#and you can call it a skill issue or w/e the fuck all you want
Sorry but I don’t care how much you think you’re right about an argument, if you completely devolve into just repeating “you’re a retard” over and over and over again that’s an immediate L in my book, friendo.
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I seriously think I’m speaking to a three year old because there’s no way you can be older than a toddler with how stupid you are. If you are older, please consider going back to school because you’re not gonna get far in life with your lack of common sense and underdeveloped brain. There is no way you can call me illiterate when you literally started your reply with, ‘not you’re mad’ and ended with ‘stay one that Jujutsu Kaisen season two’. And in your first reply you did get your ‘your’ and ‘you’re’ mixed up - you used ‘your’ when it should’ve been ‘you’re so scared’. Now please tell me if that made any sense. Take your head out of your ass and admit how much of an imbecile you are.
Love don’t worry about if I have a job or not, I know I am and will be fine but it’s you that you should be worried about right now. I don’t think you can get a job with your stupidity and illiteracy - no wonder why you read manga, bro just follows the pictures and ignores all the actual writing. Please do yourself and everyone else a favour and log off of Tumblr and every other social and pick up an actual book.
Oh come on now, don’t be a coward and avoid my question. I’ll stop bothering you when you either answer what media you are planning to consume soon or admit that you putting a Gojo spoiler without any spoiler warning and under a Toji tag was idiotic and insensitive (even though you strongly disagree - I’m sorry I didn’t know we had a new Joker over here- not that you have the IQ to be able to pull that off). I’m sorry that I’m the only honest person in your life to say you are insensitive. I bet you don’t even know what that word means given that your literacy and comprehension skills are very limited. So I’ll help you out a bit (because I doubt you can even spell it) and give you a definition, ‘insensitive’ (an adjective) - showing or feeling no concern for other’s feelings. A synonym would be ‘inconsiderate’. You can’t prove me wrong that those words don’t describe you. It was a big spoiler and I know it because you were probably crying over it and in your post you literally say you’re not ‘reading jjk anymore idc’ - therefore, you had no right in spoiling it for others, get that into your thick head and small fish brain.
I’m sorry I didn’t know you were a sheep and posting spoilers without warnings because, ‘literally everyone on here isn’t’. Are you that daft? Just because everyone isn’t, doesn’t mean it’s not wrong. Bro are you saying that if the purge happened and everyone was out wreaking havoc, you’d do the same thing and still say it’s not wrong? Are you a child that doesn’t know right from wrong? Please for the love of God, for your own future and safety, go back to school.
TLDR: stfu and tell me your opinion when you have a present dad x and sorry if this was too much writing for your bozo self to process mwah.
I think I'm speaking to someone who dropped out of school, like literally dropped out of school in the 7th grade. Because if YOU'RE SO SCARED OF SPOILERS WHY ARE YOU ON TUMBLR?? LIKE I FUCKING SAID YOU PEOPLE HAVE SERIOUS ISSUES. IF YOU DONT READ THE NEW CHAPTERS THEN THATS, ON WHO??? ITS ON YOU. and why are you harassing me about my spelling?? Bitch it's fucking Tumblr, I'm not writing a thesis, a research paper or even a fucking essay. If I wanted to write a whole fucking article and then yes I would make sure that my spellings of both 'your' and 'you're were correct. However IM NOT. AND IDGAF. So why tf would I care if I spelt something wrong or mixed a few words up???. You bitches are talentless, jobless, bored and can't fucking read nor write and still live with YOURE parents in their BASEMENT. AND WANNA COME AFTER ME BECAUSE YOU GOT SPOILED. BITCH I DONT CARE IF YOU DIDNT READ THE CHAPTER AND FOUND OUT GOJO IS DEAD!!!!! BECAUSE SOCIAL MEDIA HAS SPOILERS E V E R Y W H E R E. DONT COME ONLINE AND YOU WONT GET SPOLUED THEN YOU FUCKING ASSHAT. YOUR mother must have dropped your special ass on the head as a baby, because why are you at YOUR grown ass age GOING ON DIFFERENT PROFILES TO HARASS ME ABOUT A FICTIONAL FUCKING CHARACTER. I just fucking know you don't take baths OR EVEN WASH THAT FUCKING FILTHY ASS OF YOURS. it's fucking disgusting that YOUR Neanderthal ass came on here to give me a hard time because you what??? Can't keep up with the chapters when it releases??? Not my problem fucktard. And I'll tag my fucking posts with whatever I want. And I did answer your question, I said and I quote I don't care sweetie. So why don't you go to sleep and roll over on that cockroach infested ass floor mattress you sleep on every night. Roll over and go get caught up to the new chapters. Imagine trying to harass someone because YOU live in a section 8 apartment, with 15 other family members, have roaches and rats crawling all over you while you sleep and mad at me. NOBODY GIVES A FUCK ABOUT YOU!!! I'm just sure YOURE a fucking foster child whose mother and father left your Crack baby ass in foster care. Because there's no way that someone who had a loving, family or SUPPORT SYSTEM IS THIS BOTHERED. AND IF YOU'RE SO FUCKING BRAVE WHY WERE YOU POSTING ANONYMOUSLY??? GET A LIFE YOU SMALL BRAINED, LONELY, PATHETIC, NEANDERTHAL ASS BITCH. I HOPE YOU TOSS AND TURN ON THAT FLOOR MATTRESS YOU SHARE WITH YOU 8 SIBLINGS EVERY NIGHT.
and stop coming on my page, mad ass., stupid ass, MONKEY ASS BITCH.
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shirogane-oushirou · 9 months
not rbing the post bc they're a minor and i'm not gonna be a hypocrite wrt "no minors" stuff... but i'd never heard the saying regarding how soulmates aren't found, they're made... and it's nice to know the definition of soulmate i've used for years actually has a basis in something ksjdnfkjnsdf. ;;; like i didnt NEED the validation but it's NICE to have.
if i ever use the term 'soulmate' it's that definition. no red strings of fate, no "first word on your wrist when you turn 18", none of that. soulmates should include having the agency to choose.
anyway. ren is my soulmate in that sense KJNSKDJN.
(rambling under the cut idk i just wanted to talk about ren's and my relationship and why i feel so comfy calling him a soulmate despite everything. we couldn't have worked OUT without putting the work IN, but once we do, it's Joever. i love him so much. i can't believe my brain made up a character who's so perfect for me in that he's NOT perfect but in the most complementary ways possible ughhhhh.)
wrt doc!ren, we absolutely Are Not Good For Each Other when we meet. two people internalizing everything and putting up walls and masks, obsessively people-pleasing vs doesn't-say-no-to-anything-to-keep-the-status-quo people-pleasing. he's very good at Playing A Finely Tuned Role and i'm just a fucking Brick Wall 7ft Deep, and it takes a lot of work for us to see that projected falsity in each other... see our similarities behind our differences... open up a bit... find more similarities...
he becomes ill, and we lean further on each other to help with our disabilities. when either of us reaches the "paranoia tells me this is going to end and i should pull back" point of the relationship, the other helps work through the source of their particular brand of paranoia.
just like... a series of "based on prev life experience, i have the exact emotional and physical skills needed to help you become a better person and reach your full potential" momence (tm).
even in r!ren's case, he still has things to work through wrt his anger towards his early life and his struggles to connect deeply with others, and in that story i'm closer to reality (in that i'm in my real life living situation and i'm not as self-assured or as self-sufficient), and that all leads to inconsistencies in what we both think the other person thinks about us. and it takes difficult work... walking through things... and in the end we become so healthy and so close! and we create a joint toolkit for solving interpersonal issues. it takes work, but we become the best people we can be with the other person, not expecting everything to simply work out in the end bc of magical soul bonds or w/e.
idk, the idea of "the perfect soulmate" is just so creepy to me. "they're trying to sell me something and i'm blackmailed by the universe into buying in" vibes..... hence why i love that one post of alice being like "if i'm approached by a perfect prince on a white horse, i'm gonna push him off the horse. eat shit." AKJNSDKJN
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kalesorbet · 2 years
ep 86 liveblog
chip jrwi just called me a little baby broke bitch
also to note he did introduce himself as "chip just roll with it" that is his full legal name
charlie didn't do the gillion voice :(
grizz please w the lip bite i can't
most? of the stuff?
i adore gill's response to the face
chip parkour moment
ur telling me chip is acting like this and then he's surprised the captain hits on him
'you've never had a man in your life' PLEASE
all his deepest thoughts and hes fuckboy facing
imagine you tell someone you got robbed and they LAUGH at you
"D O Y O U W A N T M E ? ?"
why would they say that
my body is a temple so true
gillion my boy my sweet boy i love you
ollie is so baby
"how old you think you are????" "how old AM i??????????"
oh lord jesus
not the cup song wtf wtf
'one time she pantsed me and i died'
they're ALL trauma bonded
we should not be laughing about this
damn thats tough
you're a man now ollie
gillion good lord have mercy
'im going to get you at any moment if you dont SHUT THE FUCK. UP.' chip i love you
"i can send you to heaven though" P-LEASE
where are the pretzel noises
:( gillion i am hugging you right now
basically 'what if we had healthy coping skills'
'i got some tricks... you tryna....'
"so we're in a group environment!"
'thats what friends do' NO ITS NOT KING
please not the alarm that was so good
"im sorry ive been hurting you but ive never had anybody care about me before" [paraphrased] wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf
the flirting is getting more and more explicit with each passing moment
its not just about having the bracelets so that gillion can feel at ease its also chip trusts gillion enough to give him access to his mind
wait lol mistake moment
oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no
i am unwell.
'im still going to go to bed'. based
thinking very hard about drey seeing the cycle continue...
i dont think he wants them to keep solving issues like this. like he gets that it was how it goes but he wants better for them
theyre having fun <3
i want whatever they're on rn
I. AM. HIGH!!!!!!
57 DAMAGE>????
love you jay but i dont think eden is as sweet and innocent as you may think
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wonderwomanfantasy · 4 years
Iwaizumi NSFW Alphabet
just remebered that this is my blog and I control the iwa smut
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He’s pretty good, he catches on pretty quick to what you like and will usally have some water and snacks on hand by the bed so he doesn’t have to get up to take care of you. Also, his after sex massages are godly 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Okay I know this sounds weird but he has this treasure trail on his stoumach that he is sooo cocky about. He knows it drives you wild when you see it (cus like it is very hot) and he loves to show it off as much as posible 
On his partner? hes all about the ass. Big small, round or flat he doesn’t care he loves the booty no matter what besides it’s not like you’re flatter than Oikawa anyways
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
So conflicted when hes about to cum because on the one hand you look so good covered in his release and when you scoop up his semen with your fingers and lick it off your hand oh god nothing gets him harder. but on the other hand when he’s pounding into you it’s like your body is begging for him to cum inside so usally he makes you tell him where you want it. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He would gladly Cuck Oikawa or let Oikawa watch, sex and putting Shittykowa in his place are Iwa’s two favoret things so why not combine them
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s had a few partners but he’s not really a fuckboi, he likes having a steady partner so he can get to know their body rather than a string of one night stands. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Doggy, like I said he’s all about your ass and he will spank you while fucking you, He’ll also push your head down onto the bed if you aren’t arching your back enough for his taste.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He’s more serious in the moment but that isn’t to say he isn’t capable of finding the humor in things. He loves to tease you and it often helpd break the tension if something awkward happed. IE you asked him to spike your ass like a volleyball and he laughed at you for an hour straight before doing just that.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
it’s a little messy, don’t get me wrong it’s still all clean down there but like unless you ask him to shave he’s keeping the bush. 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
The romance really comes after everything is all said and done, like he won’t have any sweet words for you in the heat of the moment but that’s mostly becuase his mind goes totally blank when he fucks and he can’t formed words. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
sometimes, mostly just to tease you. he’ll send you a video of him jerking off and moaning your name with some caption like “doesn’t this look a lot better than studying” to get you to come over and get him off for real. If you really can’t come fix his issue he’ll still send you a video of him cumming all over himself cus he’s nice like that
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
daddy kink plain and simple. he just loves heairng you cry out for daddy while he eats you like it’s is last meal but he also likes it when youre just like  “hey daddy can you grab that for me?” cus like yeah he is your daddy even out of the bedroom. Rip to you if you say that infront of the team 
public sex you are getting fingered in public 100% he doesn’t want to get caught persay. but he’s sure as hell not afraid to. as they say no risk no reward. you have also defently fucked in the boys changing room... and sucked him off in the club room, and gotten fingered in the volley ball storage closet. It’s a mericall no one from the team has caught you two yet. 
cock warming. He tries to work it into every sesion of aftercare its just nice to have his cock inside you even if it’s soft. makes him feel closer to you. watch out becuase the two of you will just be cuddling and watching a movie and boom his dick is out and hes looking at you like “so you gonna sit on that or what?”
roleplay? kind he gets really turned on when you roll up your uniform skirt and start “acting like a slutty little school girl” and he pretendeds he’s a teacher punishing you for braking dresscode. this is all in his head by the way, hes a little too ashamed to admit why he wants you to keep your clothes on while he fucks you or ask you to call him sensei.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Like I said anywhere in public is a rush for him, but his absolute favorite is in the shower Aoba Johsai locker room shower. The water just hightens everything and your moans echo beautifully off the tiles. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
when you complemt him.  “Wow iwa that was such a great spike you’re so strong!” “wow Iwa I never realised how mucular you are,”  “oh Iwa that was a great game you looked so cool out there!” are all sure fire ways to get your back blone out. 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
ight hear me out! hes not into choking. Iwa just doesn’t trust himself enough to do it right in the heat of things and would never want to hurt you (yes he leaves bruises on your ass he spanks you so hard yes he doesn’t want to choke you until you black out) if you really want him to choke you he’ll do it, but like while you're riding a toy or something so he doesn’t get distracted. 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He perfers receving tbh. you just look so cute on your knees gagging on his cock (choking on his dick and choking on his hand are two difrent things stfu) Iwa lives to condicened to you while you’re trying to fix his XL meat in your mouth
“you’re such a pretty baby, if only there wasn’t a big fat cock making you cry but you’re so much of a whore to let go of my dick now that it’s in your mouth isn’t that right?” stuff like that. 
also his head game is godly. he holds your hands and kisses yo right on your sex then procieds to send you to anouther plain of existance with his mouth. he won’t let up until you're crying. you make such a mess every time, not that either of care.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
unless its a special occasion he’s rough and brutal. real head board braking motherfucker RIP to (y/n)’s hips they are fucking gone
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He kinda has to be quick when you too are banging where someone could walk in any second. But he does perfer to take his time with you especially since he loves to make you cum over and over again. 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Once he hits a grove he kinda likes to stick to what he knows. He might drag his feet a little but he’ll ussally try new things. 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
oh my god good luck he can go forever if you let him. the only time you can even hope of going less than three rounds is if he just had a big game and he’s tiered from it, even then games tend to rile him up more than anything. 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He owns a pocket pussy, not that he uses it much. He’s fine with using toys on you as long as he’s the one in control. Doesn’t like it if he finds out you’ve been using a vibe somwhere without him. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
It depends. Normally he doesn’t tease much he’s pretty straightforword and would rather just get down and dirty about it. But if he feels like you’ve earned a good teasing? good luck. He’s patient and he knows your body so well he can have you in a mess in less than a minute and he’ll keep you there until you’re begging for him.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Not very loud, lots of grunts and deep huffs if he’s talking it’s broken phrases repeated over and over again “you feel so good, so good so good,” “who’s cock is making you cum? who’s cock? who’s cock?” like I said his mind shuts off when he’s fucking you. He does tend to shout when he cums though. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He loves fingering you something about seeing his hands work on your body really gets him going. He like how deep his figners can go, how much they make you squirm. How the veins and the tendions on the back of his hand look while he slowly edges into three knucles deep. 
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
do I even have to say it? big cock citty population Iwaizumi Hajime. It’s a little longer than average and a little gatherer than you’d maybe ecpect and it really streaches you out. The head is a flushed read color and it’s sesitive as hell. please suck on the tip of his cock while fodleing his heavy balls he will literally cum in seconds. 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
not very high. He’s always ready to go when you are but most of the time he’s just chill with hanging out. Unless he just won a game or you are wearing some of his clothes in wich case he is defently horny. 
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
please, you rock his world but you’re not half the work out a five set volleyball game is. He is fine to go to like the gym or something after sex even if you are completely wreaked. but if you ask him to cuddle and happen to fall asleep, well a nap wouldn’t kill him right?
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junnibook · 4 years
Pt.2 Can I request nsfw alphabet's For 1.hawks 2.iwa-chan 3.daichi 4. SHIGARAKI!!
Shigaraki Tomura nsfw alphabet.
A/n: have fun you dust loving reader 🙏🏼
Q: would you force skin care on him?
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
wait, your alive? like your not a pile of dust on his bed? wow okay.. well firstly his aftercare sucks, just saying, he doesn’t care to stay around and if he does have deep feelings for you it would still suck because he’ll either go do “work” or he’ll play the game. his way of after care is keeping you alive so don’t push it.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
he likes your boobs and your face. one he’s like a child and most children cling to their mothers chest plus he likes the size and how they feel. they do have a lot of bite marks. he likes your face because of all the fear and emotions you show him. he cant get enough of that, make those faces for him more often. 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
he’s a messy boy. okay so one his cum would taste overly salty so if your a swallower get a cup of water because your gonna need it, two its super thick for no reason at all. he likes to leave his cum any and everywhere. he doesn’t came if it’s messy. you turned him on, purposely so that’s your problem.
D = Dick size ( the size of their dick)
he’s above average and isn’t too thick but makes up for it in length. i wouldn’t say he’s a proud boy he honestly doesn’t care if he’s big or not, if someone had somethings to say they could gladly be turned into a pile of ash and he would pee on it it and move on with his ashy day.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
none, the boy doesn’t like people before he met you or whom ever, he was like a needy wild animal he had it the first time, didn’t know how to act. just humping away feeling that good ol pleasure and was blinded by it, yea if you had your first with him than he would 100% be rough with you... masochist.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
he quickly finds out that he likes to be deep into you- like fully into you, he likes mating press the most, just be on birth control because he doesn’t like condoms like at all. im sure you don’t want any baby shiggys running around turning children into dust right?
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
no way, not a chance. you won’t catch him being goofy at all. he has his DICK out and is showing himself to YOU. be glad that you made this far, don’t test him by trying to be goofy. 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
100% not shaved or trimmed. why would he? he’s a busy man plus he doesn’t care like at all.. if you have a problem with it shave it your self other than that don’t say anything abt it.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
N O he doesn’t know romance it’s not in his mind set. the most he will do that you can call romantic is go easier and or softer on you. if your looking for emotional sex for comfort or something.. get you a side piece and use them for that one thing
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
yea he does, it’s a stress relief and on his pettiest of days he’ll leave his cum near you. he wouldn’t care if you thought it was gross, he’ll leave his cum by you and move on with his day.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
he likes: praise kink, because he likes no he loves when you praise him for making you go dumb over his dick. 
he likes giving you just a little pain.. he likes the literal tears in your eyes. 
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
anywhere he pleases which is mostly in his room. all for one told him off the last time he fucked in public since people got a half a look at his face. but if he wasn’t told not to he’d fuck you in public. “ show the hero’s how you take dick from a villain”  
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
anything- he’s so easily turned on, but if he’s playing the game and you try and distract him- he takes that as a threat and literally will sit on you so that you can’t move- or if he’s angry and almost won and you made him lose, he’ll grab you by the neck, have his thumb dangerously close to the rest of his fingers on your throat pull you close and look into your eyes. “stop being annoying before i makes you regret it “ 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
sit down loves he isn’t a bottom nor does he want to try it out, he’s top and if you don’t like it - leave {btw you cant leave because he literally won’t let you} he also doesn’t eat you out- he thinks it’s gross-
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
his head is terrible, he hates eating you out AND him fingering you is like Russian roulette, his thumb might accidently meet up with the rest of his fingers and turn your pussy into dust- no more wap for you, you now have the dap {dusty ass puh} also he might let you suck him might not- he has trust issues and he doesn’t trust your teeth. 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
like i said- he isn’t the type to go slow, he’s chasing his own pleasure si yes he will go hard and fast nonstop. safe words are needed but will be ignored- just saying so if you don’t like it so rough that your legs give out for a few days than find a new partner because he isn’t for you love. 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
quickies are basically you sucking him up while he plays the game - if you want him that bad than you can wait until he wants to get off the game and fuck you, lucky for you it isn’t a long wait.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
he use to be risky until he had his face shown at his attacks and so he can’t be risky and fuck you out in public to often, before he was seen he would fuck you in public places- where they could hear you moan 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
he can last up to two rounds- sorry maybe three if he’s needy and maybe four if he’s stressed which is all the time.. so it depends on his mood because it changes from time to time as you know.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
he doesn’t have time for things likes that and besides but how much he’s giving you- you wouldn’t be able to think about anything yet alone toys. he thinks they are weird and un needed. “are you saying my dick isn’t good enough for you? “ say no if you want, he’ll have you in tears begging for him in minutes.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
meh- not to much he doesn’t have time to waste on teasing you, he has plans and wouldn’t want to pause them just to tease you, take the dick and go to sleep. it’ll knock you out for sure so sleep up before he wants more. 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
he doesn’t moan he insults- like degradation kink is a small kink of his, he likes the way it sounds coming form him and he loves the way you repeat it when he tells you too, because who are you to refuse him. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
he is down to share you, he likes the idea of breaking you down while using another guys dick. that would probably be a punishment though, like if you happened tp the extra annoying that day and just kept brothering him. 
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
his dick is ashy so be careful don’t get rub burn- im joking it’s not ashy probably  the most non ashy  place on his body,
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
not as high as you might think- taking down the heros will always come first on his mind- his games are second and you come.. well last- your the last thing on his mind. no offense.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
knocked out no questions asked, your knocked out too for sure, he put you straight tp sleep. so take the sleep while you can.
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ladyblogger-margie · 4 years
Will “Ironhead” Miller – NSFW Alphabet
***Female Reader
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A = Aftercare (What are they like after sex)
Will prides himself on his excellent and gentle aftercare. It doesn’t matter if your session is rough or soft, he will make sure to take care of your every need. He will clean you up first of course, then he’ll pepper you with sweet and gentle kisses and hold you close. If the weather is hot and you’re both too sweaty for a cuddle, he’ll still find a way to be close to you by tracing patterns on your skin with his fingers or lips. He wants you to feel safe, to feel at home with him.
B = Body Part (Their favorite body part on themselves and on their partner)
Will doesn’t want to admit it, but he is very proud of his chest. It’s perfect for cuddling, but also really strong. He never misses chest day at the gym and if you want his attention all you need to do is touch his chest and he’s all yours.
His favorite part of your body is your hips. He loves grabbing onto them as he pounds into you of course, but he also loves holding them gentle as you dance together in your living room, or tracing his fingers along them while you’re making dinner and he has snuck into the kitchen to sneak a bite.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum - I am a disgusting person)
Will loves to watch his cum drip out of your wet pussy after he’s fucked you. He’ll watch your body tremble and pulse as it pushes his cum out, then he’ll push it back inside you to watch it all over again. He’ll repeat the process as long as he can. But sometimes when he can’t help himself he’ll scoop some of his cum out of your pussy and put it into your mouth, gently and tell you to suck it off his fingers.
D = Dirty Secret (What do they secretly want)
He wants you to peg him. He will not tell you that until he really, really trusts you. He’s not sure if this is something he’d ever feel truly comfortable enough doing with someone. But when you’ve been together a long time, and you finally admit that it’s something you’ve always fantasized about too, and you talk it out together, he lets his inhibitions go and his secret fantasy is realized.
E = Experience (Do they know what they are doing?)
This man absolutely knows what he is doing. Though if you try to change up the routine or try something knew it can knock him back a bit and he’ll need your guidance to get comfortable and into the rhythm.
F = Favorite Position (Self explanatory)
He loves when you sit on his lap with his cock deep inside you. He loves to press your foreheads together and look deep into your eyes as he slowly bucks into you. You may think you’re in control since you’re technically on top, but really he sets the pace and the general intensity. He loves that from this position he can cling to your hips and rock you on his cock.
Though he also does love doggy style. This position really gives him unrestricted access to your hips and a great view to watch the cum drip out of your pussy after he finishes. He’s mostly slow and gentle, but he does let go from time to time which makes you feel absolutely wrecked.
G = Goofy (Are they serious during sex or goofy?)
He’s a pretty serious guy when you guys are intimate. He wants you to feel good and wants to show you how he can take care of you. That being said, if something happens then sure he’ll giggle with you and make you feel comfortable. However, he does that with the intention of strengthening your bond and deepening a connection.
H = Hair (Are they well groomed?)
This man is one of the most meticulously well-groomed men there is. His facial hair is always immaculate and neatly trimmed which matches his pubic hair. He’s never hairless, except across his chest – he doesn’t want anything to hide the work he’s put in to shape his chest just right.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment?)
Will Miller is so present. He is known for his ability to track numbers and his devotion to order, and all that does is make him more attentive. He knows that if you do an extra sun-salutation during your morning yoga routine it’s because you had a bad dream, and if you sneeze twice in a row it means you’re getting sick. He knows you in the small ways. That includes when you two are having sex. He knows every inch of your body and what every sound you make actually means. He knows you completely.
J = Jack Off (Do they masturbate?)
When he was single, he was a twice a week masturbator mostly as a way to relax. He has a routine and he sticks to it. However when you showed up in his life, he rarely does it anymore as the two of you take care of his needs together. There is the occasional time when you’re out of town for work and you sent him a particularly naughty photo or text message and he just can’t help himself.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
He loves to tie you up. He’ll tie your wrists to the headboards, or behind your back and bring you apart slowly. He loves to tie you up starfished on the bed and leave you there while he does the dinner dishes or makes a couple of work calls. Then when he’s good and ready, maybe, maybe he’ll let you cum before he fucks you. The whole time though, he tells how proud of you he is, and how you’re his good girl.
L = Location (Favorite place to do it)
He loves to fuck you in front of a fireplace on some blankets and pillows. He loves the strength of the floor beneath him with the warmth from the fireplace that helps create a thin slick of sweat over your body which he kisses and licks up with pleasure. He loves the act of collecting the blankets and the pillows together and laying them out just so.
M = Motivation (What turns them on or gets them going?)
Will loves when you caress his chest, if you want him to take you, then and there, all you need to do is sneak your fingers underneath his shirt and across his ripped chest. If you can’t get your hands on him, bending over in front of him with no underwear on will absolutely set him off. He loves, loves your pussy.
N = No (Something they will not do. Turn offs.)
He will not slap you. That is a hard rule, he’ll compromise with some playful spanking if you ask, but a slap on the face is something he will never do. The violence of that is too triggering for him and he’s afraid to let go that way around you, afraid he may actually hurt you.  
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skills, etc.)
He loves, loves to give oral. He loves making you fall apart with his mouth. He will live between your legs if you let him. He will spend hours and hours with his lips on your clit and around the lips of your pussy. It’s not always about pulling an orgasm from you, sometimes it’s just to help calm your mind. Though he’ll never deny you a release if you beg.
P = Pace (Are they fast or rough? Or slow and sensual?)
Most of the time Will likes things very slow, very sensual. He is never in a rush and just wants to stay in the moment with you. He likes being able to look back at your time together and genuinely remember the soft touches and gentle caresses. He loves to slowly pull an “I love you” from your lips as he stares into your eyes as he fucks you softly.
However, sometimes a good fuck is absolutely called for and that’s when you’re left with bruises on your hips from the grip of his fingers. His pace is so hard and fast you will not be able to walk after he’s finished with you.
Q = Quickies (Their opinions on quickies rather than regular sex)
He is never going to turn down a chance to be close to you, but quickies aren’t really his style. He loves to take his time with you and quickies just leave him wanting more. Generally quickies are just him eating you out whenever he gets a chance.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He is surprisingly not a big risk taker himself, and doesn’t feel the need to experiment much. He likes his routines and knows he’s good at the skills he’s already developed. Though if you asked him, he’d try (almost) anything as long as you both agreed on a safe word and talked through things first.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go? How long do they last?)
He’s in pretty good shape, but he is starting to get a little older. He can normally get two rounds in pretty confidently though. Though sometimes they blend together into one marathon session that leaves you both exhausted and totally spent. One thing is for sure, he is never finished until you’ve cum at least twice.
T = Toys (Do they own or use toys on themselves or partners?)
He does not own any toys, that is until you two take the plunge and invest in a strap to use together (See D = Dirty Secret). He does love that you own a vibrator. He insists you bring it with you if you ever leave town for work or any other reason. Then when you two talk on the phone in your hotel room he loves to listen to you use your vibrator.
U = Unfair (How much do they like to tease?)
Will loves to tease. One time, which you will never ever use against him, he came just from spending all afternoon teasing you. He will tease you by sending very detailed messages about what he will do to you when you both get home from work. He loves to edge you over and over again until you’re crying and begging for your release. Also see K = Kink.
V = Volume (How loud are they? What sounds do they make?)
This man is dead silent. Sometimes you can surprise a soft moan from his lips and if your session is a little more wild than usual – which usually happens after a stressful experience or thanks to either really good or really bad news – he can’t help but grunt through his exertion. If he calls you a good girl, it’s so quiet that the first time you said it you weren’t sure he intended for you to hear it.
W = Wildcard (Random headcanon for your character)
He has serious abandonment issues. This leads to some hot and cold behavior towards you that can be frustrating and confusing at first. Once you get to know him better though, you start to be able to read his cues and better understand this behaviour. It can also lead to him being clingy with you. Most of the time it’s actually really sweet and adorable, but every now and then it leads to a fight. The way you guys make up though, it’s almost worth the fight.
X = X-ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants)
Will is PACKING. They do not call him Ironhead for nothing. He’ll generally tell people the PG version, that he is stubborn and that’s what led to the nickname. You even believed that version too, until you two finally hooked up and he showed you the real truth. He was thick, like you’re not sure how he’s supposed to fit, thick, and yet he’s got some serious length too and that’s what really lead to the Ironhead moniker.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
He does his best to compartmentalize all aspects of his life. This helps him maintain his sex drive as a secondary impulse. Before you, he had a simple masturbation schedule and didn’t turn a thought to it beyond that. However, once you showed up and helped him relax a bit more, he opened himself up to be more vulnerable and along with that, really unleashed his sexuality, much to your pleasure.
Z = ZZZ (How quickly do they fall asleep afterwards?)
He never falls asleep before you if he can help it. He wants to make sure you’re comfortable and taken care of before he can even think about falling asleep himself. One time though after a rainy day when you two spent all afternoon fucking in front of the fireplace he did drift to sleep while you ran your fingers through his hair. You let him stay there until his stomach rumbled with hunger so loud he woke himself up.
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thequeendesi · 4 years
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Jay is definitely not the most touchy person after sex. He likes to let you lay on his shoulder while he holds you with one arm, one arm behind his head and watch TV. His mind is still running a million a minute.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He loves his arms the most. I mean have you seen them? He’s cocky as hell over them. He loves picking you up and knowing that you’re watching his muscles flex. His favorite part about you definitely would be your eyes. It was the first thing he ever noticed about you. He loves when you look up at him.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
On your face. He likes splooging on your face and seeing how stunned you are everytime.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
The first time the two of you had sex, he had to majorly hold back. He was too scared to hurt you.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
VERY experienced. Sometimes it makes you jealous when a girl he slept with waves at him in the hallways. ( he always ignores them tho, he’s staring straight at his number one girl )
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
The breeding press
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Very serious. He’s concentrated on getting you off. But he will laugh if you’re being silly.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He’s groomed to the point you’re not getting hair in your mouth. Because that was an issue in the beginning.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He’s very serious in the part of getting you off, more than once before he gets off. He loves seeing your eyes roll back or stare at him in shyness. He calls you his little lamb because he feels “like a wolf when I’m in the zone”
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He doesn’t masterbate. Whenever he was horny there’d be a girl in the background. But ever since dating you he does jerk off because he respects your aspect to say no. He does it in the shower and imagines what he would do to you instead.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Being called sir, he’s very much into praising you.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
His car, or his bed. Sometimes the woods if he’s feeling frisky.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
You. All of you just turn him on. Short skirts, crop tops, you wearing his clothes. He will send you a short text with “you tease” and you’ll always return a wink and small but know you’re getting your guts rearranged later.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He is a FUCKING GOD at giving. He prefers to give, actually. He loves watching you jerk and squirm and whine his name when he isn’t as fast as you’d want.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He’s very rough, no matter if he’s slow or fast.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Always prefers a quickie, he loves bending you over the couch and fuckin you from behind.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He’s always wanting to experiment. Try new things.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
He can last many rounds before it begins to hurt, but he will always overstimulate you with oral.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Cock rings and little vibrators are his best friends. It makes it better for the both of you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He LOVES to tease. Watching you whimper and squirm at his touch, begging for him to let you cum? *chef kiss* magic.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He’s a low groaner. He gets more higher pitched at the end.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He likes when you put red lipstick on before giving him the ol’ sucker suck 3000.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Solid 8 inches, little more than average girth, curves forward and isn’t circumsized
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
His sex drive is HIGH. He always wants you. 24/7 however he can understand the word no.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He’s not tired. He can go another round, but if he notices you’re asleep? He’ll stay up a couple more minutes before falling asleep.
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meltwonu · 4 years
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s n a k e     |     e y e s     [chapter 9]
pairing; snakehybrid!woozi x female!reader
this chapter’s notes; dom!jihoon, oral(male receiving), hair pulling, dirty talk, marking,🥺🥺 thank you for being so patient with me! 💕💕 and I can’t believe this series is almost over!!!! it's been such a ride, and I’m so thankful for all the interest y’all have taken in our cute lil snake hybrid hoonie~~ 💕💕 
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - x
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There’s a moment where the ringing in your ears becomes overbearing, Jihoon’s fingers snapping in front of your face being the only thing bringing you back to the present.
“Hey, are you okay? Did I say something wrong?”
“Huh? No, no you didn’t say anything wrong, I just… I was just thinking of something else. Sorry.” You send him a reassuring smile, asking Jihoon what made him make that decision.
“Mm, well Mingyu and the others… they wanted to do some sort of open mic night thing… It’s nothing huge, just… maybe a start for me?”
A faint blush coats Jihoon’s cheeks, soft chuckles spilling from his lips. “I’ve always been interested in music and I told you I used to busk… just thought maybe I could start really pursuing it. And maybe I can help you pay the bills around here if it takes off.” There’s a beat of silence, the words sitting on Jihoon’s tongue.
“Y’know, maybe like a real couple?”
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“A-are you sure about this? You don’t have to, I mean, we’ve never--”
“Don’t you want me to give you a blowjob?”
Jihoon licks his lips, watching you settle yourself onto your knees in front of him. “Well, I mean yeah, I thought about it but--”
“Okay then, what’s the issue?” He bites the inside of his cheeks, trying to look at everything but you. “Um, just… nobody’s ever sucked me off is all…” His body feels hot when you place your palms down on his thighs, your warmth permeating the material of his sweats.
“Really? What a bummer, you have a massive dick.” Jihoon wheezes, nails digging into the sofa when you start to pull his sweats and underwear down. “Mmh, y-yeah… Dunno it felt too intimate...” You giggle cutely, wrapping a hand around his hard cock.
“You don’t have to be shy, y’know. Show me how you want it.”
You slowly run your hand up and down his cock, working him up before you lean in closer, flicking at the head of his cock with the tip of your tongue. Jihoon lets out a hiss, eyes glaring holes into the ceiling of the living room. “But I--fuck, o-okay.” His eyes are on you a second later, watching as you lick a stripe down the base of his cock before licking back up to the head.
“Put me in your mouth, baby.”
He whispers shakily, threading a hand through your hair and gently guiding you down onto him. His breath hitches, eyes rolling to the back of his head when your warm mouth engulfs the head of his cock. “Fuuuuck…”
You swirl your tongue around the head, slowly inching more and more of his cock into your mouth until he hits your gag reflex. Jihoon’s fingertips pull on your hair a little harder, a guttural moan on his lips when he sees you struggling to take more of his cock in.
“You were just talking about my massive dick and now you can’t even take all of me in that tiny mouth of yours.” He chuckles lightly, thrusting his hips up as you swallow around him. “But you--”
A phone ringing cuts Jihoon off, his eyes dancing over to his phone on the coffee table behind you. He tugs on your hair, pulling you off of him as he reaches for his phone. “It’s… Mingyu.” You clear your throat, blinking away the tears that were threatening to spill. “You gonna answer?” Voice cracking as you look up at Jihoon.
“It might be important…” The phone rings in Jihoon’s hand, his eyes locking onto you. “Don’t try anything.” He warns, pressing the ‘accept call’ button before he eases back onto the sofa.
“Yeah? What do you want, Mingyu?”
“Hyung!! Just wanted to check in on you!! I miss you already but I know it’s only been a few days since we saw you!!!”
Jihoon warned you, but you don’t listen. Instead, you wrap a hand around his cock before you sink your mouth back down onto him. “Fuck!”
“What’s wrong? Did you hurt yourself? Seokmin wants to say hi!” Mingyu’s cheery voice pours out of the receiver, Seokmin’s voice joining in. “Is this important or what? I’m in the middle of s-something!” Jihoon tangles a free hand in your hair, trying to get you to slow down.
“Mmm, kinda? We talked to Seungcheol-hyung about us doing that open mic thing…”
You take as much of Jihoon’s cock into your mouth as you can, using your hand on the rest of him that won’t fit. He bites his lip to hold in his moans, hips thrusting up into your mouth. “A-and?”
“He said we should do it! He also said he’d help us sign up for it.. But there’s something else!” Jihoon groans as you deepthroat him; your hot and wet mouth making him melt under your touch.
“Are you okay, hyung? You sound like you’re dying? You’re not sick again are you, cause if--”
“No, I’m not sick! I said I’m, ah, in the mid--middle of something…” You run your tongue along the vein on his cock, teasing him before easing your mouth back down onto him. “W--what else is there?”
“Ummm, apparently this ‘An Ode’ place is kinda strict with who they let perform at their cafe.”
“And so we’re gonna need to record something first to show them we have any skill…”
Jihoon is quiet on your end, eyes clamped shut as he feels the pleasure building up in his body. “O-okay, mmh, I--I’ll figure something out, okay Mingyu?”
“Okay~! I trust you, hyung~ Anyway, how’s your day going?”
“Bad. Now I’m gonna hang up. I’ll talk to you later!!” Jihoon growls, hanging up the phone before Mingyu can even reply. You chuckle around his cock, the vibrations shooting straight up Jihoon’s spine as his fingers in your hair tighten.
“This is the first time anyone’s sucked my cock and you treat it like this?” He guides your head down, making you choke on him. The tears blur your vision, head getting lightheaded as he holds you there.
“You’re lucky Mingyu couldn’t hear anything.” He pulls you off of him, sputtering when the air returns to your lungs. “A--At least it’ll be m-memorable…” Your throat is hoarse, cheeks stained with tears as you sniffle.
“I want you on your hands and knees on the floor facing the window, now.” Jihoon lets go of your hair, letting you massage your sore knees before you adjust yourself where he asked. A blush paints your cheeks as you stare out of the window.
“You want people to find out so bad, don’t you?”
Jihoon scoffs, pulling your shorts and panties down in one swift motion before he runs his fingers through your soaking folds. “They already know we’ve fucked on the sofa, y’know. I don’t doubt Mingyu’s told Seokmin either. And your cute ‘lil bunny boy will find out soon enough. Don’t forget our sense of smell is much stronger, sweetheart.”
He takes his time, fingering you and working you open until he can sink three fingers into your tight pussy.
“Mmh, Jihoon… Just fuck me already~” You whine. He pulls his fingers out not a second later, a soft moan spilling from your lips at the sudden emptiness. 
But it’s quickly forgotten when you feel the head of his cock at your entrance, eyes fluttering shut when he starts to sink his cock into you.
The two of you share a moan, Jihoon’s hands gripping your waist as he starts to fuck you from behind.
“We’ll have to do a retake on that blowjob. You need to learn your lesson.”
“F-fuck, yeah~ I wanna choke on your fuckin’ cock.” You giggle, arms slightly giving out as your upper body slowly slumps against the floor.
“Yeah? I’ll fuckin’ make you choke on my cock. Then I’ll cum down your throat ‘n make you swallow it all. Then I’ll fuck you nice and hard, cum inside that tight pussy of yours ‘til it’s spilling out of you.”
You moan, clenching around his cock. “God, you know I want it~” He smirks, the grip on your waist tightening as he thrusts into you.
“I know you do. You like it when I fill you up with my cum. And I know you’ll love swallowing it too.” He laughs, angling his thrusts until he slams into your g-spot. 
The two of you forget about the window; uncaring whether or not anyone sees him fucking you from behind as the two of you get lost in the pleasure.
Jihoon reaches a hand around your body, the pads of his fingers on your swollen clit when he can feel your body start to tense up. “Oh, f--fuck!” He rubs circles on your clit, loving the way you tighten impossibly around his cock. “Wanna feel you cum first though.” You feel the pressure building, soft rushed whispers of Jihoon’s name spilling from your mouth when he rubs harsher circles on your clit.
“S--shit, Jihoon!”
Your entire body seizes in his hold when you cum, stars dancing beneath your eyelids as he fucks you through your orgasm; his fingertips still on your clit. His thrusts never lose their rhythm even when he starts getting closer to the edge; growling when the tension finally snaps for him too.
“F--feels suh--so good…” You slur out, his warm cum filling you up as he slows his thrusts down until he finishes coming down from his high.
The two of you stay in that position for a moment, Jihoon blanketing your body from behind until you whine.
“Mmm… let’s get cleaned up and then we can cuddle… this… isn’t really comfy, Ji…” He chuckles against your back, leaning back up before he slowly slides his cock from inside of you. Pouting, he slides your panties and shorts back up, trapping his cum between you and the material.
“Ugh, feels… gross like that.” He lets out a boisterous laugh, pulling up his own sweats and underwear before standing up.
“We’re gonna get cleaned up anyway. I’ll do the laundry this time.”
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After the two of you get cleaned up, Jihoon runs the laundry just like he promised as you set up a movie on the TV. He joins you soon after, snuggling up to you as he spoons you.
“Yes, Ji?” He stares at the movie, not really taking any of it in. “I don’t know how much you caught of my conversation with Mingyu earlier but… I’m not gonna lie, I don’t know what to do. And I’m kinda freaking out.” You adjust to face him, meeting his confused eyes. “What do you mean?”
“Well, Mingyu said we’d need to record something to prove we have some skill before we can perform at the cafe. And I don’t even have any… equipment for that. I don’t even know where to start.” You can see the worry pooling in his eyes as you caress his cheek. Shit… Soonyoung.
You clench your jaw, a shaky smile on your lips before you lean in to kiss Jihoon softly. When you pull away, he seems a little more at ease, a faint smile on his lips as well.
“I… I might…” There’s a pause in your words, Jihoon watching as you gulp. “I… might k-know someone.”
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It takes a little working around but you manage to get Soonyoung’s new number from Minghao; the card with his number in between your fingertips when you get home from the office. Jihoon had taken the day to go back to Seungcheol’s so you were alone for the time being; giving you just enough time to call up your ex.
The line rings and you can feel a cold sweat forming on your skin also immediately. But you remind yourself that you and Soonyoung never really left on bad terms; just that you had two very different lifestyles.
You hear the phone pick up, a small ‘Hi’ squeaked out before Soonyoung can even ask who it is. There’s a second of silence before Soonyoung calls your name questioningly, excitement laced in his voice.
“Wow! I wasn’t… expecting to hear your voice again.”
“Um, yeah, I--I… um, uh… H-how are you, S-Soonyoung?” The nervousness eats away at your body, fingertips tingling. “I’m doing okay! I’m working on some new choreographies so I’ve been busy. I was in the US a few weeks ago on tour too. It’s exhausting but fun! Wow, I really wasn’t expecting to hear your voice today!” He laughs after, a small smile on your lips. He always had an infectious laugh when you were together.
“How about you? Still workin’ with ‘Hao?”
“O-oh, yeah. Yeah, I’m still working with Minghao. He’s still as strict as ever, haha…” The two of you catch up a little as you ease onto your bed. You were happy for Soonyoung; he seemed to find his true calling and seemed to really enjoy his time traveling and working in all sorts of places.
“Hmm, I have a feeling you didn’t call to catch up though. Tell me what’s on your mind!” You sigh, running a hand through your hair as you build up the confidence.
“I… Listen, I know I’m probably asking for a lot here and I know we haven’t really spoken so maybe this is out of pocket but I… Um, some of my friends need to borrow a studio or some equipment. It’s… p-probably not for a long time but they just need a little push. I thought maybe you could help them?” Soonyoung is silent for a moment, only a humming noise on his end as he thinks about your request.
“I might know someone that can help them in the right direction. But I’ll have to call you back when I see what’s up. Is that okay?” You breathe a sigh of relief, happy tears springing to your eyes.
“Yeah! That sounds great! Soonyoung I--I don’t know how to thank you…” He laughs lightly and you can almost see the way his eyes form crescents when he smiles. Just like Jihoon.
“I still care about you, y’know? I know it didn’t work out for us and we agreed to give each other time to heal and fix ourselves but… I hope we can still be friends.”
“M-me too…”
You decide to take a shower after you hang up, Soonyoung letting you know he’ll call you as soon as he finds out what’s going on.
Stepping under the stream of water, you finally let yourself relax as the water washes away all the excess nerves in your body. You start washing your hair, eyes glancing over to the bathroom door that creaks open, Jihoon’s head peeking in.
“Oh, there you are!” He beams at you, hurriedly shedding his clothes before joining you in the steaming shower. Jihoon helps you wash your hair; the pads of his fingers massaging your scalp as you lean into his touch.
“How was your day, Ji?” He hums, letting you step under the stream of water to wash out the shampoo before he runs the conditioner through your hair. “S’okay. We wrote some more stuff for a song. Kinda sucked that Chan couldn’t make it so we just did a video call. How about you? Anything fun happen at the office?”
You swallow the lump in your throat, turning to face him as you wrap your arms around his neck.
“I--I called Soonyoung.”
Jihoon runs a wet hand through his hair, pushing it out of his face as he looks you over. “Can I ask why?” You nod, meeting his questioning eyes. “He knows people who can help, Jihoon. And I want to help you, who knows where this can go, y’know? I asked him if he knew anyone who’d help you guys in the studio or let you borrow some equipment. He said he’d call back when he figured it out.” This time it’s Jihoon’s turn to nod, his arms wrapped around your waist tightening.
“Is that all? He just said he was cool with helping?”
“Mmhmm…” He raises a hand, caressing your cheek before tilting your head up so he can kiss you. And you lean into him, heart beating out of your chest.
He pulls away a moment later, thumb gliding against your bottom lip.
“You seem sad… Are you really okay?” You nod back, hugging him as you rest your head against his collarbone. “It’s just been a weird day, s’all.. Guess we all need to break out of our shells a little, huh?” You chuckle.
“Mm.. I guess… that means we’ll have to meet him in person, huh? If things work out.”
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“Fu--fuck, Jihoon, st--stop, ngh…” His lips trail across your collarbone, sucking love bites onto your skin. But he doesn’t let up, his grip on you getting impossibly tighter as he noses at the column of your neck before nibbling on a patch of skin; only soothing it with his tongue when he’s deemed it red enough.
“Ji--Jihoon, S--Soonyoung’s gonna b-be here any minute, I--mmh!” He presses you against the wall, slotting a leg between your own as he grinds against you.
“Sorry, but I gotta mark what’s mine. You know how it is with us hybrids~” Jihoon’s voice is muffled against your skin and you can visualize the cocky smirk on his lips when another love bite blooms under his lips.
The doorbell rings a few moments later, Jihoon finally detaching himself from you and smoothing down his clothes. “Well, guess we should get that, huh?” He grins at you, watching as you try your best to cover up all the red splotches covering up your neck.
“You’re… evil, Ji.” You pout at him, leading the way to the front door. He wraps his arms around you from behind, licking the shell of your ear. “Sorry, sweetheart, but you know how I am.” He chuckles in your ear before he pulls away, letting you answer the door.
Soonyoung beams, hands full of takeout boxes with food. “Sorry, thought I should bring some stuff over. Seemed kinda rude to show up empty-handed.” He laughs, stepping into your apartment. You take the things from his hands, ushering him in as Jihoon sizes him up.
“Ah, this--this is Jihoon! Jihoon, this is S-Soonyoung.”
The two males look each other over before shaking each other’s hand; Jihoon’s grip tight on Soonyoung.
“Um, should we… go sit at the dining table?” You offer, the two of them nodding as they follow you.
You place the food down in the kitchen before each of you take a seat, Jihoon sitting next to you as Soonyoung sits across from you both. “So… guess I should start?” You nod at Soonyoung, the nervousness coming back into your body.
“Well, okay, I know a guy, his name is Bumzu. He owns a studio and he said he’s more than willing to help you guys out. Since we don’t really know… Um, where to start, it’s… you and everyone else who’s gonna be working with you will probably need to be in the studio for at least a couple of days. But we can do a day run, see how far we get and go from there.” Jihoon’s hand finds yours underneath the table, squeezing it reassuringly.
“I… appreciate your help, Soonyoung. It means a lot to me--to us. I know a little bit about producing but… Uh, when can we start? If you don’t mind me asking.” Soonyoung’s lips tilt up into a thinking pout, hand on his chin when he looks back at Jihoon.
“I mean, we can start as early as next week. I need to tie up some loose ends with work, but I can get the ball rolling soon. It’s really whenever you guys wanna start. I wanna have a hand in it too if that’s okay, since I’m like the bridge between everyone!” He smiles at Jihoon, trying to let the other male know there’s no malice.
You smile softly, watching at the two converse with each other; thankful that they seemed to get along.
“By the way…” You and Jihoon look at Soonyoung, a knowing smile on his lips.
“Are you two dating?”
Jihoon squeezes your hand hard and you can’t help the blush that coats your cheeks as you shyly avoid Soonyoung’s stare.
“I--Yes, I’m--I’m her boyfriend… a-and her---her h-hybrid. Um, but she doesn’t… like it when I say that. Haha..” Your hand feels clammy in Jihoon’s as he holds Soonyoung’s stare.
“Wait, you’re a hybrid?” Soonyoung leans over the table slightly, shock written on his features as he looks Jihoon over again. “Whoa, you don’t even look like one!” You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, squeezing Jihoon’s hand back.
“Yeaaah, I like to think of it as a charm point really. It’s like, y’know? Don’t know when I’ll strike or somethin’.” Jihoon giggles, running his free hand through his hair.
“Wow, that’s… different! But cool. I’m glad you’ve found someone that suits you.” The latter part is directed at you; a genuinely happy smile on Soonyoung’s face when he meets your shy eyes. “M-me too… Jihoon is… is really great. We’re very… compatible.”
Jihoon laces your fingers with his own, a shy smile of his own plastered on his features.
Soonyoung claps once, standing up from the table.
“Well, shall we eat? I’m starved! And we have a lot more stuff to discuss!”
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emersonfreepress · 4 years
What would the ro's be like in a zombie au?
whyyyyy anon whyyy. I'm actually gonna write this in like.. slightly different terms, you'll see. any time I even briefly think of a zombie au I'm just like
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i don't even allow myself to entertain it for very long because getting into that would be the worst thing ever for my productivity with the alpha omg 😂😂 so I'll put like the ideas that pop into my head for writing a zombie au, to work some of that creative frustration out 😆
so in this very general, absolutely noncommittal idea of mine, the main cast are older and the setting is in and around a civilian settlement led by the Emersons.
and as a refresher, i like my zombie aus to have fast zombies and fast infections ^ ^ 28 Days Later/Train to Busan style babyyyy, we the Sprinting Dead up in this bitch 😆
= = =
Gabe is, predictably, looking for what's left of his family. Following rumors of safe havens and bunkers and such. Starts the story as someone who tries to be diplomatic, if not outright pacifist, but as times get tougher and resources dwindle, he'd become one of the most cutthroat motherfuckers in the wasteland. Low-key though, low-key. People won't trust you if they know you’re capable of throwing them to a horde for strategic reasons. Like if Rick turned into Shane (for those of us familiar with early Walking Dead--idk did that happen eventually? i gave up before we even met Negan lol). The end justifies the means :) Damn, I can legit see Gabe going full evil in a zombie au omg 😂😂 i want to write it so fucking bad
Preferred weapon for zed encounters: rifle
Preferred weapon for human encounters: handgun
Faith in humanity: fucking zero
Zombie kill count: plenty; the type to kill every zombie he has spare ammo and time for
Human kill policy: When it benefits him or the people he’s looking after
Survival rating: B+; he can make it out of some pretty dire situations through sheer will to live and ruthlessness
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Kile has arrived--clearly, this is the timeline they belong in. They start their journey with Gabe (and their doggo) and stick to him like glue, even reluctantly so when Gabe eventually has them join the settlement. This can only go one way, though: Kile's just too much of a wildcard for the group and hates being told what to do. (Especially now that society has fallen, wtf) They'd make their exit alone and unannounced aside from a brief head’s up to Gabe. It's slightly bittersweet, but also? They get to loot and hunt and sneak around and kill fucking zombies, all by themself. Kile is a loner, a hiker, and a hunter to begin with so they do beyond fine on their own. However, once the inevitable violent human threat comes for the settlement, Gabe is sent out to convince Kile to come out of isolation, just this once please, to be the camp’s super soldier help defend the camp.
Zed weapon: p much anything they can get their hands on, ranged or melee, blunt or sharp, w/e; improvised weapons
Human weapon: hunting knife
Faith in humanity: never had any to begin with
Zombie kill count: lol infinite?? any zed they come across is double-dead if they have the time for it
Human kill policy: at Gabe’s direction or when provoked enough/threatened
Survival rating: A-; they trust no one, live in isolation, and prioritize survival above all else. only reason it’s not higher is they would risk their life for Gabe or their furbaby and also... their own Rambo-esque antics def attracts the occasional horde lmao
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Jack... this poor boy, he doesn't deserve a zombie au 😂 He's one of those people that first believes zombies are just sick people, too squeamish to keep up with TV news coverage at the onset and too upset to consider anything else. He'd hunker down at home, staying holed up even while his neighbors evacuated, and probably be discovered while the main group is looting the same place as him. When people try to tell him the real state of the world, he'd be in denial until he absolutely couldn't be anymore. idk, probably after Kile shooting a bunch of non-lethal holes thru a zombie to make a point (attracting more in the process lol).
He’d almost immediately join the medical team at the settlement and as word spreads about how easy he is to talk to, he quickly becomes the literal on-site therapist. It's a role he embraces but... idk if it's an emotional burden he can bear. He's very emotionally resilient! But he ain't a professional lol imagine a whole settlement of traumatized zombie survivors seeking you out for counseling, yikes. He also can't say no to a person in need, so instead he quietly spirals into a very private depression while continuing to help others!!
Zed weapon: Oh gosh, do I really have to?
Human weapon: ...Kindness?
Faith in humanity: Unrealistically high
Zombie kill count: Single digit
Human kill policy: Not ever, unless completely unavoidable and to defend the defenseless
Survival rating: C...? idk, that feels generous. D+. To be protected at all costs!!
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Jessie also had the initial reaction of hoping zombies could be saved, but she woke up from that dream swiftly. The science-minded person that she is, esp with her interest in biology, leaves her determined to find anybody who's got the intellect, expertise, and resources to start doing actual work toward a treatment, cure, vaccine—anything. Nothing would get her to finally unabashedly embrace her love of science (and innate leadership skills!!) faster than a zombie apocalypse! In fact, it’s thanks to her that the Emerson settlement’s got a small but growing team of scientists doing as much research as humanly possible to best educate the others on the outbreak and zombie behavior. Def no zombie experimentation going on though lol. ...Not yet, at least.
Zed weapon: rifle
Human weapon: rifle
Faith in humanity: High! We’ll find a solution! Don’t give up hope!
Zombie kill count: Double digits, but less than 30
Human kill policy: Only in unavoidable self-defense or defense of others
Survival rating: B! She has experience with ranged weapons, farming and gardening skills, first aid, camping experience, and a can-do attitude with a healthy dose of realism!
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Rain remains cargo as I said in the last post about this 😆 They'd be very good for keeping clothes repaired and making useful modifications in the settlement, but their life up to this point has been very sheltered and privileged. We're talking somebody with a chauffeur and a personal chef before the outbreak! They would contribute to quality of life and homemaking efforts more than anything—an overlooked aspect of these scenarios tbh! After as many months of dragging their feet as possible and being nigh impossible to track down when you need them, they eventually become involved in meal planning and even help out with medical stuff if they're asked.
Zed weapon: how do you reload this thing again?
Human weapon: switchblade or other concealable sharp-pointy
Faith in humanity: Very low
Zombie kill count: 0! Can you believe it!
Human kill policy: Well if it’s you or me, of course I’m choosing me.
Survival rating: C. Being so tiny helps them find good hiding spots and their self-preservation is high enough to keep them from unnecessary risk-taking. Plus they're very stealthy! Self-defense is a major issue though, so hiding is always their best option.
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Rupan/Rohan scouts for and leads scavenging missions and is Curt's right hand on the recruitment team. The two of them together are the perfect combo of diplomacy, debate, and deception--although R is more honorable about the last one and will only deceive for strategic reasons. When they aren’t looting and recruiting, they’re doing peacekeeping inside the settlement. Most social disputes end up getting brought to them for mediation and they’re pretty dang good at making and enforcing calls. One day they’ll wake up to realize they’ve basically become a sheriff and feel the need to puke their guts up and do something, anything, to reassure themself they’re still punk 😂
Zed weapon: SMG
Human weapon: shotgun
Faith in humanity: Believes in fundamental goodness but knows better than to trust first impressions
Zombie kill count: decent, more than 40; you won’t catch them having a field day tho, they’re trying to gtfo of most zed situations
Human kill policy: Violent threats have to be taken out. And they aren’t, at all, immune to a revenge rampage either...
Survival rating: B-. Can handle themself both with humans and zeds but is vulnerable to hostage situations and truly difficult sentimental/interpersonal decisions!
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Vivian/Vincent manages inventory and stock and they run it so efficiently it’s scary! They're the perfect pick: a hawk-eyed tyrant and tattletale 😂 Despite constantly butting heads with just about everyone on every imaginable thing, they quickly become an important part of the inner circle of decision-makers for the settlement at large. Terrible at stealth, jumpy, and squeamish at the sight of blood and gore, they literally never go on missions unless they're 100% needed for their expertise on a supply run. (They would deny all of these shortcomings are that big a problem, meanwhile R is definitely acting as their bodyguard lol.) When they do tag along, they're prone to becoming the damsel in distress. Seriously, it happens near every fucking time. It's like they just attract only the most improbable and perilous zombie attacks and hostage situations 😆
Zed weapon: shotgun
Human weapon: handgun
Faith in humanity: Medium; seeing people work together at the settlement helps restore it a bit
Zombie kill count: Double digits, under 25
Human kill policy: Violent threats have to be taken out. Well, no, not by me! Get one of the ruffians to do it!
Survival rating: C-. They’d be higher if they weren’t such natural zombie bait.
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Heidi is running the settlement, well-organized to the degree of actually managing to bring bureaucracy to a post-zombie apocalypse settlement 😂 People are free to come and go, but getting in if you don't live there requires trading something of value (fuel, med supplies, food, etc), temporary surrender and registry of firearms and explosives, and you gotta GTFO at the time and date specified upon entry! You can stay long-term if you contribute to the community in a tangible way—and each person admitted is approved by Heidi personally. Yes, every individual. No, she has no free time. And she is not known to be lenient with rule breakers—you want rule bending, you’ll have to go to Curt for that. People kind of hate her, but it can't be denied that she runs a tight ship. She kind of throws herself into the work to avoid the harsher reality at large and hasn't left the settlement in a long time. She's out of touch with how bad things have gotten in the wastes, but she knows better than to take reports at anything less than face value--even when she's skeptical.
Zed weapon: rifle
Human weapon: handgun; dagger
Faith in humanity: Medium. It fluctuates, honestly
Zombie kill count: Double digits, less than 20
Human kill policy: Violent threats must be taken out if they can’t be reasoned with. Spare those who surrender, eradicate those who don't, keep an eye on the newbies. Not tryin’ to nurse any vendettas around here lol
Survival rating: B. She's good with a firearm, masterful at persuasion, and savvy enough to calculate risks appropriately. Also far tougher than her prim exterior and demeanor suggests!
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Curt leads the recruitment and reconnaissance teams! When a new person or group shows up in the area, Curt's the one who stalks watches them, decides if they're worth approaching, and if they should be approached with an invitation, a simple acknowledgment/announcement of their presence, or an outright armed warning to leave the area. He also keeps tabs on morale and general confidence inside the settlement, alongside R. When he isn’t leading those efforts, though, he’s flirting with settlers and squirreling his way out of manual labor and other chores. He’s also secretly growing weed at his place--don’t tell Heidi or Vi ‘cause they’ll wanna yell at him and ration it UGH.
Zed weapon: SMG, explosives
Human weapon: handgun, dagger
Faith in humanity: Pft, sorry, what now?
Zombie kill count: ...way more than you’d expect
Human kill policy: I don’t start confrontations, but I sure as fuck end them.
Survival rating: A! He’s good at playing hapless idiot when it suits him to be underestimated, good with firearms, and capable of being ruthless and decisive in life or death situations! Plus he has no qualms about ditching the settlement if he decides it’s not working out for him. Just don’t tell Heidi lol
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
if you could give 3 positive and 3 negative personality traits to each of the next gen, what would they be?
ooh love it. okay. we know i talk a lot. A Lot. i’m doing this in waves. first set of siblings under the cut (wcm). 2.9k. ily!
wyatt i think it’s say kind bc like. he genuinely tries really hard to be a nice person. considerate which is kind of the same as kind but again he like. he knows the elders almost killed him as a little kid he knows there’s a world where he does go dark side and that does weigh on him, so he tries to put other’s feelings first as much as possible. and then third positive trait ummmm generous which again is kinda all in the same category but it’s like. like wyatt is insanely talented not just like as a witch tho he’s that too he’s also like really smart but he’s not a dick about it he’s one of those kids who’s always like i’ll help u with your homework! what r u doing after school later! like. he has a wealth of knowledge and he doesn’t just sit on it he likes to share. this is one of the reasons henry jr is also so close with wyatt because like. they both share this genuine love and interest in the study of like old magicks so to speak like. histories of witches and demons etc most classes the rest of the next gen honestly find kinda boring. on the flipside his negative traits would be like um a tendency to play by the book he’s a little too strict not because he necessarily believes in it but more again he wants to stay in line so as not to get you know. murdered or w/e. another negative trait is a i would say wyatt gets like way too overattached, especially in relationships, but it’s not limited to that. yes he’s a jump then fall guy & i’ve written about this before (multiple times), but i also think it’s the same with like innocents. like the fact of the matter is is that you literally cannot save anyone but wyatt has never and will never learn to accept that and i think he gets. he takes it real hard whenever he loses somebody and gets really pissy and closed off in the aftermath. a third negative trait is like. overprotective. like. in my writings he’s not the twice blessed anymore but he’s still wicked powerful, and he’s also like. the eldest. so he kind of feels this burden to protect his family. it doesn’t help that throughout their youth like chris ever the demon hunter always sought out trouble and leo who Really Didn’t Want To Watch Chris Die Again kind of always passed on whatever the mission was to wyatt. which, yeah, gave chris issues, but it also gave wyatt issues! because in his head, it really is his responsibility to handle these things for his family. and, yes, sometimes he can relinquish this power a little bit like not actively hover over his family while they’re demon hunting, but if he’s not you know. actively there, he’s either scrying or he’s sensing (if he can do that idk) and just. he’s got this feeling that anything bad that happens to his family is his fault. like he has this great power, so if someone gets hurt, like, he should have been there because he definitely could have stopped it. however, this energy kinda harshes everyone else’s buzz, which is why the other tend not to involve wyatt in their plotlines too much.
moving on to chris who just for the record i already wrote for but thanks to the beauty of this site i accidentally clicked the wrong button & now it's gone. so. take two! i don't remember what i said. okay so first trait i'm giving him is. i honest to god cannot remember what i said previously no wait that's a lie because i remember now because it was interesting. because i think chris is interesting, and i think that's a good thing. because like. i wouldn't describe him as likeable i would not say he has the personality trait of Likable™ because like. he doesn't. but people still really like him. because he is interesting. like they see him and go huh wow i wanna know what's going on there all in all i think people kinda gravitate towards him. but of course flipside i think he doesn't necessarily choose to become friends with everyone who approaches him i think he tends to be a bit picky just because you know he's so guarded so i think he has friends but no like. really super close friends. so like first negative trait is he kinda appears aloof because i mean. he's kinda gotta lotta issues you know and it's not something you can really easily explain to someone non-magical because magic is so deeply ingrained into who he is (which also adds to the aloofness because there are just certain topics he'll drop certain things he just won't talk about and its not because he doesn't care or anything it's just like. that's a really big reveal and rather that spin some elaborate web of lies i think chris just like straight up does the i can't tell you that bit, which makes him seem you know well like aloof kinda a little bit dickish). and then of course there's also like. like a lot of vulnerability involved in understanding who chris is he really doesn't have any middle layers nothing that sits between the surface mortal chris and the charmed chris with an inferiority complex it's either you know it all or you know. he just seems aloof. but again like. i think he's interesting. so much so that a lot of people are just kinda willing to look past that. so like. a lot of just external relationships. surface level. & then another defining trait of his on the positive side is clever. because like. he's smart. like i think he's a really skilled witch i think he's an excellent spellcaster and then like. i also think he can do math and stuff (in my fic he is a coder so like. yeah.) but i think it's kind of beyond just like Oh He's Smart i think it's the way he applies his brains applies his knowledge that really kind of sets him apart from the rest i think he really is clever. and then third positive i think chris is resourceful. i think like. i think he likes to have a sense of indepence away from his family because like. i mean he is a halliwell and he doesn’t shy away from that but at the same time he doesn’t really want to like. lean on that rest on well the thing is it’s not even his laurels to rest on. he wants to have this sense of independence and he’s actually p good at getting it. like i having him living on his own (so 2 speak, he has like. 4 roommates? i’m p sure) and yeah he’s not super great at it from just like. a living perspective you know but he’s making it i think like paying his own rent all that and yeah like the food he eats isn’t great and his room is kind of always a disaster but like. he’s made it p far i think a lot farther than people thought he could no disrespect. so i think he's really able to take what lifes gives him and make the most out of it i don't think he likes to coast by on others' accomplishments. which kinda segues into the second negative trait which i think you probably could guess he's overly-independent like independent to a fault. because like. i think he really wants to define himself with kinda comes in a two-fold way because like. okay in-family he wants to. okay so like obvi, there's a major drop off in power between him and wyatt. and i think he's always kinda been insecure about it think what on earth caused such a cosmic fuck up that he's just a telekinetic and then his brother is like. a baby god. so i think chris really feels this need to prove himself worth of a place in the warren line like cement his skills as and really say you know i deserve this title. and then flipside!! he really doesn't want to rely on titles you know he doesn't want respect because he's a charmed one or because he's a halliwell he wants respect off his own merits he wants people to know him by his actions not the legacy he carries. (also maybe gives reason for chris to occasionally use the name chris perry in the altered timeline??) and then. kind of building off that negative trait for his third one i'm saying listless because like. i think the crucial difference between the chris from the dark timeline and chris from the light timeline is like. darktl!chris has always had purpose. like yes it's a shitty purpose it's a burden it's too much to place on one boy but he is the last halliwell you know it's like basically all on him to stop wyatt from you know annihilating the world. (someone should probably tell him the cupitches exist in the dark future lmao) you know from like very very early on in his life darktl!chris has known he's destined for something big and honestly he might fail but he's gotta give it the ole college try because this is the world on his shoulders he's gotta put up a good fight for it. lighttl!chris literally does not have that. he does not have some grand, epic purpose, some monumental destiny to fulfill and like. what is he supposed to do, you know? why is he here? and he feels like he should have some epic destiny hmm well no not exactly he wants some epic destiny but he feels like if there were some epic destiny to be had it'd probably pass over him in favor for something better just like everything else in his life does. like why is he here? literally why is he here i mean okay so like disclaimer is that chris in my story is like. 20/21 and um. also a college dropout lmao haha and like. call a spade a spade we're probz looking at some undiagnosed depression here like give him a zoloft he'll be fine but like. chris feels like he's kinda on a raft in the middle of open ocean in a sense like. the best option is to pick a direction and paddle and hope he reaches land but he's literally in open ocean there are no markers no indicators he doesn't know where to go and like. if he picks wrong he's just heading closer and closer to nothing at all emptiness death whatever And There's No Way To Know Which Way Is Towards Land. and if he fucks up, like, he's screwed. shout out to all my early twenty-somethings. woot woot. but yeah. i think chris really wants a sense of purpose that simply put he does not have and honestly? will not be getting. i am not giving him a prophecy. i am not giving him a destiny. he will have to live with that. and, at this point in his life, i think he's doing a p bad job at that. lmao.
melinda!! baby girl. angel. honestly? i'm going to give her kind too because i think a large part of her just really wants to help people. i've previously called her the most-whitelightery of the next gen, & then also she is currently going to school with designs to become a nurse because like. she's also an empath you know and i think she definitely has aspirations to kind of mix her magical and mortal sides find a balance of both worlds and use her magic powers to enhance how she can better care for people in a mortal way. i'd also say she's really understanding. like, she's the third sibling to the wyatt-chris duo And she's an empath like. even if she doesn't get it, she gets it. like. things are complicated relationships are complicated like she can literally feel all sides of the story whenever there's a wyatt-chris-leo argument and like. what? is only one of them right? is only one of them allowed to feel the way they feel? no. she gets it. she all kinda understands where they're coming from. she understands. and then third positive trait she's really loving. like she's not a person who's stingy with her love (in a platonic sense. i think it a romantic sense it gets a lot more complicated because like. as an empath on the first date well it's just too weird man and it's. it's not like she can't keep her feelings sorted it's just like knowing exactly how they feel about her….. like it's weird. pass.) but i think she really like. i think she loves her family i think she loves her friends like. ❤. wow. on the more negative side i think she kind of like. self sacrificial. like she'll goes to the ends of the earth for the people she loves before she ever stops to think about herself. she doesn't. like she won't self advocate she won't draw a line in the sand when it comes to the ones she loves she fails to um. to see how sometimes her needs might actually be more important that others like. like if she loves you she will walk until her feet bleed. like. you have to be real careful because like. if you ask her to do something like she'll do it you can tack on that "but it's fine if no you don't have to" because if she feels your need to have this task done she'll do it. it's for love. but it's not good. (she will also extend this to non-loved ones again if she feels their need their like desperate need because at the end of the day she's a giver. hey kinda like the giving tree. i think she loves that book.) i also think she's just a shade naive and i kind of hesitate to use that word because like. i feel like it implies kind of a lack of worldly experience and like. melinda has seen a lot. but i think she like really does kind of see the world through rose colored glass i think she believes that people are intrinsically good and want to help each other and um. this can kinda tee her up for a lot of heartbreak and/or disillusionment with the world when kinda the reality is placed there right before her and it just kind of blows. i think it kind of hurts fresh every time. and then a third and final negative trait i think she like takes on too much, from an emotional standpoint, and doesn't really give anything back. kinda the same as self-sacrificial, but like with a twist. like, yes, as established, she has a lot of love in her heart, and she will take on her friend's emotional burdens (as well as any other burdens they might have for her) but then kinda gives nothing in return. she's a bit guarded in a sense. because again. this all comes back to the empath thing. kind of build on the dating thing. you really get live feedback on what exactly they think about you when you unpack, and like. melinda can't take that. she's too in her head on how this directly impacts their view of her and then she's just reading them and not focusing on her own problems you know like. like ladies if you've ever hit like. 1:30 in the morning at a slumber party when shit starts going from hehehe chetoh doost lasdkajldf to like. i don't think i could ever reasonably get married because divorce has really been the only constant in my life and i genuinely don't think i could trust another person enough to tie myself to them legally.? that's melinda's mcfuckin time to shine i think she does play therapist/peacemaker like a lot she likes it because again. she likes helping people! especially the people she loves!! but um. she'll never partake the other direction she really doesn't like getting vulnerable herself because like. you know if your friends are lying to you like you say something really personal and then cap it off with a y'know? and they all go yeah totally but you can feel them going what,,, the fuck. no?? like. like melinda could not take that it has not happened to her yet (probably) but she's come up with the hypothetical and she could not take that. this doesn't really extend to family just because she knows them so long like oh what chris thinks she's lame? okay. wyatt thinks she's overreacting? yeah i know what i've seen buddyboy. & then. for the record. neither or her brothers would never think she is lame or overreacting even If melinda is being lame or overreacting because they just like wouldn't they know her too well. but melinda's def the person who comes up with worst case hypotheticals in regards to her relationship/empathy powers like. all the time.
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so this morning, while scrolling through my fb feed, i came across an nyt opinion/advice piece from a 27yo (ie basically me lmao) who is obviously lucky, in a sense, to finally land their “dream job using my (their) skills” etc. like obvs i can’t read it bc of the stupid “you get one free article a month if you either don’t have an account or subscription” (my one free article was used up reading an article about adult adhd like last week)….. thing that nyt does.
but anyway. back on topic lol. the crux of the article in both the headline and the quote snippet was that the advice asker was really dissatisfied with the 40 hour work week that came with her “dream job”. with how having this 40hr workweek gave her no time to do her busy chores like house cleaning or laundry or didn’t even give her time to let her have her hobbies/creative pursuits (whatever they were/are).
however, in the comments on the article (and apparently from those who read the article on the comments, the advice/opinion column writer) a good bunch of like gen Xer’s and baby boomers (im assuming) were ganging up on the asker like “suck it up princess, it’s what life is!!! i work 70+ hours a week and LOVE IT and have just resigned myself to the fact that i have NO time left over to do my “chores”! learn to O U T S O U R C E these life admin tasks to someone else!!! everyone MUST LEARN this in america!!! it makes life so much easier ☺️” and such.
of course, there were plenty of the same bs comments that you see on anything about careers or home ownership towards millennials/gen Z’ers about “learn to go WITHOUT and save save save and squander your time so that you NEVER live and HAVE FUN or TIME FOR HOBBIES! my bet is that your parents did that and they survived just fine while also raising your ungrateful spiteful ass (not including any type of health issues they might have picked up from such long hours/shitty working conditions) so why can’t you just L E A R N to do the same you precious spoilt brat!!! because the reality of Real Life™️ is that you can’t have it both ways!!! then you’ll have early retirement guaranteed, hopefully!!! and know that hobbies really are time wasters most of the time ☺️ or at least they were for me!!! and your precious so-called “creative pursuits” most definitely are time wasters. no one needs THOSE.” and so on so forth.
they also had jibes for her bc the asker wanted to start a family at some point apparently… and apparently it’s “much worse” once you have kids. like. thanks geraldine and henry. you’ve just told us how much you’ve resented having your kids/family in one fell swoop. your opinion which you’ve framed as unhelpful, condescending advice is now voided.
like. i don’t know how rhonda or paul or deandra or philip could miss the point so fucking entirely. why the fuck should anyone- nay everyone (bc that’s what they make it sound like)- learn to outsource their busy chores like laundry/house cleaning/grocery shopping or god knows what else- to someone else???? why is that apparently a standard expected to be learnt in the US???
like why the fuck are you so desperate for people not to have free time to do these things (unless of course they live in some of those shitty nyc or other big city apartment blocks that don’t come with individual private laundries in the self-contained flats or a communal laundry on like the bottom floor or w/e for example) frank????
deidre why the hell are you so bitterly hankering about “be grateful that you have it easier than most and learn that hobbies mean jackshit and just sell your soul and time to your boss!!! when will the generation stopping being “me me me!!!” and “work life balance!” and think about the company’s bottom line!! learn that “work life balance” is never important! work like a slave for 50 years and see if your valuable experience is needed then! that’s when you’ll learn that those hours where you were never being lazy, instead of just expecting life to be handed to you, will have paid off!” or whatever other ridiculously toxic capitalist bullshit they were spitting out.
obviously there were FAR MORE people actually supporting the question asker and echoing the idea that the 40hr workweek is now redundant. they were also putting down the opinion/advice piece writer’s advice to the asker….. that was apparently similar to the all the bitter people on the comments saying that the 27yo was just “asking for too much” and had to “learn to suck it up instead of being a petulant and overly selfish dick!!” etc etc etc. we all know the spiel as thoroughly as the macarena now.
because whats so fucking wrong with wanting time to yourself and wanting time to do your busy chores??? why the fuck should i be outsourcing these to other people (unless of course you’re still living at home and your parents are still like “hey what clothes do you need washed i’m doing a load rn” or you have a partner that works from home or has some type of parental leave etc)???? i want to do my own laundry. i want to do my own gardening (ok lawn mowing or tree lopping (if needed) i’d actually outsource bc i can’t lift or push lawn mowers bc they’re heavy af for me or and i obvs can’t use a chainsaw)… but i want to do my own grocery shopping. i want to do my own cooking (although i would consider the meal kit services once i had job that allowed me to afford like $50 a month for one of those meal kits sub services) i want to do my own cleaning.
why, if i lived in the US and not australia, am i just expected to learn to outsource all of these tasks even if i don’t have the money for it??? like why the actual fuck are so many of you so fucking weirdly proud of being absolutely worked into the fucking ground for your “great country” (although this is actually bleeding through to australia too and i hate it); working like literally close to 100 hours a week???
because i wasn’t aware you had to be whatever the fuck his name is from 127 hours and cut your fucking limbs off just to fucking survive a job in either corporate america or just let alone any goddamned job in america….. all so they can supposedly “learn to like working for free and devaluing your worth even more to your employer through overworking yourself and always being available!!! mental health is for those who aren’t built for the Real Adult World™️!!! this person is a prime example of the younger generations being weak and dissatisfied with life so often because of their “oh poor little me!!! care for me!!” act. NO ONE CARES FOR YOU today. stop being so over-expectant/demanding and juvenile!!! only YOU care yourself and you should NEVER expect someone else to pick you up from YOUR bootstraps!!! you’re fucking whiny and conceited babies. the lot of you!!!”
because i honestly don’t know who the fuck would enjoy working 70+ hours week with no time to themselves to do what they enjoy doing…. or enjoy having zilch time to catch up on errands and life admin duties or just general house chores; especially if you’ve moved cities or an entire fucking state/s away from your family and support network. let alone doing the same thing on 40 hours a week.
and on top of everything, let’s not even get started on the time spent commuting to and from work or even commuting for life errands/tasks etc etc- especially if you’re like me and you’re nowhere near the capital city’s centre (ie sydney australia for me) for there to be reliable enough public transport and longer commute times to certain places in those cities (that i’ve bitched about plenty before on other posts on here about work/jobs).
get your head out of your asses warren and viola et al and realise that work life balance is literally NOT ASKING FOR MUCH and is asking employers to just have basic respect for their employees time if they work fulltime. it’s literally detrimental to ones health if they have to sacrifice what feels like (or what is literally like) their entire fucking existence to their employer just for meagre pay and just to fucking survive.
because i read a heart-breaking article last night from huffpost (posted by buzzfeed on fb) about a woman in the US who literally hid her having a second baby from her employer for an entire fucking year (literally the entire pregnancy and birth of the baby and the first 6 months post pushing the baby out) during the pandemic all because she was scared she would get demoted or lose her leading of a project and lose her bs “temp” job which had really turned into full time work although the employer never said anything about it being actually full time hours or whatever…. and plus the lady herself was apparently to scared to ask to be put on the books fulltime too for some weird reason.
like honestly. fuck capitalism. fuck thinking that “work life balance is just too hard for employers to add and regulate. it’s an excuse and ploy for workers to be unprofessional, unproductive and lazy!” or whatever the fuck. everyone deserves time to themselves to pursue their interests/hobbies and busy chores/life admin. no one deserves to waste their entire life working 70+ work weeks for those employers who literally have no respect for their employees personal lives and time.
and particularly during the time that is the pandemic as we’ve seen so many companies having to learn to wholeheartedly embrace working from home and more flexible schedules for their workers. worklife balance is absolutely fucking beneficial for everyone involved.
america fix your bullshit work ethic right now lmao.
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mikah-writes · 4 years
nsfw a-z with joel miller
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I do hope you all enjoy! I worked very hard on this so please let me know in an ask or message if you’d want more of this stuff with Joel <3
Warnings: BDSM talk, various kinks and fetishes being mentioned, Daddy kink, NSFW!!!
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Joel is a very cuddly person after sex, despite his outwardly exterior. You can find him snuggling up to his partner while leaving delicate kisses along her neck as they settle into bed for the night. Expect lots of soft singing and humming as he reassures you that you are cherished and adored by him. Especially if you two have done a dirty talking scene. He will assure you that any names he called you in bed are strictly fantasy and roleplay and that he does not mean it in the slightest.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
If he was honest, his favorite body part on himself is his biceps. He knows how much you adore his strength and loves to show it off in bed. His favorite part on you has to be a hard tie between your ass and your thighs. He loves how soft you are and isn’t afraid to cop a feel in and out of the bedroom if time allows it.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Joel LOVES watching you swallow his cum. He can’t get enough of it. A second runner up is creampies. Watching his seed slowly leak out of your pussy is a dream come true for him. Another contender is cumming all over your ass and/or tits. Anywhere on your body that he can get his hands on he wants to mark with his cum.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
One dirty secret of Joel’s is that he is a lover of feet. It’s nothing too extreme and he isn’t the type to sniff socks or suck on toes however you will catch him rubbing and massaging your soles a bit more often and somehow holding onto your feet while your legs are over his shoulders. He’s a lover of pretty painted toes. Simple.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
While his last married ended in shambles, he did pick up a thing or two on pleasing a woman. That experience has grown over the years with his small flings here and there with past girlfriends. So with you in the picture now, expect to have a very experienced Joel to guide you through all your secret kinks and fetishes.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
For Joel it’s a hard tie between doggystyle and cowgirl. Missionary used to be his thing back when he was a horny teenager but Joel has some years under his belt and has figured out what works best for him and his partners. He loves the way he can grip your hips and plow into you in doggystyle but adores the change of pace cowgirl gives where he lets you set the speed when riding him.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Joel is a mix of both. He can keep it together during an intense scene but if you start smiling and giggling at him (like you typically do), after a while he can’t keep it together and ends up breaking character by chuckling and asking “Darlin’, what’s so funny?”
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Joel is a hairy man and doesn’t see the need to shave or trim below the belt. He does’t expect that from his partner either. Just as long as you two are having fun and enjoying the moment, that’s all he asks. Pubes have never been an issue in Joel’s eyes and he honestly takes pride in the bush he rocks. Plus, who can find a razor during the outbreak? Let’s be real.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Joel is pretty romantic if I am being honest. He loves kissing you and looking into your eyes as he slowly fucks you. He’s much more of an observer and likes to watch your faces of pleasure as he touches you. He gets pretty deep in his role of being your dominant and takes pride in being the only one who sees you so thoroughly fucked after a session with him.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
While he won’t ever admit it to your face, he likes to jack off whenever he has the time to do so. Self pleasure is key. As naughty as this may be, he’s jacked it to the thought of you many times and even did it in the same room as you when you were sleeping. Before the outbreak, he loved taking his time jacking off and enjoying that post orgasm high. Now, quick and fast strokes are whats best to get him off and to stay alert. He doesn’t bask in the bliss anymore and tries to clean up as fast as he can.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Joel is an advocate of titjobs. While he is an ass man, something about sliding his cock in between a nice pair of breasts never fails to get him going. He loves pinching your nipples and loves to give your breasts a nice squeeze while he’s fucking them. He is a fan of bigger breasts but if you have a smaller chest, he will still love you the same! 
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Before (and even now) he has always appreciated a soft bed to pin you down and roughly fuck you in. Now that the outbreak is here, he loves to take you in semi-public places. Up against a table in the lookout or pushed upon the wall in a back alley somewhere in the city. Nothing will stop him from pounding into you if he has some privacy and the time to do so.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Simple answer: you. He cherishes the time he spends with you whether it be in public or private. But something about your scent drives you wild. You smell so feminine and it drives something primal inside him to just take you right then and there. It’s why he loves to kiss alongside your neck and leave hickies there. He gets to smell you better and mark up his woman. Two birds with one stone.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Joel isn’t the kinkiest person alive. While he loves choking, spanking, hair pulling, and biting, one thing he doesn’t want to partake in is bodily fluids. Saliva is fine for him (given he’s thought of spitting on your face and in your mouth on multiple occasions) but urine and feces? Nope. Joel loves to stay clean and those two things are the total opposite of what he wants. Plus urine and feces is a constant reminder of how bad the world has gone to shit (literally) and he doesn’t want to be reminded of that.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Joel LOVES to give oral. While he definitely doesn’t mind receiving a blowjob, something about the way his tongue feels inside of you makes it so addicting to him. He adores the taste of your pussy and honestly cannot get enough of it. The best feeling ever is having you wrap your legs around his neck while he goes to town on your clit.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Joel likes to switch it up every now and then. When it’s fast, his pace is brutal. His harsh deep thrusts are hard enough to leave slight bruising on your thighs. When it’s slow, expect soft and deep strokes that make you whimper until you cry. Either way, his main goal is to make you cum so hard you forget your name.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
As much as Joel likes quickies, he’s a fan of proper sex. Quickies get you off but proper sex is irreplaceable. The sounds. The intensity. The love. The cute faces you make when he hits that spot. He cannot get enough of you. Quickies can’t give him the same satisfaction that real sex gives.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Joel has always been a risk taker. He loves to experiment during sex and what he can do better to pleasure you more. He’s an experimentalist at heart. Semi-public sex is very arousing to him and the riskier it is, the more it gets him off. However, he is NOT one to be easily caught though the possibility of being caught is what gets him going.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Being a seasoned man in the sex department, expect to go around for at least an hour. Joel is all about the foreplay and the acts leading up to sex just as much as the actual act of sex itself. He can go for two rounds before having to hit the hay. However, given that he is getting older, his stamina will decline slightly though not by much.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He doesn’t own toys but doesn’t mind if his partner owns any. He’d honestly be surprised if you had any given the circumstances. He would use his partner’s toys on her as foreplay but will toss them aside once he’s actually ready to begin.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Joel is the KING of teasing!!! You’ve got to prove to him how much you wish to cum. He will edge you until you’re a drooling babbling mess. He will get you right there and then deny you and chuckle in your face about it.
“Oh you wanna cum? Beg for it then darlin’”.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He doesn’t get too loud during sex at all. Joel is more of a grunter than a moaner. When you’re gripping him in all the right ways. expect a curse or two to slip out.
“Fuck babygirl! You’re so wet for me. I love making a mess out of you.”
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Joel is a lover of degradation. He adores dirty talk and the filthier it is the better. He knows how it makes you so wet hearing his deep voice call you names.
“Does my filthy little whore want more of Daddy’s cock? Beg for it slut.”
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Joel, to put it in words, is hung like a horse and he is proud of it too! Eight inches in length and he is very girthy. Expect to be stretched to the max with him. He knows how his cock is drool worthy and loves whenever you get on your knees and start to tease him.
“Let’s see what that mouth of yours can do darlin’”.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Joel has always had a moderate sex drive. It was pretty high during his first marriage but after the divorce and his ex wife leaving him and Sarah, it decreased severely. Now it’s starting to pick up again after beginning a relationship with you. He now has the urge to masturbate again and wants to be closer to you.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Joel falls asleep pretty quickly after sex. He will get up to bring you a towel to wipe off any sweat but after he climbs back into bed, he is out like a light! No waking this sleeping bear unless you want to be punished for it (which could lead to a session of spanking and fyi being spanked by Joel ain’t that fun given his strength but hey maybe pain is your thing!)
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Hi! Could you do whole alphabet for Echo too? I'm so inlove with your Rex one. So soft
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A/N: Sorry, I couldn’t find a nicer gif of my boy. Also, REBLOG AND COMMENT IF YOU LIKE THIS! These take just as much time as a drabble or one-shot to finish. Spread the love.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Echo pre and post-Citadel is a cuddler.  He cuddles, and talks, and tries to stay awake for as long as he can, because he doesn’t want to lose a second with you.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He loves your legs. King of looking respectfully whenever you wear something with a short hem line. 
Pre-Citadel, he liked his hands.  They’re steady and true.  Not to mention dexterous fingers which you seemed to appreciate.
Post-Citadel, he likes his eyes.  They’re different from before, a bit paler, sunken, but still undeniably human.  He needs to remind himself of that fact every now and again.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Pre-Citadel, he loved cumming inside you. Nothing felt better than the feeling of his cock buried in your cunt as you milked him for all he was worth. He could stay inside you forever. 
Post-Citadel, cumming on his part isn’t really an option, but he be damned if he doesn’t try to make up for it by having you cum again and again.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Wanted to have a three way with you and Fives.  He wasn’t interested in having sex with Fives, rather he wanted to share you with someone he trusted.  He thought about he and Fives taking turns with you until you were sex drunk and covered in each of their cum.
He’d never dare bring this up with you or Fives.  All the same, even post-Citadel, he still thinks about it.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Not a lot.  He gets nervous around people he’s attracted to and often ends up repeating the last sentence they said on instinct.  Some people find it endearing, but it hasn’t gotten him laid that often.  He’s had sex once, maybe twice before meeting you. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Pre-Citadel, you on top and riding him into the sunset.  Save a horse, ride and ARC Trooper.
Post-Citadel, you laying on your back allowing him a perfect view of your face as he fucks you with a vibrator. Bonus points if you dig your finger nails into his arms until they sting.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He’s the same both pre and post-Citadel. He puts all his attention on you, but every now something awkward happens. This makes him nervous, which means he rambles and says something that gets you laughing and then him laughing until you’re a mess of giggles. So a sweet balance of tender and silly.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Pre-Citadel, pretty close shaven down there.  He generally tries to keep all things neat and titty and that includes his private parts.
Post-Citadel, well there isn’t anything to worry about.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Pre-Citadel, a nice balance of sweet and tender to just for fun. He called you beautiful every time you were together and tried to show how much he cared.  But, there were times when it was just for fun.  A pleasurable way to spend what limited time with you he could.
Post-Citadel, he’s still sweet and loving, but there’s more of an edge there.  A quiet desperation, as if he’s trying to prove something when you’re together.  The praises come more raggedly and a storm of unspoken emotion takes over him.  It’s more intense.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Pre-Citadel, he didn’t do it that often and honestly a little embarrassed when he did. He can’t help but be paranoid he’s brothers will stumble in on him and he knows the ragging he’ll get if they do.  Plus, it feels...well, a little childish when he knows you’re just a phone call away.  At the very least with phone sex, you’re with him in some way.
Post-Citadel, there’s nothing to jack.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Pre-Citadel: Fuck, he loves it when you call him a good boy.  There’s just something about that little endearment that drives him wild especially with you fucking yourself on his cock like you own it.  Add in some hair pulling and biting and he’s lost. 
So, needless to say, total sub.
Post-Citadel: Still likes to be called good boy, but gets a different kind of satisfaction in pinning you to the bed.  Has started experimenting with tying you to the bedpost and finding that he likes it.  Developing some dom tendencies.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Pre-Citadel; your apartment on Courscant.  Just a little home away from his brothers, completely your own with no chance of either of you having to do the walk of shame and getting shit for it.
Post-Citadel: same thing, but has expanded to his room on the Marauder.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Pre and Post Citadel; seeing you in a short tight skirt giving him a perfect view of your legs and proper framing of your ass. Pair this off with a few dirty words in his ear and he’s checking the clock every five seconds for his shift to end.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Pre-Citadel: Pegging.  You tried it once, he wasn’t into it, moving on.
Post-Citadel: No restraints for him.  Nothing to take away his senses or any kind of agency.  He needs a way out at any given moment.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Pre-Citadel: split right down the middle between giving and receiving.  He was an absolute mess every time you went down on him.  His rambled and groaned and begged until his climax hit him like a train.  He’d be a trembling mess once you were done with him. 
On the other hand, he loved giving. If you decided to ride his face, he was a happy man.  Maybe a little too enthusiastic and messy, but damn if it wasn’t satisfying.
Post-Citadel: It’s all about the giving and his technique has improved considerably.  He has learned how to tease it out, make you squirm and even make a smug remark or two before finally letting you cum. This pacing also will keep him down there for hours.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Pre-Citadel: Fast and enthusiastic.  He wanted to make you feel good, feeling energizing thrill when you were together and that meant wanted to make you cum fast and frequently.
Post-Citadel: He’s more willing to take his time.  He wants to enjoy every second that he can with you and that means slow and steady, absorbing every little twitch and moan your body produces.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Pre-Citadel: More often then you’d think.  He wants to give you what you want, but if you guys ever worked together he feels like he needs to be ready to go at a moments notice.  So that means a lot of quickies in supply closets and empty locker rooms.  It was against regulations, obviously, but he did gets a kind of thrill in breaking the rules with you.
Post-Citadel: Not as much his thing.  He really, really wants to take his time with you and he’s more than willing to wait.  Honestly, seeing you so pent up for him sends it’s own kind of trill down his spine.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Pre and Post-Citadel; He’s willing to experiment.  You guys do your research and properly talk about it before hand, setting boundaries and safe words, if needed.  If there is one thing you guys have always been good at, it’s communicating.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Pre-Citadel: The rounds didn’t last so long (10 to 15 minutes), but he had a great recovery time.  Number of rounds averaged about 2 to 3 per night.
Post-Citadel: Literally as long as you can stand, and maybe a little longer.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Pre and Post Citadel: Plenty of toys and frequently used; vibrators, dildos, handcuffs, cock rings, the works.  If anything post-citadel, the number has expanded.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Pre-Citadel: Terrible at teasing.  Just the worst. Cannot tease to save his life. Needs to give you everything the moment you ask for it.
Post-Citadel: Has learned how to tease and is an asshole about it.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Pre and Post-Citadel: Talks a lot during sex.  Rambles about anything and everything that comes to his mind. It’s like a filter has been removed.  It starts as desperate breathy whispers and end with loud declarations and pleading.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Pre-Citadel: He actually considered turning deserter for you.  He never told you or anyone, besides Fives.  But there were moments with you laying quietly in his arms, he wondered what would happen after the war.  He didn’t know if he would have to say in the GAR or if he would be free to leave.  And if he was forced to stay, would he? He couldn’t imagine keeping this up forever; meeting in dark corners, sneaking out to your apartment, as if what you were doing was wrong. If the war ended and the Senate decided to keep them as soldiers, he would leave.  He would leave for you.
Post-Citadel: He still wonders about the war and how it will end.   He wanted to be your husband.  To give you children and a quiet life somewhere warm and safe.  But, given what he was now, normal would never be an option. It eats at him in the dark with you pressed quietly against him.  If he were a selfless man, he’d let you go.  But he won’t.  He can’t. He doesn’t want to.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Pre-Citadel: Standard issue thick clone dick.  Can and will fill you up until you’re bursting at the seams.
Post-Citadel: The dick is gone and the Techno Union did not deem it necessary to get him a replacement one. Technically they do exist, but they’re ridiculously expensive and most won’t sell to Clones.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Pre-Citadel: Surprisingly high.  Before he met you, he was convinced he was the horniest virgin in the GAR. So, when you did get together you guys were going at it like rabbits.  Call it years of repression finally letting loose.
Post-Citadel: The drive isn’t what it was, but he still wants to give you pleasure.  More like 2 to 3 times a week as opposed to every night.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Pre and Post-Citadel: Can and will stay awake for as long as he can.  Even if you can see his eyes drooping, he’ll force them open for as long as you’re awake, rambling long into the night.  He wants to be with you as long as he can.
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b-yeonder · 4 years
Hey are the requests open? If so, can you do a a-z nsfw for Lucifer? If they're not open then please ignore this. Anyways, I love your writing and I'm looking forward to more 😊😊😊
I’ve never done one of these before so I hope it’s okay. Also I struggle to take anything seriously so of course there’s gonna be some dumb shit in here. Anyway, hope you enjoy and thank you so much! 
Warnings: NSFW, mentions of murder
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Lucifer can be rough - he's known to be a sadist after all but that doesn't mean he doesn't know how to look after you once he's had his way. Softens his voice, asks if you're okay, if there's anything you need. Will clean you up and praise you for how well you did. If it's him needing the aftercare, he's very quiet, playing over what just happened. Appreciates a drink and gentle caresses to bring him back down to earth
B = Body Part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
I think that Lucifer has quite a lot of insecurities - being told you're perfect all the time can make you dwell more on your flaws (or what you deem to be flaws.) But one thing he does like is his eyes. He knows he can make you lose yourself in his eyes with a single look. One look from across the room and he can have you begging for him within moments.On you he loves your hands. He doesn't let many people get close, let alone touch him, but your hands can ease his pains and make him feel loved. Massages, caresses, the way you hold his head against your chest at night, or the way you grip his cock so eagerly once he's riled you up. Also ties into a little somethin' I'll mention below in the D section eh ehhhh. (Oh and your mouth is a close second. (And not just because you called him baby boy once and had him malfunctioning for a whole hour.))
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Lucifer doesn't like the thought of cleaning up, so prefers to cum inside you - it's his main way of showing that you're his. But accidents happen and there have been times he's slipped out at the last minute and coated the skin of your stomach/back and for a moment he found himself admiring it - like a new way of marking you as his. Oh he also likes painting your tongue with his cum too because watching you swallow it makes his pride bl o s s o m.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Dirty to him anyway - he actually likes submitting to you. (Once you two are quite established.) Shock horror! But you're the only one he trusts to completely let loose with, and sometimes when you have this much pressure on you it's nice to let someone else take control. BE HONOURED. OH and the hand thing. He will fucking worship your digits. Kiss 'em, suck 'em, nuzzle 'em. OOF. 
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He's been around for a long time, so it goes without saying he's had plenty of experience. He's well versed in the basics and is quick to pick up on every little thing you like to use against you (in the best way possible).
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Likes being able to see your face, to watch every little sound escape your lips, every little sign of pleasure. Feeds off of it. But is not averse to shoving you face first into the mattress and fucking you senseless until you can barely utter a word. So y'know depends on his mood really. 
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Serious. But dumb shit can happen during sex and even the Mighty First is not immune to this. Will laugh stuff off and get things quickly back on track by muttering naughty things in that delicious voice of his. If you insist on being jokey he'll insist on making it so you can't do anything but moan ;)
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He's a busy guy, but he makes sure to always be groomed. This does mean that things get on top of him and well...don't blame the overworked tired bean if he gets a little unruly down there sometimes, okay?
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
He's almost always quietly praising/encouraging you - in between the teasing of course. 
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He's a stressed mess, he needs to release his frustrations somehow. Does it less so since you came along, and honestly didn't masturbate too often before, but when he does it's a scene. He takes his time, making sure to work up to a glorious finish so that he can truly relax afterwards.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Probably has a Sir or Daddy kink. Kinda likes choking you as well. One time your hand slipped from his chest to his throat without you thinking and that's when he realised he kinda likes being choked too oii oiiii.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
His freakin' giant glorious bed because he's old and has back pain. Also bending you over his desk after rather troublesome days works too.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
You teasing him throughout the day. "MC you're eating that corn too sexually I'm going to have to teach you a lesson later." "Did you just call me mum? I don't care if it's an accident, I'm going to have to punish you later." "Did you just breathe? That's it, you asked for it." In all seriousness he rarely shows his want for you on the outside, but inside he'll be raring to ravage you. Depends on the day - one day you could have him popping a boner simply by rubbing your foot against his calf. The next, stripping naked and grinding on his face might not even make him blink. 
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
"Roleplay as Satan for me, Lucifer." You're probably dead before you even finish speaking those words, sorry I don't make the rules. (Oh wait I kinda do right now oops.)
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Prefers to give as he likes having the power over you to make you come completely undone. Can feel a little vulnerable receiving - maybe he got bitten by a devious ex lover, who knows, but once you get going and his confidence with you grows he likes nothing more than grabbing the back of your head and urging you to take more of him.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He can be both. Fast and rough are his go-to, and when he does go slow, his thrusts are still usually on the harder side.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He loves taking his time with you, as he likes driving you crazy for him but if the mood calls for it he has no issues with bending you over his desk and taking you right then and there. Will probably take extra care of you next time.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Damn straight he's down to experiment. Is curious to see how far both of you can go and what you're willing to do. 
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Only one round, his back hurts too much. I'm kidding, he can go a few rounds, and can last a long time. There have been a couple occasions he's cum rather fast - either when drunk, or it's been a while since the last time. Gets very embarrassed over it but knows it's natural and happens sometimes. (That’s not the norm though, he promises.)
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He got a bit crazy when you came along. Anything you like the sound of, he has. Already had blindfolds and things to bind you with - rope, ribbons, string cheese, you name it. But now you're here he has a whole collection of toys to tease you with. Even has a favourite vibrator he loves to leave strapped to your thigh so you can't get away from it. Ah, good times.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Biiitch. BIiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch. This monster is the biggest tease. "Hm...I'm not sure you deserve my cock today, MC. Now now, begging will get you nowhere." (It probably will eventually, just saying. ...Maybe.) He'll leave you on read for days but magically turn up just as you're about to pleasure yourself like "nuhuh bitch, not today."
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Fairly quiet - any sounds he does make are low in his throat, deep. Loses control closer to reaching his climax - gets breathier, speaks a little louder and noises are more frequent. Buuut once he did manage to wake up everyone in the house but that was because you'd been teasing him all day, you hadn’t slept together in like a week, and he'd been drinking and-- the list of excuses go on.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Was once convinced to try out women's underwear once after a conversation with Asmo and was pleasantly surprised by how nice his ass looked. Will never EVER tell anyone this though, not even you and shit I shouldn't even be writing this he's probably gonna-- Oh heyyy Lucifer, nothing to see here I was jus--*gurrKH*
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Decent length, decent thickness. Just enough to take a bit of work to fit in but not too much that it's uncomfortable, y'know?
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Not very high, definitely not above average. Can definitely go without, but his mind might wander.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Depends how tired he is, and how much is on his mind. You'll probably be the one to fall asleep first most of the time, which is great because he's good at giving after-sex cuddles. Plus your steady breathing makes it easier for him to sleep as well so...win win?
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babyybitchhhwrites · 4 years
Endeavor x Reader 18+
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Title: Temptation 
Rating:  Explicit/R-18+
Words: 2761
Warnings: phone sex, public masturbation, slight daddy kink
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25758232
A/N: This is not a new fic. I actually wrote it sometime back in 2017 but I never uploaded it outside of Tumblr. I was only recently able to retrieve it from my previously nuked blog so figured I’d go ahead and post it here. : /
Whether because of his age or due to his stubborn ass personality, Enji was not a big fan of texting. He much preferred to make phone calls or, better yet, speak to someone in person. Try as you might to convince him otherwise, it proved to be a hard habit of his to break. Although you couldn’t really blame him for being so stuck in his ways, not when they’d served him so well over the years, you likewise had your own method of getting things done. Texting was your main source of communication these days and you’d long since accepted that he just wasn’t going to get on board with it anytime soon.
Thats why you were so terribly shocked when your phone buzzed and you glanced down at the screen to see a message from the flame hero himself. This was so unlike him and concern that there was some kind of problem washed over you before you could rationalize it as being something mundane. Fearing the worst, you opened the text only to balk incredulously.
Come to my office.
Surreptitiously glancing up at Best Jeanist, you offered the blonde a reassuring smile when he shot you a questioning look. This was so not the time for Enji to start getting demanding.
I can’t right now. I’m out on patrol with my boss. Maybe later?
You waited expectantly for some kind of response, but it was just dead silence on his end. After about three minutes and your text still unread, you slipped your phone into your pocket with every intention of getting back to work. It went off again not even thirty seconds later and you heaved a tired sigh. Once more fishing out your cellphone, you disinterestedly looked over the new message.
I’ve been thinking about you.
Your eyes bulged before you could catch yourself. Suddenly feeling quite flustered, you quickly glanced around to make sure no one was reading over your shoulder before carefully constructing your reply. No one knew about your relationship with Endeavor and it would have been disastrous if it came out like this. It was a PR nightmare just waiting to happen.
Oh ~? I can’t wait for you to tell me all about it! I’ll be done around 5
This time Enji’s reply came much quicker and you couldn’t stop yourself from smiling at the thought that he was starting to get the hang of it.
I want you now. Not later.
Too bad he was using his new found texting skills to get you all hot and bothered while you were at work and your boss was standing not even five feet away.
You were halfway through typing a firm but gentle reminder that you were a pro too and you couldn’t just drop everything to come blow him under his desk when you got another message from him. Blinking in surprise, your eyebrows shot up when you realized that he’d sent you a picture. You didn’t even really give it much thought as you clicked on it, and suddenly your screen was filled with … the front of Enji’s hero costume. The crotch to be exact. And boy, was he hard.
Blushing like a school girl, you hurriedly tapped the picture away. Another text was waiting for you.
See what you do to me?
You gasped for air, swinging your head up to find Best Jeanist approaching you. Panic was quick to set in but, thinking fast, you rushed to say that you were going to use the restroom and without even waiting for a answer, you took off in the opposite direction. It was suspicious. It was incredibly suspicious, your behavior. He’d no doubt ask what that had been all about when you returned and you sure hoped he bought whatever petty excuse you managed to come up with before then.
Halfway down the block, there was a fast food restaurant which is where you decided to slip into. You refused to meet any of the employees eyes as you made a bee line for the bathroom where you promptly locked yourself into one of the stalls. Gripping your phone in a white knuckled grip, you jabbed at the screen rather aggressively and brought it up to your ear. Enji answered on the first ring.
“I’m so glad that you’re finally catching up to this century, but you can’t send me stuff like that when I’m at work!” You snapped, almost immediately regretting your choice in words. You were flustered and anxious though, and your panties suddenly felt uncomfortably damp, so you didn’t even try to take it back.
To your surprise, Enji actually had the decency to fall into stunned silence for a brief moment. Then he growled through the receiver and you could practically see his teeth clamping down on that pouty bottom lip of his. “Watch how you speak to me, woman. I wont warn you again.”
That certainly took some of the bite out of your scathing mood. “Look, I’m sorry but …” You tried to reason with him, noticeably calmer. “I’m on patrol with Best Jeanist right now. You can’t ask me to just drop everything like that.”
“I wasn’t asking.”
You choked in disbelief. “W-wha -”
He cut you off with a vehement huff. “Where are you?”
“In a restaurant. In the bathroom.”
“Good.” You caught the sound of rustling on the other end. “I felt like a damn fool taking that picture. This is much better.”
Your gaze darted to the stall door, still locked. “Enji, I can’t -”
“You will.” A tense puff of air filtered through the line, and you were sure he had his straining cock in his hand now. “I’ll even take you out to dinner tonight instead of just breaking you over my desk. Now be a good girl and start playing with yourself.”
Static electricity shot up your spine, making you shudder. A soft moan escaped your parted lips. Enji didn’t miss it, he never did, and he chuckled in satisfaction. The sound alone made goosebumps erupt across your skin and before you realized what you were doing, your free hand had found your breast. It was small and delicate compared to his massive, callous rough palms, but it was so easy to imagine. So easy to dredge up the most recent memory of how it felt when he fondled your tits. Your nipples responded quickly, pebbling against the inside of your bra, just aching for some real attention.
“This is risky …” You murmured, your voice a little lower. Huskier.
Enji snorted. “Maybe for you.”
You flushed red hot at that, swaying on your feet. He was right. You were the only one doing this out in public where anyone could walk in without warning while he was safe in his office. Your breath hitched even as you rushed to unfasten the top of your costume with one hand. It was a struggle, but with jerky motions you finally managed to free yourself and you yanked your bra down under the swell of your chest.
“E-Enjiiii …” You keened into the phone as you pinched your left nipple. Tugged it, gave it a twist. Nothing could compare to his rough ministrations though.
A pleased hum drifted into your ear, followed by a deliberately slow inhale. “Not like that. You know better.”
You screwed your eyes shut and leaned back against the stall door, groaning. “Daddy!”
“Thats it.”
Enji sounded so self satisfied and you could practically envision him reclining into his highbacked leather chair, spreading his legs wide as he languidly stroked his cock with his hand. Maybe he was alternating between showing the head some special attention, slowly rubbing around the slit at the top, or perhaps he was reaching down to give his heavy balls a nice squeeze. God, there were so many possibilities and somehow not knowing exactly what he was doing made your knees go weak.
“I’ve been thinking about that pretty little mouth of yours all day.” He spoke slowly, almost sensually, truly stoking your fire. “I wanted you to come crawl under my desk and suck me off while I work on this mountain of paperwork. Be my little cock warmer.”  
Your vision started to blur. “I want to, daddy. I want your dick in my mouth so bad. I wish it was you touching my nipples right now.”
He groaned, quietly. “Those perfect little tits of yours. Maybe I should have you squeeze them together so I can fuck them instead of your mouth.”
“Why not both?”
He issued a rumbling chuckle. “Smart girl.”
Your nipple was starting to get sore and tender, so you switched over to teasing the other one. “What else do you want to do to me? Please tell me, daddy.”
Enji made a thoughtful sound, as if he were in no rush to hurry this up. He probably wasn’t, in all honesty. “Well, first I want to take you over my knee and give you a nice, hard spanking for talking to me the way you did earlier. You know I don’t tolerate that kind of behavior.”
“And then?” You were quick to prompt him for more. Eager to hear his gruff voice saying filthy, humiliating things directly into your ear. “After you’re done spanking me?”
“Then I think I’ll play with that pretty pink asshole of yours for a while. You know how much I enjoy that.”
Its true. He was rather fond of fingering you after your behind was blistering red and sore. “I like it too …” You whimpered as you tugged on your nipple a little too hard.
“I know you do.” Enji’s voice dropped an octave, taking on a more carnal lilt. More predatory, hungry. “And I’ll force my fingers down your throat when I’m through. Make you clean up your mess. You’re such a messy girl, you know that?”
“Oh, god.” The words forced their way out of your mouth and you abandoned your chest in favor of fumbling with your pants. “I am, I really am, daddy. I’m so sorry.”
He moaned, clearly enjoying the needy desperation in your voice. “Thats what I’m here for. To keep you in check. Are you touching your clit yet?”
Practically tearing your jeans right off, you crumple them around your ankles and drop into a squat right there inside the stall. “Yes, daddy. I’m so wet, god. I wish you were here. I want you to fuck me in this bathroom so bad.”
“Next time. I promise.” His breath catches in his throat and you knew he was stroking himself faster now. “For the time being, I want you to dip those sweet fingers into your cunt and imagine its me stretching you out. Getting you ready to take me.”
“I’m always ready for you.” You practically sob, sending jittery fingertips skirting across your labia. You pause just long enough to smear your arousal, coating yourself with it, before slipping one digit inside your pussy. Its not nearly enough though and you quickly add another. You clench down on yourself tight. “Oh! God … please! I need you. I need you, daddyyyyy.”
Enji scoffs, sounding quite put out even in the heat of the moment. “Stop that whining. If you would’ve just done as I said, I could be fucking you right now.”
You’re so close to wailing in outright distress. “But -”
“No buts!” He barks at you. You were astounded to hear that familiar heat creeping into his voice even in this situation, when he was in the middle of jerking off at his own desk. “You had your chance. These are the consequences. I trust I don’t need to give you a refresher course on what that means?”
“No …” You pout up at the wall, still a little whiny but notably less so.
“Good. Now,” He pauses. Lets the anticipation hang in the air while you continue to thrust your fingers into your body. “I want you to rub your clit. Hard and fast. Do you understand me? I’ll know if you don’t do exactly what I said.”
Sucking in a haggard gulp of air, you pull out of your cunt and focus instead on that tight cluster of nerves with sharp, quick circles. The delicious friction leaves you openly groaning in the public restroom like you’ve forgotten where you are. The threat of being caught seemed like a distant memory though and it was hard to care about reputations or PR when you just felt so achingly good rubbing one out with Enji over the phone. Somehow the thought had never occurred to you before, so the resulting rush was nearly palpable. You could feel it scorching your veins with its intensity.
“Thats it. Such a good girl.” He sounded incredibly hot and heavy all of a sudden. “Who owns that tight cunt? Who does it belong to?”
“You! You do! Its yours, daddy, all yours!”
“I wonder how soaked your panties will be by the time you get to my office.” Enji somehow manages to sound thoughtful, like he’s working out an equation in his head. “Maybe I should tell you not to put them back on when you’re done. That bastard Best Jeansit will probably be able to smell you from a mile way, regardless.”
Trembling under the force of your quickly mounting orgasm, you strain your legs a little further apart. You just couldn’t seem to put enough pressure on your clit, but it wasn’t for lack of trying. “I - I’m close … I’m so close, daddy …”
“Then do it. Come for me, baby.”
You moaned in response, far louder than you should have, and the pace of your hand reached a frenzied speed. Teetering right on the edge, balancing precariously on your heels in a dirty bathroom, you just needed one little nudge.
Its a deep, low grunt from Enji that finally pushes you over the precipice into oblivion. The guttural sound echoes inside your ears for an eternity while you spasm. Throwing your head back with a strangled scream, you slam against the door so hard that the bolt rattles, and you don’t even have the wherewithal to be concerned about someone hearing you anymore. Not while your gushing pussy is on fire, ineffectually contracting around nothing and all you can do is ride it out to completion.
The orgasm is so intense that it leaves you momentarily shaken. Disoriented. Leaning heavily against the door, you almost drop your phone as you slowly stand up on shaky legs. Your pulse is still excited and jumpy but almost immediately you can feel the blissful high of endorphins swarming your body. You feel almost giddy.
“Wow, that was … actually kind of nice. Did you come too?” You ask, sounding out of it and a little loopy. You were sure to be on cloud nine for the rest of the day.
The answer is so blunt and to the point that at first you’re not so sure you heard him correctly. “What?”
Enji sighs as more shuffling can be heard in the background and you wonder what he’s doing. “I think I’ll save it for later. That rude mouth of yours needs to be filled up with something, doesn’t it? Be here at five on the dot or don’t bother coming at all. Oh, and don’t put your panties back on. Throw them in the trash for all I care.”
And just like that, the line disconnected.
You stood there, stunned and feeling quite foolish with your pants pooling around your ankles. Twenty six minutes according to the call log. That was an awfully long bathroom break. Jeanist would definitely have some questions for you. But before you worry about that …
Smiling mischievously, you pull up your text log with Enji and open the picture again. The sheer girth of his engorged cock was really straining against the synthetic material of his costume, weighing heavy in the tight confines and leaving a rather mouthwatering outline on display. Overall, it left very little to the imagination and you wished you could make it the background on your phone. Sadly, you knew you couldn’t.
You gave his cock one last, longing look. It must have taken quite a bit of willpower for him to edge himself like that if he was this hard at the start, you mused. This certainly pointed towards an extra fun evening awaiting you when you got off work and your pussy tingled with residual excitement.
You saved the photo anyway, confident that you would still find some use for it.
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