mah-t-wordblog · 3 months
Hi could you do a Ler nathaniel and Ler marc please
Hiiiii, I didn't really understand who you wanted to be the lee ksksksksks but then I made both of them as switches because it would work anyways, I hope you like it 💛💛
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Switches: Marc Anciel, Nathaniel Kurtzberg
Ships: Marcaniel
Warnings: This is a tickle fic, if you don’t like it, just scroll down
This fanfic is originally in Portuguese, my English is translated using an automatic translator, if there are any big errors you can tell me so I can fix them
Marc and Nathaniel took advantage of the silence in the apartment where they were staying to share their daily kisses.
Marc was lying on Nathaniel's lap, he turned to his boyfriend and faced him
“Nath, why do you love me?” He asked
Nathaniel's eyes widened.
“Why do you ask that, my love?”
“I don’t know, you have so much to offer, you draw, you’re so talented and… I’m nothing”
“What do you mean Marc! You are so good, get ready that it will be a long night to list everything I love about you.”
Marc turned around and became more comfortable listening, but he didn't dare look Nathaniel in the eye.
“You write very well, without you I would never have done the comics alone, you love helping others and you are always very happy, but what makes me happiest about you… is your smile”
Nathaniel held his boyfriend's head so he could see his face, he rubbed his nose against Marc’s which made Marc laugh a little
"Look! Look! Your laugh is so cute.”
Marc blushed
"Nathaniel! Stop!" The youngest said embarrassed
“I want to hear you laugh more~” he raised his hands and placed them on Marc's stomach
Marc started to squirm
“Don’t what?” Nathaniel went up a little more, now he was on the youngest's ribs
Marc arched his back trying to escape his pursuer, he didn't want to fall for that old game, but at the moment he wasn't even thinking straight.
“If you want it that bad~”
He finally reached the armpits
Marc jumped up
He wanted to continue, but he knew he shouldn't kill his boyfriend
"Did you saw that?" Nathaniel said kissing Marc's neck "you look even more beautiful when I tickle you~"
Marc blushed
“You’re very annoying” he defended himself, putting his hands forward and now squeezing Nathaniel’s stomach.
The redhead was surprised by his boyfriend's reaction and tried to hide his laughing face with one hand.
“Oh, no, no, no~ I want to see your smile Nathaniel”
Marc grabbed his boyfriend's hand and saw his smiling face
“Oh my God, how beautiful you are, Nath”
“Yes~ don’t you admit it?” Marc hiked up his boyfriend’s shirt a little “now this is my revenge”
Too late, Marc blew a giant raspberry into Nathaniel's belly
“Who is beautiful?”
“Good boy~”
Marc stopped his attack
“I told you I wasn’t the only beautiful one here” Marc started to say “besides, I-”
He was interrupted
For a big kiss from Nathaniel
“Shut up and kiss me already” the redhead said laughing
Marc blushed but got into the rhythm
“I love you, Nath”
“I love you more, Marc”
Thanks for reading 💛💛
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jeanmoreaue · 2 months
the fact that nora made Jean gentle at heart is so special to me. despite everything that’s happened to him and although he’s a bit abrasive, he still cleans the damn dishes and puts away leftovers without being asked i love him so much
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emmerrr · 27 days
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something about how even though jean's been calling neil 'nathaniel' in his head this whole time, he never says it to his face (preferring his several wonderful insults <3), despite the fact that neil's father is dead now and they no longer belong to the minor family. because he knows that's not who neil is anymore, it's not who he's chosen to be, it's not his name. but it's not until riko's dead that jean gives himself implicit permission to abide by neil's new identity -- even in his own head! -- because he knows riko never would have allowed it.
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"Patiently" awaiting for when Jean's narration switches from referring to himself as 'Jean' to 'Jean-Yves'
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deva-arts · 2 months
wait wym he's seen everyone naked?? 🥸
I mean he's seen everyone naked. He tries to avoid it as much as possible, but emergency treatment tends to be awkward.
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gailynovelry · 4 months
A while ago, we saw someone explain why they don’t like first person. Aside from “it’s shallow” (which feels like a shallow critique itself without more context), they cited a desire to understand what all the other characters in a scene are thinking and feeling, and I found that very interesting.
Because I don’t feel like every story benefits from knowing every character involved in it to such an intimate degree.
A lot of interesting speculation can be derived from gaps in the narrative. Why did he do that? What was her real motive there? The protagonist can speculate, but are they really the most objective source for that, or are you assuming that they are because they’re in the narrator seat, and they haven’t explicitly called themself unreliable?
First person creates a very specific opportunity to convey characters outside of the protagonist via showing and not telling.
It also creates a great opportunity to put your reader in a mental maze (the central narrator’s perspective) and give them a fun crumb trail out of it (the way that other characters react to the narrator).
I personally think that first person really shines under the right circumstances; and I think one of the best circumstances is when the central narrator has some horrendously skewed worldview. When they’re a fucked up little guy. When they think they know what’s up and they really, really don’t.
And when there’s other characters just as fun outside of them to force the reader to fill in the blank spaces for themselves.
Anyway, sometimes I feel like the push against first person is motivated by people being burned by boring, one-dimensional first person narrators and/or a distaste for common YA conventions. At other times, I feel like it’s motivated by the very bland desire to have the author shine a flashlight into every nook, cranny, and crevice of the narrative so that you don’t miss out on anything. I understand the desire to know more, but it's also fun to be able pick up the flashlight yourself as a reader!
No style of narration is inherently lesser than another. They just suit different readers and author's tastes.
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rjhpandapaws · 2 months
If you're still listening to Taylor Swift in 2024 i am personally begging you to listen to any artist that has never made AT40
My personal reccomendations are
The Amazing Devil
Sad Kid
Nathaniel Rateliff and the Nightsweats
Sukima Switch
Burnout Syndromes
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song-tam · 1 month
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I HATE AFTG SO MUCH (bawling my eyes out)
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nadiajustbe · 1 year
I recently saw a video on TikTok where a person was talking about some two people who had been arguing in her comments since December
And I was like.
That would have been an absolutely awesome BartNat modern AU.
They would start quarreling over a particular political issue, such as the fact that ordinary workers are paid too little, and then they would get carried away with the whole political theme, oppression, class inequality, and all the things that they endlessly fight about in all three books.
They didn't even know each other in any way, except for their signatures and avatars and Nathaniel's pompous "You don't know where I work" at some moment in the dialog.
But still, at some point, they were able to get personal, mixed with this discussion of all topics in a row.
"You didn't even tell me your name, too scared for your personal information, what am I supposed to talk about with such a cowardly little shit?"
"You can call me even John, it doesn't make your words any less inaccurate! Where are you getting this information from? I bet you can't give me a single link!"
"Pfft, easy! Well, John, unfortunately, there is no page on Wikipedia called 'common sense'"
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aelinsattitude · 11 months
I would kill a man to be able to read all the iconic Aftg lines again for the first time.
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spectrals · 9 months
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pompeii rly said short king hours
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deerpun · 11 months
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I interrupt your regularly scheduled Artfight broadcast for: a big batch of chibi icons I never posted <3 I needed a handful of new icons but did not have the energy to do full pieces like I did last year, so I drew them as lil guys!
Which one is your favorite?
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Wait, if we’re showing off leg
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bugonalog · 2 months
The Neil/Nathaniel name change makes me feral every time. Like first when Neil is headed to Baltimore and leaves Neil Josten behind with the friends who made him a real person? Slaps. Nathaniel dying in Baltimore with his father and Neil coming back to the people he loves? Immaculate. Jean calling him Nathaniel up until the point that Riko dies and immediately switching to Neil? Heartbreaking. Makes me insane actually.
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when neil stopped referring to himself as ‘neil’ and switched to ‘nathaniel’ i genuinely fell to my knees like it’s actually so poignant how a simple switch in name shows how hopeless neil felt during that time, how he really believed that he was going to die after finally having a chance to truly live
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filmnoirsbian · 4 months
My high school english teacher was such a weird dude. He was a roadie at the original woodstock. He was a blacksmith who helped make the suits of armor used in the lord of the rings films. He had "meat and mead mondays" while we translated beowulf. He had extremely bad tinnitus and would constantly yell at us to stop talking bc he couldn't hear himself think despite the fact that no one was talking. He would consistently forget what he had himself assigned and fail our essays because they weren't on the new topic he'd just made up. Our class had a weekly study group dedicated to just figuring out what the fuck this man might want since it wouldn't be whatever he asked for. I got the lowest english grade I'd ever gotten in his junior year ap class and because of that, I decided not to take his class the next year. But within the first week he'd hunted me down and demanded that I switch into his class because I was "too good a writer" to languish in some lower level lit class, and "why are you taking anatomy, anyway?" He was one of the only teachers who never said anything about me breaking dress code, and in fact gave me a high five whenever I did. His message in my graduation yearbook ended with "always keep saying F The Man!!!!" He ran into me and my friends at a pub one night post-graduation and bought us all a round of absinthe. He was psychosexually obsessed with nathaniel hawthorne.
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