#not everyone can be a twink
c-tepx · 1 month
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just realised that senshi's laios is the way marcille imagined him before. which is.. just like falin. not even with shorter hair, she though he will be like this shoujo prince with wavy bob cut
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and she is still so upset that she sees him like some sort of giant bulky dude
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I am impassioned on this subject apparently and would like to list the scale of masc presenting Fable S3 characters from most to least twink. (With an attached helpful diagram of how I view these characters)
(Specifying that this is my headcanon and not actually canon in any way cause I know I’m a cast member but they’re not my blorbos) (this is also all VERY light hearted, obviously people can interpret characters however they want to /gen)
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Rae Morningstar
Venear Atlan
Caspian Solcrest
Jamie Pine (vibes wise)
Icarus Morningstar
Aax …whatever Aax’s last name is-
Ulysses Themist
Centross Mistvale
Fenris Nightingale
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noeavoiding · 4 months
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Liam Garrigan as Fletcher || Belgravia: The Next Chapter 1.04 (but just the sauna scene)
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sergle · 5 months
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I have real questions about what is wrong with yall and if you have any cognitive reasoning skills, or any desire whatsoever to send messages to your friends instead of my inbox
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dragonanon · 2 years
One of the many reasons Bugsnax is amazing is because a line of dialogue from the game is “You don’t know a thing about love! That’s why your wife left you!”. And it’s yelled by a pink little soft boy in a sweater and a knitted strawberry hat, to a large blue farmer man with a cowboy hat and an underbite. And the farmer deadass responds with “I’m gonna do violence to ya.”
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mothbagel · 4 months
people seemed to like my silly needles design idea so heres a few doodles
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give him a hug, wont you?
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hikaaa-bi · 4 months
i just know that this is gonna be Alice and the rest of the staff in the next episode
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defenestrationtactics · 11 months
okay but consider for s3, what if aziraphale has a little existential crisis while up in head office and has his rebellious moment and just becomes miles from bright young things for like, the rest of the series. or a few episodes. or at least a montage. i would appreciate that, please and thank you.
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moeblob · 18 days
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You literally spent three hours having an ENTIRE SCHOOL (teachers included) slut-shaming a guy just for him to be a (spoiler).
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apollobutart · 5 months
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if only he were real
[p.s he made most of these clothes himself]
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frownyalfred · 2 years
Brucie Wayne must give off such insane “extroverted twink that everyone is deep down secretly worried about” energy
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bhaalsdeepbat · 6 months
Like the way Astarion lights up at the prospect of killing the Githyanki patrol and his excitement when Ethel runs and he's all "now it's a hunt !!"
Heroic Astarion who still fucking FROTHS at the mouth at a good chase because anything worth eating is a little dangerous. He's still sweet and emotionally available, but he also still needs to hunt to eat and that prey drive gnaws at him regardless of if he hunts innocents or bandits. He might as well try to enjoy himself (and he does. Without guilt. Durge is actually quite into it)
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zukkaoru · 1 year
the thing about reigen arataka is that he is literally just some guy who got sucked into a world of psychics by chance, and he decided to just roll with it until suddenly he's accidentally adopted like four very powerful psychic kids (+1 non-psychic kid) and maybe sort of fallen in love with another very powerful psychic (who happens to also be an ex-terrorist) and he just. he's some random guy. he opened a shady business because he got bored of being a salesman, he decided to pretend to be a psychic on a whim, he's been lonely his entire life, he only lets people in if he thinks he can use them except, oops, suddenly he cares about them more than he's ever cared about himself and oops he keeps getting pulled into life-or-death esper fights because somehow, even in a world full of people who can sense other psychics, everyone still believes his lies. and he doesn't back down!! he's some random guy and he picks up a gun and points it at the face of a man who could kill him without lifting a finger because maybe his kids are all super powerful psychics but they're also KIDS and maybe reigen has never had a single friend in his entire life and maybe he didn't know he even had it in him to care about people but it'll be a cold day in hell before he lets anyone hurt mob. he's some random guy and he walks headfirst into a tornado spun into being by the most powerful psychic in the world, who has already thrown several other powerful psychics out of the way like they're toys, and he tells serizawa - his only protection - to stay behind and he charges straight towards this beacon of mass destruction that no one has been able to even slow down. because maybe reigen is just some random guy who accidentally fell headfirst into the world of espers, but mob is just a kid. and reigen, just some random guy, stops him in his tracks, holds his wrists with his bare hands, and admits that he's always been just some guy. he's just some random guy. but he still cares about mob, even though he's certain mob will hate him.
and then it's all over, and reigen is just some random guy who got sucked into the world of psychics by chance, and he's never been cared about by anyone before, but now he has the most powerful people in the world all in his office throwing him a surprise birthday party because despite everything, despite knowing who he really is, they didn't reject him. he's only here by chance, because he happened to have a poster in the right place at the right time, because mob happened to be looking at his surroundings, because he dropped his tea and mob was quick enough to catch it. he's here by accident, but there's nowhere else he'd rather be, even when he's one of the only ordinary people in a room full of psychics and he can't tell which one of them made him faceplant into his cake, even when they're making fun of him for crying, even when he stills feels so underserving because he's not an esper, he's not a hero - he's not even a good person - he's just some random guy
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kokos2121 · 10 months
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keeping the weekly femboy friday upload going
no clothes this time hope you guys like it :3
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assblastergaster · 7 months
I am finally starting to see the light on just how robust all of the companion origin romances are (i.e. romances within the party outside of tav). While larian obvs had to work with sudden, abrupt story changes and losses, somehow they still managed to make all of their stories so intertwined that all possible romances are good.
Take Karlach for example:
• Wyll: Their stories are literal parallels; They both were following someone with power and influence, yearning to serve them and others to the best of their abilities—and were both discarded after being tricked into (literal) hell. together they provide for each other what was taken without denying themselves what has changed them (more devilish? so be it, i am stronger for it). She will guard what he loves without question—all he's ever tried to do—and he will stand against the forces that served to get them here, all she's ever wanted. They have both been forever changed to be more devilish (scarred, marked, horned, dehorned) but still yearn to thrive amongst their peers to no avail. He will always be a human with fangs and horns, and she will always be a tiefling with no horn(s), no heart. They are each other's only peers, the hunter and the prey.
• Shadowheart: One young girl is torn from the people she loves, her home, the authority figure she serves. She is marred by this person. Her parents are lost to her—she will never get to say goodbye, never get to hug them again. Her peers shun her, believe her dead or worse. Her only friends are lost to her (or so she thinks). She is a half-elf forcibly blinded to the ways of the world, sent on a suicide mission to secure her master's authority. She is a tiefling who has forgotten the joys of the world, escaping a suicide mission meant to secure her master's authority. They were both taught to selfishly strike out against the world to just survive. Together they find something alien to both of them—self prioritization without selfishness (I am not made to serve, i was made to be here. with you).
• Astarion: He is empty of life, cold and buried; She is being consumed by her life, toiling and burned. They were both, for lack of better words, Baldurian hot-shots in their youths. A learned magistrate and the head guard of an up-and-coming Baneite. They were both likely very corrupt. Astarion is obvious—his attack by the Gur was prob in response to prejudiced rulings. But Karlach was working for fucking Gortash. She's not an idiot, and while she certainly has a soft spot for the community, she had to have had a hand in his nefarious doings. Regardless, both of them are still furious about what happened to them, rightfully so—and neither is willing to accept (yet) that the version of them they left behind was not what they want now. They both want revenge, to kill the fucks that stole them away. And they both get it, only to find that they need to make a life after this, not to mourn the life before this.
• Lae'zel: This, like all Lae'zel romances, is a tale of two cities. Lae'zel wants to serve someone so badly, else she cannot prove to others (and herself) that she is worth the air she is breathing. Her culture demands it, history commands it, and she was born for it. But she can't do it. Not blindly. Karlach was a rough and tumble child on the streets of Baldur's Gate looking to eke out her livelihood without serving authority. But she couldn't avoid it, nothing she's good at could make money or earn respect except for serving as a guard, as a soldier. At first meeting, they both immediately respect and pity each other. Karlach likes seeing someone so proud of who they choose to serve, but innately understands that it is not a choice. Lae'zel likes seeing someone strong enough to command respect, but knows that she "should" want to serve someone too. They see themselves in the other. Neither understands, but they will. Karlach will see why Lae'zel is so desperate to belong, to serve—Lae'zel will see why she is too scared to submit.
• Gale: We both have a bomb in our chests. A divine being, omnipotent in all but name, placed it within you and quelled its fire so long as you obey and worship. The most obscene devil, queen of the Hells, ripped me from my home and gave me this, its flame fanned by servitude and snuffed by disobedience. Gale has lost himself to depression, Karlach to rage. He pours through books searching for the answer he will never find, but that's how he got here in the first place. Karlach smashes her way through everything, making ragtag enemies and allies along the way, but that's how she got here. Before anyone says some bullshit about Karlach being too "dumb" or Gale being too "pretentious;" Karlach is not dumb, she is naïve (which lends itself to dumb decisions) but wise. She's led an experience-rich life (encountered through misplaced trust and naivety) and has learned lessons from every single one, something she learns to temper within Gale as well. Gale has done many things but actually learned from very few of them, which is one of the reasons why he's immediately eager for the Crown. But he's also not an idiot, he's just vulnerable. Together, they balance each other emotionally and pedagogically.
Obviously this is focusing on the narrative aspects of these relationships—not the personal intricacies. But the majesty of this writing is that these are all characters written by separate people, forging separate stories with thousands of paths each. It's just unheard of.
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moinstar · 11 months
Don't be afraid to draw buff characters.
Learning how to draw muscular people is a continuous learning process. I used to draw skinny ones before but with unwavering motivation, I improved and learn drawing buff characters too.
Just don't give up on practicing! ☺🙏
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