#man the fact that Emily was so suspicious from day ONE and she was right is WILD
feelingtheaster99 · 5 months
Fig/Emily @ the rest of the bad kids right now
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reiderwriter · 10 months
listen- i get this is not helpful at all but i NEED a fic based on the 8th picture (him in front of that wooden door in glasses) with spencer reid x reader 🙏
A/N: I love this pic so much, you don't even know, like glasses??? Hair??? Shirt unbuttoned whorishly??? It's actually criminal. I hope you enjoy the fic!!
Warnings: Semi-public sex, creampie, most of this isn't smut, but it is there, fingering, cowgirl, etc.
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You weren't sure what motivated you to keep your relationship with Spencer Reid to yourself. You just knew that the heat of his kisses was delightful.
On days like today, special occasions where you had him all to yourself with no threat of intrusion, you gave into your little desires, let go of all your tension and melted into his touch, ready to feel all of him as you both basked in your pleasure. 
Rolling your hips into his from the couch  you enjoyed every lazy tun of his lips across yours, each slow caress of your cheek, every pump of his fingers inside you, stretching you out and getting you ready. 
You let yourself get lost in his bites, his licks, just as he moaned at each scratch of your nails against his back. You were so lost and content that neither of you, in fact, noticed the frustrated rings of the Spencer's doorbell, until whoever it was on the other side pounded against the door with a forceful knock. 
“Come back to me quickly,” you reluctantly parted from him, taking the opportunity to catch your breath as Spencer donned his glasses and straightened the part of his shirt that remained buttoned. 
Moving to the door, Spencer scowled in dissatisfaction. Cracking the door open, his face immediately drained of blood as he took in the face outside of it. 
“About time, pretty boy. I've been out here ten minutes trying to get you to open up.” Morgan sighed, exasperated. Suddenly thankful that he'd only cracked the door, Spencer narrowed it a little further, knowing that your body would be in direct view of anyone standing in the doorway with a clear eye line. 
“What are you doing here?” He questioned the man, willing his body to lose the tension in his voice before Morgan suspected something was off.
“Rossi's pasta night. I drive you every time, don't tell me you forgot.” 
“I'm feeling a little under the weather. I think I picked up the flu in Seattle last week.” He coughed for effect, though the resulting eyebrow raise didn't exactly bolster his opinion of his own acting skills.
“You are looking a little pale, but you're also sounding very suspicious. Spencer, if you're using again, you know we'll get you the help you need.” 
“I appreciate it, Morgan, but I'm not. Just the flu. I promise.” 
“That last unsub really did a number on you, huh? I knew he landed some punches, but I didn't think he'd bruised up your neck and chest like that.” 
For a minute, Spencer stood confused before he glanced down at his near bare chest, trailing a hand down certain areas you'd paid special attention to moments before. His mind blanked as he searched for an excuse, completely forgetting that Morgan had just given him a perfectly reasonable one. 
“Well, anyway, take care of yourself, kid.” With that, the older man sauntered away, leaving Spencer to close the door behind him and thank whatever logical higher power there was that he didn't ask any further questions. 
He practically threw himself back into the living room and into your arms as he pressed himself into you once again, not planning to leave until you'd shared ample satisfactions with each other. 
“So they're definitely fucking, right?” Emily sipped her wine as she finished her pasta dish, Penelope to her left and Morgan to her right as they gossiped about their beloved teammates. 
“You should've seen it, Emily. The kid was covered in lipstick and hickeys and couldn't even give me a reason why.” With Rossi and Hotch away packing up the leftovers, the three more fun members of the team had been left to JJ's careful watch. 
“The three of you should drop it. They'll tell us when they tell us. We shouldn't pry.”
“It took me a month to learn Y/N's first name. I thought I'd forgot it and was wandering around trying to get her to say it, only to find out she'd never told any of us, and you think she's going to be so forthcoming with other personal information?” Penelope pouted, still sore about your slightly chilly welcome to the team. 
“I'm just saying maybe we shouldn't push it. They're both our friends, and they're obviously enjoying the sneaking around.” 
“I suddenly recall Miss Jareau here also sneaking around and being secretive a while back, with a certain Mr LaMontagne.” Emily smirked at her friend across the table, silencing the other woman with her teasing and earning her a humorous eye roll. 
“How much of that wine have you had, Emily?” Hotch asked, stepping into the dining room once again, a tense frown set against his stern features. 
“Half a glass. We have a case?” 
“Unfortunately. I'll call Y/N and Reid. Go pick up your go-bags.” 
“Hotch, wait!” Morgan called out as the man started typing the familiar digits into his phone. “I'll get Y/N and Reid. I have a feeling I can kill two birds with one stone with this notification.”
The feeling of Spencer buried inside of you was near perfection, as you rocked your hips into his, grinding down on his cock as you rode him. Never a fan of giving up complete control, Spencer kept a tight hand on your hips, controlling your pace and keeping it disastrously fast as you found your release above him. He continued feeding you pleasure as he worked himself over the edge, to happy to be meeting you in your bliss. 
Another interruption found you before you could catch your breaths, though, and the pounding at Spencer’s door was back again. Somehow, it was even louder this time. 
“You're on top. Can you get that one?” He panted underneath you  and you nodded quickly, hissing slightly as you pulled yourself off his cock, watching your shared arousal spill out. Cleaning yourself up with the towels he'd prepared earlier, you pulled on the closest item of clothing to you and made your way to the door. 
Your biggest regret, had you been asked, would most likely have been the decision to forego pants. As you swung open the door to Spencer’s apartment, you were met with three shit-eating grins. 
“Y/N, wonderful, just who we were looking for.” Emily smiled and teased as Penelope tried her best not to burst into laughter. Morgan’s expression was the mirror of Emily’s, as he joined in the teasing. 
“That shirt looks better on you than it did on Spencer earlier, I'll give you that.” 
You subconsciously wrapped it around yourself more, again cursing your lack of foresight. You'd grabbed Spencer’s shirt and pulled it on like a dress, despite the fact that you weren't so much smaller than the man himself, just shorter. 
“What are you all doing here?” 
“Hotch sent us to get you. We've got a case. Shipping out in 1 hour. Do you have your go-bag, or do you just leave enough supplies here to be able to make the drop from here?” Emily continued, mixing business with the pleasure of poking fun at you. 
It seemed that Spencer in his post-orgasmic bliss had made the same mistake as you had as you felt a set of arms wrap around you from behind, a warm presence at your back as he lifted an arm to tilt the door slightly more ajar than before. 
He'd at least had the decency to throw on pants, though. 
“Spencer! I'm so glad you could join us! How's your cold?” Emily barked with laughter as she took in Spencer’s guilty, frozen expression. 
“There's a perfectly good explanation for this.” He stuttered, putting a slight bit of distance between the two of you but not fully letting you go as your friends struggled to wipe the smiles off their faces. 
“I don't want to hear an explanation of anything you did in their, kid. I already know about the birds and the bees.” Morgan laughed as he started his retreat from Spencer's doorway, the two women following suit. 
“For your consideration, I'd make a wonderful godmother.” Penelope shouted as she followed her best friends out of the building. Emily lingered a few more seconds, though, still grinning. 
“You have about an hour to come up with an excuse, though, if you'd like. Hotch says wheels up in 60, gives you time to get your story straight.” With a wink, she was gone, and you were once again closing the door to the world and turning into Spencer's embrace. 
“That went… as expected.” You whispered as he nuzzled his head into your hair. 
“Honestly, I'm just surprised it took them this long. You'd think after a year of us sharing motel rooms, one of them would catch on.” 
“You would certainly think so. You certainly would.” 
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Paradise: Part One
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2k
Summary: Spencer finally meets your parents, but it doesn’t go as well as you thought it was going to go. Are you a bad girlfriend for letting your dad treat him that way, or is it completely out of your control?
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated
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"A fool's paradise is a wise man's hell." - Thomas Fuller
The bruises still linger on your face from when Ben hit and slapped you. The pain is long gone, but whenever Spencer sees them, he can't help but feel guilty all over again. You're sitting at your desk at the end of the work day, applying makeup to cover the bruises. Spencer sits at his desk, but instead of finishing his work, he's staring at you.
You can feel the waves of guilt wash over him, and your hand shakes as you try not to feel his guilt as your own.
"Stop doing that, Spencer," you mutter and finish putting on eyeliner.
"What am I doing?" he asks innocently.
"They don't hurt anymore."
You finish with your eyes and dab some powder foundation on your chin.
"Why are you doing your makeup this late at night?" Derek asks as he passes by your desk.
"Spencer and I are having a date night. I want to look pretty."
Spencer gets up and walks over to you before stopping at the back of your chair. You tip your head back to look at him, and he smiles lovingly.
"You're already pretty."
He leans down and kisses you, Spider-Man style.
"Where are you guys going?"
"I know a pretty good Indian restaurant that's open all night. She's never had Indian food, and I need to introduce her to a whole other world."
"You two have fun. I have my own date to attend to," Emily says and puts on her jacket.
"You got a date? With who?" Derek asks.
"My hot tub."
"Now that sounds like a party."
"You're so not invited," she says playfully.
JJ walks through the two glass doors with her hand on her pregnant belly. You can't believe she is having a baby, but you're so excited. You're going to spoil the shit out of her baby whether she wants you to or not. She might be happy about having her baby, but she isn't happy with the news she has to give her team.
"Hold up, guys. Change of plans. I'm glad I caught you."
"Is everything okay?" Emily asks.
"I've been on the phone with a sheriff in Nevada. There's been a series of suspicious accidents in the Reno area that may be connected."
"JJ, can't this wait until morning?" Derek sighs.
"I don't think so. If I'm right about this, I think we'll be leaving first thing tomorrow. Sorry."
She leaves the group and heads to the briefing room, and Derek and Emily head to their desks to unpack their things. You turn to Spencer with an understanding frown.
"Looks like date night will have to wait."
"We can go after this case," he says and pulls you close.
"You got it," you grin.
You lean up and kiss him but keep it short and sweet. You two head to the briefing room and take your seats while JJ starts.
"Three nights ago outside Reno, this car was hit by a tractor-trailer."
She pulls up a picture of a wrecked car on the side of a highway.
"Any survivors?"
"The truck driver walked away unharmed. Jonathan and Rebecca Gallen, the passengers in the car, were DOA. When the local sheriff arrived on the scene, he noticed several things: no blood spatter inside the car, no seat belt burns, and no lacerations from the airbags."
"They were dead before the accident," Spencer confirms.
"The autopsy confirmed that and the cause of death. Blunt force head trauma, and evidence of rape and torture to the woman."
"The unsub wasn't very successful at hiding the fact that he murdered two people," Hotch sighs.
"There's a chance he has gotten away with it before. After I spoke to the sheriff, I had Garcia look into any similar accidents near the California and Nevada border. She found two with a similar MO in the past couple of weeks. Both were couples in a car hit by a tractor-trailer. It's always a man and a woman stopped right in the middle of the road, and it's always at night on a remote highway."
"It can't be a coincidence the victim type and this very specific MO are the same in all three cases," Rossi says. "Was Garcia able to find any connection between them?"
"One thing they have in common is that they all disappeared for forty-eight hours prior to the accidents."
"We know what he does to his victims during that time. We just need to figure out where he finds them."
The briefing wraps up, and you all shuffle out of the room to gather your things for the long plane ride to Vegas. Your parents have been living there since they moved a couple of years ago. They were always moving across the country when you were younger, so hearing about this doesn't surprise you.
Maybe Spencer can finally meet them.
"Hey, wait a sec," you stop Spencer from going to his desk. "My parents live in Vegas. If I call them, and they have the time, do you want to meet them? Maybe we can have lunch or dinner together. I've met your mom, and I'd really like for you to meet them."
"That sounds awesome. I'd love to do that," he nods with a smile.
"Great," your eyes light up. He leaves your side, and you take out your phone to call your mom. She doesn't answer, but she might be sleeping since it's late where she is. "Hey, mom. I know it's late, but my job is taking me to Reno if you and Dad have some time to come up there? Maybe we can do lunch or dinner? I want you to meet someone. I love you!"
With that out of the way, you're able to gather your go-bag and meet everyone on the plane. It's just after dawn when you're at a cruising altitude, and JJ takes out some over-the-ear headphones to place on her growing belly.
"JJ?" Emily asks, looking at the headphones in question.
"It's so the baby can't hear."
"What is he listening to?"
"I personally preferred Mozart, myself," Spencer says. "Be careful to limit his exposure to one hour a day. Amniotic fluids have a tendency to amplify sound."
"Thanks for the reminder, Doc," she chuckles before getting down to business. "Okay, so, all three crashes were on highways outside of Carson City, Lake Tahoe, and Reno."
"All cities with a large and diverse transit population. Not to mention the thousands of locals mixing with seasonal workers. It's an endless pool of victims to choose from."
"Rebecca was beaten badly," Hotch notes about the victim. "Her ribs are broken ante-mortem. He'd need time and privacy to do this. That would suggest the killer either lives or works in the area."
"He's going to such extremes to try and hide the murders. Maybe he has a connection to the victims?" Derek wonders.
"What does the press know?" Rossi asks JJ.
"All media outlets are reporting an accident."
"The one thing going for us is the killer has no idea we know. That helps us."
"JJ, when we land, would you explain to Sheriff Bruner and his deputies how important it is to keep this quiet? If the unsub finds out we're here, all bets are off. He could change his MO or just pick up and find his victims somewhere else," Hotch asks.
And JJ did just that once you landed. Sheriff Bruner waits for you at the Reno police department, and he shakes hands with Hotch once you get in. The other officers don't know why you need to keep this quiet, so the Sheriff addresses them.
"From this point on, the company line is simple. The FBI is here to investigate a missing person."
"You may be thinking, if the public knew the truth, they might be able to help us," JJ says. "However, we can't risk this getting out because this killer needs to believe he's getting away with murder. Any future calls related to this investigation can be directed to me or Agent Hotchner. Remember, if we can just keep a lid on this now It'll only help us later. Thanks."
The other officers go back to what they were doing before. The Sheriff walks you to where you'll be set up.
"It's not much, but it's a place to hang your hats."
"All we need is a table and an evidence board," Hotch says.
"Sheriff, if you don't mind, some of us would like to go to the site of the accident," Rossi asks.
"I'll have a deputy take you. Rebecca's father is coming in to claim the bodies."
"Do you have any aerial photos of the crash sites?"
"We didn't think to get any."
"Not a problem. I'll have our technical analyst get some from the NSA. I'd like to see what the areas surrounding the highways are like."
The Sheriff brings over a map of the area where all of the crash sites have been. The map is unmarked, but Spencer grabs a pen to mark down the spots of the accidents.
"The first victims, Fritz and Johanna Dietrich were found ten days ago after visiting from Germany. Their accident site was on Highway 50 just south of Lake Tahoe."
Spencer marks that on the map.
"The second couple, Melissa and Tom Taylor were from Oregon. They were found on the 267, northeast of Lake Tahoe, not far from the interstate." Spencer marks that as well. "The latest victims, Jonathan and Rebecca Gallen were from Arizona. Their accident occurred between Reno and Carson City on Highway 395."
"All three couples were staying in the area without reservations, and the only transactions on their credit cards were from gas stations hundreds of miles away," JJ says.
"The common theme here is no paper trail. If no one can contact them or trace them, they become the perfect victims."
Before you leave, Rossi gets those satellite photos from Penelope, but he doesn't look at them right away. He wants to wait until he's at the crime scene to compare them to the area.
Hotch and JJ stay behind to talk to Rebecca's father, Spencer stays behind to work on the profile, and the rest of you are taken to the newest car accident site. The truck driver who rammed into the small car is still on the side of the road talking with the officers since it's still so new. Jonathan and Rebecca's energies are faint because they didn't die here. They were placed in that car and left to be hit well after they died.
You're not sure you can see what happened before they died or where they died.
"If you don't mind, I'd like to go home now and tell my wife that I didn't kill that couple," the older truck driver says once you get there.
"Sir, we're gonna have to ask you not to do that."
"Everyone believes I killed them. You don't know what that feels like."
You do, but you're not going to tell him that.
"We understand what we're asking of you, but this is an extremely important part of our investigation," you say. "We need the public to continue to believe this was an accident."
"Mr. Jones, we will catch this guy," the sheriff assures. "When we do, your good name will be vindicated. I promise you that."
"Fine," Mr. Jones sighs. "If I can think of anything that would be of use to you, I'll let you know."
"Thank you for your time." Mr. Jones heads back to his truck. "This guy could've left the bodies anywhere."
"He didn't, and there is a reason for that. This behavior tells us the risk of leaving the bodies where he killed them is greater than the risk he takes staging these accidents." Rossi takes out the file containing the satellite photos. "Here are the satellite photos."
He lays them out on the hood of the police car so you all can see. Each accident site has curves winding around them so a car or a semi-truck wouldn't be able to see them until it's too late.
"Look at that. All three accident sites have similar blind curves," you point out. "What are these areas just off the highway?"
"Some are fire roads and some are trails for off-road vehicles such as ATVs."
"We know this guy's organized. It looks like he plans his escapes in advance."
"I found something, boss," one of the officers says as he jogs away from the crushed car. He hands over the item he found that's in an evidence bag. "It's a matchbook."
The matchbook is from a diner called Flo's, and you, Derek, and Emily decide to go over there and see if you can't get some intel.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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right. right. ok i'll have you know i made fucking notes as i read because i didn't want to miss out on things to scream about
first of all: writing style? yes it is a bit different (and you seem set on making metaphors about boats, i wonder why... has a certain cephalopod game influenced you?? honestly i loved them and it fits nicely because house boat) but i really liked it, dialogue flowed more naturally (not that it was bad in the slightest at all!) so it was interesting to read :))
(there is a fucking lot of text after this so be prepared, the "keep reading" thingy doesn't work in asks i checked)
(as a note, whenever i ask very direct questions i am not expecting too many (or any in some cases) answers cause yknow spoilers, i am just very enthusiastically showing all my thought processes because its fun)
"she could feel her powers growing ever day..." ?!?!??! WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?? is there more side affects to the miraculous? is the fact that she literally has the god of destruction constantly near her constantly and uses his powers nearly every day changing how she views things? is she literally growing more powerful in terms strength? multiple powers eg another thing like cataclysm? there are so many things it could mean-
Juleka was legit so fucking sad? the entire time? she is so overwhelmed :( literally talk to someone about it- please- your entire family knows! aaa :(
"so much more than red glitter and black leather" is... is ladybug glittery? does she sparkle? this doesn't matter but i keep imagining her like bedazzled in rhinestones or something else and losing it a little
aww Alix taught small children how to skate! it was in this chapter! also: she swore in a presentation?? i literally cannot swear in front of a teacher, one time i did by accident in a hallway and she legit ran at me
loved Chloes little moment "Wait- was that mean? It was? Oh. I guess I’m- sorry" that was very cute
ah. to quote directly from my notes: "Gabriel used to be Nathalies "best friend" and Emily was her "dearest companion"? Yeah ok that's pretty gay buckaroo, polyamorous relationship, Nathalie and Gabriel are queer platonic, 200k prequel, angst, unhappy ending, major character death" so that amused me greatly
Crows keep showing up... and for a second i wondered if it was related to Rose and was a reference to OM since yknow rose is a grim and crows are also signs of death, but then they popped up again and i'm now suspicious, either i am reading too far into this or they could mean a few things: first thought was they could be related to Juleka and her powers, similar to how cats are attracted to her? or a few other things but i shall keep those theories to myself (see how you like not knowing cap /j) and wait and see for more
"apparently some floats were gonna appear of Paris's heroes. Ladybug, Rena, Queen Bee, Carapace, the lot" i am choosing to believe this is juleka being an unreliable narrator and not that they (the city) forgot about. because that makes me sad.
i also said: "i've decided alyas blog is on tumblr" and something about how that implies the majority of Paris has a tumblr makes me laugh so much
ha, Alix's "SCATTER!" was hilarious, she would do that at the first opportunity, i too would do so at the first opportunity presented
Juleka kicked Horrificators ass?? as Juleka did this with a guitar case?? ain't that thing supposed to be a massive fucker?? either this is just another case of juleka being stronger than she seems to be or this is related to her ominously put growing powers, its always interesting to see how she deals with fights when she isn't in costume, one of the reasons why the drama club chapters were so interesting because Juleka was fighting (maybe not physically all the time but she was fighting) Adam as herself the entire time
"something about it felt different now..." WHAT DO YOU MEAN? HOW DOES THE TRANSFORMATION NORMALLY FEEL VS NOW GIVE ME MORE the real question is it related to "growing powers" (i keep referencing it because it could mean literally so much or nothing) or her attitude, i don't have a direct quote but this isn't my english exam so its fine, it was implied that Juleka is slightly more accepting about the fact that she literally is Panthera (i mean she also said Panthera isn't a real person but like i digress) so maybe thats why it felt different to transform?
panthera just stealing Reversers transport is so fucking funny, all i could think of was the entire hero gang stealing something like idk RogerCops car and just going off in it
that was my last note because i was too invested in seeing what would happen to write thoughts at the same time
agh literally so hype to see what happens next, this chapter was already very action based and very very good :))
I love hearing your guys's thoughts, observations, and theories, it brings so much drive and inspiration in my heart. Thank you thank you thank you thank you.
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mercy-burning · 4 years
Say You’re Sorry
Part of Mercy’s 1k Celebration: A collection of Spencer Reid x Reader requests to celebrate 1,000 followers.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader Summary: After a petty argument, Reader and Spencer spend weeks trying to get each other to say they’re sorry first Category: SMUT (18+) Warnings: Language, smut (fingering, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie, light choking) Word Count: 4.3k
Full Request: “...a smut about Like reader and spencer fight for something stupid, because both of them think are right, And maybe the fbi it has the annual gala of something and reader wears a *SUIT* with just a nice bra under the jacket, and spencer lost his mind.” —Anonymous
NOTE: This one was so much fun to write! All of these requests have been, of course, but I just loved getting to write Spencer and Reader’s petty tactics and dialogue here 😂❤
It was stupid and they both knew it. Everyone in the office knew it, too.
But when two people who were always priding themselves on being right have been dating for years, stupid little arguments like that were bound to happen.
This time, though, Spencer and Y/N seemed to have taken it a little too far. For weeks now they haven't spoken unless it was bickering, and when it wasn't bickering, it was demanding the other person to admit they were sorry.
And now it was just a game.
The first round started when Y/N gave Spencer a cup of coffee as a gesture, a sign of good faith. She hadn't explicitly said sorry, though Spencer was willing to accept it as an apology anyway. The round ended, though, when he took a drink to find it completely bitter, not a grain of sugar to be found. She laughed, the sound somehow even more bitter than the coffee she'd given him, and left him with a prompt, "Gotcha."
Round two was a bit more evil, Spencer retaliating by changing all the settings in her car so that when she got in, everything would be the exact opposite of how she preferred it. She was always particular about how she had the air, the seats, the mirrors, and everything else set up in her car, and the day she got in it after work almost had her in tears of anger. First of all, her seat was set all the way back, which she found strange, but then after adjusting it she turned the car on, and the radio blasted intense techno music, which she always found annoying. She turned it all the way down after almost having a heart attack, suddenly very angry and confused, only to then notice that all the mirrors were adjusted as well.
But the tip of the iceberg was when she looked at the speedometer and noticed she was almost entirely out of gas. It certainly wouldn't be enough to get her home.
"What the actual fuck?" she yelled, only to jump again when Spencer knocked on her window.
"Looks like you're gonna have to take the train home with me."
It really was her only option, and she hated it. And he was so hopeful that it would get to her admit that she was sorry, that when they got to his apartment he would be able to convince her to come to bed with him and sleep it all off.
Turns out, he was sorely mistaken. She didn't talk to him the whole way there, and when they did manage to make it up to his apartment, Y/N locked him out of his bedroom and slept in his bed alone. No matter how many times he tried to convince her to let him in, she yelled back, "Say you're sorry, and we'll see if you deserve to sleep with me!"
But he wasn't going to give up that easily. So he gave up trying to reason with her, and stayed on the couch.
When he woke up, he was drenched in freezing cold water, cursing as Y/N stood over him with a smirk. "Mess with my car again, and it'll be something worse, Reid."
She never used his last name. She was doing it to taunt him, and it only made him angrier.
She left that morning, calling Emily for a ride and hoping she'd taught Spencer a lesson.
Unfortunately, no lessons had been learned. A few days later, he 'accidentally' bumped into her, spilling coffee all over her white blouse, and said 'oops,' in the least apologetic way ever.
Y/N scowled as she dabbed up the liquid, not even paying attention to him as she ranted about how pissed off she was and how childish her boyfriend was being.
"If you'd just man up and say you're sorry already, maybe I won't have to be such a bitch, but you're really getting on my fucking nerves..."
He was suspiciously quiet. So she looked up to catch him staring at her, a look in his eyes that she'd seen many a time. In fact, it had to be one of her favorite looks.
He was staring directly at her chest, where she'd unbuttoned a few buttons to get at more of the coffee that splashed on her shirt.
It was only a few seconds, and Spencer seemed to snap out of it rather quickly, giving her a wink before walking away completely.
She glared at him as he disappeared into another room, but in the back of her mind, a plan was already forming.
The Bureau was hosting a mandatory gala for a few agents who were retiring, and with the event coming up, Y/N knew it was the perfect opportunity to get Spencer's attention and maybe, just maybe, get him to finally apologize.
But that was all unbeknownst to him.
He knew she was going to show up on her own, because neither of them had stepped up to the plate to apologize, and truth be told, he wasn't sure how much more he could take. It had been about a week since he'd spilled his coffee all over her, and he couldn't stop thinking about her. Not that he never thought about her at all—she was his girlfriend, of course he thought about her—but after going weeks without getting to kiss her, touch her, or even just be around her when they weren't playing stupid, petty games with each other, Spencer was starting to think maybe they should just talk it out.
So that's what he decided. The gala would be a perfect opportunity to make a grand romantic gesture and admit that he missed her, that they were both being childish and he wanted to work it out.
All of that completely went out the window, though, the second she walked through the door.
The drink in his hand almost dropped to the floor. The only thing that even kept him standing upright was Derek's hold on him when he stumbled. And as if he didn't already know he was in trouble, Spencer heard his friend whistle lowly beside him.
"Kid, I think you better apologize, or I have a feeling you're gonna regret it..."
"No kidding," was all he responded with, his eyes still glued to his girlfriend from across the room.
She was wearing a pair of maroon suit pants and a matching jacket that held together at the middle by one button, exposing a lacy black bra underneath. Her hair was pulled back into an elegant updo, exposing more of her neck and chest as small pieces of hair framed the sides of her face. From far away he noticed her wearing some long silver earrings and a matching necklace that landed right above where curve of her breasts met her neck. She walked—no, glided—across the floor with heels that accented her every step with power.
She caught his eye, and though she was the most stunning, captivating woman he'd ever seen, the pure smugness that lit up her pretty features as she walked towards him made Spencer want to win. No romantic gestures, no giving in and talking it out... He wanted to see her beg for forgiveness.
It was a pretty hard task, though, considering the second she got closer and he searched her eyes, he almost crumbled beneath the sheer power they exuded. They gleamed at him as if to say, "You lose."
Everything was made even worse when she smiled at him like nothing was wrong, like they hadn't been playing childish pranks on each other all week. She leaned in and held onto his arms, giving him a sweet kiss on the jawline.
"Hi, babe," she chirped happily, and before she pulled away, she added into his ear with a whisper, "By the end of the night you're gonna be real sorry for last week..." It was low and seductive and pure evil. Spencer would have stumbled again had she not been holding onto his arm.
He wanted to think that Y/N surely wouldn't resort to using her seduction to get him to apologize, but that would be a flat-out lie. She knew exactly what she was doing.
But it wasn't going to work. He wouldn't let it. He couldn't let it.
He cleared his throat and led Y/N to the table they were staying at, trying his hardest to ignore the low burn that settled in his stomach.
But once again, that proved incredibly hard when she was sitting next to him all night, talking confidently with other agents and occasionally slipping her hand along his inner thigh to tease him. When no one was looking, she'd move it higher, lightly drawing circles along the inseam of his pants. And when he gripped her wrist under the table, leaning in to say lowly in her ear, "You better quit," she responded with a turn of the head and a kiss on the cheek, whispering right back, "Not until you say you're sorry."
She pulled back and they smiled at each other sweetly, right before she excused herself to go to the bathroom.
What she wasn't counting on was him following after her, catching her arm and pulling her into an empty storage closet before anyone could see. It all caught her completely by surprise, but even as the light switched on and she saw Spencer standing in front of her, a look of pure frustrated grief flashing across his features, she settled into another smug smile.
"Aw, what's wrong, babe?"
His eyes raked her up and down, and it was obvious how hungry he was for her. His hands reached out tentatively to touch her, and she let him. They settled on slipping under her suit jacket and practically burning handprints into the bare skin of her stomach.
"What's wrong?" he repeated, running his hands farther up her stomach and just below the bra. He could see his fingers peeking up through the jacket, and it made him absolutely feral. "You're a fucking tease, that's what's wrong."
Y/N cooed like she would at a crying baby. "Aw, and who's fault is that, hmm?"
"I'm not gonna say it." His eyes flicked up to meet hers, and still she was unwavering.
"I'm not gonna say it either."
"Well... Maybe I'll just have to fuck it out of you, then."
She would have been lying if she said she hadn't lost a little self control upon hearing those words come from his mouth. Which is why she challenged him yet again, silently hoping that he'd make true on his promise.
"I'd like to see you try..."
They stared at each other then, and for a moment Y/N thought he would actually do it. Her body shivered with excitement, especially when he pushed her into the door and ran his hands up to cup her breasts. He leaned in close and pressed gentle kisses to the side of her neck and down her collarbone, and eventually, he found his way back to her neck.
Right when his hands moved to her back to unclasp her bra, he suddenly removed them altogether, and placed them on either side of her head, trapping her between his body and the door.
And with five simple words hummed lowly into her ear, he'd managed to win this round.
"You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
Spencer opened the door and pushed past her, leaving her behind to catch her breath.
The night was nearly over, and she still hadn't managed to break him. And after the stunt he pulled in the storage closet, she was getting just as frustrated as he was. Since then, he'd practically dangled himself in front of her all night, making a point to play with his hands (which he knew she went crazy for), doing the same with his mouth (which she also had praised multiple times over), and occasionally resting his hand on her lower back, or on the inside of her thigh under the table.
And now, he had her cornered near the back of the room after she'd excused herself to collect her bearings.
But she wasn't having it.
Before he could say or do anything, she grabbed him by the tie and pulled him to her, sneering in his face. "Back off, baby, or I swear to God..."
She wasn't really sure what she was going to say, because no words could properly accentuate her frustration. All she could do was give vague threats and hope Spencer stepped up to the plate.
Unfortunately for her, he didn't.
"What? What are you gonna do?" he laughed, looking at her hungrily.
At this point they were just needlessly teasing themselves, and they both knew it. But the game had gone on for so long that one of them had to break eventually, right?
She couldn't answer him... There was absolutely nothing in her brain except for images of them, screwing each other to the ends of the earth. So, she looked back at him, silently hoping that he would just forget about the apologies and do something about the tension that had been building up for weeks now.
And truthfully, she thought he would have. He looked like he was ready to say fuck it and kiss her right there. He leaned in, and she gripped his tie even tighter.
But then someone cleared their throat beside them.
"Alright, you two." It was Rossi. "Get out of here, go kiss and make up. That's an order."
"But you're not our boss," Y/N pointed out, apparently still on the high of arguing.
"Tonight I am. Go on, get."
She turned away from them and left without another word.
One silent car ride later, the two of them walked up to Y/N's apartment. It wasn't until Spencer had closed the door behind him that either of them said something.
In fact, they both said something at the same time.
"Take your clothes off."
"Leave the suit on."
And then, silence.
For one second. Then two. Then three.
And then the only sound to be heard was Y/N's heels as she glided to Spencer in three large steps and crushed her mouth to his. The second it happened, it was like a rubber band snapped, all this pent up tension finally releasing and shooting across the air until it landed somewhere.
In this case, it landed on the kitchen table. She pushed off his jacket the second her butt landed on the cool wooden surface, and her mouth pulled away from his with a harsh smack. "I thought I told you to take off your clothes."
"So fucking impatient," he breathed, grabbing her face with his hands and kissing her again.
A second later, she pulled back and gripped his tie. "Then don't take so fucking long," she said lowly, and then pulled him forward by the tie, connecting their mouths once more.
He grunted in her mouth, releasing her face and working at the buttons of his shirt while she tried her hardest to get the tie. The second everything was loosened, she slid her hands under his shirt and pulled his body into hers by the waist, digging her nails into his skin.
"Lift your hips, baby," he breathed against her mouth, his hands already at the button. "Let me get these off."
"I thought you wanted me to keep the suit on?" she laughed.
"Well, I can't fuck you with your pants on, Y/N."
She lifted her hips then, using her hands on the table as leverage while he shimmied them off over her heels. "I know, genius, I was just fucking with you."
"Well, stop it," he got out with an exasperated sigh.
And before she could retort, his fingers were pushing her panties aside and slipping through the opening of her pussy, causing her words to get caught in her throat.
She choked on a moan and he laughed. "Yeah, I thought that'd shut you up."
"Fuck you," she gasped.
"I'd rather fuck you instead."
And with that final sentence, he started finger-fucking her, leaning forward and applying kisses and bites to her neck. Her hands reached out to grip his shoulders, pushing the rest of his shirt off and then clinging to him like a cat clinging to a tree.
"Who knew all this fighting would make you so wet for me," he said, punctuating his words with a nip to her neck. As if to prove his point, he worked his fingers in and out of her quicker and deeper, the both of them taking in and relishing the sounds it made. Meanwhile she rocked her hips against his hand and tried her hardest not to make much sound, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of hearing how much he was affecting her.
Though, it seemed he caught on to her scheme.
"What's the matter, baby? Cat got your tongue? I know you wanna let it out, so why don't you?"
"Not... until you say you're sorry," she managed to respond clearly, leaning back to look him in the eye.
The look he gave her radiated cockiness as his fingers worked even faster, and she squeezed her eyes shut to hold back any noises.
"Aw, not even one little moan for me, pretty girl? I know you've got one in you..."
"N—no," she pressed, obviously trying not to react at all. But it was getting harder when every second Spencer was curling his fingers inside her now, hitting that sweet spot and bringing her closer to the edge.
"Yes," he reiterated, bringing his other hand to her mouth and pushing her lips apart to press his thumb down onto her tongue, keeping her jaw open and forcing out all the sounds she'd tried so hard to hold in.
There was no getting out of it, but... right now she didn't care. Because she loved when he took control like this, seeing his face scrunch up with determination to get what he wanted, the raw, primal look in his eye that boiled her insides and broke her down every time...
Inevitably, she moaned out. Loudly. And when she was met with a smug, "Atta girl," she closed her mouth around his thumb and sucked on it, humming as her pussy clenched around his fingers. "That's a good fucking girl..."
As he worked her through her orgasm, the high subsiding, she thought, Alright... You win this round...
And then, as he pulled away from her and brought his fingers to his mouth and cleaned them off, Y/N slowly grew a smirk.
"What are you looking at me like that for?" Spencer asked, raising an eyebrow.
She took out her earrings, jumped off the table, and unbuttoned the suit jacket, letting it hang open as she dragged him with her to the bedroom in nothing but her bra, panties, jacket, and heels. "I'm gonna get you for that."
His heart raced as she all but threw him in the direction of the bed. He sat down and leaned back, breathless as she kicked the door shut with her foot and settled her hands on her bare hips. From the low angle he had, she very much radiated dominance and power, and God, if she wasn't the most stunning specimen he'd ever laid his eyes on...
He wanted in that moment so badly to submit to her, to give her everything she wanted, but... If he didn't, what would she do?
She took a few slow steps, and with every one Spencer sunk back, until he was laying down and she was standing at the edge of the bed, using her knee to push his legs apart.
"Sit up," she demanded softly, and he almost obliged. But he wanted to see what she'd do if he refused. So when he remained on his back, she stretched her arm out and grabbed his wrist, pulling him up and then gripping his chin in her other hand to make him look up at her.
In the dim light of the bedroom, he studied her, every curve and peak of her face and the way the shadows accented her prettiest features, the faint glimmer of the eyeshadow she was wearing, the way her tongue danced behind her lips as she figured out what to say next...
Likewise, she took him in completely, the way his eyes softened with each passing second as they roamed her face, and how his just settled in her hand, like he was completely submitting to and amazed by her. And truth be told, the feeling was mutual. Just looking into his eyes alone, Y/N could tell how much he loved her, and it made her heart swell.
Consequently, the electric buzz that had been between them all night and growing stronger for weeks was a dull hum, something more warm and... remorseful.
"I love you," Y/N breathed, loosening the grip on Spencer's chin. She let her fingers slide down his neck and over to his shoulder, where she gave him a light, loving squeeze. "And I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry, too," he whispered back, bringing one of his hands up to cup her cheek. "And I love you."
She sat down on one of his legs, bringing them closer together and to eye-level. And with a smile, she said, "Truce?"
"Good. Now, fuck me?"
Her body melted into his when he pulled her face to him and kissed her. His lips moved slowly against hers, yet with a burning passion and need that made it hard for her to breathe. It wasn't long before she starting rocking against him, butterflies swarming in her stomach when he noticed and used one of his hands to run up her thigh. Meanwhile their kisses grew stronger, deeper, and the little sighs and moans they produced together provided the cherry on top.
Y/N slid off of him, then reached down to take his pants off, head spinning and heart soaring. And Spencer felt the same, tugging at the hem of her panties.
She laughed, breaking away once his pants were off. "How do you want me, baby?"
"Just like this," he responded, not needing any time to think about it. "Ride me, do whatever you want to me. I just want you."
With another little laugh, she pushed him back lightly and took off her underweat and heels, then climbed over him to straddle his hips. "Careful what you wish for."
When she reached back her arms to remove the jacket, Spencer stopped her, gripping her thighs and saying in a low voice, "Don't you dare take that off."
She sounded satisfied. Triumphant. "I knew you'd like it."
And before he had a chance to elaborate on just how much he liked it, she shifted her hips and ground down on his bare, hard dick. All words escaped him at the feeling, and she seemed to know it, because she smiled down at him victoriously.
She leaned down and braced her hands on his chest as she continued to rock back and forth, slicking him up with her arousal. Soon after, she snuck one of her hands down to help herself onto him, and she sank down slowly, ever so slowly...
Spencer sighed out, long and drawn out, and the sound was like music to Y/N's ears. She started off slowly, but it wasn't long before she sat up and set a steady pace riding him. And once he found his bearings, getting used to the feeling of her around him after almost a whole month of missing it completely, his eyes opened and took her in once more, the sight before him almost shattering him to pieces.
As his hands flew out to grip her waist, Y/N sighed, reaching down and placing her hands on his stomach. "Fuck, I missed this, baby... Missed you..." Then she slid forward and settled her hands at his collarbone, slowing her hips and making sure to speak just as slowly. "Missed the feeling of your cock deep inside me..."
He lost it then. His grip tightened on her waist and he shifted his hips, repeatedly thrusting up into her with a force that elicited a deep moan from Y/N's throat. She gasped out as he continued this pace, the tension inside of her starting to stretch thin.
"Fuck, baby, please! Oh, right there!" she couldn't help but yell out. She sat up just a little so he had a better angle, and her hands gently wrapped around his throat, to which he rolled his eyes back and groaned out a soft, "Fuck, yes."
They were moving together now, meeting each others' hips with an urgency that could only be present through weeks of built up tension and depravation. It was like a thunderstorm, intense and filled to the brim with flashes of lightning that danced behind both of their eyes as they reached the pinnacle.
Their bodies slowed down naturally, and Y/N's hands were now combing through his hair as she slumped down over him and felt his release as it started to drip down her thigh, and Spencer basked in the feeling of her envelopment, her body weight over the top of him like a warm blanket. They both felt little aftershocks of pleasure as they slowed their breathing and just laid there, hands gently rubbing each others' skin and mouths exhaling soft whispers of 'I love you,' and 'I missed you.'
And then they fully came to their senses, the storm having rolled through completely and leaving them in a calm breeze. It was peaceful. Rehabilitating.
Y/N kissed Spencer's neck and lifted her head to look him in the eyes. "Babe, you know I love you, but I'm not sleeping in this thing tonight."
He laughed, tucking some of the hair behind her ear that had fallen from the updo and then running his thumb along her bottom lip. "That's fair. You should... wear suits more often, though. They're a good look for you."
She smiled and kissed him softly. "Duly noted."
PERMANENT TAGLIST:  @elldell1204 @muffin-cup @calm-and-doctor @slutforthegubes @takeyourleap-of-faith
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Emergency Contact
Summary: When Spencer ends up in the hospital again, his emergency contact — who happens to be his boyfriend, Luke Alvez — is called. Too bad he hasn't told the team about him yet...
Tags: whump, h/c, hurt spencer, broken ribs, coming out, relationship reveal, protective derek, team as family, fluff, au: different first meeting
Pairing: Luke Alvez x Spencer Reid // (heavy on the Derek & Spencer friendship, too)
Word Count: 2.6k
Masterlist // Read on AO3 // Bad Things Happen Bingo
Okay, so Emily was not in S11, but for this fic she is, because I wanted supportive Penemily and that's what I gave myself. Other than that, this fills the square "broken ribs" for my Bad Things Happen bingo card. Enjoy the whump mixed with fluff!
Spencer doesn’t mean to get hurt again, but he also isn’t exactly surprised when it happens. If anything, Hotch really needs to stop sending him out to scope places and suspects out by himself. Surely Tobias Hankel proved he’s a trouble magnet in that regard years ago.
The summerhouse the suspect rents is a nice enough place to lay incapacitated while he waits for back-up, he supposes, but he’s not exactly able to lie and enjoy the sunshine when his ribs have been smashed in with a metal baseball bat and he knows the suspect is currently hightailing it down the beach. Not to mention the fact that it’s worryingly difficult to breathe.
Still, it’s better than a dilapidated cabin in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere Georgia, pumped full of heroin while his feet are whipped. Small mercies.
“Goddamnit, Spencer, again?” Derek asks amusedly when he finally arrives and crouches down by his side, but the undercurrent of worry in his voice doesn’t elude him.
“Sorry,” he wheezes, still winded and in immense pain from the ambush. “I didn’t see him coming.”
Derek raises a brow, chuckling slightly. “Yeah, pretty boy, I figured that.” His hand goes to Spencer’s hair as his expression furrows in concern again. “Did you see where he went? I’ll send the others after him while I go with you to the hospital.”
Spencer smiles a little, relieved that he won’t be alone. It’s become a strange sort of tradition to sit in one another’s hospital rooms after the job kicks their ass, and he’s glad Derek isn’t about to break it now.
“I saw him turn right out of the backdoor, but that’s all,” he says breathlessly, before cringing at the effort and folding in on himself even more.
“Okay, Spencer,” Derek says soothingly. “Just relax. The ambulance will be here any second.”
He obeys and closes his eyes as he listens to Derek call Hotch on the radio and send the team in the right direction before coming back to sit next to him on the floor.
“This might be one of the nicer places one of our unsubs has owned, huh?”
Spencer nods, mirroring Derek’s morbid amusement. “Crime pays better than investigating it,” he manages, smiling up at his friend.
He snorts. “You can say that again. With the way the market’s turned in the last couple years it’s more like this is my hobby and my properties are my day job, rather than the other way round.”
Spencer tries to reply, but he moves involuntarily in amusement, and a fresh wave of pain has him wincing again, trying to will the tears away.
“You’re alright, Spence,” Derek says gently, his hand returning to his hair. “Help will be here soon, okay?”
Thankfully, the medics do show up in a semi-timely fashion, and both of them are loaded into the back of the ambulance as the EMTs check him over, Derek’s hand not leaving his person unless it absolutely has to.
“How many times were you hit, Dr Reid?”
He cringes. “Four.” It’s almost embarrassing that the unsub got four hits in, and the only reason there weren’t more is because he was fleeing the scene, not because Spencer was able to fight back. He tries to remind himself that there isn’t much you can do when caught-off guard by a furious arsonist armed with a steel baseball bat, but his ego is still bruised. Albeit not as badly as his poor ribs.
“I’m gonna fucking kill him,” Derek mutters under his breath, his grip tightening on Spencer’s shoulder minutely enough for him to know he isn’t doing it consciously.
Spencer smiles appreciatively, closing his eyes against the pain. The non-narcotic painkillers they’re feeding him through the IV really aren’t doing anything.
“I think you’ve managed to avoid internal bleeding,” the EMT says, all though he tacks on a pointed, “just. But I’m concerned about the possibility of a punctured lung. There’s a chance your trouble breathing is solely pain-induced, but I don’t like the way your chest sounds. The doctors will check everything out when we get to the hospital, and get you all patched up.”
“Hold in there,” Derek says urgently. “I really can’t have you dying on me, pretty boy.”
Spencer smiles as comfortingly as he can through the immense pain in his chest and his mangled breathing. “Trust me, I don’t intend on it.”
The x-ray reveals two broken ribs and confirms the paramedic’s suspicions of a punctured lung, although thankfully, minor enough to not require surgery. He’s set up with oxygen and regular nurse check-ups in a quiet room after the doctor is able to remove the excess air in his chest cavity.
“How are you doing, Spence?” Derek asks worriedly as he pulls up a chair next to Spencer’s bed as soon as he’s allowed to see him.
He pulls away his oxygen facemask to answer. “A bit better,” he says, but his voice is dry and raspy from the oxygen so he certainly doesn’t sound it. “The pain meds are actually working now.”
Derek’s tight, anxious expression relaxes slightly. “That’s at least something.”
Spencer nods tiredly, but before he can respond, a nurse is popping her head round the door. “Dr. Reid,” she says genially, “sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to let you know that we’ve managed to get a hold of your emergency contact, and they’re on their way.”
Spencer’s eyes widen. How could he have forgotten? Granted, he was a little preoccupied with the whole punctured lung, broken ribs thing, but how could he have let it slip his mind that this little accident would lead to the secret he’s been keeping under wraps getting out?
When he’d first met Luke at an FBI gala last year, he never could have foreseen the most intimate and special relationship of his life coming to fruition, but it had. They’d connected on so many different levels, and the chemistry between them felt like something out of one of the fantastical romance novels Penelope reads, and when he’d asked if it was okay for Spencer to put Luke down as his updated emergency contact, he’d been rewarded with a wide, beautiful grin and a firm, heartfelt kiss.
It was serious enough, sure, and they were coming up on having been together for a year, but besides Emily and Penelope — who’d met Luke and developed an amusing, playful rivalry with him — he hadn’t introduced him to anyone on the team.
“On their way?” Derek asks, raising an eyebrow in mild confusion. “Isn’t your contact Hotch? He already knows you’re in the hospital.”
Spencer just stares at him like a rabbit caught in the headlights, completely blanking on something to say. They’re working a local case, so it won’t be long before Luke is bursting into his hospital room armed with cuddles and comfort, and as much as he craves that, he’s too busy panicking about his team finding out to really look forward to it.
Eventually, after watching Derek’s face morph into even stronger, more suspicious confusion, he gives up. They’re going to find out anyway. “I’m dating someone.”
Derek’s face lights up. “Pretty boy!” he exclaims happily, playfully pushing his shoulder as gently as he can. “That’s amazing! Why didn’t you say something? What’s her name?”
Ah. That’s the primary reason he hadn’t told his team about Luke. He’s nowhere close to being ashamed about his sexuality, he accepted himself decades ago, but he’s still not worked up the courage to share that part of himself with his team. Excluding Penelope and Emily who have been together for years (he’s still baffled as to how the others haven’t caught on yet), everyone’s in the dark.
It had started as a basic survival tactic. He’d joined the FBI two years younger than the standard entry age in the early 2000s, and he was far too concerned with just getting by than living outwardly as a gay man. And then, as time went by and he knew his team was accepting and welcoming, he found it too awkward to try and correct people when they assumed he was straight. There just wasn’t ever the right time.
“I’m gay.”
Derek’s happy expression falls and for a split second, Spencer feels a flash of panic. Maybe Derek’s okay with gay people as long as they’re not his immediate friends, as long as he doesn’t playfully call them ‘pretty boy’ and play with their hair when they’re injured, maybe—
“Well, what’s his name, then?”
Spencer looks up from his panic, seeing Derek smiling again, eyes maybe even brighter than they were just seconds ago.
“Spencer, if you think I’m gonna care that you’re gay — if you think any of us will care that you’re gay, then you have another thing coming,” Derek reassures him. “Wait, that isn’t why you didn’t tell us right?”
He suddenly looks distraught at the idea that Spencer might not have felt comfortable coming out to him, and Spencer rushes to correct him. “No! No, I know everyone would be fine with it, I just didn’t really know how to say it. Penelope and Emily know, but only by accident.”
Derek relaxes, chuckling a little. “I’m sure there’s quite a story there.”
Spencer blushes. “Maybe.”
“I’ll find out later,” he says confidently, winking at him, and something in Spencer loosens at the fact that Derek hasn’t changed his behaviour at all. “But I’m more interested in Mr. Sexy Emergency Contact Mystery Boyfriend Man right now.”
Spencer outright laughs at that, before wincing painfully as his ribs twinge, and he has to fit the oxygen mask around his face again and breathe deeply for a couple of breaths before the nasal cannula can suffice again.
“I met him around this time last year at an FBI gala actually,” Spencer manages. “Everyone on our team bailed except Penelope, Emily, and me. He’s called Luke and he works in the Fugitive Task Force. We just clicked as soon as we met, you know? We have this chemistry that I’ve never felt with anyone before, and we started dating pretty quickly. We actually moved in together last month when his lease was up, but we’re thinking of moving to a bigger, nicer place in Mount Pleasant. Luke’s actually had his eye on this one house that went up…”
He trails off when he notices Derek looking at him strangely, suddenly feeling self-conscious. “What?”
“Nothing,” Derek says gently. “You just look happy, pretty boy. When you started talking about Luke you got this happy, dopey smile on your face, and I’ve just never seen you like that. It’s nice.”
“Oh.” He blushes fiercely at the acknowledgement of just how soft he is for his boyfriend, but it’s not embarrassing, he’s just ridiculously happy and head over heels in love.
Still, feeling a little awkward at the attention, he raises the oxygen mask to his face just for something to do.
“Does he treat you well?” Derek asks seriously, suddenly looking like the FBI tough guy he really is.
Spencer grins and nods, pulling the mask away again. “So good. He’s one of those people that looks out for everyone before himself, you know? He listens to my rambles and tangents like he actually knows and cares about what I’m saying, and he insists on making me every meal we’re both home for. Every day off, he brings me breakfast in bed, and he’ll even suffer through my documentaries even though his favourite thing to watch is action movies. He’s the best boyfriend I could hope for.”
“Good,” Derek says fiercely, even though he’s smiling just a little at the thought of Spencer being taken care of. “But if anything ever changes, I won’t hesitate to—”
“Spencer?” Derek’s interrupted by the door flying over, and a very harried looking Luke Alvez rushing towards the bed, seemingly not noticing the man literally threatening his death right next to him. “Oh my God, Spencer, I was so worried, I thought—”
“Hey, it’s okay,” Spencer says, voice still a little weak. Can’t he at least sound convincing when he’s trying to tell these people that he’s fine? “I’m okay, I’ll be out of here before you know it.”
“Are you sure, baby? Do I need to get the doctor? Have they been looking after you, because I swear—”
“Luke,” he laughs, interrupting his worried tangent. “I’m fine, I promise.”
He watches amusedly as Luke sags with relief. “Oh thank God,” he breathes, and it’s then that he appears to notice Derek. “Oh, shit.”
He looks to Spencer with an alarmed look in his eyes, knowing full well that he isn’t out to his team yet, but before apologies can start dripping off his lips, he rushes to fill him in.
“It’s okay. I told him.”
Luke’s face brightens in an illuminating smile, his eyes wide and happy. “You did? I’m so proud of you, cariño.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” Derek says, rising from his chair to shake Luke’s hand. “I’ve heard a lot about you in the last ten minutes.”
Luke grins. “All good things, I hope.”
Derek winks teasingly at Spencer. “Oh, better than good. Spencer here seems quite gone for you.”
He blushes again, but Luke just sits on the edge of his hospital bed and takes his face in his hand. “Well, I’m just as gone for him as he is for me. Probably even more so.”
“No way,” Spencer protests as vehemently as he can with an oxygen mask glued to his face again. “I definitely love you more.”
His words are half swallowed by the mask, and half muffled by the gaggle of FBI agents pouring into his room, all talking over one another loudly.
Luke jumps off the bed and stands to attention as they all quieten down, three of them in complete shock, one of them — Emily, recognising Luke — in anticipation of what’s about to happen.
“Uh,” Spencer starts unsurely, eyes flicking between his boyfriend and his team. “Meet my boyfriend?”
There’s a brief pause before everyone jumps into action again: Emily greeting him warmly, JJ introducing herself, and Hotch and Rossi giving him firm, threatening handshakes as a warning that no harm is to come to their pseudo-son.
Spencer knows they don’t have to worry about that, though, not with Luke, and they’re quickly shown that when he takes his rightful place sat on the edge of his hospital bed again, hands smoothing his hair gently.
“Thank you,” he says to Derek, voice soft and sincere as everyone’s sat leisurely around the room, doing their own thing now they’re calmed down after the initial meet and greet, “for taking care of him. I worry about him, you know, and it’s good to see that he has so many good people looking after him.”
“We all do,” Derek replies, looking over at Spencer fondly. “We’re all incredibly overprotective. Residual effects from him joining the team so young, probably.”
“I can see that,” Luke smiles, looking over at Hotch and Rossi, who still have their eyes trained on him, despite having warmed up to him quickly.
“Well between us all,” Emily interjects diplomatically, “I think we have Spencer covered. He has a lot of good people looking out for him.”
Spencer knows they all think he’s asleep, but he can’t help but say something. “I definitely do,” he slurs tiredly, causing Luke to quickly turn his attention to him, pressing a tender kiss to his forehead as he runs his fingers through his hair with the hand not intertwined with Spencer’s. “Love you.”
“I love you too, baby,” Luke murmurs. “And so does everybody in this room.”
Smiling softly and feeling safe as anything, Spencer finally gives into the heavy pull of tiredness, and lets himself drift off to sleep.
I'm such a sucker for coming out fics omg, I hope you didn't mind that element! But God, I've missed writing Ralvez fics. If anyone has any Ralvez prompts then please send them my way because I want to write them so badly but I really find it hard to find plot for them! <3
taglist: @criminalmindsvibez @suburban--gothic @strippersenseii @takeyourleap-of-faith @makaylajadewrites @iamrenstark @hotchseyebrows @reidology @spencerspecifics @tobias-hankel @goobzoop @marsjareau @garcias-bitch @oliverbrnch @im-autistic @anxious-enby @kuolonsyoja @ropoto
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rcksmith · 3 years
Spring breeze part.2 — Spencer Reid
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Gif by @ssadrreid
Sumarry: Spencer never thought about falling in love with someone, but he certainly didn't expect that he would fall in love with Gideon's daughter. — season 3 —
Part.1 Part.3 Part.4
A/N: I was very happy with the return you guys had in the first part💖. I hope you guys like.
English is not my first language, so I so sorry if have a mistake.
Requests are open. Love you ❤️ Couple:Spencer Reid / Gideon's daughter!reader.
Warnings: nothing, just very fluff.
— — — — —
Spencer straightened his tie for the hundredth time in front of the mirror, in several unsuccessful attempts to exhibit his best that day. It was funny and ironic how, after so many years wearing dress shirts and a tie, the universe seemed to handpick that day to do - no matter how much Spencer tried to fix it - his tie looked weird. The fabric was too far to the left, or too far to the right, or too wrinkled in the folds. No matter how much he undid the knot or changed his tie, still looked strange.
What a nightmare.
Reid was barely able to sleep with the notion that he would see you today, his body being whipped assiduously by unsettling waves of euphoria, his mind whizzing like a propellant, anxiety screaming in his mind and sending his sleep for miles away. That morning, the world seemed to be more stuffy, hot and torrid, and for a second, Reid felt himself under the heat of Egypt instead of autumn in Washington.
He could feel his heart speeding up with the steps of the clocks, his breath running away from his lungs, a thousand and one speeches being revised in his head to try to lessen the likelihood of speaking some bullshit near you. Because he couldn't ruin that chance.
Spencer knew he was not the type of guy to have dates whit women like you every day. In fact, Laila had been the only stunning woman who had looked at him a second time. But, well, to be honest, he knew that all that affection she had directed him had been side effects of the transfer. He had been her hero and it clouded people's rationality. And, to his disquiet and to the dread of his insecurity, you were above the beauty of Laila on stratospheric levels.
To make matters worse, the damn tie wasn't good! God, he was screwed.
Spencer gave up on that impossible mission, settling for and conforming to what the tie looked like after the twentieth attempt. He wanted you to see him as a handsome person, a man worth wasting time with, not a boy who only served to be your friend. You were beautiful on so many levels that... well, Reid wanted you to be attracted to him, too, to simplify.
He stepped away from the mirror and slung his work bag over his shoulder, trying to control the pounding of his own heart.
On the way to work, trying hard to avoid thinking about what him looked like in that damned imperfect tie, Reid wondered, for a moment, if you too were under the same emotions. Did you change your clothes several times because you also felt anxious too? Could it be that, like him hands, yours also trembled? Or, if he was lucky, was your heart beating as hard as him?
He hoped that was yes.
As soon as he entered the BAU headquarters, with anxiety as his chaperone, Spencer sat at his own table while pouring a “Good morning” to his colleagues.
“Arrived early.” Derek narrowed his eyes at him, in that suspicious look.
"I am never late." He was quick to hit and that caused his friend to raise an eyebrow.
"But you never be anxious to get here earlier."
Sometimes Spencer hated that his friends were profiles.
“I just like my job.” Reid started to unpack things of bag, trying to avoid the look of Derek who was still burning his back.
“Oh, I'm sure you like.” The double meaning in his friend's tone did not go unnoticed by Spencer, but he did not want to delve into the truths of that argument, much less think about it.
Emily and JJ arrived after a few minutes, with Garcia following behind and making their point that she was not to blame for buying those pairs of shoes, since they were practically begging her to take them. Normally, Reid did not look at the glass door whenever he heard someone approaching, or had a strong desire to see Gideon pass through them as well.
But that day... that day, seeing Gideon meant seeing you. And seeing you meant that you would go through that door. And going through that door meant that Spencer would see you come in. That was enough to make his gaze turn to those doors from minute to minute.
But time passed. Fifteen minutes flew by, then twenty, then thirty. Anxiety increased and now his agitated heart was tuned to his right leg, which did not stop quietly, shaking from top to bottom assiduously.
“What do you look for at the door so much, Reid?”
Prentiss asked the last question that Reid would like to answer, and that caught Derek’s attention, who, as expected, laughed amusingly and sank further into the chair, a sly, playful smile on his lips.
“Oh, he is expecting a member of the Gideon family.”
Spencer swore and, in that moment, he was never so jealous of ostriches for being able to stick their heads underground. If he were one of them, he would definitely do it.
“I'm not expecting Y/n.” he said, whit voice higher and thin than usual.
“But I didn't say it was Y/n.” Derek laughed and Spencer felt his cheeks go red.
This time he gave up hitting back, his let out a bad mood murmur and turned forward, forcing himself not to look at the door anymore. From that moment on, Spencer focused on focusing on the pile of reports in front of him, forcing his brain to disconnect from the things around him and concentrate on matters that demand his all attention.
The hours went by, faster this time, the case-free day was being used to finish late reports and giving the team time to recover the nerves and breath of the last case.
After noon, Gideon still hadn't arrived and Spencer started to feel slightly fearful. He was about to take his phone out of his pocket and dial Jason when JJ appeared, handing over more piles of reports to they that required to be finished today.
Derek gave a loud curse of annoyance, muttering something and back to writing again. Emily was used to the paperwork bureaucracy, but from the bittersweet and dissatisfied look on her face, Spencer knew that no one there shared the same delight him had with paperwork. He also knew that Morgan was exhausted because he had remodeled a property yesterday and was barely could to sleep, and Prentiss felt overwhelmed because she was dealing with problems with her mother and with the bureaucracy policy that Strauss pressed against her.
Then Spencer looked at the file stack itself. There was a lot of paperwork, but the amount of reports he would finish in two minutes was three times what his friends would finish in an hour. He leaned forward, looking over the table to see Emily and focusing Derek better in his field of vision.
“Do you guys want to give some reports? I finish faster anyway”
They agreed without hesitating or pretending modesty. Reid laughed, saying that his friends would owe him one, and went back to work.
After that, when Spencer finished the reports and lifted his head from the paperwork, the light in the world had dimmed to a dark blue hue, streaked by small, bright stars.
The breeze coming in through the large glass windows was fresh and invigorating, the scent of the night's wonderful promises was reminiscent of your perfume. And then he realized that neither you nor Gideon showed up all day. Something about him withered, the euphoria diminished until it became as small as the stars outside. The clock struck seven at night when Spencer got up and put his things away, millions of feelings buzzing in chest.
The unsettling sense of concern began to take place than had previously to been emotions of anxiety and excitement, and he pondered whether to ask Hotch about Gideon or to call himself. Reid looked around, looking under his colleagues, who were packing up to go home, and going up to Aaron's office. He could still see his figure under the marble table, the light from the room underscoring the serious and concentrated expression he directed to the documents. The air in that room looked different, maybe more dense, maybe more serious. But Spencer knew it was best to let Hotch do his own thing.
He ran the tip of his tongue over the corner of lips, reaching into his pocket and reaching for his cell phone.
“Hey, Reid." he turned toward Morgan, that signaled them to go to the elevator.
“Did you speak to Gideon today? Or did you hear Hotch say something about it?” The question came after he reached Derek, both of them walking out the glass door.
"Is it Gideon you're worried about or... his daughter?” He laughs shamelessly, pressing the elevator button.
Spencer stumbles over the words when says: “Wh-What? No. I'm just worried about him. It has nothing to do with… ”
As soon as the sentence was about to end, the elevator doors open. Instead of the usual void or presence of someone from the FBI, Spencer felt catatonic when he saw the female figure inside.
In a burst, like a strong wind that blows and pushes things away, Spencer was struck by all the feelings and sensations that had been bubbling in his stomach all day. Euphoria, anxiety, insecurity and... animation. Suddenly, he was worried again about how he would look, what he would say, if he was presentable enough for you to look at him with... Well, Spencer didn't know how he wanted you to look at him, but he wished it were something that guarantee your affection.
He wanted to be something that excited you, that made your heart race. Just like his was now.
"Y/n...” He did not recognize his own voice. The intonation.
"Hey." You smiled genuinely, and it was able to make Reid's heart beat so fast that he feared you could hear. “I'm sorry I didn't show up and neither did my dad.”
“No problem at all.” He was sincere “Did something happen? Are you two okay? ”
The concern in Reid's voice was so palpable that you losing your breath. God, that man couldn't be real.
“I just remembered that Garcia is call me." Morgan tried to swallow a big smile “It was good to see you, Y/n.”
“Me too, Morgan.” You gave him a hand gesture that, for Reid, was lovely.
Spencer put his arm in the elevator door, preventing it from closing.
“Will you want to leave?” Always as solicitous as a gentleman.
“Oh no.” Now it was your cheeks that were softly red. “I came to see you actually.”
If nothing that had happened before was not enough to steal Spencer's breath, your sentence completed the mission. He put himself in an elevator, pressing a button and letting the doors close.
"I was going to bring my dad today, but ... well” You laughed “To put it succinctly, my dad has a list of things he wants to do before he dies, and one of them was rollerblading”
You and Spencer laughed. Half because he would have laughed at anything you said to see your smile, and half because he couldn't see Gideon having such a list. But he liked it. The feeling of knowing that Jason was having fun, enjoying life, not letting that job rip off all of his humanity, was comforting, joyful.
“Why do I feel this is not going to end well?" He joked too and you laughed.
“Because it doesn't end.” Your fingers ran through your hair “We ended up going to a place that had this, before he have work today, and he ended up twisting his ankle when he fell.”
You tried to no laught, because it was not something to play with, but after the fright passed and your father and you were entangled, they both burst out laughing. And now, reliving that, you didn't remember the hurt itself, but how great the fun between the two of you had been.
“He is fine?" But Spencer had a worried flash in his eyes.
“Oh, yes, the doctor said there was nothing much. He just needs to get some rest.” You smiled “I was going to call, but one thing led to another and when I saw it, it was too late to call. So I thought about coming in person.”
Spencer was known to have a photographic memory and a very high IQ, but at that moment, if then asked what you had just said, he would need a moment to remember. For the only thing he was concentrating on at that moment was the certainty that your smile could light up the whole of Washington. How your eyes held the stars' syntax and how the energy that emanated from you was... cheerful.
He realized that you were a cheerful person, outgoing and with an innate ease of making friends. You had that special touch that made people and the universe orbit around you. And Spencer knew it was one of the planets captured by your gravity.
"It is very sweet of you to come here to tell me that.” He smiled, but then realized what he had just said “N-not that you owe me any explanation! I just-I think it's cool that you worried and…n-not that I waited for you but… not th-that I didn't expect you too and...” Spencer stopped talking, giving up trying to find the right words to get him out of the mess he got himself into.
At times like this, Reid was used to people just dropping an embarrassed nod and leaving, or ignoring the avalanche of things he said. But as soon as the tone of your laughter echoed through the elevator and snaked through him body like a wave of energy, Reid looked at you more closely. You didn't give that embarrassed look, nor did you look sorry for him. You laughed lovingly and touched his arm.
"I was also looking forward to seeing you.” You summed up all of him thoughts in one sentence and freed him from all fears.
"Serious?" But disbelief was still present.
The elevator door opened and the two of you got out, walking to the exit of the building and being greeted by the cool, comforting breeze of the night.
“Yea.” You said as if it were obvious, “What do you think about going to a movie? It's not too late. ”
If Spencer had been told a few weeks ago that in a few days he would be on a date with the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, he would have scoffed. He would have thought it was a joke with a background of evil. Going out with girls was not on the list of things Spencer did regularly, but he was thanking any confusion or mistake the Universe had made to accidentally placed you with him.
To be honest, with you on his side, with you with him, Spencer felt like he had won in life. That all those years of school and university, when he only saw beautiful girls from afar and dreamed of what it would be like to have one this girls interest in him, had dissipated into the air. Dissolved in the breeze like smoke. During all the hours of film, the joyful and ecstatic conversations you both had after, Spencer could feel the connection in the air. Naturally, kind of magical.
Did he know you two days or two decades ago?
You told all of your adventures, all of stories, and listened carefully to every ramble and phrase Reid had to say. He felt, for the first time, completely important. As if everything he had to say was valuable as a diamond, rare as a tropical treasure.
He felt comfortable, relaxed, cheerful.
And when, at the end of the night while the two of you were walking along the lively and vibrant streets of DC, you took his hand and intertwined yours fingers, Spencer never felt so alive.
He had been born twenty-four years, but only now did he really feel what it was like to be alive.
tagged: @gublersuvula @peculiarinsomniac
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folkreid · 3 years
what if they don’t like me
Today's the day! I'm so excited. I'll be meeting Spencer's team. We've been dating for almost eight months, the team barley found out about me. Spencer wanted our relationship to be private, he said if the team found out about me they would ask too many questions.
I'm so excited to meet them! I can not wait. I met his mother maybe four months ago. She was lovely.
I finish off my makeup with some lipstick. Okay I look good. Right amount of cleavage, right amount of makeup. My heels aren't to high which is really good, I could hardly walk in them.
Spencer comes from behind me wrapping his arms around me. "You ready my love?" he asks putting his head on my shoulder. "Yeah I am" I reply with a sigh. "What's wrong babe?" he asks noticing my dreary mood. "What if they don't like me?" I look at the mirror, looking at him. He kissed my temple. "They're going to love you" he whispered.
I nod. "Okay i'm ready". He grabs my coat handing it to me, I put it on over my dress. He holds my hand as we walk to his car together. He opens my door, I sit down and he closes it for me.
The drive is mainly silent besides the radio. I hum along to the song that was playing trying to relax my nerves. "Why are you bouncing your leg?" he puts his hand over mine that was on my thigh.
I didn't even notice I was doing that. "I don't know"
He squeezed my hand. "Are you still nervous?" he asks looking over at me for a second. "Kind of, what if they question us because of my age"
Spencer and I were 10 years apart. He is 30 and i'm 20. We've gotten a lot of negative responses about our age gap. Mainly from my family. My mom didn't approve. My sister said I was dating him because he was older and I needed male validation since my dad wasn't in my life. Why are they so terrible. I'm happy with Spencer, I don't care how old he is.
"Hey, I don't care what they think of us, i'm happy alright" I nod slowly.
We arrive to the house. Woah it's a really big house. Spencer said the house was big. I didn't think it would be a mansion though.
Spencer comes over to me and opens my door.
I get out and hold his hand. I feel myself getting nervous. I have some issues with being around people. I get social anxiety pretty badly. I don't go out anymore, last time I went out to eat in public I had a panic attack.
We walk to the front door of the house.
Spencer knocks on the door, we wait for someone to answer. An older man answers. I'm guessing the owner of this house. "Spencer you're here!" the man smiles giving him a hug. I stand there awkwardly. "Uh Rossi this is Y/n, my girlfriend" he introduced me. I wave to him. "You don't shake hands either ?" he asked. I do shake hands but I usually feel really uncomfortable being touched. "I-I um" I stutter. "She does but she gets kind of uncomfortable with people she just met" Spencer explains. Rossi nods and welcomes me in. "Come in Y/n" he smiles.
I walk in and see two other men and three women. One of them was very colorful. Penelope I presume. Spencer leads me to the group. "Guys this is my girlfriend, Y/n. Y/n this is Hotch, JJ, Derek, Emily, and Penelope" both Emily and JJ give me weird looks. Penelope runs over to me and hugs me. "Oh my god! I've been so excited to meet you" she squeals. I look over to Spencer feeling slightly uncomfortable. "Garcia, Y/n isn't really fond of touch" he tells her. Penelope pulls away looking sorry. "I am so sorry angel" she says. "No it's totally fine" I whisper, they could hardly hear me. My parents used to scream at me about not talking loud enough.
"Okay well let's eat" Rossi says. I sat down at the end of the table, Spencer to my right and no one on my left. We begin to eat, I slightly here JJ and Emily whispering. I hear them say my name. I begin shifting in my seat. Spencer noticed and holds my hand under the table doing the dumb thing. "You okay love?" he whispers. "Yeah I um, I just need to use the restroom" I tell him. He nods. "I'm going to show Y/n the restroom" he excuses us.
"Here it is babe" he says. "You want me to wait for you?" he asked me. "No it's fine Spencer" he nods and heads back to the table.
I sit on the corner of the bath tub with my face in my hands. I just need to calm down. Breathe in and out. In and out. I feel myself calm down after about three minutes. I go look into the mirror. Do I look like I cried? No okay good.
I step out, I stop at the corner when I hear my name mentioned. "How old is Y/n" I look over the wall to see JJ asking about my age. "She's twenty" he casually says. I adore him. He's never made me feel bad for being younger, or not being as smart as him. "Spencer that's a child" Derek told him.
I walk out to the table. "I'm not a child" I say. They all look over to me. I take my seat next to Spencer. "I would never take advantage of someone younger than me" Spencer says. "Spencer we know but she's so young" Emily comments.
"I'm right here you don't have to refer as me as she" I sternly say. Hotch, Penelope and Rossi just watch this unfold. JJ rolls her eyes at me. "Okay well Y/n, why are you dating such and older guy, if you aren't dating guys you're age theres a reason why" Derek said to me.
"I um- I don't care if Spencer is two years older or twenty years older, i'm happy with him the age doesn't matter" I say holding Spencer's hand. "Are you sure it's not to maybe make you feel better" the blonde said. "What are you implying" Spencer snaps.
"That she has daddy issues and you're just there to fill that whole in her heart" Emily continued off of JJ's comment. "I think if they're happy we should leave them alone" Penelope speaks for the first time since the conversation started. "Yeah but he should be happy with someone his own age" JJ said. I get up and walk outside.
I sit on the curb crying into my knees. "Y/n" I hear a voice perk. I look over my shoulder to see Penelope. "Y/n come back inside please, we don't want anything to happen to you" she says implying to the fact that it was dark outside and there were suspicious men on the news around this area.
"Maybe you don't want me to get hurt, the others hate me" I cry into my shirt. "Please just come inside". I give in and walk back into the house.
"You guys made her cry! For what?! Just because she's younger than me!" I see Spencer yell at the three who were questioning me.  Hotch and Rossi were in the back having some drinks.
"Spence" JJ starts. "No I don't want to hear it Jennifer!" he storms my way grabbing my hand and pulling me to the car. "Goodbye Y/n" Penelope called from the front of the house. I look back and give her a quick wave.
I get into the car and Spencer starts driving. He was gripping the stealing wheel hard. He was mad. "Spence?" I whisper. He hummed in response. "Are you mad at me?" he looks over to me the second those words left my mouth. He puts his hand on my thighs stroking it gently. "Of course not my love, i'm  mad at them" he gently told me. I nod. "So now what?" I ask. "Now we just ignore what they have to say. I'm never going to leave you, I love you so much" he smiles. "I love you too" I hold his hand.
"Are you okay?" he asked me. "I'm fine, I liked the way you yelled at them" I slightly giggled. He smiled. "I will yell at anyone any day to defend you" he reaches over and kisses me. We were at a red light.
I hear talking in the kitchen, I wonder who it is. I go over and peek over the corner. It was Spencer and JJ. "I'm sorry for saying shit to your girlfriend Spence" she apologizes. Spencer just takes a sip of his water. "The truth is, I guess I was a little jealous" she laughs. He choked on his water. "J-Jealous?" he asked.
She nods and slightly laughed. "Spencer, I love you, like more than a friend love you" she confess. I feel my self get sick to my stomach. He told me when he was younger he had a crush on her. What if old feelings come back. I rush to the restroom and vomit into the toilet.
I hear footsteps rush to me. "Are you okay" Spencer acts. I slightly sob, i've always hated throwing up. I look up at Spencer and JJ was standing next to him with her hand on his arm. "I'm fine" I mumble. They both stand their for a moment. "Can you guys get out please!" I snap at them. They leave and I brush my teeth and go back to the kitchen.
"Do you think Y/n is pregnant?" JJ asked Spencer. "No there's no way she is" he sighs. "What if a condom ripped or something" she said touching his arm once again. I don't care if she was trying to comfort him.
"No, she can't be because we've never had sex" he mumbled. Her facial expressions changes to shock. "Oh" she simply says. I clear my throat making them notice me. "Are you okay babe?" he asked. "Yeah i'm fine, JJ weren't you saying something earlier?" I ask. She looks at me confused. "What are you talking about Y/n" she tilts her head. I cross my arms. "Spencer I love you, like more than a friend love you" I mock her voice. She clenched her jaw and looks towards Spencer. "I'm gonna leave" she grabs her things and walks out the door.
"Why did you do that!" he yells at me. "Why are you yelling at me?" I head towards our bedroom. "Talk about what she said, now it's going to be awkward around her!" he screams.
"Well you're the one who was letting her be all up on you! After she said that when you guys came to check up on me she was holding your arm! A-And you used to have feelings for her and you probably still do" I cry.
I see his face soften. "Babe" he starts. I look up at him. "I didn't even realize she was touching me, I was to focused on you" he tells me.
"Really?" I say hopefully. "Yes baby" he hugs me and kisses the top of my head. "I don't have feelings for her, you're the only person I love okay?" I nod.
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loove-persevering · 4 years
I’m Not Jealous! (Spencer Reid x Reader)
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Description: {Request] Could you possibly do one of Reid getting jealous? Thank you!!
   This case was a long one, taking everyone’s brains and energy it was completely draining. You and Spencer had spent the previous night working later than everyone else finally figuring out a geographical barrier that finally made sense, with the new information you hoped he unsub was right under your nose. 
 You sat in the main office of a police department in Florida talking to one of the officers who had a question about the case from the profile you had given out a few hours earlier, ‘’The geographical barrier shows that he hits within 15 mile radius of one specific area, we found that there are around 100 bars in that barrier which doesn’t give us a precise idea of where he’s going next, but we can cross off some of the places he’s already been and make a smaller geographical barrier off that maybe today,’’ You explain to him taking a sip of your coffee. 
 ‘’Ah, I see.’’ The young officer says. You glance around seeing in the small office where you had set up that the rest of the team was inside, scared you were missing out on something of importance you quickly push yourself away from the officer’s desk trying to make your way back, ‘’So do you ever get a night off?’’ He asks you before you could scurry away. ‘’I mean you can’t spend all day here, right?’’ He says beaming a smile at you. 
 You politely throw a smile on your face not wanting to hurt his feelings, ‘’I’m pretty busy, don’t have much time when a serial killer is on the loose for a night off.’’ You say laughing uncomfortably. 
 ‘‘Well I have some of my best officers out there looking for this guys, they take some of the heat off of you and do me a favor.’‘ He explains an amused smile on his face. 
 ‘’What favor would that be?’’ You ask. 
‘‘They take a shift, so I can take you out.’‘ He says and you let out a snort of a laugh. 
‘‘Excuse me?’‘ You ask him. You glance back up to the room where everyone was noticing they were now staring at you confused by the situation, ‘‘Uh, I have to go.’‘ You quickly say throwing your cup in the trash and speed walking to the small room. 
‘‘What was that about?’‘ Reid ask when you walk in. 
‘‘Nothing, let’s just get back to the case.’‘ You say blowing it off. ‘‘Please,’‘ You insist. 
 ‘’Y/N’s right, let’s get back to it.’’ Hotch orders. You glance up at him silently thanking him and he raises an eyebrow at you suspiciously. ‘’Reid, Y/N good work last night on the geographical profile, let’s try to narrow it down even smaller if we can. The police had statements from people from the last murder site let’s go over those and see if we can find anything.’’ He says sliding everyone a stack of papers.
 Later that night you and Spencer again were the only one’s working, ‘’I can’t find anything,’’ You groan. ‘’Not a single thing connecting anyone, why is this impossible?’’ You ask Reid who was sitting across from you.
 ‘’We’ll find something eventually, we just have to look harder.’’ He explains. 
You sigh tapping your pencil against the desk repeatedly and after a few seconds you notice him look up at you just quick enough to catch it then glance away, ‘’Sorry does that annoy you?’’ You ask him, ‘’Nervous habit’’ You explain. 
Spencer laughs at your statement, ‘’I don’t think thats your nervous habit,’’ He says with a small laugh. You look at him as if you were questioning what he was saying, ‘’You fidget a lot that’s what you do when you need to move around, you’re nervous habit is sipping on coffee and hiding your hands with your shirt,’’ He gestures to your sleeves now which were rolled up to your elbow. ‘’You did the nervous one earlier after you came back in the room from talking with the cop,’’ He points out and you look at him amused dropping your pencil on the table laughing. 
‘’Wow, stalker much?’’ You say laughing making him laugh. ‘’I’m kidding.’’ You say, ‘’Interesting though, you have a nervous habit yourself Dr. Reid.’’ You say smugly leaning back in your chair crossing your arms over your chest. ‘’You spit out random facts and sometimes even point out obvious ones and you sometimes avoid eye contact,’’ You say narrowing your eyes at him which he stares directly into yours making you both hold back a laugh. 
‘‘Nervous habits are shown to help us reduce anxiety, we find comfort in doing them which makes some of the anxiousness go away,’’ He explains, you just stare at him in response. 
‘‘Okay Spenc,’‘ You say laughing, you glance up at him realizing that you had never called him that before and now you felt insecure doing it. You had only joined the team a few months ago and automatically hit it off with everyone, Spencer seemed to be the one you talked to the least and you couldn’t help but wonder if it was him avoiding you or that you got nervous talking to him because you had a crush on him. 
 You glance up and give him a nervous smile but he doesn’t say anything just glances back down at the papers and continued reading some of the statements, you glance back up every once in a while but he still seemed too busy to look up. ‘’I’m gonna turn in for the night,’’ You announce to him a little while later, ‘’Goodnight Reid,’’ You say this time correcting yourself. 
‘‘Night, Y/N,’‘ He says sounding a little bittersweet. 
 The next day you were determined to start fresh, you were more than ready to nail this unsub who had been killing woman in bars all over town. Walking past the officers desk from the other day he stops you once again, ‘’Miss Y/L/N?’’ You heard his voice, turning around you stand at the edge of his desk. ‘’I’m sorry about the other day, I realize now it was really unprofessional of me to act the way I did.’’ He says and you give him a sympathetic smile. 
‘‘Well I’m sorry as well I didn’t mean to come off so cold,’‘ You explain to him. 
‘‘If I had realized you had a boyfriend I would’ve never-’‘ He begins to explain. 
‘‘Boyfriend? I don’t have a boyfriend.’‘ You quickly correct him. 
‘‘Really?’‘ He asks sounding surprised. ‘‘I mean I just assumed you and the other young man seemed like you were- I mean he’s been glaring at me for the past hour,’‘ He says laughing nervously looking past you across the room at Spencer talking with someone. ‘‘He watches you like you’re the only person in the room,’‘ He says rubbing the back of his neck with this hand, ‘‘Anyway I’m sorry it was unprofessional to ask.’‘ He says. 
‘‘Not a problem Officer, I appreciate the apology, really.’‘ You tell him sincerely. 
‘‘Again none of my business but you’re friend over there he seems a little jealous for you to not be dating,’‘ He says sheepishly. 
 ‘’I don’t think he’s jealous-’’ You pause as soon as the words leave your mouth. ‘’Oh my god!’’ You yell out in front of the office. ‘’Jealous!’’ You yell out and the officer looks at you confused. You run over to the rest of the team and Spencer almost looked nervous, ‘’The unsub is trying to make someone jealous!’’ You point out and you see Spencer’s shoulders drop almost out of relief. ‘’Dela Freeman was at two of our last bars and in her statement she said she had just got out of a bad relationship- I can’t believe I just remembered that! What if our unsub is her ex and he’s trying to make her jealous going to the bars and picking up these woman and when she doesn’t come back to them he kills them?’’ You explain. 
‘‘That would explain the overkill,’’ Emily points out, ‘‘He’s mad because the one he desires attention from isn’t giving it to him so he uses what he has the girls he’s trying to make her jealous with.’‘ She elaborates.
Spencer coughs clearing his throat, ‘’That would also explain why the Bars are so local if she goes to school around here those are popular places among the college campus.’’ Reid points out. 
‘‘Let’s get Garcia on the phone and see what we can find,’‘ Hotch says, ‘‘Nice work Y/N,’‘ He says before taking off. You try to hide the satisfaction on your face as he praises you, it always felt good when your boss told you good job but there was still so much more work to do, first you had to find a name. 
 Three hours later you sat in the back of an ambulance with the latest almost victim, you had made it just in time to save her although emotionally she was having a rough time she didn’t sustain any injuries which she was thankful for. Dela Freeman’s Ex was the unsub, she broke up with him after he constantly accused her of cheating and not paying him enough attention which fueled his accusations against her and it caused him to kill woman to try and get her attention back. 
‘‘You’re going to be alright okay? They’re going to take you to the hospital and check you out. We called your parents and they’re on the way to meet you.’‘ You say squeezing her hand. 
‘‘Thank you,’‘ She cries out to you, ‘‘Thank you so much.’‘ 
You give her a gracious smile before stepping out the back of the ambulance closing the door. ‘’Good one today,’’ You hear Morgan’s voice from behind you. ‘’How’d you figure it out?’’ He asks curiously. 
‘‘The cop-he kept asking me out and then thought Spencer was jealous and it just clicked, believe it or not.’‘ You say laughing. 
Morgan raises an eyebrow at you, ‘’So pretty boy was right,’’ He says amused. 
‘‘About what?’‘ 
‘‘He thought the cop was hitting on you, said you seemed nervous.’‘ He says laughing. 
‘‘He can’t tell when I am nervous, he barely knows me.’‘ You point out. 
‘‘The kid knows more about you than you think,’‘ He says mysteriously but with a hint of something in his voice, ‘‘Between you and me,’‘ He whispers, ‘‘Boy wonder over there seemed more nervous than you when he saw the guy talking with you,’‘ He says winking at you. 
 You look at him a little stunned, Spencer nervous that you were talking to a guy? That was new. 
Hours later you were back at the station taking everything off the boards and putting it into a filing box for records. ‘’Hey,’’ You heard Spencer’s comforting voice come into the room. 
‘‘Oh, hey!’‘ You reply back turning back to your bulletin board taking another tack off. ‘‘I’m happy we finally got that break, we needed it.’‘ You point out to him referring to last night. 
‘‘All thanks to you,’‘ He points out shuffling some papers in his hands so they align against the round table. ‘‘What clicked?’‘ He asks, ‘‘Even with Dela Freeman’s statement she never mentioned a breakup in them just what she saw?’‘ He asks. 
‘‘Her friends mentioned they were out to help their friend get over an ex, in their words to get over someone you have to get under someone else,’‘ You say looking back at him a smile at the stupidity of that saying. He laughs along with you continuing to shuffle the papers on the desk. 
‘‘Where’s everyone else?’‘ You ask. 
‘‘I’m not sure actually, I was hoping you’d know.’‘ He says. 
‘‘Hey,’‘ You hear another voice and look to the door where the young officer who had hit on you was standing, ‘‘Wanted to thank you for all your help, we uh- really appreciate it.’‘ He says giving you a smile, he glances over at Spencer awkwardly still showing him a smile of appreciation as well. ‘’My offer still stands though,’’ He points out winking at you. 
 You hold up the papers stacked in your hands, ‘’Paperwork’s calling,’’ You say laughing. 
‘‘Not even a day off?’‘ He asks and you nod your head with a laugh. He pats the door frame where his hand was rested, ‘‘It was nice meeting you all.’‘ He says looking from you to Spencer back to you. ‘‘Have a safe flight back,’‘ He says before disappearing out the doorway. 
‘‘Nice guy,’‘ You hear Spencer mutter under his breath. 
‘‘Huh?’‘ You ask. When you turn around Spencer shakes his head dismissing what you had heard him utter under his breath. ‘‘He said something about you earlier you know,’‘ You point out causing him to look up. ‘‘Said you seemed jealous? It’s what helped me figure out what the unsubs motive was.’‘ You point out going back to the bulletin board letting out a laugh. 
 He stays silent for a few minutes and the silence encases the room, ‘’I was,’’ He says a few minutes later breaking the silence, ‘’I was jealous I mean.’’ He says causing you to stop filing looking up at him, he was staring at you back a little more wide eyed than usual. 
 ‘’You were?’’ You say a little to happily, ‘’I mean you were?’’ You cough trying to adjust your voice.
 ‘’I was, I’m not sure why.’’ He says furrowing his eyebrows as if he was confused by the emotion itself. 
‘‘I think I know why.’‘ You say smiling softly biting your lower lip to keep yourself from breaking out into a full on grin. He glances up gesturing for you to finish what you were saying, ‘‘You Dr. Reid have a crush on me.’‘ You say trying to sound as confident as possible. 
‘‘I-uh,’‘ He immediately stutters, ‘‘That would be unprofessional-’‘ He points out. 
‘‘Ah, ah, ah, there you go with the stuttering and the pointing out the obvious. You’re nervous habit, are you nervous right now?’‘ You ask teasing him. 
‘‘What? No?’‘ He says his voice sounding a little higher pitched than usual a tell that he was lying. 
‘‘You’re lying!’‘ You point at him a finger straight at his face, ‘‘I make you nervous!’‘ You say aloud. 
‘‘That’s not true!’‘ He says lying even more. 
‘‘It’s okay if I do,’‘ You say laughing, ‘‘You make me nervous too.’‘ You tell him, ‘‘In a good way.’‘
‘‘I do?’‘ He immediately fires back. 
‘‘You do,’‘ You admit to him. ‘‘You’re always the smartest person in the room easily, you pick up on my nervous habits which makes me nervous because obviously you’ve taken the time to notice them. You work harder than anyone on this team and you just have this overwhelming sense of empathy for people, even the bad ones.’‘ You tell him, ‘‘I’m nervous to be around a person as good as you.’‘ You tell him smiling at him and he stares up at you wide eyed. ‘’Sorry,’’ You say laughing shaking your head. 
‘‘Any room you go into you seem to have this quality about you that just lifts the mood, when you get praised by anyone you do a tiny victory in you’re head which is really cute.’‘ He pauses looking up at you. ‘‘With this job we constantly see horrible things but working with you and being around you makes it a little more bearable, even on the most terrible of days.’’ He says to you. 
You hold back your words for a second, unsure of how to reply to what he just said but when you do you realize your words were going to change the friendship for the better, ‘’I said no to the officer because I’ve been waiting for you to ask me out.’’ You tell him. He smiles to himself then looks back up at you still sitting in the chair across the room,  ‘’What?’’ You say looking at him, ‘’Do I have something on my face?’’ You ask him reaching up making him laugh more. 
‘‘No, no, I just-,’‘ He pauses trying to gather his words, ‘‘Would you want to come over for dinner at my house? When we get back to Virginia at least.’‘ He asks. 
You grin like an idiot not bothering to hide the smile on your face, ‘’I would love to Dr. Reid.’’ You say happily. 
 ‘’I told you!’’ You hear Morgan yell, ‘’I told you he had it in him!’’ Morgan yells stepping into the room JJ following behind shaking her head laughing, ‘’My man!’’ He says and Spencer and you both shake your head in disbelief. ‘’Penelope owes me five bucks,’’ He says whipping out his cell phone ready to call her. 
 You laugh glancing up at Spencer who had a smile on his face staring back at you. 
You couldn’t wait to get home.
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eunoiaflow3r · 4 years
Agree to No Promises
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A/N: I absolutely loved writing this, thank you for requesting!
Warnings: mistakes, angst, fluff, mentions of kidnapping (nothing gory), and language. fem!reader.
Word Count: 4.5k
i have a spence request!! you know that one scene where he says “this is calm, and it’s doctor”. i want a whole fic of that kind of aggressive spence in which he defends the readers honour to the rest of the BAU people, maybe she makes a call that’s risky for her own safety and the others are calling her out on it and spence gets defensive and morgan is like “calm down kid” or it can be whoever and THEN HE SAYS THAT LINE I WOULD DIE ❤️❤️
actually, some enemies to lovers with spencer would be great if they work at the bau together and for years they don’t get along and bicker and the reader knows she’s in love with spencer but doesn’t have a chance and he finds out while they’re arguing
You wanted to punch Spencer in the face. You wanted to shut him up, and you felt in that moment - punching him would be the perfect way to do so. But no. Your brain was not listening to what you wanted, and instead what your heart wanted, but you could not afford that right now.
When you think of Spencer Reid, you think tall, skinny, uncoordinated, annoying, rude and cocky. You can’t stand the way he looks at you, or the way his hair falls over his eyes, and even the fact that a grown-ass man never wears matching socks. You also don’t like the fact that he always seems to be right, even when you wish he wasn’t. 
According to Spencer, you were no walk in the park either. He hates that you’re so dramatic, and that you’re so hell-bent on proving yourself right. He hates that you never listen to anything he tells you, and how you act like nothing can ever get to you no matter what it is.
When Spencer thinks of you, he thinks she’s self-righteous, and that you have this stupid hero complex that you need to get over.
“Reid.” You greeted with just as much hostility.
Even on the plane, you both seemed to successfully make eachother mad. The team always noticed the rigidness between you two, and had even asked about the elephant in the room multiple times, but the only thing you two had seemed to come up with to explain your behavior - which you both had ironically subconsciously agreed on, was that, “It’s not my fault he/she is impossible.”
On countless random occasions, the team had tried to help fix whatever bad blood was spilled between you, but you two never caved in and instead insisted on the fact that, “nothing could be done,” to fix the unyielding tension if the other wasn’t going to change.
After they went over the ins and outs and asked the necessary questions of the case like usual, Hotch began to put the team into pairs to send them on their individual assignments.
“Prentiss, Morgan, I need you to go to the morgue and see if there’s anything significant other than the ligature marks.”
They nodded.
“JJ, Rossi, I need you to go visit the victim’s families and see if there’s anything you can find that ties these murders together. Like we said, probably not, but it doesn’t hurt to look.”
“Of course.” JJ answers.
“Y/N, and Reid I need you two to go to the most recent scene and tell us what you find there. I’ll meet you there after I check in with the locals.”
Both you and Spencer looked absolutely offended, and you both collectively tried to come up with any reason in the books so that you would not be paired together.
“But surely-” you tried to reason.
“No.” Hotch interrupted.
“But I should -” Reid began to bargain.
Hotch interrupted once again with a cold stare, and an even colder if not snarky, “No.”
Yours and Spencer’s eyes met for a brief moment before you both decided to give up defeatedly, and roll your eyes at one another.
The team had noticed the interaction between the two of you once more and they couldn’t decide if they wanted to laugh at your childish actions, or if they wanted  to shake their heads in annoyance and say something about your behavior.
They chose the latter and ignored the both of you.
Once you had landed, and before the team all went their separate ways, Hotch told both you and Spencer to behave.
“No promises.” you replied opening the driver door to the black SUV that awaited the both of you to ride in.
Hotch gave you a  harsh glare.
“I’m joking Hotch.” you smile. “It’s a joke.”
Nodding, he walks away and gets into a car of his own with the local police department. Spencer gets in the passenger seat and immediately if not frantically, puts on his seatbelt.
You chose to ignore his actions, turned on the ignition, and drove out of the parking lot.
“Uhm, are you sure you should be driving?” Spencer asks eyebrows furrowed.
“Excuse me?”
“I mean since -”
“You misogynistic prick!” you practically shout, now pissed.
“You’re wrist.” Spencer nods towards your hand. “You were complaining earlier about how it was cramped and all.”
“What do you care?”
“Well, ya’know. I wouldn’t want it going out, and I don’t know, kill the both of us because you weren’t careful.”
“You’re a jerk Spencer Reid.” you shake your head not taking your eyes off the road. “You ever shut up?”
“I could ask the same Y/N L/N.”
Your relationship with Spencer has been this way since the day you arrived.
“Everyone, meet agent L/N.” Hotch introduces you. “Y/N, meet Penelope Garcia, Jennifer Jareau, David Rossi, Emily Prentiss, and Spencer Reid.”
You waved at everyone and said a quick “hello,” before sitting in the empty seat right across from Spencer Reid.
Unbeknownst to you, Spencer had done a little back up check on you before you had even arrived. Your record was crystal clear, you had done nothing wrong, your parents were alive and well, and it seemed as though you had been through nothing traumatic and this shocked Spencer.
No one’s record was this clear, which meant you were hiding something. Because of this, he could not trust you.
Instead of asking you himself, he decided to just ignore you and act rude until he got the answers he wanted. Perhaps this was you’d feel the need to tell the truth - whatever that was.
“I’m sorry, did I do something to offend you?” You had asked once.
You had barely been at the Bureau a day and already you had seemingly made an enemy, which sucked because from what you’ve heard Spencer was the sweetest one there, and by the looks of it, definitely the cutest.
“No, you did nothing.”
You don’t remember what he was talking about, but Spencer was ranting and that was one of your favorite things about him - just the way he could talk on and on and on about anything. 
His voice itself made you want to swoon, but everytime he spoke to you, he always seemed disinterested, and you hated that
You got on Spencer’s last nerve. How did you seem so perfect? You were beautiful inside and out, and he didn’t understand it. There were days where he literally just wanted to talk to you to hear your voice, and he wanted to just ramble on and on and on to you about everything, but everytime he stopped himself. 
He reminded himself that you were suspicious, and besides - with your beauty, who knew how many men you’ve been with. 
He didn’t feel like getting his heart broken anytime soon.
You gave him a couple of weeks - a month and a half - to warm up to you, and still nothing. 
His attitude had got nothing but worse towards you, which was confusing because when you saw him interact with anyone else, he was an absolute sweetheart.
“Why do you treat me this way?”
He ignored you.
“Fine.” You had grown impatient. “Don’t say I never tried Spencer.”
And you walked away.
You were no longer going to take the way he gave you the cold shoulder and the way he talked to you, so from that day forward you had done to him the same way he had done to you.
You gave him the cold shoulder, and acted annoyed whenever he spoke to you.
This had become routine for the both of you. So much of a routine, that you both had forgotten why you hated each other in the first place.
After awhile, all Spencer knew was that he couldn’t get your condescending voice out of his head, and even when he told himself that you weren’t, you were the prettiest girl he had ever seen.
Everyday was a struggle to get eachother out of your heads. It seemed as though no one but that small voice in your heads knew you were secretly pining for each other, and that “hatred,” was covering up something much, much bigger, but there’s doubt you’ll be uncovering anything any time soon.
There were nights where you laid in bed just thinking about him, and times you cried yourself to sleep because at some point you realized you were in love with him, but you knew he would never ever feel the same, and that’s what hurt you the most.
“Excellent work guys.” Hotch compliments. “We’ll pick this up in the morning.”
The team had come together, and gathered a significant amount of information about the unsub, but it was late, and everyone needed a good night’s sleep for fresh minds the next day.
Unfortunately, roommates were the team members you were paired with earlier that day, so you were stuck sharing a room with Reid.
You huffed and through your bag on the bed. The last person you wanted to share a room with was Spencer Reid. At least you didn’t have to share a bed.
Putting a fake smile on your face, you turned to him and asked, “So are you taking a shower first or am I?”
“I’ll take mine in the morning.” he answered shortly, seemingly unbothered.
“Okay, fine. Whatever.” you replied, kind of hurt.
A hot shower should do it for you. You brought your bag into the shower, and got ready to relax under the steaming water. You rubbed your hands across your face because honestly - you were stressed. Arguing with Spencer on a daily basis was just…tiring. Sometimes you wished you knew why he hated you so much, but you knew the man wouldn’t ever tell you.
You opened your eyes, and you looked around the shower for your shampoo, but on the wall right above it was a spider.
“Shit!! Oh my God!!” You jumped out of the shower as quickly as you could, wrapped a towel around your body, and just about flew out of the bathroom.
Spencer looked up hurriedly and jumped out of his seat, in fear that you were hurt. 
“What the hell? Are you okay?”
“No!” you huffed. “There’s a spider in the shower!” 
His face was now a serious Hotch-like face. “Are you serious right now?”
Spencer walked into the bathroom and checked for the spider. He was now just as confused as ever.
“This is just a wolf spider,” he sighed, bringing it into the room in a cup with a napkin covering it. “There’s nothing to be afraid of.”
“What the fuck Spencer, what are you DOING?” 
He looked at you, and then the towel around you and his nostrils flared. You were practically naked - as the only thing between the two of you was a flimsy hotel towel. He had to get out of there, so instead of answering you, he left the room and went to go free the arachnid.
Once he was outside, and had freed the spider, he took a few breaths. He was  frustrated. Absolutely frustrated, and he wasn’t sure what to do. All he saw now was that towel wrapped around your wet body and he hated the way his stomach clenched everytime he thought about that stupid towel and how easily it could have fallen and how he would have been able to -
No. He must not think this way about you. Not only was it incredibly inappropriate considering you were his coworker, but he had to keep up his, “I can’t stand her,” persona.
When he got back to the room, you were, he assumed, finished showering, and you were sitting on your bed in a pair of shorts and a tight fitted tank top leaving little to nothing of your figure to the imagination.
Of course, he was now incredibly irritated because you were real, and this wasn’t just one of his many dreams starring you where you two were using your mouths for a little something other than argue.
You had watched Spencer go into the bathroom, and you audibly let out a breath. He had said nothing to you, yet the way he looked at you made your heart and lower stomach go into a fucking frenzy. 
When he got out, he was dressed in just a regular t-shirt and basketball shorts.  You practically swooned. You had never seen him in anything other than his usual work attire, and you regrettably loved this look on him.
You shouldn’t have been thinking this way about him.
He hated you. How could anything ever happen if he was furious with you for every little thing you did?
“You know what I don’t understand?” Spencer asked climbing into his bed and turning the light off on his side.
You did the same so now you both were laying in the darkness.
“How do you face serial killers almost every single day, and you’re afraid of spiders?”
“Same way you’re afraid of elevator crashes I suppose.”
“But death by spiders are extremely rare - that spider was harmless.”
“I’m not afraid of getting killed by a spider, they’re just hideous.”
He laughed and said, “Yeah, well I’m sure they find you hideous as well.”
You both went to sleep with giddy smiles on your faces.
The next day went by pretty smoothly, and ever since the night in the hotel, Spencer had seemed a little less hostile towards you. You couldn’t help but wonder why. What changed?
Anyway, just like the day before, you were paired with Spencer, mostly indoors working on the board. Collectively you two had noticed some pretty interesting details, and you both realized you worked well together.
Soon after you gave a profile to the locals, Hotch told you and Spencer to follow a lead to a suspect’s home. You had knocked on the door, and nothing. You checked the front yard, backyard, and nothing.
It wasn’t until you checked inside a kids’ clubhouse, that you had found a secret trap door hidden underneath.
“Reid, call the team.”
He did, and once he was sure they were on their way, he helped you move the playhouse over so that you could open the door.
Once he opened it, all you two heard were sobs and the unsub yelling. You went down even after Spencer told you not to, and you saw the girl tied to a chair with a gun pointed to her head.
When the unsub saw you, a guy named Fred you believe, he changed directions, and held the gun out in front of him straight at your head.
“Fred? Hey. I’m Y/N L/N and I’ve come to help.”
“H-h-h-help? H-h-h-how can can y-you he-he-help?”
On your way over to this house, Garcia called and told you and Spencer that Fred had autism and, because of this he was like a child, he didn’t know what he was doing.
“Well Freddie,” you paused and looked him in his eyes, “May I call you Freddie?”
He nods quickly.
“Well the FBI is out there,” you heard the sirens a moment earlier, “and they’re upset that you took this girl. They might hurt you.”
“But I-I-I-I like h-h-her.”
You heard someone try to come down, and you yelled, “No!” which made all noises stop. “Do not come down here!”
Fred was scared, and confused, and he didn’t know what to do. All you could see was that the girl continued to cry, and he held his gin tighter.
You put up your hands dropping your gun, and this made him trust you a little bit more.
“Do you like me, Freddie?”
He nods enthusiastically.
“So, how about you let this girl go, and take me instead?”
“L-let her go?”
“Yes, Freddie, let her go and you can have me.” You were trying not to shake. “Can I untie her?”
“Yes.” he says and follows your movements with his gun. You walk slowly over to the girl, and untie her quickly. “When you go up there, tell them not to shoot. Tell them that the man is more unstable than we thought, okay?” She nods tears streaming down her face, and runs towards the latter.
Spencer was freaking out. He was pacing, and his heart was racing, and everytime he sat down his legs wouldn’t stop moving, and he didn’t know what to do with himself. He had cried, almost pulled out his hair, crumpled up papers in frustration and had yelled at almost every single one of his team members.
How could he have let this happen to you? He should have gone instead of you. He should have gone with you, he should have stopped you or something.
And on top of this, he always been an absolute prick to you, when deep down he felt the opposite and all he wanted to do was kiss you and tell you how he felt but now you were gone and he didn’t know if he was getting you back, and all he did know was that his heart hurt and all he wanted to do was just see you.
Just see you.
You had woken up tied to a chair in a child’s bedroom. 
You tried to untie or loosen the ropes, but it was no use - they were way too tight.
Fred came into the room with a tray of food for you, and he looked at you almost sadly.
“Freddie, you know they’re looking for you, right?
“I-I-I know.”
“So what’s going to happen when they do find you? You’ll kill me?”
He gasped and covered his mouth. “I could never hurt you!”
“But you hurt those other girls, Freddie.”
“Th-th-those g-girls hurt me. You’re r-re-really n-nice to me. I wouldn’t hurt you.”
You tried to smile, but all that came out was tears. You were scared to death and you had no idea what made you make the decisions you made.
“Oh, no Y/N p-please do-don’t cry.”
“Freddie these ropes really hurt, can you take them off?”
“But you’ll leave m-me.”
“Freddie, I won’t leave you, I promise okay?
They had a location. They knew where you were. Spencer couldn’t have been happier. 
Soon enough the team had found the house, and quietly came into the house. Morgan saw you first, relieved you were okay, and you silently told him that Fred was upstairs. He nodded and let the officers up there to make the arrest. You ran outside tears running down your face, and as soon as Spencer sees you, he runs up to you hugging you tightly. You wrap your arms around his neck and sob into his shoulder.
“Y/N are you okay? Are you hurt?” He says checking you as he pushes you away from him checking for any scratch or scar or anything.
“No, I’m - I’m alright.”
“Good.” he says, getting serious now. “Then explain to me why you would do something so incredibly stupid? We were all worried about you.”
“You were worried about me?”
He shakes his head and tries not to show how angry he was with you for leaving him. Instead of answering, he walks away.
He walks away because if he stayed, he would have kissed you, and he can’t - 
He just can’t.
If he shows you that he cares, you just might hurt him and sometimes it’s easier to just shut you out, than get used to you being around and then leave him. He doesn’t want you to know how much you could hurt him if he let you in.
So he pushes you away.
After everyone greeted you, and asked if you were okay, and the doctors checked you out, you were all on the plane home. 
You kind of just distanced yourself from everyone because all the team seemed to do was patronize you.
“That was a huge risk Y/N, did you even think about what you were doing?” Emily asked.
“Honestly, what if it didn’t work L/N? What about the girl?” Morgan said, shaking his head.
“You could have gotten severely injured Y/N, we’re just trying to look out for you.” JJ tried to reassure you.
Everytime you tried to explain yourself, you were bombarded with another stupid question, which caused silent tears to fall down you face. Spencer saw this, and he decided he had had enough with everyone.
“You guys act like you had never made a decision like this in your entire career. At the end of the day, everyone made it out alright, and I’m sure Y/N has learned her lesson, but you guys humiliating her doesn’t help at all. Think about what she’s just been through. Just for a second can you think about how she’s feeling right now?” He sighed. “This is the first time Y/N has dones something like this and you all are giving her the third degree. So just stop.”
“Hey, calm down Reid, It’s not that we -”
“This is calm Morgan, and it’s doctor.”
With that being said Spencer moved to the back of the plane, and sat across from you. You both said nothing, but you silently thanked him.
Once you were back at the BAU, Hotch told him he wanted you to take some time off, and you understood. The team left avoiding both you and Spencer, mostly because of what he said on the plane, and they weren’t sure what to do now.
“Reid, can I talk to you?” He was packing up to go home, you two were the only ones left on this floor.
“Why did you do that - on the plane I mean. Why would you stick up for me?”
He shrugged, basically ignoring you. Just right where you thought you were getting through to him, he closes himself back up again, and goes back to being mean to you.
“Fine. Whatever. Just please don’t do that again. I don’t need your help.”
You were walking away, when he decided to argue back.
“Oh you don’t? So you'd  just would have wanted them to keep patronizing you? Honestly, I don’t see what your problem is Y/N, goodnight.”
And he was walking towards the door. You ran out in front of him blocking him from leaving.
“My problem?” You scoff. “Oh I’ll tell you what my problem is. I don’t need your saving. I don’t need you to come in like a knight on his steed and prove that you’re smarter than me every single time. Because yes, you’re smarter, and yes, you’re a doctor, and yes, I know you dislike me for some reason, but don’t go switching up your attitude if something happens to me. Just leave me alone.
Obviously you don’t know what it feels like to be me, otherwise you would know that the worst pain there is, is being in love with someone who just hates you. So, just stop. Please, just stop.”
And once you said what you needed to, you walked off gathering your things so that you could go home too. You felt like crying, but you couldn’t. Not here. You couldn’t believe you just said what you did.
Despite what he wanted, he stood frozen in place. He was conflicted. He didn’t know what to do. His mind was telling him to do one thing, while his heart told him to do another.
He took quick strides over to your desk, and turned your body gently so that you were facing him, and you were basically trapped between him and your desk behind you.
“I couldn’t save you.” He began. “I was with you, and then I wasn’t and I couldn’t help you. You were doing that stupid heroic shit you tend to do, and I wasn’t there to help you. You were hurting, and it hurt me that I wasn’t there to heal you. And believe me, it keeps me awake at night when I think about the way I treat you, and I’m sorry, I am. I’m sorry if you felt like I hated you, because believe me, I don’t.
There is nothing to hate about you other than the fact that you’re just so goddamn perfect and I know I could never have you, and even if I did, I would give all of me to you, and that scares me. It scares me that I would be so willing to hand my heart over to you, and it scares me that you have all this power over me. It hurts that you have the power to torture me, so yes, I push you away, and I’m sorry I care about you, but I just, I just-”
And this was that moment.
That moment where your head told you to punch him, because God knows you wanted to, but your heart told you to just swallow all of that angst and just give yourself to him. 
To tell him with your lips that you felt the same, and just leave all the arguing behind.
But something was -
You didn’t hate him. And he just confessed that he didn’t hate you, and now his face was under your fingertips, and your lips were on his. Tears were falling, you weren’t sure if they were yours or his, but he was kissing you back and his arms wrapped around your waist, and you felt like you were on fire. Your hands were now tangled in his hair, and his hands caressed your sides. He had brought you closer to him, and through this kiss you both felt all the so-called, “hatred,” and, “dislike,” evaporate into thin air.
He pulled away from you, and you wiped away his tears.
“I’m so sorry Y/N, you didn’t deserve what I did to you. None of it. If I could take it all back, I would. I’ll make it up to you, I promise I will.”
“You’re such a boy Spencer Reid.” You say.
“What?” He’s confused.
“Mother’s tell their little girls that when boys are mean to them, that they must like them, and that’s why they’re acting that way.”
“Well that’s not very healthy. That tells those little girls that when a man hits them, or is crude towards them, that that’s perfectly normal and that they should just take it because the man loves them.”
“Well true,” Spencer was still holding you, and you went on “but the point was that you must have really liked me since you were so mean to me.”
“I mean, sure. But I don’t see why a mother would -”
“Hey, agree to disagree, okay?”
A month or so passed, and the team noticed a huge shift. You and Spencer were no longer arguing constantly, well, of course there were disagreements and such, but you two didn’t act like you hated each other.
“Promise me you’ll stop trying to be the hero.” Spencer told you once.
“No promises.”
Because if you weren’t the hero, you wouldn’t have saved the girl, wouldn’t have gotten Fred help, wouldn’t have the arrogant prince turned good, and you wouldn’t have agreed to disagree.
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marvelatthetwilight · 4 years
Good to be home.
A/N: Just a quick one while I sort out some follow up pieces.
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You had missed your brother immensely in the 5 years since you had been home. You were 7 when your mom left, and your dad moved you both back to La Push hoping that being back at the reservation would help you both, growing up as part of a community. Your dad gradually grew distant, starting to drink more and more. Sometimes he could be gone for days at a time, leaving the two of you to fend for yourselves. You relied on each other for everything. It was a shock when, at 13, your dad decided you should go back to Tacoma and stay with your grandparents, claiming that he couldn’t care for two teenagers, and that your brother was “easier” to deal with.
And so, the two of you were separated. Partners in crime, peas in a pod, best friends, ripped apart.
When your grandparents passed away, you finally had the money and the means to move back to La Push, reuniting you and your brother Paul once again.
“Y/N Lahote as I live and breathe!” Jared Cameron came bounding over to your car as you pulled up to the address Paul sent you.
“Paul has NOT stopped talking about you coming home, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so excited” Jared smiled as he opened up the passenger door and helped you with your bags.
“Jared, you look so grown up! You used to be so weedy! What happened?” You stared incredulously at him, he had grown at least a foot since you last saw him, had filled out and become muscular, nothing like the Jared you were expecting to see.
“Ha! If you think that’s something, just wait until you see your brother.”
You followed him into the house which you understood to be Emily and Sam’s. They had offered to let you stay with them whilst Paul was still finishing his house he was building for himself and Rachel.
As you entered the kitchen you were greeted with a hug from Emily, you recognised her from the photos Paul had sent you over the years. Emily was closely followed by Kim, and then Rachel, who you had spoken to on the phone almost everyday since you had planned to return home.
“Y/N! We are all SO excited to see you! Paul and I have so many plans for us!” Rachel jumped with joy, excited to spend time with her new “sister”.
“So where is my brother? I was expecting him outside waiting considering the amount he has been bothering me with questions about my arrival this week” Rachel looks over at Emily before saying; “he’s out doing some errands with Embry and Sam, they will be back soon, let’s get you settled!”
They gesture for Jared to help with your bags, and he picks them up with ease before leading the way to the guest room.
“This is going to be so hard keeping everything from Y/N if she is staying here, it’s going to be right under her nose. The boys aren’t subtle at all.” Emily whispers to Rachel.
“I know but that’s why we are in charge of keeping her busy! At least until Paul’s house is ready, then it’ll be easier.” Rachel replies as she starts walking towards the guest room, not realising that you had hung back to ask Emily a question away from Jared, unintentionally hearing their conversation.
An hour later you are in the kitchen at Emily’s dining table, bonding with the girls over your love of cooking, discussing your favourite bands. But you couldn’t stop thinking about what you had overheard. What were they keeping from you?
At that moment, Paul appeared at the door, an enormous smile on his face.
“Y/N!!!!!!!” He ran towards you, lifting you from your seat, into a bear hug. Oh how you had missed his hugs. Although you don’t remember them being this warm.
“I can’t even begin to explain how excited I am that you’re here, I have so many plans, we can go to the beach, go for a hike, I can show you the house, you can choose how to decorate your room..”
“Maybe give Y/N a chance to process what you’re saying before you keep going there Paul. I’m Sam, it’s so good to finally meet you, I’ve heard so much about you” Sam holds out his hand for you to shake, you choosing to ignore that and pulling him in for a hug instead. Woah, it’s not just Paul who feels like he’s burning up. They’re like heaters.
“Obviously I have to hug the man who’s helped my brother out so much. Thank you for everything you’ve done.” Sam smiles at this, before turning his attention to Emily, pulling her in for a hug and peppering her face with kisses.
“...thanks for running off Paul, Sam can you please explain to this idiot that just because he’s one of the fastest wolves in the pack doesn’t mean he needs to run at full speed all the time?!...oh...erm...” everyone’s heads turn to face the two new people who have appeared at the door, seemingly unaware of your presence until it was too late.
Paul’s face turns red with anger, you recognise this quickly from the stories he had told you over the years. Rachel is quickly to his side, arms around his waist, forcing his eyes to her own, speaking to him softly and calming him down.
You look again to the two men still standing in the doorway.
“Erm...hi. I’m Quil, and this idiot is Embry. Sorry, we forgot you were coming today Y/N, please ignore Embry, we have a running joke with Emily calling us all wolves because we act like a pack and we eat her out of house and home”. He laughs unnaturally at this, glancing at the others who join in, catching on that this should be funny.
You smile tightly at him, something is definitely up here. Then you turn your attention to the guy you now know to be Embry. You vaguely remember Embry and Quil from school, friends of Jacob Black’s, you were in the same year but not friends, but you don’t remember him looking like this. Why are all of Paul’s friends so muscly and tall? You definitely didn’t remember Embry being this handsome, he definitely would have stood out more. It’s like Sam has a type for his friends, another thing to add to your list of suspicions, as well as this bizarre reference to wolves. What is going on?
You realise that Embry is staring at you, his eyes are unfocused and he looks like he has completely zoned out. You cough slightly, drawing him out of his trance, attention back to you. His eyes are soft and warm, his face breaks out into a huge smile as he reaches out his hand.
“Hi, it’s so good to see you again Y/N, we’ve heard so much about your time away, erm, I’m Embry.”
You take his hand in yours, he’s so warm, why are they all so warm?
“I remember you Embry. You, Jake and Quil were like the three musketeers, always together!”
Embry smiles at the fact you remember him, and nods his head at your statement.
“We still are, don’t know what I would do without them!”
A growl sounds out from across the room, a quick cough coming from Sam stops the growl suddenly. You turn to see Paul, still with Rachel wrapped around his waist trying to calm him, shooting daggers at Embry.
“Oh this is great! I am SO looking forward to you getting out of this one Embry!” Jared laughs and claps Embry on the back.
“Paul, Embry, outside now” Sam states sternly, the two men quickly following him out of the house. You follow them with your eyes until they disappear into the tree line.
Everyone looks awkwardly at each other, before Emily suggests you help her with dinner. You agree, nodding, hoping that someone at some point will explain to you what the hell is going on.
The guys finally return an hour later, both Paul and Embry smiling as they playfully push each other walking back towards the house.
“Paul’s let him off far too lightly. I wanted Embry to at least come back with some bites...” Jared stops as Kim nudges him in the ribs.
“Can we speak to you outside Y/N?” Paul says, giving you a look and motioning outside.
You follow him out, and they both walk a bit away from the house towards the open space behind them.
You now find yourself standing next to Embry, a giant grey wolf standing in front of you.
Apparently, they really are all wolves, and you vaguely remember stories like this when you lived in La Push when you were younger. You just assumed they were nonsense, just silly stories to keep people in line with the threat of wolves and cold ones.
But they were all true. So this is what everyone was keeping from you? But, if they were going to tell you anyway, why was this all a big secret?
You turn to Embry, to see him watching your face carefully. His cheeks flush when he realises he has been staring again.
“So, this is why everyone has been acting strange around me all day?” Paul’s wolf nods and Embry speaks up.
“Yes. We weren’t allowed to say anything about it, so it had to be a secret. But...something changed that means we can now tell you.” He looks embarrassed again, and Paul huffs like he is unhappy about what has been said.
Embry flashes him a look, and Paul stalks away back to the tree line he emerged from minutes earlier.
“Can we sit? I feel like we should be sitting for this.”
You nod, still suspicious and then you both make your way to a small bench close to the house.
“So...one of the perks, I suppose, of our wolves is that we imprint. Erm...and imprinting is basically our way of finding our soul mate. It’s like a pull, we don’t want to be away from them but ultimately, we just want them to be happy. ...It’s not always romantic soul mates, it can just be a friendship...whatever the imprint wants from us basically” he shuffles in his seat, glancing at the floor, scuffing his foot in the dirt.
“Ok...so that’s what Paul and Rachel are, imprints, that’s why she was able to calm him?”
Embry nods.
“And Jared and Kim, Sam and Emily? They’re imprints too?”
Embry nods again.
“So...why are you telling me this? What has changed for me to now know your secret?”
Embry’s face flushes at this question. He was hoping you would have caught on and he wouldn’t need to actually tell you.
“Y/N...” Embry looks up, looking deeply into your eyes, willing you to understand.
“Oh...” you whispered, he was saying that you were his imprint. You thought about this carefully. Embry. “You’re saying that I’m your imprint?”
Embry nods a final time. Hesitant about your reaction.
“But we can be whatever you want us to be, it doesn’t need to be anything else.” He looks away again, hoping that you want what he wants, but not wanting to push you into something you aren’t comfortable with.
You can admit to yourself that you do feel a pull towards him, more than just a friendship you think.
“Erm...maybe we take it slow? But, I think...I want...”
You look up at him, his eyes full of love and something clicks inside you. You lean forward, closing the space between you. He looks shocked but he closes the space again until your lips are inches apart. He waits for you to take the final move.
Your lips touch briefly, and your body tingles at the touch, a shiver running through you as you move apart and the contact is lost. Wow.
“I definitely want to be more than friends Embry.” You whisper to him, leaning your forehead against his, your lips still close.
“I am going to make you the happiest girl in the entire world Y/N Lahote.” You smile and kiss him again.
I could get used to this, you thought.
It’s so good to be home.
A/N: so this wasn’t as short as I thought haha. Got caught up!
@volturidoll13 @clearwater-hoe @like-rain-or-confetti @teampaul @fatiguing-thoughts @wallwriterstuff
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golden-barnes · 3 years
𝓛𝓲𝓺𝓾𝓲𝓭 𝓢𝓶𝓸𝓸𝓽𝓱 I : ‘𝓒𝓪𝓾𝓼𝓮 𝓲𝓽’𝓼 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓸𝓷
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x F! Reader
Summary: Spencer always gives her a warm smile, despite being a stranger but he never imagined that their meeting would be like this.
Word count:1.3k
Warning: Mentions of the case they are working on, suicide, and stuff involving the investigation
Author’s note: I am very excited about this. It’s my first Spencer story, so let’s see how it goes.If anyone want to be added to my taglist, send me an ask. Comments and reblogs are always welcomed.
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“Order for Spencer!” The barista shouted. Spencer grabbed his satchel and his papers and rushed to get his food and coffee. He was waiting for his next class to start and decided to get a snack to clear his head and revise his notes. 
He thanked the barista and went to add the insane amount of sugar he likes to add to his coffee.
That’s when he saw her again.
Spencer saw her everywhere. At the coffee shop. On the university campus. At the library. At his favorite bookstore. She was there but strangely it didn’t worry Spencer. She didn’t look dangerous or that she was a threat. She intrigued him. She looked like a normal University student, so it never raised any alarms in Spencer’s head. 
She seemed lonely though. That’s what always struck Spencer as interesting. Most college students travel in groups but she was always alone. Reminded Spencer of his time in college.
 Spencer bumped into her, carelessly. This was the first time he had seen her up close. 
“Oh, are you okay?” Spencer said to her, grabbing her forearm to stabilize her. The woman only nodded. Her eyes were focused on the door of the shop. Spencer looked in the same direction to see a man with short, brown hair standing on the other side of the street, looking at the two. Glaring at the woman. Spencer felt her shiver in his arms. 
“Uhm, thank you, sir.” She mumbled under her breath and walked out in a hurry. The man Spencer saw was gone. Spencer frowned at that. She walked to the street where the man was and just like that, she vanished too. Weird way to start the morning.
And things got weirder when Emily called him after his last class ended. 
“Hey, Reid. You are done with class, right?” She asked. 
“Yes...What’s going on?” Spencer said, packing up his things from his desk. Usually, Emily wouldn’t call him while he was on a sabbatical. Unless it was for some team activity or some dinners at Rossi’s that they plan at the last minute. 
“There’s this case and I know you are on sabbatical but we need your help,” Emily stated, trying to convey security. But her voice faltered at the end. This case had to be extra bad for Emily to call him and for her voice to be like that. 
“How fast can you get here?” She added. Spencer could hear Luke in the back talking. Spencer walked out of his classroom and started jogging to his car.
“I am on my way.” Spencer said and hung up. 
Spencer has only seen the BAU in a total mess only a handful of times. And today was one of them. Penelope was running to Emily’s office, where JJ and Emily were talking. All of them looked stressed. Rossi and Tara were talking to some agents. Rossi looked tired. The older man noticed the young doctor’s presence and called him over.
“That’s all agents. Wait for further instructions.” Tara concluded, and the agents went to their places. She let out a sigh of frustration. 
“Oh, Reid. Thank God you are here. Come on let’s get you up to speed, kid” Rossi exclaimed, signaling to the younger man to follow him.
“For the past 2 weeks, we’ve been investigating a string of murder-suicides all over Virginia and Maryland.” Matt started. Spencer looked at all the pictures of the crime scene. 
“10 men killed themselves. 5 of them were family men, and they killed their entire family before killing themselves.” JJ explained, her gaze was stuck on the photos of the families. They were happy and looked like normal, wealthy families.
“And there are no signs of foul play?” Spencer questioned.
“None, boy-wonder. But this is the weird part, none of these men had suicidal tendencies before their deaths. In fact, they were living the life. They were rich beyond all definitions of the word. They had several houses in different parts of the world and traveled to them a lot. They woke up one day and chose violence. Hell, Mark Holland, the 3rd victim, had plane tickets to Dubai.” Penelope answered. Spencer gave her a confused look. It seemed strange but nothing that the team couldn’t handle without his help. They’ve done this multiple times. Why was he called in?
Emily looked at the doctor, noticing the confusion in his face. 
“These men have no connection except being rich, privilege, and white. But their paths have never intersected. M.O is different because every suicide wasn’t carried out the same. There’s no suspicious phone calls or messages. There’s no threatening emails from one sender. There’s nothing. Only the victimology.” Matt continued.
“It’s like the puzzle from hell because everything is missing.”Penelope snorted.
“We’ve been 2 weeks on this, and we only have one lead. The fiancé of the last victim overheard him murmuring a name for days. Y/N Y/L/N. Luke is bringing her to the interrogation room.” Rossi said, looking directly at the doctor. The rest of the team turned their attention to him. There was a silence in the room. It was uncomfortable, so much that Spencer shifted in his chair.
“Reid, we need a fresh set of eyes with this woman and this case. We’ve been too invested with no rest.” Emily finally explained. Spencer just nodded and grabbed the case files and headed to the interrogation room.
As if it were a joke, Spencer saw her again. Being dragged by Luke into the interrogation room. Spencer opened the files and saw the name Y/N Y/L/N and the picture. The same woman he has been seeing everywhere was the only lead in this impossible case.
“She hasn’t said anything?” Tara asked Spencer and Luke. Y/N was staring at the glass, bored. But for the past 30 minutes, she has been silent. Not even looking at the photographs of the crime scene that were around her.
“No. I’m gonna talk with her now, I think she has had enough time to think.” Luke said. Tara nodded and left the room. Something in the back of Spencer’s mind was telling him that she wasn’t going to budge. 
“Hello, ma’am. My name is SSA Luke Alvez.” She huffed and crossed her arms. Luke smiled at her, trying to see if the nice guy approach would help.
“Do you know why you are here?”  Y/N rolled her eyes. Maybe not.
“Probably to waste taxpayer money.” She retorted. Luke let out a soft chuckle but took out the photos that were in the files.
“Do you recognize any of these men?” Luke asked. Y/N glanced at the pictures. She looked bored still but there was no sign of recognition.
“So you want to waste taxpayer money.” She laughed. “No, I don’t know who any of them are. Now can I please go?” 
“Do you know this man?” Luke asked, pulling out the picture of the last victim. She rolled her eyes again and leaned back in her chair. 
“If you are gonna keep showing me pictures of men I don’t know, at least give me some water or something.” She joked. Her body language hasn’t changed. If she had anything to do with these murders, she was a great liar.
“How about a hint? His name was Nicholas Mclain.” Y/N stiffened. Her gaze was stuck to the door, similar to the way it was at the café. 
She recognized the name but not the face? Weird. Spencer thought
Suddenly, Tara ran into the interview room. Spencer couldn’t stop her, so he entered the room with her. 
“There’s been another suicide,” Tara announced, out of breath. Luke stood up and looked at Y/N, whose eyes were trained on Spencer. 
This case wasn’t going to be easy.
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Blind Date
Summary: Derek Morgan sets up two of his friends for a blind date. They have never heard of each other or seen each other. But something tells Derek’s intuition they would get along well.
Type: fluff
Warnings: talking about serial killers
Word Count: 1.9K
Spencer Reid’s POV
I walked into work on a regular Tuesday morning, coffee in hand, a book tucked under my arm and my bag draped over my shoulder. I wasn’t expecting anything at all, being the first to walk in as per usual. Following my typical routine for paperwork day I sat down at my desk and went through file after file on that big pile in front of me. After about 30 minutes the others walked in. Still, everything appeared completely normal. So normal in fact, that it was almost suspicious.
“Hey, pretty boy,“ Derek said loudly as he walked directly towards me, without even stopping at his desk first, “I have an idea that you’re not going to like at first, but you’ll agree to anyway.“
“If I’m not going to like it, why would I agree to it?“ I asked curiously and looked up at him as he came to a halt right in front of my desk.
“Because I am asking you to and you will thank me later. Now hear me out please.“
“Alright,“ I responded, shifting in my seat towards him and pushing my glasses up a little.
“So, you know how the other day you said that you never go out on dates?” He obviously noticed my face flush as my eyes darted around the room to check if someone else was listening, “I was thinking, how about I play the wingman to help you get a date?”
“You want to play the what?” I asked confused and shocked simultaneously.
“Forget it,” he said hastily, “what I’m trying to say is, I set you up for a date.”
“You did what?” I could hear my voice getting louder the more shocked Derek made me. Again looking around, I noticed Emily exiting the elevator.
“A friend of mine – a female friend, who is also single – recently complained to me how she always dates the bad guys and how she just wishes for a good guy to come along and sweep her off her feet. So I set up a blind date for you guys. Listen, Spencer, I know this is uncomfortable for you, but it’ll be fun. Just agree to it and see what happens. You can become friends with her or never speak to her again afterward. But just give it a shot, maybe you’ll even get lucky,” Derek grinned at me.
I thought about it for a moment. Why was I even considering it? This is a crazy idea! She probably wouldn’t like me anyway and I would just embarrass myself for a few hours before going home and reading the book just as I had planned. But the way Derek was looking at me like he would never let me say now, and just that little sliver of something similar to hope made me nod my head slowly and uncertainly.
“Great! Wait – it was that easy to convince you?” Derek asked, a little shocked.
“It was this easy to convince him to do what?” Emily, who now reached us, interjected.
I went to yell a quick “nothing” before the situation got out of hand, but Derek was faster and began explaining the scenario.
“And he agreed to a blind date? Looks like our genius isn’t that much of a recluse after all,” Emily mused as she walked away towards her desk.
To say I was nervous was an understatement. I hadn’t been on a proper date in like forever plus 2. But I promised Derek I wouldn’t bail on him and go to the restaurant anyways.
So here I was, entering a beautiful Vietnamese restaurant that Derek picked out 5 minutes before 8 pm on a Friday. To ensure the blind-dateness of it all, the table was reserved in Derek’s name. And he picked the perfect spot. In the back corner, a little bit further from everyone else, but with a view out the window into Washington D.C’s buzzing nightlife.
The waitress led me to the table, which was not yet occupied. I sat down against the wall to make sure I would see whoever came in. Taking off my coat to reveal my satin dress underneath I shivered lightly at the lack of warmth. Maybe it was the nerves too. Taking a deep breath and looking out the window into the night, I tried to force myself to calm down. I did not want to make a bad impression on one of Derek’s friends. If he was one of his friends? I knew nothing about this man. Just that it was one. A man.
Just as I began getting lost in my thoughts of who would be my dining partner, I noticed footsteps approaching me. My clock read 7:58. At least he’s very punctual. Looking up towards the body the feet belonged to, my heart began beating faster.
In front of me was a tall, handsome man with longish hair, dressed in a fine black suit and a deep crimson shirt. He looked shy, his eyes wide open and his lips slightly parted. He turned to thank the waitress and I examined his portrait. Ugh, he was definitely attractive. I thanked Derek in my thoughts for knowing my type and giving this man a head start.
“Can I sit here?” his voice was quiet as if he were as uncertain as I was. I nodded and smiled slightly, to calm both his nerves and mine. He sat down and for the first time our eyes properly met. And for a second we just stared.
I was the first to look away, my nervousness taking over, “um- I’m Y/N”.
“Hi, I’m Spencer,” he said more confidently now.
After exchanging the expected small talk about how we both knew Derek and what we did for a living, we ordered our food. This is the moment I feared. Chitter chatter out of the way, waiting for the food. What if there was nothing to talk about now?
“You’re studying medicine?” he asked to draw my attention and I nodded, “how are you enjoying it?”
And boy, he should not have asked that. With my heart racing in my chest, so were my words. I began a ramble on how I always wanted to study it and what excited me the most. When I realised how much I was talking I abruptly stopped with an awkward, “so yes. I am enjoying it.”
He grinned slightly, which eased some of my nervousness. I smiled back at him slightly.
“I’ve been meaning to say, you look beautiful tonight,” he said and for the first time that evening, he sounded confident. I guess my ramble eased his nerves too. Tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, I quietly thanked him.
Right then, the waiter came and brought our food. We ate in silence for a little while, but it wasn’t awkward. If anything, it was serene. We looked at each other occasionally, appreciating the other’s presence.
After a while, Spencer spoke up, “did you know that the reason why Vietnamese food is so healthy is partly because they don’t use that much oil? And of course also because the food contains so many vitamins, like C, B1, B6, and B3, but also many trace elements, for example, zinc, copper, magnesium, and potassium.”
I looked up at him as he started talking and nodded attentively, “no. I did not know that. But now I feel encouraged to eat Vietnamese more often.”
 We finished our dinner with pleasant conversation, Spencer interjecting a few interesting facts here and there. I quickly realised he must be incredibly intelligent, which made me even more attracted to him. But I must admit, I was pretty proud when I knew some of his facts and could even add to them with my knowledge. For example when we got to the topic of serial killers (which of course was unavoidable given his job):
“So one gene that could make a person psychopathic is the gene coding for monoamine oxidase A. If you have one version of it, the protein becomes ineffective and can’t break down your brain’s monoamines like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. One study on a family in Holland found that they all had a version of it where the protein was completely ineffective. And they had unusually high levels of aggression and violence in that family,” Spencer said. His speed was almost hard to keep up with, but me hanging onto every word he said helped.
“I know! But the gene alone doesn’t suffice to make someone more aggressive. A study found that which gene version you have interacts with your environment during childhood. In maltreated children the effect on aggression can be seen way stronger than in children with a normal childhood,” I responded excitedly, leaning forward onto the table.
But Spencer didn’t respond. Instead, he froze, his lips parting as his jaw dropped a little. He stared at me with an emotion that appeared to me like shock mixed with fascination – and maybe awe? I didn’t know what to do so I just looked back at him shyly, feeling a blush creeping onto my cheeks.
 That night, Spencer drove me home, like a gentleman. When we arrived at my apartment, he got out of the car and walked me to the door.
“I had a really nice time tonight,” I said softly looking up at him.
“Me too,” he smiled, and then a sudden wave of nervousness washed over him, “would you maybe – I don’t know – want to… do this again some time? Only if you want to of course.”
A smile spread onto my lips as well, “I’d love to.”
Spencer’s POV
The Monday following my dinner with Y/N, I walked into the office with a slight bounce in my step. I was still ecstatic over how well it went, and that I even had a chance with her. We had texted all weekend, about anything and everything.
“Hey Reid, come over here,” Derek shouted at me from his desk.
My face instantly flushed as I realised I would now have to spill all the details to him.
“How did the date with Y/N go?” he asked curiously. I could feel the eyes of Emily and JJ on the back of my neck from Emily’s desk.
“Um- it went well, I guess,” I said, shuffling my feet around awkwardly.
“It went well? Come on, Spence, give us more details!” JJ said as the two of them came to join me and Derek as well.
“Yeah, I mean we talked a lot and she enjoyed my fun facts. We will go on a second date soon, we even texted all weekend,” I stuttered, not meeting any of them in the eye.
“See? What did I tell you, Reid? You would not regret this,” Derek told me and then turned to the girls, “am I one hell of a matchmaker or not?”
They giggled slightly as my hands reached up to feel my burning skin.
“I knew she would be your type, just like you’re exactly hers. Enjoy it, kid, she’s a keeper for sure,” Derek said while patting my shoulder as he left for the coffee machine.
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mggssocks · 3 years
Followed- part 2
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Not My Gif!
Pairing: Fem!Reader x Spencer Reid
Content Warnings: regular criminal minds stuff. (please let me know if i missed anything!)
Summary: Spencer makes an Instagram and stumbles across reader’s page.
Word Count: 2.2k +
A/N: Thank you so much for the love i have received on my last chapter!!! It means so much to me. Also i’m going to try to update chapters as much as i can but i’m graduating in a few weeks and i will have a lot going on. But again, thank you guys!!! xoxo
masterlist // part 1
Although he was only going off of a few hours of sleep, Spencer came to work with a pep in his step today. His interaction with this girl was very brief but he still got butterflies with the thought. He was early as usual so he made himself a cup of coffee and sat at his desk, settling in. He pulled out his phone and reread the text messages that the two of you shared. When he finished reading the short message thread, his thumb hovered over the letter G. He wanted to type “good morning” but he didn’t want to come off as too clingy or overbearing. That in fact was the last thing he wanted. 
“Hey Spence” he hears from behind him, causing him to jump and quickly lock his phone before shoving it into his coat pocket. 
“Hi” he turns around to see JJ and forms his mouth into a straight line. 
She eyes him weirdly. Something was up.
“Everything okay?” She asked. Knowing how Spencer was, she wasn’t expecting him to answer truthfully. Especially with him jumping startledly like he just did at a simple ‘hi’.
“No- yeah. Yeah I’m fine. What about you? Are you okay?” He asked to switch the conversation around. 
Yeah. Something was definitely up.
“I’m… fine?” She answers confused
He nods awkwardly. She was just about to ask him if he was sure that he was fine but everyone else started to walk in and she knew if he was being this secretive with her, he definitely wouldn’t want everyone else to be in his business. So she drops it… at least for now. 
Garcia speed walked into the bullpen with a file or two in her hand, not bothering to say anything to the team. She goes straight to the conference room.
“Looks like we have a case” Morgan declared as he walked past the desks and up the stairs. Everyone else followed.
“And from the looks of it, it’s bad,” says Emily. 
They settle in their seats as Garcia passes Spencer his case file while everyone else gets on their tablets.
“We’re going to Wichita, Kansas.” Hotch says as he was the last one to come into the conference room.
“This sicko stabs straight through the heart. They chop off as much hair as they can before shoving it in the victim’s mouths.” Garcia speaks, a little disturbed a little while avoiding her gaze from the screen.
“Four victims within one week. There’s no cooling off period at all” Morgan said, swiping through his tablet.
“Which is why we’re debriefing on the jet. Wheels up.”
After the team debriefed on the jet, Garcia chimed in through the video chat.“Guys, A store owner just found another victim.” 
The team looks at one another. Hotch sighs momentarily before speaking.
“Alright, JJ, you and Reid to the M.E. Morgan and Rossi go to the latest crime scene and Prentiss and I will go and set up at the station.” 
Everyone nods their head at their temporary partners for confirmation.
“So on the first victim, the person hesitated.” The examiner spoke factually.
“-And on the other four he didn’t hesitate at all” spoke JJ, trying to get the bigger picture. 
“Exactly. Now with the new victim… I noticed something strange. “ She walked over to the newest victim from earlier that day and the agent and dr followed her.
She turned the woman’s head and revealed a cat-like scratch with three of them synchronized.
JJ and Spencer looked at each other. After they called the other team members to fill them in, they walked to the car in pure silence.
“So… this morning” says JJ, walking to the driver’s side.
Spencer gives her a questioning look as he takes the passenger seat.
“What about this morning?” He asked in a suspicious tone and avoided her gaze by looking out of the window.
“You don’t have to tell me anything, Spence, but I know something’s going on. Just tell me that it’s nothing bad.” She put her seatbelt on.
Spencer didn’t dare to give in “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
After three days, they finally caught the unsub. The man was purely a sick and twisted psychopath. Jeffery Magnum. A 30 year old man who was severely abused as a child. His mother would make him eat the cat’s fur balls for dinner and when he refused, she would shave him bald. His mother died and that was the stressor that made him begin to kill.
As they boarded the plane, Morgan, Prentiss, and JJ sat together in the four seats. Rossi and Hotch sat together in the seats across from each other behind them. Spencer sat on the couch, far away from everyone. He wasn’t trying to distance himself. He just wanted to sit alone.
He pulled his phone out. He hasn’t thought much about that girl since he’s obviously been busy but now he was thinking about her. When he opened the app, he saw that she had posted a story. Before he watched her story, he clicked on her account and scrolled a little. She posted a lot of books and her cat too. Spencer really liked this one in particular.
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Yourinstagram I looked up from my book and seen this. thought it was a great photo op. 
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He comes across a picture that really catches his attention.
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Yourinstagram okay just finished these two Jung books. He’s officially my favorite psychology/ prolific author. Freud’s got nothing on this guy.
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Spencer nodded his head approvingly. He swiped back to look at her Instagram story. 
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He swiped up, thinking of a way to start a conversation. He just wanted to talk. About what? He doesn’t know.
spencerreid what’s tomorrow?
As expected, she didn’t respond right away. Instead of waiting for a response, Spencer picks up a book to occupy his attention. About 15 minutes later, his phone vibrates and an Instagram notification pops up. It catches the attention of JJ and she looks from the corner of her eye.
Spencer let’s 3 minutes pass by before responding because he didn’t want to seem too eager to talk to her. Although he definitely was.
yourinstagram nothing special! I’m a pastry chef so I’m just preparing them for the week! 
spencerreid Do you have some sort of bakery?
yourinstagram yup :)
Spencer didn’t know what to text back. So he started a new conversation with her.
spencerreid By the way I was looking at your page and seen that you read Carl Jung books.
yourinstagram you were stalking my page??
He started to panic. He didn’t mean it like a weirdo.
spencerreid I didn’t mean it like that. I just wanted to see what you were about, I guess.
yourinstagram relax haha I was kidding. And yes I do like Carl Jung books. What about you? Jung or Freud?
spencerreid I’m a fan of both, though I feel as if Jung was more open minded.
yourinstagram you, my friend, have great taste.
Although he knew “my friend” was just a term, Spencer couldn’t help but let a smile spread across his face. 
JJ notices and nudges Morgan who was listening to music. Prentiss notices JJ’s act and she gives her a questioning look. JJ nods her head towards Reid who was smiling at his phone. Emily who was sitting next to the window across from Morgan leaned over the seat to get a peek at Spencer.
She looks back to JJ. “What?”
“He’s been acting weird since before we left for this case. Like… secretive.”
Derek quirks an eyebrow. “You think he’s got something going on?” 
JJ shrugs.
“Hey” Emily says to Spencer.
He doesn’t necessarily jump but he was obviously startled. 
“What are you smiling about?” She asked. JJ and Derek watched as he fumbled over his words.
“I- uh-just- just a joke” Spencer cringed internally, because not even he, himself was buying it.
“What’s the joke?” Derek asked.
“It’s… nothing you would find amusing.” 
The three pretended to believe him and gave each other subtle glances before continuing what they were doing. Spencer turned back to his phone.
yourinstagram I’m y/n by the way. Just thought I’d formally introduce myself.
spencerreid I’m Spencer.
yourinstagram It’s nice to meet you, Spencer.
spencerreid It’s nice to meet you as well, Y/N.
After the jet landed, it was only 3:00 in the afternoon. Hotch gave them the rest of the day off so Spencer decided to head home and catch up on some sleep that he’s missed these past few days. 
He knew that it’d be terrible traffic on his way home. But since he stupidly decided to drive to work a few days ago, he couldn’t take the subway. He had to drive home. After about 10 minutes of sitting in his car calculating the fastest route home during traffic hours, he decides to take a way that he’s never taken before.
It would take him about thirty minutes but on his normal route during traffic hours, it would take him an hour and twenty. 
While driving, he catches a glimpse of a bakery and his stomach automatically growls. He decided that he’d stop by. Spencer walked into the shop and it wasn’t very busy. He looked over all of the options while waiting for someone to come to the counter.
A girl soon trails around dusting her hands off on her yellow apron. Her hair tied back in a ponytail.
“Hi. How can I help you?” She gives a kind smile.
“Uh- can I have two of the Danish pastries And a water?” He asked.
“Of course! Will that be all?” She puts some clear gloves on and makes her way over to the pastries.
“Yes” Spencer answers, digging through his satchel for his wallet.
She puts the treats in an apricot colored box, closed with a sticker with the name of the bakery. 
She puts the order in and looks back up at him “That’ll be $5.37!” 
He’s finally able to get a feel for his wallet and pulls out his card, handing it to her. She swipes it and hands it back over to him after it was approved along with his box and a reusable water bottle. He murmurs a thank you before leaving and heading to his apartment, enjoying the delicious danishes and finishing up some case files.
“Seriously, Y/n. There’s so many relationship opportunities in Virginia. And you’re thinking about someone from a social media platform. You’ve never even seen them.” Your older sister lectures you as you close up the shop.
“Woah woah woah. I never said anything about a relationship with him. He’s nice but I’m not going to date someone over the internet. For all I know, he could be from England. I just said we both have an understandable love for Carl Jung in common.” You explained.
“Mom is worried about you. You’re thirty and you haven’t even found someone you’re interested in.” She lifts her eyebrow.
“She doesn’t need to worry about me. And every single woman doesn’t need to get married and settle down in their thirties.” you argue back
“She wants grandchildren, y/n. And not just from one of her kids.” 
“Look. I’m fine. You guys need to stop with the pressuring. I’m happy and I have all that I can ask for right now. When that time comes then it comes but for right now, i’m content” You shrug as you lock up all of the treats in the display cases.
She gives up the argument. And there is a weight of silence that fell between the two of you.
“Alright. Dave and the kids are expecting me so I'm going to get some pizza and head home.” she says, breaking the silence.
“Okay. Love you. Be safe. Bye” you say to her. 
After locking up the shop, you head home and when you open your door, you are greeted by your cat, Luna. After locking the door, you kneel down to properly greet your baby.
“Hey, girl” you pick her up and make your way to the kitchen, opening the fridge to see what options you had to eat for dinner.
You decided on some grilled cheese and tomato soup so that’s what you made.
You throw the crust down on your plate, flipping the page of the book you were almost done with. You were curled up on the side of the couch with Luna sleeping by your feet. After finishing the last page, you were bored enough to go onto twitter and then instagram. 
As you make your way to his dm, you bite your lip, hesitant to say something. You didn’t often speak to people through social media. But he’s already texted first so the least you can do is text something first this time. You were uncertain, but you did it anyway.
yourinstagram hey
You mentally smack yourself as you look at the time. He’s probably already slee-
spencerreid Hi.
yourinstagram i was thinking….
spencerreid About?
yourinstagram I told you what i do for a living. I figured it’s only right that you told me what you do..
spencerreid I’m in the FBI. I’m a profiler.
yourinstagram that’s pretty impressive.
You didn’t know it but Spencer was blushing.
spencerreid Thank you.
yourinstagram you’re based in D.C right?
spencerreid That would be correct.
yourinstagram That’s funny.
spencereid Why is it funny?
yourinstagram because I live in D.C too.
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whosscruffylooking · 4 years
Instinct Part Two: Interrogations and Intrigue (Spencer Reid x Fem! Reader)
A/N: I'm super excited for this part. Spencer and Reader’s relationship finally has some foundation!
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings! Mentions of suicide and manipulation. 
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(Reader’s POV)
I tap my foot anxiously as I peer around the bland and intimidating interrogation room. It looks like something out of a mental asylum in a 1980's horror movie. They want me frightened? They got me.
Count Dracula barges in abruptly and sits opposite from me. I wince at the sound of the metal chair scraping against the cement floor.
“My name is SSA Aaron Hotchner. I'd like to take a moment to get your description of the man who broke into your apartment," he shows no emotion.
I nod, "Well, he had his hood up and a bandana on, but from what I could tell, he had green eyes...maybe blue...or hazel. I'm sorry, I'm not a hundred percent sure. He was just a little bit taller than me, so maybe 5'8 or 9. He climbed out of my window, so clearly, he's at least slightly athletic. He disguised his voice; he made it sound almost like Batman."
He writes down some notes. A statement that the other agent presented to me at the crime scene puzzles me. I decide to inquire for myself.
"The other agent..." "Dr. Reid?" "No, Emma? Emily?" "Yes, Agent Prentiss." "Yes, her. She told me at the ambulance that I might be the key to solving this. What did she mean by that? This wasn't just a one-off robbery? How could it involve me?"
He purses his lips, obviously pondering the right response, "What do you know of the Nomad Boys?"
My heart rate rises, but I promptly disguise my anxiety. "You get straight to the point, don't you," I quip, "I know that they used to operate about a block from my old neighborhood growing up. A lot of people have lost their lives because of them. Both figuratively and literally."
"Are you aware of your brother's involvement with them?" Agent Hotchner examines me.
I gasp. What kind of game is he playing here? I shift uneasily in my seat, "Excuse me?"
"We have significant evidence that your brother Jeremy was involved with the Nomad Boys from 2015 until his death."
I slam my fist on the table, "How dare you. How dare you bring my brother up and implicate him in illegal activities that he had no part in. Is this what you people do? You're so desperate to close a case that you can't admit defeat in then you pin it on people who aren't even here to defend themselves?"
"You seem relatively defensive yourself. Care to explain why?" The emotionless man taunts.
"Two hours ago, I was the victim of a failed robbery, and now I'm being interrogated by the feds about my dead brother? Is that not a good enough reason to get defensive?" I clamor back. 
Tears sting my eyes and threaten to spill over as I dig my fingernails into the palm of my hand, trying frantically to suppress my growing rage. He watches me like a predator to its prey. The sound of my rapid heartbeat muffles my hearing. I can feel my skin heat up with anger. I stare right back, eager to display my disdain for his treatment.
"If you'd excuse me," he gathers his files and leaves the room. I exhale shakily and hastily wipe the stray tears from my eyes, desperate to gain my composure.
(Spencer's POV)
Hotch exits the interrogation room and clutches my shoulder, "You're up. She knows more than she's letting on, even if she doesn't realize it. She will feel more comfortable with you." "Hotch...I-I feel like maybe Emily or Morgan should go in. Not me." "Why?" He glares at me. I swallow the lump in my throat. 
I have a job to do.
"Forget about it," I say, stepping past him into the dimly lit room. She looks up at me with pleading eyes, silently begging me not to put her through what Hotch did. I sit across from her, noticing her obsessive picking at the skin of her fingers. Her knee bounces and lightly taps against the underside of the table.
She takes a deep breath and breaks the stillness, "Whatever it is they are thinking, it's not true. None of it is true. They're wrong." 
"Y/N, I appreciate your willingness to cooperate and come back to the precinct with us and sit in here to be interviewed." 
She throws her head back and laughs, "My willingness to cooperate?Interviewed? You mean interrogated, right?"
"I know this must feel like an ambush," I say, and she jeers, "but I promise if you just hear us out, the sooner we can rule you and your brother out of this." 
She sits up, eyes wide, her posture defensive, "You just said my brother and me. Am I a suspect too? For god's sake, I don't even know what we are suspected of! Do you think I'm apart of the Nomad Boys too?" 
Strike one, Spencer. Don't screw up again.
"I didn't mean it like that, y/n." 
"But you said it," she crosses her arms.
"I need to ask you some questions about your brother's death." 
"I'm going to be sick. Screw you, Dr. Reid." 
I can't manipulate her. I don't want to. I can't use months of researching her to achieve our agenda. 
It doesn't feel right. Why doesn't it feel right? 
But for the efficiency and success of this case, it's required.
"Every day, you wake up in fear of the nightmares that haunt you each night. You live with the images of your brother engrained in your mind. The patterns he used to follow every day have now been adopted by you, most likely in an attempt to keep his spirit alive somehow. You are constantly looking over your shoulder because, still to this day, aspects of his death leave you unsettled and uncertain. You opened the door today because you were under the impression that the person on the other side would be able to offer you insight into your brother's death. He couldn't because he had another agenda, but I can. I can give you that insight; I just need you to work with me." 
I watch as she struggles to fight the pain that comes from masking her fear. I got to her. 
Why do I feel so guilty? 
Her lip trembles as she begins to speak, "I know he didn't kill himself. That's all." "What makes you so sure?"
She releases a sob and then grapples with composing herself, "B-because he loved his family. He loved life. His girlfriend was pregnant; he was going to be a father. What kind of man who was so family-oriented and had such a bright future ahead of him would do that to himself, to his future child?"
"I'm sorry, I didn't realize he had a child." "Aren't you guys supposed to know stuff like that? Shouldn't you come in here armed and ready with any ammunition needed to break me down?" She cocks her head. "We do. We try to find out all vital information on our suspects and those connected with them." "That's how you know that I follow the same routine as my brother? Have you been watching me?"
I can feel a bead of sweat drip down the back of my neck; I reach my hand around to pat it off and to buy myself time to come up with a sufficient answer. She chuckles, "You don't have to answer that. I've seen you and Count Dracula in there tailing me."
My heart stops, and I swallow unexpectedly, slightly choking in the process. "For professionals, you sure don't take into consideration the fact that most people are suspicious of black SUVs now...mainly because of tv shows. Black Suburbans with tinted windows are either law enforcement or a celebrity. And judging by the fact that no celebrity would ever willingly set foot in my town, I was quickly able to determine which I was looking at every Monday and Friday from 10am to 5:30pm. You should really try getting some red cars, maybe blue, just try and blend in a bit." 
"Actually," I begin falling back on my knowledge as a way to diffuse the situation, "Any vehicle, when suitably modified, can be utilized as a police vehicle, but the most prevalent are those produced or altered by manufacturers for the role of being a police vehicle."
"Validation and dissemination: am I making you uncomfortable, Dr. Reid?" She raises her eyebrow. I adamantly shake my head, "Not at all. I was merely dissecting your point and proving it to be a failed tactic to intimidate me."
She looks at me keenly, but not in the way she had looked at Hotch. No, she peers at me as if striving to convey a message, an offer to be her ally. While locked into her gaze, I can't help but study her. Contrary to all of the times we followed her, hidden within the shelter of our car, I can now learn her up close. She is attractive in a flawed, approachable way. Her vulnerability camouflages a might that even she doesn't perceive exists.
(Reader's POV)
I study him thoroughly. He baffles me. A man in the station he is, maintaining the job he has, and bearing the weight of both victims and perpetrators on his shoulders, should be coarse, bitter, emotionless, much like the first agent who grilled me. Yet, here he is, eyes lighting up when he starts to spout off facts. His nervous ticks overflow, making it seem like he is incapable of withholding the truth of what this job does to him. He doesn't want to put me in this position. He's not like the standard brute that treats this job, and it's prey as if they are nothing but a bridge to walk over to get appreciation and approval.
"I want to help you," he proposes in a hushed tone.
"I know," I whisper, easing back in my seat. 
Unexpectedly, he offers me a wink and then stands from his chair. Stepping over to the door, he clasps the doorknob but delays for a moment. I look at him in anticipation. Looking back at me, he declares, "I'm going to get you answers. I promise you that." And with that, he's disappeared behind the two-way glass. A feeling of being left alone in an alternate universe overwhelms me. 
Spencer is somewhere out there on the side of the good guys, his reputation untainted, with the certainty that he will be going home tonight. I, on the other hand, have lived in uncertainty since my brother died. Here I sit, on the side of the glass that is riddled with darkness and evil. Spencer lives in a world of heroes. But I have been subjected to the world of criminals. I have a feeling, though, that I won't have to navigate it alone. 
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lightbeyondeden · 4 years
Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
a/n: i like to imagine this one with like,, season 4 spence cause I think that just the right amount of innocent yet horny for this oneshot but it's up to you. Also i used a bunch of dialogue prompts from this list :) see if you can spot them! 
Wordcount: 2.2k
Warnings: kinda smut!! spencer being horny, alcohol, cursing, makeout sesh with heavy petting lol
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She was trying to kill him.
 As a man of logic and reasoning, Spencer had concluded the only probable reason his very attractive coworker would insist on parading around the small cabin the team had rented for the weekend in those tiny white cotton shorts was that she wanted to kill him. 
Spencer had always found her attractive. He would’ve had to have been blind not to, and even if he was he still would’ve fallen for the sound of her laugh or the way she left the smell of lavender wherever she sat on the jet or how she was always first to fall asleep after long days spent working cases. 
So maybe he had fallen in love with her - even if he hadn’t quite admitted it to himself yet. Love, however, was not quite what he felt as he watched Y/n walk lazily into the kitchen on that Saturday morning.
Spencer had been sitting on one of the barstools that lined the kitchen counter and sipping on a very sugary cup of coffee. He was passively listening to both the birds chirping outside the oversized cabin window and JJ’s latest story about Henry. He had felt nothing but peace, until she walked in. 
She was wearing a baby blue tank top (with no bra, not that Spencer was looking of course it’s just that as she was walking in and his eyes just happened to graze over her hard nip-, nevermind.) and those white shorts. The outfit was probably perfect for sleeping in the cabin that - even now in the early hours of the morning - remained hot and humid. It was not, however, perfect for just chatting with Spencer, he already felt an uncomfortable stirring in his pants.  
“Hey guys.” She smiled, voice still soft with sleep.
“Hi Y/n, you sleep well?” JJ said without missing a beat, “Lemme get you some coffee.”
JJ got out of her seat and set to work making a new cup of coffee from the keurig that sat on the counter behind her.
“Thank you Jayge, you’re my favourite.” Y/n laughed. 
Spencer watched with intent as she brushed her hand through her bedhead and took her own seat at the counter across from him. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Y/n said as she locked eyes with Spencer. 
Crap, he hadn’t meant to stare. Honestly though, he couldn’t help it. So much of her body was on display and though Spencer considered himself to be a respectful man, he had dreamt of that body more times than he cared to admit and seeing it like this was driving him crazy. 
“Like what?” He replied, hoping that playing dumb would get him out of this.
She eyed him suspiciously, however Spencer was saved from the incoming interrogation by JJ returning, coffee in hand. 
Y/n gratefully took the cup in her hands and sipped in gently. Try as he might, Spencer couldn’t stop himself from stealing glances at her over and over again as conversation between the three resumed. 
Slowly the rest of the team began to wake up and wander into the kitchen. Conversation was playful and light, this vacation being exactly the break they needed from their stressful work lives. It may have only been four days, but any amount of time that they didn’t have to spend talking about all the horrible things they saw each day was time they thoroughly enjoyed. 
“So I was thinking we could take a trip down to that hidden beach the airBNB people were telling us about. It would be fun to all go swimming together!” Penelope had said, big doe eyes daring someone to try telling her no.
So that's why a team of thirty to fifty somethings were all walking down a wooden boardwalk together, arms filled with floaties and towing a wagon full of snacks (wagon courtesy of JJ). Spencer just happened to look over at Y/n at the exact moment the beach came into view, and he couldn’t have been more grateful for that because getting to see the way her face lit up when she saw the lake made his day.
“There's a doc!?” She squealed, “Morgan! I’ll race you to it.” 
And just like that  - the two of them took off, splashing into the water and yelling playful challenges and insults at each other, Emily and Penelope close behind. Spencer just chuckled as he settled down into the sand with a pile of books beside them. 
Truth be told he didn’t get much reading done. He chatted with JJ and Rossi, he binged on candy and chips, and most often, spent the day ogling Y/n. He just couldn’t understand how she managed to look so perfect even after Derek had thrown her off the floating wooden dock for what must’ve been the thirtieth time that day. 
When she finally came marching up the beach, soaking wet and out of breath, Spencer wondered if there was ever a situation where she could look bad. Covered in goosebumps - though the sun was sweltering hot - she tightly wrapped a towel around herself and plopped down in the sand between JJ and Rossi. 
“Hey SP!” He chuckled at her nickname for him “Can you pass that bag of chips over here please?”
The rest of the day was spent soaking in the sun. It was full of jokes and swimming and Y/n’s head on Spencer's shoulder. He watched her and JJ pass a volleyball back and forth, he saw the team smile more in one afternoon than he had in the last month. They finally decided to pack it in the sun was nothing more than a sliver on the horizon. 
They walked home to the dulcet sounds of crickets and Penelope's voice retelling all the best stories of the day. Spencer's mind moved much faster than his feet did, but all thoughts were halted when he felt a cold set of fingers grab onto his hand. That was one of his favourite things about her - the fact that she loved physical touch. Of course, at first he had a strong aversion to her love of hugs, hand holding, and cuddles, but as they grew into a close knit partnership he found himself longing for a hug from her after hard cases or for her hand to hold when he's walking to the bookstore. 
When the team got back to their beach house it was quiet for a moment, as everyone was worn down from all their hours in the sun, their skin kissed with its warmth even though it had set more than an hour ago. Emily, ever a shit disturber, broke the serenity the walk home had created the second she broke out the bottles of wine from the fridge.
Y/n’s had slipped out of Spencers as she and the girls got to work pouring and drinking as many glasses as they could get out of each bottle.
“Movie time!” Penelope declared, plopping herself down on the couch between Derek and Rossi. 
Everyone else settled in, and Penelope flicked through Netflix - occasionally announcing a title to the group to gauge a reaction and giving her own opinions on each. She finally landed on ‘Clueless’, a film Spencer had never heard of - despite Penelope and JJ insisting it was a classic. 
Everyone was tired, you could tell that without being a profiler, but the group was so set on finishing their day together that everyone sat and watched the movie with heavy eyelids. Y/n was hit by sleep like a truck, and Spencer could tell. Her head fell on Spencer's shoulder and he let his own arms rest around her. It was fine, they were best friends. Best friends can cuddle on late nights - it doesn't mean anything to either of them anyway. 
Except it did. It meant everything to Spencer. When he grabbed her hand it wasn’t even really a conscious decision, he just reached out and gripped onto her - he barely even noticed that he did it. 
Y/n noticed. 
Her eyes shot up to meet his own. 
“What was that for?” Her tone was joking but there was a realness behind the whispered question. 
“I’m holding your hand because the movie is scary, alright?  It’s a… Terrifying… Rom-com… ” Spencer defended. 
They both looked up at the screen to see a scene of a blonde girl driving a jeep down the middle of the road and burst into laughter, gaining some looks and laughs from the other people in the room. 
“I mean, you’re right. Unsafe driving practices sure are terrifying. Why do you think Hotch doesn’t let me drive anymore?”
“Because it's a hazard to everyone in the car and the berau called you ‘a hazard to the safety of yourself and your team’ when you drive?” Spencer quipped back, earning more laughter from the rest of the group.
Y/n just shook her head and laughed before dropping back down onto Spencer’s shoulder. However Spencer went the other direction, releasing his grasp on Y/n’s hand and setting it at his side instead.
“Why’d you let go of me?” She whispered into his ear. 
Spencer allowed himself to let out some of what he had been feeling for as long as he had known her. He looked her dead in the eyes and and tried to communicate all of his feelings telepathically - but all he said was;
“I was scared...”
She looked at him and Spencer suddenly changed his mind about the whole telepathy thing, suddenly praying she can’t see the longing in his eyes.
“Come with me.”
So they got up, said a very rushed goodnight to their friends, and took off towards Y/n’s bedroom. When she opens the door Spencer is hit by a wall of the vanilla perfume she uses. If it was anyone else, he would have found it overwhelming, but because it was her it was more like something intoxicating. 
She sat him down on the bed and took a spot beside him. Her eyes looked up and met his honey brown ones, and in hindsight Spencer swore he could pick that as the exact moment his heart rate picked up. 
“So are you gonna tell me what’s been going on with you? Why you’ve been acting so strange?” She was still whispering even though the group was well out of earshot. 
He didn’t respond, his head was fuzzy and he was just trying his best to put together a coherent thought.
“I’m your friend SP!” She laughed, trying again “Whatever it is, you can tell me.”
“Sometimes I want to makeout with you, is that a friend thing to do?” 
Spencer's words hung in the air and he so badly wished he could take them back. Why would he jeopardize the relationship he had with her? For what? Some inane fantasy he had where they were together? The silence made the air crushingly heavy, and Spencer got up to leave but was stopped by her gripping his arm. 
She stood up and cupped her hand on his face, and it felt like they stood there like that for an hour. Spencer so desperately wanted to close the gap between them but the paralyzing fear that he was badly misreading her gesture stopped him. 
But then she did. She pushed her lips against his and Spencer immediately melted into her. Soft fingertips on his cheeks turned into hands intertwined in his curls, his own hands finding their rightful spot on her hips. 
They tangled together, the room filled with the sound of their desperate breaths. In an uncharacteristic burst of confidence Spencer ran a hand under her top and rested it on the small of her back. That was all the encouragement Y/n needed to clamber into his lap, never even breaking their kiss. 
“Wait-” Spencer pulled back, breathless, “What does this mean? What are we doing?”
“I love you. It took me way too long to realize it but I just want to spend all my time with you, that's how I know. I love you.” Y/n whispered into his neck, still perched gently on top of him. 
Spencer laughed a little at the absurdity of this moment. Girls like Y/n don’t love guys like Spencer - he almost wouldn’t believe it if it was any other girl. But it wasn’t any other girl, he trusted Y/n with his life - he knew she meant it.
“I love you too. I always have.” He smiled and leaned in to kiss her again.
Spencer jolted awake to the sound of Penelope’s cell phone camera going off. He moved to rub his eyes but found that his right arm was trapped under a shirtless Y/n. 
Now he understood why Penelope was taking pictures. 
“I got asked to check on you two - you know, see if you were awake.” Penelope was obviously trying very hard to hold back her excitement. “However it seems like I am interrupting something. So I will leave you lovebirds to it.” 
She turned and sauntered out the door, but Spencer heard her laughing to herself in the hallway and he knew that in a few minutes the whole world would know exactly what Penelope thought about the compromising position she had just found them in. 
The world could wait though, Spencer decided. Y/n had stayed peacefully asleep somehow, and he could feel the heat of her bare skin all over him. 
So he pulled her closer, for that one more minute of bliss. One more minute of happiness.
 One more minute of Y/n.
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