#mando and jedi pairings
stellanslashgeode · 8 months
This one little scene from Sundari Accelerando is one I really treasure. It's fun to write a Mandalorian/Jedi pairing. Because you end up with these two people who are constantly insecure about their relationship status, who deep down want to clarify everything. But they're too damn stubborn to do so in clear language even if they had the vocabulary. Which they don't. I imagine it's a nice trope for Obitine, Dinluke, Wolfwren, heck, Fett and Vader. This paring which is shipped by just me at this point I call Kastoffee.
Barriss hurried back to her tent as she was delayed and denied training time with her new Padawan. “I’m so sorry, Sirin. Just when my usual sentry duty shift the Duchess called and I… What’s going on here?”
Sirin was where she had left her this morning, sitting with perfect posture as Rook, also seated, bent near to put the final touches on the eyeliner she was applying. Sirin looked over at her Master and beamed. The yellow, orange, and red eyeliner and eyeshadow did indeed look very striking on her.
“That is a good look for you, Padawan.”
“Miss Rook thought it would be.”
Kast shrugged her shoulders before starting to put her makeup away.
“Thank you, Miss Rook for entertaining my Padawan while I was away. That’s really above and beyond.”
Her lover gave her a shrug. She had a bit of a self-satisfied look. “We both had some free time, so we did a bit of bonding.”
“That was really not necessary…” It was then that Barriss noticed Sirin’s boots and leggings were splattered with mud. The leggings would need someone to darn a few tears as well. “What else were the two of you up to today?”
“The camp larder was starting to look bare, so we did a little hunting. I asked the young Seven about her tattoo. And she said it was for skill in tracking. I wondered if that skill could be transferrable to a chore useful towards the camp.”
Sirin smiled triumphantly. “She taught me how to use a gun.”
“She is a fast learner. She provided a few meals for the camp today.”
Barriss raised her eyebrows. “Oh, did she?” She advanced on her Mandalorian roommate. “You have been ever so helpful today, Miss Rook. Maybe in the future you could let me know ahead of time so we can coordinate as to her training regimen.”
Kast stood, alert to stand her ground. “You are training her. I am not. We both had free time. I was just filling it.”
“Through extracurricular educational tasks, Miss Rook. Again, I thank you. But you shouldn’t feel any pressure to take on that role if you do not wish to.”
“Why, do you not wish me to?”
“Do you want to be an additional mentor, Kast?”
“I was just here and so was she. That is all.”
They were just centimeters apart now. “Yes. You were here. Why are you here, exactly?”
“This is my tent too. I have a cot and I sleep here.”
“Yes, why is that?”
Kast gave her a proud and a bit of a sultry look. “Because I am your co-pilot. We are partners.”
‘You seem pretty sure of that, Miss Rook.”
“My name is on the roster, same as yours. You put it there.”
“I did. Nothing in there about being co-mentor.”
“I did not want the youngling to be idle. I was trying to be helpful.”
“Is that what you like doing, Miss Kast? Do you like to be helpful?”
“Don’t you? I like to help you. I am your co-pilot after all. That’s what co-pilots do.”
“You seem pretty sure of that.”
She closed her eyes and rested her cheek against the side of Barriss’ head. “You put my name down. I assumed you wanted me here.”
Barriss whispered to her. “I do want you here, Rook. I think it’s sweet what you did. But please clear things with me first. I’m scared enough being a teacher for the first time, that responsibility.”
“She’s a good kid. She’ll be easy.”
“Maybe if I have a good co-pilot to help guide me.” She kissed her lightly. “She slipped out a minute ago, didn’t she?”
“Yes, saw her out of the corner of my eye. Her and her droid. I guess it got a little awkward in here.”
She hugged her stubborn lover and kissed her once more. “If I was Luminara I would go after her. But I think she’s earned a bit of leeway to roam after being trapped on a starship for nearly a month. At her age. Maybe we should give her a head start to play like a wild child for an hour or so.”
“You shall be a fine buir to the youth.” Kast caressed the Jetti’s cheek.
“I can only hope so and trust in the Force. You called her ‘Seven’ just now?”
“She asked me to call her that. It’s like her callsign.”
Outside the young Sister and her droid splashed through puddles, looked through junk piles for secret treasures, skirted the edge of the jungle seeking imaginary monsters, and generally wasted time waiting for the two women to come to some sort of an understanding. Her Force-blessed perception gave her the impression that it would go smoother if she was not there.
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backpackingspace · 1 year
okay listen listen I'm pretty sure training sabers are A Thing however I think it would be funny if the jedi children were giving actual real laser swords.
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psychedelic-ink · 2 years
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pairing: din djarin x fem!reader
genre: hurt/comfort, romance, smut, forced proximity
word count: 2.8k
summary: A friend, lover, then stranger. The last thing you expected was to be snowed in along with the bounty hunter. Tension rises as the past circles you both, trapped in the Razor Crest with no where to run or hide.
warnings: established past relationship, piv, touch starved din, creampie, also this takes place after S2 but the Razor Crest is still here because I love it so much and miss it
a/n: As some people might remember, I had a winter WIP list called 'Psychedelic Winter,' and this was one of the fics that I said I would write. And I thought, 'Hey, what better moment to post this than the day Mando S3 drops?' Enjoy everyone, happy mando day!
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When you were thrown onto an icy planet by your so-called colleagues, you didn’t really have a plan for survival. It was your fault really, you were too trusting, too eager to help and be useful. It was a stupid habit that you had since very little, forced to feed yourself in this lonely lonely world. 
However, it wasn’t always like that. 
With a shudder, you hug yourself, your boot-clad feet buried in the snow. The flakes feel like glass shattering across your skin, painful and cold. Even your lungs tremble from it. As you walk forward, your mind brutally reminds you of him. A man that became a friend, a confidant which had quickly turned into something more. Heat pools between your legs at the mere thought of it, the feeling of emptiness and cold prominent. 
The Mandalorian. Mando. Din Djarin. Din. 
You miss him still. You can’t really help it. You loved traveling with him, and after such a long time, you truly felt like you belonged. He became family. He became your everything. Soon after your little family grew, Grogu joining the fray. It felt like a dream, you were finally living out what you’d been searching for. 
But that all changed when Grogu had to return to his own kind. The Jedi. Din grew distant, he pulled away, not responding to you or your touches. You just felt grief emanating from him, something that you couldn’t fix. He didn’t ask you to leave, you just left. Once again alone, once again without a home. 
In your desperate attempt to replace it, you went with anyone who would tolerate your presence. You’ve met some good people, but you’ve met some assholes too—obviously. 
Your lashes turn into cold crystals, stinging every time you blink. In the distance you see a hint of yellow light that bleeds into red, you can feel the warmth of it despite being far away. Like a moth to a flame, you walk towards it, your steps fighting against the cold wind and the snow. You can’t feel your fingertips anymore, or your legs, or your face for that matter. You’re flirting with death. 
You notice that the ship most likely crashed. You press your freezing palms into the metal, still hot, a soft heat spreading throughout your hand and blossoming across your arms. You let out a sigh. It feels familiar like you’ve been here almost. Teeth clattering, you reach the door and give it a loud knock, your fists hurt when you do it, but you manage to muster your last bits of strength. 
The door opens with a muffled hiss and you find yourself immediately staring into a blaster. 
A very familiar blaster. 
You quickly realize why this ship felt familiar, it was the goddamn Razor Crest. Your home—once upon a time. 
The blaster falters, and you stare into the familiar dark visor, he tilts his head. You like to imagine that he’s happy to see you despite the shock. With a crooked smile, you mimic his movement, cocking your head to the side. 
“Hey, Din.” 
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Everything is the same. Everything is different. It’s weird to be back within the Razor Crest’s metal walls. The ship creaks with the wind, metal groaning as Din sits across from you, his legs spread and elbows leaning over his knees. You chew the inside of your cheek. Having such intimate memories with someone is an odd thing, your body still remembers what it felt like to be filled so thoroughly by him, to have his large hands squeezing and kneading your ass as you dripped and begged for more. 
Heat settles right below your spine. You wonder if it’s the same for him too. Had he thought of you after you left? Had he rutted into the pillows imagining that it was you instead? 
Probably not. 
“The engines are messed up from the cold but as soon as the storm lets up a bit we should be good to go,” he says, refocusing your focus back on him. “We’re going to be stuck here for a while.” 
You nod, not really knowing what else to say. To be honest, you’re slightly embarrassed that he’s seeing you like this. 
“How did you end up here?” he asks. 
The question surprises you because you hadn’t expected him to make conversation. You can’t tell if he’s angry or not from the modulated voice. He sounds like he always does. You look up to him, wishing you could see his face. 
“Grouped up with the wrong people. You?” 
“After a bounty.” 
“Ah, the same old.” 
“Pretty much.” 
The following silence is uncomfortable, it makes you feel unwelcomed and slightly gross. You don’t know what to say. What can you say to the man you basically abandoned? That was never your intention, but it was what he wanted. He didn’t need you around, reminding him of something important that he’d lost. 
Your mouth acts unfiltered, the horror sinking in as soon as you ask. 
“Have you heard from Grogu?” 
He stiffens quite visibly. His shoulders raise, his visor looks down. You curse your tongue from moving on its own. Din’s anger is physically felt by you, it chokes out the air from your lungs, forces the soles of your shoes to be glued to the floor. Your eyes go wide and you swallow. Your lips are sealed shut when he stands, his figure suddenly larger and taller than what you’ve been used to from your memories. 
“You don’t need to ask about him,” he answers curtly. “We don’t need to talk at all.” 
Din storms towards the back of the ship, his long strides reverberating through the metal walls. His sudden outburst leaves you stunned, your thoughts scrambled like the tangled wires of a circuit board. The sound of sparks and him tinkering with something echoes within the confinements. You’re stunned. Confused. You hesitate for a moment, unsure of what to do, before the ship groans and shudders again. A loud groan vibrating from your feet to your chest. 
Your feet move of their own accord, propelled by a mix of curiosity and concern. As you approach, the cacophony of tinkering grows louder, the metallic clinks and whirs blending into a symphony of sound. At first glance it looks like he’s doing nothing, crouched over, just occupying his hands. You reach out to touch his shoulder, a hesitant gesture. To your surprise, he leans in instinctively, his body responding to your touch like a magnet to metal.
But then jerks away, as if he’s been burned. 
“What did you mean by that?” you ask, pulling away.
He huffs, his hands falling. “I just said we don’t have to talk.” 
“What if I want to talk? I missed you, Din.” 
It’s an unexpected, sudden confession but you decide to go with it. It isn’t a lie. You did miss him. 
“Miss me?” he hisses out, his head falling back, he stares at the ceiling. “You left.” 
“What? Are…are you blaming me for what happened?” 
“No,” he stands up, his masked face an inch away from yours. You fight the urge to take a step back. He wouldn’t hurt you. He slowly tilts his head as if he’s amused by whatever expression you’re pulling. “I’m stating a fact. Didn’t you go?” 
Your eyes fall to his chest, “I did but—” 
“Then I find you on the brink of death, shivering, helpless,” he lets out a deep breath, chest heaving. “Was it worth it?” 
“I left because you didn’t want me around.” 
Your gaze snaps back up. He doesn’t move, the visor staring back at you feels colder compared to the storm raging outside. The build-up of tears is sudden, overwhelming. Your face controls with anger, your brows pinched and your lips curling down. The rage twists in your gut, you’ve been suffering, doing jobs left and right to feed yourself. And he has the audacity to tell you that it’s your fault? That he never wanted you to leave? 
Without thinking you push him away, your hands finding the cold plates that decorate his chest. He doesn’t move. An indestructible wall. Shaking your head, you push at him again, and again, and again. When nothing works, you hammer down with fists. Your heart beats loudly and painfully in your chest. You can’t breathe. You can’t speak. It’s suffocating and cold. So fucking cold. 
Your fists stop mid-air when he holds them, gloved fingers wrapped tightly around your wrists. 
“I never asked you to leave.” 
“You didn’t have to,” your eyes fall, shame heating your cheeks. “You barely spoke to me. Touched me. It felt like I was reminding you of a tainted memory. Something you could never have again.” 
“That’s not…dank farrik—” 
He pulls you in, arms coiling around you with the intent to never let go. The beskar is uncomfortable but comforting. Your hands shake as you return in like, wrapping your arms around him weakly. His hand cradles the back of your head, the other one sliding down to rest against the small of your back. He doesn’t say a word but you know this is his own peculiar way of apologizing. Even if he’s not sure what he’s apologizing for. Neither of you are. Luckily, you have a very functional mouth. 
“I thought you wanted me gone after…I didn’t know. I should’ve realized you were hurting. I was so afraid of what you might say that I acted before you actually said it.” 
“I was never planning on saying it,” he answers. “I missed you too, mesh’la.” 
His scent; metal, musk, and something sweet fills your lungs. You take deep inhales of him, grounding yourself back to reality. The hard surface of his helmet presses into the top of your head. The ache between your legs is uncomfortable, you want to touch him, feel his bare skin against yours. 
“Do you trust me?” he asks. 
You answer. “With my life.” 
“Then close your eyes for me. Let me guide you.” 
You do as you’re told. A dance that you’ve grown accustomed to once upon a time. The hiss of a helmet, the touch of his lips, the feeling of his hands cupping your bottom. He slips his tongue into your mouth, tasting you, reminding himself of what you felt like all those times ago. He tastes the memories he hasn’t been a part of, he gets used to the differences. 
When he parts, it’s hard to keep your eyelids from fluttering. You don’t open them, but the tease of the what if always remains. What would happen if you gave into temptation? Would he know you’ve seen him? Would he be angry? Would he never see you again? Would it be worth the risk? 
No, you think, It wouldn’t. 
“Touch me, riduur, I need you to touch me,” the last plea is spoken brokenly. “please.” 
Your hands roam his armor, blindly helping him out of it, touching every exposed skin and muscle. He’s trembling under your touch. You feel the thrust of his hips into yours, still clothed, desperate. Your skin prickles when you feel the hardness, heat pooling between your legs, and tingling. You’re just as desperate as he is. 
He takes your hand and leads you to the bunk. You feel him everywhere. His lips are on your breasts, kissing a trail down and circling the pebbled nipple with the tip of his tongue. He opens his mouth wide, fitting as much as he can as he sucks and bites. You arch into him, your hands still touching—tracing his back, cupping his ass, pulling him closer, asking him to thrust against you in the same desperate manner he had not moments ago. 
“Why did you leave?” he asks between wet, needy kisses. “Why did you go?” 
“I don’t know,” you say over and over. “I was scared, I’m sorry, I love you.” 
It was like a song that was whispered for their ears only. It’s a symphony of reminding themselves what they’d lost, and what they’d gained. 
Feeling him inside is a beautiful thing. Din is not a small man, not in the slightest, and he has to cover your eyes just in case when he fills you. It’s a smooth entry, your wetness enough to pull him deep inside. Your walls flutter, the blissful pain of the stretch makes you moan his name. The first thrust is like fireworks in your mind, bursting with pleasure. The second one you feel like ice, melting into the motion of his hips and the warmth of his cock. 
“Harder,” you breathe out. “Harder, fuck me, Din.” 
His teeth sink into your neck, his pacing fast, hard. The sound of skin against skin is loud enough to drown the sound of the snowstorm outside. You push against each thrust, albeit your movements not really doing much, uncoordinated and unpracticed. Din pins your hips down, his fingers like iron branding your skin. He hammers into you, the dark curls stimulating your clit forcing out a gasp from you. 
“Look at me.” 
“Look at me. Open your eyes.” 
His hips slow down into a tortuous grind. Your bottom lip trembles at the thought. You’re scared to open your eyes, and frankly, you’re not sure if you heard him right. His thumb smooths over your closed lid, gently pulling them down.
“Don’t be afraid,” he whispers. “I want to see you. I want to see the look in your eyes when you come for me. I want you to see mine.” 
“Are…are you sure?” 
Your heart feels like a ticking time bomb, your chest ready to explode, the ticking in your ears too loud. 
“I’m sure.” 
Your eyes open incredibly slow, fearful. Din’s face clears up and you see him smiling down at you, his hair mussed, sticking to his forehead due to sweat. Hesitantly, you place a hand on his cheek, feeling the trimmed down hairs with the pad of your thumb. He leans into your touch. 
“Now, that wasn’t so scary was it?” he asks, you smile and shake your head. 
“No, it wasn’t.”
He kisses you. It’s different this time, softer, slower. He resumes his thrusts, hips snapping into you with the intent of release. His one hand slides between your bodies, thick fingers finding your clit and starting to draw quick, tight circles around the sensitive nub. The skin above your stomach grows tight, your thighs shaking against the broadness of his hips. You can’t get enough of him. Kissing him and at the same time trying to look at him. You engrave his face into memory. 
Din breaks the kiss with a rush, his one hand cradles your cheek, tilting your head up to him. He holds your gaze, his lips parted. You feel your cunt fluttering around him, his cock heavy and throbbing deep inside you. Din spills into you with a groan, his hips stuttering forward. You follow right after, the sight of him too much. Your teeth sink into your bottom lip and his eyes roll back, you gush around him, your body convulsing as a silent promise never to let him go. 
When both of you come down from your highs, he kisses you. Again and again. A man starved. A man desperate. Only one plea falling from his lips. 
“Touch me.” 
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You wake up with his touch on your shoulder. When you open your eyes memories come flooding back, you and Din, again you had found your home. You wince as you slowly get up, the ache between your legs uncomfortable but missed. You notice that Din is in full armor, waiting for you outside of the cot. 
“Come with me,” he says, voice hoarse. “I want to show you something.” 
He helps you into your clothes and his hand never leaves your waist as the two of you make your way up to the cockpit. The storm had subsided, only snow falling scarcely from the heavens above. He points you to look up, and you do. 
Your breath catches in your throat. The sky is alight with an otherworldly dance of colors - the aurora borealis.
The lights shift and shimmer, painting the sky with vibrant hues of green, blue, and purple. It's as if the entire galaxy has come to life, it’s beautiful. 
Din's arms wrap around you from behind, and you melt into his embrace. The warmth of his body against yours, the strength of his grip, and the steady rhythm of his breathing all serve to ground you in the moment. You feel safe, and you feel loved.
The aurora continues to dance above you, you lean your head back against Din's chest. It's like nothing else matters in the world except for this moment - just the two of you, surrounded by the beauty of the cosmos.
And as you look up at the lights, you know that you are home.
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justagalwhowrites · 1 year
Beskar Doll - Complete Tumblr Master List
The chapter master list for Beskar Doll, a slow burn, enemies-to-friends-to-lovers Mandalorian fan fiction. Overall master list here.
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^unrelated, that might be my favorite Mando gif <;3
Summary: “I said I’d get you there so I’m getting you there,” he growled. “I’m not letting some silly doll make me a liar.” He stalked off toward the fresher, but you followed. “Doll?” You demanded, raising your voice. “That’s what you think I am?” “Yes,” he said, turning back to face you, towels clenched in his fist. “A doll, some decorative, useless thing to sit there in pretty dresses and take up space. A doll.”
You have a knack for finding trouble, be it in the midst of Galactic Civil War or when trying to live the quiet life after getting out of the game. So when you're stuck fleeing your new home planet after pissing off the wrong people - again - there's only one person willing to take you: the Mandalorian.
But after years of fighting faceless men, you're not the trusting type toward someone always wearing a helmet and the Mandalorian quickly suspects there's more to you than he knows.
Pairing: Din Djarin x Female Reader
Warnings: Canon-typical violence (and some beyond that), eventual smut, torture, mention of past domestic violence, PTSD, SO MUCH ANGST, absolute idiots in love. No use of Y/N. 18+ ONLY, minors DNI.
On AO3
Chapter 1 - Faceless Man
Chapter 2 - Lightning Storm
Chapter 3 - Battle Scars
Chapter 4 - Even the Score
Chapter 5 - Burn it to the Ground
Chapter 6 - Confessions
Chapter 7 - Old Friends
Chapter 8 - Ancient History
Chapter 9 - Reinforcements
Chapter 10 - Leverage
Chapter 11 - Battleground
Chapter 12 - Reunion
Chapter 13 - Kann
Chapter 14 - Learning
Chapter 15 - Found
Chapter 16 - Heat
Chapter 17 - Distance
Chapter 18 - Fire & Ice
Chapter 19 - Snake Pit
Chapter 20 - The Outpost
Chapter 21 - The General
Chapter 22 - Business
Chapter 23 - Beloved
Chapter 24 - Navigating
Chapter 25 - First Hunt
Chapter 26 - Making a Capture
Chapter 27 - Survival
Chapter 28 - Dreams and Drives
Chapter 29 - Homecoming
Chapter 30 - Out of Reach
Chapter 31 - Captured
Chapter 32 - The Palace
Chapter 33 - Stay
Chapter 34 - Jedi
Chapter 35 - Grogu
Chapter 36 - Unexpected Meetings
Chapter 37 - Understanding
Chapter 38 - Partners
Chapter 39 - Threat
Chapter 40 - Offer
Chapter 41 - Mindflayer
Chapter 42 - Search
Chapter 43 - Share All
Chapter 44 - Riduur
Chapter 45 - Taken
Chapter 46 - Naboo
Chapter 47 - Plans
Chapter 48 - Incursion
Chapter 49 - Gideon
Chapter 50 - Home
Beskar Doll Fan Art
"Know you anywhere"
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
What's your opinion on kid Obi-Wan gets adopted by a mandalorian fanfics? Usually by Jango/Jaster at Bandomeer or Melidaan.
Generally mixed, and very cautious. The premise tends to go hand in hand with either anti-Jedi or anti-New Mando sentiments, frequently both, and I'm really, really not a fan of those (especially when paired with True Mando revisionism).
Basically, I like it in theory, but I've rarely come across a variant that isn't chock full of tropes/fandom attitudes that set me off.
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pascallatte · 1 year
Mando's Lover?
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x Actress!reader
Summary: The Mandalorian interview but why are you included? (read to find out 😉)
Date: August 2019
Taglist: @benonlinear, @t-stark35, @heyitsme-2, @elleeeee21, @holmesstrange, @tagakalat, @flyestvenustrap, @oldermenaremyreligion, @cherryred444, @avengersheart, @guacala, @pukka-latte, @hobiismyhopeu, @lilvampirina, @ilovehotdadsandshit
A/N: AAAAA we're almost entering my favourite part of the series, but, I might post some throwbacks before we head to that though so stay tuned and like always, enjoy!! also kind of a late post but you know. hehe
Series Masterlist
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The pair are seen on the red carpet during this year’s D23 Expo on The Mandalorian, which was to be released three months from now.
“Ok I'm gonna recreate your reaction to-being-casted celebration,” the interviewer, Ash, said as she shook hands with Pedro. She recreated his celebratory reaction making Pedro watch as she continued.
“That’s right. It was- it was a three-act event react play. Yeah, it was like “Oh thank you thank you”.. pass out,” He said also reenacting with an exaggerated crying look on his face, clearly having fun at what was happening.
She brings the mic closer to her to ask him her second question, “But can you walk me through actually finding out you were cast as The Mandalorian.” Pedro who was once looking at her intently, turned to look downwards remembering how that day went. 
“Well I got a call and the actual words were “Jon Favreau wants to talk to you about something Star Wars” and so I said absolutely and I went out to meet him at his offices in Playa Vista and he invited me into a room where he introduced me to Dave Filoni and in this room, it was wall-to-wall, immaculate illustrations of this series which is everything Star Wars-”
He continues to share his precious moments before the final revelation, “-And so being a Star Wars fan myself I was like, “oh what’s this” and “oh I remember that” and “what are you gonna do here” and “what do you want me to do?”” Pedro rambles on about asking them what creature, robot, or whatever role they wanted him to audition for before taking a deep breath.
“-and they looked confused and basically pointed to the- this incredible like silhouette of The Mandalorian. He said you’re the, you’re The Mandalorian. So yeah that’s why I- that’s why I sort of died inside of joy.”
Nodding at his response Ash looks at him,” Who was the first person you ever told when you got the job? Since the role became like a very important one for you.”
Scratching the back of his neck, “Well, y/n was picking me up from Jon’s place, so naturally, I told her fir-actually, I freaked out on her. I kept blabbering on things I can’t even remember you know, it must be the adrenaline I felt at that moment. And then- just then did I call my sister, who is a big Star Wars fan, saying how I’m a part of the huge franchise that she loves and now we’ve done and are about to release the first season, it makes me really happy.” Ending his response with a content smile.
“How could you not? I mean, you mentioned you were a Star Wars fan, so what’s your earliest Star Wars memory? Do you remember like-“ Ash inquired once again, wanting to know more about him and his experience as an interviewer.
Pedro enthusiastically blurted out,” I saw Star Wars- I saw episode four in the movie theatre. I was very young so I don’t remember the experience of being in the theatre for it as well as I do the empire strikes back which is burned into my childhood imagination and  I remember like three attempts to get tickets for return of the Jedi and getting my heart broken every time because it was sold out, and then finally getting the tickets and literally you know like staring at the poster being like I’m finally seeing this movie so it was highly present in my childhood. All the toys you know and all the stories yeah.”
“And now you’re in it,” Ash said, seemingly into his history with Star Wars.
Agreeing with her, “And now I’m in it. it’s weird, leading the series”
“Now, back to being an avid Star Wars watcher. What was your reaction when you were first introduced to your now-girlfriend, Y/n L/n, who played the character Sabe in the phantom menace?"
Pedro looks at her with a look that he knows what she was up to and decides to keep it short, "Yeah well like I knew it was her when we first met but I didn’t like barging into her space telling her that I’ve watched her in Star Wars and loved it because that would be weird coming from this guy you’ve never met before. But now, I can say that we’re now also together in another galaxy."
"Did you ever think you would ever meet her in person or like be with her all those years ago?"
Crossing his arms, thinking for a moment, "I didn’t really well- but to start it off I didn’t even think I would be able to meet her in any way, since she was like in the spotlight already at such a young age so I didn’t really think about it. That was until we got introduced that is and it was one of the best moments in my life," finishing it off with a shy smile.
“That’s sweet, do you think we’ll ever see Y/n as part of your series, The Mandalorian?”
“Good question but we haven’t thought about it really. But with the number of times she’s been on set they should’ve made a character just for her don’t you think?” Pedro said laughing. “Last question, what role from The Mandalorian would you think y/n would fit in if she were to be cast?” she quickly stated as their time's almost up.
Pedro gave her a teasing knowing look, “Ummm Mando’s lover, no I'm joking. But maybe someone in the ranks, probably not a Mandalorian cause she'll look-" he makes a tiny sign from his hands, laughing at himself, "-wearing the armour. Maybe a Jedi, we don’t know really, she can play herself actually. She’ll take whatever they give her.”
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ak-vintage · 5 months
Quarry - Chapter 1
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Pairing: Din Djarin (The Mandalorian) x f!reader
Summary: Din Djarin is on what he expects to be his last bounty hunt for Greef Karga. After all, Nevarro is swiftly moving away from its previous reputation as a Guild member’s paradise, and Din has more important concerns now, like finding a Jedi to train his mysterious foundling. However, after capturing a wanted starship engineer who would rather go anywhere other than “home,” the Mandalorian is forced to reassess his priorities.
Your taste of freedom had been brief but glorious. Now you are a prisoner of the most infamous bounty hunter in the Outer Rim – it’s only a matter of time before he turns you in. There isn’t much you would not do to keep from being sent home, but as you find yourself growing closer to your captor and his strange little companion, you start to wonder whether escape is really what you want.
Set after Chapter 13: The Jedi but before Chapter 14: The Tragedy.
Chapter Tags & Warnings: Reader is Mando's bounty, minor peril, threats of violence, second-person POV, no use of Y/N, minimal descriptors of reader character
Series Masterlist | Read on AO3
It was over.
Countless rotations it had taken you to plan your escape. Stolen hours when you were meant to be elbows deep in the bowels of a customer’s starship had instead been spent discretely stashing supplies in hidden corners of the hangar. Endless nights and scores of hours of sleep had been sacrificed to mulling over your options as you lay in your bunk, devising one strategy after another. You would only get one chance. When your moment came, you knew you couldn’t let it pass you by.
And you hadn’t. You had done it. A satchel full of ration packs, a canteen, and the clothes on your back had been all you had to your name, but you had managed to stow away aboard a freighter, wedged into the maintenance access crawlspace near one of the escape pods. Forty-eight hours you spent jammed between the bulkheads, breathing as quietly as you could manage and not daring to move any more than was needed to open and delicately sip from your canteen. When you felt the tell-tale jolt of the ship dropping out of hyperspace, the wave of relief that passed over you had made you nearly faint.
That had been over a month ago according to this planet’s local calendar. In that time, you had found yourself a bed at a local hostel. You had landed a job at a cantina clearing tables – perhaps not the best use of your skillset, but it paid, and to say you needed credits would be an understatement. You had even managed to save enough money to replace the pair of work boots you had been wearing for nearly a decade and had taped back together more times than you could count.
Freedom agreed with you. It was the easiest you had breathed, the soundest you had slept, since you were a child.
And now it was over. It had all been for nothing.
The bounty puck on the bar hummed quietly as it projected your image into the air above it, the blue hologram flickering, your name printed in red below your expressionless face.
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see the man who had presented you with the puck reach into his utility belt and pull out a tracking fob. The red beacon was blinking rapidly as he pointed it at you, the incessant beeping nearly inaudible over the sounds of the cantina. But even as he stood there, clearly expecting some kind of response from you, all you could do was stare at your own face in the hologram. You could hear the blood rushing in your ears, could feel your hands start to tremble uncontrollably. This couldn’t be how it ended. You had worked so hard –
“I said, this is you?”
You started, wrenching your eyes from the buzzing bounty puck to the man before you. He was tall, broad, and clearly humanoid, and he was clad head to toe in gleaming beskar armor, his face hidden behind a helmet with a distinctive black, T-shaped visor. Even in your brief survey of his appearance, you could see no less than four weapons stashed across his body. A set of binder restraints was clipped to his belt.
You gulped audibly. A Mandalorian. They had sent a Mandalorian after you.
There was only one thing you could do. You had to try to run.
In the same instant this occurred to you, it seemed that the Mandalorian had a similar thought.
“It will be worse for you if you try to escape,” he said, his voice low and modulated through the vocoder in his helmet. He made a movement as if to reach for the binders. “Best if you come quietly.”
Not kriffing likely.
Before you could consider it further, you spun around, grabbed ahold of a rung on the closest liquor shelf behind the bar, and threw your weight back. The heavy steel shelf tipped precariously and then, with an incredible crash, fell forward. You dodged out of the way just in time to avoid the shower of shattering liquor bottles, more than one breaking on the helmet and pauldrons of the bounty hunter before you.
“Dank farrik,” you heard him curse, but you didn’t stay long enough to see how he fared. Instead, you leaped over the bar and bolted toward the rear exit.
You had never been much of a runner, but you were nimble, and this was your cantina. It was just after shift change at the local lommite mine, which meant that the place was packed with patrons of all species dressed in bulky safety gear and carrying dusty equipment packs that made it difficult to navigate between the tables. Ducking and weaving through the crowd, it took you only a moment to reach the door.
You were tempted to glance over your shoulder as the exit door slid open, but the sound of shouting and arguing behind you was enough to tell you that you were being pursued. Instead, you took off running down the back alleyway.
There was no way you were going to outrun him. You had never encountered a Mandalorian personally, but you had heard enough stories to know that they were fierce hunters – clever, resourceful, and at the peak of physical fitness. Your only hope would be to lose him in the maze of buildings that made up this part of town. This area was densely populated, the buildings packed in close together and laid out in such a way that it was clear that very little planning had gone into the design of the neighborhood.
Take him on a wild bantha chase, you thought, your breath starting to come short in your chest, your legs starting to ache. Take turns at random, change levels when you can, try to make it back to the hostel. Get your pack. Head to the nearest space depot. Get off planet. Start again. 
You could do it. You could start again. This didn’t have to be the end of your freedom.
You could hear heavy footsteps behind you.
He was faster than you. He was closing in.
Nearly skidding into a wall, you threw yourself down the next alley, pushing your arms and legs to pump as hard they could. You were getting out of the mining district and into the market district; stalls and carts began to pop up along the walls as you continued to run. You dodged them with ease, but a dozen yards behind you, you could hear chaos erupt as beskar crashed unceremoniously through wood and fabric. If you hadn’t been so out of breath, you would have laughed.
Your joy, however, was short-lived.
As you came careening around the next corner, you found yourself inches away from a moving produce cart being pulled by a rolo droid. You had come in too fast – by the time you saw it, there was no way to stop.
In an instant, you slammed bodily into the cart, bending over the side and flipping headfirst into the pile of what appeared to be some kind of vegetable. The rolo droid squealed in protest, beeping and whirring and spinning in place, but you couldn’t be bothered trying to apologize.
The impact had knocked the wind out of your lungs – you gasped ineffectually, clutching your ribs as you attempted to work up the strength to fling yourself out of the bed of the cart. Every second spent trying to catch your breath was another second for your pursuer to close the distance between you. But it didn’t matter in the end – you weren’t fast enough. The moment you managed to get your arms under you, you heard a faint fwip cut through the air, and a grappling line wrapped snuggly around your leg.
A sharp tug, and you were yanked from the cart and onto the ground. Another, and you began to skid down the coarse pavement of the alley floor. Your arms flew out, scrabbling against the stones, but it was no use. Before you could figure out which way was up, the heavily armored figure of the Mandalorian bounty hunter was hovering over you, the setting sun glinting harshly off his beskar helmet. The grappling line was retreating into his vambrace.
Wordlessly, he stepped forward, planting his boot on the line near where it wrapped around you, effectively trapping you at his feet. You could do nothing but lay gasping on the ground, glaring poisonously at his helmet in what you hoped was the direction of his eyes.
“Put on the binders, or I’ll do it for you,” he said, unhooking them from his belt and tossing them onto your heaving stomach. Bitterness burned in your gut at the sound of his modulated voice. He didn’t even sound like the chase had taxed him at all; he was completely unphased. “And I won’t be gentle,” he added.
You swallowed hard. It really was over.
After a moment of silence, you clasped the binder cuffs around your wrists – one then the other. They glowed blue against your skin, tight, cold, and heavy.
The Mandalorian reached down then and wrapped his leather gloved hand around the connector in the center of the binders. With what appeared to be very little effort, he hauled you to your feet. He permitted you a moment to steady yourself before tugging once more on the grappling wire still around your leg. It slid limply away, and he deftly tied the end around the binders, creating a makeshift leash.
“Let’s go,” he muttered. And with a firm pull on the wire, he set off down the alley, you trailing reluctantly along behind him.
As you expected, he led you to the yards on the other side of town, specifically the ones intended for short-term docking. He stopped only once along the way, grabbing several skewers of cooked meat from a street vendor near the terminal. For a wild moment, you expected him to offer you one, but instead he took half of the skewers and stuck them into the small brown satchel he wore across his body. He kept the remainder in his hand, but made no move to eat them, which you found odd.
Had you been in a quieter part of town, you might have heard a wet swallowing sound and a high-pitched gurgle of approval coming from the vicinity of that satchel. As it was, however, you simply continued to follow your captor in silence.
The docking yard was as you remembered it – congested and impossibly loud. Species of all varieties milled about, standing in line to board their transporters, searching for their luggage on long conveyor belts, chasing small children, and arguing with the ticket and security droids that lined the terminal. It had been easy to blend into the chaos when you arrived. No one had batted an eye at the sight of your body slipping awkwardly out of a maintenance port on the underbelly of freighter. Now that you had returned, however, you couldn’t help but feel as though the crowd hushed as you passed. Perhaps it was simply the humiliation of being dragged through the throng on the end of a bounty hunter’s leash like a charhound, but you were certain that you caught more than one judgment-filled gaze as you passed.
The Mandalorian led you through the crush of people with confidence. It didn’t take long for you to realize that his ship must have been parked further down the terminal, for as you continued following behind him, the crowd began to thin, the massive ships designed for transporting large numbers of people falling away and being replaced with smaller personal transport vessels. It wasn’t until your eyes landed on a pre-Imperial patrol gunship that had clearly seen better days that you realized that this was where you were headed.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” you muttered under your breath, taking in the patchwork hull, the fading paint job, the countless dents, the blaster marks… You weren’t entirely certain of the specific make, but you knew it fell into the ST-70 class of assault ships. Then again, you wondered, did it matter what it was if it looked ready to fall out of the sky at the slightest provocation?
The Mandalorian glanced sharply at you over his shoulder, and your heart jumped into your throat. Perhaps it wasn’t the best idea to talk smack about your captor’s ship.
Luckily, you were saved from having to answer for that comment by the sound of a small, blue Rodian dressed in a dock worker’s uniform calling out in Huttese.
“Uba bata shado, murishani,” he said, nodding to the bounty hunter in greeting. You’re back quickly, bounty hunter. Or at least, that is what you thought he said. Your Huttese had always been rather rudimentary.
Your escort pulled up short at this, his head tilted and his shoulders stiff.
“Well, I’m good at my job,” he said, a hint of hesitance in his voice, as though unsure how to respond.
The Rodian replied, once again in Huttese, but there was enough in that sentence that you didn’t understand that you refused to even attempt to translate it. The Mandalorian, however, had no such issues.
“That’s ridiculous. I’ve been docked here less than three hours. I’m not paying you for the whole day.” His deep, raspy voice buzzed through his vocoder. The revelation left a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach. Less than three hours. Less than three hours it had taken him to find you, even in a city of this size. A part of you wondered if that was more of a reflection on his skill as a bounty hunter, or if perhaps it said something about your skill as a fugitive.
Oblivious to your distress, the two went back and forth for a few moments, the dock worker in Huttese, the bounty hunter in Basic.
After a time of seemingly no progress, the latter said decisively, “I’ll pay for a half day, but no more.” He took a step into the Rodian’s space, dragging you stumbling behind him. The reptilian made an offended noise, clearly about to continue to protest, but he was stopped short by the Mandalorian swiping aside his cape and hovering his hand threateningly over his holstered blaster. “I think that’s more than reasonable, don’t you?”
A beat of silence passed as you glanced between your captor and the dock worker. He appeared to be weighing the offer and the potential risk of continuing to argue, but before long, the tension left his body, and he extended his hand toward the Mandalorian in resignation. “Okey-okey. Wamma tonka.”
The bounty hunter nodded once and produced what appeared to be some denomination of New Republic credit from his pocket. Dropping it into the Rodian’s waiting hand, he gave a tug to your grappling line and pulled you toward the shabby gunship.
“Tell me, are you going to attempt to run again?”
It was the first thing the Mandalorian had said to you since he had taken you captive. It had taken little time for the two of you to board his ship once he resolved the issue with the dock worker, and he had just managed to pull up the exit ramp and close the blast doors. Interestingly, he had also stashed his few remaining meat skewers from the street vendor in what appeared to be a chilled rations locker that sank into the port-side wall.
Now, he stared intently at you, his hands on his hips and his helmet cocked at an angle, as though contemplating what to do with you next. You were still attached to his grappling wire by your binder restraints, though he admittedly had given you a bit more slack in the line once you were securely locked up in the belly of the ST-70.
You mimicked his stance as best as you could while still bound at the wrists and attempted to project a confidence you weren’t sure that you truly felt.
“What do you think?” you asked, your voice as even and neutral as you could make it.
He seemed to consider the question for a moment before replying, “I think you’ve already put up more of a fight than I expected.”
A thrill shot through you at that – a quick zing of pride that even though you hardly seemed to have been much of a challenge for him, you still had managed to subvert his expectations of you. A smirk tugged at the corner of your lips. “Then I think you have your answer.”
It was the truth, and you knew that he knew it, too. If given the opportunity, you would try to run again. You had fought and planned for too long to give up on your freedom this easily.
Something like a grunt of displeasure sounded through his modulator, and suddenly his posture was less relaxed, becoming straighter and more intimidating. “Fine,” he rasped.
With a sharp yank on the grappling wire, he tugged you toward him, knocking you off balance, and grasped firmly onto your shoulders.
“Hey, what’re you – ”
As the question started to leave your lips, your eyes landed on the padded recess in the starboard-side wall. You didn’t know how you had missed it when you first entered the ship. It was just deep enough for most full-grown bipedal species to stand inside. Several color-coded gas canisters lined the edges of the recess, dispenser funnels pointed inward.
“No,” you whispered, the breath suddenly stolen from your lungs.
A mobile carbonite freezing unit. You had only seen a handful of ships in your lifetime equipped with one. He was going to freeze you.
“Oh, kriff – no, no, no, wait, you can’t – ” Panic rose in your chest, threatening to suffocate you even before the pressurized gases could manage to surround you. Immediately, you began to struggle against his grasp – twisting and throwing your weight, beating your bound fists against his hard, shining breastplate.
Silently, mercilessly, almost easily, the Mandalorian wrestled you into the unit and punched the activation controls.
Your eyes slammed shut and a scream caught in your throat as ice-cold gas shot from the canisters nearest your feet. And then –
A beat passed. Silence. No carbonite panels. No freezing gases designed to hold you in place, in stasis, until someone decided to free you. There was just…nothing.
You gasped, your eyes flying open and quickly scanning your surroundings. A shrill beeping sound came from a control panel somewhere near your head.
“W-what happened?” you stammered, a wave of knee-weakening relief threatening to overtake you. “Why did it stop?”
“Damn it,” your jailer muttered. One hand came up to bear down against your sternum, keeping you pressed firmly back against the padded chamber. The other was aggressively thumbing at the protesting control panel.
A breathless, slightly unhinged laugh bubbled up in your throat. “It’s malfunctioning, isn’t it? Your unit’s broken.” Perhaps your luck hadn’t run out entirely.
“Shut up.” His voice was tight, his words terse.
That wild laugh overflowed for a moment, pressing your chest into his gloved hand.
“Oh no,” you huffed in mock sympathy. “Looks like you’re stuck with me, buddy.”
The bounty hunter cursed again under his breath, slamming his fist into the carbonite unit’s control panel one last time. “For now,” he growled.
“Now what are you going to do with me?” you asked breathlessly. A strange feeling of victory continued to linger in your chest. It hadn’t been you that had caused the malfunction, of course, but you couldn’t help but feel as though somehow the points for this particular encounter should go to you. After all, the son of a mudscuffer wouldn’t be able to get rid of you so easily now.
He seemed to take a moment to deliberate, but then he was pulling you back out of the recessed chamber and instead tugging you further into the ship’s cargo hold. “Come on,” he grunted. “You’ll say here until I can get the carbonite unit repaired.”
Pressing firmly on the tops of your shoulders, he forced you to lower yourself onto the deck plating, sitting you against the wall. He had your binder cuffs separated with a few deft movements, but quicker than you could react, he was reattaching them, this time so that they looped around the base of a ladder that appeared to go to the second floor of the ship.
“And uh…what exactly am I supposed to do in the meantime?” you asked incredulously. He couldn’t really expect you to sit on the cold, unforgiving metal floor with your arms hanging awkwardly from this ladder, could he? Even if he took you right back to where you had run away from, that was a two-day journey through hyperspace. You would surely lose circulation in your limbs by then.
The Mandalorian was less than sympathetic. “Just keep quiet, and don’t bother trying to break out of that binder – you’ll break your wrists before those cuffs release. Otherwise, I don’t really care.”
“Got it, I’ll keep that in mind,” you replied. Your tone dripped with sarcasm.
“Stay put,” he reiterated, jabbing a finger at you as though he were scolding a small child.
You rolled your eyes as you watched him grasp onto the sides of the ladder, one boot stepping up onto the lowest rung. However, before he could begin to climb up to what you assumed was the cockpit, you heard a strange sound coming from somewhere on his person.
A giggle, a high-pitched, gurgling babble – like the coo of a baby.
This seemed to startle the bounty hunter, as he immediately dropped his grip on the ladder and glanced down at the brown satchel strung across his body. Your gaze followed his just in time enough to see a tiny, green, three-fingered hand wave out of the satchel before he shoved it back down. He quickly wrapped his cape around his body to conceal his torso and in doing so, the bag.
“Wait – what was that?” you demanded. He couldn’t be carrying a baby in that satchel…could he?
His only reply was a weary sigh, and before you could repeat yourself, he was up the ladder and out of sight.
The next several minutes following the Mandalorian’s hurried departure were almost perfectly silent. You assumed you would be taking off soon, but in the meantime, while you were still on solid ground, you couldn’t help but take a few moments to test your restraints. There would be no point once you were in the air – where exactly would you escape to, once you were in the expanse of space?
You first tried to brace the binder cuffs against the side of the ladder, tugging down as hard as you dared with both hands against the center connector. Perhaps you could force the two cuff units to separate from each other. No success, though this didn’t really surprise you – the durasteel was nearly indestructible. It would take someone a great deal stronger than you to break them.
Your next attempt was simply to try wiggling a hand out of one. It quickly became very clear that that wasn’t going to happen either. Luckily, the insides of the cuffs were lined with padding, designed to mold tightly to the form of the prisoner regardless of their size without wounding them. If they hadn’t been cushioned at all, you may have done as the bounty hunter had suggested and broken your wrist. No matter how you twisted or pulled, your hand simply would not contort into a shape small enough to slip through the cuff without injury. In fact, you would probably have bruises later from the attempt.
Cursing softly under your breath, you took a moment to survey your surroundings as you contemplated your next move. It would be too much to ask for a toolkit of some sort to be sitting around somewhere you could reach. Small tech like this binder didn’t really fall within your expertise, but you were reasonably certain that given enough time and the right equipment, you could override the release code mechanism and remove them that way. However, judging from your current predicament, the likelihood of those conditions being met was less than zero.
Just as you resigned yourself to being tied to this ladder for a bit longer, the deck plating below you started to vibrate, and the distant roaring of the gunship’s engines turning over filled your ears. You were taking off.
You braced yourself as best as you could, folding your legs up to plant your feet flat against the floor and push your torso back against the wall. Given the ship’s apparent age, you could only assume the ascent through the atmosphere would be a bumpy one, and it wasn’t as though there was any safety gear for passengers in the cargo hold. However, to your great surprise, either the Mandalorian was an exceptional pilot or the ship was sturdier than she looked. The rise through the atmosphere featured minimal turbulence, and by the time you could feel the artificial gravity and life support systems activate, there was nothing but the constant, low-frequency vibration of the engines to indicate that you were anywhere other than solid land.
A handful of minutes passed, and then you felt a swooping sensation behind your navel as your body was suddenly, briefly tugged toward the rear of the ship.
You had jumped to hyperspace.
After that, the silence returned.
In that way, this wasn’t much different than your last experience with space travel. You had been alone, cramped, uncomfortable, and frightened, with nothing but your own thoughts to keep you company, and surrounded by an almost oppressive quiet. Though you supposed you could acknowledge the improvement in the view. Rather than staring directly at the anonymous gray hull of an escape pod, this time your eyes had a whole cargo hold to explore.
Really, there wasn’t much to see. The Mandalorian seemed to run quite a bare-bones operation. To your right appeared to be most of the storage space on the ship. A few wall panels that likely pulled out when pressed, as the cooler locker had when you first boarded, a stack of gray cargo bins that had slid to the back of the hold during the hyperspace jump, and, of course, the dreaded mobile carbonite freezing unit in the starboard wall. You suppressed a chill and sent a brief thank-you into the universe that you hadn’t been subjected to that.
Directly across from where you sat tied to the ladder was a large silver cabinet, the contents of which you could only guess at. All you knew was that it must have been important, as it took up the most amount of space in the hold by far and appeared to be under a coded lock.
Finally, to your left, fully open and exposed to the rest of the room, was a somewhat grimy multi-species vacuum ship head as well as an alcove where a thin, bare bunk had been tucked away. You balked at the apparent lack of a full refresher, or at the very least a sonic shower. Did this man who spent all his time wrapped head-to-toe in armor (which you had noticed was also layered on top of a padded flight suit) really not have a way to get clean on his own ship? Silently you hoped you would never get close enough to him to experience the consequences of that choice.
Just as you were starting to contemplate the humiliating eventuality of needing to use that exposed ship head, the sound of footsteps could be heard echoing off the deck plating above you. A distant hiss sounded, like the sliding of a blast door, and in the next moment, the Mandalorian was climbing back down the ladder.
“Didn’t expect to see you again so soon,” you said, feeling your eyebrows raise as you looked up at him.
At first, he didn’t respond. Instead, he gave you a once-over when he reached the bottom, clearly assessing whether you had attempted to escape. Finding you precisely where he had left you seemed to satisfy him, and he nodded once in your direction before making his way back over to the cooler locker he had opened earlier. Opening it, he retrieved the remaining meat skewers from the street vendor as well a couple of assorted ration bars.
For a moment, you thought he might go right back up the ladder without saying a word to you. However, once he kicked the cooler locker closed, he reached out and passed one of the ration bars into your bound hand. “Here,” he said, the voice floating through his helmet low and a touch raspy. “Thought you might be hungry.”
“Oh.” Blatant surprise colored your tone before you were able to school your expression. “Thank you.” 
His helmet tipped in acknowledgement, but he said nothing.
A beat of silence passed, almost as though he was waiting on you to say more. When you didn’t, he took a few steps back toward the ladder, readying himself to climb back up into the cockpit.
“Wait,” you blurted. You had to know – before he hid himself away again, you had to ask, “Are you taking me back? Back to Chardaan?”
The bounty hunter paused, seeming somewhat taken aback by your question. He backed away from the ladder, instead moving across from you to lean back against that large silver cabinet you had noted earlier. Cocking his head to the side, he considered you for a moment, then replied, “No.”
Your eyes widened in surprise. “No?” you echoed.
“You were the first of my bounties on this hunt. I’ll need to collect the others before I can return to my guild agent and make the exchange,” he explained. “He’ll be the one to ensure you make it back where you came from.”
A bolt of relief shot through you at this revelation. You still had time. He wasn’t taking you straight back there. Your freedom hadn’t entirely abandoned you. There is still a chance…
“How many more are you after?” you asked, struggling to keep your voice neutral.
The bounty hunter paused, seeming to mull over how much he wanted to share. After a minute, he said, “Six.”
In spite of the careful control you were trying to exert over your facial expressions, your jaw dropped at the number. You had never heard of a Bounty Hunters’ Guild member carrying more than four pucks at a time. “That feels like a lot all at once.”
He shrugged, the gesture emphasized by his shining beskar pauldrons. “I’ve been working with this agent a long time, and it’s going to be a while before I’m able to pick up more work. Plus, this lot includes a few lower-level quarries. Shouldn’t be much of a challenge.”
“‘Lower-level quarries’?” you repeated. “What, you mean like me?”
“Yes. Like you,” he replied. You could swear his modulated voice sounded smug, though perhaps you were projecting. Something about your classification as “low-level” made your hackles raise. Not just anyone could have escaped from Chardaan the way you did…
You looked away from him at that, your cheeks burning, and busied yourself instead with examining the ration bar he had placed in your hand. You weren’t familiar with the brand, though it hardly mattered, as you had seen bars like this more times than you could count. Nutrient-dense, packed with protein, vitamins, and carbohydrates. Hopelessly bland. Somehow both fudgy and crumbly at once. They were designed for deep space travel and, although efficient and sensible, you couldn’t help but feel a touch of dread looking at the one in your hand.
“That’s not poisoned, you know.”
The sound of the Mandalorian’s voice startled you out of your thoughts, and you glanced back up at him to see him watching you with something like confusion in his body language.
“If I had wanted to kill you, I would have by now. Poisoning isn’t exactly my style,” he added.
You almost chuckled at that. Perhaps this tin can had a sense of humor after all. “I don’t see you eating yours,” you retorted, staring pointedly at the bars he still held in his gloved hand. “I’m supposed to just trust that these are safe for me?”
“I don’t eat in front of others. I’ll eat when I get back to the cockpit.”
That comment did make you smile. “Ah, but you’re not the only one in the cockpit…are you?”
His posture straightened immediately. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” His voice was back to that cool, firm tone you had become accustomed to from him.
“That thing you had in your bag. I know you didn’t want me to see it, but…” you trailed off, shrugging slightly.
“That’s none of your concern,” he snapped. The response left no room for debate, but you didn’t mind. It was enough for now that he had confirmed that you weren’t, in fact, losing your mind when you saw that little green hand emerging from his satchel earlier.
“Okay, whatever you say, boss.” You were sure you would learn more about that mysterious creature eventually. After all, it looked like you were going to be stuck with the Mandalorian for a while…
“Don’t call me ‘boss,’” was his only reply. His stance was tense, irritated.
You quirked an eyebrow at him. Perhaps…perhaps you should have been playing it a bit safer. Perhaps it wasn’t wise to provoke your captor, not when he quite literally held the keys to your future freedom in his hands. But…it was more fun than it should be to push his buttons.
“Well, what should I call you, then?” you asked. “I don’t exactly know your name.”
A somewhat exasperated sigh buzzed through his vocoder. “People call me Mando.”
You snorted at that. “Mando? What, like short for ‘Mandalorian’?”
“That’s not really your name, is it?” It couldn’t be. There was no way.
“It’s what people call me,” he reiterated tersely.
That is not what I asked, you thought, rolling your eyes but unable to suppress a chuckle. This guy was like a character out of a holovid. Masked, stoic, almost comically mysterious.
“Fine. So, what’s next then, Mando? On to the next bounty?”
He shook his head. “Not quite. My carbonite unit is malfunctioning.”
You smirked, feeling that same surge of unearned victory from earlier rise in your chest. “You don’t say.”
“I can’t continue with the hunt until it is repaired,” he continued, completely ignoring your sarcasm.
“Why not? You seem to have handled me just fine without it.” You shook your arms, loudly jangling your durasteel binder against the ladder for emphasis.
“You, yes,” the bounty hunter acknowledged. “But this lot isn’t just low-level bounties. There are some that are…higher risk. Some that I’m going to need that additional insurance for.”
All of the good humor that had been building up inside you throughout this verbal sparring match evaporated at that, and a pit formed in your stomach.
Not for the first time, you took a moment to appraise your captor. He cut a powerful image – his flowing black cape, his fine armor that you would guess was worth more than your life, his purposefully anonymous face. It was also impossible to miss that he was armed to the teeth, even while in hyperspace, even while standing in the cargo hold of his own ship. The ferocity of Mandalorian warriors was legendary. He was clearly a formidable opponent. It made sense to you that this man would be someone skilled enough to bring in the…high-risk quarries.
The bounty hunter allowed you both to sit in silence for a moment as the reality of your situation settled in. This man was dangerous. This job was dangerous. And you were stuck along for the ride, at least for now, whether you liked it or not.
After a moment, he sighed and pushed away from the cabinet, once again making his way toward the ladder. “Eat your food,” he said, his tone somehow both commanding and…soft? Gentle? “I’ll be back later to start on repairs.”
He had climbed all the way up and reached the landing outside of the cockpit before you managed to call out, “Mando?”
A pause, and then, “Yes?”
You swallowed hard. “If you are able to fix it…are you going to freeze me?”
Your question echoed off the bulkheads, your heartbeat loud in your ears.
“Are you going to try to run again?” he asked.
You closed your eyes and rested your head on the nearest ladder rung. Yes, you wanted to say. Of course I am. It was on the tip of your tongue. I am going to try to run every chance you give me.
But…you didn’t reply.
He waited a moment or two, and then you heard the hissing sound of blast doors opening, the echo of his footsteps on the deck, and you knew he had disappeared back into the cockpit.
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dumbbitchenergy17 · 2 years
Clan of Three - Chapter 1
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Chapter One: The Mandalorian, The Child, and The Thief
Plot: A Mandalorian, an infant with a history of the jedi, and a teenager with similar powers with an undiscovered lineage. An unlikely group to travel the galaxy together.
Word Count: 5.9K
Pairing: Father Figure!Din Djarin x Platonic!Teen!Reader
Warnings: Fighting, teenage behavior, small injuries
A ship known by many for the man on board, he couldn’t even be described as a man. Skillful in languages, the ways of a blaster, and hand-to-hand, part of a race of the past. The bounty hunter, part of the creed. Their famous words, ‘This is the Way’.
The Mandalorian...
Dirt and dust fill the air as the Pre-Galactic ship lands on the planet of Nevarro. A sharp hiss comes from the landing gear as the large ramp opens up a man dressed in the finest armor and weapons stalks through the town. Looks and whispers as he makes his way through the town. A cantina filled with music and booze, its patrons conversating with one another or drinking their problems away but the arrival of this bounty hunter silences them instantly as his cold gaze scans across the room.
Spotting hidden in the corner a dark-skinned man who once his eyes meet his helmet raises a hand, “Ah, that was fast. Did you catch them all?” He asks and the hunter silently places all the tracking fobs on the table in front of him, “Good. I’ll begin the off-load.” The man nods at the seat in front of him and the other man sits down. Pulling his reward from his pocket and sliding them across the table.
“These are Imperial credits.” The Mandalorian says finding no use in them, the empire was something he didn’t want to support. The other man shrugs trying to convince him, “They still spend.”
The masked ban glares at the other man through his helmet, “I don’t know if you heard, but the empire is gone, Greef” His modulated voice shows his disgust and irritation.
“It’s all I’ve got.” The man puts his hands up and the hunter stands grabbing his trackers rather to give them to someone who will pay his preferred currency, “Save the theatrics…fine I’ll.” He sighs pocketing the money and pulling out a different payment, “I can do Calamari Flan, but I can only pay half.” He looks at other options contemplating them before grabbing the blue credits.
Greef signals someone in the cantina who leaves to unload the bounties on the ship, “Okay…I have a bail jumper, bail jumper, another bail jumper, a wanted smuggler-” “I’ll take them all.” The Mandalorian cuts off the man’s listing ready for new work making Greef let out a laugh.
“Nah, hold on. There are other members of the Guild, and this is all I have.” He shakes his head but the bounty hunter didn’t care about other people, “Why so slow?”
“It's not slow at all. Actually, very busy. They just don't want to pay Guild rates. They don't mind if things get sloppy.” Greef explains leaning back in his seat and gesturing to the bar quickly bringing him a drink. The Mandalorian watches him twitching to get off this planet and onto the next bounty and reward,
“What’s your highest bounty?”
“Not much. Five thousand.” Greef recalled his highest payment for all those bounties, the price bothering the hunter,
“That won't even cover fuel these days.”
The Guild member nods slowly before one job he forgot to mention comes to mind, “Hmm. There is one job.”
“Let’s see the puck.” The hunter holds out his hand ready to start.
Greef shook his head taking a sip of his drink, “No puck. Face to face. Direct commission. Deep pocket.” This was not a normal occurrence, bounties always had a puck or something for the bounty hunter. The Mandalorian could only think who was so important to whoever wanted them dead or alive.
“Underworld?” Mando questioned,
“All I know is no chain code” Greef pulls out a chit card placing it on the table between the two of them taunting the hunter the offer not standing for long, “Do you want the chit or not?”
Arriving at the meeting with the client he hadn’t expected the empire to lead to a standoff with four remnant stormtroopers' blasters aimed at him and his weapons aimed at them. A hand stops the soldiers and they all lower their weapons the bounty hunter slowly lowering his but not putting it away. “He also said you were expensive. Very expensive,” The client gestured to him to sit, “Please sit.” The Mandalorian sits down hesitant his hand twitching at his gun when the client grabs something out of view bringing out something wrapped in cloth. Unwrapping it the shining metal glisters in the light the same metal that decorated the hunter’s body. The staple of the Mandalorians is a metal of high value and meaning.
”Beskar?” He says looking at the metal brick surprised to see such a large piece of it.
“Go ahead. It’s real.” The client allows the hunter to inspect the ingot. “This is only a down payment. I have a case of beskar waiting for you upon delivery of the assets.” The client explains his payment being something large until the words acknowledged him
“Assets?” He was only expecting one bounty for this underground work.
The client nods his wrinkled hands folding together in front of him before waving a hand at the hunter, “I’m sure a man of your skill will have no trouble collecting two assets.”
“Alive.” The otherwise silent doctor pops in standing to the side with a data pad filled with whatever information,
“Yes. Alive. Although, I acknowledge that bounty hunting is a complicated profession. This being the case, proof of termination is also acceptable for a lower fee.” The imperial man says and the doctor looks at him in shock, “That is not what we agreed upon.”
“I’m simply being pragmatic.” The client gives his final word before turning back to the silent hunter.
“Let’s see the puck,” He says needing more information before he could decide whether to take the offer. He was going to take it, the second the beskar was brought out he knew it was going to be in better hands once it was returned to the Mandalorians.
The man frowns looking away, “I’m afraid discretion dictates a less traditional agreement. We can only offer you a tracking fob.” The doctor hands the Mandalorian a tracking fob.
“What’s the chain code?’ He asked still prying for information.
“We can only provide the last four digits for each.” The client says.
“Their age? That’s all you can give me?” The Mandalorian says growing more frustrated.
“Yes. One of them is 50 years old while the other is 17 years old. We can also give you the last reported positional data. Between that and the fob, a man of your skill should make short work of this.” The client smirks at the bounty hunters' conflict as he gets up and moves to leave. “The beskar belongs back into the hands of a Mandalorian. It is good to restore the natural order of things after a period of such disarray, don't you agree?”
His decision was made then.
The air was cool on your skin as you left your room slipping out through the window to avoid your father asleep just in the other room. It was calming walking through the silent town, but it quickly changes when hands grab you. One quickly covering your mouth to muffle your screams, you kick your leg back hearing a sickening crack as they roar in pain biting on the hand covering your mouth the metallic taste of blood fills your mouth. You try to run off knowing you couldn’t overpower the men, you go to scream out when something collides against your head and you crumble to the ground.
That had been about four weeks ago when you later woke up in a room chained to the wall having no idea where you were and even if you were on your planet. It had been about a week into your captivity when you gained a companion. A creature that must have been an infant had joined you. So you watched the child giving portions of your food since he needed it more and watched over him. Silences were common in the room you were being held in other than the babbles and sounds coming from the babe. Until a loud pop sounded muffled before another, you couldn’t tell what it was until the sounds of screams came with them. Gunfire…
The door burst open and two men enter one unlocking your chains and the other grabbing the child’s carrier bringing you out of the darkroom into a larger one. The sounds of fighting and gunfire grow louder out here, “It’s only two of them out there, why won’t they die!” The one with the child growls out pushing his carrier against a pile of crates the harsh movement making him cry out.
“Stop it. You’re going to hurt it.” You push the man away from the child. He whips around smacking you across the face it stings in pain. You glare at him and spit the blood that pools in your mouth right in his face. He wipes the red off him before quickly lifting his rifle slamming the butt of the gun against your temple and you crumple to the ground.
The fight on the outside is long over and almost unfair to the mercenaries, the doors leading into the building explode open with the heavy weapon the bounty hunter uses. The rubble falls around the doorway created as he enters followed by a droid, IG-11. It’s silent as he stalks inside, with quick reflexes as a lone enemy jumps out and is quickly shot down.
“Anyone else?” The bounty hunter calls out as the droid looks around before down at the tracking fob it had.
“The tracking fob is still active. My sensors indicate that there are two life forms present.” The Mandalorian scans the room coming upon a girl unconscious bleeding from the temple and an egg-shaped container behind her. The tracking fob beeps louder in the direction of both the girl and the container as the hunter cautiously opens it.
“Wait. They said 50 years old.” He looks confused at what was supposedly the 50-year-old asset but looked like a child. 
“Species age differently unlike the female. Perhaps it could live many centuries.” IG-11 explains as the child slowly emerges from the blanket, this tiny green creature looks up at him stretching its hand out to him, “Sadly, we’ll never know.” The IG unit starts to raise its gun but the Mandalorian stops it.
“No. We’ll bring them in alive.” He says commanding the droid to stop and ignore its protocol.
“The commission was quite specific. The assets were to be terminated.” IG raises its two weapons aimed at the child and the girl.
A shot is fired, and the IG unit drops to the ground shot down by the Mandalorian. He puts his blaster back in his holster walking up to the child as it continues to look up at him in wonder. He shifts his gaze from the child to the girl, those two were meant to be his bounties.
Your head stung with pain as you were jostled around in a constant up-down movement. Blinking your eyes adjusting to the bright light, were you dead? Was this heaven? Your vision finally focuses and you see a helmet the visor a T-shape. Fight or flight kicks in as your fist collides with the underside of the mask hitting him straight in the jaw. Not expecting the attack he stumbles still holding you and you push yourself out of his arms. You hit the ground the sand cushioning your fall as you scramble to stand holding out the blade you swiped from his boot. A blaster is pointed at you but you keep your grip on the knife fierce ready to fight. You take in the man before you dressed in armor and weapons, but what had your eyes widen was the design of the helmet. Once you had seen before…Mandalorian.
“Who are you? Where the hell am I?” You hiss out holding the blade with two hands as he has his blaster trained on you before he holsters it holding his hands out showing he was of no harm.
“You're on Arvala-7.” The man says you were slightly taken back that he spoke your language and not Mando’a but you still weren’t taking your chances.
“Who are you?” You glare the knife still pointed at him trying to figure out who he was through the helmet.
“I can’t tell you that but it’s either you trust me or let even more people who aren’t willing to have you alive.” Those mercenaries only kept you alive for whatever reason until this stranger showed up including the child. Your eyes widen…the child!
“Where is it?!” You demand, looking around for the child. You remember the hit of the gun before you were knocked out.
“Where’s what?” “The child.” You see behind him was the container holding him, the creature looking at both of you. “Oh thank the maker, I spent the last few weeks watching over it.” You sigh in relief and the man nods before walking off the carrier following after him,
“We should get going.” You rush after him pocketing the knife in your belt and coming beside him.
“You’re a Mandalorian…I’ve never met a Mandalorian before,” You speak up glancing at the silent man, “What’s your name, you never gave one.” He barely looks at you before walking ahead so you were behind him making you scoff, “asshole.” You mumble under your breath dragging your feet through the sand. He continues silently despite the heavy armor that should be making noise as you all enter the base of a canyon. “So do you ever take off your helmet at all? Like even when you slee-”
His hand juts out making you run into it and you glare up at him from the corner of your eye you see his hand slowly reaching for his blaster. An ambush of Trandoshans wielding axes rushing towards you, one swings its axe at you when he shoves you out of the way. You hit the ground pushing yourself up from the sand when one of the bounty hunters wraps his arms around your waist lifting you up into the air and dragging you from the group.
“Hey! Let…me go!” You thrash in his arms twisting and turning in his grip trying to break free, the loud sound of a gunshot right by your head making your ears ring as the both of you hit the ground. You scramble away seeing the blaster wound in his chest and you look back seeing the Mandalorian holding his blaster pointed at you. He lets out a hiss of pain the metal of one of the axes slicing his arm, he prepares to counter when a blade is protruding from the Trandoshan’s hand. He looks back seeing you holding your hand out having thrown the knife before the both of you are attacked by more hunters. You can see one heading towards the child with your hunter busy fighting off two of them. Looking around having lost your weapon when you grab one of the axes the weight is heavy in your grasp. It’s right before the child when you swing the axe the weight and momentum striking its side a screech coming from it. It swings its own axe out and you block it with the handle of the blade the clang of metal and sparks ring through the air. Kicking out at its side making it cry out in pain you swing the axe digging it deep into its arm. You struggle to pull the weapon free and with its own weapon coming at you, you can only dodge letting go of the blade. If you had been a second late it would have been worse than the blade slicing across your cheek. It raises its axe to bring it down on you when it's shot crumbling to the ground. Looking up seeing the Mandalorian blaster still smoking as you quickly move away from the dead enemies to the hunter and the child.
“Thanks.” You breathe out your hand touching your cheek wincing from the pain pulling back and seeing red. He nods his attention turns to the ground where there is a blinking tracking fob.
“We need to keep moving.” He says the three of you quickly leave the canyon and the remains of the fight. Dusk had long settled the beating sun leaving only the cool night feeling nice on your sweaty skin. Out in the dunes camp had been set up the fire blazing on the open sands, your gaze taking in the embers floating into the air. You were used to this much sand and the heat hadn’t bothered you but it felt foreign now. You were somewhere maybe not in your same system anymore you hadn’t even been off your planet before. Your home was all you knew of and now you had people after you trying to kill you. A hiss of pain comes from the bounty hunter beside you trying to sear his wound up but unable to with the angle of the cut. You move closer trying to help when a blaster is pointed at you making you put your hands up.
“I was just trying to help.” You say slowly sitting back in your spot as he keeps his gaze training on you before slowly putting his weapon away and continuing to fix himself up.
“I don’t need your help.” He says and you roll your eyes turning away and looking at the small creature sitting on a pile of blankets from his carrier his round eyes watching the flames dance in front of him. “Hey.” The hunter calls out and you turn looking over at him in his hands bacta spray and bandages. You scoff looking away and wrapping your arms around your knees.
“Hey!” He calls out moving closer and you turn more away from him, “You need to get patched up or it’s going to get infected.” You look over your shoulder glaring at him.
“I don’t need your help.” You mock his own words back at him and you could feel the annoyance and anger coming through his helmet aimed at you. You let out a shriek when his hand wraps around your arm spinning you around to face him, his gloved hand grasping your jaw holding you in place when you try moving back, “Let me go.” You push against his chest but he doesn’t budge.
He glares at you and you could feel the cool gaze staring back at the metal helmet making your movements come to a stop. He nods before beginning to clean the cut on your cheek before moving to one of your temples. You hiss out in pain when he presses too hard on the wound putting the bacta spray on.
“Would’ve been worse if you didn’t dodge,” He comments when you glare at him in pain, he continues tending to the injury, “Where did you learn to fight like that.” The stoic voice asks finishing pulling back and you bring your hand up touching the bandaged cheek and temple.
“Tatooine,” You say picturing your home the dunes of sands, the shouts of Tuskan Raiders, the wind in your hair on the speeder bikes, and the dual suns that made the perfect sunsets on the best days. “You fight to survive when you don’t got much…I have..had a pretty good teacher back home.” You correct yourself, were you ever going to go home or was this bounty hunter just going to cart you off to whoever wanted you? He nods looking down at his chest plate to fix it. Silence fills the quiet night as you look forward poking at the fire to keep it alive before glancing at the Mandalorian before you speak up.
“I want to thank you…for everything,” You say and you see him pause in his fixing, “You could’ve killed me and the child but you didn’t. I’ve only heard stories about your kind so I don’t know if it’s a religious thing or you're just different.” You quiet feeling embarrassed saying all that but one thought had been plaguing your mind.
“Are you…are you going to bring us home? The child and I?” The mask of his hides his face and anything you would be able to tell, his body language didn’t reveal anything and you couldn’t see his emotions through the metal.
“Yeah, kid…you should try to get some sleep.” He responds, his words bringing hope to believe this stranger. Fixing the child in his carrier asleep for a while before settling against the cool sands the night sky and the stars looking down at you. Whispers of sleep and dreams lull you and the Mandalorian hears a brief mumble from you,
“My name’s Y/n.”
The morning soon arrived and you were up following the hunter to what you assumed was his ship. Walking over the ridge there was his ship but it was getting dismantled by Jawas, creatures you were familiar with on Tatooine. Their large sandcrawler beside the ship loading the scraps.
“Dammit,” The bounty hunter huffs pulling his rifle from his back and laying down on the ridge looking down on the ship and taking aim.
“Wait what are you doing?” Your words are cut off as a beam is sent out hitting one of the jawas disintegrating it. The death of one of its kind sends them into a frenzy trying to run back to the ship as he continues to take out more. He quickly stands sliding down the ridge chasing after them as you and the child follow after him.
“You’re not going to be able to chase after a sandcrawler!” You yell out as he runs after it not before shouting back at you,
“Stay there!” He orders before you freeze watching him disappear with the sandcrawler leaving the two of you by the ship. It had been a while and he hadn’t returned neither did the sandcrawler.
“Kriff come on!” You say setting off after the bounty hunter the child following after you. Following the tracks of the large fortress before you stumble open a body laying along the ground recognizing the Mandalorian helmet. “Oh, maker please don’t be dead.” You say hovering over him, you debate taking off his helmet to see if he was breathing or hand a pulse. Your hands reach for the edge of the helmet ready to pull it off when he shoots up the strong metal colliding with your face making you fall back clutching your nose.
“Kriff! Dammit, that kriffing hurts!” You blink away the tears putting light touches against your nose trying to feel if it was broken. His helmet had to be built with a strong metal cause that hurt a lot. The hunter sits up groaning from his own pain of being electrocuted and kicked off a sandcrawler, “You’re a real asshole, stupid bounty hunter, stupid helmet.” You ramble off pushing yourself to stand your nose throbbing in pain and your head ringing.
He groans pushing himself to stand, “If it’s not broken then you’re fine.” He slings his rifle over his shoulder his body sore as the three of you return to his ship. You and the child sit against some rocks watching the hunter taking in the damage to the ship, he returns from inside the ship and you give him a look. He ignores it and begins to walk back into the desert. Having no choice but to follow, you walked through the dunes and plains the sun beating down on you. How was he not sweating in that armor? Your travels had the sun setting behind you and in the distance, you could see a structure. Growing closer you see it’s a moisture farm and there was a man fixing something.
“This is supposed to fix your ship,” You comment and he doesn’t acknowledge you walking over to the man who looks surprised to see him. You quickly learn the man’s name to be Kuiil as he brought you into his home feeding you the sun had long set the night here.
The Mandalorian stands beside Kuiil the two watching the child watching a frog with much interest chasing after it.
“I thought you were dead.” Kuiil says to Mando as they both watched the child playing with the frog, “These are what was causing all the fuss?” The two look away from the child to the girl, you were leaned against a crate a knife in your hand twisting it in your grasp. You meet his gaze glaring at him making Kuiil laugh. Mando looks down at his boot seeing his blade gone. How did he not notice you took it?
“She certainly doesn’t like you,” Kuiil says and the bounty hunter is silent watching you before turning away.
“I think that one is a child.” He says the child grabs the frog that he was playing with. Kuiil nods looking at the two bounties, “It is better for them to be delivered alive then,”
The bounty hunter shakes his head the problem coming up, “My ship has been destroyed. I’m trapped here.” He had been close to his fight with the Jawas before they gained the upper hand
“Stripped. Not destroyed. The Jawas steal. They don’t destroy.” Kuiil explains and the bounty hunter scoffs,
“Stolen or destroyed- makes no difference to me.” He retorted, frowning remembering what those little cloaked freaks did to his ship, “They’re protected by their crawling fortress. There is no way to recover the parts.”
“You can trade,” Kuiil suggested and the hunter looks at him like he grew three heads.
“With Jawas? Are you out of your mind?”
The older man nods his idea final, “I will take you to them. I have spoken.” They hear fussing and the child is shoving the frog into his mouth to begin devouring.
“Hey! Spit that out,” Mando called out and the Child swallowed the frog whole making you gag as you watch the whole interaction. The night had been spent traveling you had gained a cloak to protect yourself from the rain and by the time it was the day you had arrived at the sandcrawler.
Kuiil climbs off his blurrg leaving the three of you to watch as he greets the Jawas in their language. He turns looking back at the three of you mainly at the bounty hunter, “They really don’t like you for some reason.”
“Well, I did disintegrate a few of them.” The hunter brings up and you could hear the angry noises coming from the cloaked people. His hand instinctively goes to his rifle as a fight almost brews. Kuiil holds out his arm giving a pointed look to the hunter, “You need to drop your rifle.”
“I’m a Mandalorian. Weapons are part of my religion.” He refuses.
“Your religion is about to get us killed.” You hiss at the bounty hunter who glares back at you.
“Then you’re not getting your parts back.” Kuiil says giving the final ultimatum. The Mandalorian sighs putting his rifle down and climbing off the sled. “And the blaster.” He sighs removing that as well. You go to follow him when he points at you.
“Stay.” He says and your jaw drops, you weren't some animal, “And don’t touch my stuff you’re not doing that again,” The memory of him forcing you to return the blade is still fresh in your head. Maybe he should be more careful of his items. You roll your eyes sitting back down with the child watching the conversation.
Kuiil listens to the Jawa before turning to the Mandalorian, “They will trade all the parts for the beskar.” He shakes his head blowing up in anger pointing at them,
“I’m not gonna trade anything. These are my parts. They stole them from me.” He says “They, they….belong to me!” He speaks Jawa though it’s truly bad and you stifle your laughter.
“You speak terrible Jawa. You sound like a Wookiee.” One of the Jawa says and he loses his temper swiping his hand out with his flamethrower making them all yell out.
“You understand this?!” “No! Whoa, easy, easy.” Kuiil quickly diffused the fight before speaking to the Jawa, “He is Mandalorian. He cannot give you his beskar armor. What else may he trade?”
You hadn’t noticed some Jawas coming by the sled until they were inspecting the child’s carrier and poking you with their staff.
“Hey! Stop it get away.” You stand up shouting at them in Jawa alerting the bounty hunter who stands up.
“Get away from them!” He shouts and they scatter away from the two of you.
“There must be something else,” Kuiil says and the Jawas turn to discuss amongst themselves before turning around.
“We will require The Egg. Bring us The Egg.” It says and your hunter looks confused, “The Egg? What Egg?” You were confused as well as Kuiil groaned facepalming as the Jawas continue to chant.
The Jawas allow you all to travel by sandcrawler before you arrive at a series of rocky formations. The three of you minus Kuiil dismount and begin to walk through the rock formations toward an open clearing leading to a cave. “Shouldn’t I have a weapon in case you fail or something?” You bring up and he glares at you ignoring your request leaving you and the child to watch him venture inside the cave. It’s silent for a bit before a loud roar comes from the cave and out comes the Mandalorian and a large mudhorn. You watch him fire blast at the creature before reloading his weapon and the creature charges throwing him against the mud.
“Not doing so well!” You shout at him which draws the attention of the beast who charges at you and the child, “Crap!” You shout rolling out of the way mud covers your knees and arms as the child’s carrier dodges in the other direction. The mudhorn turns ready to charge again when flames unleash burning it. It tries retreating back to its den but he latches onto it with a grappling line around the horns. Shaking him aside attacking with said horns and hooves to the ground. It goes to stop down at him you rushing forward when the creature suspends in midair. A feeling you hadn’t felt in a while covers your skin as your hand whips around to look at the child its tiny hand held out. You hear the sound of the blade driving into flesh but your attention is focused on the small creature.
The Mandalorian slowly approaches the child seeing the look of slight fear on your face looking down at the child before it collapses in its cradle asleep. His gaze shifts to yours, your face seems plain but he could see the fear in your eyes that you were trying to hide. He turns walking back into the cave and returning with the egg. You had arrived back at the sandcrawler with the egg the Jawas rejoiced taking it and cutting it open devouring the insides.
“Mando!” Kuiil calls out to the bounty hunter.
“I’m surprised you waited?” Mando says and Kuiil nods looking at him,
“I’m surprised you took so long,” Kuiil says and the Jawas quickly prepare the sled with the parts of his ship. Then you were back off to the ship. You were sat in the back with the parts of the child’s carrier resting beside you as you look out on the horizon. You could hear their conversation but chose to ignore it, your mind more focused on what you had witnessed. You hadn’t imagined it you had truly seen it with your own eyes. That feeling that rushed over you had opened up something that had been locked up in fear. As you look down at this child you could feel a connection form.
The child was still asleep when you arrived at the dismantled ship, “There is no way we're gonna get this to work without a full maintenance facility. This is gonna take days to fix.” Mando says looking over the wrecked ship.
“If you care to help it might go faster. There is much work to do.” Kuiil says ready to begin the repairs. The night continues over you all as the two repairs the ship. Your head is deep in wires in the cockpit the fusion cutter grasp in your mouth as you moved cables around. Maker, this whole ship was a mess, did he purposely want a ship that was slow? As you go to move another wire, you feel hands grab your legs pulling out from the open panel and you look up to see Mando glaring down at you.
“Why are you touching my ship?” He growls out, were you tampering with it to make this harder for him? You scoff pushing him away from you and crawling back to the open panel.
You ramble off fixing the wiring but it would just be easier to get an entirely new ship. “More like fixing, like how could you allow it to get like this! Your hyperdrive is so outdated that makes you two times slower than most ships. Then there are the core processes and your sensor systems dying on you. Your better off selling this hunk of junk and getting something that’s not Pre-Galactic, hey!” His hands grab your legs again pulling you out of the panel but you were already done. He pulls you up to your feet pushing you down to a seat.
“Stop touching things,” He snatches the fusion cutter, “Just don’t even move.” He glares at you which you equally return. He steps back before turning his back from you and heading down out of the cockpit. You cross your arms settling in, maker what an asshole.
Mando sighs the last of the repairs are finished having repaired or fully restored the ship’s systems and parts. He turns looking down at Kuiil, “I can't thank you enough. Please allow me to give you a portion of the reward.” He says and the man shakes his head.
“I cannot accept. You are my guest, and I am therefore in your service.” He shakes his head and Mando nods looking at the ship,
“I could use a crew member of your ability. And I can pay handsomely.” He offers but Kuiil refuses.
“I am honored. But I have worked a lifetime to finally be free of servitude.” Kuiil says and Mando nods moving towards his ship as Kuiil mounts his blurrg. “I understand. Then all I can offer is my thanks.” Mando says.
“And I offer mine. Thank you for bringing peace to my valley and good luck with those two. May they survive and bring you a handsome reward. I have spoken.” Kuiil watches as the Mandalorian enters his ship sitting in the pilot's seat his two bounties beside him, the child was asleep in his cradle and you were leaning against the wall in your chair your eyes closed. He fires up the engines of the Razor Crest is roaring to life as he takes off leaving the planet behind.
To Nevarro.
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miercoooles · 2 years
Only for You
Summary: You have never seen him remove his mask, not even when Luke took Grogu away.
Pairing: Din Djarin x Former Jedi GN!Reader, Luke Skywalker x Platonic!Reader (kinda?)
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings: Season 2 spoilers, Angst (it took a turn, ig), talks about past trauma, no use of y/n, cursing, fluff maybe?, and ofc awfully written
A/N: I don’t know if anyone has written something like this, it’s more of a self-indulgent fic just because. I made this to be fluff, idk how that turned out ;-; Also please be nice, this is my first ever Mando fic.
Comments and reblogs are deeply appreciated!
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Din Djarin or better known as “the Mandalorian” for others, was a man of few words. When he first stumbled upon you on a mission, he didn’t even bother to bat an eye. It was because of the little green foundling, Grogu, who took interest and became immediately fond of you, that forced the bounty hunter to take you aboard the Razor Crest.
During the first six months you have spent with him, your relationship with Mando remained stagnant and purely professional. He only saw you as a colleague, someone who can help him accomplish tasks quicker, and take Grogu off his hands when he has something important to do or so that was what you thought. Although, you can’t say the same for yourself because you were attracted to the masked man, whom you have never even seen the face of. 
Today was no different when he asked you to accompany him in collecting supplies and resources as it was running low. As you were about to leave the ship and follow him, Grogu swaddled to you and embraced your leg, not letting you go. “Me and Mando will just go out and gather supplies, little one.” You explained to him, crouching down and carrying him back to his makeshift cradle. Grogu whined, shaking his head in protest and reaching his arms back for you to carry him back. 
“I can’t, little one. Don’t worry, we’ll be quick.” You assured him, caressing his head. Once he made a satisfied grumble, you let go of him and gave him one more wave before rushing outside the ship. 
“You clearly took your time.” Din stated, and you didn’t have to see his face to know that he was annoyed.
You rolled your eyes at him walking past him, your shoulders brushing against his beskar. “Well you can’t really blame me, can you? Little Grogu didn’t want to let go of me.”, you retorted, shrugging and looking over your shoulder prior to sticking your tongue out like a child.
You heard him grumble something about him being the one who saved Grogu but is more attached to you, which made you laugh.
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A few months later, you can safely say that your relationship with the head of the ship improved. He started engaging in conversations with you more often, joined in your daily activities a.k.a. playing with Grogu, and even taught you his native language, Mando’a, and trained you self-defence in case he wasn’t on the Crest.
Be that as it may, you’re unsafe to say that the relationship you have developed with the Mandalorian caused your little crush on him to bloom into something more treacherous. There were often times where you found yourself thinking and daydreaming about him as well as imagining how he looks without his helmet on to the point where you get too distracted doing your routines. 
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A year has passed since Grogu went with Luke to train and ever since then, things between you and the bounty hunter have changed. He grew distant and cold towards you as if the friendship you have established has turned into nothing but dust, and it left you confused as you returned to the first step. But you missed the little goblin whomst you had created a bond with, and you missed the relationship you’ve previously had with the Mandalorian.
You sat on the co-captain’s chair in the cockpit, staring in the distance as your mind aimlessly wandered in your thoughts while you waited for the bounty hunter to return from his current mission. You spun your chair as you replayed that night the Jedi ransacked the ship.
Just as Djarin rescued Grogu, another alarm rang through the cruiser when a X-wing fighter flew past it. You were so engrossed by the ship landing on the dock that you did not notice Grogu appear on your lap and watched along with you. Silence loomed across the room, as a hooded figure dismounted the ship. The moment you saw the green lightsaber flash from the mystery man’s hand, you felt as if a bucket of ice water fell on you.
Grogu seemed to have noticed your change in demeanour that he made concerned, little gurgling noises that pulled you out of your thoughts. You looked at him and caressed his head, giving him a small smile to assure him you’re alright. 
As Gideon saw the commotion bother the crowd, he took his chance, pulling out his blaster and shooting Kryze, pummeling her to the floor. He then turned around to aim at you and Grogu, but Mando was quick to act and jumped in front of you as you shielded Grogu. 
Opening your eyes, you saw Gideon knocked out on the ground and Grogu reaching his hands up to the monitor wherein the not so mysterious man (to you anyway) just finished the dark troopers. You heard Djarin command someone to open the doors, but you were too fixated on the man walking towards it that you did not hear who. 
Once the door is open, the man removes his hood revealing his face. No one said a word as his eyes travelled and studied each person in the room, definitely searching for someone. When you met his gaze, he looked at you with familiarity, making you look away. 
“I am Luke Skywalker”, he introduced himself. You discreetly rolled your eyes at the mention of his name. 
“Are you a Jedi?” Din asked, to which Skywalker answered and confirmed. You turned your chair so your back is facing him, Grogu, on the other hand, peeked at the side of the chair, interested in the man. 
You heard Luke call onto Grogu, you looked down at the foundling who hasn’t moved an inch. “He doesn’t want to go with you.” The masked man said, stepping forward. Luke went on explaining that Grogu was asking for Mando’s permission to allow him and that the Jedi will do his best to protect the Child with his life and train him which made you scoff. 
You did not have to look to know that the bounty hunter was reluctant in letting Grogu go, but you both knew that was what he was meant to do. So when you heard his footsteps coming towards you, you faced him and handed him the Child. 
“Go on, little one. That’s who you belong with, he’s one of your kind. I’ll see you again, I promise.” Mando assured the little one, but you knew that he was also assuring himself that they will be reunited again.
You watched them intently as the Child held up his hand to touch the beskar helmet of Djarin. You heard about Djarin and his affiliations with The Children of the Watch. You also know that group teaches its foundlings that they should never reveal their identity to the presence of another living being. So when you saw him clutch the material that covered his identity, you turned your chair away from him, respecting the belief of the group he is in.
You felt trinkets of water on your cheeks as you heard Mando usher the Child to go with Luke.  Once you heard your partner put his helmet back on, you assumed that the Jedi master already left, and you huffed out the breath you didn’t know you were holding, thinking you were finally safe. Or that’s what you thought…
“I see you’ve joined the other side,” the blonde spoke up, proving your assumptions wrong and making you inhale sharply as he was clearly talking about you.
You felt everyone’s eyes fall on you, but you were particular about only one. You felt Djarin’s eyes drill holes at you with curiosity through his helmet, and he did not have to remove it for you to figure out that he was baffled about what was unfolding in front of him.
You spun your chair once more to face him, glaring at him and crossing your arms. “So? What is it to you?”, you retorted sassily.
“Ah, still the same old you. It’s nothing really,  I just never expected it, especially with you.” He taunted.
“Oh really? I would beg to differ.” You protested, quirking your eyebrow and leaning forward. “Or have you already forgotten what you did to me?”
Luke stayed quiet for a moment, speechless that you remembered what happened years ago. “You know I never meant for that to happen.” 
What he said infuriated you, but you closed your eyes and took a deep breath, fisting your hand. “I never left you on purpose. I was needed elsewhere. I had a duty. And if I had let you know, would you have let me go? I don’t think so because you wouldn’t have understood anything since what do you know about duty and responsibilities, huh?” He continued, raising his voice as he defended his previous actions.
That stunned you, but he was right. You had no sense of duty as you were a young, reckless, and carefree person. You had no care for your responsibilities. You wanted your life to be filled with fun and joy, not with stress and worry. You had potential with the Force even Kenobi foresaw that, and had you taken your training seriously, your skills would be equalling Luke on a par or duel, maybe even bested him. But you had let your childishness win. Yet he had no right whatsoever to talk to you like that, like he knew what happened to you. 
You stood up from where you were seated and started striding towards him, forgetting the existence of the others. “How dare you speak to me that way, Luke Skywalker. Do you have any idea of what I went through the moment you left? NO! You have no idea what hell I have experienced and encountered when you abandoned me. You have no idea about the pains and sacrifices I made in order to get back up again. You have no clue how long it took me to fix and find myself once more. I waited for years Luke, years thinking you would return for me but no, you never did. I felt like I had no purpose anymore, but thanks to them…”, You argued, looking at Din Djarin before continuing. “I found it again. Without them, I would probably still be wandering the outskirts of wherever. I was saved by them, by Grogu and Djarin.” 
Once you were face to face with him, you pointed your finger at him, stopping the urge to slap him, “You have not one shittiest hint of what I have been through, so you have no right to talk to me like that. You were the only one I had, you were my best friend, yet it seemed so easy for you to leave me. I only wished you told me, then maybe it would have been easier for me.” You whisper-shouted, your lips quivering as you held back your tears and softly punched his shoulders, avoiding to hurt the Child.
You felt yourself become light-headed from all the emotions that you let out. The last thing you felt was strong, cold arms catching you before your vision turned dark and passed out. 
When you woke up, you looked over to the side hoping to see the man you were completely infatuated with, instead you were disappointed when you were met by Bo Katan.  When she saw you open your eyes, she immediately told you that Grogu went with Luke to become his apprentice. You scrambled on your feet, Kryze behind you as you searched the whole ship looking for any signs of Grogu, but there was none. And that broke you even more as you never got to say goodbye.
An hour or so has passed by and you were still deep in thought not hearing the bounty hunter return from his assignment. He removed his armour, leaving his helmet on as he went to look for you in the ship. When he found you, he saw you lost in thought, your chin placed on your palm. He let out a sigh, leaning against the doorframe and watched your reflection on the window.
Before he left, he told you that he was going out to complete a mission he accepted, the truth was he went to see Ahsoka. The confrontation that happened between you and the Jedi bothered and confused him. He thought that the connection you both had meant you trusted him enough to tell him those kinds of things, apparently he was wrong and expected too much that he ended up getting hurt in the process. 
The feelings he had towards you puzzled him, and he wondered if there was a chance that you felt the same towards him. But seeing how you and Luke fought, he gave that thought up and started distancing himself to lessen the pain. He knew what he was doing affected you both badly, but he thought it was for the best.
And although he believes that what happened that night doesn’t hurt him anymore, he knows deep inside that he’s only lying to himself, especially because it was the night where he had to let go of his ‘kid’. But what wounded him more than it should was that it was Baby Grogu that bridged him to you. During your first encounter, he only saw you as a burden. But the immediate close proximity you have made with the Child, allowed him to give you the benefit of the doubt and accepted you anyway. 
He stayed distant, watching you and Grogu interact and play while he worked or rested. In those moments, he felt his cold heart warm up to you, thinking that maybe it would not be so bad to make a bond with you. Afterall, you’ve known each other for how many months already. 
So in a few months, he joined you whenever he had nothing to do, helping you in taking care of Grogu or just spending time with you and getting to know you better. As you got together frequently, his feelings evolved. Being with you made him at ease, made him feel he was safe. You welcomed him with open arms and open heart, not once making him feel uncomfortable or judged. He trusted you and became most vulnerable only to you, the first he has done in a while. But the thing about you that he cannot fathom was that there was something about being around your presence that he could not keep away from even just for a second. 
And after everything, after seeing and learning about the things you kept secret from him, all he gravely wanted to do was pull you closer to his embrace and comfort you. He wishes to be there for you as you let the walls you built for years break. He craves to be the person who you will look for and run to when you need someone like how he is to you. He longs to be the person whom you would be comfortable to show the real you without any filters. He aches to be the one to put and protect that beautiful smile and laugh of yours. And he yearns to hold you, to have you in his arms, to shower you with kisses, to tell you what he truly feels about you, to wake up beside you, and to be able to call you his best friend and lover. 
That was the main reason why he visited Ahsoka because he had no clue about what he felt and how to express it. When the former Jedi master confronted him and told him bluntly that what he felt was love, he instantly denied that idea until she asked him a series of questions about you. And when he realised it, he promptly stood up and thanked her before sprinting as fast as his legs could back to the ship.
Which brings him to now, still watching you. He observed you quietly, wondering what it was that put you deep in thought. He loves it whenever you use that wonderful brain of yours because you have an adorable habit of scrunching your eyebrows together and pouting your lips. 
The moment he saw a teardrop fall from your cheek, he felt his heart shatter. Maybe he doesn’t know the reason but he wasn’t completely heartless. His legs quietly carried him to you, sitting down beside you and wiping your tear stained cheeks, startling you.
You withdrew yourself from his touch, frantically looking elsewhere as you felt his eyes scan, possibly trying to figure out what you were thinking. “Hey Mando! Since when did you get back?” You asked nervously, your fingers fidgeting and legs bouncing.
He hummed before sitting on his respective chair and facing you. “Just a while back. Can I ask you something?” He queried, his voice heavy due to the modulation of his helmet. “You don’t have to answer if it makes you uncomfortable.”, he continued, checking your body language to see if you were okay with it. You squirmed in your seat, feeling seen by him before nodding, eyes still averted from him, “Ask away, amigo.”
“Why have you never told me?” You looked at him, your eyebrows knitting together, “Never told you what exactly?” Although you can’t see him do it, he rolled his eyes and raised his eyebrow at you. “I mean, why have you never told me that you were a Jedi warrior? I thought that maybe by that time before that Luke guy appeared, we already earned each other’s trust.”
The question took you by surprise, not that you weren’t expecting him to ask, you just didn’t think he would ask you now since it has been a year already. For the first time, you understood why he pushed you away, he felt like you had not trusted him enough to not give him this information that it hurt him. 
You finally found the courage to look at him, and you have no idea what he’s thinking or what his expression is behind his mask, making you more jittery. 
Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath, sighing it out before opening them once more to look at him. “I presumed that I did not have to remember that chapter of my life once I joined your journey. I never expected Luke to appear out of nowhere and bring that part of my life up. As for never telling you, I did not want to share to you the burden of guilt I carry. You have so much on your shoulders already, that it felt right to just never let you know as I have left it. Maybe also because I was scared that your perception of me would differ when you find out. ”
Your sight dropped to your lap, your thumbs playing with one another, and your whole body trembled as you finished. You couldn’t look at him now, you felt vulnerable as you held back your tears. There was nothing but deafening silence and it scared you because the thoughts in your head are saying that he sees you differently and more disgusting now than ever. But those thoughts evaporated the moment he placed his right hand on yours, caressing it while his left hand softly cupped your chin and moved it up so he could see your face. 
His left hand continued moving, stroking your cheeks with his knuckles. You released a relieved sigh as you leaned into his touch. “Darling, I would never look at you differently just because our races hated each other. And I’m sorry if I ever hurt you by distancing myself away. It just felt…” 
You pulled your right hand away and placed it on his helmet, gesturing for him to stop. “You don’t have to explain, okay? I should have told you because we made a promise that there should be no secrets between us.” 
It was now your turn to place your hand on the cheeks of his cold headgear, running the pad of your thumb against the cold surface. He broke away from your touch, withdrawing his hands from you and moving it towards the end of his helmet. That was when it hit you he was going to take it off for you, but before he could you stopped him. 
“Wait, what are you trying to do?”
“Well before you stopped me, I was going to remove my helmet.” He quipped, making you giggle. 
“No I knew that, you idiot. I meant why are you doing it? Don’t you have some sort of belief that you shouldn’t show your face to others?” You asked innocently, tilting your head out of curiosity. Din chuckled at the thought of you being dense. 
“We did say there should be no secrets between us, right?.”
“Right, but doesn’t mean you have to do that especially if you feel like you’re being forced to. And you already went against that vow when you removed it for Grogu, I don’t want you to do the same just for me.” He laughed at your explanation, the modulation of his voice vibrating to your spine, making you shudder. 
“For a genius, you can be the densest person. I already broke the oath for Grogu, so it doesn’t really matter anymore. But even before that, if you had asked me to show myself to you, I would have taken the chance and done it anyway.” 
What he professed dumbfounded you. “I? You? Wha? Why?”, was the only thing you managed to articulate, smart right?
“Because…”, he trailed off. “Because you are worth breaking the commitment I made to The Tribe. You are the first thing I think of when I wake up, and my last thought before I go to bed, you smile at me in my dreams. And only for you, I would risk everything even if it meant getting outcasted by my race since you mean everything to me and I love you beyond the galaxies and more.”
With that he removed the last piece of beskar armour he had on, placing it on his lap and officially revealing his identity to you. Your mind still not comprehending what he said, added with the fact he showed his face to you, had you feeling hundreds and thousands of swirling emotions.
Concerned at your stillness, he asked, “Am I that ugly?” pulling you out of your thoughts. 
Blinking your eyes, it hit you that he was there without the headpiece. “Oh my Gooooood!” You exclaimed, astonished by how good he looks.
“Is that a good thing?”, he asked once more, scratching the back of his nape. You nodded your head vigorously. You stared at his features, remembering every detail, in case you’ll never see it again. 
He has tousled brown hair from removing his helmet. His eyes were a twinkling chocolate brown doe orbs that seemed to hypnotise you as you stared into it. He had soft and pale red lips. Topping off his features was a peppered stubble that scattered on his jaw and a moustache that made him look more serious and mature. 
You timidly move your hand to his cheek, afraid that in a blink of an eye, you will wake up and everything you saw  was a dream and t’was too good to be true. He softly gripped your wrist, eagerly placing your palm on his cheeks, making you wheeze at his impatience. 
Once your skins’ touch, you stroked his cheeks, feeling the roughness of his stubble underneath your palm. When you made eye contact, you gave him a soft smile. And it didn’t go unnoticed that his eyes flickered to your lips for a moment.
“Would you mind if I kissed you?” He asked with no shame, taking you off guard and making you choke on your own saliva. You smacked him in the chest, and he just raised his eyebrow.
“So can I?” You pretended to think for a moment before nodding. “I need verbal consent, darling.” He drawled, leaning forward and boring his eyes into yours. You cannot deny that letting his gentleness lead him gave you butterflies, once more falling head over heels in love with the tin man.
“Yes Din, kiss me please.” You begged, and in one swift motion, he leaned towards you and pressed his lips against yours. 
You had thoughts that the kiss you two would share would be heavenly, but you had not expected it to be this good. His lips were soft and light like feathers against yours. His hand held the side of your neck, the pad of his thumb grazing your jaw, while the other found itself on your thighs as he gave it a comforting and reassuring squeeze, resulting in a satisfactory sigh coming from you. 
You felt him smile through the kiss before pulling away to catch his breath, making you whine at the loss of contact.
He placed his forehead on yours, piercing into your orbs before mumbling, “Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum, my mesh'la cyar’ika**” against your lips.
“I love you too, Din.”, placing one more kiss on his lips.
Note: Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum, my mesh'la cyar’ika** - I love you, my beautiful darling.
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sofasoap · 2 years
Pairing : Din Djarin x GN!Reader + Grogu
Summary: Din's biggest nightmare is losing his family, his clan, losing you.
kind of set after Grogu comes back from Jedi training, and let's just pretend Din still got Razor Crest or bought a similar size ship. Starfighter is just too.... SMALL! Warning: M rating ,strong languages. English is my 2nd language, not beta'ed either, so I apologise for any mistakes. You are responsible for your own media consumption. Please don't enter if you are under 18 or of legal age in your country and turn around NOW. minors DNI. A/N: For @deakyjoe again. I promised her if she did her Uni work I will write something lol. Here it is.
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"I am leaving." Din's hand froze. He slowly look up from the blaster he was cleaning. " I don't think I can do this anymore Mando." Shaking your head. " I am sick of this... fighting, and this, " waving your hands around, " I am sick of being trapped inside all the time, in this enclosed space." His hands start to shake. He open his mouth, but no sound is coming out.
"I want to settle down... not hiding from the enemy all the time, and this is not a good environment to bring up the younglings!" Turning towards your cot, you pick up your bag and started stuffing your belongs into it.
"And this bullshit of creed, not showing your face, and Oh, they ditch you even though you are the holder of darksaber just because you showed your face to outsider?" You rolled your eyes.
Din try to argue, still, he couldn't make a sound. As if someone has taken his voice away from him.
" So you got nothing to say to me Mando? Not even going to try and persuade me?" Sighing as you walk past him, picking up Grogu as you head out of the ship. " I am taking Grogu with me. I hope this is the last time I see you, DIN DJARIN." You spatted out his name, not even looking back and walked off into the forest.
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Din screamed as he sat up from his bunk. Sweat completely drenching his body. Totally disorientate he turn on the night light beside his head and look around. It's too quiet. Usually he hears sounds of you walking around the ship, doing chores or fixing things, or little cooing sound of Grogu, and you telling him off for being a mischief. The fear surface again, was that nightmare real?? and I am just replaying the episode again and again in my mind ? Quickly donning his helmet, not even bothering with rest of his armour, he stepped out from his tiny bunker. No one in the cargo area, refresher empty. Climbing up towards the cockpit, not a trace of you two.
Lastly checking your bunk space, blanket folded neatly, your bag is missing. Din feel likes he was about to have a breakdown. He couldn't imagine his life without you. Without the little Munchkin. His clan of three. He hasn't even confess his feeling to you yet. Rushing to putting his armour on, he set out to find you two. Guessing you two haven't made it too far, there is still a chance. Just as he was about to step out, the cargo hold landing door opened up. And there's you, with his son tucked away in one of the bag, holding some sort of sweet pastry in his hand, and your backpack on your back and another satchel full of groceries and supplies. The two of you were giggling and laughing, as if sharing a joke. " OH! Mando, you are awake!" You greeted to him as you spotted him standing by the entrance. Din rush up towards you, pull you into an embrace. " Mando...are you OK?" You still haven't change your habit of calling him Mando. Even though you heard his real name already through Moff Gideon. You thought Din haven't given you the permission to use his name, you will stick with calling him Mando. Letting out a shaky breath. " Where did you guys go?" " We went out for supply run, it was such a good weather and you mention this area and town is relatively safe... So I thought I take Grogu for a stroll." putting down one of the side satchel and Grogu force jumped out from the bag. "Sorry I didn't wake you up. You were in such a deep sleep and you haven't had a good rest for last few weeks.. So I thought I'll let you be." You replied apologetically and gave him a squeeze. " Come on. I bought some of your favourite fruits. Turns out they had a very good harvest this year on this planet. I can make them into ration bar and preserves, so you won't need to hunt for them for a long time." You smiled at him. Just as you about to turn away and head back into the ship, Din moved his hand, cupping your face and pull you head in, lightly touching his forehead. "Man.. Mando?" Your face heating up. "Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum, Cyare..." He whispered back. You closed your eyes. Enjoying this intimate moment. "That's a new word...what does it mean Mando?" " I'll tell you one day... not now.. but one day."
"....and please.. call me Din." ".. Din." The sound of his name , so sweet and loving coming out from your mouth. Din felt someone tugging his pants and little coo sound. " I think he feels left out." You laughed. Din let go of you, bending down to pick his son up and gave him a little knock forehead to forehead.
" Come on, let's go help your buir to put away the groceries." Din commented. " that's ANOTHER new word Din... what does it mean? You got to start teaching me some Mando'a soon.. otherwise I would think you two are talking behind my back! " You said half jokingly. ".. It means parent." You raised your eyebrow as he explain it to you. You stood there for a moment as the two boys walk up the plank back into the ship. Took you few second to understand the implication, his words, and his action from before. Your heart flutters. Maybe.. Just maybe? That little hope and desire you have tucked away starting to rise.
".. I thought you two left me.. " " Never Din... We will never leave you. I will never leave you. Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum. "
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I know its a common joke and meme how he is technically the holder of Darksaber and they just flick him away like that.. unless they come up with a good reason.. to me it's just a major plot hole. Thank you for reading, liking and reblogs!
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catofadifferentcolor · 8 months
Terrible Fic Idea #84: Star Wars, but make it the Outer Rim
I've been reading a lot of Star Wars fic lately, much of it involving time travel in some shape or form. Most of it is wonderful, but after a while some of it starts to read as let's fix the Republic so we can bring the light and civilization of the core to the outer rim. Which, while possibly disingenuous, feels a little too much like the justifications made by Europeans for their colonial empires.
As I said, I'm probably reading too much into certain tropes, but can't help but wonder: what if one of these fics started in the outer rim as a way of bringing light and goodness back to the core? Or: Save Tatooine, save the galaxy.
Just imagine it:
Several years have passed after The Book of Boba Fett in the original timeline. While the New Republic calls Daimyo Fett's leadership just another crime syndicate masquerading as good government, anyone who's actually been to the planet knows it's the other way around. Most crime syndicates don't care for planetary infrastructure or public vaccination programs.
Boba has encouraged Din to use his palace as a base for his bounty hunting activities - and as a home planet for the small community of Mandelorians building around their Mand'alor. Ideally, this would be the start of a courtship that wouldn't be moving as slowly as it is if Din wasn't an oblivious idiot about 1) his feelings and 2) traditional Mandalorian courting, but it could also simply be vod'e being vod'e. Dealer's choice.
And so Din is on planet when someone tries to bribe Boba for one reason or another with an ancient Sith artifact.
Din calls in a Jedi from Luke's school to investigate - Cal Kestis, who is one of a handful of trained adults in the new Jedi Order and the most knowledgeable about weird force osik...
...which doesn't stop Cal from accidentally triggering the artifact and sending Boba, Din, and himself back in time to the year 53 BBY, shortly before Jaster Mereel is set to die in the Battle of Korda VI.
As if finding themselves on Tatooine approximately 66 years in the past - well before any of them were even born - isn't enough, all three find themselves in their teenage bodies. Boba and Din are somewhere between 15 and 17, when they have most of their adult height but none of their bulk, while Cal is disgusted to find himself a particularly short 12. This in no way reflects their real differences in ages, and they are forced to attribute it to more inexplicable force osik.
Despite their ages, this proves an opportunity to stop the Empire from ever forming. But how? None of them know enough about the precise course of events to begin to stop it, and even if they could manage to get the Jedi Council to listen to them, waltzing into the Jedi Temple and declaring themselves time travelers is bound to put them on Palaptine's radar in a way that is likely to end their painful deaths.
The solution, they decide, is to get the Jedi to come to them. After all, if they repeat Boba's actions from the future, overthrow the Hutts, and free the slaves on Tatooine, someone from the Jedi is bound to come and investigate.
Taking over Tatooine proves easier than their wildest dreams.
Killing Jabba the Hutt in his own throne room and transmitting a signal that jams slave chips across the planet is all that's needed to spark a general uprising against the slavers and Jabba's criminal empire.
It's a little less easy getting the representatives of the colonists, freed slaves, and native peoples to believe that a pair of teenage Mandos and a half-grown Jedi took out a member of the Grand Hutt Council, but once they hear Boba's plans to convert the planet's slave-based economy to a viable democracy funded in part by the wealth of Jabba's vaults, they're more than willing to vote him Daimyo. His actions more than make up for his apparent age.
The Republic is naturally less sanguine. Mandalorians on Tatooine? Is this the start of another war of conquest? (To say nothing that several of the more corrupt members are in the position to lose a lot of money if crime and slave trade is disrupted in the outer rim.) The Senate orders the Jedi to investigate.
The Jedi are also in an uproar. Not only do holos show a young force sensitive helping a pair of Mandos take over Tatooine, but one of those Mandos has a lightsaber the likes of which they've never seen. (Tensions between Jedi and the Mandalorians are such that no one recognizes the Darksaber for what it is or what it means.) Could this mean some dark side sect has sent some of their apprentices to help rebuild the Mandalorian Empire?
The Mandalorians are also unsettled - Death Watch because the Darksaber seems to have disappeared overnight, only to end up with a child in unpainted beskar half a galaxy away; the True Mandalorians because it looks to them that Death Watch might be sending children into battle to build the empire they're always going on about; and the New Mandolorians because this is exactly the kind of violence that gives Mandalore a bad name.
And all of this fails to take into account the Sith, who are naturally upset that the fear and despair they've worked so hard to cultivate on the edges of the Republic has been disrupted with something so light as hope.
All parties converge on Tatooine.
The Mandalorians arrive first. The True Mandalorians are just beginning to investigate when Death Watch decides to attack first and ask questions never.
Boba, Din, and Cal were expecting this and so have a plan in place that allow their forces to take down most of the terrorists while ensuring Jaster Mereel survives, thereby preventing Korda VI, Galidraan, and all that follows. Montross is killed in the fighting without his double cross ever being known.
This also manages to convince the True Mandalorians that they're just a bunch of kids trying to make their way in the galaxy, and while they ask why take over a planet? why not just join a mercenary guild?, Jaster can't deny that they're doing a good thing. He stations some of his people on planet and leaves them be, content Din isn't going to try to push his claim as Mand'alor and/or build another extremist terrorist sect around the Darksaber.
The Mandalorians leave right as a large number of Jedi arrive. In this party are most of their best lightsaber dualists, including a less jaded Yan Dooku and a young Qui-Gon Jinn (who is only a few months out from Xanatos' Fall and in desperate need of a mind healer). Forced proximity has made the later very clear to all the Jedi Masters involved, and this alone prevents many of the tragedies of Obi-Wan's early apprenticeship.
Qui-Gon's mental health aside, the Jedi presume they'll be attacked by dark siders the moment they touch down on Tatooine. Instead they're invited to the Daimyo's palace, given refreshments, and brought before the planet's new ruling council. Which includes two freed slaves, a wizened Tusken grandmother, a pair of moisture farmers, and a representative from one of the cantinas in addition to a pair of teenage Mandos and a young force sensitive.
This meeting goes a long way to convincing the Jedi that what's happening on Tatooine could be a good thing - particularly after Boba turns over everything they could find regarding some of Jabba's dealings with several shady senators and businessmen within the bounds of the Republic. Including one young senator, Sheev Palpatine of Naboo. While several are able to talk their way out of trouble, it removes the worst of Palpatine's future lackeys from power.
The Jedi also invite Cal to come back with them to the temple to "finish" his training. Cal invites them instead to build a satellite temple on Tatooine. After all, there's no reason why a religious order should be tied to the Republic government, and setting up a temple in the outer rim would allow the Jedi to help those on the outer rim more easily, without waiting for the approval of the Senate.
The Jedi obviously don't agree right away - but it does mean that they come back fairly often to discuss the particulars, meaning that someone is on planet when the Sith decide the best way to fix their plans is to try to assassinate the young Daimyo and his allies, revealing the Sith's continued existence decades early.
Which is where my plot bunny starts to fizzle out.
With Jaster Mereel alive, the True Mandalorians have a real chance of stopping both the terrorism of Death Watch and the cultural genocide of the New Mandalorians, leaving Mandalore in a position of strength versus the Republic. So long as this remains the case, plans for a New Sith Empire must be put on hold.
With the shadiest characters removed from the Senate, it's harder for a Sith to take charge of it - especially when a strengthening Tatooine continues to disrupt smuggling and slave trafficking in the outer rim, reducing the darkness and the funds he has access to.
And so though the details are up to the dealer, taking over Tatooine disrupts the Sith's machinations enough that they're forced to show their hands too soon, and thus defeated before they can ever give rise to the empire. It's not easy, but it involves a lot less suffering than the original timeline.
Bonuses include: 1) Merrin and Grogu also traveling through time as a result of the force bonds that they have with Cal and Din respectively. They wake up on the currently uninhabited planet Luke's school will occupy in the future rather than Tatooine and have to go through a quest of their own to get off planet and rejoin the others. This should involve accidentally helping the other's plans to prevent the empire, such as by disrupting a crime syndicate or blowing up the Trade Federation's first droid factory; 2) Teenagers being teenagers. These kids may have been adults in the future with all their adult memories, but they've got teenage bodies now and it shows; and 3) Boba and company never outright admitting they're time travelers, but dropping enough hints to the relevant parties that they eventually come to that conclusion on their own. Only then do they share the details of the horrible future they've prevented.
And that's all I have. As always, feel free to adopt this bun, just link back if you do anything with it.
More SW Fic Ideas | More Terrible Fic Ideas
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disaster-writer · 1 year
What Lips Can’t Say
Pairing: The Mandalorian x Reader
Summary: Mando realizes that he may not be able to love you the way you want to be loved
Word Count: 3.4k
Rating: T
Warning: Mentions of human trafficking
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Din Djarin wasn’t cut out for this. He wasn’t cut out for playing the role of ‘Dad’ or talking to a woman in hopes of pursuing a relationship. 
He ignored the scene behind him in the pilot seat with every ounce of will that he had, but the temptation to look behind himself was all too strong. Especially since he knew he’d only find you cooing at Grogu and staring into his wide innocent eyes going on about how beautiful they were while you stroked his cheeks with him responding in his own gibberish speak.
This entire situation the Mandalorian seemed to find himself in felt all too domestic in the most off kilter way imaginable.
He always figured that if he decided to settle down, it would be with a Mandalorian woman that he’d have a human kid with. It certainly didn’t consist of a little green Jedi menace as a son and attempting to pursue an escaped slave turned thief and con artist.
And you were both his bounties— go figure.
Perhaps he was growing soft. Years ago he would have never done anything like this.
When Din was younger he had hunted kids before and women. He had no problem collecting the price on their heads back then. Sure, maybe it made him feel like shit for a couple days but he needed the money.
But now it was as if he had no self control. He was at least able to hand Grogu over for a day or so but when it came right down to it, he couldn’t just leave the little hellraiser in the hands of the Empire. Maybe you were right to fawn over the kid’s eyes like you had, it was probably those same eyes that had thawed something within Din and ripped out any spine he had in the process.
And he didn’t even want to think about how far he went with you. 
You were only frozen in carbonite for three days before allowing Peli, of all people, to inadvertently talk him into thawing you and helping you find your way back home.
The mechanic had went on her own little tour inside the Razor Crest when he had stopped by for her to fix some things, and upon her little expedition she stuck her nose where it hadn’t belonged.
In the frozen bounties.
That was when she had spotted you, frozen in carbonite with a look of terror marring your beautiful face. 
Peli had immediately gone on and on about how great you were, hanging out with her and the droids to gamble in rounds of Sabacc despite you losing every single time. Then in Peli fashion she had said too much, she went into your sob story, how you were trying to get back home after being separated from your family and seeing your parents killed by stormtroopers right in front of your eyes, and how the bounty on your head was because you had escaped from your slavemaster. So you eventually turned to stealing and conning others in order to survive while you tried to find your way back to your home planet.
”What slave trade was she in?” He had stupidly asked.
”She’s a beautiful young woman, what do you think tin can?”
”The bounty’s too high for an escaped slave.”
”That’s because she left with a little souvenir,” Peli had grinned.
”…What did she take?”
”The bastards cock.”
And that’s why Din Djarin never asked kriffing questions.
Half way towards Nevarro, going through hyperspace. Din had found himself leaving the cockpit and heading towards the captured bounties.
He had flipped through them until he landed on you.
With a sigh, he had unfroze you.
He still remembers the wail that escaped your tense throat and the absolute panic that radiated from you. You were disoriented and blinded from the carbonite and Din had to hold you down to keep you from hurting yourself while you cried about not being able to see.
He had to sooth your panic… something he was certainly not very adept at. But once he had gotten through to you, once he had told you the blindness would wear off, and when he had told you he would help you get back home. Only then, did you calm down.
Little did he know, you lived on an unknown planet in the outer rim, with the strangest kriffing orbital pattern.
So now, almost two years later, you were still with him and Grogu.
There was a particular noise Grogu made behind him that made you giggle in response, and your giggle had made Din’s traitorous heart skip a beat.
He swallowed nervously, keeping his eyes ahead of him in space, once again ignoring the urge to turn around.
Right… there was also that.
It was something that he would forever blame on Mayfeld— if that bastard had just kept his big mouth shut Din maybe would have had a chance of living a life in denial until dropping you off on your home planet only then realizing what had been happening once it was too late.
He was falling for you.
It was so kriffing stupid and made him feel like a teenager all over again. He knew it was ridiculous, he knew it would never happen, but that didn’t stop his thoughts from straying to you or worrying over you whenever you had tagged along on a job.
It was an observation Migs Mayfeld had pointed out during a job he needed help with, and he could no longer ignore his feelings, not with it being said out in the open. The words taunted him, feeling as if they just hung in the air now whenever he was around you.
”Didn’t know you were wife shopping. Looking for a mom for Grogu so you can keep playing house?”
”I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Din had replied.
Mayfeld had furrowed his brow, looking at Mando like he was insane, “Don’t act like I haven’t noticed you hogging her from the moment I stepped onto this ship. I haven’t been able to say two things to the woman without you hovering.”
”That’s not—“
”Alright. Let me ask her out then.”
”What. She’s pretty and single, so I’m gonna ask her out,” with that he had headed to the door of the cockpit, putting his hand on the handle to go to the bunker below but before he could open it Mando had placed a hand on the door, holding it shut.
His own actions had shocked himself.
Mando hadn’t known what to say, so he remained silent.
”A little advice. Just tell her— who knows? Maybe she has a thing for quiet, brooding Mandalorians.”
He was fucked from that moment on.
”Shifting into hyperspace.”
You hummed in response behind him as he shifted the ship into hyperspace as to continue the search for your home planet.
Din stared into space as the stars zipped past the ship in striking lights of blue. A beautiful sight that’s gotten all too familiar, causing it to lose it’s original charm.
But slowly he spun in his seat to witness one sight that didn’t have the capability of losing its charm.
Just as Din had assumed, there you sat in the copilot’s chair, forehead pressed against Grogu’s as you stared lovingly into his eyes with a grin. Grogu’s small hand had come up to pat your cheek.
It reminded him of the first time you had seen Grogu. 
You had been sitting in his bunker for a few days as you waited for your sight to return, Grogu had been in his hammock as usual. It was morning and you had just woken up to find your eye sight had returned just enough for you to finally get around safely. 
You had known that there was a baby on board, but what you hadn’t expected was to be greeted with the sight of the small creature with impossibly large and innocent eyes.
Din was barely able to pry Grogu from your hands that entire day.
So you had done this a lot with the child.
He had never asked why, the same way you had never asked him about his helmet or the things he would do due to his creed so it didn’t quite feel right for the Mandalorian to ask you about your own peculiar habits.
But something felt different in this moment. 
And whatever that was, it had compelled him to finally put the words into question.
”Why do you do that?” Came the smooth modulated voice from his helmet.
You perked up, lifting your forehead from Grogu’s to meet the same blank stare of Mando’s helmet that you have grown so accustomed to.
”Do what?” Your smile was giddy— a smile that the child always seemed to pull out of you… He’d be lying if it didn’t make him the slightest bit jealous, even if he knew it was silly.
”Stare into his eyes like that.”
”Oh,” you hummed, gazing back down to stroke Grogu’s cheek just below his eye, before peering back up at Mando. “It’s a uh— custom, I guess you could say.  Something my people do back home.”
Din was quiet for a moment. 
You both had been quite similar to one another. Neither one of you spoke much but instead allowed actions to take precedent over words. 
It was one of the reasons you both worked well together. A deeper understanding that transcended the use of words.
But that also lead to crossroads such as this, where Din wanted to learn more about you but didn’t know how to ask you, while you needed the prompting since you never just gave it up.
So he stammered, “Does it— Does it mean something or…” he trailed off awkwardly.
You finally straighten up to start addressing him properly. You laughed softly at his flustered words, “Where’s this sudden curiosity stemming from,” you grinned.
”…You just do it a lot.” He spoke softly.
You hummed again, thinking about how you could explain this cornerstone of your culture to him. 
Truthfully you were quite open about this particular thing but with Mando being a Mandalorian you had decided to keep it to yourself. You’ve always figured that at best he wouldn’t understand where you were coming from but at worst it could accidentally end up insulting his entire way of life… so you kept it shut away.
You had never offered it up and he had never pried.
Until now it seemed.
You quirked your head in thought before deciding to ultimately bite the bolt.
”My people believe that love comes from the eyes.”
Mando didn’t respond.
So you elaborated, “The concept of love, no matter what kind, is very important in my culture. You could say it’s what we are all about. Just as the Mandalorians are trained to fight and handle weapons as part of your religion, love is the main focus for us.”
”… The Mandalorians believe in love.” He responded softly, something was beginning to ache within himself at your words.
You nodded, “Yes, the loyalty that the Mandalorians have is very similar to us— it’s my favorite part of the Mandalorian Creed if I am being honest.”
Din was starting to realize that you may have known more about him and his people than he did about you and yours all along.
”However, we were never strong believers in learning how to fight… it was how the Empire was able to target us and invade the planet. Everything I learned, the stealing, the conning, how to fight back in combat and fire a blaster goes against everything I ever believed in,” you said sadly, eyes falling back to the baby in your arms who cooed at you.
The ache was rapidly growing within Mando’s chest. He had asked you to steal for him during certain jobs, you were smaller than him and quite efficient at the task. He had also had you aid him in fights and… he was the one that wanted to teach you how to fire a blaster. A memory he once found intimate had quickly soured at the thought of making you turn your back on your beliefs.
He felt sick. But you continued.
”Perhaps we were just too peaceful, but I loved every minute of it. My parents were madly in love, the way my father would look at my mother always made me want to find a man that would look at me the same way one day. What I do with Grogu is something parents do with their babies to convey how much they love them.”
”I didn’t know you were such a romantic.”
You smiled at Din— a heart stopping smile, “You’re not the only one that’s secretly a softy.”
”I’m not—“
You wordlessly held Grogu up, making him concede your point.
”So eyes, huh?” He asked, not sure if he wanted to hear anymore but at the same time he liked hearing you speak about something you clearly held so much passion for.
If he knew it was this easy to get you to talk this whole time, he would have asked sooner.
”Yes,” you nodded, “We believe our eyes say things our lips can’t even attempt to say with words. I suppose some of our habits are quite strange when you think about it.”
”Like what?”
”Well… it was quite easy to tell when someone wanted to pursue you, all you had to do was keep eye contact when talking to them and pretty soon they would take the hint. School kids have a funny thing they do when they have a crush on someone— during lectures it wasn’t unusual for kids to be staring at the one they liked throughout the class— it drove our teachers crazy,” you giggled, “There was one time I had three boys staring at me at once during a lecture— I was a bit of a heartthrob back then if you could believe,” you laughed again.
’I do’
Din forced a dry laugh.
”When lovers are alone, you would simply gaze into your partners eyes for as long as you wanted. No words would need to be said because everything was said with their eyes— we also value physical touch quite a bit so you could imagine where those situations likely ended up.” You blushed, looking out the windshield of the ship.
”Did you have a lover,” his voice shook.
”I did,” you nodded, “Again, I was quite the heartthrob. We were together until I ran from home after my parents were killed. That was when I fled to Coruscant just to end up a slave,” your voice soured, “I suppose I was just too trusting.”
”You were never taught that not everyone has good intentions,” he suddenly realized.
You nodded, “I guess you could say that. Not everyone on my planet was good, we’re all just human after all, but I never thought…” you trailed off. Din watched as you tried to blink back a set of tears before continuing, “But yes, I had a boyfriend— he had the most beautiful green eyes. I would stare into them for hours. He was one of the most desired boys in my town and all the girls were jealous of me but… the Empire would come to take everything away.”
Din shut his eyes, wanting the pain that took hold of his heart to ebb away as he asked his next question, “Are you trying to get back to him?”
You sighed, “No. We were only children then. He’s grown and I’m grown— I know that I am no longer the same person he once knew and I am sure he’s carried on with his life. But that’s alright,” You finally looked back at Mando.
It was quiet once more. Din was trying to swallow down his emotion while you continued to reflect on your home.
Din could almost hear is heart beating in the silence.
”We used to play a game as kids, two friends would gaze into each other’s eyes and…” you trailed off before your eyes suddenly lit up. “We should play.” 
“But I can’t—“ 
“That’s okay, we can still play,” you said excitedly, placing Grogu back into his pram, who had been talking now at the sudden excitement. 
You stood up, grasping Mando’s hand to stand him up and pull him behind the seats of the cockpit to the open space.
”Kneel,” you said, climbing onto your knees and pulling him down by the hand.
He quickly did as you said so that you were kneeling across from each other.
”Can you take your gloves off?”
Din wordlessly took them off.
”Okay so— if this is too much you can stop me, but this was the game,” you picked up his gloveless hands and placed them to cup your nape and the back of your head, your own hands then coming to cup his. “Is it alright if I touch your skin?”
”Yeah,” Din exhaled, already with his head in a spin.
With his consent you had slid your fingers and palms into the cowl of his flight suit and cupped the warm skin of his neck.
”Now,” you pulled him forward so his helmet touched your forehead, causing his breath to hitch.
He was beginning to see even more, how different the two of you were, where this was just a game for you but for him… this was a keldabe kiss. 
“All we have to do is stare into each other eyes for a little while— now this’ll mostly be a game for you so just stare into my eyes.”
And so he did.
Din focused on the exchange of warmth between his hands and your neck, feeling how much smaller your neck was compared to his own hands. And focused on the feeling of your hands on his neck and— Maker, you were playing with hairs of his nape causing his eyes to roll bac— he snapped out of it and looked back into your eyes.
It was dark in hyperspace but there was just enough light from the stars to see them reflecting in your eyes. He could almost make out the patterns of your iris. He noted the way you had to peer up at him through your lashes due to your heights. 
He both hated and loved his helmet in this very moment. He understood what you had meant, your eyes held so much in them and he would spend hours trying to figure out each emotion in them if he could. But he was secretly grateful that you couldn’t see him staring at you like a Massiff stares at a Tusken Raider when getting attention.
It hurt something deep within himself to realize he could never give you the one thing you believed to be the cornerstone of love.
Din could swear is loyalty to you, keep you protected and safe, he could do everything in his power to give you a happy life.
But he could never let you look in his eyes.
There would be no loving gazes exchanged between you both, he could never look at you the way your father looked at your mother, he could never gaze into your eyes for hours until someone bent first and had the night end in a passion of your shared love.
And it was something Din couldn’t knowingly ask you to abandon.
”Okay,” you finally spoke, jarring him from the trance your eyes held him in. “Remember the size of my pupil.”
A moment later you had closed your eyes. “Now the lighting isn’t ideal but the point of the game is to see if I fell in love with you after that. So when I open my eyes if my pupil gets bigger than it did before, I’m in love.”
He said nothing. 
You opened your eyes.
Din Djarin knew that this was just a silly kids game you played back home. He knew that this was terrible lighting. He knew that if you couldn’t connect with him through his eyes like you were taught and raised to believe then there was little hope that you could ever fall in love with him.
And yet… he could have sworn your pupils got just half a milimeter larger.
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mushrubes · 2 years
Keldabe kiss
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Masterlist | Star Wars Masterlist |
Requested : no!
Prompt 71. “I haven’t stopped crying since Thursday. It’s pathetic.” 
Pairing : Din Djarin x (they/them) Jedi! reader (No use of Y/n!)
Type : Tiny angst and fluff :)
Warnings : Lots of fluff + Vulnerable Mando at the end 
Word count : 2.1k
have a great day/night!! <3
“He’s still not done, Mando.” you breathed out, looking at Grogu who was still sending a signal. “Okay, I’m gonna protect you. Just stay there, I’ll be back soon.” Mando informed Grogu, hoping he could hear him. He walked down the path, you following right behind him. “You should stay with him, up here.” he said, turning as he had changed his mind. 
“But I can help fight, I’m a-” you started but stopped, huffing at the male in front of you. “Please.” he requested, a soft tone in his voice as you nodded. He moved forward, pressing his forehead to yours briefly. You didn’t question it as it was something he did often before going off away from you, probably bringing him comfort. “Okay, be safe.” you sighed, squeezing his hand as he nodded, thankful the helmet was covering his flustered face. 
You went your separate ways, Mando heading down to go help with the fight while you headed back up, sitting against the pillar. You did feel a slight resentment, knowing if he had just let you track another jedi down, you wouldn’t be in the predicament but with Din being his stubborn self, he demanded it was done the ‘proper’ way. “Hurry up kid.” you huffed, nervously watching the green guy in front of you.
You watched as the three ships with the storm troopers take off, soon exploded and then followed by a red beam shooting out the sky, hitting the razor crest. Your mouth opened, letting a gasp out as you picked Grogu up. Din’s home was now gone - well, it was yours as well now and all that was left was the spear. Panic filled you as looked around unable to see him. “Mando!” You shouted, waiting before a figure walked out of the smoke, looking back at you.
Another thing caught his attention due to his helmet picking up a small purple ship which disappeared. Instead, it was replaced by four figures flying down to the area - directly to you and Grogu. “Y/n!” he mumbled before running up, making his way as fast as he could. 
He must of been a few steps away by the time they landed, surrounding you as you held onto Grogu who let out whimpers of fear. One of them walked up to you, trying to pull him out of your hands. “Stop it! Back off!” you groaned, trying to fight back but they were robots - automatically somewhat stronger than you. 
By the time he got up, it had been too late. They had already taken a hold of Grogu and you and were flying back up to the ship. Din already knew the sounds of your shouts and the look on both your face and Grogu would haunt him until he got you back. He zoned out while they ordered Boba to go after them, Mando snapping back to reality.
“Stop him. I don’t want Y/n and the child hurt.” he ordered, the rest of them understanding as Boba now just followed, roughly tracking them. However, Din couldn’t quite ignore the guilt that was consuming him and swore he’d do everything in his power, to get his guild back.
You sat in the cell, glaring at the troopers who passed by as you heard Grogu’s noises. You were still somewhat able to communicate but had to be careful, knowing that Gideon could understand. Tired. You frowned as you gathered, they were wearing him out, aware he hadn’t had the proper training. Mando will be here soon. You tried to comfort, really unsure of it yourself. 
You heard voices down the hall before the lights shut off and then the doors shut. You sighed to yourself before laying down on the mattress, trying to calm down. It had been a few days since the incident, almost a week and there was still no sign of the Mandalorian, but he would come, right? There’s no way he would leave you two. 
The alarms went off, groups of footsteps marching down the halls to the main door as you watched out in confusion. The usual trooper who stood outside was not there, not giving you anyone to question about what was going on. A few minutes later, Gideon walked straight past and hurried into the next cell where Grogu was contained, your thoughts laced with concern. 
You heard voices, one being his and unable to hear the other, it being slightly muffled. You brushed up the hope, settled with the thought it could be a trooper. Here. Grogu was communicating with you again, leaving you in confusion as to what he was referring to. Who? You asked, panicking when you heard a light saber turn on, followed by clanging and something dropping to the floor. “
“Stay here.” the voice ordered, walking away, the sound of chains being opened echoing as you looked up in surprise. Grogu had been unchained, his fearful noises being replaced with usual blabbering you heard. “Where are they?” he instructed, looking at Gideon for answer as he just looked blankly back at him, his anger rising. “I said where are they?” he growled, gripping his gun as Moff surrendered, pointing towards the other door.
You wiped the tears that had formed unknowingly, gasping in surprise as the figure walked in. “You came.” you mumbled as Din scrambled over to you, placing Grogu down and holding your face in his hands, pressing your foreheads together.
 “Maker, you’re okay. I was scared I’d lost you.” he admitted, helping you out of the chains. “Not that easily, Mando.” you joked, wrapping your arms around him for a hug. It caught him off guard but he returned it, rubbing your back gently before pulling away, letting you pick up Grogu. “Come on, we’ve still got some stuff left to do.” he said; even though you couldn’t see his face, you could hear the smile and that was all you needed.
“Luke.” you smiled, meeting the fellow jedi’s gaze. He looked around before his eyes settled in Grogu, smiling back at you and him. “Are you a j-” Mando went to say before you covered his mouth with your hand, chuckling. “Yes, he is.” you answered for him as Luke held his hand out towards Grogu who was frowning. No. You shook your head at the child before approaching him, Din behind you. “Come little one.” he spoke softly, Grogu looking back at you as you nodded in encouragement. 
He looked between you and Din, blabbering as you gave Luke a knowing look who agreed to give you some time before leaving. “He doesn’t want to go with him.” Din started to argue, you placed a hand on his shoulder, reminding him it was okay. “He’s asking for our permission.” you corrected, feeling him tense slightly. “He is strong with the force, but talent without training is nothing.” Luke explained, Mando sighing as he knew he was right. 
“I will give my life to protect the child...but he will not be safe until he masters his abilities.” Luke finished, you nodded your hair at him before taking Dins hand and standing in front of the child. He lifted him up, the others turning away and making conversations amongst themselves. 
“I’ll talk to you after, have your moment with him.” you assured, a moment of hesitation in his movement as he silently debated to himself, aware some people would know what he was doing. He gave into the thought, pressing his forehead to yours yet again as you squeezed his hand and scratched Grogu’s head before walking away, over to Luke.
He looked up at you, smiling. “A Mandalorian, huh?” he smirked, getting a groan from you as you knew what he was on about. “We’re just work partners and good friends, don’t.” You warned as he raised his eyebrows, chuckling at you. 
“So, he hasn’t told you about the Keldabe kiss?” he mentioned as you looked at him in confusion. “The what?” you questioned, confused as to what he was on about. “It’s a like a kiss for Mandalorians, they can’t take their helmets off so.” he shrugged, grinning as he watched you get all flustered. You heard the familiar clasps unlock and a hiss, looking around and making sure everyone had their backs turned to the Mando. 
“You should tell him.” he commented, frowning as he heard the heavy sigh you released. “The Jedi teachings...” you started as he cut you off, scoffing and shaking his head at you. “The orders fallen, it would be silly to lose it.” he explained, giving you advice. 
The clicks and hiss got both of your attentions, as well as the child’s whines. You watched him hug Mando’s leg before waddling his way over to you, hugging yours. You grinned as you bent down and picked him up, giving him a little rock. “We’ll come see you soon, once Luke says it’s okay, alright?” you promised, knowing he understood. Okay.
As you placed him down, you heard familiar beeping, something you hadn’t heard for a while, being greeted by the robot. “R2-D2!” you nodded, the robot turning in your direction and making what you knew were happy noises, smiling as you watched Grogu interact with it. Luke picked Grogu up, before nodding at the pair of you. 
“May the force be with you.” he bid goodbye, heading into the lift with the two following as you watched them leave, making your way over to Din who interlocked your hands, his grip tighter than normal.
You silently thanked whoever had brought your ship, frowning as you remembered what happened to the Crest. It wasn’t the same homely feeling but it was better than the other options of transport you’d have to take instead. You had insisted on Din using the fresher first, your heart slightly dropping as you heard a hint of fear in his voice, almost as if he thought you were going to disappear as well. 
The pair of you got ready to sleep, his armour sat in a crate just below the mattress you were sharing, too tired to even care about it and try to come up with another idea. “I’ll turn the lights off and then you can take the helmet off, okay?” you assured, Din humming in agreement, aware that it didn’t matter anymore.
“I broke the creed showing my face to the kid, it doesn’t matter anymore.” he responded bluntly as you shook your head at him, hugging his side. “You’ve been through enough today, Din.” you argued, turning the light off as he took the helmet off, placing it above the crate. “Do you not want to see my face or something?” he slightly teased, his voice cracking slightly. 
“No! No, not at all, that’s not it. I just...I’d rather you showed me when you feel comfortable.” you defended, rolling your eyes as you heard the laugh he’d do when he got a rise out of you. A silence set over the room as you both got comfy, Din pressing his head to the crook of your neck making you let out a soft gasp as you felt his curls. 
Confusion filled you as you felt a drop on you, confused as to what it was. Then another, and another. Then it struck you when Din’s body racked slightly. “Oh, Din.” you mumbled, moving to his level and resting your forehead on his, butterflies swarming as you were now touching skin to skin.
 “I haven’t stopped crying since Thursday. It’s pathetic.” he opened up, giving him time to talk as it was a rare thing to happen. “It’s not pathetic, everyone needs to let their emotions out.” you comforted, your hands running through his soft curls. “I was really scared...I thought I’d lost you when they took you and... I wouldn’t be able to live with that, cyar’ika.” he admitted, knowing he was feeling like he let you down.
“As a Mandalorian, we have to look after our aliit - our family. And... you and the kid, you’re my family.” he explained, humming to let him know you were listening. You made a mental note to ask him to teach you more at some point, wanting to know more about it.
“Is... Cyar’ika like...” you tried to ask, stumbling on your words a bit, unsure of how to ask - but he understood. “It’s Mando’a - the language. It means like...darling or sweetheart.” he admitted, his cheeks heating up as did yours. “And the Keldabe kiss?” you brought up, catching him off guard. He looked at you before realising you wouldn’t be able to see the look.
“Who told you about that?” he wondered, trying to think of who had seen them do it and would know. “Luke knew.” you answered, caressing his cheek with your thumb. “If you wanted to kiss me, you could’ve just asked.” you taunted, pretending you weren’t flustered but it didn’t go past him. 
“Well, there’s nothing stopping me now.”
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peterpparkrr · 2 years
Starlight (pt. 1)
Series: Starlight
Pairing: Din Djarin x F!Reader
Summary: A Mandalorian and a Jedi. Din Djarin needs a Jedi to train the child. The Jedi is surprised to discover that she is not alone in the universe. 
A/N: s3 means new Mandalorian thoughts!
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Your life had been a lonely one. But it was the isolation that kept you safe.
You often wondered if you shouldn’t be trying harder to look for other survivors, but every time you tried to reach out through the force you just felt… nothing. 
The Jedi were gone. 
And so it was safer for you to stay out here on your own little planet by yourself, where you knew no one would find you. 
Until one day you heard the sound of twigs snapping under boots in the woods outside.
You moved to the window, silently watching as a figure stepped out of the trees.
“A Mandalorian,” You muttered to yourself as you stood up and walked over to your doorway.
You hadn’t seen a true Mandalorian in the flesh before. And you hadn’t seen armored men since you were a child. Since your master’s Battalion had turned on you. 
“I will give you a chance to leave here with your life, Mandalorian,” You state loudly as you step out of your hut and into the clearing in front of your home. 
“I am not here to-”
“-You need to leave,” You told the stranger before igniting your lightsaber with a familiar buzz, “Now.” 
You attacked without a moment of hesitation, hoping to capture the element of surprise against your larger opponent.
You’d been alone for a long time. But that hadn’t meant you’d given up training. 
Even with no master to guide you you’d worked hard to excel at your skills and had done your best to continue your training. Your master had always teased you for being a teacher’s pet. Though the end goal was no longer clear. You wouldn’t be a Jedi master.
The Jedi were well and truly gone.
But you would always be able to protect yourself.
As you swiped your lightsaber against the Mandalorian’s chest you were certain that this fight was already over. But your saber glanced off the armor in a way that made you second-guess yourself. 
Maker. Mandalorian armor was made of Beskar, wasn’t it?
That’s when you felt it. You all but dropped your lightsaber as you whipped around. 
A youngling? Here?
It only took you a few short strides before you were in front of the open cradle. Big, green ears were the first thing you saw, shortly followed by huge eyes that stared up at you. You plucked the child out of it’s cradle without a second thought. 
You hadn’t felt this feeling in years. 
But his voice was clear inside your mind as he communicated with you.
Friends. Promise.
“You? You brought him here?” You asked the Mandalorian curiously.
“Yes,” The Mandalorian replies. Seemingly accepting your sudden change of mind as your eyes moved back to the small creature in your hands.
“We’ve been searching the galaxy for someone who can help him, who can teach him how to use his powers,” He says.
You hum quietly as your eyes bore into the child’s
What’s your name?
This is my papa. People call him Mando.
You tell both of them your name aloud as you grin down at the boy.
The Mandalorian. Mando. Merely stares at you, his helmet impermeable. 
“You’re a Jedi.”
“Depends on your definition,” You reply. “The Jedi were killed in a genocide when the Empire seized power. The few who survived were hunted down and killed under the Empire’s regime.”
“My master kept us hidden from the Empire for years. She trained me here, under the radar of the Empire,” You explain. “She died a few years ago fighting with the rebellion.”
“But why does a Mandalorian have a force-sensitive foundling? I would have thought you’d have killed him the moment you found out what he was,” You ask quietly. 
“Why?” The Mandalorian asks you, his helmet cocked.
“Well, the two don’t usually get along. The Jedi-Mandalorian War? It ravaged Mandalore. Prior to the Empire. Jedi-Mandalorian relations have been pretty tense ever since,” You explain.
“I was a foundling, my covert left many gaps in the Mandalorian history they taught us,” He replies.
“How did you find each other?”
Saved me.
“I was- am a bounty hunter, he was a quarry,” Mando tells you, you can hear the slight tinge of shame in his tone. 
“I’ve taken him as a foundling, it’s Mandalorian creed,” Mando continues. “I’m duty-bound to either reunite him with his kind or raise him until he’s of age.”
“So… you want to dump him off here with me?” You ask, “I’m his kind?”
“How did you even find me?” 
“A trader on the next planet over told me I might find you here, that there were rumors years ago about a Jedi. Stories. But the child — Grogu — got excited as we entered the atmosphere and I assumed that meant we were close.”
“I’ll… I’d like to visit, I can bring you supplies, whatever you need,” Mando offers. “I don’t want to leave him. But I can’t train him to control his powers.”
“Alright,” You finally reply with a nod. You can’t help but wonder if this is really a good idea, but Grogu reminds you of yourself in those early years of the Empire’s reign. And you hate to admit it, but their sudden appearance makes it clear that you’ve been lonely. Two stranger’s appearing at your doorstep has made you more excited than anything has for the last five years. And maybe even longer.
You watched from your doorstep as the pair said their goodbyes. Despite knowing they weren’t saying goodbye forever it was clear they were both taking this separation hard. You turned away in an effort to give them some semblance of privacy, even though their emotions were flowing off them both like ocean waves breaking against a cliff.
“We’ll see you soon,” You tell the Mandalorian when he hands Grogu to you. “May the force be with you, Mando.”
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“You miss him,” You tell Mando plainly. 
Every few weeks the Mandalorian would come visit, and spend hours with Grogu while you quietly watched. Sometimes you’d all sit together, Grogu was always eager to show Mando what he had learned, or you’d share with Mando what you’d learned from Grogu about his past, what he couldn’t communicate with his father. 
And they’d say a heartfelt, private goodbye before you’d bid Mando farewell and good luck.
You and Grogu both knew that you were always waiting for the Mandaloran’s next visit. It was only natural, you told yourself. It was a routine. And it was only natural that you latch on to it.
But now it was causing a block in your training. 
“When you’re gone, you miss him, I can feel it, even without trying,” You continue when Mando doesn’t reply. You’ve grown used to that too with his visits. He’s a man of few words. You’ve often wondered if it’s a result of the helmet he wears at all times, or a convenient excuse provided by the helmet to a naturally shy man. 
“Grogu’s the same way when you leave,” You add gently. “I’m a poor substitute for you. And I make him work which he doesn’t like.”
“That’s not true,” Mando protests. “He likes you. I can tell.”
“It’s creating a block. He can’t truly push through his fears when he’s so focused on his attachment to you,” You try to explain to him. You know that he doesn’t understand the force or the way that it works. Whenever you try and explain what you’re teaching Grogu he nods, but you can tell he has many questions. 
You’d be happy to explain what he finds confusing, but he never voices the questions and it’s hard to describe what is often so indescribable about the ways of the force to someone who has no experience with it.
“You want me to stop visiting,” Mando says after a moment.
“No! No, of course not,” You reply quickly. You could never, 
It would seem so impossibly cruel to separate the two. Even though they are not bound by blood. The father and son are inseparable and care for one another more than you’ve ever seen two people bound to one another.
“I think you should take us with you,” You tell him. “Wherever it is you’re going next.”
“My work is dangerous,” He reminds you. 
You know that. You’ve been thinking about this for weeks. Since before his last visit. You know the threats posed to you out in the world. Especially in the sectors of the outer rim where Mando does most of his work. But you’ve weighed the dangers. It’s what’s best for all of you. The risks are worth it.
“You’ve been safe here, protected from the world for a long time, haven’t you?” Mando says.
“I have,” You reply. “But I’m tired of hiding. And I can certainly protect myself and Grogu.”
“Okay,” Mando replies with a nod. 
You’re eyes widen slightly as you study the visor of Mando’s helmet. You hadn’t expected him to acquiesce so quickly. You’d had all sorts of other arguments prepared. Answers to all the potential concerns and questions he might have. 
But you should have realized he wouldn’t protest. He missed his child. His foundling. Of course he would take you with him. 
“You tell Grogu, I’ll pack our things,” You reply with a smile as you stand from your seat and turn back to your small cabin, already cataloging all of the belongings you have, and what you’ll be able to travel with.
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honeyedmiller · 1 year
Where You Belong | Din Djarin
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pairing: din djarin x f!reader
warnings: violence, cursing, angst, extreme vulnerability, mild mind manipulation, some fluff, smut, mentions of death and murders, some depictions in this one shot are completely inaccurate from the star wars universe (especially with the mandalorian creed & jedi code). 18+, minors dni.
word count: 10.6k
synopsis: Din has crossed paths with a particular Jedi way too often for his liking, and to make matters worse for him, he gets paired with said Jedi on a lethal mission. But, sometimes, unlikely pairs just... belong.
divider by @saradika 🖤
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He saw you.
He saw the way you effortlessly walked into any place. He saw the way you conversed with people so easily, your charming looks and dazzling smile wooing everyone you come into contact with. He saw the way your ivory robe draped over your body, the brown belt and ivory pants showing off your lovely curves. He saw the way your brown boots made your legs look like they went on for miles. How your hair was always in a secure braid on your head, a hair never out of place except for a few loose strands in the front. How your light saber was always secured to your hip, ready to use at any moment's notice. He saw the way you followed your Jedi Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, around aimlessly. How you were always so obedient to him, like the good Jedi you were.
He saw you. He wish he didn't.
Mandalorians and Jedis were known not to be the best of friends, but you yourself never had a problem with one.
You'd crossed paths with him several times, always noticing his glinting beskar armor. Words were never said, but you always gave him a curt nod, a ghost of a smile playing on your lips. You did it every time you saw him. It never failed.
This time, you met at the cantina in Tatooine. It was unexpected, as per usual, but you felt Din's presence before you even stepped foot into the grimy place. You straightened up your posture, wanting to come off as more intimidating than you probably were, and held your head high. As soon as you followed behind Obi-Wan, the cantina went silent.
All eyes were on you two, including the Mandalorian who was sitting at a table across from Greef Karga, probably giving him more bounties to catch.
Obi-Wan looked at you and softly smiled.
"Get yourself a drink. You deserve to rest." The Master had taken notice in your extra hard work toward your training recently. He knew you'd make a fine Jedi Master one day.
You took a seat at the bar, noticing everyone finally resuming business as normal as the volume level of the cantina was loud again. The band was about to play a song, and conversation was in full swing.
"What can I get you, Jedi?" Wuher, the bartender, asks you with a raised brow.
You softly flash him a smile, "Spotchka, please." You hummed as he started on your drink. Your eyes scanned the cantina once more, noticing Obi-Wan chatting with Greef this time around. Mando was nowhere to be seen.
"So what's a Jedi doing in a cantina on Tatooine?" A modulated voice rung behind you, making you gasp. You spin around in your chair, and sure enough, the tall, broad man with blinding armor stood before you. You look up at his visor to where you assume his eyes would be.
Hearing him talk to you for the first time had your heart murmuring a few beats. You couldn't show him he'd flustered you though, because a Jedi? Flustered by none other than a Mandalorian? Unheard of.
"Master Kenobi had some business." You answer bluntly, shrugging your shoulders as you spin around again once Wuher put the spotchka in front of you. You graciously thanked him and took a sip of the glowing blue drink.
It was only until then that you heard coos of a baby, causing your body to whirl around in the stool again. You noticed the green baby in a floating crib next to the Mandalorian.
You had a staring contest with the green creature who resembled awfully close to great Jedi Master Yoda.
"He's with you?" You questioned the armored man, and he curtly nodded. "The Force is strong with him. Be careful." You chuckled, crossing a leg over another.
"He's a Jedi?" Mando asks, confusion laced in his modulated voice.
You were hesitant to answer. "Not necessarily. I can just feel a strong presence within him. The Force... it's prominent." You offer Mando a tight-lipped smile, and you were about to turn in your chair again when Greef and Obi-Wan stood before you.
"Mando, y/n," Greef greeted, and you both looked at him.
Y/n. Y/n. Din kept repeating your name in his head, briefly thinking that it was a very fitting and pretty name before Greef spoke again.
"We have important matters to discuss." Your face was emotionless as you instantly stood from the stool, eyes snapping from Obi-Wan's, to Greef's, to Mando's visor. You left credits on the bar top for your drink, which was barely even touched.
"Perhaps in a more private area." Obi-Wan added, causing you to furrow your brow. You wordlessly followed the men outside of the cantina, getting many looks from the common locals. It must've been so odd seeing two Jedi, an expeditor, a Mandalorian and a little green creature moving through the bustling village.
You five stuck out like a sore thumb, and the attention made you uncomfortable. Still, you walked with them as Obi-Wan and Greef led you to what looked like a private house.
Greef motioned for you and Mando to sit, but neither of you made the move to do so.
"What's this about?" Mando broke the silence, getting annoyed at the mystery lingering in the air.
"There's no easy way to put this, but," Obi-Wan sighed, looking at you with sincere, regretful eyes, "We need you two to go on a mission together."
Your eyebrows shot up in complete surprise.
"Not happening."
You and Mando spoke simultaneously, looking at the two men standing before you in disbelief.
"I don't need to be responsible to look after another being," Mando starts, "My kid is already a handful."
His kid?
You look at him in disbelief, scoffing. "I can handle my own just fine, thank you very much." You were generally never rude, or had even sassed anyone for the matter, but Mando making you out to be someone who's incompetent irritated you.
"Y/n." Obi-Wan scolded your behavior, to which you uttered a 'sorry Master' in response.
"This is important. I'll triple your pay, Mando. More than what you would've gotten for the four fobs I gave you earlier." Greef tries to negotiate, and Mando is silent for a minute.
"Fine. What's the mission?" His leather gloves creak as he clenches his fists. Your eyes moved down to his clenched hands, then back up to Greef who deeply sighed.
"We need you both to work together to find Moff Gideon. We think he's trying to start an uprising to bring the Empire back into order." This made you perk up. Greef's eyes held worry in them.
"Gideon? I thought he was arrested by the New Republic." Your voice held confusion, to which Greef shook his head.
"He's escaped, and the New Republic hasn't been able to find him. They're asking for our help... even from you, Mando. They'll never bother you again if you're able to catch him." Greef looks at Mando, who hasn't moved a muscle in minutes.
The man could practically be a statue if his chest wasn't rising and falling with the breaths he took.
"One condition. What I say, goes." Mando's voice is stern, his helmet turning to look down at you.
Maker, why is he so tall?
You had the urge to scoff once again, but Master Kenobi's eyes were trained on you. He could probably sense your impending eye roll, but you held off for the sake of not wanting to be berated by Obi-Wan once again.
"Fine. Just one question, though," Your eyes shifted back to Obi-Wan and Greef, "Why us two?" Curiosity wasn't a common trait you carried, but this mission was dangerous. Sure, you were very skilled, quick to think and well-trained... but you weren't a Jedi Master. What could you've possibly brought to the table?
"It's a risky mission. Mando is a fantastic bounty hunter, but you bring in skills that would be feasible to catching Gideon. We know what you're capable of, y/n, and Master Kenobi has all the faith in you." Greef explains, and you humbly accept the high praise.
"Look, we know Jedis and Mandalorians don't get along too well, so that'll make people think there's no way an unlikely duo like yourselves would be working together." Master Kenobi looked between you and Din.
You nod to Master Kenobi, "Okay."
"Great. You'll both leave at dawn and head for Nevarro. We'll give you both supply for the ship, credits, and communication devices so we can all keep in touch when needed."
Dawn rolled around faster than anticipated. You five were all outside of Din's ship, ready to get going and leave Greef and Obi-Wan behind.
"Here's your bag. Tread lightly and make sure to use the Force." You take the bag from Obi-Wan, your eyes meeting his blue ones.
"Of course, Master." You bow your head to him, slinging the bag on your shoulder.
"Oh, and y/n?" Obi-Wan gently grips your arm, "I know you're ready for this. You've trained so well. But Maker, please be careful." You smile at him before pulling him into a hug. He hugged you back instantly, patting your back.
"Always, Master Kenobi. Always." You say, releasing him from your grip. He looked down at you like such a proud father.
"May the Force be with you." He calls out to you as you enter Mando's ship. You nod at him before the hatch to the ship closes, leaving a thick, awkward silence in the air between you, Mando, and the kid.
You offer Mando a tight-lipped smile before looking around the ship, which in all truthfulness, wasn't that well-kept. It was somewhat dirty on the inside, but you knew Mando only used it mainly just for flying purposes, so he didn't spend much time in here.
"Can I put my stuff somewhere?" You meekly ask, gesturing to the bag slung around your shoulder. Mando stayed silent as he analyzed you, before swiftly moving past you to open a sliding door not even ten feet behind you.
"Here." He says, and you nod curtly to him before putting the bag in the storage area.
"Thanks." You respond, and he mirrors your previous nod. He moves past you once again to climb up into the cockpit, starting up the ship and entering the coordinates for Nevarro.
Nerves ran through your system in a flash. You've never been to Nevarro. You figured you'd be a bit safer, though, since you had a brave Mandalorian with loads of weapons by your side.
How odd, you thought. Never in a million years did you think you'd be sent on a galaxy-altering mission, let alone with a Mandalorian.
Sounds of cooing broke you from your thoughts, and the kid was at your feet looking up at you. You smiled at him as he raised his arms up to you, and you carefully picked him up.
"Hey there, little guy." You let his three-fingered hand wrap around your index finger, shaking it as a greeting.
"I'm y/n. What's your name?" Your smile doesn't leave your face; not even when you feel the ship take off into hyperspace. The sound of boots clinking down a ladder rung throughout the hull, but you didn't look in the Mandalorian's direction.
"His name is Grogu." The modulated voice spoke, and your eyes briefly looked from Mando to the kid.
"Grogu." You repeat, and the kid starts smiling and babbling.
"Seems that he likes you." Mando said, and you look up at the armored man.
"Well I'd hope so, because we're gonna be roomies for awhile." Sarcasm dripped from your voice, causing Din to roll his eyes unbeknownst to you.
"Funny." He retorts, and you smile.
Din's breath hitched in his throat at the sight of it. Your smile was something he became quickly fond of seeing.
"So, how far away is Nevarro from here?" You question, keeping your focus on Grogu.
"Pretty far. A few day's trip, since it's on the other side of the Outer Rim." Mando's curt with his words, and you look up at him. You nod, licking your bottom lip.
"What's the plan, then?"
"Plan? What plan?" He tilts his helmet to the side, and you furrow your brows.
"What do you- The plan to catch Gideon, Mando." You were dumbfounded, and your voice portrayed it.
"I usually never have plans, I just go out and catch the bounties. Simple." Mando shrugs, and your lips form into a tight line.
"Okay." Was all you say before setting Grogu down, and he whined in response. Grogu loved being in your arms. You two were connected by the Force, and he felt it just as much as you did.
You weren't going to start an argument with Mando about a plan, mainly because you were going to be stuck with him for awhile and you didn't need the awkward tension in the ship.
"Are you, uh, hungry?" His helmet looks down at you intently.
"A little, but I think I'm just going to sleep for a bit. Is it okay if I sleep on the floor here?" You look around, trying to find a comfy spot to rest your head. It was still so early and you barely got any sleep the previous night, for obvious reasons.
"There's a cot to sleep on just in there," The Mandalorian nods his head through an entrance in the ship behind you, "You can sleep there."
"No it's okay, really, that's your bed. I don't want to impose." You're startled at how shy your voice sounds.
"We could always share the bed." Mando suggests, and your eyes snap back up to his visor.
"Wh-What?" You take a step back, not sure if you even heard him correctly.
A modulated chuckle rings through your ears, "I was just kidding, y/n. We don't even know each other." He shakes his head and bends down to pick up Grogu who was actively reaching his hands up to his caretaker, whining softly.
"Right," You clear your throat and run your tongue on your bottom lip once more, "I'm fine with just sleeping out here. Thanks for the offer, though." You move past him and grab a blanket from a makeshift shelf, settling into the corner of the ship. It actually wasn't as bad as you'd thought it would be. You were exhausted, so you knocked out in practically no time.
"Mando, this is so wrong. We shouldn't be doing this."
"Shh, just enjoy it pretty girl." A strong, leather-gloved hand slid up your bare torso, in between your sternum and up to wrap around your throat, giving a light squeeze. His other hand trailed down to your heat, rubbing you tenaciously, causing you to moan.
"P-please, Mando, don't stop." A raspy, modulated laugh cracked through the helmet.
"Look at you, pretty girl. So needy and desperate for me. Say I'm yours and I'll let you cum." He negotiated with you, his helmet tilting while enjoying the view below him. You were writhing beneath his touch, the pressure of his hand increasing.
"Maker, yes, Mando, I'm yours- I- I'm yours. Please, let me c-"
You gasp loudly, eyes shooting open as you look all around you. You weren't in the same spot on the floor you fell asleep on. You look down, noticing you were on the cot. Mando must've carried you from the floor to the bed. You huff in frustration, an aching heat between your legs.
What in Maker's name was that dream?
You get up from the bed, the ache even more prominent between your thighs. You needed relief, and Maker knows you've never done such a thing before, but no one had to know. You walk out from the bed area and go to your bag, digging out a change of clothes.
You spin around, gasping when you see Mando. How is he always sneaking up on you? You're a Jedi, you feel his presence... so why is it that he always makes you so jumpy?
"I, um, heard you groan a few minutes ago. Everything okay?" He's curious, and a shade of bright red covers your whole face.
"Yeah," You mutter, eyes not able to meet his visor, "Bad dream." You turn around and head to the shower, starting the water up. You made the temperature lukewarm, needing to cool down from that ridiculous dream— which still had you bothered down there. You'd never explored that area of yourself, but you were curious and desperate to get rid of the ache.
You moved your hand down your torso, the tips of your fingers feathering yourself once you reached your heat. You sucked in air sharply, eyes squeezing shut at the unfamiliar yet pleasurable feeling. You got more into it as time went on, soft moans leaving your mouth. You thought you were being quiet, but Mando could hear you clear as day.
The thought of you, a pure Jedi, touching yourself in his shower? It drove him absolutely wild. He stopped in front of the bathroom door at one point to tease you and ask if you were alright, but he decided against it. He didn't want to seem like a creep so he eventually left from the front of the door and up into the captain's chair again.
You felt such relief after your shower. Your hair was in a newly washed braid, clean clothes around your body, and slip-on shoes that kept your feet comfy. You put your stuff back in the storage area, climbing up to the cockpit.
"Hey," You softly say, causing Mando to look over his shoulder. His eyes scanned your body up and down, not being able to get the sound of your sweet moans out of his head. "Is it okay if I join you up here?" You ask, eyes darting to the empty co-pilot seat.
"Sure." You noticed he wasn't a man of many words, so from that point on you decided not to make much conversation with him, just for the sake of not bothering him.
You two sat in silence for what seemed like hours. The only noise was the buzzing of hyperspace and Grogu's soft snores. You were starting to dose yourself, until Mando broke the silence.
"So, how long have you been training as a Jedi?" He asks, swiveling the chair so it now faced you. Your body was slumped in the seat, arm on the armrest with your hand propping your head up.
"Since I was a youngling." You simply answered, wondering if you should give him a brief background history on yourself. You might as well, since you were going to be spending a lot of time with him.
"Obi-Wan took me in as his own. There's not many of us left, and he almost didn't want to train me, for good reason," You trail off, eyes shifting to the floor. The stories of the once great Jedi, Anakin Skywalker, filled your head.
Obi-Wan was truthfully terrified to ever train someone again, because he didn't want the same thing to happen. But, the Empire fell and the New Republic took over, which truthfully flooded him with relief. He'd taught you mostly everything he knew, which you would forever be grateful for.
You knew Anakin wanted more power, to protect what was his from the stories you've heard. Obi-Wan knew you didn't want that. However, you were curious about things of a lighthearted nature, such as relationships and allowing yourself to give into the feeling of love. It was highly frowned upon for a Jedi to be in a relationship or have relational feelings for someone, because relationships could lead to fear, and fear led to the path of the dark side.
Though, Anakin did want to protect his beloved Padmé, his need and want for power made him truly lose sight of what a true Jedi is, and eventually himself as a person.
You'd never forget their story. Obi-Wan confided in you one warm summer evening on Naboo, and the story brought you to tears.
You look back at Mando, who was analyzing your features. He noticed you dozed deep in thought, and naturally, he was curious as to what had you looking so anguished. You took a deep breath as you offered the armored man a small smile.
"When's the last time someone saw your face?" You said in a light tone, wanting to shift the subject away from yourself. Mando didn't respond for awhile. You almost thought he didn't hear you, and you became a little embarrassed. Was it too personal of a question?
"Since before I became a foundling." He finally answered, and you nodded your head ever so slightly in understanding.
"The Creed is as serious as it sounds then, huh?” You’re playful with your words, probably testing the waters with Mando more than you should be.
He let out a light chuckle at your choice of words, “Something like that.” Was all he said before the cockpit was overruled with silence once more.
Your trip came to a brief halt, as Mando arrived on a planet you didn’t know of. He said it was to get some ‘fresh air’ before you both arrived to Nevarro, but you knew it was to give each other space.
It’s not that you two were annoying each other— it was the complete opposite. Being in such a confined space with each other was driving you both wild. You both would purposefully brush against each other in the most subtle way, just enough for the other to notice. You’ve even had a few stare-offs, with heady eyes coming from your end. He’d always tilt his helmet and look down at you, the close proximity becoming unbearable.
But, neither of you made a move to fully touch one another.
You, because you shouldn’t. You know you shouldn’t. You wanted to though. That dream you had drove you wild and the aching need for Mando to touch you was growing stronger every minute you were in his presence.
Him, because he was too proud to admit that he felt the tension. He was trying so hard to ignore the way his hands would slightly twitch with yearning every time you were close to him. He tried to stop himself from admiring your beauty, but he couldn’t. In his eyes, you were simply the most beautiful in the galaxy.
You stepped foot onto the grassy, green planet with Grogu tucked to your left hip. You look around at the beautiful greenery, admiring its peacefulness and tranquility. Grogu was babbling and cooing constantly at you, which made you smile as you let him down onto the ground. The grass was plush beneath your boots. You kept a close eye on the kid as he ran, or waddled, in his case, to chase after a butterfly flying low to the ground. The sight made you giggle.
Mando watched you watching his son, and he cracked a genuine, show-stopping smile under the beskar. He wished you could see the look in his eyes when he looked at you. He didn’t know what it was about you that made him so smitten, but it’s as if something bigger than fatal attraction was drawing him to you. He’d never felt this way about anyone, and it fucking scared him.
In all truthfulness, he thought he’d never feel an attraction like this to anyone in his life. Ever. But then you come along, nearly flipping his world upside down without you even knowing it. The more he got to know you the past couple of days on the ship, the more he saw just how beautiful you really were— not just on the surface, but deep down inside as well.
“You’re awfully quiet today.” You tease Mando, lightly nudging his arm with your elbow. His helmet immediately looks down to you, a modulated chuckle ringing through your ears.
“Just a lot on my mind. That’s all.” He shrugs, not particularly wanting to admit that the ‘a lot’ part really just meant you.
You wanted to ask him what, but you decided against it. You nod at him nonetheless, offering him a small smile,
“What do you think about setting up camp here for the night? Get some fresh air and sleep, well, not on a cold metal floor.” Mando’s suggestion intrigues you, and you eventually nod.
“I’d like that.” You laugh, and you walk off to join Grogu as he chases after some more butterflies.
Nightfall came around much faster than you anticipated, so that left you and Mando scurrying to find some wood to burn for a fire. You two were sitting opposite of each other, the flames illuminating your face and his beskar armor. Grogu was fast asleep in his mobile pod, exhausted from chasing the pretty butterflies.
It’d been silent between you and Mando for at least an hour, probably pushing two. The only sounds were the fire crackling and the light breeze whooshing through the soft grass not too far from you. Your knees were brought to your chest, arms wrapped around your legs as your chin rested on your knees. You were staring at the fire, not thinking of anything in particular when Mando’s modulated voice broke the long silence.
“Is it true Jedi can do ‘mind tricks’ on people?” He asks, and although you can’t see his face, he’s analyzing you intently.
You lift your chin from your knees and laugh, wondering where he even heard that from.
“I wouldn’t necessarily call it mind tricks, but yes, we can. It takes a lot of concentration and will power to do it, though.” You offer Mando a small smile, moving your legs so they’re now crisscrossed.
“What exactly does it entail?” The curiosity in his voice is clear as day, and you honestly find it to be cute. No one’s ever really asked you about your ‘powers’ as a Jedi.
“We use the Force to make whomever comply to our own personal wishes. I’ve only ever done it one time, but it was to get someone to leave me alone.” You shrug, eyes never leaving Mando’s helmet.
Silence fell upon you two once more, but by now, you were used to it. Your eyes shifted back to the fire, your vision becoming blurry as you let the flame engulf it.
“Try it on me.” He finally speaks, and your head snaps up to look at him.
“What?” You’re wide-eyed, your voice coated with pure terror and surprise.
“Try it on me. I want to see what it feels like.” His voice is low, almost seductive. You swallow thickly, eyebrows furrowing.
“What exactly do you want me to make you do?” Your mouth goes completely dry as he moves closer to you. He’s now sitting in front of you, his knees touching yours as he copies your current position and sits crisscrossed as well.
“What’s something you’ve wanted me to do?” He turns the question back to you, helmet tilting to the side. He had an inkling of what your answer might be, but he wanted you to say it out loud.
Your eyes were anywhere but his helmet, teeth gnawing on your bottom lip. You were nervous. Nervous about the proximity between you two, nervous that he could probably see right through you, and nervous that if you allowed yourself to answer truthfully to his question, there’d be no turning back.
Your mind went back to the dream you had. The way his hands touched you… you wanted to be a reality. You wanted to feel it first hand, not just fantasize about it.
You finally looked back up at his visor, and your voice came out so small you thought he probably couldn’t even hear you. “Touch me.” Is all you said, and he stills. Maker, did you say the wrong thing? The silence was deafening at this point and you wanted to run off and hide back in the Razor Crest.
Eventually, Mando nods. “Okay.” Was all he said. You sigh and close your eyes, focusing yourself to the Force.
You open your eyes once more, and with a small wave of your hand, you speak aloud, “I want you to touch me.”
“You want me to—” Mando starts, but it doesn’t resonate with his mind. Either you weren’t concentrating hard enough, or he was trying to fight it.
You said it again with a little more force. “I want you to touch me, Mando.”
“You want me to touch you.” He says, and his hands immediately reach for you. He straightens out his legs and yanks you onto his lap. You gasp at the sudden movement, stabilizing yourself as you straddle him. His large hands graze your sides, sending goosebumps down your spine.
One of his hands moves to your front, grazing over your ivory robe. His hand skates over one of your breasts, down your sternum, your stomach, and eventually, stops right before the waistband of your pants. You want to whimper, but you hold yourself back from doing so. It was already bad enough that you were so desperate for this man.
“Can I?” He asks, and you hesitate for a moment. This was so wrong. You knew you weren’t supposed to be doing this. But, temptation took over your body as you just nodded your head yes. He moved his hand away from you to take off his leather glove. His hand moved back to you, lifting your robe out of the way before finding the waistband of your pants once more. Your skin was hot, wanting and needy for his touch.
He slowly slipped his hand into your pants, grazing his fingertips over your clothed core. You groaned at the sensation, your skin igniting as his touch sent jolts down your body. Soon after, he dipped his hand into your underwear.
He felt how wet you were for him, and he’d barely even touched you. The thought of that made his length twitch in his pants, and you felt him grow rock solid against your thigh.
He started to rub pressurized circles around your most sensitive nerves, causing you to buck your hips. You whimper out in desperation, not caring at this point that you went back on your own word. His touch felt so good. You wanted more. You started to rock your hips against his hand, creating some friction.
“Oh, Mando.” The sigh fell from your lips, your arms wrapping around the back of his covered neck.
“That’s it, pretty girl.” He coaxed, the pant in his breath becoming louder with the modulator.
No one had ever touched you before, let alone like this, so you relished in the feeling of pleasure. Soon enough, a warm, taunting sensation started to stir deep within you. It was the same feeling you felt after you touched yourself in the shower on the Razor Crest.
You ground your hips harshly against his fingers, aching for sweet release.
“Does that feel good?” Mando’s voice was raspy and dangerously low, as if he’d ruin the moment if he spoke any louder.
“Maker, Mando, yes. So– oh, so good.” You’re struggling to even think coherently at this point.
The sound of your slickness against his fingers could be heard now, and it turned Mando on even more. He wanted so badly to be buried in you and have you convulse and flutter around him, but he was a patient man. When you were ready… all in good time.
“Mando I’m—” before you could even finish, an orgasm washed over you and you buried your face into the crook of his covered neck as you moaned in relief. Your hips stuttered as the pressure lightened, causing you to fall slack against his body. His hand hesitantly left your pants, and he held both your hips steady as you tried to even out your breath.
“Let me– let me take care of you.” You whisper, moving your face from his neck. You look down at his visor, then down to the imprint of his length in his pants.
“Are you sure?” He asks you, surprise laced in his modulated voice.
“Yes. Just be patient with me… I’ve never done this before.” You’re desperate to hear his moans, maybe even call out your name in a breathy manner. He curtly nods his helmet, and you start working at the buckle of his pants.
Your eyes dart over to Grogu, who’s still fast asleep. Mando’s eyes follow yours, and he clicks a button on his wrist that causes the pod to quietly close. You focus your attention back on your hands— which were still trembling terribly— down to the buckle of his pants, which you eventually got undone. He lifted his hips so you could pull them down slightly. Next came his underwear. You were so nervous, but you wanted to do this. You wanted to make him feel good, just as he did for you not even a few minutes ago.
One of your hands buries itself underneath his black tunic, coming into contact with his warm, tan skin. The other one grabs the waistband of his underwear, pulling it down so his length was finally free. Your eyes widen at his size, swallowing thickly.
Mando puts both of his hands on your shoulders. “Hey, look at me,” he whispers, and you look up at his visor which only reflected your terrified expression, “You don’t need to do this if you don’t want to.” His glove-free hand moves up to your cheek, and you melt into his touch. His thumb grazes back and forth ever so gently.
“No, I want to.” Your voice is meek, but you get your point across. He nods at you and drops his hand from your cheek to one of your own hands, covering it with his. He guides it to his length, wrapping your hand around it. He starts to move your hand up and down, letting you feel exactly how tight he wants your hand around him.
He groans as you start to get the hang of it, moving his hand away from yours as you start to pump him on your own. Your thumb glazes over his sensitive tip, causing him to twitch. You bit your lip and look up at him, wanting to taste him.
You lower your head so your mouth is near his tip, “Can I?” You mimic his words from earlier, and this time, he was the one nodding yes. You look down at the pink, swollen flesh as you lower your head down even further until your soft lips reach his tip.
Mando groans, grabbing onto your braid. You start to take him in your mouth slowly, careful to avoid accidentally hitting him with your teeth. You feel the urge to gag, not used to the sensation whatsoever. You come up for air to control your breaths, then move your head back down. Your concentration is solely on him now. You make sure to breathe through your nose before taking him deeper into your mouth once more.
After a few minutes, you start to move your head up and down his silky flesh. Mando’s quiet curses are enough motivation to take him in even deeper. You’re using your hand for what your mouth can’t fit, but you’ve finally got the hang of a steady rhythm.
“Maker, that’s it. That’s it pretty girl, just like that.” He praises you, stirring a hot sensation in the pit of your core.
You moan against him, causing him to buck his hips up and start thrusting into your mouth. You squeeze your lips around him, and that was enough to tip him over the edge. A string of curse words, mixed with your name, left as a groan from his mouth as he orgasmed.
The warm liquid coating your throat made you want to gag, but you swallowed anyway.
You lifted your head, wiping your bottom lip with your thumb as he tucked his length back into his underwear and jeans, doing the buckle up once more. You did the same with your pants, the wetness of your underwear making it almost uncomfortable to have on.
Your mind was running a million miles a minute, so many questions sorting through your head.
What did I just do?
Will this affect the mission?
This is extremely against the Jedi Code…
You stand up and clear your throat, legs still a little shaky from your orgasm. “Im gonna, um, go meditate for a minute.” You walk away from him, not looking back to see his helmet tilt at you.
You pad your way into the soft grass, sitting down once more in a crisscrossed style. You rest your extended arms on your legs, closing your eyes as you breathe in and out slowly. You needed to clear your head. Your attraction to Din was becoming too much, and you were so fearful that it would lead to much darker things.
You were not going to end up like Anakin Skywalker.
No matter how much you were attracted to Din, who’ve which you have yet to even see his face (and probably never will for that fact), you had to force your emotions away. The last thing you needed was to lose sight of being a true Jedi.
You were so deep into your own thoughts and meditation, the sound of grass rustling made your eyes snap open in panic. You stood up quickly and reached for your lightsaber, turning it on. The green plasma glowed brightly and illuminated a tiny Grogu staring up at you. Din wasn’t far behind him.
“Oh, Grogu. You startled me.” You sigh, the green of your saber now reflecting off of Din’s armor.
“Didn’t mean to. He was curious of your whereabouts.” The modulated voice said, and you look up at his visor as you switch off your saber, nothing but the very faint glow of the fire illuminating the area now.
“Listen, we should probably get back onto the Crest. Let’s just get this mission over with.” Your voice was steady, but on the inside, you wanted to cry. You’ve trained for so long to learn detachment and to become one with the Force, and then this Mandalorian comes along and quite literally bewitches you.
“Uh- right, yeah, okay.” Din turns to the side with his hand away from him to signal for you to walk first. You brush past him, beginning your not-so-long journey back to the Razor Crest. You were dreading the rest of the ride to Nevarro.
Nevarro was an eerily dark, quiet planet. You two were headed to Nevarro city, where Din's tracking fob told you both that's where Moff Gideon was. You felt his presence on the planet, too. He was close. Din had called in a favor to a friend of his to watch after the kid while you two did this mission, so he wouldn't be in harm's way.
The walk there was going to take about two hours, and on the way there, Din was telling you that Mandalorians would gather there, including himself, but were quickly moved out by Moff Gideon and his clan.
“So this is more than just a mission for you.” It was more of a statement than a question, but the Mandalorian nodded nonetheless.
“Yes. My people deserve to have this territory back,” He sighs, looking down at you. “Look, about the other night…” He pauses, looking for the right words to say, “Did I do something wrong? Or upset you?” You’d never heard him speak with such uncertainty before.
You looked down at the volcanic ground beneath your feet as you walked. “No. It wasn’t you. It’s me.” You finally answer, and he stops walking. You two were standing quite literally in the middle of nowhere, the hot air of the planet whipping across your face.
You could tell by his body language and how close he’d gotten to you that he wanted an explanation. It’s honestly the least you owed him, since you’d been acting so strange around him since that night you two got intimate.
“One of the first things you learn when you’re a youngling becoming a Padawan, is that attachment is forbidden. It can lead to rash decisions, which can eventually lead to the path of the dark side. It happened once to a very powerful Jedi, who eventually turned dark and became a Sith Lord.” Your voice was shaking, and your eyes looked everywhere but Din’s visor.
Din stayed silent, waiting for you to continue. “Look, Mando—”
“Call me Din.” His voice is a whisper.
“Din— I like you. A lot. I don’t know what it is, but being with you in your presence this past week has made me feel things for someone I’ve never felt in my life, and it absolutely terrifies me. I just– I just feel it. I don’t know, I probably sound stupid saying this.” You finally have the courage to look back up at him.
You stay in that position for what seems to be an eternity. Then, it’s all as if it’s a blur— he reaches both of his hands on his helmet, a pressurized hissing being released as he starts to lift it up.
You gasp, panic coursing through your body as you snap your eyes shut quickly. “Din, what are you doing? Your creed, you can’t—”
“I want you to know that this is as real for me as it is for you. Ever since I first set eyes on you, I’ve felt drawn to you. Every planet I’ve been to, I’d hoped you were there with your Master just so I could see your beautiful face,” Din’s voice without modulation was heavenly. It was deep and steady, but soft enough to make you swoon. “Open your eyes. Please.” He pleaded, and everything in you was telling you to keep them closed.
“You’ll become an apostate, Din. I can’t.” Tears well up, stinging behind your closed eyes.
“My Creed means as much to me as your Jedi Code does to you. For years, I've seen you. Getting to really know you within the time allotted on this journey has made me want to open up my heart to you, and only you. Please, open your eyes." He grabs both sides of your face gently after setting his helmet down.
His vulnerability was making him so uncomfortable, but for you, he'd do it over and over again. He spoke his next words in such desperation,
"I want you to see me too."
Finally, you slowly allowed your eyes to flutter open. Your eyes stare at his chest plate, then slowly move up to the beautiful man standing before you. You gasp softly in surprise, scanning the features of his face.
He had dark brown locks that looked soft to the touch, a crinkle in his brow from being worrisome in this very moment, dark brown eyes that looked right into your soul, a beautifully sculpted nose, a mustache right above his perfectly plush-looking lips which were currently parted, and very little stubble on his strong jaw.
"You're so beautiful." You whisper, reaching up to touch his face. He melts into your touch, sighing as his eyes closed fore a brief second before opening again.
"You won't end up like him." Din's sureness in his voice gives you some hope.
"I know I won't it's just- this, right here, is all so new to me. I've never given in to someone like this. But you, well—I just feel the Force drawing me to you. It's like I can't stay away no matter how hard I try." You're exhausted with the back-and-forth that your mind has been going through the past few days.
He's quick to lean down and brush his nose against yours, "So don't." He whispers, finally capturing your lips in his. The power you felt kissing this man was ethereal. Your hands moved up to his back of his head, nimble fingers gripping his soft locks to push his head closer to yours.
It's a feeling of sweet relief for both of you to kiss each other with such urgency. You part from him reluctantly, resting your hands on his chest plate. A small smile plays at his lips as he looks down at you.
"Put your helmet back on before someone else can accidentally see you." You softly say, causing him to chuckle. He does as he's told, and you two continue on foot. It wasn't long before you arrived to Nevarro City. Stormtroopers were guarding the entrance, as Obi-Wan had communicated to you less than ten minutes ago. You and Din had to find a way to sneak around them, or, just kill them.
You both chose the latter. Your lightsaber easily went right though one stormtrooper's body, as Din's blaster shot through the other. You both hid behind buildings quietly until you spotted the cantina, where Moff Gideon was.
Everything suddenly got quiet. Too quiet. You looked up at Din who held one finger to his helmet, signaling you to be completely quiet and still. You curtly nod your head, eyes scanning the perimeter.
Suddenly, you felt a blaster being pushed into your back. You look at Din, who had a guard behind him as well, and they both led you into the cantina. Gideon was standing there with a bemused expression.
You clench your jaw and look around, scanning your eyes around the room. There were more than a dozen guards and creatures with all kinds of weapons. You and Din were clearly outnumbered. Your eyes shift back to Gideon as he began to speak.
"A Mandalorian and a Jedi? That's unheard of," His boisterous laugh filled the cantina, making you become irritated. "If you're here to take your territory back, Mandalorian, you're just wasting your time."
Din's gloves creak as he clenches his fists, clearly agitated as well by the man standing in front of both of you.
"What, nothing to say?" Gideon tests Din, looking between the both of you. Din tilts his helmet and reaches for his blaster, and you mimic his moves as you reach for your saber.
Gideon's face turns stone-cold at your actions, "Kill them." Was all he said before everything turned into a complete blur once again.
All you remember is that you're blocking blaster rays left and right with your saber, the green plasma slicing through several bodies without even a second to think about what was happening. You and Din were now back-to-back, moving your saber fluidly to ward off anyone who tried to get near you.
In the midst of the chaos, Gideon tried to run out of the cantina unseen, but you saw him leave swiftly.
"Mando, Gideon's getting away!" You shout, and he motions for you to go after him.
"Go! I'll be there shortly." He's fighting off a storm trooper, and you take your saber and slide it right through his gut before he drops lifelessly on the floor. You nod at Din, running off in the direction Gideon went.
One advantage of being a Jedi in times like this was the fact that you were trained to be so light on your feet, so the surprise factor of your presence was always unpredictable.
You spot Gideon running through the street, and you tread as fast as you can after him. He turns and reaches a dead end down an alley, facing you once he realizes he has nowhere to go.
"Give it up, Moff Gideon." Your stare is deadly, catching Gideon by surprise.
"And what is Jedi scum like you going to do exactly? You can't take me on your own." His taunts only motivate you further to end this once and for all.
"Try me." You light your saber up, the green plasma glowing through the dark alley.
"Gladly." He pulls something from his hip, and he lights it up. You're taken aback.
It's the dark saber.
You'd only heard about such a saber, but never seen it in person. How in the Maker’s galaxy did a man like Gideon possess such a weapon?
You're pulled from your erratic thoughts as he charges toward you, his yell echoing off the walls of the buildings. You move quickly to duck his advances, swinging your saber to hit his. You do exactly what Master Kenobi taught you to do—move fluidly, focus on your target, and use the Force to guide you through the battle.
Both yours and Gideon's grunts were echoing through the alley, a light sheen of sweat now coating your forehead. All you could think about was wanting to end this so you could get back to Din.
Maker, you hope he's okay.
You turn quickly and bring your saber to Gideon, but he moved too unpredictably fast for you and brought the dark saber to your arm, burning a slash into your skin.
You yelped in agony, your skin feeling like it was boiling. You continued to block Gideon's moves, trying your best to ignore the heavy pain in your arm.
By all miracles in the galaxy, Din appeared behind Gideon unbeknownst to him. You kept warding him off, moving him backwards in Din's direction. Din didn't look like he had a single scratch on him, but he noticed your arm immediately. That was enough for him to sneak up behind Gideon and put him in a tight chokehold, holding the blaster to his head.
"It's over for you. Drop the saber. Now." Din's voice was loud, strangulating against the modulator. Gideon had the look of defeat in his eyes, and struggled to get out of Din's grip which only grew tighter around his neck with each move he made.
"I said drop it!" He yelled, causing Gideon to jump and drop it by accident. Din immediately kicked it over to you, and you picked up the sacred weapon.
"Should I bring him in warm? Or should I bring him in cold?" He questions you, tilting his helmet. The blaster pointed at Gideon's head hadn't moved even an inch.
"Let the New Republic deal with him." You breathed, hissing at the pain in your arm.
"Let's get you out of here." His voice was soft this time, moving the blaster back into its holster on his hip.
"Hold on." You say sharply, stepping toward Gideon. You pulled your fist back, sending it forward full force into contact with Gideon's cheek, knocking him out cold.
"'S what you get for calling me Jedi scum, you son of a Bantha." You shake your hand and walk past Gideon, who was now slack in Din's arm. Din chuckled and followed you back to the Razor Crest, ready to give Gideon over to the New Republic.
You, Din, and Grogu arrived on Naboo a few short days later to meet with Obi-Wan and Greef.
Obi-Wan gave you a hug as he saw you were alive and well, relief flowing through him. He had no doubt in his mind that you could capture Gideon, but he knew the mission was risky. He immediately saw the slash on your arm, which Din tried to tend to, but didn't have the proper things on his ship to heal the wound correctly.
"Come with me, I'll give you a bacta shot and wrap it for you." Master Kenobi offered, leaving Din and Greef to discuss other matters, which you're assuming included the hefty reward of credits he was promised.
You follow Master Kenobi into a florescent-lit room, and he had you sit on a chair as he rummaged for the bacta shot. He pulled it from the kit once he found it, and moved to sit on the stool in front of you. You rolled up your sleeve so the burn was visible. You knew it was going to leave a scar, but all that mattered to you was that it healed properly.
"You like him a great deal, don't you y/n?" Master Kenobi raises an eyebrow at you. You scan his face to find any indication of anger or worry, but there was none. You sigh, knowing he already knows the answer. There was no denying your feelings for the man in armor.
"Yes." You breathe, afraid to say anything more. You didn't know how Obi-Wan was going to react, so you wanted to keep your answers short and light.
"I see the way you look at him, you know." He injected the shot into your skin, causing you to wince. "You know it's against Jedi Code—"
You knew those dreaded words were coming so you began to ramble, "I know, Master, I just- I can't help it. It's like the Force just draws me to him. I—"
You were cut off by Obi-Wan raising his hand to stop you from speaking further.
"You didn't let me finish," He chuckled, "It's against the Code, but y/n, there's so little of us left. I know you don't have darkness in you. I know you're fearful of becoming someone like Anakin did, but I promise you, you won't. You have a good heart and a kind soul. You're patient, obedient to orders, and you're a great Jedi Knight. He was too, but you're nothing like him. Your temptation to be with the Mandalorian isn't for more power," He starts to wrap your wound properly with gauze, "I know you don't want more. You just want peace, and to peacefully love." He smiles at you, and it's like the weight of the whole galaxy was lifted off of your shoulders.
"Exactly, Master. The feeling I get with Mando... it- it doesn't make me fearful. It makes me fearless. I know he'd protect me with everything in him and vice versa. I'd still follow the Code and he'd still follow his Creed, but we'd do it together. He means a lot to me and being with him is something I'll never take for granted." Tears were falling from your eyes, making your Master chuckle slightly.
"I'd be a hypocrite if I told you you couldn't be with him, you know." His bemused expression surprised you.
"I too have had relations with a Mandalorian. Don't think you're the only one now." You look at him in shock as he laughs gutturally, and you join him shortly after.
"Wow, Master, I didn't know you had it in you." You nudge him with your good arm, and he smiles at you.
"Go be with him, unashamedly. You deserve to love, especially a good man like him." He puts his hand on your good arm, rubbing it up and down once before standing up. You follow him out to the main corridors once more, where Din and Greef still stood.
You made your way up to Din, not even thinking twice before bringing him in for a hug. You were careful not to touch any of his weapons or his jetpack. He looked down at you in shock, his body stilling before wrapping his arms around the tops of your shoulders so he avoided touching your wound. He rested his helmet on top of your head, and you two stayed like that for a few minutes.
Obi-Wan and Greef exchanged looks of pleasantries, deciding to leave you two on your own.
"The last room down the hall on the left is yours to stay in tonight, you two." Obi-Wan called out before he and Greef both exited the main corridor.
You look up at Din with knowing eyes, offering him a small smile before you take his hand in yours and lead him down the hall.
You two had settled into the lavish room rather quickly. It had a view of the calm waters outside of a balcony, who’s pillars were vined with red roses. The red against the blue waters was a beautiful contrast. Naboo was such a beautiful planet; you’d often wished you could stay here longer each time.
Your eyes shift to Din as he steps out of the steamy bathroom, a dark robe wrapped around his body as he approaches the huge bed. He makes himself comfy next to you, dark eyes scanning over your body which was clothed in a pink satin nightgown. The material hugged your curves in all the right places, making Din easily want to reach out and touch you everywhere.
He moves his face closer to yours, noses brushing as he pressed his soft lips to yours.
“Let me touch you… let me feel you. Please.” Din’s voice is like velvet, begging to let him make you feel good. He presses his lips to yours once more, one of his hands moving up to cup your cheek.
“Okay.” You agree against the kiss, nodding your head ever so slightly. He flashes you a breathtaking smile before moving his lips down to your neck, tongue poking out so it makes contact with your hot skin. You moan his name in a whisper as he moves his open-mouthed kisses down your collar bone, to your sternum, and over your clothed breasts.
He sits up again before looking down at you in adoration, making you nearly want to cry. You were so happy that you finally got your shot at a real relationship, and you didn’t have to push him away to avoid attachment.
“You’re so beautiful.” His voice is soft as he reaches for the bottom of the satin nightgown, slowly moving the material up your hips, to your torso, and eventually, over your head. He drops the light material on the floor next to the bed, admiring your bareness from above.
He moved down to kiss both of your breasts, then moved down your torso before reaching the top of your matching panties. He looks up at you and offers you a lopsided grin before dipping his head down once more. His lips found their way to your thighs, kissing the inside in a feathery manner. His face was met with your clothed core, and he looked up at you with desire-filled eyes as he kissed you once there. You sharply inhaled, your fingers moving to his damp hair.
He hooked his fingers into the side of your panties, sliding them off your hips with ease. He dropped them down alongside the nightgown pooled on the ground. He was met with your bare core as he moved back between your legs, and he offered you one more kiss before he delicately licked up your folds.
You gasped at the foreign sensation, fingers gripping onto his hair tighter than before. He did the same gesture a few more times before completely attaching his mouth to you, praising your most sensitive bundle of nerves with his tongue.
“Maker, Din, please-please don’t stop.” You moaned, feeling dizzy with pleasure coursing through your whole being.
He hummed against your core, only adding to the factor of pleasure you were experiencing. He started to flick his tongue around your most sensitive part, which was swollen with arousal. Din moved his arms to hook around your hips as you started to writhe beneath his mouth, grinding your hips into his tongue.
“You taste so good, pretty girl.” Din praises, and the familiar, hot sensation bubbles in your core. You whimper at the feeling, wanting to feel sweet release. Din’s tongue felt heavenly against you, and your impending orgasm was a result of that.
You finally reached your high, the sensation ripping through your body as your hips stuttered and toes curled. Your grip on his hair was tight, causing him to groan as he finished lapping up your orgasm.
He sat up, mustache and chin coated with your secretions. You pulled him down to smash your lips to his, tasting yourself on his tongue. Without breaking the kiss, you reach down Din’s robe to untie the string that was keeping the soft material closed around his body.
He shrugged it off when it became undone, adding it to the growing collection of clothing items on the floor. Your eyes scanned over his tan body. He was just so breathtaking.
You look him in the eyes, pulling him down to you once more before you kissed him with such passion. You wanted him to know how badly you wanted him without saying another word. He instantly got the message.
You two kissed feverishly for a few more minutes before he sat up again, lining up the tip of his length to your entrance. It was the first time for both of you—he knew to be gentle with you, and slow and steady for himself. It never dawned on you that both his Creed and your Code forbade you both from having such relations with others in such an intimate, passionate way. You were grateful to experience this first with Din.
He slowly pushed into you, a stinging sensation becoming prominent between your legs. You had to stop him for a second so you could adjust around his length. He kept inching into you after you told him you were okay, the feeling of you fluttering so tightly around him driving him crazy.
Eventually, he was buried in you. He moved down onto his elbows to capture your lips in his, making the moment all the more sweeter.
“Can I move?” He asks, brushing your hair—which wasn’t in a braid for once, and instead worn naturally—away from your face.
You’re so drunk on the fullness of him inside of you, you can’t even muster up a coherent agreement. Instead, you just opt to nod your head yes.
He slowly moves his hips back, the feeling of how tight you are making his head spin. You felt so damn good on him. He buries himself fully into you once more, dropping his head so his face resides in the crook of your neck.
When you were both comfortable, he eventually picked up the pace of his hips. Strings of moans came from both of you, the sound of hips lightly slapping together and lips smacking was all that filled the room.
“You feel so good. I’m so lucky.” Din moans, his mouth capturing yours once more. You wrap your legs around his hips as they snap against yours, another orgasm brewing inside of you. He felt his coming quickly, and he looked into your eyes.
“Cum with me, pretty girl.” Your body tipped over the edge once again, in sync with his as he kissed you, groaning into your mouth as you both came together.
You both were panting heavily as he reluctantly slipped out of you, plopping down on the bed in his rightful spot next to you. You look up at him through your lashes, eyes fluttering. You were both spent and just downright exhausted. Not only from the mission, but from giving yourselves to each other which you both, unbeknownst to you at the time, eventually promised to do over and over again for the rest of your lives.
Din pulled you to him, laying your head on his chest. His heartbeat was rapid, but yours matched his just the same. He wrapped you tightly into his warm arms, letting go not even being an option he’d think of.
This is exactly where you knew you were meant to be. You were meant to be right by Din’s side, in the safety of his arms. It’s what felt so right. It’s what would always feel right. It’s what you wanted for the rest of your living existence in this galaxy.
It’s where you belong.
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jedimandalorian · 1 year
According to the latest Star Wars Chronology, the years 9 ABY to 19 ABY are called the “Peace of the New Republic.”
It is likely that the Ahsoka series and its sequels and crossovers all take place in this time period, which means
1. Lucasfilm will have to retcon this chronology because Thrawn starts another galactic war.
2. Thrawn finds out that the Emperor he once served is dead and the Empire has fallen, so he goes home to the Chiss Ascendancy in the Unknown Regions.
3. The Nightmothers were just using Thrawn to get to Dathomir, just as Thrawn was using them to get back home to the main SW galaxy. Now that the witches have achieved their goal, they will betray Thrawn and/or he will betray them.
4. There will be an effort by the heroes of The Mandalorian, the Ahsoka show, and other members of the Ghost Crew to stop a war. There will be an armed conflict with little or no help from the New Republic, and the brave unsung heroes save the galaxy from a bigger war that could have happened but didn’t.
Likely character deaths or transformations: Thrawn. Ahsoka.
Possible romance arcs completed: DinBo, Sabezra.
Cultures reborn/transformed: Nightsisters, Mandalorians, Jedi.
New Master and Apprentice pairings: Sabine and Grogu, Ezra and Jacen.
These are the “Jedi Mandalorians.” (Yes, I have been thinking about this for a very long time. Look at my username.)
Mando by birth: Sabine Wren, who restores her Clan.
Mando by adoption: Grogu.
Mando by marriage: Ezra Bridger. 😏
What do you think? What are the other possibilities?
Am I crazy? Here’s my Ahsoka Season 1 Bingo card:
Tumblr media
Tolkien references (too many to list here)
Jacen is Force sensitive.
Sabine misses Ezra. 😢
Thrawn does the unexpected.
Kanan reference (more than expected). 😢
Chopper is a menace (not as much as he could have been).
Hera misses Kanan (his photo is on her dashboard). 😢
“Snips” 🙌
Anakin flashback. 🙌
Rex lives. (They didn’t kill him off yet and we did get a cameo so that’s a win.)
Quotable Huyang (Don’t get me started.)
Ezra is still a dork (and we love him for it). 😂
Ezra is a badass. 🙌
Sabezra tease. (Just go look at the rest of my Tumblr.) 😍
Mutual pining idiots. (See above.) 😍
Clan Wren. (We got a mention. R. I. P. 😢)
Sabine painting. (We saw the mural, the loth cat doodles and the graffiti in Ezra’s tower and on Ahsoka’s ship.)
No Fenn Rau. (I still want to see him in live action, maybe in Mando s4.)
Clone Wars Flashback. (More than one!)
No Rebels flashback. (We did get many callbacks though. I’d love to see any of them cameo in Andor s2.)
Loth rat. (Not the animal, but Ezra being his usual chaotic streetwise self, such as impersonating a stormtrooper and stealing his helmet and armor.)
Loth cat. (Sabine’s adorable pet. 😻)
Loth wolf. (They are on the end credits star map and the Lothal Rebels mural. Howlers are also wolf-like.)
Run. (Our heroes did a lot of that.)
So am I good, or what?
The Prophet of the Church of Ezrabine has spoken.
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