#mandrin p5x
p5x-theories · 5 months
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The full, transparent art of the returning P5X thieves' Personas that we didn't have yet, plus Rob Roy, Awilda, and Mandarin, whose lighting appears to have been changed from their previous full images (Mandarin's only very slightly.)
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complete-idiot-inc · 2 months
Mandrin awakening, 4th beta ver.
I thought you would say it!
Isn’t that all you wanted to give up? Pride, desire, will, even life?
Now you understand that even if you can fool yourself into believing it’s all your fault, it won’t change anything.
Even if you close your eyes, they’re still there, so an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
You’ve stopped “giving up” on yourself, and now you’re quietly, but unabashedly, “giving up” on yourself.
Let go and make a scene!
Yes you remember! I am thou…
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gomaan · 10 months
Mandrin's dialogue 
"You finally have saaaaid it!" "Think of it all as a kind of spice for the 'win' you want!" "It's good, it's gooooooood!!" "Being both quiet and direct is the order..." "You can do it, can't you?" "Because I am thou..."
「言えたじゃないの~?」 「全てはお前が望む『勝ち』のためのスパイスみたいなもんだって思うことよ!」 「良いじゃないの、良いじゃないのぉ~~~!!」 「ひそやかに、だがあからさまに…両方やるってオーダーだ…」 「できるだろぉ?」 「なぜなら…我は汝…」
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thieves-in-the-palace · 10 months
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Some pics of the new playable characters in Persona Phantom X, including their Personas, code names, and cut-in graphics! These show up during game download. (The other established characters + Phantom Thieves also showed up, but I wanted to focus on the newer kids lmao)
✧ Shun Kanou, code name Soy! We've already seen him, but I don't think we've seen much of his Persona, Mandrin, yet.
✧ Tomoko Noge, code name Kotomo! Her code name seems to be an anagram of her given name, as Kotomo…doesn't really mean anything? With a Persona (and color scheme) like that, I'd be willing to bet she specializes in Psy skills.
✧ YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR HIM, HE'S FINALLY HERE, IT'S LEO! Real name unknown. His Persona has a nice, super sentai sort of feel to it. Unclear if he'll be a character in the game storyline.
✧ Yaoling Li, code name Rin! I guess they decided to fully break away from the code name pattern? I don't think we've seen an in-game model for her yet, but she apparently exists in the P5X storyline as a Chinese transfer student.
✧ That guy we saw alongside Wonder, Kotomo, and Rin in that recent trailer: Kii! Real name unknown. Probably going to specialize in Bless or Fire skills, judging by his Persona design. Unclear if he'll be a character in the game storyline.
✧ And last but not least, Okyann! Real name unknown. Finally, a gyaru gets some time in the spotlight. She seems like she'll be an actual character, and I will cry if she winds up just being gacha fodder. Looks to be noticeably older than the rest of the playable characters thus far.
Of note: in the latest sticker set, Seiji, Mont, Yuki, and Leo only appear in their Thief gear, while Kotomo, Rin, Kii, and Okyann appear in everyday clothing. It would be reasonable to assume that Leo will be joining those first 3 in gacha fodder purgatory, while the other new characters will be incorporated into P5X's storyline.
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*sees that blue-hair student is a Persona User*
*curious to know about his Persona and what it means for the game*
Okay, so a quick search tells me that his Persona, Mandrin, is very likely to be one Louis Mandrin, was a French smuggler/highway man/French Robin Hood (another Robin Hood-like figure!) who was from Dauphiné, located in the southwest of France. Louis Mandrin hated the tax collectors, (which at the time was until the Old Regime that lasted from circa 1500 to the French Revolution of 1789).
In 1753, Louis Mandrin and a friend got arrested for a brawl and Louis Mandrin escaped, for on that same day, his brother was hanged for counterfeiting,  and Mandrin escaped, but on swore a personal war against the tax collectors.
Louis Mandrin then joined a gang of smugglers that was in the Cantons of Switzerland, France, ans Savoy, which at the time its own territory state. The gang smuggled bought the goods in Switzerland, and then sold them to the French population that didn’t involve taxes. Also apparently Louis Mandrin and his gang robbed the tax collectors, especially the unpopular ones. This allowed the gang to get lots of local support, but it had the tax collectors wanting Mandrin’s head.
So Louis Mandrin took refuge in Savoy. Remember how I said it was its own territory state? Well, the French tax collectors wanted Louis Mandrin’s head so badly, they sent in 500 men into Savoy in disguises to do that (help that two of Louis Mandrin’s own gang members sold him out). The Duke of Savoy and King of Sardinia, Charles Emmanuel III, didn’t approve of this AT ALL, and sent a letter to the King Louis the XV to return Mandrin back, but before the message could be sent, the tax collectors basically speed-run the trial to execute the guy.
Interesting here that this Persona goes back to the theming of the initial three Personas we know of: Jánošík, Awilda, and Rob Roy. They’re outlaws of sorts. The second set of Personas we learned of are Leucothea, Terpsichore, and Styx. They’re from Greak mythology.
I think it’s possible the blue-hair student, not using his name because it seems it’s still unknown at the moment due to different possible translations of the kanji of his name, joins after the initial first Palace. Maybe he’s the fourth party member. Or the fifth, for there’s still that unknown female party member left we don’t know about.
That, or there’s two groups of Persona users in P5x that start out as rivals, but eventually have to join forces to defeat in the new threat of the Metaverse. Group One is the new ‘PT’ of sorts, consisting of Wonder, Cattle, Closer, the Blue-Hair Student, and Unknown Female Persona User. Group Two is the ‘Classic Theme’ users, consisting of Seiji, Mont, Yuki, and maybe Unknown Male Star Arcana User.
Or I could be wrong on both accounts. Still, this gave me a lot to think about!
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shadowtarot · 1 year
It's P5X time. We've got our new Theif.
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Name: Soy
Persona: Mandrin
This persona is very likely Louis Mandrin, a French Smuggler. It's very fitting given his rebellion against the Ferme générale, the privatized tax agency of the French ancien régime.
It's definitely very obvious that this is the intent as Soy's Theif wear resembles a European Theif or rather what media would depect them in.
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p5x-theories · 10 months
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New thieves in-game, confirming their types!
Okyann is a navigator, Leo is nuclear, Kii is fire, Rin is curse, Kotomo is psy, and Soy is ice.
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p5x-theories · 10 months
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What We Know About Soy
(as of the second beta; last updated 8/27/23!)
Shun Kanou, codename Soy, is a second-year at Kokatsu Academy in class 2D. He used to work part-time at the restaurant Ashouken, but since quit, and helps out at the restaurant Toraiken instead.
The codename "Soy" almost certainly comes from soy sauce, though as he hasn't picked it for himself in-game as of where the second beta ended, his exact reasoning for this codename is unclear. It probably has something to do with his interest in cooking.
His Japanese voice actor is Katsuyuki Konishi.
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It's currently unknown whether Shun is a Confidant of the protagonist's, but as he is a teammate, it seems likely.
While Shun is seen for the first two times eating lunch alone on the school roof, he becomes relevant after Kiuchi's heart is stolen. Seeing Wonder (the protagonist) and Motoha together so often suddenly, he questions whether they're dating, and is abrasive towards Wonder at first.
However, when he invites the two of them over to the restaurant Toraiken, they see Shun helps out the owner there after school, and seems very invested in the quality of food and the wellbeing of Toraiken's owner. They also see that a famous food critic, Hiromu Miyazawa, is threatening Shun and the owner.
After this, Shun becomes a bit more open to Wonder, and explains that the owner of Toraiken used to own another restaurant, Ashouken, when Shun worked there. However, he refused to bribe Miyazawa for a good review, and Miyazawa destroyed his reputation. Shun quit Ashouken, but wishes he could do something about Miyazawa.
Miyazawa ends up publicly challenging Shun to a "Flavor Fight", where Shun must cook dishes in a set amount of time and have Miyazawa review them, which Shun furiously rushes into after being riled up by the taunting that accompanied the challenge. While it's currently unclear exactly how, after this Flavor Fight, Shun ends up stumbling into the Metaverse with Wonder, Cattle, and Closer, and awakens his Persona after encountering Miyazawa's Shadow.
Shun's role seems to parallel Yusuke's in the original P5.
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Shun gives off the impression of a stoic, quiet loner type, which at least during what's been revealed so far, doesn't seem to bother him much. He's very invested in cooking and food in general, and focuses primarily on that along with helping out the owner of Toraiken more generally. It doesn't appear that he interacts with others much outside of this.
He is, however, quick to anger, and impulsive as well as physically aggressive once sufficiently riled up. He cares deeply about Toraiken, and can't stand to have it degraded by Miyazawa. It's also heavily implied by his investment in Motoha and Wonder's relationship that he has a crush on Motoha, though it's unclear whether his initial hostility towards Wonder was because he was unfamiliar with Wonder and thus protective of Motoha, more fueled by jealousy in regard to the perceived relationship, or a mix of both.
While he seems stoic, when he's thrown off guard it is extremely obvious. He flounders when Motoha approaches while he's threatening Wonder, clumsily lying about inviting them both for food instead, and when the team rushes back to Shibuya after his Persona awakening, he's so bewildered that he immediately forgets they're in a hurry to get back to school.
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His Persona is Mandrin (based on a French smuggler sometimes known as the Robin Hood of France) and has Ice and Physical skills, resisting Ice while being weak to Fire.
In combat, his melee weapon is a hatchet, while his ranged weapon is a gatling gun. His highlight attack is shown from 0:39 - 0:54 in this video.
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p5x-theories · 10 months
Soy's awakening! Also featuring his Highlight Attack, One More animation, one of Mandrin's ice attack animations that seems more unique, his gun attack, and All Out Attack finisher.
It doesn't quite seem finished, though- the Palace background music is still playing, and the volume mixing seems off. The first beta also had some unfinished aspects that're more finished in this second beta, so that's not too surprising.
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p5x-theories · 10 months
A better look at the new character models!
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gomaan · 10 months
The whole design of Mandrin, SOY's persona, came out and I compared it to the phantom thief outfit. They have horses motif as themselves?
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Mandrin's face on the official P5X website, It looks like a wolf at a glance, but if you look closely, you can see that it is a horse motif.
Shun's code name is SOY. In slang, "Soy boy" means "herbivore boy". It may be an assertion that "Horses are strong and muscular even if they eat only grass!" Also Mandrin has a big gun with an axe-like blade attached to the firing port. It also has a horse's head on it and the mane is the axe part and a horse's leg on its trigger! Mandrin in original historical story was born in a seller of horses.
SOY's mysterious two long ribbons on the back could be a broken rein… If the rope around Mandrin's neck is from the hanging episode, and SOY's mysterious the ribbons is a broken rein, then these are "chains that someone was controlling" that were torn off.
There's something about SOY's phantom outfit, the cowboy, but I felt there was a metaphor that not only was it the figure of someone riding a horse, but the person themselves was also a horse. The way the mask is designed. Because his name is also 'Shun' (the original meaning of the Chinese character is 'fast horse').
Shun's code name is more like SOY, because the original Aassho-ken of Taisho-ken has soy sauce ramen as its signature dish? Looks like it.
… or something like that, I don't think the story fits with anything other than Mandrin's gun-axe. my Delusion.
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p5x-theories · 17 days
Tag Masterlist
(last updated 6/5/24!)
As a general rule: posts will be tagged with their content, what beta they're from (one of the tests, or the open beta, possibly with a version number), and characters. Ship content will also be tagged by ship name (or character x character if there's no ship name yet).
Asks are also tagged with the asker's username (or anonymous), and submissions are tagged with the submitter's username (or anonymous) plus submissions. Responses to replies are not tagged with a username.
Posts containing potential story spoilers revealed via datamine will also be tagged p5x spoilers, so those who don't want to know in advance can filter them. Once something is in the game, it will no longer be tagged as spoilers.
This is meant to be an exhaustive list of tags used, so it's long and will get longer over time. Under the cut for this reason.
Tags for Content
Game info
Game content
Character info
Official art
Trailers (any promotional videos go here)
Protagonist names (tag for names people send in for Wonder)
Outdated (tag for posts with outdated information in some way)
Tags for Beta
First beta
Second beta
Third beta
Open beta (previously "fourth beta"; all posts were retagged, but some may still mention this)
- Version 1.3.1
- Version 1.3.2
- Version 1.3.3
- Version 2.0
Tags for Ships
Preestablished ones for other Persona games' ships will be used as applicable; this list is for new P5X-related ones.
Tomoha (Tomoko Noge and Motoha Arai)
Rikoha (Riko Tanemura and Motoha Arai)
Reoseiji (Reo Kamiyama and Seiji Shiratori)
Shun x Wonder
Wonder x Joker (possibly Woker?)
Tags for Characters
Generally: playable new P5X characters are tagged by codename; everyone else uses their confirmed full name, or a nickname. Characters introduced in a Persona game other than P5X will not be included in this list for the sake of brevity, but are all tagged by full name (this includes Personas, and shadows such as Jack Frost).
Wonder, separate tag for Janosik
Cattle (Ruferu), separate tag for Rob Roy
Closer (Motoha Arai), separate tag for Awilda
Soy (Shun Kanou), separate tag for Mandrin
Wind (Riko Tanemura), separate tag for Chiyome
Fleuret (Seiji Shiratori), separate tag for Leucothea
Yuki (Yukimi Fujikawa), separate tag for Styx
Mont (Kotone Montagne), separate tag for Terpsichore
Moko (Tomoko Noge), separate tag for Prosymna
Key (Kiyoshi Kurotani), separate tag for Syke
Okyann (Kayo Tomiyama), separate tag for Cleodora
Rin (Yaoling Li), separate tag for Meng Po
Leon (Reo Kamiyama), separate tag for Erytheia
Bui (YUI/Musubi Matsukata), separate tag for Apseudes
Riddle (Haruna Nishimori), separate tag for Daeira
Sepia (Toshiya Sumi), separate tag for Gorgyra
Puppet, separate tag for Nemertes
Marian (Minami Miyashita), separate tag for Thalia
Polter (Aran)
Enco (Ikenami)
Liben (Narumi Nashimoto)
Jitianzhudai (Tamayo Yoshida)
Magatsukami (person running the phantoms site)
Takeyuki Kiuchi
Hiromu Miyazawa
Third Palace Ruler (temporary tag to avoid spoiling who it is)
Cyler Eats deliveryperson
Kumi Katayama
Science Teacher (Mr. Hakozaki)
Civics Teacher (Mr. Shimonuma)
English Teacher (Mr. Endo)
World History Teacher (Ms. Taniyama)
Literature Teacher (Mr. Nagara)
Yamagoshi (owner of Toraiken and Ashouken)
Masa (man in charge of Ashouken) (linked tags stop here because apparently Tumblr has a limit)
"Music girl" (side quest girl who runs music club)
"Soccer boy" (side quest boy on soccer team)
"Sports girl" (side quest girl who likes running)
"Office worker" (side quest clumsy office worker)
"Anderson" (side quest gym guy)
"Yakitori vendor" (side quest yakitori vendor)
"Orange cat" (side quest cat)
"Calligraphy lady" (side quest elderly calligraphy teacher)
"Photographer" (side quest photographer)
"Coffee lady" (side quest lady in beta test)
"Kazuhiko Tsuda" (side quest schoolboy in beta test)
"Animals girl" (side quest little girl in beta test)
"Blonde guy" (side quest Shinjuku man in beta test)
"Shibuya mascot" (side quest mascot in beta test)
"Guitar girl" (unknown woman that plays guitar outside Shibuya station)
"Headmaster" (suspected principal of Kokatsu Academy)
"Unnamed characters" (catch-all tag for characters we know nothing about)
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p5x-theories · 10 months
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Companion to the bigger poll including all the P5X Personas.
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p5x-theories · 10 months
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About to post a poll just for the Personas new to the second beta, as well, so stay tuned for that!
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