#marvelgbt imagine
marvelgbt-posts · 6 years
{Photographer! Peter Parker x Bigender! Artist! Reader}
Warnings: i dont know much bout the bigender community, and so i did my research. So you identify as two genders? I dont know what ‘genders’ exactly you’d want here, so i’ll put they/them pronouns if thats okay :)
Summary: ‘can i please get a bigender reader who goes to art school with peter, that has like, “god like abilities” and always compliments/draws/tells peter hes amazing. ((tag @give-you-the-sxn please?))
Ofc my beautiful valid child <3
A/N: i decided to change it up a bit and have the art class as a club after school instead. Also I hc that tom hollands peter parker is into photography. I hope you like it >///<
I listened to ‘youth’ by Shawn Mendes and Khalid while doing this.
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*not edited*
“Welcome class,” the teacher greeted you all brightly, “I’m glad you could make it after school today, what with all the rain and all I assumed only two or three of you would have shown up today. Anyways, you know what to do. Best get to it.” She clapped her hands, before turning her heel and moving to write on the board, writing ‘Integrated Arts Club’ in a cursive calligraphy font. That was her contribution to the club. Calligraphy.
You sighed. This was a way for you to escape the harsh reality of the outside world. Half the students in this club were members of the community, no scratch that, the majority of students were gay. There was maybe only one or two straight people apart of this club.
You took out your paints, paintbrushes, pencils, and then got your canvas from inside the supply closet where you had left it yesterday. It was your newest project, a painting of a woman in white, with bright red lips and a black dress that blended into the black background of your canvas. You were inspired by a woman you had seen one night on the streets of Queens.
Taking a seat by yourself- taking up the whole table with your paints and brushes spread everywhere- you began painting. Everything was already finished, you just needed the details. You heard the door open and close, only choosing to look up when you finished an eyelash stroke.
“Yeah, this is where I go after school. That over there is Mia- the one spray painting the poster paper- and the dude over there with the guitar is Jay. That over there is (y/n), their bigender so I’d just use androgynous pronouns for them. Over there is Ms. Burningham, our club sponsor, and the dude in the corner is Max, he’s a comic book artist. You’d fit right in, Peter.”
The voice belonged to MJ, a close friend of yours. She often helped give you inspiration, letting you paint some of her sketches to life. You heard her walk behind you, leaning down so her hair was in your peripheral vision. You looked up, “Yo, MJ.” You smiled at her, then up at the newbie.
He was short, about an inch or so shorter than you, with brown eyes and hair. He wore a sweater over another shirt, jeans, and ha a camera in his hands. He was trembling, probably nervous.
“Hey, ahh, who’s this?” You asked MJ, who looked at Peter. She leaned back against the table, her palms getting paint on them from the splatters that had fallen off your plate of paint.
“Parker- Peter. Peter Parker. Nice to meet you.”
He went to shake your hand, you lifted yours up to show him you had gotten black and red all over them, “Sorry, dont wanna mess up your hands. That camera looks expensive.”
Peter made a small ‘oh’ noise, looking down to his small Canon camera. “Yeah, it- its almost completely brand new. I sold some of my old stuff to get it. Useless stuff, shirts and books and stuff.”
“Cool, cool. Uh, MJ, could you tell Jay to keep it down over there? Can’t hear my own thoughts over his wanna-be indie music,” you said, completely disregarding the boy in front of you now. It wasn’t that you were rude, you just wanted to get this painting finished hole everything was still wet, otherwise it would make problems later on. MJ rolled her eyes, but nodded. You flashed Peter a smile, before turning to you painting.
After about a minute of silence, you heard a gasp behind you, “Holy shit- that’s really good!” You looked up, seeing Peter next to you with his camera turned on. He blushed, “Sorry! It’s just you looked so calm and pleasing, I snapped a quick photo while you weren’t looking- sorry.”
You half-smiled, standing upright, “Thanks, and it’s okay. This class is freedom of expression. Just not expression, ‘kay? As in, no swearing,” you laughed and pointed to the lady at the front of the class, her hands busy grading the Latin worksheets. Peter nodded, surprise clear across his face, “Oh- sorry.”
“Can I see?”
“The pictures, can I see? I mean, they're of me, right?”
“Oh- yeah! Totally!”
Peter pushed a few buttons on his camera, and he scrolled through some of the photos until he found yours. “Here-”
“Wow, i look hot!”
You moved closer to Peter to get a better look, gawking at the aesthetic that was put into one simple photo. You did look good in this photo. “Mind sending me this? Not just this, other stuff, too. I’d love to make a piece from these- oh, if that’s okay?”
“Uhh- yeah! Sure!”
You flopped onto the bed, curling up next to a pillow. It was cold from loneliness, making you snuggle closer to it. You looked at your nails- paint ad managed to get wedged between the nail and the skin, and no matter how hard you tried it wouldn’t wash away.
You sighed, ready to turn off the light until your phone went off. You checked it to see there was a message from MJ, asking you if it was okay to give Peter your number. You texted back, ‘Yeah. Totally.’
Three minutes later, your phone went off again and it was Peter.
Hey (y/n) its peter
Peter parker
I just wanted to know if you wanted the photos to be on a hard drive or through gmail or something?
I’m here hi
A hard drive would be nice thanks
You took a moment to change Peter’s ID to his name. About five minutes later, Peter responded with more spam
Okay cool
Yeah okay
Yeah i can do that
Imma sleep
Night peter
The next day, you bumped into Peter in the hallway, “Oh, hi Pete. Can I call you that?”
“Hi, (y/n)! Yeah, totally cool!”
“Cool, got the hard drive?”
“Yeah, right here,” Peter patted his jean pockets for a bit before pulling out a black and red hard drive, “It has maybe 20 or 25 pictures here. Their mostly just random pictures of places around Queens, hope that’s okay?” You nod, “Thanks Pete.”
That night, you went home and changed Peter’s ID to ‘Pete’. After that, you plugged the hard drive into your laptop, opening the file titled ‘images’ and scrolling through the photos. Most of them were taken at impossible angles, and you wondered how Peter was able to capture photos like them. One was at the top of a building and looking down onto a busy interstate. Another was of the stars, a bit of the background trees getting in the frame. They were beautiful. Another was of MJ, her back towards the camera, a backpack strap in her hand, looking to the left at the sky with a sunset background. You saved that image as ‘Michelle_jERKFACE.jpeg’ on your computer. The photo Peter took of you earlier was amongst them as well.
You went to bed that night with a smile on your face and ideas fresh in your mind, ready for tomorrow's Club Meeting.
“Hey (y/n)! Like the pictures i sent?”
“Holy Shii-shhh! Peter! That sentence can go two ways!”
“OH! Sorry...”
“Its fine, and yes I did like them. They were really good! How come you never joined before?”
“Never thought i was good enough.”
“Not good enough?! Peter, those photos are professional level photos. They are wonderful and beautiful and deserve to be in a museum.”
“Oh, wow, thanks...” peter blushed, looking own with a small smile on his face.
You looked at the scenery before you, trees brown and crisp from the fall air. Peter sat next to you, his camera ready to snap a picture at any moment. MJ sat opposite Peter, sketchbook in hand and sketching the trees and people. Ned was posing by a fountain as Peter playfully took photos of him. You started sketching Peter into your own book, smiling when you finished and began shading.
MJ looked over at you, “Damn, you’re gay for Peter Parker.”
You looked at MJ with a shocked expression, before looking at the sketch and at Peter, who was now out of ear shot.
“Totally,” you smiled, before both of you went back to your drawings.
“Peter,” you looked at him seriously from your spot on his bed, “Ever think about kissing dudes before?”
Peter blushed, “I- ah, um...” His eyes widened, before looking down shamefully, “Y-Yeah… more than a few times...”
You smiled, “Cool, so what? You’re… bi?”
“More pan, I look for personality more than gender.”
“Cool, same. I’m (sexuality).”
“Oh, cool!”
“Peter, where are we going?”
“Behind the school. There’s something I need to show you.”
Peter had your hand tight in his grip, pulling you through the almost empty hallways. His voice didn’t stutter, which worried you.
Finally, you made it. Peter pulled out his camera, “Stand in front of that street art Mia did yesterday.” You did just that. Peter moved your arms to move in front of your sweater, telling you to tug at it a bit and look up at the sky. He moved some hair in front of your face to cover your eyes. He knelt down, snapping the photo.
“Cool, now stay there.”
“Do you always get like this for a photo?” You asked as Peter pressed record, moving next to you, “What do you mean?”
“Nothing, um. What are you doing?”
“Its for a project. I’m gonna screenshot part of the video later. Please, this is important.”
You watched Peter as he took control of the situation, taking your (smaller/bigger) hands in is own, intertwining them as he leant up.
“Kiss me.”
You coughed, moving back. Peter moved his arms around you again, “Please?”
“The project- please (y/n).”
You slowly gave in, letting Peter wrap his arms around your waist as you looked down into his eyes, your hands cupping his cheeks softly. He leant up to kiss you softly. Both of you stayed there, afraid and unsure of how to move.
“I’m sorry,” Peter said after a while, moving away. You were quick to react, taking the back of his head and slamming it back onto yours.
He was taken aback by the action, soon melting and whimpering into it.
Yep, you were so gay for Peter Parker.
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marvelgbt-posts · 6 years
It’s Not A UK Thing|| Part II of ‘You Can Stay Under My Umbrella’
Part 1 
Part 3 
Part 4 (not yet posted)
{Tom Holland x Stylist! Male Reader}
Warnings: none- except for bad writing
Summary: Helping Tom with his lines, his costume, and other small side stuff...
A/N: “Peter Parker here to pick up a passport, please.” isn’t thAT hard to say… also forgot ‘mate’ is an everyday word in the UK, oops
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*not edited*
“Peter Parker pere top a pasp ahh- god dAMMIT!” Tom sighed, running a hand though his already disheveled locks. You were sitting by your desk, sewing a tear in one of your sweaters while Tom was on your bed, rehearsing some lines for Far From Home.
“Peter Parker here to pick up a passport, please,” you reminded him. Tom threw his head back in frustration, “I knowww. How do you say it so easily?”
“Maybe it’s because I don’t have an accent like you? I dunno, but it really isn’t that hard. Just focus on the words. Trust the process. Be patient. Take it slow, say it slowly for me.”
Tom sighed, taking a deep breath, “Okay, ‘Peter Parker here to pick up a passport, please’.”
“Good, now faster. And keep going until you get it right. I’m going out for a bit for some food, want anything specific? Or I’ll just get some Cup-Noodles if that’s fine.”
“Yeah, noodles are fine.”
“Cool,” you picked up your keys, leaving your room and out the door, into the cold air.
Tom took this moment, turning it into an opportunity. He got up from your bed, fixing the shirt that had somehow managed to slip up. He moved to your desk, looking at the freshly resewn sweater you had finished just moments before. He took a moment to appreciate the soft and even patterns of how you stitched it together. “Hm,” he looked around, his hand lingering on the fabric a bit before moving with his body. He went to a bookshelf of yours, scanning his eyes through the multiple framed photos. One of you as a kid- maybe 6 or 7- another of your little sister when she was 2, sucking her thumb with wide and curious eyes. There was a family photo, you, your parents, your sister, and your family pet that you had kept with you once you left the house.
Tom picked up a photo of you with another girl. He hadn’t recognized her before, so he assumed she was an ex. Or maybe a current girlfriend? He hoped not. Why?
He placed the photo back, his thumb brushing over your happily still face, eyes shielded by the sunlight in a pair of dark sunglasses. Recently, you were more sleepy and groggy. It was hard for you to fall asleep due to stress, and would resort to finishing up projects due next month as a way to get your body tense enough to relax. Tom felt bad, he knew his job wasn’t as hard as those who worked behind the scenes- yet didn’t get enough recognition. You being included. Yet, you were so much more than just a stylist. You fixed his suits. You fixed his regular, everyday clothes. You helped with his lines. You offered to feed him and made sure he was well rested. You were basically his mom in the States. At this point, people would have assumed you two were already living together. Zendaya was no exception.
“Hey, Tom. This Thanksgiving, wanna go to your place, since you and (M/n) live together now?”
“What? We don’t live together!”
“But- wait, what? No- you’re always over there, though. I’m so sorry, I just assumed-”
Tom never mentioned it to you, though. He thought you might think it was weird, and would want him to start coming over less.
He flopped back onto bed, reaching over to take the forgotten script into his hand, flipping through the pages and going through the movie. He sighed, missing you already. He let his mind wander to the past few days, then the past few months. Then to the day he kissed your cheek. He wanted to tell you so badly that, that kiss was more than a ‘UK thing’ and he wanted to be more than coworkers.
But how would the public react? He knew he had made it clear he looked for more personality in a person, but he never officially came out to the public as- for the use of the umbrella term- gay.
“Uhnn, I hate thisss,” Tom hissed into his papers, which had now rested softly against his face as his hands were above his head, resting by the opposite side of the bed. Whether he was talking about the script, younger twister line, the kiss, or all- Tom didn’t even know anymore.
“Holland, I’m home,” you called out to the boy in your room. You locked the door as both Tessa and your pet shih tzu, Harper, greeted you at your feet. You placed the groceries in the kitchen before acknowledging both of them with a pat on their heads. You went to undo the cheap wrapping of the noodles, putting them in hot water to loosen it up. “Holland?” You called out to the actor, worry bubbling in the pit of your stomach. “Tom? Thomas?” You continued to call out carefully, expecting the worse. You slowly began to walk towards your room, hoping Tom was in there
There was a small hum coming from inside your room, making you look inside. “Oh my god, Tom...” you sighed, seeing Tom curled on his side into your pillow, head buried into it. His script had folded and crinkled, laid discarded on the floor due to Tom’s inability to keep it in his hand in his sleep.
You decided to wake him up, “Tom, Tom, Thomas… THOMAS STANLEY HOLLAND!!”
Tom jerked upward, looking around, “Mom! I’m sorry, I didn’t he-ah… wait… this isnt my room. (M/n)!” Tom whined, falling back onto the bed, rubbing his eyes. “Sorry dude, but you need to get up now. Noodles are waiting for us down stairs, I’m so freaking ready to stab my chopsticks into them and totally not show off my amazing skills,” you joked, winking. It wasn’t meant to be flirtatious- just a quick wink, the kind you’d send on your way out of a room or after saying something funny. But Tom was a blushing mess. You hadn’t taken notice, he hoped.
“But it’s so late! And I’m so tired!” Tom whined, eyes fluttering back to sleep. You sighed. Irritated, but feeling playful, you made your way to the bed and grabbed Tom by his waist, lifting his arms to move around your shoulders as you hoisted him up by his butt.
Man, only god could own an ass like his.
Tom’s face flushed, “(M-M/n)! Put me down!”
“Nope, you wouldn’t get up. So now face your punishment like a good boy.” Wait, no thats kinky-
Tom hid his face in your neck, sighing due to tiredness. You could’ve sworn he was breathing in your cologne, “To be honest, I’m too tired to fight back, mate.”
“Hm,” you cooed, rubbing his back a bit before making your way to the kitchen. By now, your noodles had loosened up enough to eat. You placed Tom on the couch, letting him sink into the cushions. You picked up your chopsticks, beginning to eat as some random kids cartoon played. You glanced at Tom, he hadn’t touched his food, but his attention was focused on the show. “Tom, do you not want the noodles? Do you want something else?”
Tom looked at you, eyes widening, “Oh! I forgot about those!”
“Here-” you placed your now empty cup of noodles down onto the coffee table in front of you. It had been over 24 hours since you last ate a ‘full meal’. “Say ahh...” you took Tom’s noodles in your hand, proceeding to feed him. Tom blushed, opening his mouth a little. “Tom, im’ma ‘bout’a drop this everywhere. Open your mouth- there we go,” you say. You were a little tired, making your words sound jumbled and merged together. “God, your mouth seems so small. You suck dick like that, Holland?” You smile playfully, yet tiredly.
Tom’s eyes widen, “What the fuck?!”
You burst into a fit of laughter, ��HAHA- sorry, just. I don’t know. Thomas-”
Ohh, this is where shit gets real. When you call him by his full first name.
“- the day you kissed my cheek. Was it really just a UK thing?”
Tom tensed, this could be the day you would find out. The day you could be something more. But what if it went all wrong?
“Tom?” You say, brushing some of the strands of hair that got into his eyes.
That was it, that was the reassurance he needed. “No, mate. It’s Not A UK Thing.”
“Sooo, what? You like me?”
“Well, actually- its more like love,” Tom awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, refusing to make eye contact with you. You chucked, putting down the styrofoam cup, now only containing liquid and some bits of vegetables, and moved your now free arm to wrap itself behind Tom’s neck. He was already pretty small by himself, but with you next to him- your large body now practically hovering over his- he felt like an ant.
Your lips had connected to his, causing a small spark of what felt like electricity to run down Tom’s spine (and yours).
“Glad to know that, Holland. Glad to know.”
so, i might make a part 3, focusing more on the girl in the photo with you that Tom picked up, would yall be interested? it might contain angst, cuz i kinda wanna write angst--
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marvelgbt-posts · 6 years
KPOP groups/artist the Avengers would be in to:
*not edited*
BTS- he wants to get with the young generation these days
Blackpink- 4 beautiful, strong, independent young women? Sign Nat tf up!
Exo- would probably only get into them because of MONSTER, but after that it just kind of stuck
Apink- "whose that blonde guy in the back screaming 'I love you Jung Eun Ji'??" totally not Steve thats who
Peter Parker:
Seventeen- I don't know why i see him liking them, but I feel their music would appeal to peter fsr
And Holland. Like- I- there- I can't explain. He just is. It's official. I'm making it official.
Twice- so help me god he will be a hard once and stan Sana the hardest because of the 'shy' aegyo
Red Velvet- he is in love with Irene and Seulgi and Wendy and Yeri and Joy and will stop at nothing to protect these five girls
SHINee- he just really enjoys their music and wouldn't be such a hardcore fan (buying march and going to concerts and stuff) but would definitely be one to grieve after the (very tragic and horrible) loss of Jonghyun (SHINee will forever be 5HINee in our hearts)
Nothing. Hates KPOP and everyone else.
Got7- it started off with watching the MV for "Just Right" with Cassie and liking the positive message it gave about girls being perfect the way they are, then he dug deeper and now has the hugest crush on Bambam
Red Velvet- because Red
Red Velvet- because its the only group he ever hears Wanda listen to, so he eventually became a Redveluv alongside his wifey
Dr. Strange:
He's flexible, but wont officially follow a group as a whole. Just listens to stuff here and there.
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marvelgbt-posts · 5 years
Big Baby [Fluff]
(Thor x Reader)
Summary: Thor acts all tough and big, but his resolve quickly crumbles at the slightest feel of your touch. After that, he’s just a big baby. Of course, he’d never admit that.
Request: Please write sub Thor x Dom reader. What you replied to the last anon with sounds amazing!
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Back from another one of his insane missions given to him by Stark, Thor was more than willing to set aside his upcoming duties to just relax for a few minutes. Tony was completely attached to Thor the second he came inside the Tower. 
“How was the mission? Did it go smoothly? All according to plan? Did you defeat the bad guy? Any notes we need to take?”
Thor tried answering them as quickly as he could:
“It went smoothly, yes, all according to plan. The enemy is defeated, and as for the notes, I could have my Midgardian partner fill out one of those.. what do you call them? Files? Paperwork.. yes, paperwork!”
You, however, saved him from such annoyance by dragging him off to your room, telling Stark you two needed to ‘catch up’.
“Coffee?” you asked gently, a soft smile playing at your lips as you poured a cup of his favorite. Thor grinned, face buried in a pillow as he was stripped of his upper garments and lower armor. He nodded, “You always know how to brew a good cup, dearest!” His voice was groggy and his body ached, and you could see how tense he was. “Here,” you handed the mug to Thor, and he took it with his sore hands, no doubt tired and hurting from using them to wield his weapon, the Mjolnir.
“Thor, sweetheart, what was Tony saying about a report?” you asked gently, sitting behind him on the bed, where he sat on the edge. He took a small sip, testing to see if it was scorching. He was pleased that, that was not the case, and rather, it was warm and inviting to his lips.
“Thor?” you called again after he took a few sips. He looked up at you with a face you could only describe as the look of a begging puppy, “Hm?”
“Stark; he mentioned something about notes?”
“Ah- yes, I nearly forgot.. He wants me to give him information on the enemy, but quite frankly I’m too tired to finish it. He wants them by tomorrow, and I just don't think I can do it all by then. I also.. cannot use Midgardian technology– it is too advanced for me, I’m afraid.”
“I see,” you began to softly rub at his shoulders, and Thor purred at this. He rolled his head back, and you kissed him on the cheek. Your godly boyfriend was indeed big– huge, in fact. His size greatly outnumbered yours, in various different ways. You loved him all the more for it, though. It was like cuddling a big, strong teddy bear with a built-in heating system. “Well, how about, when you finish your coffee, we go into the shower and wash this horrid stench off of you, then get you changed into something comfy and you can rest for the remainder of the day, hm?” Thor seemed elated at the suggestion, before curling back into himself, “Oh, I would love that more than anything, my dear, but.. Stark’s report.. I cannot ignore my duties...”
“Well, we can still do everything and have his stupid report done before tomorrow,” you said, cupping his cheeks, “I’ll write, you just have to recall the events. You won't have to move a muscle aside from your mouth,” you promised, and again, he beamed. Nodding, you chuckled, taking his now empty cup and placing it on the desk beside the bed.
After the shower, which consisted of you bathing the big baby and then helping him change into underwear and pants, you two sat on your shared bed. 
“Feeling better?”
He nodded.
“Good, I’ll rub some scented oil onto your back and we can begin the report, okay?”
Again, Thor nodded, accompanied by a yawn. “This’ll only take a moment, I promise.”
After Thor had a few essential oils rubbed onto his back and shoulders, he laid in bed, exhausted in the best way. You rested your back against the bedframe, and Thor made himself comfortable with his arms around your waist and his head in your lap. You took the Stark Industry’s iPad in one hand while the other ran itself through the short blonde locks of your drained boyfriend. “Thor, my love, can you recall your mission now for me?”
Tiredly and words all mushed together, Thor did his best to give details as to what had happened while he was away. The dangers and struggles he dealt with. Thor eventually fell asleep, finding that talking about the day helped with his stress. Good timing, as well, you had just about finished the rest of his report for him. You yawned, now also feeling sleepy with the feeling of Thor’s rumbling, snoring chest against your thigh. After putting the iPad on the desk as well as giving a goodnight kiss (which, sadly, Thor could not reciprocate as he was knocked out cold against you) to Thor’s forehead, you made your way into his embrace. In his sleep, Thor shifted to hold you better. Head resting against his bicep, you let out another yawn, resting your eyes. The report could be read over tomorrow, with him, and edited as well before being sent to your boss.
Now that he was home, everything was right. You sighed, finally letting the dark sleep succumb you, and you both slept a peaceful, dreamless sleep.
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marvelgbt-posts · 5 years
you’ve changed
i thought the song goes well with the scene (sw: peter cries) where peter cries so if you wanna play it there, you can :)
Request: Hi I hope your having a good day or night depends on the time your reading this. How about a Peter Parker x Male chubby reader were they dated before thanos snapped his finger and the reader didn't get snapped away and spent the next 5 years living out his life and when peter comes back he finds the reader but their in their 20's and divorced with a kid. Then they try to work things out. It could have angst but have fluffy ending. Maybe the reader waits till peter is olderand ask him to marry
i absolutely l o v e this idea, ty for requesting ^^ it's somewhere after homecoming, but mj already knows about peter, in the first part. The second one would be uh after endgame lol
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You weren’t popular amongst your peers. Hell, no one really knew you or your friend group of four. You didn't mind, nothing like that really bothered you all. Michelle was currently using Ned as a reference for another one of her art pieces that would bring some sort of “revelation” to those who viewed it, like the ones you see when browsing your Instagram feed about global warming or species endangerment.
Peter, on the other hand, was working on his new suit upgrades. Behind Mr. Stark’s back, he wanted to make his suit more powerful, especially since his parental lock was taken off - also behind Stark’s back, but he didn't have to know (though, of course, he already did). You were working on school assignments since there was nothing better for you to do anyways. Both you and Peter worked on the floor while MJ had Ned sat on the bed in a position where he looked as if he were murdered.
You glanced over at Peter; he peeked over at you simultaneously, the two of you smiling as a bit of pink made it to both your cheeks. You went back to your respective work, as did Peter.
“Peter?” you whispered, careful not to wake MJ and Ned up; MJ next to you on the ground and Ned, snoring on the top mattress of Peter’s bunk bed with an arm and a leg slung over the edge. “Yeah?” he whispered back, equally as cautious. You sat up a little, “I can’t sleep…”
“Yeah, me neither..” he responded.
“Can I, um.. Sleep next to you? Maybe?” you asked shyly, before shaking your head, “nevermind.. That sounds stupid, just forget it.”
“No!” Peter winced, looking up to Ned dangling over the edge of the bunk, before lowering his voice, “No, it’s fine. You can come up here, I don’t mind.”
You carefully slipped out of the blankets you shared with MJ and hopped into bed next to Peter. He was at least a head taller than you, if not half. He awkwardly shifted to the wall, and you felt like cringing. You were always a bit.. soft.. You weren't obese; oh no, you were the average healthy weight, and you could complete the mile somewhere in its required time. It wasn’t like you were unhealthily big, it was just your body shape. You had big thighs and a tummy that would show through shirts that were too tight (for your liking, anyway). Compared to Peter’s secretly toned body, you were like a marshmallow, and you disliked it very, very much.
However, Peter loved it, though he’d never admit it. Sure, you took up a little over half the space, but Peter honestly could care less. You felt him nudge your side, moving to come a bit closer. He was just in boxers and a t-shirt. You had pants and a hoodie, and Peter could just barely feel your body warmth. He looked at you, and you could just barely make out the shape of his eyes, how they looked; begging, big, puppy-like eyes. You bit your lip, suppressing a giggle, “Careful Parker, that’s pretty gay..!” you joked silently. He let out a breathy laugh, “Nothing’s gay about cuddling with your best friend..!” You chuckled, opening your arms for him to come into. He rested his chin on top of your head, wrapping his arms around your upper body while you wrapped your arms around his slim waist.
Like magic, you both found the sleep you’ve been craving so much.
You watched in fear as half of the people around you began to vanish in clouds of dust. You looked over to MJ, who was accompanying you to a bookshop that had just opened a few days ago. She looked down to her feet, which began to slowly fade away, before looking up at you in fear, “y/n, i–” but she was gone. You tried to grab her hand, her shirt, anything, thinking it would somehow stop what was happening. But you couldn't, if anything it sped up the process. You cried, trying desperately to grasp some of the ashes of one of your best friends before she was gone– to no avail.
Crying there in the streets of New York, watching as people screamed for their loved ones, you curled up into a fetal position, tears streaming down your cheeks. You knew Peter had skipped a school field trip to join Iron man and the other well-known Avengers in whatever was causing this, but you had no idea where Ned was, if he was alright... And, well, you already knew MJ was long gone.
What about your parents? Were they disappearing as well? Quickly, you ran back in the direction of your small Queens apartment, praying to whatever gods were out there that they were safe and unharmed.
The hallways of Midtown high school were crowded as those who had disappeared from the ‘Snap’ reunited with their friends. No one realized that, for five years, they had all gone missing. Sure, they remembered the process, but for them, it was like taking a five-minute nap rather than a five-year-long one. Peter was almost breathless as he saw MJ and Ned on campus, a wide smile on his face as he jogged up to them, surprising the both of his friends as they all had a moment, hugging, shaking hands, glad that everyone was safe.
Almost everyone.
“W-Where’s y/n?” Peter asked, looking around to try and find your small and round frame that he missed since he’d left Earth. MJ and Ned shared a look, and Ned bit his lip. “He-... he’s not here..”
Peter choked on his breath, “He died?!”
“What? No, no,” MJ was quick to confirm, waving her arms almost frantically, “He wasn’t uh, what do you call it? Snapped? He stayed here, he grew up.. He’s like, twenty now.”
Peter couldn't believe it. You would’ve been way older than him now! “Tell me you’re kidding, is this a prank?”
MJ shook her head, as well as Ned. No. No, no, no, that can't be true. If it was, were you lost from them? Did you know where they were? He was scared for you, imagining your chubby, short form frightened and worried for everyone's sake. He looked desperately at his two remaining friends, “Do we.. Do you know where he is? His location?”
Ned beamed, “I’m your guy in the chair, of course I know where he is!”
Peter was hesitant to knock at your door, knuckles moving towards and then away from the wooden surface. He had to admit, your place was nice, on the outside at least. He could judge the inside once.. If… you answered the door. Once Peter got the courage to finally make his presence known, a few seconds later a child peered through the window. He was surprised, but smiled and waved to the kid. She smiled and waved back, before looking behind her. Peter assumed that was, hopefully, you. The door opened, and Peter had to look up, like, wayyy up. You had gotten taller, and slimmer. Peter noticed you were more built, and he had to stop himself from lowering his gaze and letting his mind melt into the gutter. “Peter..?” you asked, almost dumbfounded at the sight of your high school crush. The little girl from before wrapped her arms around your leg, looking up at Peter with wide eyes, “Daddy, who’s this?”
“Daddy?!” Peter blurted out without thinking. This was all happening so fast. “y/n?” he looked up at your face again, and you nodded. While much had changed about you, he was glad your smile remained the same. Soft and bright and infectious.
“Yep, this is my daughter, say hi honey,” you looked down at your daughter, who shyly waved and grinned at Peter. She has your smile, Peter thought to himself.
Wait, if this was your kid, that meant.. You were married? He couldn't imagine it, the thought of it. The life he imagined so many times over and over in his head, about what life would be like with you in the future, ruined because of some giant purple alien with a lack of brain cells and the face of an avocado’s backside, and a woman he didn’t know of.
“Peter, would you like to come in? I bet you have questions..?” you asked, and Peter shook his head to get out of his thoughts, before nodding, “Yes, please.” Here you two were, speaking formally as if you were business partners. You invited him inside, and your daughter moved to the couch, taking a small, pink, fluffy bunny into her arms as she sat down. “Emily,” you said sternly, making Peter flinch, “What did we say about shoes on the couch?”
The girl, Emily, promptly removed her velcro slip-on shoes before looking to her father, who smiled in approval, “Good girl!” She smiled, and Peter giggled as he sat himself on the couch. You sat on the opposite side of him, your daughter moving from next to Peter, to your lap. You sat her on your knee as she played quietly with her bunny stuffed toy.
“So, you, uhh, grew up?” Peter asked awkwardly, and you chuckled bitterly, “yeah, haha.”
“You’ve changed,”
“Five years does that to you, I guess,”
“This your daughter?”
“Yep. Emily. She’s three.”
‘That means you had her around, what, junior year? y/n, I didn’t know you had it in you…!’ Peter joked to himself in his mind. But there was a burning feeling in his stomach. This domestic lifestyle; a quiet house, a child, and later on he found out you had a german shepherd named Skittles (Emily had named him). He wanted this life for so long, ever since he realized his feelings for you, with you. But you had lived a life without him, not that he blamed it on you.
After an hour or two of recalling the last five years of your life to Peter, including meeting Amanda, your ex-wife, and having Emily, it was time for him to leave.
“It was nice talking to you again, Peter,” you said shyly, another thing that hadn’t changed, thankfully. He bit his lip, lingering on your porch a bit, “Uh, hey.. y/n..?”
“So.. you aren’t with your ex-wife anymore, right?”
“Yep, no contact, nothing,” you were holding Emily in your arms, resting her on your hip. You could see conflict in Peter’s eyes, so you let her down and shooed her off playfully to go entertain herself with toys. She obeyed, and you turned to Peter, who looked up at you with glossed eyes. You felt your breath hitch, “Peter.. What- are you okay?”
He nodded, biting his lip, before shaking his head, “no, no I’m not okay! You grew up, you have a life now.. I didn’t even get the chance to be a part of it.. You– I loved you! I still do..” he cried, wiping his tears as he sobbed. You looked down at him, and you couldn’t help but sigh. He was still a child, of course. He hadn’t matured at all, since he’d basically been frozen in time. He was still the same childish teenager you knew five years ago. “Peter..” you whispered soothingly, wrapping your arms around him. It was now your turn to rest your chin on his head like he would do all those nights in freshman year. You held him in a protective embrace, and he just held onto your back, gripping at the fabrics of your t-shirt. You shushed him, “Peter, it's okay, I’m here..”
“But you’ve outgrown me! You’ve lived your life, you have a daughter, you got married, all without me! I wanted to be the person you could count on, the one you would go to sleep and wake up to at night, someone you loved, but instead.. I-.. you…” he didn’t know how to finish his sentence, instead crying into your shoulder. “Peter, I understand..” You whispered, “I loved you, too, I still do.. It’s just.. Our age gap now, I don’t think we can make it work now..”
Petr let out a shaky breath, nodding, “Yeah… I’m sorry,” he said, and you shook your head, “You don't have to apologize, none of this is your fault…”
Peter looked to your chest, still holding tightly onto you, before he perked up, looking up at your eyes, “Wait, y/n, I think.. Could you… What if I graduated? Wait no, that didn’t come out right.”
You chuckled. Peter shook his head, “no, listen to me. I know I’m five years younger than you now, but.. If I came back after graduating high school, when I’m older, would you be willing to, I dunno, make it work?” You thought for a minute, biting your lip, “Maybe… it would give us enough time to.. Catch up, fully…” the look on Peter’s face, it made you melt.
Ever since that day, Peter had been visiting you and Emily almost every day. Emily became used to him a few weeks in, now looking forward to her favorite visitor to knock on the door. She would open it and squeal, “Uncle Petey!” and Peter would always carry her when he walked in, without ail, and lift her up and make her giggle. The fact that Peter was treating your young like one of his own, it made you fall even more in love.
One day, you and Emily were in the kitchen, finishing up homework for her first-grade class. She huffed, “This English stuff sucks! I’d rather do math, and be super brain smart like Uncle Peter,” she said, crossing her arms. You sighed, and a giggle came from the doorway of the kitchen. You looked behind you to see Peter leaning on the doorframe, arms crossed, “English is important too, kid,” he said, sitting next to Emily, across from you. He was eighteen now and on his way to a promising college. He had a lot of responsibilities already, with his senior grades coming to an end and taking up half of Stark Industries with Pepper. You were proud of him, to say the least.
“In order to be super smart,” you said, “you have to be well-rounded. That includes English, young lady. Come on, it can’t be that hard,” you took a look at her paper, “Oh shit, wait this is hard.”
Peter and Emily gasped, “Language!” they said at the same time, making the three of you giggle. “y/n, I have something to ask you,” Peter said, glancing at Emily, “privately.”
Emily sighed, exasperated, “What?! Why can’t I know?!” she whined, kicking her legs a little. You chuckled, ruffling her hair a bit, “Get to finishing that homework, kid, we’ll be right back.” Emily pouted but got to work regardless.
“What is it Peter?” you asked once the two of you made it to the living room. Peeter looked into your eyes, he had grown taller, almost as tall as you now. “So, uh, I talked with Mrs. Stark, about things… I uh, I think I’m gonna move into the Stark Tower, focus on my studies there, help Pepper with running the Industry and prepare Morgan. She’s seven now, you know, just a year younger than Emily... They’d be great friends.. Emily likes math, Morgan is a science buff, like her dad.. Uh,”
“Peter, what are you getting at?” you asked, a small grin forming on your lips. He rubbed the back of his neck, “I’m getting at- uh, what I’m trying to say, what I’m asking is if, you and Emily would like to stay with me in the Tower? It would be easier for us to see each other.. And Morgan would love Skittles, and Emily, she wouldn’t be lonely when she comes home. Morgan is homeschooled at the moment, they could both be homeschooled together so they aren’t lonely, you know? A-And–”
“Peter,” you cut him off as he began rambling. He looked up at you, clearly shaken and desperately awaiting your response. You smiled, “Of course, I'd be happy to move in with you. But I might reconsider the whole ‘homeschool’ thing. I want Emily to be raised normally. She’s smart, sure, but she still needs school. Homeschool, we can think about when she’s older.”
Peter grinned, hugging you, “Of course! We can do that!” he giggled, and you heard a cheer come from behind the two of you. You turned around, a scowl on your face as you saw Emily, not doing homework. “Emily! Why aren't you finishing your English homework?”
She blushed, “The kitchen and the living room are right next to each other! How could I not overhear..?” she paused a moment before speaking up, “Are we really gonna live at Stark Tower..?” You sent Peter a look, and he smiled and nodded, “Mhm! Right next door to Uncle Pete!” Emily was ecstatic, and that was an understatement.
An eleven-year-old Morgan and ten-year-old Emily were playing Wii Sports in the lounge, Morgan purposefully losing to Emily since she had been winning too easily the last few rounds. She was treating Emily exactly like a younger sister, and it warmed your heart as much as the coffee you held warmed your hands. Emily cheered, having won another Tennis match. Morgan faked sighed, “Huff, that doesn’t make sense, you’re cheating!” she playfully shoved Emily, and they both giggled. Eventually, Pepper came into the room, “Morgan,” she called sweetly, and both daughters looked up, “it’s time for you and Emily to head to bed.” The girls groaned but nonetheless followed directions.
You nodded over to Pepper, “I’m gonna head to my room now, got some work to do,” to which Pepper responded with a nice, “alright, sweet dreams y/n.” You waved goodbye and made your way to your room.
You were covered in your bedsheets, warm and on the verge of falling asleep when a knock came from your door. You sat up, a groggy and sort of annoyed “Come in,” emitting from the depths of your throat. Peter came in, a little embarrassed, you could tell, that he had disturbed you at this hour, “y-y/n, can I come in? I.. can’t sleep,” he admitted, looking at his bare feet. You yawned, not being able to stay mad at him, and nodded, patting the space next to you. No longer had you filled up more than half the space in the bed like you had 5 years ago, Peter noticed, beginning to miss those times when you did and feeling a little bitter that he had missed so much time with you.
You took initiative and wrapped your arms around Peter’s shoulders, bringing him into your now toned chest. Peter went red; you could feel the heat of his face against your skin. Peter wrapped his arms shyly around your waist. He was twenty-two now, and you were twenty-seven. It didn’t seem like much of an age gap now as it had seven years ago. He bit his lip, should he ask now?
After a few minutes of conflict, Peter opened his mouth to speak, until he realized you had… already fallen asleep.
‘Great,’ Peter sighed, ‘The one time I manage to muster up the courage to ask, and he’s asleep.’
Another few months had passed. You were in the kitchen, going through your phone while making another cup of coffee for yourself, before you felt Peter wrap his arms around you from behind, resting his head in between your shoulder blades. “Good morning, handsome~” you teased, to which earned a groan in response. You had been dating for around four or five months, but it honestly felt like longer. Well, of course you were dating before making it official, you yourselves just didn’t know it yet, but pepper sure knew, as well as morgan, Emily, May, Happy, and everyone else you knew.
‘Today is the day,’ you thought to yourself, handing Peter a cup of coffee as he opened up his tablet to begin working on lab assignments. He thanked you and you kissed his cheek, before leaving the kitchen to the lounge, sitting on the couch while waiting for Peter to join you. ‘Today’s the day,’ you repeated the thought, ‘I’m going to ask him, today’s the day.’ Peter eventually joined you and you cuddled for the whole day, Peter finishing his assignments all the while.
You checked your watch, sighing, “Pete, I gotta go pick up Emily,” you said, kissing his cheek and nudging him off you. He whined, “If we homeschooled Emily, you wouldn’t have to worry about picking her up!” he whined, and you had to hold back a laugh. Peter had picked up Emily’s habit of whining. You swore she was becoming more like Peter’s child every day.
Peter began sleeping with you since you two began dating. It helped Peter with stress from work and his recurring nightmares of Tony’s death. It also helped you, since you had trouble sleeping as well. One night, however, as you both were staying up late talking and kissing, a hesitant knock came at your door. You looked to each other before Peter sat up to allow whoever was knocking to come in. It was Emily and Morgan. “Hey girls,” you sat up, voice calm and soothing, “What’s wrong?”
Morgan spoke up, “Mom’s out of the tower right now and the storm outside is scaring us,” she admitted, and Emily nodded her head. You cooed, and Peter opened his arms for the two children to come into. They climbed into bed, sleeping in between you and Peter. Emily had her head against your chest, listening to your heartbeat as she hugged you. Morgan had her back against Peter, who was sleeping on his side, petting her hair gently. The two of you were shirtless, but warm from the blanket, and the girls loved it.
A loud crack of thunder scared them both, and Emily clung onto you. You looked at Peter, who had the same look of sympathy as you. You sighed softly and began humming a tune from a song you’d heard once, calming the kids down until their eyes began to droop closed. Eventually, they were sound asleep against the two of you. You smiled, seeing as Peter was beginning to look a bit tired as well. “Pete,” you whispered, careful not to wake the girls, “Mh?” he responded tiredly. You played with Emily’s hair lovingly, running your hands through her h/c locks, the ones she inherited from you. “Emily really loves you, y’know?” Peter smiled, “That’s good to hear,” he said with a yawn.
“Yeah, she really looks up to you, kinda makes me jealous,” you admitted. Peter leaned forward, not wanting to crush Morgan. “Hm? Yeah.. I can tell she wants to follow in my footsteps, but it’s scary. If I mess up, she might too, you know what I mean?” Peter looked down at Emily, “I don't wanna be the villain in her storybook.”
You brushed Emily’s bangs out of her face, nodding, “Welcome to my life. It’s been hard ever since I divorced her mother. I don’t recall ever telling you this, but her mother was an alcoholic, which is why I left her and took Emily with me. She was never physical, but yelled at Emily a lot, even though she was only two years old.” Peter nodded in understanding, “That.. I’m sorry about that,” he said, looking up at you. You shook your head, “Don’t be. It’s in the past, and Emily hardly remembers any of it now… but, her looking up to you, reminds me of how she’d normally look up to a parent..”
Peter flushed red, “But, I’m just her uncle…”
“You don’t have to be,” you said immediately after, and Peter looked as if he would cry, “y/n, don't tell me y-you’re..”
“Peter, I think... I think I want to marry you, have the life Emily and I never got to have with Amanda. I know it won't be exactly the same, seeing as we’re both men. But I know Emily won't mind, and honestly, that’s all that I think should matter..” you looked up at Peter to see him crying, “Oh, god, no Peter don't cry..!” you said but he just shook his head, before biting his lip and nodding, “If you’re asking what I think you’re asking, then yes,” he said, a little choked.
The next morning, you broke the news to Pepper, who was a little more than excited. You then told May, who threatened you with your life, going on about how if you ever broke Peter’s heart she’d blah blah blah. You laughed at Peter's embarrassed face. Happy could have cared less, mumbling an “It’s about time, jeez”. Then, you told Emily, who took a second to process it before she jumped up and hugged you both, kicking and jumping around and just being a happy little ray of sunshine. You and Peter could say– without a doubt– her reaction, her happiness, that was what was most important, what made it all worth it. Time really has changed you and Peter both, and it was safe to assume you both wanted to keep it that way.
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marvelgbt-posts · 5 years
Nothing To Be Ashamed Of
{Loki x Male! Reader}
Warnings: loki in his jotun form
Request: So requests for Loki are open, right? Tall(er) boyfriend just marveling and complementing Loki's beautiful self? I'd just love a fluff with Loki where he's appreciated and stuff. Thanks if you write something
Summary: Loki changes to his Jotun form, staying in it for a while until you come home to see him cuddling into your blankets. You didn’t know he had another version of himself, and your quick to affirm him that his past and heritage are Nothing To Be Ashamed Of. 
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*not edited*
Loki looked at himself in the mirror. It had been a year since he tried to take over New York, and he was doing pretty okay. He had found you, and after much ice-breaking, you two had gotten pretty comfortable. You had offered Tony to take care of Loki. It took a lot to coax him into agreeing, and that’s just briefing it. Now he lived with you- happily, much to Loki’s surprise. You were patient with him- if he ever gave you sass or sarcasm, you’d let it go and continue your conversation.
Loki was happy to have you. You were like an open book to him, and he slowly began to share his darkest fears and secrets with you as well. However, there was one he hadn’t told you yet. The one about his true form. He was afraid of what you’d say or how you’d react. Would you throw him out? Send him back to Stark so he could throw him in another boring cell? He had been getting therapy sessions with Bruce, so he felt (and hoped) he was getting better.
Loki watched as his skin turned blue slowly, starting from his hands and slowly crawling up his arms. It continued until his entire face was the bright ocean blue he had grown somewhat used to. He felt as if the blood red eyes he saw in his reflection were that of a strangers. It wasn’t him. It never will be. 
Of course, the jotun heritage was in his blood. He couldn’t deny that. But he could never fully accept it. No, he was Asgardian. Raised by Odin, alongside the god of thunder. A true Odinson by heart.
Loki moved out of the bathroom to the living room, still in his form, and turned on the TV. You weren’t set to come home for another two hours or so, so Loki would be fine for a while. He didn’t need to change his form; in fact he was quite fine with his chosen looks. But Dr. Banner informed him it would be best to accept who he was. Something about it being the first step to being a better person or something…
After watching some Midgardian entertainment like Criminal Minds and The Office.
What? Could he not have class as well as a humorous side?
Loki ended up making himself a sandwich and getting a blanket from your shared room and sat on the couch cuddled into it, eating away. He watched Criminal Minds for a bit until he found himself tired. Yawning, he put the plate in the sink and took the blanket to the bedroom.
It should be mentioned that the two of you have individual blankets to sleep with. Loki did not feel like you two should share because you always stole the blankets in the middle of the night. However, today he took a blanket from your pile. He put the blanket in the dryer to warm it up as well so it would smell and feel like you were there embracing him. He felt he needed your hugs especially now during a time he felt so vulnerable. After wrapping himself in a human burrito and flopping onto the bed, Loki fell asleep.
When Loki woke up again, you were supposed to be due home 10 minutes ago. He worried, but figured you must have been held up with something. He rolled around on the sheets for a bit until he heard the front door open, he frantically tried to turn his skin back to its previous color. “Loki! I’m home!” You called out. Shit! Your voice was coming closer. “Loki?” You were in the hallway now, his legs were still yet to change. Curses! Why did he wear shorts?!
“Lo-“ you opened the bedroom door to see Loki on the bed, spread messily across it while looking at his legs. You gazed downward to find his skin slowly changing color. You froze, waiting a moment in silence as the male you grew to love scattered of the bed and on the floor, just staring at his legs. 
“Loki…” You sighed, running a hand down your face, “I thought I told you to tell me everything. No secrets, remember?”
“I know, I know, I just…” Loki shut his eyes tightly, breath quickening. He began to shake rather violently, body tensing as he gripped onto whatever he could, like the carpet floor. His hands balled into fists and Loki loosed his grip to bring to his face. “It’s just, I’ve been hiding this form for so long and… a-and I felt like I couldn’t show you… this form. I feared you would hate me or kick me out…” he spoke in between his rapid breathing. He had been having these episodes recently, and no one could understand why. Bruce said it was just him under stress and that Loki needed to calm himself for a bit. But something always seemed to bother him every second of the day. 
Now you knew why. 
You walked up to him, taking his hands into yours and speaking calmly. “Loki,” you said softly, “Loki, look at me.” Loki peered at you through his eyelashes. 
“This is a very important conversation we need to have. I don’t know why you thought hiding something this big would be a good thing. But right now we need to focus on getting you relaxed, okay? Just breathe. Focus on me and nothing else. I’m not mad, I won’t throw you out or hate you. I love you, and no ‘form’ can change that. So let’s get you in bed first, okay? I’ll boil some tea for us; sound good?”
Loki nodded. That did sound pretty nice. You helped him up and helped Loki to back on the bed. Once Loki laid back down on the bedsheets, he curled into himself and picked at the fabric beneath him. You moved to the kitchen to boil some hot water in the kettle, moving back to the bedroom once the action was done. 
“Now,” You began, sitting at the edge of the bed. You brushed a few strands of the jet black hair out of Loki’s beautiful green eyes, “Care to explain?” Loki moved to lay his head in your lap, letting himself relax against the soft touches of you fingertips along his hairline and running through his scalp. 
“I’m not fully Asgardian,” he began. You let out a small hum noise, even though it wasn’t a big surprise to you. After all, Loki had done some pretty surprising things, but this wasn’t the biggest of them, “I was raised by Asgardian parents, lived an Asgardian life, but for some reason, Father never treated me and Thor the same.
“I always just assumed that it was because I was the youngest. But even then, I couldn’t help but feel jealous of the other children who’s parents doted on both them and their siblings. Eventually, I found out the true reasons behind Father’s biased actions. 
“When I found out about my true heritage, I was furious. I tried to kill him because of my anger. I ended up finding out I was a part of a race of monsters called ‘Jotuns’. My father, Laufey, had abandoned me because I was small and some sort of disgrace. Father used me as a peace treaty and I became this form. The more… humane… looking form. I had been taught to hate these creatures, yet I am one. I was so confused.”
By the time Loki had finished, you had braided a small section of the males hair. “Thank you for telling me, Loki,” you smiled down at him, “I understand it must be hard for you to get something so big off your chest…”
The kettle began to scream as heat emitted from it. You looked towards the door, “My love, shall we get our tea now?” You asked softly, undoing the braid gently. Loki nodded, removing his head from your lap and watching you leave. You came back two minutes later with a cup in each hand filled almost to the brim with hot tea. 
Loki took his and set it to the side, letting it cool down. You did the same, and began to lay down. Loki followed your actions, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling himself towards you, burying his face in your neck. 
“You know I love you, right?” You asked, arms resting on Loki’s hips as you traced patterns into his bare back, shirt lifted just enough to expose his skin. Loki nodded, although he couldn’t believe that was true. What was that saying in the Disney movie? ‘For who could ever love a beast?’ Yeah. Exactly. 
“But you must know that this ‘jotun’ form of yours is a part of you. You shouldn’t hide or forsaken it- rather, embrace and overcome it. I know that sounds stupid. But it’s better to accept yourself than hate what you are; does that make sense?” Loki hummed, a bit satisfied with the answer.
“You sound just like Bruce…”
“Do I, now?” Loki nodded, eyes closing as you continued to softly touch him here and there. “Well, he is your doctor, so you should listen to him,” you said, resting your chin on the top of his head.
After a few minutes of silence, you spoke up, “Loki, can I perhaps see this ‘jotun’ form of yours?” Loki opened his eyes, and you hoped you hadn’t upset him somehow. Loki sat up, and you, too, began to move with him. “Would you...” he said softly, almost as if he were a shy child talking to a stranger, “Would you really be interested?”
“Loki, i would ask if i wasn’t somewhat interested,” you quipped, smiling a bit to try and calm him down. Loki nodded, running his hand through his hair once to smoothen it out as he closed his eyes. 
After a few moments, Loki’s skin began to change colors. Slowly, from his hands, climbing up his arms, and going in two different directions from his shoulders- up his neck and down his torso- until his feet were covered. Loki turned to you, eyes opened to reveal his red eyes. You stared at him in awe, mouth agape slightly as you sat up straight.
“What?” Loki said, eyes widening slightly at your silence, “It doesn’t suit your interest, does it?” He began to feel insecure now, trying to cover his face with his blue hands, “I look hideous, dot I?” His hands began to change to the pale color Loki had become accustomed to since birth, until another, warmer hand placed itself on top of his, and a gentle, “don’t” was hear throughout the now silent room.
Loki moved his hands so you could see his eyes. God, you thought they were the most beautiful shade of red you have ever seen. Loki looked up at you, and you moved yourself closer to him. “My love, you are absolutely stunning in this form,” you said, meaning every word. Gently, you took a hand and stroked a strand f hair behind Loki’s ear, barely grazing his skin. It was cold to the touch. Like ice, you noted.
“You don’t mean that,” Loki said. He thought with his whole heart that he looked repulsive. He repeated, “You don’t mean that…” since he really could not believe you could ever love him when he looked so… despicable.
“My dear, I mean every ounce of it…” you spoke, pushing Loki down onto the bed so you could roll halfway on top of him, “You are gorgeous. This skin is the softest, yet most intricate shade of blue I have ever seen. Not to mention your eyes; they shine like rubies… you are absolutely gorgeous. In whatever form you choose…”
Loki felt his lip quiver, and he immediately hugged you after he finished processing your words. Wrapping his legs around your waist, he pulled you down onto him, locking his arms together behind your neck. He let himself smile, and you swore it was the softness you’ve ever seen him. “You…” he started, “You really think so?”
“Loki,” you smiled, taking a hand up to his chin. You stroked your thumb over his bottom- now blue- lip and dragged it along until it reached the end of his smile, then moving your thumb downward to his chin, “You truly are the most beautiful thing that has ever graced this universe… and you know I would never lie to you.” Tilting his head up a bit, you softly kissed him, Loki closing his eyes at this. You pulled away a few seconds after- which Loki was not having. He dragged his head while you tried to pull away, and ended up biting your lower lip as he pulled away. His eyes were lidded and he lazily looked up at you.
The both of you were exhausted; you could tell from Loki’s eyes and he could tell from yours. He didnt have to tell you, you knew he wanted nothing more than to rest in your embrace. Loki was first to lay down, turning to his side so he could face you. You were now laying beside him, beginning to wrap your arms around his slim waist. Loki placed a few kisses to your neck, a place he could easily and lazily reach from his position next to you. “You’re body seems colder in this form,” you voiced out, and Loki smiled, “My dear, I am a frost giant… it makes sense that my body is cold…” He gave a light chuckle.
You stared into his eyes, admiring the glow they seemed to have. Along with the intricate details he seemed to posses across his face. You took a hand and stroked Loki’s hair off his forehead, placing a kiss to it. And with that, you both fell asleep.
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marvelgbt-posts · 6 years
You Can Stay Under My Umbrella (M! Reader)
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 (yet to be posted)
{Tom Holland x Stylist! Male! Reader}
Warnings: Bad writing, also im in here for a short period- hello.
Summary: Tom goes to a costume fitting, and later takes you home in the rain under his Spiderman umbrella.
A/N: ella-ella-ey-ey-ey under my umbrella-ella-ella-ey-ey-ey-ey ey-ey (p.s. sry it’s short, and this takes place during the shooting of infinity war) 
i should also mention I’ve (obviously) never been on a movie set before, so i dont know how costume fittings work when it comes to  behind the scenes. But i have done performances and this is generally how they have worked for me, with some exceptions. So imma just go off experience. Also, lets pretend tom doesn’t have a trailer on set, k? Let’s pretend he has a home in America. Cuz i already wrote it and its done and I’m too lazy to go back.
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(not edited)
“Shhh-it,” Tom cursed under his breath, frantically putting on his pants. “Hey, Tom. Make sure you take an umbrella, it’s raining crazy out there,” Harry said, throwing his brother a shirt. He caught it and put it over his head- backwards.
“Tom-” Patrick caught his older brothers attention as he gave Tom his Spiderman umbrella. Tom couldn’t help but smile at the small gesture, ruffling the hair of his younger brother. “Thanks, Paddy.” Patrick smiled.
Tom was running late for a costume fitting. There was going to b e a new Spiderman suit in Infinity War, and he had to get his costume resized twice. Sam had caught Tom on his way out, handing throwing him his phone and keys. “Thanks, Sam,” Tom rushed out the door and into the pouring rain.
Once Tom made it to the studio, he searched for his dressing room, he threw his phone and keys onto the small table and slumped in his chair. Only a minute late, good. It usually took his stylist five minutes before he came to his room.
It was now 8:29, and Tom was still alone in his room. He was beginning to panic, thinking he had either come at the wrong day or the wrong time. Was this even his dressing room. Yes, it was, it had his name on the front when he last checked, which was before he entered.
He heard the door open, and in walked Jay, who was a stylist, but not his stylist. “Sorry, I’m late, Jr. Clark mixed the outfits name tags again and Maria and I had to switch them ourselves. I swear one of these days, he’s gonna get himself fi- oh. Hey Tom, I’m sorry I must have walked in the wrong room. Sorry ‘bout that.” At this point, Jay was reversing their costume back out the door. Tom smiled, “No worries.”
It was another 3 minutes before his stylist came in, the right one. “Hey, (M/n)! Took your sweet time,” Tom teased. You chuckled, sending shivers down Tom’s spine, “Yeah, sorry. It’s just Clark-”
“Messed up the name tags? Yeah, Jay already told me.”
“Oh, I see. Well, what are you waiting for, get outta those clothes. Let’s get you changed.”
“Wait, Tom… Is your shirt on backwards?”
You were behind Tom, fixing the back of his costume. The suit had clung to itself in certain areas and you needed to fix it, pulling on it so it would even out. You snuck a glance at Tom’s butt, holding in laughter at the thought of him wearing a thong underneath.
“What’s so funny?” Tom asked, turning to you, “Does it not fit right? Is it ripped?” You shook your head, telling him it’s was something you’d seen the day before you remembered. He nodded, turning back around, though sneaking glances at you from time to time… to time.
Finally, the full suit was on. All that was left to do was see if he could move and perform freely in it. You asked Tom to do some tests for you, like raising his arms and jumping, and touching his toes.
“Looks like the suit is finally ready to go,” you smiled, giving Tom a thumbs up with both hands. Tom smiled, he didn’t know why. The suit fitting him wasn’t that big of a deal, why was he so giddy?
Tom had recorded some scenes of him as Peter Parker for Far From Home, and then went home. Already, he could feel his body craving for Tessa’s touch. He had already had his planner full. He was going to play with Tessa from 12:30 until he went to sleep. Very busy schedule.
He had opened up his Spiderman umbrella, shielding himself from the rain with it. As he was walking to his car, he heard a familiar voice, “Even promoting your own merchandise? Wow, Tom, I hadn’t expected you to do something like that.” It was you, he turned around, smiling, “It’s my brothers actually.” You made a silent ‘oh’ sound, nodding your head, “I see… cute.”
Tom then noticed you hadn’t had an umbrella, and that you were soaking. Your hair stuck to your face, dripping with water. You were shivering. “Well, my house is just down the street a few blocks from here. I’ll be on my way. See you next week, Holland.” You waved, walking past him. Tom watched you leave, rain hitting your body as if assaulting you.
He ran up behind you, reaching up to cover both of you with the umbrella. You looked down at Tom. God, he was pretty tiny for 22.
“What are you doing?” You asked, amusement lacing your voice. Tom shrugged, looking forward.
“You said your house was a few blocks from here, so is my car. I’ll drop you off at home.”
“No, that won't be necessary,Tom. Thank you, though.”
Tom refused, insisting that he drop you off. ‘Because he’s British and British people are gentlemen was his argument’. You gave up and walked home, Tom right beside you.
“And then- haha- the scene where Thor had to catch the Mjolnir, Chris couldn’t get a grip on the handle- so- he-” you chuckled to yourself a bit, Tom giggling as well, “-he kept throwing it. His balance was so off he kept hitting the stupid thing with the palm of his hand. So Captain America had his shield and Thor was just awkwardly trying to get a grip on the hammer. Hemsworth’s face throughout it though, too. We all had a good laugh from it.”
On the way, you and Tom had decided to talk about what you two experience in the field of film. He talked about what it was like to see himself on video and you described fashion-fails and bloopers while you were on set. “Did you know Hiddleston once almost fell down the stairs in that scene where he finds out he’s a frost giant because his cape was too long? So i had to fix it, which delayed our scheduling by a day.”
Tom nodded, chuckling, thinking of what his coworker would look like at a panicked state at the top of a staircase.
“Well, this is my stop. See you, Tom,” You waved, walking up to the front door of your house to unlock it. Once you did, you and Tom made eye contact for about 10 seconds, before Tom rushed up and gave you a quick peck on the cheek, having to hoist himself up on his toes and using your shoulder for balance to do it.
He ran off the direction you two came down on, waving to you as he yelled, “See you next week, (L/n)!”
You smiled, fingers barely grazing over you now warmed up cheeks were he had kissed you, as you said a quick goodbye under your breath, “See you next week, Holland.”
Ewwwwwww this sucked ass… part 2?
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marvelgbt-posts · 6 years
Bi! Peter Parker x GN! Reader: Dating Them Would Include:
- purposefully failing chem. class to spend more time with peter
- not actually studying and just spooning cuddling in bed
- “y/nnnn we gotta studyyy~”
- “mmmh five more minutes~”
- you fall asleep holding peter
- watching cute funny cat videos
- wishing you two had a cat
- going to the pet store to play with cats
- having to bride peter to leave
- bribing him with kisses and cuddles and Chinese take-out
- feeding him some of your food and he feeds you some of his (like the cheesy couple you are)
- him trying to hide the fact that he’s spiderman
- oops he left the mask out once
- “i wont hesitate bitch--”
- “wha-?”
- quoting vines on the daily
- being proud gen z’s
- kermit memes  are your guys’ oxygen
- new text from y/n: “i love you and im proud of you for saving that cat stuck in a tree ♡”
- new text from peter:
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- new text from y/n: “ily2”
- supporting peters bisexuality by going to pride with him
- “yes peter, i see. its very ni-”
- peter is bisexual fite me-
- im just gonna put this out there that i think mj also is bi
- just being a totally cute couple
- peter spiderman-kissing you with you sitting on his bottom bunk and him dangling upside-down on the top
- cuddles for days
- yes i know i already mentioned this before but shut up and cuddle this soft boi
- needy grinding into your thigh
- soft moans
- whimpering
- when the actual sex goes on he screams
- slight masochist
- he loves it when you pinch his nipples
- teasing? yes plz
- he enjoys slight bdsm
- like tying up his hands, but thats about it
- and blindfolds
- toys. oh god, toys.
- loves it when you ride him/he rides you (riding in general, if you're a girl then tOYS--)
- grinds so much and bucks his hips a lot
- a. lot.
- if there werent already a bucky in MCU, he would be renamed bucky
- “god peter, so needy”
- “hah, y/nnn! hnn~!”
- loves the aftercare you do on him 
- “you’re so good to me y/n. i dont deserve you.”
- “peter, you deserve the whole goddamn world.”
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