#man’s never heard of a bad player in his life I stg
Sorry but I don’t care how much you think you’re right about an argument, if you completely devolve into just repeating “you’re a retard” over and over and over again that’s an immediate L in my book, friendo.
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theminionjcfucked · 4 years
BB22 Houseguests and their likeabilty compared to their past seasons:
Bayleigh: I liked her in season 20, but she’s even more likeable now that she’s laying low. I feel like part of the reason some people didn’t like her is because she wore her heart on her sleeve. She’s much more grounded and established this season, so she’s able to manuver her social game better.
Christmas: Hated how she was a Paul minion and how she treated Dominique on her season. So far I’m neutral on her because she hasn’t done much. But she seems less abrasive than last time (maybe because she’s got a baby now?) anyway, I don’t feel anything towards her right now.
Cody: I like to look at him and THATS IT! He was a douchebag on his season, he just got a good edit because he was Derrick’s right hand man and production kissed Derrick’s ass with his edit. The difference is this season he doesn’t have anyone to lean on for his strategy, so not only is he an ass, he’s an ass with a shit strategy. Pre-jury boot for him!
Dani: Season 8 people felt sympathetic towards her because her relationship with her dad. Season 13 people liked her because she was after Rachel (who people loved to hate). This season she’s acting like a middle school mean girl and honestly, she needs to grow up. Like you got a baby and husband at home you left to come and try to get this coin for the 3RD time and you’re acting like that annoying bitch in 7th grade gym class. I feel like she could turn herself around in this game but right now she’s annoying.
David: He was more likeable last season when he was at Camp Comeback. Most of it came from how bad we felt for him, Ovi, and Kemi. He actually had a decent social game last season until he got the official boot. He just feels so lost and uncomfortable with everyone. I’m hoping he turns up his personality and make connections. ALSO WE FORGOT HE CAN FAKE CRY ON COMMAND AND I WANNA SEE HIM DO THAT SHIT!!!!!
Da’Vonne: AGES LIKE FINE WINE! She gets more and more lovable each time! She’s so easy to root for and I just hope her social game can take her far this season! God, she is such a breath of fresh air when you think about how many past contestants have the blandest personalities. Yes, I’m far up her ass! And I’ll live there happily!
Enzo: Hes entertaining just like last time, but that’s it. Not much going on other than him being the goofy dude. But I stg if he keeps saying meow meow I’m gonna lose it.
Ian: I love him. He’s just so genuine and kind. He was treated so fucking horribly by certain houseguests on BB14, it’s so nice to see people treat him as an equal rather than some weird kid. He’s a great listener and makes every conversation worth listening to. Honestly, if anyone was to be a two time winner, Ian deserves it the most!
Janelle: She is so fucking fun to watch! It’s great to see a woman play this game and hold her own while she does it. She doesn’t back down and try to kiss ass! I wish they’re were more women like her cast, and not bachelorette rejects. There is a reason why she keeps coming back! She’s a great player and strikes fear in hearts of others like the bad bitch she is.
Kaysar: God I’d give my life for this man. He’s always had amazing intuition and always makes big moves. He listens and makes others feel like they’re being heard. If he can make it past pre-jury, he could go all the way.
Keesha: She’s way more relaxed than BB10. Man she and Libra we’re always lighting that feed up during her first season. I still like her, but she just feels like everyone’s favorite aunt more than the badass she was in ten.
Kevin: J*ff and J*rdan really messed him up. I feel like he has so much emotional damage from those homophobes he had to deal with. Like, he’s really fun and I like him a lot, but I feel as though he’s insecurities could overtake him and he’ll fall apart. I’m hoping he picks himself up and powers through this game cause the LGBTQ+ community deserves better winners than Andy and Kaycee. And I need Anita to stay!😫
Memphis: He didn’t give me much on his first season, and he still ain’t giving me much. Other than he’s still a backstabbing motherfucker and the only reason people remember him is because of Dan. He’s boring and forgettable.
Nicole A: The better Nicole clearly. She’s still fresh from last season and still feels like that cute, dorky underdog you want to root for. Her read on this game isn’t too great, but I’m hopeful that if she gets the chance to prove herself, she will. Other than that, she’s likeable, but not a huge stand out.
Nicole F: Why she wanted to come back so bad knowing full well most people don’t like her, I’ll never know. She puts herself in uncomfortable positions and bitches about trivial shit. She’s very aware she’s not a great player, but hates when people mention it. I liked her on season 16 because Hayden made her more likable. Corey, Paulie, and the way she flipped on the girls made her intolerable. I’m over her and I’m just waiting until she gets out so we can just refer to Nicole A as Nicole. Take your farm girl ass back to the prairie.
Tyler: Honestly, he is so much more likeable without Level 6 and full control over the house like he had in season 20. He’s just laying low, aside from accepting every offer that gets handed to him. As long as he doesn’t start playing too hard and keeps Bayleigh/Da’Vonne safe, he’s fine. But he needs to find another topic to talk about aside from his plain ass girlfriend and her plant food. 🙄
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