#mania jason grace
Jason Grace but when he dies he remembers everything.
He watches his early life unfold, back when Thalia held him like he was something precious.
And his mother's eyes were kind and clear.
His mother who was haunted by monsters and told her torment would end if she gave up her son.
Jason watching his mother refuse every time.
But Beryl Grace was only human and she laid her son on the forest floor.
Believing truly that it was only for a moment. She doesn't know why but she's desperate.
The monsters get closer, more violent every day.
And this is the only way.
Jason watching his mother leave and keep turning back. And realises it wasn't a trick of a mad spirit
... She always intended on coming back.
Jason's who's life was built upon the shattered remains of his mother's broken promise, learning she meant it.
But they'd stolen him from her.
The life he'd always wanted, the family he always dreamed of, he had it once.
He screams as the wolves come for him, knowing he can't go back and change it.
Jason watching his days at the wolf house, knowing that his mother was searching for him.
That he was just a tool from day one. His mother followed the rules, she did everything she was supposed to and it was all for nothing.
Jason realising he followed the rules and now he's in what should be the best place ever.
And feeling nothing but loneliness in his nonexistent bones.
Because he will never get his family back.
His mother is dead, Thalia's immortal and moved on.
Camp Jupiter only cared for his parentage, Jason watches them take the feral child of Lupa and turn him into something he both knows and can't recognise.
They destroyed him.
And the first chance they got they turned on him.
His friends have all moved on.
Nico summons him at times to play mythomagic but he'll forget him too one day.
Everything he lived for didn't mean anything at all.
The greif and the bitterness corrupts Jason's soul.
And he becomes a mania like his mother before him.
He leaves his so called paradise and goes to destroy the home that was never his.
Nico is their to stop him.
He's able to calm and bring him back.
Jason just sobs, tells Nico that he's too far gone. He can't be saved because this rage will never end.
And he'd rather be destroyed completly than lose his memories again.
So Nico will have to kill him.
Nico looking at his best friend, looks at the boy who bought him back from the brink of darkness time and time again.
And he hugs him close.
Tells him that no matter how far Jason falls, he will always be there to bring him back.
And in his arms bawls the spirit of Jason Grace.
For all he's gained only to lose.
Nico just holds him, and apologises for not noticing sooner.
That his friend was putting on a facade while his soul was testing him in two.
Because no one ever thought a ghost could greive but than Nico's never met someone quite like Jason before.
And for once in his life Jason doesn't feel lonely anymore.
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stygianoaths · 2 years
*inhales* what if jason was okay with his death at the time it happened, but then his soul was intercepted in its transfer to the underworld by none other than tartarus himself?
i know nico said he thinks that jason is in a good place but more importantly, he also said that he doesn't know where. that's what gets me. if it had been elysium, nico would have known. he would have heard it from his father, if not able to get a hold of the demigod himself. he only says it's a good place because that's where jason deserved to go.
in the meantime, the creatures down there remind jason of all that was done wrong to him during his life, and how he's no different from them, a tool to be used and discarded at best, and a monster at worst.
he tries to fight against their words, because not all of it was bad... at least from what he can remember. and that, in itself, is a little fucked up, no? he can't even remember a whole lot of his own life.
the doubt creeps in and it festers. it makes him bitter. it makes him lost.
he hates the way akhlys taunts and leer at him, the way the creatures swipe their hands through him and how it feels akin to having the wind knocked out of his lungs. he wants to kill something when he's asked how he's enjoying his little 'elysium'. he cries under the fallen shrine of hermes after they mention how the son of hades performed everyone's funeral rites except his.
the son of jupiter who has been in want of rest since the day he was left at lupa's feet grows into a restlessness that puts his past bouts of anxiety to shame. he's so tired. he can't sleep. he's going insane. he hates everyone. he hates himself. he wants this to end, even though, in a way, it already had.
and worst of all, no one is coming back for him. his mother never did.
and just like his mother, jason grace now stands at the precipice of turning into a mania.
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tagthescullion · 2 months
Never mind that Hazel is barely mentioned in TSATS (nico and piper barely know each other! Why isnt he Irismessaging *Hazel* to tell her he's all right?) but what about Reyna? She's barely mentioned either! Whatever happened to their relationship? It said straight out she thought of him as a brother! This is after Reyna joins the Hunters;we never saw what Nico felt about that! Is he angry? Afraid for her? Pretending he doesnt care? All of those? Yet it doesn't mention a thing!
TSaTS is the nasty cousin of the riordanverse books.. I honestly, from the bottom of my heart, never read anything so infuriatingly fanficky --and it was supposedly canon??--. it was truly the moment I realised rick will never write pjo out of passion again, nowadays it's 100% cash-grab and fan-service, add that to the rubbish handling of the show, and you've got the three pillars of mediocrity. TSaTS is the riordanverse version of one of those crappy navi-lover (christmassy) films where every plot is solved with the power of love, and instead of therapy they have all the random people they found friends they made on the way!
TSaTS mentions reyna twice, once to say how she and nico spoke about PTSD together (fantastic way to make both teenagers sound like grace sheffield therapy-talking), and another time bc will kills a mania and she's mentioned in a "when reyna's father became one she had to kill him" way (nico also has some ooc judgy catholic guilt thing going on). hazel's mentioned four times, none of them important enough to mention. neither of the girls appear, they're only mentioned..
virtually nothing on how nico reacted to reyna joining the hunters????? dishonour on rick, dishonour on his family and on his cow ((here's my version of them fighting about the hunters bc why not? if anybody else has their version, I'd love to read it))
but who does nico contact? piper! it was massive bullshit. oh look, all the gays are friends, that's surely not some tumblr cringe shit to write down. piper barely acknowledges nico in HoO, I haven't finished ToA but if she's with jason when the spoiler we all ignore happens, then nico doesn't meet her there.. why in fuck's unholy name would nico just go "oh well.. I'll just call pipes, surely she won't find this bizarre!"
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aries-writingblog · 2 years
What A Heavenly Way to Die
Summary: What a heavenly way to die? What a time to be alive? Because forever is in your eyes, but forever ain’t half the time…
Pairing: Jason Todd x reader
Word count: 912
Warnings: lot of religion probably bordering sacrilegious in this one, oops but not oops, some suggestive content, tiny portion of language
AN: little short one today but probably one of my favorites, also I didnt proofread so if there’s any mistakes, no there isn’t
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Quite simply put, Jason Todd was a morning person. He enjoyed meeting dawn as she stretched and played over the landscape. Golden light bathing everything she touched. Fresh dew and a soft breeze, leading a thrilled renaissance through grasses and trees. Whisking inconsequential matters to the side. The quiet moments of serendipity, meditative and peaceful.
He liked the warmth of the sheets— the feel of skin pressed to his. Encasing his body in the thick atmosphere of secure bliss. Holding her figure close against his own, shielding her from the night’s chilling touch.
He liked morning.
She never woke at the same time he did. Mornings usually meant Jason had extra time to gaze down at her face, unblemished by smile or frown lines. Or worry, anxiety. Nothing of the sort existed so early.
He could simply stare. Gaze in awe at the beauty lying with her head against his chest. Bask in her glowing presence. Pray that he wouldn’t wake her while he admired.
While he worshipped. Attended a lonesome mass to lay affections at her feet, laving lingering kisses up her ankle, taking the long path to her lips. Over the velvet skin of her body.
Jason exhaled gently— careful in his actions. Careful to not rouse her from her sleep. His body had other intentions as a loud growl echoed from the cavern of his belly.
He had hoped to lay there with her a while longer.
Things would only get worse if he stayed there— louder and more compromising. Besides, if he was waking up hungry (which was always), she would be too.
Pulling himself reluctantly from the warmth of the bedsheets, Jason ensured she stayed asleep. No stealth mission or undercover agent could ever compete with the covert, silent movements of the beast of a man who was hellbent on keeping his goddess asleep.
He spared a glance over his shoulder, a smile gracing his lips. Sunlight caressing her as she slept, tucked away and cocooned in warmth.
One of the rare sunny days in Gotham.
Trekking down the hallway, Jason began his morning routine. Checking the windows, brushing his teeth while checking the spare room converted weapons stash for anything unusual.
Then he started on breakfast.
One of his favorite past-times (other than YN of course).
He knew that he would be teased endlessly, if any of his friends were there to witness his endeavors.
How he doted on her. How he would leave barely there kisses to her lips, only to sink to his knees and lay aggressive love bites to her thighs. To leave marks across her neck.
Only to shake himself from the reviere hours later, sweat laden and pressed to her bare chest; Shake himself to take gentle care of her aching body.
To cradle her against him for the come down— to watch the sunset in the windows of his Church.
How he would be teased and mocked— made a fool of— for his actions.
But there he was: The Arkham Knight, Red Hood, Robin, making breakfast.
The same hands that once choked life from collapsing esophaguses, ripped beating hearts out of gaping chest cavities, fired hollow tip bullets into arteries and foreheads. Leaving mutilation and dark ink as footsteps, encroached on the lives of so many.
Those same hands now dropped blueberries into pancake batter, made freshly squeezed juice. Knife skills that were once fueled by mania; Wide sweeping cuts, meant to pierce flesh and slice deep. Now made precise incisions on fruit.
Such juxtaposition to menial, domestic tasks that it was almost laughable.
But peaceful.
Peace. He’d known nothing of the sort in this strange land of after death. Until her.
The catalyst to his healing, the process that Dick and Roy began all those years ago. The one she helped finish.
A soft, sleepy noise from down the hallway turned Jason’s attention to the vacant space. His cursed eyes lifted in time to witness the sun rise— her brilliance nearly melting the decorations from the walls as she entered through the doorway.
Her warmth bled into his bones as she neared; Arms wrapping around his neck, hands threaded through his hair.
A whispered good morning, breathed out between feather kisses against his mouth.
Scarred hands trailed up her hips, accepting her greeting in stride. Keeping careful watch of how close she moved to the stove.
For all her grace and beauty, she was far less agile and dexterous than she appeared. With her sleep mussed hair and lines still pressed to her face from sleep. She must’ve drooled at some point during the night, as a line of it dried against the corner of her mouth. Her pajamas— just one of his own shirts and her underwear— wrinkled and in disarray.
She tucked into his side, keeping close to his warmth. Jason kept his arm wrapped tightly around her shoulders, using his free hand to finish breakfast.
She traced light patterns against his bare shoulder blade; Her head cushioned on the soft muscle of his pectoral— the abrasion of his autopsy scar against her cheekbone.
Her lips left a gentle kiss to the marred flesh. Unafraid of his past. Unconcerned of everything, but the steady beat in his rib cage.
Because for as much as he worshiped her, she returned without adversary. Without flinching.
While he attended mass for repentance, praising his angel, she attended her church of the wicked, laying claim to the damned.
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Jason loves Percy the way Beryl loved Jupiter - a little or a lot of unhealthy and painful agape from Percy and affectionate, biting with sharp fangs and tearing off small tender pieces of flesh mania from Jason.
•Jason loves Percy so much that his insides cramp and his teeth itch, - a beautiful flexible tanned neck, attractive clean flesh and lovely noticeable but graceful veins.
•He admits surprisingly easily and pleasantly - it's beautiful and gentle, neatly chosen beautiful words of tenderness, a blush on his cheeks and a sweet kiss, Percy left bright bruises, even ambrosia and salt water did not hide Jason knows for dear and beloved you need to hold on as tightly as possible.
•Jason admits this with a drop of contempt and an ocean of self-loathing - in love and passion he is like his father. Percy is always crying, but he is always gentle and never pushes Jason away, just pulls him closer. Jason presses him into the mattress, and soon Percy's attractive shoulders are covered with scars. the blood flows brightly, the love between them is sweet and viscous like honey.
•Annabeth and Grover are afraid, Piper and Leo are trying to talk - Jason habitually gives pre-prepared answers based on logic and common sense, Percy always gives a simple "I love him" - they understand that they will achieve nothing. They're just making sure Jason doesn't rip out his Adam's apple in a fit of perverted tenderness.
god this is so GOD OH MY GOD THIS IS SO COOL
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I gotta look up to the sky and tell the lord I'm leaning on you and I just make edits for each child each person in family and friends that passed away and went to heaven to be angels watching over the world Jesus I'm leaning on you rest in peace to those in this second edit Gracie Perry Watson, Inez Clarke Briggs, Annie Kerr Aiken, Annie Oakley, Alice Liddell, Larisa Ratmanski, Mania Halef, Anne Frank, Eva Munzer, Nellie Gray Bundy Johnson, Colleen Marie Applegate, Connie Lynn Taylor, Emilie Marian Bromundt, Robert Ferdinand Bromundt, Julia Allison Wise, Kimberly Michelle Adaway, Jason Alexander Black, Shirley June Tolle, Emmett Till, Violet Geneva Setty Tolle, Nora Mae Setty Boldman, John Setty, Maude Abanade Cadwallader Setty, Yvonne Mary Cayeaux Devitt, Karen Ann Culp, Phyllis Rebecca Crowe, Stacie Lee Swofford,Devan Brooke Duniver, Mary Louise Lehman Carman, Grace Leona Lehman Krout, Clara Alverta Myers Lehman, Adam Henry Lehman,Anna Catherine Roby, Russell Thomas Roby, Ricardo David Arterberry, Linda Therese Jones Arterberry, Traytease Lanette Arterberry, Clarence Edward Moore Jr., Meagan Lindsey Bradley, Peachlyn Bradley, Finey Ynfante Mechell, Lucas Ynfante, Jane Mora Ynfante, Francis Ynfante, Katy Ynfante Martines, John K Ynfante, Rozell Lucas “RL” Ynfante, Yolanda Rosamond Lombardo, Serena Daniel Aiken Simons, Martin Laurence Amos, Polly Bixby, Rosalia Lombardo and more Angels
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"I'll stop wearing black when they make a darker color."
- Nico di Angelo, at some point.
(Hazel facepalming in the background)
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genderqueer-karma · 2 years
hi~ welcome to my blog! ♡
(if you follow or are already following, please like or interact to let me know you've read this)
☆ my carrd ☆
☆ My name is Dio, but you can call me Dora or Devin as well. Ultimately though, I prefer Dio if I don't know you irl. Bonus points if you can guess how many inspirations I had on that ;)
☆ I'm Black. Keep that in mind, always.
☆ I'm a minor. If that bothers you, feel free not to interact.
☆ My pronouns are they/them. I also use þei/þem (still pronounced they/them), but mostly jokingly. You may use she/her if we're close, but please ask beforehand! He/him is fine for jokes, but not always. And finally, never use "it/its" for me, since I personally find them to be dehumanizing. I'm a black enby, so surely you can understand why I feel that way. Any neos and whatnot are just what they are 🤷‍♀️. I'll let you know for sure if a pronoun makes me uncomfortable.
☆ I have two active sideblogs:
@dios-multiverse ~ my writing and oc sideblog
@crucible-memes-4-salem-teens ~ my sideblog based on the 1953 play The Crucible where I am head mod.
♡ Ace Attorney! I love the silly little lawyer game, so feel free to talk to me about it! I've watched playthroughs of the trilogy and am currently playing Investigations 2 as well as the TGAA duology. In addition, I've watched most of the stage plays as well as the anime and the live-action film. I have yet to watch the musicals. Plus, AA gave me my current problematic fave~
♡ Ouran High School Host Club! OHSHC is a lifelong love of mine. However, I've only watched the anime and have only read the first three volumes of the manga. Still, I don't mind spoilers, so if I come across them, I'll be okay. I don't have a *favorite* host, though I am somewhat partial to Mori-senpai.
♡ JoJo's Bizarre Adventure! This is a recent interest of mine, so I've only watched up through Part 3 (started Part 4 recently!) and have yet to read the manga for any part. Once again, I have no qualms with spoilers, so feel free.
♡ Markiplier! Once again, lifelong appreciation for him as a person and creator. One of my favorite series from him is probably his playthough of West of Loathing, though I love most of his other videos as well and find myself coming back to his channel again and again.
♡ RTGame! Another favorite youtuber of mine. I love most of his videos as well, though his Planet Coaster videos are what drew me to his channel initially. I really like his content, so I frequently watch his videos.
☆ The Crucible! Yes, that play from the 50s. It gripped me in a hyperfixation when I was in 11th grade and hasn't let go since, hence the blog! I also like other works of "classic literature", though my interest in those is a bit more tame.
♡ Percy Jackson and the Olympians! (and related franchises, such as Heroes of Olympus). Though I'm out of the "target" demographic for those books, they are still near and dear to my heart. However, (possibly controversial opinion) I don't like Jason Grace as a character. Sorry guys, but he's mid. 🤷‍♀️
♡ My Chemical Romance! This band has stuck with me since middle school and I did cry when I found out they got back together, so jot that down. Also stream Foundations of Decay.
♡ Fall Out Boy! Another lifelong love of mine. I've loved this band since before I knew it existed. It truly has been there for me from the start. Also, MANIA is a good album, you guys are just anti-black. 🤷‍♀️
♡ MALICE MIZER! I've only recently started listening to them (and the members' solo work), but so far I really like them! It feels weird to be obsessed with a band that was created and broke up went on indefinite hiatus before I was even born, but I'm used to it at this point. Like the blog description says: I experience gender envy for Mana-sama.
♡ Queen! I typically only listen to music from the 90s and 2000s, but I love Queen a lot. Like with Fall Out Boy, I liked a lot of their music before I even knew it was them, which is interesting for a number of reasons.
♡ ABBA! Another golden group from the 70s. Absolutely love them and I think it's funny how they can now say they went on a 40-year hiatus. How many of your faves can say the same?
♡ BABYMETAL! While I'm not caught up on all the lore (I'm getting there, okay?) I really do like them. I'm actually a fairly new fan, having only started listening to them in 2019, right before METAL GALAXY came out. When that album came out, I obsessively listened to Night Night Burn! almost every day. It was crazy.
♡ Honorable Mentions: Greek Mythology, the novels Homegoing and Transcendent Kingdom by Yaa Gyasi, too many WEBTOONs to name (though currently I'm really into Get Schooled), Waterparks, DE'WAYNE, Kero Kero Bonito, MARINA, Lil Nas X, and Paramore!
DNF (Just remember, I firmly stand with all of my marginalized family. My love for them overrides my hatred for you 100% of the time.):
× Anti-Black/Racist/Neo-Nazi. I don't tolerate that shit here. Leave me and my blogs alone.
× TERF/SWERF. Our trans siblings and sex working siblings belong in our community. If they hadn't fought for us, we wouldn't be able to live freely now.
× Homophobes. I'm not explaining this one. Just know you shouldn't care who other people want to kiss or fuck.
× Exclusionists. Ace people, Bi/Pan/Poly/Omni/etc people, and Nonbinary/Genderqueer people do not have to explain themselves to be allowed to exist in our community. I don't care if you don't understand their identities. It's not their job to teach you.
× Transmeds/whatever the hell you people are called these days. Trans people do not need to suffer for you to consider them valid.
× Anti-Semites. Idc. Y'all's hatred of Jewish people is quite literally irrational. They haven't caused any problems for you and don't secretly control the government. Don't believe everything you read.
× Islamophobes. Again. As a whole, Muslims are not causing problems for you, and if you think that, you're too far gone.
× Pedos/MAPs/NOMAPs. It's not okay or right or normal to be an adult attracted to children. I don't give a fuck. Get away from me. Even when I ultimately do become of legal age, I still don't want you fuckers around.
× Pro-ship. Idc if it's fictional. It's weird. I personally just feel like "ship and let ship" can't and never should apply to real person, pedophilic, abusive, or incestuous ships, and that's a normal opinion to have. It doesn't "squick me out" if it's straight up illegal! It disgusts me.
× AO3 simps. I use AO3! I like the platform. Its tagging system is well-organized. However, I would not put my moral character on the line for it. It's not that deep, babes. I promise. No one's going to cleanse the internet of your Destiel smuts.
× DDLG/DDLB/MDLG/MDLB. Why does other people acting in child-like manners or dressing like children arouse you? Quickly. Prove with facts and research how that doesn't make you adjacent to being a pedo. Fuck off.
Finally, I hope this blog is a safe and happy space for everyone to be in! Let's have fun together~!
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batarella · 4 years
The Bullet: A Sequel to The Commander - Part 7 *FINALE* (Jason Todd x Reader)
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Strapped onto the wheel chair like a rabid circus freak, Y/N knew exactly where she was headed. She just didn’t know what for.
With her neck being held back she could only look at the bulbs of white fluorescent light that continually passed by her and couldn’t do so much as look at the ground. Plenty of guards were around her as well. She didn’t bother struggling, nor did she speak. But there were even more armed guards lining up, going to wherever she was going as well. All the way up to a white room.
A mission. Her first mission with the squad. Just delightful.
“Deadshot?” the guard near the door asked. When the ones carrying her wheelchair gave him her files, she was let in.
She was the last one to arrive. Because everyone had their eyes on her the moment she graced them with her presence.
The first one that caught Y/N’s eye was, of course, Amanda Waller. With the room littered with her goons and guards, the woman stood at the very front, against a blank wall with her hands behind her back and her eyebrow quirked up right at Y/N. Y/N squinted her eyes back at her, some sort of a decline to her superiority, and Waller looked amused.
Then when the guards parted to make way for her, she was brought to the very center of the room, where there were five rather familiar faces giggling and snarling at the newest member of the squad. The one at the center, Rick Flag, ordered his men to place Y/N on the leftmost side.
Those faces, the ones she’s seen more often than she wished she had. Some already knew her. Some hated her. And some simply didn’t care.
Harley Quinn. Of course, out of everyone else in the room, was the only one bubbling with laughter and other nonsense spurting out of her mouth. She was waving her legs around the wheelchair like a little girl would on a swing. And she was staring at her, laughing. “WE GOT A NEW GIRL ON THE SQUAD!!!” she bellowed out. “WHAT?! DEADSHOT’S NEICE. THAT’S NEPOTISM RIGHT THERE.” Y/N ignored her.
The one beside her was someone she didn’t know personally, someone she’s never even met. They said this guy came from Australia and robbed almost every bank there was. Captain Boomerang. He, too, was strapped to a chair, though he wasn’t as loud as Harley. Y/N saw him eye her head to toe while he bit his lip, and she shot Boomerang a knife-like scowl before his eyes got too comfortable.
The next one. Killer Frost. A beautiful woman with ice-white skin and the hair of an arctic fox. She didn’t give Y/N so much as a glance. Most probably because they had her stored in a coffin-like chamber with only a glass window where her head could be seen. On the inside, she could see the glass covered in frost, and the chamber looked cold to touch. She was calm, reserved. And looked on at Waller’s direction.
The creature beside Frost was the one she really wouldn’t want to mess with the most. The largest in the room, with blue skin and a body ten times the mass of any human being possibly could be. He had the head of a shark, eyes red like her optics. He even had a fin sticking out his back. and he was muzzled and strapped standing upright with five more guards around him. Y/N could hear him growl, wordless, and when she caught his eye, he snarled at her.
Finally, El Diablo. The quietest out of the bunch. His wheelchair looked just like hers, except his hands were completely covered by iron cylinders, probably filled with ice cold water. The man was covered in tattoos, and he didn’t have a shirt on. His face looked like a skull’s, which made the way he looked at everyone else look more menacing than his supposed behaved demeanor.
These were the dangerous people she’s stuck with, most probably for the rest of her life if all else fails and she’ll never be able to get out. The people that Floyd had worked with. And they were a few of the most maniacal villains there were in the whole country. She wished she could tell herself she didn’t belong. But she actually did. In fact, she had no business going about pretending to be better than all these people. When it came to how much blood they’ve shed, she probably wasn’t too far off from Harley. Maybe even more.  
Y/N was right where she truly belonged. Today, she is welcomed as the newest member of the Suicide Squad.
Waller stepped out to the front. “Y/N, your team. Let’s cut to the chase. We don’t have much time. Bring out the files.”
These files were then projected onto a holographic screen against the wall behind Waller. It was a photo of Scarecrow.
“Some of you probably have heard. Just yesterday, Dr. Jonathan Crane released his new toxin in the National Bank of Gotham.”
The screen started to show footage of what went on in the Bank.
“Our first mistake was thinking Scarecrow had launched the same kind of toxin as the last time, but as the surviving victims were brought out to the stations, they continued to showed the side effects of the toxin, including mania, hallucinations, homicidal tendencies, unnatural human strength, and even cannibalism. Even after being held for observations for more than twenty-four hours, they, unfortunately, could not be brought back.
“Which means that Crane had finally developed a fear toxin that causes permanent effects to anyone who does so much as inhale the gas…”
She heard guards shuffle and hold their guns tighter.
“I have a question!” Harley screamed, holding her hand up despite it being strapped to the chair.
“Flag. Muffle her.”
“Muffle me!? What do you-MMMMM!”
“As I was saying. The victims were forced to be euthanized when none of the doctors could bring them back. One hundred-twenty people died in the incident and the whole country is in a state of panic.”
“MMM MMM MMM?!” Harley asked.
“Yes. The whole country. Months ago, Dr. Crane had blackmailed the crime syndicate Carmine Falcone, who he instructed to forge buy outs of several other Gotham businessmen, stole almost all their money before hiring a certain hitman-“ she stared at Y/N. “-To assassinate them all one by one before his shortcomings are detected. That placed Falcone’s total net worth to be almost two hundred billion dollars. Or so we thought.
“After Falcone’s death, Crane had already taken all the money for himself and had used to build what might be the end to all of mankind. A new Cloudburst weapon. This time large enough to engulf the whole country in his new toxin, as well as a brand-new militia army of hundreds of men guarding his device. Mankind as we know it will be haunted with his obsession with fear and we will all be nothing but goddamn zombies.”
“MMMM!” Harley thrashed about in her chair, then she spat out her gag. “Yuck! That was disgusting! I was about to say that gag had a bug and it crawled down to my throat but it actually wasn’t that bad!”
“Harley!” Rick Flag screamed. Harley pouted and stuck out her tongue.
“And what is it you want us to do, Waller?” Boomerang asked with his heavy accent. “You want us to go there and possibly inhale this bloody toxin!?”
The screen turned to a helicopter’s sight. “Last night, we managed to tracked down a dome-shaped building in the deserted areas outside New Jersey with more than five hundred men guarding it inside and out. It is suspected that the weapon might be hidden somewhere in its center. Your job is to go there, eliminate Dr. Crane and his army, and destroy that weapon with whatever means necessary.
“And as for your concern, our teams have developed a mask for you all to wear. It has the filter to go against the toxin. We found it on one of the Arkham Knight Militia’s men and developed our own.”
Oh. Shit. That. She totally forgot. Man, how time flies.
“Let’s not waste anymore time. Flag. Take them to the airport and give them their gear.”
“Weeeeee!” Harley squealed as they started wheeling her out of the room.
Y/N had no idea where to start, if she even had a place to start.
Everything Waller mentioned, it could all be traced back to her. In so many ways. And she knew it. Everyone in the room probably knew it. It was only fair that she be involved in trying to correct it at all. She had no business complaining or thinking she should be somewhere else. This was Waller’s way, hell, this was the whole goddamn world’s way of handing to her what she truly deserved. And she was so tired of constantly being the cause of hurt and pain. So many mistakes, costing her everything she’s ever known to love. She really, truly belonged here. More than Harley. More than Killer Frost. More than anyone else in the squad.
Because without her even knowing, she’d been involved in this mess before any of Scarecrow’s plans were even thought of. With the militia, the Cloudburst, Falcone’s assassinations. In so many ways, none of this would have happened if not for her.
But did she even have the time to blame herself? When it would barely do her any good?
As Y/N was taken to the plane, beside the other members of the squad, she focused on the buzzing and Boomerang’s rants and Harley’s cackles. She even caught the eye of King Shark and didn’t budge.
Because of course, in a way, she was to blame. She knew Crane had something planned when he almost had her killed that one, terrible night trying to lessen the odds of her ruining his plan once more. And another one of her stupid mistakes was to completely forget about it.
They arrived a few hours later. On the military base somewhere in the interstate, even more soldiers and guards waited for them in the barren grounds surrounded by their tents.
She was the farthest behind, the last one to be wheeled out of the plane. When Rick Flag met them at the center where suitcases and crates were being brought out. He waited until most of the squad members had settled.
“Everyone. Stand your ground. Unlock them and give them their gear. If you idiots do so much as look at me differently, I will detonate the bombs.”
“We know the drill, mate,” Boomerang spat at him.
“I know. I was talking to the new girl.”
Y/N’s wheelchair stopped. Then, they were all released from their straps, from their chairs. Harley hopped up and stretched out her arms, then took out her clothes from the crates and her enormous hammer. Boomerang fixed his coat, then he had a single boomerang from his case. He threw it in the air, and a few seconds later, it came flying back.
Killer Frost, with the air suddenly becoming a little chillier when the chamber opened, walked out and grabbed her icy-blue suit. She didn’t have any more weapons. El Diablo was slow to move, but when the chains were unlocked, he got a single hoodie jacket and hid himself from everyone else.
King Shark, on the other hand, put up most of a fight. Terrified soldiers had their shields up when they released him from his confines and he roared directly at Flag’s face. Flag didn’t budge.
Y/N stood up from her chair, stretched her neck, then cracked her knuckles.
As an entire arsenal of guns was brought to her, she stared vacantly at her red and gray suit and the white mask at the bottom of the crate.
That wasn’t her. It didn’t call out to her anymore the way it did just a few days ago. It was a layer of skin laid over her flesh that wasn’t hers at all. She wasn’t Deadshot anymore.
She can't wear this suit.
Y/N eyed another crate nearby. It must have belonged to the other gunmen in their army.
She can make something out of these.
Nobody batted an eye when she started scavenging for parts.
Black body armor, covering her chest, shoulders, and knees. Dark pants covered in straps and holsters on her hips and thighs. Boots that went up to her knees, covered with the pads. And underneath the armor was a dark blue body suit, making her look completely different from her uncle’s red one. Her wrist gun, spray painted blue. And lastly, a black hood with a mask that covered her nose and mouth.
Around her neck was a small silver chain with the diamond ring through its loop. Y/N longingly stared into its crystal, looking back at everything Jason had promised her. How she believed them even when they weren’t so possible. How much she missed him.
She stuffed it under her suit and placed the hood over her head.
Already, she’d shed off that foreign skin. This was her. This was Y/N.
When everyone was ready, Flag came up to the crowd.
“No longer Deadshot, are you?”
“No,” she said.
“Then what do we call you?”
She simpered.
“The Bullet.”
This had to be all theatrics. Not to mention completely unnecessary. Jason got off his motorcycle and parked it right outside the gate.
Somehow, they kept it. Even the fence. And it still had ‘Wayne Manor’ on its wrought iron bars even when the field behind it had been completely emptied out. The ruins and everything left behind after the manor exploded had been cleared out and demolished. Still, they chose not to do anything with the land, even when millionaires fought over it and maybe a few intruders with metal detectors breaking in to look for the Batcave.
Dick told him to meet him and the rest of the family there. He had no idea where, but when he stepped into the gate, Dick was there leaning against the vine-covered fence behind it. Jason wasn’t so sure how to greet him. the last time they saw each other, they were at each other’s throats. Literally. Now at their mercy, he wasn’t so sure what was the quickest way to let his pride down without looking too much of a desperate asshole.
“Uhm. Hi,” Dick said.
They stared at the grass.
“Are Babs and Tim coming?”
“Yeah. They just got out of their honeymoon.”
“Oh yeah. Congratulations to them.”
“You can tell Tim when we get to them.”
Of course. Tim. The replacement. He can totally congratulate him on his wedding without it sounding too awkward.
“We talk here?”
Dick wrinkled his forehead and laughed. “You thought we were gonna plan this whole thing out on an empty field?”
“This place sure looks like one.”
He threw his head back. “Come on. Follow me.”
Hands in his pockets, he trailed behind Dick. All the way over to the center of the field where there wasn’t so much as a porta potty for them to go into.
Then Dick pulled out his watch, which wasn’t a watch at all, and started to press onto its buttons.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Jason sighed when the ground underneath them suddenly started to rumble.
“What? You thought the cave went out with the explosion, too? Bruce wouldn’t let it go to waste.”
Then the grass, which turned out to be fake, had split into a large, rectangular shaped ramp that slowly descended down onto the undergrounds for them to walk onto. When it stopped, Jason pressed on his nose. “I can't believe I didn’t know about this.”
“Come on.”
They started walking down. “Barbara’s the one in charge. She practically runs the place.”
“I can see that.”
When they reached below ground, the Batcave was exactly as they had left it. The last time he was here, he was with Y/N, the Commander. And although they’d changed its entryway, the Batmobile and the Batwing were still there, the computers were still up and running. How massive it was and how bats were still up on the rocky ceiling looking down on them with their beady little eyes. Jason and Dick walked down the driveway and he let his hand run onto the batmobile’s surface.
Barbara and Tim were at the computers. They turned to the two and the way they looked at Jason wasn’t something he particularly liked being stared at.
“Hey, Babs.”
Barbara was the first to smile at him. “Hi, Jason.”
Then when he looked at Tim, who didn’t share the same smile, he stopped himself from scratching an itch on his head.
“Hi… Tim…”
“Jason…” he coughed.
“Congratulations, by the way.”
“Thank you,” Babs said, then she reached out to Jason’s hand. He took it, for a while, then he pulled away.
“Sorry to hear about her,” Tim said.
“I know. But if you help me… and I thank you for helping me now… we can break her out.”
“Did you come up with a plan?” Dick asked him. Jason, arms crossed, turned over to the computer. Barbara had already gone ahead with looking up Scarecrow.
“If the squad is being sent out to deal with Crane, they might be going after that new weapon of his. We can go after them there and get her out before anyone sees.”
He stared at his hands. “I was hoping Babs could come up with some sort of devise that can disable the bomb in her neck.”
“Dick already told me. Don’t worry. I came up with something this morning.”
The three men followed behind her as she wheeled over to the table next to the keyboards.
“This,” she held out a device shaped like a thick pen. “If you can get her to settle down, you stick this thing to the back of her neck and it will send shocks right up to the nanite bomb. It should give it the voltage it needs to be disabled. It’s going to hurt. But it can save her.”
She was an angel. A literal angel. Just the thought of it gave him that little flutter of hope he definitely needed.
“Babs, I don’t know how to thank you…”
“Don’t worry about it. We’re here to help you.”
Two years ago, he had this woman kidnapped and sent to Crane, gave her the death scare of a lifetime and almost had Tim killed when Scarecrow had him captured.
It was too much. How none of their faces looked the least bit bothered. Dick held the pen and took off the needle cap, flinching, then he gave it to Jason.
Jason looked down on it, clearing his throat.
“I’m sorry…”
Dick, with his arms crossed, Tim leaning against the table, and Babs looking down at her hands, they all didn’t have much to say.
“I’m sorry for everything I did to you. All of you.”
“Jason…” Dick rubbed the back of his neck. “We used to be brothers-“
“No, I… I couldn’t. When this is over, I’ll be out of your way. And I owe you. All of you… But I shouldn’t stay…”
“You can. And you will. No matter how much you push yourself away… We’re here for you…”
Tim never looked up. But Jason knew, that if he were in his place right now, he’d be all over him with the ‘I told you so’s’ and the snide remarks. But the younger man was silent, didn’t even look at him the wrong way.
And that’s when he really felt like shit.
“We’re happy you came to us for help,” Babs said.
Jason hadn’t figured this part out when he reached for their help, but he knew something like this was about to happen. It was the entire reason why he didn’t want to. Because somehow, when it did, these guys won't hate him anymore, and he’ll end up hating himself instead.
Dick placed his hand on his shoulder. For a moment. Then when Jason’s body tensed, Dick pulled away.
“Now,” Babs went over to the computer. “Time to hack into the government.”
The helicopter landed some distance away from the dome. The Bullet still had no idea why it was shaped that way. Just that it was new and humungous and completely littered with army men guarding every inch of it.
She, Harley, Boomerang, Killer Frost, King Shark, and El Diablo stepped out at the front lines, with Rick Flag right behind them, followed by their own army of men, though a number considerably less than what they were going up against. They had to be smart with this and break in.
They went into the forest, out on the fields. The dome was in a level ground lower than the lands around it, shaped in a circle, much like it was on a pit that was about two or three stories below ground. They crouched down on the bushes when they started reaching the edges of the pit and Flag looked out on his scopes.
“They’ve completely covered the perimeter.”
“Do we just attack?”
Flag put down his binoculars. “We are. To keep them distracted. When everyone’s backs are turned you six go in there and finish the job.”
“You say it like it’s so fucking easy,” Boomerang snarled. King Shark gritted his sharp teeth and growled staring at the armed men around the building.
A hand grenade. Right at one of the trees. It got their attention enough, especially when Flag started firing at the guards stationed just outside the entrance. Crowds of Scarecrow’s men, armed to the teeth, ran the outside grounds to go after Flag’s men. They drifted down the pit, outstretched their legs, and handled them at close range, while some stayed at the trees firing from afar.
The Squad, on the other hand, were all the way over to the other side. Almost all of them had ran off, except for two who stayed behind guarding the backside.
“Bullet,” Frost placed her frosted hand on her shoulder. It made her shiver. “You're up.”
The Bullet took out her sniper and shot down those two men almost at the same time. Then they slid down the side, King Shark rolling down with his immense weight. When another of Scarecrow’s men ran out the door, a boomerang landed on his head.
The door was locked. “I’ll take care of it,” Frost said. Boomerang scoffed, “Fucking metas.”
Holding out her hands, fumes of ice shot out from Frost’s palms and froze down the locks. King Shark kicked the iced hinges down, then the door fell to the ground.
“That was easy!” Harley skipped inside with her mallet over her shoulders. Diablo was still silent, still with his hands in his pockets.
“Don’t jinx it, Harls.”
It looked more like a warehouse by the entryway. And there was absolutely nothing inside save for a few cylinders and water tanks and a whole lot of pipes being guarded.
“We should probably sneak inside.”
“Sneak!?” Harley snorted at the Bullet. “Honey, we don’t do that here.”
King Shark growled at her, then he walked straight up to the center of the room.
“Intruder! Open fire!” the soldiers screamed.
“What is that thing!?”
“Just shoot!”
King Shark walked slowly towards those men, and the bullets just bounced off his incredibly thick skin. He held out his hand, stopped the bullets from reaching his face. Then when the soldiers had backed too much away and reached the wall, Shark grabbed them by the face and actually hurled them all the way across the room.
“Time to play!!!” Harley screamed, then she held out her mallet and started swinging it over at the guards.
Killer Frost had the ground frozen over, slipping the guards off balance, then shards of ice rose up from the ground to impale them. Boomerang had a more melee approach but had his trusty weapon to go around when he needed it.
The Bullet. The new, almighty Bullet. She pulled up her hood and mask and took out her AK.
She fired at the dozens of men going after her. Jumping on top of the cylinders, standing on the highest ground, she shot down anyone who came remotely close to her and had their bodies on the floor before they could even touch her feet. Over and over, she changed the magazines, took out more ammo. She let the gun take charge of her hands and head. A lot of the were swarming her, from different directions. Eventually too many of the soldiers were surrounding the pile of crates she stood on and the others started climbing up.
She couldn’t escape. Even if she were able to take them all down.
Until a raging fire shot out like a car-sized flame thrower and took out the guards that were climbing up. The water tank didn’t seem to have been damaged, but the men on it were burnt like a crisp, and they all started to run away. “Jump!” Diablo screamed.
She did, and she landed on the fire as well. She rolled on the floor to put it out before it got to her skin and Diablo helped her up. “Thank you.”
“Just go.”
She nodded, then with her pistol and wrist gun, went on to keep firing.  Frost had a wall of the men being stuck to the block of ice, some completely frozen inside it, then King Shark let out an animalistic shriek before he punched the glass, destroying it into shards and impaling everyone inside.
Harley, on the other hand, just went on spinning around with her mallet, screaming, manically laughing. The bitch was insane.
“A little help here!” Boomerang called out. He was being held back by two men while another was punching at his chest. The Bullet pointed her wrist gun and fired at his attacker.
Even more men were coming. From the doors to the inside.
“We have to keep moving!” The Bullet cried out to them. To the door where the reinforcements kept coming from, she kept firing as she backed away. The whole squad moved, onwards towards the door. Then when they’d all reached it, Frost froze over the door with more than five layers of ice.
There were sounds of bashing and hitting against the icy door, but it should be enough to hold them back. Before them was a long, seemingly endless hallway. It should probably be leading them to the inside of the dome, where the weapon is.
“Ahhh. The Suicide Squad…”
“WOAH WOAH WOAH where the hell is that comin’ from!?” Harley screamed.
The intercoms. Scarecrow was watching them. The Bullet put on her optics, now shining blue light, and looked around.
A camera. Right at the corner. She shot it with her wrist gun.
“And you have the Commander with you.”
“FUCKING SHUT UP!” The Bullet shot another camera hidden away.
“The Commander, huh,” Killer Frost looking at her head to toe. “You work with him before?”
“Shut up.”
“OH MY MOLLY,” Harley placed her hands on her mouth. “YOU'RE the Commander of the freakin’ Arkham Knight!! I remember you!”
“We should go-“
“I have so many questions. Huge fan. HUGE fan. Ya know she’s drove the first Cloudburst?”
Boomerang crossed his arms. “And they sent her to help us? The fuckin’ nerve of this scumbag coming up here actin’ all hero.”
“You watch your mouth, kangaroo.”
Diablo snorted and chuckled. Boomerang held out his weapon. “You want a piece of this?”
“A kid’s toy?”
“Don’t you fuckin-“
King Shark roared at the two with his mouth wide open for a good ten seconds and deafened their ears. The Bullet wiped his spit off her face and scoffed.
Frost led the way, all the way down its halls. When they reached a large gate, she froze it over once more and Shark beat it down with his fists and his foot.
They didn’t know they’d reach the center of the large dome. They thought they had more rooms to cover.
With the building so big, they thought it would have taken so much more time to reach the core.
But already, they were met with a cylindrical glass tank that was almost as thick as an entire building in itself, and it lit up the room in a menacing red light, all around. It was swirling, even boiling inside. And it shot all the way up to the roof, three stories high.
It was the fucking toxin.
The squad backed away.
Dozens of men surrounded them, all around the dimly lit room. And it was larger than any of them could have expected. It was circular, and there was only a suspended walkway that went all around the sides. There was a runway to the center, where there were controls. A man stood by them. A man with a rag on his head.  
All of them with their hands up.
Scarecrow’s voice was on the intercom, and it echoed all throughout the dome loud enough to rattle their eardrums.
“I assume this wasn’t what you’d expected?”
No. Not even a little. This wasn’t what they expected at all.
They didn’t expect to already reach the weapon.
Or rather. Stand on top of the weapon.
The weapon wasn’t a ray gun or a tank or even a satellite. It wasn’t something so small that it would have been easily taken down by a tank or even King Shark’s fist. Even when it was to engulf the whole of America in its toxin.
No. it was none of that.
The Bullet trailed her eyes down the numerous pipes going up and around the walls, through the floor and over to the room where they just came from, where even more of the toxin was stored in tanks and the pipes that went around it.
The Cloudburst wasn’t inside the dome.
The Cloudburst was the dome.
It didn’t take too much time. It wasn’t the first time Barbara had to hack into the American Government. In fact, it was the easier to hack into than some people’s private accounts.
She went into Amanda Waller’s files.
“Here. Finally.”
Dick, Jason, and Tim stood behind her.
“It looks like they’ve already sent out the squad. Just a few hours ago.”
“Who are in the squad?”
The files on Task Force X. Babs took out the profiles on all their subjects.
Harley’s picture was first to come up. Her blonde hair and vicious eyes staring at the screen. “Harley Quinn, of course. We got Louise Lincoln, also known as Killer Frost.”
The boys watched on.
“El Diablo. Captain Boomerang. King Shark. Rick Flag’s being sent out there as well.”
Then she stopped scrolling when Y/N’s picture and profile came up.
Jason’s heart broke. It did every time he does so much as look at a photo of her. And with that one, a mug shot, the mug shot that was going around every news station in town, the brokenness in her face, the darkness in what used to be the brightness in her eyes, how much rage she had for everything around the world, he hitched his breath.
Age: 23
Alias: The Bullet’
He smiled at her new name. A sad smile. The most painful kind.
He missed her so much.
Setting his head to the side so they couldn’t see the tear that had seeped out, Jason swallowed and shut his eyes.
“I’m alright. Can you find out where they were headed?”
Babs smiled at him, then went back to her keyboard.
Zooming in on the helicopter footage on the dome, she traced its coordinates.
“Is that-“
“Scarecrow’s base? Most probably.”
“Jesus,” Jason sighed. “I used to work with that guy.”
“This is the weapon, alright. The sensors are through the roof. We should be heading out there.”
“Do we have a plan?”
“Not exactly. We’ll know when we get there,” Dick said.
“We have to hurry. Who knows when that mad man actually detonates his bomb?”
“How? It’s two hours away.”
“Man,” Dick pat his back. “You really have to get used to working with us now that we’ve got Bruce’s old toys.”
Of course.
What else could he have possibly thought? Get there on his bike?
The Batwing was staring right at their faces, almost taunting them with its silent growl. Dick, Tim, and Jason walked up to it side by side.
“You think he’ll be happy with that?” Jason said.
“Not at all. He even threatens to kill us if we get anywhere near the wheel-“
“Which is why I’m here to drive, Master Dick.”
It couldn’t be.
The sweet old butler, came up from behind the computers where there must have been a room for him to stay in, he held out a tray of four glasses of water for them to take. Setting it down on the table, he gave Jason the sincerest smile.
“I’ve missed you, dear boy.”
He wanted desperately to go up to him, give him the biggest bear hug until his bones crack, but Alfred held his hand up to him and just handed him his water.
“It’s better if we skip the ol’ reunion. We catch up after we’ve saved your girl.”
Everything was here. Everyone was here.
Clearly, it wasn’t the time to get emotional. And goddamn, he wasn’t the one to get emotional.
And all the more did they look like a family when the three boys suited up. Dick with his black and blue Nightwing suit and domino mask, Tim with his bo staff and red and yellow suit and cape. And Jason, with his hooded jacket and red visor.
Facing each other in a circle, Nightwing, Robin, and Red Hood took in how they were all now in one team, possibly for the rest of their career. No longer will they fight. No longer will they run.
Oracle smiled at the three. “You all look great together when you're not at each other’s throats.”
“You sure you won't let me drive, Alfred?” Robin said to the butler.
“I had specific instructions from Master Bruce that if you were to inherit the cave, no one was to drive the Batwing but me. You have until I die, Master Dick.”
“Awe. Even in his death, Bruce still doesn’t trust us.”
Laughing as they went in, Alfred had the Batwing soaring into the sky. Silently.
They were going to save her. Them. His family. The one he’d left. The one he thought he hated. The one he almost got killed.
He couldn’t possibly have done anything to deserve this.
With his visor up, he went up to Dick.
“Dick…” he choked.
His older brother turned to him, smiling. He knew what Jason was thinking.
And he didn’t let him speak to make things unnecessarily dramatic. He knew he had his brother back. Dick pulled him into a hug. A sweet, sincere hug that tore out every part of him that wasn’t already consumed by that string of humanity he once had left inside him.
“Thank you,” Jason said to him. Dick patted his back.
“We missed you, Jaybird…”
Jason closed his eyes.
When they pulled away, with Tim watching, he never actually got the change to get to know him. But one of these days, he will. And he’ll be a brother to him, too.
Jason nodded at him, smiling. Tim nodded back.
He never, ever would have thought they’d accept him like this, to help him like this.
And if Bruce were here, he’d have no idea what to tell him. But Jason did forgive him. He forgave him before he even knew he did. Maybe, if Bruce were anything like Dick and Tim, he would have accepted Jason back into his house. He would have helped him, as well.
He let himself think that. For his own sake. For his own peace.  
Not long after, they reached the site.
Nightwing, Robin, and Red Hood stood at the Batwing’s exit doors.
Harley must have had the worst of issues for her to be laughing this off, whistling as she marveled over the room. “I have to admit, Ragdoll, you cer’ainly out did yourself than the last time! I remember when all it took was Ivy’s tree to get rid of your toxin!”
Boomerang scoffed. “A tree?!”
“Gag her.”
“Awe, come on! What is it with you people and the gaggi- MMMMMM!”
Held back by a dozen of Scarecrow’s gunmen, with so many of their guns pointed right at their heads, they stood on their knees, hands tied to their backs. They watched Scarecrow walk over to them from his place near the glass. He chuckled, that low, dark, breathy, and utterly disgusting laugh when he went over the squad.
“MMM! MMM? Mmm…” Harley said to him when he passed by her. All he did was glare. When he passed by Frost, he eyed her body and how icy smoke was coming out of her pores.
“Ya know, this ain’t personal. I’d totally be into this. But we got an explosive stuck to me spine here, mate, and I really just don’t want to die,” Boomerang said. Scarecrow ignored him and walked over to Diablo.
She looked over. Diablo had melted away the ropes on his wrists and no one even noticed. He stood still, watching Scarecrow, then the rag-headed man went over to the next one.
The Bullet. The only one who actually hated this man to the bloody core.
Scarecrow looked amused at the darkness of her glower. He leaned over, pulled down her hood and mask with his disgusting fingers before she flinched away.
“Lovely to see you once more, Commander.”
“Don’t fucking call me that.”
“I thought I left you for dead. Turns out you survived your own bullets. Perhaps you're not as good as you thought you are-“
“Go to hell-“
“This is hell, Commander. At least, it will be.” When he stood back, he eyed the creature next to her.
“An animal? They brought an animal to the squad?” Scarecrow laughed.
King Shark roared. The loudest, more nightmarish roar. Then he charged after him with his large mouth littered with almost three rows of teeth on each side. The guards pulled him back, shot a taser to his arm, but it didn’t do much damage.
Scarecrow backed off and immediately he was guarded by his men.
“Kill him.”
“No!” Killer Frost screamed, but even she was held back by three guards.
And it was the most cruel thing they’ve ever seen. The Bullet watched on, as her fellow squad member was shot with three tranquilizer darts. He fell to the ground, unconscious.
Then Scarecrow’s men took out a grenade.
They stuffed it into King Shark’s mouth.
And the squad looked away when it detonated not even two seconds later.
His head was blown off. Much like it would have been if Flag had done it himself.
Five of them left.
Against an army of hundreds.
“Now. You all get to watch as the entire country slowly descends into their deepest, darkest nightmares…”
Scarecrow went over to the center, over to the controls where she saw a bright, beeping light coming from one of the screens. She didn’t have so much as an idea about how this was going to blow. Will the building be going along with it? Is everyone going to live through it?
She should know. She was the one who detonated the first Cloudburst.
They were two hours away from the city. And the government already had most of the people in the area evacuate to shelters underground. They didn’t have much else to hide.
The guards around them had masks as well. They were going to sit it through, fight even with the gas all around them.
She had no idea what was going to happen. But all she could do was sit and watch.
Scarecrow pressed the final button, and on the screen, it showed a minute’s countdown
The Bullet closed her eyes.
There was a heat coming to her wrists. Out of view from the guards. A little flame, floating about. It melted away the chains that were around their hands, and suddenly, she could move them around. She looked over at Diablo and thanked him with a nod. Harley and Boomerang were free as well. Frost, on the other hand, rejected that fire and instead froze over the chains herself. They could charge.
But the guards were too many. She couldn’t just attack.
Time was running out. There was nothing they could do.
But they can shield themselves. At the last second when the guards couldn’t react.
“This is… the Cloudburst!!!”
“EVERYBODY, GET YOUR FUCKING MASKS!” Boomerang screamed. The five of them grabbed their filter masks from their suits and held it against their mouths. Everything was shaking, an explosion large enough to almost take down its walls, then the glass started to break. The gas was leaking on the inside.
Scarecrow didn’t move. He just stood there, amused, all the while his guards started to panic, panting and coughing and tearing the masks off their faces like it only hurt their skin. She ran out of the way before a guard fell to her body, clutching his throat, before he started screaming the ghostliest noises a human could possibly make.
Then their skins. No longer did they look remotely human. They looked like they were burnt out. Their whole body turning into scabs and burnt flesh. The toxin was eating them from the inside. And their eyes. She’s never seen the look on someone’s face like that when they were looking straight at their deepest, darkest fears. Not even when she’d imagine it.
He couldn’t possibly-
These men. These trained soldiers promised with almost million dollars each.
Scarecrow didn’t hire them here to defend the Cloudburst.
They were here to serve as victims for his horrible toxin that turned them into vicious, mindless zombies. And they looked exactly like they would have in their visions of fear, the ones you’d merely hallucinate with his old toxin. This time, they weren’t hallucinations. The nightmarish creatures of the dark, Scarecrow had turned the people’s fears into something real.
The squad, with their masks on, held tightly onto their weapons, watching the horror in front of them unfold.
One of the creatures ran after Harley, so she swung at it with her mallet, crushing his body against the wall. It didn’t even look like it had human bones that cracked when it was hit.
No. No. No.
Everyone started firing at the creatures coming after them. At their heads, at their animalistic mouths. Frost on one side, freezing the incoming animals into an ice block, and on the other, El Diablo, firing at them with an enormous raging fire. They had to get out of here. There was no possible way they could win this here. Not with the Cloudburst looking like it was about to break.
The Bullet fired at everything she could see. With her AK on one hand and her pistol on the other. But the seemingly endless array of lifeless minions came crawling and pouncing right at her. One of them scratched her arm. She hoped this fucking toxin didn’t work through cross contamination.
Scarecrow, he was still at the center, watching it all unfold.
Fucking Scarecrow.
The Bullet screamed out, even with her mask, then opened fire as she made her way into the center walkway. She ran to him and pushed everything out of her way, blowing their brains out, jumping onto the railing and running on top of it. She took out a grenade and threw it at a crowd.
Jonathan Crane caught her eye. And with the deathly look on her face, he lost his amusement.
Then the coward started to back away.
She growled and tore through everything, running after Crane. He didn’t have much else to go.
So in a split second, she fired at his leg. The Bullet could have easily fired at his head.
But she wanted him to die from a bullet right between his eyes, that were to look right into hers in the last few moments of his life.
Scarecrow was on the ground, crawling. The Bullet walked right up to him and grabbed him by the collar. Then she aggressively slammed him against the glass where his horrible red toxin was leaking out.
“You killed my son…”
“You did that yourself-“
“No,” she tightened her hand around his neck. “No, I didn’t.”
A pistol. Right against his head. She ends this now. His story ends now. His reign on earth. His madness. His nightmare.
She couldn’t hear the bullet fire out of her hand.
But she did feel the blood spatter when it entered Jonathan Crane’s skull. She heard the crack, and the impact against the glass. She saw the look on his eyes, staring right into her. Taunting her. Waiting for her to pull the trigger until it stayed that way until the worms eat up his body.
The Bullet threw the body on the floor.
She was never, ever going to kill another human being again. She made that promise. To Jason and his family.
But if she were to kill just one last time…
She wanted to make it count.
“We were too late.”
“Or the squad failed…”
“No,” Red Hood choked. “No, they can't be dead.”
“They might still be alive. Get your masks on. Come on.”
They put on their masks, Red Hood’s under his visor. As they ran towards the enormous mushroom-shaped cloud of smoke that was spewing violently out of the dome. The ground was quaking enough to feel like it would eventually erupt. And if they were to stay, it might actually split open. They ran towards the center.
And before they could go down the pit. They saw them. Right when they stepped into the are completely engulfed in the horrible red toxin.
They saw the creatures.
In army uniforms of what used to be humans, the creatures were screaming, running and clawing their way around the grass and bushes like they were rabid wolves under a full moon. The bodies, or what used to be bodies, looked like undead carcasses that were walking on their hands and feet. When they caught sight of the three, they started going after them.
Someone grabbed Nightwing’s shoulder.
Rick fucking Flag. He had a mask on.
“You kids better stay away. This is our mission.”
“You really want your boss’s goddamn pride to get in the way of actually saving the world? We’re here to help!”
Flag fired at one of the monsters coming right for them.
“Scarecrow’s baited his own men and turned them into these fucking shitbags.”
“Then let us help,” Robin said. Red Hood, on the other hand, was already shooting at the creatures with his two pistols.
“Red Hood!”
“Oh, don’t give me that! These guys aren’t human!” He fired at one almost flying for his visor. “They never will be again even if we destroy this thing! So get your asses here and KILL THESE GUYS!”
Rick Flag had went on to shoot them with his AK. Nightwing and Robin stared at each other, holding onto their escrima sticks and bo staff.
Flag, despite his guns, didn’t see one of the zombie-like monsters that had grabbed him from behind. It started tearing at its face, claws sharper than a cat’s. Robin and Nightwing went over to get it off him, but it was too late.
Rick Flag’s mask had fallen off.
He stared at the two, with his eyes glowing red and bloodshot from how he was desperately trying to hold his breath. He started clutching at his throat, and his mouth looked like it was about to blow up.
Flag couldn’t handle it. He gasped for air.
Then he turned into one of them. Right in front of their eyes. Nightwing gripped on his escrima sticks.
Then he slammed it against Flag’s head, destroying what was left of his skull. The guilt started to eat him away, but Red Hood was right. He wasn’t human anymore.
“Come on,” Robin said.
Then they attacked everything that came their way. They had to go into the dome. Find the Squad. Hope for the best. But the creatures were running out of the doors like they were in need of air. Hundreds of them in a stampede going out into the field. The trees had cleared, blown off from the explosion. Everything was barren and had fallen under a thick red cloud of his fucking toxin.
Red Hood managed to run all the way to the center. He shot one that had wrestled Nightwing to the ground before he slid down the pit, hands and legs outstretched, and even then, he continued to fire. He reloaded his guns and started firing at the ones going out of the dome.
They couldn’t possibly take them all.
So as the Squad rushed down the hallways, out into the first level where it had gone complete barren and destroyed, El Diablo continued to shoot his flames from his hands at all the incoming creatures.
Finally, they reached the door and they all raced outside.
Frost barred the door with her ice, as much as she could, and the monsters were pounding themselves against it with their own bodies and heads. The Bullet, facing behind them, fired at the incoming creatures that must have been the reinforcements waiting to be called. Fuck, there were a lot of them.
Killer Frost couldn’t handle it and the creatures had broken her wall of ice. Unnatural strength. One of the side effects of the toxin. Harley screamed her battle cry and started swinging her mallet around. El Diablo with his flames. And Captain Boomerang with, well, his boomerang.
The Bullet, with her machine gun, fired at ten of the creatures in under a second. She flew in the air. She dodged their incoming attacks. She fired directly at their heads and took out more of them than anyone else with a gun. She fired relentlessly until their heads were blown off, their bodies exploding onto the floor.
She climbed on top of a nearby truck, dropped her carbine, then used her wrist gun and pistol to fire at everything that moved.
“WOOHOO! GO NEW GIRL!” Harley screamed. The Bullet smiled, then went on with her alternating shots until she’d taken down dozens of them.
Everything that moved. Everything that moved. Everything that-
A red hood. Red visor. Gray jacket. And a red bat symbol on his chest.
Oh God.
The asshole.
Red Hood turned around.
A wave that had crashed on the shore, violent and forceful, a wave that tore through everything in its way. Every tree. Every bush. Every doubting thought. The Bullet jumped off the truck, ignored the sting up her knees. She ran to him. She ran to him so fast that two of the monsters smashed into each other when they were going after her. Red Hood recognized her and dropped everything he had on him and sprinted to her way.
The wave was there. A crashing, powerful wave. When they landed in each other’s arms so painfully tight she could have almost fallen over if she hadn’t already clung to him with all her might. All that was left of it.
Everything lit up. Everything was here again. He was everything. He will always be everything.
It was a miracle they lived through it. Red Hood, with his arms shaking as much as the ground was, buried himself into her and didn’t let go until they heard the world calling out to them, demanding that they give them their attention back. But even then, they held on. Not when they thought it could have been the last. Not after they’ve just been apart. Jason pulled away, raised his visor so she could look into his eyes. He wore a filter mask underneath. And if he could see her smile right then, she was sure he was grinning his face off as well. She could tell with the way his beautiful eyes crinkled up.
“I fucking love the suit-“
Then she held out her arm and shot one of the monsters coming for them.
“We should move.”
Side by side, having each other’s backs. She knew something felt wrong fighting with the squad. No, she didn’t belong there. She never fought as well as she possibly could when she was with her partner. Now the Bullet and Red Hood, they fired and shot at everything that came their way.
“Throw me!” She screamed at Red Hood. She run up to him, and he grabbed her legs. Red Hood flung her up at the air and she fired relentlessly at twenty creatures hidden behind the truck. She got to the ground.
Then the fucking Batwing flew in and started firing.
“Woah!” The Bullet yelled.
“How cool is our butler!?”
The monsters started running towards the Batwing, and their attentions were slowly taken away from Red Hood and Bullet. Alfred had them covered.
“We have to get that bomb off you.”
“Where’s Flag? He’ll blow up the bomb if he sees me-“
“He’s dead. He can't blow it up. But we still need to get that off of you before Waller does it herself-”
The Cloudburst dome exploded once again, this time a thicker cloud of smoke blew out of it like a bomb. They held onto the ground, eyes shut. Red Hood grabbed onto her and she swore by her life that she was never going to let go.
When it subsided, they stood back up. “Come on.”
The Bullet stared at him dumbfounded, then the Red Hood grabbed her wrist, pulled her to the back where they could find Nightwing.
Nightwing saw them, slammed his sticks into the creature’s guts, then ran towards them.
“I found a chair at the back. She needs to sit down.”
They moved fast. Waller will find out Flag is dead and detonate all their bombs before they’ll have a chance at escaping.
So they put her into a chair, and she gripped onto the arm rests. The Bullet watched Red Hood give Nightwing a pen-shaped device that had a needle on its end. She swallowed. “Hey, hey…” Red Hood leaned in and held her face. “You're gonna be okay… Scream if you have to… It won't take too long.”
She wished she could see his face. It was the only way she could ever be comforted. But his touch was enough. She held his hand, squeezed it, then Nightwing held her neck.
Alfred kept firing at all the creatures coming after them. They had a few good minutes.
Y/N screamed out into the air as the needle went into the back of her neck and electrified that one spot by her spine. She gripped onto the wood. She forced her eyes shut. She never felt so much pain from being tased down but with it came the relief feeling that bomb actually stop beeping in the inside of her flesh. The shocks were excruciatingly painful, and it made every agonizing second pass by as long as a minute would have taken. Red Hood turned his head away before the look on her face broke his heart even more.
But the moment it stopped, with her body up in light smokes, she felt everything inside her calm.
It was gone. The bomb was gone. She could actually feel it. Red Hood grabbed her and pulled her to a hug immediately.
“You're safe now…”
“I love you.”
“I love you…”
Robin suddenly jumped at them and took out three incoming creatures with his staff. “Come on guys, Alfred can't handle all this by himself!”
Nightwing. Robin. Red Hood. Bullet.
Like they were all made to fight by each other’s side.
Nightwing smashed his weapons against a monster’s head, threw its body up in the air with his knee, then the Bullet fired at it with her wrist gun all the way down to the ground. He helped her up, gain higher ground, then she fought at Nightwing’s side when he took out the ones coming for her back. Robin, with his bo staff, slammed one right at the gut and let it fly through the air until Red Hood slammed its torso with his elbow, before shooting it in the head.
Red Hood shot three with his pistols, but one of them grabbed him by the head. And man, was it inhumanely strong. Nightwing slammed his stick right through its skull, just inches away from Red Hood’s head. Red Hood elbowed it away, then shot it. The Bullet kept covering them, now with her machine gun. She fired at one going after Robin, at another that had Nightwing in a headlock, and another two that were about to surround Red Hood.
So many were coming to surround her. And as the boys fought them off, she fired at them relentlessly with her gun. She jumped to the ground and fired at them with her wrist gun.
The Batwing was above them, swerving around as it took out everything that stood their way.
The Bullet looked back out at the pit, where the squad was. “We have to help them!” she said.
“What?!” Red Hood screamed. “Are you insane?”
“They just want to live! We all want this nightmare to end! You can go back to being enemies after we’ve saved the world!”
The world. Of course. By now the gas should have dispersed out of the state. They had to move.
The Bullet shot off a creature coming for Harley. And another coming for Boomerang. The man was barely holding up. El Diablo, now a raging monster completely made of fire, tore through everything in its way and burnt down all the monsters to a bloody crisp. Frost was still holding up, doing whatever she could with her ice. And the look on her face when Nightwing came along and hit one of them in the head before it could grab her, she couldn’t describe it.
And it was that way for hours on end. The creatures kept on coming. The fires started raging. The Batwing had landed on the ground but kept its bullets spewing out of its guns in a frenzied attack against the hundreds that were still around them.
But somehow, the dome acted as some sort of beacon. Because there were more incoming. From far away. She had no idea if they were still Scarecrow’s men or if they were people from the countryside that weren’t so lucky…
As far as everybody knew, they were dead.
And they were all going after the dome like flies surrounding a light.
Frost had them in a block of ice, then Diablo fried them up like fish. Harley kept with her hammer and almost hit Nightwing in the head. “Harley!”
“Sorry, handsome! Kinda got used to aiming for your pretty head!”
Jason, standing with his back right up against the Y/N’s side. They shot at the creatures with their guns not knowing if their ammo was going to take it.
“Y/N! You think we’re gonna make this!?”
She shot down a foot, an arm, then eventually a head. Y/N screamed. “It’s not looking good but I sure fucking hope so!”
Red Hood grabbed her shoulder and turned her around, firing at one she didn’t see. Y/N got a circular lid off one of the manholes and flung it into three bodies.
“Y/N! MARRY ME!!!”
She could have been grabbed by the head if she didn’t hear it coming from behind. She held out her wrist gun and fired directly behind her.
Y/N used Jason’s body to haul herself up, swinging her leg in a circle around her before she shot all of them on the ground. Jason grabbed a creature’s head with his bare hands and squished it into its bloody bits.
Almost losing her arm, she slammed her fist against its head, throwing it to the grass and slamming her boot onto its face. Jason kept firing with his two guns, faster than he ever could have fired.
Jason grabbed her arms, flung her around him so she could repeatedly kick them down before they got anywhere near them. She fired her wrist gun and cursed when she almost missed. He started handling them by hand, punching, swerving, kicking them down with his awfully strong thighs.
“YOU EVER SEEN PIRATES OF THE CARRIBEAN!?” He smashed drove his gun into a skull and kicked him off. “THE THIRD ONE???”
Y/N pressed her back against Jason, and they didn’t stop firing.
She leapt up in a backflip over Jason and they switched places.
Five down in a single shot. Y/N kicked them down, grabbed her grappling gun, then shot it at a crate to haul it over to the monsters incoming. Jason went through the whole row of creatures climbing down the pit, and when he had the slightest window, he raised his visor.
Y/N faced him. and Jason faced her.
It wasn’t even a fucking question. The beautiful asshole.
As they kept firing, Jason pressed on his communicator. “ALFRED!!!”
He tossed Y/N a communicator so they’d both be able to hear him. The butler was still in the batwing, needless to say still firing at all the monsters that have made a mountain coming after it hovering in the air.
“Yes, sir?”
He could hear Alfred sound confused.
“I do believe that is a lifelong thing-“
Alfred took out a bazooka gun on the Batwing, a new one no doubt. He didn’t remember Bruce having that when he was still alive, then stook out a crowd of twenty coming after him.
“I’m afraid I’m rather busy at the moment, Master Jason.”
“TIM, YOU HEARING THIS?” Dick cried out into the comms. Everyone could hear it.
Alfred kept his calm. Then they heard a sigh.
“Alright. Do try not to get yourselves killed, Master Jason.”
Y/N grabbed Jason’s arm, held onto him as tightly as she could, then they turned to meet each other’s eyes. Not after shooting a zombie coming for his back.
“Dearly beloved we are gathered here today…” Alfred fired another bazooka at the crowd. “To join this man, and this woman, in holy matrimony.”
Her wrist gun on a frenzy, she shot at the surrounding monsters and helped Jason kick one down with his knee. They stuck to each other’s backs, firing with their pistols.
“Jason Todd, Red Hood, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?”
Jason’s pistol ran out of ammo, so Y/N threw him a magazine.
“I DO!!!”
She grabbed him, hurled him to the side so they’d switch places, then she started firing at a gun powder barrel she found and it immediately exploded.
“Y/FN Y/LN, Deadsh-“
Jason smiled at her with his eyes.
“Ah yes, I do apologize. Y/FN Y/LN, the Bullet, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
Alfred fired at the creatures coming up to her just as she spoke. “I DO!”
Endless bullets, flying out of their hands, they fired at everything that came their way, protecting each other, shielding each other from harm’s way.
Alfred cleared his throat.
“Then with the power vested in me by the city of Gotham, I now pronounce you husband and wife.”
“I GOT YOU!” Dick screamed.
“You may now kiss the bride…”
Before they’d die. Before it all ends.
They only had a minute before their lungs would give out.
So they ran into each other’s arms, taking off their masks and held their breaths to the best capacity.
Jason grabbed Y/N’s face, pulling her to his lips. Then an explosion happened in the far-off distance that blew off almost everything around them in the air. All except them.
They were one. They were together. Forever. She was his. And he was hers. For as long as they both shall live.
“IS THIS A FUCKIN’ WEDDING?!” Boomerang screamed.
Harley smashed her hammer. “I LOVE WEDDINGS!!!”
Jason leaned down and kissed her despite his chest starting to twist. She grabbed the back of his neck, pushed him back as well. Never has a kiss been more powerful, more meaningful. As far as they knew, they were alone. They were themselves. They were together. And nothing, not even the world, was ever going to pull them apart ever again.
From their first kiss in the meeting room, to the one at the Batcave, to the kiss in her quarters that one rainy night, to the kiss they shared up on that bridge. Everything had boiled down to now. Finally. Finally.
They were fucking married.
They pulled away, stared at each other, and finally they could see the largest smiles on their faces. The places the masks back on and gasped to breathe.
“Shall we?”
“We shall…”
Not a lot more to cover. The fucking monsters were finally starting to run out. And they moved in a dance only they knew. On each other’s side. Never leaving.
They shot, kicked, slammed, tore through the lifeless bodies coming after them and she cried out as another bomb exploded that she threw from her hand. She fought with her fucking husband and man, did it sound like the most beautiful thing in the world.
Nightwing and Robin came up to them.
“CONGRATULATIONS!!!” they both screamed.
Then Y/N handed them both guns and they started firing at the creatures.
It worked so well.
Twenty left. Then there were fifteen. Then another ten died.
Gone. All of the monsters. Wiped out.
The Squad was intact. Thankfully, they smiled at the Bullet and they all gathered to the center.
“I can't believe this,” Nightwing said. “But thank you for having our backs.”
“Don’t get used to it, pretty boy, when we wake up tomorrow mornin’ I’m back to slicing your head off with a-“
“Okay,” Red Hood stopped them. “Now we have to figure out a way to stop this.” He pointed up at the beacon.
“Hood,” the Bullet gulped.
“Yes, wife?”
A few of them groaned at that. Red Hood ignored them.
But the Bullet, Y/N, she didn’t look to happy.
She was staring right up at the top of the pit, shivering.
Everyone looked back to what she was looking at.
It wasn’t possible.
Hundreds more. Hundreds of the creatures. From all over the city. Ones with long, blonde hair. Ones that were as tiny as a small child.
It had reached civilization.
No. they couldn’t possibly handle all of them.
Robin looked at Nightwing, whose look on his eyes definitely lost that glimmering enthusiasm that sparked the hope they needed to go on.
And Red Hood.
Well, he made the right choice marrying her.
Jason held Y/N’s hand, and she took it so tightly between her fingers.
The look on their eyes, watching each other, memorizing the looks on their eyes before they go on to their inevitable deaths.
They couldn’t even see each other’s faces.
Harley slumped to the ground. “Well, this is it, ladies and gents.”
Frost screamed in frustration, releasing a large block of ice and slamming it onto the pit.
The monsters had surrounded them now. All in a complete circle. Trapping them.
And they took their time watching them squirm like worms in a tank full of fish.
This is how they die.
Y/N tightened her grip on Jason’s hand when one of the monsters roared and they all started crawling down to the dome.
Their communicators. It sounded like Barbara.
“I hope you weren’t saving that favor for anything special,” Oracle said.
“You know. That favor with Bruce’s friends…”
“What do you mea-“
Like a lightning bolt striking a tree, their eyes shot up at the brightest flash of light.
A golden, glimmering lasso, coming down from something they hadn’t seen flying in the air. The lasso grabbed onto five of the incoming beings and hauled them up.
Y/N’s never seen her up close.
But goddamn, she was nothing like the pictures.
Wonder Woman slammed against the ground on her knee and her balled up fist, letting the soil ripple at her impact. She didn’t have on a mask, but it barely wrinkled her nose. Her striking beauty was made even more obvious when she smirked up at the four, standing up, then took out her shield and sword from her back. She winked at them.
The four were too dumbfounded to move. As victims exhausted or as fanboys and fangirls watching it all unfold right in front of their eyes. Boom tubes coming from different parts in the air, and out of those circles came the heroes they’ve looked up to their whole lives.
Superman tore through a whole row of that were crawling after them with his powerful laser vision, flying through the sky faster than any of Y/N’s bullets could speed through. He grabbed one by the head, flew up to the sky, then threw it against the ground so hard that dozens of others blew up along with it.
Green Lantern made his own machine gun with his ring. He fired at everything that came close to the dome.
The Flash couldn’t even be seen. All they could see was a buzzing red light, powering all around them in circles and taking down everything that was in his path.
Green Arrow started raining down more than five arrows at a time. Ones from above. Ones from the ground. Black Canary ran up from behind them and let out that famous ear-piercing scream that took out everything that was in front of her. Even the grass.
Aquaman came up with his trident, and with Mera following behind, she let a stream of water pierce through the air like shards and a fucking shark was in it eating the heads of everything the water passed through.
Hawkgirl held her mace up in front of her and let her wings force her through the hundreds in the crowd, smashing their brains out with a single hit.
Shazam slammed on the ground, with sparks coming out of his body, then he screamed at the sky and let the biggest lightning bolt they’ve ever seen clear out a whole patch of the land the beings were standing on.
Martian Manhunter transformed into his true alien form then grabbed the monsters with his bare hands, threw them out of the way, and stomped on them with his feet. Or what looked like feet.
Cyborg. Supergirl. Zatanna. Doctor Fate. Huntress. Hawkman. Vixen. The Atom.
They were all here.
They were all going to live.
The fucking Justice League had come to save them.
Never have they seen them all in action. To them, it might have just been another day. But to them? To Batman’s wards. It was everything they ever wished to become.
It was the best, most beautiful thing they could possibly see their whole lives.
Bruce. How much he would have loved this.
Then the ground started to shake once again. The Cloudburst. It let out another load of the toxin.
They had to destroy it now.
Alfred hovered the Batwing above them and opened up the entry way. He waved his hands for them to come in. Robin, Nightwing, Red Hood, and Bullet ran into the Batwing and took their masks off.
“We can't just run off.”
“We have to go help them.”
“Actually,” Alfred said. “I’ve taken instruction from Ms. Prince.”
“She wanted us to leave?”
“No.” Alfred lead them to the windows and the looked out.
Superman, Green Lantern, Cyborg, and Supergirl were all facing the top of the dome, firing their lasers at the concentrated spot at the center. The heart of the Cloudburst. The whole building had gone up in flames, but it continued to fire up in the toxin.
“The Batwing has one more rocket bomb in its ammunition. When the League has the Cloudburst’s core exposed, we only have one shot at firing right at its center, destroying the Cloudburst for good.”
“I’ll do it,” Dick said.
“No I will!” Tim cried.
“Who said it was your turn!?”
“Who said it was yours?!”
“This isn’t a fucking argument, this is the world’s fate in our hands!”
“Exactly, which means I get to fire the Batwing.”
“Well, who exactly has the best aim in this fucking ship-“
Every pair of eyes stopped wandering around. Then they turned to the woman they called the Bullet.
Fucking no.
“I can't-“
“Jason, I can't do this-“
“You can.”
“I don’t trust myself-“
“You never miss-“
She grabbed his hands that were holding her face, finally she could look up at his eyes and see his lips in a smile.
“The last time I handled a tank, it was the Cloudburst… and I missed.”
“It doesn’t matter. That wasn’t your fault. You have no idea how sorry I am for being upset at that, but I know you can do this. Besides, this isn’t a tank. This is the fucking Batwing.”
“Please. You're the only one who can do this.”
“I’ve never handled anything like this before.”
“You. Can. Do this.”
Looking up at Jason’s eyes, she saw just how much hope he had for her. Then he leaned in and kissed her.
“Man, is he dramatic today,” Tim said.
“Shut up, they just got married.”
When Jason pulled away, the heaviness in Y/N’s chest had slowly started to fade.
Yeah. He was right.
Her husband was right.
She does have the best aim in the room.
Alfred gestured for her to take the seat at the cockpit.  And with Jason holding her hand, leading her to the front, she slowly took the front seat.
Everything was at her control. It didn’t look too intimidating. She pressed onto the buttons and breathed in. Really breathed in.
Breathe. Breathe.
Jason stood back, but not without squeezing her shoulder.
She opened her eyes.
Flying the Batwing over to the top of the dome, right alongside Superman and Supergirl with their lasers still pointing at the center. It won't be long now.
Everything looked brighter. Everything felt hotter. The center of the Cloudburst, at the dome that was once its protective shield.
Irony. She always thought it was what’s going to get her.
Driving the Cloudburst, using it to take down the Batmobile.
Now she was driving the Batwing to take down the Cloudburst.
Yes. Irony certainly did come out to bite her.
But it was in the fucking best way possible.
Doctor Fate and Zatanna had joined in and fired their magical beams at the same spot at the center. Slowly, after each second that passed, she could see its shield slowly start to fade away. A ball around the glass tank of the toxin collapsed. And finally, it was seconds away from its very heart exposed.
The Bullet turned on her optics.
Further. Closer. Brighter.
The rocket shot through the Batwing’s bazooka and it came flying out into the air. She waited for that half a millisecond watching it fall to the very spot she aimed at.
Everyone flew out of the sky before it landed on the Cloudburst.
Then the entire dome exploded like a massive nuclear bomb tearing out into the sky with its violently flying debris. The Justice League and the Suicide Squad had cleared out, and with the explosion it took away all the remaining nightmare creatures, dissolving them into the air as nothing but ash.
Everything was loud. Everything was bright. They shielded their eyes away before it blinded them and hid as the dome continued to explode.
They were so high up in the air that they could see the stars up in space despite it already the morning.
And as the bombing sounds had faded…
So did the toxin.
The once red cloud that had covered the sky had dwindled away to its natural white. Everything fell down in beautiful pink ashes. The same ones from when Ivy destroyed the first Cloudburst. They looked up at the sky, and with tears down their faces, everyone leapt in joy and cheered when everything looked as peaceful as it once was.
On the ground where the dome used to be, a crater of soil was left behind. No more creatures. No more darkness. No more Scarecrow.
Everyone took off their domino masks and visors. Dick took Tim and they screamed in happiness, jumped in the air, hugged each other until it hurt like girls at a sleepover. They took Alfred in as well and gave him the biggest bear hug there was.
“DID YOU FUCKING SEE THAT, BABE!?” Tim said into his comms.
Babs was just as ecstatic as they were. “I’M SO PROUD OF ALL OF YOU!!”
“WE FUCKING SAVED THE WORLD!!!” Dick leapt for joy.
“Well, other than the ten times he’s defeated Darkseid over at outer space, no I don’t think he has.”
They looked around. Jason hadn’t joined them in their little celebration.
Jason and Y/N were over at the back, kissing for what seemed to have been the last ten minutes and completely ignoring everything that went on around them. She was holding his face, and he was hugging her waist. Didn’t even stop when Tim cleared his throat.
Dick, on the other hand, had went up to one of the compartments and had grabbed a bottle of champagne they had stored there for purposes like this.
“Can't believe we almost forgot. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEWLYWEDS !!!”
Everyone in the Batwing clapped for joy and the couple finally stopped kissing, turning their heads over to smile at them.
Jason thumbed her cheek. “You alright with our reception being held in the Batwing?”
Y/N shrugged. “I mean, I wanted to book a caterer, but-“
Jason pulled her face again and kissed her with their hearts light and their spirits so high up in the sky.
A future. She could see it. It was all flashing in front of her eyes now.
Finally, something good had happened out of the series of darkness.
They drank, cheered, partied in the Batwing while it went in a really slow autopilot on its way back to the cave. They hung out like any group of friends would have. Like any family would have.
Jason held her hand the whole time. And Y/N held it even tighter.
This was the end. And it was beautiful, peaceful, promising.
And above all else, it was fucking epic.
As if the world hadn’t already stopped surprising them, they continued to go through that very same day bringing them almost to the brink of a heart attack.
When the grounds to the Batcave descended, when the Batwing parked itself in its spot, when its entryway folded down for them all to walk down to, everyone was still in their high, laughing, skipping when they walked down the ramp and out into the walkway.
Barbara wheeled right towards them and Tim held her in his arms, pulling her up to his level so he could carry her. They all cheered.
“I can't believe you thought of calling the League!”
Babs laughed. “Obviously, you needed help.”
Everyone started talking at the same time, each of them telling Babs one side of the story and how it happened. Explaining in detail how Wonder Woman did this and how Aquaman did that. Even Y/N was so excited she couldn’t stop talking about how Green Arrow’s aim was something she’d admired for so long. A bubble of noise, happy noise. Kids being together.
Like no time even passed. They continued on and on about everything that happened.
Then Jason looked behind at the computers. He stopped talking. His smile faded away. His heart stopped. His whole body stopped.
Everyone saw the look on his face and turned to look at what he was seeing.
At first, he looked just about as regular as any tall man.
And if you hadn’t been expecting it, like practically everyone in the room didn’t, no one would believe it at first glance.
Black shirt. Basic jeans. A jacket over his shoulders. Hair so long it had gone down to his neck pushed back.
But it was him. So undeniably him.
“Oh my god…” Babs whispered.
Bruce Wayne smiled at all their faces. Jaws on the ground. Eyes so incredibly wideset. He didn’t look the least bit bothered.
He walked on over closer to them, hands in his pockets. He stood a few yards away so as to not startle them.
His children.
“Dick…” he greeted.
The eldest choked on his breath. “Bruce…”
Bruce looked over at the girl with fiery red hair.
“Oh. My. God.”
Bruce grinned, then he looked over at the man beside her.
“You're alive…” Tim breathed.
Then when Bruce met Jason’s eyes, everyone parted to give him his way. Bruce started walking towards him, and Jason swallowed on his tongue.
He hadn’t prepared for this.
Not by a long shot.
He thought he was never, ever going to see him again.
He never thought he’d have the chance to make things right.
And now, he did.
Bruce stood in front of Jason.
“Welcome back…” Bruce said. “My son…”
Jason pulled him into a hug, much to Bruce’s surprise. Much to everyone’s surprise.
But he wanted to skip all the thinking and the doubts and the holding back to everything he’s ever wanted to say to him.
Jason forgave him. Already after two years. And it meant so much that Bruce had forgiven him too.
Bruce hugged him back.
Bruce never hugs anyone back.
But he patted Jason’s shoulder and held him as tightly as any father could possibly hold his son. Jason was crying. Hell, everyone in the room was crying. Even Alfred was shedding a tear. Everyone watched on as they fell into each other’s embrace longer than they’ve had with anyone else.
Eventually, Bruce had to pull away.
“I’m so sorry…” Jason cried.
Bruce held his shoulders.
“Jason…” he said. “You have no idea how proud I am of you…”
Jason realized he’s never heard those words before.
He hugged him again, just because he couldn’t hold it back anymore. Y/N dried her tears with her shirt and met Jason’s eyes from over Bruce’s shoulder.
“Bruce…” Jason pulled away. “There’s someone I’d like you to meet.”
Y/N stood straight up. She dusted off her suit. She straightened her neck.
“This is Y/N,” Jason said with his hand on her back. She stretched out her hand, and Bruce took it.
“I’ve heard of you. Your girlfriend-“
Her smile was so beautiful when he said it.
“My wife.”
Bruce shot up his eyebrows. “I see. Well, it would have been better if we had a talk-“
“Don’t. Do that.”
“I’m kidding,” Bruce laughed.
Y/N cleared her throat. “Such a pleasure to meet you, sir.”
“Y/N… I know who you are and who you were…”
He nodded at Dick.
“You were the Commander of the militia army. You were Deadshot. You took over your uncle’s old jobs.”
“Bruce, you don’t have to-“
He didn’t even look at Jason’s direction.
“And you drove the Batwing today…”
Y/N was scared shitless shivering on her own two feet. It wasn’t because she was talking to Batman, someone she almost had killed. It was because she was talking to her freaking father in law.
Jason swallowed.
“And I also happen to know… that you worked with my sons like a perfectly trained team and singlehandedly saved thousands of lives…”
Everyone’s eyes lit up. Especially hers.
“What do we call you now?”
“The Bullet,” she swallowed. “I’m the Bullet.”
“Well, Y/N,” he smiled. “The Bullet.”
Then he stretched out his hand.
“Welcome to the family.”
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Mama's Boy Part 2
Part 1
What no one realised was just how big of an impact Jason's death would have on him.
Sure it was tragic for one so young to fall the way he did. But Jason was a demigod.
It was always going to end this way. He knew that more than anyone.
But that knowledge didn't make it easier. For Jason, for the boy not the soilder who always dreamed.
Of growing old, of having a family to call his own.
To love someone so deeply and dearly in a way he'd never been loved.
He didn't regret what he did, of course he didn't. He had to save his friends, it was a no brainer.
But that was easier to say in the moment. It was easy in the heat of the moment to push forward and take the fatal blow.
To lay down your life for those you love. But the thing about death is that all souls would end up accepting the fate they'd be dealt with.
Imagine the underworld overrun with souls who demanded they didn't belong their, there would be chaos.
It was why souls often became stuck, becoming akin to photographs.
A fleeting moment captured out of a whole life time. Through losing a lot of what made them, well them through their memories.
It made them content, happy and at peace with their new life.
Even if it made the light in the fade.
And if that was what happened to Jason, he would have been okay.
Afterall Jason wasn't the first to lay down his life for others. Wasn't the first who had dreams that had been cut down so brutally.
But what made his case different, is that his memories had already been meddled with in life.
When a soul enters the afterlife any curse, any magic they'd been hit with loses its touch.
Including something inflicted upon them by the Queen of Olympus herself.
In doing so, Jason did not fade like the others did.
If anything he brightened, shone like starlight in the night sky. Where other souls lost parts of themselves and lived in blissful peace and ignorance.
Jason regained what he'd lost. Memory after memory flooded through his mind.
He saw Thalia shushing him gently as his mother drowned herself deeper in her bottle.
The rain fell outside, lighting illuminating the figure of his mother.
It occurred to Jason than that other than her spirit, Jason hadn't known what his mother looked like.
And here she was. Beryl cursed at the lighting before putting her drink down, she scooped Jason out of Thalia's arms.
Her movements were sluggish but her smile was kind.
Even Thalia seemed to calm a little at the gentleness of their mother, it wouldn't last but it was one the Grace siblings soaked up.
He began to cry as the storm grew louder. Beryl softened. "Do not cry my little sunshine. You you see that? Your father is saying hi, this is his way of showing his love to you."
The bundle in her arms began to calm, flailing his limbs in something that could be interpreted as a wave. Thalia laughed and Beryl chuckled, holding him close.
Jason's heart ached, the family he'd always longed for... He had once had it.
More memories of his home life flashed before him. Some kind, some not so. Some with smiles and others with tears.
Jason traced the scar on his lip as he watched his younger self get it. Smiling in amusement as Thalia chastised him.
And than it changed.
Beryl mother was crying, her make up a mess. Their were monsters at the window and she was shaking.
He was in her arms and Beryl held him close. "Please... Please make this stop. I'll do anything but... Not my Jason."
She looked down at him, kissing his head gently. "We'll be okay sweetie."
But the monsters didn't stop, nor did the calls of who Jason recognised now as Hera.
Telling Beryl that her torment would end if she gave up her son.
And over and over his mother refused.
But she was only human, and one day she laid him on the forest floor with tears in her eyes.
"Lady Juno just said for a moment okay. I'll be right back sweetie, I promise."
Even when she walked away she couldn't stop looking back.
Tears welled up in Jason's eyes as he watched the wolves come for him.
... She hadn't wanted to give him up.
She had loved him. Jason thought it was some kind of trick of her spirit but...
... She had really loved him. His mother hadn't lied to him, she always intended on coming back.
She did what they asked, she followed the rules and she had every intention of coming back for him. And they'd stolen him from her.
Jason could only watch as he was dragged wailing and screaming to the Wolf House.
See the way that Lupa regarded him as nothing but a means to an end.
He watched himself change from a sweet bright eyed baby to a wild child who's teeth were sharpened and had the instincts to rival an actual wolf.
How Lupa drilled into his mind that he must be self sufficient.
That if he failed her tests she would kill him.
Young Jason learning to hide his fear, being berated for having such weaknesses and crying silently in the dark.
With only the moon to comfort him as no one else would.
Than he was in Camp Jupiter, every camper looking at him in disgust for his wolf behaviour.
Only looking at him favourably when Jupiter claimed him.
Jason could only watch as they changed him, crushed the wild ways he was taught and forced him into becoming a steely eyed child soilder who obeyed every rule.
And yet rebelled to look out for the overlooked campers.
None of them looked at him twice though.
No matter how much he was punished and mocked.
Jason had only wanted to befriend and care for others... And look where it got him.
Could he truly believe that Apollo would remember? That even if he did something would be done?
Especially when Jupiter/Zeus had all the power and he didn't care for his youngest son at all.
No one had ever cared about Jason before. Only using him as a means to an end, they stole him from the life he had dreamed from.
They had stolen his memories, beat him and moulded him into whatever they wished.
Be it monster or hunter.
... No, no his friends wouldn't forget him so easily. But if a diety made them forget their was nothing they could do.
Everyone had forgetten him once before, replaced him as Praetor and never searched for him.
Nico could summon him whenever be wanted to and he hadn't.
He probably didn't need Jason around anymore, everyone out grew him at some point anyway.
Jason curled up into a ball, willing the tears away and yet they couldn't stop falling.
What else had been hidden from him? How many lives had he lived only to lose them and be turned into something to fit an idea?
... Who was he?..
His sadness turned to anger. And little did he know it started to infect into his soul.
It shouldn't have been to much of a suprise, Jason had always resembled his mother more than his father.
But not even Nico could have seen this coming.
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MBTI personality types as ancient Greek gods and godessess
ESFJ Aphrodite (Ἀφροδίτη): Born out of the foam of Uranus’ (God of sky) castrated parts that his son, Titan Cronus, had thrown to the sea. Thus, she emerged from the Ocean in all her beauty and grace and all the water Nymphs and all the Winds came to bow before her. Goddess of love and beauty, of pleasure and of passion as she was, all the men desired her and all the women envied her graces. She married Hephaestus, she desired Ares and she loved Adonis. One could always glimpse her winged son, Eros, god of desire, flying above her as she would’ve often whispered to his ear the next mortal whose his heart was about to be shot by Eros’ arrows.
ENFJ Apollo (Ἀπόλλων): God of light, of sun, of music, of poetry, of truth, of knowledge and protector of the arts. He was everything and he knew it all. People worshiped him all over the known world and build him the most gracious and marvelous temples and oracles, where sunbeams would make the white marbles shine as bright as the sun. In return, Apollo through the voice of gifted diviners would reveal to them what would the future hold. He played his lyre and his daughters, the Muses, would come over from the valleys to accompany his sweet melodies. He loved and protected the young as he, himself, remained a young man forever. He was a healer, but if the mortals were to infuriated him, he would bring the greatest of the plagues on them.
ISFP Artemis (Ἄρτεμις): Twin sister of Apollo as they where both children of Zeus and Leto. Quieter and humbler by nature than her twin brother, she found her call in the deep forests, the mountains and the moon. She befriended all the living things of the wild and devoted herself to their protection. Always bearing a bow in the hand and a handful of arrows on her back, she would hunt in the forests, but she’d never become violent, always honoring her prey. Although she took an oath to remain a virgin, young Orion became her hunting companion and he managed to win her heart. Their love was never meant to blossom, as Artemis shot Orion with an arrow by accident and killed him.
ESTP Ares (Ἄρης): Son of Zeus and Hera as he was, he would grow to become a forceful and a fearful one. Gifted with great physical strength and an everlasting blood lust, he excelled in the battlefields and become a soldier model for the Spartans. He was Aphrodite’s secret lover and together they had many children like Eros, who followed his mother, and Deimos (god of terror) and Phobos (god of fear), who both followed Ares as his warfare companions. The other gods tended to avoid him and on the great Trojan war he was on the losing side, therefore triggering Zeus’ anger towards him. Later, the Romans acknowledged his military intelligence and worshiped him by the name of Mars.
ESTJ Athena (Ἀθηνᾶ): If someone contrived to impersonate the essence of the ancient Greek spirit, it would look like her. It does not surprise that she was goddess of wisdom, handicraft and warfare as well. All three basic elements of the city that she fought with Poseidon for, thus founded and gave it her name, Athens. Athena always wore a helmet, brandished a spear and kept her shield with Medusa’s head on it (that Perseus had gifted to her for helping him in murdering that marine beast) by her side. Legend has it that she was born fully armored from Zeus’ forehead. However, Athena would never initiate an  unreasonable, blood spilling war against her enemies like Ares would do. Wise and strategic as her mind was, Athena favored those with strength and bravery, like Hercules and Perseus, with courage and valiance, like Bellerophon and Jason, as well as those with a sharp mind, like Odysseus, aiding them in multiple ways.
ENTJ Poseidon (Ποσειδῶν): He is known as the sea god, but in fact there was not an element that wouldn’t bow to his will. Poseidon was ruler of the seas, the rivers and all the running waters. He was commander of the earth, the soil, the storms and the mighty earthquakes. He was protector of the noble horses and, as many say, he was the true king of Atlantis. Although he lost supervision of Athens to Athena, the Athenians didn’t forget his volition to become their guardian and they worshiped him almost as much as her. They build him a magnificent temple on the windy top of Cape Sounion, where the waves of the great Aegean sea would crush the rocks beneath it. Poseidon would often help seafarers reach their destination safe and sound. Damn those who would dare sail without a sacrifice to his name for appeasing the tides. A tremendous storm created by a swing of his trident would crash their ship to an unknown land or, even worse, he would drag them all the way down to his wet kingdom. 
ENTP Zeus (Ζεύς): The father of the Gods wasn’t an easy one. As every king that walked the earth, the sea or the skies before and after him, he was whimsical, temperamental and stubborn as a bull. In fact, there were times that he would take the form of a real bull or an eagle, a swan, a bear, a serpent, a flame or even a shower of gold, always to seduce a new love interest of his own. Europa, Cassiopeia, Leda, Alcmene and Ganymede are just a handful of all the women and men he desired and approached while transformed into a creature of beauty, with the sole intention of sleeping with them. It’s no wonder that his wife, Hera, was always mad at him, thus she was the only one that ever managed to scare him a little bit. However, he was Father of everyone and everything. Mortals should not forget that without Zeus, the world would still be at the hands of his tyrannical father, Titan Cronus, whom Zeus with the help of his brothers and sisters managed to overthrow. Thus, he became the true ruler of the skies, bearer of the thunder and enforcer of law and order as well. Among mortals, he was yet another mighty symbol of civilization and justice.
INTJ Hera (Ἥρα): She wasn’t the wife next door. She was the queen of Gods and protector of all the women. Someone could even see her as one of the very first symbols of feminine power in ancient cultures. Her rightful rage towards her unfaithful husband, Zeus, was the fuel of her many vengeful actions against him and his lovers. Although she refused Zeus’ first marriage proposal, after marrying him, she became goddess of marriage and patron of the household and childbirth. Hera could be your worst enemy (even Zeus was sometimes afraid of her), but also your most valuable ally. But, most of all, she was true to herself and to her worshipers. After all, she was the queen-mother of the world.
INTP Hades (ᾍδης) or Plouton (Πλούτων): After the Gods defeated the Titans at the beginning of time, the males ones (Zeus, Poseidon and Hades at that time) gathered together to drew lots of ruler-ship over the world. Although Hades was the eldest between them, Zeus received the sky, Poseidon the earth and the sea, but Hades’ fate was to become king of the underworld. He took Persephone, Demeter’s daughter, for his wife and made her queen at his side. A giant three-headed dog guarded the doors to the underworld, thus making entrance to anyone alive almost impossible. Hades didn’t care for the affairs of the world of the living, or even for the matters of the rest of the gods. Although he wasn’t evil, mortals avoided to refer to him by his name in case they drew his attention. They mostly called him Plouton, which meant “rich”, as all the precious minerals came from the underground, thus the boundary of Hades’ kingdom.
ISFJ Demeter (Δημήτηρ): A rather motherly figure and a well-respected goddess. Demeter loved the earth and everything that came from the soil. She protected farmers and brought to them a good harvest year after year. The humblest seed took root whenever blessed by her. Nothing was more precious to her than her own daughter, Persephone. When Hades abducted Persephone with the intention to marry her, Demeter fell in deep sorrow and not a single thing would grow anymore. Everyone was desperate, and an era of great famine was upon the humans.
INFP Persephone (Περσεφόνη) or Kore (Κόρη): It is said that before her abduction by Hades, Persephone was called Kore, which means maiden or daughter. She was, in fact, the beloved daughter of Demeter, that one day while she was peacefully gathering flowers, Hades came and abducted her, as he was deeply in love with the girl. Demeter was so angry and sad after that incident, that forbade the earth to produce and she begun to wander around looking for Persephone. Zeus heard the cries of the hungry mortals and persuaded Hades to release her. Hades tricked Persephone to eat the seeds of a pomegranate before leaving the underworld, but she ignored that if someone tasted underworld food, they were obliged to come back. Demeter agreed that Persephone would spent half a year on earth and half below it. As a result, the time that Persephone returned to Hades as queen of the underworld, Demeter’s sorrow of her daughter’s absence would make winter on earth. As soon as Persephone come back to earth, she would bring the spring with her. Thus, people worshiped her as a goddess of the springtime and the flowers.
ENFP Dionysus (Διόνυσος, Diónysos) or Bacchus (Βάκχος): This one knew how to enjoy life to the fullest. As the god of wine, theater and ecstatic dance, Dionysus was an emblem of freedom and basically... fun. With vines in his hair, a thyrsus in his hands (a wand of ivy vines and leaves) and a smile on his face, Dionysus would stroll the valleys with his many followers, dancing ecstatically, driving them to divine mania. Mortals would call him “the god who comes”. His companion included goat-legged satyrs and maenads. The last ones were women who, after coming to ecstatic frenzy through dancing and drinking, would please Dionysus through blood-offerings, which in some cases meant that maeneds would kill men with bare hands. Dionysus is said to be a god who dies and rises back from the dead. His many, divine powers still remain a mystery to many of us, mortals.
ISTP Hephaestus (Ἥφαιστος): His form and character does not remind of a god. He was a shy one and would rather spend his time crafting weapons on his hot anvil. However, Hephaestus was the god of fire and served as a blacksmith of gods and heroes. His many creations include Hermes' winged helmet and sandals, Aphrodite's girdle, Achilles' armor, Heracles' bronze clappers, Helios' (god of the Sun) chariot, Eros' bow and arrows and all the thrones of the Gods in Olympus. The legend has it that he was Hera’s son, one that she made by herself out of jealously of Zeus giving birth to Athena out of his head. However, Hera ejected him from mount Olympus, because he was lame on one leg. Hephaestus took revenge against Hera by crafting her a magical golden throne, which, when she sat on, it didn’t allow her to stand up, thus making both her legs useless.
ESFP Hermes (Ἑρμῆς): Also known as the “divine trickster”, the messenger of the gods and the guide to the underworld. Hermes was a pleasant god who protected travelers, merchants, shepherds, athletes and thieves, as he was all of those things himself. His appearance is quite known. A young man with the top of his head full of playful curls, wearing winged sandals, winged petasus (traveller’s hat) and holding the kerykeion (a short staff entwined by two serpents and surmounted by wings). Always being on the move, Hermes loved playing tricks on other gods and mortals.
ISTJ  Hestia (Ἑστία): Hestia was one of the six children of Kronos and Rhea (among Zeus, Hera, Hades, Poseidon and Demeter) and therefore one of the oldest Gods. She was goddess of the home and domesticity as her name suggests (Ἑστία means “hearth”) as well as protector of households. Mortals used to gift her the first offering of every sacrifice in the household. During the founding of a colony, flame from Hestia's public hearth in colonizers’ mother city would be carried to the newly founded one. Hestia rejected both the marriage proposals of Poseidon and Apollo, and took an oath of virginity (like Artemis). She cared little for the conflicts of gods and mortals and tended to her domestic matters. Hestia was the simplest and humblest between gods and even offered her place in Olympus to Dionysus, making him the 12th Olympian god in her place, thus showing her divine magnanimity.
INFJ Asclepius (Ἀσκληπιός): He was originally the son of Apollo and a mortal woman. His father offered him, when still an infant, to centaur Chiron to mentor him. Chiron taught him the art of medicine, but an ancient legend says that a snake returned a favor of Asclepius back to him by licking his ears clean and passing him secret knowledge of healing. In order to honor the snake, Asclepius made a rod wreathed with a snake his divine symbol. This very rod is still nowadays associated with healing and medicine. Asclepius mastery of healing reached the level of bringing people back from the dead. This act infuriated Hades and forced Zeus to kill Asclepius and turn him into a constellation known as Ophiuchus ("the Serpent Holder"), which many claim it to be the 13th sign of the zodiac circle.
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i’ve talked about venom voices a lot already, mostly in terms of trends instead of specific incarnations because a lot of those are just really lackluster. there just isn’t much to do with a part that’s nothing but an evil alien beast.
hank azaria, tas: so like, extremely fucking funny eddie, love to hear him new yawking about, wouldn’t trade it for the world. not much to do with what i’d prefer for the comics, but that doesn’t even matter. i actually do like the venom effect, i like that it doesn’t fall into the “deep growly scary” OR the “shitty little lizard” categories that later established themselves, it’s just an alien echo. rod wilson, mvc2: i have opinions on mvc barks but not these ones. brian drummond, unlimited: sounds like a growlier tas, except with zero personality or humour. just like the show for 90% of its runtime! daran norris, ps1: oh i get excited every time those campy electric guitar chords strike. what a performance. what a gem of a game. came out before cash cow mania set in, so it’s based on the actual 80s and 90s comics! that’s it! that’s all it had! this is the only adaptation to hit venom’s bombastic, hilarious speech patterns, so it’s the only one where line delivery matters, and it’s flawless. it’s also the only deep growly scary voice that isn’t completely embarrassing, it isn’t post-processed at all, that guy just sounds like that. jason bryden, nemesis: THAT’S IT. THAT’S THE FIRST SHITTY LITTLE LIZARD. arthur burghardt, usm game: that’s ultimate venom, that doesn’t even count. he can sound like that, why not, he’s not saying anything worth understanding. steve blum, mua: steve blum does a pretty charming mix of the shitty little lizard and the deep growly scary, in my opinion. what i mean by this is that i just hear starscream. quinton flynn, friend or foe: oh that guy played spider-man in ultimate alliance. how many video game voice actors are out there? anyway, as far as shitty little lizards go, this sucks. topher grace, sm3: god. ben diskin, spectacular: a pretty sweet voice for that sweet, sweet eddie. pretty okay venom effect. the symbiote’s solo voice isn’t in here but it genuinely nearly killed me the first time i heard it. almost choked me to death on my own spit. keith szarabajka, web of shadows: creepy, i guess! i’d like more experiments with softer voices, or rather, voices with the potential to go soft. that’s missing from all but one, and that one isn’t even in this. chopper bernet, mua2: that’s mac! troy baker, pinball: they got troy baker for a pinball table and made him do the most generic deep growly scary voice before post-processing it beyond recognition? i guess he wasn’t as big back then. matt lanter, usm: that’s harry!
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maroon-scarf · 7 years
yes, jason grace is strong, he's a son of jupiter, he's a praetor, you shouldn't underestimate him and all but let me remind you again when jason met his mother's mania. it's basically the wild side of his mother's soul, her side of obsession for immortality, and jason has to face that wild side alone, if it's not for piper who yelled at him that it's not his mom, he would've been dead. jason is still human and has feelings and can be weak sometimes thank you
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redsun55 · 3 years
Redsun55 Stream Music Info
“Roundup On the Prairie” by Aaron Kenny
“River Crossing” by ALBIS
“Daudir”, “Towards the Horizon” by Alexander Nakarada
“Extreme Energy” by Anwar Amr
“Banjo Kazooie - Title/Intro + Medley (Remix)” by Ben Zimmerman
“Going Higher”, “Happy Rock”, “A New Beginning” by Bensound
“Hooky With Sloane” by Bird Creek
“New Bark Town (Lofi - Remix)” by Blizzn
“Woody Woods (8-Bit; VRC6) - Mario Party 3″ by Branflakes
“Meanwhile Back At the Saloon”, “Rattlesnake Railroad” by Brett Van Donsel
“Battle of Heroes”, “Imperials Marching”, “Luke vs. Vader”, “Opening”, “Phantom of the Bricks” by BrickTrick
“Davy Jones Theme (LoFi Pirates of the Caribbean)” by Cadred
“Super Mario Land (Lo-Fi Instrumental)” by Chew Chew Beats
“Campfire Song”, “Firefly”, “Tumbleweed Texas”, “Tupelo Train”, “Way Out West” by Chris Haugen
“Rock Thing” by Creo
“Donkey Kong Country Theme (DJ AG Remix)” by DJ AG
“Chapstick”, “The Gunfight” by Everet Almond
“Battles of the Generations”, “A Dog and His Duck”, “It’s a Small World (Geshtro Remix)”, “Kongo Beat”, “Lavender Town”, “The One-Winged Angel”, “Overworld (Super Mario Bros. 2 [Geshtro Remix]”, “Spindashing Hills”, “Spooks of the Pumpkin King”, “Super Sarasaland Jam”, “There Are Mobs Nearby”, “Triforce Mania”, “Up Towards Spiral Mountain”, “Wakka Walking”, “1-Up Smash” by Geshtro
“No Secrets”, “See You Tomorrow” by GoSoundtrack
“Pirates of the Caribbean (Lo-Fi Version)” by Hazar
“Cianwood City”, “Danny”, “Dire Dire Docks”, “Mice On Venus”, “National Park”, “Overworld”, “Piranha Plant Lullaby”, “Staff Roll”, “Subwoofer Lullaby”, “Sweden”, “Wet Hands” by Helynt
“Mayan Temple (Banjo & Kazooie - Mayahem Temple Remix)” by Howard Treesound
“Dear Death”, “Force of Habit”, “Significant”, “Sleep Deprivation”, “A Song About a Friend”, “The Stars in the Sky Resemble the Thoughts in My Mind”, “These Four Walls in My Head”, “Untitled”, “We Are Inevitable” by The Inevitable
“Bastila’s Struggle”, “Emond’s Field”, “Faeries”, “Glimpsing Into the One Power”, “Infiltrating the Empire”, “Into the Heart”, “Lost in the Desert (Lost on Tatooine)”, “Mirage”, “Revan’s Tribulations”, “The Streets of Baerlon” by Ivan Duch
“Locally Sourced”, “World Map” by Jason Farnham
“Acoustic Guitar #1″, “Crying in My Beer”, “Green Daze”, “Lazy Day”, “Marathon Man” by Jason Shaw (Audionautix)
“Tuscon Tease” by John Deley and the 41 Players
“Song of Storms (Lofi Hip Hop Remix)” by Jonas Munk Lindbo & GameChops
“Moonshine Town” by JR Tundra
“Jungle Japes Remastered (Donkey Kong 64 Orchestral Remix)” by JustRyland
“Colorado (Mickey’s Speedway USA Remix)”, Mickey’s Speedway USA Orchestration [”Chicago”, “Colorado”, “Grand Canyon”, “Hawaii”, “Washington D.C.”, “Yellowstone”], “New Bark Town (Pokemon HGSS Orchestration)” by Keatonkg360
“Drankin Song”, “Montauk Peak” by Kevin MacLeod
“Cactus in the Valley (Piano Cover)”, “Destiny 2 Beyond Light Main Theme (Piano Cover)”, “Hot Air Balloon (Piano Cover)”, “I See the Light (Piano Cover With Guitar)”, “Let It Go (Demi Lovato Version) [Piano Cover]”, “Let It Go (Idina Menzel Version) [Piano Cover]”, “Memphis May Fire Medley (Select Songs From Challenger) [Piano Cover]”, “Oswald’s Theme (Piano Cover)”, “Sailboats (Piano Cover)”, “Who Else Will I Have Ice Cream With (Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days Medley)”, “Wreck-It Ralph Main Theme (Mario Paint Composer Cover)” by Kyukiemusic
“Everyone You Know”, “Hey Sailor”, “Your Voice is American” by Letter Box
Banjo Kazooie Soundfont [”Amazing Grace”, “America”, “America the Beautiful”, “Arabian Nights”, “Bad Romance”, “The Battle Hymn of the Republic”, “A Bug’s Life”, “Cantina Band”, “Deck the Halls”, “Diddy Kong Racing Theme”, “Donut Plains”, “DuckTales Theme”, “Foggy Mountain Breakdown”, “Fortress & Castle”, “Friend Like Me”, “Frosty the Snowman”, “Fur Elise”, “Ghost House”, “God Bless the USA”, “He’s a Pirate”, “Holly Jolly Christmas”, “Home On the Range”, “Hyrule Field Theme”, “I Bring You a Song”, “In the Hall of the Mountain King”, “Independence Day”, “Inside the Castle Walls”, “Jingle Bell Rock”, “Jingle Bells”, “Koopalings”, “Lavender Town”, “Little April Showers”, “Lon Lon Ranch”, “Lost Woods”, “Love is a Song”, “May the Fourth Be With You”, “The Misty Mountains Cold”, “Ode to Joy”, “Oh Holy Night”, “Oh Susanna”, “One Jump Ahead”, “Pomp and Circumstance”, “The Power of Love”, “Prince Ali”, “Rainbow Connection”, “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer”, “Sally’s Song”, “Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town”, “The Star-Spangled Banner”, “Strip It Down”, “Super Mario World Bonus Theme”, “Super Mario World Ending Theme”, “Super Mario World Special World Theme”, “Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Theme”, “There’s a Star-Spangled Banner”, “This is Halloween”, “Turkish March”, “Underwater”, “United States Anthem”, “Vanilla Dome”, “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”, “When the Saints Go Marchin’ In”, “A Whole New World”, “Yankee Doodle”, “5th Symphony”], Banjo-Tooie Remixes [”Game Select”, “Intro”, “Mayhem Temple”, “Ordnance Storage (MuseScore 3 Remix)”, “Ordnance Storage (SNES Remix)”, “Title Screen (Bluegrass Remix)”, “Title Screen (Christmas Remix)”, “Title Screen (Fairgrounds Remix)”], Diddy Kong Racing Soundfont [”Krook’s March”, “Los Angeles”, “Phineas and Ferb Theme”], Donkey Kong 64 Remixes [”Angry Aztec”, “Army Dillo”, “Banana Fairy Isle (Version 3)”, “Battle Arena”, “Bonus Barrel”, “Candy’s Music Store”, “Cranky’s Lab”, “Credits”, “Creepy Castle”, “Crystal Caves”, “DK Isle”, “DK Rap”, “DK’s Treehouse”, “Frantic Factory (Version 3)”, “Fungi Forest Day (Version 2)”, “Gloomy Galleon”, “Hideout Helm”, “Jungle Japes”, “Jungle Japes Mine Cart”, “K. Lumsy”, “K. Rool Final Battle”, “King Kut Out”, “Krem Isle”, “Mad Jack”, “Main Menu”, “Monkey Smash”, “Pause Menu”, “Snide’s HQ”, “Troff ‘n’ Scoff (Version 3)”, “Wrinkly Kong”], Donkey Kong 64 Soundfont [”Battle of the Heroes”, “Bohemian Rhapsody”, “Chim Chim Cheree”, “Circle of Life”, “Cranky’s Theme”, “Crocodile Cacophany”, “DK Island Swing”, “Drunken Sailor”, “Duel of the Fates”, “Eye of the Tiger”, “Feed the Birds”, “Gang-Plank Galleon”, “Gotta Go Fast”, “Hakuna Matata”, “Imperial March”, “The Incredibles Theme”, “Life is a Highway”, “My Heart Will Go On”, “Never Gonna Give You Up”, “Oogie Boogie’s Song”, “Pink Panther Theme”, “The Scare Floor”, “The Star-Spangled Banner”, “Stickerbrush Symphony”, “Take On Me”, “Toccata and Fugue in D Minor”, “Victory Celebration”, “Yoda’s Theme”], Donkey Kong Country Soundfont [”Be Prepared”, “Can You Feel the Love Tonight”, “Creepy Castle”, “Donkey Kong Land Boss”, “Gruntilda’s Lair”, “I Just Can’t Wait to Be King”, “Jungle Japes”, “Koopa’s Road”, “Spiral Mountain”], “Freezeezy Peak (Remix)”, “Los Angeles (Mario Kart 64 Soundfont)”, “Mickey Mouse March (Mickey’s Speedway USA Soundfont)”, “Across the Stars (Star Fox 64 Soundfont)”, Super Mario 64 Soundfont [”Athletic”, “Banjo-Kazooie Theme”, “Character Select”, “Davy Jones”, “Faithfully”, “Immortals”, “Independence Day”, “Jump”, “Life is a Highway”, “Look Through My Eyes”, “Ode to Joy”, “Overworld”, “Pokemon Theme”, “Poor Jack”, “Rainbow Cruise”, “Ride of the Valkyries”, “Son of Man”, “Stairway to Heaven”, “Star Trek”, “Sweden”, “Waluigi Pinball & Wario Stadium”], Super Mario Bros. Soundfont [”Aladdin Medley”, “Banjo-Kazooie Main Theme”, “Fur Elise”, “The Lion King Medley”, “Never Gonna Give You Up”, “One More Time”, “Overworld (Super Mario Bros. 2)”, “Overworld (Super Mario World)”], Super Mario World Soundfont [”Aquatic Ambience”, “Endless Staircase”, “Fur Elise”, “Indiana Jones Theme”, “Star Trek”, “Turkish March”, “William Tell Overture”, “You’ve Got a Friend in Me”] by Matthew the Music Fan 2021
“Happy Mandolin” by Media Right Productions
“Pokemon Gym”, “Azalea Town”, “Ecruteak City”, “Fairy Fountain”, “Kakariko Village”, “Legend of Zelda Main Theme”, “Lost Woods”, “National Park”, “Ocarina of Time”, “Song of Storms”, “Title Screen”, “Zelda’s Lullaby” by Mikel
“Divided Soldiers” by MrDinko
“Waluigi’s Island - Mario Party 3″ by MusicalWolfe
“Complete OST Remix From Donkey Kong (NES)” by Nintempo
“Three Kinds of Suns” by Norma Rockwell
“Destiny Island (Chill/Lofi Remix)”, “Traverse Town (Lofi Mix)” by Original Kyle
“Escape From the Temple”, “Queen of the Night” by Per Kiilstofte
“Waluigi Pinball (Player2 Remix)” by Player2 & GameChops
“Spiral Mountain (Remix)”, “Super Mario Bros. 2 Overworld (Remix)”, “Super Mario Bros. 3 Overworld (Remix)”, “Super Mario Land Overworld (Birabuto Kingdom) [Remix]”, “Treasure Trove Cove (Remix/Cover)” by Qumu
“File Select Lofi”, “Main Theme Lofi”, “Overworld Lofi”, “Star Theme Lofi” by Rifti Beats
“Blizzards”, “Southern California”, “Target Practice” by Riot
“Monochrome Dreams/Timeless River Remix” by RiserEmilioX
“After the Battle”, “The Alpaca Hunter”, “The Astral Plane”, “Aug”, “Bahamut’s Realm”, “Bastil”, “The Beach”, “Becoming Myth and Legend”, “Ben’s True Form”, “The Black Adder”, “Bludvaren”, “The Boy and His Bear”, “Brain Dead”, “Brunhilde Hearthome”, “The Bugbears”, “Bysil”, “Cedar Country Intro”, “Charge!”, “The Church”, “Don’t Fear the Muzak”, “Dr. Frank Enstein, III”, “The Dugars”, “Ending in Little Whiskey”, “False Abigail”, “False Bahamut”, “Governor Gill”, “Grimm”, “Gunpowder”, “G-Reap (Instrumental)”, “Into the Dark”, “Jack”, “Jack’s Metal Wagon”, “Jarus”, “Joan Redsun”, “Killing the Monster”, “Maleocholas”, “Michael”, “Michael, First Paladin of Bahamut”, “Mind Flayer”, “Mystery of the Deer Carcass”, “Ornon Released”, “The Other Side of the Puddle”, “The Plains of Doom”, “The Portal Opened”, “Pretty Boring”, “Queen Arlana”, “Rainley”, “Reanimation”, “Rebuilding Rhomash”, “Rhomash Defeats the Skeleton Horde”, “Rhomash Scarbearer”, “A Riddle”, “Rise of a Lich”, “Robbing Reach Trust”, “Sage”, “Seebo Turel Nim”, “Throne Room”, “To War”, “The Story of St. Sauna”, “Vampire”, “Vassanoka”, “Welcome to Bludvaren”, “The Werewolf”, “West’s Port”, “Wolf’s Hold Bar Piano” by RJ Moore (Redsun55)
“Dearly Beloved” by RoboRob
“The Wild West” by Ross Bugden
“Galactic” by Seb Jaeger
“The Buccaneer’s Haul” by Shane Ivers 
“Awakening”, “Calgary Hill”, “Cut It”, “Daisy Dukes”, “DC Love Go-Go”, “Drop and Roll”, “The Engagement”, “Eviction”, “Grand Navy Plaza”, “Harvest Time”, “Heartland”, “Highway Danger”, “Humidity”, “Log Cabin”, “Open Wide”, “Parasail”, “Runaways”, “Sawdust”, “Seasonal”, “Succotash”, “Sugar Zone”, “Tucson” by Silent Partner
“He’s a Pirate (LoFi Hip Hop)” by STNF Music
“Digital Gunslinger”, “Pirate Waves” by TeknoAXE
“Mickey in New Mexico (Mickey’s Speedway USA Remix)” by TheJayNinja
“Creepy Castle (LoFi Donkey Kong 64 Remix)” by Tingle’s Jingles
“Garage”, “Horses to Water”, “Stalling”, “Uptown” by Topher Mohr & Alex Elena
“Way Out West” by Twin Musicom
“Mars, the Bringer of War”, “Mercury, the Winged Messenger”, “Venus, the Bringer of Peace”, “Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity”, “Uranus, the Magician” by The United States Air Force Heritage of America Band. The Planets orchestral suite tracks written by Gustav Holst, obtained from Wikimedia Commons https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:The_Planets_Suite
“The Pirate King” by Untold Journey
“Avocado Street”, “Despite the Traffic”, “Eagle Rock”, “One Down Dog” by Wes Hutchinson
“Beach Party”, “Redemption”, “Wild West”, “Destiny”, “Lonely Cowboy”, “New Lemon in Town”, “Seaside Beach”, “Wilderness Safari” by Zitronsound
“As We Go”, “Lonesome Avenue”, “My Sad Old Heart” by The 126ers
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lady-olive-oil · 7 years
Sweet Sexy Savage: Chapter 1
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Author Note: Whoop here it is! I’m on a roll now. This chapter is very long and I am sorry [not really] There’s a lot of details in here so enjoy!
Tag list: @designrwriterchic @hoodgirl163 [just in case cause I like the direction I’m going with this and I need my girls by me!]
“Alright you guys. I’m going to need every superstar to come down here, dressed in their WrestleMania gear, makeup on, hair done and smiles lit. It’s time to promote the biggest event of the year.” WrestleMania is like the Super Bowl in the WWE. Jam packed, hyped and full of super fans from what I’ve seen watching at home in the past years. My name is Malaysia Ryker  and my job consists of is multiple hats. By multiple hats I mean; I am one of the photographers, and on the WWE Glam Squad, and a mother on top of it all, twins no less. Needless to say it’s a heavy load, but I don’t regret any of it. 
“I need both women’s divisions in their mania gear. I’ll have James hold the shoot for a bit so I can work on the girls.” I instructed my assistant for the day, Jennie, as I went around to the side to get each girl ready and checked on. 
There’s never a dull moment behind the scenes. Would you believe me if I said this was my first lead in a big PPV? And it happens to be for the biggest stage of them all in the wrestling world. Obviously I had to go through the motions of what to expect on the job, and learning who everyone was for my first few months, but my hard work paid off quicker than I expected.
Production is what I majored in at school, along with a minor in cosmetology, When I had the twins, I had to give up my hobby of photography. So this job was a no brainier. Which is why, I was glad I got the opportunity.
Touching up on Naomi and Sasha’s make up, they decided to mess with me like always. They were the first friends I made on the job so they are my girls, what else should I expect? 
“So Maya, any luck in the love department? We heard you and some guy from creative, named Jason, went out last week. How’d that go?” Sasha asked while checking herself out in the reflection, after I did her hair. 
“He was a nice guy but, he was too much into his looks and asked me what size bra I wore. So no.” I let out a sour chuckle and looked at Naomi’s expression, priceless as always. 
“So you mean to tell me, that fine specimen of a man was not your cup of tea? Mr. Tall dark and handsome?” Here we go with Naomi and her theatrics. Somehow she always managed to make me laugh no matter the situation. 
“Listen to yourself, almighty Glow Queen. You are married, don’t let Jon hear you or you’ll get me in trouble.” Finishing up her makeup, with a sweet chuckle escaping my full red lips, letting her go on and head to the set. 
Going back to what I said earlier, yes I am a mother. I have the most wonderful set of twins: Austin and Dakota. I had them after I graduated from Georgia Tech. I had all my friends and family there for support. Especially Joe, he was there too. At least in the beginning. Even if it meant my career was put on hold, I started a new challenge that I was willing to accept. A few months back, Stephanie McMahon herself asked me if I would come work for the company and be a part of the team. 
No way could I say no. Someone in the company knew of my work and just thought it would be a good idea. We all know who threw the wood into the fire, for me to get this job. Since the twins are of age, I decided to homeschool them and take them on the road with me. They are fast learners so why not? As for their father? He doesn’t want anything to do with them. He left once I told him I was expecting right after graduation. Jonathan and I have had our ups and downs in the past, but the bad outweighed the good, in every sense. College sweethearts, turned bitter enemies. Hell, Joe was the one who introduced us in the first place after I introduced him to galina. 
Jonathan and I followed each other around almost all of college and then it all just fell apart. I wanted a marriage and kids, he wanted to sleep around. When I found out he was cheating, it was at the last homecoming game of our college careers.
I saw him with a blonde on the football field and everything went black after that. I was in a blind rage when I poured the Gatorade cooler on them both. Needless to say, it was the best senior experience I’ve ever had. Nevertheless, I tried to make it work until I wound up pregnant. Jonathan has been a ghost since the day I told him. I’ve been trying since then to get him to be in their lives but he refuses. The twins are now nine and they understand this is our life now, my job and my past. Nothing gets by them. 
 “Auntie Trinity, mom doesn’t have time to date when she’s busy with us. I mean we are her pride and joys, look at us.” Dakota, my spunky little girl, put on the most innocent looking smile ever with her brother Austin. 
 “Yeah, no guy or girl, is good enough for our mother. She has standards.” Austin always had a smart mouth on him. The sentence alone made me gasp, and rethink my dating life. 
Was I really that bad with my dating prospects? Going back to my work so I can move on to the guys next, Sasha and Naomi both started laughing at the twins statements. Why is my dating life such a funny topic for these people?
"Alright, alright. You girls are done for the day. I’ll catch up with you all for dinner later, while the twins are with my mom.“ Mama Natalie, my dear sweet mother, was happy to retire after my dad passed. She did her time in the work force and needed to spend time with her grandkids anyway. 
The girls went their separate ways with the others and I got ready for the boys. I really wanted to do Finn’s demon paint today, but he was out still in recovery. Judging by his Instagram pictures with the wife Brenna, he was doing just fine. 
One by one, I helped the glam squad with every male and female wrestler that was participating in Wrestlemania 33, and getting them all squared away for each match in the group pictures to be set accordingly. Like always, I get distracted by my own thoughts and begin to stare into space thinking about him again. Fifth time this week, even though last week was worse. More about that in a second. The sound of my children cheering caught me off guard, drawing my attention to where they were. 
“Uncle Joe and Jojo here!” The twins always had this weird sequence thing going on, that creeped everyone out but me. At the mention of his name the old feeling of butterflies came back, like a hurricane in the south. Ever since I started my job some months back, I’ve been seeing him everywhere. 
Which is to be expected as apart of my job title as the new lead photographer. When I was just starting it was easier to avoid him more as busy as we both are. It would be a damn lie if I said I didn’t want his strong arms around me. Maya, focus! Hes coming this way! But it’s so damn hard to, I mean look at him. Broad shoulders, long jet black hair, the sleeve tattoo that graced his right arm and his body is a tower that I wanted to climb so bad. I heard a snap in face causing me to grab the hand that caused it. 
“Whoa there speedy. Don’t get to cocky now.” His voice could melt butter, on a stack of buttermilk pancakes. How was he this close to me and I didn’t even know? Looking up into his natural brown eyes, it was like I was back in high school all over again. Dropping his hand and grabbing the camera, I got into position to finish off the last of the pictures for the day. 
“Joe you of all people, should know better than to sneak up on me.” The light chuckle escaped my lips and I took shots of him, while checking him out at the same time. I wonder if he noticed. He noticed me looking at him differently, providing that very sexy smirk of his. Yep, I’m keeping the thought that popped in my head for myself. 
“What’s a joke between old friends, manamea? Come on now, don’t be like that.” Manamea, meaning sweetheart in his native language. 
That nickname stuck with me through every grade, every heartache, every triumph and amazing moment I had with him in it. He was there through almost everything, even the birth of my twins. Hence why they call him uncle Roman, and how they get along with Joelle so much. I hate that my stubbornness and his even stronger stubbornness caused us to drift.
Shaking my head with disbelief, I continued to take pictures for the promos.They weren’t due for another few weeks or so anyway but, perfection is key. I take my work very seriously around here. 
"What do you want Joseph? There’s gotta be something you need, that’s so important.“ Finishing off his pictures, taking my Nikon off the tripod, I looked at him with an amused look on my face. His smile grew with anxiousness as I gave him time to explain. "What’s it gonna be?" 
"Well, how about two old friends catch up. You know, for old times’ sake?” He gave an interesting proposition, that I couldn’t refuse but also didn’t want to seem too eager about it either. The look on my face was acknowledgeable, nodding in agreement and setting my stuff back in the cases to close down for the day. Was I really gonna just give in so easily and fawn over the guy I’ve liked since high school, giving him the satisfaction of a guaranteed yes? We’ll see. 
“Tell you what.” I leaned against the vanity mirror, keeping a close eye out on the kids who were playing on Dakota’s iPad. “Since I know nothing about creative’s plan with you and the Undertaker, if you win this match I’ll go on this friend catch up thing with you. Deal?” I held out my hand for him to shake, but instead I got a kiss on the back of it as he held it.
“Deal. And trust me manamea, I won’t lose this one.” With his final words he sent a wink in my direction before heading out with Joelle in tow. I felt weak in the knees, like a school girl on prom night. Gathering my own kids and equipment, up to head back to our hotel room.
I got a mass group text from all the girls in the women’s division on both rosters asking: what did Joe ask me? Did he just kiss your hand!? What is going on!? These girls have eyes like hawks everywhere. Quickly replying to everyone, I noticed Dakota and Austin both looking at me sideways. 
“Oh come on, not you too.” They were just as nosey as their honorary aunts and uncles. “Mama, we love Uncle Roman. Please go out with him.” “yeah! please!” What made them think this was a date? It’s just two innocent friends going out to eat and possible drinks, that’s it….maybe 
“You two, stay out of my business. Get to bed now. We all have a big day tomorrow, get.” Pointing to the direction of their on-suite room, next to mine, I crashed in my own bed. Lord this was going to be a long few weeks, and even longer months….years. From what Patricia has told me, Joe and Galina are separated. I didn’t expect that at all whatsoever. I don’t think anyone did.
Me and Joe, hanging out together like old times? It never occurred to me that it would be possible after everything that’s happened. Drifting to sleep, after my quick shower, I thought of what the “date” could be like. I guess you could say, I like strawberry daiquiris with a prime rib steak. Because, in those following weeks he won his match.
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