#marcy's writing ideas
cavefairy · 9 months
woooooo wip time before i go to work :D
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(bonus i skipped ahead bit. basement timeout.)
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nathaaaan · 2 months
Verisimilitude AU
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Nothing is as it seems, nor is it otherwise
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kiwibirb1 · 5 months
Oh, you sweet summer children. You have no idea what awaits you within that box, beyond that flash of light. You have no idea of the fights and blood and the tears and the flames that await you. All you see is the promise of adventure, don't you? All you see is a stolen gift. No idea that therin lies a brother and sister and grandfather, a father, two mothers. No idea that one simple act has changed your lives forever, but was it really your choice? Was it not written that three stars shall come, written by a desperate race as a plea? Oh, you sweet summer children. Ravaged by war and betrayal, you will never be able to return. Two worlds lost at once, who you once were, and who you found yourself to be. Before you stands a third world, one where you were once someone, but that person has long passed.
Oh, you summer children. Don't you miss when the world was sweet?
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lost-dogsfrv · 13 days
Lunter fanfic idea but throw The Calamity Trio into the mix: “We’re lost in L.A! But at least I found a familiar face and found a new group of friends”. Or aka Lunter meets the calamity trio.
All characters are aged up and it’s an alternate universe canon divergence and I got inspired by this by doing my daily of liking amphibia fanart and I found a fanart of seeing the girls going through their prom even thought their in their 20’s and then it hit me what if Hunter and Luz decided to go to L.A for a vacation but during their trip of traveling around L.A in their rented car, they found the calamity trio just walking away from their middle school or high school that held the prom and Luz instantly recognized Anne from her voice and hair and that led to her telling Hunter to stop the car and getting out of the car and meeting her long lost friend who she lost contact for over 10 years and then everyone began to introduce to each other after driving their way towards Anne parents house or Anne’s apartment to hangout.
Also the comic con panel reading and the chibi-verse short are sorta reference in the fic idea but there will be changes to it. Also the calamity trio are just platonic friends they’re not romantic partners sorry Sashannarcy fans. Inspirations:
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kaseyskat · 2 years
nyx? writing a snippet of a new au they have not explained on this site yet? more likely than you think, have some princess marcy/guard sasha sasharcies
"Your Highness," Sasha starts, soft and slow, "what are you doing out here?"
It's a party- at least, it was supposed to be a party, a celebration of the new treaty that Marcy had signed into effect a few weeks ago, and yet here she is, curled up on the floor outside of the lower east wing, pressed against the wall like it will whisper its secrets in her ear.
The wall, at least, is a friend. Marcy can count on one hand the amount of those she has; at least, ones that won't betray her at the drop of a well-funded hat.
Sasha doesn't look like she wants to betray her though. Instead, she almost looks worried, her brow all furrowed as she kneels at Marcy's side. Her hands raise, and Marcy flinches, curling further into the wall.
She hadn't meant to leave her party. Usually, she loves the thrill of a ball, being able to entertain her guests in a setting where they could be punished for looking down upon her, and the festivities are always a delight to plan. However sometimes Marcy just has days where the fiddle is too loud and the chatter lingers in her ears, the voices merging with the ones inside her own head until it all rings the same melancholic message.
So she had fled. Call her a coward or a weak princess, it means nothing when she could stand firm and hold an iron grip and be met with the same pitiful sneers because of her age and her political stance.
"Your Highness?"
Marcy's breathing picks up, though she barely notices it through her haze as the voices creep right back in, crowding at the edges of her vision like ghosts come to haunt. She wrings her hands together and shakes her head, hoping the outburst is enough to shake off Sasha- it'd certainly shake off anyone else.
Except… it doesn't. Instead, Marcy feels hands gently petting her braids, toying with the ends just like she does when she's nervous in court. When she blinks the shadows out of her vision, Sasha is still there, sitting next to her and playing with her hair like it means nothing, like this is what she'd do with any of her fellow guards; it's heartwarming.
"Lady Olivia worries," Sasha says quietly, when Marcy's calmed herself down. "Will you come with me? I can bring you back to your rooms."
Marcy, despite herself, gives a shaky little nod. She allows Sasha to help her to her feet, and then to hold her steady against Sasha's own side, supporting her even as they walk back towards Marcy's rooms. If Sasha judges Marcy for her outburst, she doesn't say a word, and Marcy doesn't have to say a word either, not when Sasha's keeping the fraught silence.
Maybe Sasha really is different from the others. Marcy ruminates on the idea as they walk, and by the time they've reached her rooms, she's convinced.
"I'll call for a servant to help you undress," Sasha says when they arrive, even as she gently helps ease Marcy onto her bed.
"Stay?" It comes out a question, meek and timid, and Marcy flushes at the almost incredulous look that Sasha gives her. "I mean… afterwards. Will you come back and stay with me?"
Sasha's expression flickers, and Marcy glances down at the floor; her heart can't take the rejection, especially when this is the first person she's ever allowed to be so close to her heart. But that rejection doesn't come; instead, there's a soft sigh.
"Of course," Sasha answers, like it's the easiest thing in the world.
It's dangerous, this game that Marcy's playing now, but as she allows Sasha to call for a servant, she knows she won't stop playing it anytime soon- for better or for worse.
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Actual picture of me fighting off the urge to overhaul and rewrite my OCs AGAIN
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ghostly-smiles · 3 months
Currently thinking about how Marcy or Jun Long would comfort/talk to either m! Or f!sole survivor after blowing up the insititue and losing shaun. (Lets pretend synth shaun dont exist in this scenario)
Sole is absolutely broken. Every thing theyve done, everything they fought for, was to FIND shaun, and get him back. Then they had to deal with the horrifying truth that Shaun is now much, much older than previously believed, and also the leader of a much feared faction that has commited atrocities to the Commonwealth. They had to then go against their son for the good of the commonwealth (or synths, or brotherhood, depending on what ending, but Im leaning towards the minutemen im this scenario). Your final words with him were ones of bitterness, even if you apologize and tell him you love him he still responds with disgust, wanting nothing to do with you in his last moments.
Now the insitute is gone, blown to smithereens, Shaun is dead, the final tie to soles old life- their only child, that they fought so hard to get back. Theyre practically inconsolable, not Nick, or romanced partner, or close friends of sole can comfort them. Sole finds themself back in Sanctuary, in the babys room, that they havent brought themselves to touch even after learning Shaun was no longer a baby and no longer needed a crib, or a teddy, or a bottle.
In the case of a f!sole, she spends her time clutching onto Shauns old baby clothes, somehow having survived through time as much of soles other things did thanks to Codsworth. Refusing to leave the corner of the room she tucked herself into, to talk to anyone, as she sobs, because its the only thing she can do now. Mourning everything that was lost because before she didnt allow it- she couldnt, shaun was out there still she couldnt spare a moment to shed a tear cause it meant a moment wasted in finding him. Eventually Marcy finds her way in, not exactly berating sole, but telling her she needed to get up and move on. Everyone loses somebody, the world keeps turning. Thats when sole looks at her, and Marcy sees that anger in her eyes- the same anger she still carries herself after Quincy and losing her son. She kneels down to sole, as they shared eye contact- and now mutual understandings of their losses- and she pulls sole into a hug. Sole sobs in her arms, but finally, when they cried so much they couldnt cry anymore, Marcy stands up, holding out her hand and helps sole up. They still had their grief, their anger, and sorrow. But they had work to do. To keep moving on. Because a mothers love never stops- even when the child to love is gone.
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fruitsyrups · 11 months
It is laaate it is my bedtime it is past my bedtime. So of course I'm in the notes app conceptualizing fics I will never write
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a-living-cartoon · 1 year
It’s High School Charlie Brown.
Chapter 1: Charlie Brown
It was very early, I would say about 6:00am when I heard a very loud morning call.
“Good morning big brother! It’s your first day of high school!” Sally shouted. My little sister woke me up. “Good Grief! I said. “It’s morning already? I can’t believe it!” Sally ran down the stairs as if it was the middle of the day. I didn’t feel like getting up however, I knew I had to.
I went to the kitchen to get my breakfast, I could see my dog Snoopy with his food bowl in his mouth. I’ve never seen him beg this early. But since I’m a good owner, I went outside and filled his bowl before I could get my breakfast. Snoopy was happy with his early breakfast.
I did get to have my breakfast without anymore interruptions. But right after my last bite, it was time to go. I grabbed my backpack, said goodbye to Sally and Snoopy, and I went to wait for the bus. While waiting outside, I saw Linus and Lucy Van Pelt. Linus has been my best friend for so many years. He still had his security blanket with him. However, I’m not sure how to think of Lucy. She is considered “my friend” but she isn’t very nice to me. I mean who isn’t mean to me?
“Hi Charlie Brown! Ready for the first day?” Linus said.
“Hi Linus. I don’t know how I feel. It’s like we were children yesterday.” I replied.
“Grow up Charlie Brown! We’re almost adults!” Lucy snapped back.
Linus looked back at his sister. “Be nice Lucy! Yes this is pre-adulthood, but you don’t have to be so harsh about it.”
“Oh you should talk! You’re still carrying that blanket. You call that pre-adulthood?!”
Lucy was always very touchy with Linus and his blanket. You see Linus is autistic and his blanket is his comfort item. He feels secure when he has it. Lucy doesn’t understand.
We take the bus and we arrive at our new high school. Linus walks me in.
“It’s ok to be nervous Charlie Brown. It is the first day after all.” Linus said while he linked his arm with mine, walking up the stairs with me.
I stopped before we got to the top. “You know Linus, it’s time to show everyone the new me! The old Charlie Brown is gone! I am not a quitter! I will show everyone!” It was a little awkward but luckily, Linus seemed to be the only one paying attention.
“That’s the spirit!” He said smiling.
Just after that though, I step onto the the next stair and slip. Something wet was on the stair and it caused me to fall all the way down. It hurt a lot and I saw stars.
“Chuck? Is that you?” Said a familiar voice.
That caused me to snap back into reality.
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waybrights · 1 year
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silly wip from my idol!sasha and dancer!anne au !!!! currently rotating them in my brain rn at lightning speeds
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coconurt · 1 year
Here, I wrote you a lil something :3 I hope you like it!!
"Alright, one chocolate, one strawberry, and one mint chip." The lady behind the ice cream cart set the frozen desserts down with a practiced movement and accepted the wrinkled wad of cash Sasha gave her.
With a quick smile, Sasha thanked the vendor and walked back towards where she'd left her girls. Balancing three cups of ice cream in her hands at once was a bit of a challenge, but she managed.
Once she was sure she wasn't going to drop her precious cargo, she tilted her face upwards, savoring the feeling of the sunshine on her face. It was a mild April day, one of those precious few meant to be enjoyed before the LA summer sun came along and burnt everything to a crisp.
Which was exactly why she had dragged her two oldest friends along for a relaxing day at the park.
She heard Anne before she saw her, over at the outdoor chess tables.
A shout of, "Again?! How?!" echoed conspicuously through the park, shortly followed by, "HOW did you do that?!".
Sasha found the other girl engaged in a boisterous game with an older gentleman she was pretty sure Anne had never met before. It was a pretty amusing sight, to say the least.
Anne was too busy loudly protesting the seizure of her knight to notice Sasha's approach. Barely even slowing as she passed, the blonde simply slipped her her styrofoam cup and moved on.
Now to find Marcy. She wasn't on the bench where Sasha had left her, which was only slightly suspicious. She mentally shrugged and rounded a corner, past a swing set and a few hedges.
And, there she was. Sasha smiled warmly at the sight. Even after everything, in some ways, Marcy hadn't changed a bit.
She was sitting cross-legged on the grass, in an open spot away from the main walkway. Two crows ambled around remarkably close to her, evidently not frightened of her in the slightest. They were pecking at little pieces of granola bar Marcy had obviously given them. She watched them intently, her phone dangling loosely from one hand. Upbeat music struggled from the phone's speakers, the sound tinny but audible.
Sasha tiptoed closer, trying to be stealthy and failing. Marcy didn't look up. The shiny black birds considered her warily, but stayed where they were.
"Hey, Marce," Sasha whispered in greeting. "You make some new friends?"
Marcy smiled then, finally acknowledging Sasha's presence, but still didn't tear her eyes away from her birds.
"Yep!" she replied, popping the P. "At least, I think so. These two seem to remember me. Which. Cool."
"Wow, so you know these two in particular?"
"Mm-hm! I've been interacting with them for maybe a month now."
Sasha sunk down onto the grass beside Marcy and passed the other girl her ice cream.
"Ooo! Mint chip, thanks Sash!" Marcy quickly shoveled a large scoop into her mouth and shut her eyes in bliss. When she reopened them, she turned her head and peeked at Sasha shyly.
"Do you… wanna hear more about crows?" she asked around a mouthful of ice cream.
"Always," she answered immediately. Marcy's face lit up.
"Okay okay so!" She swallowed. "Their binomial name is Corvus brachyrhynchos, also known as the American crow!"
She went on, excitedly moving her hands as she spoke. "These are extremely intelligent birds. In studies, they've been shown to have the capacity to remember human faces!"
Sasha cracked a small, genuine smile at that. "That's really cool. Got any other interesting crow facts?"
Marcy thought for a moment. "Hm… OH! Did you know they have the same brain-weight-to-body ratio as humans? Amazing right?!"
"Wow! Yeah, that is pretty amazing, Mar." Lost in thought, she absent-mindedly rubbed the scar on her cheek with a fingertip, then reminded herself to stop. She glanced down at Marcy's phone, which was now lying in the grass and still playing some chipper electropop song. "So… what's that for? The music, I mean."
"Oh! Yeah, I had the thought one day to play some music for these guys, and they seem to like it," she answered simply and shrugged.
The song playing ended with a smooth final chord, and another started. Sasha tilted her head and considered the lyrics.
~Oh, oh, I can't even take it in, Oh, oh, I can't even take it in, Oh, oh, I left my heart in Metropolis…~
"Heh, makes sense," she chuckled. Marcy turned her head and looked at her quizzically.
Sasha blushed. "Owl City… for the crows…" She gestured vaguely to the phone. "Ya know… fits the bird theme…"
She trailed off awkwardly. The other girl blinked at her once, twice, then snorted.
"You're such a dork, Sash," Marcy chuckled.
The blood rose in Sasha's cheeks, but not in a way she really minded. She huffed out a laugh and rubbed the back of her neck self-consciously.
"Pfft, yeah whatever…"
They sat after that for a while in comfortable silence, enjoying their rapidly-melting ice cream and Marcy's Owl City playlist. Marcy resumed telling the other girl bird facts as soon as she finished eating, and Sasha laid back on her elbows and listened.
Eventually though, one of the birds apparently grew tired of granola and strutted over to the two of them. It ducked and bobbed its head, eyeing them curiously.
Sasha grinned and propped herself up. "Hey Mar-mar, I think your friend wants something."
Marcy's smile was radiant. She leaned forward, slowly offering her hand to the bird like she would to a shy cat. "Hey there, friend," she cooed. "S'okay, I'm not gonna hurt ya!"
The sleek animal croaked at her in response. Beady black eyes regarded her a moment longer, then with a smooth flap of its wings, it hopped upwards to perch on Marcy's outstretched wrist. Temporarily stunned, Marcy's arm dipped from the sudden unexpected weight, but she quickly recovered and sat rigidly still.
Both girls stared, open-mouthed. After a few moments, though, Marcy broke the silence by releasing a sound that was very obviously a suppressed squeal.
"Sasha!" she hissed. "Sash, are you seeing this?!"
Sasha broke out of her shock just enough to think to hit record. "Oh, yeah. Sure am."
She plunged her hand into her pocket and whipped out her phone just in time to record Marcy's avian friend pecking at the drawstring of her Saint James hoodie and trying to pull the plastic tip off, Marcy giggling uncontrollably the entire time.
Oh, she was definitely sending this to Anne later. If it was even possible, the grin on her face grew even wider.
Yeah, park day had definitely been a good idea.
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cavefairy · 1 year
Welcome, stranger !!
you can call me Marcy or Mackenzie ! you've found my silly little blog, so now you get a silly little about me :D
Nicknames: Mars // Moony // Sunshine // whatever you want ! make something up ! I love seeing people come up with creative nicknames, so just ask me if a nickname is okay !
Pronouns: they/them or fai/fairy // if you don't know how to use my neos, don't be afraid to ask ! I'm always happy to explain !!
Fandoms: LEGO Monkie Kid, Murder Drones, Bluey, Elemental, FNAF (mostly DCA and Security Breach/Ruin !!! ), Tangled the Series (pretty much just Varian tho)
Other socials: Ao3: (fandoms separated into pseuds) - cave_fairy (The Owl House // may delete these fics tbh), Marssrockin (FNaF), MonkieMars (LMK), inkBLot (Murder Drones) Discord: _cave.fairy_ (unless you're a moot, ask before adding me on discord !! if I don't know you, don't get upset if I say no. moots, just dm me to let me know who you are and you're good !! )
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(my sona's ref !!! most of the info on here is already in this post tho lmao)
My Tags: #stfu mars ♪ || answered asks #marcy reblog'd || self-reblogs #marcy's ocs || oc content #marcy artsy || art tag yippieee #marcy's writing ideas || rambles about potential fics/aus that have invaded my brainspace #cave of the venting fairy || vent tag (block if you don't wanna see any of that. if you're mad abt seeing my vents, that's on you for not blocking the tag) #fuck it. mason tag <3 || bestie content @/witherfide #spacedad tag woo !!! || dad content @/rhywashere #jar of sun tag :D || another moot beloved @/sunnyinajar #junie sillie :3 || wow another cool moot @/junyxper
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coyfox · 10 months
I want to write so badly, but I haven't written fanfiction in years and I'm super nervous tbh
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kiwibirb1 · 6 months
Yahaha guess what motherfuckers (sorry I get an intense urge to say motherfuckers after saying yahaha it's affectionate) NEW AU BUT PLOT TWIST ITS JUST WV BUT THE FORGERS ARE DEAD
Sooo first off we start with the basics. It's WV canon up until Sasha meets the Forgers (so anne and marcy are the same in this AU (so far)). However, this time, instead of arriving to an empty snail shell and an overturned wagon, she arrives to an empty snail shell, a destroyed wagon, and what's left of some poor axolotls. She fights the herons, it goes slightly better bc no one to distract her but she still loses eye, dies, does the whole powers thing. This time, however, she somehow finds the strength to hobble into the ruined house, where she finds patches herself up and collapses onto the couch. Wake up in the middle of the night to whimpers coming from the basement. He goes down the stairs, sword out and ready, to find a little blue axolotl tadpole shivering in the corner, alone and scared. Points are connected immediately, and he goes to comfort the poor baby. "Where's my ma?" "I'm sorry."
Yeah so Sasha feels guilty now bc if he hadn't stopped to check out that mushroom he probably would have gotten there soon enough to save them. So the best course of action is obviously to adopt the child. Sasha and Finley (the name he manages to coax out) woo! So yeah events take. A lot longer bc now he's busy raising a child and being on the run so girls don't reunite until they're 18 (two years later than WV). Finley is idk 8-10 haven't really decided on age yet I think.
Stuff under the cut kinda accidentally became an almost fic so yeah it got pretty long so cut for your convenience. It's basically just the girls first meeting. Anne catches sasha, finley saves him, marcy catches finley, sasha reveal but not anne and marcy, sasha and finely escape.
Anyway Anne has finally caught the notorious 'Wandering Vagabond' (Sash had to do a lot more stealing to make sure Finley was properly fed okay) and is about to start monologuing or something idk when all of a sudden she's hit in the bad arm with a hmm we'll decide on the weapon later anyway Anne is hit and while she's distracted this random 9 year old (lets go for a nice middle ground here) jumps out and starts to untie Sash. They free the Wandering Vagabond, and Anne is like "Wait, kid! You don't have to help them if they kidnapped you! We can get you back to your parents!" Finley turns around stops for a sec, as does Sasha. (Although for different reasons. Why does that voice sound so familiar?...) Finley both signs and shouts at the same time, "I ain't kidnapped! Pinky saved me!" Anne snorts, leaning back and crossing her arms. The trees rustle, and Sasha begins to look anxious. She goes to grab Finley's arm, to tug the young axolotl along in their escape, but all of a sudden there is a twang and a fwoosh and Finley is in a net, pinned up to tree right beside Anne. Sasha growls, signing angrily as a dark shape leaps out of the trees behind her. "You better give me back my kid." Marcy laughs, and Sasha freezes once more, though it is much shorter this time as she has already pulled out her sword, and is backing up, struggling to keep both assailants in her one-eyed line of sight. Marcy giggles, and her eyes flash orange for a moment before she frowns and it goes away. "Look, we won't hurt the kid, (Al don't you dare) just return them to their parents." Sasha spits out, her hands full, "Her parents are dead. Now give me back my kid, and I might let you leave here alive, you [some sort of human realm specific swear to tip them off idk]." Anne and Marcy both freeze. (Oh yeah fyi they're all wearing hoods and shit so each of the two groups thinks the other is some sort of newt. and puberty for the voices explanation.) Marcy in her eternal clumsiness accidentally fires a crossbow shot, ripping Sasha's hood off and revealing what is definitely not a newt. Sasha's eyes widen and she breaks off towards the net, slicing through it in one hack of her sword. Finley leaps, kicking Anne in the face, and she stumbles to the ground as Sasha and Finley escape into the woods, leaving behind two dazed newts who are definitely not newts.
ahaha wow okay so thats long but um. yeah. What do I call this bc at first I thought Wandering Vagabonds bc y'know theres two but i would def mess up the tag soo hm. what to do what to do taps fingers thoughtfully. um almost just did Heron and the Fox (y'know like that one fable) but then remembered Finley is blue not orange like my brain keeps saying she is. Whatever Sasha has a child now
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gaygayaurel · 1 year
i finally understand what got fans went hrough when i watched fiona and cake (spoilers in tags)
#.......... “maybe if we went with bettys idea i wouldnt have found the crown” and youd die in explosion. like#events of star would happen. like did we forget that#painting simon as evil and uncaring for not noticing a social cue and betty not communicating her wants................ like.......ok <3333#she literally had to fucking kick him out of golb to make the wish too like what was he supposed to fucking do#as autistic person who doesnt catch exactly what person i know and even people i love want to do seeing simon be seen as selfish for that i#it was meant to follow from temple of mars but did it in shittiest way possible jnewjnjnejn#and its not even that tbh its the whole. ending. its so unsatisfying.#cake not wanting to stay a cat? unfulfilled#just magically solved#some guys showed up in the new world but most did nothing in fight like what#but cake will not be satisfied shes magic but she wont ever go ona dventures and do stuff.#SIMON DIDNT EVEN FUCKING TALK TO MARCY IN EPILOGUE)7#the way it flipped from simons god i was soooo selfish to btw i dont want to kill myself anymore was so unnatural#i was so into 1-8 and then they just. forgot to write it. efjmj#the complete pivot from simon being like wow i need to destroy myself to save other people!!!!!! to btw you were selfish <3#people will say i dont read if they see this i dont care <3 i can actually but to me this was so stupid and forced#happy for gumlee. i was so mad abt lack of mlm stuff recently so they were nice but like
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theskyexists · 1 year
Also man...they dropped the ball so bad on not making Marcy BE THERE for doing all those horrible things..lucid but helpless.SHE COULD HAVE GAINED SO MUCH MORE TRAUMA!!! Almost stabbing Anne WITH HER OWN HANDS. almost killing Sasha. Responding in little ways to her friends or when the core reveals things she doesn't want it to.
Alternatively it would have been so cool if Darcy had been an actual corrupted Marcy.
So ok she gets nightmares, flashbacks to things she has no active memory of, which feel like her own but also decidedly not. Sometimes it's what Darcy did to her friends, sometimes it's weird and rarely helpful knowledge that she doesn't know the source of, which is an ironic twist, sometimes its memories of newts thousands years old, conquering and killing and ravaging other worlds. The Core has left its mark, an imprint. she doubts her own responses, thoughts, emotions - scared they're not her own.
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