#marital rape is rape.
mayakimayahai · 5 months
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One of the best constitutions in the world! Taking rights away from women like it's nothing
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asexual--slut · 1 month
NEED a man to marry me, move us cross country (no job, no support system), destroy my T and birth control, get me pregnant, get me pregnant, get me pregnant, get me pregnant, and lead us in living a very traditional straight domestic life forever <3<3<3
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yugiohz · 2 months
i love *throws up* that whenever hawks speaks about endeavor in a professional setting, we get childhood flashbacks and see that damn endeavor plushie, hawks might be the president now and make big choice that will alter people's lives, but he makes those decisions with a juvenile heart that can't let go of his love for a questionable man lol
on one hand it's realistic, not everyone can let go of that, but it's presented as something good when it really isn't. hawks is so chained to his childhood trauma he can't do shit without thinking of endeavor's well-being it's so sick. at least he knows that dabi knows that i hope he feels slighlty ashamed that he can't get over endeavor when even dabi and shoto could let go...... EMBARRASSING!!!!!!
and i already said it in my dabihawks post, but hawks and shoto also parallel each other! like hawks' life and relationship to his quirk is also shaped by endeavor but while shoto learns that he has to let go of that, hawks sticks to it and it's not even framed as an issue he still needs to face
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mapsontheweb · 2 months
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People who think marital rape (or relationship rape) should not be illegal.
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froody · 4 months
Still thinking of that 1908 Edwardian family health manual I read that had a passage that was like “you shouldn’t initiate sex with your wife more than once a month, unless she has a higher need. then it is your duty to attend to her.” bad marriage advice but I think it’s fascinating that the wife’s sexual need was prioritized over the husband. I’m guessing that had something to do with the idea of hysteria?
It’s just so interesting that throughout the 30s, 40s and 50s, women were often treated like non-sexual beings, that it was normal for sex not to be pleasurable for them and it was their duty as a wife to fulfill their husband. The manual framed it like women are sexual beings who should enjoy sex and may require it which was almost revolutionary to me. The bare minimum but fascinating to see in historical texts.
Then it implied spicy food leads to impropriety and the sin of masturbation. The whiplash was hilarious.
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sunfortune · 5 months
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phoenix-king-ozai · 5 months
I imagine this is how Ozai and Azulon's relationship was like. For context, little Ozai tried to give Azulon a father's day gift and Azulon responded poorly not just because he finds Ozai irritating, but because he interrupted his convo with Iroh so it goes about as well as one would expect.
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My theory is that Azulon’s wife Ilah died to give birth to Ozai because she was middle-aged and Azulon wanted a spare heir in case of Iroh's death on the battlefield or his incapability to procreate (Iroh had Lu Ten very late in life despite being a promiscuous war general) Azulon also wanted are younger child for the return of Sozin’s comet. Ilah refused because she knew the risk involved and Azulon forced himself on her as his right as Fire Lord and her husband. Ilah despises Azulon after this despite his apologies and guilt due to her shunning of him.
Azulon truly loved Ilah but let his temper and desire go to his head. Fire Lady Ilah refuses his apology and never forgives him for his martial raping her. But on the other hand, she is somewhat happy and hopeful about their second child. Crown Prince-Shogun Iroh on the other hand is ecstatic about having a baby brother or sister. The birth of Prince Ozai during the Summer Solstice and the hottest day in the history of the Fire Nation bring joy and pride to Fire Lord Azulon and Crown Fire Prince-Shogun Iroh as this is a sign that the newborn has been blessed by Agni the Spirit of Fire | Flame & the Sun itself!
That joy and pride turn into hatred, horror, sadness, and despair when Fire Lady Ilah dies of traumatic pregnancy, covered in blood and burns. The horror and trauma that their beloved wife | mother suffered had left a gruesome, bloody, and violent image in their mind. Azulon despite knowing the truth that he killed Ilah through his actions of marital rape, uses baby Ozai as a scapegoat to let out his anger, rage, fury, and despair. Iroh also grows to despise & resent his baby brother and refuses to touch or hold him out of complete neglect, but later comes to regret his part in the emotional abuse on his innocent child brother.
The newborn’s only aunt’s Li and Lo look after their baby nephew, teaching him the ways of their father, his grandfather Fire Lord Sozin. The Imperial Clan of the Fire Nation: Ryuzo Clan (Fire Lord clan) has lost one powerhouse in favor of another. Strong, gifted, and intelligent like his mother and brutal, ruthless, cunning, proud, and above all a powerful warriors like his brother, father, and grandfather before him.
However, whereas Ozai was neglected and despised over Fire Lady Ilah's death by Iroh and Azulon. Lu Ten wasn't despised or mistreated by Iroh and Azulon compared to Ozai. Probably because Azulon cared more about his heir to his first-born son and having his first grandson. Also, I believe that Iroh later realized that the neglect, isolation, and emotional abuse his brother suffered during his childhood had emotionally scarred him. He didn't want the same fate for Lu Ten despite his beloved wife dying just like his mother had. Lu Ten being the Golden Child of the family and Azulon and Iroh's pride and joy despite having the same circumstances that befall him, and Ozai being the Black Sheep of the family; causes him immense loathing and jealousy of his nephew's happiness and relationships with his father and brother.
I believe that Ozai and Ursa have a long loving, complex, and complicated relationship. Ozai's imperialistic ambition and brainwashing along with paternal abuse by Azulon made him extremely emotionally damaged and socially unstable. Iroh had Ilah and Zuko had Ursa to help love and guide them. Ozai probably only had abusive Azulon and neglectful Iroh; who both probably hate him due to Ilah's death in childbirth.
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@trashfactorysstuff His phenonmal artwork and headcanon!
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vinesinmyheart · 3 months
The weight of being wanted,
Without wanting.
Knowing you’ll give,
Either way.
All day the weight builds,
It’s your body,
Or a fight.
Picking up kids,
Getting groceries,
Making dinner,
Knowing every minute,
It’s your body,
Or a fight.
Now the weight is crushing,
Your choices,
Have become his property.
The chores are done,
You’re masking,
A relaxed demeanor,
In your own home.
Deep inside,
There’s a storm,
Your back against the wall,
Will it be,
Your body
A fight?
You quickly wipe away a few rogue tears,
They always spring up when it’s over.
He never asks why.
I’m sure you both know.
- E.M
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goldenstarprincesses · 9 months
Is it ok to say I don't like Bridgerton
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mayakimayahai · 5 months
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madreemeritus · 3 months
I really want to see Octavia's internal conflict about the situation around her and her own existence. Because, until now, we only see her dealing with her daddy issues problems (which I understand the criticism, it bothers me how she's one-dimensional at this point). But I want her to deal with the truth about her existence as a precotionary heir from an arranged marriage.
Her parents were forced to marry. She only exists because her mother raped her father multiple times before getting pregnant (or whatever the term for bird/egg pregnancy is). If her father was able to choose and live the life he wanted since the start, she wouldn't exist. Her existence was forced upon the person that she loves the most (because yes, she clearly loves her father very much despite their complicated relationship). Octavia only exists because her father was forced into horrible, abusive circumstances.
Octavia was born to be an heir, to serve a family. She wasn't planned out of love, like other kids usually are, and this is extremely painful to know. Specially considering that she is the result of a marital rape. Yes, Stolas love her more than anything, he's doing his best to protect her and make her happy, but still, imagine dealing with the fact that you only exist because of coercion and abuse.
I'm also excited to see Octavia's relationship with Stella. She constantly witness her mother's abuse against her father, yet she still doesn't understand the situation completely. Fair, she's a kid and is living under terrible circumstances. But she needs to know the truth, maybe not every detail, though. Which lead me think: before, I thought Stolas is the one who needs to explain the situation for her... but now that I think about, I changed my opinion. Why? Because I doubt Octavia would believe him completely, since she could think he's "giving false excuses to justify his cheating". I think STELLA will be the one to explain everything to her.
Which is, you know, very dark and tragic. Imagine if Octavia ever confronts Stella about her behaviour towards Stolas, and then in respond she's dumped with terrible reveals about the nature of their marriage and maybe even more explicit details about the domestic violence. Idk, maybe she overhears Stella joking with her friends about the times when she raped Stolas, imagined how heartbroken and horrified she would be? But as the wise Mewtwo once said, "the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant, it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." So yeah it doesnt matter if you were born throught a bad circumstances, you're worth and valid 🙌🏼
Angst aside, I want Octavia to be a savage and powerful witch, learn all the magic her father teaches and more. I want her to be a powerful witch princess, the one that puts fear onto humans and other demons. Let 👏🏼 her 👏🏼 be 👏🏼 unhinged 👏🏼 she's a royal demon after all
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yugiohz · 1 month
the arranged marriage aspect of the todoroki subplot is soooo, i think it's a really good representation of how these dynamics play out in a lot of cases, the violence is more often than not sexual it is what it is, this is a subplot about a abusive man so idk why people such as that anon think it's a stretch to say that sexual violence is heavily suggested
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mapsontheweb · 4 days
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Reported prevalence of marital rape around the world
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ayrennaranaaldmeri · 2 months
So tired of this biased green propaganda maesters lied nonsense. GRRM wrote Fire & Blood and if he wanted the dance to happen any other fucking way he would've written that it happened that way. There are obvious "probably not true" anecdotes within this book but that's not an excuse for condom and hiss to do whatever the fuck they want and write utter nonsense fanfic because whatever is in Fire & Blood is in the book the way it is because that's how the author wrote it. There are liberties one can take and things that can be expanded because Fire & Blood allows it but its not an excuse to bastardise every fucking character and outright erase others from existence like Nettles because you wanna write your own brainless rha*nyra fanfic. Condal, Hess, you can't fucking hide behind your "pRoPaGanDa" excuse forever. Your show is an unfaithful and shitty adaptation and you don't even have narrative consistency within the boundaries of the asinine million dollar fanfic you have produced.
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sapphic-agent · 10 months
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The one time a post from there doesn't make me want to pour bleach into my eyes.
Unfortunately it's overshadowed by people still insisting that Endeavor's redemption is so great (and that "he didn't hold her down and force her" which a) you don't know that for sure and b) it doesn't matter if he did or didn't, it's still rape). Newsflash, you can't be redeemed unless you atone for EVERYTHING you've done. MHA doesn't touch the marital rape aspect of the Todorokis with a 10 foot pole. Probably because Hori either doesn't see it as rape or he just doesn't care to address it. Endeavor hasn't atoned for this at all.
(Just as well because he can't. There's no coming back from sexual assault and that's already on top of the physical, verbal, and financial assault that's already outright confirmed in canon. Endeavor is a horrible person who only changed because his life had no meaning once he got what he wanted)
But if you try telling the asshats in the MHA sub that, they throw a fit. The OP got down voted for saying that this is a reason why Endeavor's arc isn't that good. I think we should start realizing that Endeavor fanboys are becoming as bad as Bakugou stans.
Rei deserves so much better than this series and its shitty fandom
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sansacherie · 3 months
the contrast between alicent picking at her fingers to dissociate while performing her "duty" versus her clenching them in pleasure with criston
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