#marionetta fanfic
speckle-the-crow · 5 months
Stop sending hate for what people ship.
Don't like, don't read/keep scrolling. It's not that hard.
For those who don't know me, I have 42 fics under the Marionetta tag. 27 of those is Sahejul, 3 is Sahonny, 3 is Tonnyjul. I think it's clear I have a ship I lean towards the most, at least in writing. I like all almost equally, I indulge on all content of the three in any pairing. Sooo... yeah
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Uhhh.... I mean, a lot of people liked this fic. An old fandom friend liked it. I'm not really upset if the endship is Tonnyjul, but it wouldn't make sense. I don't hate on those who ship it, I find the two quite unique and cute together. But I also love Sahejul (see: 27 fics on them + the 20+ chaptered WIP I have of them). Also, the Tonnyjul nation isn't alone? I see a lot of people who love them.
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Wow, a death threat(?), how unique. Miriam wouldn't really agree. Actually, fun fact, on a stream Miriam hosted I asked her what her favorite ship was! She actually did notice my question and answer, saying she won't state it due to spoilers. A bit off topic, I know, but still fun. Also, I don't think Miriam would want people getting these types of comments but that's just me 🤷
Anyways, anon, I hope you see this and have a moment of realization. Don't get your micropenis in a twist over AO3 of all sites 😂
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flame-marionetta · 11 months
Snippet from my sahonnny WIP
Sahed, his Valet, is looking at him; he avoids his gaze. This provokes Sahed's anger and Anthonn can practically feel it, like red-hot iron, it would melt his skin if he dared to touch it. Sahed clears his throat, loudly, and the air around them tenses immediately. Anthonn sighs, turning his head to look at his Valet. "Is there any problem, Sahed?" Anthonn says and everyone else goes salient. The Valet smiles, unabashedly leering at the King. "I just wonder when his Majesty would me to go to his chambers" A few giggles are heard around the table which were quickly quieted by a glare from Dotty. She opens her mouth to say something but Anthonn stops her with a hand to her shoulder. "You…" he says through gritted teeth. "No, I have no need for your services today." "Oh but I think you do my Lord" Sahed's lascivious smile only grows larger. "You think. Very well, you may think whatever you wish but my orders stay the same and you will obey because you're a servant of the royal house or are you not? Anthonn feels shame gripping his throat like a flaming fist but he focuses so his voice won't waver. Sahed gives him a tight nod and Anthonn could see that he was still angry but he ignores him. Sahed wanted to humiliate him in public, fine, but he shouldn't expect him to be respectful of his feelings then. With that, dinner resumes, tension still lingering in the air. 
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Thought about writing a fanfic but I dont have any solid ideas yet. Any suggestions? I thought about a bit of SaheJul or a julia focused fiction but what do you guys think?
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rayisemo · 5 months
Webtoon comics I think are underrated.
Now, I just want to make it clear that when I say “underrated” I don’t mean as if it isn’t heard of or been read, just that it’s underrated in the sense that nobody talks about it, makes posts about it, fanfics, fan arts, etc.
…and if you haven’t read these then I highly recommend you do!!! It’s so worth it, trust! I’ll add in a little review too!
1. DEATH: Rescheduled (Thriller)
The story in short is about a world where you have the Kill Law, a law where you are legally allowed to kill one person a year, no consequences. However the “Penny” Kreyul and his friends disagree with the Kill Law and are going to put an end to it no matter what.
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Death: rescheduled had me so captivated that I refused to sleep before I finished reading. I even spent money on this shit because it was so entrancing! My favourite episode was by far 66, it was so funny and it builds up ships and just pure wholesomeness of the group.
The characters all have great personalities, the story is amazing and omg the art is so beautiful. You’ll love it.
2. Sable Curse (Fantasy)
This story follows a young girl named Tarron, a girl who is cursed and will die in 6 months. Her (honestly abusive) parents decide to take her and her sister to a holiday retreat. There she ends up finding new friends, herself, potential love, and maybe even a cure for her curse. But as it turns out, she’s not the only one cursed either.
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This story is amazing! The art is wonderful, the characters are perfect, some we hate, some we love. We learn throughout the story more about this curse, and even about this special holiday retreat. There is so much mystery to uncover and it is one of my favourite webcomics.
Now, I’ve heard that most people have actually read it, but I encourage that we make a proper fandom for this series!
3. Marionetta (Fantasy)
Two best friends decide to go out and visit the travelling circus. However after a while Julia’s best friend Kamille disappears. Julia is determined to find her again and hunts down the circus, where her best friend is now living. Julia is still going to bring her home and end up losing something very valuable. Her life. For this circus is for the dead. Now Julia has to uncover the true secrets behind the circus whilst still trying to bring her and Kamille home. Will she manage? Or will she have to kill Anthonn Gremminger to save her life?
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When I tell you this webcomic is a roller coaster of emotions. There are plenty of ships to chase, characters to stan, and many theories to explore. I love this webcomic so bloody much and I was actually surprised that there wasn’t a lot posted about it.
This is such a cool and dark story, with lovely and cute art. I could talk about it for hours.
4. After School Activities For Unripe Apples (Drama)
A wholesome slow burn between Mi-ae and an old childhood friend, Cheol. When another year starts and Mi-ae needs to take school more seriously the son of the family friends shows up in her class, but now seen as Lucifer, a hostile boy who ends fights - but is that the boy Mi-ae remembers? Who she know knows and loves?
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This is a cute, funny and entertaining webcomic. You would think that things would be so simple, however due to school, parents, and other issues the characters face of themselves and others, it is difficult to understand and accept your own feelings. This is exactly why I love this series so much, it’s relatable and adorable. We especially love Mi-ae.
There are a few fanfics out there, but honestly where is the love it deserves??
5. My universe (Romance)
Apart from the normal college life Hayeon lives, she has this special gift.. she can communicate with the universe. She ends up communicating with an alien, who she gives the name Ujun. They want to be able to actually meet each other, but alas that is nearly impossible. But imagine the surprise when Ujun ends up taking over the body of one of Hayeons classmates, and crush, Hyeonsu. Now they must figure out a way to send him back whilst still spending some time together. However the peacefulness and secrets can’t be kept as the aliens are taking over. What will Hayeon do now? And can she even trust Ujun anymore?
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Now this story deserves its own universe fr. The art is super cute as is the story, however things get more complicated as the story progresses. When I was still reading this the first thing I would do in the morning is read the next episode as soon as I got the daily pass because it was so good! Obviously I’m not going to spoil the ending, however the waves of emotions this series brings you is inhuman.
All in all it’s a fantastic webcomic that deserves so much love and attention!
6. Stray Souls (Fantasy)
In a world of magic and string weaving, some are fortunate and some are not. Eylin isn’t particularly good at string weaving, however that doesn’t stop her and her friends from stopping the wicked and doomed Amethyst King. Follow along the difficulty journey with friendship, love, and a whole lot of mystery. But what is it all worth in the end?
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Holy moly this story is AMAZING. The plot is genius and the art is fantastic, the characters are so original and all have such amazing personalities!! Although, it’s a bit hard to keep track of them all😭 still love them all.
All in all it’s so amazing and has so much potential to be incredibly popular, yet there is no fandom!? Give it attention!!
7. Spirit Fingers (Drama)
Adorable Amy Song is incredibly self conscious and insecure. She has no support and no confidences, however after stumbling upon an art club drawing each other and their wacky poses - she ends up becoming their model too. After meeting a cute guy and getting his number she enters the group herself! This group accepts her with love and so much care, and she finally starts to feel more confident in herself and her art! She might even get a boyfriend!
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This is quite literally the cutest and most heartwarming webcomic I’ve read in a while. And there is no one talking about it!!’ It’s been around for sooooo long too!!! When I tell you I cry, and laugh, and smile so hard at every chapter!! If you love a heartwarming, coming of age, and found family comic - then this is perfect!! And the art is beautiful!! It’s a perfect read for artists!!
Miss Amy is literally so relatable for those who don’t feel very pretty or have any sorts of insecurities regarding looks or academics. It’s a beautiful, long, and mostly free (if you’re fine with ads) comic, and it’s the best thing I’ve ever found.
Now! So far this are all the webcomics that come to mind! I think all of these are great and I just know that so many more will enjoy these if they gave them a chance.
I’d love to talk about these with other people, and I’d even love it if others would like to share some webcomics they believe are underrated too.
All of these comics are from Webtoon, and are so worth your time! Please let me know if there was anything I missed.
(I might add more in the future 😉)
Edit: sadly the pictures are now a little awkward and too big for my liking… but I hit the limit of 10 pictures 😔🙏
💗- Anyways lots of love!
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Two Recluses Hand Holding - Sahejul
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Sahed was up late, as usual. Rainah was used to this and was always ignoring it at this point. 
Sahed was used to the peace and quiet of it all.
At least, until Julia came into his life. 
Too often she comes to his room late at night. Not every night, but enough for him to be expecting it. 
“I can’t sleep,” she would say. 
“What do you want me to do about it?” Sahed would respond with. 
And, angry and embarrassed, she would leave. 
Tonight was no different.. well.. it was a little different. 
Sahed had began to realize that he.. felt things for Julia. Things be really does not want to be feeling, especially for a girl like her. 
He heard the knock at his door. He sighed. “Come in, Lazarrett.”
Julia opened the door and stood there, gripping the hem of her skirt in hesitance, but also frustration. 
“I know what you’re going to say,” she said, quickly. “But you have to have something. Everyone is being so loud outside. I can’t sleep! Do you have any earplugs, at least?”
Sahed chuckled. That’s one thing him and Julia had in common. Their distaste for being around big groups of people. Especially people like the ones in this hellscape of a circus. 
“Cmere, Lazarrett,” he said, turning to his desk. 
Julia was surprised. Usually he’s just shit her down by this point. She went over to him and noticed all the clutter.  “Still working on seal magic?” Julia asked. 
“Ya. No luck, though.”
“Hm..” she picked one up to look at it. 
“I need a break, anyways. Lemme see if I have anything for you..”
“Wait.. you’ve had stuff to help me sleep this whole time?! Why did you say no all those other nights?!”
“Because I didn’t feel like helping,” he said bluntly. 
He shrugged and pulled out a small vial full a blue-silver liquid. 
“Made this the other night. So, ya, no, I didn’t have anything to help you the other nights.”
“Oh..” she awkwardly took the vial. “So I just.. drink it?”
“Yep. It’ll make you pass out like that.” He snapped his fingers to make his point. 
“Oh.” Julia opened the vial and gulped it down. 
“Wait, Julia!”
She stumbled and fell down. Luckily, Sahed managed to catch her. “I said you’d fall asleep immediately!”
“I thought.. you were.. over exaggerating..” she said in a soporific voice. 
“Julia, it’s magic. Why would I over exaggerate it?”
He sighed and picked her up and cleared the sigils off of his bed and rested her on it. 
“Lazarrett, you are a pain in my ass..” he murmured, staring at her. She didn’t hear him, as she had already fallen completely asleep. 
He tucked a strand of her brown hair behind her ear and got up. Well.. let’s get back to work..
He was caught off guard when Julia grabbed his hand, with a surprising amount of grip. 
“Stay..” she murmured. 
He stared at her for a moment before laughing awkwardly. “Julia. I need to keep working..”
Her eyes opened slightly. The fact she managed to power through the sleep magic and only to glare at him was.. well, Sahed didn’t know how he felt about that. 
“You need to rest too..” she managed to lift up her arm to point an accusing finger at him, despite the fact that her limbs felt like lead. 
He chuckled and squatted next to her. “You’ve really got some spunk..”
He sat down and held Julia’s hand, since she wouldn’t let him go. 
“Just… stay..” she said again breathily, already asleep. 
He smiled at her and tilted his head to rest his head on the pillow next to Julia. 
“You’re ridiculous, Lazarrett…”
But despite how strange and maybe uncomfortable this position he was in right now, holding Julia’s hand managed to make his eyelids heavy, and he fell asleep too…
“AHH! Sahed! Why are you holding my hand?!”
“Morning to you too, sunshine..”
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nerdyfoxperfection · 5 months
@speckle-the-crow I gust read Rose tinted glasses and the ending had me feeling like this
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The ending Loki kinda gave me Yonder vibe. I Really enjoyed it though, your a fantastic Writer keep doing you girl
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rainahs-real-wife2 · 1 year
𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙞𝙨 𝘼 𝙛𝙖𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙘 𝙤𝙛 𝙎𝙖𝙝𝙚𝙙 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙏𝙤𝙣𝙣𝙮 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙖!
𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙚𝙣𝙟𝙤𝙮.
the Circus had just made their way out Aspett, Everyone was in the dining room, Still Dressed in Their pj's. Julia & Kamille were hanging out with Dotty and Bob Till Dotty looked around, A Look of Concern was plastered on her face. “ what is it, Dotty? ” Kamille asked, Noticing the change with her expression “ Oh it's nothin' Sweetie, Just that I haven't seen Dear Tonny since Yesterday morning.. “ She answered, A Tone of worry following her words. “ Oh, How about after Breakfast We go check on Him? ”
Dotty planted a kiss on her husband's cheek. “ You have the most wonderful ideas, Darlin'! Now where was I?.. oh right! how was your date with Rainah, Kamille? and Julia, How's the outfit goin'? ”
time skip ~
Dotty knocked on Tonny's Door, “ Tonny, Sweetheart.. can we come in? ” The four waited patiently, Before a weak reply was heard from the other side. “ Yeah.. come in-.. “ A Cough following behind, Dotty opened the door to see the ringleader, He was a Mess. His hair was Messy, He was sweating a lot, and His trash can was filled with tissues from Sneezing.
“ Oh my! tonny, Are you alright? ” She came running, Hugging the poor man as He looked up before saying anything. “ Of course I'm fine, why wouldn't i- ACHOO! ” All four of them were surprised by the sudden sneeze, As Bob Came over lifting tonny. “ We should get you to the medical tent, Tonny.. ” Quickly tonny protested. “ No- I'm fine, Really! ”
“ No matter what you say, We're still taking you, Wimpy clown! ” Julia commented, Crossing her arms while following behind the group as tonny tried to escape from Bob's arms.
soon after sending Tonny to the medical tent, Dotty and Bob go back to see all the Performers Practicing their acts for the next stop. “ Listen up, Everyone! “ All eyes were turned to Dotty. “ Our Poor ringleader has gotten Sick! and Someone needs to take care of him while we unpack for the night! ” Everyone started stating that they had SOOO much work to do.. “ that's a bummer.. ” Dotty sighed and was About to head back before Sahed walked in. “ Tonny got sick huh?.. It's been long enough. ”
“ Ah! yes, Sahed. are you free? ” Dotty asked, Stepping in front of him. “ Yes... I am? ” Sahed replied as he was turned around by the said woman and pushed towards the medical tent. “ Great! Can u take care of tonny? ”
Sahed wanted to refuse at first but Ended up Agreeing...
That's how they got to..
“ sahed, I said I'm fine.. “ Tonny Weakly said while refusing to eat The soup sahed made. “ As if, Your fever is like 38 Degrees, Do you know bad that is, Tonny? ” He asked, Taking medicine out of the cabinet. “ Yeah yeah.. whatever.. “ Tonny reluctantly finished his soup before leaning back as Sahed bought a warm bowl of water and cloth, not to forget medicine too, While dipping The cloth into the warm water and drenching it. “ You know.. It may not seem like it, but I do get worried about you, You know? ” Tonny was surprise at the sudden statement as He turned to sahed. “ Not really.. I don't know that much. I always thought you hated me. ”
“ Dear, We've dated each other for like 6 years.. ” Sahed commented as he placed the folded Wet cloth onto His head. “ Plus, I think it's best not to try and escape... you fainted the last time you did that. ” Sahed spoke while running his hand through the blonde's short yet fluffy hair. “ I know but I have lots of work to do.. And more people keep joining the circus.. ” He Looked around sahed's room.
“ Will you stop worrying about work for once, Tonny? ” He leaned forward, Planting a gentle kiss onto Tonny's cheek. “ Alright fine.. Only because I'm sick! ” sahed laughed at Tonny's response. " Yeah right.. Not because you want to spend time with your lovely future husband? ” Sahed joked, Making himself look proud to add to it. “ Hah! as if.. ” Tonny Crossed his arms as He looked outside the window. “ You do get a nice view, I'm jealous. ”
“ Well.. you wouldn't be if you came to sleep with me more! But you're focusing on stupid paper work. ” Sahed's comment made tonny sit up straight and turn to him. " Hey! It's not stupid- It's to keep the circus balanced and al- ” Tonny was cut off by closing the gap between them, Giving him a gentle kiss.
once he pulled away, Tonny straight up went beet red. “ What were you thinking-? you might get sick just because.. ” Tonny had stopped mid sentence when he heard a slight chuckle that slowly turned into laughter from the other party. “ I- Sahed! ” He leaned forward, Placing his hands on the bed to balance himself. “ I'm sorry, Love! it's just so funny when I see your reaction to simple things! ” Sahed blurted out between his Laughter.
“ I hate you so much.. ” He turned his back to sahed as Sahed slowly stopped laughing. “ But two days ago , You told me You loved me soooo muchhh... ” He shifted his position from the stool to the bed as Tonny turned his head to him. “ I was drunk! It's dotty's fault okay-! ” He His his flustered face behind his injured hands. “ Careful on your hands, Darling.. ” He held tonny's wrists, bringing his hands down. “ They're fine.. ”
“ They used to be, Until you started your frenzy by writing So much! ” He commented before noticing the moon going up. “ I feel like you should rest.. “ He Held his laughter as He heard a Long Yawn from the ringleader as he plopped down onto the bed, Instantly falling asleep as Sahed picked the cloth up from the bed and Putting it back on his forehead, Before planting another kiss on his cheek as He Positioned the Stool to the wall and put the pillow near the wall as He sat there and fell asleep too.
In the morning rainah walked into their room. “ Ain't surprising.. ” she mumbled, turning back to kamille. “ Cmon on, Let's go. I don't need my jacket. ”
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strawberry-sea-writes · 8 months
chapter 4: Kalgratt is finally here! Julia processes colonel Amalia's words....what now?
from the chapter: "Julia’s head was spinning. It was a lie! It had to be! She was messing with me because of the riot the other night! “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Julia strangled out, “I am a citizen of Kalgratt!” Julia shouted through gritted teeth. “I am from Kalgratt! I Am!” She screamed so forcefully she tasted metal from the rawness of her throat. This was worse than when she had died and found herself joined to this god forsaken circus".
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floralcavern · 10 months
poor Tonnyjul with 0 votes 😭
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grackielechuga · 1 year
Hello, everyone! I’ve finally woken up from my hibernation to post a Marionetta fic on AO3. Well, technically I posted it three days ago. You can read To the Bone here. Just a warning, it contains spoilers for the fast pass episodes (up to episode 38).
First and foremost, this fic was really comforting for me to write. I try to empathize with every character I read about, and Julia is yet another character that I really feel for. This girl needs a lot of things that I don’t think she feels worthy of.
I mean, she literally says this in episode 28:
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This girl deserves a break. But I doubt she would be willing to take one herself, so that was the main inspiration behind this fic.
And also because I need to take a break, too. But that's something to unpack another day.
Secondly, would anyone in the circus even get sick? No idea. Would Julia be able to find a way? Absolutely.
Last but not least, to anyone who decides to read, I hope you enjoy!
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oxylli · 1 year
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A sketch / wip fanart for this AMAZING marionetta fanfic I found on AO3: "Black coffee (This time with a bit of sweetener)" by @SuperBeepBeep !!
You should totally check out and read this fanfic it's adorable and is currently consuming my entire life: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48170566/chapters/121473838
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speckle-the-crow · 2 months
The gay has taken over my mind
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flame-marionetta · 11 months
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mysteriouslee · 11 months
Marionetta Tickles /pos :DD (Day 16 & 17)
lee!kamille ler!Rainah.
"Kamille" said Rainah as she sat across from Kamille.
"U-um, yes?"responded the Bernaud girl.
"Are you ticklish?" asked the Ah'kon.
Kamille's widened at the question, she slowly started appraoching the door but was then tackled by Rainah who then began scribbling her nails on Kamille's side. Surprisingly her clothes barely provided protection from the attack.Kamille's squealed and giggled while pleading for mercy.
"Already asking for mercy, Im not letting you go just yet cutie~" teased the green haired woman. Rainah's finger travlled all over Kamille's body, scribbling, digging and squeezing her way to Kamille's laughter which was quite music to her ears. Kamille jolted at the contact at her thighs which prompted snorts to erupt from her.
"Omg Kamille, you're adorable" exclaimed Rainah. Kamille's heart skipped a beat. She traced her nail down Kamille's leg, her initial destination being Kamille's sole but paused at the back of Kamille's shin which caused a weird shrill laugh to escape Kamille.
"Oh?" questioned Rainah looking right at the brunette with a smirk and raised eyebrow.
Kamille wheezed and giggled in anticipation.
Rainah traced her nail around the back of Kamille's shin which made Kamille curl up even more accompamied by barks of laughter.
"OHOHO SHIHIT"laughed out the brunette.
"What an unusual spot" Rainah teased, applying more of her fingers to the attack.
Kamille pounded her fist against the ground.
"MEHEHERCEHE"shrieked Kamille. Rainah let go and cuddled to Kamille to make her feel better. Kamille giggled in Rainah's embrace while the feeling wore off.
"Youhure aha jerk" exspressed a flushed and embarrassed Kamille.
Rainah just stuck her tongue out.
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gangles-toybox · 1 year
I have another drabble request!
what if Orel brought Joe to the arms length dance instead of Christina? It could be interesting!
AHH SORRY THIS TOOK LIKE A BILLION YEARS but here it is!! I think the ending ship might surprise you, a lil', like the last one haha -Very light religious themes(Mentions God a few times) -Very light swearing(I think like one time. Blame Joe, lol)
Christina had just finished getting ready. She had on her blue dress with white puffy sleeves on her blouse. However, she put on a new headband, she put on her red one that had a large bow on. She was practically bouncing for joy, waiting for her prince charming to come. But she didn't tell her family she was going, so it would be odd to wait near the front door so she went to her room to read a book. She looked at the time she must have taken longer than she thought since it was already 6:45, not that she minded. At the most, she only had to wait 15 more minutes for her beloved Orel to come and pick her up. 
She sat at her desk, continuing to read a romance novel about a boy and a girl. She sighed happily, thinking about her and Orel. She opened the book and started to read to herself silently. Eventually, she got to this part:
“He kissed her cheek and left. She knew then you could feel homesick for a person, too.”
She held the book close to herself, feeling the fluttering feeling in her stomach and her heart skip a few beats as she thought of her and Orel. She simply must share that with him when he comes.
Speaking of, where was he anyways? She looked up at one of those 1950s black cat clocks that moved its eyes from side to side, that had a clock as its tummy. 7:00.
She gulped. It’s fine, he’s probably still getting ready, she thought to herself. Though, she better put up her book, since he could arrive any moment. She put the book on the shelf delicately and waited for him to appear outside of her window. They had never said they would bring each other to the dance, but, who else would they go with? They only really had each other. She stared out the window as the ticking and tocking from the clock on the wall seemingly grew louder…she looked back at the clock once again. 7:02. She shook her head, she should stop worrying so much. He’ll be here…soon. 
She stood up and started pacing around the room, constantly ruffling up and smoothing out the hem of her dress, over and over again, just for something to do. She fidgeted with her dress until she looked at the clock again. 7:10.
If he just got ready, it will take some time, she thought to herself. Though…she couldn’t help the nagging fear in the back of her head...what if something happened? She tried to shake the thoughts away, like a dog with a flea, trying to get it unstuck. Much like a flea, though, it stood its ground in her head. 
She went over to the landline in her room, about to call the Puppington residence. As she picked up the phone, she just as quickly slammed it down. 
“His father would answer first and if he knows we’re going together, we would both be dead.” She thought out loud to herself.
She sat on the edge of her bed, looking up at the ceiling like she was trying to create a hole through it. She sighed, putting her head in her hands. She tried to resist but…she looked at the cursed clock again which always just intensified her worries. 7:20. Ok, that was it. She stomped out of her room, a bit defeated but still having hope in her heart. She might as well go to the dance herself. Maybe he was already there. In fact, this was better, since now her dad could drive her since her dad wouldn’t be aware of who she was going with. She smiled, it really was quite a smart plan on Orel’s part. 
She went over to her dad, who was surprisingly not drinking, and gave the most puppy-dog eyes look she could muster, her eyes twinkling as bright as the lights at a circus tent. She used her softest and sweetest tone of voice for maximum success rate. 
“Hey daddy, can I go to that dance tonight?”
“Why? Got a date?” He asked as he took the pipe out of his mouth. 
She laughed. “Not yet but daddy plllleeeeaaassseee?” 
He looked at her, rolling his eyes. “Get your mother to drive you.” He put the pipe back in his mouth, clearly considering this conversation to be over.
She tried to conceal the amount of excitement in her, but she couldn’t help but give her dad a big hug. “Yay! Thanks, daddy! I love you!”
“Sure do…” He patted her back.
She ran to her mom and before she knew it, they were on the road to the best dance of her life, she was sure of it!
Christina and her mother arrived at the school in around 5 minutes. Sure, she was a little late but she was sure Orel would wait as long as it took. She got out of the car and waved to her mom goodbye. She looked around the building but didn’t see a sight of him. She shrugged. It has been 20 minutes since it started,, he’s probably in there all sad and lonely with nobody to dance with…poor guy, she thought to herself. The thought of Orel all by himself, so lonely, saddened her.
She smoothed out her dress before walking to the school doors. No reverend…odd. She shrugged it off and just looked up at the banner that said the arms-length dance. She took a deep breath and smiled, with her eyebrows pointed downwards slightly. She was determined to have the night of her life. She pushed on the doors of the school, walking in. 
She started scoping out the area. She saw many boys and girls there she recognized since she had seen Orel’s friend group before, though never had she formally met them. She started to make her way through the crowd, and soon, by going around people, she recognized the top of his head from a distance. She walked closer to him talking to somebody. She shrugged though, whatever, he had to keep himself not bored before she came along anyways.
“Orel! Hey, Orel! I’m here!” She said happily. Once she got close enough to see Orel and the mystery person, she saw Joe. She was a small bit concerned considering she had seen them being overly friendly before.
She looked at Joe out of the corner of his eye. “Who’s this?” She asked, with a bit of passive aggressiveness to her voice.
“Oh, hey ‘Tina! You’ve never formally met Joe, huh? He’s pretty nifty.” 
“...you brought him here, yes?”
“Well, yea. Sorry, I meant to pick you up but…”
She felt her chin tremble. She already had an idea in her mind of what exactly was happening. “Yea. I see what’s happening here.”
“‘Tina…” Orel said softly, putting a hand on her shoulder.
Her gaze sharpened, lightly removing his hand from her shoulder. “Don’t. I know you’re a flit…I should have seen the signs…”
“What? No-Christina he’s my-”
“Yea, I know…your boyfriend…” She sniffled. She already had enough insecurities, and it didn’t help that, in her opinion, Joe was better than her anyways. I mean, Orel and Christina liked each other and all but it seemed to her that she had gotten too boring for him, so he had to go to a bad boy. She doesn’t blame him, she would do the same thing. But at least she would have the gull to tell him.
“No…Christina listen to me…I’m sorry for not telling you but I need to be around him because-”
“Yea, I know because you love him. I don’t care that you’re gay and that you don’t like me, Orel. But…I wish you would have told me beforehand.” She just calmly walked out of the door, and back outside. She didn’t want to put herself and Orel through that conversation, especially in front of everybody. She would save him that embarrassment, at least.
Joe looked at Orel, quirking up his eyebrow. “That’s your girlfriend? When the hell did she become so uptight?”
“She’s not uptight she’s just…worried. Plus, she doesn’t know we’re cousins you know.”
“Still…” Joe huffed out.
“Hey, the night is still young, maybe if we’re lucky, then you can have a girlfriend too.”
“Don’t count on anything…”
Christina ran out to hide behind the school, throwing her headband onto the ground. She slumped down along the wall, hugging her knees. Her dam of tears was cracking every second she thought about Orel, their happy times, and now she would never get to experience that again, seeing as though in her mind she thought she found him “cheating” on her. She didn’t notice how much of this was generated by the own anxieties of her own mind at the time being. Her nose started to twitch and her chin trembled once again. C’mon ‘Tina, don’t cry over a guy! she thought to herself. Orel used to call her ‘Tina…her eyes started to involuntarily fill themselves with tears. No c’mon, don’t cry! Oh how she wished there was a pay phone to call her mother at least then, she would be able to cry in the comfort of her own house. 
She looked around quickly, nobody was around, nobody would see her tears fall or hear her woes. Her head filled with more, and more anxiety and regret, like adding too much lemonade powder to a pitcher of water. I’ll never find love again. What if Orel was my special One? What if I completely ruined everything for the trajectory of my life? What if that was a test by God to test our love, and I completely bombed it? That last thought was scarring her the most, and she could not hold back any longer. Her head was soon full of lemonade with no water of positivity to be tasted and her dam of emotional stability exploded. 
Tears fell so hard and fast, you would think they were being pulled by the strongest gravity known to mankind and her tears stung like acid, which is a pretty apt description for how she felt on the inside. This was the worst experience she’s had in a long, long time. She hated feeling this way, it was like a worm was eating up every aspect of herself, including her positivity and hope. 
Just then, she saw a blonde-haired girl run and push through the doors of the school so hard it could almost blow itself off its hinges. Christina jumped, trying to calm herself down, hoping to God this girl would not come over. She held herself tighter, trying to dry her eyes, though the evidence remained she did indeed cry, like her red eyes and her tear-stained cheeks.
The girl in question started to walk over to Christina, and she seemed to be carrying 2 red solo cups. Christina wanted so badly to get up and hide her shame, to run away from it all, however, not only did she recognize the girl from Orel’s friend group as Marionetta, but she was also frozen in place. Perhaps because some part of herself wanted help and comfort, despite her usual independent disposition.
Marionetta slumped down next to her. She smoothed out her skirt and offered a red solo cup to the crying girl. Christina looked in the cup before taking it, since they were never really close, but it was just an ordinary punch, so she took the cup.
She smiled at her kindness. “Thank you. But why are you helping me?”
“Well, y’know…” She took a sip of her drink. “Girls gotta help girls. Especially with…whatever happened back there.” Despite being one of Orel’s friends, she too did not know that Joe and Orel were merely cousins.
“Yea…” She held her red solo cup in her hands, holding it like it would be the one thing to warm her up, despite the drink being ice cold.
“Hey,” Marionetta started, putting her hand on Christina’s shoulder. “You don’t have to but, you can talk about it if you want.”
“Thank you…it’s just,” Christina slowly leaned onto Marionetta’s shoulder, since she really needed some comfort at the moment. “...sad is all, yknow? I mean, why would he like Joe?”
She blushed a little but smiled. “Hey, it doesn’t matter why he likes Joe, it just matters that he showed his true colors. It’s better to be shown this now than later, plus who needs guys anyways, right?”
“Yea, I guess you’re right but…he was different. He was really sweet an’ all, but yea I’m glad…in a way…that I know this now.” Christina looked at her red face as her face started to dawn a similar shade of red. She quickly sat back up. “O-Oh…um…sorry…” She avoided eye contact, looking down at the individual blades of grass to distract herself from the situation she had put herself in.
Marionetta scratched the back of her head. “No…I don’t…entirely mind…”
Christina’s eyes widened a bit at that but she returned to her shoulder, nuzzling against her. Maybe she really needed that affection or maybe she was just feeling like a love bug bit her as she was looking at the grass. Either way, she felt oddly…safe in her arms. They both just sat there for a few moments, as they took oxygen in with each other, it seemed as though nothing else mattered in the world other than them. They both just stared up at the stars as Marionetta put an arm around her once more, Christina smiled, since it was cute. They shared such a comfortable silence. Despite never really meeting each other until now they like…home with each other.
“I feel…safe…” Marionetta spoke up all of a sudden, a bit absentmindedly. She shifted her gaze from the stars to Christina’s eyes, which were shining just as bright as the stars. “With you…is…is that strange?” She asked with a bit of a chuckle. 
Christina looked up at her, shaking her head. “No it’s not weird at all, that’s similar to how I feel as well…”
She smiled down at her, looking at Christina’s headband she threw down earlier. “Hey, do you want to put the headband on?”
Christina looked down at it. “Nah…” Despite this, she still picked it up. She put the headband onto Marionetta’s head. “Here, take this. Think of it of me saying thanks, for being here for me, I won’t get into it but…you provide a lot of comfort I don’t have so,” She giggled. “It might sound silly but, it means a lot that you’re here, listening to me and stuff.”
Marionetta hid her face with her free hand as her face grew warm again at her kindness, but a shy smile peeked between her hand. “...aww that’s too sweet, y’know that? I’m always happy to help.” She said.
Christina just couldn’t help but think how much she felt more at home with her than she ever did at her house. A bit depressing when you think about it, but it was the truth. Scratch that, she didn’t feel at home with Marionetta, she felt…at home, with the universe. She felt like all the planets were aligned in her favor when she was in her arms at least. They let the air blow through their hair with little noise, other than the occasional sounds of them sipping their punch, their shifting to get more comfortable, and the light sound of Marionetta playing with Christina’s hair. It was…nice.
Unfortunately, Christina would be reminded of the real world–specifically, her family–very quickly. They both heard a loud screeching as a car pushed on the brakes a bit too quickly, which made them both jump. They quickly separated from one another, both of their faces still tinted a bit red. Christina, at least, didn’t know why she felt this way, all red-faced with a similar beating of her heart before this whole fiasco started. She released this of her interest at this moment, chalking up to just the sudden adrenaline from the sudden loud noise. 
However, as she looked closer at the car she soon realized it was her father’s. “Oh…” She said. “I guess I gotta go.” She said with a frown, standing up and starting to walk toward the car. She knew her dad was not…the most patient person in the world
“Wait!” Marionetta said.
Christina turned around, with a curious little smile.
It looked like she wanted to say more, but she just picked up the red solo cup and handed it to Christina. “You uh…forgot this.” As she handed it over she held onto it a little longer, and Christina grabbed the cup from her hands slowly.
“Thanks, I had fun,” Christina said as she felt her face get hot again. “Boy, I wonder if I have a fever, she thought to herself.
“Me too. See you around.”
Christina waved as she walked to her dad’s car. She got in the back seat, buckling up. He looked tired and didn’t say much and just drove her home. There must have been some reason her mother didn’t come and pick her up, not that she really knew why, but she didn’t let the thought occupy her mind. The entire car ride home, she filled her mind with Marionetta and what happened, how it made her feel. She felt so at peace and cuddly. They didn’t even speak that much but the way she made her feel was all she could think about, even more than her mess of a situation with Orel, which was in reality one big misunderstanding. 
Maybe…maybe this night was a blessing in disguise, after all.
The end.
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Welcome to my blog 
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I’m Flora. This is a side blog created solely for writing fanfic. Here is my main blog. I’ve taken the fics I had already written on my main blog and transferred them here. 
Here are my other socials:
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I’m also currently working on a story of my own, so fandom fics will be few and far between. 
But if you do have any specific fic requests and I take interest in it, I might write it. But I am currently working on an ongoing fic as well. But I’m happy to write oneshots!
Also! Dividers by @cafekitsune
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•School Bus Graveyard:
-Ashden/Aidlyn Oneshot
-Tyden oneshot
-Taylyn oneshot
-Benlor oneshot
-Tylyn oneshot
-Tylo oneshot
-Tyben oneshot
-Bengan oneshot
-Benlyn oneshot
-Aitay oneshot
-Laigan oneshot
-Taygan oneshot
-Logash oneshot
-Bengan oneshot - Confession
-Laigan oneshot - “I’ve Got You…”
-Tylo oneshot - Tire Swing
-Aidlyn genderswap
•The Song of Achilles:
-Tying Up Lose Ends
-What If Patroclus Hadn’t Gone to Troy?
-TSOA Achilles’s Perspective
-Sahejul handholding
•The Sun Says Hello:
-Part 1
-Part 2
•Princess Tutu
-Jealousy Complicates Love
•Wings of Fire
-Kinkajou’s trauma
•Cinderella Boy
•Dungeon Meshi
-Marcille x Fem!Reader
Original Stories
•To Be Out
-Lucas (Aroace OC)
-Damian and Cameron’s love story:
>Part 1/3
>Part 2/3
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