#marissa cordero
lcvelymxnifest · 2 years
closed starter @prcttyvxnom
Marissa had made a mistake, she had cancelled her plans with Lottie last minute, opting to just go out alone. Valentines had never been anywhere near one of her favorite holidays and while everyone else wanted to spend the day together, Marissa wanted to just be able to be alone the second she needed. She'd spent most of the night at a bar, already scheduling for someone to come pick her up in a few hours, giving her plenty of time to become anything but sober. Several drinks later and she was leaning against the passenger door of a friends car, most of the drive a blur as she typed on her phone.
[Marissa, 1:14 am]: heyyy had a fantsticn ight out. wish you cold hace been therre [Marissa, 1:16 am]: i mis you can i come ovr [Marissa, 1:16 am]: nvm, he sad i have togo home lame [Marissa, 1:24 am]: mayb tomrrwo i rlly want too se you [Marissa, 1:28 am]: aww he's kckign me out off hs car [Marissa, 1:53 am]: i hve to go to beed nownow so wil tct you tmrrow [Marissa, 1:53 am]: nightyyyy night ays, i lov you
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kfvarela · 9 months
My top 23 from 2023
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1. Daenerys and Isolda, her maid, have a conversation
#Drogo household #Daenerys #Isolda
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2. Noah having coffee
#Noah #Kim household
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3. Americus receives an unexpected kiss from Xavier
#Americus #Xavier #Delgado household
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4. Thea goes out to splash in a puddle of water
#Thea #Jonhson household
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5. Jeen and Leon kiss
#Jeen #Leon #Iro household
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6. Mayra, Jennie, Jin Young and Amaranta at lunch
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7. Amelia and Dave leave their restaurant to talk
#Amelia (Amy) #Dave #Matute household
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8. Trivago starts a party at his house in the absence of his guardians
#Trivago#Bloom household
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9. Agrippo on a normal school day taking photos
#Agripo#Dahlia household
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10. Bob complains to Red about being exhausted
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11. Matthew splashing around in puddles of water
#Matthew #Johnson household
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12. After reconciling, Josh and his girlfriend Anna move out of the apartment with their friends Kim and Gary to live on a farm.
#Anna #Kim #Josh #Gary (Magnet)
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13. Caresse watches television while eating cookies
#Caresse #Dahlia household
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14. Luz Consuelo goes out to buy food
#Luz Consuelo #Melton household
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15. Kimmy Chad and Gavin sitting around a campfire
#Kimmy #Chad #Gavin
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16. Jenna, Mirah, Jacob and Aleki
#Jenna #Mirah #Jacob #Aleki #Latu household
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17. Eva, Andrej and their daughter Marta #Eva #Andrej #Marta
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18. Dalton gets engaged to Marissa
#Marissa #Dalton #Serrano household
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19. Zarel accompanies Catrina for exercise
#Zarel #Cordero household #Catrina
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20. Jun Seo sings at karaoke
#Jun Seo
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21. Misa her boyfriend Tomeo and Kyoung eating in the patio of their house
#Misa #Tomeo #Kyoung #Hardy household
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22. Vicky, Francisco and Marissa enjoying the summer
#Vicky #Francisco #Marissa #Serrano household
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23. Rikako and Junior eat ice cream in the patio of their house
#Rikako #Junior #Levitt household
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24. Bonus. Vicky, Francisco's girlfriend, Francisco and Marissa, Francisco's sister.
New sims and more stories next year. See you soon. 🤓👋🏽 Happy new year.🎊🎉
#Vicky #Francisco #Marissa #Serrano household
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delicatessendigital · 7 months
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Immortality te da un tenedor y un chubasquero y te suelta desnudo en medio de la selva. Esto es, metafóricamente. Ni brújula ni mapa ni, ya que estamos, unas palmaditas en la espalda, que para cuando quieres darte cuenta estás en medio de todas esas bobinas de película y lo único que tienes junto a ti es una explicación tan sucinta de los controles que se antojan un par de latas de provisiones y tú sin abrelatas a mano. La diferencia respecto de tan bonita metáfora es que Immortality no es una selva: es un planeta alienígena. Porque, si algún juego pone a prueba el debate de lo que es un videojuego (y desmontar los videojuegos desde dentro es nuestro pasatiempo favorito en Delicatessen Digital), es este. La experiencia es... inenarrable. Así que tratemos de ubicarnos: trastearemos con los rollos que quedaron del rodaje de tres filmes ficticios (Ambrosio, Minsky y Two of Every Thing) con la intención de... ¿de qué? Bueno: pues esa es la madre del cordero. Agarra el tenedor y apáñatelas tú mismo. En el proceso, serás engullido por un faraónico teatro tetraédrico compuesto de vídeos en los que coexisten al menos cuatro relatos: el de cada una de las tres películas en sí mismas, el del rodaje de dichas películas (y que vislumbramos entre toma y toma), el de la narración que configura la propia interacción entre los personajes/actores y, encima de todo ello, el de la trama pesadillesca que da sentido unitario a toda la obra, a esa "inmortalidad" del título. Para disfrazarse de juego, el diseño se inventa unas mecánicas que hastían e hipnotizan en igual medida. El juego no se juega: se alucina. La experiencia es intravenosa. Y la posibilidad de una embolia siempre queda ahí.
Nos gusta: Las actrices y los actores, brillantes, especialmente la propia Manon Gage, que interpreta en el juego a Marissa Marcel, a su vez una actriz a la que vemos encarnar a cuatro personajes distintos a lo largo de tres películas... porque, en la última, como si fuera ya el colmo, Marcel queda a cargo de dos personajes, idénticos físicamente. Nos gusta especialmente uno de los filmes dentro del juego, Ambrosio, una suerte de adaptación cinematográfica de El Monje (novela escrita en 1796 por el británico Matthew Gregory Lewis) que es arrobadora y vale la experiencia por si sola. Y nos gustan, como la guinda del pastel (somos fanes), los guiños imperceptibles a la saga Silent Hill... con la que el director del juego, Sam Barlow, tiene cierta conexión.
No nos gusta: La verdad es que, tras Ambrosio, los otros dos filmes dentro de Immortality nos parece que van de más a menos. Por otro lado, solo hay dos mecánicas en el juego, y la principal se va sintiendo paulatinamente más tediosa y más absurda. Cabría preguntarse cuándo los videojuegos se librarán de tener que ser videojuegos, cuándo lo serán verdaderamente por no tratar de serlo, pero, hasta que eso ocurra, los juegos más audaces serán siempre los más perjudicados por el titubeo de su osadía. No nos gusta el divorcio tremendo entre el juego al que jugamos y las respuestas que luego encuentra uno por internet: no nos gustó despertar de esta ensoñación febril de símbolos e interpretaciones solo para descubrir que hay (¡se supone!) una trama tan tangible y tan concreta, tan desligada de todo, que hasta sentimos arbitraria.
Nuestro veredicto: No nos malinterpretéis: fuimos adeptos y, en cierto modo, lo seguimos siendo. Recomendaríamos esta experiencia, sus Ideas Sugestivas, visionarias, a cualquiera. Pero lo haríamos presa de una acuciante sensación de culpa, y trataríamos de salir de la habitación lo antes posible: para no estar presentes cuando el éxtasis se tornara en extenuación. Cuando el trago se le atragantara a uno.
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veritasislehq · 11 months
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Welcome to the Isle, Veritas Isle that is. Your journey has only just begun. We are delighted to announce that the following have been accepted! Please click anywhere on this sentence to be redirected to the checklist. Please message the main if you have yet to receive a link to the discord server or if you have any additional questions. We're here to answer any and all concerns.
( anya chalotra. she/they. demi woman. ) the courts of veritas welcome RUHANI KAUL! it’s been said that the 27 year old GHOST is known to be HUMBLE and MELANCHOLIC. when RU isn’t working as a UNEMPLOYED, they can be found participating in STARGAZING. if you visit their home in ECHO COVE, it may remind you of dancing in a light rain with your best friend, weeping willows, and a long-forgotten lullaby. they may be your best friend or your greatest enemy. ( cairt. she&her. 26. est. )
( oliver jackson cohen. he/him. cis man. ) the courts of veritas welcome RHYS KLINE! it’s been said that the 37 year old PHOENIX is known to be ATTENTIVE and ARROGANT. when RHYS isn’t working as a GUARD, they can be found participating in RUINING HIS REPUTATION. if you visit their home in JUSTPORT, it may remind you of a tasteful but empty home, no love, custom cufflinks, broken glass. they may be your best friend or your greatest enemy. ( cairt. she&her. 26. est. )
( gugu mbatha raw. she/her. cis woman. ) the courts of veritas welcome FAYE HATLEY! it’s been said that the 40 year old HUMAN is known to be DREAMY and CAUTIOUS. when FAYE isn’t working as a PHOTOGRAPHER, they can be found participating in CROCHET. if you visit their home in ASHBORNE CITY, it may remind you of overgrown gardens, chipped teacups that don’t have pairs, maps to anywhere, golden hour. they may be your best friend or your greatest enemy. ( cairt. she&her. 26. est. )
( adria arjona. she/they. demi woman. ) the courts of veritas welcome MARISSA CORDERO! it’s been said that the 27 year old BERSERKER is known to be LOYAL and OVER-PROTECTIVE. when MARISSA isn’t working as a MECHANIC, they can be found participating in STREET FIGHTING. if you visit their home in ASHBORNE CITY, it may remind you of WRAPPED UP FISTS AFTER A FIGHT, RIPPED DENIM, WORN OUT LEATHER JACKETS, AND THE EXCITEMENT AND ANXIOUS FEELING RIGHT BEFORE THE DROP ON A ROLLER COASTER. they may be your best friend or your greatest enemy. ( abby. )
( maya hawke. she/they. genderfluid. ) the courts of veritas welcome PHOEBE ALDAINE! it’s been said that the 23 year old AIR SPRITE is known to be PLAYFUL and IMPULSIVE. when PHOEBS isn’t working as a DAYCARE WORKER, they can be found participating in STARGAZING. if you visit their home in STARDUST HOLLOW, it may remind you of LYING OUT WITH A LOVED ONE WATCHING THE SKY, THE OCEAN BREEZE, THE TWINKLING OF CHRISTMAS LIGHTS, AND THE WIND BEFORE A STORM. they may be your best friend or your greatest enemy. ( abby.)
( maxence danet-fauvel . he/they. demi man. ) the courts of veritas welcome DAMIAR SINCLAIR! it’s been said that the 27 year old PHOENIX is known to be COMPASSIONATE and NAIVE. when DAMI isn’t working as a BARTENDER, they can be found participating in ADMIRING NATURE. if you visit their home in JUSTPORT, it may remind you of GETTING COZY NEXT TO A FIREPLACE ON A COLD WINTER NIGHT, PLAYING WITH A BUNCH OF PUPPIES, THE SMELL OF FRESH BAKED COOKIES. they may be your best friend or your greatest enemy. ( abby. )
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paradisefovnd · 7 years
8-12 for the multi muse meme
multimuse ask meme accepting
put this under a readmore bc it’s gonna get long
what is each of your muses otps? notps?
ruth balakov  - otp: anything gay notp: darth vader??? idk
samir chaudhry - otp: i rlly like the thing goin on with @cverture‘s beth (im super slow in replying but ??? i like what we’ve got goin on) notp: voldemort
tutankhamun “tut” mcmullen  - otp: ROWAN notp: that ask when rowan dumps him :(
jughead jones - otp: burgers notp: humans
melody valentine - otp: ALEXANDRA CABOT as written by @shenaniganelous notp: sadness
mark darcy - otp: BRIDGET OFC notp: not bridget???
choi han-kyul - otp: eun chan i cry :’) notp: someone who writes him off as a stupid playboy (and refuses to see his potential)
dr. noelle akopian - otp: a nice bath and glass of wine notp: any human who doesn’t treasure her like she deserves
greg serrano - otp: i’m trash but rebecca (also happiness) notp: greg and josh? (it’s not a bad ship i just can’t feel it for my greg? he thinks of josh as a bro and he can’t get those sexual feelins goin for chan)
maya - otp: aNYONE WHO TREATS HER WELL SOMEONE TAKE CARE OF MY BB notp: someone who is mean to her :(
valencia perez - otp: anything gay notp: valencia and men
johnny castle - otp: bABY notp: someone who takes advantage of him
blair warner - otp: GAY MOMS notp: not gay moms??
jo polniaczek - otp: GAY MOMS notp: not gay moms!!!
emily gilmore - otp: happiness notp: never having growth or independence 
meredith quill - otp: diggin her and claire played by @iiinfiltrator!!! notp: ego
alice longbottom - otp: frank notp: what happens to her in canon
arthur weasley - otp: MOLLY notp: not molly
victoire weasley - otp: teddy, anything gay notp: idk??
helga g. pataki - otp: ARNOLD! notp: someone mean to her :(
effie trinket - otp: haymitch and anything gay notp: president snow??? idk
katniss everdeen - otp: madge :’) notp: men
jane villanueva - otp: michael, rafael, PETRA notp: adam :( (altho i might love him we’ll see)
michael cordero - otp: JANE GLORIANA VILLANUEVA notp: death :(
rogelio de la vega - otp: xiomara :’) notp: ppl being mean to him
elle woods - otp: VIVIENNE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! notp: professor callahan?
ryan atwood - otp: taylor townsend :’) also marissa i cry notp: lindsay 
pam beesly - otp: JIM notp: roy
fitzwilliam darcy - otp: elizabeth (maybe charles bingley??) notp: sadness
jane bennet - otp: charles and anything gay notp: mean people
queen clarisse renaldi - otp: JOE notp: sad
sabrina fairchild - otp: anything gay notp: david what a icky person
capheus onyango - otp: HAPPINESS notp: being pressured into things :(
princess fiona - otp: shrek, anything gay notp: lord farquaad
shrek - otp: fiona notp: dragon
charles brooks - otp: liza notp: his ex i forgot her name whoops
josh - otp: liza, happiness notp: cLAIRE IHATE
chuck bartowski - otp: SARAH notp: JILL >:(
denny duquette - otp: life notp: death :/
why were you drawn to each one of your characters?
ruth balakov  - i’ve had her character in my head for such a long time, and i was finally just like “fuck it! i’m gonna write her!” bc i love parks and rec, but i just can’t play leslie bc there’s too much history and stuff and i really wanted to play a quirky nina fc bc i used to have one that i loved, and it just seemed like a perfect fit
samir chaudhry - i felt a desperate need to reply as an astronaut to @cverture‘s beth, and so samir was born 
tutankhamun “tut” mcmullen  - tut’s origin story is one of the best!!! so, @idyllicism and i decided to use this randomizing character generator to do a fun random thread, and it gave me tut (which is why his name is so out there) who has grown so close to my heart, and i am thankful
jughead jones - tbh i added jughead bc i wanted to write him properly aKA ASEXUAL! I’M LOOKIN AT U RIVERDALE
melody valentine - tbh… i added her bc i wanted to write her with jenna :) and also i loved archie comics as a kid and always thought melody was so beautiful and her voice came easily to me so !
mark darcy - buckle in, this is gonna be a long ride. bridget jones’s diary is one of those movies that i love to death. it’s one of my sick movies, it’s one of my sad movies, my homesick movies, it helps me feel better. so, watching bridget jones i’ve always identified with both of the lead characters, but there’s something about mark that was especially easy for me to access. i’m still trying to figure out exactly what it is, but there’s something to him that i just…understand, if that makes sense. when i decided to make a multi-muse, he was one of the very first characters i had as a muse bc i knew i had to add him. he’s in my heart and soul. 
choi han-kyul - so han-kyul is another one of those characters who i just really strongly identify with. in coffee prince, he’s someone who undergoes some huge development in who he is, and when i saw the drama for the first time, it aligned with some things i was dealing with in my own life. his relationship with his father, his coming to terms with his sexuality, his maturation, his longing to live up to his own potential, it all just hit me. another heart and soul character. 
dr. noelle akopian - i added her for the funsies
greg serrano - i think i added him because he helps me come to terms with some real life stuff i have going on and also because i loved his development and wanted to explore that past what the show was able to give us
maya - honestly she’s the most pure being, and i just had to add her
valencia perez - valencia is a goddess who deserves better and i’m looking forward to exploring why she is the way she is
johnny castle - when i saw dirty dancing, i fell in love with johnny, and that’s pretty much it. god bless. 
blair warner - i cANNOT fuck this is taking so much longer than i thought it would, but i have so many muses, and want to give them all their proper due, and fuclasfhdads. so from the beginning, i walked into a gas station this summer, and one of the employees was like “oh my god, you look exactly like blair from the facts of life!” and i was like “haha thanks!” bc i didn’t know who she was, but my dad who was with me was like “oh my god she does!” and then he was like “she’s like her more than just in looks too” meaning our personalities were similar. so OFC i had to watch this show to see my doppelganger. and WOW i was amazed bc she’s the closest i’ve ever seen to myself in physical aspects but also we’re very similar personality-wise too, and after my first episode, i fell in love, and i just had to add her as a muse
jo polniaczek - i didn’t expect jo, but after i watched that first episode, i fell in love just as i did with blair. honestly, the writers and cast can say she’s straight all they want, but jo is a gay icon, and it’s just so cool to see a character like that who’s so layered. jo is sensitive but also tough. she’s gone through a lot, but still holds such compassion and i love her to death and fuckfdsakfasf she’s honestly ruined all human beings for me now bc she’s the ultimate. 
emily gilmore - so, emily is another one of those relating characters. what can i, a 22 year old baby bi, have in common with an old middle aged straight? well, let me tell you: a LOT. i identify so much with the way that emily has tried all her life to succeed in the society she was brought up in and having set ways of doing things and then just…letting go and trying to make herself happy. it’s inspiring and i love her. 
meredith quill - listen, i’m not a fan of superhero movies, but i like the guardians of the galaxy series, and when i saw the second movie, i fell instantly in love with meredith and her light, and i had to add her
alice longbottom - i have never read the books, but i’ve read a lot of fandom stuff, and i just love the longbottoms, and i like that there’s a certain amount of freedom there to explore who she is and her story
arthur weasley - arthur reminds me of my dad, and his voice comes super easily to me which is why i added him
victoire weasley - again, i like the amount of freedom i’m afforded in figuring out who she is and all that
helga g. pataki - this is another heart and soul character. as a kid, i was also mean and dramatic and precocious. i was a LOT like helga. even today, i struggle with trying to soften myself for the benefit of others because i can come across as intimidating (idk why??). but i just…it’s just like damn. i get you, helga. we both have an alcoholic parent, tense relationships with our older sisters, and we both don’t have a TON of friends and just feel kind of…out of place, i guess, in the world we live in. we’re a little out of place and i just get her. i understand her, and i’m glad that she exists. 
effie trinket - she’s just such a fascinating character, and i want to explore her more
katniss everdeen - i get her
jane villanueva - see, jane is someone who i think i look up to. she’s someone i wish i could be more like. i chose to add her as a muse because i love her and just want to give her a nice life bc lord knows she deserves it
michael cordero i added him bc he loves jane and is a huge dork and so caring and i lvoe him
rogelio de la vega - in a weird way, this is another character i relate a lot to. we’re both dramatic and a little vain, but we also care a lot about our family and most of the time, our intentions are good. he’s honestly such a fun character, and i’m glad i added him. 
elle woods - i added her bc she’s amazing??? one of the best people of all time??? and her voice came easily to me so i was like “all right!!!!”
ryan atwood - he’s my fave character from the oc. i love his development, and i love how he’s not exactly who you expect him to be. you think he’s gonna be this big troublemaker, but actually, he just wants a stable life, and he wants the people he loves to be happy. he just wants peace
pam beesly - she’s another heart character. i think a lot of people find it easy to relate to pam bc she goes through so many relatable things, and her story is overcoming insecurities and becoming more confident, and i think that’s something a lot of people can see themselves in. 
fitzwilliam darcy - i mean, i’ve always loved pride & prejudice, and i’ll be damned if darcy isn’t the easiest character for me to understand (a lot like mark)
jane bennet - she holds a special place in my heart bc people have said i’m like jane, and i’m always like “i wish” bc she’s the softest, most pure, most kind person, and i just needed that positivity in my life
queen clarisse renaldi - mY LOVE i love how they made her so layered in the movies, giving you hints of her background. i’ve always been interested in exploring her past, so i added her as a muse (another character whose voice came easily to me)
sabrina fairchild - sabrina is one of those movies i would watch after school was i was younger. i loved the romanticism of it and the costumes and music, and as i grew older, i started to think that it would have made for a more interesting movie if sabrina dumped linus at the end rather than ending up with him. what’s so interesting about that movie is her growth. she goes from a very dark place and undergoes some major development while still holding underpinnings of her past despite desperately trying to leave them behind. 
capheus onyango - i love sense8, so i knew i wanted to add muses or a muse from there, and going through all the characters, capheus’s voice was the one that came most easily to me. he’s more than just his optimism, and i love having him in my roster bc he has such warmth and compassion for those around him. he worries about how his actions will affect others, and i just have such immense love for him. 
princess fiona - me??? i grew up on shrek, and i love it in the most unironic way possible. i sincerely adore the movie and the musical, and fiona is a character i’ve always loved and related to a little bit. 
shrek - but more than relating to fiona, i probably relate to shrek more. my family has always joked that i’m like an onion too and that i have layers just like shrek. he grosses me out a lil with all the farting and earwax, but otherwise, i love shrek and think that for living alone for years after being abandoned by his parents, he was able to grow rather quickly once meeting other people, and shrek is good in my book
charles brooks - he’s another darcy like character, although i don’t love him as much. i added him bc lbr the younger fandom needs him
josh - mY SON i love josh and i think that he has so much growing to do, and i love how the show has left some of his background open so that i can take a lil bit more liberty in figuring him out. i also love his adventurous spirit and his ease while also being so loyal and loving. he’s someone i really love. 
chuck bartowski - chuck is one of those types that’s easier for me to write, and i think it’s just cause one of our core values is the same: family. family is one of the most important things to him, and it’s one of the most important things to me, and i think we just get each other in that aspect and more. 
denny duquette - “i’m a man! i’m a strong virile horse of a man stuck in the body some weak sick bastard that I don’t know, like or recognize. now if you knew what that feels like, you would have never convinced me to let a battery run my heart. if you knew what that feels like izzie, you would have let me go.” this is why. 
which muse is the most fun to write for?
again, i have fun with all of them, but probably rogelio. he’s just so much fun to write. helga is a lot of fun too! and ruth!
is there another muse you’ve been thinking of adding or writing for? who?
i mean, there are always more muses i’m thinking of adding. i’ve thought about adding na ae-ra from cunning single lady, but i’m pretty sure no one would write with her, so i haven’t added her yet. 
i’m planning on watching the good place, and i just know i’ll probably wanna add someone from there
adding someone from frasier would be cool, but like…i highly doubt there would be an audience for them. like i’d love to write niles or smth, but idk if anyone’s even watched it. i mean, that hasn’t stopped me before, but i’m not pressed about it rn
i’ve always been wanting to add elizabeth from the crown because she’s another one of those characters i just super strongly relate to, but seeing as how she’s actually a real person, i haven’t. this is where i get a little confused because i know she’s a real person, but also, the show takes liberties, and she’s not actually queen elizabeth. like if i could take her character and make her not the real queen of england i would? but i just don’t know about what other people think of that? i dont knowslfjhads it’s a weird situation. 
also someone from the west wing
what is something everyone should know about your muses before interacting?
sometimes, the muse for a certain character isn’t always there, so i can be really slow in replying. 
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New, revised, and updated bootleg list!
•1776 Pro shot, good quality, I don’t know what cast or year.
•25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee OBC Broadway Lisa Howard (Rona Lisa Peretti), Jay Reiss (Douglas Panch), Derrick Baskin (Mitch Mahoney), Celia Keenan-Bolger (Olive Ostrovsky), Dan Fogler (William Barfee), Sarah Saltzberg (Logainne SchwartzandGrubenierre), Deborah S Craig (Marcy Park), Jesse Tyler Ferguson (Leaf Coneybear), Jose Llana (Chip Tolentino)
•3 musketeers- Beverly 23 August Pro shot Cast: Kevyn Morrow, John Schiappa, Jimmy Smagula, Aaron Tveit, Kate Baldwin, Chad Ackerman, Mark Aldrich
•A Bronx Tale - Broadway November 14, 2016 OBC Nick Cordero (Sonny), Richard H. Blake (Lorenzo), Bobby Conte Thornton (Calogero), Ariana DeBose (Jane), Lucia Giannetta (Rosina), Bradley Gibson (Tyrone), Hudson Loverro (Young Calogero)
•A Chorus Line - OBC Archived Black and White Scott Allen (Roy), Renee Baughman (Kristine), Carole Bishop (Sheila), Pamela Blair (Val), Wayne Cilento (Mike), Chuck Cissel (Butch), Clive Clerk (Larry), Kay Cole (Maggie), Ronald Dennis (Richie), Donna Drake (Tricia), Brandt Edwards (Tom), Patricia Garland (Judy), Carolyn Kirsch (Lois), Ron Kuhlman (Don), Nancy Lane (Bebe0, Baayork Lee (Connie), Prscilla Lopez (Diana), Robert LuPone (Zach), Cameron Mason (Mark), Donna McKenchie (Cassie), Don Percassi (Al), Michael Serrecchia (Frank), Michel Stuart (Greg), Thomas J Walsh (Bobby), Sammy Williams (Paul), Crissy Wilzak (Vicki)
•A Chorus Line - Broadway Preview September 30th 2006 ORC (Ken Alan, Brad Anderson, Michelle Aravena, David Baum, Michael Berresse, E. Clayton Cornelious, Natalie Cortez, Mike Cannon, Charlotte D'Amboise, Mara Davi, Joey Dudding, Lyndy Franklin, Jessica Lee Goldyn, Deidre Goodwin, Tyler Hanes, Nadine Isenegger, Pamela Jordan, James T. Lane, Lorin Latarro, Paul McGill, Heather Parcells, Michael Paternostro, Alisan Porter, Jeffrey Schecter, Yuka Takara, Jason Tam, Grant Turner, Chryssie Whitehead, Tony Yazbeck)
•A Christmas Story- Broadway November 7, 2012 Dan Lauria (Jean Shepherd), John Bolton (The Old Man), Erin Dilly(Mother), Johnny Rabe (Ralphie), Zac Ballard (Randy), Caroline O'Connor (Miss Shields)
•Aida- Broadway 12 December 2001 Cast: Maya Days, Matt Bogart (u/s), Idina Menzel
•Ain’t Misbehaving OBC, other than that, I don’t know what cast or date
•Aladdin (Alan Menken)- Broadway August 22 2014 OBC Cast: Aladdin: Adam Jacobs, Jasmine: Courtney Reed, Genie: James Monroe Iglehart, Jafar: Jonathan Freeman, Sultan: Clifton Davis, Iago: Don Darryl Rivera, Babkak: Brian Gonzales, Omar: Andrew Cao (u/s), Kassim/Spooky Voice/Voice of the Cave: Brandon O’Neill, Razoul: Dennis Stowe, Prince Abdullah: Jaz Sealey, Shop Owner: Bobby Pestka, Henchmen: Donald Jones Jr, Aleks Pevec (u/s), Attendants: Tia Altinay, Khori Michelle Pentinaud, Marisha Wallace
•Aladdin (Cole Porter)- TV Broadcast 1958 Cast: Anna Maria Alberghetti, George Hall, Dennis King, Una Merkel, Sal Mineo, Basil Rathbone, Cyril Ritchard
•A Little Night Music- Broadway 2010 Bernadette Peters (Desiree Armfeldt), Elaine Stritch (Madame Armfeldt)
•Allegiance- Broadway 16 November 2015 OBC Cast: George Takei (Sam/Ojii-San), Lea Salonga (Kei), Telly Leung (Sammy), Katie Rose Clarke (Hannah), Michael K. Lee (Frankie), Christopheren Nomura (Tatsuo), Greg Watanabe (Mike)
•All Shook Up - Broadway OBC Jenn Gambatese (Natalie Haller/Ed), Johnathan Hadary (Jim Haller), Mark Price (Dennis), Sharon Wilkins (Sylvia), Nikki M James (Lorraine), Cheyenne Jackson (Chad), Alix Korey (Mayor Matilda Hyde), Cutis Holbrook (Dean Hyde), John Jellison (Sheriff Earl), Leah Hocking (Miss Sandra), Ensemble: Brad Anderson, Justin Bohon, Justin Brill, Paul Castree, Cara Cooper, Michael Cusumano, Francesca Harper, Trisha Jeffrey, Michelle Kittrell, Anika Larsen, Michael X Martin, Karen Murphy, John Eric Parker, Justin Patterson, Michael James Scott, Jenny-Lynn Suckling, Virginia Ann Woodruff
•LA December 4, 2016 Phillipa Soo (Amelie), Adam Chanler-Berat (Nino), Savvy Crawford (Young Amelie), Tony Sheldon ( Dufayel/Collignon), Alison Cimmet (Amandine/Philomene), Mandel Felciano (Raphael/Bretodeaux), Harriett D Foy (Suzanne), Randy Blair (Hipolito), Alyse Alan Louis(Georgette/Sylvie), Maria-Christina Oliveras (Gina), David Andino (Blind Beggar/Garden Gnome), Paul Whitty(Joseph/Fluffy), Heath Calvert (Lucien/Lug/Mysterious Man)
•Amélie (Broadway) − March 29, 2017 ***NFT AUGUST 1 2017*** : Philippa Soo (Amelie), Adam Chandler-Berat (Nino), Savvy Crawford (Young Amelie), Tony Sheldon (Dufayal/Colignon), Manoel Feliciano (Raphael/Bretodeaux), Alison Cimmet (Amandine/Philomene), Maria-Christina Oliveras (Gina), Harriet D. Foy (Suzanne), Alyse Ann Louis (Georgette), David Andino (Blind Beggar/Garden Gnome), Randy Blair (Hipoloto), Paul Whitty (Joseph)
•An American in Paris- Broadway March 14 2015 Cast: Robert Fairchild, Leanne Cope, Veanne Cox, Jill Paice, Brandon Uranowitz, Max von Essen
•Annie - US Tour January 30, 2010 Costa Mesa, CA Madison Kerth, David Barton, Lynn Andrews, Traci Bair, Zander Meisner, Cheryl Hoffmann, Jeffrey B. Duncan, Mackenzie Aladjem, Jordan Mariah Boezem, Roni Caggiano, Ivy Moody, Emily Rudolph, Laura Spineti, Ricky Pope, Kelly Goyette
•Annie - Broadway Revival October 15, 2012 Lilla Crawford (Annie), Katie Finneran (Miss Hannigan), Anthony Warlow (Mr Warbucks), J. Elaine Marcos (Lily St Regis), Brynn O'Malley (Grace), Clarke Thorell (Rooster), Madi Rae DiPietro (July), Georgi James (Pepper), Junah Jang (Tessie). Description: Clarity is gorgeous and there is literally no washout or bouncing. You can tell it was filmed at an angle and there are a couple small obstructions, but otherwise it’s very good quality. Quite a lot of full stage shots.
•Annie Get Your Gun 2006 Revival, I don’t know what cast.
•Anything Goes (Broadway) − April 3, 2011 Sutton Foster, Joel Grey, John McMartin, Jessica Walter, Colin Donnell, Adam Godley, Laura Osnes, Jessica Stone, Walter Charles, Robert Creighton.
•American Psycho - Broadway May 13, 2016 Benjamin Walker (Patrick Bateman), Helene Yorke (Evelyn Williams), Alice Ripley (Svetlana/Mrs. Bateman/Mrs. Wolfe), Jennifer Damiano (Jean), Drew Moerlein (Paul Owen), Dave Thomas Brown (David Van Patten)
•Anastasia Hartford, CT June 15, 2016 Matinee Christy Altomare (Anastasia), Derek Klena (Dmitry), Mary Beth Peil (Maria Feodorovna), Manoel Felciano (Gleb), John Bolton (Vlad), Caroline O'Connor (Lily), Nicole Scimeca (Young Anya)
•Asassins- Broadway May 29 2004 Cast: Neil Patrick Harris, Becky Ann Baker, James Barbour, Mario Cantone, Michael Cerveris, Mary Catherine Garrison, Alexander Gemignai, Marc Kudisch, Jeffrey Kuhn, and Denis O'Hare
•Asassins Original Off Broadway Cast
•Avenue Q - Broadway July 26, 2003 Preview  Jenifer Barnhart (Mrs. T/Bad Idea Bear), Jordan Gelber (Brian), Stephanie D´Abruzzo (Kate Monster/Lucy the Slut), John Tartaglia (Princeton/Rod), Ann Harada (Christmas Eve), Rick Lyon (Nicky/Trekkie Monster/Bad Idea Bear), Natalie Venetia Belcon (Gary Coleman)
•Barnum Live - TV Movie 1986 Michael Crawford (Phineas Taylor Barnum), Eileen Battye (Charity ‘Chairy’ Barnum), Michael Heath (Ringmaster), Christina Collier (Jenny Lind), Sharon Benson (Joice Heth), Paul Miller (Tom Thumb), Peter Barbour, Sue Barbour, Michael Cantwell, Perry Davey, James Francis Johnston, Graham Fawcett, Richard Gauntlett, Paul Goddard, Alan Heap, Amanda Newman, Joanne Robley-Dixon, Nadine Shenton, Debbie Steel, Christopher Talman, Jane Watts
•Beautiful- Broadway April 9 2014 Cast: Jessie Mueller, Jake Epstein, Anika Larsen, Jarrod Spector, Jeb Brown, Liz Larsen •Beauty and the Beast- Los Angeles 1995 Cast: Erin Dilly (Belle), James Barbour (The Beast), Burke Moses (Gaston), Gary Beach (Lumiere), Michelle Lee (Mrs. Potts), Peter Bartlett (Cogsworth), Tom Bosley (Maurice), Harrison Beal (Lefou)
•Billy Elliot- London 2005 Cast: Liam Mower (Billy), Brad Kavanagh (Michael), Brooke Havana Bailey (Debbie), Haydn Gwynne (Mrs Wilkinson), Philip Whitchurch (Dad), Chris Lennon (Tony), Ann Emery (Grandma), Alex Delamere (Mr Braithwaite), Paul Broughton (George)
•Bombshell Concert
•Bonnie & Clyde (Broadway) − November 9, 2011: Laura Osnes, Jeremy Jordan, Claybourne Elder, Melissa Van Der Schyff, Louis Hobson, Joe Hart, Talon Ackerman, Leslie Becker, Mimi Bessette, Alison Cimmet, Daniel Cooney, Jon Fletcher, Kelsey Fowler, Victor Hernandez, Michael Lanning, Garrett Long, Matt Lutz, Marissa McGowan, Tad Wilson.
•Bonnie and Clyde- La Jolla 14 November 2009 Cast: Laura Osnes, Stark Sands, Melissa van der Schyff, Claybourne Elder, Chris Peluso, Wayne Duvall, Mare Winningham, Michael Mulligan, Michael Lanning
•Book of Mormon - National Tour Chicago December 23, 2012 Nic Rouleau (Elder Price), Ben Platt(Elder Cunningham)
•Breakfast at Tiffany’s Broadway- March 9, 2013 Emilia Clarke (Holly Golightly), Cory Michael Smith (Fred), George Wendt(Joe Bell), James Yaegashi, Suzanne Bertish, John Rothman, Tony Torn, Lee Wilkof
•Bridges of Madison County- Broadway March 9 2014 Cast: Kelli O'Hara (Francesca), Steven Pasquale (Robert), Hunter Foster (Bud), Michael X. Martin (Charlie), Cass Morgan (Marge), Caitlin Kinnunen (Carolyn), Derek Klena (Michael), Whitney Bashor (Marian)
•Bring it on- Broadway, 24 October 2012 Cast: Taylor Louderman, Adrienne Warren, Ariana DeBose, Jason Gotay, Gregory Haney, Neil Haskell, Janet Krupin, Elle McLemore, Nicolas Womak
•Cabaret- Broadway November 20 2014 Cast: Alan Cumming, Emma Stone, Kristie Dale Sanders as (u/s) Fraulein Schneider, Philip Hoffman as (u/s) Herr Shultz, Bill Heck, Aaron Krohn, Gayle Rankin
•Camelot Broadway 1982 Proshot Cast: Richard Harris, Meg Bussert, Richard Muenz, Barry Ingham
•Carousel - Lincoln Center 2013 Kelli O’Hara, Jessie Mueller, Nathan Gunn, Jason Danieley, Stephanie Blythe, Alexander Gemignani
•Carousel 1994 Broadway no idea what cast or date
•Carrie- Off-Broadway March 18 2012 Cast: Molly Ranson (Carrie White), Anne Tolpegin (u/s Margaret White), Carmen Cusack (Miss Gardner), Christy Altomare (Sue Snell), Jeanna de Waal (Chris Hargensen), Derek Klena (Tommy Ross), Ben Thompson (Billy Nolan), Wayne Alan Wilcox (Mr. Stephens), Blair Goldberg (Norma), Jen Sese (Frieda), Corey Boardman (George), F. Michael Haynie (Freddy), Elly Noble (Helen), Andy Mientus (Stokes)
•Catch me if you can- Broadway, 27 April 2010 Cast: Aaron Tveit, Norbert Leo Butz, Tom Wopat, Kerry Butler, Joe Cassidy, Rachel deBenedit, Linda Hart, Timothy McCuen Piggee
•Cats- US tour, Boston 23 February 2007 Cast: Dave Schoonover (Tugger), Christopher E. Sidioli (Asparagus, Bustoher, Growltiger), Ian Lakowski (Munkustrap)
•Cats Broadway July 22, 2016 Leona Lewis (Grizabella), Tyler Hanes (Rum Tum Tugger), Ricky Ubeda (Mistoffelees), Quentin Earl Darrington (Old Deuteronomy), Eloise Kropp (Jennyanydots), Giuseppe Bausilio (Carbucketty), Jeremy Davis (Skimbleshanks), Kim Faure (Demeter), Sara Jean Ford (Jellylorum), Lili Froehlich (Electra), Daniel Gaymon (Macavity), Shonica Gooden (Rumpleteazer), Christopher Gurr (Gus/Bustopher Jones), Andy Huntington Jones (Munkustrap), Kolton Krouse (Tumblebrutus), Jess Le Protto (Mungojerrie), Georgina Pazcougin (Victoria), Emily Pynenburg (Cassandra), Arianna Rosario (SIllbub), Ahmad Smmons (Alonzo), Christine Cornish Smith (Bombalurina), Corey Snide (Coricopat), Emily Tate (Tantomile), Sharrod Wiliams (Pouncival)
•Chaplin Broadway August 22 2012 Cast: Rob McClure, Erin Mackey, Jenn Colella, Christiane Noll, Jim Borstelmann, Michael McCormick, Zachary Unger, Wayne Alan Wilcox.
•Charlie and the Chocolate Factory- London 22 January 2015 Cast: Alex Jennings (Willy Wonka), Zachary Loonie (Charlie Bucket), Vincent Finch (Augustus Gloop), Amy Carter (Veruca Salt), Rhianna Dorris (Violet Beauregarde), Daniel Rhodes (Mike Teavee), Billy Boyle (u/s Grandpa Joe)
•Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Broadway April 20, 2017 Preview ***NFT UNTIL SEPTEMBER 1, 2017*** Christian Borle (Willy Wonka), Ryan Foust (Charlie Bucket), John Rubinstein (Grandpa Joe), Emily Padgett (Mrs. Bucket), Ben Crawford (Mr. Salt), Kathy Fitzgerald (Mrs. Gloop), Alan H. Green (Mr. Beauregarde), Jackie Hoffman (Mrs. Teavee), Trista Dollison (Violet Beauregarde), F. Michael Haynie (Augustus Gloop), Emma Pfaeffle (Veruca Salt), Michael Wartella (Mike Teavee)
•Chess - Original Broadway Cast June 25, 1988 Final Show Judy Kuhn, David Carroll, Phillip Casnoff, Marcia Mitzman, Harry Goz
•Cinderella 1965 Movie (Not the one with Julie Andrews)
•Cinderella- Broadway January 1 2015 (Matinee) Cast: Ella: Keke Palmer Topher: Joe Carroll Marie: Judy Kaye Madame: Nene Leakes Gabrielle: Stephanie Gibson Charlotte: Laura Irion Jean-Michel: Todd Buonopane Lord Pinkleton: Phumzile Sojola Sebastian: Peter Bartlett Footman: Andy Mills Driver: Michael Callahan Lady of Ridicule: Jill Abramovitz
•Chitty Chitty Bang Bang- UK tour February 2010 Cast: Darren Bennett (Caractacus Potts), Katie Ray (Truly Scrumptious), John Griffiths (Grandpa Potts), Edward Peel (Baron Bomburst/Lord Scrumptious), Kim Ismay (Baroness Bomburst/Miss Philips), Dean Maynard (Child Catcher)
•Come From Away - Broadway March 10, 2017 ***NFT UNTIL JULY 15, 2017*** Petrina Bromley (Bonnie/Others),Geno Carr (Oz/Others), Jenn Colella(Beverly/Annette/Others), Joel Hatch (Claude/Others), Rodney Hicks (Bob/Others), Kendra Kassebaum(Janice/Others), Chad Kimball (Kevin T/Garth/Others), Lee MacDougall(Nick/Doug/Others), Caesar Samayoa (Kevin J/Ali/Others), Q. Smith (Hannah/Others), Astrid Van Wieren (Beulah/Others), Sharon Wheatley(Diane/Others)
•Company- Broadway 15 June 2011 Cast: Neil Patrick Harris, Stephen Colbert, Patti LuPone, Craig Bierko, Jon Cryer, Christina Hendricks, Katie Finneran, Aaron Lazar, Jill Paice, Martha, Plimpton, Anika Noni Rose, Jennifer Laura Thompson, Jim Walton, Chryssie Whitehead
•Crazy for You OBC? no idea what cast or date.
•Cry Baby OBC? no idea what cast or date
•Curious Woof Broadway? no idea what cast or date
•Cursed Child Audio only, original cast
•Dames at Sea - Broadway October 18, 2015 John Bolton (The Captain/Hennesey), Mara Davi (Joan), Danny Gardner (Lucky), Eloise Kropp (Ruby), Lesli Margherita (Mona Kent), Cary Tedder (Dick)
•Dear Evan Hansen (Broadway) − November 2016: Ben Platt (Evan), Laura Dreyfuss (Zoe), Will Roland (Jared), Kristolyn Lloyd (Alana), Mike Faist (Connor), Rachel Bay Jones (Heidi), Michael Park (Larry), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia).
•Disaster! The Musical- Broadway February 20, 2016 Adam Pascal (Chad), Roger Bart (Tony), Faith Prince (Shirley), Seth Rudetsky (Ted Scheider), Kerry Butler (Marianne), Kevin Chamberlin (Maury), Rachel York (Jackie), Jennifer Simard (Sister Mary), Baylee Litrell (Ben/Lisa), Max Crumm (Scott), Lacretta Nicole (Levora)
•Dreamgirls Broadway December 1981 Jennifer Holiday (Effie Melody White), Sheryl Lee Ralph (Deena Jones), Loretta Devine (Lorrell Robinson), Cleaving Derricks (James “Thunder” Early)
•Dreamgirls in Concert 2001 Audra McDonald, Heather Headly, Billy Porter
•Elf- Broadway 16 November 2011 Cast: Sebastian Arcelus, Amy Spanger, Beth Leavel, George Wendt, Mark Jacoby, Michael McCormick, Michael Mandell, Mattew Gumley, Valerie Wright
•Evita Original Cast with Patti LuPone besides that I have no idea what cast or date
•Evita - European Tour 1997 Harold Prince Version Susan Carr George (Evita), James Sbano (Che), Jeff Austin (Juan Peron), Scott Hayward (Magaldi), Zoe Abbott (Mistress)
•Evita- Broadway 15 August 2012 Cast: Jessica Lea Patty (u/s Eva), Ricky Martin, Michael Cerveris, Max von Essen, Rachel Potter
•Falsettoland - OOBC Stephen Bogardus, Chip Zien, Michael Rupert, Faith Prince, Heather McCrae
•Falsettos - Los Angeles 1993 OBC (Except for Jason who is played by Sivan Cotel.)
•Falsettos - Broadway October 28, 2016 Stephanie J. Block (Trina), Christian Borle (Marvin), Andrew Rannells (Whizzer), Anthony Rosenthal (Jason), Brandon Uranowitz (Mendel), Betsy Wolfe (Cordelia), Tracie Thoms (Charlotte)
•Falsettos (Broadway) − December 30, 2017: Christian Borle, Andrew Rannells, Stephanie J. Block, Brandon Uranowitz, Anthony Rosenthal, Tracie Thoms, Betsy Wolfe.
•Fiddler on the Roof - Broadway February 28th 2004 Cast : Alfred Molina (Tevye), Randy Graff (Golde), Nancy Opel, Stephen Lee Anderson, David Ayers, Laura Michelle  Kelly, Sally Murphy
•Fiddler on the Roof- Broadway 29 December 2015 Cast: Danny Burstein, Jessica Hecht, Alexandra Silber, Samantha Massell, Melanie Moore, Jenny Rose Baker, Hayley Feinstein, Alix Korey, Adam Kantor, Ben Rappaport, Nick Rehberger, Adam Dannheisser, Karl Kenzler, Michael C Bernardi, Adam Grupper, Jeffrey Schecter, George Psomas, Lori Wilner, Jessica Vosk, Mitch Greenberg, Aaron Young, Jennifer Zetlan
•Finding Neverland- Broadway July 22 2015 Cast: Kevin Kern as (u/s) J.M. Barrie, Laura Michelle Kelly, Anthony Warlow, Carolee Carmello, Teal Wicks, Christopher Paul Richards as Peter, Eli Toikash as Jack, Casey Butler as George, Alex Dreier as Michael
•First Date- Broadway, July 13 2013 Cast: Zachary Levi, Krysta Rodriguez, Sara Chase, Kristoffer Cusick, Blake Hammond, Kate Loprest, Bryce Ryness
•Follies- Broadway 6 November 2011 Cast: Bernadette Peters, Jan Maxwell, Danny Burstein, Ron Raines, Elaine Paige, Don Correla, Christian Delcroix, Rosalind Elias, Colleen Fitzpatrick, Danielle Jordan (u/s Young Sally), Michael Hayes, Leah Horowitz, Jayne Houdyshell, Florence Lacey, Mary Beth Peil
•Frozen at the Hyperion-California 28 May 2016
•Fun Home- Broadway March 29 2015 Cast: Michael Cerveris, Judy Kuhn, Beth Malone, Sydney Lucas, Emily Skeggs, Roberta Colindrez, Zell Steele Morrow, Joel Perez, Oscar Williams
•Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder- Broadway 3 May 2014 Cast: Jefferson Mays, Bryce Pinkham, Lisa OHare, Lauren Worsham, Jane Carr, Joanna Glushak, Eddie Korbich, Pamela Bob
•Gentlemen Perfer Blondes- New York City Encores 12 May 2012 Cast: Megan Hilty, Rachel York, Phillip Attmore, Steven Boyer, Brennan Brown, Stephen R. Buntrock, Jared Grimes, Simon Jones, Aaron Lazar, Deborah Rush, Sandra Shipley, Megan Sikora, Clarke Thorell
•Gigi- Broadway March 28 2015 Cast: Vanessa Hudgens, Victoria Clark, Corey Cott, Dee Hoty, Howard McGillin, Steffanie Leigh
•Godspell -Broadway Revival November 13th 2011 Cast: Hunter Parrish, Telly Leung, Lindsay Mendez, Wallace Smith, Uzo Aduba, Joaquina Kalukango
•Guys and Dolls 1991 with Nathan Lane and Faith Prince, other than that, I don’t know what cast or date
•Grease Live! 31 January 2016 Cast: Aaron Tveit, Julianne Hough, Vanessa Hudgens, Keke Palmer, Kether Donohue, Jordan Fisher, Carly Rae Jepsen, Didi Conn, Carlos PenaVega, Eve Plumb, Ana Gasteyer, Mario Lopez, Joe, Jonas, Jessie J, Sam Clark, Etc.
•Grey Gardens -Broadway December 6th 2006 Cast : Christine Ebersole, Mary Louise Wilson, John McMartin, Erin Davie, Matt Cavenaugh
•Groundhog Day - Broadway April 1, 2017 ***NFT UNTIL AUGUST 1, 2017*** Andy Karl (Phil Connors), Barrett Doss(Rita Hanson), Rebecca Faulkenberry (Nancy/Ensemble), John Sanders (Ned Ryerson/Ensemble), Andrew Call (Gus/Ensemble), Gerard Canonico (Fred/Ensemble), Josh Lamon (Buster/Ensemble), Raymond J. Lee (Ralph/Ensemble), Heather Ayers (Mrs. Lancaster/Ensemble)
•Gypsy- Broadway 1991 audio only for Act two Cast: Tyne Daly, Jonathan Hadary, Crista Moore, Robert Lambert, Tracy Venner
•Gypsy- Broadway 4 April 2003 Cast: Bernadette Peters, John Dossett, Tammy Blanchard
•Gypsy- Broadway, 25 March 2008 Cast: Patti Lupone, Laura Benanti, Boyd Gaines, Leigh Ann Larkin
•Gypsy - Bette Midler Movie 1993
•Hair- Broadway 15 March 2009 Cast: Gavin Creel, Will Swenson, Caissie Levy, Sasha Allen, Allison Case, Andrew Kober, Megan Lawrence, Darius Nichols, Bryce Ryness, Kacie Sheik
•Hairspray- Broadway 25 November 2006 Cast: Shannon Durig, Blake Hammond, Diana DeGarmo, Stephen DeRosa, Darlene Love, Tevin Campbell, Jonathan Dokuchitz, Lisa Jolley, Isabel Keating, Tara Macri, Kevin Meaney, Naturi Naughton, Aaron Tveit
•Hairspray- London October 16 2007 Cast: Michael Ball (Edna Turnblad), Mel Smith (Wilbur Turnblad), Leanne Jones (Tracy Turnblad), Ben James-Ellis (Link Larkin), Tracie Bennett (Velma von Tussle), Elinor Collett (Penny Pingleton), Johnnie Fiori(Motormouth Maybelle), Adrian Hansel (Seaweed), Rachael Wooding (Amber von Tussle)
•Hairspray- National Tour December 13, 2005 Keala Settle (Tracy Turnblad), Dale Calandra (u/s Edna Turnblad), Charlotte Crossley (Motormouth Maybelle), Susan Henley (Velma Von Tussle), Aaron Tveit (Link Larkin), Melissa Larsen (u/s Penny Pingleton), Alan Mingo Jr. (Seaweed), Bryan Crawford (u/s Corny Collins), Jane Blass (Prudy Pingleton/The Teacher/The Matron),Jim J. Bullock (Wilbur Turnblad)
•Hamilton- Broadway December 29 2015 Cast: Hamilton: Lin-Manuel Miranda, Eliza Hamilton: Phillipa Soo, Aaron Burr: Leslie Odom, Jr, Angelica Schuyler: Renee Elise Goldsberry, George Washington: Christopher Jackson, Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson: Daveed Diggs, Hercules Mulligan/James Madison: Okieriete Onaodowan, John Laurens/Philip Hamilton: Anthony Ramos, Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds: Jasmine Cephas Jones, King George: Jonathan Groff, Philip Schuyler/James Reynolds/Doctor: Sydney James Harcourt, Samuel Seabury: Daniel J Watts, Charles Lee: Neil Haskell, George Eacker: Ephraim Sykes. Ensemble: Gerald Avery, Carleigh Bettiol, Neil Haskell, Sasha Hutchings, Emmy Raver-Lampman, Austin Smith, Betsy Struxness, Ephraim Sykes, Kamille Upshaw, Daniel J Watts
•Hamilton (Broadway) − June 19, 2016: Javier Muñoz (u/s Alexander Hamilton), Nicholas Christopher (u/s George Washington), Andrew Chappelle (u/s Laurens/Philip), Alysha Deslorieux (s/b Peggy/Maria), the rest is the Original Broadway Cast.
•Hello Dolly- US tour, Melbourne 17-19 December 1977 pro shot Cast: Carol Channing (Dolly), Jay Garner (Horace), Lee Roy Reams (Cornelius), Jeanne Lehman (Irene), Scott Bridges (Barnaby), Monica Lee Gradischek (Minnie), Monica M. Wemitt (Ernestina), James Darrah (Ambrose), Christine DeVito (Ermengarde), Judi Mann (Mrs. Rose), Herman Petras (Rudolph), Michael Shames (Stanley), Roger Preston Smith (Judge)
•Hello Dolly- UK tour 2008 pro shot Cast: Anita Dobson (Dolly Levy), Carol Ball (Ernestina), Samuel Board (Ambrose Kemper), David McAlister (Horace Vandergelder), Sophir Wilkins (Ermengarde), Darren Day (Cornelius Hackl), Hamilton Sargent (Barnaby Tucker), Amanda Salmon (Minnie Fay), Louise English (Irene Molloy), Christopher Marlowe (Rudolph/Judge)
•Hello Dolly - Broadway March 30, 2017 ***NFT AUGUST 1st 2017***Bette Midler (Dolly Gallagher Levi), David Hyde Pierce (Horace Vandergelder), Kate Baldwin (Irene Malloy), Christian Dante White (u/s Cornelius Hackl), Taylor Trensch (Barnaby Tucker), Beanie Feldstein (Minnie Faye), Will Burton (Ambrose Kemper), Melanie Moore (Ermengarde), Jennifer Simard (Ernestina)
•Holiday Inn- Broadway January 14, 2017 pro shot Bryce Pinkham (Jim), Corbin Bleu (Ted), Lora Lee Gayer (Linda), Megan Lawrence (Louise), Megan Sikora (Lila Dixon), Lee Wilkof, Malik Akil, Will Burton, Darien Crago, Morgan Gao, Matt Meigs, Shina Ann Morris, Drew Redington, Catherine Ricafort, Amanda Rose, Jonalyn Saxer, Samantha Sturm, Amy Van Norstrand, Travis Ward-Osborne, Paige Williams, Victor Wisehart, Kevin Worley, Borris York
•Honeymoon in Vegas - Broadway December 5, 2014 Rob McClure (Jack Singer), Brynn O'Malley (Betsy), Tony Danza (Tommy Korman), David Josefsberg (Buddy Rocky/Roy Bacon), Nancy Opel (Bea Singer), Matthew Saldivar (Johnny Sandwich)
•How to succeed in bussiness without really trying- Broadway 1995 Cast: Matthew Broderick (J. Pierrepont Finch), Megan Mullally (Rosemary Pilkington), Ronn Carroll (JB Biggley), Jeff Blumenkrantz (Bud Frump), Jonathan Freeman (Bert Bratt), Victoria Clark (Smitty), Luba Mason (Hedy La Rue), Lillias White (Miss Jones)
•How to succeed in business without really trying- Broadway, 28 February 2011 Cast: Daniel Radcliffe (J. Pierrepont Finch), John Larroquette (J.B. Biggley), Rose Hemingway (Rosemary Pilkington), Tammy Blanchard (Hedy LaRue), Christopher J. Hanke (Bud Frump), Rob Bartlett (Mr. Timble), Mary Faber (Smitty), Ellen Harvey (Miss Jones), Michael Park (Bert Bratt), Cameron Adams (Kathy), Cleve Asbury (Mr. Ovington), Tanya Birl (Nancy), Kevin Cobert (Mr. Johnson), Paige Faure (Miss Grabowski), David Hull (Mr. Toynbee), Justin Keyes (Mr. Davis), Marty Lawson (Mr. Peterson), Barrett Martin (Mr. Andrews), Nick Mayo (Mr. Gatch), Sarah O'Gleby, Stephanie Rothenberg (Meredith), Megan Sikora (Miss Krumholz), Joey Sorge (Mr. Tackaberry), Ryan Watkinson (Mr. Matthews), Charlie Williams (Mr. Jenkins), Samantha Zack (Lily), Anderson Cooper (Voice of the Narrator)
•If/Then- Broadway March 8 2014 Cast: Idina Menzel, LaChanze, Anthony Rapp, James Snyder, Jerry Dixon, Jenn Colella, Jason Tam, Tamika Lawrence
•Into the Woods- Broadway, May 1989 Cast: Bernadette Peters (The Witch), Joanna Gleason (The Baker’s Wife), Chip Zien (The Baker), Tom Aldredge (Narrator/Mysterious Old Man), Kim Crosby (Cinderella), Danielle Ferland (Little Red Riding Hood), Robert Westenberg (Wolf/Cinderella’s Prince), Ben Wright (Jack), Barbara Bryne (Jack’s Mother), Merle Louise (Grandmother/Cinderella’s Mother/Giant), Chuck Wagner (Rapunzel’s Prince), Pamela Winslow (Rapunzel), Philip Hoffman (Steward), Lauren Mitchell (Lucinda), Kay McClelland (Florinda)
•Into the Woods- Central Park 28 July 2012 Cast: Donna Murphy, Amy Adams, Chip Zien, Denis O'Hare, Gideon Glick, Jessie Mueller, Sarah Stiles, Ellen Harvey, Ivan Hernandez, Josh Lamon, Laura Shoop, Tess Soltau, Kristine Zbornik, Jack Broderick, Eric Williams as (u/s) Rapunzel’s Prince, Glenn Close
•In Transit - Broadway November 13, 2016 Justin Guarini (Trent), Erin Mackey(Ali), Telly Leung (Steven), James Snyder (Nate), David Abeles (Dave), Moya Angela (Momma/Ms. Williams/Booth Lady), Chesney Snow(Boxman), Margo Seibert (Jane), Mariand Torres (Nina)
•It Shoulda Been You- Broadway July 21 2015 Cast: Sierra Boggess (Rebecca Steinberg), Tyne Daly (Judy Steinberg), Harriet Harris (Georgette Howard), Lisa Howard (Jenny Steinberg), Aaron C. Finley (u/s Brian Howard), Montego Glover (Annie Shepherd), Josh Grisetti (Marty Kaufman), Adam Heller (Walt/Uncle Morty), Edward Hibbert (Albert), Michael X. Martin (George Howard), Anne L. Nathan (Aunt Sheila/Mimsy), Nick Spangler (Gred Madison), Chip Zien (Murray Steinberg)
•Jekyll and Hyde- Broadway 1997 Cast: Robert Cuccioli, Christianne Noll, Linda Eder / Emily Skinner (u/s), Barrie Ingham
•Jersey Boys- Broadway 19 November 2005 Cast: Christian Hoff, Daniel Reichard, J. Robert Spencer, John Lloyd Young, Peter Gregus, Mark Lotito, Tituss Burgess, Heather Ferguson, Steve Gouveia, Donnie Kehr, John Leone, Michael Longoria
•Jesus Christ Superstar - Farewell Tour - Milwaukee Theatre - Ted Neeley (Jesus of Nazareth), Corey Glover (Judas Iscariot), Christina Rea-Briskin (Mary Magdalene), Larry Alan Coke (Caiphas), Jeremy Pasha (Annas), Craig Sculli (Pointius Pilate), Aaron Fuska (King Herod), Chris Gleim (Peter), Jason D Bush (Simon), Darrel R Whitney (First Priest), Tony Castellanos (Second Priest), Camilo Castro (Third Priest), Lorelei Prince (Maid by the Fire), Soul Singers/Disciples: Bianca Atalaya, Rasmiyyah Feliciano, Margaret M Spirito, Disciple Girls: Nancy Emerson, Tess Ferrell, Apostles: Nick Algier, Gabe Belyeu, Jason R Cook, Michael Fasano, Thomas C Lash, Matthew G Myers, Fred J Ross, Troy Valjean Rucker, Jonathan Walsh 
•Jesus Christ Superstar- La Jolla, 4 December 2011 Cast: Paul Nolan, Jeremy Kushnier (u/s Judas), Chilina Kennedy, Sandy Winsby (u/s Pilate), Bruce Dow, Marcus Nance, Lee Siegel, Aaron Walpole, Mike Nadajewski
•Joseph and the amazing technicolor dreamcoat- London, 17 October 2007 Cast: Lee Mead, Fiona Reyes as (alt) Narrator, Dean Collinson, Stephen Tate, John Alastair, Neal Wright
•Kinky Boots- Broadway, March 3 2013 Cast: Stark Sands, Billy Porter, Annaleigh Ashford, Celina Carvajal, Daniel Stewart Sherman, Marcus Neville.
•Kinky Boots- US tour, Los Angeles 15 November 2014 Cast: Steven Booth, Kyle Taylor Parker, Lindsay Nicole Chambers, Joe Coots, Grace Stockdale, Craig Waletzko, Amelia Cormack, Mike Longo, Ross Lekit es, Bonnie Milligan, David McDonald, Horace V. Rogers, Anne Tolpegin, Anthony Picarello, Andrew Theo Johnson
•Kinky Boots - National Tour April 17, 2016 Evening Adam Kaplan (Charlie Price), J Harrison Ghee (Lola/Simon), Tiffany Engen (Lauren), Aaron Walpole (Don), Charissa Hogeland (Nicola), Jim J Bullock (George), Shawna M Hamic, Josh Tolle (Harry), Zach Adkins, Patty Lohr (Pat), Tom Souhrada (Mr. Price), Horace V Rogers, Annie Edgerton (Milan Stage Manager), Aidan Passaro(Young Charlie), Jomil Elijah Robinson
•Kiss Me Kate- London 2002 pro shot Cast: Brent Barrett, Rachel York, Nancy Anderson, Michael Berresse, Teddy Kemper, Jack Chissick
•La Cage Aux Folles- Broadway April 7 2010 Cast: Kelsey Grammer, Douglas Hodge, Fred Applegate, Veanne Cox, Chris Hoch, Elena Shaddow, A.J. Shively, Nick Adams, Christine Andreas, Robin De Jesus
•Legally Blonde- San Fransisco February 24 2007 Cast: Laura Bell Bundy (Elle), Christian Borle (Emmett), Orfeh (Paulette), Richard H. Blake (Warner), Kate Shindle (Vivienne), Michael Rupert (Professor Callahan), Nikki Snelson, (Brooke/Shandi), Leslie Kritzer (Serena), Annaleigh Ashford (Margot), DeQuina Moore (Pilar), Natalie Joy Johnson (Enid/Veronica)
•Les Miserables- Broadway March 8 2014 Cast: Ramin Karimloo, Will Swenson, Caissie Levy, Nikki M. James, Cliff Saunders, Keala Settle, Samantha Hill, Andy Mientus, Kyle Scatliffe, Angeli Negron
•Little Shop of Horrors- Broadway September 21, 2003 Hunter Foster (Seymour), Kerry Butler (Audrey), Douglas Sills (Orin), Rob Bartlett (Mr. Mushnik), DeQuina Moore (Chiffon), Carla J. Hargrove, Trisha Jeffrey
•Little Shop of Horrors- UK tour, Liverpool, May 4 2009 Cast: Clare Buckfield (Audrey), Damian Humbley (Seymour), Alex Ferns (Orin), Sylvester McCoy (Mushnik), Clive Rowe (Voice of Audrey II), Nadia Di Mambro (Crystal), Lara Martin (Chiffon), Donna Hines (Ronette)
•Little Shop of Horrors- New York City Center Encores 2 July 2015 Cast: Ellen Greene, Jake Gyllenhaal, Taran Killam, Eddie Cooper, Joe Grifasi, Tracy Nicole Chapman, Marva Hicks, Ramona Keller
•Little Women - OBC (Sutton Foster, Megan McGinnis)
•Loves Never Dies - London April 29 2010 Cast : Ramin Karimloo (Phantom), Sierra Boggess (Christine), Joseph Millson (Raoul), Richard Linnell (Gustave)
•Mamma Mia- London 14 September 2002 Cast: Laura Michelle Kelly (Sophie), Louise Plowright (Donna), Simon Slater (Sam)
•Mary Poppins- US tour February 15 2013 Cast: Con O'Shea-Creal (Bert), Madeline Trumble (Mary Poppins), Madison Ann Mullahey (Jane Banks), Eli Tokash (Michael Banks), Chris K. Hoch (George Banks), Kerry Conte (Winifred Banks)
•Memphis pro shot, original Cast,
•Miss Saigon (Broadway) - January 7 2001 Kim- Lea Salonga The Engineer- Louyong Wang Chris- Will Chase John- Charles Wallace Ellen- Ruthie Hensall Thuy - Michael K Lee Gigi - Charlene Carabeo
•My Fair Lady- UK tour, Palace Theatre Manchester, 12th October 2005 pro shot Cast: Amy Nuttall (Eliza), Christopher Cazenove (Professor Higgins), Russ Abbot, Honor Blackman, Stephen Moore, Stephen Carlile, Romy Baskerville
•Natasha, Pierre and The Great Comet of 1812 (Broadway) − October 29, 2016: Josh Groban, Denee Benton, Brittain Ashford, Nicholas Belton, Lucas Steele, Gelsey Bell, Nick Choksi, Amber Gray. Odd angle for such a complex scene and medium video quality but gets the job done. Denée is excellent as Natasha.
•Nine- Broadway 30 March 2003 Cast: Antonio Banderas, Laura Benanti, Jane Krakowski, Mary Stuart Masterson, Chita Rivera
•Newsies Live! Los Angeles, CA September 11, 2016 Jeremy Jordan, Kara Lindsay, Ben Fankhauser, Andrew Keenan-Bolger, Steve Blanchard, Ethan Steiner, Aisha De Haas
•Next to Normal (Broadway) − July 18, 2010: Alice Ripley (Diana), Brian D’Arcy James (Dan), Kyle Dean Massey (Gabe), Jennifer Damiano (Natalie), Adam Chanler-Berat (Henry), Louis Hobson (Dr. Fine / Dr. Madden). Alice, Brian and Jennifer’s last show. VOB.
•Nice Work if You Can Get It Kelli O'Hara other than that, I don’t know what cast or date
•Oklahoma (1999 with Hugh
•Oliver- London September 2010 Cast: Russ Abbot (Fagin), Kerry Ellis (Nancy), Steven Hartley (Sikes), Edward Cooke (Oliver), Ben Wilson (Dodger)
•On A Clear Day You Can See Forever- Broadway 12 November 2011 Cast: Harry Connick Jr., David Turner, Jessie Mueller, Kerry O'Malley, Drew Gehling, Sarah Stiles, Paul O'Brien, Heather Ayers, Lori Wilner
•On the 20th Century- Broadway February 21 2015 Cast: Kristin Chenoweth, Peter Gallagher, Andy Karl, Mark Linn-Baker, Michael McGrath, Mary Louise Wilson
•On The Town- Broadway October 1 2014 Cast: Tony Yazbeck, Jay Armstrong Johnson, Clyde Alves, Megan Fairchild, Alysha Umphress, Elizabeth Stanley, Jackie Hoffman, Michael Rupert, Allison Guinn
•On Your Feet! (Broadway Preview) − October 17, 2015: Ana Villafane, Josh Segarra, Andrea Burns, Alma Cuervo, Eliseo Roman, Genny Lis Padilla, Alexandria Suarez, Eduardo Hernandez.
•Pacific Overtures- Broadway 9 June 1976 (TV Broadcast) Cast: Mako, Soon-Tek Oh, Yuki Shimoda, Sab Shimono, Isao Sato, Alvin Ing, Ernest Harada, James Dybas
•Pal Joey - Broadway Revival 2008 Matthew Risch, Stockard Channing. Martha Plimpton, Jenny Fellner, Robert Clohessy. 
•Paramour - Broadway May 11, 2016 Jeremy Kushnier (AJ Golden), Ruby Lewis (Indigo James), Ryan Vona (Joey Green), Bret Shuford (Robbie), Sarah Meahl (Gina)
•Peter Pan - Proshot Cathy Rigby Tour June 2012
•Peter and the Starcatcher- Broadway 4 November 2012 Cast: Christian Borle, Celia Keenan-Bolger, Matthew Saldivar, Teddy Bergman, Arnie Burton, Matt D'Amico, Kevin Del Aguila, Carson Elrod, Greg Hildreth, Rick Holmes, Isaiah Johnson, Eric Petersen, Betsy Hogg, Orville Mendoza, Jason Ralph, John Sanders
•The Phantom of the Opera- Broadway April 1988 Cast: Michael Crawford, Sarah Brightman, Steve Barton
•The Phantom of the Opera Norm Lewis and Sierra Bogess other than this, I don’t know what cast or date
•Pippin- Broadway July 13 2013 Cast: Matthew James Thomas, Patina Miller, Terrence Mann, Charlotte d'Amoise, Rachel Bay Jones, Andrea Martin
•Promises, Promises- Broadway 1 April 2012 Cast: Sean Hayes (Chuck Baxter), Kristin Chenoweth (Fran Kubelik), Tony Goldwyn (J.D. Sheldrake), Katie Finneran (Marge MacDougall), Dick Latessa (Dr. Dreyfuss), Brooks Ashmannskas (Mr. Dobitch)
•RENT (OBC - Opening Night) - April 29, 1996 - Anthony Rapp (Mark Cohen), Adam Pascal (Roger Davis), Daphne Rubin-Vega (Mimi Marquez), Jesse L. Martin (Tom Collins), Wilson Jermaine Heredia (Angel Dumott Schunard), Idina Menzel (Maureen Johnson), Fredi Walker (Joanne Jefferson), Taye Diggs (Benjamin Coffin III)
Rent (Broadway) − September 7, 2008: Adam Kantor, Will Chase, Michael McElroy, Rodney Hicks, Tracie Thoms, Justin Johnston, Renée Elise Goldsberry, Eden Espinosa. Tracked. Closing performance. Pro-shot.
•Rocky: The Musical (Broadway) − March 29, 2014: Andy Karl (Rocky Balboa), Margo Seibert (Adrian Pennino), Terence Archie (Apollo Creed), Dakin Matthews (Mickey Goldmill), Danny Mastrogiorgio (Paulie Pennino), Jennifer Mudge (Gloria)
•Rocky Horror - Picadilly Theatre 1991 Anthony Head (Frank N Furter), Craig Ferguson (Brad), Zailie Burrow (Janet), Tim Whitnall (Riff Raff), The Narrator (Peter Bayliss), Kate O'sullivan (Magenta), Ivan Kaye (Eddie/Scott), Vicky Likorish (Columbia), Adam Cairie (Rocky) Phantoms: Ian good, Mark S Turnbull, Steve Thiebaut, Julia Hampson and Penny (surname unknown)
•Rocky Horror Broadway September 9, 2001 Terrence Mann (Frank N. Furter), Jarrod Emmick (Brad),  Kristen Lee Kelly (u/s Janet), Daphne Rubin-Vega (Magenta), Dick Cavett (Narrator), Aiko Nakasone (u/s), Mark Price, Sebastian LaCause, James Stovall, Jonathan Sharp, Rosa Curry, Kevin Cahoon, Asa Somers, John Jeffrey Martin, Denise Summerford
•Rocky Horror 2015 Professionally filmed
•Rocky Horror Picture Show 2016 Movie - Laverne Cox, Victoria Justice (Janet), Ryan McCartan (Brad)
•School of Rock- Broadway November 2015 Cast: Alex Brightman (Dewey), Sierra Boggess (Rosalie), Spencer Moses (Ned), Mamie Parris (Patty), Isabella Russo (Summer), Dante Melucci (Freddy), Brandon Niederauer (Zack), Jared Parker (Lawrence), Evie Dolan (Katie), Bobbi MacKenzie (Tomika)
•Seussical The Musical - February 9th 2001 Cast: Rosie O'Donnell, Kevin Chamberlin
•She Loves Me- Broadway 30 June 2016 pro shot Cast: Laura Benanti (Amalia), Zachary Levi (Georg), Jane Krakowski (Ilona), Gavin Creel (Kodaly), Byron Jennings (Maraczek), Tom McGowan (Sipos), Peter Bartlett (Head Waiter), Nicholas Barasch (Arpad)
•Show Boat- Wichita August 2001 Pro shot Cast: Frank Anderson, Darcy Fulliam, Kelli O'Hara, Gary Mauer, Terry Burrell.
•Shuffle Along - Broadway April 12, 2016 Audra McDonald (Lottie Gee), Billy Porter (Aubrey Lyles), Brian Stokes Mitchell (F.E. Miller), Joshua Henry (Noble Sissle), Adrienne Warren (Gertrude Saunders/Florence Mills), Brooks Ashmanskas (Al/Izzy/Mr. Broadway/Carlo), Amber Iman (Eva/Mattie Wilkes/Madame-Madame/Downtown Dilettante)
•Side Show- Broadway January 4 2015 Cast: Violet Hilton: Erin Davie Daisy Hilton: Emily Padgett Terry Connor: Ryan Silverman Buddy Foster: Matthew Hydzik Jake: David St Louis Sir: Robert Joy 3-Legged Man, Suitor: Brandon Bieber Geek, Doctor: matthew Patrick Davis Fortune Teller: Charity Angel Dawson
•Sister act- Broadway April 2 2011 Cast: Patina Miller, Victoria Clark, Fred Applegate, Sarah Bolt, John Treacy, Egan, Demond Green, Chester Gregory, Marla Mindelle, Kingsley Leggs
•Something Rotten Broadway March 23, 2015 Preview Brian d'Archy James (Nick Bottom), John Cariani (Nigel Bottom), Heidi Blickenstaff (Bea), Christian Borle (Shakespeare), Brad Oscar (Nostradamus), Kate Reinders (Portia),Brooks Ashmanskas (Brother Jeremiah), Peter Bartlett (Lord Clapham), Gerry Cichi (Shylock), Michael James Scott (Minstrel)
•South Pacific- London 1952 pro shot Cast: Mary Martin and Wilbur Evans
•Spring Awakening- Broadway 18 October 2015 Cast: Austin Mckenzie (Melchior), Daniel N. Durant (Moritz), Alex Boniello (Voice Of Moritz), Sandra Mae Frank (Wendla), Katie Boeck (Voice Of Wendla), Krysta Rodriguez (Ilse), Treshelle Edmond (Martha), Kathryn Gallagher (Voice Of Martha), Amelia Hensley (Thea), Lauren M. Luiz (Heidi/Voice Of Thea), Ali Stroker (Anna), Miles Barbee (Otto), Sean Grandillo (Voice Of Otto), Alex Wyse (Georg), Andy Mientus (Hanschen), Joshua Castille (Ernst), Daniel David Stewart (Voice Of Ernst), Camryn Manheim & Marlee Matlin (Adult Women), Patrick Page & Russell Harvard (Adult Men)
•Starlight Express Las Vegas 1997 I don’t know what cast or date
•Sunday in the Park with George Bernadette Peters with Spanish subtitles
•Sunset Boulevard- Los Angeles 1994 Glenn Close (Norma Desmond), Alan Campbell (Joe Gillis), George Hearn (Max von Mayerling)
•Sunset Boulevard- Broadway July 14, 1995 Betty Buckley (Norma Desmond), Alan Campbell (Joe Gillis), Alice Ripley(Betty Schaefer), Steven Stein-Grainger (u/s Max Von Mayerling)
•Sunset Boulevard- Broadway February 2, 2017 Glenn Close (Norma Desmond), Michael Xavier (Joe Gillis), Siobhan Dillon (Betty Schaeffer), Fred Johanson (Max von Mayerling), Preston Truman Boyd (Artie Green), Paul Schoeffler (Cecil B.DeMille), Andy Taylor (Sheldrake), Jim Walton (Manfred)
•Sweeney Todd- Broadway January 1980 Cast: Len Cariou, Angela Lansbury, Victor Garber, Ken Jennings, Betsy Joslyn, Cris Groenendaal
•Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street – In Concert 2001. Pro-Shot. George Hearn, Patti LuPone, Neil Patrick Harris, Timothy Nolen, Davis Gaines, Lisa Vroman, Victoria Clark , John Aler and Stanford Olsen.
•Sweeney Todd- Broadway 2 April 2006 Cast: Patti LuPone, Michael Cerveris, Mark Jacoby, Donna Lynne Champlin, Manoel Felciano, Benjamin Magnuson, Lauren Molina, Alexander Gemingnani, Diana Dimarzio
•Sweeney Todd- London 2011 Cast: Michael Ball, Imelda Staunton, John Bowe, Peter Polycarpou, Rob Bur
•Sweeney Todd- New York September 26 2014 pro-shot Cast: Bryn Terfel, Emma Thompson, Jeff Blumenkrantz, Christian Borle, Kyle Brenn, Jay Armstrong Johnson, Erin Mackey, Philip Quast
•Sweet Charity - Tour April 29th 2007 Cast : East Lansing, MI Molly Ringwald, Bridget Berger, Francesca Harper, Guy Adkins, Aaron Ramey, Richard Ruiz
•Tarzan- Broadway, 30 March 2006 Cast: Josh Strickland, Jenn Gambatese, Merle Danridge, Shuler Hensley
•The Addams Family- Broadway March 21 2011 Cast: Nathan Lane, Bebe Neuwirth, Terrence Mann, Carolee Carmello, Kevin Chamberlin, Jackie Hoffman, Zachary James, Wesley Taylor, Krysta Rodriguez, Adam Riegler
•The Amazing Tour Is Not On Fire - Pro shot - Cast: Dan , Phil , Others
•The Apple Tree (Kristen Chenwoth)
•The Color Purple (Broadway) − November 5, 2016: Cynthia Erivo (Celie), Heather Headley (Shug Avery), Danielle Brooks (Sofia), Joaquina Kalukungo (Nettie), Isaiah Johnson (Mister), Kyle Scatliffe (Harpo).
•The Drowsy Chaperone OBC I don’t know what cast or date but with Sutton Foster
•The Great American Trailer Park the Musical - Off-Broadway Dodger Stages December 4, 2005 Cast : Linda Hart (Betty), Orfeh (Pepper), Shuler Hensley (Norbert), Leslie Kritzer (Pickles), Kaitlin Hopkins (Jeanne), Wayne Wilcox (Duke).
•The King and I- Broadway 28 March 2015 Cast: Kelli O'Hara, Ken Watanabe, Edward Baker-Duly, Jon Viktor Corpuz, Murphy Guyer, Jake Lucas, Ruthie Ann Miles, Paul Nakauchi, Marc Oka, Ashley Park, Conrad Ricamora, Adriana Braganza, Amaya Braganza, LaMae Caparas, Hsin-Ping Chang, Andrew Cheng, Lynn Masako Cheng, Olivia Chun, Ali Ewoldt, Ethan Halford Holder, Cole Horibe, MaryAnn Hu, James Ignacio, Misa Iwama, Christie Kim, Kelvin Moon Loh, Sumie Maeda, Paul HeeSang Miller, Rommel Pierre O'Choa, Kristen Faith Oei, Autumn Ogawa, Diane Phelan, William Poon, Brian Rivera, Bennyroyce Royon, Lainie Sakakura, Ann Sanders, Ian Saraceni, Atsuhisa Shinomiya, Michiko Takemasa, Kei Tsuruharatani, Christopher Vo, Rocco Wu, XiaoChuan Xie.
•The Little Mermaid Hollywood Bowl with Darren Criss, Sara Barilles & Rebel Wilson
•The Music Man - 2003 Matthew Broderick (Professor Harold Hill), Kristin Chenoweth (Marian Paroo), Debra Monk (Mrs. Paroo), Cameron Monaghan (Winthrop Paroo), Clyde Alves (Tommy Djilas), Cameron Adams (Zaneeta Shinn), Megan Moniz (Amaryllis), Linda Kash (Alma), Victor Garber (Mayor Shinn), Molly Shannon (Mrs. Eulalie Mackecknie Shinn), David Aaron Baker (Marcellus Washburn), Patrick McKenna (Charlie Cowell)
•The Producers- Broadway 4 November 2001 Cast: Nathan Lane, Matthew Broderick, Roger Bart, Gary Beach, Brad Oscar, Cady Huffman
•The Sound of Music - Broadway Revival 2/20/98 Rebecca Luker, Michael Siberry, Patti Cohenour, Jan Maxwell, Fred Applegate, Patricia Conolly, Sara Zelle, Dashiell Eaves, Andrea Bowen, Ashley Rose Orr, Gina Ferrall, Ann Brown
•The Sound of Music- UK tour November 2011 Cast: Kirsty Malpass (Alt. Maria), Margaret Preece (Mother Abbess), Michael Praed (Captain von Trapp), Jacinta Mulcahy (Baroness Elsa), Martin Callaghan (Uncle Max), Claire Fishenden (Liesl), Jeremy Taylor (Rolf)
•Sound of Music- TV Broadcast 2013 Aired 5 December 2013 Cast: Carrie Underwood, Stephen Moyer, Audra McDonald, Laura Benanti, Christian Borle, Ariane Rinehart, Michael Campayno
•The Sound of Music- National Tour Cincinnati, Ohio October 4, 2016 Kerstin Anderson (Maria Rainer), Ben Davis (Captain Georg von Trapp), Melody Betts (Mother Abbess), Teri Hansen (Elsa Schrader), Merwin Foard (Max Detweiler), Paige Silvester (Leisl), Roy Gantz (Friedrich), Ashley Brooke (Louisa), Austin Levine (Kurt), Iris Davies (Brigitta), Kyla Davies (Marta), Anika Lore Hatch (Gretl), Darren Matthias (Franz), Donna Garner (Frau Schmidt), Austin Colby (Rolf Gruber), Carey Rebecca Brown (Sister Berthe), Julia Osborne (Sister Margaretta), Anna Mintzer (Sister Sophia), Robert Mammana (Herr Zeller), Christopher Carl (Admiral von Schreiber)
•The Sound of Music London 2006 I don’t know what cast or date
•The SpongeBob Musical (Chicago) − June 7, 2016: Ethan Slater (SpongeBob SquarePants), Danny Skinner (Patrick Star), Lilli Cooper (Sandi Cheeks), Gavin Lee (Squidward Tentacles), Nick Blaemire (Plankton), Carlos Lopez (Mr. Krabs), Gaelen Gilliland (Mayor), Emmy Raver-Lampman (Pearl Krabs).
•The Who’s Tommy OBC I don’t know what cast or date
•Titanic - Australia 2006 PROSHOT Hayden Tee, Brendan Higgins, Nick Tate, Tony Farrell, Todd Goddard, Tony Cogin, David Pearson, Matthew Willis, Alexander Lewis, James Shaw, Cameron Mannix, David Goddard, Keegan Joyce, Robert Gard, Joan Carden
•Title of Show- Broadway July 6 2008 Cast: Jeff Bowen, Hunter Bell, Heidi Blickenstaff, Susan Blackwell
•Tuck Everlasting- Broadway April 4, 2016 Andrew Keenan-Bolger (Jesse Tuck), Carolee Carmell (Mae Tuck), Michael Park (Angus Tuck), Terrence Mann (Man in the Yellow Suit), Fred Applegate (Constable Joe), Michael Wartella (Hugo), Valerie Wright (Mother), Pippa Pearthree (Nana), Sarah Charles Lewis (Winnie Foster)
•Urinetown- Broadway 20 October 2001 Cast: John Cullum (Caldwell B. Cladwell), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Hope Cladwell), David Beach (Mr. McQueen), Nancy Opel (Penelope Pennywise), Hunter Foster (Bobby Strong), Rachel Coloff (Soupy Sue/Cladwell’s Secretary)
•Waitress (A.R.T) − September 2, 2015: Jessie Mueller, Keala Settle, Jeanna De Waal, Drew Gehling, Joe Tippett, Dakin Matthews, Eric Anderson, Jeremy Morse, Giana Ribeiro.
•Waitress (Broadway) − June 14, 2016: Jessie Mueller (Jenna), Keala Settle (Becky), Kimiko Glenn (Dawn), Drew Gehling (Dr Pomatter), Nick Cordero (Earl), Dakin Matthews (Joe), Eric Anderson (Cal), Christopher Fitzgerald (Ogie)
•Waitress - April 4, 2017 ***NFT UNTIL AUGUST 1st*** Sara Bareilles, Charity Angel Dawson, Molly Jobe as (u/s) Dawn, Chris Diamantopoulos, Will Swenson, Dakin Matthews, Eric Anderson, Christopher Fitzgerald.
•War Paint - Chicago June 29, 2016 Patti LuPone (Helena Rubinstein), Christine Ebersole (Elizabeth Arden), John Dossett (Tommy Lewis), Douglas Sills (Harrry Fleming), Joanna Glushak, Chris Hoch, Barbara Marineau
•West Side Story- Broadway February 23 2009 Cast: Matt Cavenaugh, Josefina Scaglione, Karen Olivo, Cody Green, Geroge Akram, Curtis Holbrook, Joey Haro
•What’s Inside (Songs from Waitress):Concert by Sara Bareilles, 2015.
•Wicked- Broadway, 12 October 2003 Cast: Idina Menzel (Elphaba), Kristin Chenoweth (Glinda), Nobert Leo Butz (Fiyero)
•Wicked - July 18th 2004 - Cast:  Idina Menzel (Elphaba), Kristin Chenoweth (Glinda), Norbert Leo Butz (Fiyero), Sean McCourt (Wizard), Michelle Federer (Nessarose), Carole Shelley (Madame Morrible)
•Wicked- London 18 October 2007 Cast: Kerry Ellis, Dianne Pilkington, Oliver Tompsett, Nigel Planer, Susie Blake, Katie Rowley Jones, James Gillan, Andy Mac
•Wicked March ?? 2009 - Cast: Nicole Parker (Elphaba), Alli Mauzey (Glinda), Aaron Tveit (Fiyero),Jayne Houdyshell (Madame Morrible), Anthony Galde (Wizard u/s), Cristy Candler (Nessarose), Alex Brightman (Boq), Timothy Britten Parker (Dr. Dillamond)
•Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolf -Chicago February 12th, 2011 Tracy Letts, Amy Morton, Carrie Coon, Madison Dirks
•You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown - Broadway 1999 Anthony Rapp (Charlie Brown), Ilana Levine (Lucy van Pelt), B. D. Wong(Linus van Pelt), Stanley Wayne Mathis (Schroeder), Kristin Chenoweth (Sally Brown), Roger Bart (Snoopy)
Not on the list but I have them: - War Paint Broadway -!Follies NTL - Matilda final performance - Gypsy - audio with Ethel Merman - The Prom off Broadway - Lion King OBC
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emilyjunk · 7 years
tagged by @detectivedimple mah bee
 R u l e s : answer the questions - not restricted to one fandom. tag as many people as you’d like afterwards.
first ever fandom? well harry potter but i didnt know what fandom or anything was so probably just glee lmao first ever ship? quick (quinn/puck) first death that made you cry/upset? uh sirius i guess? but i havent ever really felt sincere hardcore grief over a character until lexa
OTP? hmm brittana, clexa, jake/amy, OH bechloe wow wtf i almost forgot them omg lmaoooo 
NOTP? b*wson from pitch
least favourite fictional character? uh... well. there are characters whose actions i dont like obviously but in the sense of being a character i like most characters. i guess... finn hudson? but he was okay sometimes
5 favourite female fictional characters?
sarah manning
clarke griffin
emily junk
ginny weasley
kate bishop
5 favourite male fictional characters?
anakin skywalker + darth vader
jake peralta
john reese
ron weasley
ben wyatt
5 favourite actors/actresses?
tatiana maslany
natalie portman
charlize theron
hailee steinfeld
gina rodriguez
6 favourite characters who died/left the show?
marissa cooper
lexie fucking grey and mark goddamn sloan
naomi campbell
paul dierden
michael cordero
poussey washington
ROOT BITCH and joss CARTER!!!!!!!! im cry
3 favourite characters from shows you stopped watching?
clarke, raven, octavia
jane villanueva, petra solano
meredith grey, alex karev
brooke davis
3 favourite characters from shows that have ended?
everyone on person of interest
every lady on glee
core four from the oc i love all my babies
literally EVERY character on the newsroom. except jerry dantana. FUCK U jerry dantana
also everyone on community
and parks and rec
FUCK im cry
2 favourite shows you started in the last year?
steven universe
sweet/vicious (honestly PLEASE watch this show!!!!!!!!!!)
you me her (i suppose it’s been a little over a year)
you’re the worst
grace and frankie
this is us
the mick
wynonna earp lol
favourite tv show:orphan black, steven universe, the newsroom, sense8, glee :/, grace and frankie, community, b99, iasip, sweet/vicious, renn ;)
tv show you want to watch:  i literally just started twin peaks only 1 ep in so i wanna watch that, crazy ex-gf, gravity falls lol, blackish, humans, superstore, powerless
tagging: uhhh ?? im blanking fuck lmao k @becasboobs @becamitchill @aca-trash @emily-junks @amanaryouserious @drivingmradam @crazypitches
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talknerdywithus · 6 years
11 TV Deaths That Absolutely Crushed My Soul
11 TV Deaths That Absolutely Crushed My Soul
Station 19 was *this* close to killing off not just one but two of my favorite characters in their season two premiere. While I was lucky they didn’t end up killing either of them, I started thinking about some of the most memorable deaths on television. Specifically, it got me thinking about all of the fictional characters I’ve connected with on a personal level who are no longer on their…
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mayasdeluca · 7 years
S - answered
A - answered
M - michaela pratt, meredith grey, matt donovan, michael cordero, marissa cooper, mon-el, michael from the good place, max fuller, mona vanderwaal
T - answered
G - gabi diamond
Drop five letters of the alphabet in my ask box, and I’ll give my favorite characters whose name start with those letters.
0 notes
lcvelymxnifest · 3 years
“ are you bleeding ?? ” ( slate @ marissa ) asked by @honeyedblossom​
"What?" Marissa questioned, stopping what she had been doing to run a thumb over the spot recently hit. "No, I'm fi-" they stopped themselves as they felt it, sighing. "Okay, maybe a little, but that's nothing new."
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Contest #12 - Best Engagement Photograph: All Submissions
This contest is sponsored by the awesome folks at ShotKit and MoreBrides.com. _______________________________________________________________________
Jess Woodhouse of Jess Woodhouse Photography __________________
Dylan M Howell of Dylan M Howell Photography __________________
Marcela Pulido of Marcela Pulido Photography __________________
Taylor Jones of Taylor Jones Photo __________________
Dave Shay of Dave Shay __________________
Kyle Back of Kyle Back Photography __________________
Kyndall Elliott of ShutterKey Photography __________________
Levi Price of Levi Price Photography __________________
Elisha Braithwaite __________________
Athanasopoulos Fotis of athanasopoulosfotis __________________
John Yates of Celladora Photography __________________
Brandi Potter of Brandi Potter Photography __________________
Will Thomas of Forge Mountain Photography __________________
Elke Van den Ende __________________
David Amos of Amos Photography __________________
Matt Stallone of Matt Stallone Photography __________________
Jay Briggs of J. Briggs Photography __________________
David Zhang of A Tale Ahead Photography __________________
Matthew Pautz of Matthew Pautz Photography __________________
Alyssa Armstrong of Alyssa Armstrong Photography __________________
Aileen Ciesielski of Ed & Aileen Photography __________________
Greg Hastain of Rincon Images __________________
Gabe McMullen of Gabe McMullen Photography __________________
Jose Recinos of Jose Recinos Photographer __________________
Angel Cheng of Feather & Fawn Photography __________________
W Neder __________________
Rob August of Rob August Photography __________________
Shawn Callan of Callan Photo __________________
Frank Maznicki __________________
Sally O'Donnell of Sally O'DOnnell Photography __________________
Jon Sun of Studio Kibo __________________
Alan Merrigan of Simply Perfect Images __________________
Dan Hand __________________
Todd West __________________
Eric DeHaven of Modern Frames Photography __________________
Purple-weddings of Purple weddings photography __________________
Dana J. Ardell of Dana J. Ardell Photography __________________
Brianna Barwise of Brianna Barwise Photography __________________
Alan T of One Piece of Heart __________________
Elena Goodridge of Wedding Mitzvah and Event Photography __________________
What Cheer Photo __________________
Erin Meadows of Erin Meadows Photography __________________
Emily Amos of Amos Photography __________________
Dan Cordero of Dan Cordero Photography __________________
Kylie Weglo of Kylie Weglo Photography __________________
Luis Etty of Luis Etty Photographer __________________
Jeff Murphy of Jeffery Murphy Photography __________________
Aury Glenz of Aury G Photography __________________
Paul Woo of Wandering Woo Photography __________________
Edward Franklin of Edward Franklin Photography __________________
Jacob Lechlak of Jacob Lechlak Photography __________________
Lucy Schultz of Lucy Schultz Photography __________________
Aurora and John __________________
Vishal Goklani of Veesh Photography __________________
Luke Keegan of Luke Keegan Photography __________________
Marissa Eileen of Marissa Eileen Photography __________________
Sugeevan Shan of Sequence Photography __________________
Xiwei Ying __________________
Nadia Tamilia of Nadia Tamilia Photography __________________
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lcvelymxnifest · 3 years
closed starter for @prcttyvxnom​
Marissa had just gotten finished with her fights for the night and after several hours was finally heading home. She had thankfully gotten the night away from Slater and the Fawley family, so her plans were to just go home and relax. Though that thought practically disappeared when she spotted Aysen. With a sigh, she made her way over. “Get stuck doing fight club watch again? Surely, they have a better way for you to be spending your time.” 
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lcvelymxnifest · 3 years
closed starter @prcttyvxnom (Aysen)
Marissa had just gotten done with one of her sparring matches, getting ready for a fight she had in about a week. They made their way over to where they had left their stuff, grabbing their water and taking a large drink from it. She’d been doing this for years, but that didn’t mean she got any less exhausted afterwards. After sitting her water bottle back down, she took a look around to see if any of her normal sparring partners were around before her gaze landed on one of the last people she expected to see there. Letting out a soft sigh, she made her way over, stopping in front of the other. “What are you doing here, Ays?” She questioned the other. “This isn’t really your type of place.” Not that she necessarily was against seeing the other, she just didn’t want anyone worrying about her. Especially her ex.
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