Magic: The Girlbossing: The Final Showdown
Over the course of the past two months, the girlbosses of the multiverse have battled it down for ultimate girlpower supremacy. We've seen some fierce competition throughout this battle, with some surprise upsets along the way! That being said, the time has come for us to end this battle and decide: who is the most girlboss?
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Link to Semifinals Masterpost
Let's get a brief summary of our contestants' feats going into the finals: On the left side of the bracket, we have Khan Alesha of the Mardu! A fearsome warrior from the distant past of Tarkir, and Magic's only canonical transgender woman! In her life, she lead the Mardu Horde, a warrior clan built on three edicts: "to conquer is to eat," "to rule is to bleed," "victory or death." Ancient tales of her exploits tell of her facing battle, leading her horde, and felling dragons all with a smile on her face. While she ultimately threw her banners aside to cooperate with Kolaghan's brood, her legacy is still unforgotten, with a clan of transgender warriors still battling in her honor today.
In her ascension to the top of her side of the bracket, she has slain many a challenging foe, such as: Marit Lage, the eldritch horror trapped beneath the ice of Dominaria, cutthroat queen of Fiora and schemer beyond equal, and Liliana, the demon-pact necromancer who once defined what it meant to be a Magic Girlboss.
On the right side, we have the gorgon-planeswalker assassin turned Golgari queen, Vraska! In her work as an assassin, she held one creed: "A person should die the death they deserve." Through her dramatic, ironic assassinations which called back to the way the victims lived their lives, she amassed a following by which she dispensed her own version of justice across the Ravnican Undercity. When she was forced out of the shadows by Jace, she responded by inciting revolution within the Golgari, rallying her followers to allow her ascension to the throne. On Ixalan, she became a pirate captain, sailing to find a highly sought-after treasure and ultimately succeeding in her mission. At this point she also fell in love with Jace, beginning Magic's most iconic Girlboss/Failguy relationship. As of the end of War of the Spark, Vraska stood as undisputed queen of the Golgari Swarm, with most who would stand as obstacles to her power eliminated.
Vraska, too, has faced many a foe. These include Beckett Brass, the admiral of a vast coalition of pirate crews, Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar, whose demonic dishes were to die for, Emrakul, whose interplanar influence and destruction knows only the bounds of Innistrad's ancient moon, and Teysa Karlov, a fellow guild-leader who somehow combines banking and priesthood while making it look sexy.
Beginning on Monday, May 15th at 12:00 PM EST, witness the conclusion of a story arc that honestly is better than anything MTG has actually had in the past half-decade. Will the Mardu Khan reign supreme, or will the Golgari queen cut her way to the top? That is for all of you to decide.
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monorayjak · 1 year
Trying to figure out how I would flesh out wedge identities, so decided to take a page from MaRo's book and have them talk to one another. First up.
White, black, and red - Order through structure, action, and opportunity. White: Order through structure means having strict rule- Red: Ha! Rules schmules White: Why must you be like this Black: Because they are. Simple as that. White: Ugh… here we go again Red: So tell me, who exactly defined what order is? Order doesn’t mean peaceful. Hell, I’d call most order not peaceful White: Order is the way the world should be organized, so that the most people gain the best access to what they have and need, its a system where everyone is allowed to live Black: No, it isn’t. White: What? What do you mean? Black: Order is how things are organized in a logical manner, yes, but they are not inherently ordered around “goodness” Red: See! Black gets it! White: Ok ok, so what do you two propose order as? Black: Easy. Order is how the world is organized. Order should be based on power. White: Power? Black: Yes. Power. The people at the top have the power, they make the rules and everyone else plays by them Red: Eh, I can see where you’re coming from black, but I don't fully agree with that. Order is how the world is organized. Order should be based around freedom White: Freedom? How? Red: Order should be based on saying “here is everything we don’t allow. If it's not written here, it's a free game.” It should show the hand everyone starts with, metaphorically speaking, and clarify what is not an option. It shouldn’t just rule out personal thoughts and motives. It's the difference between telling someone they can’t do something while they’re in the middle of it versus telling someone up front they can’t do that and allowing them to think of other options for themselves. You want the world to be even? Give everyone the same playing field. White: I can’t believe I’m actually saying this…. But that actually makes some kind of sense. Red: See! I’m not against structure, I'm against pointless structure. Whatever rules are made should be as simple and all encompassing as possible. No complicated legalese telling specifics, it should be all about giving people the information they need. Black: Ok, I want to chime in here. I can see you two agreeing on this but I want to remind you I’m also here. I think order should be used to put the powerful, me, at the top. How does that fit into your little utopia plan? White: Uh….what… what if… oh Serra I’m actually saying this and kind of meaning it. What if we base the order around power, so that the person in charge declares the base rules and others can interpret them. What if… what if we all stay together at the top and set out guidelines that others can live with. Black: How does that give us power though? Red: Oh! I get it! It gives us power because we have the ability to change the rules once we’re on top. We can stop others from taking our place by blocking the path we used to get there with new rules! Black: Hmm… interesting. I can’t believe it's actually happening… but I think we may have an agreement here. White: Holy shit that’s a first. Red: Wait we can cuss!? YOU CAN CUSS!? White: Yeah, no shit. Black: You’re both fucking idiots. Red: I hate you both, but I think that’s an agreement. Truce? White and Black: - Truce.
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dimestoretajic · 1 year
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Hoo boy! These two factions won their bouts pretty definitively, so this one could go either way! Wedge vs. Allied, bayBEE! Let's have an amazing quarterfinal!
Make your choice!
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dahairoman · 1 year
I need to improve a Mardu deck's ramp for cheap (only cards around $2 and below) and holy fuck it's hard, Mardu ramp sucks ass unless it's the real expensive stuff and everyone only talks about the most expensive stuff (just add a Smothering Tithe snarf snarf) really tempted to just slap all 3 of the tapped diamonds and call it a day...
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thesesixseeds · 1 year
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“The snake came to her in dreams and whispered that Mardu was wizard…
Title page illustration from Beauty’s Beast, c. 1900
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zoydraft · 3 months
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Mardu Butcher drafted by ML, July 2, 2024
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lexiconarchitect · 11 months
Today will be looking at Mardu! Our commander is Queen Marchesa when it ETBs we become the Monarch. So, at our end step we will draw a card and whoever deals combat damage next will then become the Monarch. At the beginning of our upkeep if we are not the Monarch we will generate a haste/deathtouch snake. This allows us to create blockers and draw cards by sacrificing the token. Wilds of Eldraine gave us a lot of nutty enchantments that we will utilize in this deck! Keep a lookout for the deck tech later today!
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mtg-cards-hourly · 24 days
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Mardu Charm
Artist: Mathias Kollros TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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folansstuff · 11 months
magic the gathering is doing a marvel crossover and like
i want to believe that means we'll get x-men rep (since thatd be a very convenient fusion of my obsessions) but realistically itll be like
MCU the Set and i will Want To Die
(but if theres a magik card and she cant partner with kitty and/or piotr im rioting. or a dazzler card. let me have this please.)
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morrithal · 1 year
Some MTG games are so engaging and exciting and some are so long and boring because your opponent has a blue/black/white deck with a million complicated spells and every card has a paragraph and the time it takes them to take their turn makes you want to gauge your eyes out but it's so boring anyway that you have time to make a whole Tumblr post about it and you don't even lose any life in the meantime but you look up and realize you're lowkey winning
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rosyfacedlovebird · 6 months
thinking about Alesha
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whisperofthewaves · 6 months
polite, honest evil is the most chilling.
almost done with Stalking Darkness and even though the good/bad side divide is very traditional here, the main villains don't feel shallow or slightly ridiculous. they're actually scary.
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dimestoretajic · 2 years
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Our fifteenth matchup has Tarkir's always-attacking Mongol stand-ins face off against Ravnica's living embodiments of law! So, you know... they'll totally get along.
Make your choice!
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dailymtgflavortext · 2 years
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"No body can contain so much fury. It reminds me of another battle, long past." —Sarkhan Vol
-Mardu Warshrieker
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was bored wasting time at a comics shop waiting on someone and picked up the dihada commander precon for 30 bucks. how do i make this pile good
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zoydraft · 3 months
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3-0 "Truly, We Were the Butchered Hordes" drafted by ML, June 15, 2024.
ML: "Mine was pretty nimble and quick, and I felt like I could respond to most things by just throwing everything I had at my opponent as quickly as possible. Getting Judith out was always a massive advantage, and I had a lot of little combos working together."
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