marvelgbt-posts · 6 years
{Photographer! Peter Parker x Bigender! Artist! Reader}
Warnings: i dont know much bout the bigender community, and so i did my research. So you identify as two genders? I dont know what ‘genders’ exactly you’d want here, so i’ll put they/them pronouns if thats okay :)
Summary: ‘can i please get a bigender reader who goes to art school with peter, that has like, “god like abilities” and always compliments/draws/tells peter hes amazing. ((tag @give-you-the-sxn please?))
Ofc my beautiful valid child <3
A/N: i decided to change it up a bit and have the art class as a club after school instead. Also I hc that tom hollands peter parker is into photography. I hope you like it >///<
I listened to ‘youth’ by Shawn Mendes and Khalid while doing this.
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*not edited*
“Welcome class,” the teacher greeted you all brightly, “I’m glad you could make it after school today, what with all the rain and all I assumed only two or three of you would have shown up today. Anyways, you know what to do. Best get to it.” She clapped her hands, before turning her heel and moving to write on the board, writing ‘Integrated Arts Club’ in a cursive calligraphy font. That was her contribution to the club. Calligraphy.
You sighed. This was a way for you to escape the harsh reality of the outside world. Half the students in this club were members of the community, no scratch that, the majority of students were gay. There was maybe only one or two straight people apart of this club.
You took out your paints, paintbrushes, pencils, and then got your canvas from inside the supply closet where you had left it yesterday. It was your newest project, a painting of a woman in white, with bright red lips and a black dress that blended into the black background of your canvas. You were inspired by a woman you had seen one night on the streets of Queens.
Taking a seat by yourself- taking up the whole table with your paints and brushes spread everywhere- you began painting. Everything was already finished, you just needed the details. You heard the door open and close, only choosing to look up when you finished an eyelash stroke.
“Yeah, this is where I go after school. That over there is Mia- the one spray painting the poster paper- and the dude over there with the guitar is Jay. That over there is (y/n), their bigender so I’d just use androgynous pronouns for them. Over there is Ms. Burningham, our club sponsor, and the dude in the corner is Max, he’s a comic book artist. You’d fit right in, Peter.”
The voice belonged to MJ, a close friend of yours. She often helped give you inspiration, letting you paint some of her sketches to life. You heard her walk behind you, leaning down so her hair was in your peripheral vision. You looked up, “Yo, MJ.” You smiled at her, then up at the newbie.
He was short, about an inch or so shorter than you, with brown eyes and hair. He wore a sweater over another shirt, jeans, and ha a camera in his hands. He was trembling, probably nervous.
“Hey, ahh, who’s this?” You asked MJ, who looked at Peter. She leaned back against the table, her palms getting paint on them from the splatters that had fallen off your plate of paint.
“Parker- Peter. Peter Parker. Nice to meet you.”
He went to shake your hand, you lifted yours up to show him you had gotten black and red all over them, “Sorry, dont wanna mess up your hands. That camera looks expensive.”
Peter made a small ‘oh’ noise, looking down to his small Canon camera. “Yeah, it- its almost completely brand new. I sold some of my old stuff to get it. Useless stuff, shirts and books and stuff.”
“Cool, cool. Uh, MJ, could you tell Jay to keep it down over there? Can’t hear my own thoughts over his wanna-be indie music,” you said, completely disregarding the boy in front of you now. It wasn’t that you were rude, you just wanted to get this painting finished hole everything was still wet, otherwise it would make problems later on. MJ rolled her eyes, but nodded. You flashed Peter a smile, before turning to you painting.
After about a minute of silence, you heard a gasp behind you, “Holy shit- that’s really good!” You looked up, seeing Peter next to you with his camera turned on. He blushed, “Sorry! It’s just you looked so calm and pleasing, I snapped a quick photo while you weren’t looking- sorry.”
You half-smiled, standing upright, “Thanks, and it’s okay. This class is freedom of expression. Just not expression, ‘kay? As in, no swearing,” you laughed and pointed to the lady at the front of the class, her hands busy grading the Latin worksheets. Peter nodded, surprise clear across his face, “Oh- sorry.”
“Can I see?”
“The pictures, can I see? I mean, they're of me, right?”
“Oh- yeah! Totally!”
Peter pushed a few buttons on his camera, and he scrolled through some of the photos until he found yours. “Here-”
“Wow, i look hot!”
You moved closer to Peter to get a better look, gawking at the aesthetic that was put into one simple photo. You did look good in this photo. “Mind sending me this? Not just this, other stuff, too. I’d love to make a piece from these- oh, if that’s okay?”
“Uhh- yeah! Sure!”
You flopped onto the bed, curling up next to a pillow. It was cold from loneliness, making you snuggle closer to it. You looked at your nails- paint ad managed to get wedged between the nail and the skin, and no matter how hard you tried it wouldn’t wash away.
You sighed, ready to turn off the light until your phone went off. You checked it to see there was a message from MJ, asking you if it was okay to give Peter your number. You texted back, ‘Yeah. Totally.’
Three minutes later, your phone went off again and it was Peter.
Hey (y/n) its peter
Peter parker
I just wanted to know if you wanted the photos to be on a hard drive or through gmail or something?
I’m here hi
A hard drive would be nice thanks
You took a moment to change Peter’s ID to his name. About five minutes later, Peter responded with more spam
Okay cool
Yeah okay
Yeah i can do that
Imma sleep
Night peter
The next day, you bumped into Peter in the hallway, “Oh, hi Pete. Can I call you that?”
“Hi, (y/n)! Yeah, totally cool!”
“Cool, got the hard drive?”
“Yeah, right here,” Peter patted his jean pockets for a bit before pulling out a black and red hard drive, “It has maybe 20 or 25 pictures here. Their mostly just random pictures of places around Queens, hope that’s okay?” You nod, “Thanks Pete.”
That night, you went home and changed Peter’s ID to ‘Pete’. After that, you plugged the hard drive into your laptop, opening the file titled ‘images’ and scrolling through the photos. Most of them were taken at impossible angles, and you wondered how Peter was able to capture photos like them. One was at the top of a building and looking down onto a busy interstate. Another was of the stars, a bit of the background trees getting in the frame. They were beautiful. Another was of MJ, her back towards the camera, a backpack strap in her hand, looking to the left at the sky with a sunset background. You saved that image as ‘Michelle_jERKFACE.jpeg’ on your computer. The photo Peter took of you earlier was amongst them as well.
You went to bed that night with a smile on your face and ideas fresh in your mind, ready for tomorrow's Club Meeting.
“Hey (y/n)! Like the pictures i sent?”
“Holy Shii-shhh! Peter! That sentence can go two ways!”
“OH! Sorry...”
“Its fine, and yes I did like them. They were really good! How come you never joined before?”
“Never thought i was good enough.”
“Not good enough?! Peter, those photos are professional level photos. They are wonderful and beautiful and deserve to be in a museum.”
“Oh, wow, thanks...” peter blushed, looking own with a small smile on his face.
You looked at the scenery before you, trees brown and crisp from the fall air. Peter sat next to you, his camera ready to snap a picture at any moment. MJ sat opposite Peter, sketchbook in hand and sketching the trees and people. Ned was posing by a fountain as Peter playfully took photos of him. You started sketching Peter into your own book, smiling when you finished and began shading.
MJ looked over at you, “Damn, you’re gay for Peter Parker.”
You looked at MJ with a shocked expression, before looking at the sketch and at Peter, who was now out of ear shot.
“Totally,” you smiled, before both of you went back to your drawings.
“Peter,” you looked at him seriously from your spot on his bed, “Ever think about kissing dudes before?”
Peter blushed, “I- ah, um...” His eyes widened, before looking down shamefully, “Y-Yeah… more than a few times...”
You smiled, “Cool, so what? You’re… bi?”
“More pan, I look for personality more than gender.”
“Cool, same. I’m (sexuality).”
“Oh, cool!”
“Peter, where are we going?”
“Behind the school. There’s something I need to show you.”
Peter had your hand tight in his grip, pulling you through the almost empty hallways. His voice didn’t stutter, which worried you.
Finally, you made it. Peter pulled out his camera, “Stand in front of that street art Mia did yesterday.” You did just that. Peter moved your arms to move in front of your sweater, telling you to tug at it a bit and look up at the sky. He moved some hair in front of your face to cover your eyes. He knelt down, snapping the photo.
“Cool, now stay there.”
“Do you always get like this for a photo?” You asked as Peter pressed record, moving next to you, “What do you mean?”
“Nothing, um. What are you doing?”
“Its for a project. I’m gonna screenshot part of the video later. Please, this is important.”
You watched Peter as he took control of the situation, taking your (smaller/bigger) hands in is own, intertwining them as he leant up.
“Kiss me.”
You coughed, moving back. Peter moved his arms around you again, “Please?”
“The project- please (y/n).”
You slowly gave in, letting Peter wrap his arms around your waist as you looked down into his eyes, your hands cupping his cheeks softly. He leant up to kiss you softly. Both of you stayed there, afraid and unsure of how to move.
“I’m sorry,” Peter said after a while, moving away. You were quick to react, taking the back of his head and slamming it back onto yours.
He was taken aback by the action, soon melting and whimpering into it.
Yep, you were so gay for Peter Parker.
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