#marc handed in his and nath's comics
underwxrldprincess · 7 months
Ms. Mendeleiev: I asked you to bring your most valued possession.
Marc: And that's what I did.
Ms. Mendeleiev: I meant bring in an object. Now please put Nathaniel down.
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artzychic27 · 5 months
I was bored a while back and made the MLB characters using the Black OC maker on Picrew
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Marinette: Proud to be Blasian, still tense when she gets weird looks/Dyed her hair because she wanted to be Coraline for Halloween, now she just likes the color
Adrien: Black mom, white dad, identity crisis/Gabriel’s still a dick and wants Adrien to be a “Good Black.”/Usually always on the receiving end of light skin jokes
Alya: The same, just with bigger hair/The Queen of Hoop Earrings/One TikTok account for general stuff, the other just to post videos of her and her friends dancing and stepping
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Nino: Undoing Gabriel’s influence on his bro and helping him embrace his blackness/You did NOT hear him listening to Robin Thicke/Starts every Shabooya Roll Call
Chloé: Bad and bougie/Identity crisis on a count of she was adopted as a baby to make her white parents look good/Will only let Marc and Juleka style her hair
Sabrina: Only knows English because she listens to Megan Thee Stallion religiously/Scarily good at break dancing
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Juleka: So goth, she was born black/Favorite movies in order: Get Out, Candyman, The Blackening, Us, Karen, and Ma/A pro at doing hair
Rose: Will punt you if you make a “Not Black enough” comment/Not fond of how hospitals treat black patients. She’s had first-hand experience, and it wasn’t great/Excited for the Tiana series
Luka: Doesn’t say much, but when he does, it’s insightful as hell/He can’t see, but it adds to the mystery, so he keeps his hair like that/Imagine Johan from Black-ish
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Nathaniel: Black Panther, Storm, Spider Man, Cyborg, Vixen, Bumble Bee, and Static Shock comics lining his shelves/The definition of Blerd/Surprisingly good at stepping
Alix: “Scar twins!” “But your scar is-“ “Shut up! Scar twins!”/Classroom solidarity by shielding her from others when her hijab slips off/She and Nath tag the city by putting stickers with images of historical women of color everywhere
Marc: He’s the one braiding his classmates’ hair/Hates how black people are written in most shows and movies/Scarily good at rapping. Do NOT try to challenge him to a rap battle, you will be humiliated
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Kim: Always swimming, so he constantly has his hair braided or in twists/“Yes, I’m black and I can swim.”/Worships Beyoncé in his spare time
Max: The same, but with vitiligo and a fancy tie/Not selling the patents for any of his inventions. He’s not risking any companies purposely leaving out that he’s the brilliant mind behind any of them
Lila: She will never lie about Oprah. That’s where she crosses the line/Competing for Alya's title as Queen of Hoop Earrings
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Ivan: You know those videos where the white baby leans over to see what the black guy is watching on his phone and then holds his hand? He’s the black guy/Worried about looking too "threatening"
Myléne: Constantly promoting black-owned businesses on her socials/Most likely to lead a protest/HATES Rachel Dolezal… Actually, they all hate her
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darkwitch1999 · 4 months
Simpleman AU (But without Simpleman because that villain was CRINGE!!!!!)
What if instead of Marinette dropping the kids off with her grandfather Rolland Dupain, she decided to go to one of her friends for help? More specifically a creative and artistic duo of friends, one of whom has experience with babysitting children. Enter Nathaniel Kurtzberg and Marc Anciel! Knowing that the comic book duo are already hanging out at Marc’s house to work on their comic, ignoring the fact that they are also babysitting Marc’s little brother, Aimé Anciel, and not even bothering to ask them first because she’s so dead set on helping out Adrien, Marinette brings Manon, Ella, Etta, and Chris over to Marc’s house.
(Marc and Nathaniel stare incredulously at Marinette as she finishes explaining her situation. Meanwhile, are Chris and Manon chasing each other around the living room while Ella and Etta are jumping on the couch. Aimé is drawing a picture with crayons and paper on the coffee table with a Reverser doll sitting next to him, paying no mind to the other four rambunctious children.)
Marinette: (looks at the comic duo with pleading eyes) So it would just be for a little bit and I swear, I’ll hurry back as soon as I can! Please?
Nathaniel: (exchanges a look with Marc) Is she serious? Marinette, you know we’re always willing to help you out, but Marc and I still have pages of our next comic to finish before our next meeting with our editor in a couple of weeks.
Marc: (speaks hesitantly) And besides, we are already looking after Aimé and I don’t think we can look after four more kids…it’s just a lot more than I am used to…
Marinette: I know it’s a lot to ask and I swear I’ll owe you guys big time if you do this favor for me. I should be back within an hour at most to finish the client’s request. Besides, I babysit these four all the time. It’s super easy!
Nathaniel: (raises an eyebrow) Then why can’t you take the kids with you if it’s that easy? Or ask this client to come over to your place to get their costume fixed?
Marc: Nath has a point there, Marinette. Who even is this client, anyway?
Manon: (puts on the brakes and stops running upon hearing Marc’s question) Marinette is going to help her boyfriend! (Manon starts running again before Chris could catch up to her)
(Marinette’s face immediately blushes red and her posture stiffens with embarrassment. Marc and Nathaniel couldn’t suppress the smirks growing on their faces.)
Nathaniel & Marc: (turn to face each other) Called it!
It took a bit more time for Marinette to plead her case and convince the comic book duo to watch the kids but after a quick sidebar, Marc and Nathaniel decided to babysit Manon, Ella, Etta, and Chris while Marinette was gone to make a fool out of herself again in front of Adrien. But their help doesn't come cheap.....
Marc: (smirks) Alright, Marinette. We'll watch the kids for you.
Marinette: (beaming with gratitude) Oh thank you! Thank you both so much!
Nathaniel: (holds up a hand) However, in return for our services, we expect a payment of half of whatever you earn today from babysitting.
Marinette: WHAT?! That's totally unfair! You're only watching them for an hour!
Nathaniel: Yes, an hour of our time that we could be using to work on our comic which we will be getting paid for once it's published, but instead we will be using that hour to look after five kids.
Marc: I mean sure, we could simply just watch the kids for free out of the goodness of our hearts, but I do believe some compensation for the work that we will be missing is more than fair.
Marinette: You will both get a THIRD and split it between the both of you!
Marc: (shrugs his shoulder) Oh well, if that is the best you can offer us, Marinette, (walks to the front door and proceeds to open it) good luck with the kids.
Nathaniel: (calls out) Hey kids! Grab your backpacks! You're going back to Marinette's house!
Marinette: (panics) WAIT! (sighs in defeat) Okay fine...I'll give you guys half...
Marc: (closes the front door)
Nathaniel: (calls out) Never mind, you're staying here!
So for a while, things are going well. Marc and Nathaniel keep the kids calm and entertained with drawing activities and playing with the plush dolls of Miraculous superheroes and villains that Marinette brought with her for them to play with...
(Ella and Etta make the Rena Rouge and Carapace dolls kiss each other. Manon makes the Ladybug and Chat Noir dolls kiss each other. Aimé makes his Reverser doll and the Evillustrator doll kiss each other, which causes Marc to blush profusely while Nathaniel is laughing his ass off.)
Chris: (cringes and shields his eyes) EWWWWWWWW!!!!! Stop it! You guys are gross!
After a while though, Nathaniel suddenly gets a notification on his phone, reminding him that the latest issue of his favorite comic is going to be released today, and the artist who drew the comic book illustrations was going to be hosting a book signing at the book store. While he was initially excited, he then soon realized that he couldn't go and leave Marc alone with the kids. Despite Marc's insistence that he would be just fine being alone with the kids for a little bit and that Marinette is probably on her way back anyway, Nathaniel refuses to leave Marc alone. So like any other healthy couple would do, they came up with a compromise, which involved Marc tricking Nathaniel outside and locking him out of the house until he got his comic signed.
Though things stay calm for a bit, after a while Manon, Ella, Etta, and Chris start getting a bit rambunctious like typical young children. Running around the house, getting into things they are not suppose to (like messing with the pages of Marc and Nathaniel's comic and putting them out of order, reading through Marc's diary, etc.), jumping on the couch, fighting over the dolls, etc. Meanwhile while all this chaos is going on, Marc is desperately trying to call Marinette to see if she was on her way back soon since it has been well over the hour that she promised she would be back by. Unfortunately, Marc keeps getting sent to voice mail over thirty times because Marinette is too busy overcomplicating her plans as usual. Marc then starts to become anxious and panics, which goes unnoticed by every child except for Aimé since he is the only one who isn't running around the house. Being only 6 years old, Aimé doesn't quite understand his brother's anxiety/panic attacks or more specifically how to help but he thinks that Marc is most bothered by the loud noises of the other children running around and then tries to get everyone's attention by turning on the Ladybug and Chat Noir movie. The movie immediately captivates the four children's attention and they all sit quietly in the living room to watch the movie. Unfortunately, Marc is still having a panic attack despite the room having quiet down. Aimé tries talking to Marc to help him, but again, Aimé is only six years old and has no idea how to help calm his brother down. So he then decided to get Marc's phone and call his boyfriend for help.
Nathaniel: (picks up the phone as he leaves the book store) Hey, Marc! I'm heading back right now. How are-...
Aimé: Nath! Something is wrong with my big brother! He's breathing weird!
Nathaniel: (confused and starts to worry) Aimé? What do you-...(realizes what Aimé is talking about) give the phone to Marc, Aimé! Let me talk to him.
(Aimé holds the phone up to Marc and puts the phone on speaker. Nathaniel can hear Marc's shaky, hyperventilating breaths from his end, causing him to become increasingly worried.)
Nathaniel: (sprints as he talks on the phone) Marc...Rainbow? It's Nath! I'm on my way back, you're going to be okay. I'm going to stay on the phone with you. Please, just try to breathe with me. We'll do it toget-...(hears Aimé cry out in alarm) Marc? Aimé, what's going on buddy? Hello?! Can you guys hear me?!
Marc: Yes, Shadowmoth.....
Nathaniel: (his eyes grew wide filled with fear and panic) Oh shit....
Yes, Marc gets reakumatized in this "What If" scenario. I couldn't think of any new akumatized identities that Marc could be turned into. I was kind of leaning on this being a "Reverser 2" type deal. For instance after Marc is akumatized into Reverser again, he immediately reverses the children (minus Aimé) into becoming well behaved children who sit quietly unless told otherwise. Then he goes on a crusade to hunt down Marinette to reverse her into revealing her true feelings to Adrien since it was because of her obsession with Adrien that got him into this mess in the first place (or at least from his perspective) and much like everyone else, he has grown tired of her overcomplicated plans.
So what do you guys think of this "What If" scenario? I've had this idea in the back of my mind for a while. Please feel free to share your thoughts and opinions on this scenario regardless if you like it or hate it.
@andromeda612 @nerd-chocolate @artzychic27 @msweebyness @imsparky2002 @arny20252 @princessbutterflysposts
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mah-t-wordblog · 4 months
Hi could you do a Ler nathaniel and Ler marc please
Hiiiii, I didn't really understand who you wanted to be the lee ksksksksks but then I made both of them as switches because it would work anyways, I hope you like it 💛💛
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Switches: Marc Anciel, Nathaniel Kurtzberg
Ships: Marcaniel
Warnings: This is a tickle fic, if you don’t like it, just scroll down
This fanfic is originally in Portuguese, my English is translated using an automatic translator, if there are any big errors you can tell me so I can fix them
Marc and Nathaniel took advantage of the silence in the apartment where they were staying to share their daily kisses.
Marc was lying on Nathaniel's lap, he turned to his boyfriend and faced him
“Nath, why do you love me?” He asked
Nathaniel's eyes widened.
“Why do you ask that, my love?”
“I don’t know, you have so much to offer, you draw, you’re so talented and… I’m nothing”
“What do you mean Marc! You are so good, get ready that it will be a long night to list everything I love about you.”
Marc turned around and became more comfortable listening, but he didn't dare look Nathaniel in the eye.
“You write very well, without you I would never have done the comics alone, you love helping others and you are always very happy, but what makes me happiest about you… is your smile”
Nathaniel held his boyfriend's head so he could see his face, he rubbed his nose against Marc’s which made Marc laugh a little
"Look! Look! Your laugh is so cute.”
Marc blushed
"Nathaniel! Stop!" The youngest said embarrassed
“I want to hear you laugh more~” he raised his hands and placed them on Marc's stomach
Marc started to squirm
“Don’t what?” Nathaniel went up a little more, now he was on the youngest's ribs
Marc arched his back trying to escape his pursuer, he didn't want to fall for that old game, but at the moment he wasn't even thinking straight.
“If you want it that bad~”
He finally reached the armpits
Marc jumped up
He wanted to continue, but he knew he shouldn't kill his boyfriend
"Did you saw that?" Nathaniel said kissing Marc's neck "you look even more beautiful when I tickle you~"
Marc blushed
“You’re very annoying” he defended himself, putting his hands forward and now squeezing Nathaniel’s stomach.
The redhead was surprised by his boyfriend's reaction and tried to hide his laughing face with one hand.
“Oh, no, no, no~ I want to see your smile Nathaniel”
Marc grabbed his boyfriend's hand and saw his smiling face
“Oh my God, how beautiful you are, Nath”
“Yes~ don’t you admit it?” Marc hiked up his boyfriend’s shirt a little “now this is my revenge”
Too late, Marc blew a giant raspberry into Nathaniel's belly
“Who is beautiful?”
“Good boy~”
Marc stopped his attack
“I told you I wasn’t the only beautiful one here” Marc started to say “besides, I-”
He was interrupted
For a big kiss from Nathaniel
“Shut up and kiss me already” the redhead said laughing
Marc blushed but got into the rhythm
“I love you, Nath”
“I love you more, Marc”
Thanks for reading 💛💛
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msweebyness · 1 month
Mirrorverse Crossover- What Happened Before…
Here’s a special from ya girl, Weeby! I figured we could use a little expansion on Sparky’s intro to the AU, and thanks so much to him for helping with this! Enjoy! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
The heroes all stood, gathered around IsmaGenie as he prepared to grant Max’s wish, to see alternative versions of themselves from another world, like had happened to a hero of one of his comics. Whatever happened, it would surely be…interesting!
“Alright, is everyone ready?”, the blue-skinned genie asked, and at the nods from his companions, clapped his hands together, igniting a bright flash.
A portal suddenly opened up over the ceiling, and a certain wicked group of teens were dropped through it onto the floor, shouting and cursing at their painful landing.
“What the devil?!”, Mari DeVil shrieked, fretting as attempted to sort out her now ruffled fur coat.
“Again! AGAIN!”, MimRore squealed, clapping her hands and giggling maniacally as her friends gave her looks of annoyance.
“Where in the Sam Hill are we?”, Ivan Oogie groused, rubbing his head, which he had smacked on the floor as Mylensula fussed over him.
“Um, better question: Who in blazes are they?”, YzAlya piped up, pointing and drawing the other villains’ attention to the heroes, both groups just staring at each other.
“Why does that one dude have so much hair?”, Honest Nino whispered to IsmaScar, his eyes focused on Adripunzel, who was nervously messing with his long braid.
“Jeez, that one has to be like ten feet tall!”, Mireides muttered to her girlfriend, gawking at Demolition Denise.
“I feel the inexplicably strong urge to put a curse on that redhead.”, Juleficent said to QRC, her eyes narrowing as she looked at a nervous Sleeping Nath. The dark fae witch then yelped as her scepter was suddenly coated in ice beneath her fingers.
“Unless you want to have the worst case of frostbite you could even imagine experiencing, I’d suggest you leave Nathaniel alone.”, MarcElsa said darkly, summoning a barrage of icicles to his hand. A few of the villains nervously backed away.
“Looks like some of ‘em got a little magic of their own…”, Doctor Cabello mused.
“Marc, hold on.”, said Snow Mylene, gently placing a hand on her friend’s shoulder, “Let’s not jump to violence. What she said was out of line, yes, but they weren’t expecting to be brought here. Maybe they’re just a bit confused.”
This earned her a sneer of disgust from the sea witch, before IsmaGenie stepped up and explained the whole situation to the villains, the whole ‘Alternate-Universe-Counterparts’ thing. The villains looked the heroes over with varying degrees of disbelief and disgust. They were do-gooders in this world? How revolting!
“WAIT, WHAT IN THE HELL IS THAT THING?!”, Kimton suddenly shouted, pointing at Julebeast, and looking at her fur, horns and claws with utter revulsion.
“A person, asshole.”, the beastly princess snarled, showing off her sharp teeth as she glared at the hunter, who tried to appear as if he wasn’t intimidated. QuasiIvan stepped up and put a bracing hand on his best friend’s shoulder.
“Ignore him, Jules. He's obviously an idiot who doesn't think before he speaks.”, the bulky teen placated, pointedly ignoring the looks of disgust he was getting from King Marc and some of the other more vain villains.
“Who needs brains when you have guns like these?”, Kimton said smugly, flexing his arms with an arrogant grin. LeOnDine swooned, while the heroes could only watch in disbelief. This was the Kim of the other world?
“Gods, ego much?”, Kimules scoffed as he crossed his arms over his chest (without meaning to, showing off that they were respectively buffer and broader than his counterpart’s) with annoyance. But at that moment his attention was caught by his girlfriend, who seemed to be having some trouble breathing as she stared at a certain villain who was bringing back unpleasant memories from the recent past.
As the young demigod tried to help the mermaid calm down, it was then that her condition was noticed by the villains, who saw the opportunity to strike. Mylensula noticed it seemed to be her the princess was afraid of, and gained a particularly wicked grin.
“Oh, whatever’s the matter, little mermaid? You’ve hardly said a word. Speak up! I'm sure you have a lovely voice.”, the sea witch said in a taunting cadence, fingering the shell necklace draped over her collar, which was starting to glow…only to yelp when there was suddenly an arrow pointing at her face.
“Leave her be, witch.”, Kagamerida said darkly, her eyes like flint as she glared at Mylensula, until Ivan Oogie stepped protectively in front of her and glared, which failed to intimidate the diminutive-statured princess in the slightest.
“Alright.”, BluRore piped up, “Let’s try to keep some semblance of civility here. We’re young adults, there’s no need for this nonsense.”, earning nods from the heroes and scoffs from the villains.
Madame Sabrina sneered in disgust as she looked over the group of heroes, her eyes finally coming to rest on the heroic Ismael, who met her glare head on with a quirked eyebrow.
“Why does one of your friends look like an oversized smurf?”, the purple-clad redhead demanded, pointing a manicured nail at the young genie.
“Why does one of your friends look like the lovechild of a burlap sack and the Pilsbury Doughboy?”, Aladdix sniped right back, leaving the villains agape, one in particular.
“WHY YOU LITTLE-”, Ivan Oogie started to shout, only for Mylensula to jump in and comfort him.
“Don’t listen to her, Spookyboo. You’re the most terrifyingly attractive man in the world in my eyes, and you always will be.”, she cooed, and much to the heroes’ discomfort and the villains’ resigned annoyance, the two began making out.
“Okay…can we PLEASE just try to have a normal, non-confrontational conversation here?”, BluRore said in exasperation, placing her head in her hands.
“And just what makes you think you can tell us what to do, Pixie Prick?”, Alix Khan snarled, stalking towards the fairy. Only to be stopped in her tracks by Miremba stepping in front of her girlfriend.
“Back off, runt.”, the royal lioness growled, and the two bared their teeth at each other.
“Alright, that’s just about enough!”, TiAlya called out, “Now, I’ll tell y’all what’s gonna happen. There ain’t gonna be any more insults, or any more fightin’. We’ll take it slow, one at a time, and we’ll sit down and get to know each other! Now, doesn’t that sound nice?”, she spoke in her “Mom Tone” which left no room for argument.
“And what if we refuse?”, Nath of Hearts snarled, reaching for his dagger, only to yelp when an arrow pierced the wall just to the side of his head, “Understood.”
“Alright…let’s get started! Who wants to go first?”, Fairy GodBro said with a nervous smile.
And there you have it! Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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imsparky2002 · 1 year
Reverser - Rewriting Fountain Scene
(Nathaniel walks to the fountain, and when he sees Marc, he’s more confused instead of angry. He also thinks that Marinette is simply a huge fan of Ladybug, instead of believing it to be Marinette’s diary.)
Nathaniel: Marc? What are you doing here?
Marc: Huh?
(Nathaniel’s eyes widen as he realizes what’s going on.)
Nathaniel: Wait... is this yours?
Marc: Y-yes, it’s mine, didn’t Marinette tell you?
Nathaniel: What are you talking abou-
(He turns to see Marinette filming him. Instead of getting angry, he groans and just rolls his eyes before turning back to Marc.)
Nathaniel: Please tell me what’s going on here.
Marc: N-nothing! I just... just wanted to make a comic with you, that’s all.
(Nathaniel can tell he’s not lying, and just sighs again.)
Nathaniel: Well based on what’s in this diary, that’s not what’s going on. Marc, are you in love with me?
(Marc blushes and can’t even make out a response. Marinette decides to enter the conversation.)
Marinette: I was just trying to help you guys get together. Marc was too nervous to say anything, so I-
Nathaniel: Decided to play with my feelings by letting me think you actually loved me? Yeah, what a wingman.
Marc: It’s not her fault, I should’ve-
Nathaniel: It is, Marc! I’m not mad at you, ok? I’m mad that Marinette toyed with my feelings, knowing that I loved her. Or at least, I used to love her.
(Marinette can hardly speak, as Nathaniel hands back the notebook to Marc.)
Nathaniel: Look, I think you’re a cute guy, and I’d like to go out with you sometime, but you gotta be honest with me. When you said my art was great, was it genuine, or did you only think it was good because you loved me?
(As Marc hesitates, Nathaniel gives a sad sigh and gets up.)
Nathaniel: I need some time alone, Marc. I’m sorry
(He quietly walks away, as Marc begins to sob. Marinette can only look on in shame. Then the Akuma comes and we all know what happens next...)
So what do you think? I decided to make Nath less of an asshole, so that you root for him and Marc to get together in the end. I was inspired by some of the Rainbow fics by @artzychic27
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fumiku · 1 year
Chlonath wips
I have so many Chlonath art and fic wips… I am such a slow writer and I’ve had most of these written down for like 2 years, so I wanna share most of their premises now in case I never get around to them! For joy and prosperity and whatnot, if someone wants to write one of these just ask me first! Someone needs to feed the chlonath masses. My next fic is going to be the camping one I think~
My fave picks:
Your majesty: Despite his bright fiery hair, he was all too easy to erase, to fade into the background. Garish, but unmemorable. Talented, but lame. Chloe decides to change that, takes him on as a pet project as fashion coordinator. "Come on, look at yourself! That hair, those eyes. You were *made* to pop! Everyone’s eyes would turn to you when you’re in the room!" He flushes, was that how she saw him? "But I don’t *want* to be the center of attention..." She smirks confidently/slyly. "Well too bad! Chloe Bourgeois will make a peacock out of this ugly little duckling!". Much later there’s a much quieter, sweeter scene of him voicing not wanting to be that different or flashy and she takes out some accessories that suit and enhance his style, comfy and like him. Eventually oop! She rlly needs a date and it’d go with her pet project, "besides you could use this for networking". "Hm? Oh yeah, a half up half down ponytail would look cute on you, in a street kind of way. But bangs in your face can go for cool and mysterious too. It can give you some personality that goes with or contrasts with your outfit, I guess. But this *is* still a fancy event, so a simple well-groomed swept aside style would keep it prim and formal, and it *is* your first entry into high society... But I *suppose* if you do your big debut with the aesthetic you’ll keep with, it’ll probably help your brand long term, attract the right kind of contract for you right away-" "Wow, where was all this perspective when you were doing the analysis on the blue curtains?" She smirks, "I have more experience in keeping up appearances —and everything it entails— than you think, apparently"
Everything else under spoiler bc I have tons of prompts haha
Chloe becomes designer & coordinator, director, for marc & Nath’s comics! She loves outfit coordinating, set designing, composition etc. Marc handles the writing and Nath the drawing, Chloe helps with the visual design. It starts with Chloe suggesting lil things to Nath when she sees his drawings, like add a common accessory to all the team. And since she was queen bee she can fact check some things. He loses his sketchbook while walking and she picks it up, not in her usual mood, n she sees his sketches and starts rattling off about details and fashion. Nath: "oh I- I’m not very knowledgeable in fashion designing..." she looks him up and down, taking his garish outfit in. "That I could have guessed." He huffs, sarcastic "Well, *thank you*, Chloe. That’s not a half bad idea, I could ask Marinette for some designing help, actually!" He lights up at that idea. She grits her teeth, angry and snatches his sketchbook back. She starts drawing on another page and her drawing isn’t really good but the ideas? Wow, they work. Chloe knows her aesthetics. "Stupid Marinette would *not* know how to arrange queen wasp’s hair, thank you very much. Ugh, this is outrageous! Utterly outrageous! You can keep the changes, and keep your god awful awfully thought out designs out of my sight, next time!" With his open sketchbook shoved back into his hands, he stares down at it n truly appreciate it. Wow, this is some serious good job. He thinks about it, kinda smug, oh I can *definitely* play her. He starts leaving his sketchbook behind on purpose n she starts giving him more and more notes when sabrina isn’t around. At some point she comes to the art room and everyone is silent but she’s shy and makes an effort not to be mean. The art dude takes her a bit under his wing and she starts channeling her time n energy into art, peeps of the art room start tolerating her. She takes Marc under her wing confidence wise, and sabrina tags along and rediscovers a love for scrapbooking. Omll marc & sabrina besties qpr cuties?
Pas de deux: they have a random ballet class in PE and they get paired up for the project and chloe 1) wants a good grade for her dad’s rep 2) is goal-oriented 3) has much less barb when teaching. Also prob a sad side note about impressing her mother with ballet classes as a kid.
But Are the Curtains Blue or Just Your Tear-stained Veil: Nathaniel tended to notice things, notice people. To dissect them, as if they were a comicbook character. What was surprising about Chloe is that while her attitude was bolsterous and always seemed so heated, her eyes were like ice, distant. A deep blue, and curtained off, like she could not let anyone else see what they hid. But Chloe was mean and cruel, and sometimes, Nathaniel dug too deep at wasn’t there. Maybe, they were just blue. He always came back at the mystery of her, though, and was pushed and pulled in a one-sided dance with her like the come and go of waves. //Maybe they just weren’t any curtains, whatever that meant. Maybe he was making everything up. Tags: kinda like The Girl Of the Train tbh
Name ideas:
Buzz off
Sweet as honey: What chloe turns out to love in a man is how sweet he can be
Preen my feathers (peacock holder Nath + motif with Chloe & appearances)
Quick ideas:
"I’ve spent so long hoping to be saved, that it feels weird to save people."
Chloe realizes her mother will never love her, or even respect her. Everything changes. //She lets herself be and experience pain and failure
By fake dating chlonath can make adrienette jealous! A scene: chloe tightens her grip on his arm with a crestfallen gaze at adrienette, nath is like ...? and realize Chloe hated Marinette bc abandonment issues
Sabrina chews chloe out and is done with her when they were on an outing, chloe runs into the nearest building, a museum, to hide and cry her eyes out. She bumps into Nath, and a friendship goes from there.
Ever since nath learned chloe is queen bee, he calls her stuff like yes your stinginess.
Nath brings chloe to a emo concert to throw her off, all hell breaks loose. (She likes it)
Two works linked together, one from chloe pov about nath n the other vice versa. "It’s wicked how sweet you are" and "it’s sweet how wicked you are"
Impression, soleil levant: they have a run in in the museum. Chloe genuinely likes fine art. Nath likes popping color, lineart, contrast and stylistic appeal, more contemporary stuff. Chloe really like impressionism, it calms her down, she could spend a lot of time just watching a painting. When she was a kid her dad would bring her when talking business at the louvre so she ran off with Jean and she knows the museum very well.
Chloe’s dad keeps bothering her about rules and standards and finding a partner, so Chloe resolves to find the lamest lousiest boyfriend. To make a statement, of course, she tells herself so when her eyes keep flicking to the redhead sitting at the back of the class.
What better way to learn to be vulnerable with each other than ice skating, when you’re both awful at it? A date <3
She points out a panel with queen bee when he’s doodling it, she has no context she just chilling "why is her hair down?" Nath answers without missing a beat "It’s a metaphor for vulnerability".
Nath starts disappearing quietly to places more and more, now that he has a miraculous. Chloe susses him out. W-what?? How did you notice it? Nobody ever pays attention to me- Ugh, you’re *impossible* to miss with that fluorescent hair of yours. Well you’re the only person who pays attention to it, apparently. Hah, blame my superior eyes if you must. Well if *I’m* what your superior eyes choose to watch then- U-um, we’re getting sidetracked! W-what are you doing here! Reverse universe where she’s still denied being queen bee so she’s Nath’s sidekick? He doesn’t really have any friends besides Marc which not in this universe bc it comes before, so he wouldn’t have anyone else so lowkey he’s grateful. He notices her really truly changing for the better as they hang out more.
I dig my hole, you build a wall: As Chloe Bourgeois doubles down on being an irredeemable bully, Queen Bee continues to rise on a pedestral of adoration. It doesn’t help, nothing ever does, and it’s getting harder to make herself ignore how miserable she is. Chloe drowns herself in her superhero job, squeezes every drop of appreciation from her fans she can. Nath happens to be one of them, hardcore. She just needs someone to lean on.
26/11/‘22 Chloe gets akumatized into a dollhouse lover like with her teddybear mr cuddles, and she wants to kidnap some ppl and keep them like dolls to play with her and listen to her every want and choice of activities. Sabrina is mad at her so elle la boude. She picks Nath and they have a tea party isolated at Le grand paris etc etc. Maybe after Adrien cuts it off with Chloe so she freaks out amd wants friends, even if toxic controlling, but she’s not shooting for Adrien bc she’s upset at him and ignores him.
He forgets some comic pages behind, vs queen wasp, and goes back to get them and finds chloe reading them intensely, seeming genuinely invested. She’s lowkey having a panic attack n shoos off an akuma?? He’s shocked, but that requires introspection so in the moment he’s doubtful and bitter. She’s panicced and embarrassed about having been found out. He’s like, wtf was so upsetting about my comic?? Jealous of my art? Mad that something isn’t about you? Angry that I have talent and dreams, unlike you? she flinches. She upsetti "you wouldn’t understand." "Oh, try me. I have experience in being put down, after all." He bites coldly. She explains half-heartedly "Oh, here comes the self-pity." Her lips quiver, she looks down. "You’re right. It is self-pity. I’m miserable." The "and I have no one else to pity me but me" is muttered so quietly. Her fists clench, chin tucked in her torso. Then her gaze hardens and she snaps her head up. "Whatever." He blocks her way out. She grits dangerously "*Out*. Of. The way." Her eyes prickle with tears. He doesn’t even flinch "That won’t work today." She’s so close to snapping violently but instead just cries. Blabla "Yeah well, when you’ve dug a hole as deeply as I have, you can’t get out. Not without a miracle, anyways." She says, you could do one about queen bee next, please. N leaves quietly and he’s never seen her so... non-agressive.
Entracte/solo act: Picking on Nathaniel Kurtzberg when alone with him, Chloe found, was a much different experience than humiliating him in public. It turns out, he only unleashes his fury on the most deserving of private audiences. Notes: I headcanon Nath, bc of the reflekto ep, would stand up for himself more if he wasn’t being bullied in public. I feel like having all the eyes on him motivates him to shut up and try to make the ordeal as brief as possible & leave the situation, so when he’s alone and getting sass he has less qualms about snapping and ripping into ppl lol. Chloe goes to the art room and Nath is alone in it. He asks where Sabrina is, she rolls her eyes "She had *something important* to attend to." She goes to see what he’s working on and makes her snide remarks as usual but unlike usual he snaps and rips into her, she loses her haughty attitude real quick. The next time they make eye contact in class, she grimaces and looks away. He wins. But then she gets a fire and glares at him head on. Let the war truly begin. 
To Nathaniel’s and Choe’s horror, the class goes on a mandatory camping trip. It does not go well for either of them. "Um, I’m sorry mme Bustier but I won’t be able to come. I’m sick, yes, cough cough, how unfortunate." Bustier is not amused. She groans when it’s announced they’ll have a camping trip. Nath keeps his in, but for once they agree on something. Ugh.  Nath just wants to draw in his tent, that’s too much to ask??!
Royalties: nath finds out chloe is queen bee and threatens to tell it to everyone so that ladybug will take her miraculous away. In exchange for his secret, Chloe must praise him and his art on her social media, throw his name in at fancy soirées, become his "fan". To Nath’s surprise and Chloe’s horror, it backfires. Royally. Her "Nath is so cool" post was half advertizing half for public humiliation. Being the daughter of the mayor of one of the most famous cities in the world meant she has a lot of followers, quite a few in the elite sphere of Paris. The post’s a bit rebellious on her end because he doesn’t like her calling him Nath. Since Chloe *never* praises anyone and the tone was overeager/affectious, people start theorizing they’re actually dating. He takes the logical leap to be invited by her at an event, but as a plus one because it’s not her party to invite people at. Normally he wouldn’t want to have anything to do with a fancy party, but he begrudgingly has to admit networking is very important as an artist, plus he’d do it to piss off Chloe alone.
Vampire au!! Summary: Beyond her humanity, which Chloe had never truly cared about anyway, becoming a vampire hadn’t really, concretely, taken away anything from her. She was still rich, loved by all of Paris, and beautiful. And yet, she realized then that she had lost herself without knowing when.  //Chloe has been a vampire for a lil while, very upset. Mr cuddly is also a reminder of her past life. She longs to see herself again, she has had to keep out of the spotlight because she has no reflection and can’t be taken a picture of, she asks Nath to draw her like in Mirror, Mirror the awesome fic which I recommend! Nath finds out her new identity so he becomes tied up in it all, he’s the only one who knows so he becomes who she feeds on. "I can pay you. What do you want? A thousand euros per night? The latest drawing tablets? A gallery showing? Publishing deal? Just help me." Right from the start she feeds off from his neck despite his hesitance. She goes "a wrist? Are you kidding me? I settle for nothing but the best." But the reality is she just wants to feel close to someone, one time the bite turns into a hug crying session. -"... Does that mean my blood is the tastiest?" She’s shaken at that, "That- was *not* what I was implying. It’s not like I would know, anyways." She huffs n looks away. "Your blood is... satisfactory." He smirks, from her, that’s a huge compliment. He can just hear it in his mind "My taste buds are only the most refined!! I can tolerate only but the best!!" She does tell him he’s sweaty n stinks the first time tho. He has to hide his neck bite, ppl tease him about hickeys. At some point a classmate figures out it’s chloe that gives him his hickeys and Nath has to damage control and people start sussing they’re a couple.
No lullaby: No one liked her, but she could dream, couldn’t she? The delusions she lulled herself to had never really been dreams, but maybe to reborn anew she could find a lullaby in someone new, too. // based on the song No Lullaby by Siamés. Also La la la by Jason Chen Akuma that calls itself Lullaby, it was made because they have to move away from their parents or smth like that, so it lashes out and makes all kinds of kiddy & wholesome parenthood stuff. It turns people into happy kids/babies by tapping into childhood memories of parents(something like that), but doesn’t affect Chloe. Because Chloe never had her parents be around much, or them being much like parents at all. Chloe is fighting as Queen Bee, of course, in an AU where people know who she is but Ladybug still trusts her to want not to smear her family name by being a bad superhero. "I could be a superhero and my mother still wouldn’t blink my way... Oh, sorry, that actually happened, not much for an hypothetical." Everyone stares at her in shock. "What? I can have a smart vocabulary!" People look at her with pity and sympathy. "T-that’s not it..." Chat says. Anyways they’re fighting it and a lot of other miraculous holders get hit and she does too but is immune bc it taps into their happy parents childhood memories, meanwhile it’s only able to conjure up her plushie for her. Anyways so she gets swinged up to a rooftop where Nathaniel is sitting and drawing Queen Bee, he jolts and goes "Q-quee-Chloe?" but they don’t have much time since the akuma comes swinging in too and gets Nath under its spell. She carries around baby!Nath around because for some reason she feels a sort of duty to people she knows irl. She goes to the building the other holders are in or something but still ends up alone with Nath since everyone got affected, she panics as her miraculous beeps and she’s alone to fix everything, but Nathaniel draws with his fine art colored pencils like kids use crayons and does tons of kiddy imaginative drawings, and starts humming, bringing her out of her torpor. As the tune calms her, she does a “what would Ladybug do?”, "Ugh, I could have used Evillustrator right about now." She strategizes on how to break the spell over Ladybug for purification, and goes in to break the akuma item holder. When Nathaniel comes to, he’s mad to have ruined his pencils, now with blunt deformed tips, but then he looks at his sketchbook in utter confusion he sees pages and pages of kid’s drawings, recognizing his own infantile style, but the most curious are that some drawings include Queen Bee. His feelings are conflicted and he wants to know what happened, but dreads asking her, but he laughs at a drawing of him pulling her ponytail, and stills at the one of her hugging him. End notes: Next time Queen Bee gets swung onto his rooftops by an akuma, Nath jolts but responds to that adrenaline by crossing his leg over his other knee and raising an eyebrow over half-lidded eyes: "Somehow, I’m not surprised." You know, like sometimes when people flirt as fight or flight response lmao.
22/2/‘23 Chloe was trying really hard to be kind like a true superhero now, and with the birthday of her classmate Nathaniel coming up she would have to, painstakingly, do everything in her power to give him the best gift ever. One problem is, she doesn’t really know him, like, at all. She asks him what he likes. She thinks of supherhero stuff and art stuff. She doesn’t know about drawing tablets so she’s like, what about this professional drawing desk I’ll have my bodyguard carry? As if everyone has the privilege to have the space for a new furniture on a whim. She asks Sabrina for help like this close to a meltdown, maybe even Marinette: "The fool was in love with you, don’t you know anything about him that could help??" And then at the end shes like "omg. I can get him an interview with Queen Bee!" Ooh does she get akumatized with some gifter gimmick? Would be neat but naaah. Maybe two parts, idk what the end should be! Copic markers maybe
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Marcaniel short story!!! MLB
I got board at 10:30 PM, so enjoy this Marcaniel story!!!
Marc and Nathaniel are in Marc's room, talking about ideas for their next comic.
"What about one that's focused around Cat Noir?" Marc suggested. "Our last one was mostly focused around Ladybug, so why not do one about him?" Nathaniel nodded.
"I like that idea." He said. "How about it's him trying to figure out his feelings for Ladybug?"
"Yeah!" Marc agreed and then got up to retrieve a notebook from his desk drawer to write down ideas. "Aw, shoot. I have no notebook paper left. My sister's going to the store today, but she's busy right now."
"It's ok, I have spare sketch paper we can use." Nathaniel said, reaching into his drawstring bag he had brought with him that had his sketch pad, a water bottle, and a few different pencils. As he pulled the sketch pad out, a piece of paper slid out and over to Marc's feet.
"Wait!" Nathaniel warned, but it was too late. Marc had picked up the paper and looked at it already. Marc studied the paper. On it was a very good, detailed drawing of him. The lines and colors were perfect, along with the color blending of what looked like watercolor pencils. On the bottom of the drawing, Nathaniel had signed his name and at the top was a short headline/title.
Could he like me back? But... I'm never that lucky, It can't be! But... This drawing...
Marc turned to Nathaniel questioningly.
"Do you... Like me...?" He asked. Nathaniel blushed and nodded. "Wow..."
"You think it's ridiculous, right? That you no longer wanna work with me cuz I like you. Or because I'm queer." Nathaniel gets up and walks toward the door.
"Wait." Marc said, grabbing Nathaniel's hand (Causing both boys to blush) to stop him from leaving. "I like you too. Ever since I met you. It's just... You're so beautiful and kind... and... your hair, your face, your lips-" He suddenly stopped, realizing what he had said. Both boys looked away from each other, red faced, hands still linked. Suddenly Nathaniel pulls Marc into him, so their faces are mere inches apart. They look into each other's eyes and Marc glances at Nath's lips then back up at his eyes.
"You're really cute." Nath says, before pulling Marc closer and kissing him. No words come from either of them for about the next five minutes.
Nathaniel and Marc pull away from each other.
"So you like me romantically? Marc asks.
"Heck, yeah."
"Do you like me sexually?" Nathaniel was a little shocked by the question. He wasn't sure if Marc was flirting or being serious, but whatever he was doing, Nath knew the honest answer.
"Yes." With that response, Marc pushes Nathaniel onto the bed that was a couple feet away. Nath doesn't resist. They start making out again, and move farther onto the bed.
Let's just say, the boys had a lot of fun that night... 😉
Thank you for reading!!! Let me know of any more MLB, ZOMS, or HSM short stories that you guys want!!!
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sasuhinasno1fan · 2 years
A wish for a different life - Adrien AUGreste Day 11
Short, but I’m on time! I knew this would be a short one and it’s a slight build up for the next part. I also thought to give a bit of insight into how Juleka was still akumatized. Plagg just wants his kitten but also wants him to be happy.
Adrien wasn’t that amazing of a sewer. He’ll admit, for harder cosplays, he’d mail them to his nonna and ask for her help. Simple things, he’d gotten good at. A mini sewing machine came with him to every place after his dad got it for him and it meant he could sew while binging anime. He’d gone to very few cons, but enough to know that con crunch was a real thing. cosplay photoshoots were similar.
After the success of their Shugo Chara OC shoot, his classmates – and Marc who was now considered part of the group once he finally talked to Nath and they started their comic – expressed interest in doing another one. They decided to do OCs again, this time from Naruto, since it gave many options for people to choose from. With Marinette’s help, they were able to make a list of small things to make for their classmates. Luka was even going to join them on this, as a member of the Sound Village. They’d joked that he could be like Mitsuki from the Boruto series, though Luka already expressed distress in having to sit still to have white painted on his body.
Currently, he was waiting for Juleka to come over. She had decided to be part of Hoshigakure as a Star Ninja, since she felt the main ones didn’t suit her. He was working on her boots and skirt and she was coming for a fitting. And probably tease him about Luka again. Since he’d been akumatized and he said those things to Luka, she and Rose took every opportunity to playfully tease him, Alya being no better. He didn’t mind it much; Luka had definitely given him more looks and smirks than usual. It was when he bit at his lip piercing.
“God, pure thoughts Adrien. His sister is coming over.”
He was trying on his own pants when the intercom went off and he let Juleka upstairs.
“Hi. I hope I’m not late. I had to go pick something up.” She said lifting the bag in her hand. There was a mild odour coming from it. Not a horrible smell, just…
“Is that cheese?”
“Camembert, it’s the cheaper version. It’s a good studying snack.”
Now, Adrien had been to the Liberty a fair number of times by now and there was something he noticed. In the fridge, there was always camembert. But he couldn’t for the life of him ever remember seeing any member of the family eat it. Even the one time they were studying in the sitting area under the pavilion and their mom brought out a charcuterie board – one client of her never ate on their yacht trip she captained for and the on-board cook told her to take so it didn’t spoil – it wasn’t there. Brie and gouda and a small pile of blue cheese, but no cooked camembert, because who would eat it raw?
There was another thing about seeing it. For as long as he could remember, seeing it made him feel a certain way. Not scared or nervous or anything, but there was this little thing that would be nudging the back of his head, hounding him like a fairy in Ledged of Zelda. Something he should remember or know. There was always a weird mix of feelings he had towards the cheese. Some annoyance over the smell, but also, the weird feeling of safety? He had no clue why. His parents didn’t really eat it, preferring Italian cheeses, nor did anyone else in his family. He had it a few times with friends, usually they had it during sleepovers if they were feeling expensive, though it tended to only get eaten halfway unless it had certain things on it.
So why did something as simple as cheese make him feel this way?
“You ok?” Juleka asked, her dark eye staring concerned.
“Yeah, I’m fine. You remembered to get the headband from Marinette? You left your shirt here so we could do a quick cosplay check, finalize things?”
Plagg held the oversized cracker as Juleka lift the cover for the cheese dish. The scent of camembert was mingled with garlic. To be honest, he preferred it plane but the siblings couldn’t stand the smell in their cabin. He looked over at Tikki, who sat on a box from Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie. She rubbed a paw on the logo, one that Marinette had designed herself. Before, he knew Tikki had been encouraging Marinette as she worked on it for the Patisserie’s new upgrade. This time, Marinette did it alone but it still was special.
“Not hungry?”
He looked at his holder. Most of his holders had been male so it was always interesting when he had a female holder. He remembered bits and pieces of Roarr’s cub, mostly from when she hung out with Adrien or from what Roarr told him. He enjoyed getting to know her now, beyond happy that granting Lila her wish meant he wasn’t with her. No, instead of Marinette saving Fu and Adrien performing an act of kindness in a small rebellion, there was Juleka and her brother, who’d walked with her to school to get bread from the Patisserie, pulling Fu out of the way of the car, close to calling the ambulance before he managed to give them the slip. Juleka was sent to school, Plagg hidden in her bag and Luka tried looking for him and eventually having to give up to get to class, where Tikki was waiting on top of his laptop.
It was different, he came out in his usual way, knowing he’d have to change it up a little but he didn’t realise how much. As much as Juleka lived for supernatural and horror stuff, the idea of being responsible for Paris in defeating Akumas terrified her. Luka was her usual cheering team, finding her and pumping her up to join him in saving Paris, but Plagg hadn’t been a big help. He acted like he did with Adrien, who took a decent load of his abuse for he managed to wiggle his way into the god’s heart because he wanted so desperately to get out of his home. Juleka had a happy home, with a massive support system and support when her anxiety kicked in. during picture day, he’d been a bit callous with his words and she yanked the ring right off. He left the box in the bag and Luka found him as Scarlet Bug. She had somehow managed to hide her identity from Hawkmoth when she’d been akumatized, though if he had to guess, she probably didn’t feel like Catseye to say anything until after they talked that night.
“my last holder, his home life wasn’t great and it took a while for me to see that. He had to beg to go to school, to live a normal life. I didn’t really get a chance to say goodbye to him. I guess I forgot that not everyone is like him.”
“Was he nice?”
He laughed, remember his kitten, the one who dug his way into his heart more than anyone. “he was amazing. Complained about my love of camembert but he still got it for me.”
That night, Juleka made the first one and while he knew she didn’t love the taste, he felt lucky that she did it for him, even after how he’d been. When he saw Adrien standing in the front of the class, he wanted to rush over to his kitten. He relished in seeing him rip into Lila without hesitation. He was happier and more open and free. He was living his life they way he wanted to.
But honestly, all he wanted was to just share his favourite cheese with his kitten, just one more time.
“Not really. Sorry I made you go through all that Blacky.”
Juleka rubbed at his head, covering the cheese again. “It’s fine. This one was about to go bad soon anyway. No use getting sick. I was wondering if you could tell us more about your holders? Since Fu still thinks only Luka should be trained?”
“I thought I got through to him during Syren. I’m trying, I promise.”
“Well, my last holder was an amazing musician. His father wouldn’t think so, but he got so happy when he played.”
Adrien was happy now. But did he wish he gotten to keep him. 
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ct-multifandom · 3 years
I’m sorry Adrienette fanartists, but you guys can stop trying now. None of you will ever be as good as Nathaniel
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so-were-heroes · 2 years
Let’s Discuss These Images: Mostly NathMarc (Penalteam Spoilers)
Here we see the writer dragging his complaining boyfriend to a soccer game
Nathaniel: I don’t see what’s so great about running around, kicking a ball. What if I hurt my hand? I won’t be able to draw comics anymore!
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Marc: Come on! It’ll be fun!
Nathaniel: I’m allergic to fun, broad daylight, sports, and people who aren’t you; you know this!
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Nath, how could you say no to this face?
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But Marc, how could you say no to this face? (… Although, seeing him smile is a little creepy)
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Yes, you!
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Epic Quartet Pose!
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“There is nothing more manly than a magic wand,” he said, sincerely
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Rooster Bold: I’m the Queen/King of the Castle! Get down, you dirty rascal!
Miraculous Team: Get Down!
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Hey, look who’s here!
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artzychic27 · 1 year
How would you do Horrificator Marc akuma?
First… He look like this
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Second, as this isn’t a school project, and Nino probably just invited his friends (Plus Chloé) for support and to help out with equipment, Marc’s also joining in because according to Marinette, Alya shouldn’t have to write the script alone
They have a fun time collaborating on the script, geek out over comics, and Marc lets Alya in on his crush on Nathaniel
In short: Fast friends
The day of the shoot, it’s the same as canon: Myléne’s scared, Chloé mocks her, and no work gets done. Get the coffee
And then Nino has the audacity to change their script!
Marc: *While Alya holds him back* I’m gonna kill him!
Alya: Marc, no!
Marc: I will kill him!
(After Chloé sends Myléne crying) When they try to rewrite the script, Chloé calls their original ideas garbage or some shit like that because she doesn’t get to kiss Adrien
So now she’s just forcing Alya and Marc to write more romantic scenes between the two main characters and she ignores everyone’s criticisms because “Who cares? I’m better than these pathetic losers!”
But then Nath says (Read as murmurs)
Nathaniel: Bitch, who made you the director?
Chloé’s furious by that comment and yells at Nathaniel. By that moment, Marc’s had enough, turns Chloé around by her shoulder so she’s facing him and says to her
Marc: Say more shit about him, and I will rip that little ponytail off your head so hard that it’ll tear the scalp.
Then he storms out of the classroom and Chloé’s left looking as if she met Satan
Hawkmoth can’t decide between Myléne or Marc, so he just sends his Akuma to do whatever
It goes after Marc because anger is stronger than humiliation/sadness
It fuses with one of his chains, blah blah blah, Arachnus
Nathaniel goes looking for Marc because he’s boyfriend material, and finds only a bunch of spider webs on the floor
Meanwhile, the students are still trying get the movie back on track despite losing a writer and the lead actor, until they hear Nathaniel scream
They run out into the courtyard and find it all covered in webs, and his shoe is caught in one
Same as canon, they’re trapped, there’s no way out, and they need to find the Akuma to escape
So, they split up, allowing Marinette and Adrien to transform while making it look like they were kidnapped, too
As for Nathaniel, Arachnus keeps him trapped in the library because not everything needs to be like canon, and manages to talk the Akuma out of devouring his head several times
(Because spiders eat their mates’ heads)
Same fight as canon, Arachnus kidnaps everyone he can get his many hands on
Only when he tries to scare Juleka, he doesn’t get weaker, but still kidnaps her
Soon, they (Alya) realize that Arachnus is Marc when he didn’t try to hurt her when he had the chance (Because they’re friends) and she notices the hair
By the time they make it to the library, Arachnus is trying once again to eat Nathaniel’s head
Chat Noir manages to trap him under some bookshelves, but they won’t hold him for long, and they can’t get close enough to the Akuma without Arachnus trying to bite them
So, while Ladybug comes up with some convoluted plan with her Lucky Charm, Alya’s had just about enough, pulls out her nail file, cuts Nathaniel down, and has him kiss Arachnus to keep his distracted while she steals the Akumatized object and breaks it
Lucky Charm, and Marc and Nathaniel are still kissing
Alya: Ya welcome.
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goggles-mcgee · 2 years
Too Late: Marc & Nathaniel
Latest chapter of the story for @miner249er
Previous Story
Last Chapter                        Next Chapter        
Summary: Marc was determined to find his redheaded friend and finally have a talk, whether said friend wanted to or not. They couldn't ignore each other forever.
Marc never liked confrontation. He hated it in fact. It always made his heart jump in his throat and made his skin tingle uncomfortably like there were tiny hairs all over his body that you always mistook for bugs. It was a sensation he was very much not a fan of, but one he felt too often for his liking. But even though he hated confrontation and the feelings it brought along he knew he couldn’t put this off, nor did he want to. Nathaniel was his friend, his business partner, his crush, as much as he didn’t want to talk to Nath about the Lila thing and the Marinette thing, Marc deserved answers and Nathaniel had been avoiding him. Sure in the beginning he had been avoiding the redhead as well but he felt that was to be expected, Nath knew him, knew what he was like and really the whole situation was very overwhelming. One of his closest friends was turned into an akuma, the deadliest and smartest akumas to date, and she went missing. There was no trace of her. Then there was the fact that apparently her class had a big hand in her akumatization.
Now it was just speculation but all be damned if there wasn’t some circumstantial evidence that helped “prove” that theory. It was a theory that was not hard to believe, everyone in the school could see the change in Mlle Bustier’s class, and they could see it hadn’t been a good change. But it didn’t matter how many times Marc asked Nathaniel if everything was okay in his class, it didn’t matter how many times Marc asked Aurore to help him talk to Mme Mendeleiev about what was maybe going on in Mlle Bustier’s class, nothing was being done, and nothing he or his friends did seemed to make a dent in the infamous ‘Akuma Class’s’ walls. The class had a reputation of being close, but where once it was admired and seen as a good thing, it grew to be something intimidating and off putting. It seemed like no matter what you did, no matter how hard you tried, there was nothing you could do to get close to anyone in the class. There was no way to break through or be invited past the walls. 
Marc had been lucky, or it had seemed that way for a while. Marinette was always the anomaly in the ‘Akuma Class’, she would talk to kids outside her class, she would try and make other friends, and other kids tried to be friends with her too. Marinette just had this gravitational pull to her, she was a star and many wanted to be a part of her constellation, but her classmates always seemed to keep her just out of everyone else’s reach. When Marinette had started talking to him it was nothing short of feeling like he was speaking to a goddess and he wished he was joking, because that is exactly how he felt when she approached him. Of course there was his whole akumatization but that had been a stupid misunderstanding and he still felt bad for blaming her and even thinking she was malicious enough to want to embarrass him on purpose, even if it was for a brief moment. It was what happened after that made him feel like he had received a blessing, he met Nathaniel, someone he had always admired, whether it was his art or simply just his looks.
 Marc thought Nathaniel’s art was incredible and that the boy himself was cute, then Marinette happened and he soon found himself in a partnership with the artist and next thing he knew they were making a comic series together. A rather successful one at that. Marc couldn’t have been happier and really it was all thanks to Marinette, he had wanted to find some way to thank her ever since, but everything he thought up always seemed subpar. And yet he still kept thinking of ways to thank her but in the end he would never get a chance to, because Marinette was gone. No one knew where she was. She was still an akuma and it was more than likely her classmates that drove her to being possessed by said akuma. The boy huffed when he realized his thoughts had just done a complete circle yet again. That had been happening more and more recently. 
He would think about how Nathaniel was really not being subtle about avoiding him, then his thoughts would predictably turn towards Marinette and how kind and amazing she was. Then of course his thoughts would go to her disappearance and of course the fact that not only did she disappear, but she disappeared as an akuma. There had been no Miraculous Ladybug to cure and repair everything that had gone wrong, and boy had things gone wrong. It was like Paris as a whole had been the one to be akumatized rather than Marinette, everyone acted differently or just completely out of their minds. Marc couldn’t help but shiver at the thought of the overzealous-and that was putting it mildly-followers that The Protector had somehow garnered after her disappearance. He had never run into any of them thank goodness, but all the stories he had heard and read about from eyes-witnesses had him glad he was never one to go out much anyways. But it was those overzealous sycophants and the rowdy self-righteous kids in school that had him worried and wanting to find and speak to Nathaniel. 
He had checked all of Nathaniel’s old haunts, he had been very surprised that the redhead had not been in the art room but then he remembered the club’s attitude towards the ‘Akuma Class’ and he felt foolish for even checking there in the first place. So he basically just went on a blind hunt for Nathaniel and hoped he would be able to find the boy before lunch was over. Thankfully he knew Nathaniel always had lunch at school since his parents weren’t able to pick him up to take home for lunch and back to school after. So he continued looking for his friend, at least, he hoped they were still friends and if they weren’t then hopefully they could work towards being friends once more. Though he knew if he did manage to find Nathaniel, the talk they had to have wouldn’t be pleasant, he just hoped that both of them could manage not to blow anything out of proportion. 
Both of them were driven by their emotions, and they both tended to jump to conclusions, point and case being their individual akumatizations. Marc grumbled as he shut the locker room door as there was no redhead in sight. He hated having to be the rational one. He was just fine being the hot mess he was, he was content to be that and proudly made sure everyone knew it. Though he liked sharing the role with Marinette, the two of them bonded over the fact that they couldn’t go through one day without something happening because they were always in a tizzy. It was great to find someone he shared that with, they had even joked about making a club, but overall it was just great to have a friend that understood when he spiraled over something so little as misplacing his journal. Marinette made him feel seen, she helped him come out of his shell, she was the reason he was able to make friends. She would always deny it and say that was all him but he knew if she had never talked to him he probably would have been content to just stay in the shadows away from everyone. 
It was when he was getting frustrated and decided to just eat his lunch in Mme Mendeleiev’s homeroom class (he wouldn’t dare try and eat in her lab even if it was closer to him after the lecture she gave to one of his classmates that decided it was a good time to snack while in the lab) and try again tomorrow that he saw a familiar head of red hair sitting at a desk at the back. “So this is where you’ve been hiding.”
“Marc? What…what are you doing here?” Nathaniel asked, it was clear he had not been expecting anyone to walk in. To be fair, not many people had permission to eat their lunch in Mme Mendeleiev’s homeroom and not many of them ran into each other.
“I did just say, ‘So this is where you’ve been hiding,’ I think that is rather clear.”
“You were looking for me?” Nath asked cautiously and Marc had to restrain himself from rolling his eyes even if he was getting frustrated. He found himself getting frustrated easier and faster nowadays. Stupid hormones. 
“Well yeah. You’ve certainly haven’t made it easy. You’ve been avoiding me.” 
“I haven’t-”
“Don’t lie to me.” 
“Well what do you want me to say Marc?” 
“I-” Marc started but he realized it was a bit more heated than he wanted it to be, with a sigh it was like all his frustration and determination left him. “I didn’t come here to fight Nath.”
“I’m…Look. I’m sorry Marc. It’s just, that’s all anyone seems to want to do nowadays.” Nathaniel did look sorry so Marc didn't hold it against him, and to be fair he himself came in a little hot headed so he just nodded his head as he walked closer. He didn’t sit at the desk with Nathaniel but since the boy was sitting on the edge anyway he decided to sit in the desk across from him. “I guess that’s why I’m…hiding. Everyone just wants to fight, or, or yell at me- at us, about how awful we are and how we let her down!”
“Well…” Marc began as he picked off lint from his fingerless gloves, it was a nervous habit. Thankfully he hadn’t accidentally picked a stray string and unraveled the gloves but he knew it was only a matter of when. “I didn’t track you down to yell at you.”
“Are-Aren’t you mad at me?”
“I was. I’m not going to lie. But I think you’re mad at yourself enough for the both of us.” Marc said as he gestured to Nath’s bandaged hands. He was one of the few people that knew how self-destructive Nath could be when upset, especially when he was upset at himself. He would force himself to work on a wood carving project, something he rarely did, but he wouldn’t put on the protective gloves, so if he got nicked by a tool he would feel it. Marc tried his best to get Nath to stop, and he thought he had succeeded. Looks like he in all actuality failed. “I wish you wouldn’t do that..”
“I know.” Nath admitted softly. 
“Have you been…working on a project recently?” Marc asked softly, still looking at Nathaniel’s bandaged hands. There were so many band aids he could barely see the boy’s pale skin.
Nathaniel shook his head, it was then that Marc noticed the red hair that was usually well kept was greasy and a mess. His heart clenched at the knowledge that his friend was neglecting his self-care. “No…I haven’t had the energy to really work on anything. I’ve thought about it…but no. No new projects, er, carving-wise.”
It was Marc’s turn to nod. There was a moment of silence and where once it would have been comfortable like all the silence shared between them was before, now it was long, it was uncomfortable and it was nerve wracking. “Nath? What happened?”
“I don’t even know what to say Marc. Or well, I do, I just don’t know where to start.”
“Start wherever you’re most comfortable.” 
“I…I didn’t really pay attention to Lila. I know that doesn’t give me any points. I know it doesn’t make me better than my classmates, but I genuinely didn’t really pay attention to her.” Nathaniel started with a far away look in his eyes. “Sure she had amazing stories and such but they just never hooked me. Like, I don’t know how to explain it, there were stories for everyone to hear, to relate to, but there was always a constant. Her.”
“Everything was about her.” Marc muttered, he remembered hearing her regale her posy with a tale of herself meeting some big name author and he had felt like her eyes had been on him but he had just kept walking to his table with his friends. 
“Yeah. Exactly. And well, we were so busy with our comic, I just never really paid attention to what was going on in class. You know how I can get.” Nath said as he ran a hand through his hair. 
Marc nodded, he did know how Nathaniel could get because he was the same way. When they were in the zone everything else was like a haze, if they didn’t set alarms in their phones they would definitely forget to eat or take breaks. The alarms had been Marinette’s doing. “We both get like that when it comes to the comic.”
“So when I get like that, I usually have Alix tell me what’s going on in class and with our friends so I’m in the loop.” Nath explained as he looked down at his hands as he clenched and unclenched them. “But…I should have known better. Alix, I love Alix, but Alix is stubborn and rash, and….but she’s loyal. So when she told me Marinette didn’t like Lila and she explained that Marinette was being a bully…I was confused because Marinette has never been like that but at the same time I wasn’t her friend till this year…”
“So you-”
“So I listened to Alix, but it wasn’t just Alix. Everyone was talking about it! How Marinette had changed and how she was being mean to Lila! I…I listened to them. I didn’t partake in anything but I knew they were pulling pranks on her.” Nathaniel’s words were choked out on a sob. 
“I didn’t want to get involved. I-I hate situations like that, and I didn’t want to get involved so I didn’t,” Nathaniel cried. “And I have never regretted anything more. I should have looked into things more, I shouldn’t have just taken things at face value, I should have done something!”
At this Marc himself was crying too so he stood up and pushed Nath more into the desk so he could sit beside him and hug his friend. He didn’t know how long they sat there like that, just crying for anyone to hear, but it felt good. It felt good to hug his friend again and to just cry with someone he trusted. Yes Nathaniel made a mistake, but at least the boy realized that himself and felt ashamed, there was no need for Marc to punish his friend more. He knew people wouldn’t understand him forgiving Nathaniel but he didn’t care, people are allowed to make mistakes, especially children. This was a mistake, a big mistake, but it wasn’t made intentionally and everyone was already suffering because of it. Marc didn’t see the point of continuing to place blame on Nathaniel, what happened was terrible and one of their friends was missing because of it, but there was no way to heal and move forward if he decided to continue to be mad and hateful. 
“You might think it’s too late…” Marc began softly, “but the fact that you recognize what you did was a problem and feel regretful, shows how sorry you are. Nath, I’m not going to lie and say I wasn’t mad at you, because I was. But you can’t keep punishing yourself for the past.”
“How can you forgive me?” Nath asked around his choked out sobs.
“Because you’re my friend.” Marc said firmly as he hugged Nathaniel tighter. “And…and because it’s what Marinette would do.”
The room was quiet as Marc had memory after memory of Marinette flooded his brain, he imagined the same could be said for Nathaniel who was still crying but had managed to calm down enough to stop his choked out sobs. Now all that could be heard from him was sniffling. They just sat there hugging each other, remembering their friend and hoping to muffle and forget everything going on outside for just a moment. One moment was all they needed, away from the chaos and the crushing weight of judgments and expectations, just one moment to be just them. A moment where no one would yell or laugh at their misery, or have people expect them to jump on the bandwagon and treat the class like social pariahs. In that empty classroom they could be just Marc and Nathaniel, two boys who desperately missed their friend. 
“She was always too forgiving.” Nathaniel mumbled with a sad chuckle. “Even when someone didn’t deserve it…she was always ready to forgive.”
“She really was. Marinette,” Marc tried to ignore the pain in his chest at her name, “Marinette was amazing, and kind, and selfless, and so so much more.”
“She was…” Nathaniel sighed as he gently pulled away from Marc and ran a hand through his hair. “And-and it hurts that people, well a majority, only see her as The Protector. That’s not Marinette, that will never be her. Marinette was many things, and I want to remember her as those rather than…than the akuma she left us as.”
“Sometimes…Sometimes people only want to see the akuma. They only want to see the bad in people or they only see what they want to see.” Marc supplied with a tilt of his head and shrug of his shoulders. It was depressing but it was the truth. 
“She’s not her akuma! We’re not our akumas!” Nathaniel said hotly.
Marc flinched even though he knew Nath wasn’t yelling at him, but he nodded all the same. “You know…people were still wary around me after the whole…Reverser incident. It was like they expected me to turn into…him at any moment. Some of my classmates even stopped talking to me altogether.” 
“Marc…That’s awful.”
“It is. But it stopped eventually.”
“How? W-Why?”
Marc gave Nathaniel a bright smile. “You happened. You suggested making my akuma a hero in the comic. Like how you turned Evillustrator into Mighty-Illustrator. And we paired up to make the comic which definitely helped, but really, it was the comic itself that helped me. People saw my akuma not as Reverser, they saw the hero you made it to be, they saw it as Contrary Wise.”
“You did that too, you know? You wrote your akuma as a hero fantastically. You write fantastically Marc. I don’t know where I’d be without you.” 
“My point is,” Marc laughed and bumped Nath with his shoulder to try and hide his blush, “you helped everyone separate me from Reverser.”
Marc watched as Nath smiled and rubbed the back of his neck before the boy stopped and sat up suddenly, no longer slouching. He turned to Marc with wide, excited eyes. “That’s what we need to do!”
“We! I’ve been wanting to make something for her anyways but I didn’t think I could because I didn’t know if you still wanted to work with me. But you’re here now! It can happen! We can make it!” Nathaniel babbled as he gestured wildly with his hands. 
“Make what, Nath? I just want you to make sense!”
“We make another comic!” Nathaniel announced as he fumbled with his backpack before he yanked out his ‘Ideas’ journal. “Only this time it won’t feature Ladybug. Ladybug is gone. Marinette…well Mari as Ladybug promised to always protect us. She never realized she was a hero all the time. To all of us. Mask or no mask.”
Marc started getting excited and a bit sad when he realized what Nath wanted. “A comic dedicated to her but her as Marinette. The everyday hero. Our everyday hero. No mask.”
“We show everyone she’s not The Protector. Not just Ladybug. She’s human. Like all of us, we show Paris that we can be heroes too. Not…not like we, we.”
“I know what you mean, Nath. We show them that Paris…that we, the people, can be heroes like Marinette.” Marc beamed with pride at his friend. 
Nathaniel nodded and gave a more bittersweet smile. “Like Marinette.”
Next Chapter
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lunarianillusion · 3 years
A change in fate
a maribat fanfic
Chapter 09
When the final school bell of the day finally rang Marinette and her pack practically bolted from the building, before the braindead could catch them. When outside she told the others to go on ahead without out her, telling them she would meet them back at the hotel, and that she had to quickly grab something from her room. Chloe was a bit hesitant since the toxic shepherd and her herd were still lurking, but Marinette reassured her as best as she could making her lead the other three away.
The omega made quick work of avoiding her parents, not caring for what they possibly could have said in her migraine induced morning, and up to her room. After slipping in through the trap door the hidden kwami’s all came out of hiding. All very happy to see that the young guardian had recovered from the past morning.
The omega smiled softly at the little gods that cared for her wellbeing. She was truly happy to have found away to release the kwami’s from the box confines. Giving them a small piece of freedom, they needed. She hoped to give them true freedom one day, but for now they needed to focus.
“It is time for step two,” The noirette said, gaining the complete attention from all the little gods. Then they turned to one and other a silent conversation among the concepts of the world and gave each other a firm nod of agreement. “We are all ready to proceed young guardian,” Longg spoke firmly with the slightest hint of longing. She could tell and could not blame him for wishing to meet with his possible soul bearer, but she could not trust the dragon’s soul bearer just yet.
The guardian’s blue eyes turned to onto the light turquoise kwami nearby. “Are you ready?” The snake gave her a small grin. “I am.” “You better take good care of her, understood,” Pollen buzzed while giving Sass a fireless glare. To which he chuckled in return and gave his fellow god words of assurance, as Marinette grabbed the small box holding his miraculous.
After procuring the miraculous of change, along a thick binder filled with Lie-la’s inconsistencies and fever dreams, the omega hero made her way over the grand hotel. Upon arrival Marinette encountered Chloe’s loyal butler. He informed her that monsieur Bourgeois was in search of his daughter and so advised the dark-haired girl to take the long route to the nest. As to not alert the dumb mayor that Chloe now has taking more of a residence in her secret room.
Over the time that Chloe has used opportunity to redeem herself to others, she had become aware of how toxic her family was and had been distancing from her parents whenever she needed room to breathe. The staff had been happy to provide her with a special place for the blond within the hotel. One of the rooms had been modeled into a one room apartment specially decorated for the young alpha and kept off the books so that her father would not find it. When they showed her the room Chloe had burst into a sea of overjoyed tears, having been giving confirmation that she was indeed became a better person in the eyes of others. That had been such a relief for the girl and a great boost to her confidence.
Giving the beta butler her thanks, the omega made the long round way to Chloe’s second room that gained the title of the nest over the past months. Upon arrival and entry, the blue-eyed omega was met with the homely interior of the apartment, that made it feel as though you just walked into a hunter’s cabin in the mountains. To the right was the sitting/living area with a large half circle couch and two armchairs standing around a round red wood coffee table. A large flat screen tv hung from the wall infront of the sitting area, with several drawers under it filled with the girls collection of DVDs and blue ray’s. To the left was the kitchen area with a wooden bar counter that separated the kitchen from the hall and living area, around it stood four wooden fashionably cushioned barstools. In the back, past the doors that led to the bathroom and workspace, was a window seat bed that had been transformed into a large nest. Made from a mismatch of blankets, pillows and some articles of close from the two female occupants. A large deep dark red canopy hung from the ceiling that gave the two a feeling of a save close offed space, for whenever the one of the two took shelter here for the rut or heat.
The smile on Marinette’s face came naturally as she past the rooms threshold. This was a place of safety for her, something that her old home could never again be. How she often wished she could live here but her ‘parents’ would kick up a fuss and she really did not need the extra headache’s.
Her eyes drifted around counting all of the current occupants in the den. Nathaniel and Marc sat snuggled together upon de couch, enthusiastically discussing their new comic idea, Chloe was in the back near the nest looking for something in one of the large bookcases lining the wall and Tim was in the kitchen making the holy elixir, COFFEE. “Can you make me a cup too, Tim,” the female omega called out gaining her packs attention. Though Chloe was the only one that gave a verbal response in the form of a pained groan and calling her an addict. She ignored her friend in favour of focussing on the steaming cup of coffee that the dark haired prepared for her. She gave him a grateful smile and a small thanks as she took a seat at the kitchen counter and dropped her thick binder with a thud onto the wooden surface.
She took a careful sip from her given ambrosia and then pulled on her business face. “So now that we have all gathered, shall we get started on the downfall of the delusional spider and her plague of insects.” The crystal blue eyes glanced around the room once more and taking in the malicious smiles of her pack. “Oh yes, let’s get started,” the blond female nearly cackled as she pulled out to binders of her own. Yes, they were ready for the hunt.
And so started of several hours of compiling all the tall tales that had past Rossi’s lips from the lady blog, their phones and school camera’s, curtesy of Tim’s hacking skills. But as people will agree after a certain amount of time one gets side-tracked, especially if you have a petty alpha female wanting revenge. Surprisingly the two male omegas’ were very much on board with the pettiness.
“But wouldn’t she simply blame Marinette,” Chloe interjected. She and the male omegas having a thorough discussion over how to trick Lie-la into spraying herself with skunk musk. They discussed it for over an hour.
“Not unless she believed it to be a gift for Marinette,” Marc began to supply, making Chloe pull a face. “She would say she was so thankful for the gift while just taking it,” The jade eyed male continued. “But either me or Tim or me would say it was for Mari,” Nathaniel took over, “She in a fit her supposed supremacy will spray herself and then come to the horrid realization of the disgusting odour. This will work in our favour two ways. One Lie-la will smell just as horrid as her soul is,” “And two, because they will think we ‘tried to do this on Mari’ we can get in the flies good graces and here about any possible plots to hurt our leader and prepare for that accordingly.” Marc finished, devious smiles on both his and boyfriend’s faces.
“You two are bloody devils,” The blond alpha started, eyes filled with wondered surprise before beginning to laugh gleefully. “And I love it!” she exclaimed as Marinette and Timothy were just finishing up all the processed evidence that they had gathered. Next time they were going to look into things Lie-la had done before she had come to Dupoit. But for now, it was pack bonding time.
“Nath please cal-”
“NO Marc he is right. They gods have deceived us. COLOUR IS A LIE!!!” Marinette exclaimed as she threw her sketchbook across the room. Whirling around she grabbed the redhead and raised her hand to the window. “OPEN THE WINDOW WE MUST FLY!!!”
“Mari, Tim, put the mugs down,”
The two in question raised the offending cups to their lips.
“I swear to the powers from the beyond, don’t you two dare drink that! That is your fifth cup in the past thirty minutes.”
The alpha omega duo took exaggerated sips from their cups, the sound penetrating the air. Within seconds the blond was chasing around her two coffee addicted friends around the room in a made chase screaming profanities every so often. The two coffee worshippers always two steps ahead of the girl with surprising agility, not letting a single drop of the elixir of life spill from their containers. Whilst Nathaniel and Marc watched the chaos from the couch unfold, sharing a bowl of popcorn.
After a long chase, that resulted in Chloe’s loss, the pack had nestled themselves on the couch and chairs around the tv. They had some action movie playing and were making all sorts of critics, on the fight scenes mostly. It made for a rather peaceful atmosphere.
Marc and Nathaniel were snuggled together within a wool blanket on one of the large armchairs. Chloe and Marinette had claimed the couch, their heads on opposite ends and legs tangled in the middle.  Tim sat on the other chairs, his legs dangling over the side and hid eyes taking in more the people around him then the movie. Taking in every detail of the scene around him and committing it to memory as his senses were lulled by the peaceful atmosphere, making him feel safe.
As the late evening came Marc, Nathaniel and Tim went to their own homes, begrudgingly. Leaving Marinette and Chloe in the nest, for Mari had no interest in returning home for the night. And she also had a mission to fulfil.
The two having just finished the dishes, from the room served meal, sat curled up in the nest/bed area talking about the day events and other random thoughts. When, to Chloe’s surprise the noirette omega took on a far more serios exterior. Her blue eyes calculating and analysing the blond before her and her posture straight as an arrow and rigged. “What’s wrong Marinette?” the alpha asked, using her full first name instead of one of her nicknames.
Taking a small breath, to try and calm her nerves, Marinette spoke: “I need to ask a favor of you Chloe Bourgeois, something of great importance. But I need to know that I can fully trust you with what I am about to ask of you.” The mayor’s daughter opened her mouth to say that ofcourse she could trust her, but the darked haired held up her hand to stop her having not yet finished. “I know that I can trust you with anything that happens in our normal lives, but this is not something that can be considered normal and many things are at risk,” she took a moment to let the gravity of the situation sink in. “So, I need to know that I have your compete loyalty and that you will always have my back trough whatever may come. I need to know that you will not stab me in the back,” the last part had been whispered almost so quietly that Chloe might not have picked it up had she not given the omega her full attention.
The last words that were spoken stung the blond a bit, but she understood the meaning behind them more then anything. For those she had once considered her most trust pack members had turned their back on her for the stupid lies of a filthy leach that now trespassed on their territory. She understood the words very well. But Marinette asking this meant that she trusted Chloe so much that she was about to reveal possibly one of her most precious secrets to her friend. A swell of pride and determination flowed through the alpha as the implications of her request made itself clear in the former bully’s mind. And she swore not to let that trust in her go to waist. Chloe poised herself and stared straight into Marinette’s eyes conveying as much determination as the blond could muster through her gaze and scent.
“Marinette, you have given me so much even after all the years of torment I dragged you trough. You forgave me when I finally got my act together which was already more then I deserved, but you also let me join your pack and supported me as I tried to see what I needed to do to become a better person. You made me realize what I truly needed to be happy and because of that I have finally found who I want to be. I will never be able to fully for all that you have done for me. So, whatever secret you share with me I will take to the grave, whatever deed I must do no-one will lead it back to you. I will have your back in all the fights that are to come,” she took a deep breath, to keep her rage for those who did betray the omega at bay, but gaze filled with determination. “I swear I will never betray you for as long as I breath. That I assure you,” Chloe finished.
Marinette could feel her eyes tearing up, but she forced herself not to let any of the tears fall. No was not the time for tears. Even so, the words and emotion that the blond had expressed made Mari so happy and it took away all of her doubt. For no lie was uttered and the absolute devotion coming from her alpha friend sealed that fact.
Carefully she pulled out a dark octagon box with a red sigil painted on the lid. A box the omega knew Chloe recognised. She smiled at the wide eyes she got from her friend before dawning her hero persona. “Chloe Bourgeois this is the miraculous of the snake, that will grant you the power of change. I, Marinette Dupain-Cheng former hero known as Ladybug, current true holder of peafowl and guardian of the miraculous ask you to join me in the fight to end the terror of Hawkmoth. Will you accept?”
A long tense moment of silence followed after the proposition was finally spoken. Both party’s staring intently at the other, their minds whirling with uncoordinated thoughts and question, as fate awaited an answer.
Hesitantly Chloe broke the silence not with an answer to the question, but with a question of her own. “Am I worthy of a miraculous?” Her self-doubt shining through in the quiver of her voice.
Marinette’s demeaner softened at her friend a surge of reassurance washed over the omega, she made the right choice. “Yes Chloe, you are most definitely worthy of a miraculous,” Marinette assured, but could see that the blond was not fully convinced. “You said it yourself, you have taken the road to better yourself in both in your own eyes and the eyes of others. I and many others have been beside you watching you take that rocky road head on and witnessed the fruit it bore. From all the people you helped with charities and donations, from the kids in the hospital that smile so brightly every time you come to visit, form Trevor and Miranda who practically see you as their own daughter, from our friends that would come running at slightest of whispers of you being in danger. I assure you that you are worthy to wield a miraculous. So will you stand beside me as my partner and friend through the coming battles?”
As the finale words sunk in, Chloe felt her resolve strengthen. Whipping away the tears that had gathered in her eyes she gave her friend another look of determination, as she took the small box from Paris’s true hero hand. “I would be honoured,” the blond spoke receiving a grateful smile from the noirette in return.  
Opening the box, a turquoise glowing orb circled around the alpha, making her reminisce of her first meeting with Pollen, before the orb took on the form of a snake like being. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Chloe. I am Sass, the kwami of change,” the snake kwami spoke. “The feeling is mutual,” Chloe replied sincerely as she took the miraculous from its confines and placed it around her wrist. The band camouflaging the moment it was clipped on. The twisting turquoise band turning into a single rose gold band with two swirls circling a sapphire rose with a few clear diamonds. As the miraculous settled the new kwami and wielder pair turned to the young guardian with Duusu now floating beside the omega.
“I will have you know that I have many questions for Dupain-Cheng,” the female alpha said without any heat behind her glare. Making Marinette give a small at her friend. “I would not expect anything less from you,” Mari sighed light heartily, before she turned a bit more serious once more. “But let me first tell you the full extend of what has been going on.”
Author note: This chapter was honestly hard to write, with the heart to heart between Chloe and Marinette being an especially hard point, but I hope you could still enjoy the chapter it and please tell me what you think of the story so far.
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aeonghaseyo · 3 years
Your Trace, My Treasure
Summary: Marc and Nathaniel write and draw, respectively, on each others' notebooks because it's DEFINITELY a couple thing to do.
Word Count: 2105 AO3 link
Relationship/s: Nathaniel Kurtzberg/Marc Anciel Category: M/M Characters: Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Marc Anciel, Alix Kubdel (mentioned), Marinette Dupain-Cheng (mentioned), Juleka Couffaine (mentioned), Rose Lavillant (mentioned), Alya Cesaire (mentioned) Language used: English Author's Note: The creators of MLB really need to give the side characters screen time. The love square isn't the only romantic set of ships in the show and there are much more cute ships to write about. And so in my first time of writing a Miraculous Ladybug fanfic, it's about a ship that's entirely not part of the love square. This is my final workshop output from a creative writing class I enrolled in during the summer to get units in advance. Special thanks to my professor and two of my classmates for their feedback; I couldn't have made this work even more wonderful without their help. For the non-love-square ship and this being a successful workshop output thus far, I think I'm gonna give myself a pat on the back and more fanfic ideas to write. :)
Compared to the courtyard at Françoise Dupont High School where the lively chattering of students can be heard and the scrambling of footsteps were a staple, the art room was its own entire world of silence.
It was supposed to be a calming silence in that same art room where Marc and Nathaniel were to work on art-related endeavors of their own, but the former found this unwelcoming and rather deafening. It weighed down on his being that the atmosphere was unbearably awkward, much like he was most of the time even before he met Nathaniel and became his partner in creating comic books about Ladybug, Chat Noir, and their akumatized alter-egos who turned good and served as part of the superhero duo’s akuma-fighting team. Despite a remarkable development from being acquaintances, to newfound partners, and now to a bloomed romantic couple, Marc Anciel, as awkward as ever and still testing the waters on this newfound relationship, couldn’t shake this nagging feeling of inadequacy as someone’s significant other.
It just goes to show him that even though his romantic feelings for Nathaniel had been reciprocated at Day 0, it does not remove the remaining unease that Marc currently feels at Day 1. It was his first time in a relationship, and it was with the boy whose drawings he admired so much from the school paper. Simply put, it was too good to be true.
Unfortunately, the awkwardness Marc felt wasn’t masked enough, and Nathaniel immediately noticed from his place by the table beside his raven-haired beau. How could he not? It was very obvious, from the way Marc’s hand shakily distorted his usually refined, elegant script while writing the next chapter of their comic to the way his expression was contorted as if he was constipated. Nathaniel thought to himself that it was still an adorable sight, but clearly, something was up, and it wouldn’t do well to just ignore whatever troubled his beloved partner. Attempting to break the ice, the redhead cleared his throat, then spoke to call Marc’s attention.
The novelist jolted in surprise at the utterance of his name. “Y-yes, Nathaniel?”
Leaning in for a better view of the page Marc was writing on, Nathaniel replied, “Your handwriting’s different.”
“W-wait, really?” blurted out Marc, quickly covering the page with his gloved hand. “I d-didn’t know you were p-particular with handwriting.”
Nathaniel placed a gentle, caring hand on his boyfriend’s with a smile aimed directly at him as he clarified himself, “It’s not that, Marc. I’ve seen it and it’s great. Right now, it just looks… wobbly. You’re nervous, aren’t you?”
Even if Nathaniel was a recluse in his own class, he could very well read into the emotions of people, but he doesn’t show it that often. As endearing as it was as a show of concern towards shy Marc, it was also overwhelming for the raven-haired novelist to have been the subject of such deep perception, even from the boy his heart palpitates for.
It was then that Marc’s fight or flight response reminded him in a split-second that he needed some sort of diversion for Nathaniel not to remind him of his own awkwardness.
“Isn’t it weird that our art teacher didn’t come here?” Marc rapidly questioned as he struggled not to look at the red-haired boy beside him. Despite this attempt to keep Nathaniel’s focus off of his disposition, glancing towards the door and not at Nathaniel did not help stop the blood from rushing to the novelist’s fair cheeks. His partner might be tired of this, of him, already, but that light chuckle of pure amusement coming from Nathaniel disproved that thought.
“Hey, hey, settle down Marc,” chided Nathaniel, “he might be running late. It’s okay for us to use the art room so long as it’s reserved around this time. Good thing that he reserved it at an earlier time than usual.”
With innocent green eyes, the raven-haired boy looked his boyfriend in the eye and asked, “H-he can do that?”
“Of course, he can. Let’s just wait for him, okay?” reassured Nathaniel, his left hand making its way on Marc’s right shoulder discreetly. “I’m sure my other classmates will arrive here shortly too.”
A shy smile emerged from Marc’s face as he replied, “Okay, Nath.”
Suddenly, a ringtone from the phone which was in Nathaniel’s pocket sounded audibly enough to catch both the boys’ attention. The redhead immediately fished out the device from his pocket and unlocked it, revealing three unread text messages from his close friend Alix.
Hey Nath! Something came up and I couldn’t swing by the art room. Love troubles again with Marinette. Juleka and Rose are also helping out with me so they can’t come.
I can’t believe that Marinette got invited personally by Adrien to his photoshoot but she can’t even give him her handmade gift or ask him out. Because she’s such a wuss, I got dragged here in the park by Rose because Mari needs all of her girl friends to push her towards Golden Boy Agreste YET AGAIN.
And apparently Alya alone couldn’t do it. Sorry! You’ll have Marc to keep you company anyway. Have fun! ;)
So much for those girls coming over to the art room. Nathaniel let out a sigh as he muttered, just enough for Marc to hear, “I stand corrected. The others aren’t coming.”
Catching on his partner’s crest-fallen demeanor and gazing at his face with sympathetic green orbs, Marc replied, “Guess it’s just the two of us for now.”
The next minutes were spent in silence again, with Marc continuing to finish a paragraph while Nathaniel sketched a bird’s eye view of the Eiffel tower as the background in one panel of the comic storyboard in his notebook. After several minutes elapsed, however, curiosity got the best of Marc, and so, with the tip of his pen lingering on the period of his last sentence, he kept on glancing at Nathaniel and the storyboarding he was working on. Besides the sheer focus that was evident in Nathaniel’s turquoise orbs, the shy novelist couldn’t help but notice the fine, steady strokes his beau’s hand were making with his fine-pointed mechanical pencil. So neat, so pristine. It’s amazing how he didn’t need an eraser to erase certain portions of his drawings over and over.
Marc had seen artist sketches himself of both people and objects, mostly done by his friend Marinette. As someone aspiring to become a fashion designer, she would be engrossed in sketching designs day by day, passion ignited by the sparks of inspiration she draws from around her. However, since Marinette’s sketches had obvious hints of disorder, as it normally is with crude artist sketches, it clearly contrasted with the otherwise structured sketches Nathaniel makes for his comic books. Marc, fully in awe, couldn’t help but take a break from his writing and stare at the red-haired illustrator’s creative process right next to him.
Meanwhile, Nathaniel, thanks to the strong, overbearing feeling of being watched, was getting overly conscious of his work. Keeping his composure to the best of his ability, he quickly turned to Marc and asked, “Do you need something Marc?”
Snapped out of his trance wide-eyed, Marc inwardly panicked. ‘Oh no, I must be staring at him too long! I hope I didn’t spook him too much.’
Scrambling for a sensible response, the novelist stuttered out, “I-i want to write something in your notebook.”
Setting down his pencil while his turquoise eyes were still on Marc, Nathaniel blinked inquisitively. “Oh, why would you want to do that?”
“B-because,” the shy writer reasoned, “I want to write something to remind you of me. T-that is, if y-you don’t mind.”
The red-haired teen averted his gaze from his partner as he remarked, “You know I don’t let anyone write on my notebook, Marc.”
This response triggered the disappointment that Marc had anticipated from the moment that they started continuing to develop the rest of the comic book they were working on together. It was even more daunting for the timid writer that their art teacher and the rest of Nathaniel’s classmates who were usually in the art room with them did not show up at that moment, or even at all. Marinette would tell Nathaniel that it’s a great idea for his newfound love to leave special traces on his personal notebook while Rose, somehow finding this romantic, would gush at this gesture with Juleka mumbling to herself in response. But what would have been the cherry on top for Marc at the moment is that if Alix was there to egg on Nathaniel, pressuring him to give in and let his boyfriend write something in his notebook. At least the comic relief from Alix’s teasing would help alleviate the collective awkwardness the couple felt at that moment. God, if only it wasn’t just the two of them in the art room at that moment.
But alas, he was alone, helpless and daunted, and he was facing the dragon which was Nathaniel, or whatever Nathaniel thought of him at that moment.
However, all of the fears and doubts that plagued Marc left him when Nathaniel continued with a small, endearing smile on his face, “But for you, I’ll make an exception.”
The novelist beamed at his boyfriend, green eyes sparkling with delight. “R-really?”
“In one condition.”
Marc took and held in a quick breath. “Anything, Nath.”
The illustrator picked up his pencil once again and uttered, with an outstretched hand right by Marc’s notebook, “Let me draw in your notebook.”
It was at that moment when Marc could feel his heart flutter, accompanied by the butterflies in his stomach as he opened his own notebook to the very last page and laid it out right by his beau’s workspace.
“It would be my pleasure.”
In a span of 2 minutes while Nathaniel was drawing on the last page of his boyfriend’s notebook, Marc, fidgeting and tapping his pen softly on his chin, racked his brain for a simple yet memorable piece to write on the first page of the illustrator’s notebook, which was left empty out of personal preference by its owner. Hoping to obtain bit by bit of inspiration, he glanced at Nathaniel, then at the empty page, then at Nathaniel, and so on and so forth. This went on, albeit unnoticed by the redhead, until mere seconds after, he scribbled away on the page once he had gotten attuned with his creative writing flow.
After both of them finished leaving their traces on each other’s notebook pages, Nathaniel and Marc gave each other back their notebooks and instantly opened them to where they each left their special mark. Struck with awe, the novelist softly traced the outline of the drawing and his emerald eyes were drawn to Nathaniel’s signature which he left underneath the recently drawn portrait. A tinge of pink formed on Marc’s cheeks as he admired every stroke that constituted this drawing of him done by none other than the boy he once looked up to, now loved, and who loved him back.
“No one’s written me a poem before,” Nathaniel uttered as he perused every line written by Marc on that now extra special page in his notebook, eyes taking in every word written in that distinct elegant script that served as an epitome of beauty that the redhead beheld. One particular line at the end of the writing, however, caught him by surprise: the words ‘Je t’aime’ accompanied by Marc’s signature in that same fancy handwriting the illustrator adored dearly.
Having regained his composure, Marc turned to Nathaniel and asked, “Do you like the poem? I-i thought of it on the spot so it might not exactly be to your liking, but-”
“I love it,” interrupted the red-haired teen breathlessly, wrapping an arm around his significant other and squeezing his shoulder. “Really Marc, you make the most wonderful written pieces.”
An expression as bright as day graced Marc’s features as he replied, albeit with a bit of shyness in his voice, “Y-you really think so?”
Nathaniel threw any single hint of hesitation in his being out the window as he placed a tender, loving kiss on Marc’s forehead. “I do. We’re meant to be partnered together, after all.”
And just like that, the uncomfortable awkwardness that haunted Marc was instantly warded off, and in a flash, he enveloped Nathaniel in a tight, warm, loving embrace and leaned into him in newfound solace. The silence in the art room has never been this comforting as the couple relished in this seemingly endless embrace together.
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raeuberprinzessin · 3 years
Making Amends - Outlaw - Prompt 4, Chapter 17
Summary: For Felix Month 2021 - beware, the chapters are not in chronological order^^
When Felix loses a bet with his cousin, he has to make amends with Adrien’s friends. Well, at least this provides a good excuse to spent a lot of time with Adrien’s “very good friend”, a certain designer, who may or may not be described as tolerable … or cute. This may not be so bad. Yeah, not bad at all.
AO3 | Masterlist
Prompts: First | Previous | Next
Chapters: First | Previous | Next
Felix had stayed back after the lesson ended, because he had to talk about something with their teacher. Adrien had a tight schedule, so he had already left and Marinette had gone ahead to the bakery where he would meet her for their planned study session. That’s why he was so caught off guard when a shorter, black haired figure crashed into him.
“S-sorry,” the person gasped wide eyed. It was a boy with remarkably green eyes (hey, he knew a thing or two about green eyes) in a red hoodie jacket and Felix thought that he looked vaguely familiar. It wasn’t one of his classmates, he knew that by now. Maybe someone popular at school? But, the jumpy posture and the way his eyes flitted everywhere and how he was clearly avoiding to look at him contradicted that theory.
“It’s fine. Nothing happened,” Felix finally said. He watched as the boy relaxed slightly and peeked over his shoulder into the classroom. “I’m afraid I’m the last one. Everyone else has already left.”
The boy muttered a curse and his shoulders dropped dejectedly. Only now that he wasn’t distracted anymore he looked at him and considering the way his face brightened he seemed to recognize him. At least one of them did, since Felix was still a bit puzzled why he looked so familiar.
“You’re that guy who’s always with Marinette these days! I guess you’re the new guy in Nath’s class then?” the boy asked. He obviously tried to look calm, but Felix noticed the slight tremble in his voice. “Oh, I haven’t … I’m Marc. Anciel. Nathaniel’s boyfriend.”
“Ah, the author of the comic,” Felix finally recognized him. “I like your comics. They are surprisingly well written considering you’re both still students.” He could give praise where it was due. Usually he preferred real books. The Poirot detective novels by Agatha Christie were personal favourites of his. But everyone in his class seemed to eagerly anticipate the release of the next issue and even though he at first had thought it was just because the subject was their beloved heroes, after he read the comic he had to admit that he enjoyed it. Both creators appeared in the comics so he assumed this was why Marc had looked familiar.
“I’m Felix Graham de Vanily by the way,” he introduced himself, when he realised that he hadn’t done so already.
“Th-thanks, Felix. I’m glad to hear that,” Marc gave him a sheepish smile and then looked at the classroom again with a sigh.
“I guess Nath already had to go home, huh?” Felix just nodded. “My class will be busy this weekend and next week with that charity project so I wanted to give him my story outline and dialogue for the next issue of the comic today, but my class spent the breaks with last minute planning for next week and at lunch he had to go home,” Marc told him. He was rummaging for something in his bag and then took out an inconspicuous looking black notebook. He hesitated for a moment and then looked Felix in the eyes. Now he didn’t seem so skittish anymore.
“Would you give this to Nath from me? Marinette seems to like you, so you’re probably trustworthy.”
Felix blinked in surprise and looked back and forth between the notebook and the boy holding it.
“Why don’t you give it to him now? Surely you have his address. Or you could send him pictures? Why would you trust some stranger with this?” he asked after a moment. Marc let the hand holding the book out to him fall to his side.
“You don’t know? Nath is probably failing chemistry, so his parents grounded him and took his phone and his drawing supplies and he is only allowed to use the computer for school when they are there to supervise him. He’s not allowed any visitors or at least I’m not allowed to visit. It’s really not fair! If he was bad in geography or economics they wouldn’t care but since he’s bad at natural sciences, they treat it like a personal insult! Everyone should be allowed to be bad at something,” he raged, but he calmed himself immediately after. He had probably been akumatized once before and wanted to avoid a repeat. “His mom is a surgeon and his dad works for a pharmaceutical company,” Marc added when he noticed Felix’s confused expression.
“It’s not my usual notebook. I chose a plain one, so his parents hopefully won’t suspect anything. Also, if something happens to it, you wouldn’t have to fear me. Do you have any idea how scary Marinette can be if she wants to?”
The blond boy grinned and nodded. Oh yes, he knew that very well. Scary Marinette was glorious as long as one was not her target. Marc held the notebook up again and Felix hummed contemplatively. He could probably find a way to give this to Nathaniel. It would also probably count as doing something nice for him. And he would also help someone whose work he greatly enjoyed. He would be killing two birds with one stone.
He finally took the book and placed it in his own bag.
“Don’t worry, I have an idea how I could give him this,” he declared with a little smirk.
“This has to be a first. You’ve never been late before. Like ever,” was the greeting he got when Felix opened the hatch to Marinette’s room.
“Wrong. My birth was later than expected,” he snarked back. Felix pulled himself up into the room and closed the hatch afterwards. “But this time I at least have an excuse. I have a plan and I need your help.”
Well, that got her attention. Marinette looked up from her homework and gave him an appraising look. “So … will I have to stop you or does your plan involve so much chaos that I want to lean back and watch?” she asked after a moment when he hadn’t told her his plan yet. Felix felt himself grin. So many people got fooled by Marinette’s usually sweet demeanor, but he got to know her well enough for her to be comfortable to show him the sly schemer underneath. And he couldn’t help but feel rather smug that he got to see her more mischievous nature and her other friends didn’t.
“Neither, actually. Or the second? I think? A boy called Marc Anciel just stopped me in front of the classroom and gave me a notebook for Nathaniel. He seems to be grounded because his grades in chemistry are awful. So, I could just give him the notebook on monday. But I haven’t done the nice thing for Nathaniel yet, so I was thinking. I could give him one private lesson today and give him the notebook then. I’m doing well in every natural science subject. But you are the class representative. You would have to tell me where he lives and help me convince his parents that I’m not some friend visiting him, but sincere about the help,” Felix explained calmly as he put his bag down and sat across from Marinette on the chaise lounge.
“Aww, listen to yourself, you sound like some sort of modern day Robin Hood! Like you’re turning into an outlaw. Very daring! But you’re really improving. Wanting to help Nath to get better in chemistry is a really good idea and if you give him the notebook, he will be extremely grateful. And maybe this will also keep him from getting akumatized. At least for now. I like it,” Marinette commended giving him a proud little smile. “But we will have to hide the notebook really well. I might be a bit paranoid, but if his parents find it, they won’t believe you or me, class president or not.”
Marinette reached out a hand and he pulled the plain notebook out of his bag to hand it over. His partner in crime examined the book for a moment and then grabbed his bag. It was a simple yet sophisticated black leather shoulder bag. She opened it, peeked inside and hummed thoughtfully.
Felix just leaned back. Mentally Marinette wasn’t here anymore, he could see that. If he had to guess, he’d say she was planning some secret compartment in his bag to hide the notebook Marc gave him. He wouldn’t be able to communicate with her if he didn’t want to do something drastic, so he picked up his bag when she sat it down, took out his homework and started to do it while Marinette was rifling through her desk and her material chest.
Only half an hour later she cried out in triumph. Felix looked up from the chapter they had to read for history to see Marinette jumping up and almost tripping and falling down again. She had his bag in her hands, skipped over to the chaise lounge and plopped down next to him sporting a huge grin.
“Here, take a look,” she prompted him, ripping the book from his hands and instead pressed his bag in them. She excitedly explained the new compartment in the back, how she intended to stuff it, so no one could see the outline of the notebook. “And if you don’t like it, I can take it out afterwards,” she finished giving him an expectant look.
“It is very well made, thank you Marinette. I think I will keep it. Who knows when I will have to act as an outlaw again,” he chuckled and packed his bag. The notebook easily found its place in the compartment. He marveled at how nobody who didn’t know it was there would be able to find it. “I’m ready when you are. Let’s go!”
Indeed, Nathaniel’s parents had been suspicious at first. Marinette told them she had asked Felix if he could help Nathaniel, since he was good at chemistry. They actually had looked at the contents of his bag and asked him to leave his phone in the living room, but they hadn’t found the hidden compartment.
Nathaniel was just as suspicious, but when Felix gave him the plain little notebook this changed. Felix thought he had never witnessed anyone being more elated at the sight of something as mundane as a notebook, as the young artist was at this moment.
Still, the first hour of that lesson was incredibly frustrating and Felix wondered more than once if it was really worth it. But by the end they got the hang of it.
And when a few weeks later the next issue of the comic was released he not only found one copy at his place, but also a familiar blond civilian in proper clothing helping the heroes in the comic. He definitely didn’t wonder anymore after that. And he would take this truth to his grave but this issue might be his favourite.
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