#mar 24 2020
netalkolemedia · 3 months
Le Conseil présidentiel reporte l'entrée en vigueur des codes pénal et de procédure pénale
Le journal officiel de la République d’Haïti, Le Moniteur, a publié lundi un numéro spécial annonçant un important décret concernant le Code pénal et le Code de procédure pénale. Ce décret, daté du 24 juin 2024, reporte l’entrée en vigueur des décrets du 11 mars 2020 concernant respectivement le Code pénal et le Code de procédure pénale. Le décret, signé par les membres du Conseil présidentiel de…
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On 7/31/2019 Trump has a private meeting with Putin. On 8/3/2019, just 3 days after his private meeting with Putin Trump issues a request for a list of top US spies. By 2021 the CIA reports an unusually high number of their agents are being captured and/or being murdered. During the search executed at Mar A Lago the FBI find nore documents with lists of U.S. informants on them.
A Timeline
• FBI wiretapped Russian gambling ring headquartered at Trump Tower for two years - March 21, 2017
• Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador - May 15, 2017
• Trump, Putin Meet For 2 Hours In Helsinki - July 16, 2018
• Rand Paul Goes To Russia And Delivers Letter For Trump, Marking Our Era Of Irony - August 9, 2018
• Following the Money: Trump and Russia-Linked Transactions From the Campaign to the Presidential Inauguration - December 17, 2018
• The US extracted a top spy from Russia after Trump revealed classified information to the Russians in an Oval Office meeting - September 10, 2019
• Trump’s Loose Lips Force US to Extract Spy From Kremlin - September 10, 2019
• Was Mar-a-Lago Trespasser a Tourist or a Spy? A Judge Said Her Story Didn’t Hold Up. - November 25, 2019
• Trump downplays massive cyber hack on government after Pompeo links attack to Russia - December 19, 2020
• Russia has been cultivating Trump as an asset for 40 years, former KGB spy says - January 29, 2021
• There was Trump-Russia collusion — and Trump pardoned the colluder - April 17, 2021
• Longtime GOP operatives charged with funneling Russian national’s money to Trump, RNC - September 20, 2021
• Captured, Killed or Compromised: C.I.A. Admits to Losing Dozens of Informants - October 5, 2021
• Files Seized From Trump Are Part of Espionage Act Inquiry - August 12, 2022
• Ex-Clinton aide implies 'President of France' file found at Trump's home during Mar-a-Lago raid could be valuable to Putin as 'kompromat' - August 13, 2022
• Inventing Anna: The tale of a fake heiress, Mar-a-Lago, and an FBI investigation - August 22, 2022
• Russians used a US firm to funnel funds to GOP in 2018. Dems say the FEC let them get away with it - October 30, 2022
• Trump makes shocking comments about trusting Putin over US 'intelligence lowlifes' - January 31, 2023
• Russia's Prigozhin admits links to what US says was election meddling troll farm - February 14, 2023
• GOP operative sentenced to 18 months for funneling Russian money to Trump- February 17, 2023
• Trump allegedly discussed US nuclear subs with foreign national after leaving White House: Sources - October 5, 2023
• 'So appalled': What witnesses told special counsel about Trump's handling of classified info while still president - April 24, 2024
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Wellness surveillance makes workers unwell
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I'm on tour with my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me in TORONTO on Mar 22, then with LAURA POITRAS in NYC on Mar 24, then Anaheim, and more!
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"National conversation" sounds like one of those meaningless buzzphrases – until you live through one. The first one I really participated in actively was the national conversation – the global conversation – about privacy following the Snowden revelations.
This all went down when my daughter was five, and as my wife and I talked about the news, our kid naturally grew curious about it. I had to literally "explain like I'm five" global mass surveillance:
But parenting is a two-way street, so even as I was explaining surveillance to my kid, my own experiences raising a child changed how I thought about surveillance. Obviously I knew about many of the harms that surveillance brings, but parenting helped me viscerally appreciate one of the least-discussed, most important aspects of being watched: how it compromises being your authentic self:
As I wrote then:
There are times when she is working right at the limits of her abilities – drawing or dancing or writing or singing or building – and she catches me watching her and gets this look of mingled embarrassment and exasperation, and then she changes back to some task where she has more mastery. No one – not even a small child – likes to look foolish in front of other people.
Learning, growth, and fulfillment all require a zone of privacy, a time and place where we are not observed. Far from making us accountable, continuous, fine-grained surveillance by authority figures just scares us into living a cramped, inauthentic version of ourselves, where growth is all but impossible. Others have observed the role this plays in right-wing culture war bullshit: "an armed society is a polite society" is code for "people who make me feel uncomfortable just by existing should be terrorized into hiding their authentic selves from me." The point of Don't Say Gay laws and anti-trans bills isn't to eliminate gender nonconformity – it's to drive it into hiding.
Given all this, it's no surprise that workers who face workplace surveillance in the name of "wellness" feel unwell as a result:
As the Future of Work Institute found in its study, some technologies – systems that make it easier to collaborate and communicate with colleagues – increase workers' sense of wellbeing. But wearables and AI tools make workers feel significantly worse:
Workers who reported these negative feelings confirmed that these tools make them feel "monitored." I mean, of course they do. Even where these tools are nominally designed to help you do your job better, they're also explicitly designed to help your boss keep track of you from moment to moment. As Brandon Vigliarolo writes for The Register, these are the same bosses who have been boasting to their investors about their plans to fire their workers and replace them with AI:
"Bossware" is a key example of the shitty rainbow of "disciplinary technology," tools that exist to take away human agency by making it easier to surveil and control its users:
Bossware is one of the stages of the Shitty Technology Adoption Curve: the process by which abusive and immiserating technologies progress up the privilege gradient as their proponents refine and normalize dystopian technologies in order to impose them on wider and wider audiences:
The kinds of metrics that bossware gathers might be useful to workers, but only if the workers get to decide when, whether and how to share that data with other people. Microsoft Office helps you catch typos by underlining words its dictionary doesn't recognize; the cloud-based, "AI-powered" Office365 tells your boss that you're the 11th-worst speller in your division and uses "sentiment analysis" to predict whether you are likely to cause trouble:
Two hundred years ago, Luddites rose up against machines. Contrary to the ahistorical libel you've heard, the Luddites weren't angry or frightened of machines – they were angry at the machines' owners. They understood – correctly – that the purpose of a machine "so easy a child could use it" was to fire skilled adult workers and replace them with kidnapped, indentured Napoleonic War orphans who could be maimed and killed on the job without consequence:
A hundred years ago, the "Taylorites" picked up where those mill owners left off: choreographing workers' movements to the finest degree in a pseudoscientific effort to produce a kind of kabuki of boss-pleasing robotic efficiency. The new, AI-based Taylorism goes even further, allowing bosses to automatically blacklist gig workers who refuse to cross picket-lines, monitor "self-employed" call center operators in their own homes, and monitor the eyeballs of Amazon drivers:
AI-based monitoring technologies dock workers' wages, suspend them, and even fire them, and when workers object, they're stuck arguing with a chatbot that is the apotheosis of Computer Says No:
There's plenty of research about AI successfully "augmenting" workers, making them more productive and I'm the last person to say that automation can't help you get more done:
But without understanding how AI augments class warfare – disciplining workers with a scale, speed and granularity beyond the sadistic fantasies of even the most micromanaging asshole boss – this research is meaningless.
The irony of bosses imposing monitoring to improve "wellness" and stave off "burnout" is that nothing is more exhausting, more immiserating, more infuriating than being continuously watched and judged.
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Name your price for 18 of my DRM-free ebooks and support the Electronic Frontier Foundation with the Humble Cory Doctorow Bundle.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
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matan4il · 5 months
On this Yom Ha'Zikaron Le'Chalalei Ma'rachot Yisrael (Memorial Day for Israel's Fallen Soldiers and Terror Victims), I figured it's important to remember that Israeli victims did not exist solely on Oct 7. We have lost loved ones before and since. Here's a list with just one random victim to represent each year. Please scroll down the list to see how far back it goes.
(part 1/5, all parts in the reblogs)
2024: On Jan 7, we lost 19 years old Shai Garmai
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2023: On Oct 7, we lost 28 years old Osama abu Madiam
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2022: On Nov 23, we lost 18 years old Tiran Faro
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2021: On May 12, we lost 5 years old Ido Avigal
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2020: On Aug 26, we lost 39 years old Shai Ochayon
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2019: On May 5, we lost 49 years old Zaid al-Chamamda
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2018: On Dec 12, we lost Amiad Israel Yish Ran, who was murdered in his mother's womb
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2017: On Nov 22, we lost 21 years old Hodaya Nechama Assoulin
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2016: On Oct 25, we lost 14 years old Rami Namer abu Amar
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2015: On Feb 17, we lost 4 years old Adelle Biton
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2014: On Oct 22, we lost 2.5 months old Chaya Zissel Brown
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2013: On Dec 24, we lost 22 years old Salech al-Din abu al-Atayef
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2012: On Jul 18, we lost 28 years old Yitzchak Idan Kolangi
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2011: On Apr 17, we lost 16 years old Daniel Aryeh Viplich
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2010: On Feb 26, we lost 52 years old Netta Blatt Sorek
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2009: On Apr 2, we lost 13 years old Shlomo Nativ
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2008: On Mar 6, we lost 26 years old Doron Trunach Mahareta
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2007: On Jun 17, we lost 85 years old Meir Cohen
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2006: On Aug 10, we lost 4 years old Fatchi Assdi
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2005: On Jul 12, we lost 16 years old Nofar Horvitz
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2004: On Sep 29, we lost 2 years old Dorit Massarat Binsan
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2003: On Sep 9, we lost 20 years old Naava Appelbom
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2002: On Nov 10, we lost 4 years old Noam Levi Ochayon
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2001: On Dec 12, we lost 42 years old Ester Avraham
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2000: On Nov 21, we lost 19 years old Itamar Yefet
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1999: On Jun 24, we lost 34 years old Tony Eliyahu Zanna
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1998: On Dec 2, we lost 41 years old Osama Moussa abu Aisha
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1997: On Mar 13, we lost 13 years old Natali Alkalai
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1996: On Feb 25, we lost 57 years old Yitzchak Elbaz
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1995: On Jul 24, we lost 60 years old Zehava Oren
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As Tumblr limits a post to 30 images... part 1/5 - the next parts will be posted in the reblogs momentarily. Please check out the full list.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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henrykathman · 2 months
The Miraculous Horror of Stop Motion
From the same artform that brought you Coraline and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, comes three stories that evoke the existential fear of art.
Original Music by Molly Noise
Bibliography below
Atrocity Guide. “The Animators Who’ve Spent 40 Years on a Single Film.” YouTube, 9 Oct. 2021, www.youtube.com/watch?v=73hip3pz0Xs&pp=ygUMdGhlIG92ZXJjb2F0. Accessed 19 June 2024.
Brubaker, Charles. “The Japanese Studios of Rankin/Bass.” Cartoon Research, Jerry Beck, 14 Apr. 2014, cartoonresearch.com/index.php/the-japanese-studios-of-rankinbass/.
Bute, Paris. “Introduction to “a Rankin/Bass Retrospective from a New Perspective.”” Citizen Jane, Stephens College, 19 Nov. 2021, www.citizenjane.org/home/cwwicd2ucb2fvs64kgfaocfykjhaum. Accessed 19 June 2024.
Crome, Althea. “Coraline.” Althea Crome | Micro Knitter, 2012, www.altheacrome.com/coraline. Accessed 19 June 2024.
Harold Halibut. Directed by Onat Hekimoğlu, Slow Bros., 16 Apr. 2024.
Hekimoglu, Onat, and Gabriel Schmitz. “Unite Berlin 2018 - Harold Halibut and Making a Stop Motion Game.” Unity, YouTube, 6 Aug. 2018, youtu.be/9usssSQc0wQ. Accessed 6 May 2023.
Jon "Sikamikanico" Clarke. “The Making of Harold Halibut.” XboxEra, YouTube, 21 Mar. 2024, youtu.be/WMyxM9t3o7A. Accessed 19 June 2024.
LAIKA Studios. “Sweater and Gloves: Knitting Coraline by Hand.” YouTube, 11 July 2017, youtu.be/zUvkfcGR-7U. Accessed 19 June 2024.
Mad God Productions. “Phil Tippett’s “Mad God.”” Kickstarter, 17 May 2012, www.kickstarter.com/projects/madgod/phil-tippetts-mad-god/posts.
Olson, Mathew. “Report: Michel Ancel Accused of Abusive, Disruptive Practices on beyond Good & Evil 2.” VG247, 25 Sept. 2020, www.vg247.com/report-michel-ancel-accused-of-abusive-disruptive-practices-on-beyond-good-evil-2. Accessed 19 June 2024.
Ono, Kosei. “Tadahito Mochinaga: The Japanese Animator Who Lived in Two Worlds.” Animation World Network, AWN, Inc, 1 Dec. 1999, www.awn.com/animationworld/tadahito-mochinaga-japanese-animator-who-lived-two-worlds.
Orland, Kyle. “Claptrap Voice Actor Accuses Gearbox CEO of Assault, Underpayment.” Ars Technica, 7 May 2019, arstechnica.com/gaming/2019/05/claptrap-voice-actor-accuses-gearbox-ceo-of-assault-underpayment/. Accessed 19 June 2024.
Pilling, Jayne. A Reader In Animation Studies. Indiana University Press, 1998. Project MUSE muse.jhu.edu/book/40033.
Prehistoric Beast. Directed by Phil Tippett, Tippett Studios, 1984. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlaXIRTjNfo
Randles, Jonathan. “VFX Studio with Star Wars, Jurassic Park Credits Goes Bankrupt.” Bloomberg Law, 1 May 2024, news.bloomberglaw.com/bankruptcy-law/vfx-studio-with-star-wars-jurassic-park-credits-goes-bankrupt. Accessed 19 June 2024.
Shanley, Patrick. “Gearbox Software CEO Accused of Contempt in Latest Filing.” The Hollywood Reporter, 27 Aug. 2019, www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/digital/gearbox-software-ceo-accused-contempt-latest-filing-1235064/. Accessed 19 June 2024.
The Making of “Jurassic Park.” Directed by John Schultz, Amblin Entertainment, 1995. https://youtu.be/8r01mk6F_Pk
The Making of Mad God. Directed by Maya Tippett, Shudder, 2021. https://youtu.be/sfUOHh0xmwc
The Tale of the Fox. Directed by Irene Starewicz and Ladislas Starevich, UFA GmbH, 10 Apr. 1941. https://youtu.be/Us_Pn6Q1dBQ
Wikipedia contributors. "List of films with longest production time." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 12 Jun. 2024. Web. 19 Jun. 2024.
Wikipedia contributors. "List of media notable for being in development hell." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 19 Jun. 2024. Web. 19 Jun. 2024.
Wikipedia contributors. "List of Rankin/Bass Productions films." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 9 Jun. 2024. Web. 19 Jun. 2024.
Wikipedia contributors. "Tadahito Mochinaga." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 28 Nov. 2023. Web. 19 Jun. 2024.
Wilson, Josh. “Phil Tippett: 24 Frames per Second < the Fabulist Words & Art.” The Fabulist Words & Art, 5 Nov. 2021, fabulistmagazine.com/24-frames-per-second-the-phil-tippett-interview/.
Worse than the Demon. Directed by Maya Tippett, Shudder, 2013. https://youtu.be/ghKqvDNRe4c
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zvaigzdelasas · 7 months
China revealed this week it aims to spend more than a billion dollars to bolster manufacturing and domestic tech in a bid to remain globally competitive, while divulging little new support for the struggling real estate market.
Industrial support clearly ranked first on Beijing’s priority list for the year ahead, according to three major plans released this week as part of China’s annual parliamentary meetings.
One of those reports, from the Ministry of Finance, said the central government would allocate 10.4 billion yuan ($1.45 billion) “to rebuild industrial foundations and promote high-quality development of the manufacturing sector.”
While that’s down from the 13.3 billion yuan earmarked for the same category last year, the sector overall gained greater prominence. In 2023, plans to spend on industrial development came second to support for consumption.
“Unlike other economies that went through a wrenching adjustment in their housing market, China’s investment rate isn’t falling,” HSBC’s chief Asia economist Frederic Neumann and a team said in a report Friday. “Instead, [capital expenditure] is shifting towards infrastructure and, importantly, manufacturing.”[...]
Chinese authorities in 2020 intensified a crackdown on real estate developers’ high reliance on debt for growth. Property sales have since plunged while developers have run out of money to finish many projects, cutting into what was once about 25% of China’s GDP when including related sectors such as construction.[...]
Despite widespread attention on whether Beijing would bail out the property sector, real estate got no mention in the finance ministry’s spending plans, and limited attention in a ministry-level press conference about the economy during the parliamentary meetings. Instead, the housing minister was included in the lineup for a press conference about people’s livelihoods.
“Supporting the modernization of the industrial system” came first in the finance ministry’s report, followed by “supporting the implementation of the strategy of invigorating China through science and education.”
Within that second priority, the finance ministry said it would allocate 31.3 billion yuan for improving vocational education. Amid high youth unemployment, especially for university graduates, electric car company BYD and battery maker CATL are among those working with vocational schools to train staff for their expanding workforce.[...]
The report from the National Development and Reform Commission, the top economic planner, reiterated government plans to support some developers’ financing needs — under the eighth item on the priority list that called for preventing financial risks. The government work report presented by Premier Li Qiang gave real estate a similar level of prominence.
8 Mar 24
China will improve home sales in a "forceful" and "orderly" way, Minister of Housing and Urban-Rural Development Ni Hong said on Saturday (Mar 9), as weak demand in the country's beleaguered residential property market persists.[...]
Some developers should be allowed to go bankrupt or restructured according to legal and market-based rules, Ni said told a press conference on the sidelines of the annual meeting of parliament in Beijing.
Premier Li Qiang said this week that China will quicken the development of "a new model" for the troubled sector, focussing on building more affordable housing and meeting demand for homes.
But China will insist that "housing is for living in, not for speculation" when formulating a new development model for the sector, Ni said, reiterating an official line against property speculation.
9 Mar 24
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tcustodisart · 9 months
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Okay, here's the second summary, this time for all the work I've done this year.
Jan | Feb | Mar
Apr | May | Jun
Jul | Aug | Sep
Oct 1 &2 | Nov | Dec
Honorable mentions go to: this year's pride month post, "I wish I had wings", some kisses, baby Faust, BFFs, grrahrarjshhhhrhjjrhragrrrgaghghr, all of Faustober
2014 |  2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022
I want to take some time to share my thoughts on 2023, it's kinda personal and long so you can read it under the cut.
This year has been the hardest year of my adult life. It started with my grandma coming back from the hospital. She was in a terrible state so we had to take care of her almost 24/7. Which was colliding with my work a lot because we we're understaffed. I have very vague memory of the first 4 month of this year because to me it was: go to work, go to my parents to take care of grandma while my parents are at work, go back home, sleep, repeat. Unfortunately grandma passed away near the end of april. But that wasn't the end of my problems, now I had problems with my apartment. Some of you may know I was struggling with bedbugs, I spent over 1k PLN for professional help just for these feckers to come back because they were coming from my neighbors. Then around summer a cable in my kitchen melted and caused a power outage. I'm ending my year with a gaping hole in my bathroom wall because an upstairs neighbor flooded me and the bathroom cabinet had to be removed because it was destroyed by water. It was an awful year for me personally. I'm surprised all that stuff had almost no effect on my art. While picking stuff for this summary I had some hard time picking just one for month. I'm hoping that the next year will be better, because I can't believe it can get any worse. Thank you for following my silly little blorbos from my head, it means so much to me, you have no idea. Here's to more happy Fausts in 2024.
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Explore the sapphire universe!
A guideline to help navigate this universe (re: masterlist).
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The tales of Bang Chan & Bora 
In which his best friend really is the best anchor for him. Chris x best friend Bora; Chris was the youngest with older sister Hannah, he lost his parents and older brother Lucas a year before his debut.
Mirror (Apr 2018)
Miroh (Apr 2019)
24 to 25 (Dec 2020)
Our wedding? (Nov 2021)
Lock screen (Jun 2024)
Wait (Jun 2024)
Fifteen minutes? (Jul 2024)
Favorite fanart (Aug 2024)
Stories from Lee Know & Iris 
About how they found their way back to each other once they were ready for each other. Minho x high school friend Iris
Kibbles (Jan 2020)
Somewhere cool next time (Jan 2020)
Light bites (Apr 2020)
The headspace of a maknae (Nov 2022)
Methods of recharging (Jul 2024)
A foreign urge (Aug 2024)
Constant presence (Aug 2024)
Bias (Aug 2024)
An anthology of Changbin & Chaeyeon 
Which includes the full experience of falling in, and out, of love, and everything in between. Changbin x Lee Chaeyeon
Sorry, I Love You (Mar 2020)
Less transactional (Jul 2020)
(Very broad) shoulders to lean on (Oct 2020)
A collage of Hyunjin and Jinsol
When it's not the right time to meet the right person. Hyunjin x barista Jinsol
How to get over a heartbreak (Aug 2023)
ice.cream (Aug 2023)
Chronicles of Han & Sara 
Where two people from the same pod bring out both the best and the worst versions of each other. Jisung x coffee shop stranger Sara
Close (Mar 2020)
Closer (Mar 2020)
Ex-aliens (Jan 2021)
Pieces of Felix & Sophia
For he's always there for her and she for him, just not always in the same way. Felix x childhood friend Sophia
Headache (Feb 2022)
Enough (Mar 2022)
Whispers around Seungmin & Soojin 
Of how he matches her weird, as well as she does his. Seungmin x Weeekly's Soojin
Adopted habits (Mar 2022)
Dissolving space and time (May 2022)
Fools (Sep 2022)
A montage of I.N & Jasmine 
Featuring a love story as delicate as the melodies surrounding them. Jeongin x indie-jazz singer-songwriter Jasmine
Proving mode (Dec 2022)
Dangerous train of thoughts (Jan 2023)
Quietly (Aug 2024)
Feel free to hit me up on my ask page or my comment sections!
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joshiji-darling · 3 months
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ㅤ𐙚˙⋆.˚ 𝐤𝐰𝐨𝐧 𝐬𝐮𝐢𝐧'𝐬 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐫 ⭑⚝
(수인의 연기경력)
synopsis: she start debuted in 2016 at the age of 21, under the cut is all of suin's roles and kdramas
follow my tiktok for more content
Descendants of the sun
(태양의 후예) → feb. 2016 
─⚝ character name: Kim Miseul (김미슬)
─⚝ age when filming: 21 y/o 
─⚝ love interest: Yang Taewoo (양태우)
─⚝ played by: Nam Joohyuk (남주혁)
─⚝ his age when filming: 22 y/o (1994)
Guardian: The lonely and great god
(쓸쓸하고 찬란 하 - 도개비) → Dec. 2016 
─⚝ character name: Min Yeoreom (민여롬)
─⚝ age when filming: 21 y/o 
─⚝ love interest: Lee Juyeol (이주열)
─⚝ played by: Doh Kyungsoo (도경수)
─⚝ age when filming: 23 y/o (1993) 
storyline (go read this to find out what role/character they play in the kdrama!)
100 days My Prince
(백일의 낭군님) → Sept. 2018
─⚝ character name: Hong-Sim / Yoon Yi-Seo (홍심 / 윤이서)
─⚝ age when filming: 23 y/o 
─⚝ love interest: Won-Deuk / Lee Yool (원득 / 이율)
─⚝ played by: Do Kyungsoo (도경수)
─⚝ age when filming: 25 y/o (1993)
Hotel Del Luna
(호텔델루나) → Jul. 2019 
─⚝ character name: Jang Manwol (장만월)
─⚝ age when filming: 24 y/o 
─⚝ love interest: Koo Chansung (구찬성)
─⚝ played by: Yeo Jingoo (여진구) 
─⚝ age when filming: 22 y/o (1997)
Crash Landing on you
(사랑의 불시��) → Dec. 2019  
─⚝ character name: Yoon Saeram (윤새람) 
─⚝ age when filming: 24 y/o 
─⚝ love interest: Park Juon (박주언)
─⚝ played by:  Lee Dongwook (이동욱)
─⚝ age when filming: 38 y/o (1981)
Hi Bye, Mama
(하이바이, 마마) → Feb. 2020
─⚝ character name: Cha Yuri (차유리)
─⚝ age when filming: 25 y/o 
─⚝ love interest: Jo Kanghwa (조강화)
─⚝ played by:  Lee Soohyuk (이수혁)
─⚝ age when filming: 32 y/o (1988) 
Hospital Playlist
(슬기로운 의사생활) → Mar. 2020 
─⚝ character name: Park Geumjoo (박금주)
─⚝ age when filming: 25 y/o 
─⚝ love interest:  Song Minguk (송민국)
─⚝ played by:  Cha Eunwoo (차은우)
─⚝ age when filming: 23 y/o (1997) 
Mr Queen
(철인왕후) → Feb. 2021
─⚝ character name: Kim So-yong (김소용,  Queen Cheorin (철린여왕)
─⚝ age when filming: 26 y/o 
─⚝ love interest:   Yi Won-beom (이원범, King Cheoljong (철종)
─⚝ played by:  Do Kyungsoo (도경수)
─⚝ age when filming: 28 y/o (1993) 
Extra- ordinary Attorney woo
(이사한 변호사 우영우) → Jun. 2022
─⚝ character name: Bae Yeseul (배예슬) 
─⚝ age when filming: 27 y/o 
─⚝ love interest: Jeon Taebin (전태빈) 
─⚝ played by: Woo Dohwan (우도환)
─⚝ age when filming: 29 y/o (1992) 
The Glory
(더글로리) → Dec. 2022 
─⚝ character name: Moon Dongeun (문동은)
─⚝ age when filming: 27 y/o 
─⚝ love interest: Joo Yeojeong (주여정)
─⚝ played by: Do Kyungsoo (도경수)
─⚝ age when filming: 29 y/o (1993)
(무빙) → Aug. 2023 
─⚝ character name: Kang Gyu Ram (강규람)
─⚝ age when filming: 28 y/o 
─⚝ love interest:  Bae Doyoon (배도윤)
─⚝ played by: Ahn Hyoseop (안효셥)
─⚝ age when filming: 28 y/o (1995)
Lovely Runner
(선재 업고 튀어) → Apr. 2024
─⚝ character name: Im Sol (임솔)
─⚝ age when filming: 29 y/o 
─⚝ love interest:  Ryu Sunjae (류선재)
─⚝ played by: Do Kyungsoo (도경수)
─⚝ age when filming: 31 y/o (1993)
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bubbloquacious · 11 months
Effortpost registry
On integer multiplication and endomorphism algebras; 2 sep 2024
Recommendations for learning category theory; 28 mar 2024
The hairy ball theorem and stably free modules; 11 feb 2024
Topological connectedness and generalized paths; 24 nov 2023
Graphs as presheaves 3: subobject classifiers; 19 oct 2023
Effortpost registry; 18 oct 2023
Graphs as presheaves 2: limits and colimits; 11 oct 2023
Hydrogen bomb vs. coughing baby: graphs and the Yoneda embedding; 7 oct 2023
Extending the D ⊣ U ⊣ I adjunction sequence; 23 sep 2023
The Riemann rearrangement theorem and net convergence; 18 sep 2023
Thoughts on the axiom of choice; 18 feb 2023
Topological spaces and simple graphs as neighbourhood spaces; 15 feb 2023
What is a space?; 10 jan 2023
The exponential function applied to sets; 24 dec 2022
On nilpotent eigenvalues; 23 dec 2022
But IS the empty space connected?; 11 nov 2022
Monads monads monads; 8 nov 2022
Calculating what the triangle identities mean for a bunch of adjunctions and being amazed when it works every time; 7 nov 2022
Defining the Lebesgue integral as a net limit; 27 jul 2022
Rambles about describable sets; 28 oct 2021
Functions with cycling derivatives; 30 aug 2021
Why the rationals have zero length; 31 may 2021
An infinite cardinal valued random variable; 30 may 2021
A field-based functor; 20 mar 2021
Generalized sides; 13 mar 2021
Rambles about metric convexity; 22 feb 2021
Wiggle function convergence; 28 jan 2021
Rambles about infinity; 5 sep 2020
Generalized golf; 24 jun 2020
Rambles about continuousifying series; 10 may 2020
Rambles about being closed under exponentiation; 7 may 2020
Rambles about the groups that come with fields; 3 may 2020
A compilation of donutified functions; 17 mar 2020
Rambles about arithmetic functions; 24 jan 2020
Graphing real functions on a torus >:); 29 nov 2019
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elminx · 9 months
Energy Update: January 2024
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January is a "9" month [1 (January) + 8 (2+0+2+4=8) = 9] in an "8" year. Though we are on the edge of something new - both represented by some of the astrological transits of the month and the beginning of a new year - we still have some stuff to wrap up before we can truly move onwards. A lot has changed since the beginning of 2020 - everything really, if you want to look at it that way. As our lives slowly bend and adapt to the changes that have been wrought in the world, we still have to live in it.
Numerologically, 9 is our last number as each multi-digit number gets added back together again. In this way we know that February is a 10/1 month: 2 (February) + 8 (2023) = 10 = 1+0 = 1. February is not the beginning, but February is a beginning. Now we just need to get there.
The Details
We begin January with the Sun and Pluto in Capricorn, retrograde Mercury and Mars in Sagittarius, Venus in Scorpio, Jupiter and retrograde Uranus in Taurus, and Saturn and Neptune in Pisces. This is an unusual alignment of planets and worth noting here. We know that the Sun, Mercury, and Venus travel together but right now they are being joined by both Mars and Pluto as they cross over Sagittarius and Capricorn this season. Additionally, our other planets are congregated together as well in Taurus and Pisces. It's also worth noting that all of this (/crazyhandwaving) began four years ago when all of our planets except for Uranus and Neptune were in the sign of Capricorn.
This month the last of our planets from this 2020 transit, Pluto, finally leaves Capricorn for good. This is one of the big gong crashes that denotes time. Pluto will remain in Aquarius until 2043.
Additionally, our Sun enters the sign of Aquarius, and Mercury, Venus, and Mars will enter the sign of Capricorn. January also marks the end of retrograde season for the next four months as Mercury and Uranus station direct.
The Nitty Gritty
January begins with a bang as Jupiter stations direct on 12/31/23 and Mercury stations direct on 1/1/24. This is a great omen for both January and 2024 as a whole as the first day of the month/year will set the stage for the energy of the time ahead. All signs point to "go" as we only have one single planet left in retrograde (Uranus). Uranus also stations direct this month (on 1/27); we will not experience another planetary retrograde until April.
That said, many of us are still carrying some of the weight of our pasts and it may be hindering our progress. As mentioned above, January is a "9" month of endings that will lead to February being a "10/1" month of beginnings. In this way, January can be seen as a series of releases that can help to unburden us of the things that we do not need to bring with us into the future we see ahead. This process may be triggering for some, especially those who are lost in the past or unduly holding onto something that has passed its expiration date.
The big release dates to watch out for include: 1/1 when Mercury stations direction, 1/4 when Mars enters Capricorn, 1/11 our new moon in Capricorn, 1/13 when Mercury enters Capricorn, 1/20 when BOTH the Sun and Uranus enter Aquarius, 1/23 when Venus enters Capricorn, and 1/27 when Uranus stations direct.
Any of the above dates can be used magically to speed this change along if you are so inclined. Each of these days may be a relief or triggering depending on your life circumstances and general personality. Stay prepared and aware.
There are also a few days of the month where life may seem to "help" you along on this release process, whether you wish it to or not. As our personal planets move through the sign of Capricorn, each will make a cardinal t-square with our lunar nodes of fate (in Aries and Capricorn). Each of these transits will carry with it some of the energy of eclipse season. Some doors may open during this time and some will inevitably close. When the lunar nodes are involved we sometimes find that it is too late to make certain choices, but also that new and interesting choices have become available to us. Our Sun will form a t-square with the nodes on 1/10, Mercury will on 1/28, and Mars will on 1/30. In February, Venus will form one final t-square to complete this process.
For transits like these there is one simple piece of advice: don't hold on too tightly. With our North Node in Aries, we are being asked to stand up for ourselves and that often means letting go of prior conditioning from our childhood or society that keeps us small and forces us into conformity. This can trigger a lot of deep-seated defenses and unhealthy coping mechanisms from our past. The big flex is to name it and bring it into the light rather than letting these things control or destroy us. If you have Aries or Libra in the 12th house this may be especially difficult for you, but this makes this work especially important.
Chiron, also sitting in Aries, shows us that being our unique selves can be quite a painful process. Each of our personal planets will also square off with the Wounded Healer during this time and each of these dates (Sun square Chiron on 1/6, Mars square Chiron on 1/25, and Mercury square Chiron on 1/28 plus Venus in February) is another chance to reexamine our core wounding surrounding standing out versus fitting in. This shit leads deep back into our childhoods and often is the center of our deepest fears. If you are into shadow work, these topics will likely prove especially fruitful during these times. A word to the wise about Chiron: the way out of the pain is always through examining it and learning to understand and create adaptive strategies for management and mitigation. Many people who have Chiron highlighted in their natal birth chart find that healing "out loud" helps them to deal with and make sense of more ouchy moments like these.
In this way, the month may feel very cyclical. You see a way forward and grab for it. It's painful beyond what was expected as it sparks deep wounds. From there the work is to transcend and release the wounds. Rinse and repeat.
It's certainly not work for the faint of heart. But that's not a surprise, we're in Capricorn season - a sign known for almost being compelled to work. This isn't the summer work of planting seeds, tending, and bringing them to harvest. This is the winter work of reexamination and reclamation. Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, is sitting in a supportive sextile in Pisces to help us along in this process but it WILL be work. The big flex all month is to keep moving, to keep putting one foot in front of the other, and to keep on keepin' on. With some many chances, you CAN get it right.
Our two lunar events for the month are a new moon at 20° Capricorn on 1/11 and a full moon at 05° Leo on 1/25.
The new moon will be more supercharged as 1/11 is 111 reflecting an influx of 1/new beginnings energy which will also be in close square to our lunar nodes. If you do not set intentions for the year on 1/1, 1/11 will be another strong time to do so. The new moon's numerology is 2/2 [2 (10 Capricorn Sun + 10 Capricorn Moon = 2), and 2 (2 Capricorn new moon + 9 January = 11 = 2] which shows that it is a powerful day for creation and togetherness.
Our full moon in Leo carries the energy of 7/7 [7 (11 Aquarius Sun + 5 Leo Moon = 16 = 7) and 7 (7 Aquarius full moon + 9 January = 16 = 7]. 7 is the number of spirituality and is generally associated with intuition and inner understandings of all kinds. This is a great day to divine on your journey through January and will aid in any magic designed to align you with where your path is leading you.
If you're looking for a day to do money magic or other prosperity work in January, Friday 1/12 is your day when Mars in Capricorn is in exact trine with Jupiter in Taurus. Work that earth money magic - Capricorn is seeing to their future and Taurus loves the finer things in life. This is a big luxury day - this is a day to treat yo' self even if you're not doing any magic. But do that money magic if you've got it - earthy trines like this don't come around every day.
I see two days to watch out for during the month.
On Saturday, 1/20, the Sun meets up in its yearly conjunction with our planet of death and transformation, Pluto and they both enter the sign of Aquarius in lockstep with one another. This is a big change of the guard and it's likely to be reflected both in the outer world at large and in our personal lives. Pluto has been in the sign of Capricorn for more than a decade and its force has been slowly eroding our outdated systems of government and bureaucracy. Now, it shifts its gaze to Aquarius where it will remain until 2043.
Pluto moves on a glacial scale so we shouldn't expect to see the effects of its ingress initially but what we should expect to see is the fallout of what has been left behind. Given the planet and its namesake, I use the term fallout very intentionally here. Capricorn rules the governing systems of our lives; in truth, it rules all things that are contractual like government bodies, businesses, and even marriage. Anything that requires signing a contract is in some way controlled by Saturn and Capricorn as Saturn's emissary in this world. Pluto has been shaking up these systems for quite some time and not all of them will survive the release that comes as our dwarf planet finally exits the scene.
Sometimes you don't know how bad the disaster is until it's over and the dust has settled. I would expect to see governmental shutdowns, businesses failing or entering bankruptcy, and the dissolution of marriages as the energy slowly begins to shift away from Capricorn and into Aquarius. In this sense, any structures that are held on by a thread will be most at risk through the beginning of the year. If this is you and it impacts your life specifically, I will guide you back to the words above: Don't Hold on too tight.
Sometimes things need to fall apart. Sometimes you can't pick up the pieces.
The second day of interest is 1/29 when Mars in Capricorn meets up in trine with Uranus in Taurus. I have found that it is best to keep an eye on when these two planets meet, regardless of the aspect that they make with one another. Mars is our planet of action and war and Uranus rules the unexpected disaster. This is Tower weather; it is best to do less and avoid any overt dangers if you can. It's a day to stay away from explosives of all kinds. Uranus in Taurus is especially eruption-prone, make of that what you will. We are nearing the end of Uranus's transit of Taurus (something that we should be very grateful for) but it's not over until it's over.
January is the cosmic right time to put in the work to better your life. January is the cosmic right time to take accountability for where you are the problem. January is the cosmic right time to let that shit go so that when February rolls around, you are ready.
The Details
1/1 - Mercury stations direct 22° Sagittarius, Venus in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (repeats on 10/28) 1/4 - Mars enters Capricorn 1/6 - Sun in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries 1/8 - Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces* 1/9 - Sun in Capricorn trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus, Mars in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces 1/10 - Sun in Capricorn square North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra, cardinal t-square 1/11 - New moon 20° Capricorn 2/2, Venus in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries (repeats on 11/3) 1/12 - Mars in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus 1/13 - Mercury enters Capricorn 1/15 - Sun in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces, Venus in Sagittarius trine North Node in Aries/sextile South Node in Libra 1/18 - Mercury in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces 1/19 - Mercury in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus, Venus in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces 1/20 - Sun enters Aquarius, Pluto enters Aquarius, Sun conjunct Pluto, Mercury exits their post-retrograde shadow 08° Capricorn 1/23 - Venus enters Capricorn 1/25 - Full moon 05° Leo 7/7, Mars in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries 1/26 - Mercury in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries 1/27 - Uranus stations direct 19° Taurus, Sun in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus, Mercury conjunct Mars 17° Capricorn 1/28 - Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus, Mercury in Capricorn square North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra (cardinal t-square), Venus in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus, Venus in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces 1/29 - Mars in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus 1/30 - Mars in Capricorn square North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra (cardinal t-square)
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evaskjew · 6 months
HL headcanon : life in the 19th century
I was doing some historical research in order to make a family tree (for an OC for a fanfiction in the Hogwarts Legacy universe) because I'm a stickler for historical detail (It's not at all because I'm a history professor) and I thought it might be nice to share this for anyone who's interested.
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Social transformations of the 19th century
HL takes place at the end of the Victorian era in UK, a historical period marked by the Industrial Revolution. Thanks to this revolution, many transformations appeared and developed in Europe:
The railway network in UK in the 1840s (at the time of HL, the Hogwarts Express was still something new and must have caused a scandal among the purebloods, who were no doubt scandalised that one of the latest Muggle technical innovations was being used to take students to the castle).
The gradual disappearance of proto-industry and the decline of workshops, particularly in the textile industry, which were replaced by the emergence of factories (spinning mills) in the towns. In addition to economic and social upheaval (emergence of a new social class: the working class), the Industrial Revolution was marked by a major rural exodus. People left the countryside to go to the cities to find work.
Cities then grow by welcoming a whole new population (whole families leave the countryside for the city). To meet this demographic challenge, we note the emergence of working-class neighborhoods that are developing in large cities. These neighborhoods are usually located next to factories.
The living conditions in his neighborhoods were not the greatest luxury (insalubrity, pollution of factories, poverty wages, etc.). It is enough to read some social surveys carried out at the time (such as that of Villermé in 1840 for France) to realize that living in the nineteenth century marked by this industrial revolution was not necessarily the best. In fact, the city of London was so polluted that a permanent fog hung over the city. In 1858, The Great Stink took place, which was the origin of the installation of sewage systems throughout the city (here again it can be assumed that in HL, the system of pipes to evacuate waste water from toilets and toilets is almost a novelty (toilets having become standard from 1840)). 
In short, all the transformations linked to the Industrial Revolution during the 19th century suggest that life expectancy at that time must not have been very high.
Life expectancy
For my OC, I chose to make her a member of the French wizarding family Rosier. And then being French myself, that’s it.
The situation in France in 1891 was essentially the same as in England (the Industrial Revolution having spread throughout Europe, what happened in England was observed elsewhere).
I managed to find graphs showing the evolution of life expectancy in France. I guess it was more or less the same for the UK.
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Graph showing life expectancy at birth in Switzerland, France, Germany and Austria. In the 19th century, life expectancy was around 43 years.
Source : Swiss Life, La révolution de la longévité, 29 mars 2016.
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Graph showing life expectancy in France from 1720 to 2020. The blue curve shows the life expectancy of men and the orange curve that of women. Here too the average is around 43 years.
Source: INED (French national institute for demographic studies)
Motherhood in the 19th century
To create the family tree, I had to look up the average age at which women gave birth. As life expectancy is low, women give birth at higher rates. In addition, the infant mortality rate was high at the time (medicine wasn't really that good, plus questionable hygiene standards).
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Table showing the average age of childbirth among single women. We note that during the second half of the 19th century, women gave birth most at ages 20 and 24.
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Women in the 1830s had their first child at age 23 (compared to around 24 in 1870), their second at 26 (compared to 27 in 1870). We also note that in 1830, women had more children than women in the 1870s/1880s (10% of women had a 3rd child in 1830 compared to 6% in 1870; 6% of women in 1830 had a 4th child compared to 1% in 1870).
Source : BRUNET Guy, « Célibataires et mères de nombreux enfants. Parcours de femmes à Lyon au xixe siècle », Annales de démographie historique, 2010/1 (n° 119), p. 95-114. URL : https://www.cairn.info/revue-annales-de-demographie-historique-2010-1-page-95.htm 
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Sorry if the documents are in French, but I am French and I am used to doing my research in French university databases.
I hope this could have been useful for those who write fiction in the HL universe and who want to remain consistent with the society of the time. (Well then I think that wizard families lived longer because magic had to help with health problems linked to pollution or other. Thanks to Wiggenweld potions)
I hope my English is clear, I mostly use a translator.
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chifourmi · 5 months
Hier j'ai parlé avec une pote de secondaire et on a reparlé du fait que j'étais partie de notre ancien groupe de potes. Et c'est une dinguerie mais ils ont TOUS cru que j'étais partie parce que J m'avait quittée 1 mois plus tôt. Après c'est parce qu'ils comprenaient pas et qu'ils ont voulu faire un lien mais ça me dégoûte que tout le monde ait pu croire que je me suis éloignée de mes potes à cause d'un garçon??? Alors que je suis la première a dire que je ne changerai JAMAIS ma vie pour un garçon. Le pire c'est qu'ils ont oublié que je continuais à faire des soirées avec eux après la rupture??? Il m'a quitté en février 2020 et la veille du confinement on était encore en soirée donc en mars 2020!!! Puis aussi pas UNE seconde ça leur est venu à l'idée que ça pouvait être eux le problème, c'est ouf. Pas une seconde ils se sont remis en question??? Bref ça m'a tellement énervée. Puis si ça vous a tellement peiné que je me sois éloignée, pourquoi personne n'a essayé de comprendre ce qui se passait? Pourquoi personne n'a demandé à la principale intéressée au lieu d'interpréter et de répandre de fausses rumeurs???
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matan4il · 1 year
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There’s a lot I don’t know so this is an invitation to collaborate: if you see anything you can correct or add to, please do! I’ll update this post accordingly.
Note about the dates: If a date is presented as is, that means I found something that seems to indicate this is the date when this event took place. If a date is presented with the sign [ in front, that means this is the earliest this event could have taken place. If a date is presented with the sign ] at the end, that means this is the latest this event could have taken place (for example, the date when an interview was posted. Even though this interview is likely to have been filmed on an earlier day, I can only tell for sure that it could not have possibly taken place later than this date)
Mileapo Timline:
21 Feb 2013 - First modeling event Mileapo are both present at (click here for a vid from that day)
24 Jul 2013 - Second modeling event Mileapo are both present at (click here for full vid showing this day)
10 Aug 2013 - Third modeling event Mileapo are both present at and the first we know for sure they remembered
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26 Sep 2020 - Applications for KPTS casting under Filmania open
4 Oct 2020 - Announcement about which 72 candidates out of 500 applicants will get to audition for KPTS
10 Oct 2020 - First day of auditions for KPTS under Filmania. Mile and Apo meet again, seven years after their first meeting
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17 Oct 2020 - KPTS auditions workshop. Mile and Apo won 2 of the 7 available fast tracks, which seems to mean they were automatically accepted into this stage of the auditions, they didn’t have to wait for the 12 Oct announcement like the rest of the candidates
18 Oct 2020 - KPTS auditions final casting day
16 Nov 2020 ] - Photoshoot for the official casting announcement
22 Nov 2020 - Official casting announcement posted
23 Nov 2020 - Mileapo's photoshoot done ahead of the teaser
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26 Nov 2020 - Physical training workshop
28 Nov 2020 - Character participation workshop
30 Nov 2020 ] - Workshop
1 Dec 2020 - First day of filming the teaser for KPTS under Filmania (Apo mentioned in one interview that the filming was done on 3 days, the other two days appear to be 8 and 9 Dec)
7 Dec 2020 - Intimacy workshop
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24 Dec 2020 (lasting into the night of 25 Dec) - Filming of a KPTS special for Xmas, which is meant to be a part of a series of BTS specials (I giffed my fave bits here)
7 Jan 2021 - Filmania does a live for Mile’s bday which in parts includes Apo
8 Jan 2021 - Teaser for KPTS under Filmania posted
[ 9 and/or 10 Jan 2021 ] - Apo does a Q & A session with fans in honor of the teaser being released (in one of the screenshots he uses, the teaser shows up as having been posted on YouTube ‘1 days ago’ suggesting the Q & A session was done Jan 9. However, it’s possible that due to time zones, or how ‘x days ago’ is calculated, it was actually Jan 10, or continued into that day)
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12 Jan 2021 - The cast all meet up again after a break and spend the day together (probably as a part of a workshop)
17 Jan 2021 - Sosat Seoul Say does two interviews, one with the main cast as a group, one with just Mileapo. As far as I can tell, these are the first interviews Mile and Apo ever do for Kinnporsche the Series (posted online 13 Mar)
21 Jan 2021 - Star Update does two interview, one with the main cast as a group, one with Mileapo (posted online 6 and 10 Feb), the cast change outfits and also do interviews with Zoom Dara - Apo and Us do a live together
22 Jan 2021 - Acting workshop and filming promo material
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28 Jan 2021 - KPTS cast spend the day and even go out together (Mile doesn’t seem to be there)
31 Jan 2021 - KPTS cast do 3 interviews and seemingly a photoshoot as well in Calvin Klein, then Guess outfits, the interviews are for Newsplus, Zoom Dara and Hello Asian
4 Feb 2021 - Mileapo do their first Shopee live
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5 Feb 2021 - Mileapo film a guest appearance on Oh My God (aired and posted online 7 Mar) - Mileapo have their first fan meeting for KPTS
7 Feb 2021 - Filming Valentine’s Day online date with KPTS couples - Mileapo do Valentine’s Day photoshoot (pics will be posted then)
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8 Feb 2021 - KPTS cast go paint-balling together, it’s filmed for another Filmania BTS special - Search Talk interview with Mileapo and Black (the Filmania CEO. This interview was conducted live)
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9 Feb 2021 ] - Mileapo do some sort of a shopping campaign together at Siam Center (this is likely filmed Feb 4, but I can’t find definitive confirmation online)
11 Feb 2021 - Mileapo do their second Shopee live
18 Feb 2021 - Mileapo do their third Shopee live
20 Feb 2021 - KPTS go to Adidas’ shop to promote the brand
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21 Feb 2021 - KPTS cast go out together, including to a cafe
23 Feb 2021 - KPTS cast go to a shooting range, it’s filmed for what seems to be the last BTS special that Filmania did
24 Feb 2021 - Mileapo do a photoshoot for Madan Fun, Apo gets surprised on set with cake for his bday - Filmania does a live for Apo’s bday which in parts includes Mile
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25 Feb 2021 - Mileapo do their fourth Shopee live
4 Mar 2021 ] - Physical training workshop
16 Mar 2021 - Filmania’s KPTS press conference
26 Mar 2021 - KPTS cast attend the Yniverse Awards
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27 Mar 2021 - Live zoom interview with reporter from the Philippines
5 Apr 2021 - Mileapo film ep of Fun Day (posted online 17 Jul)
20 May 2021 - Workshop
25 May 2021 - Workshop, Apo is there but Mile doesn’t seems to be
28 Jun 2021 ] - Elle interview filming (posted online 6 Oct)
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4 Jul 2021 - Daemi (the writers of the Kinnporsche novel) announce publicly that they are leaving Filmania. Things are said to have been resolved by the next day
10 Jul 2021 - Mileapo do photoshoot with manager of a fan club walking around Bangkok
13 Jul 2021 - Filmania officially announces the cancellation of KPTS
14 Aug 2021 ] - Filming of The Hidden Messages vid (likely but unconfirmed date/s revolve/s around 12 to 14 Aug)
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26 Aug 2021 - Teaser for The Hidden Messages vid posted, announcing the renewal of KPTS under BOC
27 Aug 2021 - Speculated photoshoot for The Hidden Messages (pics will be posted online together with the vid on 29 Aug)
29 Aug 2021 - The Hidden Messages vid and pics posted
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(thank you so much to the very talented @kinnporsche​ for this beautiful edit of The Hidden Messages! Find the whole set here)
5 Oct 2021 - KPTS cast under BOC travel to Hua Hin together and film their time there
12 Oct 2021 - Vid posted of Mileapo answering questions regarding the new KPTS under BOC
3 Nov 2021 - BOC’s KPTS press conference
10 Nov 2021 - First day of filming KPTS under BOC
20 Jan 2022 - Mileapo film visit at cat cafe (posted Feb 14)
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22 Feb 2022 - Event to unveil KPTS trailer under BOC
4 Mar 2022 - Last day of filming KPTS
8 Mar 2022 - Elle photoshoot, Mileapo’s hair is dyed for Farger
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[ 9 Mar - 15 Mar 2022 ] - Mileapo film interview for Pop Melon (aired May 20)
29 Mar 2022 ] - Mileapo film interview for Dek-D
1 Apr 2022 - EFM fandom live interview - Event in honor of KPTS premiering the next day
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2 Apr 2022 - Mile and Apo do an IG live
8 Apr 2022 - Mileapo film guest appearance on Goy Natty Dream - Mileapo film interview for Talk To Me
15 Apr 2022 ] - Posh interview and photoshoot
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19 Apr 2022 - Mileapo film interviews for On That Day (The Standard Pop) and for The Exclusive Interview (The Headline)
5 May 2022 - Mileapo do photoshoot and interview for Pet Hipster
21 May 2022 - Screening of KPTS ep 7 with the cast there
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31 May 2022 - Mileapo do (supposedly) live interview with Aaron Yun, assuming it was conducted on this date, this is also when Mileapo record iQiyi interview for Pride Month (aired Jun 8)
2 Jun 2022 - Mileapo do photoshoot and interview for Unique
7 Jun 2022 - Press conference event to announce KPWT
20 Jun 2022 - KPTS panel at Drama Arts Chula including Mileapo
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21 Jun 2022 - Mileapo and Tong film interview for Orange Mama (aired Jun 22)
24 Jun 2022 - Group interview including Mileapo for Kland Mexico
7 Jul 2022 - KPTS cast do a live Twitter space chat
9 Jul 2022 - Screening of KPTS finale with cast (Mile can’t attend due to covid but joins them for a bit via zoom)
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24 Jul 2022 - KPWT 1: Bangkok
25 Jul 2022 - KPWT 2: Bangkok
18 Aug 2022 - KPTS cast trip to Phuket
11 Sep 2022 - KPWT send off event (Mile can’t attend due to covid, but through vid performs a song from home)
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8 Oct 2022 - KPWT 3: Singapore
16 Oct 2022 - KPWT 4: Seoul
22 Oct 2022 - KPWT 5: Manila
30 Oct 2022 - KPWT 6: Taipei
31 Oct 2022 - KPWT 7: Taipei
2 Dec 2022 - Mileapo and Bible fly to the Red Sea Film Festival in Saudi Arabia
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31 Dec 2022 - BOC’s NYE countdown event
18 Jan 2023 - Mile trip to Paris for Dior
21 Jan 2023 - KPTS cast trip to Japan
31 Jan 2023 - KPWT 8: Hong Kong
1 Feb 2023 - KPWT 9: Hong Kong
14 Feb 2023 - First day of filming Man Suang
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25 Feb 2023 - KPWT 10: Bangkok
26 Feb 2023 - KPWT What the Fun: Bangkok
27 Feb 2023 - Apo trip to Paris for Dior
13 Mar 2023 - Mileapo trip to Seoul for photoshoot
28 Mar 2023 - Mileapo trip to Mumbai for Dior
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18 May 2023 - Last day of filming Man Suang
30 May 2023 - Man Suang wrap party
22 Jun 2023 - Mileapo trip to Paris for Dior
1 Jul 2023 - THC last ep event
6 Jul 2023 - Engfa interview (based on their clothes) - Song Wat visit as part of Man Suang promotion
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13 Jun 2023 - Mile is announced Friend of House at Guerlain event
7 Jul 2023 - Mileapo film ep of The Driver
3 Aug 2023 - Mileapo film a bunch of interviews for Man Suang, some just them, some with Tong and Bas, including among others: Brandthink Cinema clip, That Guy from This movie interview
8 Aug 2023 - Man Suang press conference
18 Aug 2023 ] - Mile films guitar jam session
19 Aug 2023 - Mileapo, Tong and Bas film vlog at Song Wat as part of promoting Man Suang
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20 Aug 2023 - Mileapo present award at Thai cinema awards ceremony
21 Aug 2023 - Man Suang Gala
22 Aug 2023 - Mileapo, Tong and Bas at Casetify shop to promote Man Suang - Mileapo record interview with Nylon Radar - Exclusive screening of the movie for fans
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23 Aug 2023 - Mileapo, Tong and Bas do several interviews, including: Late Night Game, Nine entertain, One31′s Duichep Show; Mellow Pop Showtime and Flex Talk radio show
24 Aug 2023 - Official opening of Man Suang, Mile and Apo each join a separate fan screening - Mileapo, Tong and Bas do live interview with EFM fandom
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25 Aug 2023 - Mileapo, Tong and Bas at Srichand special fan screening
26 Aug 2023 - Mileapo, Tong and Bas attend two roadshows (greetings for fans at start of Man Suang screening) for Major Group
27 Aug 2023 - Mileapo, Tong and Bas attend two roadshows (greetings for fans at start of Man Suang screening) for SF
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31 Aug 2023 - Mileapo do a live for Bento spicy snacks
1 Sep 2023 ] - Mileapo likely attend rehearsal at their vocal coach’s - Shopee Game Show taping (first teaser was posted Sep 3, but it could not have been recorded on either 2 Sep or 3 Sep, so this is the last possible date for this recording)
2 Sep 2023 - Mileapo, Tong and Bas attend roadshows (greetings for fans at start of Man Suang screening) in Chiang Mai
3 Sep 2023 - Mileapo, Tong and Bas attend roadshows (greetings for fans at start of Man Suang screening) and lead truck parade in Korat
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5 Sep 2023 - Mileapo join a lunch with Thailand’s Tourism governor
7 Sep 2023 - Mileapo do a live interview at Good Time radio - Mileapo conduct two interviews at Ch 7, one of which is live - Mile has solo event at Guerlain shop
8 Sep 2023 - Mileapo fly to Vietnam for a multi-star concert
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9 Sep 2023 - Mileapo do a press conference for the concert
10 Sep 2023 - Planet of Friends multi-star concert includes Mileapo
13 Sep 2023 - Apo is announced Friend of House at Piaget event
14 Sep 2023 - Mileapo do live interview for ch 7
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15 Sep 2023 - Mileapo, Tong and Bas attend roadshows (greetings for fans at start of Man Suang screening) in Ayutthaya
17 Sep 2023 - Mileapo fly to Laos and attend a special fan screening for Man Suang there
19 Sep 2023 - Mileapo do Srichand live
20 Sep 2023 - Mileapo fly to Vietnam
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21 Sep 2023 - Mileapo attend a special fan screening for Man Suang
22 Sep 2023 - Mileapo fly back - Mileapo do Mellow Pop live
24 Sep 2023 - Mileapo fly to Paris for Dior event
26 Sep 2023 - Mileapo attend Dior event for Spring Summer ‘24
[more to come here once Tumblr stops erasing my updates]
~ I was not going to post this incomplete, but 10 Aug 2023 is exactly 10 years since Mile and Apo met for the first time and I had to do something for this anniversary. 💖 (I will obviously continue working on this list) ~ Thank you so much to the lovely @cs-nane​ for the pretty header! ~ If you’d like to check out more of my Kinnporsche/Mileapo posts, you can find them here.
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olympain · 8 months
I was tagged by the lovely @theladyigraine to list 5 comfort shows + 5 comfort movies and then to tag 10 people to do this as well if they want!
life on mars (2006)
there she goes (2018)
taskmaster nz (2020)
andor (2022)
vicious (2013)
swiss army man (2016)
1917 (2019)
hot fuzz (2007) & the world's end (2013) (they're both cornetto so technically can be counted as one. source: me)
the batman (2022)
24 hour party people (2002)
tagging > @barry--keoghan @mariner-2 @catabasis @killsandthrills @kenobismullet @kitmarlowe @andysambcrg @raspberrydee @hegodamask @wernerherzoghaircut
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zvaigzdelasas · 2 years
Scientists have identified two minerals never before seen on Earth in a meteorite weighing 15.2 metric tons (33,510 pounds).
The minerals came from a 70-gram (nearly 2.5-ounce) slice of the meteorite, which was discovered in Somalia in 2020 and is the ninth-largest meteorite ever found, according to a news release from the University of Alberta.[...]
One mineral’s name — elaliite — derives from the space object itself, which is called the “El Ali” meteorite since it was found near the town of El Ali in central Somalia.
Herd named the second one elkinstantonite after Lindy Elkins-Tanton, vice president of Arizona State University’s Interplanetary Initiative. Elkins-Tanton is also a regents professor in that university’s School of Earth and Space Exploration and the principal investigator of NASA’s upcoming Psyche mission — a journey to a metal-rich asteroid orbiting the sun between Mars and Jupiter, according to the space agency.
new space rocks new space rocks new space rocks [24 Dec 22]
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