#closest thing i got to that was my old ships when i was like. 16 and into knb or sumn idk.
voidedaurora · 2 months
All of this is just so…. Like….shocking???? There’s so much I wanna say or ask but I don’t know where to start.
I hope you don’t think I’m being hateful or spiteful towards Mel when I say this, but she truly is such a weirdo for latching onto some 15 yr old as I suppose she’s a replacement for you. actually, not even a suppose, she is definitely a replacement!! From the oc shipping to the vr video, obviously this might be some jab or “fuck you lol” video to you.
as the adult in that situation , she should set clear fucking boundaries with that child and also lock her out of the server!!!! I can’t even imagine their convos in private if she’s so comfortable posting stuff like that and letting some 15 yr old have some freaky ass discord thing in her 16+ server.
also if people were calling me a fucking groomer or a kiddy diddler fiddler, I would address it as soon as possible if not IMMEDIATELY because ain’t no way will I have something so serious be a role/status played onto me.
how funny is it for her to be quick to call ppl groomers and pedos but radio silent on this situation
Its definitely really weird that Mels using Khai as some replacement for me, makes me super uncomfortable and honestly really sick to my stomach? This girl does not know how to let go and it shows. Its also really weird to me because she was the one who cut ME off? How u gonna cut someone off and decide you dont like them but still try and replicate everything to do with them?? It just doesn't make sense to me
And absolutely, She used to actually have pretty decent boundaries with khai, not letting people be sexual around her, not making sexual jokes around her, etc. But that all seemed to melt away once she got to "know her better" and became a chronic VRchat addict with her, deciding that she wasn't as immature as "I made her out to be". It's even odder when you know all of what I know about khai as a person, she's done some real fucked up shit and Mel knows that. Used to even hate her because of the shit she'd done, but that's all just been forgotten or she doesn't care anymore She definitely needs to make some sort of response, though I dont know what kind of response she could even make with the evidence of her behavior being POSTED HERSELF, there's not exactly anything to refute or prove wrong . I hope Mel stops doing this weird shit, gets help, kicks khai out of the server/Stops talking to her??, and generally just gets better. I never wanted to have to be the one to have to bring her down but she's just gotten worse and worse, It honestly hurts a bit seeing just how disgusting she's gotten as someone who used to be her closest friend
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
She comes to him during her first break up and he’s ready to beat up this 16 year old high schooler for her.
Terms of Endearment Masterlist & Terms of Endearment // Natasha x Rhett
Oh. It’s one of those times when Rhett’s actually in North Island for a while. He comes and goes. He’s got shared custody of the twins and this time it just seemed easier to come to them and Phoenix than it did to ship em off to Wabang.
Co-parenting is easy when the love of your life is the mother of your children. But don’t tell Phoenix Rhett said that. He’ll deny deny deny.
“Hey Ace—“ Rhett’s smiling that signature half smile of his as he comes through the back door like he owns the place, two ratbag twelve year olds run in and past you straight into the living room. That’s where your little ratbag can be found—like Nicky Bradshaw, playing his Xbox.
“Hey Cowboy.” It’s the all consuming scent of sandalwood and cedar that encompass you in Rhett’s warm embrace. “What are you doing here? Nix didn’t mention you were gonna be in town?” Rhett just grumbles into your neck all the while he rolls his eyes.
“Oh I wasn’t holding my breath she would—“ It’s the slight rose tint that creeps across Rhett’s stubbled cheeks that gives him away without a single word. “Is she ever happy to see me?” You can’t help but to chuckle as you pat his chest three time sympathetically. Phoenix and Rhett were complicated to say the very least. But their love was undeniable and unapologetic.
“No comment—“ Is all you reply before Rhett’s taking off down the hall. He’s in search of a particular soul, an extension of you that Rhett just adores like she was his own. “She’s down at the beach Rhett.” You don’t even need to say her name because Rhett knows you know who he’s looking for. “Her and Nathan broke up on Tuesday so she’s been a little off this past few days.”
Rhett froze in his tracks, that’s probably why Riley asked if he’d be over anytime soon. That’s probably why he missed a random call on Wednesday night while he was out trying to forget about the fight he and Nix had over her Dads birthday party Rhett wasn’t sure he could make it to this year.
“Can I take the Bronco real quick?” You didn’t have to ask where Rhett was going or why he needed the Bronco. You already knew—he was going to go see Riley down at the beach. For a guy who couldn’t swim Rhett Abbott sure loved to watch Riley Bradshaw surf.
“Sure thing, it’s in the garage.” With that, Rhett’s setting off on a little mission of his own. He has this thing where he gets older but just never wiser, so he would with ease punch a sixteen year old kid in the throat if it meant Riley felt some sort of relief for the pain that filled her chest. Bradley Jake and little Odette who wasn’t so little anymore we’re all on separate deployments.
Jake was down under stationed in Townsville, Riley’s breakup with her first real boyfriend (or the love of her damn life as she claimed) happened smack bang in the middle of his three month stint. Bradley was overseeing a strike force in the North Atlantic and Odette was on her first major deployment…. In Bosnia of all places. Something told you her uncle Pete had something to do with that.
So, Rhett took it upon himself to wait on the dunes. He knew that Riley had spotted him a few waves back but she wasn’t in a hurry to get out of the water anytime soon. She was raised in a family that lived and breathed the U.S Navy. Her mother, her father, her uncles and aunts were all Navy. It only made sense that whenever they were a million miles away she felt closest to them in the ocean.
“Hey kiddo.” Rhett smiled a half crooked grin Riley’s way as he watched her place her surf board down. “Saw you catch some pretty big waves out there.” Rhett hated the ocean, you’d never catch him in it unless it was life and death and even then he’d probably be drowning.
“Yeah, I thought maybe one of them would take me out and put me outta my misery—“ It’s the nonchalant shrug that had Rhett raising an eyebrow at your middle child’s mental stability. “But I guess I’ve gotta tough this one out.”
“What did the two of you break up over exactly?” Rhett’s asking as cautiously as he can. He doesn’t know what raising a girl is like—a boy world is the only world that he knows.
“I don’t wanna talk about it.” Riley sighs a little deeper than normal as she picks her board back up and makes her way back over to where Rhett had parked her dads old Bronco.
“You sound like your sister Rils.” Riley just freezes. Her and Odette couldn’t have been more similar yet so different. Riley hated being compared to Dot, she was her own person with her own feelings. “C’mon, talk to me.”
“Oh my gosh, fine!” Riley doesn’t mean to, but her heart hurts too much for her to keep her emotions regulated and in check. She drops her surfboard down onto the sand and turns back to Rhett. “I got dumped because I wouldn’t put out alright!” It ignites a fire in Rhett’s chest that he won’t ever be able to extinguish. Riley was only sixteen. “And now all the guys in my drama class call me Sanda D because our film assignment is Grease this semester and I don’t understand how any of that means anything because I thought he really liked me but I guess I just—“
“The guys in your drama class are giving you shit?” Rhett frowns like it’s the dumbest thing he’s ever heard. He’s bending down to pick up the surfboard, making sure there’s no damage from the sudden fit of adolescent female rage. If Riley was anything like you there was a fire simmering on the inside. She just had more control.
“That’s what you took from that?”
“Yeah well it’s just high-school clearly changed a hell of a lot since I was there.” Rhett, in that very moment was thinking back to the time he had fished Bob out of the trash can near D block after some idiots on the football team turned Bob on his head for being in the schools production of The Importance of Being Earnest.
“Mum said you didn’t even finish high school?” Riley rolls her eyes as she continues on her path towards the Bronco. It’s now Rhett who’s glued in his place. How in the ever living fuck?
“How the fuck does she know that?” It’s the fast pace hop, skip and jog Rhett does with Riley’s surfboard under his arm that has her chuckling.
“I dunno?” She shrugs. “But the point is, I got dumped for having self respect.”
“Look Riley—“ Rhett doesn’t know how to parent girls, hell he doesn’t even really know how to parents his own kids let’s alone give parental advice. But he does know how to be a friend. “I know it probably feels like to world is ending but I can assure you it’ll keep spinning.”
“Gee thanks, I’ll log that one away for when I feel like jumping out of he nearest second story window.” Rhett doesn’t know how to compute what Riley just said. He knows she’s kidding—but at the same him he feels like taking her to the hospital for a involuntary admission to the psychiatric ward. “I know, guys are dumb.”
“We are.” Rhett knows he probably isn’t the best role model when it comes to relationships. “But most importantly that Nathan guys a dickhead if he thinks he’ll get far going around degrading young girls like that.”
“It’s fine—“ Riley’s trying to shrug it off. “I just thought I meant more to him than I did, that’s why I’m so frustrated.” Rhett knew exactly what Riley meant when she said that. “It’s hard having perfect parents with a perfect fairy tale relationship, makes you just want to mimic that.” You had always been very vocal about instilling self worth on your girls. They deserved to know how valued they truly were, to never settle for anyone less than, for anyone who wouldn’t treat them with respect. “I thought he was the one—“
“You’re sixteen—go egg that guy’s house or something.” Rhett chuckled to himself as he placed Riley’s surfboard on the racks on the top of Bradley’s prized Bronco. “Or give me his address and I’ll go egg his house myself.” Riley, even if she was only sixteen, could appreciate her uncles recklessness and zero to death row attitude about her ex boyfriend. She knew that if her dad were here he’d be livid, irate if she told him the truth about her breakup, what had been the foundation of the relationship ending. She was his little girl, his princess. “No daughter of Y/n Bradshaw is gonna go about her life thinking she deserves that kind of treatment.”
But to Rhett Abbott, Riley Carole Bradshaw wasn’t just a princess who needed to be reminded of her own self worth. She was as feisty and as fearless as her mother was. Rhett saw a hell of a lot of you in little Riley. Maybe even more than he saw in Odette nowadays. She was off flying multimillion dollar fight jets, so it was just Nicky and Riley.
“We can’t egg his house Rhett, mum would kill us both.”
“You tell your mother why you got dumped?” Rhett’s raising his brow curiously and when Riley shook her head no, he smirked. “If she knew I can assure you it wouldn’t be eggs being thrown kid—it would be bloody rocks.” He just stops and sighs and looks at Riley with all her heartbreak and all her rage. “C’mon get in the truck.” And that’s exactly what Riley does. Wrapped in a towel she sits in the passengers seat of her dads trusted Bronco she knows he will be pissed about Rhett driving around town without a care in the world.
“Hey Rhett?” Riley’s asking as the old radio played. She wanted to change the subject. Riley was already in the process of excepting her fate for when you found out you’d egged your ex’s house with dear old Uncle Rhett.
“If you and Nix love each other so much, how come you guys aren’t together anymore?”
“It’s completely kid.” There was a time where Rhett was pretty convinced that it was better to live together than to die alone, but in the years he’d fallen in and out of love with Natasha Trace, he came to trust in the ideology that love is without boarders or bounds. For him and Phoenix, their love was as unambiguous a sign of true love that any of you had ever seen.
It just wasn’t cookie cutter clean. “It’s just complicated.”
“She used to fly with your brother, didn’t she?” Riley never really asked about anything, she was somewhat of a wallflower. But she was sixteen now, a teenager with questions and queries about the past present and future. “Is that how you guys met?” And there’s always been a part of Rhett that was too stubborn to believe he could ever really find a women like Natasha. It’s part of the reason why he didn’t have her now.
“Sure is, before Rob died, I came out here to help your ma with a couple of issues she was having.” Rhett still to this day couldn’t really talk about Bob without wanted to throw his first into the nearest wall. “He asked me to come help, and that’s when I met Nixy.” Rhett had a feeling, deep in the pit of his stomach that he just couldn’t ever let go of. He was afraid—afraid that it had never actually been Rhett Phoenix was in love with, but that it had always been Bob.
“If we asked, do you think she’d come egg Nathan’s house with us?” Riley asked as cautiously as she could, she saw Rhett’s grip on the steering wheel tightening. She saw his jaw clench back a few tears as he cleared his throat.
“She’d want her own damn carton Rils.” And he was just the consolation trauma prize.
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
Hey I was trying to find what ancestry which it comes to tribes most African Americans have and your mutual (I think helped) https://www.tumblr.com/theconstitutionisgayculture/693392069742542849
And I found out the Yoruba are the majority of North American African slaves ancestry. And they also the biggest tribe in Nigeria
Is it wrong I went “OOOOOOOOOOOOH” as I saw one Nigerian woman that look just like my late godmother and now I know why.
Just wondering despite the dna ancestry this isn’t taught to Africa Americans, especially it would help end the whole pan Africa thing
…Though Nigerians would have to deal with annoying ass black activists Americans, they probably going struggle some benin with some Dahomey ancestry for that.
But I found out the Mandinka tribe make up most of southern United state slavery ancestry. I mean like in New Orleans and even in Brazil. And tbh I know something was different about Louisianan blacks
Well at least we know why New Orleans Creoles are raging capitalists
It the Mansa Musa blood flowing in them.
You know with the whole new Princess and the frog theme ride. Disney made up new lore and they confirm Tiana open up her own company that still exist today. I kinda want to write a story where her descendants does a dna test and found out they have Mandinka ancestry hence their great great grandmother whole business idea…obviously it other reasons but still funny.
Not mutuals but @theconstitutionisgayculture are in the same circle
As for which group, it would be whichever ones were closest to the Dahomey and whoever else was picking people up and selling them since there were lots of them going on.
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10 or so million people need several suppliers, even if only like 3-400,000 of them came to the US (people seem to forget that like >90% went to SA, not that that makes things better but spread the blame please) Mexico started late and just enslaved it's indigenous population, in what would be called a genocide today I think.
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Dahomey is right there in the Benin spot where we got 16% it looks like SE Africa is news to me.
Not sure if the various DNA tests can pinpoint a particular group, maybe to the level of "Bantu" which is a incredibly broad spread of people so hopefully better than that.
You said Yourba
The Yoruba people are a West African ethnic group who mainly inhabit parts of Nigeria, Benin, and Togo.
That would fit for Dahomey at least, cuz Benin.
Here's the Mandinka, which that oddly enough jives with Django Unchained
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Seeing a lot of Fula in there, that was the group that did the Fula jihads so forcibly converted to Islam, shipped to the Americas, or possibly castrated but absolutely sold to Arabic groups were their choices then.
This is mostly me just putting up what I'm seeing so far if you're confused it's ok so am I.
Well at least we know why New Orleans Creoles are raging capitalists It the Mansa Musa blood flowing in them.
New Orleans is a odd cross section of the US population, even way back when.
It was still racist AF, but the French connection created some odd population pockets,
Louis Armstrong with his Lithuanian Jewish neighbors who well.
In his memoir, Louis Armstrong + the Jewish Family in New Orleans, La., the Year of 1907, he described his discovery that this family was also subject to discrimination by "other white folks" who felt that they were better than Jews: "I was only seven years old but I could easily see the ungodly treatment that the white folks were handing the poor Jewish family whom I worked for."
Guy wore a Star of David always, in their honor they made a big difference for him, but I'm stopping there or I'll go into tangent land.
place is just strange, and the locals wouldn't have it any other way
You know with the whole new Princess and the frog theme ride. Disney made up new lore and they confirm Tiana open up her own company that still exist today. I kinda want to write a story where her descendants does a dna test and found out they have Mandinka ancestry hence their great great grandmother whole business idea…obviously it other reasons but still funny.
That could be fun, if you do it be sure and send it this way so I can read it, I may wind up totally confused but that's ok.
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jackwolfes · 11 months
thank you for tagging me @sixofsol !! 🥰💖
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 
144 on my public pseud, 85 in my lil anon collection, 3 floating around secretly in another anon collection, and about 10-15 super super old ones that i orphaned from various asunder fandoms over the years. so at least 232, probably closer to 250 (dear god)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,688,252 words of non-orphaned works (dear GOD)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
primarily six of crows/SAB netflix, but recent fandoms that i might write more for soon include: red white and royal blue, percy jackson, winter’s orbit, bbc merlin, the last binding series, & the pulleyverse 
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
hours (whumpy firstprince fic)
you owe me for blowing up my bed (sab verse missing scene)
like putting on a costume (wesper PWP)
gorgeous (wesper PWP)
a choice of two locked doors (wesper arranged marriage)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i always try to!! but i’m not the best at it all the time 😅 i make more of an effort to reply to comments that are longer or that draw out particular parts of the fic that the reader liked!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i’m a big slut for a bittersweet but hopeful ending rather than angsty ones!! like possibly my ghost jesper fic because the final scene is Quite Literally wylan dying but like, that’s kinda happy given context???
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i am still personally enamoured with the vibes in the final scene of ACOTLD 🥰 and it makes me very happy! so! that one! 
8. Do you get hate on fics?
uhhh most regularly i just get snarky gobshites trying to be like, clever and smug about shit, which never really works because i generally don’t care? but then also i sometimes get transphobic hate speech so idk 😅
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i can't answer this non-sarcastically but like YEAH I'm a VERY HORNY WRITER and I feel like it says more about you than me if you haven't been able to guage that 😅 idk I have gotten a lot tamer though by including porn in longer fics compared to the very explicit collection of PWPs I used to write?? 
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
the closest i’ve gotten to crossover is sneaking shadow and bone characters into SOC fics! or like, the most subtle of references and cameos when I need random OCs like Easter eggs 
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
a few times but i’ve always been vindicated by the fact they’ve never been well done? like it's always been word for word plagiraism (and also the ao3 abuse team is very good at taking things down)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
not that i’m actually aware of! just podfics sometimes which has been nice 😊
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
never finished one but i’ve got 2-3 wips being co-written with my girlfriend atm 😊
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
i feel like it’s a cop out to say wesper but like,,,, 😅 idk! i like my lil stupid guys!! i like their vibe! 
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I think my problem is that I'm delusional enough to think that I will finish literally all of the WIPs I have started and want to finish even though that's like, 100 fics or something idiotic 😅
16. What are your writing strengths?
Themes and foreshadowing I think!! Like running themes for sure but I've had definitive compliments on my plotting before! I also think I'm pretty good at dialogue, especially arguments, and narrative tension/feelings! 👀
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i am not very good at cutting my darlings which means things get a bit meandering and diluted sometimes 😅
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i can get behind it in certain circumstances! personal preference is to translate large chunks of text ie "'[English words],' he said in [language]" but I do write individual words like pet names in other languages 
19. First fandom you wrote for?
fucking hetalia when i was like, 12 🫥 but i have also in past written for: homestuck, haikyuu, yuri on ice, the adventure zone (balance & graduation) and (CONSTANTLY forget this) miraculous ladybug! some of which are better than others ngl 😅
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
well this is like asking me to pick children & is also cruel when i have 230 of them klajdsfsadjfk  UHHH? i mean this is wicked cheating but im really attached to the bridgerton au i haven’t actually finished yet! it’s fully written, but needs editing, and one that i really really like!! in terms of fics i’ve POSTED, i really like “not just girls” (trans egg wylan), “you yearn to feel no hunger” (SAB-verse coda/character study) and a real deep cut, “only imaginary people disappear to peru for ten years” (missing scene from the lost future of pepperharrow)! idk i like a lot of the fics i’ve posted which is a nice position to be in 😅
most folks i know have done this i think but tagging: @kelliealtogether @apricior @doorsclosingslowly & anyone else that sees this & fancies it 😇
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lothcatthree · 11 months
Fic Writer 20 Questions
thank you for tagging me @forloveofcodywan (i've been wanting to do this one for a while)
under the cut so i don't plague your dash
1.) How many works do you have on ao3?
16 (i used to have >30 but i orphaned half of them bc i wrote them when i was 14 and nobody needs to see that)
2.) What’s your ao3 word count?
3.) What fandoms do you write for?
star wars all day babey. i dabbled in steve x bucky from 2017-2018 ish, but star wars has had my brain in a vice grip since 2015 (i was another victim to the sequels causing a sw renaissance).
4.) What are your top five fics by kudos?
the right feeling - from my finnpoe days :') this is part 1 of a soulmate au series. this one has 4.7k words.
i think i was blind before i met you - steve x bucky (damn we're going way back, this is 7 years old) modern au with barista steve and college student disaster bucky. 15k words.
please stay for awhile now - finnpoe, again for the win. this is part 2 of the soulmate au series. 5.6k words.
we should just kiss like real people do - finnpoe. this is the fourth and final part of the soulmate au series. hurt/comfort, recovery, all the good stuff. 8.2k words. (i suppose we all needed the soulmate finnpoe fluff in 2016, judging by these stats).
but through it all, i will need you anyways - current codywan WIP!! fix-it fic with just an insane amount of disgustingly tooth-rotting fluff. no clone death, just good feelings. this has been ENTIRELY self-indulgent and i started it when i got initial codywan brain rot. 64k words and counting!
5.) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
oh my god yes, i love comments and it puts the biggest smile on my face knowing that people took time out of their day to write something nice for my little ramblings :')
6.) What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
jesus, literally none of them. i have to do happy endings, i'm too fragile. closest would be i hate you, fuck you, please never stop looking at me which is wolfwren PWP, except they still kinda hate each other at the end. (this barely counts because i am writing a follow-up that explores more of their feelings for each other and has a happy ending)
7.) What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
ALL OF THEM. idk what to tell you. probably the cheesiest ending is the dinluke modern soulmate au i just wrote - how did i ever live without you?
8.) Do you get hate on fics?
no, thank god. i keep things pretty vanilla and i tag very thoroughly to do my best to avoid any hurt feelings. (also i've just simply been lucky to never experience that)
9.) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
oh fuck yeah. 2/3 of my fics are explicit. mostly m/m, one f/f and two m/m/m. we have fun over here.
10.) Do you write cross overs? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
no, this would break my brain. next question.
11.) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
no, unless it has been and they're very good about hiding it (doubt it, tho. i'd be a weird choice to steal from)
12.) Have you ever had a fic translated?
no, but i would love it!
13.) Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
no, but i have been thinking more and more that i would love to do this!!
14.) What’s your all time favourite ship?
this is so hard. . i think codywan has been the one ship that has just slapped my across the face and gave me stockholm syndrome. I think about them.... All the Time. second closest would be finnpoe, judging on how many stories i wrote about them. and they just fit so well together and i adore their characters and they had so much chemistry and. (i'll stop now)
15.) What’s a WIP you’d like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
my brain will simply not allow me to leave a WIP uncompleted. by god, it's going to happen even if i am chaining myself to my laptop and typing through tears.
16.) What are your writing strengths?
i have received many compliments about my dialogue and smut scenes flowing very naturally :) i try to make them play like a movie and have it immersive enough that a character doesn't do/say something unnatural to make the reader stop and say wait what?
16.) What are your writing weaknesses?
oh god, PLOT and ANGST. can't do it for the life of me. i work best in oneshots so i can brain vomit and move on. i have a hard time planning out fics and i deeply envy writers that can create beautiful long fics in a timely fashion. i deeply lack the patience for something like that.
as for angst, yes i can technically do it, but it pains every cell in my body. just let the sad old gay men be happy.
17.) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
closest i have ever gotten is mando'a, but it's been very fun to learn!
18.) First fandom you wrote for?
oh boy. one direction (the aforementioned orphaned works).
19.) Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
i am cursed with "i immediately hate everything i write as soon as i release it" syndrome. recently, though, i was particularly proud of safe. warm. mine. because it was very outside of my comfort zone due to the involvement of three people and it was the first a/b/o i have written!
no pressure tags for @veelawings @apricusapollo @shy-wookiee. these are all the mutuals that write (that i know of) and haven't already been tagged (i think)! but please, anyone who i missed or who sees this and wants to chime in and tag me, please do!!!
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bi-hop · 4 months
7, 10, 14, 15, 16 for any fandom you like
hehe these are spicy...
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
so I tried to look back through my old messages to see if I could find examples of this. for the most part, characters I hate are ones I hate of my own volition and people being obnoxious about said character just solidifies my hate, which isn't precisely the same thing. yeah, I don't have an answer for this. I think the closest I've come in recent years is due to people being violently weird about Marcille on Twiter, but my conclusion was just "I'm a better fan of her than them" and then walking off into the sunset at peace so-
10. worst part of fanon
so, obviously, the racism. obviously. the way white background characters are elevated in certain fandoms to unquestionable beloved status while characters of color, especially Black characters and especially Black characters that are women, are scrutinized, demonized, ignored, or outright tokenized. but also just the racism towards creators of color??? I was looking back again for the sake of number 7 and got blindsided by this from an old server I was in
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this was at a friend of mine but I also got treated like this by the same person once they knew I was Black ODAAJSODOJSDD
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
weird ass gender essentialism. fics be so fine and then bam it's presenting this wildly inaccurate thesis on gender and gendered relations and what not. it's not just a fic problem, obviously, but the unrelenting cisnormativity of fandom that's expressed in fics pisses me off LMAOOOO like can we be normal. please.
15. that one thing you see in fanart all the time
WHITEWASHINGGGGG! every time Kabru is drawn with the same skin tone as my girlfriend, an angel dies screaming. heaven forbid they make him gray too. where is the lotion. I also hear people discuss Kabru being treated like the right image in certain ship content
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and I'm just like... it's the racism... it's the hypermasculinization any popular brown man in fandom faces... they just can't do that delicate feminizing shit with Laios so-
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
dare I say the idea that Marcille despises Laios or merely tolerates him or doesn't care about him. like people take her moments of irritation or outright anger and put it as the whole of what their relationship is. and it annoys me bc they do like and trust each other. in general actually it's like people buy too heavily into the idea that the party despises Laios in a constant and genuine way and it's like... did we read the same manga? are we watching the same show?
and on another note, tired of the constant posts insisting Marcille's weirdness about gender and gendered presentation is just bc she doesn't want to look at a Falin that looks like Laios. Marcille can just be regressive. you don't have to jump through hoops to be like "well actually this is a woke Farcille moment" when it'd be even more good of her to accept how Falin likes to dress surely. the extremes of how she's flanderized, I suppose.
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five-and-dimes · 1 year
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
I was tagged by @seiya-starsniper! 🤘
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
38 currently, but I orphaned a few in the past and am considering orphaning a couple more of my older ones, we'll see ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
220,579 - holy shit, when did that happen??
3. What fandoms do you write for?
At the moment just Sandman, although I still have some Umbrella Academy wips that I might try to go back and finish before season 4.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
lol I think just due to the nature of them being fics that have been on AO3 for a decade (which... holy shit I'm old 😂) my top five are four Teen Wolf fics and one Voltron fic
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Not really. I'll respond if someone, like, asks me something in a comment. I know I should respond more, but I often get overwhelmed and don't know what to say. So, uh... sorry everyone 😬
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hm, none of my fics have, like, angsty endings... I think the closest might be Now I Lay Me, just because it's more of a hopeful ending as opposed to explicitly happy (although I'm writing a sequel specifically so I can write the explicitly happy ending, so... that's me in a nutshell lol)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I would definitely say Smile Like You Mean It. That one is the most fluffy happy ending for sure.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nah. The worst I ever got was way back in the beginning on some of my Teen Wolf fics I'd get those comments that were like "you should have written it THIS way-" which were annoying but nothing I'd call "hate".
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
lol I wrote actual, explicit smut for the first time a few months ago with Undisclosed Desires. My fic famously will have almost-sex before something tragic happens and gets in the way lol, and even my one smut story is still very hurt/comfort. As much as I appreciate reading smut of all kinds, I think if I ever wrote more it'd be the same h/c vibe. I'm a one trick pony.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Nah, the closest would be in my bandom phase? But I never fully understood if those counted as crossovers or not lol
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
As far as I know I have not
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yup! I can't remember which ones, but I remember approving requests to translate a couple fics.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I did once, and I had a lot of fun with the idea part, but the actual writing a coherent, publishable fic together was stressful. I love just bouncing ideas with people, expanding on topics together, yes and-ing with friends, etc., but I think fully writing a fic with another person isn't really my thing.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
lol it's hard to say I have an "all time" favorite. I tend to just have my favorite at any given moment. Obviously I'm super into Dreamling right now, but I've had tons of ships that I still love and reread stuff for.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Honestly, there's a bunch of batman wips that I started ages ago and still really like, but I just haven't been able to get into them (Sandman took over the brain real good lol)
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm good at the emotional parts- it's why I like hurt/comfort so much. I will gleefully spend half a story ripping your heart out, but then I'll work hard to give it back. I think I'm good at writing inner thoughts in a way that helps evoke whatever the character is feeling. And I think I'm good at imagery.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Well for one thing I write out of order, so if I ever do multichapter fics I have to finish the whole thing before I can post it lol 😂 Also I think I struggle with action and plot. My writing is very heavy on character introspection, and I like my fics, but if you take a step back from them not a lot really happens in them.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I personally prefer not to, just because I'm monolingual. I'll either just do the italicized words and "they said in x language" or just say "they spoke in x language" and have the pov character not know what they're saying type of stuff.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Heroes. Does anyone remember that show?
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Oof, I will reluctantly narrow it down to three lol. Now I Lay Me (I love the concept), Sloom (love me some family angst), and Recoil/Release (A Voltron fic that is currently my longest fic, and was another one that I was really proud of the concept and characterizations)
I don't know who's already been tagged, but I'll tag @gabessquishytum @cuubism @softest-punk @magnusbae and @pellaaearien
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durrtydawg · 11 months
20 fanfic questions!!
thank for the tag, lovely <3 @cchickki
How many works do you have on AO3?
6! Far more unpublished though.
2. What's your total AO3 words count?
out of those published: 60,723
3. What fandoms do you write for?
uncharted. whoops.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Wine, Wine, Whine. I Think We've Got Chemis-tree, The Sadir Inheritance, A Taste of your Own, Best Served Cold
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try!! Nothing makes me feel happier than seeing that people have enjoyed my stuff so much they feel inclined to actually tell me?? If I ever don't reply, it's honestly because I'm overwhelmed, or have imposter syndrome... on my own writing? Hmm.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
oh god. tbh none of my ao3 ones are particularly angsty. Best Served Cold is probably the closest because of ✨vengeance✨, but I've got a fair few angsty fics unpublished.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
deffo I Think We've Got Chemis-tree. It's just silly feel-good fluff and very 'fanfictiony' if you get what I mean. Not my fave, but people seem to love it for some reason :')
8. Do you get hate on fics?
HA. Luckily, I've managed to steer clear from any hate with my Sam stuff, which is probably down to the niche-ness of the fandom, but I used to get a LOOOT when i wrote TWD stuff back in the day. And it was pretty much always due to me using British english spelling & lingo rather than US. Yawn.
9. Do you write smut. If so what kind?
Abso-fucking-lutely. I think the stuff I've published is pretty tame tbh... compared to what I'm too frightened to post because I'm sick in the head <3. I love giggly, fluffy smut, but hey. I also love stuff that verges on dead dove. Come at me with asks on the matter. I'm game.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Nope. Tbh I don't like anything enough to do crossovers, but ig it's not out of the question.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Again, this fandom is so small, I feel like it'd be blatantly obvious if it had been. I think I saw something a while back that made me raise my brow at the similarity, but to say it was stolen may be a bit far-fetched.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! I had an old TWD series of mine translated... twice?!
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I had a friend once who asked me to beta her fic, and it ended up becoming a total 50/50 collaboration, so yeah! Again, it was TWD.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Pfft. I really don't have one. (I'm a disgusting, delusional self-shipper.)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
ARGH I really want to continue with The Sadir Inheritance, but it's so time consuming, and it takes me about a month to write a very basic request, let alone take care of my fic-baby. I really really like it and have SOO many ideas, so maybe it's overly pessimistic to say I won't ever finish it. But the fandom may be extinct by the time I do :')
16. What are your writing strengths?
Apparently I'm good at dialogue and characterisation? That's unhealthy obsession, bay-bee!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Anything emotional, I think. I enjoy writing the conversational side of things, and am a very humour-centric person, so find it hard to make things perfectly angsty/sad when they need to be. Though I still write it! I'm just not all that confident.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Hell yeah. Just make sure it's accurate to avoid offence/severe cringe. I wouldn't personally do it unless I was completely certain it fit.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
the walking deadddd
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Out of those I've published? Probably the Best Served Cold/A Taste of Your Own duo. It was a lot of fun to write, and allowed me to add a relatively solid plot to something raunchy- though, the alternative ending to ATOYO is better, and I wish I posted it first, because I want more people to see it sksks. You live and learn.
I won't tag anyone- but would looove any of my moots to do this. It was fun!!
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nyelung · 9 months
Fic author interview! Let's see what that sets rolling in my head. Maybe even some words for fic? Thank you @lynne-monstr <3
No-pressure tagging: @narina-vhey @dragonpyre @theloneliestshipper
How many works do you have on AO3?
Currently 26 after I went on a bit of an orphaning (and deletion) spree last year.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
397,281. Also a victim of last year, I guess, but I'm getting back there. I kinda hope to find the time to raise that to 500k and feel good with what I've written but we'll see.
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Hence begins the journey (part 4 of the vampire Percy series I'm writing) - 598
The Ferryman (potc) - 474
Negotiator's Garden (star wars OS) - 414
Of New Beginnings (part 1 of the vampire Percy series I'm writing) - 344
Far Dawn (part 3 of the vampire Percy... well, you can guess it) - 307
Well, I'm seeing a pattern here is all I'm saying. I'm also wistfully staring at the Ferryman because, well, that's no longer my baby because it's too old for that but that fic has been with me for a while and looking at it now I really want to get around to officially finishing it someday. It's also hilarious to see that Star Wars oneshot up there but I guess vaguely fae Obi-Wan is a fun premise. Fond memories writing that one.
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do. There are a few comments in my inbox that are a bit of a pile of shame right now but generally I respond to comments because I love talking about the fic I share. Like that one post so eloquently put it: I write for myself, I share for a feeling of community. Or something like that.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Ooof, that's a tough question because I don't like angsty endings with a few rare exceptions. I think the closest I got online can aspire to vaguely ominous (as in hinting at Order 66) but that's not much, is it?
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Another tough question because I don't go darker than bittersweet for endings I write so, in a way, they're all more or less happy endings? Hmm, I would say maybe No Doubt In Us (TKA canon divergence) bc a) it's actually finished and b) the characters worked hard for their ending and got it.
7. Do you write crossovers?
Not as often as I'd like to and somehow I never get around to finishing them.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
One or two unhappy comments when I wrote Obi-Wan as bisexual (I mean, come on, look at the guy. He's supposed to be straight?) because how dare I write him like that but that's about it.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Rarely and somehow usually as a gift for one person or another. Curious.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not apart from those mass-stealing incidents where lots of fic got copied to other sites and all that. At least not that I know of.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I think ten years ago or so someone wanted to translate one of my fics into russian but I honestly can't remember what came of that.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, actually, with the wonderful @theloneliestshipper and with @narina-vhey but overall I prefer to write on my own because I got my own approach, time limitations and all in all it just became too stressful.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I don't have one. On further thought, I don't think I'd be happy having an all-time favourite. I prefer that to stay in constant flux.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Oh, that's difficult. Stuff from the pile of shame, probably, so i'll pass on this answer^^
15. What are your writing strengths?
I am told that I manage to keep the characters in character but I think my favourite thing that one person pointed out was that I am good at building connections between canon tidbits to make up new canon divergences and headcanons.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Since my favourite topic is canon divergence, most of my plotbunnies have a tendency to turn into longfic which, as we all know, is not that easy to finish.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I could read this question in two ways but I think it means writing dialogue in a different language than the general narration and, no, just no. I don't automatically pass on a fic for that if it's using phrases from a conlang in moderation but usually it's just far more confusing than enriching the experience for me.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Oh, hmm. I'm not sure. The first fandom stuff I did online was for Yu-Gi-Oh and Detective Conan, I think. First fanfic was probably some OC for some high fantasy novel or other.
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
Polymachina (I'm getting there) and zjl/xby/szp for King's Avatar.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written
I can't choose but the whole vampire Percy series has some of my favourite moments I've written, so I'll go with that one.
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jils-things · 6 months
3. how do the other characters generally feel about your self insert?
i dont think many would actually know aine's... present because she's holed up in her house for so long... probably her relatives only know about her existence wiwiwi but! she's generally very shy and quiet, not very used to talking to others! but she tries her best to be sweet :3
irene is ... probably envied by many people! i mean she's part of a prestigious family and she's very pretty! she's not like most women of her age who can be pretty uptight (at least i think so...) - she's very humble about her wealth and doesnt go out of her way to shove how fortunate she is... its all because of her old past that she's very gentle and considerate :3
9. who are your self insert’s closest friends?
unfortunately as i've said earlier, poor baby aine doesnt have much friends, but she's very, very close and trusting of her gallade who acts as her best friend and guardian no matter where she is. she always finds comfort in gallade. but if i had to pick one person who would be her close friend, it would be erika - i think she'd help aine be more relaxed and less nervous about herself and sleepy times together LAFDKSLKFSKA. i wanna plug blake into the story as well, i can totally see him to be a big brother to aine and i picture blake to be more friendly! aine needs nice company, she needs it for sure ;; softcore version of color pallet trio . cold pallet trio if you will. bye
right off the bat, i just told myself "yes irene and emma are best friends" emma probably provides the best chamomile and irene looooves tea. they bond over that heheheh. maybe helena and tracy too! i have such soft spots for them and i really like them! irene definitely doesnt like nobles that much (i excuse reynold however. eheh). i would include naib, but i dont think it would work out? im just biased wiwiwi
15. how does your self insert play a role in the plot of the story? do they help directly defeat the villain, support the heroes, etc.?
AINE STOPS THE ACTUAL FROSTBITE. THAT IS ALL. IM TOO SHY TO TALK ABT ***VELVETSHIPPING HERE IM SORRY WHDASDSAHJFHJFSASF </3333 he stops caring about trying hard for himself to be stronger and helps aine out instead and feels that she deserves better and focuses on that <3
irene umm,, gives him,,, the love and care he lacked as a kid,, wiwiiw,,, she takes him in after the explosion and nurses him to health and they confess they like each other and they promise to figure things out from there and shes dead serious about taking him into a better place because he's gone too far to make ends meet WEEWEFGGFGF MY BRAIN IM (BLEATS PATHERTICALLY)
16. freebie! name a fact about your self insert you want everyone to know.
aine has two "endings" on what happens when she sees him. one is the happy route where, yk, they get along, yadda yadda, romance, bonding, all that jazz. the second ending is... a little more unfortunate. basically she was a bit too late, because he's frostbitten now, and she regrets leaving her home and will probably stay at home more often now because the world is much more terrifying than she suspected. poor girl
irene is made with the purpose of wanting to ship with someone in the game yes - but the plot twist was that i was not actually crushing on no.rton at the time (he was just a fav) but found him to be a cute match with irene and i did just that. and then my dumbass fell for him shortly after HSAJKFHJAFHSFJSA im so doopid woawwww....
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anewkindofme · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks for the tag @snowviolettwhite
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
On my current account, 34. But I have another account with 536 (spanning across a good decade).
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
On this account, 715,022.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
9-1-1 Lone Star
The Vampire Diaries Universe
One Tree Hill
Grey's Anatomy
I also used to write for Once Upon A Time and want to get back to that at some point.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
But I'm An Avery (661)
I'm right here (587)
Don't you cry no more (469)
Baby Vampire (459)
Starting Over (387)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Absolutely! I love thanking people who took the time to comment. Plus, I love chatting with the readers.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I tend to not have angsty endings. I think the closest I came was "Words I'll Never Say". Stefan is heartbroken, Damon is brooding. Even though they're comforting each other, it's still sad.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my series are on-going one shot series. I think of the stand alones, "Turkeys" or "Stef" would be the happiest. Damon and Stefan just being happy, lovable brothers.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have in the past. At this point, I just let it roll off my back. But it really doesn't happen too often. Usually just once in awhile when people don't read the tags and then are shocked that there's agere, spanking or something similar in the fic.
9. Do you write smut?
I used to. Kind of want to get back into it, but it'd be on a different pseud.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Well, I have fics that are TVD & The Originals, which is sort of a crossover but they're in the same universe. At one point, I may write a 9-1- 1 & Lone Star crossover and I do have plans to include Private Practice characters in "But I'm An Avery". But again, same universe so nothing crazy. I'm not a huge fan of crossovers from different universes. They can be interesting, but often just not my thing.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No. I have had people translate my fics without asking but given they credited me, I wasn't too upset.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Ha, see above.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
A very long time ago. It's honestly not my thing. I give people who do it credit. I've found it very hard to merge ideas. My co-writer and I ran into an issue where unintentionally, we'd just take over and write against what was agreed upon. So, it's not something I'd do again.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Snow Queen from Once Upon A Time, hands down. From the fandoms I currently participate in, Haylijah and Tarlos have my entire heart. (Even though I don't write about Tarlos haha)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Most of my fics right now are one-shot series so they don't really have an ending. I have a ton from my old account I wish I had the ideas to finish. On this account, I do wish I could've finished "I've got you brother", as I liked writing about physically de-aged Stefan. But I sort of retooled that into "For a shield from the storm", so I'll likely never return to the first.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I feel world-building and descriptions. I know some don't like world-building but it's so much fun for me.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I am the queen of run-on sentences. I know somewhere my creative writing prof gets a twinge every time I use one. I also know for sure that sometimes my characters are OOC.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've done it. I try to branch outside of Google Translate. I think it's fine, so long as you include a disclaimer, translations somewhere (usually author's notes) and are willing to have native speakers correct you. Which I always tell them to do when it comes to my fics.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Twilight. No shame in the game.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Out of the ones on this account, I've enjoyed writing "But I'm An Avery", "The Little Monkey", "For a shield from the storm", "Baby Vampire" and "Don't you cry no more" the most.
No pressure tag: @cianmars
All the other people I'd usually tag were tagged by snowvioletwhite, so open tag to anyone else who wants to partake.
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skepsiss · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I was tagged by @strangersteddierthings, I've never even thought about half of these questions, so.... we're gunna go on a journey together. I MISSED SEVERAL QUESTIONS LMAO. LEMME UPDATE.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
18 (I only post like 1/3 of my fics on AO3)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
66,922. I pay such little attention to this kinda stuff xD
3. What fandoms do you write for?
A lot... and a lot more than what is listed on my AO3. If we're friends I'll literally just message you a 2k+ fic in a DM for funsies.
Stranger Things (TV 2016) (8)
Overwatch (Video Game) (5)
Teen Wolf (TV) (1)
Castlevania (Cartoon 2017-2021) (1)
Critical Role (Web Series) (1)
Promare (2019) (1)
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018) (1)
DC Comics / Batman (Tim Drake / Kon-El)
Orphan Black
Marvel (Steve/Tony)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Basket Ball Shorts
Roadrat: The Fire that Covered the World
The Comfort of Warmth (Lio/Galo)
Fifty-fifty (Roadhog / Junkrat)
Perspective (Caleb / Essek)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes. As soon as I see them I will reply with a thank you or to engage with someone's question/musings/etc.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably a Roadrat one. It's been a while since I've read my work, but The Things They Lost is a Roadrat fic where I explored a bunch of like... when Junkrat lost his arm and stuff like that. Brutal, tbh. Next closest is my Alucard (OT3) Castlevania fic where he is BIG SAD about Trevor and Sypha not being there. Nights Spent Alone.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
UUuhhhuhuhuh..... I mostly write sad shit LOL. Milkshakes has a happy ending. It's a 2 part modern-day Steddie fic about the boys asking each other out on a date over Instagram.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've never seen any hate on my fics before.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Uhh, yeah. I do. PWP or With Plot. I like full stories that have smut that BELONGS there, but then we've got just straight-up PWP. That is what Basketball short is tbh.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No, never written a crossover. I've written lots of AUs though.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No. Dunno how I'd figure that out.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope. Dunno what that would look like tbh.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Steddie; for right now. My other top 3 are Harley/Ivy, Tim/Kon-El, and Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
NO IDEA. Lol, all my unfinished WIPs are either ones I have no interest in finishing (Roadrat), or ones I can complete faith in being able to finish (Steddie)
16. What are your writing strengths?
Speed. I can compose a story very quickly and put it together.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I never promote myself/share. I'm really bad at sharing my works. Additionally, I'm bad at finishing things before I lose interest.... eep.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Uuhh maybe. I def have some Ancient Greek and Latin in my up-coming Robin (Stobin platonic) fic.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I'm not sure... maybe Batman (Tim/Jason or Tim/Kon). I RP'd A LOT from ages 13-18 and had like 5-8 rps going at once for a whole bunch of fandoms. (Naruto, OCs in the Star Wars universe, Tim/Kon, and more I can't remember atm).
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Ooohhh, I dunno. I'm bad at picking favourites. Right now I'm pretty proud of my Because I Want You Steddie fic. It's Steve and Eddie as 30-year-olds with kids. They broke up in their 20s and are trying to get back together in their 30s. Eddie has a complete breakdown in it, but Steve is there to tell him that he loves him.
I don't think about this stuff at all xDDD Fic writing is just a pass time for me. This will be the first time EVER in over 18 years of writing fic that I've EVER participated in an exchange/Big Bang. I'll tag @medusapelagia @oh-stars @br0ck-eddie @kallisto-k
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lesbianlotties · 10 months
20 questions for fic writers
thanks for tagging me @lilolilyr !! ily <33
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
120 works!
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
oh i didn't want to be outed on this but... 1,262,993
3. What fandoms do you write for?
i have written for 18 fandoms! currently i'm only writing for yellowjackets. but i might write more for ronance, i could update the warrior nun fic. and who knows, maybe a new season/movie will get me writing wednesday and the old guard again!
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Aftermath Kudos: 3,605 - aka "holy shit a lot of people were reading wednesday fanfic huh??"
make my menace into someone you'd adore Kudos: 2,179 - ronance coworkers enemies to lovers my beloved!
through the grief can't fight the feeling of relief Kudos: 1,381 - very soft warrior nun fic
five times Deena and Sam met in secret (and one time they didn’t)  Kudos: 1,154 - ngl i didn't think fear street fics got these many kudos but this was a lovely time!
Elvis cloned by aliens (you never know...) Kudos: 912 - it's literally insane to me that a one shot got this many kudos! (let's get it to 1k? 👀)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes!! i think like 99% of the time. i just love it so much. i love saying thank u because i'm genuinely SO thankful for every comment. and i have a feeling if i reply it might inspire people to leave more comments. and also sometimes it's a chance to just talk more about the fic! which i love doing, there's nothing like getting to talk about it
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmmm i don't love writing angsty endings, as you'll see by the fact that i wrote these two super angsty endings and then i went and wrote a sequel/alternate ending for both ghsjfdghkdfjg but anyway there's:
I'm sorry (it should've been me) - nancy tells robin she loves her but she's too late (in the rain)
If I could hold you for a minute (darling, I'd go through it again) - laura lee reincarnated as the bear and you know what happened to it
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
oh most of them lmao hmm i think i’m going to go for these “everyone survived post canon and they move in together to be happy and heal as a family” Extremely Uneventful Subject for tog and Who would I be without you, without them? for yellowjackets
8. Do you get hate on fic?
hmmm no i think that’s never happened! the closest thing might have been someone suggesting i always killed certain character when it’s the entire opposite. or the funny alternative, when someone literally only mentioned the men in the background of the story in every single comment they left lol but even those were mostly nice comments!
9. Do you write smut?
i do yes! not much and i only yielded and started writing it recently but i’ve loved it so far lol four of my most popular yj fics are smut, one of them is one of my favorites ever, and there’s that one ronance fic i posted on anon first… iykyk
10. Do you write crossovers?
i’ve done two! Immortals and Librarians for tog and gunpowder milkshake and (Red) Room For 8 for ocean’s 8 and hill house
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of!! hopefuly not
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes! 【翻译】Being with you (Makes the flame burn good) by R_H_Felidae_Athena
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i have tried but they haven’t been posted/finished yet :(
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
okay so that’s a Tough question. judging by amount of fic written it’s robin and nancy, my current favorite is lottie and laura lee, but i also just rewatched bly manor and let me tell you, there’s no one at the level of dani and jamie <3
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably won’t?
there’s too many 😭 going as far back as the ocean’s 8 days there's the haunted house one, then fear street enemies to lovers, my warrior nun fic, yellowjackets coffee shop au, and all the ideas i haven’t even started ghsjfdghjf
16. What are your writing strengths?
oh don't do this to me. i literally never know what to reply to this. i... well i'd like to think i'm good at characterization and maybe dialogue!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
hmm i think i have a serious lack of discipline that means i only write when the mood is right and i will never stick to a schedule or plan or routine lol and okay i'll admit it, i might be too lazy to do the research necessary to write certain things/stories so i just avoid them 😭 but in my defense it's because too much research for academic reasons made me allergic to it
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
hm. i did this somewhat regularly with the old guard and in one ronance fic but looking back i don’t love it very much, it’s just okay i guess. this is just for me personally!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
ocean’s 8 hgsjdfghjf closely followed by the haunting of hill house
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
VERY very tough question!! they’re all my babies and i couldn’t possibly pick any fav- actually i have a few! but i’ll keep it to 3 special ones that funnily enough are far from being my most popular ones (pls read them i worked so so hard on them)
God's very simple and love shouldn't burn - aka my lottielee manifesto! 
If you rewrite your life, may I still play a part? - stranger things, nancy wheeler choose your own adventure fic!
my heart (is like a haunted house) - tog, andy falls in love with quynh’s ghost
tagging: @natscatorrcio @dufrau @eskawrites @scorchedhearth @sapphicscience @yee-hawlw @reesesfastbreak (if you want to! no pressure!) and pls pls anyone that sees this and wants to share say i tagged u!
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momotonescreaming · 10 months
20 questions for fic writers
I have been tagged by both @eriquin and @rejectscanon so thank you to you both! I try not to look at my stats much, so it'll be interesting to see
How many works do you have on AO3?
Currently, 20. I just uploaded 3 of my old tumblr ficlets though, so that helped.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
162,556. Which was honestly more than I was expecting.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The only fandom I actively write for at the moment is Stranger Things. In the past I have written for BNHA, Newsies, Dragon Age, Downton Abbey, and L.A Noire. Quite the random assortment.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Tragically, none are from my current fandom, but what can you do.
put your loving hands on me (BNHA)
ain't got nothing on you (BNHA)
Wandering in the Shade  (BNHA)
The End Was Soon (BNHA)
And There Reigns Love (Newsies)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try my best!! It is easy sometimes, to get overwhelmed when comments come through. How to convey my thanks to everyone for reading and commenting without just sounding like a broken record. In a way that truly conveys my gratitude.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I've written some angsty things before, but I always try to end on something happy or comforting. Nothing super angsty. The closest might be i couldn't utter my love when it counted, my L.A Noire fic, because its a character study of a man who comes home from war and doesn't know how to connect with his family. But even then the ending isn't all that angsty haha.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
A lot of them, to be honest. But I'd have to say where the heart is (Steddie, Stranger Things) because it ends with them admitting they're both in it for the long haul, they're in love, and there's no where else they'd rather be.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yes!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I've only written smut twice in my life, and both times was kind of an ordeal, but I'm glad I did it. Both were on the soft, sweet, and loving side of things. I do not think I could write anything hardcore. My asexual ass would combust.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven't written any! Read a few in my time, because I think they're interesting though.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Once again, not to my knowledge!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! I've co-written some original work with a friend back when I was a uni, but not fanfic.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Oh god, this is a tough question. Fenris/Hawke from Dragon Age will always hold a very special place in my heart; though Steve/Eddie from Stranger Things has gotten me into fandom and fic writing like nothing else.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
There are two WIP's on my Ao3 right now, both from BNHA and I have accepted the fact that I am never going to finish them. I'm not in that fandom anymore, and I doubt I'll go back.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've had people mention my characterisation before, which was incredibly flattering. So I'm saying that haha because I can't come up with anything on my own.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Oh, there's a lot of them. Dialogue, being an easy cop out answer. Motivation, writing speed, getting far too in my head about what I'm writing and psyching myself out.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've never done it! So I don't know how much weight my comment is going to hold but I will say this - be careful your translations are as correct as they can be and don't overload a fic with it if the phrases said aren't easily understood by context or have an easy translation in the notes. Constant flicking between fic and google translate is no fun.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The first fandom I wrote for was on Fanfiction.Net, and it was Glee. Unfortunately. I wrote something, posted it, got embarrassed, and then eventually deleted it. So I have no idea where what I was writing has ended up.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
My favourite would have to be where the heart is (Steddie, Stranger Things), because it was a total labour of love. I wrote it slowly over a period of months, and it means a lot to me.
my no pressure tags: @unclewaynemunson @findafight @farahsamboolents @shares-a-vest @augustjustice
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risingshards · 2 years
Rising Shards: just me rambling about main characters part 1
I wanna post about my characters more on here!!! You can read Rising Shards here! And please support the artist I commissioned for my Rising Shards art, the wonderful Flopicas here or here 😁
Zeta Faleur
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Zeta (and all the Rising Shards mains) is a Cani, which means when she hit her awakening moment, her fangs grew in and she got weather control powers. All Cani get fangs, a power, and then maybe other animal type traits as they continue to grow. Oh and they can go to a dimension called the void to fight monsters with a weapon called a bloodsaber. Zeta's the most common type of Cani, one who gets just fangs and a power to start. The other kinds are Exa Cani, who shapeshift back and forth between a base form and a big monster form (all Cani have some shapeshifting powers though) and Kanibari, who are much more animal-like than common Cani and Exa Cani. I'll do a post just about Cani lore at some point so back to Zeta!
Zeta's a shy/anxious but hyper girl that's obsessed with Raina Starlight, especially loving Raina's books and a big TV show she stars on called Tower of Hate and Love. Zeta's big gay, but her first girlfriend Jeans treated her very badly and she's still working to get over that. Zeta's trans, and since her fangs came in her transition has taken huge strides. She's good natured but can get very hyper and when the full group is together can get big stupid in a fun way. She goes to a Cani school, the titular Rising Shards. Zeta lives with her older sister Stella, who has raised her since she was very young due to circumstances Zeta isn't sure of at the start of the series. Her closest friends at Rising Shards are Oka, who she may or may not be getting feelings for stronger than just a friend way, as well as Kalei and Lillia.
Oka Ohri
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Oka's a big sweetheart despite her upbringing. Her fangs came in when she was very young so she was shipped off to a harsh militant Cani elementary boarding school that forced her to attempt to train her powers that hadn't even developed yet while "shielding" the students form the outside world. After she turned 16, she was adopted by a member of the wealthy Kilander family and ended up at Rising Shards. Oka's Cani power is plant life control. She loves theater and musicals and is thrilled to join Rising Shards' theater department. She's new to having friends in general but she quickly connects with Zeta and Kalei, and soon becomes close with Lillia as well as they're both in theater. Oka gets embarrassed about how little she knows about modern society due to her old school, and relies on Zeta to help catch her up on things.
For now I just wanna really get some character bios in on here, but there any other posts you'd like to see about Rising Shards? Like scenes, previews, anything else? I'm always happy to talk about my series! :)
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beauty-and-passion · 2 years
No literally I am losing my mind that you (my favourite fic author) are dropping everything to make a moceit fic (my favourite ship).
Godspeed and I am very very excited for whatever you share.
The power of moceit is too strong and me, a mere human, cannot resist it.
Brief update of what happened in the meantime: I got less time to write, so that's very sad. And most of the time was taken away by work, as always. But some time was also taken away by my mother's birthday: she turned 69, but it was on Monday and we all had to work. So first me and my brother took her to the restaurant for lunch on Sunday, then we had dinner and cake on Monday evening, then she took us and two of her closest friends to a restaurant yesterday. In the end, we celebrated a lot more than usual.
The good thing about me not writing is that I had more time to think about the story. And thinking is good, because I can question the story, the threads, the flow, the structure and so on.
And while I was doing it, I realized that, oh, I needed another scene.
The thing is: this story is going to be a trilogy. The first part will be divided into two chapters and the first chapter will have three scenes: in the first scene, Janus and Patton will be 15 years old, in the second scene they will be 16 and in the third scene they will be 17. Then the second chapter will cover a period from 17 to 19 years old more-or-less.
But when I wrote the first two scenes, I realized that the transition wasn't as smooth and natural as I wanted. Janus and Patton literally went from long gazes to an indirect kiss in the span of nothing. Hormones are raging when you're a teen, sure, but this is a bit too raging :P
And so, I added a scene between 15 and 16 years old. This scene not only gives me a wider time frame to show how things evolved, but it is the perfect excuse to expand on the main topic of this first chapter.
But after I added that scene, I realized something else: I needed Janus' pov to be more present. The first scene was a sad, boring, impersonal draft. I needed something better.
And so, I rewrote it. And this is what I got from it:
1) A lot more threads and details I can incorporate in the whole trilogy: the weight of denial, the influence of the mind, the amount of personal thoughts compared to the conversations and so on.
2) A better understanding of how Janus sees Patton in this first part.
3) A good way to show how they flirt - and this connects to the tiny headcanon I shared in my analysis of the Valentine's day episode, about Janus being very "old style" when it comes to flirting. I mean, all he did until now was indirectly saying that it's okay if Patton likes him and touching his finger. If we leave everything to him only, this story will be 200 chapters long.
4) The perfect excuse to show Patton being clever with words. Maybe a bit too clever, but considering the conversation they were having, I think it is okay if there is a clear subtext in what Patton says. Especially because his expressions make it very clear what he's actually saying.
5) Speaking of expressions, I had great fun showing how Janus and Patton are able to understand each other without words. The conversation is about something, the subtext is about something hinted about the conversation itself and then there are their expressions, that take everything they are talking about to apply to them. It's easier to read than to explain, I swear :P
6) The first draft of this scene was one page long (font calibri, size 10). Now it's four pages long. Either I added too much stuff or I have to worry, because if every scene is 4 pages long, then the chapters will be endless and I will have to split them. But that's a problem for later.
Moral of the story: try figuring out how a left hand can touch a right hand by using your hands only. It's freaking hard, your arms are in the way and you will end up looking like the stupidest contortionist ever.
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