#man this is making me think ab all my ships n damn. no one can be happy
callsign-magnolia · 2 years
I Hope You Dance // Ch. 43
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A/N: This is cross posted to my Wattpad, so if this seems familiar that is why!
TW: Mental abuse, emotional abuse, slight physical abuse, death and loss. VIOLENCE this chapter is especially violent so please be cautious when reading!
Description: When Caila meets Rooster, sparks fly. But, she's already married, to a man who she thought loved her, and won't let her go. Rooster will fight for her, he just has to convince Caila to fight for herself.
Word Count: 6.2k
Chapter 42 | Masterlist
After a few minutes of him holding me, I pulled back. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming home? Especially early.” He sighed, leaning down to grab his bag. “We had to go dark after our last call. But Mav found out we were coming back early and sent Bob to get me.” I smiled. “That’s why he sprinted out the door without an explanation.” He nodded. “Well I’m making lunch right now, fried chicken salads with homemade ranch.” He hummed, resting his forehead on mine. “That sounds like heaven.” I nodded, reaching for the bag strap but he stopped me. “Come on. I’ll toss this in the washer while you go shower.” He shook his head. “Showered before I got off the ship earlier, so I just need to change clothes. How about you make lunch while I toss this in the washer, then I’ll change and we can eat.” I nodded, smiling widely. “Okay.” He went to walk by me when I stopped him, grabbing his glove clad hand. “Damn, you really do look good in your dress whites.” I said as I ran my hand down his chest. “Just a few minutes, pretty girl and I’ll give you all the attention you want.” He said before placing a kiss to my forehead. I held his hand as we walked into the kitchen, not letting go when he made the turn to go into the laundry room.
“Mags?” I hummed as he looked down at me. “You have to let go of my hand.” He said as a grin threatened to split his face in two. “Hm, but I really don’t want to.” He just chuckled, gently kissing my forehead before dropping my hand. I went back to the counter, chopping veggies while Bradley went upstairs to change. He looked absolutely dreamy in his dress whites; it made me giddy to think that’s what he’ll be wearing as we stood on opposite ends of the aisle. I was startled by arms wrapping around my waist, a bare chest pressed against my back. “Looks delicious.” He whispered in my ear, pressing a kiss to the back of my head. He pulled away and I felt his fingers in my hair. I cringed and pulled away. “Please don’t.” He pulled his fingers from my hair, wrapping it back around my waist. “I’m sorry, I just forgot you had some hair pulled out.” I nodded with a sigh. “I just hope it grows back in time for the wedding.” He pressed his lips to the back of my head and I could feel the smile on his face. “I’m sure it will, and if not, you’ll still look beautiful.” I couldn’t hold back the grin on my face. “Thank you, honey.” He squeezed me one more time before the oven beeped and Rooster pulled the croutons from the oven. “Homemade?” I nodded. “Yeah, in order to save money for the wedding I changed up the grocery list a little. So the bread is homemade, I buy our eggs from one of the guys on base. Him and his wife have a shit ton of chickens. Um, I try to buy as much as possible on sale. I stock up on veggies, slice them and freeze them.”
He smiled at me as he leaned against the counter, his arms crossed over his broad chest. I finished chopping everything and placed it in bowls before turning to him. “You hit the gym more often?” I noticed his arms were a little bigger and his abs more defined. “It was the only thing that kept my mind busy when I wasn’t doing paper work.” I nodded, admiring him. He was shirtless with a pair of basketball shorts on. I met his eyes to see he was staring at the right side of my face, my stomach rolling. “Come here.” He grabbed my hips, lifting me onto the counter. He spread my legs to stand between them, his hands creeping up the side of my ribs. “I missed you so much, pretty girl.” He said as his nose nudged mine. “Oh, I missed you too, Roo.” He smiled, his lips molding against mine. My arms wrapped around his neck as his crept up my back. I knew I missed him, but now, with his lips against mine it was like the other half of my heart had come home. His tongue licked my bottom lip, coercing me to open my mouth. Our tongues clashed as a sigh escaped me. He moved from my lips, opting to kiss across my right cheek, his lips ghosting over the bruises before he leaned down to my neck, licking it. “Bradley.” I sighed as I pulled him closer if possible. “Fuck, I’ve missed those little noises you make for me.” I smiled as one of my hands found its way into his hair. Soon he pulled away and kissed me one more time. “I see your hair got a little longer.” He said as he twirled some of it. “Yeah, I’m trying to grow it out.” He grinned at me, kissing my nose. “Short or long, I think you look beautiful.” A blush crept up my cheeks as I giggled.
“I can’t wait to see the venue.” I gasped in excitement. “Yeah? We can go tomorrow! I can call Margaret and let her know!” He smiled at me as his grip around me tightened. “Mm, We both have some time off work for a few weeks. Let’s hold off till Monday. I just wanna keep you in my arms for the weekend.” He whispered as he rested his forehead on mine. “I like the sound of that.” He smiled, kissing me again. “Alright, I’m hungry and you know what? It’s nice outside so let’s go sit on the deck.” He said as he clapped his hands together, rubbing them. “Well, you might wanna go see your girls first. They’re out back.” He smiled, stepping away and helping me off the counter. I swung the back door open to see both dogs sunbathing on their backs. “Girls.” I called and no one moved. “Daddy’s home.” Immediately they both flipped over, looking at us almost to see if I was lying. But as soon as they caught sight of him, they were off. They rushed over as he sat on the floor, Sadie leaping into his lap as Dahlia all but tackled him. “Hi girls!” He cooed, pulling them both close. Kissing their heads as they licked his face, “Okay, gross! Stop!” He laughed out. They backed up just enough for him to give them love individually. “And you.” He said as he grabbed Dahlia’s collar, pulling her closer. “I owe you a lot big girl.” He said as he pressed a kiss to the bridge of her nose. “She is missing a tooth but that’s okay.” I said as I crouched down next to him.
Loud barking from Bradley’s lap caught my attention. “Yes, little girl. You did good too!” I said as I picked her up, nuzzling her fur. “She laid in front of me after he ran out. I thought she was gonna take down the officer when he rushed in.” Bradley chuckled, petting her. I put Sadie down and we went back inside to finish the food. We grabbed our plates going outside, he took one side of the small table and as I walked past him, “Oh no.” He said before wrapping an arm around my waist, pulling me down into his lap. “Want you as close as possible.” He said before pressing a kiss to the side of my neck. So, I stayed in his lap, relishing in this peaceful moment. Soon the wind picked up and dark clouds rolled in. “Come on, we’ll clean up the kitchen and then snuggle on the couch.” I nodded, following him inside and bringing the dogs with. We cleaned up before he headed for the living room when I stopped him. “Wait! Close your eyes!” He grinned, doing as I asked. If he had seen the piano, he didn’t react any way. I led him out to the living room, placing my hands over his eyes. “Okay and open them!” I let go, stepping to the side to see his reaction. For a second there was nothing, he just stared at it. “Roo? Do you not like it?” What if he didn’t? Did I cross a boundary? Maybe it brought up old memories that upset him.
He walked over to it, a blank expression on his face. He sat on the bench, running his hands over the keys. “My parents had a piano exactly like this.” “That’s why I got it.” I said as I walked over, crouching down next to him. “Hey, if you don’t want it, I-“ He gently grabbed my hand, pulling me up and into his lap, straddling him on the bench. He wrapped his arms around me, burying his face in my neck. I wrapped my arms around him, rubbing his back. I noticed his breathing get deeper and deeper before feeling tears running down my shoulder. “Oh, Roo.” I cooed as one hand went into his hair, scratching his scalp. I gently pressed my lips to his hair as I held him. After a few minutes he picked his head up, looking at me, his eyes red and cheeks puffy. “I love this. You have no idea how much it means to me that you went through the trouble of finding this and bringing it home.” I smiled down at him, holding his face in my hands as I rested my forehead on his. “No trouble at all. I made Hangman, Bob and Coyote do it.” He laughed loudly, quickly standing with me in his arms. “Ooh, you have been working out.” We laughed as he walked us over to the couch, flopping down, landing us on our sides. I yelped as I landed on my right side. “Oh shit!” Rooster jumped up, helping me sit up. “Honey, I’m so sorry. You know I’d never do anything like that on purpose.” I nodded, wanting to cradle my cheek but I know that would make it worse. “I know, Roo.”
“Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?” I nodded. “Can you grab me an ice pack from the freezer and wrap it in a rag?” He nodded, launching out of his seat and rushing into the kitchen. As quick as he went, he came back, gently pressing the ice pack to my face. I hummed in relief, placing my hand over his. “Here.” He laid on the couch, opening his arms. I smiled, laying in his arms, the ice pack resting on the right side of my face. “I meant to ask, what’s growing in front of the porch?” I giggled. “I clipped some of the roses you sent me for Valentine’s Day and planted them.” He pulled me closer, grinning against my hair. “Really?” I nodded, intertwining my fingers with the hand that’s splayed across my belly. “Yeah.” “You are one amazing woman.” Soon his breathing evened out, and I smiled, his heart beat against my back lulling me to sleep. This nap was one of the best I had ever had, being wrapped in his arms was soothing, not only for my anxieties but for my soul. I felt safe with him, safer than I ever had in my adult life.
I woke up to rain pattering against the windows, my eyes slowly opening as thunder rolled. I looked towards the front of the house and jumped up when I remembered that all the windows in the house were open. I rushed to the one by the front door, closing it quickly. “Everything okay?” I turned to see Rooster sitting up on the couch, the blanket he pulled over us, pooling around his waist. “Yeah, I accidently left the windows open and it’s raining cats and dogs outside.” I said as I rushed past him, trying to get all the windows closed before the floors got soaked. “Are the ones upstairs open?” He asked as I rushed into the kitchen. “Yeah!” I yelled out and heard his feet stomping up the stairs. Once I got all the windows closed and cleaned up what little water poured in, I leaned against the counter to grab my phone, shooting a text to my mom.
Just wanted to let you know, Rooster’s home.
I still think I should come see you.
No. I’m okay, just focus on riding out this tour and I’ll see you for the engagement party.
I’ll still check in. Give Bradley my love.
I will. Love you.
Mom has been freaking out about me being here without Rooster. Even though the team has been here, she still would’ve preferred Bradley. “What’s got you so focused in your phone, huh? A boyfriend I should know about?” Bradley said as he wrapped his arms around me, nuzzling my neck, his mustache tickling me. “No!” I giggled as I tried to get away from him. “It’s my mom. I told her you were home and she wanted me to give her love.” He smiled, rocking us back and forth. “Well, what does my fiancé want for dinner?” He asked, making me giggle. “You just got home. What do you want?” I asked as I leaned back, cradling his face in my hands. “Mm, I’m feeling like Italian.” I rolled my eyes. “Really or are you choosing that just because you know I love Italian?” He hummed, kissing the back of my head. “No, I really want pasta.” I smiled, grabbing the menu for the Italian place we like and handing it to him. “Go ahead, order dinner.” He smiled, kissing my cheek before dialing the number on the menu.
A while later the food was delivered and we set up on the couch, plates in hand as we curled up together. Tremors was on tv, so we turned it on, laughing occasionally until suddenly the power went out. “Son of a bitch!” I cursed. I groaned, leaning my head back onto the couch. It was still a little daylight outside, so it wasn’t too dark in the house. “I’ll go check the breaker.” I nodded as he got up, setting his food on the end table and heading for the laundry room. I heard him flip the switch a few times before he huffed. “Nothing. That wind is harsh so it’s probably down lines, or a transformer.” I nodded as I finished my food. “Want a beer?” I shook my head. “We don’t have any. If I had known you were coming home, I would’ve bought some.” He chuckled, sitting next to me. “Wine?” I shook my head “I can’t have it with the pain meds I’m taking.” He furrowed his brows. “What are you taking?” “Hydrocodone. I only take it when needed, which is mainly at night.” He nodded, finishing his own food. “Well it’s gonna get dark soon.” I nodded. “I’ll pull out some candles so we aren’t shrouded in darkness.” I said as I dropped my voice down an octave.
I went into the guest room, pulling down a bunch of unscented candles, lining them up throughout the living room. “Ooh, romantic.” He said as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I giggled as he buried his face in my neck, his mustache tickled as he left kisses. “Stop!” I giggled as he turned me around, pressing a soft kiss to my lips. “Fuck. I’m so happy to be home with you.” I cradled his face in my hands before placing another kiss to his lips. “I’m so happy to have you home too.” I looked outside, seeing the rain had slowed drastically. “Come on girls!” Both dogs jumped up, rushing to the back door as I let them out. “Hurry!” We laughed as both dogs tiptoed through the wet yard, Sadie doing a better job than Dahlia. Soon they came in and we had to dry them off, drying off Sadie before I turned to Dahlia. She looked at me with her big eyes. “Don’t you dare.” She dropped her head, and I held up the towel as she shook the water off of her. I looked over at Rooster who stood there, eyes closed, arms out, covered in water droplets. I couldn’t help but laugh, my head thrown back as a loud laugh escaped my throat. “You think it’s funny?” I squealed, attempting to get away when he wrapped his arms around me, pulling my back flush against his soaking wet chest. He swung me around for a second before setting me back on my feet.
“Oh no, now we need a shower.” He said sarcastically. “Let’s just get the dogs dry first.” We got them dry before Bradley was lifting me into his arms bridal style. “Let’s get naked!” He said a little too enthusiastically before carrying me upstairs. Stripping was quick, clothing discarded in all different directions before I pulled him into the shower. He pinned me against the wall as the water cascaded over us, his lips molding against mine. All the hunger we’ve had for each other in our separation pouring out, almost suffocating us. We didn’t want to pull away, even to breathe, but we eventually had to. I smiled up at him as I reached between us, my hand wrapping around his cock. “Fuck.” He muttered as his nose brushed my cheek. “Are you that needy?” He moaned as I nodded. I smirked at him before sinking to my knees. “Ooh, what are you up to sweet girl?” I opened my mouth, the swollen head of his cock resting on my tongue as I gave it a kitten lick, his head falling back against the shower wall. “Just trying to please my fiancé.” I said before sucking gently on the head, precum leaking down my throat. “You just have to smile, and it pleases me sweet girl.”
I took him a little farther back in my mouth, but not too far since my jaw was still sore. I ran my tongue along the vein on the underside, causing a shiver to run up his spine and a heat to pool between my legs. “Mags, you don’t have to do this.” He said as one hand buried itself in my hair, gently gathering. I hummed as I pulled him out, my lips popping around the head of my cock. “Mm, just wanna please my man.” I went back to licking the head, using my hand to pump him. “Fuck, Mags. I’m not gonna last long.” I hummed, sucking on him as I rolled his balls in my hand. “Then cum for me.” He groaned, throwing his head back. “Fuck, honey. That’s it. Haven’t cum since Valentine’s Day.” I smirked knowing he was waiting till he came home. It wasn’t the reunion either of us were expecting with my injuries but I’m always happy to get on my knees for him. Since Bradley and I have started having sex I will happily give him head. With Aaron, I hated it because he would fuck my face till my jaw was bruised to hell. Rooster appreciates it and makes it enjoyable for me as well. “Mags.” His chest was heaving as I looked up at him, he was looking down at me, his brown eyes a shade darker than usual.
“Yes?” I asked as I pulled him from my mouth, working my hand around him. “That’s it, pretty girl. Yes.” I watched as his abdominal muscles rippled, balls tightening as his release covered my face. “Oh, fuck.” He moaned, looking down at my now cum covered face. He ran his thumb along my cheek, gathering his release before slipping his thumb between my lips. I licked it clean before standing, his thumb and pointer finger gripping my chin and tilting my head to kiss me as his other hand reached around grabbing a handful of my ass. “Let’s finish our shower, we have all night to finish this.” I said as we pulled away and he grinned at me. “Oh, you’re in for a long night pretty girl.” Oh, I was anticipating it. The rest of our shower was soft touches, washing each other’s bodies, longing kisses that showed how much we truly missed each other. Once we got out, he slipped into some boxer briefs, and I slid on a black lacy thong and one of his Phillies shirts. By now it was dark outside, so we lit all the candles that we had downstairs, a soft glow filling the room. “Now we just need entertainment.” I said as I lit the last candle. “Oh, I got that covered.” Rooster sauntered over to the piano, looking like a literal Adonis as he did so. He worked out a lot onboard and it shows. His abs were more prominent, his arms were bigger, and his thighs were thick. Even his ass had a little more curve to it.
I smiled, walking over and wrapping my arms around his shoulders. “What are you gonna play?” I asked, nipping at his ear lobe. He hit some familiar keys, making me giggle. “You shake my nerves, and you rattle my brain.” I laughed loudly, dancing around him as he sang. Ending with me falling into his lap. “Goodness gracious, great balls of fire!” Once he finished, he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a kiss. “Can you play?” He asked as we pulled away. “I tried learning while I was recovering, but I only learned a few notes to one song.” He smiled, resting his forehead on mine. “Play for me?” I smiled, turning to the keys as I stayed perched in his lap. “Don’t judge me for my lack of skill.” I said and he chuckled. “I could never judge you, sweet girl.” He pressed a kiss to my temple as I situated my hands on the keys. I slowly played the first few keys, the only ones I knew before turning back to him. “What song is that?” He asked, brows furrowed. “It’s familiar but I can’t place it.” He was so cute when he looked confused. “Love is Gone. It’s by Dylan Matthew and Slander.” He still seemed confused. “Sing it?” I nodded, tapping the keys again. I sang through the first verse, but his memory seemed to click when I sang the chorus.
“I'm sorry, don't leave me, I want you here with me I know that your love is gone I can't breathe, I'm so weak, I know this isn't easy Don't tell me that your love is gone That your love is gone.”
I finished out the song, turning back to him. “Recognize it?” He had a glassy look in his eyes, as if tears were forming. “Yeah.” It was a whisper, nothing more. “You okay?” With that he sniffled, leaning his head down to wipe his eyes. “Roo? Hey, honey.” I turned in his lap to straddle him, taking his face in my hands and gently lifting it so he would meet my eyes. “Talk to me? You know you can tell me anything.” He knew he could, but he also knew I would never push him to talk if he didn’t want to. “After that huge fight we had at your mom’s concert, this song played in the car on the ride home.” I pursed my lips, not really knowing how to respond. “Every station I flipped to, that song was on. It was like a torturing reminder that you didn’t love me, and I couldn’t escape it.” Tears of my own spilled over as he hung his head, laying it on my collar bone as I wrapped my arms around him. “I do love you. I wish things played out differently for us. But we’re on the other side.” I gently lifted his head, smiling at him, wiping tears from his cheeks. “I love you, and only you. You are way too good for me and to me, and I’m not going anywhere. I’m never running from you again, I promise.” He had no response, nothing other than squeezing my waist and burying his face in my neck. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders again, rocking us side to side. My hand found its way into his curls, scratching his head as I hummed quietly.
We sat there for what felt like hours, but in reality, was probably twenty minutes. It gave me time to think, too much time. My biggest fear was him getting hurt because of me, and his biggest fear was me running. It still hurts to know that I hurt him the way I did, even if it was to protect him. And honestly, I still don’t think I’ve forgiven myself. That was something I definitely needed to bring up in therapy. We sat there for a few more minutes before he lifted his head. “I’m sorry.” I said, wiping his cheeks free of tears. “For what?” He asked. “For hurting you.” He just smiled at me through glassy eyes. “You did. But I forgave you a long time ago, pretty girl.” He said as he rested his forehead on mine. I had a deep appreciation for his honesty. He could’ve looked at me and said, ‘No, you didn’t hurt me.’ Which I would’ve known was a lie. But it made me feel better knowing he acknowledged it and forgave me for it anyway.  “I love you, Mags.” I smiled as he gently kissed me. “I love you too, Roo.” He grabbed my left hand, pulling it up to his lips for a kiss before running his finger over the ring. “She’d be so happy that you have this.” I smiled at him. “This means more to me than any ring you could’ve bought me.”
We sat there for a few more minutes before thunder hit, rattling the house. I looked over to see poor Dahlia shaking like a leaf. “Oh, baby. Come on.” I slid off Bradley’s lap, grabbing Dahlia’s blanket and her favorite stuffy. “Come on.” I encouraged her to follow me, Sadie following closely. I walked her into the bedroom, opening the closet door for her. She rushed in, seeking solace in the dark and quiet that the closet offers. I laid her blanket down, allowing her to lay down before laying her stuffy under her chin. Sadie crawled over, curling up next to her. “Alexa, play music.” The Alexa turned on, playing the country station I last had it on. I made sure it was loud enough to drown out the thunder and I cracked the closet door so the lightning wouldn’t scare her. After that I went back downstairs to see Rooster playing a few keys on the piano. “She okay?” I nodded. “Sometimes storms scare her, I find putting her somewhere like a closet where it’s dark and quiet soothes her. That and Sadie curled up with her.” He chuckled. “Your guard dog has an emotional support dog.” I giggled at his observation. “So, what do we do now?” The storm was still raging outside, and we had no power. “Ever play poker?” I asked, smirking at him as I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth.
“I like that look in your eye.” He walked over, reaching into the entertainment center and puling out a deck of cards. He slid the coffee table away so we could sit in the floor. He shuffled and dealt me mine and his before we set the stack in the middle. “Strip poker. Loser takes off an article of clothing.” I giggled. “There’s three pieces of clothing between us.” He nodded. “Shouldn’t take long.” We both threw in some chips, staring at our decks intensely. “Flush.” I huffed, laying down my cards. “Three of a kind.” He cheered, fist pumping. He quickly got on his knees, leaning over to grab the bottom of the Phillies shirt I had on, yanking it over my head. “That’s better.” He said before one hand wrapped around the back of my neck, yanking me into a searing kiss. It caused heat to pool in my belly. His free hand reached up, grabbing my breast, causing me to moan. He took the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth, opting to pinch my nipple before leaning down, taking it into his mouth. His tongue swirled around my nipple, making a loud gasp escaped me. “Roo.” I whined and just as my hand found it’s way into his hair, he pulled away, sitting back down across from me as I whined. “That was mean.” He just smirked at me, dealing another hand.
We watched each other carefully before he smugly laid down his hand. “Full house.” He smirked at me, raising his brows. “Royal Flush.” His smile fell as I reached across, flicking his waist band. “Get ‘em off.” He quickly stripped his boxers off, tossing them behind him. I decided to return the favor, leaning forward and grabbing his semi hard cock, licking a stripe along the vein on the underside. He threw his head back, moaning before I pulled away, sitting back in my spot. “You’re a fucking tease.” I smirked, opting to sit on my knees when I sat back down. “Best two out of three?” I nodded. Either way my panties would come off, but I knew he wanted that moment to rip them off of me. It was a short round him laying down a royal flush when I had nothing. The second I threw down my cards, he was on me. He tackled me to the floor, his lips smashing against mine. My legs wrapped around his waist, his cock resting heavy against my pelvis. “Fuck.” He muttered as he pulled away, grabbing my hands and pulling me up. He grabbed my thighs, lifting me before dropping me down onto my back on the lounge part of the couch. He kissed me before standing, grabbing my underwear, he lifted my  legs in the air, sliding them off before chucking them somewhere before he smirked at me.
He kneeled on the lounge, placing kisses on my ankles before slowly working his way up my leg. I shivered as he placed a kiss to the back of my knee. He kissed my inner though, his nose brushing just next to my clit. “Roo.” I moaned, taking deeper breaths so I didn’t jump his bones. “Just hang on, pretty girl. I got you.” He laid down on the lounge, positioning himself perfectly between my legs. He pushed my thighs apart, giving him better access. I moaned loudly as the tip of his tongue circled my clit. “God I’ve missed the sounds you make.” He said before diving his tongue into my entrance. I gasped, my hands finding their way into his hair. “Oh yes.” I moaned out. His nose brushed my clit as he continued to lick into me. He kept a grip on my legs, keeping them pushed back against my shoulders as he sloppily ate me out. The sounds he was making as he sucked on my clit were obscene, and it made heat pool in my belly. That tightening sensation had me moaning loudly. “Bradley. God, don’t stop.” I begged sitting up just enough to watch him. I could see his tongue flicking against my clit as his eyes met mine, but I also noticed he was grinding into the end of the couch. “Yeah, Rooster.” I encouraged, my hand holding his curls in a vice like grip.
I couldn’t resist grinding against his tongue, watching his hips roll down into the couch. “Come on. Roo, I’m so close!” I called, waves of pleasure hitting soon after. I froze as he pulled my pelvis flush against his mouth. I cried out, attempting to pull away but the grip he had on my legs wasn’t allowing it. I practically had to push him away, the over stimulation being too much. He smirked as he rose onto all fours, leaning over me to place a kiss on my lips. I could taste myself on his tongue, a moan escaping me. “You need a little attention?” I asked, gripping his cock, making his breath catch in his throat. “I saw you grinding into the couch Roo.” He groaned, grabbing my leg again, lifting it up to my shoulder. “I can’t help it, watching you cum on my tongue drives me crazy.” He said as he placed one more kiss to my lips, before lining himself up. I ran my nails down his abs as he slowly slipped in. I hissed in pain, having to get used to the stretch again.
“You can take it, pretty girl.” He always knew the right things to get me going. Inch by inch he buried himself inside me until he was buried to the hilt. “See, I told you you could take it. You always do.” My eyes could’ve rolled back in my head. I never knew you could miss such a sensation, he was sitting still, not moving at all and yet it still felt almost euphoric. He trailed his hands from my thighs to my ribs, holding me tightly there. I met his gaze, his eyes seeming to be a few shades darker as he stared down at me. “Rooster.” I said as I wrapped my hands around his forearms. “Fuck me, Roo. Please.” I could hardly stand it, this long without him and I already felt my mind going hazy. He obliged, slowly pulling out before slipping back in. It was all slow thrusts and sensual kisses but soon I needed more. I sat up and he pulled out, his smirk growing wide as I braced myself against the back of the couch. I arched my back, my ass sticking in the air as Rooster took the sign to stand. He gathered my hair in his hands, slipping back in. “Oh.” I moaned loudly. He pulled my hair, tilting my head back, meeting my gaze as he fucked me. “God, you feel like heaven around me.” He let go of my hair, wrapping his hands around my neck as he railed me. “Did you miss me? Huh? Miss the way I fuck you?” My only response were loud moans. Between his hands around my neck and the fact I felt like my brain was in a haze, I couldn’t say anything. “Words, Mags. Wanna hear you speak.” He said as his pace picked up. “Yes.” I moaned out as the sound of skin clapping became louder than the rain.
He let go of my neck, placing kisses down my back as he fucked me. I felt stupid at this point, barely able to hold myself up. If I wasn’t leaning against the back of the couch, I would’ve been face down ass up. “Come here.” He slipped out, pulling me into his arms before laying me on my back on the floor. He slid back inside, intertwining his fingers with mine as he held them next to my head. He had changed his pace, being slow and gentle as he fucked me. “Fuck, you’re on the pill, right?” I nodded, realizing we hadn’t grabbed a condom. “Don’t pull out.” I said as I pressed my heel into the small of his back. That seemed to drive him crazy. “You want it, honey? Want me to fill you up?” I nodded as he let go of my hands, opting to wrap his arms around me as I dragged my nails down the back of his shoulders. I felt another orgasm building, loud moans filling the room from both of us. “That’s it, Roo. Yes!” I cried as my orgasm washed over me, my dripping cunt pulsing around his cock, causing his own orgasm to hit. “Oh fuck. That’s it, Mags.” He moaned out as he stilled inside me, his cum filling me as my head fell back. “I love you, pretty girl. More than anything.” I smiled as he leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to my lips. “I love you too, Rooster.”
There was no point in cleaning ourselves up after that, seeing as once we hit the bedroom I straddled him, riding his cock. Needing my fill one more time before we laid down in bed. We laid there, his head on my chest as his arms were wrapped around my waist. My hands were in his hair and rubbing his arm. “Do you think we could bring the dogs to the wedding?” I raised a brow, shrugging. “We can talk to Margaret at the venue. I’m sure we could.” He smiled, watching as Dahlia was still curled up in the closet. “I’d like that.” I smiled down at him, placing a kiss on his head. “Get some sleep Roo, we have plenty of time together.” He tried shaking his head, but he was already halfway asleep. It wasn’t long before he completely knocked out, my hands still threading through his hair. It felt good to have him home, it helped to put my mind at ease a little. But I still worried. They haven’t caught Daniel yet, and I was worried he would come back, and now with Rooster home, I worried even more. I looked down at him, peaceful as ever in his sleep. I looked back to the bedroom door, deciding I would stay up tonight to make sure nothing happened. “We’ll be okay.” I muttered as I sat back against the headboard. “It’ll all be okay.”
Taglist: @mak-32 @rosiahills22 @dhwanishah09
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vanityloves · 4 years
"do you have any self ship thats pure indulgence?-"
"where theres no angst and you live happily with your f/o?"
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ateez-amanda · 2 years
time: july 2021
summary: amanda and jeonghan figure out their 'situationship'
disclaimer: fluff, tiny bit of making out, mentions tv show criminal minds and bunnies. yeah i think that's all. let me know if i miss anything
a/n: i need to start thinking of ship names for these two. i'm thinking jeongae? i'm open to your guys suggests. anyways i hope you like bc my heart is not able to handle these two. feedback is much appreciated
taglist: @skzfairies, @3nhyp3nn [send an ask if you want to be on/off the taglist :)]
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All her butterflies and pressure she felt while preparing for this moment instantly vanished the second the black car stopped in front of her and the passenger window rolled down to reveal Jeonghan’s charming smile greeting her, “Hi.”
He was wearing an oversized white collared button up shirt with a coat and black colored pants. His chestnut brown hair tamed in a wavy mess to top off his look.
Damn he looks so pretty. It’s unfair. She thought.
“Hi.” She smiled, opening the car door and sitting in the passenger seat, “How was the filming today?”
“It was fun. But that’s all I’m going to say ab-” He paused, glancing past her shoulder, “I see we have been spotted by some fans already.” 
“What?” Panic filled her face as she slouched down the seat in an attempt to cover herself. They hadn’t even left the apartment parking garage and they had already been spotted. Jeonghan tried to hold back his chuckle. Catching her attention, she gave him a puzzled look, “Why are you laughing?”
Jeonghan nudged his chin past her. She discreetly followed his gaze only to spot her two giant members' eyes peering at them from behind a wall, she let out a small groan.
Yunho and Mingi had caught her before she was leaving the apartment and wouldn’t stop pestering her about her outing with Jeonghan. Though they did give her some enthusiastic confidence boost. She thought she got rid of them when she bolted out of their dorm but apparently that wasn’t the case. 
She sent the two boys a death glare making them vanish in an instant before returning her attention back to the man beside her, “Please pretend you didn’t see them.”
Jeonghan finally let out his chuckle and sent Yunho and Mingi a little wave, “It’s sweet that they are worried about you.”
“That would be nice if that were the case.” She mumbled, earning a raised eyebrow from Jeonghan, “They just wanted to meet you.”
“I see. Well I guess I will greet them properly next time.” Jeonghan took out his phone to set in the direction to their destination before heading off. Her lips curved up spotting the fox keychain she got him from their first meeting hanging on his phone case.
“Oh by the way, congratulations on being the mc for music bank.” He said, pulling out of her thoughts. The news had just been released this morning and she still couldn’t believe it was really happening. 
“Thank you!” She beamed, “I’m a little nervous about it. My social skills isn’t exactly the best. Especially with people I just met.”
“You talked with me just fine when we first met.”
“That’s different. I felt comfortable with you. You’re good at making people feel at ease.” Her unintentional compliment made him smile. “You know when you're not being mischievous.” He chuckled at her extra comment.
“What if I say something stupid or worse what if I accidentally insult one of my sunbaenims.” Horror passed through her face at the thought of it before covering it with her hands. 
“Rara.” She didn’t know exactly when or why he started using this nickname for her. But she somehow ended up replying every time he called her that. And oddly enough, she like the nickname. Even when he calls her by her Korean name, she like it. Even though she usually didn't like hearing it since it usually means trouble for her. When he says it, it always felt comforting. “You will do great. You are very knowledgeable on all the idols so that can help with easing the atmosphere.”
“I’m not that knowledgeable.”
“I don't know anyone who knows more about idols than you. Well maybe Seungkwan.”
“I willingly admit defeat to Mr. Kpop professor.” She giggled and held her hands up, “Thank you. I feel a little bit more confident now.”
“I’m glad I could help. Plus I’ll get to see you more often too.”
“Ah, so that was your plan all along.” 
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This hangout? Date? Whatever it was had been wonderful so far.
The park was nicely secluded. A perfect escape from city life. There was a playground nearby, where the two goofed around. If there were people around they would think the two were little crazy 5 year olds with the amount of running around on the playground.
If there was one thing she learn about Jeonghan it’s was that there is always an element of spontaneity present when she’s with him. He always keeps you on your toes with his sudden ideas or surprises.
The two were sitting on one of the park benches. The park was dimly lit up for them thanks to a couple of lamp posts and dazzling starry midnight sky that can be clearly viewed since there were no buildings blocking it. A rare sight in Seoul.
Thinking through the events she had with him, she couldn't help but think this is what it was like being with someone you like. Her mind began to naturally wander to the unimaginable future. 
Eventually it landed on her conversation with Hongjoong. She should bring it up, right? 
A part of her wants answers but the other is scared the answers will only disappoint her.
Compared to her peaceful thoughts before her thoughts now racing about a thousand miles, trying to solve this complicated jigsaw puzzle of what all this meant. If only this was a physical jigsaw puzzle then she would have easily solved it by now. 
Rustling sounds in the nearby bushes snapped her out of her thoughts, “Oh! There’s a bunny.” She whispered, pointing towards the bunny that was coming out of the bushes.
“They finally decided to show up. I thought we wouldn’t be able to see them today.” 
“They are usually here?”
“Yeah. Let’s see if it wants to say hi to us.” He took her hand and led her towards the bunny, sitting together on the grass as he attempted to get the bunny's attention. However, the bunny cautiously kept its distance. 
Jeonghan rubbed the back of his neck, “They usually don’t come towards people.”
“Come here, little bunny.” Amanda serenely called it. This time the bunny made tiny hops towards her until she was able to pet it. She sent him a teasing grin, “I think it just doesn’t like you. It knows who is a danger to them.”
“Dangerously handsome.” The audacity this man had to smirk and say that and while petting a bunny. It was a deadly combo.
She jokingly scoffed at his remark but internally she agreed 100%.
“It’s not just me they avoid. The bunnies never come around to anyone I bring along here.”
“And who exactly are these ‘dangerously handsome’ people you bring here?”
“My members.”
“I can’t argue with that.” She smiled, “So, you never brought dates here to impress them with these cute little bunnies?” 
“I have once but I would have to ask them if they were impressed.” Jeonghan scooted closer to her, triggering the bunny to make it exit from the park, “So are you impressed?”
Completely caught off guard by his question, her eyes widened. Her inscrutable face made it confusing for him to tell whether she was surprised, horrified or both. His expression filled with worried over the worse case scenario, “If you don’t like this being a date then it doesn’t ha-”
“No! That’s not it.” She quickly reassured him.
Her bashful eyes looked down at the grass near her legs, trying to organize her thoughts. “I’ve been really confused about us for awhile. So I want to clear the air between us. How-How exactly do you feel about me? Do you like me? Like as friends….or more?” She finally looked up at him with hopeful eyes.
His eyes that were filled with upmost earnestly she had ever seen locked onto hers, “Aera-ah, I like you. More than a friend.”
There it was. The answer she had been waiting for. The answer she had been pining for. She kept a calm exposure but internally she was screaming with joy.
“What about you?” He asked, pulling her out of her thoughts.
“I wouldn’t have agreed to meet up if I didn’t like you.” She sheepishly admitted avoiding his gaze. 
“Are you going to keep avoiding my face?” He teased, searching for a peek at her face.
She covered her face with her hands, “It’s too embarrassing to say it to your face, okay?” 
An affectionate smile couldn’t help but spread on his face watching her. He wrapped his arms around her, embracing her into a warm hug, “You are so adorable.”
“Stop.” She whined into his chest, her blushing intensifying. 
“Stop being adorable and I’ll stop.” 
She groaned before shuffling away from his embrace to view him, “So what does that mean we are?”
“What do you want us to be?”
She might have gotten Hongjoong stamp of approval to date but she never actually thought it would happen. Dating was something that went over her head. Though she knew she would eventually experience it and of course she wanted to. It’s just that she wasn’t sure if she was ready. 
“I’m not really sure.” She answered honestly, “I never thought of dating since I became an idol because I didn’t think I’d have the time. I mean we don’t have a dating ban or anything so it would be okay if we dated. But I don’t want to ruin anything for my members.”
A fond smile appeared on his face as he tucked a strand of her behind her ear, “I understand.” 
A hint of guilt hit her, knowing that it wasn’t the full truth she was telling him. “Actually there’s also another reason. I’ve never dated before. I mean you probably already figured that out.”
“I had a feeling.”
“Of course you did.” She grumbled. I mean it doesn’t take a genius to know that Jeonghan had way more experience in relationships than her. She was mentally blaming her parents for their strict rules on dating when she was younger for her inexperience. But mostly herself for avoiding the people she liked. “What I’m trying to say is that this is new to me. I know that probably sounds really childish and stupid-”
“It’s not.” Jeonghan held her hand, giving it a little squeeze, “Aera, I don’t want to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. We don’t have to start a relationship right away. We can take things slow. This can be our first date together and we can keep going on dates like this. I’ll wait for you to make it official when you feel ready. How’s that sound?”
She felt a weight finally be lifted off her shoulder as she let out a sigh, “I’d like that.”
“Good.” She saw a little spec of relief in his chocolatey brown eyes as he placed a cocky grin on his lip, “And I will make sure you fully understand my intentions clearly from now on so you won’t be confused anymore.”
“Good.” She giggled. She decided to change the gears of their conversation, “Now that I think about it, this wouldn’t be the best place for dates.”
He raised an eyebrow, “You don’t?”
She nodded, “I think it’s a better place for committing a crime.”
“You have been watching Criminal Minds way too much Rara.”
She acted offended by his words, “Says the guy who started complaining when I suggested watching another show instead? Admit it. You are addicted to it just as much as I am.”
“It has some good qualities.” He reluctantly admitted.
A victorious smile appeared on her face, “That’s what I thought. Look, I’m just saying, the middle of the night, in a park with no one around-”
“Sounds like a great place to makeout.” His voice suddenly dropped to a lower octave against her ear.
She turned her head towards him revealing a flustered face, her tan cheeks dusted with light shade of pink. Being only mere inches from her, the smell of her sweet cherry blossom perfume that had been teasing him all evening, strengthened.
His eyes flickered between her eyes down to her lips, “Are my intentions clear right now?”
“Yeah.” She managed to say in a breathy voice, her attention focused on his soft silky lips that began to slowly graze over hers.
She was suddenly hyper aware of everything her body was doing and unsure of what to do. Her tension didn’t escape Jeonghan’s notice.
He broke the kiss, but the distance between their lips was barely there. He gently stroked her cheeks with his thumb and murmured, “Relax.”
Sparks ignited in her chest hearing his calming low voice. He moved his hand over hers, loosening its tight grip on her jacket and rested it around his shoulder. Warmth consumed her as she began to lean into the kiss. He smiled as he deepened the kiss.
As they pulled aparted, catching their breath, their eyes were unable to open for a couple of seconds, still taking in the moment.
“Told you, perfect place to makeout.” He smirked, earning a playful smack from her on the chest.
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© ateez-amanda — all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, or repost my work.
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ressjeon · 3 years
in this paradise (moodboard teaser)
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pairing: survivor!jungkook x fem!reader
summary: In an attempt to escape what's been planned for him, Jungkook hopped on a ship only to face a tragedy that he didn't expect and enter you who somehow couldn't believe to find company in this isolated land. Was this fate or was this just a temporary chance of bliss as a challenge for you both?
rating: 18+ 
genre: tropical island!au, survivor!au, strangers to lovers, angst, smut, romance & fluff
warnings: some accidents mentioned, lots of teasing, swearing, sexual tension, explicit sexual content, multiple sex scenes (beach, treehouse?, etc.), pet names, skinny dipping, finger sucking, thigh riding, unprotected sex (no condoms in da island peeps), handjob, oral (m. receiving), nipple play, fingering, riding, jk takes it from the back too. (warnings could change)
a/n: this wasn't the first JK fic I planned to post but he was in Summery outfit on Sowoozoo so I had to bump it up among other WIPS 😅. 2 years ago, I got intrigued when I saw the theme song mv of this TV series on my YT dash, the mc has the same name as me and it was Jungkook who first came into when some scenes (4 in exact, including this one) flashed in my mind. The plot is completely different though as I only borrowed some elements of it ♡.
ps. this moodboard was damn hard to make T.T
Check it out here!
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― masterlist — navigation ― wips
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A sudden ruckus behind your shoulder alerts you immediately, and you turn to see a little movement in the tall grass among the trees.
At last, food.
You’ve been hungry for hours since you wake up so it would be amazing to find something to eat since it's lunch already. Getting into position, you raise one arm up with a spear above your head, the other hand holding up front just in case it attacks you.
Readying yourself as you approach the moving grass, you part them with the other hand but to your surprise, you find a half-naked man in dirty white jeans with dark hair, his doe-eyes staring at you in shock.
"woah, woah, woah" an instant fear crosses his eyes, both of his hands suddenly waving in front in surrender causing him to wince a little, allowing you to spot the wound below his right shoulder so you lower down your arm.
He’s good-looking, add the harsh rays of sunlight looming over him from above to that.
You recover instantly, locking your eyes to his with a death glare as you move your spear in front of you.
“who are you?” you demand, suspicious eyes raking his form as you come nearer to him. He could still be a threat for all you know, best to take precautions.
“jungkook” he pants, reaching out with open palms to shake your hands. He hopes that you'll deem him as harmless by doing so and looks at you pleadingly when you don’t answer him.
“y/n” you respond gently a bit after dropping your spear on the side, feeling a spark when your hand touches his, of how gentle he’s shaking your hand despite the worry in his eyes.
He sighs in relief but pain crosses his handsome face, and he’s wincing even more this time. You manage to catch him before his body reaches the ground.
“my bad” he chuckles while trying to stand up, somehow disregarding that he almost collapsed. You really wonder how he can joke about his situation.
“you’re wounded you know” you scoff, inspecting his wound straightaway.
“yeah but at least you’re here now” he grins and winks at you as he positions himself on your lap, making your eyes roll.
“shut up or i won’t help you” you chide, pulling out the remnants of splinters from his wound with warning and he pouts.
“okay, okay, i’ll behave” he whines as he stays still lying down on his stomach and you’re trying to ignore how you can feel his defined abs on your legs.
“why are you wandering here in the forest while your wound is still fresh?” you ask and Jungkook smiles when he hears the concern in your voice. Ngl, he was shit scared of you earlier, if it weren’t for his wound that’s slowing him down and you’re pretty face he would’ve bolted instantly.
“I was looking for medicinal herbs” he answers, shaking his injured shoulder a little and you smile at this cute antic, okay he’s adorable.
“stop moving” you tsks.
“and what exactly is a beautiful girl like you doing in this forest too?” he questions before you can even answer him right away.
“i was looking for food,” you pause, stating the obvious.
“so that’s why you have a hunting spear with you. where did you even find materials to make it?"  he prods, a lot of curiosity in his voice and you smile again, he can’t see you from this angle anyways so it’s good.
“on the shore, a lot of things wash up there” you hum, finishing up the make bandage on his shoulder using the thin jacket that was wrapped on your waist earlier.
You feel him nod and huff a breath like he wants to ask more.
“right, right. how about we search the beach later? maybe we can find more stuff that we can use” he asks as he slowly gets up from your lap, displaying an excited smile and you nod.
“does it hurt?” you ask impassively and he shakes his head.
You help him in standing up, carefully assisting on his elbow for him to not put weight on it and he laughs again. He’s been giddy all this time and you still have no idea why.
"i'm okay" he snorts and you elbow him.
"what's funny?"
You frown, brows scrunching as you eye him with annoyance. As much as you're still wary of him, you’re starting to get confused on how he can make you react this fast in everything that he does.
"you seem so caring now compared to earlier" he teases.
"you needed help, i'm not as heartless as you think" you glare at him and retrieve your spear from the ground.
“your words are actually the opposite of your actions” he continues.
“well, aren’t you an excellent observer” you snicker as you look around to check if you missed anything.
Jungkook on the other hand is just observing how you effortlessly gather your stuff with you. How for some reason, you still look gorgeous with your white mini sundress, a contrast at how tough you look with your tools on you.
"what?" you bark, raising one brow at him and he stops himself from laughing this time. He just shrugs with a playful smile and walks away, urging you to follow him as you both venture into the woods.
“jungkook” you call him, walking beside him now.
“yes?” he questions playfully, not sparing you any glance while looking up at the coconut trees around you.
“you better be taking this seriously after you heal” you huff.
“i already am, i swear! you have no faith in me, im offended” he complains with that fake hurt in his voice and you scowl at him before walking faster, now leading the path instead. He laughs louder this time, following you into some stream or river.
All jokes aside, Jungkook is truly relieved at finding another survivor washing up on the same island as he is. At least he won’t be alone while waiting for rescue anymore, plus you’re hot as hell so this won’t be bad after all.
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taglist: @jungkooksbroski​ 
permanent taglist: @bluesharksandfish @taebkyun @sheprocrastinatesalot​ @iamscharene​
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midnightsunnyday · 4 years
Headcanon in which the Brothers really despise certain popular depictions of them in art:
A/N: lol just something that came to mind when studying the various interpretations of the brothers by artists. I just see Asmodeus being incredibly pissed off at Louis Le Breton and Lucifer not being very fond of that one Alexandre Cabanel painting. Also, Belphegor being a snarky lil' shit and not giving a damn.
Asmodeus: WHAT. THE. FUCK. IS. THIS?
Lucifer: *sighs* will it kill you all to allow me to have one moment of peace in this house?
Lucifer: excuse me? You have three seconds to explain yourself.
Asmodeus: *posts Louis Le Breton's Asmodeus in the group chat*
Belphegor: lmao
Asmodeus: FUCK. 
Asmodeus: YOU.
Asmodeus: BELPHIE.
Belphegor: I'd prefer if you didn't.
Asmodeus: I've been crying for hours. How could anyone interpret me this way? Sweet, beautiful, wonderful me?
Leviathan: you think that's bad? People think I'm a giant sea serpent that has multiple heads, breaths fire and sinks ships.
Mammon: that's...actually kinda cool tho. 
Leviathan: lol you're right. I'm just trying to add to the conversation.
Asmodeus: I. WANT. TO. DIE.
Satan: oh, please. Try being depicted as a red goat man with pointy horns, a goatee and a pitch fork.
Beelzebub: or as an ugly giant fly.
Mammon: I was painted as some fat guy on a throne. As if. Have you seen these abs?
Satan: Lucifer is always painted so dramatically.
Asmodeus: yeah, DRAMATICALLY FUCKING HOT. Why does he get to be shown as a sexy man and I'm not?
Satan: well, in most human interpretations, Lucifer is said to be "beautiful." Still regarded as a horrible, evil, deceitful bastard, however.
Lucifer: and I can live with that.
Leviathan: one painting had Lucifer looking like a whole snack.
Lucifer: please don't remind me of that one. They painted me like some whimpering, rebellious child.
Lucifer: and Levi, never refer to me as a "snack" ever again.
Satan: the point is, all of us have been depicted in some unflattering way by humans. I blame religion, really.
Asmodeus: well, I still hate it. The world needs to know the true brilliance of Asmodeus, Avatar of Lust.
Belphegor: Lord Diavolo spare us all.
Asmodeus: you know, you're truly adorable, Belphie. But don't think I won't choke you in your sleep.
Belphegor: just make sure you use your hands to do that.
Asmodeus: LUCIFER.
Lucifer: Belphie, stop being a little shit.
Lucifer: and Asmo, please. Everyone knows you're beautiful. No painting can change that.
Mammon: Lucifer's right, lil' bro. You're fine just as ya are. Who cares how some stupid, dead humans drew us? We're all hot as hell.
Asmodeus: you two...are being uncharacteristically endearing.
Mammon: eh? That's all ya gotta say?
Lucifer: I agree with Mammon. That's the last time I compliment any of you.
Asmodeus: aww, don't stop. Compliment me more. For example, what did you two think about my hair today?
Satan: looks like he's back to normal.
Leviathan: that didn't take long lol.
Beelzebub: I'm glad we could all get through this emotional crisis together.
Belphegor: ugh. Whatever. I'm going to bed.
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cuddlesslut · 4 years
Chapter Ten of Home
Atsumu x fem reader, Suna x fem reader, Hinata x fem reader
Summary: a glance back
Warnings: some NSFW elements in this chapter
AN / so it looks like the chapters are going to be shorter than before but that’s just because I can only keep my energy up for so long. I really do enjoy writing but it’s easier for me to write smaller chapters rather than like before. Also I know Suna hasn’t been as present I promise we will be getting more of him soon! UNEDITED SORRY
Part Nine: Closure
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You collapsed onto your bed immediately after getting home from lunch with Atsumu and you haven’t moved for at least half an hour. Emotionally you were exhausted. Seeing him and thinking about him still caused a pang in your chest but that reunion was needed. You needed to start moving past him, that much you decided. He was your first love and he wounded you in a way that may never fully heal but now there’s two amazing guys trying to help you move forward.
You let a long grown rubbing your hands over your face. This were complicated enough when you were still coming to terms with your felling with Hinata. God he must be wondering what the hell is going with you leaving with his teammate. Maybe Bokuto and Sakusa have already started filling in the blanks for him. You could see those idiots snickering to themselves when you had encountered the group earlier. A soft smile graced your lips thinking of those two. You missed those two, and their constant bickering. You had become close to the the team over the years. Having hosted several victory parties at your and Atsumu’s shared home.
A small tear slipped down your cheek running down your face as you lay staring at the ceiling. Just another thing you had lost because of the setter. You released the breath you hadn’t realized you were holding. Shaking that thought from your mind it did no good to dwell on those things now. Thinking back to your favorite orange haired man you felt slightly nervous about having to explain everything to him. Sho is nowhere near as dumb as most think ,yes he tends to get a little over excited missing some details but he’s really quite clever, so he’s probably figured out most things. It’s not like he wasn’t aware of your past you had spilled that too him a lot quicker than you had planned. You can remember that moment clearly. It was the moment your feelings for Hinata had first started becoming deeper than you had intended, even though you denied them for a lot longer.
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You stretched sitting up the soft cotton sheets falling your lap as you yawned searching searching the room for the familiar sight of Shoyo’s bright orange hair. You rose your brow at the lack of his presence. The small apartment was silent. Which made you draw the conclusion that he was not here, he’s to rambunctious to be home and not make any noise not that you minded. You had a clue where he could probably be and your suspicions were confirmed as you heard him enter through the front door. It surprised you the first morning it had happened but by now you are used to Hinata going for morning runs.
He stood in the door smile spreading across his face upon seeing you awake in this bed wearing only one of his old game shirts from Brazil. Your hair still a mess and the purple marks he left last night peaking out from the collar of the crew neck. It was certainly an amazing sight for him to come back to. He leaned against the door frame lifting the hem of his shirt to wipe some sweat from his face. Now it was your turn to appreciate the view. His abs and delicious v coming into sight. Grazing your eyes down to his workout shorts that fit nice and snug against his defined thighs. God his thighs were a blessing in and of themselves. After your quick glance you look back up to the eyes of the man in front of you.
“You know I’ll never understand how you can have the energy to go running in the morning after the nights we have,” you chuckle.
A wide grin sneaks his way to his face “ sorry I’m not the one who can barely walk in the morning,” he winks.
Your jaw drops at his cheeky comment. “ oh yeah we’ll have to change that,” you state smug unsure where all of this confidence came from. Although you weren’t expecting his response.
His eyebrow quirked at your insinuation, before smirking “ alright that can be arranged sometime soon!” He chuckled enthusiastically.
Your eyes widened the scenario playing in your mind quickly.
Hinata loved the shocked but curious expression painting your features. The next thing you new Sho had bolted from his spot jumping into the bed knocking you onto your back as he hovered over you. His hot breath tickled your neck his lips grazing your pulse before giving a nip. One hand had sneaked under the shirt you wore grasping onto your hip while the other kneaded your breast. Your breath grew shaky. He lowered his head to the valley between your breast before looking up to you. Peering at you through his orange waves that dangled in his face.
“You know I still have plenty of energy to take care of you,” he teased his voice dropping an octave. “ so baby tell where do you want me.”
“I want you,” you bite your lip looking at the sinful man in front of you. Your hand grips his chin pulling him up to you face to face, your eyes drop to his lips before returning to his darkened eyes. “In the shower, now get your sweaty ass off of me!” You push his Lunky body of off you before standing.
He groans looking over at you “tease!” He yells.
You turn back sticking your tongue out at him, “ go shower loser im going to make some coffee and breakfast,” you yelled over your shoulder as you headed to the kitchen. Hinata enjoyed the view of you walking away before sighing in defeat, he was really grimy from his run, plus he could use a cold shower right now.
You moved around his small kitchen with an air of familiarity. It was about a little over a month since your agreement of friends with benefits began. After fixing a small breakfast and some coffee Shoyo finally emerged fully dressed and cleaned. Taking a sip from his mug and surveying the food you had made. He smiled.
“Damn Y/N this looks amazing!” He smile his signature smile. “You know it surprise me how a girl like you is single!” He doesn’t sense the mistake he had made immediately. You had never talked about why you didn’t want to date before. Not feeling your tragic history with love was appropriate pillow talk. You froze at this statement. Unwanted thoughts and memories swirling in your mind. All of your insecurities starting to surface. Hinata noticed the shift in the air immediately. It was hard not to as your hands grabbed at the counter for some stability. Your eyes trained on the surface, voice caught in your throat. How do you respond to that.
If there’s one thing about Hinata that is certain it’s that’s he’s incredibly caring. He moved around the corner of the counter standing next to your side placing a gentle hand on your shoulder. “Hey Y/N are you okay! Was it something I said? I’m real sorry ya know!” You turn to him tears brimming in your eyes. He doesn’t speak again or ask you to just pulling you into him as you bury your face into his chest as you sob. He places a reassuring hand your back rubbing soothing circles onto your back hoping to help calm you.
It feels nice and it helps a lot more than you expected. Although guilt starts to build as you realize your crying in front of a man you only know through sex. God this is embarrassing. Before you can try to retreat. Sho navigates you to his sofa. After relaxing into the cushions you look up at him. While he’s trying to look calm and reassuring you can sense the worry in him.
He takes this moment to speak. “ you know you can talk to me Y/N I’ll listen to you about whatever you have going on, no judgment.” You sigh looking up at him. Looking up into his eyes you don’t know why you aren’t more hesitant but it honestly feels like you can tell him anything. And so you do. You tell him almost everything. Leaving out names and some of the more gory details. You tell him all about your heartache. And he sits and listens to you intently. Although he didn’t show it he was furious with how you had been treated. But he didn’t want to interrupt your venting. It felt really nice to actually talk to someone about everything and how you feel and Sho was amazingly supportive throughout the whole ordeal.
Wiping the mostly dried tears from your cheeks you gave Hinata a soft smile. “ thank you Shoyo I’m sorry I dropped all of this on you, it probably not what you signed up for.” You gave a nervous chuckle.
He returned your smile, looking at you earnestly, he gripped your shoulder gently making you look up at him. “Hey none of that non sense! You can always talk to me no matter what!” He smiled.
Your eyes shinned up at him with a forgotten emotion. “Really?” You questioned
His smile grew even bigger “Yeah! Absolutely! What are friends for!” He beamed!
Friends.... why did that word give you a pang in your chest.
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your-denki-kun · 4 years
Katsuki x Femal!Reader
What: fluff, aged up characters, children, mentioning of other ships, MANGA SPOILERS
Word count: 4.4K
~3rd person pov.~
How Katsuki is single is still the biggest mystery to the world. His friends try hooking him up with people, setting him up on blind dates with men and women. He always just takes the food and leaves however. His friends are starting to give up on getting him a partner. All they're doing is breaking peoples hearts.
''Why won't Bakubro just date someone?'' Eijirou whines.
''I don't know man, I wish I did.'' Hanta groans.
''Well, there must be someone out there, right?'' Denki asks.
''You would think so.'' Kyouka mumbles.
''The fuck are you fuckers talking about?!'' Katsuki's voice barks from behind them.
All their heads snap back as they see a glaring katsuki looking down on them as they're all sitting on the couch in the canteen. All of them try to say something, but all that comes out are jumbled up words as Denki and Eijirou make weird hand movements. Katsuki grumbles and walks away from them, not really being in the mood.
Kamuko had kept him up a lot last night. He would have let you deal with her, but you are so tired lately and Katsuki just wanted you to sleep. You're his fiance and Kamuko is your daughter. You don't want to go public about your relationship with him just yet, so he keeps it hidden. You're his childhood friend and you two have always been inseparable, so it was no surprise you two started dating and got engaged.
Katsuki makes himself some coffee and chugs it down fast. He throws away the paper cup and walks out of the canteen again, his old classmates and friends still trying to explain what they were talking about. Katsuki knows damn well they were talking about his love life, that's all they seem to talk about.
He curses under his breath and walks into his office. He drops his gauntlets on the black leather couch and walks over to his dark wooden desk. He sits down on his black leather swivel chair and grabs a file, opening it and starts reading the content. It's a report on a mission done two days ago.
Katsuki closes his locker as he puts on his coat. He can't wait to go home and cuddle up with you on the couch. If he's lucky Kamuko will still be up and he'll be able to play a bit with her as well. He walks out of the changing room and to the exit of his agency. He spots Eijirou standing there with an awkward smile on his face and grumbles.
''Hey Bakubro.'' Eijirou says as he walks over to Katsuki.
''What?'' Katsuki snaps.
''Why have you been abandoning the blind dates we set up?'' Eijirou asks as he follows Katsuki out of the agency.
Katsuki has his hands stuffed deep into his pockets as his shoulders are hunched forward and his steps are heavy. He glares at Eijirou from the corner of his eyes to see the redhead walking with his shoulders pushed back, hands beside him and a smile on his face as his footsteps are light. Katsuki sighs as he looks forward again.
''Don't want a fucking date asshead.''
''But why not? I'm dating Denki, Mina is dating Hanta and Jirou is dating Momo. You're the only one who isn't dating. Don't you get lonely?''
''Come on man. Just one date. That's all we ask. At least talk a bit to the person before walking off with the food again. After that we'll stop.'' Eijirou begs.
''Well, to bad. We're doing it anyway. If you don't go we will never stop, just so you know!'' Eijirou says as he jogs off and waves.
Katsuki sighs as he keeps walking home. Slowly his house comes into view. It's a white, two story mansion with a big front yard and a huge back yard with a play ground. It has five bedrooms and three and a half bathroom. It has an open floorplan and is recently renovated. He walks up to the front door and opens it, softly walking inside.
He takes off his coat and shoes, puts his keys in the basket and walks into the living room. The TV is playing some random serie while you're sitting on the couch with a blanket wrapped around you as you're watching the show. Katsuki smiles and walks over, going to stand behind the couch and wrapping his arms around your shoulders as he plants a kiss on your head.
''I'm home, Princess.'' He whispers as he buries his face in your hair.
''Welcome back, Suki. Kamuko is already asleep, she couldn't stay awake anymore, sorry.'' You say as you place your hands on his arms.
''Is fine.''
You smile at the sleepy undertone of his voice. After a few seconds he lets go of you and walks around the couch, laying down on it with his head resting on your lap. He closes his eyes as he gets comfortable. You smile down at him and bring your hand up to gently pull your fingers through his hair, making sure your nails scratch his scalp slightly.
''They were at it again, huh?'' You whisper.
''Yeah.'' He mumbles as he snuggles closer.
''It's okay, Suki. When we're married you'll announce me to the whole wide world.'' You whisper as you kiss the side of his head.
''Fuck yes I will. No one will look at you with those stupid lust eyes anymore.'' He mumbles, words slightly slurring.
''I'm all yours, Baby. No other man has my intrest, only you.''
''Fucking right you're all mine.'' He mumbles as he turns over and buries his face into your abdomen.
''You tired?'' You whisper into his hair, fingers still playing with his hair.
''Lets go up then. I can't carry you.'' You giggle.
''Mmm.'' He groans, snuggling up closer.
''Suki!'' You giggle. ''You can carry me upstairs and hug me all you want.'' You bribe.
''Fine.'' He grumbles as he sits up.
He gets off the couch and picks you up bridal style. You wrap your arms around his shoulders and rest your head against his chest, feeling his muscles move when he moves as well. Katsuki smiles down at you and holds you closer as he walks into the bed room you two share. He carries you to the bed and lays you down.
He plants a gentle kiss on your forehead before walking over to the closet. He opens it and takes out some grey sweatpants. You watch him silentle as he strips to his boxers. He puts on the sweats and walks over to you with a smirk. You stare at his abs and well trained body as he crawls into bed beside you and wraps his arms around you.
He lays on his back as you tangle your legs with his and wrap your arm around his waist, resting your head on his chest as his arms are wrapped securely around you. You smile as you close your eyes. Katsuki plants a kiss on the top of your head as he holds you closer and also closes his eyes.
''Good night, Princess.'' He mumbles sleepily.
''Good night, Suki.''
Three days later is the day he has his stupid blind date with a random person. You helped him get ready and reassured him it's fine. He's wearing black dress pants with a white blouse, the top two buttons open. On his feet he has fancy black shoes. He's also wearing his leather jacket. You wave him off with Kamuko in your arms.
As he arrives at the restaurant he spots a random chick sitting at a table. She's wearing a red dress that's revealing and tight fitting. Her blond hair curled up and a few strands pinned to the back of her head. She's wearing a lot of makeup, showing how vain she is. Katsuki groans to himself as he walks over and sits down, placing his jacket over the back of his chair.
''Hey.'' He grumbles, already hating this.
''Hey~.'' The woman flirts as she leans over the table.
''I'm going to make this very fucking clear. I ain't looking for a fucking partner. The only fucking reason I'm here is to get those shitty extra's off my fucking back. So shut it and fucking eat.'' Katsuki growls as he waves over a waiter.
''No need to be rude~.''
''Some beer and katsudon. Give this bitch a salade and water.'' Katsuki tells the waiter.
''Coming right up.'' The waiter says before walking off.
As Katsuki waits for the food the woman keeps attempting to hit on him. Katsuki ignores her however and pulls out his phone, looking through the news. As the food arrives he eats his food fast, slams some money on the table and leaves. His footsteps are heavy as he walks home, cursing under his breath all the way home.
When he arrives home he slams the door shut and kicks off his shoes and hangs up his coat, a scowl present on his face as he keeps grumbling curses under his breath. You walk over to him wearing one of his shirts and some shorts. A sleeping Kamuko is in your arms as you walk over to him.
Katsuki releases a breath and takes his one-year-old daughter from you, cradling her in his arms as he gently rocks her. You just watch him as he slowly calms down. You and Kamuko always have that effect on him. You go to stand beside him and lean against his side, looking at the peacefully sleeping Kamuko as she holds Katsuki's shirt.
''That bad, huh?'' You whisper.
''She wouldn't shut up. Kept flirting with me no matter what I fucking said.'' Katsuki grumbles as he places a kiss on your forehead.
''Well, you're home now and if the others keep their promise this will be the last one.'' You smile as you give him a quick kiss on the lips.
''Thank god.''
''Come, lets put her to bed.'' You smile as you start walking up to Kamuko's room.
Katsuki smiles and follows after you. You open the door to the room with soft pink walls, stuffed animals, dolls and other toys everywhere and a white crib. Katsuki places Kamuko in her crib and tucks her in, kissing her head. You also give Kamuko a kiss and lean against Katsuki's chest as he wraps his arms around you torso, resting his head on yours.
''I love you (y/n).'' He mumbles with closed eyes.
''I love you too Katsuki. Lets go to bed. You need to get up early tomorrow.'' You smile as you turn in his hold and rest your hands flat against his masculine chest.
''Hmm, good idea, Teddy bear.'' He whispers into your ear.
You flush as you bury your face in his chest. Katsuki chuckles as he lifts you up. You hug him koala style and bury your face in his neck. Katsuki carries you up to your room and places you on the bed before getting changed and brushing his teeth. Once he's done he walks over to you and crawls into bed beside you. he wraps his arms around you as you bury your face in his chest.
Weeks go by and Katsuki's friends keep their promise. That makes Katsuki a lot less snappy and grumpy, which caused the two of you to have some fun. Right now you're looking down at a positive pregnancy test. Your eyes tear up as you smile brightly. You walk out of the bathroom and walk over to the napping Kamuko.
You pick her up and walk to the front door, putting on a coat and shoes. You grab your keys and walk outside, holding Kamuko close as the days are slowly getting colder. You start walking to Katsuki's agency as a few tears spill. He's at work and will be until late tonight. As you reach the agency you walk inside and start heading to the elevator.
''Excuse me, who are you and what is your business here?'' A security lady asks.
''Ah, I'm here for Katsuki Bakugou.'' You say, rubbing Kamuko's back as she slowly wakes up.
''He's in a meeting.''
''I see, I'll wait here for him then.'' You say as you walk over to a chair and sit down.
You place Kamuko on your lap and support her so she won't fall off seeing as she's still tired. Kamuko smiles at you as she babbles and moves her hands around, making funny faces. You just hum and ask her questions to keep the both of you entertained. From the corner of your eye you see the security lady call someone.
''Really? What did you do?'' You ask Kamuko and she responds with some more babbling.
You look up when you hear multiple footsteps walking down a hallway and voices happily talking with one another. You see Katsuki walking with some other people as they talk to him. You realize they are his friends and smile before looking back down at Kamuko as she babbles some more.
''Hmm, good job, Sweetie.'' You smile at her as she just continues.
The footsteps and voices come to a halt, causing you to look up. You see everyone look at you curiously as Katsuki stares at you wide-eyed. You smile and pick up Kamuko as you stand up. You start walking over to them, but the security lady stops you by grabbing your free arm. You look at the lady to see her looking at you angrily.
''Where do you think you're going?'' She asks.
''I told you before that I'm here for Katsuki Bakugou.'' You sigh.
''You're here for Bakubro?'' A cheery voice asks.
You look to the source of the voice and see Katsuki's friends and Katsuki staring at you confused.
''Yes.'' You simply state as you pull your arm from the womans grip.
''Why?'' A pink haired girl asks.
''I need to talk to him.'' You smile, glaring at the woman as you walk over to them.
''Oh? Why would a woman with a beautiful baby want to talk to our angry boom boom man?'' A blond asks.
''The fuck are you doing here?'' Katsuki finaly asks.
''Language. I came here to talk to you.'' You scold.
''Could have fucking called me.'' He grumbles, surprised you're here.
''Trust me, you would be mad if I told you over the phone. Can we talk in your office. Oh, and language!''
''Fine.'' Katsuki grumbles as he walks to the elevator.
You follow after him as Kamuko makes grabby hands towards him. You giggle and boop her nose. You and Katsuki silently wait for the elevator to arrive as you hear the others whisper behind you. When the elevator arrives you and Katsuki get in. As soon as the doors close he takes Kamuko from you and plants a kiss on her face before giving you a kiss.
''Why are you here, Princess?'' He asks softly.
''I'll tell you soon. A bit more patience Suki.'' You smile.
He grumbles softly. You take Kamuko from him before the doors open and follow Katsuki as he walks out of the elevator and towards his office. You three get a lot of strange looks while walking down the hall, but as soon as the people meet Katsuki's deathly glare they go back to work. You giggle softly at his behavior.
Katsuki opens the doors to his office and holds it open for you. You smile and walk into the office, Katsuki walking in after and closing the doors. You walk over to his desk and fish the pregnancy test out of your pocket and place it on his desk before turning to Katsuki and smiling brightly at him.
He walks over to the desk confused and picks up the stick. His eyes widen as he realizes what he's holding and what it says. He places it down on the desk again and turns to you with glazed over eyes and a questioning look, as if asking if it’s true. You place kamuko on a chair beside you and nod as you give Katsuki a hug.
''Yes Suki, I'm pregnant again.'' You whisper.
Katsuki holds you tight and spins you around. You giggle fondly as Katsuki showers your face in kisses.
''Fuck, I love you.'' He says softly as he places you down.
''I know, we'll have two little people to prove that.'' You smile.
''Fuck, I'm going to be a dad again. God, glad you came here. Gimmie kiss.''
You smile and place your lips on his. Your lips move in sync as Katsuki holds your waist. You wrap your arms around his shoulders and go to stand on your tippy toes. Katsuki licks your bottom lip, asking for permission. You part your lips and let his tongue enter. The two of you only break apart when you hear Kamuko giggling and babbling once again.
You giggle as you rest your head against Katsuki's chest and look at her. Your arms move to his waist as Katsuki rests his head on yours and also looks at Kamuko. She just babbles as she makes grabby hands towards you and Katsuki. You and Katsuki softly laugh as you break the hug and he goes to pick her up.
''You're going to be a big sister, Short stack.'' Katsuki smiles.
Kamuko babbles in reply.
''That's right baby. You're going to be a big sister.'' You smile as you kiss the side of her head.
''Now we have to wait longer to marry.'' Katsuki mumbles in a sad manner.
''Don't worry Suki. We can marry in a year. Our little Kamuko can be the prettiest brides maid ever and our new member can be there too.'' You smile as you place a hand on your stomach.
''Fuck, I really fucking love you. You know that, right?'' Katsuki whispers.
''Hmm, I do. Same here Suki, same here.'' You smile as you take his free hand and take it in yours.
The moment gets ruined by a knock on the door. You snatch the pregnancy test from the desk and put it in your pocket as you take Kamuko from Katsuki and speed walk over to the couch, sitting down as Katsuki moves to lean against his desk, looking at the big wooden doors. You nod at him as he takes a deep breath.
''Come in.'' He calls.
The door opens and a total of ten people walk in. You recognize one of them, Izuku, your other child hood friend. For the rest there is a purple haired girl, a red haired guy, a blond guy with a black lightning bolt, a black haired guy, a half white half white haired guy, a blue haired guy, a pink haired girl, a brown haired girl and a green haired girl. Izuku spots you and his eyes widen.
''(y/n)?'' He asks surprised.
''Hey Izu.'' You smile as you wave at him.
''Why the fuck are you guys here?!'' Katsuki barks.
''We'll have a mission soon, Bakugou. We came to talk it through.'' The half half guy says in a monotone voice.
''Can't you fucking see I'm busy?''
''We tried telling them you had someone over, but they wouldn't believe us.'' The black haired guy says.
''Kacchan never has people over, but now I understand. (y/n) would be the only possible person.'' Izuku mutters.
you get up and walk to Katsuki. he looks at you with a raised eye brow.
''I'll be going now, Bakugou.'' You say as you bow.
''Whatever.'' He grumbles.
''Kacchan? (y/n)? Did something happen between the two of you?'' Izuku asks.
''No Izu. Nothing happened.'' You smile at Izuku.
''Then why did you call him by his last name?'' Izuku asks as he takes a step forward.
''What do you mean Midbro?'' The redhead asks.
''(y/n) is our childhood friend as well. She always calls him by his front name or her nickname for him.'' Izuku explains as he turns to the others.
''I'll go Suki, Kamuko needs to be fed soon.'' You whisper to Katsuki.
''Yeah. See ya.'' He says, a ghost of a smile on his face.
You start walking to the group of people seeing as they are all standing in front of the open doors. They make way for you and follow you with their gaze as you walk off. Kamuko starts crying as she notices you're walking away from Katsuki. You try shushing her, but she starts trashing in your hold.
''Shh baby, you'll see daddy later.'' You whisper in her ear.
As she keeps crying Katsuki sighs and walks over to you and Kamuko. His friends and past classmates look at him worried and try stopping him, but Katsuki ignores them and walks over nonetheless. He takes Kamuko from your hold and slightly bounces her in his arms as he looks down at her. As soon as she realizes Katsuki is holding her she calms down.
''Well shit.'' He sighs.
''Sorry. She's not used to this. Here, I'll just take her home.'' You say, reaching out to take her.
''And let her cry again? Fuck no.'' Katsuki says as he turns away from you.
''Come on, we can't spoil her. She needs to learn. Let me take her so you can go back to work.'' You say, trying to take Kamuko from him.
''Jesus Christ Katsuki. Give me Kamuko right now. You can hold her all you want when you come home.'' You grumble, getting annoyed with his behavior.
''Katsuki Bakugou hand me my child.'' You say, placing your hands on your hip.
Izuku and the redhead walk over as the others watch with pained expressions. The redhead places his hand on Katsuki's shoulder and shakes his head. Izuku just glances from one to another. You sigh and quickly snatch Kamuko out off Katsuki's hold while he's distracted. As soon as he feels her leave his arms his head snaps to you.
''Hand her over.'' He growls.
''No. She needs to go home. We can't spoil her and you know it. I know it hurts to hear her cry, but it will only be once or twice. If we spoil her she'll do it all the time.'' You explain with a sigh.
Katsuki looks at you with sad eyes. You know he hates to hear her cry. You do too, but you know you need to be strong. Katsuki is weak for her however, just like he's weak for you. You sigh and place your hand on his cheek. He nuzzles into your hand as he closes his eyes and releases a sigh before looking you in the eyes again.
''You're right. Now go before I change my fucking mind.'' He sighs as he takes a step back.
You smile and walk to the elevator, pushing the button and getting in as soon as the doors open. You look at everyone and wave as the doors close again. Katsuki sighs as his figure slumps. Everyone looks at Katsuki confused. He isn't a kid person, so why would he hold a random kid and refuse to let go. well, the kid is not random, but still.
''She's beautiful, Kacchan.'' Izuku smiles.
''Shut up, Deku.'' Katsuki grumbles.
''Ahe is though. How old is she? One? Two?'' Izuku asks with a big smile.
''One. Why the fuck do you want to know?'' Katsuki growls as he looks back at Izuku.
''We both know you know how I know. Auntie is bad at keeping her mouth closed to mom. I've known for a while now. Anyway, why was (y/n) here?'' Izuku beams.
''Fucking hag.'' Katsuki grumbles.
''What is going on?'' Denki asks.
''Nothing that fucking concerns you.'' Katsuki growls.
''It’s up to Kacchan to tell you guys. Anyway, we came for business.''
After the long meeting and some patrolling Katsuki walks home. His steps are slow and his feet slightly drag as his head hangs low and his hands are shoved deep into his pockets. As he reaches the house he walks inside and lays down on the couch after taking off his shoes and coat, his head resting on your lap. He buries his face into your abdomen gently and gives it a kiss.
''Welcome back, Suki.''
''Mmm.'' He mumbles simply as he hugs you.
''Yeah, yeah. I know. It's too early to hear or feel anything though. Be patient.''
''Love you.''
''Love you too.''
You and Katsuki married two weeks ago. It was small, but you both loved it. Kamuko was the brides maid while Kane was dressed in a little suite. Right now you are carrying Kane in your arm as Kamuko walks beside you and your free hand holds Katsuki. This is the day you'll make it known to the public. Katsuki will be named number two hero.
''I'll be in the audience.'' You smile as you kiss his cheek and take Kamuko's hand in yours as you walk off.
You go to stand in front of the crowed, looking up at the podium as Kamuko holds your hand tight and looks up with stars in her eyes, Kane just looks around amazed. His four month old brain can't really register what's going on. After a bit Presen Mic walks onto stage, announcing the basics and who is who. Izuku is number one, Katsuki number two, Kirishima number five and Todoroki number three. Now they're answering questions.
''Dynamight! Are you really single?!'' A lady asks.
''No. I'm happily married.'' Katsuki smirks as he glances at you.
The crowed erupts into chatter, freaking Kane out and causing him to cry. You let go of Kamuko's hand and start shushing him, it doesn't help however since there is still a lot of noise. Katsuki gets up and walks over to the front of the stage and to you. He reaches for Kane and picks him up, holding him close and bouncing him.
You smile at him and pick up Kamuko, setting her onto the stage as well before climbing onto it yourself. Katsuki smirks as you stand beside him, holding Kamuko's hand and softly whispering to Kane as Katsuki bounces him and glares at the crowed. The crowed quietens down and looks at it wide-eyed.
''Damn annoying extra's.'' He grumbles as he rubs Kane's back.
''It’s okay, Suki.'' You whisper as Kane calms down and slowly falls asleep.
''They're too damn noisy.''
''It's fine, Suki. Kane needs to get used to it eventually.'' You smile as you kiss his cheek.
''I know.'' Katsuki mumbles.
''IS SHE YOUR WIFE?!?!'' Multiple reporters yell at once.
''Yes, now shut the fuck up before you wake up Kane again!''
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mariesocuniverse · 3 years
Relationships: WayV
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if it werent for the the laws of ncity he wouldve asked her to join wayv and stay in their dorms
Since they don’t live together or are part of the same unit they don’t really spend a lot of time together but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t want to be with Mae
Large parent/protective older brother energy
not as protective as 127 hyungs but you know
Yeah she’s a menace when she teams up with other WayV members but she doesn’t clown him as much as they do it’s cause she saves that energy for doyoung lmao
mae claims she visits the wayv dorm for him but he’s 50% sure she’s just there for the animals
the other 50% is because she wants him to cook for her which he does even if she doesnt ask
hes like those parents who insist on giving you leftovers to bring home to your family
he taught her to do magic tricks bc she was insistent on wanting to learn at least one
okay but honestly she thinks he really cool despite all the clowning she does to him
like singing? dancing? cooking? visual? magic? and he can fly a plane????
one of the reasons she has high standards ngl
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ten has unofficially adopted her whether people like it or not
he has fought with taeyong and doyoung about it she is his baby
if mark and johnny are his brothers, mae is basically his younger sister
if you look at his photo gallery he has a folder dedicated to mae and mae only
any photo or video of them together is basically ten clinging to her like a koala
he looks at her like she put all the stars in the sky but the same goes for mae
she has admitted in an interview that ten is one of her role models because of his talent and work ethic
whenever she needs help with dancing he’s one of the first people she asks
xiaojun once asked him who’s his favorite between yangyang and mae and you could see him malfunction for like six seconds before jokingly scolding him
“yah how could you ask me that type of question?”
fun fact! ten was the person she asked to go with her when she got her first tattoo!
he arranged the appointment at the place where he got his and held her hand when she was getting it
Lowkey considered getting matching tattoos but never really took the time to think of what tattoos they’d get
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another top ship among czennies
these two are so soft for each other omg
just one glance at the two and you’re already melting
You can see Yuta screaming about MaeWin whenever the group is together and they’re interacting
And if you can’t see it you’ll probably hear it
MaeWin: casually talking
Yuta: is this what heaven looks like
MaeWinMark is just yuta’s weakness and he doesn’t even bother to hide it
Okay back to MaeWin before I get ahead of myself and make an entire post about Yuta and MaeWinMark
If they’re gathered in a large group their interactions aren’t really noticeable unless you’re actively looking for it
While the others are talking you can just see Mae playing with his hands or winwin giving her a soft smile while patting her head
They talk more when they’re either in a small group or just the two of them
MaeWin shippers were devastated when they got separated so when nct 2020 happened they went feral
Every once in a while they go out for hotpot and talk about what has been going on
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this man right here
they first met when she was visiting NCT U dance practice for BOSS with food and she heard him from the hallway
its one of the reasons why she wasn’t intimidated by him even though hes a giant
she was excited to see what kind of energy and personality he would bring to nct
and she was not disappointed at all
personal hype man
whenever they’re on a variety show together and mae is asked to do something he just yells “FIGHT HAEYADWAE”
of course the same goes for mae but less loud bc last time she kept yelling she lost her voice and couldnt talk for the rest of the show
He just has this energy where if he’s hyped up about something she feels energized to be hyped up well so you just hear the both of them cheering loudly
its always interesting to see because you just see a gentle giant cheering loudly with this smol girl next to him trying to match his energy
he always makes sure she’s comfortable when they’re at a schedule
like we know how he’s really silly on camera but he’s also very observant and caring
one time mae complained about how her feet hurt from the heels she was wearing so he just picked her up bridal style and walked to the van without a word
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They’ve heard abt each other from Kun and ten and greeted each other when they passed by each other in the halls but they never really had a chance to grow close until nct 2020 happened
Mae wasn’t in the Make a Wish unit so there weren’t a lot of chances to get to know each other while promoting either but it doesn’t mean they’re not friends
ten also hogs her attention when she visits the wayv dorms but we dont talk about that
these two arent as close as the others but not to the point where they actively avoid each other
whenever they’re together they just vibe
theres no awkward silence or small talk they just talk about random stuff
“no lucas, i dont hate xiaojun hyung we just dont hang out as often as we do”
“yes hendery we do have each other’s numbers we just don’t talk often”
WayV is lowkey tempted to lock the two of them in a practice room together and do a vlive to see what’ll happen
prime candidates for “It’s Awkward but It’s Okay”
their dynamic is kinda DoRen where they pretend to be awkward around each other as a joke
like they went out together once and everyone as excited bc omg they were interacting
XiaoMae shippers are starved for content and will accept any crumbs that come their way
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the duo people didnt know they needed until they met
its not like people didnt want them to become friends its just that theyre energies match well
these two are such a vibe
you know how there are ppl who don’t see for long periods of times but you still want tackle them in a hug whenever you meet? yeah its like that
kun sometimes wants to separate the two bc of how much chaos they cause together
they’re the duo where they think something is a good idea at the time but ends up as something bad at the end
kun has banned the two from the kitchen bc of a fire they started
HenMae shippers are thriving because of all the stories of the dumb shit they’ve done
lowkey considered doing a series together on nct daily but then the channel stopped uploading vids so it was never mentioned again
one time he was on call with his sister when she walked in and accidentally mistook her as his gf and now they jokingly have each other as bf and gf in their phone contacts
ten nearly had a heart attack when he saw the contact name pop up and mae picked up the call
 yangyang has the whole thing recorded on his phone and refuses to delete it
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(A/N everytime i see this gif i need a moment to pause and try and remember my ideas cause my head goes empty when it comes to yangyang)
okay if HenMae are chaotic, MaeYang are worse
kun doesnt need to dye his hair gray bc of all the stress these two cause him
czennies thought they didnt interact much bc of different schedules and groups but once nct world happened they changed their minds
MaeYang slowly climbing up the ranks of nct ships
during one of his lives yangyang mentioned how he spoke a lot with mae and that she wanted to add him to the 00liner gc
czennies lost it that day bc 1) holy shit theres a 00liners gc and 2) why tf hasnt yangyang been added into it yet
insists that she calls him oppa/hyung even though theres only a one month difference between them
Mae and Yangyang: whispering in the corner of the room
kun: theyre either talking shit about someone or world domination and i cant tell whats worse
he tried teaching her some german once and she now knows like three sentences
“Hallo, Ich bin Mae. Was geht ab? Mir geht’s gut.” (A/N this is the outcome of my three years of german lessons everyone)
and basically all the swear words but we dont need to talk about that
haechan jokes that he’s stealing mae away from the dreamies so he wont be the maknae in wayv 
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chubbyreaderchan · 4 years
I Don't Like Cats | Frank Castle x chubby!Reader
Tw: Blood, cat hate, female reader
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Frank glanced around her apartment.
She was the only person he could think of as he escaped the war scene he had just left.
(Y/n) was special. Very special.
Frank knew where she lived a long time ago but this was the first time he's ever been inside. And here he was bleeding all over the carpet.
Instead of being pissed, she made a joke about how she wasn't expecting to see her deposit back anyways. Then off she went to help clean him up.
Strange how he went from almost hitting her with his van to being one of the few people he could trust.
He froze when he heard a soft mewing from beside him. A gray cat was at his boots and meowed again to gain his attention before trotting to the kitchen. The cat stood in front of a pink and white bowl, meowing again. This time it was a long and drawn out one.
"Wisp, Frank isn't going to feed you," she said softly scratching the cat's ear.
Without a word she gently grabbed Frank's hand pulling him further into her kitchen. He winced as the pain in his very bruised knuckles throbbed but he ignored it, enjoying her warm skin on his.
"Do you have a place to stay tonight?" She asked gently, helping as best as she could to clean the blood off of open wounds before stitching them shut.
The stitches were quite even, at least for someone who doesn't stitch skin often. It must be due to the crafts that he noticed here and there around the apartment. "No, not anymore." He grumbled.
Her eyes looked him over, thoughts of kissing Frank flooded her mind but she knew that wasn't something that would be okay.
He was thinking the same thing.
"You can stay here. If you don't mind my cats"
"Cats?" He glanced up. "I only saw the one."
"Willow is a bit scared of strangers. She is probably under my bed," (Y/n) smiled. Without a thought she tugged on his black shirt, he lifted his arms in response wincing as the blood made his shirt stick slightly in a disgusting way. A large gash ran down his left side from under his arm and down towards his ab. It wasn't as deep as the ones on his arms. The stitches took a bit of time still and they sat in silence as she worked.
"I'm not a big fan of cats... I prefer dogs," Frank said, the cat was now staring him down. "You should get a dog. Especially in a city like this one."
Her eyes looked up into his dark ones, damn was she beautiful. Frank wanted to kiss her but something told him it might hurt Maria. Or hurt her memory.
Would Maria want him to move on?
Could he move on?
"Unlike most people. I actually like most animals... Cats. Dogs. Mice. It doesn't matter," she admitted cleaning the wound one last time. "So a dog could be in the future if I can find one who likes cats."
Goddamn it.
Damn it all. It wouldn't be safe to be with her but he was falling, descending down like a bomb on her life.
He couldn't escape the war. Inside or outside always at war. If it wasn't Maria, it was the lifestyle. He couldn't watch another person he cared for get hurt. Then a voice told him in his head that he already has her at risk by just knowing him. Curses flew through his mind rapidly.
"I have some clothes..."
"Boyfriend?" He asked, suddenly feeling a heart pull.
"No, it was from an shipping mix up. I got the refund and they said to just keep the clothes..." She shrugged. "Go ahead and shower. I'll get the towel and clothes for you."
Frank couldn't help but smile as he watched her full figure disappear down the hallway and into a bed room. The marine stood up, following her.
"Oh! The bathroom is at the end of the hall!" She called through the door.
"Thanks," he responded stepping heavily.
Frank stepped into the bathroom closing the door before stripping his clothing. The shower curtain made a soft noise as it was open and Frank almost went into Punisher mode when he saw a black cat laying in the tub. Her eyes were wide upon seeing him, she darted past him like a jet clawing at the door for freedom.
He laughed. Cats. Frank opened the door just enough for her to make her escape. He turned his attention back to the shower. The water came out in a typical weak fashion for an older apartment, but he couldn't complain. His muscles relaxed under the heat, letting the blood run off.
The air got slightly cooler as (Y/n) opened the bathroom door. She placed the clothes down, trying her best to not take a peak at the shadow against the curtain. It was a fight with her perverted interest and respect for the man. "I uh... Also brought a loofa if you need to scrub the blood off..."
"Yeah, uh can you hand it to me?" His deep voice vibrated off the bathroom walls. Her hand poked in on the other side of the curtain, keeping her vision at her feet. Then he noticed the grey cat poking his head in the shower at the same time. "Thanks."
Their fingers brushed slightly as she passed it off.
"Come on Wisp. Let's get you fed," her voice was so gentle.
Then she was gone again, Frank was left with the battle in his head. She was so good. He couldn't be so selfish.
His large beat up hands gripped a purple bottle of shampoo and he took a whiff. It was sweet yet floral with no real scent he could name except for (Y/n). His lungs inflated again, despite his ribs aching from the fight earlier as he washed himself in her smell.
It was so good.
Frank stepped out, dried off and pulled in the soft clothing on. A black shirt that wouldn't fit her and a pair of grey sweats. Warm. Comfortable. Clean.
He found her sitting on the couch, watching some YouTube Unsolved show. Talking about some Peter Quill missing and aliens. He gently sat next to her, the black cat was on her lap asleep. Then the grey one, no, Wisp follow Frank's movements and plopped down in his lap.
"You can sleep in my bed," she held up a blue bowl filled with popcorn to him. "I'll sleep on the couch,"
"Call me old fashioned, but I'll sleep on the couch," he took the popcorn. It almost felt...normal. He remembered nights like this.
"The bed would be more comfortable for your injuries," (Y/n) looked at him, noticing his free hand absently petting the cat in his lap.
"I don't want to put you out more, (Y/n)"
The plump woman turned more, stirring her cat awake. This time she didn't run. "Frank I wouldn't have let you in my apartment if I felt that way,"
She bit her bottom lip and sighed. "I care about you and I don't want you feeling uncomfortable,"
"I'm not going to argue this. I'll sleep on the couch," he was firm. "If someone came through that door for me, I'd be the first one they'd see."
He sighed. "It's safer."
The look on her face was heart breaking. The urge to kiss her was to strong. He placed his hands on her lightly plump cheeks and pressed his lips to hers. Coffee, blood, and him flooded her senses. There was no stopping him on either side, save for the air that they were running out of.
"I can't..." He paused. "I can't lose you. I can't handle that,"
She sighed. "Fine. One night. Then we'll share my bed, okay?"
She was inviting him to stay longer? Really?
The night went on without incident until she began to fall asleep on his arm after setting up sheets and pillows for him. He helped her to bed before laying down himself.
The sleep was dreamless. A rare occurrence for him. A full right hours of sleep, only to be stirred by morning coffee.
His eyes opened slowly, noticing two weights on his body. Both cats were fast asleep on his chest, purring.
(Y/n) came in with coffee for them both, a smile on her beautiful face.
"You know cats lay on their family members who are sick or injured and purr to help heal them." She sat in a kitchen chair not to far away.
"Yeah, well I still don't like cats."
"Well, they sure like you."
What the hell did Frank start?
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missjaystone · 4 years
Familiar Faces
Summary: Sam sets out to find his soulmate after his dream life wound up being just that, a dream. He just wants to find his happy ever after. Word Count: 3,930 Pairing(s): Sam Wilson x Reader Warnings: Death (mentioned), Smut, Rough(ish) sex
(This is the sequel to ‘Old Faces’, please read that one first)
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Sam didn't tell anyone what happened in his dream if you could call it that; now that he was awake and knew none of that ever happened, it felt like a nightmare or a cruel joke. He dug through old boxes for close to two hours before he found what he was looking for; a box with a handful of pictures from the time he spent with you and Riley before they shipped out. You'd sent the pictures to them not long after they left, he kept them along with the letters you wrote them in a little lockbox. He always kept the key for it on his keychain. He scrambled to look at different letters and pictures for your address, he knew it was on there somewhere.
Half an hour and a dozen groans of frustration and he finally found it! '3197 N 10th St, Washington DC', it was written clear as day and he could recognize your handwriting from a mile away; it was always a little slanted to the side and it was usually smudged in at least three places because your hand always ran across it when you wrote or went back to dot your i's and cross your t's. "FRIDAY, can you look up the owner of 3197 North 10th st in Washington, DC? And their contact information?" He called out to the AI. There was a confirmation sound before it answered in 20 seconds "it's owned by Richard and Owen Johnson." He frowned some "can you look up anyone named y/f/n y/l/n in DC?" Another sound before the AI answered him "there are two thousand four hundred thirteen people with that name." He groaned "how many of them went to the FBI academy in Quantico?" "None," the AI said almost immediately. "Open the search nationwide-no, global, then crosscheck it with anyone who served or actively serves as a special agent with the FBI or any of America's agencies," he ordered, he was getting nervous. His mind started to wander; what if something awful happened to you? The AI's voice broke him out of his thoughts "there is one person in the United States that fits that criteria."
"Where? Where is she?" Sam asked excitedly. "Records indicate she lived in New Haven, Connecticut the past year but a rental application for an apartment in Greenwich Village can be found as well, both dated within the past two weeks." Sam's hopes were quickly rising as he wrote the new address down. "Where's the closest VA office to her apartment?" Sam finally asked after debating. He couldn't just show up on your doorstep out of the blue, but showing up at the VA in the hope you'd go there like any other veteran wouldn't be so weird would it? He'd look the place up online and find a meeting schedule later, now he just wanted to go back to sleep for a bit.
After visiting the VA for two weeks, and no sign of you, Sam was beginning to lose hope and get worried again. Steve encouraged him to go out for a drink with him and Bucky if only to distract him for a night. Bucky all but dragged him with them when Sam said he'd rather not. On the car ride to the bar, Sam figured a couple of drinks wouldn't hurt, what's the worst that could happen. He took a seat at the bar and ordered a beer, looking around the crowded bar curiously. He'd only been there for ten minutes when he decided to get out for some fresh air, slipping away from his friends while they were briefly distracted. He didn't know where it was taking him but he followed the part of his brain that told him to walk down the street. Maybe he followed his mind, hoping the pull would somehow lead to you. He wanted nothing more than to believe that soulmates had a special bond that pulled them together, maybe that's just what he needed to think to stay sane.
He needed to believe all the stories he heard growing up about soulmates being pulled together, about how nothing could keep them apart from one another. He may have denied it initially but he was well past that. No other woman he saw made him feel the way you did; he knew they never could. He started walking past a park but stopped, not giving it a second thought when his mind told him to go in. With it being almost 9 on a weeknight, he wasn't surprised the park was devoid of kids and adults. Then he saw the figure sitting on top of the monkey bars and he smiled to himself.
"Little late to be out isn't it?" He asked when he stopped a couple of feet behind the figure. "Says the man who's also out at this time," was the reply, accompanied by a quiet laugh. "I had a dream you were here, you know," Sam admitted sheepishly. If it wasn't so dark out and he wasn't behind you, you would've seen his blushing face "I mean, not here exactly, I had a dream you were in New York. I've been looking just about everywhere for you." "Work keeps me busy, I've technically lived here for two weeks but I've only spent about three days in town," you answered. "Understandable," he said with a quiet, nervous laugh. A silence filled the space around you both. Sam knew what he wanted to say, what he needed to say. He sighed quietly and bit his lip "I'm sorry I disappeared on you after we lost him. You needed someone to lean on and it should have been me. I shouldn't have let my own emotions consume me and leave you in the dust," he finally said.
"You have nothing to be sorry for, Sam, losing him was as huge for you as it was for me. I was never mad at you; your feelings were your own and you did what was best for yourself. I can't be mad at you for taking care of yourself," you told him, finally looking over at him. He started to argue but you knew what he'd say "I mean it, Sam. I don't ever want you to feel bad for taking care of yourself. You knew what you needed, I knew what I needed and that's that." "I thought you blamed me for his death though, I should've-" he started to argue. You shushed him "people always want to find someone to blame when things go wrong, even if that person is themselves, it's supposed to make it easier to accept I think, because if someone is to blame, then a bad thing didn't just happen, it had a reason behind it. There's nothing you could have done to save him, you were both doing your jobs. I know you think it's your fault but it isn't, Sam, and I never thought otherwise."
Sam smiled, he felt like a weight he didn't even know he carried had been lifted. He'd heard it before but it only ever took away part of the blame he felt. Hearing it from you made it feel true, you saying it made him believe it. He felt like he could breathe again. "You know, I didn't want you to be my soulmate," he said, eyes widening immediately in embarrassment. That's not how he wanted it to come out. "Ouch," you mumbled but held back a laugh. You'd seen him nervous before, it was usually a little entertaining. "I mean I did! Don't get me wrong, god I wanted it but I always worried I'd be too old for you, you know. I didn't want you to get stuck with someone old enough to be your young dad, I thought maybe you'd be able to find someone closer to your age, someone who wasn't friends with the guy who basically raised you," he rambled quickly.
You rolled your eyes and let out a laugh before leaning over the edge of the monkey bars until you were hanging upside down, face to face with him "why would I do that? I didn't have a bond with anyone else the way I did with you. Age be damned, I was an adult when we met, and I was and am more than capable of making my own choices." "Maybe I was just too scared of being rejected then. Do you know how much it's supposed to hurt when your soulmate rejects you?" He asked with a small hum, his hand gently coming up to cup your cheek.
"Oh please, who in their right mind could reject you?" You asked and flashed a small smirk. "God you're a pain," he said jokingly before stepping forward and planting his lips on yours in a gentle kiss. It had a passionate, longing feel to it, like it was something you'd both been waiting for ages for it. Your hanging upside down made it a little awkward but that didn't deter either of you. You tried to pull him closer, only to struggle; you lightly shoved his chest when he laughed. "So, I'm not getting rejected right?" Was the first thing he said when your lips separated. His tone was joking but even in the dark, you could see the nervous look on his face. "I'd never reject you, Sam; I love you," you told him, looking directly into his eyes so he knew you meant it.
He beamed a bright grin, rubbing his thumb over your cheekbone softly "I love you too, I wish it hadn't taken so long for this to happen, for us to finally end up together." "Me too, Sam," you were grinning from ear to ear as you looked at him. "Can I take you out to dinner tomorrow?" He asked happily. "I'd like that a lot, maybe you can tell me what you've been up to and why two men are staring at us," you stated with a grin. When he gave you a confused look, you nodded past him where two men were stood at the park's entrance, trying (and failing) to look nonchalant and acting like they weren't trying to eavesdrop. "Shoo!" Sam yelled when he looked back at them. He let out an exasperated sigh and an embarrassed chuckle "just a guy who ripped my steering wheel out of my car while I was in it and another guy who likes to show off by frequently running past me. Don't worry, they're just lonely old men, I promise they won't always be around to watch like that." You laughed and grinned "well I can't wait to hear those stories."
When the blood rushing to your head became too much, you finally got off the monkey bars and stretched. You didn't hesitate to kiss him, this time wrapping your arms around him. His own arms were around your waist in an instant, drawing you close until you were flush against his chest. This one was sweeter than before, it was calm and comforting. "How about we go grab a bite to eat right now? There's a pretty good burger place open until midnight a block and a half away," he offered. "Then what're we still doing standing here?" You asked sarcastically, a teasing smile on your face as you took his hand in yours and laced your fingers together. "That's my girl," he laughed to himself and begin walking with you. "By the way, was that Captain America watching us?" You asked after walking in comfortable silence for a couple of minutes. "Yup, unfortunately," Sam chuckled. "So you're either a superhero or some kind of terrorist now?" You teased. "Yeah, but if I tell which one I'd have to kill you," he said with a playful nudge to your side. "Right," you said sarcastically, both of you immediately bursting into laughter. Life felt right. You felt happy for the first time since your godfather's death.
The walk was quick and since it was almost 9:30 at night, almost nobody else was there so you got your food quickly. "So, we're fighting this guy in an airport, and I swear I don't think he's ever been in a fight before because he is so damn talkative. I mean it, he won't shut up. Anyway, he shoots this white substance at us, which in and of itself is unsettling and we're stuck on the ground. He's still talking and it's like a villain's monologue except it wasn't terrifying, it was annoying. I call in Redwing and he just launches this guy out the window and then Bucky says 'you couldn't have done that sooner' and I so badly wanted to smack him or at the very least send him flying through a window," Sam explains, rolling his eyes dramatically while you laughed, having to put down your burger so you didn't take a bite and choke. "And Bucky's the one who ripped your steering wheel out, right?" You asked, just to be sure. "Yup and every day with that dumbass is a test," Sam laughed and grinned. "Well, it's a good thing you have experience with dumbasses, huh?" You asked jokingly. "You know I do, baby."
You and Sam actually wound up staying at the place until they closed at midnight. Once you left, you two just began walking around, savoring each other's company and getting close again. "You wanna go back to my place? It's not that far from here," you offered with a smile. "Really? I thought you lived in Greenwich, I saw the apartment application online," he admitted before coughing and clearing his throat; he really didn't want to mention how much information he looked up online. "I applied to it but found a place here in Manhattan I liked better," you'd question him later about that little tidbit of information he had.
True to your word, the walk to your home was only fifteen minutes tops. "Sorry about all the boxes everywhere, I'm still unpacking everything," you apologized with a sheepish smile as you closed the front door behind you. "I've seen worse, baby, don't worry about it," he said with a casual shrug and a smile. Another silence fell upon you as you looked at each other. Even being together, there was still a pull and you both felt it. He gently pulled you to him and kissed you. This time, the kiss was desperate and hungry, consuming both of you. He held you by your hips, keeping you as close as physically possible. Your arm wrapped around his neck while your free hand cupped his cheeks as the kiss became more heated. It was like you suddenly couldn't get enough of each other.
When Sam finally broke away from the kiss, a small groan leaving his lips as he looked down at you with lust-darkened eyes "where's your bedroom?" "Down the hall, last door on the left," you mumbled, already dragging him down the hallway as you spoke. You'd taken two steps into the room when he picked you up and semi-gracefully tossed you onto the bed. He quickly moved to cover your body with his, caging you beneath him as he attacked your neck with kisses and a few soft bites. There was an urgency in both of your movements as you each hurried to undress the other while trying to keep as little space as possible between your bodies.
Soon, clothes were strewn across the bedroom; your bra was thrown over the lamp on your bedside table, his boxes landed in front of your dresser with his pants not far away. His fingers delved deep into your core and moved slowly, the little moans and gasps of pleasure spurring him on. The way his fingers repeatedly grazed over those spots you had trouble reaching even with your best toys had you melting underneath him. He watched with a proud, adoring smirk as he brought you right up to the edge before stopping and pulling his fingers out. He chuckled when you groaned in frustration, looking up at him pleadingly "Sam!"
"Hm?" He asked, a small teasing smirk on his face as he slowly licked them clean. You narrowed your eyes for a second before returning a teasing smirk of your own "either fuck me yourself or I'll use one of my toys while you sit in a corner." Sam tried to hide the way his eyes widened briefly "you wouldn't dare." You nodded with a smug smile on your face "well, my friend got me a new thrusting vibrator as a joke gift and I haven't had time to use it yet." You looked at each other in a silent staring contest, daring the other to do something. "God damn it, I can't tell if you're bluffing," he mumbled before crashing his lips to yours in a fervorous kiss which you were more than happy to return.
Sam haphazardly wrapped your legs around his waist and after impatiently lining his member at your entrance, he slowly thrust into you. You both let out groans of pleasure, your head falling back onto the pillow while he buried his face in the crook of your neck. He started dragging his hips slowly, just savoring the feeling of being with you in a way so intimate he thought he'd only dream it. Once he got more comfortable, he set a slow pace, savoring the feeling of each slow drag of his hips. Your soft moans were music to his ears, and knowing that he was the cause made his heart swell. "I love you so much," your voice was soft and breathy, he could tell you were right there with him on cloud 9. You looked so peaceful as he slowly fucked into you and if he could take a picture, he'd do it in a heartbeat. Your eyes closed and lips slightly parted from the pure bliss you felt. If only your eyes were open, you'd have seen the switch that flipped in his mind when you softly moaned his name.
When he got comfortable, he slowly pulled his hips back until the tip was just barely in before slamming back into the hilt, smirking at the loud moan you let out. He moved his hips fast now, making sure to reach the innermost depths of your cunt with each stroke of his cock. "F-fuck, S-sam!" You almost screamed when he started roughly playing with your clit. He smirked down at you, eyes completely dark now as he asked: "yeah, you think a toy can do this? Can a piece of plastic fuck you this way?" He pinched your clit when you took too long to answer him, making your words hitch in your throat, his hips pistoning into you brutally. You quickly shook your head while your nails dug into his shoulders, a quiet 'no' leaving your lips as you shook your head. "Louder, I want everyone to hear it, I wanna hear you tell everyone who fucks you this good," his voice was becoming husky and his thrusts came harder, punctuating every few words.
"You, Sam! No-no toy can fun me like this!" You shouted, body beginning to shake as your orgasm quickly crept closer. "Yeah? Who's girl are you, huh? Don't you dare cum until I say so," He demanded, grabbing your jaw and making you look directly into his eyes. "Yours, Sam! I'm yours!" You choked out, a low whine following your words while a few tears of pure pleasure ran down your cheeks. "Who owns your cunt, baby? Scream his name so all of New York knows and then you can cum all over my dick," he demanded again, squeezing your jaw slightly. His own hips were stuttering as he did everything he could to hold back. "Sam!" You screamed his name like a prayer before being blinded by white-hot pleasure as you came undone beneath him. A strangled groan escaped his throat as he came, his face falling to your chest as his hips rolled slowly. He could hear your heart pounding in your chest before he reluctantly pulled his softening member out of you and collapsed next to you.
He watched your panting form for a few moments before he got up and went to the bathroom. When he returned with a damp rag, he moved the covers away and gently cleaned your combined arousal from between your legs, frowning some at the way your body jolted at his touch. "I didn't hurt you did I?" He asked nervously. You shook your head, sending him a lazy smile "no, no I'm fine, Sam." "Are you sure? Because I know I got a little rough. I have no idea where that came from, I just-when you moaned my name it set something off I guess," he rambled with a nervous frown still on his face. With a quiet groan, you made yourself sit up so you could look at him. You cupped his cheeks and smiled "that was the best sex I've ever had, I'm fine, just a little sore because it's been a while." "How long?" He asked curiously before he could stop himself. You laughed some "three years, like I said work keeps me busy." He smiled and laid down, carefully pulling you with him "that makes both of us, baby."
The way he slowly rubbed your back made you melt in his embrace, sighing happily. He planted a soft kiss to your temple and yawned "I love you so much, (y/n). There's no place I'd rather be in this moment, or ever again." "I love you too, Sam, so damn much," you whispered, eyes falling shut as you snuggled close to him. A comfortable silence filled the room but only for a minute before Sam spoke again "wait, are you on anything?" You shook your head "we'll deal with that in the morning, I don't have the energy right now."
He fell silent but you could feel his eyes on you. When you opened your eyes again to look at him, you couldn't quite read the expression on his face "what?" He bit his lip in thought, debating on whether to say what was on his mind "well, what if we didn't deal with it?" "What?" You asked him, your confusion evident. "I'm just saying, what if we didn't deal with it, y'know. What if we just let whatever happens happen?" He suggested sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck as he spoke. "Sam, are you suggesting that we-?" You asked, your brain unwilling to find and utter the words. "Look, (y/n), I spent all these years without you and now I feel like I have to make up for lost time. Don't worry, I'll respect if you aren't ready or don't want that. I just want you to know that's where I'm at," he said softly, absentmindedly playing with your fingers.
You'd never given much thought to family life but thinking about it with Sam, having children and raising a family together, it sounded appealing. It suddenly felt like something you couldn't live without. You pecked his lips softly before resting your head back on his chest, closing your eyes "let's just go to sleep and see what happens in the weeks to come." You could hear the fondness in his voice when he spoke "if it's a boy, can we name him Paul after my dad?" "Obviously, now turn the light off and go to sleep," you mumbled tiredly, earning a tired, quiet laugh.
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nc7dr3am · 4 years
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so their ship name is just his full name LMAO
they love it
so yknow how dream clowns mark?
obviously she does too
but she’s more gentle and has a TON of respect for mark
“minhyung oppa is extremely hardworking ... he’s always working to be his absolute best and he is so kind and down to earth”
they’re actually a really soft duo
because like. mark is truly her big brother
he cares for her a lot and helped her so much during her debut
he helps her practice her dancing (even after he left dream)
because she trusts him a lot and he know the exact way to help her
but yeah she still clowns him
calls him old man all of the time
but she was full on SOBBING at their last concert with mark
like she had to move her mic because it was so bad
mark isn’t too big on the pda but when they’re together he always lets his baby sister give him so many hugs
when sm told them that mark was coming back and they were a fixed unit ... god she cried a lot then too
she was so happy
“lily is actually so sweet guys. like, she’s so genuine. she cares a lot for all of us and she’s also so intelligent? she’s always reading” - mark when asked about her on vlive
he’s trying to teach her guitar but the only instrument she formally knows is violin
her skill with the bass is self taught and she doesn’t know actual notes so she applies that to guitar and mark is trying to ACTUALLY teach her
mark also understands her well because they were both raised in the west
she expresses herself better in english and mark is always there to understand and listen
they’re just actual siblings and love each other so much
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lily makes renjun look a lot taller
she doesn’t ever make fun of his height and gets mad at the other dreamies when they do
she clowns his voice crack tho HAH
lowkey the savage duo
lily is more secretly savage though
renjun is the one allowed in her room the most
he works on his art and she reads or writes or practices violin
they have a lot of quiet moments
but they also get silly together
so lily doesn’t think about the universe deeply because she lowkey thinks it’s a waste of her time
like .. she’ll never know and she’s fine with that so why dwell on it
HOWEVER she really believes in aliens and she and renjun legit have sat for hours looking online ab alien shit
they’re also both so smart
and she’s always talking about how much she admires renjun’s brain
stans his vocal talent. like. she’s loud about it
fans love this duo a lot nd they have a lot of romantic shippers
even tho .. they have never liked each other that way LMAO
at the airport she links arms with him a lot and they look like they’re gossiping hhhhh
when the dreamies are being too much they just look at each other and fans love that shit
also they’re both arguably the scariest members
renjun because... duh y’all know him
but lily doesn’t get annoyed often. when she does... there’s hell to pay and she has a good punch
“renjun oppa is so good at korean! i’m actually korean and he speaks it better than i do!”
“that’s because i’m smarter than you”
“do you want to die?”
basically just a really close pair! they’re always there for each other 🥺
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she openly says that jeno is the cutest member
“he’s the most adorable person ever! his eyesmile is too cute”
the way she laughed when jeno ripped his shirt off-
she clowned him for DAYS
every time she was wearing a jacket or cardigan she ripped it off and mocked him
also whenever she’s drinking something around him she recreates his milk cf
also!!! she thinks jeno is so funny
she loves him and his humor
she and jeno have a really really deep bond.
he saw her journal (refer to my post about her room) and he’ll take what he read to the grave
he checks in on her a lot because he knows when she’s hurting
when they were trainees she was struck by how kind he was to her
and they were stuck together ever since
lily hasn’t ever been mad at him ONCE
they’re arguably the softest duo
they have a lot of romantic shippers too but
it’s a no
she’s a big nomin shipper too like unironically she thinks there’s something there
she always hypes his vocals!! he doesn’t get to sing enough >:(
he’s also her biggest cheerleader and when she cries and gets upset about her dancing he always pulls her aside and consoles her 🥺
he helps her with writing songs too!
wholesome beautiful friendship
they go out to eat a lot
jeno also helps her paint her nails LMAO
and they ride bikes together a lot
can’t commit to working out with him though because it’s way too much for her to do all that
lily also bakes a lot. and jeno appreciates that. a LOT
they’re best friends. she even bought them stupid girly heart bracelets that connect together LMAO
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so much affection!!!!
she is such a hyuck stan
“haechannie is my bias!!”
always calls him fullsun (in english)
number one hyuck skin enthusiast!! she thinks he’s gorgeous and glows brighter than all of them
also she loves his singing and thinks his vocal tone is so unique
always laughs at his jokes and finds him hilarious
he doesn’t prank her as much as the others because he’s actually so sweet to her
he’s used to having a younger sister and thinks of lily as his little sister
they constantly text and facetime a lot since they live in different dorms
she’s lowkey whipped for him and he’s whipped for her
not in a romantic way tho!
another member who always eats her baking
they learn girl group dances together
now we all know damn well that hyuck is the sweetest boy and so full of love
but we also know he annoys the shit out of the members
jimin is NO exception
he pokes fun at her and mocks her all the time
so she slaps him in the back of the head LMAOO
when does she actually get mad tho? when he shows up at the dorms and enters her room without permission
cue her chasing him around the dorms with murder in her eyes
yknow the vine where it’s like
“let me see what you have?”
that’s the other guys making sure hyuck doesn’t get brutally murdered
because lily can pack a punch
all in all though, they’re a great duo and they’re always so proud of each other
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okay jaemin babies the FUCK outta her
he always takes care of her and talks to her about her concerns and vice versa
he was so happy for her when she debuted and was sad he couldn’t be there for it
she visited him all the time when he was gone
and she was heartbroken that he wasn’t with dream
she is a BIG 8dream stan because they are a family
but yeah fans can’t even ship them romantically because they know lily is his lil baby
she helps him with his english
and he always compliments her singing and dancing
proud of her songwriting
so much affection
even tho she hates when he pinches her cheeks n calls her cute
when he came back during go she was overjoyed
“go is our special era! we were all reunited~~”
he always wanted a sister and now he has one <3
she drinks a lot of coffee but not as much as him and was so worried about his health
they’re the biggest flirts w czennies
you’ll always find them with their arms linked in the airport
and everywhere really
during empathy era she was always hugging jaemin’s side
they also do a lot of lives together!!
such cute bffs
she is a big nomin stan like i said
name twins and they always tell everyone that they’re actual siblings
jaemin’s mom is so fond of her and treats her like her own daughter
they’re really true siblings and best friends 🥺
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01’ liners and so similar in ages but he ALWAYS brings up that he’s older
they compete over a lot
literally everything is a competition
she’s at her most childish with him
they also make lots of bets and she usually wins
clowns him for those predebut pics LOL
they can be really soft but will never admit it even if they are caught on camera
they’re pretty calm if they’re cooking together
he is Banned™️ from her room and she won’t budge at all
“chenle isn’t allowed in my room because he will disturb my peace”
remember on that one ep of weekly idol where chenle was SCREAMING while they did aegyo
yeah it’s louder when lily does aegyo
u didn’t hear it from me but her aegyo is SO cute it’s not as cringey as the others
but chenle hates it because she’s cute and he wants to clown her but he CANT
really proud of each other. super proud of each other
chenle has sat with her as she’s cried a lot. and comforted her. and it always stays between them.
she’s always there for him too
a LOT of fans have suspected that there’s something there
his mom loves her so much!!!!!
when she and jisung went to his house they were BAFFLED and impressed
“something bothers me a lot. one day, chenle woke up and looked grown up. he used to have chubby cheeks and looked like a kid and now he looks like an adult and has such defined cheekbones. it’s so strange”
when they became adults they got SHITFACED DRUNK
they definitely don’t say it a lot and when they do it’s in private (even tho everyone knows)
but they really love each other 🥺
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jisung and lily is
p o p u l a r
with fans
because fans put together the pieces that jisung had a crush on lily during debut
lily thought it was sweet because jisung was always so cute and young
she saw him as a little kid
they used to not have MANY interactions
she always laughs when jisung is bein funny
and is in AWE of his dancing
he always assures her when she gets upset about her dancing
lilchenji is an ICONIC friendship
they watch a lot of movies together
she’s been on chenjis this and that a few times
remember that live when nomin got all in each other’s faces while chenji just froze and looked at them and then looked at the camera and looked real shocked
she was there and the three of them were like 😶
so yeah when jisung started getting really tall lily was real confused
and then somehow
during go and we go up
jisung started looking different. like. more grown up
and he had more confidence and talked to her more
and lily was like 😳😳
but spoilers so i won’t go too deep into that
they’re really good friends these days tho
the fans LOVE THEM it’s such a popular ship
at the dream shows when they sing bye my first
the song that lily famously LOVES
yknow that one line jisung has where the music goes quiet and he goes
“na geuttaeneun cham eoryeosseo”
blessed line it was beautiful
anyway at the dream show jisung would hold the mic to lily and have her sing the line or they’d duet it
and their eye contact!!!! and lily’s SMILE IS SO BRIGHT
stars in their eyes
um anyway!! they’re great friends nd very shippable for. reasons!
author’s note! i’m also a ‘01 liner! so don’t think it’s weird if i’m writing a jisung romance LMAO or who knows if it’ll be jisung? 👀👀
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chocolatetakoyakis · 5 years
Hi there ❤️ can I request you some Headcanons for Ohma, Raian, Gaolang ans Saw from Kengan Ashura ! they are near the swimming pool and they noticed their crush coming in a very beautiful/ sexy Bikini. thanks !! ❤️
Iuhcduhefuhucheihiebd writing about sexy Fighters is 100% OKAY 🤤
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- well he isn’t really emotional in public, like damn the only time we saw him smile was when he was fighting or eating
- and when he saw you with this beautiful F/c bikini at the swimming pool, trust me he was definitely felling something.
- as you approach him to say hello, he will stare at you without any emotion but his brain is trying to analyse what his feelings are saying.
- Kaede is the first who is complimented you, followed by Lihito and our Ashura is still staring at you with piercing eyes.
- even when Lihito is starting to flirt with you he is not even pissed too focused on assembling the informations your awesome body was giving to his poor brain.
- “ this color looks good on you”
- still with his neutral face but now he is staring at your eyes like he is gonna eat your soul.
- I’m afraid this man doesn’t know how to flirt but you got it right.
- your Adorable “ thank you Ohma” made his day but he didn’t reply to you thinking the conversation was over.
- still watch you while you are talking with Kaede about coming to the Spa together
- he isn’t aware that he is staring at your chest, which made you a little uncomfortable but oddly you know that he isn’t a pervert.
- Lihito telling him discreetly to stop staring because it’s rude.
- now you’re all alone with him because Kaede went to her room to take her VIP card for the Spa you two are going to do and Lihito being Lihito accompanied her
- you are both silent while looking at each other
- you started the conversation by suggesting to go next to the beach waiting for them to come back ( because you were not comfortable with our Ashura’ gaze on you )
- before you walk back, he aggressively took your hands while pronouncing your name.
- INTENSE EYE CONTACT ( you’re dying inside )
- “ Y/n you look really Ho.....
- OHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMA ! ( bruh you know who it is)
- you being push in the water by Karla Kure ( damn she has a lot of strength for a teenager ) who is now stuck on Ohma’ Abs.
- him not realizing what happened started to freak out when he saw Karla’s lips next to his and ran away as fast as he can.
- he was not here anymore when you get out the water but oddly you felt really happy about what he almost said before YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT OR WHO push you on the water lol
⭐️ If you’re his crush and he doesn’t really knows you, he is gonna stare at you without any comment or shame in hope that you will notice him I guess. And then turn his head when he’ll get caught. Like a 10 y old boy basically
RAIAN KURE : my fav
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- oh fuck
- Sorry.
- basically like “ This bitch is showing off” “ she is not that pretty hmph”
- he is gonna feel many emotions when he’ll see you sunbathing alone on a long chair.
- First he is gonna mentally insult you I guess like why do you have to be so pretty and all, tries to convince himself that you are just doing it for attention ( DONT TRY TO UNDERSTANT ITS RAIAN )
- is glaring at you like a Mad dog
- Second, while glaring at you he’ll analyze your look and how your hairstyle, skin and bikini fit perfectly
- his gaze softened a bit as you take your sunglasses off, so he can see your beautiful eyes.
- after this 20 long minutes at staring at you and trust me having those dark eyes glaring at you during almost half an hour is SUPER LONG AND SCARY. he finally accepts the fact that you are hot and he is attracted to you ( I mean probably only sexually ) he will finally see you as a prey or as a trophy if he noticed that other men were looking at you.
- will go to see you ( more bother you because Raian is fucking Raian )
- the rest of his family being like : WTF IS THIS KID DOING AGAIN
- the whole swimming pool froze as he started walking toward you. ( this man almost killed a man remember )
- you greeted him with a normal but awesome smile “ Good Afternoon Raian. What’s up ?
- your cool attitude pissed him even more because you’re not afraid or anxious about him being next to you.
- is gonna make mean or childish comments about you and your relaxing position.
- you responding normally because you’re used to the Devil’s manners.
- Him getting even more pissed because you’re not loosing your cool
- showing off his Abs for SUUUUUUUURE
- Raian wouls smirk at every boys that were looking at you while talking to you to make them jealous, inferior and frustrated ( you can’t see him because you’re basically almost sleeping )
- threatens you to throw you into the cold water ( and will fucking do it )
- really don’t try him
- Shit.. too late you are in the swimming pool completely wet.
- he jumped with you in his arms so he is also in the swimming pool with you but doesn’t seem to be affected by the cold water
- if you can swin you’re gonna look at him like WTF IS YOUR PROBLEM ?! Before laughing I guess
- if you cannot swim you are gonna hug Raian very hard because your afraid I suppose. ( + him being proud because your boobs are stick to him )
⭐️ if he doesn’t know you, he is gonna have the same reaction but will not come to you directly. He is gonna try to make you noticing him first so he can catch you and do a famous SEXY SMIRK + SHOWING ABS at you.
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- awww it’s your turn pretty FacePalm guy
- probably at the swimming pool with Saw Paing and some other fighters
- noticed you immediately but didn’t stare because he knows it’s rude
- expects his crush to see him and doesn’t do anything
- finally understand that his Crush saw him but is too intimidated by his group of friends so she is not gonna come to say hello to him ( Bruh they’re so tAll and could kill you a simple flick )
- Gaolang going to the bar alone so you can go to him without being annoyed by his friends
- “ hi there Gaolang”
- is a little surprised by your presence at first but greeted you with a very warm smile
- invite you to take a drink with him ( it’s free for both of you because you’re VIP however he would have paid for you )
- interesting conversation
- talking about Japan in general because both of you are foreigners here ( if you are not then he’ll ask you many thing about Japanese cultures )
- is gonna talk about Thailand and ask about your country too
- you don’t even see the time passes because you two are enjoying yourself at the bar
- probably being interrupted by Saw Paing screaming somewhere so Gaolang has to go to stop his friend
- before leaving you he’ll give you a small cute smile meaning I’m coming back
- after stopping Saw Paing from terrorizing everyone he would come back to you and offer you to walk next to the sea while chatting
- You’re not crazy and you ACCEPTED IT OF COURSE
- after a long walk full of laught ( and romantical tension ) he would just says : I found you very pretty Y/n.
- you didn’t expected that ans you didn’t respond right now which made him feel anxious poor baby
- is finally reassured when you thanked him and is probably blushing
- will make sure you’re back to your hotel room safe and may even ask you for another date later in the week.
⭐️ if he doesn’t know you, he is the type that would observe you from afar before maybe I said maybe try to talk to you if he got the occasion.
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- do I really have to make this one ?
- Screams the second he saw you
- you being scared at first but once you noticed that it was Saw Paing you felt reassured in a way.
- SHOWER OF COMPLIMENTS your ego is fucking boosted to the level 100 easily
- has no shame
- will drag you to the beach with him because a lot of people were glaring at you two and he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable
- take your hands h24 to drag you somewhere
- you two planned to surf, I mean you wanted him to teach you a little ( sounds like a Date Bruh just imagine )
- really want to help you and is very tender in a way with you like he helps you with your position and all by gently touching you.
- in his head he really wanna get close to you only by helping you and not really By hitting on you like others guys ( what a cutie )
- cute nicknames game between you two
- sees you as the perfect teammate
- compliments, compliments, compliments and ALSO COMPLIMENTS
- your Surf class will end up with you two playing in the water like children
- he is very energetic but doesn’t want to accidentally hurt you so he is more calm in a way but still SCREAMING
- “ I Really Had Fun Today Y/n lets doit again !”
- him wanting you to meet Gaolang for sure ( or if you two met because of him, I’ll like the three of you to spend more time together )
- secretly stare at your Ass and legs sometimes
- May threaten you to throw you into the ocean if you don’t give him little kiss for the lesson maybe
- having many fighters shipping you two together
- probably you two eating snack together at the end of the day
- he is clearly proud to be seen with you for some reason
⭐️ If he didn’t know you and just saw you at the swimming pool, I feel like he would compliment you from afar but SAW PAING BEING SAW PAING you would notice him immediately because he is so fuckin loud and give him a cute smile.
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starkerhowlter · 4 years
Daddy Stark’s Surprise
Ship: starker Rating: Explicit Contains: DD/LB, Feminization, biting, Consensual Power play, light Choking, slut-naming, namecalling, degradation, begging, praise-kink, Mirror Sex, Daddy Kink, dom/sub... probably more. Words: 2953 Summary: What Should Peter do to make this Valentine's Day better and different than others? How can he make this one unique?
Read it on AO3
A/N: Oh, my Gods! I'm posting my first smut fic.... By far, this is not my first smut fic I have ever written. Instead, this is the first time I have posted it!!! Woohoo!!! I hope you love it as much as I do! Also, this is sort of a companion fic to this fic, but it can be read alone!
Thank you so so soooooo much to my beta, @plueschpop​! Be sure to go and give her ALL the love for her help in bringing this fic to life.
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Peter looks at the outfit laying on the bed, excitedly. He checks his phone again, waiting for the text from Tony that says he's home. Instead, he gets a notification from J.A.R.V.I.S. that Tony wants to see him in the living area.
"There he is!" Peter smiles at the man, waiting to see what's in store. "Happy Valentine's day, princess."
Peter's face brightens when he sees the Spider-bear holding a bouquet of roses on the couch. He picks the stuffed toy up and hugs it to his chest, and then hugs Tony, "Thank you, Tony, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!" The billionaire laughs and kisses his boyfriend's forehead,
"I'm not done with you yet, Peter. I have some other surprises for you."
The boy tilts his head, curiously, innocently. "What do you mean?"
"I have a few other surprises for you tonight, baby." Tony purrs, "Starting with this." He pulls a box out of his jacket pocket, slipping it into the 21-year-old's hands.
"Wha--" Peter opens the box, accidentally dropping the lid in surprise, "How did you--"
Tony smiles as the boy removes the necklace from the box, and looks at the charm. The little heart gem, brown like his eyes, sits with a tiny golden crown over it. The heart around the little gem meets at the crown reads "Peter" on one side and "Tony" on the other. It's perfect. He smiles as he shows Nat, Wanda, and Carol. All three coo and giggle with him. Thor wraps an arm around Tony's shoulders,  commenting on how the gift was a magnificent choice.
Peter drops the necklace into Tony's hand, smiling shyly. "What's wrong, baby?"
"Nothing, I just want you to help me put it on." Peter smiles and turns around.
Tony smiles at the boy's face and places the charm just beneath his collar bone and connects the clasp behind his head. The boy shivers at the feeling of his nails brushing his spine, and squeaks at the kiss pressed to the base of his head.
"I'm gonna go see what Bucky's doing up there..." He murmurs, "Meet you upstairs soon, princess?"
"U-Uhm... No!" His voice cracks, as it does when he panics, "I'll come and get you!"
Tony laughs, somewhere deep in his throat, and releases the boy, "Alright..." he draws out the 'i' sound, and then walks in the opposite direction of the team and his young boyfriend.
Once inside of their shared apartment, Peter looks at the lingerie he has laying on the bed. It all feels like too much, but he knows that his daddy will love it. The idea that Tony may tear the boyshorts sends tingles up his spine. With a deep breath, Peter begins stripping. First his T-shirt, then his jeans, and then his boxers. Carefully, he folds his clothes and places them in the hamper. "Mr Stark is going to love this."
He starts with the Miniskirt-boyshorts combo. Carefully sliding the lacey material up his thighs, making sure everything is covered enough to be teasing. Next, he rolls the little white fishnets up his legs, settling the band at his midthigh. It looks perfect. The bralette comes next. Tony hasn't ever seen him in one before, but he had tested the theory with photos from lingerie magazines left around their house. He always makes sure to leave them open on the men in the outfits, being sure that there is an emphasis on which one Peter likes. He has also varied the choices. From more masculine picks, like boxers and a tight tee, to more feminine picks like the outfit he's wearing now. Peter always notices that Tony lingers more when they're feminine selections than he does when they are masculine.
Silently, he hopes that Tony wouldn't realize the fact that the outfit doesn't fit right. His thighs have grown since he started working out for Spiderman. His hips have widened naturally, causing the rest of his body to change shape too. Clearly, this piece was meant for a female user, but he vows to keep it on, no matter the fact that the band at the base of the bralette touches his abs slightly higher than it does on the model. He will be okay. "Tony's gonna love it," he tells his reflection, making sure everything is perfect.
"Hey, Fri?" "Yes, Peter?"
"Can you turn on the reference photos I had you save earlier?"
"Sure, Peter." She lights up his mirror with all of the files that Peter had saved. Every photo of the pink eyeshadows, brown eyeliners and lipglosses lay against the mirror. He sighs, trying to mimic the photos of the models and coverboys. He fusses over it until his eyes look perfect. Pink eyeshadow, a little brown eyeliner and just enough lipgloss to make his lips look soft. Before leaving the room, he grabs a sheer black robe.
"Do I look too feminine?" he asks his reflection before walking out of the apartment. It was risky, sure. He could get caught, he could get kicked out, a lot of things could happen...
"Sir, everything is ready for you~" Peter calls, leaning against the wall, thin fingers playing with his new necklace.
Upon noticing that Bucky is sitting there as well, he yelps and wraps the black robe around his midriff, "Oh, sorry, Mr Barnes, sir! I didn't realize you were here!"
"It's okay, Peter. Also, remember how I told you to call me Bucky?" Bucky smiles, trying hard to look away.
"Right, sorry" Peter smiles at Tony's laugh, waiting for him to reason with him.
After what feels like forever Tony rises, patting Bucky's knee, "Right, I've gotta go take care of... that... Ahem... Don't stay up here pouting for too long, okay?" Bucky shrugs, causing Peter to smile sympathetically at him. He turns though when Tony begins heading towards him.
'Finally,' Peter thinks as Tony presses his thin body to the wall.
The inventor kisses him, "Did you see how hard of a time you were giving Barnes? He couldn't take his eyes off you. For a reason." Peter blushes, his cheeks dark pink as he hides his face in Tony's neck. "Aww, baby's shy~"
"Shush!!" He tries to sink inside the sheer material wrapped around his body. "Can we... Can we go upstairs, please?"
Tony laughs darkly, "Why, worried he'll hear your pretty noises, princess?" No matter how much Tony expected it, the nod Peter replies with catches him off guard, "What if he wants to?"
"Will you two go away!" Bucky laughs.
Tony laughs, chasing the young scientist down the hall, "Go. Go Go!" In the elevator, Tony nearly dies laughing, pushing the button repeatedly. "I swear, both of our lives flashed before my eyes right then."
"Oh yeah?" Peter smirks, "Are you scared, sir?"
"Of what? Do you think I'm scared of Barnes? No. Not anymore. I have no reason to be. He's dating one of my best friends!" Tony smiles sliding his arm around the younger's waist before leading him out of the elevator and into their apartment.
The moment that Peter's back hits the closed door, he knows the answer to his earlier suspicions. Tony won't stop staring at him, as though trying to decide just how he wants to take the boy apart. "So," Peter finally breaks the silence, "I'm guessing you like your surprise?"
Tony laughs breathlessly, "What gave you that impression?"
"Oh, I don't know, could it be the fact that you are looking at me like you want to eat me? Maybe the way you can't stop eye-fucking me? Or maybe it's the fact that you're --" Peter grabs Tony through his skinny jeans, "hard for me right now, Mr Stark." The younger takes his glossy bottom lip between his teeth, chewing the side seductively. "Fuck..." He whispers, hoping the other doesn't catch it. Tony's cock always felt so good in his hand. Heavy, hard, perfect.
"What was that, Petey?" He presses the spiderboy's body harder against the door, causing his grip to release, and his head to fall back. "I forget how fucking needy you get for me. So wanton just from touching my hardon through my jeans? That's a new level of easy." Peter shivers, a fruitless attempt at getting some sort of friction.
"Daddy..." He whines, trying to get his attention, but failing.
"You know, I could tell you were nervous to show me this, Princess. Were you worried I wouldn't like it?" He runs his hand down the young scientist's chest, teasing his nipples through the thin bralette, "Worried that I would think you look bad?" His hand continues its journey downwards, to the band of the micromini, "Were you worried that I would cast you out?" Peter nods silently, feeling called out. "Well, I wouldn't dream of it, Peter. You look amazing! I can't get past how delectable you look right now. This skirt looks perfect on you."
"Show me?" Peter asks, offhandedly. At that moment, Tony has never been more thankful for the wall of mirrors in their room. The inventor takes Peter's hand, pulling him down the hallway. "Where are we going?"
"You asked me to show you, baby." He replies when they enter the bedroom. "And I plan to stick to my word." Tony intertwines their fingers, pressing his hand to the back of Peter's. He takes his now open palms and places them on the mirror's glass surface. Afterwards, he taps the toe of his shoe against Peter's ankle softly, causing him to spread his feet. Streaks-be-damned, because nothing looks better than Peter does right now. The young Queens boy looks amazing, head down, hands spread on the mirror, and legs far enough apart that it causes him to stick his ass out to keep his balance, the small charm that marks Tony's ownership dangles between himself and his reflection. "Now, little spider," Tony growls in his ear, "look at yourself."
Peter raises his head and catches sight of their reflection. The whimper that tears from his throat sounds wrecked, needy. "W-woah." His flushed cheeks tint pink as his chest rises and falls, clearly turned on. Peter casts his glance down to his microskirt and catches sight of the precum already smearing across his lower stomach.
"Look how fucking needy you are, baby. Already desperate for my hands on your body?"
"Yes, Mr Stark."
"Where would you like them?" He asks, "Here?" Tony places his hands on the boy's waist as he begins kissing his neck from behind, licking the chain lightly.
"Yes, Mr Stark," Peter repeats, knowing what it does to the other man. He doesn't know when, but his eyes slip shut. About the same time, his breathing speeds up, causing his heart to pound.
"A-a-ah, Peter. I want you to keep eye contact with yourself. Watch your face as I take you apart."
"Okay, Daddy."
"Such a good boy, aren't you?" Tony asks as he sinks his teeth into the side of Peter's neck, leaving a perfectly angry ring of teeth divots behind.  A shiver wracks Peter's body. "Oh, you liked that? You like when daddy sinks his teeth into your neck, marking you as his?" The boy nods, pushing his ass back into Tony's crotch. "Fuck, Peter, don't."
"Don't what, sir?" Peter feigns innocence, "Do this?" he presses back again, grinding his ass harder. "Does that turn you on?" his voice sounds mocking, as though he's trying to feel bad for him, but it's more fun to laugh, "Pity, you look so pretty like that."
"Where's that confidence coming from, Peter?" Tony asks as his fingers trace over the younger's throat, touching the bite mark he'd previously made. His other hand continues its venture down Peter's body, pressing in some places and scratching in others. At his mid-thigh, Tony stops. "These are the best part of this whole look, baby boy." He snaps the band of the fishnets against Peter's thigh, causing him to gasp.
"Mr Stark, please!" He begs, pressing again, trying to get the dom to crack. "I just need you to... Please!" His voice cracks as he begs, the comments coming out ragged.
"God, Princess, I haven't even gotten you undressed and you're already whimpering for me. May I take this off, baby?" He asks, snapping the back band of the bralette. Peter squeaks, arching towards the mirror, nodding. Tony smiles, satisfied with the response, "Off." With the single statement, Peter's scrambling to get the fabric off of his body. "Skirt too." Peter follows orders, stripping in front of the mirror, maintaining eye contact with Tony's reflection. "Fuck, baby. We may have to do the mirror thing another day."
"What's wrong, daddy? Struggling to keep your cool just because your baby stripped?" Peter smirks, grinding back. Tony's nails drag across his abdomen, leaving thin red tracks in their place. "Please, daddy."
"Please. Please what?" Tony struggles out, "What do you want? Wanna show off for me? Or do you want daddy to get you off while you watch yourself? Hm? Because after we do that, I plan to fucking rail you into the bed," He growls.
"All of it, please daddy! Whatever you want, just wanna cum for you!" He whines, all of his snarkiness melting away. "Please, I wanna be good for you! Please, please, please!"
"How's this?" Tony walks the two backwards, before sinking to the floor. "C'mon, little boy, sit down with me." Peter nods, sitting with his back to Tony's chest, leaning against him. Tony leans back against the bed, sliding his hand back between the other's legs.
"C-can you take your shirt off, daddy?" Peter murmurs, already beyond wrecked.
"What?" He asks, leaning his head over the boy's shoulder.
"C-can you take off your shirt, daddy, please?" He asks again, trying to raise his voice.
Tony chuckles, "Sure, little one." the inventor strips off the AC/DC Tee he'd been working in, smiling at how quickly Peter leans back against him.
"Like feeling you everywhere." He murmurs, nestling back against Tony's scarred chest. Tony smiles, kissing his neck and shoulder. His mechanic's fingers creep along Peter's inner thigh, appreciating how he shivers, how his hips jump when Tony's fingers finally touch his dick. "Pretty baby boy. Look at yourself." Peter picks his head up off of Tony's shoulder, opening his eyes, staring at himself in the mirror just a few meters from them. "God, baby."
Tony slides his hand down the other's shaft, playing with the vein, and the underside of the tip. "Play with my nipples, daddy, please!" Peter begs, arching up when his other hand slides up to pinch at his little pink nubs. The younger whimpers helplessly, watching his cock twitch and his chest wrack with each little shiver. "Please, more!" Tony drops the boy's dick, moving his fingers down past his balls ghosting them just underneath, pressing on his perineum. He gasps, moaning.
"Can you get the lube for me, baby? Out of the drawer right there?" Peter nods wordlessly, reaching up to the drawer, whimpering at the loss of Tony's warmth. "Thank you." He murmurs, taking the bottle. "Come sit back against me, Peter. It's time I give you your rightful attention."
After a bit of scuffling and whining, Peter's got fingers back on his nipple and thighs. "Please, just... I need your fingers, daddy."
"You have them. Just not where you want them. Isn't that right, baby?" Peter nods, trying to move his hips. He attempts to work his hands downwards, hoping that at least one will end up on his hole.
"What's the jerking for, baby? Is there something you want?"
"Y-your fingers."
"Clearly but where?" Tony growls, popping open the lube and squirting some on his fingers.
"Here!" Peter grabs his wrist, dragging his lubed fingers down to his core, trying to get the point across.
"Aw, are you wanting daddy to finger you?"
"Yes, please, Mr Stark!" He begs, trying to push the fingers inside of himself.
"Alright. First things first, this" He grabs Peter's hip and pulls him back against him, "has got to stop. You may be a slut, but you /are not/ a whore. Quit. Fucking. Acting. Like. It." Tony pushes his forefinger into his asshole, causing Peter to melt against him. "What's your safeword, baby?" Tony asks, working the finger in.
"I-it's red." He gasps, pressing down onto Tony's finger, "M-More!" Tony presses a second finger to his hole, pushing it into the fluttering ring carefully. "Such a good boy for me." Peter whimpers at the praise, silently begging for a third finger. Tony grants the wish, pushing a third finger alongside the other two. "I--'m close, sir!" Peter begs, "Please, let me cum!"
"Why should I? You look so good like this."
"Please! I can't wait any longer!" he whimpers, little broken mewls slip from his mouth as precum pools at the head of his cock. "Daddy!" he gasps, trying to plead with Tony's reflection.
"Look at yourself, Baby. Watch daddy's little slut in the mirror. Watch how he falls apart, crying my name. I wanna watch you beg, princess."
"Please, daddy?" He tries, knowing good and well that it's not enough, "I'll be so good for you!"
"Please, daddy! Please! Please! Please!" Peter whimpers, jutting his hips up into the air, hoping for some sort of release. "Please, Mr Stark, it feels so good!"
"Fuck, Peter," Tony growls, biting at his neck. "Cum for me. But do not break eye contact. "
With a final broken whimper, Peter releases. "Thank you, daddy!" He presses against the man's hands, whining at the overstimulation, "Thank you, daddy."
"Don't thank me yet, princess. Now, it's time for your real present."
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holylulusworld · 5 years
Steam - Your turn
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Summary: You and Steve are at each other’s throat since you joined the Avengers. One day you need to release some steam and things get dirty.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader, Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, Tony Stark
Warnings: angst, arguments, enemies to lovers, choking (non-sexual), language, smut, unprotected sex, hair pulling, fingering, fighting for dominance, Captain kink, violence against punching bags, mentions of abusive former relationship/domestic violence/abusive childhood
 Words: 2797
Steam Masterlist
“Fuck you, Rogers!” You spat into his face.
“Language, Soldier!” Steve retorts and Natasha starts grinning. If you weren’t in the jet she would get a bowl of popcorn to watch Steve and you going at it once again.
“I say and do what I want, Stevie.”
“I’m Captain Rogers to you, Miss Y/L/N!” Steve talks back.
“Awe…Is Stevie angry at me? Now I’m scared.” You chuckle and his eyes darken.
“I told you how you have to address me properly!”
Cocking a brow at Steve’s angry outburst Bucky looks at Bruce flying the jet.
“I will not turn into Hulk only as these two are not able to talk like decent human beings with each other,” Bruce says concentrating on finding the right route to fly back to the Avengers tower. “I got some more self-control than these two.”
“I’m not a soldier, Cappy.” You mutter flipping him the bird and Steve’s loses the shit.
His hand wraps around your throat as you press your hands against his chest. You can’t use your powers here, it could make the jet crash down if you throw Steve through the flying death trap.
“Let go off me.” You choke out.
“You better listen carefully. You will address me as Captain and respect my command ship.” Steve warns and you scoff.
“Steve let go of Y/N, this is not normal anymore. If you can’t work together she will work with Tony and his team, Peter can work with us for a while.” Natasha says.
“Peter is Tony’s protégé, Nat. I can’t tell him to work with Captain…” you make a pause to lock eyes with Steve. He has satisfied grin on his face as you addressed him with Captain but his grin fades when you continue your sentence. “…Asshole. He’s a young boy, not long enough into this business to bear Stevie’s muttering. I will ask Fury if I can work with his new organization.” You cough as Steve finally let go of your throat.
Seeing the bruises at your neck Bucky’s eyes widen. “Punk, that’s not okay. She has bruises around her neck. Are you nuts, Stevie? She was right by the way! If she would’ve stayed at the position you told her to wait for you, she would be dead by now. The building was crashing down and she saved a guy running toward the building.”
Looking at his friend Steve’s eyes widen; he didn’t give you the chance to explain why you left your position once again.
Eying Steve suspiciously you touch your throat carefully, flinching when you feel the bruises.
“This has to end right now, Steve. Y/N was bugging you but only as you started yet another fight. She tried to remain silent this time as Tony asked her to. But this…” Pointing at your bruised throat Natasha glares at Steve. “…is not okay. This is violence against a team member.”
“Nat…” Steve tries but she shakes her head carefully checking your throat. “I’m sorry…”
“I’m going to take some days off and pass any missions.” You cough. The moment the jet lands on the roof of the tower you grab your bag to jump out of it to run toward the entrance.
“Y/N?” Tony asks seeing the bruises around your throat.
“Y/N!” Steve calls after you but you ignore him. This went too far; you poked the bear and he hurt you.
“What the fuck happened?” Tony yells.
“Steve had one of his moments and hurt Y/N. She wants to leave thanks to Captain Muttering.” Bucky grunts walking past his friend. “Dammit, punk!”
“You choked Y/N?” Tony gasps.
“I didn’t know my grip was too tight.” Steve sighs.
“You are a goddamn super soldier and she’s much smaller than you. Her powers are strong, but she’s not physically enhanced as you, Rogers. This is…I got no words.” Tony mutters glancing at Natasha for help.
“I will talk to her but if she decides to go, she will leave, Tony. Y/N had enough violent men around - enough for a whole lifetime.” Natasha says and Steve swallows hard.
“What do you mean?” He asks.
“That’s personal, Steve. I don’t think she wants someone like you to know about the shit that happened to her. Leave her alone for a while.”
Your room is your only shelter, so you lock yourself in for a few hours to calm down. Your eyes flutter shut but then you feel his hand around your throat again and you start shaking.
Steam…you need to release some steam, so you decide to go to the gym and destroy all his punching bags. He will pay for hurting you like this.
Focusing on anything else than the feeling of his hand around your throat you use your telekinesis to destroy the first punching bag. Squealing you jump up and down only to snap your finger to destroy the next one.
“What do you think you are doing?” A deep voice mutters.
“Practicing, Cappy. I would’ve trained by letting your head explode but this would make too much dirt.” You shrug.
Letting your minds drift to the feeling of his hand around your throat your own hands starts shaking and Steve can see the pain all over your face.
“Listen…I know we have our problems, but I went too far and I’m sorry. I’m truly sorry. I got no clue why this happened. I’m not like this…”
“You’re like all other men. You act like the nice guy but deep down inside you are a monster.” You say while your voice is trembling.
“What happened?” He tries but your shake your head as he tries to touch your shoulder.
“Don’t touch me…never again!” You snarl shoving his hand away.
“Y/N? I will not hurt you.” Steve says softly and you scoff.
“Says the man choking me without a reason.”
“I said I’m sorry.”
“And I said leave me alone, monster.”
“I’m not a monster!”
“You are, like all other men…”
“That’s not true. I’m not like other men!”
“True, you’re not just an asshole, you are Captain Asshole!” You chuckle and Steve grabs your arms to press you into the wall. His blue eyes search your face before he claims your lips roughly.
Letting go of your arms he cups your face with his large hands, sliding his tongue into your mouth. It’s a fight for dominance, a lip bruising, teeth clashing, tongue snaking kiss.
“I will show you what happens when you call me that again,” Steve mutters before his lips travel down your throat to gently slide his tongue over the bruises he caused.
“Cap…this is wrong.” You pant but your hands fist his hair to keep him in place.
“It’s Captain, kitten,” Steve mutters snaking one hand between your legs. This time you moan loudly as he shoves your panties aside to slide his fingers through your wet folds.
“It’s Captain…you will learn to address me right. For now, Steve is alright.” He groans feeling your wetness coating his fingers.
“How about Captain Pervert?” You mutter guiding his hand to add pressure to your clit.
“You feel so good, so wet for me. Is this all from destroying my punching bags or from our fight?”
“Hmm…more…I need more, Rogers.”
The bastard has the guts to grin down at you as he dips two fingers into your wetness. Determined to open you up as fast as possible he rubs over your sweet spot. Your hands paw at his shoulders while you lean your back against the wall.
His eyes never leave your face. Steve is watching your reaction like he’s studying an enemy. Your lips part, your eyes roll back and your breath hitches in your throat when you start pulsing around his fingers.
“I still hate you, Stevie.” You cry out as you orgasm around his fingers but Steve ignores your outburst. Two strong hands pick you up to carry you toward his room.
Luckily it’s not far away so no one can see you cling to Captain America's firm body like an ape.
“You don’t hate me,” Steve mutters carrying you into his bedroom. His lips are back on yours as he lies you down onto his bed. Hands pawing at his back you let him kiss your throat softly. Trying to remove the bad memory with a good one he caresses the soft skin with his fingers.
“I hate you but don’t stop. It’s been too long.” You whimper as he starts unbuttoning your blouse.
Darkened blue eyes drink your cleavage in, the lust plastered all over his face he dips his head to bite one nipple through the fabric. Shuddering your fist his hair while he gives the other nub the same treatment.
Your hips start grinding against him to get friction at the spot where you really need him. Not caring about your clothes, he rips them apart and you squeal in surprise but his lips silence your protests.
Captain America is about to conquer your body, so he moves his hands behind your back to unclasp your bra. The cool air hits your naked body and goosebumps erupt all over your skin. Blue eyes drink your naked form in before he leaves the bed to strip his own clothes off.
You saw him shirtless before but right now he stands in front of you in his naked glory. Chiseled torso, defined abs and a huge cock for you to admire he grins at you, seeing the lust all over your face.
“We can stop, if you want to,” Steve whispers pressing one knee into the mattress.
“Thank god…” He says and you chuckle as he covers your body with his taller frame.
His lips suck a purple hickey into the plush flesh of your breasts as you writhe and gasps underneath the golden boy.
“Steve, I need more.” You mutter.
“Maybe we should talk to Steve? I mean Y/N is a reasonable person, she never gets aggressive or mad that fast, but Cap makes her go rampant in no time.” Natasha says looking at Tony.
“You know her better than anyone else. You found her after all…”
“She trusts me, Tony and I trust her. That’s rare with her. She needed months to trust me and I needed almost two years to convince her joining the Avengers. We can’t let Steve destroy her trust in us, in our team.”
“Shall I tall to the punk?” Bucky asks appearing behind Tony.
“Damn, Barnes. Stop appearing behind me out of nowhere.” Tony mutters but Bucky simply shrugs.
“Let’s check the gym to talk to Steve.”
“Christ you’re beautiful.” Steve moans moving your legs around his waist. You can feel the tip sliding into you and your eyes roll back. “Ready?” He breaths into your neck as he starts pressing into you. The stretch is something you never experience before and you dig your fingertips deep into his back, leaving crescent marks at his skin.
“And you are huge…fuck…everywhere.” You pant as he bottoms out. Your whole body is wrapped around the tall man as he presses his chest to yours. Avoiding using too much strength he holds you in his arms.
“Can I move? I’m not hurting you?”
“Move, god move Steve.” You whine.
Your soles dig into his lower back as he starts pulling back out. One snap of his hips and he rams back into you. Still being careful to not use too much force Steve start rocking into you. Your hands paw at his back as you bite his shoulder to muffle the sounds.
You are still mad at him and won’t give him the satisfaction of admitting how good he makes you feel. “You feel so good, so good. Wanted you for so long.” Steve moans into your neck and your eyes widen.
Your lips move on their own before you can stop the words from leaving your mouth. Encouraging him, chanting his name you meet his thrusts as he picks up the pace. Huge cock bottoming out after ever hard stroke he buries himself always as deep as possible into you.
Now looking into his piercing blue eyes you want to say something but his lips claim yours. A single tear rolls down your cheek as you squeeze him tightly. Fucking you through your high his movement never falters.
“Need to feel you cum, Steve. Please…” You whimper as he wants to pull out.
“I didn’t use anything…” He pants but you tighten your legs around his waist so he has no other choice then chasing his own climax.
“Damn, what happened?” Bucky says seeing the destroyed punching bags.
“Y/N happened. We should go to Cap’s room before he kills her.” Nat groans sprinting toward Steve’s room with Tony and Bucky hot on her heels.
Listening to odd noise coming out of the room Nat looks confused at Tony. The moment Steve yells your name she wants to burst through the door but then moans escape your lips and Bucky looks at her with wide eyes shaking his head he almost runs down the hallway.
“I guess they found a way to release some steam.” Tony chuckles walking away.
“Y/N…I…god…” Hips stuttering Steve fills you with his spending. Holding himself inside of you as long as possible he stares down at your trembling form.
“That was…”
“Yeah…you okay? I wasn’t too rough? Sometimes I forget about my strength.”
“I’m fine, you didn’t hurt me.” You whisper.
“Someone else did?” Steve asks carefully pulling out of you. His back hits the mattress and he smiles when you snuggle into his chest.
“My father was a very strict man, if you want to call it that. One mistake, one false word and he…hit me. I was black and blue one day and my teacher tried to help me…I ended up in an orphanage. My father was happy to ‘lose’ me. “
“I’m sorry,” Steve whispers gently caressing your back.
“I didn’t know about my powers back then. I mean I was eight…”
“Hmm…what happened then?”
“The nuns were nice…I lived there until I turned twelve. A pair wanted to adopt me…the husband…he tried to…”
“…” Swallowing hard Steve presses you closer to his body.
“It was the first time I used my powers. Smashed him into the wall.”
“Good girl.”
“Didn’t help. He got up and hit me, broke my jaw…”
“I will kill him, tell me his name…”
“He would’ve killed me but a neighbor called the cops but nothing happened as he was rich and I was an orphan. He told them I attacked him first.”
“That’s the reason you don’t like men?”
“That wasn’t all…I turned eighteen and had to leave the orphanage. I met a nice guy, at least I thought he was nice. After two years he started to yell and then one night he hit me. I was frozen to the spot and couldn’t do anything. I forgot about my powers and he did it again…and again…”
“I’m so sorry…”
“After a year I found the strength to run away. Only a bag full of clothes and twenty dollars I slept in a car wreck. My face was still swollen and my wrist was broken. That was when Nat found me. She brought me to a hospital and helped me…”
“That’s the reason you only trust her?”
“She was the only person, except for the nuns being kind to me.”
“And I made your life even harder. Shit, I’m sorry.”
“Did Captain America just use a swear word?” You tease.
“Don’t tell Tony.”
“Your secret is safe, Cappy.”
“Hmm…yours too. I will not tell anyone.”
“Good. I trust you, Steve.”
“You do?”
“You wanted me to hold the position so you could find me. You tried to protect me…”
“I should’ve told you I like you, instead I picked on you.”
“I will survive Captain America, picking on me.”
“You want me to pick you again?”
“You mean you want me naked in your bed again?” You chuckle looking into his flushed face.
“I’d like that…”
“Tony, can you stop babbling and tell us about the mission?” You groan and Steve chuckles.
“Rogers, tame your girl,” Tony mutters but Steve looks unimpressed at his friend.
“I got no clue how…” Steve shrugs.
“I think he knows exactly how but we don’t want to see this…” Bucky cackles.
“Watch your tongue.” You warn.
“Damn, she was much better to bear letting her anger out at Cap…” Bruce sighs and you grin at Steve.
“I guess I should let my anger out right now…” You whisper. Your hands grab Steve’s to lead him out of the conference room.
“What? Where are you going?” Tony asks.
“Releasing some steam with Cap…”
All works Tags
@meganywinchester​​, @shikshinkwon​​, @idioticsky​, @miraclesoflove​, @officialmarvelwhore​
Marvel Tags @thedoctorscamanion
@stuckys-whore​, @notyourtypicalrose​, @voltage-my2dlove​, @thedoctorscamanion
791 notes · View notes
Burning Poison
Peter Quill x reader
When Y/N gets stung by a strange plant on a deserted planet, the task of saving her falls to Peter. The only catch, the only way to save her, is sex.
Smutty smut smut and fluff at the end.
I'm a sucker for post-sex conversations so I apologize for the extremely cheesy endig.
Enjoy xx
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Quill had picked you up when you were just a scared 16 year old kid.
He rescued you from a gang whose leader wanted to make you his wife, much to your dismay.
When the guardians rescued you, you couldn't have been more grateful. You finally found a family...
They were more than family, really. You actually got along great with all of them, which is more than most families can say.
They all became great friends of yours, but especially Peter. You blamed it on the fact that when he found you, you were a teenager and he acted like he was one.
That was almost five years ago now, and in that time, you and Peter had gotten closer than you ever imagined you could get with someone. He knew every last one of your secrets -well, except for the fact that you thought he was absolutely gorgeous and you had quite the crush on him- and you'd liked to think that you knew more about him than anyone else.
You were pretty set on never actually acting on this crush though, you were pretty sure it would ruin the amazing bond you two had going on. The universe, on the other hand, turned out to have other plans about that.
You were on a mission to explore an abandoned planet, your main goal was to see if you could find the reason it had been deserted.
You had gotten a bit ahead of the other guardians, intrigued by a bush of pink flowers decorating the near-empty field. The closer you got to it, the more entranced you seemed to become by it. It was like the plant was drawing you in somehow.
When you got close enough, you could smell the sweet nectar radiating from its flowers. It was bewitching, luring you closer and closer until finally you reached out your hand to touch one of its petals.
The second you touched it, you knew it had been a mistake.
You pulled your hand back like the plant had zapped you and your entire hand burned. You felt the burns radiating through your entire body, feeling like you could just combust at any moment.
You jumped away from the pink poison that had just pricked you and called out for the others.
"Guys! I need help!" You cried, immediately worrying the guardians, who came rushing over to you as fast as they could.
"Y/n, what happened?" Gamora was the first to ask.
All you could do at this point was gesture towards the plant and yelp out in pain. By now the fire had spread, mainly to your more sensitive areas, it was like it was trying to burn you, choke you and make you aggressively and painfully horny all at the same time.
"Mantis, check her out!" Quill ordered.
Quickly Mantis placed her hands on your temples.
"She's in pain, so much pain" she said worriedly "and she's arroused too, but it's too much, it's so bad that it's hurting her. She needs release, and I think she needs it really quickly"
"Are you tryin to tell us that to help her, we gotta get her laid?" Rocket quirked his eyebrow. Gamora hit him in the arm "Don't be crued"
"Actually I think that might be the most effective way to fix her, if not the only one" Mantis piped up.
"I-I think she's right" you groaned.
You were trying your best to stay upright, but you were trembling violently, clawing at your skin to try and relieve some of the pain and aching. Everyone stared at you in shock, this wasn't exactly the kind of problem-solving they were used to.
You could barely hold yourself up anymore and the burning was getting worse. Your vision began to fog over and your head was getting cloudy.
"Shit, guys, I need someone to fuck me right now"
They saw you writhing and trashing and knew there was no other way.
"Quill, I think this is more your area of expertise" Gamora said "We'll head back to the ship and you take care of her, okay?" She said sternly and directed the others towards the ship without waiting for an answer.
"But, what?"
Quill was just standing there completely perplexed, the colour had drained from his face. I mean sure he'd thought about it and he liked you so incredibly much, but this seemed insanely wrong.
"Quill" you moaned as you collapsed against him. "Please, I -I need you"
He swallowed thickly, completely torn over what he was supposed to do.
"It hurts so bad, Quill. I think it's killing me" You pleaded as you pushed yourself up against him. Just touching him took away a bit of the burning feeling, just a bit though.
"Shit" Peter muttered as he held you close.
"Shit darling, what am I supposed to do here? You don't know what you're saying with this shit in your system, it's messing with your brain. I can't just go and sleep with you when I'm not sure you want me to! You're barely 20 for god's sake, you're a kid... And shit sweetheart, you're a virgin, how can I possibly do this to you?"
You looked up at him, eyes blown with lust as well as pain.
"Quill, please, I'm begging you. I want you, hell even if it weren't for this shit I'd want you."
You were rubbing yourself against him, feeling horrible because it was so abrasive, yet getting so much relief from it.
"What?" Peter asked suprisedly.
"What do you mean?"
"Peter you are the most gorgeous man in the galaxy, you're funny and amazing and I want you, I NEED you right now. You know I'm ready"
He did know that. You'd told him in one of your late night drunken conversations, the same one in which you'd told him you were a virgin.
You snapped him back out of his thoughts abruptly "Quill, I'm burning up, this is killing me! So please, unless you're not up for it, please fuck me."
You begged for him as a shooting pain shot through your stomach, making you collapse and cry out in agony.
Quill caught you quickly, holding you up as gently as he could. You looked back up at him with tears brimming in your eyes.
"Please help me" you croacked.
That did it.
Peter couldn't stand watching you suffer any longer. He couldn't help but be a little worried about how much he wanted you too, worried that he shouldn't be doing this after all, that he'd lose you because of this.
But on the other hand, jezus did he want you. You were gorgeous and he'd thought about driving his cock into you so many lonely nights on the Milano. He liked you so much that it hurt and he never imagined you would be into him, mostly because of the age difference.
But he had no time to worry about that now.
He swept of his coat and put it down on a flat peace of ground, then he swept you up in his arms and kissed you tentatively.
You gasped with relief as he touched you and kissed back hungrily, tugging at his shirt and belt buckle. Peter laid you down on his coat and pulled his shirt over his head quickly.
You waisted no time clawing at his abs and his back. "Fuck, Quill, I really need you to get me off now" you panted.
He nodded shakily and peeled your clothes off of you. The cool air felt amazing against your skin, you hadn't realized just how hot you were getting.
Peter couldn't help but stare at you, you were unbelievably gorgeous, but you still looked like you were in terrible pain.
"Shit" you gasped loudly as Peter rubbed your clit with his thumb. You sat up a little to scratch and bite at his neck, leaving your marks on him but feeling so much better in the process of it.
"Fuck Y/n" Peter let slip. "Shit you're so wet" he realised as he slipped a finger inside of you. He pumped in and out of you slowly, trying not to hurt you but you weren't having any of it.
"Quill, please, more!" You groaned. He added another finger and quickened his pace. He thought maybe this would be enough, still unsure if you were really up to sleeping with him.
"Peter... Fuck... it's not enough. I need you inside of me now, please fuck me" "Are you absolutely sure, Y/n?" He asked one last time.
You nodded vigorously "Peter, I want you to do this. I want to feel you inside of me. I need you, my Star-Lord"
When he heard you call him that, he knew for sure that you were all in on this. You'd never call him Star-Lord unsarcastically otherwise. And Quill would be damned if it hadn't turned him on.
He pulled of his own pants and boxers and lined himself up with your entrance.
"Are you ready, darling"
"Fuck yes" you sighed, and slowly, Peter pushed himself inside you. He held still for a little while so you could get used to him, but you started grinding yourself on him quickly, urging him on.
He started thrusting into you, making sure not to go to hard. He was so torn between making sure he didn't hurt you on your first time and desperately wantig to screw your brains out.
You groaned at his pace, needing more. "Fuck, Quill, come on already!" You sneared at him and he dared pick up the pace a little, sinking into you deeper, revelling in the feeling.
"Hmm shit, that's better. Fuck me like you want to fuck me, Quill, like I know the real Star-Lord can fuck" you purred at him. And fuck, did he hear you this time.
He threw your right leg over his shoulder, pounding into you now like he'd wanted to for the past year. His hands cupping your breast, toying with them. Playing with your hardened nipples, teasing them as you yelled out for him.
He kissed you everywhere he could reach you, biting your bottom lip, your neck, your collarbone, your pulse point, until finally he had his mouth clamped around one of your nipples. He licked you and teased you as he kneeded your other breast with his hand.
The stimulation was getting to you, finally removing some of the fog in your head and the burning in you limbs.
"God Peter, you're amazing" you mumbled when your head was completely clear again. "You feel so fucking good, making me feel so good"
Quill groaned loudly "Shit, Y/n, if you keep saying stuff like that this is gonna be over a lot quicker. You're so gorgeous, baby, so fucking gorgeous"
He looked in your eyes intensely before crashing his lips down on yours. You touched his cheeck softly as you worked your mouth together with his.
It was the first moment that you hadn't touched him in the poisoned frenzy, the first time you hadn't clawed at him and left blotchy scratchmarks on him. And eventhough he was still pounding into you, it suddenly felt kind of lovingly intimate.
Most of the burning was wearing off and it no longer felt like you were choking, you still needed him, but you were also starting to feel some actual pleasure instead of just pain relief.
You moaned through the kiss, making Peter throw his head back in near despair.
"Fuck, that was hot, sweetheart. If you're not careful, you're gonna be the one to kill me."
You chuckled and ground yourself down on him, trying to match his rhythm. "God Peter, I'm so close" you moaned.
Peter brought a hand down between your bodies and started rubbing circles on your clit again. You gasped and arched your back up.
"Shit, Y/n, you're so sexy... Let go for me babe"
"Mmm Peter, keep talking" you panted breathlessly, writhing underneath him.
"You like it when I talk to you? Like it when I whisper in your ear sweetheart?"
The nickname made you squirm, it felt so overwhelmingly nice. You weren't used to the incredible sensation, but you sure as hell could get used to it. You nodded softly, entangling a hand in his hair.
"You gonna cum for me darling? Gonna let me see that beautiful face as you cum around me? Come on baby, you can do it, let me take care of you, Y/n"
It was all too much, Quill was still slamming into you at a relentless pace, his thumb taking care of your clit and the sweet, slightly obscene whispers in your ear.
You'd dreamed about him saying those things to you and it was so much better in real life.
You felt the coil that had been building up in your stomach suddenly uncoil as you felt a very new sensation take over you.
You threw your head back gasping "Fuck, Peter, oh my god Pete, shit!" Your mouth raced as you slurred out curses.
"Jezus, Y/n, I can't take it any longer" Quill moaned as he came inside of you. "Fuck" he moaned as he slowly pulled out of you with shaking legs.
He laid down next to you and pulled you close to him. You snuggled closer to him, even though you felt slightly awkward for having just slept with him.
"Are you okay, Y/n?" You nodded. Quill looked at you, slightly concerned "Hey, are you sure you're okay with what just happened?" He tilted your face up a little so he could look at you.
"I'm a little embarrassed" you blushed. Quill's heart sank a little "Why?"
"The entire crew knows we just had sex here, also I feel like you were kind of obligated to sleep with me, you know? I hope you're okay with this... I hope we can be okay after this"
Quill hugged you a little closer "Sweetheart, I'm very much okay with what we just did, if anything I was worried about you being uncomfortable with it. I've wanted to do this with you for quite some time, to be honest"
"Me too" you whispered
"So where do we go from here?"
"I wouldn't mind having you beg for me some more in less life-threatening situates" he grinned smugly.
You hit him in the arm playfully "Shut up Quill, that was purely the poison talking"
"Yeah? How bout at the end there hm? I heard something about you loving it when I talk dirty to you?"
You blsuhed even harder "That may have been me"
"See now that i could get used princess"
He leaned closer to you and whispered huskily in your ear "I could also get used to having that thight little pussy of yours wrapped around my cock"
You couldn't help but chuckle, there's the Quill you knew back "That can be arranged, my Star-Lord"
He laughed with you, knowing that the two of you were gonna have a lot of fun from now on.
"One more thing babe," Quill smiled at you
"I really do like you a lot"
You smiled back a him and pulled him in for a soft, languid kiss.
"I like you a lot too, Peter"
"Oh thank God" he sighed and kissed you again.
"So, euhm, how was that for a first time?"
He was blushing for crying out loud, you never thought you'd see the day that Peter Quill, Star-Lord, guardian of the galaxy, would blush over a girl.
You smiled up at him lovingly "The burning poison was kind of a bummer, but you were amazing"
"And I, euhm, I didn't hurt you or anything?"
"Once again, the burning poison kinda hurt" you joked, making him laugh a little.
"You, though, absolutely did not. In fact you relieved a lot of my pain, thank you Quill"
"Anytime babe"
"Hey! Lovebirds!"
You heard yelling coming from behind you. When you looked up you saw Rocket standing next to the Milano. You scrambled to cover yourself up a litlle
"You two gonna keep drooling all over each other or can we go already?" He growled. You couldn't help but laugh.
"Get your ass back on my ship and leave us alone will you? We'll be right there"
Rocket went back inside as the two of you got dressed. Once you were ready, Peter kissed your forehead and draped his arm over your shoulders.
"Let's go babe" he smiled brightly at you, and you knew right then that you two were going to be just fine.
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fatestemptress · 5 years
Overwhelming Alternatives - Part 1 of 3
Summary: Jensen Ackles loves women.  The way they smell.  The way they taste.  The way their hips sway when they walk away from him, looking back with that knowing look in their eyes.  Hell, he can’t even look at one of his best friends, Y/N, without picturing her naked.
So can someone please explain to him why he’s fantasizing about his co-worker Jared Padalecki?
Created for @spnkinkbingo
Square Filled: Sexuality Crisis
Warnings: Smut. Lots and lots of smut.  Masturbation. Porn watching. MMF. 18+ only!
Pairings: Jensen Ackles x Jared Padalecki; Eventually Jensen x Y/N X Jared
Word Count On this Chapter: 5,300 or so
A/N: Hiiiiii!  Its been sooo long and I have missed so many wonderful fics out there.  I am dying to catch up!  I’ve had this fic sitting in my drafts and it’s finally ready to post.  This will eventually be a threesome, so if that’s not your thing please be forewarned. The other two chapters of this will fill some of my other kink bingo squares.
Please note, this is unbeta’d.  Any and all grammatical errors are mine.  (And I’m sure there are PLENTY. :))
"Fuck Jen!  Hold still would ya'?!"
"I'm trying but your big sausage fingers keep pinching me!"
Jensen Ackles could practically hear the smirk coming from behind him as his co-star and best friend Jared Padalecki rubbed at the fake blood caught under the collar of his shirt behind his neck.  
And he desperately hoped one of his favorite people in the world couldn't feel the shudder of his body as his fingers dipped into the sensitive top part of his spine. The tingles quickly spread out into the wide set of his shoulders and down into his fingertips making them itch with the need to reach behind him and grab Jared by the hip and bring his full body against his back.
He needed to stop this nonsense.  He wasn't gay.  He didn't like guys.  In fact, he LOVED women.  The way they smelled.  They way they tasted.  They way they whined into his ear when he was balls deep with their ankles around his neck.
Annnnnnnd he needed to stop that freight train of thought as his already half hard dick started filling out into a full blown, humiliating, hard on, in front of the remaining crew on set.
"Allright, allright Jay.  The rest'll come out when I get in the shower back in my trailer.  I just didn't want it dripping down my back."
And damned if that didn't just bring unwanted (cause they were UNWANTED...right?) images of something alot more pleasant and alot more white dripping down his back........
Jared let out a high pitched laugh as he playfully massaged his fingers into Jensen's neck, "Wasn't it nice and warm though, Jen?"
With a deep clearing of his throat, side eye and a conspicuous adjustment of his jeans, Jensen reached for his jacket and slung it on, "I won't even dignify that with an answer.  So uh, I'll see you in a little while?  We still on for Madden?"
Jared flipped his hair out of his eyes as he also reached for his coat, seemingly oblivious to his friends discomfort,"Yeah, sure thing.  Gotta shower and then I'll meet you at your trailer in about an hour."
With a quick fist pound and a wave to the few people on set, Jensen and Jared parted ways as they made their way to their respective trailers.  It had been a long day with an early 4:00 AM call but production issues had them calling it quits at 5:00 PM.  
But despite the hectic schedule, two and a half seasons into the show "Supernatural", Jensen was still pumped to come to work everyday.  It definitely helped that everyone on set truly did get along and it was a blessing that he and his co-star had gotten so close, so fast.
What didn't help was the increasing drive to see Jared's cock that had somehow, someway meandered into his every waking moment.  A drive that he had never, not once, had from another man.  And he had been hit on pretty frequently over his career being an actor and having, what he'd been told, were the sweetest dick-sucking lips some of them had ever seen.
But regardless of all that, the only thing he had wanted to eat was a nice, wet pussy.  He loved that shit.  Savored it.  And never, not once, had he ever tried to replace it with a dick.
Until Jared.
Jensen sighed in frustration as he dressed in a pair of black sweats, sans underwear, and a white t-shirt, after his long, hot shower, where he had deliberately denied himself even a quick, rub and tug.
He wasn't gay dammit.  And he wasn't going to start giving into these dark emotions that had been slowly increasing over the past two and half years.  
Fucking Jared.
And his big shoulders.
And solid abs.
And his goofy hair.
And his fucking dimples.
And those ridiculous yellow-green eyes.....
.....that practically sparkled at him whenever he laughed at some sarcastic comment Jensen threw his way.
Fuck but he needed to get laid.  
And fast.  
It had been three long months since he last sunk his dick into a warm willing body and that had been from a one night stand at a random bar in Downtown Vancouver.  Despite the success of the show, they were still relatively unknown enough that it was easy to go out without getting bombarded by fans.  But both of them were still careful with who they took home.  
Crazy sometimes wore a pretty face and a hot body.
Just as Jensen had settled into his deep, fluffy couch with the remote in his hand, his phone rang and a sweet smile and sexy eyes looked up at him from the picture on his cell.  
With a smile of his own, Jensen picked up the phone, "Hey Gorgeous.  Whats doin'?"
"Hey, Ackles," Y/N chirped into his ear,  "What's cookin'?"
Y/N Y/L/N was the Production Coordinator on the show and sometimes Jensen thought her job was the hardest of them all, practically running the ship behind the scenes, managing all the Production Assistants and dealing with all the whining that comes with it.  Even though they had a good crew, people were still human and lord knows they needed someone to bitch to when they felt they weren't being appreciated.  But Y/N handled it all with grace and a firm hand.  She was respected by everyone on set and, if Jensen was being honest with himself, everyone, male and females included, were already half in love with her.  
Jensen was lucky to call her one of his closest friends......and if he sometimes pictured her naked, well, it was only natural.  She was beautiful, intelligent and sarcastic as hell and he was by no means a saint.
"Waitin' on Jared to finish conditioning his hair.  He's gonna come over and get his ass kicked in Madden."
Y/N let out a husky laugh in his ear and Jensen shifted as his dick twitched at the sexy sound.  Maybe he should have considered underwear.
"So another two hours then?"  She deadpanned.
"Nah.  I think deep conditioning was yesterday.  He should be here soon."
"Ha!  Okay,"  Y/N let out a slight sigh in his ear and it sounded almost melancholy.
"Hey, whats wrong?  You okay?"
"Yeah....I mean....yeah I'm fine.  It's just....I broke up with Chad."
Jensen's ears perked up at the name of Y/N's, now, ex-boyfriend, "Wow, I'm, uh, really sorry to hear that, Honey."
Y/N let out a snort, "No, you're fucking not.  I know you hated him.  You made it pretty clear every time you saw him."
With a chuckle, Jensen shrugged, "You're right.  I did fucking hate him.  He didn't deserve you. He was a jerk who was starting to become a possessive asshole.  And his name was Chad.  It's almost a pre-requisite that douche bags are named Chad.  But, uh, why did you finally see the light?"
There was silence on the other end for a a bit before she answered, "He, um, tried to tell me that I was getting too close to you and Jared and that I needed to stop being friends with you outside of work.  So I told him to fuck off and take a hike."
Jensen let out a snort of his own, "That's my girl,"  At the continued silence, he cleared his throat slightly,  "Are you okay?  I mean, listen, even though I hated the guy, I'm not the one who's gotta be with him.  You know I'll support you no matter what and I don't want to be the reason you're not with someone that you maybe....love-"
"Yeah, no.  There wasn't any love there,"  She quickly interrupted before heaving another sigh, "I was just....I dunno...lonely I guess?  The hours we work are brutal and he was,  you know, around.  Whatever, what's done is done and honestly no ones gonna tell me I cant hang with my two favorite pain in the asses."
Jensen didn't acknowledge the thrill that ran through him at her words.  He was just gonna ignore the hum of content that made him smile.  She was his friend, (hot, sexy, beautiful friend), "Do you wanna come over and hang with us?  Take your mind off of things?"
"Thanks.  I may take you up on that later on tonight.  I'll text you."
"I still got a bottle of Stoli Razz here from last time if you're interested in getting obliterated."  
"Ahhh, Ackles.  You always know just what I need.  Talk soon."
With a smile and a goodbye, Jensen ended the call.  Since he'd started talking to Y/N on a more personal level about a year ago, she had been with Jerk-off-Chad.  And despite his sexual attraction to her, he'd always kept her in his off limits category.  Even without her having a boyfriend, he didn't want to jeopardize what they had.  He respected her way too much for that.
So then why did he have a sudden vision of her on her back while he licked between her legs?
Fuuuuck he realllly needed to get laid.
First Jared and now Y/N.
Both people he loved and cared for deeply as friends.  And his perverted mind was making them into sexual conquests.
Maybe a quick rub and tug was just what the doctor ordered.
With a quick glance at the time, Jensen realized he still had a good twenty minutes before he could expect Jared to knock on his trailer door.  Plenty of time to relieve some of the ache his too full balls were giving him.
He quickly pulled his lap top over from its resting place on the side table next to his couch and brought up one of his favorite porn sites.  (Yes, he had favorites and if you asked him he'd tell you he had his go-to videos categorized and in corresponding folders.  Fuck anyone's opinion.  He was twenty-eight, almost twenty-nine with no steady girlfriend.  His hand rarely left his dick when he was alone.)  
In a rush, he picked a random video that looked good and pressed play before placing it back on the side table with the screen facing him.  A deep moan drifted from the speakers as he saw a girl kneeling in front of a huge dick before she swallowed it down in one gulp, lovingly rubbing the balls underneath.  Another loud moan drifted from the speakers.
Shit.  Way too loud.  No need to have one of the crew walk by his trailer and have a story to tell the others tomorrow morning.  
Quickly, Jensen reached over for his ear buds and plugged them in before setting his phone to vibrate and placing it next to him so he could feel it.  Jared would text before he came over.  He always did.
Reaching down, Jensen wrapped a hand over the slowly rising bulge in his sweatpants and bit his lip.  He caressed the head through his pants and was glad the pants were black.  Wet spots on the crotch of grey pants were never a good look.  
And the close ups of the chick's wet pussy and spit slicked swollen mouth were making his cock start doing a steady drip-drip.
He pulled his shirt up over the flat panes of his stomach before squeezing his cock and adjusting it so it lay underneath the band of his pants, the swollen head peaking out of the top as he brought his thumb around the wetness, coating it before letting out a moan of his own.  He liked to tease himself.  Draw it out a little bit before the end result.
"Fuck baby," Big-dick guy said on a gasp from his place on a brown couch, "Suck it.  Yeah...just like that."
The blue eyed blond on her knees let out a whine before releasing the cock with a pop, "So big," She said as she rapidly stroked him from root to tip, "I don't think I can suck this all by myself."  
"Mmmm,"  Big-dick hummed with a dirty grin, "Lucky for us we got some help."
Well,shit.  He had picked a threesome video without even knowing it.  Two chicks sucking on one dick?  Every. Guys. Fantasy.  Bring it on.
The camera panned back into the guys lap as the blonde licked up the side of his cock and a shaggy dark haired head bent down and took the guys balls into his mouth.
Well that was a shorter hair-cut than he was expecting on a chick....
The blonde reached down and grabbed the head of hair and brought the lips of the other person to hers, tongues dangling in the air, "Hey baby..." She said on a breath, before bringing the tip of the big dick to her partners mouth and tapping it against the pursed lips surrounded by a five o'clock shadow-
Five O'clock shadow?
And to his surprise and wide eyed gaze, he watched as the dude on screen sucked down the cock in front of him with a deep growl, his shaggy hair being moved out of the way by the blonde as she waited her turn.
And instead of his dick deflating into nothing, he let out a noise he would later deny to himself as he ripped his cock out of his sweats and started rapidly stroking his dick as the guy on screen let out slutty noises and tongued down the other dudes dick before sloppily kissing the blonde with the cock in between their lips.
"Fuck, I love this dick," The guy gasped, "Want it all the time."
The blonde giggled and the camera panned to where she was running her finger around his puckered hole, "You want it here baby?"
And as the guy on his knees let out a groan, threw his head back and made his dark hair flutter around his face, Jensen let out the slightest of squeaks as he pulled roughly on his rock hard cock and he felt the pull in his balls become an onslaught of come,"Fuuuuuuuck!"
Sticky white liquid shot out of his cock and onto his stomach as he quickly realized that the reason he came so hard and so long was cause the guy on the screen was a look alike of the guy currently standing with his mouth open at his doorway.
With another squeak, Jensen slammed the laptop shut, ripped his ear buds out and quickly stuffed himself back into his sweatpants before standing up on shaky legs.
Jared blinked at him wide eyed and pink cheeked as he closed his mouth and swallowed hard, closing the trailer door softly behind him, "Uhhhh, Dude, you ever, uh, consider locking your door, if you're gonna jerk the chicken?"
"Dude, you ever consider fucking calling first before you just come over?  Or maybe knocking on the fucking door?"
"I DID knock on the fucking door but you obviously had your dirty movie on too loud.  AND I TEXTED before I came, like I always do!"
Jensen gave him an incredulous look, "No. You didn't," He shot out as he grabbed up his phone from the couch, "I would have felt the.....oh,"  Jensen gave him a sheepish glance, "Looks like I put it on silent not vibrate."
Jared's lips twitched into what could have been a smile, "Uh huh,"  Jared casually pushed passed Jensen's stiff form and plopped himself on the abandoned couch.  He spread his arms across the back of it as he glanced up at Jensen through his lashes,  "Sooooo, if I hadn't gotten here when I did, would that have been the, uh, next thing you would have pulled out?"
Jensen's eyebrows drew together in confusion, as his humiliation continued to burn through him, "Pulled what out?"
Jared bit his bottom lip, obviously trying not to laugh out loud, "Never mind.  Man, its fine.  Stop looking at me like you wanna crawl into a hole.  We ALL fucking do it.  Hell, I jerked off twice in the shower before coming here."
Ignoring the pull of desire in his belly at Jared's words, Jensen groaned out loud and threw himself down onto the other end of the couch and rubbed his hands over his face, "So fucking embarrassing," He muttered into his fingers, refusing to look over at Jared.
A small squeaking sound, slid through the air and sounds of heavy breathing filled the awkward space.
"Yeah baby, just like that.  Fuck me with your fingers."
Jensen's head shot up as Jared let out a deep belly laugh and stared at Jensen's re-opened laptop at the kneeling guy on the screen getting his pink hole finger fucked by the blonde chick next to him as he sucked and licked the cock in front of him.
"DUUUUUDE, this is some kinky shit."
"What the fu-? Jay!  Why would you turn that back on?!"  Jensen threw himself over Jared's lap, ignoring the loud laughter falling out Jared's mouth and frantically pressed buttons until it stopped playing and slammed the laptop shut once again.  He whipped his head to the side and glared at the wide grin inches from his face, "You're an asshole, you know that?"
Jared winked at Jensen as he shifted his hips underneath him, poking Jensen in the stomach with something, "You're taking this way too seriously, Man."
Jensen looked down into the small space between him and Jay before slowly leaning back into his own spot on the couch.  He couldn't have felt what he thought he did....did he?
With a clearing of his throat, he swallowed and sat back as he ran his hands through his hair, "This is fucking embarrassing!"  He repeated.
Shrugging, Jared leaned his head into the back of the couch and rolled his head so it was next to Jensen's, "Soooooo, does this mean....I mean...are you...gay?"
Jensen's eyes widened in alarm as his heart started pounding frantically, "NO!  I'm not fucking gay, Jay!  Did you not see the chick in the movie?  I didn't realize until it was too late that the guy was going to be...involved like that."
Jared sent a sympathetic look at Jensen's panicked gaze, "You know Jen, it's okay if you are.  I'm not judging.  Like, at all-"
"Jesus, Jared!  I'm telling you I'm not-"
"-cause I've swung both ways before soooo.."
Jensen blinked stupidly at Jared's soft smile and felt like he might pass out from sheer terror mixed with immediate curiosity.
Jared sat up and placed his elbows on his knees before lacing his fingers together, "I'm...I mean I guess...you could call me...bisexual,"  He shrugged before running his fingers through his hair and Jensen could see a slight tremble despite Jared's calm tone.
"Have you...um...had...you know.."
Another dazzling smile was sent Jensen's way, "Have I ever fucked a guy before?"  At Jensen's nod, Jared shrugged, "Yep.  Both catcher and pitcher."
"What?  You know if you cant talk about gay sex, you shouldn't be doing gay sex."  He said with a mock serious look.
"Yeah, yeah.  Well, I'm not.  Doing it.  I mean.  With guys.  And lately, not with girls either,"  Jensen ran a hand against the back of his neck, "Maybe that's the problem.  I'm backed up to the point where my brain is floating in sperm and stupidity."
Jared laughed again before placing a hand against the back of Jensen's neck and squeezing it, "Jen, again, not judging.  But, uh, coming that hard?  Usually signifies that shit is turning you on.  And then some."
Jensen gaped at Jared, "How fucking long were you standing there?"
"Long enough to wonder if you were gonna provide a cigarette after the show."
With another squeeze to his neck, Jared smirked, "What can I say, it was seriously hot."
Jensen's poor heart started pounding at an even faster clip, "You...you thought that was hot?"
Jared's smirk dropped and a look that Jensen had never seen before took it's place, "Come on, Man.  Have you seen yourself in the mirror?  Can you really blame me for thinking that way about you?"
Jensen swallowed.  Hard. "What....what way?"
Jared licked his bottom lip and bit it, "How curious are you about this?  I don't want to go down a road with you and you wake up the next morning and decide you cant work with me or you don't want to be friends.  I value our friendship, Man.  Truly.  It would kill me not to-."
"Yeah," Jensen interrupted with a soft smile, "It would kill me too."
With a smile of his own, Jared let go of Jensen's neck and sat back, "Sooo, you wanna finish watching the movie?"
Was it possible for stomachs to dip right outta your body?  Cause that's what was happening to Jensen's.
"I-uh, I mean, if you, uh, wanna, I mean..."
Taking pity on Jensen's stuttering, Jared reached under the side table and pulled out the bottle of Glenfiddich whiskey he knew was stored there, "Drink first?"
"Fuck yeah."
The first two shots burned on the way down.  By the time they were both nursing the third drink, Jensen was feeling the edges of his anxiety start to float away and Jared was sitting closer to him on the couch.
They talked a little more about Jared and his previous male conquests.  ("They were pretty.  And hot.  I have a hard time saying no to pretty and hot.")
And they spoke of how he may not advertise his sexuality but he wasn't ashamed of it either. ("Pussy and dick both make me come.  Soooo, why not?")
By the time they reached the point where Jensen felt brave enough to let Jay turn on the laptop, he was sporting some chub thinking of his best friend in these compromising positions.  
And if Jay's gaze was any indication, it was very noticeable.  
Fucking sweatpants.  
Clearing his throat, Jared pressed play and placed it on the couch in between them.
"Suck that cock.  Fuck yeah.  So fucking hot."  The blonde said as she continued to finger fuck the dark haired guys ass before quickly adding a second finger.  The blonde slapped one of the guys ass cheeks with her free hand before using the same hand to separate them, "Look how pretty.  Can't wait for you to take that monster up in here.  Gonna make you eat my pussy while you take it."
Jensen's head was swimming as a deep pulse of lust shot into his stomach and straight to his dick.  His mind was quickly replacing the images on screen with him being the one sitting on the couch, running his hand through Jared's hair as he sucked his cock with major enthusiasm.
Fuck, could he really be this hard, this fast?
Sending a surreptitious glance toward Jared, Jensen took another sip of his drink and adjusted himself on the couch, trying to sit in such a way that his wood wasn't so obvious.
He was terribly unsuccessful.
Especially considering he had looked into Jared's lap and saw a massive boner laying against the side of his leg, plainly visible in the track pants he was wearing.
This time, Jensen had to bite his lip to keep in the moan that threatened to fly out of his throat.  
"You, uh,  you okay?"
Jensen's head shot up at Jared's deep baritone and he swallowed at the look of lust making Jared's eyes darken, "I, uh, maybe this wasn't such a good idea..."  He said as he placed his drink on the table next to him.
Jared looked down at the tent in Jensen's sweats, before raising an eyebrow, "You sure about that, Jen?"
At that moment, the dark haired guy on screen let out a loud moan and both of their heads swiveled back to the screen just in time to see him take Big-Dicks cock in his ass.  He swiveled his hip and pushed against Big-Dick before licking up the blondes thigh in front of him, plunging his tongue in her pussy.
"Fuck...." Jared let out before he reached down and squeezed his dick through his pants, "That's fucking hot."
Shit. Shit. Shit.
Watching Jared touch himself through his pants was gonna make Jensen blow his wad straight across the room.  The throbbing in his sweats was becoming unbearable and mixed with the whiskey in his system, he was ready to say fuck it and whip his dick out.
"Deeper.."  The guy on screen begged in between long licks to the blondes pussy, "Deeper, Man.  Yeah, just like that."
Big-Dick obliged and he adjusted himself to give the guy long, hard, deep strokes as his partner let out a groan and lay his head on the blondes thigh; his hard cock swinging between his legs with the pounding he was happily taking.
"You like that baby?" The blonde cooed as she ran her fingers through his hair, "Feels good right?"
"Oh my God," Jensen couldn't help but let out softly as he felt his dick dribble out pre-cum into his pants.
Jared looked up into Jensen's face and shuddered out a breath, "Dude, I'm so fucking horny right now that if I don't take out my dick, its gonna explode in my pants."
Jensen shut his eyes at the shot of want that streaked down his spine, "Shit, Jay.  You're gonna kill me."
"Is that a yes?"
What to do?  Lord knew he was so far gone the room was spinning.  Though the whiskey could've had a hand in that as well.
Instead of answering, Jensen reached into his pants and pulled out his throbbing cock and immediately started stroking it from root to tip.  He was so worked up, his hips involuntarily canted into his grip and he let out a groan and dropped his head onto the back of the sofa letting it loll to the side, facing Jared.
Jensen watched as Jared's eyes widened at the sight in front of him and he started letting out gasping breaths before reaching into his underwear, pulling out his cock (Big-fucking-cock.  Want-it-in-his-mouth-cock) as he pulled down his pants with the other hand.  Jay's eyes rolled into the back of his head as he leaned back against the sofa, inches away from Jensen's gasping mouth.  
"Fuck..."  Jensen whispered as he felt Jared's rapid breaths against his lips.  Immediately, he licked his lower lip trying in vain to catch the taste of his best friend and swallow it down.  He opened his eyes into slits and peered right into yellow-green orbs as he let out a low moan when his cock jerked in his hand.
He was so fucking close....
Jared let out a deep groan in tandem with Jensen, his mouth hanging slightly open as his hand reached down and played with his sack, "Jen....God...the things I wanna do to you..."
Those thick lips were so close to his own, he could practically feel them opening up and taking everything he had to give.  He licked his lips, hoping his tongue would graze against Jared's but instead he felt an answering lick against the tip of his tongue as Jared tentatively rubbed it against his.
"Again...." Jensen groaned, "Please....again."
A sound of complete surrender left Jared's throat as he closed the small distance between their mouths and immediately wrapped his tongue around Jensen's before sucking Jensen's bottom lip into his mouth.  
A bomb went through Jensen's torso and immediately erupted out of his dick as he came so hard his eyes crossed and he moaned long and loud into Jared's mouth causing the other man to moan in return. Come arched through the air and landed right on his t-shirt as he closed his mouth over Jared's and kissed him with deep strokes of his tongue.
"Oh God, oh FUCK!"
The loud scream from the laptop caused both men to separate and look down in time to see the dark haired guy on screen on his back getting plowed by Big-Dick as the blonde sucked down his cock.
"I'm gonna come!" He yelled into the air, "I'm gonna come."
As the blonde lifted her face out of the way, he shot up and onto his chest with loud grunts as the guy who had been fucking him pulled out and helped the blonde lap up the come on his chest.  
A low groan came from Jared, "Ugggghhh, Jen.  Shiiiiit."
Jensen looked to the side just in time to see Jared rip up his T-shirt  just as his red tipped dick erupted onto his now exposed stomach.
It was by far one of the hottest fucking things he had ever seen in his life.
As both men leaned back letting out low gasps, Jensen waited for the awkwardness to settle in.  But nothing happened.   He blinked up at the ceiling of the trailer and tried to trudge up something of the fear that he felt earlier but instead he  just felt....content.
"You okay, Jen?"  
Jensen turned his head to meet Jared's slightly panicked eyes.
Jared gulped as Jensen didn't immediately answer,  "I mean...are we okay?"
Taking in that strong jawline and those beautiful eyes, Jensen smiled, "Yeah.  Yeah, Jay.  We're good."
Letting out a sigh of relief, Jared closed the laptop between them and placed it on the table before closing the small distance between their bodies.  As Jensen felt the heat radiating off of Jared's body bleed into own, he let his eyes slide down to the curve of Jared's lips and couldn't help but bring his mouth to his and press a soft kiss against them.  He felt Jared smile before the taller man deepened the kiss and slid one of those massive hands of his across Jensen's t-shirt covered stomach.  With a groan into Jensen's mouth. he squeezed at the side of Jensen's waist before meandering his fingers up his chest towards his neck before suddenly stopping and looking down at his hand.
"What's wrong?"  Jensen on a breath.
Biting his lip, Jared brought up his shiny fingers, "Dude, you either have a talent for shooting long distance or you really were backed up,"
Jensen's eyes widened, "Is that my-"
"Come?  Yep," Jared opened his mouth and inserted his fingers before sucking them deep and releasing them with a pop and a smirk, "Still warm too."
Another dip in his belly as Jensen tried to decide how he felt about watching his best friend lick his come off his fingers.  When said friend, winked at him and bit his bottom lip, Jensen decided he was abso-fucking-lutley okay with it, "Fuck.  You're gonna kill me."
Jared hummed deep in his throat and leaned his head in to kiss Jensen again when a loud knock sounded at the door.
"Yo!  Open up the door!  You two fools better not have drank all the alcohol."
Shit!  Y/N!
With panicky eyes and fumbling hands righting clothes, Jensen cleared his throat and quickly made it to the door after looking back to make sure Jared was decent.
"Hey!"  Y/N said with a bright smile when the door opened, "Sorry I took so long.  Crisis with Christy happened.  Again!"  Y/N said referring to one of the PA's on staff as she made her way around Jensen and to his small kitchenette, "But I brought pizza!"  She lifted the box in her hands before placing it on the table, "Hope you guys are hungry."
Jared and Jensen shared a heavy look before Jared answered, "Yeah, I'd say we worked up a pretty decent appetite today."
Y/N looked around the trailer and took a deep breath, swinging around making the short skirt she had on flounce in the air, "It smells like bad decisions in here, Ackles.  You really need to clean up after you bang random chick number sixty-nine."
Jared let out a high pitched laugh as Jensen pursed his lips at his friend, "I did not bang any..chick in here. Thank you very much."
Y/N shrugged off her jacket and placed it on the back of a chair before plopping down next to Jared on the couch, "Then you need to figure out which sock is lying around and still hiding the evidence of your last....activities."
"Just sayin'."
Tagging some peeps that may be interested.  Let me know if its not your thing and you’d rather not be tagged.
@thoughtslikeaminefield  @maddiepants @coffee-obsessed-writer @pisces-cutie @idreamofplaid @tumbler-tidbits @glassjacket @boondoctorwho @spnkinkbingo
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