGHLY recommend that version too bc it had me in bed giggling kicking my feet like ROMANCE. ROMANCE WAS MADE in these ao3 walls!!! (The flower scene???? No spoilers if you know you know but OOOOOOOOGGHHHH I would not shut up about it for WEEKS Im so sorry to my friends and my poor gf) but I also highly recommend the new version as well! If you've read the first version and are keeping up with the new version, the new things are also so good and you can tell the author is so locked in and excited with what they've added and what they've changed, I honestly recommend both;
So onto what it's actually about-- Enid is "kidnapped" by Wednesday and is "forced" to stay at her best friend's mansion for the summer. And you know what happens? LORE. So much worldbuilding on Addams family lore like it's AMAZING!!! You read about new characters the family past and what it means for Wednesday and Enid, and if that's not enough, there's also the MYSTERY aspect too because Weds and Enid will have to deep dive into that lore to figure out a problem in the present and it's so much FUN to like try to figure out how things go together! I love that aspect of both the versions so much that it's only rivaled by my immense love of how everyone's relationships are written! Enid's relationships with the other members of the Addams fam, especially Morticia, is so healing and heartwarming, and we see Wednesday's different dynamics with her family and how Enid affects her and helps her grow and you see those relationships with her family members grow because of it! And of course, the obvious, Wednesday and Enid basically having a love story for the ages cause JESUS, this is ROMANCE. Wednesday BIG FUCKING ROMANTIC Addams!!! It's amazing omg I wanna say more but I also don't bc I don't wanna spoil but I absolutely cannot rec it enough, even if it stays unfinished it will still be genuinely one of the best wenclair fics for me.
Tumultuous Waters: Wednesday Season Two by KrackenoftheDeep: So we're here at the last one. I didn't really list these fics out in specific order but I did save this specific one for last bc I genuinely think this is my favorite Wednesday fic. This is like a full ass season 2! It's a telling of how season 2 could happen, continuing from season 1 and picking up the ball the first season threw with stuff about the Morning Song cult, a deeper dive of Crackstone and Goody, more worldbuilding about the outcasts and the school, and best of all-- THE Wednesday and Enid dynamic that to me would be so fucking ideal for season 2 if Timothy Burton wasn't a COWARRD!!! /j /maybe
The growth Enid and Wednesday have in this fic, along with the exploration of the other characters, more investigations not just by Wednesday but also the other nightshade members helping and getting involved as well! You really get to feel so many things for these characters, and all of that pays off in one of the most satisfying endings for me in a fic like the author really fucking knocked this out of the park I felt like giving a standing ovation!
I genuinely don't think the Wednesday writers could like, live up to this. At least for me, it's that good. This is everything I've ever wanted for a Wednesday s2 honestly and I honestly, HONESTLY could not recommend this enough.
And after you read this, you can follow along the author's sequel to this fic, The Infinite Black Sea: Wednesday Season 3. Again, also highly recommend! A new mystery afoot!!!
I'm so sorry I didn't expect this to get super long but sometimes you just gotta give tens where tens are deserved!!! There are so many more great wenclair fics out there that deserve a reading and loving, like I know the tag can look a little scary sometimes but seriously there's some great gems there underneath all the scary stuff lol
These are just some of my personal favs, and honestly thank you to all the authors here yall are doing God's work fr!!!
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ilyasorokinn · 1 year
i'm in love with you , ross macdonald
note, this is my first ever thing for ross or ever even broaching this fandom, so please be nice! i'm nice i promise! pair, ross macdonald x reader summary, y/n y/l/n and ross macdonald being in love for 10 minutes straight, or some cute moments in y/n and ross' relationship. warnings, mentions of quarantine, getting a tattoo (nothing graphic) (lmk if i missed anything) word count, 3289 words
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(gif not mine)
If people knew Ross MacDonald, they knew you too. You and Ross had been together since the beginning of time, or at least long before the first album came out.
You and Ross were complete opposites which was what made you both so perfect together. Where he was quiet and a little more introverted, you were much more outgoing and extroverted. You were the golden retriever and he was the black cat.
Fans noticed the sweet moment between you, so edits were made, and of course video compilations.
Ross MacDonald and Y/N Y/L/N being in love for 10-minutes straight
The first clip was one fans knew very well. It was originally posted on Matty's Instagram and then later reposted on every 1975 fan account known to man.
You usually went to the first couple of shows with them, but due to scheduling conflicts, you couldn't make it to the first couple of shows like you normally would for the "At Their Very Best" tour.
Unbeknownst to Ross s, your schedule cleared up so you worked with the band to surprise him.
The video started and the first shot was of Ross' back as he and Matty walked down the hotel hallway toward Ross' room. The camera flipped quickly back to Matty who gave the camera an exasperated face as Ross continued to drone on about something.
"Ross, just open the door," Matty begged.
Ross raised a brow but opened the door and was greeted to balloons all over the ground before you popped up from behind the bed, "Surprise!" You shouted.
Ross stared at you trying to decipher if you were real and if you were actually there. "What?" Was all Ross said before he dropped his stuff on the ground and tackled you onto the bed and hugged you.
The short video ended right as you pulled away from the hug to cup his face and pull him in for a kiss.
The next clip was taken by a fan. It was a little grainy and the fan's hands were shaking but Ross was clearly in the shot and he could be seen looking up to the higher level of the theater up to someone.
The camera then panned up and when the camera focused, you were the person Ross was talking to from the stage. Matty was talking on stage and Ross was trying to be as inconspicuous as he could as to not draw attention up to you but it wasn't working.
You waved and he waved back discreetly. You drew a heart and blew him a kiss, laughing when he looked away, seemingly embarrassed.
"Y/N!" Matty shouted into the mic, making the crowd go wild when they realized you were there, "Stop distracting Ross!" He looked up at you on the balcony as everyone laughed.
"Sorry!" You shouted back with a laugh, waving to the crowd and blowing them a big kiss.
Something the band did before they went on stage showed what they were doing behind the scenes, leading up to them walking on stage.
So, fans went wild when everyone first showed up on the big screen, all in the green room, getting ready to head on stage. The camera panned around the room and you could feel the walls vibrate when the camera panned over to Matty.
You were listening to whatever Matty was talking about while also tying Ross' tie. You took a step back and looked at him, "Good?"
"Good." You gave him two thumbs up. You were both unaware of the camera filming you, both too stuck in your own little world. You reached up and wrapped your arms around his neck and smiled, leaning into his neck.
He hummed, wrapping his arms around your waist, "I'll see you out there." He pulled away, a smile on his face.
"Yeah, and if you don't, it's cause I'm getting funnel cake." You joked and he laughed, "I saw a funnel cake stand when we were walking around."
"You gonna save me some?" You nodded, "All right, I'll see you after."
"See you after." You both met halfway and kissed, "Be awesome rockstar." You pulled away and cupped his face.
No one could tell what either of you was saying, but they could tell that it was filled with love and that you both were in love. You pressed a kiss to his lips quickly before stepping away and waving.
The clip then switched over to a picture of you and Ross that you had posted. It wasn't anything special, just a sweet photo of you and Ross after an award show, looking nice and dressed up. Your arm was looped through his as you both smiled sweetly for the camera.
The photo was just something to look at while audio from a podcast you had done played in the background.
"I'm curious, and I know a lot of other people are curious too, what is it like dating a musician who is as high profile as Ross?" The host, Katya, asked.
You nodded, "It's a question I get asked often." You smiled, "But I never mind answering it and I'll answer it as honestly as I can. I don't know anything else."
"Really?" The other host, Lily asked.
"Yeah, he's my first serious boyfriend, and we've been together since, like, 2011, like a year before their first album went public. I had like middle school and high school boyfriends, but it was never as serious as it is with Ross."
"That's crazy," Lily commented.
"I know, it is. But, it really is the only thing I know. The long breaks, the tours, the getting recognized every so often." You shrugged, "But the one thing that I never take for granted is because we do long distance for such a long period of time, it just makes us cherish the time we do get to spend together."
"That's so sweet." You blushed as they both cooed.
"So, having been there since the beginning of the release process, what was that like?"
"Crazy, after Sex came out, everything went so quickly and I barely had time to comprehend. Then their first album came out and I felt like a chicken without a head for a good year after." They both laughed.
"So, they really went from being not famous and working normal jobs to almost the entire country knowing their names and their songs."
"Yeah, and it was a little scary at first, not gonna lie." You all shared a laugh, "But seeing how far they've all come, I'm proud, really. I feel like a proud mom."
"So, do you have a favorite song?" They both laughed when you gasped.
"You're trying to get me in trouble." You shook your head, "Um, not really I love them all equally."
"But off the record?"
"Off the record..." You blew out a breath, "Chocolate."
"Chocolate." You nodded.
"Good choice." Katya reached across the table and gave you a high five.
The next clip was a series of photos taken by the paparazzi. You didn't get paps taking pictures of you often, but when you did, it was usually you two together, and it was something sweet.
The first photo is of one of you two caught at dinner, sitting together. It's a real cliche. You were sitting across from each other with a candle in front of you, holdings hands from across the table and looking at each other like the other hung the moon.
The next was one that floated around Twitter for a while. It was a photo taken outside of a bar where the band was throwing an after-party after one of their shows, and you were in the middle of hopping bars when the photo was taken.
You were all waiting for Matty as you stood outside. You were wearing a tank top and had left your jacket in the car and it was cold, so Ross, being the good boyfriend, stood close to you and wrapped his jacket around you and managed to keep you warm.
The last in the dump was one even you posted. It was you and Ross at the airport. George was seen in the back, but the main focus was you and Ross.
You were walking beside him, on the opposite side of where all the cameras were. You both had sunglasses on to cover the bags from jet lag. You were carrying a small bag while Ross carried a backpack and dragged along two suitcases and if fans looked close enough, they would be able to read the luggage tags with your name on them.
The next clip was taken by a fan, again. The fan was waiting in line at a meet and greet the band was doing. The group in front of her moved and the fan who was filming walked up, handing her phone to the other person she was with.
The first person at the table was Matty. She got her CD and vinyl signed before making it to the end where Ross was, "Hi." She smiled nervously.
"Hello." He smiled, grabbing the sharpie and signing her items. As he signed her items, she pulled out a bracelet from her bag. It was a little bracelet she had made for you with your initials and a heart with cute colored beads.
He looked up from the signing when he was done, "What's that?" He asked, a smile on his face.
"I made a bracelet for Y/N." The girl answered, a smile on her face when Ross laughed.
"Did you? Oh, my." He gasped when she handed it to him, "Oh, she's gonna love it. She loves little bracelets, especially when it's homemade."
"That makes me happy." She beamed.
"Would you like a picture?"
The next photo that flashed on the screen was from your story and it was a photo of you smiling while wearing the little bracelet the fan had made you.
The caption read 'Thank you to the fan who made this for me! I love it so much and love you all!'
The photo then transitioned into a video taken by one of the cameramen who works at the concerts. it was a clip that went viral in the world of The 1975.
About You was a popular song on the album and it had gone viral so most fans knew it. Most of the time, on tour, Polly sang it, Carly sang it, and while you weren't a member of the band, you could sing.
Occasionally Ross would come home and tell you about a song they were working on and you would give your input and he would take it back to the band, so you were an unofficial member of the band.
"Ladies and gentlemen, please help me welcome a very special friend to us all, in her first live performance ever, Mrs. Ross Macdonald herself," At that, the crowd went wild, "Miss Y/N Y/L/N!" You walked out onto the stage, waving to the crowd before hugging Matty and Adam.
You waved to the band, blew Polly a kiss, then met Ross halfway across the stage. You hugged and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek before waving to the crowd again.
"You ready, Y/N?"
"So ready." You nodded, giving him a thumbs up. The music started. and you felt every nerve in your body go off. Ross kept glancing back at you, and when he finally caught your eye, he smiled.
You smiled back and took a deep breath. You closed your eyes as you sang the bridge, almost in your own world, "And there's something about you..."
Another video from a fan from a different angle was added. It was first on you, then moved across the stage over to Ross who was watching you, a smile on his face and what could only be described as the look of love on his face.
"...I never know what to think about." You opened your eyes and everyone went insane. You then became aware of just how many phones and cameras were pointed at you and smiled shyly.
"Ladies and gentlemen, Y/N Y/L/N!" Matty shouted into the microphone, making the crowd again go wild. You waved before blowing air kisses to the crowd and hugging Ross again.
"How was that?" You asked nervously.
"So good." He kissed your forehead briefly before pulling away and hugging Matty and Adam. Before leaving the stage, you blew more air kisses to George, Polly, and the band on the set's second floor.
"She's so great, isn't she?" Matty spoke into the microphone once you were off stage, and you could hear the crowd from backstage in response to his question.
The next clip was a photo and video you had posted on your Instagram. It was no secret that Ross was covered in tattoos, so after you and Ross were sure and discussed it, you decided to get matching tattoos.
It wasn't anything drastic or anything too flashy, but it was something simple you had decided on. It was just each of your initials and they were in each of your handwriting, so you wrote the first letter of his name and vice versa.
The photo was you standing side by side, your hands in the frame so it showed the initials tattooed on your hands. It was small and not really noticeable unless you really looked for it.
The photo then transitioned into a video of you and Ross getting your tattoos. You were sitting in chairs next to each other. His hand was in your lap and it was clear with the way you weren't talking and the look, you were nervous. Ross knew this, so he did his best to comfort you from the chair next to you.
"Did you know flamingos sleep standing up?" Ross asked, trying anything to keep you calm.
"Yeah." You nodded.
"Did you know that giraffe's tongues are pink?"
"Ross Macdonald, I love you, but you are stressing me out." You glared at him.
"All right, I tried." He raised his hands in surrender, "You still doing good though?" He asked.
"I'm good." You reassured, "Can we turn on some music or something?"
The comments were crazy after you posted it. They all found it cute that Ross was trying to comfort you with random animal facts and found it cute that you were getting matching tattoos of your initials.
The next was a series of videos taken by fans from the same show. You were outside in the front of the building they were performing, a big bouquet of flowers in your hands.
You were smiling and waving to fans, "Hi, oh, my goodness." You gasped, “It’s so nice to see all of you.” You stopped by the barricade of the fans and took some pictures.
A fan handed you a sharpie and you started signing things that they held out. It wasn’t anything you were used to, so it was cool.
“Wow, this is new.” You laughed, “I’ve never had people ask for my autograph.” The group of fans whose items you were signing laughed.
"Are those for Ross?" The girl next to the fan who was filming asked.
"Yeah." You admitted, and they all gasped then all cooed about how cute it was, "Most of the time, the flowers in our home are for him, not that he never gets me them, but I like getting them for him whenever I can. It's a nice surprise." You shrugged, signing your name on someone's CD cover.
"Do you listen to The 1975?" Someone shouted as security led you inside the theater.
"Of course! They're my top artist every year on Spotify!" You laughed.
During quarantine, you were locked in your house obviously, so, while locked in your home, a cat had found its way into your backyard and had taken habitat in your flower patch in the sun.
You documented the whole process of you finding it, watching it from your kitchen window, then finally taking it in.
The first photo you posted on your story was a picture you had taken from your kitchen window of the cat, who at that point was nameless. The cat was laying in your flower patch in the sun.
The caption you had put on the photo was, "My flowers may be destroyed, but we have a new friend!"
The next video from your Instagram cat story was a video of Ross walking out into your garden, in his pajamas. You both approached the cat who was now standing by a tree in your backyard.
"Here, kitty." Ross cooed softly as he approached the cat with treats in hand. You stood back a distance, filming him as the cat hissed at him, "Geez!" Ross quickly retracted his hat as the cat practically pounced toward him.
"Be careful." You called out.
"Gee, thanks." He rolled his eyes. He held his hand out carefully with the food in it. The cat looked at it before approaching him and sniffing the food.
The cat then started eating the food out of his hand and once it was all gone, looked at Ross expediently, "Well, I guess that's a good sign." Ross turned around and headed towards the house.
The cat hopped off the ledge and followed him, "Ross..." You called out in awe that the cat was following him. He turned around and saw the cat trotting along behind him.
"I guess this is a very good sign." He shrugged, opening the door to your home and letting the cat enter before he followed.
The next photo was a photo of the cat snugging in Ross' arms with the caption, "Meet Biscuit!"
The last photo of your saga was a photo of Biscuit asleep on Ross' chest, who was also asleep, on the couch with the caption "Just a boy and his father".
A fan account had posted the photos you had posted of Ross and Biscuit and photos Ross had posted of you and Biscuit with the caption, "mom and dad are officially a mom and dad".
The last video you and Ross had posted together on your Instagrams. It was only a matter of time before you got married, and when you posted your engagement photos, the fans went wild.
It was a professional-looking wedding video. It started out with you and Ross standing in your hotel rooms, getting ready. The wedding, from what fans, could tell, was small with only your close friends and family.
A soft instrumental version of Robbers played in the background as you and Ross got ready. Your dress was zipped up while he straightened out his tie.
Then you were seen walking down towards a garden towards Ross, who was standing with his back to you, and it was clear at that moment, it was a video of your first look.
You smoothed out the front of your dress before taking a breath and reaching up to tap on his shoulder. He turned around and gasped, covering his mouth in shock.
After he got over the initial shock, he immediately wrapped you in a hug as he tried to sort out his thoughts. Nothing you were saying could be heard, but 'You look fucking amazing.' could be read falling from his lips.
The rest of the video was shots of you and Ross looking more in love than anyone could've thought, but the last shot of the video was a pan out from your seats at the reception.
You were sitting side by side, watching your guests on the dance floor with your head on his shoulder and his suit jacket around your shoulders.
add yourself to my taglist!
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stepswordsen · 2 months
【Magi】 Judar wearing hanfu 🖤❤️🐈‍⬛
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【マギ】 漢服(ハンフ)を着るジュダル
【Magi】 Judar wearing hanfu 🖤❤️🐈‍⬛
Did some doodles of my fave Magi character, Judar 🥰💗🫶
I love drawing him sm! I doodled this and then experimented with drawing different eyes on my other doodles
In my HCs, Judar wears a type of hanfu called Ruqun (襦裙). Ru (襦) is the cross-collared top of a hanfu, and the wrap-around skirt is called Qun (裙). The coat jacket is called Da Xiu Shan (大袖衫)
He'd look great wearing black and red hanfu with white and gold accents~
The rest of my doodles and rambles are under the cut as usual!
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I also think these doodles are improved versions of the ones I posted before
I haven't drawn his hanfu earrings yet, but I imagined they'd be gold with a red jewel, or something similar! 🥰❤️
I compiled the most recent ones I like!
The one before the read more is the 1st one
I like all of these except 4, but my faves are 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7
Like the eyes on 4 are nice but it doesn't really fit him much cuz it makes the expression look softer? While the others have more intensity to it which just fits him better in my own drawings
(Just gonna repost this cuz I did a bit of an edit)
1, 2, and 5 especially have really nice eyes~
Oh, and the last one is the one I did before. I still like this one, actually, but I'd fix some stuff
I've been experimenting with drawing different eyes.
I think drawing a cat-like mouth with the fangs poking out also looks cute…
Nyan nyan. Nyam nyam 🐈‍⬛
Sen: CEO of Nyam Nyams (Meow meow mfs)
My fave character type~ Black and white colour schemed meow meow mfs who are violent, bloodthirsty, murderous, smug, evil, unhinged, and morally questionable (and/or morally bankrupt)
I sketched 8 in total. The eye style I've been experimenting with honestly looks nice???
My faves are 1, 2, 5.
And then runner ups are 6 and 7
In terms of the ones I like the most
I'm so picky with my arts so I've just been constantly trying to outdo my own sketches and make them even better to see which ones I should turn into concept art ref sheets for myself. Cuz I wanna make a ref sheet of my Judar hanfu HC so that I can commission arts of him in it
But I like these ones a lot actually. Hehehehe 😚🙏
I drew slightly different eyes on the 5th, 6th, and 7th ones!
Different from my usual style, but inchresting…
It's definitely still very "me" though, especially with how sharp the eyes are drawn, the way they're inked, and the eyelashes. It's like a trademark of my art style.
Like it's still very Sen-core in the way the eyes and underlashes are thickly lined but they're even more thickly lined than usual
The eyelashes are just thicker and the pupils are just inked differently. I like experimenting with different ways to draw his pupils. I have like 3+ different types of ways I could draw them
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cru5h-cascades · 23 days
The Final Judgement (for real this time)
So... I finished the bonus chapter. I was legit on the verge of crying after finishing the bonus chapter and parts of it were just too painful to watch (the Tsuzuki siblings getting abused, Minoru's descent into madness, the Jeff the Killer-ing of Minoru's face). It was just all so heartbreaking... fuck it this is a 10 out of 10 game now that I've played the bonus chapter (⁠ ⁠≧⁠Д⁠≦⁠)
The animation in the bonus chapter was INCREDIBLE.
I will defo be making an essay on Minoru sometime in the future. I just have to.
Anyways, I'm amazed at how many of my theories turned out to be right, in some way, in the end! And I based some of them off of the stuff from the fake twitter account's posts!
Corrine/child theory - this turned out to be right TWICE somehow! The child version with Emiko (not necessarily with being Minoru's kid but she was a kid that meant a lot to him none the less) and the lover version with Akaya (or whatever the first victim's name was) in a way since her not wanting to leave town with him is what fully made Minoru go over the edge. Of course some details are kind of off since I based this theory off of the fake twitter account but I was right either way.
Proxy theory - Makoto might have not done any killing himself, but he did basically live Minoru's life for him. So in a way he is a proxy, just not with the killing.
Minoru was abused as a child - self explanatory. I dunno it's 'cause of the funny bag mask or what but I was also right about this! It just made sense to me somehow.
Minoru used the bag mask to cheer up Emiko - also part of the child theory. How I managed to predict this detail is beyond me.
Creepypasta parallels - even before I played the full game I drew so many parallels between the Smiling Man, Slenderman, and Jeff the Killer and somehow Emio ended up being the unholy amalgamation of both (his fictional self basically served as thing game's version of Slenderman and Minoru himself was naturally Jeff the Killer, specifically the Pastra version).
Missing Man was behind all of this - do I have to over explain this? I had a feeling ever since we found out about Minoru from the website he'd be responsible for the murders from 18 years ago. It seemed kinda off that we didn't get a name for him in the beginning so that was sort of a giveaway.
Of course, some stuff aged like milk like Fukuyama being involved in the killings and the Smiling Man being a dead man but that's probably it when it comes to predictions that I made that were completely wrong.
So... what now? I found out what I've been wanting to find out for a month plus now and there aren't any theories left to make about this game. What's going to be my involvement in the Emio fandom going forward? Well, of course there's always my Lofi Bag AU and maybe a few art pieces here and there but that's probably it for original stuff from me (besides my future Minoru essay). Naturally I will be reposting y'all's stuff but yeah.
People who followed me for Emio stuff and mutuals I made because of the community: y'all are fantastic. It was a pressure nerding out and theorizing with you guys. I hope y'all stick around even now when the game's out.
Stay fresh, y'all! Now if you will excuse me I'm gonna be playing a bunch of Splatoon so I can recover from the emotional damage I got from Emio's ending lmfao (go team future!!!)
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Muse (Part 1)
ROTTMNT Leo x GN/Rabbit Yokai!Reader
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Warnings: Fluff, Embarrassment, Aged-up Turtles
Synopsis: You've been visiting Run Of The Mill Pizza maybe a little too often just to see the blue clad turtle of your affections and draw him. You're pretty sure he hasn't noticed you at all, bad news for you, he has and he is far too curious about why you watch him.
A/N: First things first, I am just getting back into writing so sorry if the pacing is off or theres any small inconsistencies! I'm definitely going to do my best going forward. If there's any spelling errors, just know I write from my phone primarily so its inevitable (sometimes I go through and re-edit after posting just to feel something). As well if any of the characters are written slightly out if character it's because I've never written any of them before so this is a learning curve. Also! I’m tagging this fic with the hashtag “#Tmnt Muse Fic” so if you’re looking for updates either check my blog directly or that tag :) ALSO, This is a repost from my old side blog since I wanted to make a main blog for this stuff. Anyway, I'm just here to have fun! So! With that being said, let's get going, shall we?:
You had been calmly seated in a booth at Run of the Mill Pizza, glancing around occasionally and drawing the people that sat in the other booths. The thing was, however, you were waiting for your favourite muse who often came here with his three brothers.
Just the thought of the blue clad turtle set your heart a flutter, and when you finally saw him come into the restaurant with the other colour coded turtles, you couldn't help but sigh under your breath, staring dreamily in his direction. 
It took you a moment to get yourself under control and soon you found yourself eyeing the group as they chattered away with Señor Hueso on their way towards a booth in a further away corner than you would have liked, but nonetheless you were happy to have caught sight of them. 
Grabbing your trusty navy blue conte pencil, you angled yourself in your seat just right and began sketching the red eared slider who had long since won your heart even if you'd never actually interacted before beyond almost bumping into each other once a few months back. You were a simple rabbit yokai after all, and you couldn't help your feelings. 
You were careful and precise with your actions, eyes flicking up to your muse often as you drew him, absolutely losing yourself in the process.
The sketchbook you used was already chalk full of many studies of the turtle and each and every one of them seemed to be greatly improved from the last. 
Something you were grateful for in the few months of this was that he had never noticed what you were doing. You, after all, assumed it might make him uncomfortable that you drew him every time he happened to enter your line of sight.
Though, in a way, you were also disheartened by this news. A part of you- the part that wasn't afraid of his immediate rejection- longed for his eyes to fall on you. You imagined the gaze would be warm and friendly. 
Having lost yourself in the details of your sketches by adding some slight shading and rich red conte wherever necessary, you didn't notice that the slider had come over until it was too late and he was leaned forward on your table looking at you, with amusement. To your advantage, however, your sketchbook was perfectly just out of his view. 
Clearing his throat, the man watched you jump in surprise and slam the book against your chest so hard it nearly knocked the wind out of you. "So, are you just going to keep watching me every time I come in here, or are you actually gonna talk to me?" He asked, tone somewhat smug and amused. 
Eyes flitting between his face and the tabletop with your half eaten pizza, you began to fidget, swallowing thickly at the question. He had noticed?! Of course he noticed- you had never exactly been the most secretive while watching him- 
Waving his hand in front of your face as he noticed the way you'd seemingly frozen up, the slider cocked a brow bone. "Uh- hello? Did I lose you?" 
"You noticed?" You blurted the question out without a moment's thought, shoulders raised in a tense manner.  That had not been what you wanted to say to him, in fact, you had wanted to apologize for possibly making him uncomfortable all this time, and yet you couldn't get anything else out. 
Giving you a confused look, the turtle pieced together that you were stuck on that particular detail and chuckled. "I know, I'm so observant. Thank you, thank you!" He offered with a light chuckle, but soon added a more serious, "okay okay, when you have three brothers, at least one of them is going to point out when someone is staring at you constantly. I did notice it happening on my own at first though!" He rambled absently.
You groaned and tucked your face into your hands, hiding the steadily heating skin from his gaze. 
Deciding to take the chair directly across from you and spin it around so he could sit on it backwards and rest his arms on the back to use as a head rest, the turtle spoke up again, "so, you gonna explain why you stare so much? I mean, I know I'm hot, but I didn’t assume I was "the most distractingly hot guy in the room" hot." 
"I just- no reason." You blurted dumbly, barely peeking up at him through your long ears which had flopped into your face from the position you had ended up in, curled over yourself. 
"Sure... and that's why you hid that book of yours the moment you noticed me?" 
"And Donnie calls me a bad liar." He snickered under his breath. "But for real, are you actually not going to show me?" 
Grimacing, you try and force yourself to relax. "Nope. You'd have to kill me and then deal with my spirit to be able to look." 
The bluntness of your delivery caused the slider to breakdown laughing, wiping an imaginary tear from his eye. "I will see whatever it is some day." 
"Keep dreaming." You blurt, your mind already racing at the implication of him actively talking with you again.
"Ooo, I like that, the bunny has a bit of bite to them." He teases, standing up slowly. "I'm Leo, by the way, in case you were curious." 
You went to reply, still mildly surprised with the situation, but just as you manage to offer your name in reply, he's already walking back to his table and all you can do is stare at his carapace. "I'm... y/n-" 
You set the book back on the table, setting your conte pencils neatly on top of it, running over the conversation in your head over and over again. 
When you eventually get home you're still reeling, entirely unsure of what to do with yourself.
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4
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yukidragon · 2 years
Since its almost Halloween can we get some yandere werewolf Joseph head canons, please?!
Ho, hoooo~ That sounds like a fun little AU right there. I hope you don’t mind if I specifically use my version of sunshine, Alice, for this answer. It might help me get inspired to make another AU short fic for her and Jack... or rather Joseph. ;3
Hmm... lots of ways to take this. For example, I could go with a similar angle I used for my Vampire AU, in that everything is basically the same, just Joseph was a werewolf before he died, which now makes him a werewolf ghost(?) who was released from this cursed VHS prison by Alice.
Buuuut that would be Jack and not Joseph wouldn’t it? After all, he would be in the persona of the character of Sunny Day Jack, so let’s go with the college AU as our basis, shall we? I’m sure that version of Joseph would make a fine yandere werewolf.
BTW, for those of you who haven’t seen it, here’s a picture of Joseph in the College AU that Jambeebot/Sauce drew and posted publicly on their twitter.
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A tired but handsome lad, perfect for some wolfy shenanigans, don’t you think?
Just as a quick reminder, please don’t repost any of the pictures posted privately on the Snaccpop Studios Patreon. For just $3, you can get a peek of the good stuff, and that’s cheaper than a cup of coffee like the one Jojo here is holding. You could also consider joining the Something’s Wrong with Sunny Day Jack kickstarter. It recently hit $45,000, so the Nick route was just unlocked!
Oh, and while I’m plugging stuff, why not check out Sunshine in Hell or Sunshine in Another World, my Sunny Day Jack fanfics? I’d love it if you read them and let me know what you think.
Also, I want to remind everyone this series is an Adults Only game, and there’s probably going to be a smutty headcanon or two in the bunch. I mean, we are talking about a werewolf AU. I’m practically obligated to mention knotting at least once.
Oh, before I forget, here’s the obligatory tags for @channydraws and @earthgirlaesthetic.
Thanks for indulging my side-tangent, now back to the headcanons.
I haven’t really touched on the College AU before, but now’s as good of a time as any, just with a little supernatural twist to it. There’s not really any “canon” lore to this AU, just Joseph looking pretty stylish as a college student, so I’m just gonna go crazy and have fun with it. Okay? Okay!
First off, it’s modern day, with cell phones, super fancy coffee drink shops, and obscene student loan debts. Joseph’s family/school life has been shit like in the normal universe, with parents who don’t love him (and probably regret ever having him), but he didn’t run away from home (or if he did, he eventually went back). Instead, he doubled down on his education to get a college scholarship that’ll get him the hell away from his shitty home life and hometown.
Of course, being a student reliant on a scholarship for his funds, Joseph has to work his ass off to maintain high enough grades to keep it. This leads to a lot of late nights, dark circles under his eyes, and a rewards card at the local Sunbucks coffee shop that gets used more than his phone. He gets so much coffee there that the barista even learned how to spell his name right!
The college happens to be the same unnamed college that Alice(/MC), Shaun, and Ian attended. Joseph, being interested in acting, winds up in some of the same classes as the three.
Now, we could say things in this continuity are mostly the same as canon, with Alice and Ian dating at the start of college. This would be when Joseph gets to meet his sunshine while being an ordinary college student instead of a ghost(?) clown actor. Jealousy and love triangles ensue.
But, nah, let’s shake that timeline up little more with some of that werewolf spice, shall we? In fact, let’s rewind the timeline just a little to some events before college starts.
Joseph comes from a pack of werewolves. His parents are still unloving and don’t pay attention to him, but man does being a supernatural creature complicate matters even more. There’s the whole pack hierarchy with alphas and what not (which even Joseph knows is something real wolves don’t do, but then again real wolves don’t transform or have supernatural nonsense going on with them either). You have to be the biggest and strongest to get any power or attention, which is more reason for him to go through a rebellious stage... only this period of teenage angst involves fangs and claws instead of a pocket knife.
So why then, did Joseph not run away from home in this universe when things feel even more isolating for him? He did, but this time it was during a full moon after a particularly rough tumble with his pack. He made it to an area without local wolves of any variety, and on that moonlit night he found himself a ray of sunshine.
Alice’s childhood home has a large backyard that leads into a forest. Being familiar with these woods and with no dangerous wildlife to speak of in the area, it wasn’t at all out of the ordinary for her to take a late night stroll. When she heard a faint whimpering, she assumed it was one of the family dogs. What she found in the dim light of the moon and her cell phone’s flashlight app was a juvenile “dog” with dark chocolate colored fur that had a pretty blue shine where the light hit it.
The poor thing was all covered in cuts, and growled at the strange human approaching him when she got close. Alice felt sorry for it, but knew better than to get too close. Joseph wasn’t exactly happy about being found, and was relieved when she left, only to be surprised when she returned with a couple bowls, one filled with dogfood and the other water.
Joseph figured out her misunderstanding and found it kind of funny. This stranger was treating him as a dog more kindly than his parents or his teachers ever did, speaking soothingly and not getting too close. He snubbed the dogfood because he wasn’t that desperate yet, but he was thirsty after running away so far.
Alice smelled pretty nice to Joseph, really nice in fact. He got closer to her to get a better sniff of her scent underneath the artificial perfumes of her soap and deodorant. She knew better than to move when he got closer, lest she startle him, and he decided to be cheeky and lick her hand when he noticed some cookie crumbs still stuck to her fingers.
What Joseph didn’t expect was that Alice took that as a sign he wanted to be petted. It was startling, to say the least. No one had ever pet him before, not even his parents!
Then again, they didn’t hug him either.
It felt... nice. Far nicer than it had any right to feel, especially after he felt so shitty after getting roughed up by his shitty pack. Joseph melted under the touch and leaned into Alice as she used both hands to put him so gently, his tail wagging for the first time in forever.
Werewolves hid among humanity, but didn’t have much respect for them. Joseph didn’t see a reason to respect humans or werewolves, but this one... this one felt nice, really, really nice. Maybe it was just because of the full moon making him feel more wolf-like and instinctive, but he thought maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to be this human’s pet... at least until he recovered from his injuries. He shouldn’t stay too long in case one of his pack decided to track him down to punish him for running away. 
Alice felt so warm, and Joseph wanted more of her touch. He could’ve cried when she hugged him and called him a good boy.
Unfortunately, such a beautiful moment didn’t last long, as Alice started to cough and she backed from Joseph while covering her mouth and nose. “I guess your owner’s a smoker, huh?”
Joseph never batted an eye whenever a teacher caught him with cigarettes. Their detentions, wagging fingers, and warnings of the danger of teenage smoking never reached him. If anything, their obnoxious lectures just made him want to cut class to light up another joint. It was only when Alice, the first person to hug him in forever, had to put some distance between them so she could breathe did he regret ever picking up the habit.
Even still, Alice brought Joseph back to her house with the intention of taking him to the vet to get him treated in the morning. The family dogs were wary of him, as was expected since they had a better sense of the danger a werewolf posed, but her human family were welcoming. Fortunately, acting friendly enough convinced them that he simply was a very wolf-like breed rather than an actual wolf, let alone a werewolf.
Still, they kept a more careful distance from Joseph than Alice did. They looked him over, and he allowed a few pets, but none of them smelled as appealing as Alice, or cuddled him like she did. Unfortunately, being indoors made it harder to avoid the smell of smoke, so she was forced to keep her distance.
It made Joseph feel a little lonely.
During the night when everyone was asleep, Joseph raided the fridge in a form that actually had opposable thumbs and prowled around the house. He found Alice in her room, but he couldn’t stay long when she started coughing in her sleep. He did linger long enough to notice that she had some fantasy romance novels, a couple of which involved supernatural creatures like werewolves.
Joseph wanted to stay and get to know Alice, but he was a danger to her. Not only would the pack find him if he didn’t keep going, but something as stupidly mundane as a smoking habit was keeping him away from the first person to make him feel warm and cared for in his life.
That night, Joseph reconsidered what he really wanted. He wanted to find a new life, a better life, one with actual love in it. Before he didn’t know how to do it besides forcing his parents, teachers, peers... just someone to finally look at him like a person and not a burden. Now... now there was a chance. He found a ray of sunshine in his dark life. He had a goal to work towards.
Joseph returned to the pack, but not before getting some information he could use, like Alice’s home address and phone number. He would sneak back to watch her from a distance, waiting until it would be safe for him to see her again. He quit smoking, but it would be a while until he stopped smelling of smoke.
One time when Joseph snuck by to see Alice, he saw a scrawny human boy by her side. It wasn’t unexpected - humans spent time with humans, though it did make him feel lonely to see her spending time with someone else when he couldn’t. Worse, was how much fun they were having, laughing, playing around and joking together. They were close.
Then Joseph caught wind of the boy’s pheromones... and hers as well.
The two of them were attracted to each other.
It irritated Joseph, which wasn’t helped by his nicotine withdrawal. Yes, humans were meant to be with humans, and he was supposed to mate with another werewolf and all that bullshit, but fuck that! He hadn’t even gotten the chance to talk to Alice yet, and here was this little toad daring to hug and lust after the first person to show him just the smallest scrap of warmth.
Joseph couldn’t handle it.
Ian had some incidents coming home from Alice’s house where he was stalked by a wild dog or a wolf that chased after him, snapping teeth and growling. However, it would mysteriously only go after him when he was alone and somehow always avoided his attempts at snapping a photo on his phone. On those nights, he wasn’t even truly safe at home, as he would hear scratching at his windows, only to find nothing there, and he thought he heard whispers warning him to stay away from Alice. It made him paranoid and afraid to walk alone when visiting her, and his mom twisted his experiences as being demonic in nature, a warning that he better not have any sinful thoughts about his friend...
It created some distance between Ian and Alice. They were still friends and still close, but he visited her house less often and felt more anxious about his romantic and spicy feelings towards her. This made it even harder for him to gather the courage to ask her out and try to go from friends to something more.
Which suited Joseph perfectly.
It was at least a year after that first encounter that Joseph arranged an ‘accidental’ first encounter with Alice in his human form while she was out and about in the city. Although she kept a greater distance from him as a human than she did as a “dog,” he managed to act cheerful and friendly enough to get her to lower her guard.
The time waiting to see Alice wasn’t spent idly. Joseph had been preparing for that “first” meeting with her, studying more about how to act than he ever did at school, though he did pull his grades up. He stopped acting out, ironically now trying not to attract anyone’s attention in his hometown, so that no one would realize he was sneaking off.
His pack might have hid among humans, but they kept their distance and felt humans were beneath them. They would never accept Joseph’s obsession with one, not unless he became the leader of the pack and changed the rules, or could earn the right to leave the pack, both of which would require him to battle and defeat the alpha.
It was an exhausting balancing act, but worth it to Joseph. He got stronger, pulled up his grades in school, and visited Alice whenever he could. They became friends, and got close enough they exchanged cell phone numbers. He was elated, and the more time he got to know her, the deeper he fell for her.
Joseph did intend to just befriend Alice, he really did, but when she gave him a hug while he was in his human form, he didn’t want to let her go. He wanted more.
He wanted her to be his mate for life.
You know, sometimes werewolf romances have mystical mate bonds, so let’s go with that. It’d be fitting since it’s similar to the connection between Jack and his sunshine in the main universe. Werewolves have one mate for life when they make the mark and all sorts of perks and all those fun tropes.
Joseph did his best to appeal to Alice, and he was thrilled the first time he caught scent of her interest in him - not Ian or someone else, but him! He nearly acted on it right there, but he knew her better by this point. She was shy, took things slowly, and when sneakily prying about her thoughts on romance, he found out that she’d only want to date someone she was friends with first.
Fine, fine, Joseph could wait. He had to take care of his pack’s potential interference anyway. It wouldn’t hurt to secure a good future too if he was going to start a family. Alice did admit she wanted a big family with a bunch of kids in the future, and he was quite happy to imagine having a whole litter of pups with her.
Joseph managed to defeat the alpha by the time he graduated high school. He could have taken over for the pack, but screw them all. He was free, more or less. He had a scholarship, he made sure to enroll in the same college Alice was attending, and he even managed to arrange it so that they would be staying in the same dorm. He wanted to be roommates with her, but the damn school decided that students of the same gender couldn’t stay on the same floor, let alone share a room.
Now that Joseph finally was free, he asked Alice out on the first day of classes, and she shyly accepted.
The fact that Ian just happened to be in earshot at the time really was a total coincidence. Really.
One date led to more, then a relationship. Joseph was the ideal boyfriend, kind, considerate, and very loving. Alice was wonderful to him as well, so cuddly and affectionate. She made him feel so loved and appreciated in a way no one else could.
Joseph swapped out his nicotine addiction for a caffeine addiction, but that was fine. Alice liked the smell of coffee, and although she didn’t really care to drink it, she didn’t mind the taste of it when he kissed her. After a while the smell of coffee would remind her of him, especially when they kissed.
Now that they had gotten this far, Joseph had to gently warm Alice up to the idea of werewolves. She enjoyed horror movies as well as gothic romances, so he had something to work with, getting familiar with some werewolf romance media to show her and talk to her about. It was so romantic how a human and a werewolf could make a relationship work despite all odds, wasn’t it?
Joseph would feel insecure when Alice made friends besides him, especially if he caught wind of any sort of attraction they had towards her. Shaun also had the annoying stink of cat on him. Joseph was quick to make it clear early on after meeting him who Alice wanted to be with, much to her embarrassment.
After all, she hadn’t been expecting Joseph to (gently) bite her neck while she was introducing Shaun and Joseph to one another.
“Joey!” Alice hissed breathlessly as she pushed Joseph back, her face cherry red. “Not here!”
Joseph chuckled, unrepentant as he admired the new mark he left behind on her skin along with the others that made it clear to everyone that Alice was his. “Sorry, sunshine, I just couldn’t resist.”
During a full moon, a werewolf’s instincts are much stronger, which made it that much harder for Joseph to hold back his urge to mate with Alice. He had to take it slowly with her, mindful of her comfort, but oh how she drove him so crazy sometimes. It seemed to get harder and harder to stop when she signaled an end to their make out sessions, but he would never, ever do anything she didn’t want, even if it left him with blue balls and with the urge to tear something apart in the woods to burn off the extra energy.
But all the waiting in the world is worth it for Alice, as far as Joseph is concerned, especially the night she finally, finally tells him that she loves him. He gently pried for it, not as forward or as confident as he would as Jack in the game, but he was absolutely just as giddy and relieved to hear it.
Needless to say, when Joseph reveals the truth about his werewolf nature to Alice, she’s very skeptical, thinking it’s a prank at first. He offers to prove it and shocks her when he manages to actually transform into a wolf, and a rather sizable one at that. Although intimidating and world changing, she quickly accepts this side of him, much to his delight.
Wolfy cuddles, petting, and tail wags follow... then Joseph reveals his hybrid form, with a human physique and wolf features. (It’s not too much different than Bo’s “feed me” form.)
It happens to be a full moon, and Joseph, high off of her love and acceptance of every side of him, gets very affectionate. Though intimidated and very nervous, Alice consents to going all the way with him for the first time. She marvels at how a big and dangerous werewolf like Joseph can be so gentle... and how many times he can keep going.
It was quite the learning experience for Alice. First she learned that her boyfriend was a werewolf, then just how big he is, and finally that she can handle someone of his size without pain with enough loving preparation beforehand. Joseph made sure to shower her with praise through the experience, especially when she managed to take his knot.
Needless to say, the two of them skip classes the next day. Joseph is only too happy to carry Alice around until she can walk properly again, much to her embarrassment.
The mate marking happens either during their first time or afterwards, but, in any case, Alice is consenting to it. After all, it means she and Joseph can be together forever. She’s never felt so happy and accepted before. How can she say no when he’s such a wonderful guy who loves her so much?
Sure, Joseph gets a bit territorial, and Alice always has kiss and bite marks that she can never quite hide when out in public, but that just shows how crazy he is about her. How can she not find it flattering?
Although Joseph’s size and werewolf nature can be intimidating, Alice isn’t afraid of him. How could she? He’s the sweetest, most gentle, friendly, and loving person she’s ever known. The idea that he could hurt anyone is completely absurd!
Joseph is the happiest he’s ever been in his life. He finally has his sunshine, and, someday, they’re going to have a nice home and a bunch of happy pups to call their own. As long as no one tries to get between them, everything will end happily ever after.
If they do, well... this wolf knows how to hunt.
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annawrites444 · 7 months
i was wondering if you give me a matchup? I’m 5’2 love drawing and reading. I’m a history buff too so I like history uuh I’m introverted, shy. If i need to give you a cabin I honestly don’t know maybe Athena or Apollo.
Matchup Leo Valdez X G/N (Child of Athena) Reader
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Hiiiiii I'm so sorry for the late response I’ve been very busy with school and stuff, I promise to be more on top of the writing for any future requests. Life just kinda jumped on me a lil bit :D
I put you in Athena Cabin based on your description and have paired you with Leo!! (Percy was a close second)(This is also post-war-with-Gaia)
You are by nature a very intellectual and clever person, you find a passion in written words and stories. You were often seen around camp with your nose either in your sketch book or in your favorite book. You weren’t new to camp and had been there a few summer before Leo, Piper, and Jason arrived along with the rest of “The 7”. You had gotten to know Annabeth like the back pf your hand, she was the older sister you never had and you guys were often seen together throughout camp. Whenever she wasn’t with Percy she was with you. 
You were underneath the shade of your favorite tree, with your favorite book, in your favorite time of day. It was quiet… a little too quiet. You paid it no mind and went on reading, becoming more and more engrossed in your book the more you were there. Before you knew it you felt a tap on your shoulder and looked up only to meet eyes with Leo, who quickly began to blush at your shy gaze. “Sorry, to bother you…. uh Annabeth wanted me to come get you for sparring since-you know- I was already headed over here… yeah” He practically melting. Leo had no idea what had come over him but he was a blushing mess and you hadn’t even said anything at all. “Okay, thanks Leo.” You reply getting up from your spot under the tree and gathering your things. “Of course, it’s no big deal or anything.” Leo had regained some of his confidence and had the biggest grin on his face. Book and sketchpad in hand you headed down the trail toward the arena with Leo close behind. Little did you know you’d be seeing a lot more of him from now on. You and Leo began to meet up more frequently at your spot, you admitted to liking its safety and quiet and slowly you found yourself opening up to him. He was almost the complete opposite to you, yet somehow your friendship only bloomed from there. 
Once you and Leo are finally Dating, you both make plans late at night to meet up in Bunker 9 as his finishes his tinkering you are able to finish your drawings.
Since you tend to be on the quieter side Leo loves to find different ways to make you laugh. He loves your laugh so much oml. Yes, he’s definitely more extroverted but I feel like its a nice balance to your introverted side, kinda like fire and rain. 
He would love it if you read aloud to him while he’s working on his newest project. 
All of your drawings are pinned up on/ around his bunk and workspace. (Some you gave him and some of them he took…)
He once made you this really cool pen that had different colors and tips that were interchangeable. You use it all the time. 
You drew him this really hella cool sketch of Festus, which he did not stop bragging about for like 2 weeks. It’s now the only framed drawing above his bed. 
You both have matching converse, his has the sun embroidered on it, yours has the moon. Both of them have little sharpie doodles on the white part of the tip of the shoe. 
While your hands are probably more on the colder side, Leo’s hands are like burning…(literally lmao). So you both always comment on the other’s temperature.. “geez your hands are freezing” or “Oh my gods, Leo your hands are burning up”. (It never matters to you guys though). 
Overall you guys have the best dynamic making many a camper jealous of the perfect balance the two of you have found. <3
Thank you so much for the request!! I hope you liked it, I did the best I could with the description given!! :))
<3 Anna
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ghitathepanda · 1 year
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A few weeks back, I felt like drawing the sort of art I used to draw a bunch more: BoBoiBoy art. I'll probably repost stuff I drew that I haven't put here in a while because a certain blue bird site end up worsening and also I wanna get some clout back before I dare open up stuff like commissions around here.
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chemicallyyourss · 8 months
Hey guys,
I’m new here and sort of wanted to introduce myself and ask for some advice/suggestions.
I’m somewhat new to tumblr- I’ve had accounts before, but never really fully understood how to work all the features, and still don’t, lol. So if there’s maybe a guide or something somewhere that would be uber helpful and appreciated for me!
I used to write quite a lot- both fanfiction-sorts and original works- mainly on Wattpad, Fanfiction.net, and AO3 (yes I know the distrust that comes with Wattpad users lol, but I was 14). I have always mainly written for The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer- my absolute favorite book series of all time and my comfort series as well- as well as some other fandoms like funny enough BBC Sherlock and Hamilton, and I had quite a lot that I wrote for The Lunar Chronicles. I’m really wanting to get back into the flow of writing and see about reposting my old works onto here in a master list and also working on some new ones, again both fanfiction and original. I’m also wanting to get more into drawing and such- fan art and other things. I never drew that much of fanart other than some sketches and designs and bookmarks that I mostly kept to myself, but I’d love to start making my own so that I can work more towards drawing specifically what I want to see, as I’m such a perfectionist and there’s not that much The Lunar Chronicles fanart especially for my favorite couple. I do do several forms of arts and crafts like crocheting, knitting, pottery, art, etc, and I especially did good with photography and realistic drawings and charcoal drawings, and I’d love to incorporate that and also get better at other types.
So I was looking into devices that could help me out and make it easier to do these things. I don’t really like writing on my phone, as the keyboard is so small and I like a wider view and such. I used to write on an iPad, but that was waaaay back in 2014 or so. It didn’t give me all the features I’d liked, but it was enough to do my main bit of writing. I’m not that informed about technology and such so I’ve been trying to look into what products may be best for what I want, like an iPad and keyboard, a MacBook, etc. I’m not that well off so I can’t necessarily just drop a thousand or so dollars on stuff, especially if it doesn’t work best for me. If anyone can respond or even message me with some ideas and resources and information as to what would be most beneficial all around for this sort of project, I would be so appreciative. Thank you so much!
**you can skip down to the other two asterisks if you don’t want to read all about me or get bored lol, please read below the bottom asterisks at the end though**
I guess I’d like to say a bit about myself as well. I know I don’t have my page strictly shown as a “The Lunar Chronicles” fan account, but that’s pretty much what it is, plus some poetry, quotes, landscapes, art, Adventure Time stuff, cats, and memes. You pretty much might as well view me as a Lunar Chronicles fan account lol. It sucks because I figure I may have a hard time getting seen and interacted with since I’m not broadly showing that I’m absolutely obsessed with the series, but I really want to get the word out while still maintaining my individuality on my page.
I started reading The Lunar Chronicles when Cress was coming out, I think right after Scarlet had been released. I was preeeetty young back then, which is a little embarrassing because back then most of the fans were in their 20’s and I was a teenager, but hopefully more people my age have found the series now. I won’t say how old I was back then, but I will say I’m 21 now lol. You can do the math yourself if you want.
My OTP is Kaider, Kai and Cinder. I legitimately adore them, like ridiculously so. They make me so giddy honestly lol. I wrote mainly for their ship, but rereading the series for maybe the 20th time, I am starting to adore Jacin and Winter as well. I just think Kai and Cinder are so underrated and overlooked a lot of the time. I loved writing for them and I’m an absolute sucker for their fanfictions, so if you find any or write any I haven’t already checked out, hit me up and I’ll devour it lol. And Id love to share my current works and hopefully future works! I was relatively young when I wrote them all, but I’ve always written quite a bit and been more talented at that more than anything else- not to brag, it’s just I’m mostly a one trick pony and that’s the trick lol.
So, I’m a 21 year old female from the USA, and have lived in a very small town for all of my life so far, but I’m trying to move to a midsize city with my husband soon. I’ve been married since May 2023, and I’ve been with my husband since 2019. We’ve known each other vaguely since middle school, but really started speaking maybe 2 months before we started dating lol. I have 3 pet cats, 2 calicos and a male tuxedo, all food names. I absolutely adore them lol. I used to take care of a feral colony, and got them all spayed and neutered and most rehomed to good families. I’m very passionate about TNR and animal rescue, and the fight against cat overpopulation. I’m a huge cat person. I do have a dog that I’m currently long term taking care of for a relative for the last year and a half, but none of my own.
I grew up a huge book nerd and was a gifted kid until about highschool, when I sort of burnt out and also started coming under some heavy struggles with mental health, stress, and issues at home. I grew up with a father suffering multiple issues including vascular dementia, which he’s now in the late stages of and is mostly bedridden. He’s a huge sensitive subject for me. I took care of him a bit growing up and my life was pretty much anything but ordinary and it was very stressful. I had to do a lot of things kids shouldn’t have to. We also struggled a lot with 2 disabled parents, so as soon as I was old enough, I got a job and started relying solely on my own income. I mostly worked 2 jobs in highschool.
My childhood is a whole wild story I could go on forever about and I’d be more than happy to if ever asked, but I’ll pretty well leave it at that for now.
I ended up joining a college program while still in high school to practice and study Culinary Arts. I then entered college with a major in Culinary Arts with a focus in Baking and Pastry Arts, and I also studied business and was working for a degree in Home Science Education. I wanted to teach culinary classes, probably in a highschool, and maybe have a cafe of some sort. Eventually I did drop out of college with no degree so far but quite a few certifications. I started to struggle with my mental health and physical health a lot, and I was very stressed and my father had declined drastically and I just couldn’t take it at the moment.
I worked in several fiends, including Food Service, Healthcare, Opticianry, Management, etcetera. I currently work in a hospital as part of Registration, but I really want to work towards a career in Human Resources, and maybe finishing my Culinary education.
Like I said above, I’m very passionate about cats and TNR, and I have supported tons of TNR programs and tried my best to help people out with resources and such so they can spay/neuter their pets and keep animals and stray/feral animals safe. I’m very against kill shelters and euthanasia. I’d love to either open a rescue or Cat Cafe of sorts maybe, or at least volunteer/work at one, and I’m currently trying to get involved in CASA work, as the struggle with my goddaughter and the rough custody battle against one absent parent was a lot and I really want to help out more kids like that.
I was actually raised Amish/Mennonite and converted out, which is funny. I always get tons of questions about that so feel free if you’re wondering. I speak English obviously, but I’m also semi-fluent in Spanish and I know just a little of Pennsylvania dutch, which is my areas dialect of Amish/Mennonite language (I’m not in/from Pennsylvania but we call it that). My husband and I are not Amish/Mennonite, and my husband has never been.
I identify as a cisgender queer woman, and I am diagnosed with OCD, PTSD, and MDD, and have always struggled with eating disorders. I’m very big on mental health advocating, as well as general welfare and health. I grew up without much healthcare and it’s been hard working to cover my bases, and I finally was diagnosed in 2021, the same year I was able to start taking care of myself without being held back. I also have some physical illness issues, including heart issues and kidney issues. The kidney issues were furthered from my mental health issues and consequences of long episodes and dark, sick times. I was extremely sick for a very long time but I’ve gotten a lot better, even though I do still have flare ups and occasional issues. I’m a pescatarian, for many reasons, including my eating issues, my love for animals, and namely my sister showing me a slaughter documentary when I was a toddler. I never really liked the taste anyways so it’s easy for me. I eat any seafood, eggs, and dairy, although dairy does make me bloat so I avoid it usually. I’m a coffee and caffeine snob and used to be a barista so I’m properly addicted and have a drink bar at my house for coffee, energy drink refreshers, and mixed alcoholic drinks. I support 3rd party politics, namely the Green Party.
I guess I’ll sort of wrap this up but going into what I like- my favorite color is black- haha- my favorite book series is The Lunar Chronicles as I said and my OTP is Kaider from that series, I like some other series like the Unwind series by Neal Shusterman, the original Sherlock Holmes series, and others, I love The Walking Dead series and I love Rich and Michonnes relationship from the tv show and Daryl and Carols relationship as well, I haven’t gotten to read all the comics but I’m working on it, and I’ve working through all the sister shows and spinoffs, my favorite movie/show genre is horror especially psychological horror. I love all of Jordan Peele’s movies and a lot of A24 horror movies. I never got to watch many classic or cult favorite movies and shows so I’ve been trying to work through them all. I watched Orange Is The New Black and adored it. I’d say my favorite shows so far are tied between BBC Sherlock (my comfort show) The Walking Dead and Adventure Time, which are both very personal to me. I don’t exactly have a favorite book genre, but I guess it would have to be dystopian/romance and comedy. Comedy anything is always good lol. I like quite a lot of music, mainly Classic Rock, Grunge, Rap, Trap Metal, Pop Rock, Underground, Alternative, Indie, and others. I was a semi theatre kid- semi because my school didn’t have drama or theatre and I couldn’t afford to go see many plays lol. I loved Hamilton, Heathers, Falsettos, Dear Evan Hanson, and others. I was a part of choir but I’m not too confident in my voice lol. I used to write a lot of fanfiction and original stuff as I said, and I also wrote and read poetry. My favorite poets were Charles Bukowski, Emily Dickinson, Robert M Drake, and Sylvia Plath. My favorite authors would probably be Marissa Meyer (though I haven’t read her other works other than TLC yet) and Neal Shusterman. Their writing style really appeals to me and I write somewhat similarly. I’d say my favorite bands are Queen, The Beatles, Hozier, SuicideBoys, and Rainbow Kitten Surprise. My favorite song of all time is Hey Jude.
I do have a tattoo, currently only one, but I’m planning more, one to commemorate my father and one to reference Adventure Time, and some for my cats. I currently have a geometrical and floral pattern on my sternum. I want more floral pieces as well besides the specific pieces I mentioned. I have several ear and cartilage piercings and I’m not planning on any body piercings besides my nose.
I am generally a big advocate for peace, equality, kindness, etcetera, and I mean that wholeheartedly. It takes a whole lot to get me messy and/or violent or mean. I’m very supportive and understanding and accepting of all things- besides legitimately morally wrong things that I don’t even want to name here. I’ll just say I’m lgbt+ supporting (and a member), BLM supporting, race issue awareness supporter, accepting and understanding of all genders sexualities religions backgrounds disabilities mental health issues etc, sexual assault and abuse awareness supporter and a victim, a mental and physical health advocate, against euthanasia and for TNR, am working towards HR work to better help the workforce and also working towards child advocacy and animal rights.
Aaaalllrighty, I think that’s more than enough. Thank you if you read much of any of that, feel free to inbox me or ask me anything, and please PLEASE if you have advice about the products I would need for writing and drawing please let me know!! I really want to get back into it and share my works.
Thank you!
Cat gif for tax (jammin)
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