#FIVE YEARS is a long time to keep a lore secret
feelingtheaster99 · 2 months
Fig/Emily @ the rest of the bad kids right now
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pluckyredhead · 16 days
We made it, you guys! I'm wrapping up my blitz through all the Fourth World canon. I've already covered the comics of the 70s, the 80s, the 90s, and the 00s, so now let's get into everything post-Flashpoint!
Wonder Woman (2011): I'll be honest: this series is Not Valid, and Orion only shows up as a supporting character for about a dozen issues, so I just skimmed his appearances rather than actually reading the whole volume. Anyway this version of Orion slaps Diana's ass and hits on her relentlessly and isn't even from Apokolips. Highfather is emotionally abusive. No one else from the Fourth World even shows up. Throw it all directly in the trash.
Infinity Man and the Forever People (2014): Genuinely who was asking for a New 52 book about the Forever People (the most optimistic of Kirby's creations) written by Dan DiDio (a man on the record as saying he wanted "to take the smile out of comics")? Shockingly, it's not as bad as I was bracing myself for. I mean, the lore changes are baffling (Darkseid and Highfather are brothers! the Infinity Man is Highfather's conscience and that's why New 52 Highfather's such a dick all the time! Big Bear is from Apokolips and has a secret, angrier face because he's like a bonus Orion now!). And the art rotates through four or five different artists and all of the issues not drawn by Tom Grummett are hideous. But mostly it's just very boring and pointless? Let's all ignore it forever.
Green Lantern/New Gods (2014): Hey, do you remember when Green Lantern was one of DC's most successful franchises and they were publishing five simultaneous GL-related ongoings and they oversaturated the market so badly they could barely keep one GL book going until recently? I'm not saying shit like this is what killed the goose that laid the golden egg, but...I'm not not saying that either. (No seriously, I am genuinely fascinated by whatever the fuck DC did to the Lanterns in the 2000s and 2010s as, like, a publishing cautionary tale, but that's a story for another post.)
This was a three-month crossover across all five GL books - Green Lantern (Hal's book), Green Lantern Corps (John's book), Green Lantern: New Guardians (Kyle's book), Red Lanterns (Guy's book), and Sinestro - plus a New Gods one shot and a GL annual. That's 17 issues that are meant to be read in order to follow the story, and then you can optionally also read the tie-in issues of Infinity Man and the Forever People, which makes a whopping total of 20 issues dedicated to this storyline.
So what was the plot of this grand saga? Uh...Highfather tries to steal all the rings of every Corps like he's the fucking Trix Rabbit or something. The end.
Yeah, it's a mystery what killed the GL publishing juggernaut. 🙄
(Side note: this crossover adds a brand new Original Character Do Not Steal who is from Apokolips and was raised by Highfather and has a Secret Rage Face. After Infinity Man and the Forever People also gave Big Bear a Secret Rage Face. STOP STEALING ORION'S SHIT. You don't need extra bonus Orions, Regular Orion is right there!)
Bug! The Adventures of Forager (2017): This is a very charming, very strange series that isn't in continuity (it was part of the Young Animal imprint) and doesn't really forward the plot of the New Gods in any way, but it's funny and enjoyable. Basically, Forager wakes up after his death in Cosmic Odyssey (29 years prior, for those keeping track) and goes on a time- and reality-hopping adventure in which he interacts with various characters Kirby wrote and drew for DC over the years (although oddly, very few New Gods). It's the sort of series that rewards the long-time comic book reader, but I still enjoyed it even though I was very aware I was missing references. I wouldn't recommend it if you're brand new to comics, though.
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps (2016): Orion's in a couple arcs of this run, and they're pretty fun. Orion's heart gets removed from his body and Kyle keeps him alive with a construct! Hal races Lightray! Orion helps the GLs fight a shit ton of Darkstars! There isn't much in the way of advancing New Gods Lore (TM) here, but this is a pretty good series in general. A fun time!
Mister Miracle (2017): Sigh.
You know, the frustrating thing about this series is that some aspects of it are really good. The art is superb. Some of the humor really lands. Funky Flashman as the Frees' nanny is an utter delight. (The bit where he retells the Galactus Trilogy as "Jake's story" is especially charming.) The subtler take on Granny and the way Scott is still wrestling with her abuse and his complicated feelings about her is heartbreaking. And the big twist, when Darkseid demands baby Jacob in exchange for peace, and Scott's agony over the decision, is utterly wrenching. It's such a good conflict to give Scott, to have him try to wrestle with the decision his own father made and what the right answer is. I even believe King read more than one issue of Mister Miracle (1971) to research this! I mean, he references the Lump. That's a pretty deep cut.
But it's all undercut by his decision to make Orion a villain. King's Orion isn't just brutal and wrongheaded, like some earlier writers have portrayed him - he's a vindictive sadist who craves power and enjoys humiliating someone who, in all previous canon, he eagerly embraced as a brother. He has elaborately cruel plans and enjoys making others know their place - Orion, who is historically as subtle and refined as a two-by-four to the head. He's out of character in basically every possible way.
But this isn't just me being like "How dare you get my blorbo wrong?!" (That's my reaction to King's depiction of Lightray as a simpering toady.) Making Orion a villain, as I have said many times at this point, betrays a fundamental misunderstanding of the Fourth World's central concept, which is, like...not a hard concept to grok. The point of the baby swap isn't to see whether nature or nurture is stronger. It's that both babies grow up to be heroes. It's that good is stronger than evil. And if Orion isn't a hero, the whole thing falls apart. Instead, we get a bleak and fundamentally unbalanced take on the Fourth World that begins with a suicide attempt and ends with Scott resigning himself to a life from which he desperately wants to escape. And again, again, King's pessimism is mistaken for depth because someone else drew it real good.
Anyway I hate this comic, the end.
Justice League Odyssey (2018): The New Gods didn't really have a home base post-Flashpoint, which is why I'm covering so many books that aren't really New Gods books (Wonder Woman, the various GL books), because my crops are dying and I'm desperate for Orion to show up on his little scooter. Anyway this is actually first and foremost a Jessica Cruz book, which isn't really a complaint because I love her. Basically, Cyborg, Starfire, and Azrael (who is pretty OOC and also why is he here??? he doesn't know these people and he can't breathe in space?????) decide to go on an Illegal Space Adventure and Jessica tries to stop them and they all get swept up into an incredibly convoluted plan by Darkseid to turn everyone but Jessica into a NEW New God and take over the universe? Or maybe destroy it? UNCLEAR. Also the last time they all saw Darkseid he was a baby but now he's not anymore. How? UNCLEAR.
Darkseid kills Jessica but it doesn't take because she's the GOAT, but now he's taken control of Vic, Kori, and JPV, so Jessica has to team up with Orion, Blackfire, and Dex-Starr the Red Lantern cat to defeat Darkseid and rescue the others. Overall this book is so unrelentingly high stakes and cosmic that I kind of tuned out. After a while I just hit "we have to save the universe!!!" fatigue. But a huge part of the second half of the series is just Jessica yelling at Orion until he grumpily does what she tells him, and I truly could have read 40 more issues of that. I hope when it was all over he went and pouted at Lightray about how the Green Lantern was SO MEAN to him (he deserved it).
Verdict: Don't bother to read for New Gods continuity, do read if you love Jessica Cruz.
Mister Miracle: The Source of Freedom (2021): This book reintroduces Shilo Norman to the post-Flashpoint universe as a celebrity superhero and escape artist who aggressively protects his secret identity, because his predecessor Thaddeus Brown, who is Black in this series (and presumably going forward), had a public identity and dealt with horrible racism from the public. But his mask is partially torn off when he's attacked by N'vir Free, the daughter of Scott and Barda Free - who Shilo has never heard of. While Shilo tries to figure out who the Frees are and why N'vir thinks he stole her father's legacy, he also discovers that Thaddeus was secretly his grandfather, and has to unpack all of his emotional hangups about his own identity and legacy.
This is a great book for the humans of Kirby's Mister Miracle and a terrible one for the New Gods. Scott and Barda are not only dead, but their memories have been erased from most people's minds. N'vir is an awful character with a stupid name, and also a fascist dictator, which is...a choice for Scott and Barda's kid. (I'm assuming all of this is either taking place in a different universe than the main DCU, or has been retconned away, because Barda is currently appearing in Birds of Prey and is perfectly fine. And perfectly perfect. Please read Birds of Prey.) Orion does show up for a bit and he's great here, but he doesn't remember Scott either, which hurt my heart.
But it's a great book for Shilo, who gets to be a complicated, endearing but flawed protagonist instead of a sidekick who tends to get forgotten for years at a time. I'm a bit torn on having him be related to Thaddeus, since I like the idea of Shilo becoming a hero on his own smarts and spunkiness rather than inheriting it, but it allows for some really beautiful themes about legacy and being proud of where you come from, so it suits the story really well. And Oberon is a delight the whole way through (as always). Overall a good book, but somewhat to the side of the overall New Gods saga.
THE END. We did it, you guys! Now DC please greenlight a new New Gods book, thank you.
(Actually it should be double length and reversible so when you hold it one way it's a New Gods book and when you flip it to the "back" cover it's a Mister Miracle book and the stories intertwine. Do you see the vision???)
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I wish I had more art, but I suspect there's only so much this box will allow.
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ANYHOW. This is A'den -- Dr. A'den, a hattarin daktlyc from the desert planet of Hasra more than twenty light-years from Earth. Despite his intimidating appearance, A'den initially decided to try keeping a low profile upon joining the human Paradisio Project -- an interstellar cooperation orbiting Hasra from an interconnected fleet hovering at the edges of its atmosphere. Yet A'den could not keep either the truth of his position nor his growing appreciation for his small human coworker a secret for long.
A'den initially resented Doctor Rebecca Brown's presence. He viewed their assigned partnership as an insult by those who saw him as unworthy, and he saw her as a shy, airheaded girl of a woman whose silence indicated either a lack of knowledge or a sense of contempt towards him. Yet when Rebecca called him out on a mistake he made without either insulting him or backing down, he learned beneath her fear -- for she was initially terrified of him -- that she possessed a mind to match his own. For her part, unlike his smooth-faced, "elevated" kin, Rebecca saw A'den as a man worthy of respect and dignity. He grew protective of the short, sturdy botanist after learning that her own position in Paradisio was not as secure as it seemed, and over time, their friendship deepened. Both would admit that of the two of them, he cared for her as a lover before she had fully realized her own feelings on the matter.
Yet the truth of A'den's position endangered them both.
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(Above: A'den during his five-year survival training on the moonlit sands of Hasra. He clings to a cliff as, in the distance, the vague form of a Silver Angel barrels past, breaking the sound barrier. Who knows what the Unfathomable Machine will carry out that night...?)
Unknown to the Paradisio Project and most of the Hasran Alliance, A'den was a member of the Exalted, a black-ops survival unit dedicated solely to carrying out the will of the Silver Angels. Those eighty-foot flying machines had genetically pruned or uplifted, exterminated or guided the daktlyc race since the desert planet's earliest days. Under the Angels' orders, A'den had overseen and carried out the extermination of entire cities, glassing them at the monolithic machines' orders with hardly a second thought. Yet if Rebecca had seen him not as cursed, then what did that mean for those he had slain?
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(Above: A'den's Exalted armor, which he wore to Hasran Council meetings to observe and announce the Angels' will to those who soon bayed for his blood.)
A'den's love for Rebecca Brown incurred the fury and jealousy of her possessive overseer, the Ambassador. The Ambassador and the Hasran Council conspired to have A'den killed in ritualistic combat, but this failed. However, it exposed A'den's position to Hasra and Paradisio, revealing both his status and the danger the warrior-survivalist posed. As Rebecca and A'den grew closer, his so, too, did his concerns about the supposed benevolence of the Silver Angels and Paradisio as well as the truth of his race and history. As Rebecca's own tormented past grew to the light, A'den renounced the Silver Angels, determining to fight for both the elevated who had once sneered at him and the hattariin he called kin. He follows God as revealed through Rebecca's own stumbling exploration of Christianity. He encourages Rebecca to stand up to the malevolence of the Paradisio Project and overcome her past, and she reminds him that he is loved and worthy of dignity. At the end, they marry, and though they both lose more than they feared they could even gain, Hasra, A'den, and Rebecca are all forever changed for good.
[Original poll for A'den here! Please vote for him in Round 2 and wherever he may go! And do let me know if you have other questions or would like to yell at/with my characters alongside me, I have. So much lore.]
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fazfacts · 6 months
a compilation of quotes from myself & my friends have said as i played fnaf hw2 for the first time. also some motions + gestures i keep doing in-game. feel free to change as needed!
❝ I finally feel like I have a dad... ❞
❝ I am TRYING to hit a baby. ❞
❝ Y'all are like real customers. You're never fucking satisfied. ❞
❝ I swear to God I got [their] order right! ❞
❝ What do you WANT from me?? ❞
❝ I thought their name was pronounced "[___]" until somebody called them "[___]." I'm still confused. ❞
❝ You go, queen. Get that pizza!!! ❞
❝ Look at this! This is so pretty! ❞
❝ I can see the lobby from here! ❞
❝ I'M IN LOVE. ❞
❝ Do you want a widdle kissy for your boo-boos? ❞
❝ SHHHHHH. Shhhhhhh. ❞
❝ Do you know how hard it is to focus for that long? ❞
❝ Are you proud of me, [father]? ❞
❝ What am I gonna do? My [dad] still doesn't believe in me! ❞
❝ Ew. ❞
❝ Why is there MOLD on everything??? ❞
❝ I, like science, am a liar sometimes. ❞
❝ Why'd you do that? ❞
❝ I wanted to hear [them] gaslight gatekeep girlboss me... ❞
❝ Don't do that!!! ❞
❝ Oh God, WHY are they doing that??? ❞
❝ I wish I could give you a thumbs-up. ❞
❝ My [dad] is disappointed in me...just like in real life. ❞
❝ Can I high-five you? ❞
❝ My chakra is clouded and unfocused...yeah, that tracks.❞
❝ I like that those aren't even tarot cards. ❞
❝ I don't know what reality is anymore... ❞
❝ Look! I found lore! ❞
❝ This takes, like, two seconds. ❞
❝ Wanna see a secret? ❞
❝ Haha, don't say that ever again. ❞
❝ It's gettin' hot in here, so take off both your arms... ❞
❝ I hate [___]...but I love the way they move. ❞
❝ I'm so sorry, [___]. I have the memory of a goldfish. ❞
❝ I know you can't tell, but I'm fingergunning you. ❞
❝ Please don't "Bite of '87" me this time. ❞
❝ I feel like I'm playing a worse version of Wii Sports. ❞
❝ I swear I'm better at [___] in real life. ❞
❝ Oh yeah! I have TWO hands! ❞
❝ If only I could use my left hand... ❞
❝ I think my blind, aimless shooting just saved my life. ❞
❝ I suddenly feel like I have reflexes. ❞
❝ Is lime sour?? ❞
(singing) ❝ My parents don't love me... ❞
❝ No, THAT song goes like "ba bum bum-bum da-nah." ❞
❝ Oh. I guess they are the same song. ❞
❝ You eat GARBAGE. You have no right to be this picky. ❞
❝ They don't like my art... ❞
send a corresponding number; reverse muses by adding something like "+ reverse." get funky with it.
for my muse to stare at their hands, existential crisis-style, in front of yours.
for my muse to recklessly shoot a firearm.
for my muse to ferociously shove a toy in their mouth.
for my muse to do a little dance.
for my muse to furiously wave "hi!" at yours.
for my muse to gently pet your muse's head.
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justsome-di · 4 months
Writeblr Intro
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I go by Di, scumbag artist. Self-portrait in bottom right hand corner there.
You can find me here on Tumblr, on Instagram and Threads @ justsomedi, Patreon @ Just Some Di, and AO3 @ justsome_di
If you ever feel like hitting me up, my inbox is always open! I also like talking about my leopard gecko, manga/anime, gay shit, and internet mysteries and lore!
Check out my Carrd for up-to-date info!
I so far have four projects I've been posting about/working on!
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Nobody Ends Up Dead in a Bathtub, Everyone Keeps Their Organs (or affectionately shortened to NEUD) is my baby. My favorite child. I love them more than the others.
NEUD is currently up on AO3, Tumblr, and Patreon for free. Bonus short stories featuring the cast are available on Patreon under the paid member tier.
Intro Post: Here
A New York office worker and a sex worker get set up on a date–one thinking it’s a real blind date, the other under the impression it’s an ordinary appointment. After realizing it was all a shitty prank, they set out for revenge. Their plan: show up to an upcoming Halloween office party as a genuine couple, convincing the pranksters they genuinely fell in love and refusing to let themselves become the butt of the joke.
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The Fairest of All Stars is currently being posted on AO3, Tumblr, and Patreon. It's a sapphic fantasy! My only fantasy story I've ever tried writing. It's very self-indulgent.
Patreon members are five chapters ahead of what's on AO3 and Tumblr.
WIP Intro: Here
Andy didn’t mean to become a pirate captain, but after killing the captain of her ship, she finds herself thrust into the role. Years after the incident, she is fierce and feared and recovering from a tropical fever that wiped out half her crew. Just as they’re about to dock, they find an injured siren left behind by her choir. Andy, drawn to her, pulls her onto the ship and decides to keep her there until she recovers. But with the Navy hunting for both pirates and sirens, Andy has just made her ship an even bigger target for an iniquitous captain looking for revenge.
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On a Few Terms and Conditions is a WIP still very much in its infancy. The summary thus far:
Youngest child of a prominent, political family, Miles was once hailed a boy genius. Valedictorian of his private high school, full ride to study politics in D.C., promising career ahead of him. But by junior year of college he has a major issue: he’s on academic probation. To keep it a secret from his parents and the public eye, he has to secretly find a tutor to get caught up over the summer in order to graduate on time. The solution: Liam, the youngest of another political family who may or may not hate Miles. Throw in some political drama, Miles’ bad habits catching up to him, a little romance, and they’re all in for an interesting summer.
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Angel is a project I've been working and re-working over and over again. I'm very, very passionate about it, but the plot is all over the place. There are a few WIP posts up on Tumblr.
WIP Intro: Here
Angel is the youngest member of boy group, NXT. For four years, he's followed every expectation his company has set for him. Diets, dating bans, media training. But after a string of bad publicity and a drinking habit he can't shake, he's gotten a new reputation of being a rebellious bad boy. While NXT is on a summer break, he's told to shape up and get ready for a side solo career that's been perfectly packaged for him. At first, it looks like everything might be okay despite the mounting pressure. And then he meets an indie artist, Eisle. Eisle grows his hair long, paints his nails, kisses boys, and doesn't listen to anyone. And it's all very confusing for Angel who's just trying to keep up with the image his company made for him when he was 15.
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bivicennial · 7 months
One of the little bits of worldbuilding lore I really appreciate in the NW is how both vampires and witches have very distinct cultures around raising children.
Like, Thea and Blaise lose their parents and are immediately taken in by an increasingly long list of relatives, because witches (especially Harman witches) do not let their children be abandoned. It's a very village-centric society. Everybody pitches in to make sure the kids are looked after and cared for, all 90s matriarchal commune style. Even when Blaise is actively causing like, mayhem and destruction, the Crone of All Witches decides to take her granddaughters on full time despite being ninety years old and running half the goddamn Night World.
Comparatively, the vampires have a very... aloof style of parenting. It's quite business-like, and focused mostly on monetary support rather than emotional care. Vampire kids are expected to teach themselves most of their survival skills basically on the streets. Darwinist, y'know? Because vampire children are given a lot of what humans (and witches, it seems) would consider very adult freedoms, and are treated as functional members of Night World society quite young. It seems to be expected that most vampire kids who aren't kept in an enclave will learn how to defend themselves or they'll get fucked up. And if they can't defend themselves, well. Weakness gets culled, and all that.
There's a lot of examples of it, too. Vampiric parenting is pretty consistent across the books. James's parents support him financially, but he lives in an apartment by himself at the age of, what, sixteen? Probably younger, considering he was living there for a while by the time Secret Vampire starts. And Ash doesn't seem to have any consistency in his life, but he does spend all his time partying in Las Vegas, while it's implied both his parents are living on the east coast in an enclave. He goes to fetch his sisters when his father tells him to, but he never gives the impression that he especially likes his father, and in fact suggests that if Quinn hadn't been around when his father called, he might have ignored him. There doesn't seem to be much love lost there. And we don't even have to get into Delos's relationship with his father, the guy who treats him like a living weapon at best.
Actually, the closest thing to a loving, functional parental vampire relationship seems to be Jez and Bracken, and they only have like one scene together. Even then, he let her run around San Francisco without supervision from the age of five onward, and that's never treated as being especially outside of the norm. He makes sure she has a place to stay and goes to school, but he doesn't seem to keep track of her daily activities at all, or he does and doesn't care what she gets into so long as he doesn't personally have to deal with it.
And unlike the witches, there doesn't seem to be as big of a push to take on extra kids. That's Morgead's whole thing, that he's got a bone to pick with all the elder vampires that just ignored him when he was abandoned by his mom. Even if they do take in the kids without parents (like Bracken does), vampire parents don't provide much attention anyway. With Thea, she sees a whole future surrounded by other witches and continuing her education under the tutelage of her family. She was eighteen and would have continued to be monitored and cared for for years. Whereas Ash got attacked at the age of twelve, killed a much bigger vampire, and every single person who could have watched out for him was like "yep he's good give him a credit card and let him go do whatever" and he just does.
Honestly, I could talk about each of the characters' childhoods in depth individually, but maybe I'll have to save that for later. Or fanfics or something.
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appalachianapologies · 3 months
okay so I was tagged by @lailuhhh and @rosieblogstuff and I think one other person (i am so sorry i forgor) many days ago and i am finally doing the first sentence of ten works thing. I guess the general consensus is no one knows whether or not this is for WIPs or posted things so like many others I'll just do a combo of both :D
From a wip that is uhhhh 22k and counting long, titled in my google docs as simply "fuck it desi lore," starting off strong with a sentence that I don't think is actually grammatically correct but you know what sometimes the vibes matter more than grammar and you can quote me on that: Later, Desi will feel guilty for it.
From chapter one of Remittent Distress, we have a line that sounds like it's going to be macriley WHICH IT IS NOT- (PS she's just out on a little mini mission she's not dead or anything) During the three days that Riley has been gone, Mac's been coping poorly.
Another chapter one first sentence, we have the first line of what's shaping up to be my next book! Cue the school intercom noise... "Good morning Ravens, happy Tuesday, and happy first day of school!"
Next we have chapter one (not the prologue) of False Dawn, which is a WIP that keeps me up at night and makes me feel far too many emotions at once: Bozer has a strange affinity for sending physical letters.
We have a bit of a secret fic that's up next- set in Tender Mercies universe, except this is set approximately 10 years in the future from Aground, the most recent fic in the series. Mac makes it a single step into the visitation cell before freezing on the spot.
Next up we have the first line of one of my favorite fics of mine, where we get some Sam Cage! (sam my beloved). Get ready for the first sentence of Episteme! Samantha Cage, despite her evergrowing want to be out of the life she threw herself into, isn’t exactly sure how to stay out of it.
Okay so this is the first line at the moment, but might not be if/when I finally get around to writing the vast majority of this fic. After drafting out an entire fic on a plane ride about a year ago, I only actually fully wrote out a few paragraphs. Here's the beginning of it as of right now: “Arriving in forty-five minutes,” comes the eventual answer through Mac’s earpiece. 
Now we have the first line from Past + Fire + Present, purely because I think it's a fabulous addition to the whole point of this post (and also this does happen to be a fic that i am quite happy about how it came out). The first sentence is a little bit lack-luster though... Hands.
Changing things up a bit, this next sentence is from my 95% finished The Martian fic that has been 95% finished for over a year at this point. I really just need to write two more paragraphs and post it at this point, but here's the start! Sneaking out of Beck's quarters as soon as he stepped out to talk to the rest of the crew was probably not the brightest of plans, but I can’t take it back now.
And to end things off, we're going to hop back to Remittent Distress, but this time in the form of the first sentence for chapter three! (Currently working on it, fear not) It’s to be expected.
I'm fairly certain that at this point everyone that I know has been tagged in this (and I'm also like a week or two late at this point), so if you see this, assume you're being tagged! (and also if you write your own please tag me somewhere in it so I can read your sentences :D)
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darlingdollhousevn · 3 months
Helloo, hope your doing well😄😄 could we have more lore about Lowell, pretty please 🥹 i feel like it’s been a while since hearing from the blog (ofc if not then i still hope you have a great day😁😁)
You sure can !! I miss my og blorbo and I'm always so happy to get a chance to talk about lore!
Lowell went to culinary school but ended up having to drop out in the last couple of months due to medical and financial complications- he hates his current job and believes he is overqualified and deserves to work in a much more elevated environment
He has a younger sister that he's kept tabs on over the years, but he hasn't had contact with his family in a long time.
Lowell learned to sew from his mother, who was a seamstress while he was growing up in Massachusetts.
His very first ever collection was frog statues, the kind you'd find in a garden store. They all had names, personalities, and intricate backstories. He kept notes on them in a Lisa Frank notebook, and would rearrange their positions in his room frequently.
He's not a natural redhead!
Lowell was a smoker for a very long time, and while he no longer chainsmokes, he'll still light up a cigarette if he's particularly exhausted, stressed, or needs a little treat.
He can't swim :(
He has pretty poor wound healing, and he scars and bruises really easily.
He met you first through your job! MC will have a position in an art store and he saw you while looking for a specialty fabric dye.
He has killed people before.
Lowell would love a wax museum date!
He's already got all your measurements :) it won't stop him from taking them again when he gets you alone though. He finds it kind of romantic!
He will get mad if you touch/break a lot of his stuff- he's very protective of his collections and has object hyperempathy. it can be genuinely painful to him when things break, go missing, or are touched/displayed "wrong".
His favorite food is soup.
On top of being an insomniac he doesn't really like sleeping in beds- when he sleeps it's usually on the couch or floor or something.
His favorite thing to knit is shawls! He does some pretty interesting things with them, sometimes with intricate lace, beading, colorwork, or other details.
He has a secret petplay kink (recieving). He would deny it to the ends of the earth but being called kitten gives him an instant boner. Extremely unlikely to allow himself to actually submit but he MIGHT be a mean kitty dom, if you convince him hard enough :3c he'd be on high alert to make sure he doesn't end up in subspace though.
He had an intense scene phase. Full on raccoon stripes, under eye liner, hot topic cash carrying, get scared listening ass emo. Still has his well loved busted up ipod nano from when he initially got really into the subculture.
His first crush was on Brent Spiner. Quickly followed by Tilda Swinton.
Has a washi tape collection but has never actually used any of the tape.
He owns a pair of The Chanel Boots™️
Hopefully this is enough to keep yall fed a moment ;-; sorry this project has taken a lapse BUT I'm putting together something to introduce the five whole other characters that will be included in this game, and my schedule just got cleared for a few more days a week so hopefully I'll have some more stuff for you guys soon!
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logo-comics · 11 months
Fortune Lover Pirates Meta
Due to certain bots that the staff do nothing about infecting my post with likes in order to try to infect the site further, I decided to delete the original post and make this one as a replacement. I failed to save the question before deleting by mistake, so please accept the meta-styled opening presented below.
Fortune Lover, the most popular game from Ai Fortuna Software, has gained a bit of infamy among new fans as The Pirate Game With No Pirates. Indeed, a common question on the forums and various social media sits is "Why is there so much pirate content for Fortune Lover if its set in a magic school?"
We here at LOGO Media Publication have thus decided to do a little digging on the internet and have come back with all the fun data you need to get a better understanding of why it is that a pirate's life is often seen as Maria's lot!
queenmaryhunt I've finally figured it out! Maria is Martin Campbell's daughter! It all makes sense! Her father disappeared when she was little, so she doesn't know he's technically the Pirate King, let alone any pirate at all! The timeline even matches up! captainnatalia I know you didn't insult the Gentleman Pirate by comparing him to that lowlife that abandoned Maria and her mom because of rumors! Martin Campbell would never be like that! bluejetpack yeah! martin was abandoned and alone until captain natalia took him in! he'd never do that to his own wife and daughter! queenmaryhunt No! Listen! In Martin Campbell: Pirate King's secret ending, he told Captain Natalia's grave that he was going to sail out for the last time so he could pull enough money together to get his unnamed wife and daughter a house in the capital so they wouldn't "be bothered by close-minded villagers anymore.' And what did Maria's voice actor say in her interview when asked about if Maria had any friends in her village? "Maria never really fit in with the villagers after her magic came in at the age of five and the people assumed she was the result of her mother having an affair with a noble. Her dad even disappeared a year later." geomaria-stan1123 That's her opinion, not official lore! The DLC they're going to release is on Golden Sands. In the first game, Old Baron Terni owns that land, and he let the Fortuna Amata make berth there as part of an unofficial agreement. You'll see when the DLC comes out that he's probably going to cameo as part of an old painting or something. Maria being Martin Campbell's daughter is as likely as them adding in a Katarina Route to a DLC!
queenmaryhunt You all owe me an apology! "The Gentleman Pirate disappeared nine years ago, which is why we took up his contract with the new Baron." That's what Marie said! Nine years! Back when Maria would've been 6, you know, when Maria's father suddenly disappeared! marikata9430 I'll take posts that keep getting funnier with each DLC for 500. fortune-lover-heritage-posts Fortune Lover Heritage Post (August 28, 2017).
sophiasemeraldprincess So, I'm probably giving myself away as a newbie to the fandom, but what's the deal with the pirates in this fandom? Everywhere I look, there are pirate OCs, Pirate Captain Katarina, Pirate Maria, Maria on a pirate ship... I thought, from all of this, that Fortune Lover had pirates all over the place mc-gentlemanpirate As a lifelong fan of the Ai Fortuna Software Multiverse, I can answer this one, but it's a bit of a long story. See, back at the start, Ai Fortuna was a small company that released their first game, Martin Campbell: Gentleman Pirate. The game was very popular in its time, detailing the adventures of a young beggar child named Martin, who stowed away on a ship to get away from it all, only to be discovered and mentored by Captain Natalia Petra Campbell, sworn enemy of the undead Pirate King Black Boris Edmund Guy, who dies at his hand by the end of the tutorial. From there, it's Martin's revenge quest centered around him figuring out his place in the world of piracy, whether or not he'll be a gentleman of fortune or a cutthroat mercenary. The good end, which is the canon one, has him kill Black Boris and being proclaimed the Pirate King. Since Martin and Maria share initials, as well as having identically fluffy blond hair, a lot of fans gravitated towards the idea that Maria was his daughter with his wife, who were both mentioned in the sequel, Martin Campbell: Pirate King. (Fun fact: When Fortune Lover's first trailer came out in 2014, a lot of people even thought that Maria was Martin in disguise in a midquel game.) Eventually, when the DLC started rolling out, the first was Golden Sands, set in his usual place of berth, the eponymous island, and it was revealed he had only disappeared nine years prior, which was when Maria's father had left. This was all speculation for the longest time, until the databook revealed this was always the lead writer's plan, with the Pirate's Promise DLC having been planned to be the sequel until the studio came in and ordered Mysteries in the Magical Ministry, which did... Alright, but was not as well received as Pirate's Promise, which is currently being made into its own spinoff series. TL;DR - Ai Fortuna Software was originally a pirate game company and Fortune Lover was written by a pirate series writer, so the fans immediately latched onto the pirate game parts because of the fact that it was a loving continuation of a beloved series. marikata9430 Also because Romanceable Pirate Captain Katarina. marisofilove2020 Definitely because Pirate Captain Katarina. marydeservesbetter Lots of people thirsting for Katarina even in an old uniform and bandages and a legitimate development history lesson for the series. Fortune Lover fandom, never change.
Fortune Lover Databook
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From Left to Right: Sophia Ascart, Katarina Claes, and Mary Hunt as they appeared in the first poster for Fortune Lover that portrayed the rivals.
Fortune Fact: While Sophia Ascart and Mary Hunt were officially named at the time of the first poster of the rivals being released, they and Katarina Claes, at the time named Tatiana Terni, did not, at the time, have any set personalities, leading to a lot of fans to start to speculate. Many had naturally guessed that Tatiana would be the primary antagonist, and there had actually been some suspicion that Sophia was actually a ghost, and that Mary was secretly in love with Maria and would be a capture target. There was also a lot of speculation that Tatiana would be revealed to be a pirate or at least affiliated with them due to her being a Terni.
Bonus Fortune Fact: Fans of the Martin Campbell series had quickly taken notice of Tatiana's surname, as well as Maria's own, which is believed to be the reason why studio heads told the creator to rename Tatiana, to avoid any further incorrect announcements on fansites that this was a Martin Campbell game.
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Pictured: Maria Campbell's main character reference for sprites.
Fortune Fact: Maria Campbell's signature attire was the result of a massive server crash at Ai Fortuna Software's main office, which included Keith's original design from when he was Noelia Flores's twin, grey-haired Geordo, and Sophia With Glasses. Initially, Maria's hair had sea shells, in place of flowers, and her dress was originally navy blue, with black boots with brass buckles, and a similarly colored belt and the bow around her neck was originally a black neckerchief, all of which were meant to call to mind Captain Natalia, who wore green and had an unbuttoned greatcoat, but otherwise wore similar attire. This was likely what contributed to the fan believe that she was secretly Martin.
Excerpt from an interview with Maria Campbell's voice actress:
Interviewer: So, you said that you once met the English voice actress for Maria at a convention, and that the two of you are friends. Have the two of you ever noticed any similar issues that you have to deal with when playing Maria? Since the DLCs tend to get delayed elsewhere, I presume that she doesn't have to clear her schedule as often as you do for them...
MVA: *chuckles* No, she doesn't have to deal with that, but one thing we both learned is that we're both big fans of the first Martin Campbell game.
Interviewer: Really?
MVA: Yeah, so we both had the same issue, which was that this is an Ai Fortuna game, and the main character's last name is Campbell, so of course we both did the read with Maria using what the Director to this day calls "Martin Voices" whenever I do it.
Interviewer: Martin Voices?
MVA: Martin speaks differently to different people in the game, using Yamanote most of the time because that's what Natalia taught him. When he's really angry, though, he slips into his native Kyushu. In America, he usually uses RP British, but slips into some other British accent that I honestly don't remember the name of at the moment for the life of me. Martin voices are us copying that, even though Maria is supposed to talk more in a Shitamachi dialect in Japanese and a more "standardized" American accent that I also can't recall the entire time.
Interviewer: How did that work out?
MVA: If you go online and look up "Martin's Daughter Scary Flirts" or "British Maria Flirts With Katarina" online, you can see how the fans reacted to the released recordings of either of our slip-ups... I think someone actually animated the English one to include a kiss. But yeah, we both went in under the understanding that her missing dad was actually Martin, and now with all the DLCs out, we know we're right.
Excerpt from an Interview with Katarina's Voice Actress:
Interviewer: What are your thoughts on all those pirate DLC sets?
KVA: I love them! Katarina is romanceable in all of them, I get to have her treat people in ways never seen before, and I get to play my favorite type of character: A pirate. She's good at it, too.
Interviewer: Any favorite additions to the cast?
KVA: Pretty much all of them to be honest.
Interviewr: All of them?
KVA: Yep, every foreign exchange student, every citizen, and especially every member of the crew.
Interviewer: If you had to choose, though?'
KVA: That's a tough one. *pauses in thought* I guess Anne takes the lead, with Martin Campbell, Maria's dad, taking a reasonably solid second place for nostalgia’s sake. Anne gives Katarina someone to bounce off when she's not talking to Maria. But yeah. Pirate Katarina remains my favorite setting, so I might be biased...
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doe-prince · 11 months
Hi ratt, I popped in from the GS discord!
A question: where do you get your inspirations for the initial worlds/premise(s) of your comic works? Namely GS, I guess, but others too. Is it a specific few things or do you draw from more broad sources?
2: Do you have any advice on following through with said concepts to a full or consistent execution? I’m always stuck in the shiny new idea phase :/
Sorry I worded that weird but hopefully you get me. Keep up the stellar work please. I’m a big fan! ❤️
Hello hi!
I honestly don't know, sometimes a theme or thought starts haunting me and I need to make something out of it before it runs me insane. One photo can fuel the whole project, I think something like that happened with Corpse - photos of sheep with livestock guardians, the design of anti-wolf collar, religious imagery and upbringing being hacked into the back of my mind. For GS especially, a secret: I'm just into writing characters. The world, logics, customs, even the plot come later, and even those I like to keep vague to a degree. I think about what kind of characters I want to write about, and then what kind of events would bring their most interesting parts to surface. Godly missions with high stakes are just a stage for me to write about siblings with multiple issues and big bleeding hearts.
2. I can't offer smart advice, but if you want to try it like I usually do, just hold your nose and jump in. I often get incredibly invested in those shiny ideas, but if I notice I take too long to get into them or start planning too much, they fade. They're not shiny anymore, and if they're not shiny, I don't want to work on them.
I came up, scripted and drew Corpse in one month because I was so excited. I started GS with very little lore in my head, just because I wanted to test the art style and get to know my characters, and here we are five years later. (This choice has bit me in the ass a few times because the foundation was barely there, and despite me having a lot more knowledge and lore in my head now, I still have to build on the foundation ignorant little ratt made back then. It's wobbly! But with a bit of sneakiness and torturous brainwork you can always flesh it out later and make it carry its weight.)
Obviously just jumping in doesn't work for everyone, especially if you're a planning kind of person unlike me, but it might give you a kick to get truly invested. And when you're invested, you want to work on it to see where those characters go. You want to take them to the end and tell them they did a great job.
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daybreakrising · 8 months
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i wanted to expand on a few ideas i've had regarding a couple of people that have played an important role in his life & the impact they've had on him. fayetta is based on canon & thierry is of my own creation.
fayetta is the name of the melusine who helped young wrio when he was on the streets. this is the (canonically unnamed) melusine mentioned in his character story 3 lore, who originally gave him hot soup.
as mentioned in my headcanon regarding his love of tea [found here], fayetta didn't stop at the soup. feeling pity for the scrawny boy covered in bruises and, in her opinion, far too thin for her liking, she decided to keep an eye on him where she could. it was fayetta who first introduced the young wrio to tea, bringing him a flask which he then savoured for many days, taking rationed sips long after it had gone cold. when wrio tracked fayetta down to return her flask and shyly ask for more, she happily obliged. she would frequently make routine trips to his usual haunts, always with a fresh flask of hot tea to give him.
this experience not only sparked wrio's love for tea, but his love for melusines also. her kindness was some light during one of the darkest times of his life and he treasures those memories. to this day, he visits fayetta when he can and sends her frequent gifts (commonly new blends of tea). she always insists on making him soup to take back to the fortress with him, and has even visited him at work on a few occasions.
thierry was a former convict who served his time in the fortress during the first five years of wrio's sentence. an older man with a gruff personality and little patience for most people, he was once a professional fighter. after witnessing a teenage wrio get into a couple of scraps with some of the more unpleasant inmates, and recognising the youngster's unresolved anger, he decided to take the boy under his wing and give him an outlet for his rage.
thus, wrio learned how to box. thierry coached him, trained him, and was ruthless about it. he expected full dedication if he was going to give this boy his time - and wrio did not disappoint. after a few years of unrelenting training, he turned the street-brawler into a skilled, disciplined fighter who would later go on to be unmatched in the ring.
wrio owes much to thierry, and views him as something almost akin to a father figure (though he'd never tell him that). not only did the old man give him a healthy means of expressing his more volatile emotions, a safe space to vent his frustrations and his stresses, but he also introduced wrio to music (and dancing, though wrio keeps this a secret). he believes he wouldn't be half the man he is now without thierry's guidance in those early years.
when thierry's sentence was up and he was set to be released, he made wrio promise to keep up his training - and told him to come find him in the overworld some day. he gave what possessions he had in the fortress to wrio, including his boxing gear, and told the now-nineteen year old to never stop believing in himself. wrio never forgot those words, and he still has the old man's boxing gear stored in his office.
wrio did find thierry in the overworld once - just after his ascension to administrator of the fortress. he tracked the old man to a small cottage, sitting alone in the belleau region. thierry welcomed him in and listened with pride as wrio told him of his new position & the plans he had for the fortress. he was even prouder still when wrio recounted his success in the ring and even jokingly suggested they go a round to really test if he was as good as he said. as the years had not been kind to thierry, wrio refused, claiming he couldn't have his reputation ruined by having his ass handed to him by an old man. they both knew he was sparing the old man's pride out of love. they parted ways, wrio promising to visit again when he could.
unfortunately, thierry would pass not long after that reunion. wrio will visit the old man's grave whenever he can, and always fills him in on what's been going on in his life. he attributes his fighting prowess and style to thierry, whose insistence that dance would improve his footwork led to the stylistic twirls and deft agility prominent in wrio's combat skills. to this day, wrio keeps up his dedicated training in honour of thierry's memory.
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1000punks · 7 months
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i know these are low quality but i play bg3 on a ps5, not pc. all i have is shitty phone photos of my tav. hahah
lore dump under the cut, if you want to miss it, nbd.
this is Festé, my non-binary tiefling ranger.
they used to have long hair but chopped it off because of the Troubles (act 3). in the canon-matrix i have created for them (hahahah) they keep their hair long but usually done up in a braid. kind of plain, to be honest. if it were an option in bg3 i would have had them in long anime girl hair. this picrew is closer to the vision i originally had for them:
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(i also have fanart of them i drew but i can't find it rip)
they are one of my retired 5e characters and their backstory is a little chaotic, lots of retcons and parallel timelines because my dm never lets us have an easy game. basically, there was this sorceress that it took us five (oog) years to get a party together and beat, because people kept either leaving, moving or their pc died in game. it was a homebrew, so a lot of wacky things happened.
they're non-binary- mostly because they cannot really be bothered with gender when there's a weapon to wield and a potential friend in distress.
on that note, it was actually everyone around them who starting referring to them with neutral pronouns. they just... never made a definitive claim of being one gender or another. one pc in a former campaign (a centaur barbarian named Basios) once referred to them as "my non-descript friend!" and that was hilarious, and it also stuck.
it's canon based on past 5e campaigns that they don't like elves. they have a secret hate-on for elves. so maybe a certain pale elf has something to do with that- we may never know.
they have a husband and an adopted kid in one of those timelines.
i recently resurrected them to play through the netherdeep campaign with a new group.
i'm inserting their adventures in baldur's gate as what they were up to before they met their husband.
their husband is a lawful evil wizard named Mordren who loves living in a cave and murdering people who enter the cave.
Festé was the only other person besides him to walk out of that cave alive, uwu.
in bg3 canon (my save file), they're an Astarion truther and definitely have carried the "i can fix him" torch for a long time.
they're a bit of a happy dumbass, and they don't talk a lot.
it's hard to get them riled up, as it were. they're a relatively calm, accepting and objective person.
the only thing they're really scared of is losing someone they've made a connection with.
they have had a lot of lovers but they're not the type to make a big deal of it. everyone was someone they loved fully and in a respectable way.
they're the character that is most like me, in a way. i played them really honestly in bg3 to how i would respond to a lot of the dialogue. so in a sense, not a lot of role play was going on in their run.
after the events of baldur's gate, they'll probably go on to have some more small adventures before the big encounter with the sorceress i mentioned. i would say during the events of the bg3 they'd be roughly 26-27, and they were 32-33 during the sorceress campaign.
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sabraeal · 10 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤️
This is always the toughest because I have written over 100 fics (much more, if you count the ones in collections) and I truly do love pretty much all of them. I think I will keep this to Obiyuki fics I really found technically difficult, and creatively satisfying!
All Pain Will Turn To Medicine Joanna likes to refer to this as "as close a crossover between Jen's obiyuki fic and original writing as she can come and still call it fanfic" which is absolutely correct, since this fic require making an ENTIRE CAST of OCs to support the premise of "Obi and Shirayuki grow up as childhood friends in the canon universe." I worked on mainly original writing before I started posting fic, so I delight in making characters and then convincing people to care about them, sometimes even against their will.
And That's the Reason We Need Lips So Much Written for the VERY FIRST Obiyukiweek back in 2016, I had been talking about doing something just like this since I pretty much started posting Seven Suitors. Sorata has a love of taking tropes an twisting them, and I thought the "true love's kiss/kiss of life" would be a hilarious one to tackle because...CPR usually ends with vomiting and cracked ribs. I had to do some really in-depth research into the mechanism of hemlock poisoning, since there is no actual known cure, and make up a very convincing one for Shirayuki to discover-- half the reason U started writing fic for this fandom was because I had professional biology knowledge, I wasn't gonna handwave it!
Creatures of a Brief Season Like All Pain, this was for the first AU bingo we ever ran, and I was using a bunch of ideas we had all come up with almost six months earlier on the obiyuki server we had at the time. I'd been so taken with the idea of doing a retelling with daemons, especially with Shirayuki having a daemon that settled late, and Obi having a the witch's tether for his daemon...the biggest hurdle was hoping that I'd done the whole concept justice. It was a LOT of pressure, but it remains one of my favorite fics.
Family, Duty, Honor A Song of Ice and Fire is possibly one of my favorite fantasy series of all time (the show....exists), so when this showed up on my bingo board a few years ago I was ECSTATIC. I had many, MANY ideas for a long-form series that would involve SECRET PARENTAGE and POLITICAL INTRIGUE, and probably DRAGONS, but since it was just for bingo, I wanted it to focus on Obi & Shirayuki...and thus we started at the Fake Marriage, Real Baby plot 🤣 ASoIaF is very densely packed with lore and I wanted to keep this fic the same way...but also make it readable to those who do not shove themselves face first into 800 page fantasy novels. It was a balancing act that I feel like I ultimately got; there's lots of little hints left for fans of the series, but it's enjoyable to people who aren't!
A Color By Any Other Name I had been talking about writing a fic like this for YEARS before I got to sit down and write it; I was initially hesitant because sometimes relatively benign disabilities like colorblindness are used more as like...entertainment in fic, either just as jokes or something to be fixed by the end of the narrative. And my philosophy is always that if I am going to include and experience in a fic-- whether it be something playing a tabletop game, or experiencing grief-- it should feel relatable to a person who has experienced it. So if I wanted to write someone discovering their colorblindness (based more than a little off a close friend's experience in college), I didn't want the colorblindness to be the punchline. In the end I had more than a couple people mention they had read it out to colorblind boyfriends/husbands who had also thought it was funny, so I'm pretty happy with how it turned out!
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hai hai haiii it's been sosoos long :((
life has been..... intense heh but i'm okay now!! i remember that the last thing you posted was that cute oneshot of our wr!binnie and the bestest autumn and the stress about their wedding!! and i loved it so much!! i keep coming to re read wereroomies all the time because i truly enjoy how you created their little world, and also because it's a great inspiration!! the last instalement i read was the one about hyunlix and moss because i really really miss them :(
but it's okay. i'm really curious about the boys you haven't posted about in that universe, and also about second and even third parts to some of the fics (even if they're standalones i'm super invested and it feels like the kind of series where every episode has its own story but somehow when you put them all together you see the development and... i just need more kajhkajshaks)
i won't ask for spoilers of your top secret wr!projects on docs (👀) buuut i'll sit here and wait for the next update. i was thinking about coming off anon too akjshkajsd (could you guess who am i??) but for the mean time, are there any of your fav works you would recommend rn? no context, just fun. the ones you have a great memory of, or you're really proud about
have a super super nice day rhythm, - ❤️‍🩹 anon
hi hi hi!!
i'm glad you're okay now! and i hope it continues being that way💜
makes my heart warm to think that you come and reread wereroomies often. it's still shocking to me that people do that sdkjnskjdnfsd
i think that's actually a good way to describe the structure of wereroomies... "a series where every episode has its own story but somehow when you put them all together you see the development", i like that~
i can't wait for the day i get to show you all all the stuff that's partially cooked in my docs jkdfnskjdfn i always wonder how y'all would feel with the storylines and personalities i've given to the other boys... but since i've been struggling to write these days, i'm just taking my time, so i won't be able to share anything any time soon i think ):
as for coming off anon... do what's most comfortable for you!
it's hard for me to figure out who's an anon unless they make it really really obvious, so i've got no idea honestly skdjfhnsjfdn
and finally, recommendations... i think Safe Haven is one of the pieces i'm most proud of. i poured a lot of love and work into it. it's something that still makes me smile when i think about anything related to it (be it the characters or the lore or the story itself...). i'm glad i got to rework it last year so i could make it an even better version of itself. i think it's a fun read for anyone that enjoys long stories that involve fantasy and that bit of sci-fi.
also, Five-Point Star is another one i'm proud of. especially the second part. i just loved coming up with it sdkjsdf
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27-royal-teas · 3 months
hi Lily!!!!! <33
🧃 : share some personal, never before-heard lore!
hmm. tbh im pretty open book on this blog. ive probably shared way more than is safe for me to share and I definitely should tone it down. I think in this question they want you to show some dark secret but I dont have any of those because im bad at keeping secrets. anyway last year my best friend and I went to three different concerts together : the head and the heart, fall out boy, and all time low. it was the best time of my life. at all time low they played our song and i almost took a shot in the dark and kissed her but instead i continued to be a coward and didn’t do anything and then she sends me texts analyzing the way i walk and then ghosts me for weeks. anyway i also like adeles music a lot, rumor has it fucks hard
🕯️: on a scale of 1-10, how much do you enjoy editing + why?
8? It’s fine. usually i edit as i go. I reread my stuff pretty frequently when im in the process of writing it but sometimes it can get to the point where I over edit and then i dont like it anymore. It’s why i really need a beta but there’s no way im telling my best friend i write middle aged band men rpf. i dont personally mind editing its just sometimes i get sick of looking at my own writing 
🔪: weirdest topic researched for a writing project? 
I used to write a lot of umbrella academy fanfiction specifically five-centric angst (he’s my favorite guy, of course i had to torture him). of course, this resulted in me searching fun stuff on my school computer like ‘how long does it take for someone to die of electrocution’ and ‘can someone live from a bullet to the chest’ and ‘how much blood is in the human body’. you know, fun things like that. i also had to search up the year pete wentz got divorced for a recent wip which made me feel like a major stalker 
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loremastering · 4 months
History and ongoing (Daerhovan)
main bio
Arc 1: The Call
Age 0 - 300
Born to Gaelwen and Losdirith of Lothlorien. The youngest and last in a brood of three, who included: his twin sisters Lossenduin and Lossenth, and elder brother, Haldor. Both parents SIlvan elves, though Gaelwen has a trace of prominent Sindar, and perhaps Teleri in her bloodline, hence why her daughters and youngest son have silver-ish hair. His father and brother perished in an ambush from Goblins while they scouted for threats in the Dimril Dale. A devastated Gaelwen was terrified of losing her only surviving son, prompting her to keep Daerhovan shut inside Caras Galadhon for many years. He being a naturally curious and adventurous child, felt hemmed in and suffered severe restlessness and wanderlust. Had mixed feelings of resentment and understanding pity for his mother. Didn’t suffer the same grief, as he hadn’t known his father and brother for very long. 
Often got into trouble, and his twin sisters and family friends managed to convince Gaelwen to let her son see more of the world. Or at least the rest of Lothlorien. Her only condition was to have her, or someone else constantly watch over him. Managed to sneak out of their flet one night by himself. Got as far as the borders of Thinglad before meeting a falcon. Not unusual, except that this falcon had an ethereal glow about it, and the boy could see trees through it’s transparent body. Entranced, he watched as the falcon seemed to bade him to follow it, but it fled as he was found and scolded harshly by Lossenduin, who was out on a patrol. Grounded by Gaelwen for at least a month. Went out and about within Lothlorien a lot, and was trusted enough in time to go out on his own. His favorite places were Cerin Amroth and the banks of the Anduin. Desired to explore the more wilder corners of the region. 
                  As he approached his teens (for an elf), was pressed into finding an occupation by his family. Opted to become a vine tender for five years, but the work became too mundane and repetitive after awhile. Began to have an interest in botany and wildlife. Orthir, the scholar of the trees, offered to take Daerhovan under his wing as an apprentice of sorts. Taught him much about these subjects. Daerhovan’s brother in-law, Lerdil taught him about herb lore alongside Orthir. Love for the natural world grew. Learns about how to hear and feel the thoughts of trees by the whisper of their leaves and the creaking of their branches. Mallorns are easy to understand and speak freely, as they have a symbiotic relationship with the elves here. Others who live on the borders are quieter. Orthir and Arasdil take him into the Great River region through Limlight Gorge, the edge of Fangorn Forest, to an area where elves have historically been known to converse with the ents there. Strangely, no ents show themselves. Meets the ghostly falcon again one night, who bids him to follow again. Makes it to the borders of The Great River region, where signs of strife from Easterlings and the Eotheod stain the land. Despite the bird seemingly calling him to continue from within, he turns back. Becomes more proficient at herb/plant lore over the years. Learns the art of healing, the elven magic associated with those who become sole healers growing within him. 
Arc 2: Forests of Secrets.
Age 300 - 310. 
Daerhovan wishes to move out of Lothlorien entirely and see the rest of Middle Earth on his own. Gaelwen absolutely forbids this. Remembering what happened the last time her family went outside the borders. It takes almost a year of convincing and coaxing, and promises of visits, to persuade her to let her son go. 
He heads south into Thinglad to search for the ethereal falcon again, but it doesn’t show itself. Daerhovan opts to head into LimLight Gorge again to seek out any ents as his mentors did long ago, but still no tree herders show either. Frustrated, he decides to take a boat across the Anduin into Mirkwood, thinking to go find his sister. Is dismayed at the state of which he finds it. The wilting and darkened trees hardly speak, and in pain when they do. What wildlife remains is corrupted or sick. On edge and lost, he stays in Mirkwood but stays close to the river as he travels northward. To his relief the blight gives way to greener, healthier vegetation and environment. Climbing one of the bigger trees in the area for a good vantage point; his elven sight perceives vast swards of green hills dotted with wildflowers, the looming Misty Mountains, and dense, ancient forests. Excited and recovered from the dreary forests behind him, he feels fired up with a sense of adventure. During a jaunt he comes across a maddened huorn, angered and corrupted by the blight to the south. Daerhovan tries to calm it, but his efforts are in vain as the huorn swipes a sharp branch at him, slicing his abdomen open. 
 But it doesn’t stay to finish him, lumbering off into the dark recess of the forest instead. Near death until the Brown Wizard, Radagast, finds him. The wizard takes pity on the young ellon and brings him to Rhosgobel. Works tirelessly to heal the elf. His efforts work, and Daerhovan begins to mend. Radagast observes him attempting to speak to the wildlife that often visit the wizard’s hut, and sees how he delights in their company, offering to teach the young elf about animal lore, to which Daerhovan agrees. For four years Daerhovan learns much about the nature of wild animals, though his skills in communication and understanding are yet to be perfected. The elf manages to befriend an Indigo Bunting, the songbird seeming to have taken a special interest in him. He wishes to find the huorn that attacked him, but Radagast disagrees; teaching him that beings in a maddened state are often unreachable. 
               Daerhovan takes his leave of Radagast. He heads to the Misty Mountains, traveling across their mighty passes and down into Dunland, where he then enters into the new kingdom of Rohan. (shortly before his sojourn to the south, his bunting friend passed from natural causes. Daerhovan kept three feathers from it to wear in his own hair, as a reminder of those days.) Develops his plant and animal speaking/understanding skills more. Finds that birds are easier to talk to than most mammals, (as he found out with the bunting) and delights in their songs. Understanding reptiles, fish, and insects seems to require deeper knowledge, if they choose to communicate at all. 
Arc 3 : Pilgrim.
Age: 310 - 600
Returns to Rohan to explore the region of Wildermore during a return visit to Lothlorien. He gets wind of a monstrous bear that’s been stalking the village of Dunfast for months. Wanting to help, he encounters the bear, and commands the creature to find new hunting grounds, though not without some trouble as the bear proves to be a stubborn one, but it gets the message eventually. When the village learns of this,  they hail him as a hero, and invite him to stay with them for a time. Learns westron mostly from the Rohirrim and the wild men of Laerlad when he travels back to Lothlorien to visit family.
Quietly observes the new kingdom of Rohan build their places of cities and farms, and keeps out of sight. The only time people see him is in the shadows, before he’s gone in a whisper. Admires their respect and love for horses. Wanders northwards towards Dunland and Enedwaith. 
             The Long Winter slams most of the northern and central parts of Middle Earth. His family pleads with him to return, but Daerhovan can’t bear to leave those who may need his help. Aids animal and person alike, establishes his own little sanctuary in a remote corner of Dunland. Sends courier ravens to his family to reassure them he’s safe. Hears rumors about the strife going on between the Rohirrim and Dunlendings, but doesn’t pay any mind to it. Once the Winter lessens it’s grip, swiftly leaves the region, heading further up Eriador. 
                   During his wanderings in the north, he often keeps to himself. The only company he keeps are with animals. Observes the going ons of towns, but from a good distance. His love for the natural world and his deeds in maintaining it and exploring keep him isolated from people for centuries. Because of this he becomes almost starved for interaction, though he doesn’t know how to go about it.
Arc 4: War of the Ring
Age: 600 - 620
Begins to notice that the wilderness seems hostile more than usual, and blights begin to appear in some corners of the wild. Ancient feuds that have lain dormant begin to re-emerge. Aids the elves of Edhelion in confirming the rumors that a wicked dwarf called Skorgrim who ravaged the area 3000 years ago has gained the means to return. Does his part in helping to rid the wicked dwarf, even if his part was but little. The growing corruption of woods and other wild areas alarms him enough that he forces himself to head into towns to ask inquiries of the going ons. His travels eventually lead him to Angmar, where he does what he can to help the people of Aughaire and the surrounding hill men villages not hostile to outsiders. While he’s able to pass the watching stones of the Rammas, finds that the further he gets to Carn Dum, the worse he feels, in both mind and body. The cries of mangled and blighted trees become too much, and he has to turn back. 
Though he feels useless about not being there to help bring down Mordirith, he’s glad that this land is finally free of him. He travels eastward for a time, thinking to investigate the Iron garrisons efforts in reclaiming Moria. He never thought to explore the lost dwaven mansions, but his heart is struck by wonder at the crafstmanship of the dwarves, and the thrill of being in such a large abandoned place filled with secrets thrills him. His amazement is cut short however, as the elves of his homeland begin to assault Dol-Guldur. Seeing an opportunity to return there to see to the blight on the land, he joins the Golden Host on their plan. (Doesn’t tell his family anything of this, of course.) Along the way he meets a fiery dwarf who accompanies him on forays and reconnaissance missions. The dwarf gets injured after a failed one, and Daerhovan tends to him, though it turns out him is actually a her. Awkwardness ensues as he does his best to tend to wounds in the dwarrowdams chest and flank regions. Confused when she starts to become a little intimate with him, but the closeness and touch of another is intoxicating after so many years alone, and he lets her. They part ways soon after, though Daerhovan thinks of her, from time to time. After the campaign, he journeys across the misty mountains. Rescues an abandoned lynx cub, whom he tends to, and attempts to teach about how to live in the wild. But the feline grows attached to him, and while she’s often away on hunts or other lynx stuff, always comes back to the ellon’s side. 
Meets the Dwarrowdam again during an assault from bandits in Bree-Land. Learns her bame: Badari. Who happens to be the leader of a group of travelling Dwarrowdams, with some other races sprinkled in. Befriends many of them to his great surprise, as they seem to be accepting of his social awkwardness and mannerisms. Some are still close friends to this present day. As the party journeys through Dunland and throughout Rohan, Badari and Daerhovan grow closer, and Badari declares her intentions to Daerhovan. Conflicted at first, as relationships between dwarf and elf in this way seem unheard of. But a desire to experience a romantic relationship motivates him to accept her intentions. They make love to one another after an intense battle in Gondor, and declare themselves married in the elven tradition. Sauron falls soon after, and the pair and what remains of their party explore Mordor.
Daerhovan feels something similar to what he felt back in Angmar as he tries to cross the swamps of Arganaith, but on a much more intense scale. He becomes moody, and then dangerously despondent. To save himself he stays back in Minas Tirith for a time, before feeling well enough to travel north. During this time, many friends part ways with him as they desire to go home and stay/take care of their families, or start their own lives now that the war has ended. Daerhovan greatly misses them. He and Badari help the Northlands with little and big troubles here and there. Falls in love with the Ered Mithrin during his first visit ever to the region. Has to almost be physically pulled away from dangerous ruins that he years to explore and study. 
~ Start of roleplayed history ~
He and Badari decide to stay in a little cottage in the Dale Lands after their adventures in the mountains. But he can’t stay in one place for too long, and often goes wandering nearby, while the dwarrowdam visits her home in Erebor more often. Learns that she’s having trouble with her parents accepting her back after the war, and tries his best to comfort her. More weeks go by, and he see’s less and less of her. They begin to wander together less as he travels to the Morgul vale and more of northwestern Rhovanion. Eventually he receives no word from her. is scared at first, but connections reassure her she’s alive. In his heart, Daerhovan begins to question their relationship...
- Meets Eruingil in Falathlorn, escorts her to Dulliond. 
- Makes a visit to Lothlorien. Meets Gallorith and Elgaladwen before heading back to Eriador.
. Meets Ilost in Thorin’s Hall while on a request to investigate strange wildlife happenings in the Vale of Thrain.
- Heads back eastward. Gets clawed by Verya on the arm when he accidentally triggered her possessive instincts while eating a kill. Meets Saelorn in Falathlorn, who helps to bandage his arm. Stays with the ellon through the night.
- Meets Ilost again in Andrath, who helps to redress his bandages. 
- Meets Ilost for the third time in the Angle of Mitheithel. From here they travel around the eastern reaches of Eriador. Accepts a kiss from him in the heat of the moment before shame makes him back off. Parts ways with a little bit after. (how they did needed)
-  Gets a request by the mayor of Bree to investigate strange activity in the Old Forest (in which he rejects the offer later because it’s the Old Forest of course its weird.) Reunites with Eruingil in the Prancing Pony and meets Nimardril and Deamhan.
- Meets Nimardril again while once again back in Celondim. Agrees to travel with her for a time. Is there for her when she divorces from her ex husband and continues to travel with her. They cross the Brandywine, only for them to be stalked by a woman named Ogborg, and waylaid by none other than Nimardrils’ uncle. Helps to clear up a weighty misunderstanding. They continue to journey to where Nimardril once saw strange water in Yondershire, but nothing out of the ordinary is seen when they finally reach it. They head towards Imladris after, where they part ways. 
- Heads to Hrimbarg in an attempt to study the old fort before newly arrived bands of dwarves can accidentally sully relics. Waylaid by a fellowship to slay a dragon and feels compelled to join in their quest to Angmar. Meets Meneladir, Ellathos, Barnisk, Aipiolohte, and Leodain. Reunites with Eruingil. Had seen Gelirn once before a long time ago, but does not remember him. Hopes Badari and his family will forgive him should he not make it. 
- Reunites with Nimardril after the quest. They decide to go on a quest of their own, albeit with less attempted dragonslaying, through the Misty Mountains. Greatly enjoys his time with her as they trek through the Vales and Eryn Lasgalen. Wants to get to know her more, though the shadow of his waning feelings for Badari overcasts him. Realizes how long he’s been away from her. 
. Reaches the outskirts of Dale with Nimardril. Reunites with Ilost, in disguise and true identity unknown to Nim. He regretfully goes inside the Jolly Bell with them for a drink, until he makes known his desire to travel to Erebor.
- Sunders his relationship with Badari. Realizing that their romance was born out of a desperation on his part to know intimacy before the world ended, when it looked like Sauron would gain the upper hand, and that he hasn’t been able to feel anything deeper for her after the Dark Lord’s fall. But will always love her in another way. Returns to Dale with Ilost while Nimardril gathers supplies for their journey. Asks Ilost to come with them, and he agrees.
- Travels with the two for a bit into the Ered Mithrin before Nimardril expresses a desire to leave. Very saddened by this, but he lets her go. He and Ilost continue on to Stormwall.
- Joins with Ilost intimately. Not sure where their relationship is headed, but wanting to stay and let love grow between them, if it can.
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