#marcille. you gotta stop
c-tepx · 1 month
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just realised that senshi's laios is the way marcille imagined him before. which is.. just like falin. not even with shorter hair, she though he will be like this shoujo prince with wavy bob cut
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and she is still so upset that she sees him like some sort of giant bulky dude
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numberonefjordfan2020 · 4 months
Official tweets for dunmeshi ep 8!
Episode 8
Akihiro Satou
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Aoi Abe
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Sho Ooi
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Yoshihiro Miyajima
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Emi Tamura
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bwabys-scenarios · 2 months
Making you a mother
Laois x Fem!Reader
A/N: this is a request from AO3!! Short but sweet ^^
warnings: big breeding kink, reader gets pregnant, Laois is really insistent on filling you up with his cum, biting, overstimulation
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Laois held onto your hips, squeezing the soft flesh as he pulled you close to rub his bulge against your needy pussy. “You’re so pretty…”
His eyes were slightly hazy with lust, and you couldn’t help but whine, rubbing against him desperately. “P-please, Laois! I need it!”
The feeling of his calloused fingers tracing over your belly made you shiver in anticipation. Lately, you had noticed how focused on making sure you were well fed he was, along with fascinated with your tummy.
“Gonna…” he murmured, his fingers pressing down on the fatty part of your belly that protected your uterus. “gonna put a baby there, okay? Gonna…”
Your cheeks flushed with heat, the wet spot in your panties growing. Laois had never talked like that before, you didn’t even think he wanted children…
His thumb rubbed against your clothed clit as his lips pressed against your neck. “You want it? Want me to make you a mommy?”
“P-please…” you managed to choke out through your whimpers and panting. “Need it so bad!”
“Anything for you, sunshine…”
He pulled off your underwear, his cock rubbing against your dripping pussy. Usually he was insistent on eating you out, but today he desperately needed to fill you up with his cum. Laois needed to breed you more than he needed to breathe air.
He pushed in, groaning against your neck as your pussy clenched around him, eager to drain him of all his cum from the get go. “That’s my baby, gonna fill you up, promise…”
Laois fucked into you, biting down on your neck hard enough to have you yelp. But the pain ebbed away into pleasure, and his teeth were replaced with his lips, kissing away at the red mark.
“Sorry, love… can’t help it…”
He was hitting that special spot, making you cry out his name. “L-Laois, please don’t stop!”
Your nails dug into the soft flesh of his back, making him let out a sharp hiss. “Won’t, I promise…”
And he was right. Even hours later, when you were beyond exhausted and stuffed full of cum, he was still hitting that special spot, making you cum on his cock over and over.
“T-too much…” you were being fucked stupid, barely able to speak.
“Shh, you can take it. Gotta make sure it takes…”
He lightly pressed down on your belly, making his cum squirt out of you. Laois pouted a little.
“Looks like I’ll have to go again…”
A few months later, you sat with Marcille as she fawned over your baby bump. “Oh, I can’t wait to be an Aunt! Do you think the baby will call me Auntie Marcille?”
You laughed, glancing at Laois as Falin and him watched the two of you through the doorway. “Probably. Marcille might be a mouthful for a baby though.”
“What about Marcy!?”
Laois and Falin cracked up, causing the blonde elf to blush. “W-what are you two laughing at?”
“Nothing… it just seems like you’re more eager for the baby to come than (Name) and I are.” Laois said, taking you into his arms. His hand brushed over your belly, his thumb rubbing against the bump softly.
Falin smiled warmly. “I think we’re all excited. Senshi has already started mapping out a meal plan for (Name)’s pregnancy.”
“Haha, he said he’ll teach the baby everything he knows, and Chilchuck is already giving me advice,” you said, laughing. “It’s sweet, you know they say raising a child takes a village… you guys are our village.”
Marcille started crying, hugging you. “Oh stop it, I’m going to cry!”
“Dear, you’re already crying.” Falin replied, kissing the top of her head.
You and Laois shared a kiss before he led you away by the hand. “Sorry ladies, but my wife needs a nap.”
Laois curled up next to you in bed, his face nuzzled into your neck. “Rest, my love.”
And you did, curled up with your beloved.
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sabertoothwalrus · 3 months
Okay I gotta say I love the title dragoness, it's giving "dragon is an official position in a kingdom." Like, she won't steal your princess or anything, but a princess might find her Very Charming enough to stay (and get beat back with a stick by Marcille bc that's her WIFE you HEATHENS)
nothing stopping Falin from calling Marcille her princess in non-courtly situations 🤭
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pyreo · 2 months
I'm comparing the Dungeon Meshi manga to episodes I just watched and now I gotta capital-p Post about this one episode (spoilers past Episode 12)
So this part is an emotional side-step from the central throughline so far - Laios and Marcille got Falin back successfully and reunited, and they got that payoff from the very beginning where they thought it would be impossible. But Chilchuck is very much a part of these layers of development, so after that dragon finally dies, we stop for a second - Laios and Marcille are recovering, Falin has disappeared again - how does Chilchuck feel at that point?
It's the perfect stage to insert that because he didn't really share in that sense of victory in the same way as Laios and Marcille recovering someone extremely close to them. And that's on purpose because he keeps everyone at arms' length. As soon as that arc hits its end and Falin is recovered, there's at last space to ask - why is Chilchuck even here.
He's asking himself that through the chapter. Now that they've lost the person they intended to save, he regrets agreeing to come.
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And starts shouldering responsibility for everything ending up this way. We saw that when he got stuck in the mimic room before - he refuses to let himself ask for help, or he'll try to take burdens alone to lessen relying on others. The original Touden Party was six people, and when Laios insisted on going back underground they were two, and he knew they would die, and figured maybe, maybe if they were one more, with his skillset, maybe they'd have a chance. He couldn't let them walk back down just to die.
And he's going back to that mindset - their lives are on me. He thinks he could have prevented this if he'd chosen differently. Essentially, the walk alongside the orc woman is him working through a guilt spiral.
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He sees a second chance to correct that mistake of joining the party. He wants them out now, before they die. The orc asks him how they defeated a dragon and, in explaining it, he reminds himself of all the risky, ridiculous things they had to do, and he isn't satisfied with just getting lucky. Laios got his foot bitten off, on purpose! This proves to him that if they go any further they will not survive. And he hints at this dissatisfaction a couple chapters later, wishing his teammates prioritised things other than winning at all costs...
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Like, obviously. The point of this chapter is Chilchuck pretending to be a self-serving coward. To the point where others react with disdain, even disgust, towards him because he wants to lie to Marcille and Laios to ensure they turn back. He's desperate to get out of a hopeless situation by any means necessary, and will destroy his standing in the group in a blink if it means nobody else dies. He has to go on a stupid mental health walk for his stupid mental health and talk through his little bout of panic and doubt.
'You called me a coward so don't be surprised when I act accordingly'
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He needs someone very blunt to tell him 'dude you're not being a coward for wanting your friends to get out of hell alive. you're a coward for making excuses instead of honestly telling them your concern is genuine' and he BSODs about it. He needs to rant and externalise that frustration over their recklessness at a third party. He needs to scream that they are idiots because he's the only one for which the ends don't justify the means and he can't keep losing his mind over everyone's safety. Down to a point, the orc praises their ability to survive the explosion from the dragon's fuel sac, and it only justifies Chilchuck - Falin didn't even know she could cast the spell that stopped them all being killed, and they cannot continue getting lucky like this.
Anyway. The reason I stopped to think about it was this part-
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Where he recovers Laios's monster-infused sword. The thing that made their situation in the dragon fight go from bad to worse, that he swore at Laios for in every language he knew. The most angry we'd seen him. And now he calmly picks it up and praises it for being the only one of them smart enough to make a run for it.
He's projecting, obviously. He's internalising the label of 'coward' and changing himself to fit it. And, look at him, he's so tired of this. It's evidence of his sheer exhaustion that his anger immediately disappears and he actually gives it a compliment. Him and Laios's sword, the group cowards, the only one who agrees with him.
Then, because he had a walk before getting into the argument, he's organised his feelings and drops all the walls and pretense and just says it.
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There's a rule of writing where you contrast your high energy sequences with parts that are slow and mundane, to make the difference more apparent. I think that's why I like this bit so much. The fight against the dragon is long, and the emotional stakes are enormous. Right after that we have the bath scene with Falin and Marcille, and Laios ruffling Falin's hair, and this part that pauses everything to explore the stuff that Chilchuck finally needs to say. And it's wrapped in this neat little solemn journey to pick up their supplies and remember how it felt when all five of them had a meal around a real dinner table at last.
And because he doesn't resort to individualistic trickery, because he explains his point as a duty of care rather than pitting himself against the others, he gets backed up. Senshi agrees that they don't have the supplies to continue, and the orc lady mentions her brethren will return later and can give them support, all of which together breaks down Laios's singleminded devotion to his cause.
Personally I think the manga's better suited to comic timing, but in the anime you can get fleshed out little moments, like Laios's face journey as he realises the other three are making a good case for their survival.
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This was my favourite part so far, and I like how both Chilchuck-centric episodes have separated him from the others. Because he won't reveal anything he's thinking otherwise. lmao
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thechekhov · 5 months
Dungeon Meshi Quick Reacts
CH.31 (Dryad)
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Marcille, your stick--I mean staff!
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Sobbing, wheezing with laughter, crying. Boys........boys why are you like this.
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Did the orcs not point them in the right direction at least?!
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Marcille, you look like shit. I guess you haven't recovered after that intense battle too well.... and this is bad news if you guys are now being herded into a labyrinth by that sorcerer.........
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aww, come on. They're just a bunch of little guys! Look at em!
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Lookit em.
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S-senshi..... Senshi.........do you think you're traveling with children? Senshi. Did you. Did you actually think you faced a red dragon with children at your side? Was that a logical thing you did? Was that really how you reasoned it out...?
Then again, I think Senshi MUST be older than all of them in comparison but still...........
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Go, Chillchuck! I choose you!
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My money is on the ghosts which are clearly numerous and common in this world.
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Live slug Dryad reaction
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Well now that seems extreme but I trust him.
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So.... a cold...?
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Oh for the love of--
You had me going there for a second.
I'll develop hayfever if it comes free with looking at ladies smooching all day, ffs. First world problems, guys,
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Okay, on second thought, anthropomorphic allergens are kinda creepy.
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Someone who's never read Dungeon meshi explain what's happening in this image.
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Gotta say, improvised mastectomy was not on my bingo sheet.
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I mean......NOW it is........
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Their faces......they're so fucking tired of his shit.
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........I........I'm with Marcille on this one............ ....please put those back.
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Marcille and Essek would get along great.
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That dryad was the one with the least amount of boobage, too. Trans rights, I guess.
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Senshi draws the line at........fruit babies that don't yet look baby-like....? Curious.
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And now we're back to smashing faces. What an excellent harvest of uncanny valley.
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"I'll still eat it, though!" You know what that is? Growth.
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C-can he... do that? Just learn magic without anything?
I mean, it's stupid to ask I guess. I know wizards exist. I guess I just thought this fantasy system required a knack for it?
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What a big happy....... family.
Gods, the terror of having another adult try to babysplain sex to you. Every day Chillchuck wakes up.
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technicallyneon · 27 days
felt like rereading the changeling chapters so here’s some of my favorite panels (pretty much only chilaios related because the shipper goggles are permanently glued to my face at this point)
spoilers for ch. 50 and 51 under the cut (duh)
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first of all… yeah i don’t know either… is that the second time laios has called him mister or did it happen more often. wonder if they’re gonna change this one to “sir” in the anime too… i mean what who said that…
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i’m not even gonna comment on this one
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i’m really totally super normal about him wearing laios’s clothes and armor i promise. you gotta believe me
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obligatorily pointing out the reversed height difference. laios is so fucking tiny i need to squeeze him like a stress ball
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sweet revenge for all the times they’ve coddled him (bonus half-foot marcille appearance because i love her). they both look so cute i need to eat them
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there’s something to be said about laios being the only member of the party who doesn’t miss chilchuck’s “cute” appearance (or at least the only one who isn’t actively thinking about it) like everyone’s all upset about tallchuck but laios doesn’t give a shit because he doesn’t care about what chilchuck looks like, he’s still chilchuck to him even if he’s taller now and i need to stop yapping now before i talk myself into a frenzy over this
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they have my whole heart
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same braincell mfs. they did not communicate this plan at all by the way they just thought of it at the exact same time and it somehow worked out anyway yadda yadda yadda implicit trust in each other and all that (poor marcille tho)
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i’m not into feet but my friend is so i’m posting this for it specifically. also it’s fucking funny and i appreciate the detail of laios’s scar from the dragon fight, that’s very cool
that’s it, that’s the end of the post thank you for indulging my insanity
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gddmgttsu · 3 months
(I have a nasty habit of wanting to write only about bad things so let's talk about something else)
I've somehow read all of Dungeon Meshi within the last two days or so. Time well spent I'd say...
The first time I've even heard of Dungeon Meshi was seeing all the Twitter clips from the first episode of the anime. I thought the premise was cute so I decided to take a peek at the anime with a friend.
The first two episodes were alright but at the time it didn't quite grip me as much as I thought it would. While I loved all the characters doing their thing, it was missing something that would really hook me in you know what I mean?
If you haven't seen any of it yet, please go and check it out it's pretty good. I wouldn't want to ruin anything about it for the blind.
After the second episode I just put it off for a bit but a month to so later, I saw a twitter clip or maybe it was a teaser that was about Falin's resurrection. I was astonished to see not a digested corpse coming out of the dragon but a goddamn skeleton of what's left. That was what I was missing in order to get hooked so my interest was fully piqued.
So now I've gotten around to reading the whole thing and MAN was I surprised. The world is so interesting, the characters are all loveable and it gets surprisingly dark every now and then. It touches on alot of themes that I like involving death and the stains of time.
My favorite manga of all time is Berserk so the moment the manga started getting into that stuff I was fully invested.
One of scenes that really stood out to me were Marcille's nightmare and how it sets up that bit near the end. I don't really know much about elf lore and I just beat Baldur's Gate 3 so it was interesting to learn more about how an increased lifespan is just sadness for the elf in question.
Seeing Laois get touched by her nightmare and immediately starts aging and freaking Marcille out just made me go "OH NO IS THAT WHY SHE'S AFRAID" and it makes me sad to think about life without your loved ones.
Another one is Senshi's backstory with the Griffin and how he had to live a long time with that gnawing thought at the back of his head. It thoroughly explains why he's so adamant about eating a balanced meal and how living as healthy as can be is so important to him. I honestly teared up pretty bad seeing those final panels of him eating the hippogriff stew.
I suppose my only nitpicks is that we never really got to hang out with Falin enough. I would have loved to see more of the gang interact with her since from the flashbacks and what little time we do get with her, she's a sweetheart too.
There's also Itsuzumi and how I personally don't think her arc was fully done but at least she had her moment with the succubis.
These are very minor and there are even more minor ones and honestly I don't mind them very much because the story is already like a 10/10.
=========SPOILERS END=========
The volumes kept ending at cliffhangers so I couldn't stop wanting to read more and more so I ended up binging the whole thing.
I'm glad I did though because the manga went into detail a couple of things I've been thinking about recently too. It just nice to see and read thoughts about the little things that bother me right now. Even if it is through a silly manga about eating monsters.
Honestly, the manga influenced me maybe like 10-30% as to doing a bit better with how I treat myself and my health.
To close it off, I gotta say I really loved it and I'm excited to go through it again with the anime. Hopefully my friend won't mind if I drag them with me since I left them at ep2 hehehe.
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mentalmeles · 1 month
Dungeon Meshi Liveblog 19
Depressed as hell, but liveblog timeeee
Finally noticed that when she and Laios are waving at Chilchuck in the opening, Marcille's ears are waving too lkdfj
OH, RIGHT. Cat girl. Don't know much about her obviously, but she seems to be a fan favorite in the fandom
Oh shit, so the cat girl isn't even supposed to be a cat girl.. So if Marcille can figure out how to undo the spell, does that mean they can save Falin from the dragon's soul too?
Side note, but all these little shots of Falin are FEEDING ME...
Senshiiiii..... Y'all have GOTTA stop feeding people things that they have explicitly said that they don't want to eat.
Man, Senshi would HATE me. I am picky as hell.
Monster about to attack you?? Nah, TABLE MANNERS are the main cause for worry here. TOTALLY...
Aw, they're inviting her to their party! ;0; Welcome to the gang, Itsuzumi! (I think that's how you spell it ldjflkf)
Todd Haberkorn, is that you??
Oh, jeez, is Marcille super exhausted because of Itsuzumi moving during the dispelling?
Oh, nevermind. Tis a monster ldjflk
OMG BABY MARCILLE!! Wait.. Is she holding a Falin plush???
God.... The monster is a representation of Marcille's fear over losing the people she loves...
Omg the little Falin plush still holding on tightly to Marcille as she smashes the book on the monster....
Oh, wait, it's different... He made her dream fun... ;A;
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lettucedloophole · 2 months
spoilers for the latest dungeon meshi ep but oh my GODDD i love marcille my pobrecita.. i think ryoko kui wrote sexism's effects on marcille really well, i think it's neat how she's a silly little guy and other people kind of underestimate her and it seems she is often down on herself about her failures or, "burdening" others in a way that feels very authentic to how it feels to be a woman and have that extra pressure of perfection to dispell suspicions of your inferiority. it's just very much the feeling i gather from it which makes marcille so relatable. and then to put another layer on it when it came out that she did black magic, she's literally A Bad Ass she is LITERALLY a Badass which makes her doubt of herself even more starkly inappropriate, and in this new episode despite the Fact that she is A Bad Ass when everyone's being a BIG MEANIE to her she's like a sad puppy when people don't let her help with revivals and like idk if i missed something but she doesn't even push back against them saying they're going to turn her in in like, a threatening way, she is just... scared. which hurt me i just wanted everyone stop being so MEAN TO HERRR my POBRECITAAAA. MY TINY LITTLE BABYY
i also laughed a lot and freaked out catching up on the two latest episodes today. DEVASTATING miscalculation on chilchuck's part to protect senshi when laois has No sense of Social cue. really happy to see laois and kabru meet, they're really funny together and i see why people like them so much as a ship now!! i am ECSTATIC that shuro is out of the game in terms of ehem. courting falin. bro COULDN'T HACK IT gEDDEM marcille. get that red dragon lady.. and omg it made me SOOOO MAD that they tried to blame marcille for that like how could that even b her fault!!! >:((( its obv the mad mage's doing. i dont get it they r just big meanies!!! stop shitting on my girl!!!
i like how kabru is like laios if he had more social awareness and was a litle Conniving... and omfg i thought it was so funny and sweet how shuro and laios just fucking beat each other up 😭 shuro said i hate autistic ppl fr. no but im glad he showed up for laios & co. in the end.. sometimes you just gotta talk ur feelings out over a fistfight lol
it was soo so fun seeing everyone interact .. all these fun characters... i cant wait to see what happens next!!! i love this show literally one of my fav animes EVER now definitely its so good its SOOOOOO GOOOOOOOD!! im terrified not knowing when its gonna end and how im gonna cope when the season ends 🗿 methinks i will have to read the manga instantly after or i will go insane from dungeon meshi withdrawal..
#dungeon meshi spoilers#this is totally just me rambling this show makes me so happyyyy#i usually hate rewatching stuff but idk if i just want to take everything or what#but i had a process of watching it like. rewatch old ep then watch new ep#and i also rewatched it all around ep 13 or something#but i think im going to rewatch it again just because I love ... so much..#is so good... need dunmeshi ..#i also need to develop my senshi tulpa more so my life is less disastrous#at least in terms of food and sleep#i slept until 7pm and then ate 3meals in a row so -_- need that senshi tulpa#lol the way laios did the im stronger than u thing but listed his food and sleep sched. as the reason 😭😭😭😭 beautiful . so beautiful#it makes me SAD that they tried to kill falin but realistically what else could they do.. i just dont want laios think monsters r all bad#or the rest of the crew. anymore...#may b theyre just friends and its the mad mages fault :((#and then kabru was like u have to kill orcs and im like NOOOOOOOOOo dont DO THAT#i was so SHOCOKED. SHOCKEKD when so many ppl were wiped out by falin. literally crazy sauce. broooo#i wuv dungeomeshi so much......#also i just have to say that shuro n laios fight? p gay...ngl#laios n falin r so similar its just falin is um. well better at masking#the Autism Twins (insert flame font(#its like i think shuro's feelings r genuine n not shallow for falin but i also dont think he knows her as well as he thinks.#i mean apparently he is Poor at connecting with others#love those guys. silly guys. the lot of em#chilchuck's being mad at marcile for black magic is a lot less annoying 2 me now that i know. other ppls react WAYYY worse#wuv em
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notcuddles · 19 days
Saw a post about what the various Dungeon Meshi characters are like in bed and it was just...so deeply wrong. Like, I'm sorry, but just because a character has many good traits in day to day life does NOT mean they're just automatically going to be great in bed.
DunMeshi is the show for loving cringefail idiots who are trying their best (and sometimes managing to get there)
Anyway, here's my take:
Marcille - wants to be good in bed and is trying very hard to be sexy but has internalized way too many romance novels AND way too much social stigma about sex to be really uninhibited in bed. The experience will be fine but you come away from it feeling like there was something missing. Figuring out that she's attracted to women will help her a lot because she won't have a bunch of predetermined, socially mandated sexual roles to fall back on and will have to get creative.
Laios - doesn't think about having sex a lot for himself (he definitely does think about it but he's clearly got a somewhat childish sensibility regarding it) but definitely down if someone else initiates...and is very specific about what they're trying to get him to do. Lots of enthusiasm but zero technique. Willing to put a lot of things in his mouth though, so that's useful. Absolutely down to try whatever physical kink you have, basically without question, but probably bounces hard off of D/s dynamics and similar social role playing for the most part. Pet play is too tame, but will definitely pretend to be a tiger erotically stalking you through the jungle if you're into that.
Chilchuck - I'm sorry, I know everyone loves Mr. Tims but he sucks in bed. "But he has three kids". Lots of people who suck in bed have lots of kids. It's called "societal pressure to have children". Chilchuk's defining (marriage ending!!!) features are that he's emotionally unavailable and tends to overwork himself, which is not a recipe for being a great lover. His one saving grace is that he's good with his hands. Unfortunately, he's not interested in foreplay so that's wasted on him.
Senshi - Likewise, I know we all love dwarf daddy but he ALSO sucks in bed, but for different reasons. Firstly, he's NOTABLY UNWASHED, to the point that magic doesn't work on him, so unless you're really into body odor and related kinks, that's really going to put a damper on things. More importantly, this man has a long history of being isolated from society. Senshi is kind of defined by his desire to be close to people and take care of them, but he's really never had an opportunity to form the kind of long-term, stable relationships that could lead to sexual exploration. (Yes, he was with the orcs for a while but I suspect he was never integrated into the tribe enough for that kind of exploration to take place - when he started getting close to that level, he left because he didn't want to get married) I just straight up don't think he's had a lot of experience in that regard and I think he would be kind of shy. However, since he does like taking care of people, he'd be open to direction and probably a quick learner. You gotta put in the work to teach him though, he's not coming to you with a lot of experience.
Falin - Yeah okay, she's into some weird shit and not shy about it. However, it's not in a defined or specific kink kind of way, she's just very willing to be open about enjoying sensations or experiences that other people might think were weird. If you're down to clown with this dynamic, you'll have a great time. If not, you'll discover midway through fucking that she's stopped paying attention to what you're doing and is watching an ant trying to carry a crumb through a hole in the wall next to the bed. She still tells you that you're doing a good job because you're trying so hard, which is far more devastating than being told that you sucked. Shuro - has very defined ideas about How Sex Is Supposed To Go and won't deviate from them. If you like being methodically pounded for over an hour because he can't finish, Shuro is the man for you. However, this is because he has an extremely repressed kink that he's desperate to hide at all costs by never doing anything even slightly deviant. If you can ever get him to admit what that kink is, he will either die of embarrassment or become the best lay you've ever had...so long as you happen to think that kink is hot, because it's definitely the only thing that will really get him off reliably.
Kabru - has been studying your every move and carefully peppering you with seemingly innocuous and non-sexual questions to help him guess what you're into while you were on a date. Phenomenal in bed, very good/giving/game and eager to please - to the point that you actually don't get a chance to do much to him. A rather dazzling experience the first time around but unfortunately you quickly realize that he has bespoke brain problems that are beyond your ken and is obsessed with some oblivious blond guy. You end up sleeping with him a few more times and keep getting the feeling that he's working an angle but it's hard to say what that angle is, because sex is clearly not the end game of the 5 dimensional chess that he's playing.
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cathodic-clairvoyant · 9 months
On the topic of dungeon meshi ending i've been wondering what everyone is thinking about what exactly what will happen to falin. I've been split between 3 options:
2. Falin half revives long enough to talk to Laios and Marcille and then dies for real. This one's a bit trite and cliché but seems like a good middle ground to me of "Falin doesn't get revived" and "Marcille and Laios accomplish their task in a way that they can stop trying." Besides that though I don't have an argument for this guess any further than I really feel like we have to get something from Falin in the last chapter, even if it's a flashback.
1. Resurrection just doesn't work, falin stays a corpse. This one really seems like what everyone is thinking and while I think it's the one that also makes the most thematic sense it feels. Anticlimatic? Like I think with what the story has been leading to obviously what the heroes want can't happen. It doesn't fit with the what the story has said so far and I don't think dungeon meshi is the kind of story to give the heroes a pass just because they saved the world.
But also like what does the party do if it just doesn't work? What does everyone else who agreed to help do? Say "Sorry Laios and Marcille we tried. We'll move on with our lives now at this point for real this time?" I guess, but after all that it feels like a weird place to just cold turkey give up. Also maybe I misread the manga/am misremembering but don't we have like 1 or 2 like unresolved falin facts to tie up? Wasn't Falin like unnaturally good at magic when Marcille first meets her? I don't think that ever got explained and if I was in charge of deciding what exactly happens to Falin that feels like the perfect detail to add a wrinkle/unexpected nuance to her resurrection. Doesn't have to be the case but I dunno. Actually I think i'm mixing up magic school and post dragon falin. Nothing happening and it just unspectacularly failing feels too "obvious"
3. Falin does come back but can't stay with the party for some reason. I don't really anticipate this one that much. Like other than it putting a nice happy bow on it that still lets you add elements of bittersweet I don't really get why Ryoko Kui would do this. It feels like it rewards the party for doing the opposite of what the story's been about. The only possible reason I can think of for this is that I really feel like falin's resurrection can't be as simple as it doesn't work, and this would be probably the opposite of what most people are thinking would happen.
But i dunno. The one that makes the most sense is the first but it still feels wrong. I just feel like there's gotta be some wrinkle to it. It unspectacularly failing feels too simple for them to give up on. But I know that if Falin comes back no issue then that's also A. too happy for what tone the story currently has and B. Goes against what the story is saying. So in my eyes it has to mostly fail with a hint of success that puts an end to their falin reviving escapades. But I just don't know what
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dahlthir-blog · 7 years
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   ➜ Astorel Calenhad has been accepted!
Welcome to Dahlthir, Locky! Your application for Astorel Calenhad has been approved. Since we are in our soft opening we will not be posting roleplay blogs yet but you can send one in for us to keep safe and sound in our inbox!
The character portion of the application can be found under the cut. BackstoryBall Z is my favorite show! But, ah you really fleshed out her character background! You can see what she carried from her childhood all the way to the present. How she befriended her first bear and how she lost them was aaaa. WHAT A GOOD BEAR. SULDAL WAS GREAT. And though it pains me that Suldal is gone, I’m glad that we have Baranir. Their dynamic is one I already love!
Other Characters: N/A
Faceclaim(s) & Series: Marcille (Delicious in Dungeon)
Character Name: Astorel Calenhad (“Loyalty”, “Green place”, both in Sindarin)
Housing: Back room at her tavern, Amongro (“Bear’s Mount”)
Age: 120(-ish; elves don’t tend to bother after 100)
Appearance: An elven woman with near-untameable auburn curls, their only semblance of order being the braided half-ponytail at the back. They frame a rounded face forested with freckles that simply accentuate the vibrant shine in her emerald eyes.
She stands at 5’7”, and has a graceful physique with plenty of power hidden away in her slender limbs. After all, how else would she have managed to tame a bear? While she doesn’t have too many battle scars, her torso has a few long ones from her attempts to tame the bear, and her mount has a lot of arrow wounds and cuts that have long since healed.
She is commonly seen in a scarlet, off-the-shoulder, short-bell-sleeved, velvet dress that features gold ribbons around the neck and sleeves, embroidered with a simple pattern in red. A leather corset slims her figure, and a belt with a small pouch attached by string hangs loose at her waist. The dress reaches past her knees, and hides the upper half of her brown leather boots with block heels. Long gloves reach from her middle fingers to just beneath her shoulder, and she often wears tights in a matching material.
Are they a part of the Adventurer’s Guild? (Recruit or Full Member): No – she was a full member at one point, but left. Why? Find out next time on BackstoryBall Z.
—- How long have they been part of the Guild: -
Warnings (If there are any triggers in your character’s background please list them here!): Blood
Personality (Please list 3 positive and 3 negative traits. Can simply be bullet points or can be expanded!):
(+) Naturalist – Due to her race, she has high affinity with both flora and fauna. Animals find themselves calm more easily around her, which is what enabled her to eventually tame her mount, and she can ‘feel’ a plant’s life force to see what it needs to thrive. While she understands that some elves are vegans/vegetarians, she sees a natural order in the food chain, and so welcomes eating meat. However, if nature is being harmed unnecessarily, she will certainly find a problem with it (which is one of her main problems with humans – their need to constantly expand and destroy the natural world around them.)
(+) Knowledgeable – As she was once her party’s sole Mage, it often came down to her to have the highest intelligence. You’ve gotta store those spells somewhere, you know? Not only that, but her experience as an ex-adventurer means that she has plenty of tips and relations to give out to aspiring heroes, which makes her tavern a hot spot for parties looking for good information (though at a price.) She was a co-strategist for her party of sorts, meaning that she at least helped in making a number of unique (if somewhat crazy) tactics.
(+) Charismatic – Whether it’s because of her good looks, or charming mannerisms, nobody knows, but Astorel finds herself getting along with others easily. This is particularly useful when she’s gathering information, but it often gets her unwanted attention from drunken customers. Thankfully, she tends to have one entire bear on hand to help scare them back to soberness (or at least out of the shop.)
(-) Stingy – Though it’s not a necessarily good or bad trait, Astorel has become very good with handling and making money after setting up her tavern with the help of her old party. She knows her way around a deal, but this also makes her reluctant to spend money on something that’s not essential, and a little greedy in negotiations.
(-) Invasive – She has a bad habit of trying to listen in on conversations to pick up new information, or bothering people until they tell her something she wants to hear. She’s gotten a little better at spying, and is trying to find spells to aid her, but all attempts have at least earned her a funny look. It doesn’t particularly help that she’s not much of a liar when she’s put on the spot.
(-) Perfectionist – If she knows she can do better, she’ll stop at nothing to make it a reality! Her determination to do her absolute best is what gave her the drive to continue her taming attempts, despite multiple injuries, and she often approaches things in her own way to get the most comfortable method.
Astorel was born in the wood-elven town of Amofileg, a relatively small settlement in a forest south of Arkhwood. Her mother was proficient in using magic to strengthen the traditional practice of archery, while her father had no usage of mana as he had never bothered to train it. From him, instead, she learned how to barter for money by tagging along his visits to the market as a child, mastering haggling surprisingly early on. Once her mother realised what he was teaching her when she tried to bargain on getting a new spellbook, a firm grip was held on his long ear to make sure that he didn’t teach her anything else crooked.
(It didn’t particularly work, and in fact only encouraged them to practice their tactics in private, but the sentiment was there.)
While most would use this strategy training to become a thief, Astorel simply adapted it to whatever she needed her charms to work on. A lot of things tended to go her way, and if they didn’t, she would try again and again until either she succeeded or her target gave up and just gave her what she wanted so she’d stop bothering them. The good equipment that this earned her, along with the magic training from her mother, lead her down the path of becoming a Mage that specialised in trap-setting and enchantments. Because of this, she was recommended to go out and hunt to gain experience, and she was absolutely ecstatic about the idea!
Well, she was until she was attacked by a large pack of goblins, and in her panic, managed to drop her spellbook. Normally, this is where the story would end, if not for the beast that thundered in after them. As her breaths slowed, shallow as they were, she tried to assess the situation, only seeing a blur of action and devastation as her bellowing saviour ripped through the crowd.
She doesn’t like to admit it now, but she fainted soon after. Her first experience with battle had gone atrociously, but somehow, she wasn’t dead.
She later awoke, still in the forest, with surprisingly minor injuries and someone hunched over a campfire beside her. It had fallen dark, and she couldn’t help but feel slightly betrayed by the fact that nobody had come to check on her, but such thoughts were interrupted the moment the stranger spoke, making her jump so hard she nearly flung herself into the fire.
As they spoke, she learned that this person was a beast tamer, and the animal that had saved her was actually a bear that they had aimed to capture. Though they couldn’t explain, they distinctly remembered it turning suddenly and charging off on a moment’s notice as if it was protecting a cub that it had left behind. That, they said, was the sign of a bond that was born to happen.
She also learned that the name of what she was eating was two words that she had hoped never to see next to one another – Goblin Shank – which promptly ruined the mood, but didn’t dampen her spirit even a bit. Not even as she spat it out and searched desperately for a ‘purify’ spell.
The tamer lead her to where the beast was now resting after its battle, scarred and worn. Its ears turned even at the gentle footsteps of the elf, and a low rumble coated the clearing where it lay, trying not to bleed too heavily. She didn’t need to hear another word of the tamer’s advice – she wouldn’t let this noble beast that had saved her life die so unceremoniously; taking her spellbook in hand, she flipped to her healing spells, and softly recited the enchantments under her breath.
Then, recklessly, she stepped forward, and placed her mana-charged hand onto its wounds, not backing down until it batted her away. Pain coursed through her, but she knew it was nothing compared to what the beast felt. Again and again, she stepped forward, and again and again, its claws ripped at her, clear signs to keep back, until she looked as beaten as the bear did. As she pressed her hand against it, one last time, she braced for the attack that could easily have felled her, but never came.
Both she and the tamer let loose bated breaths as the bear finally leaned into her hand, having realised that she was the one to heal it, and forging a powerful bond in the process; the two had lost blood for each other, and would continue to fight for each other’s safety for years to come.
Years, until they finally had to say goodbye – not torn from each other in war, but peacefully, in the comfort of the forest near Dahlthir. The bear, having come to be affectionately known as Suldal for how often it had to speed into the fray to save her, had left but one gift – a child, born to become her next guardian.
Elves were supposed to be used to outliving their loved ones. Yet, as she stared into the eyes of Baranir, she could only see a cub, now lost and alone in this world. She couldn’t stop the tears from cascading over. Her breath was wrenched out of her, bursting into sobs as she drew the child near and wondered if trapping Suldal into a life of war was truly the best life for her.
Thus, she swore not to repeat her mistake again – she quit the guild, and with the help of her old party, set up an inn for those with more mettle than her to rest in, connected to a tavern to drink their troubles away. To this day, the brave fighters that joined her have free access to everything they need, as a way of repaying their help for her leaving the front lines.
Both her and Suldal’s armour lays worn and scarred in the back of the tavern, but are still maintained. Call her sentimental, but she feels that it helps to honour the memory of a lost ally.
4 General Powers/Abilities/Unusual Traits Description:
She possesses most of the natural elven traits – heightened hearing, good night vision, and so on – but is also an accomplished Mage, having developed her skill as a reliable way to attack while mounted. While she once rode into battle, boasting her race’s high mana and blasting spells here and there, she now generally uses the smaller spells for more mundane uses.
Specific Powers/Abilities/Traits of Note:
As she was once the sole Mage of her party, she has learned spells of both Black and White Mages, ranging from elemental attacks like a Fireball or Earth Spikes to peaceful uses like healing, levitation, and a making a ball of light, although she much prefers using traps and enchantments to turn the tide in her favour whenever she can. Her attack spells are quite powerful, but she’s lost her touch for master-level spells like large explosions over time through lack of practice. They still remain in her spellbook, though are more likely to backfire and use much more mana than normal if used now compared to when they were recorded.
One of her current favourites is one she nicknames ‘Refill’, an alteration of a simple water spell made to help top up drinks from a distance (after being paid, of course). It also makes for a great party trick.
Her bear’s name is Baranir (“fiery male”), and is the son of her original mount, Suldal (“wind-foot”). As much as she pretends she can understand him, she has no idea what he’s saying, and mostly does it to tease gullible adventurers. She’s learned basic songs on an acoustic guitar to help with entertainment in the tavern (and to skimp out on paying for an actual musician). It’s lucky she’s a decent singer.
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thechekhov · 1 year
Dungeon Meshi: Quick Reacts (CHAPTER 2: Tart)
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(Where can I read this?)
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this artist can draw cool scenery too!? What is this! >:T Leave some for the rest of us. 
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Cool world building though!
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The allusion to their past travels is really cute. They’ve already done the small stuff!
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Marcille, gurl, ilu but where the fuck are you gotta get sushi around here. Be reasonable. 
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I mean.
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This part is legitimately one of my favorites! The fact that this story explores the actual ecosystem of a dungeon and how they might sustain themselves is delightful to see! Especially as a DM, this is like a well of ideas to incorporate into my own worldbuilding! 
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Noooo you made her waste a high level spell slot! How dare. 
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........................ah. I feel like we just learned something about Laios. 
My dude, your kinks are valid, but also.... maybe this is not the time? She almost died. 🤣
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oh my gods it’s like a rest stop
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He made a tart crust out of peels.... to keep the tart from burning........  this dwarf is a genius.
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I think this is more of a quiche than a tart but I get the nomenclature. 
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I’m scribbling down notes furiously. 
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This whole manga is about getting Marcille to try new foods isn’t it. 
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my guys.........................no. just give him to the plants and let nature take its corpse. 
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