#mandalore din
beskarandkyber · 1 year
I must say that Bo Katan's conversion to Din's "cult" has got to be one of the worst things I've seen in tv recently. For many reasons. It was so terrible in fact that it has well and truly kicked my interest in the show down a terrifying hundred degrees.
I know a lot of people are up in arms about this season. And I'm devastated to be thinking so negatively of a show that has only ever brought me joy. Writing for The Mandalorian has never been amazing, but I was okay with that because I love Din and his weird little attitude and position towards the galaxy. The characters on the show were enough to keep it alive and fun and carry it without relying too heavily on a fantastically written script. And scenes that were meant to make you feel something did. Stakes were good, and the story progressed just fine. It was a fun, heartwarming show with some badassery tossed in. But holy moly and pie.
To start I can only guess at this point what the point behind Din being excommunicated was. He was obviously messed up over the fact that his family and clan let him go so easily but he understood and accepted the creed. I was excited after he had taken off his helmet and broken the Creed because it opened up this new way to explore the clan and the possible problematic aspects of how he was living and how the the clan worked. This in turn exploring Din's identity as a Mandalorian with the knowledge he's gained from Boba and the other Mandos from season 2. Maybe there is more than one way. Tie this to Bo Katan and her vehement dislike for the clan and the fact that they were together when he broke his own Creed we could have had a huge a fun and impactful conversation about mandalorians, his Creed, where Din stands when he's placed in the gray area of the Mandalorian identity. I'm not saying that the clan is inherently problematic or evil, none of that because subjectively, it's not, but there should have been some type of nuanced conversation that affected Din and his place in the galaxy and the fact that he had a foundling. Not only this but the fact that he had recently come into ownership of the dark saber which places him by Mandalorian tradition and culture at the head of Mandalore. Perhaps predictably I thought that season 3 would contain his battle and internal and external struggle as he's fitted into this place that he never thought he would be in. I was excited to see his relationship with his clan completely changed especially as he sees that he has a new place in the galaxy and starts to perhaps grow away from them which could have led to either an antagonist in Bo Katan or a reluctant ally, or both!
Din felt too listless over the entire situation. That was his family the people who raised him, the people he had sworn his allegiance to, were so quick to dismiss him without hearing him out. But nothing really came out of it, no emotion no internal battles, no anything. We were simply told that he needed to go and get baptized to be redeemed.
I struggle also with the concept of bathing in the living Waters and Bo Katan joining the clan. Baptism is just bathing if there is no intent behind the action. Din was baptized because of his intention and he has a little like prayer thing he said. Bo Katan on the other hand went into the waters to save him and nothing more. There was no intent behind her actions, in the ritualistic sense that there was for Din, which means she was not baptized. And technically, at least in my eyes, it should be null and void the fact that she went after him into the water. And if the show simply was implying that the water held special magical properties the whole thing feels cheap and fake and I hate it.
I think perhaps a lot of my discontentment with this season and Bo Katan's sudden acceptance into a clan that she had previously considered a cult, looked upon with disgust and disdain, came from the fact that we did not get to see this change resonate enough within Din, not even in the book of Boba Fett. Her being accepted so readily into the clan cheapened everything that we were supposed to care about when it came to Din and his redemption. It was humorous in the way that it felt like a slap in the face and salt on the wound, I can only imagine how frustrated I would be if I were in Din's position.
It also cheapens Bo Katan's character as well. What was the point in never showing us any kind of character development in her and then suddenly sticking her in this clan and making the audience think that that was natural and fine? If this was where her character was going since we introduced to her in season 2 I never saw it coming and I find it a strange diminishing of her character, when she could have been a wonderful foil to Din, an antagonist a roadblock, but also someone who he would eventually have to confide in in order to properly handle his new position with the dark saber and eventually maybe it would lead to them having a dual where Bo Katan could win back the dark saber and everything before worked up to put her back on the throne and she learned valuable life lessons made her more tolerable of more people in the galaxy.
Or maybe she would see how much of a failed leader she's been and would come to accept that Din is the Mand'alor. I don't know. And I never will get to know.
I would say more but I think I have too much to say truthfully. All I know is for the first time I've felt disappointment and disinterest in a show I absolutely adore and it's heartbreaking. But I'm tired of accepting poorly made choices in writing for shows this big though. I'm sick of being told to sit and enjoy it and stop complaining when it genuinely sucks. No matter how much I love it. I'm not happy with it and as a viewer I deserve more than half baked plot points and non existent character arcs.
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waterlilyspad · 2 years
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Mandalore Din Djarin sketch I made a long time back I just think it's fucking funny
man I am having a blast going through my old sketches.
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boogisstuff · 2 years
Deep cover au
Luke and Leia were raised together, Padme didn't die.
*Luke's a Jedi and Naboo prince post-clone wars, which went on for much longer. Now, Naboo's got a lead/investigating the, massacre of one of their settlements. They got a lead; Mandalorians were there. Deathwatch was, at the time, destroying villages to “acquire” children. Later there are whispers the mand’alore himself was there, before he was someone more than a Deathwatch trainee.
New Republic and mandalore are tense. Mandalore's recovering faster than them and growing far too strong for them to be comfortable, so they're looking for a reason to strike before it's not such a one way fight. Last time the Republic Mandalore they led a preemptive survive bombing. Trying to decide if they should strike first.
Justify it by going hard on this massacre angle. Naboo just wants to know what happened to her children. The Mandalore participated in a massacre, he was child, but he help cover it up and is still covering it up. At least they deserve reparations or acknowledgement, and how can they tolerate such a leader. Says the NR. But they need hard proof
*Young Jedi knight Luke goes undercover as himself. Well, him that wasn't a Jedi. The Naboo prince. Gone missing. Naboo puts out a bounty, makes sure it gets to the Mandalorians, claim to be in want of the best. Unintentionally gets picked up by the Mand'alore and tries to chat with him. Gets nothing, but by doing this many times he ends up offering to help with their reforestation efforts. Force sensitive, leaves out the part about Jedi, just Jedi aren't the only force users. Din admits mandalore has their own touched by the manda. This is a surprise. Luke also helps the sensitives learn while secretly checking on them. They learn primarily for senses and perhaps healing. Leave fighting for weapons. Actually pretty safe, dark side wise, the strict discipline makes or breaks it; though far less skilled than Jedi. NR has mixed feelings about it, few good. Order are not to worried, so long as they're not risk of turning.
*Luke ends up projecting feelings to Din to get him to open up. Ends up making him fall in love, unintentionally. 
Din tells Luke about their fears with the preemptive bombardment, and Luke's like that makes sense. One intel down. "The Excursion." "The Annihilation," Din corrects. Excursion- like we were rotting flesh to be cut out. Luke argues they were being aggressive. Mando snaps back, the banking clan held a middle rim world under siege and the Republic sent negotiators. You claim it was about taxing the hyper lane; they carpet bombed our world to the point it's more glass than green. Then, they spent the next decade doing all they could to make sure we couldn't recover. But we did and the Republic's getting antsy again. Are we being aggressive?
*Luke turns Din over to be arrested. Set him up, but he doesn't fully process until he's up on trial and Luke's testimonies put him there. They spit at him with vicious glee. Naboo representatives stand cold and firm with ritchous anger. He realizes this is for war. "Do you have anything to say for yourself?"
"I was born in aqua verda." Dun. "When the droids came our village had no means to defend ourselves. They killed everyone. My parents used their body's as shields so I could last a few seconds longer." He's getting emotional but catches himself. "That's when the Mandalorians arrived." As for the "cover up" I'd tell you to ask the warriors who were there but I do not know of any other survivors. Then he gets up at leaves. A guard tries to stop him
*Luke meets him after, before he leaves, to apologize. "I know you've been messing with my head." I wasn't- I don't-. [Place where the projection was cut off briefly] I could feel something was off. But I still loved you. Luke projected calm and trust to get him to open up. Didn't mean to make him fall in love. "But you used it." "When you said you still loved me-" "I love my people too." Steps though the door. "(Divorce phrase). You're no good for any of us."
*Luke has to advise/debrief the Senate. (In form of him reminiscing with breaks in to him speaking to different settings). Speak of the Annihilation. How the Mandalorian remember the Mandalorian excursion. They grew too powerful too fast. Too bold. When they started taxing hyperlanes, their former allies led a preemptive, unwarned surface bombing in a war they could not hope to win.
Then there's the after. The [caretaker] government installed by the Republic, and puppet government that came after. The goal was to cripple the Mandalorians, wipe out their warrior culture, and it came right before the clone wars. And following genocide. It it a big regret. One they will not repeat." They won't surrender. "Morally, you must be prepared to wipe out an entire culture our allies." "In a logistical view, you must way the costs of facing a warrior people facing extinction." They do not want war, but given this, they're convinced we do. If that's not true, you must dissuade them of that, fast. 
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comatomato · 1 year
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when there’s only one episode 💀
The instant gratification gremlin in me cannot handle this. So naturally I had to draw this meme to fill the void.
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Ngl tho this is Din internally throughout the seasons cuz this man literally CANT CATCH A BREAK AND MAYBE TAKE A NAP FOR ONCE.
Check out more of my art over on Instagram! ✨
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dindjarindiaries · 2 months
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We should've gotten reluctant leader Din Djarin in The Mandalorian season 3
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sandrasaid · 1 year
*gets trapped with 3 praetorian guards*
grogu: i am not locked in here with you. you are locked in here with me.
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kenobiwanx · 6 months
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Dear Santa,
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yamineftis-art · 1 year
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This is the way...
The amorer is such a fascinating character to me! With the little bits we’ve gotten through the series she’s been shaped into an interesting part of Mandalore and a fun counterpart to Bo Katan. I wanted to draw how I imagine her journey in little important bits. I like to think she was amongst the Mandalorians exiled to Concordia when Satine’s new Mandalorians won the civil war. (I definitely think the tribes exist from before the clone wars, because Din had to end up in one of these to never see a Mandalorian taking their helmet off through his life as a foundling).
I know it sucks that she has banished Din, but it was their adherence to the creed what kept them alive so far, I find reasonable that she’s so harsh when it comes to it. And she still let him keep the dark saber despite not considering him a Mandalorian anymore, which I find super interesting. Emily Swallow, the actress who plays her, once said in an interview that the Armorer sees the potential that Din doesn’t see in himself.
I can only pray there’s a lot of nuance in the way they write her next xD I really don’t see her as a villain at all.
Anyway I had so much fun with this!! and it took me like...half a year to finish it cuz I’ve been so busy kajshdkaj finally it’s done!!!!!
I have a small post with my theory of where the tribe comes from here
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azertyrobaz · 1 year
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Our people
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kaaya-d · 1 year
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How to proof that he's bathed in the living waters?
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kate-komics · 1 year
Happy Valentine’s Day, my beautifuls 😘
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I was nervous to share this. I drew this like 8 months ago, don’t look at me.
Like, I think a variation if this drawing is a requirement for all us Mando artists, right?
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furiosophie · 1 year
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the mines of mandalore: a summary
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artanis-draws · 8 months
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EDIT: I have to add this! You HAVE to read this fanfic, cause there is a chapter that fits almost perfectly to this drawing! At least in my opinion.... but besides that, this story is so so great! I highly recommend!!: Look for the Light - Chapter 1 - Feral_Cinnamon_Roll - Star Wars - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own] I just loove the idea of Din comforting Luke, when he finally opens up to him and talks about all the things he’s been through ❤️ And of course the rain is a paid actor to „hide“ Luke‘s tears. Btw I am very proud of this kriffin’ raindrops on that beskar 😅🫣
While painting, I listened to this song on a continuous loop to really capture the mood and regularly break my heart thinking about the scene.
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starwarsbookclub · 1 year
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Important Reminder for the Mandalorian Season 3
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desdasiwrites · 1 year
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andysgallerys · 1 year
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Mando and his boyyyyyyy
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