#maribat platonic november
Maribat Rare Pairs Weeks 2023
Welcome to Maribat Calendar Events Fall event. October and November are dedicated to rare pairs!
Do one prompt!  Do them all!  Do your own prompt!  Any participation is great! They just serve as ways to encourage that creativity.  No Pressure.
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Make sure you tag us so others can more easily see your work:
TAGS FOR TUMBLR & AO3: #Maribat RarePairs Weeks
Any orientation or relationship style is welcome and encouraged (familial, platonic, romantic, aged-up NSFW)!
Any creative works (writing, fics, drabbles, head-canons, art, poetry, incorrect quotes, etc.) are accepted
Tag @maribat-calendar-events in your works so we can share it
Use the hashtag so others can see your work
Keep NSFW works under the ‘Keep Reading’ line with an appropriate warning
Questions? Send us a message/ask, or contact @izanae
Get creative and have fun! We all look forward to your participation and submissions!
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marauderundercover · 3 years
Making Memories: Ch. 21
Day 21: Portal/Return
“Bunnix?” Marinette says, blinking in shock at the woman in front of her. For some reason, she hadn’t thought of the possibility of Bunnix coming back to her one day. Not after defeating Hawkmoth. Sure, there’d been that one akuma attack where she’d mentioned an older Ladybug and Chat Noir fighting a new Hawkmoth. But that couldn’t still be a possibility, right? She was the Guardian now. And she had her family to back her up. That wasn’t- that wasn’t possible.
“Mini Bug. Hate to impose, but I’m gonna need to borrow you for a little while.” Alix says, rocking back and forth on her heels.
“Whoa, hold on a fucking minute. Who are you?” Jason asks, standing up from the table and glaring at Bunnix.
“Is this another world ending disaster that you expect her to fix by herself?” Her dad asks, his voice filled with venom. Marinette flinches slightly, even though the tone isn’t directed at her. Sure, she wasn’t currently mad at Alix, but the damage had still been done. And she wasn’t sure she wanted to go with Alix. Not this time.
“I don’t expect you to understand, sir, but I do need your daughter to come with me.” Bunnix says. “She’ll be fine.”
“Just physically? Or mentally, too. Because the last time she went with you, she was left with nightmares that she still struggles with, despite the fact that Chat Noir no longer has his Miraculous.” Her dad argues, his voice firm. Bunnix’ eyes narrow.
“Look. I can’t promise that everything she sees will be happy and amazing because, believe it or not, I don’t control that. All I know is there’s a situation that only Ladybug can fix.” Bunnix says sharply.
“She has not been Ladybug for months.” Damian says, his voice tense. Bunnix glances at her, raising an eyebrow.
“You’ve used the Miraculous though, right?” She asks. Marinette nods. “Then you’ve been Ladybug. Suit doesn’t matter. But you should use the original Ladybug suit where we’re going.” She says, opening her burrow.
“Wait-” Marinette starts, but Bunnix cuts her off.
“We don’t have time. Transform and I’ll explain more there.” She demands. Marinette squeezes her eyes shut, but complies.
“Tikki, spots on.” She says quietly. She lets out a shaky breath, not ready to open her eyes quite yet. Her old suit feels wrong. Obviously it still fits perfectly, but it doesn’t fit like her Ladybird suit. It doesn’t fit like her Poppy costume. It feels like it belongs to somebody else, a person that she no longer was. She wasn’t this person anymore. She yelps slightly as she feels someone grab her wrist and tug her forward. Marinette opens her eyes just in time to see the burrow closing, her family’s worried faces looking back at her. She grits her teeth and keeps her gaze on her feet. She had no desire to see the future.
“Are you okay? You seem off.” Bunnix says lightly. Marinette huffs.
“Maybe because I didn’t want to come with you, Alix. Because the last time I did, it didn’t end well. Like, at all. And I like my life. I like living in Gotham and being Ladybird. I like having my Maman and Papa and Selina and my dad. And my siblings. I don’t want to lose all of that.” She says quietly. Alix sighs.
“Listen, I wouldn’t have come if it wasn’t important. Somehow, one of Batman’s villains got a hold of a Miraculous.” She says. Marinette feels the color drain from her face.
“Which one?” She asks.
“Which Miraculous?” Alix asks, and Marinette shakes her head.
“No, Alix. Which villain?” She clarifies. Alix winces and Marinette has to clench her mouth shut to keep herself from puking everywhere. The wince was the answer she needed. Somehow, the Joker had a Miraculous.
Bruce grits his teeth, setting his fork down. He’d been holding it so firmly, it had started to cut into his palm. He felt like the worst father ever. He knew that he was the worst father ever. How could he just let that woman take his daughter? She looked terrified.
“How the fuck could you just let her go?” Jason snaps. Bruce wills himself not to wince. He doesn’t deserve it. He knew that this was his fault and he already felt awful for it. No need to let his son know that he’d hit the nail on the head.
“Jay-” Dick starts.
“No, Dick. He needs to fucking hear it. He knew, he fucking knew that Bunnix was the one who made her deal with Chat Blanc by herself. And he still did nothing! He did nothing to keep her from going through that fucking portal.” Jason snaps, slamming his hand on the table. “I’m fucking out of here.” He huffs, standing up.
“Jason.” Bruce says, stopping him from storming out. “She’ll need you when she gets back.” He says before standing and leaving the dining room. The judging stares from his family. His daughter needed him and he just let her go. He walks straight into his study, going directly down to the Batcave as he runs scenarios through his head. Marinette had all of the Miraculous. She was the Guardian. There was no way for it to be a Miraculous incident, right? Making a decision, he sits at the computer and immediately starts looking for information on the Miraculous. He widens his search to include ancient jewelry that can be tracked. He narrows his eyes at one of the results. An eagle talon pendant in New York. He clicks on it, transferring the information to a separate file. He wasn’t sure what it was about the pendant that left him suspicious, but he was certain he could bring it up with Marinette later. A bright light makes him blink in surprise as someone appears in the cave.
“So, somehow, he found out about the eagle Miraculous and used it to do, what exactly?” Marinette asks, clenching her fists as she tries to just get through this briefing. She wanted it to be over. She wanted to get out there and take the damn Miraculous so that she could go home.
“He used it to take away the free will of the heroes of Gotham.” Bunnix says softly. Marinette freezes, eyes narrowing as she looks at Bunnix.
“And you didn’t think to tell me that before now?” She hisses.
“It’s not like you had a choice in coming, Mini Bug.” Bunnix argues. Marinette scoffs, shaking her head.
“Don’t call me Mini Bug. I don’t want to know anything about the future, but I do know one thing. I will not be Ladybug in the future. I’m Ladybird, now. And that’s who I’ll be until I hang up my mask. I am the Guardian of the Miraculous, Bunnix. No new Hawkmoth will be appearing, because no one will have the chance to steal one of the Miraculous under my protection. Ever.” Marinette says firmly before walking out of the safe house that she and Bunnix had appeared in. She throws her yoyo up, latching onto a gargoyle and pulling herself up so that she could get a better view. Her goal was to take the Miraculous back, while Bunnix watched the burrow to pinpoint the moment that something went wrong. So that Marinette could then go to that moment and fix it. Because apparently, it was still all up to her. At this point, Marinette wasn’t exactly sure what the point of a time traveling hero was if said time traveling hero couldn’t fix anything on their own.
“Oh god.” A voice says. Marinette blinks, turning and staring at herself. But in her Ladybird suit. Scanning herself?, she realizes quickly that it’s her regular vigilante costume. Not the Miraculous version.
“Are you here to help me?” Marinette asks. Other her shakes her head.
“I think you’re here to fight me.” She says, before charging forward. Marinette yelps in shock, throwing a punch at Ladybird.
“Why are you fighting me?” Marinette asks. Ladybird huffs, trying to sweep her legs out from underneath her.
“I’m not trying to fight you. I don’t exactly have a choice. Just be happy that none of the boys are near. They have actual weapons.” She snaps, landing a hard hit on her side. Marinette groans, somehow managing to sweep Ladybird’s legs out from underneath her.
“Where is the Joker?” Marinette asks, holding down Ladybird’s limbs as the vigilante struggles against her.
“I can’t tell you.” Ladybird huffs, managing to overpower her and switch their positions. She punches her in the face and Marinette grimaces at the pain before shoving her off of her. She scans Ladybird’s costume and grins at her grappling hook. Diving forward, she yanks it off of the other girl’s belt before swinging away to a building that Ladybird couldn’t get to without assistance. She lets out a sigh of relief, wincing slightly at the pain in her side. She was pretty sure her ribs were bruised again. Lovely. A thud on the roof makes her glance over, her stomach rolling at the sight of her little brother, katana poised to attack.
“I cannot-” He starts to say, and she’s startled to see the tears falling from his mask.
“I know.” She says. And he charges forward. She leaps back, doing her best to dodge the vicious slashes from her little brother as he cries openly, not able to fight against the control the Joker has over him. If she had to take a guess, either her dad or herself were the first to fall victim to the Joker. And then he was given more Miraculous, which let him take control of more people. And now we’re here. She hisses in pain as Damian manages to slice into her arm.
“You have to win this.” He says, his voice strained. She nods, barely dodging a slice at her throat. The kid was lethal, but she could tell by the tension on his face that this was far from what he wanted to do. Throwing her yoyo at him, she sighs in relief as it wraps around him tightly. Quickly attaching the other end to one of the gargoyles, she runs before he has the chance to escape. She knew he was more than capable of it, and could only hope that he was able to fight against the Joker’s control at least a little bit. But she didn’t have high hopes. She just wanted to get the hell out of this timeline. A flash of purple and green makes her pause in her run and grin. Even as a Miraculous user, the Joker still had horrific colors on his costume. Using her stolen grappling hook, she’s about to crash into him when someone else crashes into her. She grunts in pain as she’s knocked from the air and rolls onto the asphalt, scraping her face as she goes. Jumping up to her feet, her eyes widen at her dad. Batsuit on, a grimace on his face.
“Ooooo, would you look at that? A new hero.” Joker taunts, glancing at her dad. “Kill her.” He says simply, laughing wildly as she tenses. She takes a step back as her dad struggles against the command, jerkily stepping forward.
“I...won’t.” He grunts out.
“Oh, but you will.” Joker counters. Before Marinette can jump out of range, her dad grabs her by the throat. She gasps, clawing at the hand wrapped around her throat.
“Stop.” Her dad says gruffly.
“But Batsy, it looks like you’re having oh so much fun.” Joker taunts, laughing wildly. Marinette coughs, getting light headed as she wildly kicks her feet, trying to wriggle out of her dad’s iron grip.
“LB! I figured it out.” Bunnix yells, running towards her. Marinette just stares at her. Help would be welcomed, she thinks, staring at her. Bunnix glares at Joker, punching him in the face and ripping the pendant from his neck in one fluid motion. The impact of the hit makes him fall to the ground, and Bunnix plants her boot firmly on his chest to keep him there. The second the necklace is off, her dad drops her and she falls to the ground, gasping for air.
“Are you okay?” He asks softly, dropping down to his knees and reaching a hand up to push her bangs out of her face. She flinches, then feels awful at the way he tenses.
“‘M fine.” She coughs out, standing up on shaky legs. “What other Miraculous does he have?” She asks.
“Peacock and butterfly.” Her dad responds shortly. She scans the Joker’s body, grabbing the two Miraculous and turning back to Bunnix.
“How did this happen?” She asks, throat aching.
“The computer in the Batcave was compromised. Throw up a couple extra firewalls and actively work against the hack, and this will never happen.” Bunnix promises.
“Then let’s go.” Marinette says tiredly, stepping towards the woman.
“Wait.” Her dad says, stopping her. She sighs.
“It wasn’t your fault.” She says softly.
“But I still hurt you.” He argues, scowling. “I could have killed you.” He says.
“But you didn’t. And I’m about to make it so that none of this ever happened, Dad. Don’t worry.” Marinette says, giving him a fake smile, hoping he won’t see through it.
“So this will just be another Chat Blanc situation? Something traumatizing that only you will remember?” He asks, his voice angry.
“Whoa! Two LB’s? What the fuck is happening?” Jason asks, dropping next to them and setting down the other her.
“Here. Robin said you need this- he was right. I can’t believe you left it behind.” She says with a scowl. Marinette rolls her eyes.
“He was about to cut me in half with a freaking katana. Of course I tied him up with the one indestructible rope I had. Where is he, anyway?” Marinette asks, frowning as she glances around. She could see Tim and Dick in the distance, walking around the rubble and destruction that coated the city. But she didn’t see Damian.
“He refuses to come near you because of your injuries.” Other her says, crossing her arms. “He’s kind of traumatized by it.” Marinette sighs.
“Well, he won’t be for long. I’m about to go fix this. Lucky charm!” She says. Her dad grabs her shoulder gently, shaking his head.
“Honey, don’t do this. If you try to stop the timeline you’ll still remember and you won’t have us to help you. To know why you’re hurting. Please don’t do this by yourself.” He begs. She glances at Bunnix, grimacing as the woman opens the burrow and gestures for her to follow.
“I appreciate it dad, I really do, but I have to fix this. I can’t let you or Damian live with this kind of guilt.” She says, before turning and darting into the burrow. She would fix this. She had to.
“I’ve pinpointed the moment that the Joker managed to have someone hack into the computer in the Batcave. I’ll drop you three minutes before the hack so that you can set up extra security and hack against him.” Bunnix directs, glancing into one of the openings of the burrow. “You ready, LB?” She asks. Marinette nods firmly, stepping into the cave in a flash of light.
Bruce blinks in confusion at his daughter. At the blood, the bruises and the soot. The grim look on her face as she moves his chair to the side and begins to type furiously on the computer. What had happened in the short time Bunnix had her? Or was it short at all? Was she actually in a living hell for months, with no one there to help her? Where was he in all of this? How could there be a timeline after Marinette where he didn’t actively look for her to help her, to try and fix her problems?
“Marinette?” He says softly. She glances at him and nods before turning back to the screen.
“Sorry Dad. Joker’s about to hack the computer and find out about the Miraculous. It doesn’t end well so I need to- come on, there we go- I need to fight against this. Joker with a Miraculous? Not exactly fun.” She mutters under her breath. He grits his teeth, trying to shove down his anger. Bunnix had made her go up against the Joker? Had she even helped? Or was his poor daughter left to fight against that monster by herself once again? Hadn’t she been through enough? The typing stops and he watches as his daughter stares at the computer, not breathing.
“Did it work?” She says aloud, looking around. “Bunnix?” She spins around, eyes darting around the cave as she turns. Another light flashes and Bunnix steps into the cave, grinning widely.
“You did it LB.” She says with a nod.
“Good.” His daughter breathes out, looking like a huge weight was lifted off her shoulders. She tosses the item in her hands up, saying a soft “Miraculous ladybug.” Tiny ladybugs fly around the room, several swarm around her and her injuries disappear. She lets out a sigh of relief, slumping and calling off her transformation.
“Mari-” Bunnix starts, but Marinette turns her head.
“Come talk to me when I’ve had time to cool off, Alix. I’m kind of still really mad at you.” She says. Bunnix grimaces, but nods before turning to him.
“I apologize for taking her away like that.” She says quietly before turning around and stepping into a ball of light. Bruce frowns, turning to his youngest daughter.
“Do you- would you like to talk about it?” He asks softly. She shakes her head, hugging her arms close to herself. “Do you need a hug?” He asks. She hesitates, but nods, stepping towards him and leaning against him. He frowns, but wraps her in a tight hug. He wasn’t sure what her new nightmares would be about, but he was certain that he would be there for her. He wouldn’t let his daughter go through this alone, not like she went through Chat Blanc.
Tag list: @vixen-uchiha @stainedglassm @liquid-luck-00 @laurcad123 @waiting247 @jayjayspixiepop @mizzy-pop @jjmjjktth @trippingovermyfeet @queenz-z @thepaceperson @iloontjeboontje @toodaloo-kangaroo @ritacrow-blog @deathssilentapproach-blog @kittenmywaythrulife @nerd-nowandforever @tazanna-blythe @jaybird-and-co @lady-bee-fechin @corporeal-terrestrial @unoriginalmess @maribat-platonic-november
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bunathebunny · 4 years
do-it-yourself magic
In which Marinette moves to Gotham, opens a craft store and still the LifeTM still does not give up on her.
For Maribat Platonic November Day 20 - Store
Setting shop in Gotham might be a terrible idea with the fact that robberies happen on a daily basis and almost every store here has been broken in at least once. And that is not to mention the resident birds and bats that seem to be paranoid to the highest decree.
“Hello, welcome to Miracle Crafts,” she smiles, oozing charm as the bell by the door chimes as an elderly woman pushes the door open, “How may I help you today?”
It might seem odd that a designer on the up-and-coming seeks a small shop in the least-desired place on Earth to set up shop. And in this case, a shop that sells crafts and supplies.
“My grandchild has gotten into knitting,” she says, “I was wondering if you could help me find some yarns and needles.”
“Of course,” she chirps, “Please follow me.”
At her core, Marinette is a creator. She draws and doodles and designs and does some silly projects just for her own amusement.
Her Guardian duties are an important part of her life but her love for creating arts is just as important. She cannot imagine a world where she has to choose between them.
And of course, a compromise is reached. Marinette can craft to her heart’s content while casting small healing spells that might just cover the city much faster than she can on foot.
Her crafts are brimming with magic, the kind that protects against the terrible luck that runs rampage in Gotham. She slips it in when she is carefully forming and shaping it.
And the supplies she sells have just the faintest trace of magic. Those little specks of magic would click together when the supplies are used and band together into something akin to an invisible protection charm.
No one knows but words on the streets say that if one of the DIY crafts given to you as a gift came from Miracle Crafts, luck would see you through the hardest trial. They say that those are tiny lucky charms that would help you find what you never know you need.
Marinette hides her smile behind her sleeve when she hears one of the regulars whispers to their friend.
This would come sooner or later, she muses. Nothing stays hidden forever.
One careless word and her store goes up in flames. And why?
Because that miserable clown thinks that she is interfering with whatever pissing contest he has with the Big Bad Bat. Boo hoo!
“This won’t stand!” she curses, shaking her fist at the knocked out clown that is being carted away by the G.C.P.D, “Just you wait, you hideous clown!”
Tiny bite-sized Robin snorts and she does not need to look to see the incredulous looks she is getting from vigilantes to officers to firefighters to even her own neighbors. Although, Marinette thinks she earns the right because some fucker in a clown outfit thinks that she is making Gotham a much better place with her D.I.Y charms and supplies and undoes his work to make Gotham a terrible place and the shit just skipped to burning her store and home and holding a knife to her throat until the Bat and his little birds showed up.
Like, excuse her but what the fuck?  God, can one even sue Joker in Gotham? Fuck, if no one knows, she will be the first to find out.
Felix would so love this. He has been insufferable since she moved to Gotham because “No, that is not safe!” and “Goodness, you people are nuts!”. God, he is so rubbing this into her face.
And probably enforce some visiting periods where they abuse Kaalki’s power to go to and fro between Paris and Gotham.
“Miss,” a well-meaning officer approaches, hands holding up, “We must ask you to calm down. Antagonizing the Joker is never good for one’s life expectancy.”
Marinette glares at him, taking a deep breath. Her face must not be the picture of calm and measured because the officer flinches and might just squeak a little bit when she smiles at him.
“I am calm,” she says, smoothing down her dress and damn! The clown just had to come when she is in her nightdress. Well, at least they gave her a shock blanket to fight against the chill.
And apparently, somehow Joker burning her store down means she on the Bat’s watch list. Because Plagg has been hissing something about birds and flying rodents in the backpack that holds everything she could salvage ever since she checked in into the hotel for a temporary stay until she finds another place.
It will be fine, she thinks. Everything will be normal again. Soon.
This would come sooner or later, she fumes. Nothing stays hidden forever.
Standing in front of the counter of the new and improved Miracle Crafts is a beaming Diana Prince and a man she seems to have seen before but cannot remember.
“Hello, welcome to Miracle Crafts,” she forces out a grin and hopes that this is just a social call, “How may I help you today?”
Please be a social call, she prays. She is too busy to do any hero-ing stuffs.
But of course, Tikki might be the kwami of Luck and Marinette might be the wielder of the Ladybug earrings but that does not mean she always get lucky. If anything, misfortune plagues her.
“Hello, Guardian,” greets Wonder Woman who is standing in her shop like, what? How did Diana even find this place? Marinette never tells her! “This is one of my colleagues.”
Marinette sighs, rolls her eyes heavenward. Oh god, something happened. Serious magical stuffs because Diana does not just come to see her with some guy who is probably Batman.
God, she cannot believe reading some conspiracy theories for fun would end up with her figuring out who Batman is. Because a) Diana’s colleague, as in Wonder Woman’s colleague, and b) the butts do match.
“Nice to see you again,” she mumbles begrudgingly and can absolutely make out the kwamiis’ chattering from the kitchen, “So, how is the world ending this time?”
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Presenting: MariBat Platonic November - Year 2!
Hope y’all are ready for this once more!! I’m super excited to host another calendar prompt month once again, and I hope everyone finds this exciting, too! Now let’s get to business~! <3
Simple Rules:
1) No Salt or Bashing
This isn’t to say you have to write the characters you don’t like into your pieces! A bit like the ‘if you have nothing nice to say’ advice, simply do not write the character into the story. And avoid mentioning the character at all, too, if they can’t be mentioned without breaking this rule.
2) Do Not focus on Romantic Ships
Feel free to include romantic ships as background flavoring! But the focus should remain on the platonic ship(s) you use and their activities/bonding/etc. that you write.
3) Tag Us!
It would be nice for your works can be found and reblogged! Tag [ @maribat-platonic-november ], and use [ #MariBat Platonic November ] and/or [ #MariBat PlatNov ] in the post tags to keep keep everything all set!
Bonus Info:
Noticed the [Character Names] in the weekend slots? That would be the Villain Weekend Prompts! These are optional characters to include in your prompt responses, inspired by the popular MariBat trope of DC Villains finding the MLB character of choice delightful to be around. It is also inspired by both redemption arcs and, surprise, Villain!hero AU’s! Whatever inspires you, go for it!
Wednesdays are themed after Angst and AU's to spice up the options this year! Hope you all like it~
The Prompts:
1st - Summer Storm / Optimism 2nd - Island / Horse 3rd - Chains/Cruelty[ Future/Punk AU ] 4th - Flight / View 5th - Living Room / Patisserie 5th - Home / Purrs [ Dex Starr ] 7th - Artifact / Ivory [ Catwoman ] 8th - Crack / Fixed 9th - Admire / Confident 10th - Scars / Darken [ No-Powers AU ] 11th - Fate / Phoenix 12th - Exotic / Familiar 13th - Sea / Stars [ Starro ] 14th - Vapor / Masks [ Red Hood ] 15th - Flowers / Chocolate 16th - Glasses / Casanova 17th - Regret / Taboo [ Royalty AU ] 18th - Metallic / Yearning 19th - Bold / Shy 20th - Colors / Blind [ Reverse Flash ] 21st - Portal / Return [ Darkseid ] 22nd - Gifts / Celebrate 23rd - Persian / Box 24th - Eternity / Distance [ Space Travel AU ] 25th - Reason / Relaxation 26th - Subtle / Bright 27th - Old Habits / Change [ Ra's al Ghul ] 28th - Corrupt / Insanity [ Bruce Wayne ] 29th - Casino / Laughter 30th - Shipping / Daydream
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moonlitceleste · 4 years
work of art
Maribat Platonic November Day 9 - Lunch
Maribat Platonic November Day 10 - Posing
“Hold still.”
Marinette’s tongue poked out, brows furrowed in concentration as her hand moved across the paper. Her fingers were stained with charcoal, part of the set Tim had gotten as a birthday gift for her.
The whine came from Dick, who was in a bridge position with one leg up. Marinette’s art teacher had suggested she get someone to pose for her in order to get in extra drawing practice, hence why Dick had been stuck in that position for the past twenty minutes.
“Dick, I know for a fact you’ve held worse positions for longer.”
“Yeah, but I’m hungry!”
Marinette sighed and stopped sketching to wipe her hands on a towel. Once they were relatively free of the charcoal dust, she walked over to the table where her phone was and pressed the home button. The numbers 1:07 flashed across her screen—they had been there for much longer than she thought. She locked her phone screen and looked up.
“Fine, we can go eat lunch now.”
Dick’s upside-down face morphed into relief, and he flopped over dramatically.
“Finally. My bones ache!” She rolled her eyes at his dramatics, but had a small smile of gratitude on her face as he stretched his muscles out.
Marinette nearly jumped as she realized someone was standing just behind her and peering over her shoulder. It was Damian. In his hands was a palette with dirty paintbrushes stacked on top; he had likely come from his own art room. His eyes scrutinized her sketch, and Marinette tensed in anticipation of his reaction.
The green-eyed boy clicked his tongue in what she hoped was an appreciative manner. He didn’t seem to hate it, at least. Damian walked away, and Marinette was left standing there until she felt Dick’s gaze on her. There was an odd glint of something in there, like he knew something but wasn’t telling her. She didn’t like it.
Dick only shook his head amusedly.
“Nothing. What’s for lunch?”
Right. Marinette pushed aside his strange behavior in favor of divulging her plans—she did promise she’d pay him back with lunch.
“So, I was thinking of making that pasta you liked last time…”
It was only a year later, when she was in a relationship with Damian Wayne, that Marinette realized exactly why Dick had reacted that way.
PERMANENT TAGLIST @also-m3owww @avengerthewarrior @enternalempires @freesportspalacesalad @nathleigh
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lady-literature · 4 years
Marinette gives gifts as an act of love. It’s her greatest expression of caring and affection.
Her friends have long since grown used to the way she randomly bestows a new item onto their person, seemingly for no reason besides ‘I was thinking of you’.
Lately, there’s been an odd running theme to her gifts though.
“What’s with all the butterflies, Nettie?” Dick asks, holding up the hat she’s just finished for him, pointing out the tiny, barely-there shapes embroidered along the base. Tim makes an agreeing noise from his place at the table, holding a mug decorated with an anatomical model of a Chimera’s Birdwing while Jason fiddles with the cuff she’d given him, a single butterfly perched on a branch carefully pressed into the leather.
“They’re just pretty, don’t you think?” she tells him brightly, hands barely stuttering as she carefully kneads the bread dough.
She smiles at the boys, bright and earnest, and the topic drops, turning towards video games and nonsensical meme references from Tim.
Marinette hums, low and content, and the brooch pinned over her heart shimmers.
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phis-corner · 4 years
Chapters: 1/24 Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug, Batman - All Media Types, Maribat - Fandom Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Marinette Dupain-Cheng & Kon-El | Conner Kent, Bart Allen/Tim Drake, Bart Allen/Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug/Kon-El | Conner Kent (one-sided) Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Tim Drake, Bart Allen, Cassie Sandsmark Additional Tags: Maribat Platonic November 2020, Yes Really, we're really late okay, Marinette Dupain-Cheng is a Star Sapphire, Aromantic Asexual Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Kon is a bi disaster having a gay panic, everyone else is just there for the laughs, Fluff, Humor Summary:
Marinette Dupain-Cheng was having a pretty good day before that ring appeared.
She’d arrived at her 8 am class on time, finished the designs for the upcoming showcase, and was generally on top of things, which was pretty unusual for her.
And then a pink object had floated down in front of her as she traced out patterns on her fabric, shoving itself in her face, and spoke to her.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng of Earth, you have been chosen to wield the Star Sapphire ring for your immense love for the world. ------------------ Or, the adventures of Marinette Dupain-Cheng: aro-ace college student, formerly Ladybug, and part-time Star Sapphire.
aka the @maribat-platonic-november thing @maribat-writing-and-prompts and I wrote but never actually got around to posting, part 1!
permanent tags
@wannajointhecrabcult @miraculous-simmer7 @certainmuffinbagelcalzone @fantasyislive @chocolateherringtacofan @junarvion @susiej1118 @aestheticnpoetic @toodaloo-kangaroo @ladybug-182 @itsmeevie01 @g-arya @souleateralicestein @nightstarblue @i-is-mysterious @moonystars14 @vixen-uchiha @flapdoodle-noodle @labschaos @nathleigh @jalaluvsu @kaithehero @iamablinkmarvelarmy @luveverything12 @technicallyburninggarden @pawsitivelymiraculous @too0bsessedformyowngood @fusser90
@momothefemur @indecisive-mess-named-me @laurcad123 @ilovefluffbutsmutisalsogreat @sassakitty
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maribat-newsletter · 3 years
Maribat Event Announcement
As Spooky season comes to an end, we now embrace the spirit of giving and being thankful. Thus, let us enjoy some non-salted platonic fics for November. 
For this month, @maribat-platonic-november is hosting 30 days of fun (and some angsty) prompts. The rules are simple: NO salt, character bashing, and focusing on romantic ships.
Join the talented creators by visiting the tags #MariBat Platonic November and #MariBat PlatNov on Tumblr & AO3 for this year’s creations.
Visit the Official Maribat Platonic November ( @maribat-platonic-november ) Tumblr page for more information, and remember to check out all the available content.
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Happy writing/drawing/reading!
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miraculouspenta · 4 years
Maribat Months List
Some are just plans btw
January: Timari January
February: Dickinette February
March: Maribat March
April: April Angst Apocalypse
May: Marijon May
June: June of Flowering Fluff
July: Jasonette July
August: Mominette Month
September: Bio!Dad Bruce Wayne Month
October: Rare-Pair Month
November: Platonic November
December: Daminette December
Yes, we have all twelve month woo! Hope you authors are not planning on doing them all!
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highonchocolate · 4 years
MariBat PlatNov Day 14: Art/Paint
First   Previous   Next   Ao3
Note: This is me, sleep deprived and writing at 1 AM and forgetting to post. 
Scarlet Bug dropped down gently on the roof behind Harley. The Siren was standing in front of a heavily-graffitied wall, opened cans of spray paint lying at her feet. In front of her, bright blue letters proclaimed ‘FUCK YOU CLOWN’, with several underlines and exclamation points. Raising an eyebrow, she coughed once to alert the woman to her presence. 
At the noise, Harley spun around, a wide grin already on her face. “Heya little bug! What’s up?” Glancing at the cans, Marinette motioned to the wall. “May I?” Expecting a reprimand, and taken aback by the question, it took her a second to respond. She smirked and tossed her a nice shade of pink, accompanied with a cheery call of “Show me whatcha got, girlie!” She caught it one-handed and walked over to the wall with a determined grin.
Twenty minutes later, she swept her arm down in a finishing stroke, before capping the can and placing it down next to the others she had used. Turning to Harley, she gave her a shit-eating grin. “You like?” Instead of an answer, all she got was laughter. “I’m making this my home screen!” Harley cackled, bringing out a bright pink-and-blue phone to snap a picture. Laughing, she pocketed the phone and gave her a once over. “You might not be so bad, little bug. Hit me up next time ya wanna do something like this.” Marinette smirked. “I’ll see you around, Harley.” Before diving off the roof and swinging away.
Behind her, underneath Harley’s original artwork lay her own addition: a giant hyper realistic middle finger, with a phrase of her own beside it.
‘Oh wait, nobody wants to fuck a walking eggplant. Lose the grass hair and try again, you punk bitch.’
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mochegato · 4 years
Maribat Platonic November is messing with my head.  There are no ships!!!  I understand that is the entire point of it but I’m so wired for ships I keep expecting a romantic pairing.  I realize that says more about me than the fics (which are all amazing, by the way) and I don’t care.
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Calendars and Events Master List
Maribat Discord Server List
Current Calendar and Events:
BioFamily (BioDad Bruce) September 2024
Upcoming Calendars and Events:
Daminette December 2024
Previous Calendars and Events:
Daminette December
Magic/Dark December 2022
Secret Santa Events
Christmas Challenge Event 2021 (Hosted by Mochegato)
Maribat Awards
Maribat? Get In! Discord Civil War Event 2022
Platonic November
Naughty November 2022 (Villains, Whump, NSFW)
Maribat Mix & Match Monster Mash October 2023
Rare Pairs Weeks (October and November 2023): Brucinette, Mominette, Dukinette, Speedsters (Wally, Bart, Barry), Magic Users, Villans
Daminette Month - MariBat Origins October 2022
October Rare Pairs/Spooktober 2021
Biodad AU (Biodad!Bruce) September
Mominette August 2021
Mominette/Brucinette August 2022
AU August 2023
(Whump) Agony August 2022
Tag Team Tournament
Jasonette July
Fluff June 2021
June Pride
Super-Mari May
Arrow April
Angst April 2021
Marvelous Ladybug (MarvelxMLB) Week (April 25, 2022)
Justice League March
Maribat March
Dickinette (First Robin) February
Timari (Java Junkies) January
maribat-calendar-events is hosted by @izanae - DM/ASKS open either on her page or here!
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marauderundercover · 3 years
Making Memories: Ch. 1
This is a sequel to Taking Chances, and will follow the Maribat Platonic November prompts. 
Book One
Marinette Dupain Cheng sighs as she glances at the date on her phone. In just two weeks, she’d be starting school at Gotham Academy. And despite the reassurances from her brothers that it would be fine, she was terrified. Not only would she be the new girl, but she’d be the new girl who didn’t even speak English when she was nervous. Needless to say, she was catastrophizing just a bit.
Flopping onto the couch in the theater, she flips the tv on, frowning at the live coverage from Atlantic City. She winces as the wind blows harder, whipping the poor weather lady’s hair around like crazy. One word catches her attention, and her frown deepens. Hurricane? Aren’t those supposed to be really bad?
“Hey Mars, why the frown?” Tim asks, walking in and plopping onto the couch next to her. She raises an eyebrow at the two cups of coffee in his hands, grinning as he passes one over to her.
“The weather says a hurricane is supposed to hit Gotham soon. Should we be worried?” She asks, but he shakes his head.
“Nah, it never gets too bad here. And I’ve seen the reports for the storm. I think the most that’ll happen is we lose power. But we won’t lose it for long, we have backup generators in the cave.” Tim reassures her, squeezing her shoulder. She nods, still worried. Especially when she glances outside at the heavy rain. Sighing, she takes a long drink of coffee before turning back to her brother.
“Will Dad patrol with the hurricane?” She asks.
“Probably not. Don’t worry about it, everything’ll be okay.” He promises, giving her one last smile before walking out. Pushing down the worries about both school and the weather, she turns on a Disney movie before settling back into the couch, getting lost in the animation.
Just as Stitch is asking to say goodbye to his family, the lights flicker. Marinette sits straight up, looking around wide eyed. She wasn’t scared of the dark, she was a hero for god’s sake. But the idea of being alone in the manor when the lights aren’t working at all, sounds awful. Jumping up, she runs out of the theatre.
“Jay? Dick? Damian? Tim? Hello?” She yells, walking down the hall briskly.
“You okay Pixie Pop?” Jason asks as she turns the corner, looking at her with a small frown. She nods, but jumps as the lights flicker again. “First hurricane?” He asks. She nods.
“We don’t really get weather like this in Paris. Unless it was from an akuma.” She explains, moving closer to him. He slings an arm over her shoulder with a grin.
“It’ll be okay. B’s got a generator and everything.” He reassures her.
“What about Dick and Mar’i and Kori?” She asks, remembering their apartment and how unhurricane proof it seemed.
“They’re already here, unpacking in the guestroom. This isn’t the first big storm we’ve ever had.” Jason says, ruffling her hair with a grin.
“So then where’s Dad?” She asks, hoping Jason will say he’s safe in the cave.
“At WE, probably looking over insurance policies for different buildings in Gotham. He likes to make sure that everything WE owns is covered before the big storms.” Jason explains.
“But can’t he do that here? So he isn’t driving in that weather?” She asks nervously. The rain was really picking up, and the flights had flickered once again.
“Pix, he’s fine. You can even call him if it makes you feel better.” Jason suggests and she nods.
“Okay. I’m gonna go do that.” She says, rushing up to her room. She pushes her door open and yelps in surprise at the sight in front of her.
“Evening, ukht.” Damian says nonchalantly.
“Damian, why is there a cheetah cub on my bed?” Marinette asks, caught between wanting to pet it and wanting to leave the room.
“Because Alfred the Cat is on my bed.” He says, as if that explains it. She sighs, shaking her head.
“Where did you even get a cheetah cub, petit oiseau?” Marinette asks, inching towards her bed with her hand held out.
“A smuggler. She is very calm. You may pet her, if you wish.” Damian reassures her. Sucking in a deep breath, she moves forward and pets the cub, grinning at the softness of its fur.
“She’s so soft!” She exclaims with a wide grin.
“Indeed. Can I count on your assistance in convincing Father to let us keep her?” He asks, a hopeful look on his face. Marinette nods.
“Of course. Though, I’m not sure how well she’ll get along with Batcow.” She points out. Damian frowns.
“We will just have to keep them separated, obviously.” He says.
“Yeah. Listen, have you heard from dad?” She asks, her nerves bouncing back with a vengeance. He frowns.
“No, why?”
“The storm. I think I’m gonna call him, just to double check that he’s okay.” She says, pulling out her phone and hitting the call button on her dad’s contact. She bites her lip and paces, nervously waiting for him to pick up the phone.
“Hello? Marinette, is everything okay?” He asks, and she sighs in relief.
“When are you coming home, Dad? The weather looks really bad.” She says. He sighs.
“Sweetheart, I can’t just stop work-” He starts.
“Then bring it home. Please, Dad. It’s already gonna take you forever to get home in this rain.” She pleads.
“Fine.” He relents, and she resists the urge to cheer. “I’ll see you soon, okay?”
“Okay. Bye Dad.” She says.
“Bye Mari.” He says before hanging up. She sighs in relief until she remembers-
“Where’s Selina?” She asks Damian who simply shrugs.
“I have not seen her. But if you find her, tell her to come here. I am certain we can get her on our side as well.” He says, petting the cheetah again. Resisting the urge to roll her eyes at her little brother, she rushes out of her room and downstairs to the kitchen.
“Miss Marinette, are you alright?” Alfred asks, frowning. She nods.
“Yes, have you seen-”
“Hey kitten, have you seen your little brother anywhere? Ivy gave me a heads up that the plants said that he had a cheetah cub?” The woman in question says, walking into the kitchen with a wide smile. Marinette grins at her bonus mom and nods.
“Yes, actually. And we want you to be on our side when we try to convince Dad to let us keep her.” She says. Selina snorts.
“I’m not sure your father would like that very much.” She says. Marinette sticks out her bottom lip in a pout.
“But she’s so soft! Come on, you have to come pet her before you make any big decisions.” She declares, grabbing the woman’s hand and tugging her along behind her.
“Wait, where is she?” Selina asks and Marinette grins.
“My room!” She says. Selina sighs.
“Kitten, why is there a cheetah cub in your room?”
“Um, because Alfred the Cat is in Damian’s room?” She says, giving the same excuse her brother had given ten minutes ago. Selina just sighs and Marinette’s grin widens. God, she loves Gotham.
Marinette gives her dad a smug look as the storm report plays over the radio in the dining room. Several power lines were completely down, lines that would have kept him from coming home if he’d stayed at the office until the paperwork was done being looked at.
“I know, I know. You were right.” Her dad concedes, giving her a look. She smirks.
“Just as long as you know it.” She says, making Jason snort with laughter.
“I really need to stop leaving you with Jason all the time.” He says with a sigh.
“Oh, come on B, don’t you love that I have a mini me?” Jason asks with a grin. Her dad pinches the bridge of his nose, before shaking his head, though the fond smile on his face tells a different story.
“You are both impossible.” He says. Marinette grins, glancing at her older brother.
“Pleasure being impossible with you, sir.” She says, tipping an imaginary hat at him.
“And you, ma’am.” Jason says, mimicking her motion. Though the storm was howling outside, she kind of wished the moment would never end. But soon, summer would come to a close and she’d have to be back in the real world.
“While we are on the subject of impossible, Father, Marinette and I need to talk to you about something important. Kyle also agrees.” Damian says. Marinette grins, certain that by the time the storm was over, they would officially be the proud owners of a cheetah cub.
Tag list:  @vixen-uchiha @stainedglassm @liquid-luck-00 @laurcad123 @waiting247 @jayjayspixiepop @mizzy-pop @jjmjjktth @trippingovermyfeet @queenz-z @thepaceperson @iloontjeboontje @toodaloo-kangaroo @ritacrow-blog @deathssilentapproach-blog @kittenmywaythrulife @nerd-nowandforever @tazanna-blythe @jaybird-and-co @jumpingjoy82 @lady-bee-fechin @corporeal-terrestrial @unoriginalmess @maribat-platonic-november
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bunathebunny · 3 years
midday dream
Marinette would like to say that she would so not want to be in the vicinity of time magic being performed again.
For Maribat Platonic November 2021 Day 3 - Future AU
There are certain areas of magic that the kwamii have warned her to stay away from – either practicing said magic or interacting with those who do.  The creation magic that she inherits by being exposed to Tikki’s and from her more extensive training as the Guardian of the Miraculi is one of the more advanced kinds – and there are times where she wonders if it is right to have such dangerous magic in her hands – but the kinds that the kwamii caution her against are, according to them, hard to master and damaging to one’s psyche – and that are just two of the many reasons that they listed.
Time magic is, obviously, one of those dangerous kinds that the kwamii do not want her anywhere near. And to be honest, neither does she wish to be anywhere in the vicinity of time magic being performed, if only to avoid being thrown into another situation such as this again.
There is something surreal to come face to face with the familiar features that regularly reflected on the pocket mirror every time she grooms herself for a meeting with potential clients. Her own face, albeit older with wrinkles and worry lines that are just forming on her own, splits into a sunny grin that has her quietly grimacing to herself as she cautiously accepts the invitation to return to her doppelgänger’s place even as her guts rolls with unease.
The pit in her stomach widens as each step she takes on well-worn paths takes her closer and closer to where she has come to think of as home.
“We close on Tuesdays now,” the older her with wrinkles and worry lines that speak of the challenges she had overcome – those of which Marinette herself might have yet to encountered – and a tiny tilt of her head that she knows, by heart, is a silent come in, says. “I would prefer to have Sundays off but you know how it is on Sundays…”
She laughs, soft like the tinkling morning dews, and pushes the door open. The bell by the door chimes a familiar sound – one that Carries takes so much joy in, always lighting up whenever it reaches her ear.
Miracle Crafts – or perhaps the Miracle Crafts of the future – opens right in front of her eyes.
The counter is the same with the barest differences from the one in her time – still standing there with the tiny jar with a piece of paper taped to the side that has the scrawling letters that read tips and two exclamation marks written in black markers. Sitting beside the jar is a small box of tissues and a display stands that has a stack of finely printed cards with the elegant writing that reads Miracle Crafts in demibold Comic Sans. The position of the shelves brings forth a sudden wave of nostalgia – for the shelves back in her time that are stocked with supplies and goods, for the colorful shelf that is specially reserved for the plushies of Gotham’s vigilantes that brought the masses’ attention to them, for the now familiar mop of red hair amongst the shelves, for the soft whistling tune that resembles that of a current trending song that Carrie showed her just a week ago.
“Carrie isn’t here right now,” the older her says, grinning like she knows what Marinette is thinking about – which, to be honest, is entirely possible seeing as she both is her and has lived through this very moment. “She has a date at Gotham Museum – you know, the one that we usually visit for inspiration whether we hit an artist block.”
The older her speaks with something akin to pride glimmering in her eyes and there is that sweet, sweet fondness in her tongue that is the same as the warmth the drips for her mother’s lips. As if the familiar way that Carrie’s name rolls off her lips is enough to sooth her to the bones.
What happened in those years that the older her seems to soften at the mere thought of the very teenaged girl that works part-time at her store, she wonders. Just what exactly had happened in the years between the older Marinette and her that has the older her breathing Carrie’s name with soft, soft warmth that she has only ever heard in her parents’ voices.
It is the most terrifyingly intriguing thing that she has ever encountered. And she wants, desperately, for answers – answers for the dozens of questions that that one tiny moment gave rise to.
“Will I remember this?” she asks because she has to know. Has to know if she would be able to bring back these tantalizing secrets back with her. Has to know whether or not this forbidden glimpse of the future would stay with her once she is back, safe and sound, in her right time.
The older Marinette looks at her with something akin to pity and an invisible stone drops in her stomach. The older her have experiences she does not have by the mere virtue of having led a longer life but Marinette knows herself and the wrinkle right there is a silent answer that she is looking for.
Magic has rules and they exist to keep the balance of everything, big or small, in the universe. And while she bemoans the fact that this glimpse into the future, these little sneak peeks of a time that is yet to come would disappear the moment she returns to where she is supposed to be, that just means that she can ask all the questions she wants without a fear of fucking up the timeline any more than it is fucked up on the regular by the numerous heroes and villains and anyone in the various shades of grays between heroics and villainies.
“Come upstairs?” suggests the older her, already making her way deeper into the store, towards where the stairs leading to the more private sections are. “I suspect we have a lot to talk about.”
They do have a lot to discuss, don’t they?
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Presenting: MariBat Platonic November!
Hope y’all are ready for this!! I’m excited to host my own calendar prompt month, and I hope everyone finds this as exciting an idea as I do! Now let’s get to business.
Simple Rules:
1) No Salt or Bashing
This isn’t to say you have to write the characters you don’t like into your pieces! A bit like the ‘if you have nothing nice to say’ advice, simply do not write the character into the story. And avoid mentioning the character at all, too, if they can’t be mentioned without breaking this rule.
2) Do Not focus on Romantic Ships
Feel free to include romantic ships as background flavoring! But the focus should remain on the platonic ship(s) you use and their activities/bonding/etc that you write. 
3) Tag Us!
It would be nice for your works can be found and reblogged! Tag [ @maribat-platonic-november ], and use [ #MariBat Platonic November ] and/or [ #MariBat PlatNov ] in the post tags to keep keep everything all set!
Bonus Info:
Noticed the [Character Names] in the weekend slots? That would be the Villain Weekend Prompts! These are optional characters to include in your prompt responses, inspired by the popular MariBat trope of DC Villains finding the MLB character of choice delightful to be around. It is also inspired by both redemption arcs and, surprise, Villain!hero AU’s! Whatever inspires you, go for it!
The Prompts:
1st - Akuma / Butterfly [Lila Rossi] 2nd - Timeline / Clock 3rd - Shock / Surprise 4th - Banter / Teasing 5th - Social Media / Public 6th - Chalk / Skates 7th - Comfort / Cure [Jonathan Crane (Scarecrow)] 8th - Games / Cheat [Harvey Dent (Two-Face)] 9th - Bread / Lunch 10th - Balance / Posing 11th - Pranks / Hiding 12th - Park / Slide 13th - Patrol / Binocular  14th - Art / Paint [Harleen Quinzel (Harley Quinn)] 15th - Growth / Natural [Pamela Isley (Poison Ivy)] 16th - Space / Stars 17th - Gift / Flourish 18th - Scuffle / Defend 19th - Allergies / Caution 20th - Store / Bags  21st - New / Changed [Slade Wilson] 22nd - Stones / Precious [Terra Markov] 23rd - Nap / Blankets 24th - Book / Glasses 25th - Secrets / Magic 26th - Sick / Soup 27th - Work / Break 28th - Sweet / Pout [The Bizarros (Any)] 29th - Meeting / Gather [Lex Luthor] 30th - BFF / Marriage
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moonlitceleste · 4 years
social media
Maribat Platonic November Day 5 - Social Media
Notes: This took me three days straight and an inordinate amount of research to pull off so uhhh hope you enjoy it :)
mdc ✓ | 102 Following | 15M Followers | 837M Likes
mdc ✓ ∙ 8-20
Soo I tried something new today
♫ | sound - Kismet - XIX
chloebee ✓ I told you it’d turn out good, didn’t I?
jasonsthunderthighs [id: Marinette is sitting on a stool, wearing an oversized Jagged Stone t-shirt, black shorts, and black flats. Her hair is in its signature pigtails. She kicks her legs up and the music changes. At the highest point of her kick, the outfit changes to a lace bodysuit, a silk blazer and silk straight-cut pants all in the same shade of red. Her shoulder-length hair is down and wavy, and she mouths the lyrics of the song while laughing. End id.]
lukasguitarpick new designs???
timdrake ✓ | 0 Following | 0 Followers | 0 Likes
theflyinggrayson ✓ | 15 Following | 45M Followers | 2B Likes
theflyinggrayson ✓ ∙ 8-22
go follow!!
♫ | original sound - theflyinggrayson
graysonsass i wonder what bruce thinks about this
          stephswaffles ✓           👀
          graysonsass           WHATS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN
simpforjasontodd when’s jason going to get one??
timdrake ✓ | 3 Following | 12M Followers | 0 Likes
ladybuggachat   @ladybuggachat
is anyone going to talk about how tim is only following dick, steph and mdc??
8:23 PM - August 22
25.6K Retweets 102.8K Likes
mdc ✓ ∙ 8-23
Throwback time!
♫ | original sound - mdc
3.7M llikes
jasonsthunderthighs [id: Caption appears. It says “here are some designs I made back in lycée! The first piece is...
marigoldd guys what if she’s friends with the waynes
kiddiesection TIM DRAKE?????
iceprinceee idk who this girl is but i might stan
nevergunnagiveyouup the co-ceo of wayne ent is following you what 😭
mdc ✓ | 105 Following | 35M Followers | 1.8B Likes
mdc ✓ ∙ 8-29
Design with me - finding inspo for Jagged’s new tour!
♫ | original sound - mdc
nettiee it’s been a week and she still hasn’t said anything about tim
marisleftpigtail QUEEN
          mdc ✓           ty 🥰🥰
          marisleftpigtail           OMG SHE NOTICED ME ASDKJ
redrobinyum is it just me or is she filming somewhere else?
          batttsy           no ur right that kinda looks like gotham
marinettedesigned We made some macarons today! They’re coffee flavored. ☕
View all 2,802 comments
chatnuit am i insane or is that the wayne manor kitchen
marigoldd “we”?
            redrobinyum              kinda sus tbh
stephbrownie holdup didn’t dick say tim’s fav food was coffee
          hawkmothsucks           OMG YOURE RIGHT
batman stop wearing a cape
okay we all know jagged is friends w bruce, and since mari is his personal designer she has to know the waynes, right??
1:38 AM - August 30
32.8K Retweets 121.3K Likes
marinettedesigned A day in the park! Look at this cute dog 🥰
View all 1,452 comments
marisleftpigtail aww that’s so adorable
roselala ✓ I love puppies!!
marigoldd that kinda looks like damian wayne’s dog…
        redhoodiee         nah y’all are reaching
chloebee ✓ ∙ 9-02
Marinette didn’t want to post this so I’m doing for her. You’re welcome. #riffchallenge
♫ | original sound - chloebee
casssserole j-jason??
jasonsthunderthighs [id: Marinette is sitting in the middle of a room on a stool. The music plays, and she sings a riff over it. Once she finishes, someone whistles off-screen and says “Damn, Pixie.” She scrambles for the camera, and the video shakes right before cutting off. End id.]
howmanywaynes candy store from heathers?? an intellectual i see
drac0ma1foy who cares if it’s a wayne can we talk about her sINGING LIKE WHAT
queenbeeswax chloe doing god’s work out here
jaggedsemohair is that a wayne i hear?
bluebirb there’s no way this girl knows the waynes
mdc ✓ ∙ 9-03
Gymnastics challenge! I got bored so I decided to do this for fun—I’m by no means an actual gymnast so please don’t roast my technique askdj
♫ | original sound - mdc
marisleftpigtail how are you not an actual gymnast
nevergunnagiveyouup please my inflexible self could never
coffeeliterally i—dick grayson?? gymnastics??
kiddiesection 😳😳
theflyinggrayson ✓ ∙ 9-03
@mdc thanks for dropping by 😉 
♫ | original sound - theflyinggrayson
spidermxnn so we aren’t gunna talk ab how flexible these two are
graysonsass who’s the girl?
duckygrapes okay but this still doesn’t explain why tim followed her?
casssserole how did they do that routine so flawlessly
stephswaffles ✓ ∙ 9-05
@mdc 😪
♫ | original sound - stephswaffles
kermitstea the chaotic duo i never knew i needed
tiredcollegestudent @timdrake watch out bro she’s stealing your gf
jasonsthunderthighs [id: Caption appears. It says “going to McDonald’s drive-thrus to see how many are broken. Stephanie and Marinette get into a car. They arrive at the first store and…
        timstephforever         “nope i don’t know her” iM DYING
theflyinggrayson ✓ ∙ 9-08
trying to get @timdrake and @mdc to go to bed 
♫ | original sound - theflyinggrayson
grrrreeat imagine being a businessman and seeing tim in a meeting after watching this
tiredcollegestudent uhh how have they not died from overcaffeination
      literallymylife       and i thought my starbucks order was wack 😭
c0ffeeluvr jason did not hold back aksjd
      bruhbruhbruhh       their faces when he took away their coffee eye—
spoileralert duke needs to make a tiktok i’m starving
theflyinggrayson ✓ ∙ 9-10
@mdc betrayal 💔💔
♫ | original sound - theflyinggrayson
iceprinceee WHAT OMG
mariharemm PLOT TWIST
hawkmothsucks i never saw this coming
chloebee ✓ You’re lucky I figured it out on my own, Dupain-Cheng.
      queenbeeswax       SHE PULLED OUT THE LAST NAME OOP
jasonsthunderthighs [id: Dick appears in the frame alongside Duke Thomas and Stephanie Brown. He talks to the camera, saying “Today we’ll be surprising Marinette.” Stephanie pipes in. “We asked her to hang out but she said she was busy designing. She’s probably overworking herself right now.” “She needs a Wayne’s night out,” says Duke. “So we’re going to her apartment to drag her out into the sunlight.” The three get into a car, and Dick records the ride. It looks very vlog-like. They stop the car and get out; only the pavement is recorded as they walk. The video cuts to Dick’s hand turning the doorknob. It then pans to a messy room with fabrics strewn all over the couch. “She’s not in this room,” whispers Dick. “Why don’t you try the studio? She’s probably in there,” Stephanie suggests. They walk further into the apartment, with Stephanie and Dick visible on the sides. They stop in front of a door, and she pushes it open. Once it's open, Marinette’s back can be seen. She is sitting on a chair with someone leaning over her. At closer inspection you can tell they are kissing. Dick gasps. “Is this why you didn’t want to hang out with me today?” The two break apart, showing Marinette’s astonished face and the person she just had her arms wrapped around. It’s Damian Wayne. His expression shifts from annoyance to displeasure as he spots the camera in Dick’s hands. The video shows him growling “Hand over the camera, Grayson!” before it rapidly blurs as the trio run off, laughing. An “oof” can be heard before the video cuts off to black. End id.]
@avengerthewarrior @enternalempires @freesportspalacesalad @nathleigh
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