#march month horoscope 2024
jeevanjali · 7 months
March Monthly Horoscope: सभी 12 राशियों के लिए मार्च का महीना कैसा रहेगा, पढ़ें मासिक राशिफल March Monthly Horoscope 2024: जल्द ही मार्च का महीना शुरू होने वाला है. सनातन धर्म में फाल्गुन मास का विशेष महत्व है। इस माह में कई प्रमुख व्रत और त्योहार मनाये जाते हैं। इनमें होली, महाशविरात्रि प्रमुख हैं।
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astrologers1030 · 7 months
Discover What's in Store: Monthly Tarot Reading
Monthly Tarot Reading: A Monthly Tarot Reading involves consulting Tarot cards to gain insight into the events, emotions, and energies that may manifest over the course of a month. Tarot readers typically use various spreads and interpret the cards drawn to provide personalized guidance for the upcoming month. These readings explore different aspects of life such as relationships, career, health, and spirituality, offering valuable perspectives and advice to help individuals make informed decisions and navigate challenges effectively.
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breelandwalker · 2 years
2023 Witch's Calendar
For all my witches out there, here's a handy list of the 2023 dates for the major holidays, full and new moons, and special events. I've listed my sources at the bottom. Dates and times for all events are calculated for Eastern Standard Time, USA, Northern Hemisphere. Adjust for your location as needed. Enjoy!
WOTY Holidays and Solstices
February 1-2 - Imbolc
March 20 - Spring Equinox / Ostara
May 1 - Beltane
June 21 - Summer Solstice / Midsummer
August 1 - Lughnasadh
September 23- Autumn Equinox / Mabon
October 31 - Samhain
December 21 - Winter Solstice / Yule
Full Moons
January 6 - Wolf Moon ♋
February 5 - Snow Moon ♌
March 7 - Worm Moon ♍
April 6 - Pink Moon ♎
May 5 - Flower Moon ♏
June 4 - Strawberry Moon ♐
July 3 - Thunder Moon (aka Buck Moon) ♑
August 1 - Sturgeon Moon ♒
August 31 - Blue Moon ♓
September 29- Harvest Moon ♈
October 28 - Hunter's Moon (aka Blood Moon) ♉
November 27 - Frost Moon ♊
December 26 - Cold Moon ♋
Fun Fact: The title of Harvest Moon is given to either the September or October full moon, whichever falls closest to the autumn equinox. In 2023, as in 2022, that month will be September.
New Moons
January 21 ♒
February 20 ♓
March 21 ♈
April 20 ♈
May 19 ♉
June 18 ♊
July 17 ♋
August 16 ♌
September 14 ♍
October 14 ♎
November 13 ♏
December 12 ♐
Special Events
February 20 - 2nd New Moon in lunar month
April 20 - Solar Eclipse
May 5 - Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
August 30 - Blue Moon
September 29 - Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
October 14 - Solar Eclipe (Annular)
October 28 - Lunar Eclipse (Partial)
Mercury Retrogrades (in case you need them)
Dec 29, 2022 - Jan 18, 2023
April 21 - May 14
August 23 - September 15
Dec 13, 2023 - January 1, 2024
Moon Info - Full Moon 2023
Calendar-12.com - Moon Phases 2023
Full Moonology - Full Moon Calendar 2023
Moon Calendar - Full Moons and New Moons in 2023
Yearly Horoscope - Mercury Retrograde 2023 Dates and Times
Your Zodiac Sign - 2023 Astrology Calendar
The Pagan Grimoire - The Wheel of the Year: The 8 Festivals in the Wiccan Calendar
If you're enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. 😊
EDIT: Updated Jan 6, 2023 to correct full moon signs and include additional celestial events. Enjoy!
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astrologanize · 7 months
✶ march 2024 horoscope ✶
lol. nothing too notable to say i'm afraid, you can expect a piscean time as per usual! i.e. emotions running high, mood swings, daydreaming, alice in wonderland feels. it's a time where we are challenged because our feelings are likely to get the better of us. the general advice for us all is to think before we act
aries sun: don't fret and endure unnecessary situations, locate your chill and relax taurus sun: accept defeat, don't fight (it), allow emotional baggage to be sifted through gemini sun: stop beating dead horses and embrace opportunities that are going to offer you progress cancer sun: what are you doing? you better be taking control of your life and living your best life! leo sun: get inspired, dabble in something creative, get a hobby, change up your look virgo sun: choose life and do something you wouldn't normally do. obligations can wait a lil libra sun: ya never know what could happen! choose what offers you freedom scorpio sun: lessen your expectations and persevere sagittarius sun: you're not going to get what you want/it's not fulfilling you, you need to try another path and put in more effort capricorn sun: make the decisions you need to and stay grounded aquarius sun: forget whatever you have in mind this month, put your pride and ego aside pisces sun: make sure your priorities are attended to, be receptive towards others and listen to understand
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elminx · 7 months
Energy Update: March 2024
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March is a "2" Universal Month [3 (March) + 8 (2024) = 11 = 1+1 =2] in an "8" Universal Year. 2-months are associated with building connections and the beginning of a path forward. They are often also associated with breakthroughs - this is very in line with the astrology of March which is highlighted by an intense once-in-a-decade conjunction between Chiron and the North Node, and the beginning of Eclipse Season.
The Set Up
We begin the month with the Sun and Mercury in Pisces, Venus Mars and Pluto in Aquarius, Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, and Neptune in Pisces. Note here the cluster of planets from the sign of Aquarius to the sign of Taurus (with Chiron and the North Node in the otherwise unoccupied sign of Aries in the middle of this cluster). This shows that we have a lot of work, individually and as a society, to do in the areas represented by the last two (Aquarius/Pisces) and first two (Aries/Taurus) signs in the zodiac. The times are changing (Pluto just shifted signs back at the end of January) and there may be some adjustments that need to be made.
By month's end, the Sun and Mercury will have moved on into Aries, and Venus and Mars will have moved into Pisces. Note here that both Venus and Mars are lagging behind the Sun which puts relationships somewhat in the rearview mirror.
The Nitty Gritty
All eyes are on the lunar nodes which will finish off their transit of Aries and Libra at the end of this year.
For those that need a primer, the North and South Nodes of the Moon are not physical objects in the sky but rather mathematical points in which the Sun, Moon, and Earth have the potential to line up with one another to create the solar and lunar eclipses. Both of these two points carry a certain weight to them and are best likened linguistically to the idea of "fate". The North Node is considered to be forward-facing fate, that which is yet to come, and the South Node is considered to control the fate of what has already happened. They always occur as a pair with one another, each occupying one-half of opposing signs in the horoscope wheel. As our North Node (forward-facing fate) is in Aries and our South Node (past fate) is in Libra, we are all being encouraged to think more independently (Aries) and to move away from group think and other forms of codependency (Libra).
This cycle is going to be highlighted all month long and beyond as all of our personal planets enter the sign of Aries and work toward their inevitable conjunction with our North Node. This month Mercury and Chiron will conjunct the North Node, in April the Sun and Venus will conjunct the North Node, and, in May, Mars will conjunct the North Node. This is it - the time to decide. We may be forced in the months ahead to make choices to better our own lives BEFORE the choices are made for us. If you want to be in control of your own fate, the time to act and set intentions is early in March BEFORE eclipse season. Once eclipse season has arrived, all bets are off.
As I have stated many times, the first of the month tends to set the stage for the energy of the month ahead as a whole and 3/1 does not disappoint with our Sun in Pisces sextile with Jupiter in Taurus (good vibes all around there) and Venus in Aquarius sextile to both the North Node and Chiron in Aries. Note here: the North Node and Chiron will be conjunct to one another within a degree for THE ENTIRE MONTH OF MARCH - this shows that although there is a way forward, it might be a painful one. This is pretty in line with some of the relationship ick we might have left from a very poorly aligned month in February and the general feeling that Pluto, newly in Aquarius, is bringing to the table.
If Change Before You Have To is the name of the game, we've passed into the Have To part of the playoffs.
There is definitely a way forward during this time, but you absolutely will not be able to bring all of your baggage with you.
Put that shit down, if you can.
The first weekend of March may prove volatile as both Mercury and Venus play with Uranus in Taurus through a supportive sextile for the former and a tougher square for the latter. Uranian energy can feel fairly similar to lunar nodal/eclipse energy as it tends to feel larger than life and unavoidable. It carries much of the same energy as the Tower card in the tarot or the Hagalaz rune. Keep your eyes wide open and try to practice radical acceptance of what is coming up for you in your life. Keep an eye on this energy as it is going to show up big in Taurus season two months from now.
On Monday, 3/5, we experience our exact conjunction between our Asteroid Chiron and the North Node at 16° Aries. Chiron, often known as the wounded healer, tends to represent the pain point of an old wound. In Sign #1 Aries, this wound is centered around how we have all been forced to abandon our uniqueness and individuality to fit in with the pack. The North Node is highlighting the need to be who YOU really are - not who society has told you to be, not who your parents have told you to be, not who your partner would like you to be. If you have trauma around conforming - either wanting to and not being able to or being forced to when it wasn't in your nature, this is the transit to watch out for this month. The combination of North Node and Chiron energy can be extremely healing but it's going to take some work and dedication to see through the muck to the other side. It is worth the reminder here that the secret to Chiron moments in life is to lean INTO the pain rather than away from it.
The next day, Mars in Aquarius sextiles both of these two major stress points in the skies. I think that this may open up some avenues of reconciliation between couples that may be on the outs after a rough February (romance-wise). This is a cosmic reminder to let your partner be who they really are, or leave. (Quite frankly.) With such a heavy influence on the individual over the couple (Aries North Node), there's going to be a lot of impetus to just go it alone. And that's not a bad decision right now if we're being honest.
Better alone than with somebody who keeps you small, that's a lesson of the North Node in Aries FOR SURE.
The second weekend in March is even more volatile and Uranian than the first with our Sun in Pisces sextile to Uranus in Taurus and Mars in Aquarius in direct square. This is RED FLAGS weather. Any Mars-Uranus transits are and the square is by far the worst of them. Lie low, stay out of the fire, and avoid explosives of all kinds if you can. Fate is heavily in play still and Uranus never holds its punches. It's the dark of the moon, as well, which tends to make the energy deep and murky.
Our new moon is on Sunday 3/10 at 20° Pisces and carries with it the energy of 6 and 7. It is also still sitting in the Uranian energy of the day beforehand. The unpredictability of Uranian energy and the darkness of the unconscious 12th house may be on full display here so expect some immature/shadow behaviors to rise to the surface. Check yourself before you wreck yourself. In its mature form, Piscean energy can be the most selfless of the entire horoscope - tap into that if you can. Watch out for selfishness and avoidant behavior of all kinds. Though it is a wide conjunction, this will bring some of the energy of Neptune in late Pisces into play. Great for a game of role-play, but not so great for honest discussions or accountability. This energy supports divination, dream work, and spirit communication, but little else. This is also the last major lunar event before our eclipses so the most sensitive among us will already be feeling it.
The energy will shift a bit as Mercury enters Aries and Venus enters Pisces but we'll still have the same general energies in play, so it may go unnoticed amongst the angst. We're drawing close to the Spring Equinox and the start of Aries season which will include two eclipses so the energy may seem to build every day leading up to the 19th. If you are feeling the anxiety of "something about to happen", know that you are right on time.
It's going to happen in a flash. On 3/18, Mercury enters its pre-retrograde shadow at 15° Aries. On 3/19, the Sun enters Aries, and Mercury conjuncts the North Node. On 3/20, Mercury conjuncts Chiron.
Though Chiron and the North Node no longer share the same degree, they are still in close conjunction with each other and Mercury is like the cherry on top of this powerhouse stellium. If you have a relationship that you want to save - this is the time to talk it out. But - AS STATED ABOVE - you gotta be willing to let the other person be who they need to be. And vice versa. That is the bare minimum right now.
For the rest of us, words may hurt during this time, but they might also be quite cathartic. This is a hard "Go" for all of your writers out there. What comes up now isn't going anywhere, we will have to experience these degrees of Aries multiple times during Mercury's retrograde cycle as Mercury moves back and forth between 15-27° Aries thrice. This can be a boon or a bane and some of that will likely be up to your perception (Mercury) of these events. This is wildcard energy and as we enter Aries season, the lunar nodes are ready to go.
Aries is our first sign of the zodiac and it is a moving/cardinal sign ruled by Mars, the planet of action. Expect the pace to pick up faster by the day the Sun sextiles Pluto and Venus conjuncts Saturn on 3/21, and Mars enters Pisces on 3/22. Our lunar eclipse on 3/25 at 05° Libra is a neon billboard already shining in the sky. We're in the event horizon.
To understand eclipses you must accept that you will never understand eclipses. They exist in a space that appears to exist a bit out of time and create a feeling of heightened liminality to the world. This is why many astrologers explain the energy of an eclipse as opening and closing the doors of fate. Some opportunities seem to materialize out of nowhere with eclipse energy whereas other things in your life might drift permanently away. The general rule of thumb is to trust eclipse energy as the Nodes of the Moon, in the natal chart, are supposed to show us our destiny/path.
I have found that not all eclipses create drastic change in my life, but eclipses that strongly aspect my natal chart are far more likely to. I will write more about this specific eclipse energy in its own post but it is THE transit of the month, for obvious reasons.
Note here that this is a full moon (lunar) eclipse so our moon in Libra is conjunct to the South Node in Libra and opposed to the Sun and North Node in Aries. This is a release/release eclipse energy that will highly augment any magic or rituals done to let go of things and move the fuck on.
It is time. Spring has sprung. The world is reborn anew for another growing year. April will be a "3" month. "3" is the number of creation. Let's get ready.
The Details
3/1 - Sun in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus, Venus in Aquarius sextile North Node in Aries/trine South Node in Libra, Venus in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries 3/3 - Venus in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus 3/4 - Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus 3/5 - Chiron conjunct North Node in Aries/opposed South Node in Libra 16 Aries 3/6 - Mars in Aquarius sextile North Node in Aries/trine South Node in Libra, Mars in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries 3/8 - Mercury conjunct Neptune 27° Pisces 3/9 - Sun in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus, Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus 3/10 - New moon 20° Pisces, Mercury enters Aries 3/11 - Venus enters Pisces 3/17 - Sun conjunct Neptune 27° Pisces 3/18 - Mercury enters its pre-retrograde shadow 15° Aries 3/19 - Sun enters Aries, Mercury conjunct South Node in Aries/opposed South Node in Libra 3/20 - Mercury conjunct Chiron 19° Aries 3/21 - Sun in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius, Venus conjunct Saturn 12° Pisces 3/22 - Mars enters Pisces 3/24 - Venus in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus 3/25 - Eclipsed Full Moon 05° Libra 3/28 - Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus
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starcrazypie · 7 months
March 2024 Horoscope: The Month Ahead
The March 2024 horoscope shows the month begins and ends well - but the middle of the month is something else. How will it affect you? Read on...
It’s time for the March 2024 horoscope, yet I feel I still need to get February out of my system. The end of winter brought two family bereavements – so apologies for not being able to produce my usual lunation report for the recent Full Moon in Virgo. Some seasons need to have the line drawn under them – and this winter falls into that category. As I write this, the north wind is blasting the…
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everydayhoroscope · 7 months
Capricorn Weekly Horoscope 4 - 10 March, 2024
This week, Capricorns may encounter emotional events with friends or romantic partners. Discussions about commitment or marriage may arise. Be cautious about gossip and be prepared for realistic viewpoints. Men should focus on communication,
Following is the horoscope for the week of 4 – 10 March Capricorn zodiac sign It seems that you may experience an emotional event related to a close friend or woman between March 4th to 10th. This week may foster the development of romantic and intimate relationships, and you may discuss a more serious commitment or marriage in the following weeks or months. If your partner is starting a new…
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b1acksh33p999 · 7 months
March 2024 horoscope: 🍀
🔥Aries: This month is going to amp up the pressure in order to make sure you address any residual bad habits that are preventing you from completely leaving the past behind. With the way the planetary setup is this month, Aries will be shifting into Mercury on March 10th, putting a sense of urgency on all issues that directly result from underdeveloped communication or internalized insecurity. With Pluto and mars being in the most harmonious aspects to Aries this month, the only thing that will help ease the tension is change, and action. My advice to you is make sure you’re on top of your tasks, and have a firm relationship with self-accountability for the best chances at success. Stagnancy isn’t an option, it’s game time!
⛰️Taurus: The transits this month are actually very harmonious for Taurus. With the moon starting out in opposition to your natal Sun – many may find themselves realizing how they have accomplished goals set up from the past, which will increase your confidence and feelings of security. However, it will be their ability to push past obstacles and change for the betterment of themselves that genuinely sticks with them throughout the events of the month. With Jupiter starting out in 11° Taurus, this will cause a soft aspect to Pluto causing possibilities of windfall repayments of karma. This can come in many forms which will be personally identifiable as repayment for earlier kindness, or generosity. My advice to you is to continue paying forward with kindness, and stay humble. This will simply confirm that you are worthy of the abundance, and blessings on the way!
🌬️Gemini: This month is going to push you to finally confront your feelings towards an unresolved issue, and may even bring some Geminis to the point of rage when trying to stay avoidant to making the necessary changes. The most harmonious aspects will be from the Aries in transit, which will cross the Sun, moon, and mercury; while Aries stays in North Node, and Chiron for the entire month. When viewing these energetic trends as a whole – my advice to you is to bring the truth to the surface, or face living a lie. Now is not the time to avoid hard conversations, or big changes you’ve been needing to make; get it done!
🌊Cancer: Cancers this month might find themselves battling with how much attention they are or aren’t getting! With the moon starting out in a trine to your natal sun – this will result in many Cancers being unsatisfied with the level of attention they’re currently getting from those around them. This frustration should subside as we approach the full moon in Libra on March 25th, and Jupiter lands in avatar gate 15° Taurus; this will be a point of reflection when it comes to the transformation made both physically, mentally, and financially in the last year. My advice to you is to use the healing energy of the full moon this month to complete healing your trauma, and start having confidence in yourself as a leader. Where you’re headed isn’t where you’ve been, it’s time for new places, and new faces!
🔥Leo: If I could give you one word this month Leo, it’s metamorphosis. You’ve been making steady changes towards the life you’ve always wanted, but now you may find yourself realizing you have an itch for a physical transformation! With the abundance of fire energy in transit this month, while crossing the nodes; nothing not meant for you will be able to survive in your inner circle of trust this month. A special highlight for Leo is March 20th – when sun shifts into Aries, while moon sits in conjunction with your natal Sun; this can be an amazing day for matters of ambition. However, be careful of the possibility of consequences from losing your temper. Trial changes in fashion or beauty are heavily supported for Leo during this time – especially if it helps them feel more in tune with their higher self, and feel more connected to empowerment in their role as a leader. It’s out with the old and in with the new!
⛰️Virgo: This month is going to provide you with an opportunity to upgrade your living situation, but not without hard work and focus! With the most harmonious aspects to Virgo this month falling in trines with Jupiter, and Uranus in Taurus – the road ahead for you will provide only opportunities to expand your current hopes, dreams, and wishes; not without first having to fight for your right to attain exactly what you have always wanted. With the harmonious sextile made in transit by the Sun in Pisces until March 20th, this will be the most effective time to do whatever work needs to be done in order to upgrade your living situation, housing, finances, or self-care routine. When the Sun moves into Aries, the fun-loving support from the Sun will form an uncomfortable aspect to Virgo. This can easily present as impatience, or a quick temper. As long as the details and work have been accomplished prior to the 20th, I wouldn’t worry about this aspect. Other ways this abundance of fire energy can be interpreted is by trying new things, or entering a new phase in life. The full moon this month will have you feeling more social than normal – pay attention to those you speak to or meet on the 25th, you may discover you have a guardian angel crossing your path. Get to work now, and relax later!
🌬️Libra: This month is going to shake up everything you know about love, and communication! With the south node in conjunction with your natal sun – libras have been living in a window of karmic repayment, most of which has just been funneled back into the betterment and growth of libra’s spiritual self. With oppositions being made to libra by transit sun, moon, and mercury at various times (some overlapping), this month will provide libras with hidden insights, and information they’ve never been privy to before. As we approach the full moon on the 25th, Libras will feel the tensions boiling over about what needs to be let go of in order to achieve the beautiful life they dream about. My advice to you is to write a checklist of things you need to let go of or change for your own future fulfillment. Then revisit this checklist on March 31st and see how much progress you’ve made. The eclipse in April is going to be the explosive turning point to a transition that started in January 2022, and will continue until January 2025. During this period bravery, courage, action, and authenticity will be rewarded generously!
🌊Scorpio: This month is going to start off rather emotionally, due to the transit moon starting out in conjunction to your Sun sign; may have you feeling irritated or on edge from the beginning. The good news is that this frustration should pass by March 10th, and develop into harnessed ambition by the mercury transition into Aries. Mars is ruled by Aries, and Scorpio (however, Scorpio also rules Pluto!) and by the heavy mars influence by the transit Aries this month; the cool, controlled co ruler Scorpio will feel cool as a cucumber while staying on task without skipping a beat. My advice to you this month is to take some extra time for self-care to help reset your social meter if you’re feeling overwhelmed. You can accomplish anything with persistence and a great plan, and this month will show you how you already set yourself up for success!
🔥Sagittarius: This month is going to be a continuation of the shift you’ve been in over the past few months, but now there’s no looking back! With the favoring energies being in the trine between the transit Aries, and your natal sun; this pushes the perspective of change through an optimistic lens stemmed from your deep love for learning! My advice to you this month is to grow to the challenge that you want to accomplish; whatever knowledge, effort, or burning of bridges is necessary in order to become the person who’s up for the challenge is what you’re being called to transform into. Sagittarius has been heavily affected by the shift in Pluto from Capricorn into Aquarius, and now there is no denying the changes made to their lives in just a year of it being in the transition of embracing the authentic self. For some, that may have resulted in huge core memories being made during the past year, or finally embracing their truest self. This month is all about doing the work to make you feel more comfortable with some of the consequences of your choices. Keep going, you know it’s worth it!
⛰️Capricorn: This month is going to put pressure on your need to reevaluate your long-term goals, and work/life balance. With the transit Jupiter and Uranus in a trine with your natal Sun, this is going to help expand and offer opportunities and surprises especially in the areas of personal finance, and recognition in professional life. My advice to you is to plan a trip or something that helps keep you connected with why you work so hard. A common misconception about Capricorn is that they “love to work,” and that’s not necessarily true; Capricorns are more likely to choose work they enjoy, but they work for the freedom and financial security that comes with working regularly. With the supporting energies, Capricorns will find themselves eager to shake things up; so, make sure you have a realistic long-term vision when making decisions this month!
🌬️Aquarius: This month is going to expand your entire horizon! With transit Pluto in conjunction with your Sun – being supported by a trine of fiery Aries throughout the month, this will provide multiple upgrades for Aquarius this month. The first begins Mercury’ shift into Aries on March 10th, which will aid Aquarius in any matters involving communication; with resources to help expand on problem areas that could also be highlighted this month. The second big upgrade will come from the shift of the Sun from Pisces into Aries on the 20th, which will bring forth more consistent energy to actually work on tasks and goals easily. A highlight for Aquarius being on March 15th, when transit mars in Aquarius makes a trine with transit moon in Gemini, increasing the likelihood of an epiphany or deep emotional awakening. Get ready for an amazing month with a lot of energy, motivation, and deeper emotional understanding!
🌊Pisces: this month you will be fueled by your own internal vision! With the month starting with transit Sun, Mercury, Neptune, and Saturn all in Pisces – their new level of introspective, intuitive vision is seemingly undeniable for anyone who’s around a Pisces; and so are the changes they’ve made! For the last year and a half Pisces has been asked to look inward for the answers to what’s been limiting them. Now, they’ve made changes, and can see where they are headed. For others this change isn’t going to be easy to identify, in fact they may not see the evidence of these mental shifts for another year. With this sharpened intuitive perspective, topics like right and wrong are easily identifiable even when reflecting back on their own behaviors. My advice to you this month is to embrace the internal vision, and lead by example. It could be helpful to keep a dream journal since many Pisces will be receiving important guidance in the form of dreams. Keep an eye out for signs!
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symbolicliving · 7 months
NEW Weekly Astrology Horoscopes for February 26 to March 3, 2024
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Happy Birthday Month Pisces.
Last week, we had Venus and Mars conjunct in Aquarius emphasizing love and relationships.
Most planets are on one side of the chart now:
Aquarius – Pluto, Mars and Venus
Pisces – Mercury, the Sun, Saturn and Neptune
Aries – Chiron and The Destiny Point
Taurus – Jupiter and Uranus
We are in the realm of the mind, higher thinking, dreams and beliefs, and how they connect to the material world.
Mars in Aquarius challenges Jupiter in Taurus as the week begins.
Conflict of opinion and worldview could be overblown and exaggerated...
Your NEW Weekly Astrology Horoscopes for All Signs February 26 to March 3, 2024
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belladonna-miranda · 9 months
Jackass weekly horoscopes for January 8-14, 2024
I haven't done a real Jackass-themed horoscope before, so I contacted Weekly Horoscope: January 8–14, 2024 | Horoscope.com for each of the members, new and old.
Wee Man: May 16, 1973 ♉🌿
The littlest member of the cast will seek new adventures during the new moon in Capricorn, though he might have some trouble focusing on just one path as the week progresses. Therefore, a little reading may help remedy his creativity slump during the weekend expansion zone.
Ryan Dunn: June 11, 1977-June 20, 2011 ♓🍃
During his precious time on Earth, our Random Hero was witty and charming despite his reckless demeanor with the way he aided his closest friend Bam Margera in their pranks and stunts. Until his last days, Dunn loved to socialize with his castmates on and off set.
Steve-O: June 13, 1974 ♓🍃
As the most recognizable cast member besides Knoxville, Steve-O should use this week to empower himself and his close circle of friends regardless of how strong his relationships with his loved ones. Over the next two weeks, his love life may reach its peak upon Mercury rising so that he'll find out what his lover really means in the fine print.
Chris Pontius: July 16, 1974 ♋🌊
The new moon in Capricorn is the perfect time for Party Boy to venture outside his comfort zone in all aspects of life: personal, professional, and creative. One slight constructive criticism, however, is that he could improve his trust skills depending on confidence level.
Preston Lacy: August 14, 1969 ♌🔥
No matter how productive he's been since the new year began last week, Preston's productivity faces a major boost with the new moon in Capricorn. Watch out for signs of jealousy, though, because the weekend will bring the oldest Jackass star to realize he doesn't need to compare other people's values to his own.
Zach Holmes: September 11, 1991 ♍🌿
By the time the new moon in Capricorn comes around, this Jackass newcomer will have wasted no time enjoying a plethora of activities along with making some new friends. Much like Leos, however, Zach could fall victim to jealousy as 2024 progresses, so creating new projects could compensate for that.
Bam Margera: September 28, 1979; Jasper Dolphin: September 28, 1990; and Poopies: October 21, 1986 ♎🍃
Not one, not two, but three Libras represent the Jackass crew, two of them-Bam and Jasper-sharing a birthday 11 years apart, making this weekend the right time for Bam to invest in his sobriety by skateboarding in his free time, like he has been the past few months. As for both Jasper and Poopies, both newbies could balance self-care and help with others.
Danger Ehren: November 29, 1976; and Eric Manaka: December 9, 1999 ♐🔥
Two weeks after Christmas, the Jackass Forever MVP and the British unknown seek improvement in their financial journeys. If they shift their attention onto themselves instead of their rivals, both Sagittarians will momentarily master their investment skills by the next week.
Dave England: December 30, 1969 ♑🌿
New beginnings await Dave England as 2024's first full moon approaches. Therefore, reinventing himself by overcoming harsh realities of various aspects of his life can lead to a gradual boost of self-esteem over the next two weeks.
Rachel Wolfson: January 23, 1987 ♒🍃
As someone who shares a star sign as me, Rachel is just as daring as me, if not more so. However, even she could use a little downtime on her ever-active stand-up comedy schedule by reducing any negative aspects by the time Mercury enters her subconscious zone on Saturday.
Johnny Knoxville: March 11, 1971 ♓🌊
I saved the best member for last because Knoxville is worthy of discovering what he really wants in life. The real goal for this weekend's Mercury rising, however, is for him to help reach and modify his goals and aspirations for the first quarter of 2024.
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foodandfolklore · 9 months
Happy New Year! Rambles
Happy Solar New Year, and welcome to 2024! We're a few days in and I hope everyone is having a good year so far. I hosted a small, overnight mingle with some friends so I thought I'd share a recipe I found that absolutely slapped.
It's weird to think about, but New Years is one of those holidays that everyone in just about every culture celebrated in some way, but how and when varied wildly. This is because, until recently, different areas and cultures had different calendars. Ancient Egypt were the first to figure out the year should have 365 days, but they had three seasons, and a kind of limbo month of 5 days in case they need to extend the year (Leap year) The Start of their year was on our July 19th, when Sirius returned and the Nile flooded. This is good for crop growing.
Many people think the Ancient Romans were the ones to make our Modern calendar, mainly because the months are named in honor of Roman Gods. Plus there's the story of Julius Caesar creating an entire month and naming it after himself (July) is so well known. But, another Emperor, Augustus Caesar, also named a month after himself. Though to his credit, he just renamed an already existing month 'Sextillia' (Meaning Sixth). People think it's crazy to just add another month like that, but the last month for the Romans basically lasted for as long as they needed it to.
The new year for the Ancient Romans was on March 1st, where they honored Mars, God of War. Then Julius changed it to January 1st, Honoring Janus the God of Time. Eventually, Rome converts to Christianity, and the new year is now about Fasting and Prayer and fun stuff like that. It remains on Jan 1st and Honored Mary, until a while later it's decided that date is too pagan and they move it to December 25th. Celebrating the New Year with the Birth of Christ makes much more sense. Except, they run into a little problem where either the year runs short, as December doesn't have enough days, or we confusedly end the year AND start it....in December. Plus not many people knew of the change and didn't celebrate the new year. So after a while, they switched it back to January 1st.
Finally, in 1582, the Gregorian calendar was released. This is the Calendar we still use today, and despite your feelings on the religion that made it, it is the most accurate Calendar we humans have ever made. The year officially started January 1st. But a lot of people across Europe didn't adopt this calendar. Most people stuck to when spring time happened, around late March Early April, to celebrate the new year. It wasn't until the mid 1700s when Britain started expanding colonies into the new world that the push for everyone to adopt the Gregorian Calendar was made. This shift is why we have April Fools as people still celebrating the new year in April were called Silly or Foolish.
But people still celebrate OTHER new years. People in Mexico will still celebrate the Aztec New Year on March 12th. In Many Hindu communities, Diwali is considered the New Year. It date changes each year, but tends to happen in October. And then there's the Widely know Lunar New year. Celebrated across many Asian cultures and can be a massive celebration. More so than the Solar New year in some cases. The date also changes, but happens some time between end of January to start of February. Fun fact, if you are checking out your Chinese Zodiac and are born in January or Early February, you should check when the Lunar New year started the year you were born. So if you were born in the year of the Rabbit but your birthday is January 3rd; that means the new year of the Rabbit hasn't started yet and you should reference the Previous year, year of the Tiger, for your Horoscope.
Wow that turned into a weird ramble. Long story short; These crock pot noodles were good!
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tgop123 · 22 days
Free Kundli Online in India Related with Today Panchang
Cancer Daily Horoscope
Today, Cancerians may find themselves feeling more emotional and reflective than usual. Your intuitive nature will guide you to connect deeply with loved ones, making it an ideal day for nurturing personal relationships. At work, trust your instincts when making decisions, as they will likely lead you in the right direction. However, avoid getting caught up in conflicts or negativity. Focus on self-care and stay grounded through meditation or cancer daily horoscope spending time in nature.
Shubh Muhurat 2024
Shubh Muhurat refers to the most auspicious times to perform important activities like marriages, business inaugurations, and other significant events. These times are calculated based on astrological factors, such as planetary positions, Nakshatras, and Tithis.
For 2024, Shubh Muhurats are determined through the Hindu Panchang (calendar). Here are a few notable Shubh Muhurats in 2024:
Marriage Muhurats: Multiple dates spread across April, May, November, and December.
Griha Pravesh (Housewarming) Muhurats: Available mainly in the months of January, March, and July.
New Business Launch Muhurats: Good times are typically seen in February, August, and October.
To find specific dates and timings, it's best to consult an astrologer or a detailed Panchang to ensure the most favorable outcomes shubh muhurat for your endeavors.
Free Kundli Online in India
A Kundli (or Janam Kundli) is an astrological chart that depicts the positions of planets at the time of an individual's birth. It is a key tool in Vedic astrology to predict various aspects of a person's life, including career, health, relationships, and more.
Today, many online platforms offer Free Kundli generation services in India. By simply entering your birth details, such as date, time, and place of birth, these tools generate a comprehensive Kundli chart. It provides insights into your Rashi (Moon Sign), Lagna (Ascendant), Nakshatra, and other planetary influences. online kundli services in india are a convenient way for individuals to gain a basic understanding of their astrological profile and make informed life decisions.
Today Panchang
Panchang is a Hindu calendar that provides detailed information on daily astrological elements such as Tithi (lunar day), Nakshatra (star), Yoga, Karana, and Vaar (weekday). Today's Panchang helps people determine auspicious and inauspicious timings for performing various activities like starting a new venture, planning a trip, or conducting religious ceremonies.
Today's Panchang typically includes:
Tithi: Current lunar day and its duration.
Nakshatra: The constellation the moon is passing through and its influence.
Yoga: A specific combination of the sun and moon's positions.
Karana: Half of a Tithi, used to determine auspicious moments.
Rahu Kaal: An inauspicious time of the day for starting new activities.
Consulting today’s Panchang is crucial for anyone following Vedic traditions to ensure that their actions are in harmony with cosmic rhythms.
Astrology Signs
The astrology signs are also known as the Zodiac signs, which are 12 divisions of the celestial sphere corresponding to specific time periods of the year. Each zodiac sign has its unique characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses, influencing a person’s personality, behavior, and life path. The 12 signs are:
Aries (March 21 - April 19): Bold, energetic, and adventurous.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Patient, reliable, and practical.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Curious, adaptable, and communicative.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Nurturing, emotional, and intuitive.
Leo (July 23 - August 22): Charismatic, confident, and generous.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Detail-oriented, analytical, and meticulous.
Libra (September 23 - October 22): Diplomatic, fair-minded, and sociable.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Passionate, mysterious, and resourceful.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Optimistic, adventurous, and philosophical.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Disciplined, ambitious, and practical.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Innovative, independent, and humanitarian.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Compassionate, imaginative, and intuitive.
Understanding astrology signs can help you gain deeper insights into your personality and life path, 
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akastrologyzone · 3 months
Astrology Prediction 2024-25
What Insights Can The Astrology Prediction 2024-25 Offer?
With the start of a new year, everyone eagerly waits for new and exciting things to come their way. We all want the new year to be filled with positivity, prosperity, good health, success in professional life, and lots of beautiful moments in our love life. As a brand new year approaches, we all yearn for our dreams to materialize while bracing ourselves for life's inevitable challenges. As a result, people seek guidance by turning to their horoscopes, delving into questions about their careers, businesses, marriages, finances, relationships, and more astrology prediction 2024-25 .
Are you wondering if fortune will favor you or if obstacles lie ahead in 2024? Astroyogi has prepared the ultimate yearly horoscope for 2024, addressing all your concerns and providing insights so that you can confidently navigate the year ahead.
What Lies Ahead for You in 2024?
One huge concern for every modern individual is whether or not success will be theirs in their professional life. Everyone desires stable growth in their career and finance, which will be a concern for many in 2024. According to the Kundli 2024 predictions, 2024 will be about professional success. It will also be a delightful and lovely year for people wanting beautiful things to happen in their personal life.
The astrology forecasts for 2024 indicate that 2024 will go smoothly, and one can witness some major developments in the economy, trade, and diplomatic relations  astrology prediction 2024-25.
2024 Horoscope for India: A Promising Year of Growth and Influence for India
2024 holds significant potential for India, according to the horoscope for 2024. With favorable planetary positions and smooth transits, there is a high potential for stable growth and advancements in various sectors.
Let's explore the key highlights and astrological predictions for 2024.
What Significant Planetary Changes Are Happening in 2024?
The 2024 horoscope of India reveals that the positioning of planets in the year will be highly beneficial, and all the crucial planetary transits will not only happen smoothly but will also bring significant changes in everyone's lives.
2024 will begin with Virgo ascendant and Magha Nakshatra. One of the significant transits in 2024 will be Jupiter transiting in the Taurus sign on 1st May 2024. This particular transit will be major as it will bring important transformations in your life. There will be no Saturn, Rahu, or Ketu transits this year. Saturn will be in Aquarius, Rahu in Pisces, and Ketu in Virgo throughout the year, as per the astrology 2024 forecasts.
Additionally, there will be five Guru Pushya Yogas and three Ravi Pushya Yogas in 2024. March will be an important month for the economy, with the Sun, Mercury, and Rahu in conjunction in the eleventh house of India and the seventh house of 2024. Another crucial month in 2024 will be May, with the Sun, Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury in conjunction seen in the Lagna of India.
According to the astrological predictions for 2024, from the start of 2024, the planets will be favorable for India's growth. They strongly indicate that India will begin its journey to becoming a superpower, and towards the end of 2024, India will be seen as one of the most influential countries in the world.
The annual horoscope insights astrology prediction 2024-25 indicate that this will be the year of economic gains, business, trade, diplomacy, and public relations. With Rahu in Pisces in the eleventh house of India's chart, the country will experience exceptional economic gains and trade relations.
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janasyaclothing · 4 months
Monthly Fashion Horoscope-2024
Your Monthly Horoscope
“A vibrant spectrum of possibilities unfolds.”
As the cosmos undergoes a realignment for the new year, the stars invite you to infuse your wardrobe with Janasya's astrological wisdom. Delve into the essence of your zodiac sign and allow it to shape your fashion choices.
With the cosmos as your guide, embark on Janasya fashion journey that aligns with your astrological identity. Let your goals and affirmations infuse intention and purpose into your wardrobe, creating a style that not only reflects your outer beauty but also resonates with the depths of your unique personality. May the celestial influence inspire and elevate your fashion choices in the coming months.
Aries (March 21 - April 19):
Goal: Channel emotions into intentional fashion choices.
Affirmation: "Passion guides my wardrobe with mindful choices."
Fiery and dynamic, Aries, your intense emotions deserve to be mirrored in your fashion choices. Opt for bold and intentional pieces that reflect your passionate personality. Be mindful of the energy each garment exudes.
Colors: Blue, Bold tones
Fashion Tip: Embrace mindful looks.
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Taurus (April 20 - May 20):
Goal: Cultivate mindful shopping.
Affirmation: "Quality over quantity grounds my fashion choices."
Taurus, your appreciation for the finer things in life extends to your wardrobe. Cultivate a mindful approach to shopping, focusing on quality over quantity. Invest in timeless pieces that withstand the test of trends.
Colors: Red, Vibrant hues
Fashion Tip: Focus on timeless pieces.
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Gemini (May 21 - June 20):
Goal: Express diverse emotions through eclectic fashion.
Affirmation: "My wardrobe mirrors my ever-changing moods."
Gemini, with your ever-shifting emotions, let your wardrobe be a canvas for your diverse moods. Embrace an eclectic style that allows you to express the various facets of your personality through fashion.
Colors: Green, Delightful
Fashion Tip: Experiment with mix & Match
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Cancer (June 21 - July 22):
Goal: Use fashion for emotional comfort.
Affirmation: "My wardrobe nurtures and uplifts my emotions."
Sensitive Cancer, find emotional solace in your wardrobe. Choose clothing that provides comfort and uplifts your spirits. Let your fashion choices become a source of emotional nourishment.
Colors: Blue, Calming colors
Fashion Tip: Choose cozy styles for serene touch
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Leo (July 23 - August 22):
Goal: Make a statement without excess spending.
Affirmation: "I shine in unique fashion, transcending extravagant costs."
Leo, your regal demeanor doesn't require a hefty price tag. Make a statement with unique pieces that showcase your personality, proving that extravagance is not a prerequisite for style.
Colors: Yellow, Warm strokes
Fashion Tip: Choose statement pieces for charisma.
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Virgo (August 23 - September 22):
Goal: Blend emotional expression with practicality.
Affirmation: "My wardrobe harmonizes emotion with sensibility."
Virgo, seek a harmonious balance between emotion and practicality in your wardrobe. Opt for versatile pieces that serve both aesthetic and functional purposes.
Colors: Red, Myriad shades
Fashion Tip: Redefine styles that are classic.
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Libra (September 23 - October 22):
Goal: Find emotional balance through curated style.
Affirmation: "Grace and harmony define my emotionally balanced wardrobe"
Libra, embrace your desire for balance in your fashion choices. Curate a wardrobe that exudes grace and harmony, reflecting your innate need for emotional equilibrium.
Colors: Grey, Aesthetic balance
Fashion Tip: Balanced style for graceful harmony.
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Scorpio (October 23 - November 21):
Goal: Channel intensity into edgy, emotional fashion.
Affirmation: "Bold choices express my emotional depth"
Intense Scorpio, let your emotions take center stage through edgy and bold fashion statements. Choose pieces that reflect the depth and complexity of your emotional world.
Colors: White, Smooth
Fashion Tip: Edgy styles with alluring styles.
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Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21):
Goal: Explore emotional influences globally.
Affirmation: "Cultural richness inspires my adventurous fashion."
Sagittarius, let your fashion journey be a global exploration. Embrace adventurous styles that reflect the cultural richness of the world, embodying your free-spirited nature.
Colors: Orange, Inviting Positivity
Fashion Tip: Express your adventurous spirit.
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Capricorn (December 22 - January 19):
Goal: Express professionalism with emotional resonance.
Affirmation: "Polished style meets emotional depth."
Capricorn, merge professionalism with emotional depth in your wardrobe. Opt for polished styles that convey your sense of authority while allowing glimpses of your emotional side.
Colors: Brown, Impending success
Fashion Tip: Well-tailored professional looks.
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Aquarius (January 20 - February 18):
Goal: Experiment emotionally with avant-garde fashion.
Affirmation: "Fearless expression defines my innovative style."
Aquarius, embrace your avant-garde spirit. Experiment with fearless and innovative styles that showcase your unique approach to fashion and emotional expression.
Colors: Light Blue, Individuality
Fashion Tip: Unique silhouettes.
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Pisces (February 19 - March 20):
Goal: Dive into emotional whimsy with dreamy fashion.
Affirmation: "I drift through emotions in enchanting style."
Dreamy Pisces, let your emotions guide you into a world of enchanting fashion. Dive into whimsical styles that resonate with your imaginative spirit, creating a wardrobe that feels like a dream.
Colors: : Yellow, Dreamy Compassion
Fashion Tip: Flowing styles with dreamy touch.
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starcrazypie · 6 months
April 2024 Horoscope: The Month Ahead
The April 2024 horoscope comes at a busy time in the astrological calendar. We are in the middle of an eclipse season, with April’s total solar eclipse in Aries taking place early this month, on April 8th. After the traumatic lunar eclipse in Libra that rocked the world at the end of March, I’m expecting this powerful solar eclipse to make its presence felt by the end of the first week of April –…
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horoscopeeveryday · 7 months
What is the financial status of Aries in 2024 - 2025?
In 2024, your financial strategy will incorporate both thrifty and extravagant spending habits. The year presents you with multiple revenue streams and a steady financial ratio.
All things considered, you should pay close attention to your financial planning this year. The likelihood of finding a new source of income is high, but obstacles may include unforeseen expenses and unexpected financial loss brought on by reckless investing and ignorance. Anticipate assistance from elderly, kids, and elders who will counsel you on wise financial decisions. Financial planning will be necessary to prevent hard-earned money from being lost on stock market exchanges abroad.
With the powerful energy of Jupiter and Saturn, the decisions you make regarding your job strategy will assist you in improving your financial situation. Gains in money or priceless presents from a spouse, family, or friend are anticipated.
You will get the anticipated gain from property-related matters in 2024. Anticipated financial and financial outcomes will enable you to amass a substantial sum of money. If you are in business, there will be a resurgence of new business strategies that will yield predicted financial advantages. On the professional front, you will receive the expected gains with increase.
Favorable Months For 2024 Aries Moon Sign Money & Finance: February, March and August.
Unfavorable Months For 2024 Aries Moon Sign Money & Finance: September, October and December.
2024 Aries: Predictions on Wealth & Business Prospects
The period from February 5 to March 15 will provide profits, stability in finances, and a return on investment, as suggested by Mars's strong influence in the 2024 Aries finance horoscope.
Between February 20 and March 7, 2024, there will be an increase in gifts or new revenue streams. The indications are financial gain from elders, inheritance benefit, and support from friends. Government and securities will produce anticipated gains.
Under Saturn's influence, investing in the government or securities with professional and legal advice is guaranteed to be successful. Aggressive investments made between July 31 and August 25 without adequate research and direction may result in losses.
You will get the foreign connection that will give rise to your income in March-June 2024. There can be expenditure related to religious work, travel to religious and foreign place under the influence of Rahu in 2024 Aries money horoscope. Investment or buying foreign bonds/stocks will ensure that your investment will bring the expected returns. You will make expenditure on yourself related to personality improvement, clothes, social events, on friends and family
2024 Aries: Predictions on Repayment of Debts
According to 2024 Aries finance forecasts, favor from the government and gains from competitors are suggested. There will be hurdles, but if you take a calculated risk and manage your risks well, you may make good profits and get through any loans or financial difficulties you may be having.
You may create a network circle that will help you study, make a good living, and keep your finances stable with the help of emotional intelligence and sociability in your community, at work, and online.
The energy of the second, sixth, seventh, tenth, and twelfth houses will become active throughout the year. Thus, relationships, loans, family finances, savings, unforeseen costs, and increments will all be involved.
There will be loss of money and you will not get the return during 25th August - 18th September 2024. Avoid making any major investment and don’t lend money to others in a hurry and be attentive while making any online transactions. Not a favorable period to get into loan-related matters.
2024 Aries: Predictions on Finance & Speculation
Probability of monetary loss or loss from legal work from November 16, 2024, to December 16, 2024. When making significant judgments about investments in government or securities, pay close attention. Steer clear of any legal issues with investments tied to real estate.
According to 2024 Aries Money forecasts, Rahu and Mercury's transit will suggest that you will likely experience delays in receiving the desired return, so you will need to exercise financial discipline and avoid making any aggressive investments.
Long-term good profits can be achieved by investing in foreign exchange. You will make a sizable profit away from your current location in 2024 thanks to Rahu's passage in your 12th house of expenses and changes in position from the current one.
From May to October 2024, bonds and securities will yield strong profits.
More info:- https://horoscopeeveryday.com/libra-finance-horoscope-2024
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