#marla marv
theamamazingmarla · 4 months
Is it normal to want to run around my room on all fours at top speed and chew on ppls arms? I need to know.
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ask-jhutchverse-gals · 2 months
“That’s what I’m fucking saying!” Darlene declares.
“Do you really think that getting shitfaced will help this situation… at all?” Michelle interjected from the background as she walked by. Her sleepy voice indicating that she just woke up.
“I didn’t say it’d help, I just think it’d be better than just… sitting around waiting for something to happen.” Darlene muttered in response.
In the back more shuffling is heard as Michelle moves to get some coffee. Darlene continues speaking to the mic.
“I mean… I’m stuck on this shithole island and I can’t even have a smoke?” She asks no one in particular in an annoyed voice.
“Anyways… bye for now.” The recording ends.
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Hi, I have aus, now y’all gonna listen. Warning for gore, limb losing, cults, demons, lesbians, petty hate fucking gays, cannibalism, and Billy and Billie being horrible people @schmidtsbf because they seemed to wanted to read this :33
High School AU
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✧ Billy and Billie Parks
✧ Darlene and Derek Danforth
✧ Clapton and Cherry Davis
✧ Josie and Josh Futturman/Woman
✧ Marla and Marv
✧ Toby Mitchell
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✧ So it’s obviously pretty much self explanatory. It’s Jhutch characters plus some of the gender swaps in high school. Yet there’s more to it actually.
✧ The main thing is supposed to be it follows mainly Billy and Billie and about their past connections with a cult and some kinda demon. This demon has so far inhabited Billie’s body and they’ve kept it a pretty good secret till they realize that the demon left her body a long time ago and is now on the loose somewhere in the school.
✧ Now the demon is hopping from body to body through the high school with all the others having no clue. The only indication of the demon being in their body is the sudden insatiable craving for meat. So the siblings trigger a lockdown at the school at hold everyone hostage in the cafeteria to figure out whos the demon.
✧ Issue though is that the demon is constantly hopping from body to body so they end up killing multiple of the students because the demon hopped body at the last minute.
✧ Later on it’s more explained why Billy and his sister had a connection with a cult and why the demon was in Billie’s body in the first place. It’s kinda like a Hereditary situation with Paimon. The twos parents were the previous ones with the demons with their dad having the demon in him but the demon prefers female hosts so the dad had a child with some random woman so they would hopefully have a girl and it could just inhabit her body instead of it being his problem. Yet they ended up having twins instead and the demon accidentally ending up in Billy. And it’s hard to transfer it to another body without killing the current host but there is another way where you can cut off a part of the hosts body and attach it to another body and it will transfer there. So he cut off Billy and Billie’s arms and just swapped them. Causing them to have slightly longer/shorter arms.
✧ But the reason the demon left Billie’s body is because of an accident where she lost a hand and so that made an escape route for the demon so it left and went to the first person they could find that had an opening. That person being Marla for having a broken arm and being female.
✧ Yet part of the demon is still in her. It’s small and doesn’t really affect her yet since she lost just a hand and not the whole arm it’s still partially there.
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✞ In this au Billy is one of the teachers, or more of a teachers assistant. He only signed up to annoy the principal (Derek) and also to keep a closer eye on Billie so the demon stays at bay.
✞ Ever since finding out about the demon and the cult (which neither of them were ever supposed to lean) he’s genuinely considered killing Billie. He never went through with it but he has held it over her head multiple times for blackmail. (Yeah Billy isn’t really a good person here, neither is Billie but Billy is worse)
✞ Is actually the reason Billie lost her (or I guess his) hand. He was sick of having to deal with the demon so he purposely sliced off her hand with a meat grinder and framed it as an accident. Yet he just didn’t know he had to either kill her or get rid of the whole arm.
✞ Hates kids, would rather put a bullet through his head then continue being a teachers assistant. But he knows he has to because Billie still goes to the school. But he has begged her multiple times to just drop out like he did.
✞ Is 26 in this au.
✞ Made Billie kill Derek.
⚠︎︎ Genuinely hates her brother, once she found out losing her hand wasn’t an accident she almost murdered him. And her dad too, she absolutely despises her dad for putting this on her.
⚠︎︎ Only finds solace in school. She often just hides in the vice principals office with Darlene and Josie because they’re the only ones she really likes and trusts. Despite neither of them having a clue about her issue.
⚠︎︎ In return for Billy blackmailing her and cutting off her hand, she cut off one of his arms and ate it, also fed part of it to him. He decided to not fuck with her after that. (Though it was mainly the demon who had her do it, yet Billie still does have an obsession with cannibalism)
⚠︎︎ Is 18 in this au.
⚠︎︎ ︎Killed Derek :))
♬ Is 18 in this au.
♬ Has been friends with Billie since second grade. Till he caught her eating the teacher alive with Billy helping. Ever since then he’s been scared shitless of the two. Billy threatened to shot him if he said anything so he’s kept his lips shut for over 10 years now.
♬ Is cousins with Cherry in this au, Cherry does actually know about the demon without Clapton telling her though. (I’ll explain that more later when I get to her character card ;))
♬ Has been used like a martyr for the siblings in order to keep his mouth shut. Since they’ve been trying to rid of the demon for years they finally decide they can get rid of it in fragments like with how their father swapped their arms. Since Billy got her hand sliced off, she lost a fragment of the demon. So to transfer the fragment she attaches it to Clapton. Yet the hand also had a fragment of Billie’s soul as well so Billie can partially control Claptons body. (Like a Chucky/Nica situation.) They were going to continue with this till they found a different vessel.
☮︎︎ Is 20 in this au.
☮︎︎ Currently has been kidnapped and is being used as a vessel. Basically what they’re doing is they’re going to kill Billie and transfer her non-demon contaminated soul into Cherrys body who their also going to kill in order for her to just have Billie’s soul and not both of them.
☮︎︎ And that was going well yet Cherry was able to get out before they could kill her so the exact opposite happened, and now she has her soul contaminated by fragments of Billie’s. So now Billie has worsened and she’s lost so many fragments of her original soul that the demon is mainly taking over so they’ll need to find a new host for her soon.
☮︎︎ Meanwhile Cherry escaped out to Clapton and she quickly learns that he also has fragments of the demon in him. So she chops off his hand to neutralize it and it works despite it still having the tiniest amount of control.
☮︎︎ But it’s eventually spit out of Claptons body soon when Billy finds where Cherry escaped to and they kill Claptons since no demon in him = no use for him anymore. Yet they do keep a hold of his body in case he does need another puppet for Billie. Which he of course does eventually does need so he transfers her soul to Claptons body. Soon after everything goes back to relatively normal with Billie pretending to be Clapton and Cherry escaped.
☘︎︎ Is 32 in this au.
☘︎︎ Lightly referenced to that he was in a past relationship with Billy.
☘︎︎ Is the principal of the school.
☘︎︎ Has been in on the whole thing with the siblings since the beginning. He was also involved in the cult and used to be a previous host. (in this au its also implied he’s trans) The second he learned there was a new host after 28 years of him being dormant and that the host was in his very school he lost his shit. And the second he found out it’s Billy’s fault he lost it completely.
︎ ☘︎︎ He threatened Billy that if he doesn’t remove himself and his sister from the school immediately he’s going to kill both of them. Billy didn’t because he actually wants Billie dead. Derek was surprised at Billy’s heartlessness on how he was just so open to leaving his unwilling sister for dead so instead he was the one who put the idea of cutting her hand off to neutralize the demon. Yet we all already know that didn’t work.
☘︎︎ Derek had to lean that the hard way though when Billy sticked Billie onto him.
🜲 Is the vice principal for the high school, terrible at her job though.
🜲 Billie and Josie are her favorite students, it’s the main reason she lets them in her office.
🜲 Was also involved with the cult because of Derek being the host till he was 28. She was supposed to be the next host but she wasn’t really into the whole cult thing so she left before they could transfer her soul.
🜲 Until Derek told her about Billie and she, like Derek, was not happy about this. Yet she let Derek handle it and we already know how that ended.
🜲 After Billie killed her brother she didn’t do anything about it. She actually helped cover up the murder. Because she knows this demon because of the experience she’s had with it when Derek was being used as the vessel. So because of that she decided to not fuck with it.
🜲 So she leaves them alone up until the Cherry situation because Billie is dead and just lost a female host so they go to Darlene and she (reluctantly) agrees.
🜲 She is 33 in this au.
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- Billy and Billie are born and their arms are swapped so Billie gets possessed by the demon
- Billy blackmails the demon in Billie’s body
- Billie and the demon get pissed and eat Billy’s arm
- Clapton finds out about the cult
- Billie goes to high school
- Derek finds out about the cult and that it came back
- Billy chops of Billie’s hand
- Billie kills Derek
- Darlene helps the siblings dispose the body and cover it up
- Darlene becomes the principal
- They attach Billie’s hand to Clapton and a fragment of her soul and the demon are transferred into his body
- The siblings kidnap Cherry
- Billie dies
- They prepare the transfer but Cherry escapes and flees to Claptons with fragments of Billie’s soul contaminating her soul
- Billy finds Cherry and kills Clapton and Cherry escapes
- Billy uses Claptons body as a vessel for Billie’s soul
- Billie pretends to be Clapton for the next two years
- Eventually Claptons body grows too week for Billie to inhabit anymore so they use Darlene’s instead
- Cherry returns with the reanimated corpse of Clapton
- The demon fully leaves Billie’s/Darlenes body and goes to Marlas
- The siblings find out about this and get the school on lockdown to shut Cherry and Clapton out and so they can detect the demon
- They find the demon in Marla and kill her but the demon quickly hops to the next available body
- The demon goes to Toby
- Toby gets killed
- Cherry and Clapton finally break in as well as the reanimated corpse of Billie
- Billie’s fucking pissed that all this happened and that Billy didn’t just kill her once they found out about the demon
- Billie kills Darlene’s body and reabsorbes her soul which is pure and has no one else’s soul in it or the demons
- The demon completely disappears
- Billie kills Billy
- And Cherry, Clapton, and Billie get out and completely disappear off the map
And that’s all I have for this au. Bye now ✌️
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j26futturman · 4 months
J26! I heard you’re in the black, is the black safe? Do you need rescuing? Because Super Marla is on the way if you need me!
ohhhhh my goddddddd oh my god ur like. omg are you like????? a super hero for for for for real just like???? marv??????????????? ur like. omg ur so pretty........ ur so pretty.................................... :O !!!
the black is SOOOO SAFE marla you!! should come check it out!!!!! i promise! it's like,,,,,, the SSSAFFFEST PLACE EVER!!!!!!! <333
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thesupermarv · 4 months
Hii Marv! I finally made an account on here so I could follow you and your friends! who look oddly similar to you…
Marla you’re not supposed to say that they look like me, that was a secret ( ノ •̀ᴖ•́) ノ now everyone is gonna try finding my identity 。°(°.◜ᯅ◝°)°。
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pxppet · 2 years
Begin Teeth. Chp. 2
Prodrome. (Part 1)
Prodrome: a medical term for early signs or symptoms of an illness or health problem that appear before the major signs or symptoms start
CW: accidental homophobia, major distress, brief ableism, grief, major character death, anger/argument, flashback & panic, nightmares, sudden intensity & a lot of angst
Jackie is distressed. All of them can tell.
His hood is up, headphones on, and his skin is covered from skin-on-skin touch with light runner's gloves and some black socks. Everything about him closed off. Jackie is good with his sensory issues usually, and for Jameson it's something he's never seen outside of criminal-intended magicians. Propped up on the kitchen counter, Jameson observes, paranoid.
"Do you think it's the nightmares?"
Jameson startles and looks beside him, finding Chase, in what he thinks is a baseball cap. He points at himself in confusion. Chase laughs quietly.
"Yes you, dork."
"I don't know." Jameson feels tense. "Why is J-B having nightmares?"
"U-uh." Chase straightens his chest. "I-I don't- know, Jamie."
Jameson can hear his anxiety pick up very obviously. "What's wrong?"
"N-nothing man, but a-als- also I need to go to work. M-maybe…" Chase's heart drums, he doesn't know what's okay to say. "May… be. Ask him, you should ask him." Not the right thing, shit! "I need to h-head out, but u-um. Just. Take care Jameson. Bye!"
Chase hurries away on guilty feet, and tries to not break down outside before work.
Jameson walks over to Jackie, curled on the sofa. Jackie looks at him, looking thoroughly miserable. "What's up J-B? What happened?"
-- It's the night before.
Jackie wakes from that same dream, but cut off just as Jack becomes Anti- He shoots up, panting and sweating. His phone is going off. At first he's annoyed, but then his chest twists as he realises it's the Nyan Cat tune- Marvin's ringtone.
"Marvin wh-!"
"Jackie, stop, stop."
Jackie does stop, because Marvin sounds like they're crying.
"Jackie, I can't come home. I can't look at that boy. I can't he's too miserable, it took me so, so long to get over Anti- Anti leaving us like that! Only-! Only to find out Jack fucking made someone in a coma and- and Anti just- took him and tortured him. For three years! Jackie I can't look at him I-… I'm not coming home. I'm staying with either Jace, or Marla from Ulula."
"Marv… what? I can't… I need… I need you to be with me. I can't do it alone, I'm-"
"Jackie, grow up!" Marvin suddenly snarls, sobs, voice popping in the microphone. "We're not newborn and I'm not your baby in a cat mask! I'm not a fucking sidekick and I don't owe you being beside you 24-fucking-7!"
"Don't be a dick to me just because you miss Jack! Stop it! Marvin please. I need y-!"
The phone disconnects. Jackie lets it drop to the floor. Slowly curls his legs to his chest and hides his face.
"No one wants you." It lives in his head. "Grow up," it now addendums. Jackie does not sleep the rest of the night.
"I'm okay Jamie," Jackie lies. "Just got in a small fight with Marvin."
Jackie balks. "Holy shit. We forgot to tell you about Marvin?!"
"Who?!" Jameson questions again.
"Um. My- Er. Jack's second born. They haven't been around. At they're boyfriends for- for probably a while."
"Jack can make girls?"
Jackie blinks and does a double take. "Um, no. Marvin isn't a girl."
"But M has a boyfriend."
"Yeah..? Jameson they're gay and nonbinary."
Jameson just stares across to him, lips parted and eyebrows drawn in confusion. But, after a moment, something changes in his eyes.
Back in town, a nurse startles at Jack's arm twitching.
"O-K," Jameson spells. "O-K." Something in his head is placing itself, becoming true, but he doesn't know the words.
There's a pause, silence, Jackie chewing the edge of his hood.
He stands suddenly, gloved hands grasping themselves. "Jameson. I need you to… see something. Can you handle a walk?"
Jameson, it turns out, cannot. He trips to the ground after about 5 minutes walking. Jackie picks him up from the dirt of the deer-path below, leading into the forest. He gives him a silent look that Jameson has learned means "Are you okay?" Jameson gives him a nod and smile that means "I'm okay." He's been nonverbally communicating with Jackie a lot since he's been at their house.
Jackie lifts Jameson up bridal-style. "We're almost there, I'm sorry. I can take you the rest." Jameson nods and settles against Jackie's chest as he walks. Jackie is always warm. He feels safe.
Jameson notices a orange glow and signs "Cheat," with a smile. Jackie smiles back, but it's… twisted. Sad. Not like him. Jameson lets his own fall away as he registers something.
The static is coming closer, and it has been this whole time.
Blood cools. No, not Jackie first. Anti can't take Jackie first.
"Jackie, put down. I can walk now."
"Oh, y'sure? Okay." Jackie sets him down.
Jameson sprints full force.
Jackie shouts after him, but Jameson doesn't listen, he has to get to master first so he can go home - so Anti won't take any of those bright and gentle souls to the dirt. He's lost Jackie, following the direction it's loudest, sprinting faster than his recovering body should. Master. Brother. Coming home. Goodbye to his friends, Anti is all there is. He stumbles into a clearing covered in yellow flowers. Anti is here, hidden. Jameson puts two fingers in his lips and whistles loudly, desperately, Anti needs to find him first so J-B can go be happy. Jameson rushes the edges, glances behind and up in trees for all he can see. Not the edge, fuck, fuck, did Anti learn invisibility spells just to get him? Anti? Master? Safe? He charges, literally blind, into the bedded flowers-
He trips over an upright stick, falling to his knees. His breaths heave so hard his chest aches. He can't see anything, the full wave of panic hitting him hard. The static has stopped, and he silently cries, on his knees in the fucking dirt.
Jackie shouts for him and, also panting, comes to stand beside him and freezes.
"I'm sorry, I-! Are you okay?!"
"The static!" Jameson sobs.
"Sta… static? Jamie what static?" Jackie squats beside him, gloved hand hovering above his back.
Jameson punches the dirt. "Anti's static is gone! I followed it but he left me!"
Jackie cringes. "Jameson… That's why we came here. To see… Anti. To see Anti."
Jameson's tearful face turns to him violently fast, neck popping. He sits up, looking at the flower beds, not wild but laid neatly. The stick. Not just a stick. A headstone. Jameson can't see, but Anti's name is on it, carved carefully by Jackie.
Jameson's face furrows up, emotion, no emotion. Nothing. Jackie calls him. Nothing. His limbs fall limp, his lips parted and face upward to the bright, bright sun…
And, completely stiffened in place, he has the first catatonic episode of his life.
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bluedevilsrpg · 2 years
the skeletons as film characters?
Shoutout to Ever!
- god killer: rick blaine from casablanca - saint guillotine: alex delarge from a clockwork orange - cursed soldier: hannibal lecter from silence of the lambs - king of drought: max rockatansky from mad max - master of death: louis bloom from nightcrawler - crooked hound: tony montana from scarface - razor fist: marv from sin city - demon eater: marla singer from fight club - flower of ice: amy dunne from gone girl - queen of plague: marie laveau from american horror story - madame massacre: gogo yubari from kill bill - bells of hell: velma kelly from chicago - little miss red: joan holloway from mad men - sunken witch: white witch from the chronicles of narnia - child of flames: drusilla from buffy the vampire slayer - blood thief: wanda maximoff from the marvel cinematic universe - moon blade: sydney prosser from american hustle - angel of terror: v from v for vendetta
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thecomicsnexus · 5 years
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Peter Parker has received a telegram from the Restwell Retirement home informing him that his Aunt May had passed away. Racing there as Spider-Man and changing back into Peter, Parker confronts the administrator Dr. Reinhardt thinking it is all a mistake. Peter's heart sinks when he finds out there was no mistake at all when Reinhardt shows Peter a casket with a seemingly dead Aunt May inside. Leaving and walking the streets of New York, Peter thinks back to all the tragedy that has struck his loved ones, and how many have died since he became Spider-Man.
Meanwhile, at the Daily Bugle, the increasingly irrational J. Jonah Jameson listens to a story about how Spider-Man ignored a mugger and intends to print it. Fed up with Jonah's constant biased journalism about Spider-Man, he quits his job at the Bugle and walks out on a shocked Jonah. In Westchester, the secret new employer of Boris Korpse and Bruno Grainger demands that the two use their skills to bring Spider-Man to him.
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The next day at Empire State University, Peter is confronted by Flash, Sha-Shan and Harry Osborn about his current attitudes. Peter tells them that his Aunt May just died and then goes to tell Debra Whitman to excuse him from classes. After a brief visit with Anna Watson of Aunt May's body, Peter finds it suspicious that Dr. Reinhardt sets off his Spider-Sense.
Later, Peter goes to the docks to reflect on things and is surprised to find Joe Robertson there as well. Joe tells Peter about his own personal grief and how his first born son had died as a young boy, and how he learned to move on with his life by remembering the good times. Peter takes this advice to heart, and decides to go check out his old home in Forest Hills where he grew up under the care of Aunt May and Uncle Ben. To his horror he finds that the entire home had been trashed from the inside like someone was looking for something. Furious, Spider-Man finally puts together where he heard the name Reindhardt before and realizes that the man is one of his old foes.
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Changing into Spider-Man, Peter tries to make it to the Restwell Funeral home, however he is captured and subdued by Kropse and Boris and taken to their employer: The Kingpin.
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The Kingpin tells Spider-Man how he survived his plunge into the river after their previous battle. Spider-Man did not find him in the murky water, because the Kingpin swam to a drainage pipe, hauled himself out of the water, and collapsed. When he awoke and crawled out of the pipe to the surface, his memory was gone.
For months he wandered the streets not knowing who he was, but then Sllvermane learned what had happened to him. Silvermane sent a hired killer to try to run him down with a car. But when the car slammed head-on into the Kingpin, his muscular, bulky frame survived the impact. The assassin died in the collision.
Hospitalized for many more months, the Kingpin regained his memory, and a mere 18 hours ago he returned home to his beloved wife, Vanessa. When he told her his plan to gain revenge on Silvermane, she told him he had 24 hours to finish his criminal career or she would leave him. After divesting himself of his criminal empire, he found he had six hours left. He intends to use those six hours to finally get rid of Spider-Man.
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Spider-Man suddenly leaps from the floor and slams into the master criminal. He lands several blows before the Kingpin pulls the rug out from under him. Spider-Man is hampered considerably by his broken arm, but he still manages to hold his own. The combatants pummel each other and smash one another into walls as the battle drifts into the Kingpin's private gym. The Kingpin tries to strike Spider-Man with a barbell weighing several hundred pounds, but Spider-Man easily evades the barbell and smashes the Kingpin into a shelf of gym equipment. Then he bounds out of the gym.
Meanwhile, at the Restwell Nursing Home, Ludwig Rinehart tells the burglar that Peter Parker will not be bothering them again. Now, continues Rinehart, the burglar can tell him what he was looking for in the Parker house. The burglar replies that since he plans soon to dispose of Rinehart, he will tell him. But Rinehart has plans of his own for the burglar.
Momentarily stunned after being smashed into the shelf, the Kingpin comes to before Spider-Man can find an exit from the mansion. The Kingpin pushes a button to electrify the ceiling Spider-Man is clinging to, and when Spider-Man drops to the floor, the Kingpin overtakes him and presses his attack.
At the same time, at the Daily Bugle, the door to J. Jonah Jameson's office opens and Joe Robertson strides out, briefcase in hand, wearing his hat and coat. Jameson appears totally dejected as his city editor bids him farewell. He has chased Robertson away for good, he says to himself, just as he had lost his wife, his son, and everyone else close to him. He has built a wall around himself, he continues, and he cannot bring himself to tear it down.
The Kingpin pursues Spider-Man through his mansion. Spider-Man hides in a room, and then he finds an electrified lance that is disguised as a pole lamp. Suddenly attacking the Kingpin with it, he briefly knocks him unconscious. But before Spider-Man can leave the room, the Kingpin starts to shoot at him with his obliterator cane. Spider-Man snatches the cane with his webbing and the combatants pummel each other, exchanging blow after blow.
At last, the Kingpin has Spider-Man by the throat. Groggy from the punishment, Spider-Man manages, with his webbing, to pull a shelf down onto the Kingpin's head. Then the master criminal throws the shelf at Spider-Man, breaking a hole in the floor. Spider-Man exits through it. Spider-Man finds himself in the basement of the mansion, but before he can discover a way out, the relentless master criminal is hot on his trail. Spider-Man hides in the darkness, but the Kingpin slams a support beam with all his might, which collapses part of the building onto Spider-Man and leaves him helpless. The pain from his broken arm renders Spider-Man unable to move. The Kingpin declares himself the winner of their battle and drags Spider-Man upstairs. As the Kingpin gloats, Spider-Man tries to gather what remains of his strength. The Kingpin aims his obliterator cane directly at Spider-Man, who desperately tries to keep the Kingpin boasting to give himself time to recover. Suddenly, the clock strikes twelve, and Vanessa enters. The Kingpin tells her that he needs just a moment more, but she tells him that he must decide now between continuing his life of crime or leaving it forever and starting a new life with her.
After an agonized minute, the Kingpin decides that he loves his wife more than he enjoys his success at crime and more than he hates Spider-Man. He puts his arms around her, and they walk together out of the room, leaving Spider-Man on the floor, defeated.
Spider-Man has just been senselessly beaten by the Kingpin, who has left Spider-Man to his fate, having given up his life of crime for his wife Vanessa. The police find Spider-Man and bring him to a hospital, where a doctor treats him and makes sure that nobody unmasks the wall-crawler.
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While at the Restwell Retirement home, Dr. Reinhardt reveals himself as the original Mysterio and reveals to the Burglar that he faked his own death to operate in more subtle fraudulent ways, and that his role as administrator of Restwell allowed him to swindle the elderly that he cared for out of their valuables. Hoping to get this treasure the Burglar has been trying to find, Mystery turns his illusion casting powers on the man, knocking him out and tying him up in the boiler room of the retirement home.
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While back at the hospital, Spider-Man revives and leaves in spite of the doctor's orders to stay and get more treatment for his now-broken arm he speeds off for the Restwell Retirement Home, and soon finds himself victim to Mysterio's illusions which now appear more elaborate than ever. While at the Daily Bugle, J. Jonah Jameson has become even more irrational. When Marla Madison tries to talk sense into Jonah. Jameson then enters the boardroom where an investors meeting is happening. When the other shareholders of the Bugle question Jameson's recent decisions as editor, Jameson loses his temper and his fury causes a total nervous breakdown and he faints to the floor.
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Back at the Restwell Retirement Home, Spider-Man finally tackles Mysterio one-on-one, however, he finds that his foe's new hypnosis based illusions and is easily knocked out by his longtime foe. Reviving, Spider-Man has found that Mysterio has chained him to the bottom of the facilities wading pool. Mysterio then begins to fill the pool with water, gloating over how his old nemesis will helplessly drown.
Spider-Man has uncovered Mysterio's operation running out of the same nursing home where his Aunt May had supposedly died. After a battle against his old foe, Spider-Man is left to drown in a massive in-ground pool. Leaving Spider-Man to his fate, Mysterio then ventures to the basement of the Restwell facility where he has a man tied up. This man is the same Burglar who shot Uncle Ben years earlier and sought to learn of some secret treasure that was hidden in the old Parker house from Aunt May. Mysterio informs the Burglar that he no longer needs him to learn the secret and leaves him tied up in the basement. The Burglar swears that when he gets free, he will find the illusionist and kill him. Looking around the room, he spots a mirror close enough to kick and begins dragging a broken piece close enough so he can cut loose his bonds.
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Meanwhile, the pool appears to be filled with water, but Spider-Man has bought himself some time by spinning an air bubble around his head. However, no matter how hard he strains to break free, he cannot bust the chains that keep him locked down. Soon, the web sack bursts and Spider-Man is about to give up all hope of escape when he spies a drain plug not far from him. Using his web shooter and all of his strength, he manages to pull the plug, draining the pool and saving himself from drowning. After resting for a moment, the wall-crawler realizes that he is completely dry and realizes that he fell for another one of Mysterio's illusions. With the illusion shattered, Spider-Man breaks free from his bonds and rushes away to get some rest. After sleeping for a full day, Peter wakes up in his apartment feeling refreshed. The sleep was all he needed for his enhanced healing to fix his broken arm and so he breaks the cast on his right arm.
Preparing himself a meal, Peter is suddenly intruded upon by his friends Flash Thompson, Sha Shan, Harry Osborn and Liz Allan. Realizing that he is still wearing part of his costume and the rest out in the open, Peter has to be incredibly sneaky to hide them from plain view. They have come to express their condolences for Peter over the loss of his Aunt, as well as find out why he snapped at Betty Brant. Peter tells them that he only did it to try and get her and her husband, Ned Leeds, to sort out their marital problems. Liz informs him that Betty has moved in with Liz until she sorts out what she wants to do with her marriage. With everyone caught up to date, Peter ushers them out, telling them that he needs time alone to process everything that has happened recently. With his friends gone, Peter changes back into Spider-Man and heads for his Aunt May's old home, the only clue he has to find out what Mysterio was trying to uncover.
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Arriving in Forest Hills, Spider-Man searches the house again but finds nothing. It's then that he is attacked by Mysterio and his illusions once more. Spider-Man fights off these illusions, forcing Mysterio to flee back to the Restwell Nursing Home with Spider-Man in hot pursuit. When, Spider-Man comes crashing in, he is shot with a powerful tranquilizer that Mysterio believes is strong enough to kill Spider-Man. The wall-crawler still tries to stop his foe even though his strength is ebbing. Despite his best efforts, Spider-Man eventually slumps to the floor, leading Mysterio to believe that his old foe is finally dead.
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Spider-Man has been injected with a large dose of anti-depressants and left to die by Mysterio. Spider-Man survives the injection however it has left him without his spider-powers. In spite of this, Spider-Man is determined to learn why Mysterio rigged his Aunt May's death and returns home, once more lamenting his lot in life since becoming the Amazing Spider-Man. Unknown to Spidey, the Burglar who shot his Uncle Ben manages to free himself in from the boiler room in the Restwell Retirement home and decides that maybe May Parker's nephew will know the secret of the hidden loot.
Meanwhile, Peter has begun trying to track down who it was that rented and trashed his Aunt May's old home in Forrest Hills. After meeting with Anna Watson and the rental company that rented out his aunts home, Peter is shocked to learn that it was rented by the man who shot and killed his Uncle Ben. Returning to his apartment and changing back into Spider-Man, Peter vows to track the Burglar down and stop him once and for all, considering even killing the man responsible for his uncle's death.
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Peter decides to do some more research on the man who killed Uncle Ben when he finds a lead to follow by checking the Daily Globe's morgue files, he decides to check the video archives of a television station that ran news stories about the case. When Peter Parker is denied admittance because he has no appointment, he risks his life climbing a web-line into the building as Spider-Man despite the fact that he has no spider-powers. Inside, he finds the tape he is looking for and reviews it. On his way out he hears a commotion and sees a security guard chasing a man. Unlike the first time he found himself in such a situation, Peter stops the man being chased and realizes that ironically enough the security guard he just helped was the same man who he refused to help all those years ago when he first became Spider-Man.
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After Peter returns to his apartment to find that Burglar is there waiting for him, Peter instantly pounces on the man and the two are locked in a brutal fight. During the scuffle, the Burglar drops his gun, but recovers it in the struggle and strikes Peter on the head with its butt, knocking him out. When Peter revives, he finds himself in the very warehouse that the Burglar holed up after he shot Uncle Ben. The Burglar then starts grilling Peter about hidden loot and explains that Aunt May's house used to be owned by a Prohibition-era crime boss named Dutch Mallone. He explains that Mallone -- among other criminal enterprises -- had a successful bootlegging operation during the 30's until he was busted by Elliot Ness for tax evasion. It was being incarcerated with Mallone that the Burglar learned that he had a large sum of money stashed in the home that would eventually be bought and owned by Ben and May Parker. He explains that's why he went to the Parker home that fateful night. When Peter refuses to tell the Burglar anything because he killed Aunt May, the crook reveals that anything that happened to his dear aunt was all the doings of Mysterio. Getting a moment of inspiration, the Burglar decides to leave Peter to do one last thing and will come back to kill Parker later.
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The whole time trying to break free, Peter finally manages to bust loose and decides to go after the Burglar not as Peter Parker, but as Spider-Man. Secretly following the Burglar, Spider-Man is led right back to the Restwell Retirement home. When the Burglar goes into the basement, Spider-Man attempts to confront him there and is shot and left for dead. The Burglar returns to the warehouse shortly thereafter to shock Peter Parker by showing him his Aunt May alive and well. Apparently, Mysterio had faked her death to get Mallone's loot for himself and the Burglar would hope that threatening Parker's aunt in front of him would loosen the boy's tongue.
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Realizing Peter isn't there, the Burglar is shocked when Spider-Man -- only winged by the bullets and is alive and well -- is waiting there for him. Spidey attacks the Burglar head-on attacking him with an unbridled fury. When Spider-Man proves to be too much for the Burglar to handle, he tries to flee. However, Spider-Man continues to chase after him, using his spider-signal to intimidate and further strike fear into the Burglar. When Spider-Man finally has him cornered, the frightened Burglar suffers a heart attack and dies of fright. Spider-Man then sets off a fire alarm to get the authorities to show up and convinces Aunt May that he came to her rescue for her nephew Peter.
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Later, with Aunt May once more in the hospital, Peter goes to visit her and she tells her nephew that she no longer thinks of Spider-Man as a menace. She also ends up solving the mystery of what happened to Mallone's loot: When she and Ben had first moved into the home and did renovations they found a box inside one of the walls. Inside they found the remains of Mallone's money all right, however, it had long since been destroyed by silverfish. Later, after the anti-depressants that Mysterio injected him with have been flushed out of his system, Peter changes into Spider-Man and finds that his powers have returned to full strength and decides that after this whole experience he will continue being Spider-Man.
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I’ll be blunt... this story is too complicated, and sometimes too convenient. However...
The character moments are spot on and in the end, everything that happens is true to the character and his world.
Issue 200 in particular is the best one. The Kingpin fight was just too long (and inconsequential, as he would soon appear in Daredevil). The Mysterio thing went nowhere. But the burglar story is the one that counts.
The moment Peter took off his mask, I realized the burglar was going to die (I am not sure how obvious this would have been in 1979, but by now, we all know that whenever an antagonist discovers the hero’s secret identity, he has to die, unless that antagonist is Kinpin).
And I think the finest moment in this story is when all is over and Peter asks for the “treasure box”. Sure, it would have been nice if all of a sudden, May and Peter become rich. But that wouldn’t be the May and Peter we know, they are hard working middle class people, that manage to move on with love, no matter what life has in store for them.
So as usual with anniversary issues, we got a retelling of Spidey’s origin and re-evaluated his principles and motivations. This time, however, it was really effective.
The art gets pretty good on issue 200 as well. With the Kinpin issues being the less interesting ones (couldn’t engage much with the action).
I give this story a score of 7
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michaeldadson · 4 years
Michael Dadson at UBC
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ask-jhutchverse-gals · 2 months
>Play Audio Message?
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> Yes selected!
> Playing voice recording!
The audio began to play, starting with two female voices whispering to each other before speaking properly.
“Ehem… Hello Tumblr! I’m coming he’d live from… uhm…. From a beach house!” Cherry started the audio with the most upbeat voice she could muster in the moment.
“My beach house!” Darlene interrupted from the background.
Cherry sighs before continuing the recording. “Yes yes… The one and only Darlene Danforth’s beach house! We don’t uhh… exactly know what we’re doing here but uhm… we found this account hoping we could document our time here and hopefully someone will find it!”
Cherry explained the whole predicament of them all suddenly waking up in this house on some kinda deserted island and that all she knows is there’s 5 other people here that she neither knows or knows why their all here either.
“Isn’t it a bit odd we have no cell reception yet we can still use this computer with no issues?” Marla butts in.
Cherry just shrugs in response. “You ask this stuff like we have any clue. We’re as clueless as you dude.”
“Sorry I just… don’t wanna be stuck here forever okay? I got a city to protect!” Marla declares in a heroic like tone.
“Kiddo, we’re not gonna be stuck here forever. Billie and Michelle are out on that boat outside trying to get it to start.” Josie try’s to reassure the two teens softly as the most worst timing just happened.
“We’re going to be stuck here forever!” Billie yells from the distance as she renters the house with Michelle.
“The fuck happened?!” Darlene calls out in response. Cherry just sighs knowing she’s not gonna get to finish this recording without being interrupted.
“Don’t ask us like we know, that hunk of junk just won’t fucking go.” Billie says calmly in response, not seeming like she wants to yell or stir up anything.
A very loud and very overdramatic gasp comes from Darlene, taking offense to something Billie said.
“Hunk of junk?! That is no hunk of junk that is a very nice mini yacht that should be treated with respect!” Darlene huffs as she whips back to the cabinets she was previously searching through.
“Seriously! Where the fuck did the martini mix go?!”
Billie scoffs as she approaches Darlene, a squabble between them blossoming.
As Cherry realized this she quickly turned back to the computer and spoke up again. “Shit uhh… I should just end the recording-“
“Wait this is recording?!” Josie interrupted Cherry once more as she went up to talk into the microphone.
“Josie, wait hey I’m doing something!” Cherry protested.
“No no this’ll only take a minute.” Josie says as she leans over the table to get to the mic.
“Hey Josie wait-!”
The last thing heard in the recording is the sound of chairs crashing as Josie had accidentally knocked over herself and Cherry. The recording was quickly ended by the still upright Marla who just ended it with no sign off.
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theamamazingmarla · 4 months
Immmm sooooo boreeed…
Plz send asks I don’t really mind what they are
3 notes · View notes
thecomicsnexus · 6 years
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Peter Parker has returned home from his apartment to find that Betty Brant is waiting there for him. Betty explains that she left Ned Leeds because she wasn't happy living with him in Paris, now that she's back in America, Peter was one of the first people she wanted to see. The two decide to play catch up, and Peter is not certain if he wants to get involved with Betty Brant again.
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Meanwhile, at a lab uptown, J. Jonah Jameson and Marla Madison go to visit his son John who has been put in cryogenic suspension. Peter and Betty go to ESU where Peter is preparing for his graduation ceremony. There he tries to introduce himself to Phillip Chang, who he will be working with next semester. Chang snaps and almost attacks Peter before storming off, muttering about Peter not being one of the Dragons.
That night Peter is web-slinging through Chinatown where he stops the Dragon Lords gang from robbing a store, however, he finds the owner too fearful to report the incident to the police. Taking Betty out for Chinese later, he finds that Phillip works at the Lotus Restaurant. There Peter gets Phillip to confide in him. Phillip explains that he's been in trouble in the past in Hong Kong when suddenly the costumed criminal known as the White Dragon enters the restaurant and kidnaps Phillip. Peter tags the White Dragon with a spider-tracer.
He later tracks down the White Dragon to the Dragon Lord's hideout, where they are pressuring Phillip to join their gang. Spider-Man attacks the White Dragon, however, is easily defeated and chained up over a vat of oil. White Dragon demands Phillip join their group or Spider-Man dies. When Phillip still refuses, Spider-Man is dropped in and the White Dragon ignites the oil.
Captured by the White Dragon and his Dragon Lords, Spider-Man is dropped into a vat of oil that the villain has set afire. With the Spider-Man seemingly dead, the White Dragon tells Phillip Chang that his reluctance to join his gang has resulted in the wall-crawler's death. However, Spider-Man isn't dead yet as only the top layer of oil is ablaze. With the temperature rising and the flames slowly spreading down, Spider-Man breaks free from the chains that bind him. Then, using his web-shooters, Spider-Man wraps himself in webbing and leaps out of the flaming vat, out a nearby window. Using his spider-sense, the web-slinger swings out to the East River to douse the flames. Fearing that Spider-Man might return, the White Dragon orders his gang to flee. Spider-Man returns shortly thereafter and finds Phil alone.
After freeing the young man, Spider-Man asks why the White Dragon and his men are seeking him out. Chang explains that he used to be a part of a gang in Hong Kong. One day, one of his enemies lobbed a grenade into Chang's home. Although Phil survived, his parents were killed in the blast. Seeking to renounce his violent past, Phil vowed to his grandparents. He then immigrated to the United States to start a new life working in his uncle's restaurant and going back to school. When the White Dragon learned of his presence, the costumed gangster threatened to tell Phil's enemies where to find him if he did not join the Dragon Lords.
Meanwhile, the White Dragon has gathered his minions in a secret room within the Brooklyn Bridge. He tries to raise their spirits by recalling the fact that he united all the gangs in Chinatown. However, when one of the gang members questions the White Dragon's leadership, he challenges the dissident. After a short fight, the White Dragon uses his talons to slash open the gangster's stomach, killing him. It's then that one of the White Dragon's subordinates notices that a Spider-Tracer has been planted on their leader. The White Dragon decides to let Spider-Man know that he is onto him by crushing the device, causing the signal to die out just as Spider-Man has started tracking it. Undaunted, Spider-Man decides to swing across Chinatown waiting for his Spider-Sense to warn him of danger.
Soon enough, Spider-Man locates the Dragon Lords and uses his webbings to separate members of the gang from their leader. Spider-Man then goes up against the White Dragon and is easily able to dodge his attacks thanks to his enhanced speed and agility. When the villain tries to immolate Spider-Man with the flamethrower built into his dragon's mask. When this fails, he attempts to use his gas. Although this stuns Spider-Man momentarily, the wall-crawler manages to knock the White Dragon into one of his web snares, trapping his foe. Spider-Man then leaves the White Dragon and his men for the authorities.
At Newhope Memorial Hospital, May Parker awakens to find Joe Robertson standing over her. He has come with a television and has something important to show her.
Meanwhile, Spider-Man has arrived at Empire State University and quickly changes back into his civilian guise so he can participate in his graduation ceremony. He is joined by Flash Thompson and Harry Osborn who have come to congratulate him. He is also joined by Betty Brant, who wants to apologize for dragging Peter out to the Chinese restaurant the night before.
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Eventually, Peter is waiting in line for his cap and gown and is a little bothered to discover that his name is not on the list. Still, he is soon given a spare set that is on supply and continues on with the other graduates. He also finds that his name is not on the seating arrangement list either, but also chalks this up to a mistake of some kind. Looking at the program, he discovers that his name isn't even on the list. Still, he manages to find a seat that is unoccupied and waits for the ceremony to begin.
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Back at the hospital, Joe has May turn on the television and she is delighted to see that he has arranged a live feed of the graduation ceremony for her. May is so happy she considers this the happiest moment of her life. The graduation ceremony begins with a long speech given by J. Jonah Jameson, much to the chagrin of the grads. As the names are being called up, Peter can't help but think about all the friends he made and lost during his time in college. However, he is snapped out of his thoughts when he realizes that his name is not called.
After the ceremony is over, Peter asks the Dean why he wasn't called up. He learns that he was missing a gym credit and therefore couldn't graduate, but is told he can make up the credit in the summer. Peter can't believe it and laments that his career as Spider-Man has once more interfered with his life. Still, he considers that this isn't the worst that could have happened and looks forward to making up the missing credit so he can start the next phase of his life.
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Well, that would have been nice.
So why is this story considered a graduation and a new part of Peter Parker’s life? Who knows.
Peter Parker is not really graduated. You and I know he can ace that gym class, but he is still not finished with college.
The White Dragon story is a bit boring. We do get some first appearances.
The Betty Brant story arc feels dirty. And sad. I mean, this woman should have some self-respect.
The art is nice to look at, as usual. But I noticed that at least in these issues, it wasn’t as “three-dimensional” as it used to. Spidey stories usually benefit with figures that want to jump out of the page.
I give the story a score of 7
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