#marriage and family therapist los angeles
cbtherapyla · 1 year
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CBTtherapyLA is a counseling center located in Los Angeles that provides evidence-based therapy services for individuals, couples, and families. Their team of licensed therapists specializes in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), an approach that has been proven effective for a wide range of mental health concerns. They offer online and in-person sessions and prioritize creating a safe and supportive environment for their clients.
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Seven Several Sentences Sunday
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Where CANON and FANON collide!
FANON speculation for season 7
Buddie Multi-Chapter Fanfic - Hiatus Reading: “I’m still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!” 
Chapter 10 will be posted soon.
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I’m excited to finish writing Chapter 10 because a lot is happening and there's still more to come. At the end of Chapter 9, Buck and Eddie were trying to cope with everything that happened during and after Jonah's criminal trial. At the end of day two, Buck had a major panic attack, he asked Eddie to get him out of the courthouse and Eddie drove them home instead of taking Buck back to the loft. Then Buck scheduled an emergency therapy appointment with Dr. Copeland and later that night, after Chris and Buck were already asleep, Eddie spent time trying to decide if he should make an emergency appointment with Frank instead of scheduling one with his new therapist, Dr. Theresa because Frank's a trauma therapist and she's not. He was strongly considering it since both him and Buck were faced yet again with additional ramifications from the shooting.
As a continuation of my WIP Wednesday, here’s a little more of Buck’s conversation with Rhett and Eddie’s conversation with Bertie.
“Now… if you swipe to the left, I think… well it’s either left or right who knows with all this new fandangle technology… you’ll see a picture of me and my husband.”
Buck swipes left in the photos app and he sees Rhett in a photo with a very handsome man.  If he didn’t know any better, he’d think it was a picture of him and Eddie because the man in the picture standing next to Rhett has dark hair, brown eyes and olive skin just like Eddie.
“You have a beautiful family.”  Buck says as he hands Rhett’s phone back to him.
“Yeah, we did.  Me and Ray…”  Rhett chuckles then continues.  “His real name was Raymundo but after he left his parents’ house, he wouldn’t let anyone call him that anymore.  We didn’t get married until nine years ago but by that time… we’d already been together for more than forty years.  Even though we didn’t need a piece of paper to tell us how much we loved each other, we wanted it… so we had a small wedding in our backyard with our son and his family.  Getting married also allowed me to change my last name from Quinn to Dominquez… it’s on our marriage license and it’s still hanging up in our home today.  I looked at it before I left to come here.”
Buck’s hit with another realization because he knows he’s been wanting to marry Eddie for years but he’s still not sure Eddie wants him so he tucks the little hope he has back into the corner of his heart.
“You didn’t want to keep your last name?”
“No, I didn’t because the last name Quinn didn’t hold anything but hurt and pain for me.  I grew up in an ok family but my parents weren’t ready to be a mom and a dad and I suppose, it affected how emotionally detached they were.  I don’t blame them for it anymore but finally being able to take my husband’s last name after 40 years of us being together was the best because me, him and our son all had the same last name.”
Buck nods his head because the last name Buckley certainly doesn’t mean shit to him anymore.  That’s Phillip’s last name not his and he’s been trying to figure out what he should change it to.  Diaz has a nice ring to it but he’d have to marry Eddie first for that to happen and since he hasn’t told him how he feels, he doesn’t think it ever will.
Where is Buck?  Also, who is Rhett and why is he telling Buck about his life?
After they leave the hospital and they get back inside of the ambulance, it only takes Bertie a few seconds to mention something about Loni.
She closes the driver’s side door, looks at Eddie then says, “She lives on the outskirts of Los Angeles and if anything ever happens to the solitary road that leads to her house, no one will be able to get to her”.
He shrugs his shoulders then says, “Well… she said she likes living out there and she likes the peace and quiet”.
“Yeah, she did say that and she also said the reason why she did it was because she figured she wouldn’t find love again.  So, maybe her decision to live all the way out in an area of Los Angeles that resembles ‘Death Valley’ wasn’t completely about her desire to live in peace and quiet.”
She turns her head to crank the ambulance, then she looks over at Eddie again.  “Some people choose to be alone while others feel like it’s their only option.  Neither choice is wrong but if someone doesn’t want to die alone, they don’t have to”.
Almost immediately after the words leave Bertie’s lips, Eddie feels like someone is screaming at him even though he’ll never admit it’s the universe.  Over the last few days, several people have told him things that remind him of that Geoffrey Chaucer quote, “Time and tide wait for no man” and he realizes he might be running out of time to have a conversation with Buck.
Who is Bertie?  Why is Eddie partnered with her and will he listen to the things she's saying?
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Fic Summary: Months after Buck and Eddie were hit by the same lightning strike; they’re still struggling with the aftermath of it.  But before they make their love confessions, they’ll spend time getting to know themselves as individuals first. Eddie learns to enjoy the simple things in life as he participates in activities on his own and with new friends while Buck learns the rest of the 31-year-old deep dark family secret about his conception and birth. Their journey to forever is still a work in progress but once they finally admit they’re in love with each other, everything that follows their love confessions will be cataclysmic.
Chapter Summaries
Chapter 1 -Eddie makes a new friend while Buck receives devastating news regarding the sperm donation he made for Connor and Kameron.
Chapter 2 - Buck does a lot of research to learn more about the abnormalities found in his red blood cells and Eddie starts a new therapy journey that’s all about him and not the traumas he’s experienced.
Chapter 3 -After more than a month, Buck and Eddie finally spend time together outside of work but it doesn’t end well and they part with a lot of uncertainty regarding their places in each other’s lives.
Chapter 4 - Eddie has a few realizations about his life which causes him to consider moving back to El Paso, TX while Buck continues to be reminded of his past which causes him to take an impromptu road trip across America.
Chapter 5 - Both Buck and Eddie have difficult conversations with their parents and Buck finally learns the truth behind the reason why his mother despised him while Eddie finally tells his mother about the way she tries to control him.
Chapter 6 - More than two weeks after Buck pushed Eddie away after suggesting they needed a break; Eddie decides to try again. Eddie’s there for Buck when he’s at his worst just like Buck was there for him when he was at his worst and he won’t let Buck give up.
Chapter 7 - After Buck’s mental breakdown, Eddie has his back the same way Buck had his when he had his own breakdown more than a year ago.  They share several vulnerable and emotionally intimate moments with one another and they begin to realize their small, sweet and caring gestures matter just as much if not more than any grand gesture ever could because these are part of the foundation when a couple builds a long-lasting love relationship.
Chapter 8 - Buck, Eddie and Chris all have their own therapists and during their sessions, they reflect on their pasts while they’re in the present so they can prepare for their future together as a family.
Chapter 9 - Buck and Eddie are there for each other when Buck has to testify as a witness during the trial.  But by the end of it, they’ll both realize their individual and shared traumas are going to keep resurfacing until they talk about them, deal with the fact that they’re in love with one another and face the fact that they can’t live without each other.
Chapter 10 - Will be posted soon.
I’m enjoying writing this fic because it’s giving me the chance to unravel the mess that was the 6x18 ending for Buck, Eddie and Chris.  Also, it’s taking them places the show refuses to go including Buck finally having a mental breakdown and Eddie being there for him the same way he was there for Eddie in season 5.
Buddie Multi-Chapter Fanfic - Hiatus Reading
Read chapters 1 - 9 are already available on AO3.
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By: Pamela Garfield-Jaeger
Published: Jun 22, 2023
On May 5th and 6th, 2023, I attended a training conference organized by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT). My aim was to gain an in-person perspective on the unfolding developments within my profession, particularly concerning gender ideology. I was eager to witness the current discourses imparted to my colleagues first-hand. Some striking revelations emerged from these sessions, some of which I will share, while primarily focusing on why I am convinced that gender activists feel their narrative is under threat.
In one of the sessions, Linda K. Reeves, a WPATH GEI Certified Gender Specialist, openly voiced her concerns, saying she was “afraid” of the new bills being passed in the Republican States, labeling them as “anti-trans.” The bills she referred to are designed to protect minors from irreversible medical interventions before they’re capable of informed consent. Reeves’ sentiment of fear was expressed twice during her 90-minute lecture, indicating the perception of losing legislative ground amid previous progress made by the trans community.
In another intriguing move, the workshop “Gender-Affirming Medical and Mental Health Care for Transgender Adolescents,” hosted by Aydin Olson-Kennedy, LCSW, and Johanna Olson-Kennedy, MD, requested that no filming take place due to a “tumultuous and hostile environment.” Ayden, a fully transitioned trans man, and Johanna, a Los Angeles Children’s Hospital pediatrician with 16 years of experience prescribing puberty blockers, were the sole workshop to issue such a request. This class “taught” me that puberty blockers are as harmless as a new haircut or clothing style. My question for them is: If you are an expert sharing important clinical information that you are certain of, why would you want your workshop to be hidden?
This workshop attempted, albeit clumsily, to debunk various gender-critical perspectives, signifying that opposing narratives are reaching their audience. For instance, the common question of a child's self-awareness at a young age was addressed. Both Ayden and Johanna asserted that children as young as three know their identities. They countered the prevalent concern about the internet’s influence on young people, stating that more time online is actually a good thing and indicates a healthy journey of self-discovery. Johanna advocated the transitioning of children since every trans adult was once a child, conveniently omitting that a majority of children with gender dysphoria, when not “affirmed,” ultimately desist.
According to a summary of multiple studies, about 80 percent of children desist.
Evidence from 10 available prospective follow-up studies from childhood to adolescence indicates that childhood gender dysphoria will recede with puberty in ~80% of cases. A Dutch paper notes that follow-up studies show the persistence rate of gender identity disorder to be about 15.8%, or 39 out of the 246 children who were reported on in the literature.
During the workshop, the Olson-Kennedys emphasized that gender dysphoria often causes other co-morbid mental health issues, contradicting what many therapists observe—distressed children clinging to trans identity with the misguided belief that it will resolve their underlying issues. “Depression treatment does not treat dysphoria. Gender Dysphoria for some folks is Depression. Gender Dysphoria = Depression,” stated Aydin Olson-Kennedy.
Unexpectedly, the instructors discredited the standard psychology manual, the Diagnostic Standard Manual-5 (DSM-5), which states a person must experience Gender Dysphoria for at least six months. Ayden described the DSM as a book smothered in cis-white privilege. Ayden stated the DSM was “colonized” due to its problematic binary language and its emphasis on Gender Dysphoria as distress. However, Ayden spent much of the lecture, including a video, showing the audience how distressing being trans is. Ayden even said it’s “normal” for dysphoric feelings to increase after receiving hormones and surgeries and, in fact, “There are pieces of dysphoria you can’t undo,” negating the prevailing thought that transition ameliorates distress. Nevertheless, the audience was assured that offering puberty blockers, hormones and surgeries is the compassionate form of treatment. Ayden rhetorically asked the audience: “At what point is it mean to let people suffer?”
Finally, Olson-Kennedy acknowledged the existence of detransitioners, a group often overlooked due to their narratives challenging the notion that those who claim to be trans are always know. The instructors downplayed the numbers of detransitioners but couldn’t entirely ignore their existence given the compelling stories increasingly being shared by individuals like Chloe Cole, Ritchie Herron, and many others who fell victim to “gender-affirming care.” “People are going to detransition, that’s OK, but we need not to organize our practice around it,” she said.
Shockingly, Olson-Kennedy also dismissed concerns about excessive prescription of puberty blockers, arguing legislation to be unnecessary given that “Only 5,000 children total are on puberty blockers in the U.S. That’s a small amount of kids to be writing legislation about.” However, most people would agree that 5,000 healthy children being medicalized for life is too 5,000 many. She also argued that puberty blockers are very helpful because they prevent future surgeries. Moreover, she failed to highlight potential side effects, like the inability to achieve a sexual orgasm later in life for those initiating puberty blockers before Tanner stage two (age 9-11), or the FDA’s warnings about brain swelling and blindness.
Another astonishing argument came when the detrimental effects of cross-sex hormones were downplayed, with the simplistic reasoning that “everyone has hormones.” Yes, that was the argument, from a credentialed medical professional nonetheless. A few side effects were mentioned but many serious ones, like early-onset menopause, urinary tract issues, mood instability, blood clots, and heart issues, were omitted. “At least the patient is alive”, she stated, alluding to the high suicide rates of trans people, but she did not share any data on that point.
Lastly, Linda Reeves addressed Lisa Littman’s research on Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD) in her presentation, claiming it had been “debunked” by WPATH due to its reliance on parental observations. It was dismissed based on the assumption that parents possess no real insight into their children’s emotions or histories. A slide from the presentation included an emotion-based argument claiming the report was “intended to cause fear” instead of revealing factual insights.
I see this as a win. WPATH knows this data is a threat to their questionable “standards of care” and they had to get their audience to hear about it with their spin first.
In summary, it was interesting to hear people who promote the sterilization of children and vulnerable adults attempt defend their faulty ideas. Most of what I heard were blatant lies and the bending or omission of truth. They openly said they were afraid of the “attacks” on trans people (which are simply bills to protect minors from high-risk procedures) and they tried unsuccessfully to discredit the thoughts, ideas, and experience of many outspoken critics of transgender medicine. Their quick-paced deliveries and limited question times further hinted at an awareness of growing scrutiny. For those opposed to the gender transition of minors and vulnerable adults, this means your voices are being heard and making a difference. Continue standing up for your beliefs; it's causing those pushing these transitions to reassess their stance.
Fear can make creatures dangerous, however. Especially when they no longer have anything to lose.
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tveitertotwrites · 2 years
Brooklyn's Exes
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Ex #1: Benjamin Cameron
Faceclaim: Tom Hiddleston
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Age then: 17-18
Birthday: October 4, 1986
Brooklyn's age then: 15-16
Occupation: English Professor
How did they meet: He was her brother's best friend
How did they get together: Benjamin invited her on a trip to an amusement park and he asked her out
Why did they break up: He was going off to college and she was still in highschool for two more years
Who broke up with who: Benjamin broke up with Brooklyn
Did they date seriously: yes
Did they sleep together: no
Did they meet they bff's: yes
Did they meet the family: yes
Did Benjamin say "I love you": yes
Did Brooklyn say " I love you": yes
Did they travel together: no
Did they live together: no
Did they talk about the future/marriage: no
How in love was Benjamin: 88%
How in love was Brooklyn: 93%
How much did Benjamin trust Brooklyn: 85%
How much did Brooklyn trust Benjamin: 95%
What terms are they on now: They don't talk
Would they get back together: no
Ex #2: Natalia Clark
Faceclaim: Ashley Loren
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Age then: 17-19
Birthday: April 28, 1988
Brooklyn's age then: 17-19
Occupation: Journalist
How did they meet: They had a lot of classes together in their sophomore and junior years of high school
How did they get together: they went to a party as friends and realized they were into each other
Why did they break up: Brooklyn caught Natalia cheating on her with one of their old classmates
Who broke up with who: Brooklyn broke up with Natalia
Did they date seriously: yes
Did they sleep together: yes
Did they meet the bff's: yes
Did they meet the family: yes
Did Natalia say "I love you": yes
Did Brooklyn say "I love you": yes
Did they travel together: no
Did they live together: no
Did they talk about the future/marriage ' no
How in love was Natalia: 79%
How in love was Brooklyn: 87%
How much did Natalia trust Brooklyn: 97%
How much did Brooklyn trust Natalia: 61%
What terms are they on now: Not talking (Brooklyn had her blocked)
Would they get back together: no
Ex #3: Jacob Davis
Faceclaim: Anthony Mackie
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Age then: 21-26
Birthday: January 24, 1988
Brooklyn's age then: 21-26
Occupation: Dance Instructor/Teacher
How did they meet: Jacob and Brooklyn's brother, Parker were working on a broadway show together
How did they get together: The two of them were at dinner together and hit it off
Why did they break up: They had been getting into a lot of fights within the last year of their relationship and decided to take a break, but when Brooklyn was ready to see if they could try again, he was with someone else
Who broke up with who: Mutual
Did they date seriously: yes
Did they sleep together: yes
Did they meet the bff's: yes
Did they meet the family: yes
Did Jacob say "I love you": yes
Did Brooklyn say "I love you": yes
Did they talk about the future/marriage: yes
How in love was Jacob: 92%
How in love was Brooklyn: 89%
How much did Jacob trust Brooklyn: 86%
How much did Brooklyn trust Jacob: 85%
What terms are they on now: They talk every once in a while when they're in the same city/place
Would they get back together: no
Ex #4: Odette Perez
Faceclaim: Andrea Macasaet
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Age then: 26-32
Birthday: February 15, 1989
Brooklyn's age then: 27-33
Occupation: Physical Therapist
How did they meet: Brooklyn broke her ankle and needed physical therapy. Turns out Odette was her physical therapist.
How did they get together: Odette asked Brooklyn out after her last therapy session
Why did they break up: Brooklyn was in the process of trying to make it in Los Angeles but Odette wanted to stay in a small town
Did they date seriously: yes
Did they sleep together: yes
Did they meet the bff's: yes
Did they meet the family: yes
Did Odette say "I love you": yes
Did Brooklyn say "I love you": yes
Did they travel together: yes
Did they live together: yes
Did they talk about the future/marriage: yes
How in love was Odette: 94%
How in love was Brooklyn: 83%
How much did Odette trust Brooklyn: 97%
How much did Brooklyn trust Odette: 96%
What terms are they on now: they don't talk
Would they get back together: no
And that's it!
Perma tags: @bendriversolo @crazy-loca-blog @rookiemartin @zahrachoices
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mattportermft · 2 months
Matt Porter, MFT - Trauma EMDR Family Therapist | Couples Psychodynamic Therapy | Mindfulness Coaching | Dialectical Behavior
Matt Porter, MFT, offers top-notch therapy services as a licensed Psychotherapist in Beverly Hills CA. We provide supportive and effective counseling solutions designed to address a wide range of emotional and relational issues. Our approach is grounded in compassion, helping clients navigate their personal journeys toward healing and self-discovery. Moreover, we are also recognized as the best Marriage Counselor in Los Angeles CA. Our dedication to fostering healthy relationships makes us a trusted partner for couples at various stages of their partnership. By applying proven therapeutic techniques, we aid partners in improving communication, resolving conflicts, and strengthening their emotional bonds. Book a session with us today!
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rachelthomasian · 3 months
Playa Vista Counseling
Playa Vista Counseling provides individual, couples and family therapy serving all Los Angeles, CA. Our team of experienced therapists offer caring and professional psychotherapy including marriage counseling. Our therapists are trained in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, EMDR, DBT, Mindfulness and many other evidence-based therapy modes. Our therapists provide therapy for children, adolescents and adults. We work with life challenges such as postpartum depression and anxiety disorders such as panic attacks, OCD, phobias and generalized anxiety disorders, depression and grief. Within relationships, our therapists work to improve connection while reducing conflict, healing infidelity and trust issues as well as helping process breakups.
Business Hour: Mon-Fri: 8am-7pm | Weekend: 8am-5pm
Contact Us: Playa Vista Counseling 5585 Uplander Way, Los Angeles, CA 90230, United States Phone: (310) 754-5304 Mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.playavistacounseling.com
Follow On: https://www.facebook.com/playavistacounseling https://www.instagram.com/playavistacounseling https://www.linkedin.com/in/rachelgouk
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themomsandthecity · 5 months
How Can I Have a Baby When I Already Take Care of My Elderly Parents?
"When are you having a baby?" is the question I've been asked the most since marrying my husband in 2021. At 36, I often wonder the answer myself. Even though I've always wanted to have a child, I'm not sure if it's in the cards for me anymore. Especially now that both of my parents' health has severely declined. For all of my life, my mom has been in and out of hospitals, and my dad has been our rock. He recently got sick, though, and it broke me. My mom's health issues advanced so much that she now lives in a nursing home, because my dad is not strong enough to take care of her on his own. And me? I live on the opposite side of the country. Because of this, I fly from my home in Los Angeles to crash in their one-bedroom apartment in Connecticut at least once a month. I'm happy to be there to support them, but these trips are physically, emotionally, and financially draining. When I'm in town, I'm their therapist, nurse, chauffeur, cook, assistant, and maid. I'm bouncing around hospitals, riding in ambulances, and waiting with them in emergency rooms. I'm acting as a liaison between them and their doctors, pharmacists, therapists, friends, and church. My parents are my best friends who did everything for me growing up, so the least I can do is be there for them when they need me the most. Motherhood would mean I could no longer be my parents' support system, and I'm all they have. But this had made planning for a baby nearly impossible. It's hard to prioritize anything over my parents, let alone getting pregnant. I already feel like a bad wife, seeing as I've spent weeks apart from my husband in the first years of my marriage. How could I possibly add a baby to the mix? Despite knowing all this, I often imagine what getting pregnant would be like. Would I be able to make these trips across the country while pregnant? Would I be able to make these trips with a newborn? Would I be able to support my parents with a child? The reality is, I don't think so. Motherhood would mean I would no longer be my parents' support system, and I'm all they have. I know what you're thinking: even though moving to be closer to my parents may seem like the logical solution, it's not an option for my husband and me. Not only is a cross-country move more expensive than plane tickets, but our careers are here in California. I also know some people might argue that I could make it work if I wanted a baby badly enough. Plenty of women out there become mothers while taking care of their parents, or without the support of their parents entirely. But I don't know if I'm one of them. It breaks my heart thinking about bringing new life into this world while my parents are in their worst physical states. The truth is, I really would love to be a mother. I'm just not sure if I want it to happen at my parents' expense. Related: I Don't Want to Be a Mom, and No, I Won't Change My Mind --- Gabi Conti is the author of "Twenty Guys You Date in Your Twenties" and the writer, executive producer, and cocreator of Apple's No. 1 fiction podcast series "Bad Influencer." You can catch her covering entertainment news for Hollywire or read more of her work on Cosmopolitan, Giddy, Betches, Best Life, HelloGiggles, Elite Daily, Mindbodygreen, and Brit + Co. --- https://www.popsugar.com/family/baby-elderly-parents-essay-49354998?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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path11podcast · 9 months
436 Healing From Grief, Substance Use, Trauma and Abusive Relationships; with Tiffany Thomas
Tiffany Thomas is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Los Angeles, CA. She began her career over 10 years ago as a drug and alcohol counselor helping those using substances. After a few years, she realized she wanted to work with others on their reason for why they were coping with drugs and alcohol and decided to pursue a degree in Clinical Psychology. She has a small private practice and is passionate about helping others work on healing from grief, substance use, trauma and abusive relationships. She recently authored a chapter in the upcoming book “The Grief Experience”. FB: Tiffany Thomas IG: @tifftravelstothrive86 https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists/tiffany-rogers-studio-city-ca/462637
Order your copy of The Grief Experience here.
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  Check out this episode!
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project1939 · 11 months
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(I Love Lucy's second season opener: the candy factory episode, top, Grandma Moses being interviewed by Betty Parry on the radio, bottom.)
Day 59- TV and Radio: 
What’s My Line? season 3, “Miss America, Neva Jane Langley,” September 14th, 1952. 
I Love Lucy, season 2, episode 1, “Job Switching,” September 15th, 1952. 
The Jack Benny Program, “Phil Harris is Replaced by Bob Crosby,” September 14th, 1952. 
Betty Parry, “Grandma Moses Interview,” September 15th, 1952. 
This is Your FBI, episode 389, “His Brother’s Keeper,” September 12th, 1952. 
Today I Love Lucy started up again for its second season, and it was a welcome addition to my TV choices. It was an episode most people are familiar with or have at least seen pictures of. Lucy and Ethel decide to get jobs, and Ricky and Fred take care of the housework. While Ricky cooks 4 pounds of rice for dinner- because that seemed about right to him for four people!- Lucy and Ethel work at a chocolate factory. The famous conveyer-belt scene occurs. It still makes me laugh, even though I’ve seen it many times. Both Vivian Vance and Lucille Ball are masters of physical comedy- if you take your eyes off one, the other one makes you laugh just as hard. 
On What’s My Line? there was a can-can dancer and a woman who made fly swatters. One of the guests was a professional football player, and Arlene Francis guessed it on her free guess before the questioning even started! I’ve never seen that happen, and she was really apologetic. Apparently, this guy played for the Los Angeles Rams. The celebrity was Miss America, and Hal Block got pretty gross with her. He’s always coming on to any single female guest, especially the pretty ones. Usually he’s more pathetic than creepy, but in this episode he was creepy. When Miss America came to shake the hands of the panel, he leapt out of his seat and grabbed and kissed her quite forcefully. Not on the lips, thankfully- but I could barely watch.  
On the radio today there was a very interesting interview. Betty Parry had a kind of talk show at the time, and there is a surviving interview with Grandma Moses. At the time, Grandma Moses was 92 years old. I didn’t even know she was a real person, but she sounds amazing. She started painting professionally at 78, and her folk art is famous. She gave tips on living a long enjoyable life. I looked it up, and she ended up living to 101! She was born in 1860, which is just crazy to think about. I was hearing a recording of a woman speaking in the 1950s, who was born before the Civil War! 
...And now a word from today’s best sponsor: Lucky Strike Cigarettes! Be Happy! Go Lucky! L. S. M. F. T.! No, not Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, it’s- “Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco!” Only Lucky Strikes are made better to taste cleaner, fresher, and smoother! Every single cigarette ad ever says their brand is “smoother,” so you know it must be true! Luckies are tightly packed, so there are no hotspots and no annoying loose ends that get in your mouth and spoil the taste! And they are the only brand that makes this author want to smoke again! (I smoked Luckies years ago, because they were so old-timey and different. But I haven’t smoked in years, so I’m not about to start up again.) 
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Embark Behavioral Health Opens 3 Outpatient Clinics in Southern California
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Leading Mental Health Care Provider Expands Presence, Insurance Accessibility  LOS ANGELES (Sept. 15, 2023) — Embark Behavioral Health is providing accessible mental health services to a larger population of youths, young adults, and their families in Southern California by enrolling clients at three new outpatient clinics in the region. The leading network of mental health treatment programs for young people and their families now has locations in Woodland Hills, West Los Angeles, and Newport Beach.  The new clinics offer comprehensive, evidence-based treatment for a range of mental health disorders, including anxiety, depression, substance use disorder, and more.   Embark strategically chose the Woodland Hills, West Los Angeles, and Newport Beach, California, locations to provide convenient access for individuals living in these areas. The goal is to eliminate barriers to mental health care by making the clinics easily accessible and creating a warm and welcoming environment for clients. All locations provide an intensive outpatient program (IOP) and a therapeutic day treatment program, also known as a partial hospitalization program, or PHP.   “We’re reaffirming our commitment to providing accessible and evidence-based mental health services to those in need,” said Jeremy Behling, group president of outpatient clinics. “Through partnerships like Anthem Blue Cross California, we aim to ensure that quality care is affordable for our clients, underscoring our dedication to breaking down barriers to mental health care, fostering a nurturing environment for healing and growth.”   The partnership with in-network insurance partner Anthem Blue Cross California allows individuals with Anthem Blue Cross insurance to access services at Embark Behavioral Health outpatient clinics and residential treatment centers in California with ease. In addition, Embark works with most insurance carriers, whether in-network or out-of-network. This commitment ensures that individuals have options when it comes to seeking mental health support.  Embark Behavioral Health is known for its commitment to providing high-quality, compassionate care for youths, young adults, and their families. With a team of experienced and dedicated mental health professionals, the company’s programs offer a range of services including individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy, and medication management.   About Embark in Woodland Hills The Embark Woodland Hills clinic is located in the heart of San Fernando Valley. Led by Executive Director Carly Bachrach, who has a pupil personnel services credential, the location has an IOP and a PHP. In addition, the clinic offers an exposure and response prevention (ERP) track for those experiencing moderate to severe obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).  About Embark in West Los Angeles With the beautiful Santa Monica Pier and J. Paul Getty Museum as the backdrop, the Embark West LA location offers an IOP and a PHP supported by experiential therapy practices such as movement, dance, art, and music therapy. Executive Director Baaba Hawthorne, a licensed marriage and family therapist, leads the clinic.   About Embark in Newport Beach  Located in the heart of Orange County, the Embark Newport Beach location is led by Executive Director and Clinical Director Alyson Pena, a licensed professional clinical counselor. The location offers an IOP and a PHP supported by experiential therapy practices such as movement, dance, art, and music therapy.  The diverse Embark programs include individual, group, and family therapy, addiction treatment, and parent coaching. These programs address a wide range of issues, such as:  - Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).    - Anger/mood regulation.    - Anxiety.     - Bipolar disorder.     - Borderline personality disorder.  - Bullying.     - Depression.     - Family conflict.     - OCD.  - Self-harm/cutting.     - Social isolation.     - Substance use.     - Technology addiction.  For more information on treatment options and the continuum of care offered for preteens, teens, and young adults, visit embarkbh.com.  Read the full article
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cbtherapyla · 6 days
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CB Therapy LA offers compassionate, client-centered therapy services with a focus on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to support mental health and emotional well-being. Our experienced therapists specialize in treating anxiety, depression, and a range of other mental health challenges for individuals of all ages. By providing evidence-based techniques and a personalized approach, CB Therapy LA helps clients develop effective coping strategies to enhance their quality of life. 
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newsknol · 1 year
Kristin Grannis: Learn About the Former Girlfriend of Jamie Foxx
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Have you ever heard of Kristin Grannis? She used to be the girlfriend of a famous actor and TV host, Jamie Foxx! Kristin is an American licensed family therapist who lived a private life until 2017 when people found out about her relationship with Jamie. This surprised many of Jamie’s fans. Kristin and Jamie had been together for over 10 years before they decided to end their relationship, but people are still curious about who Kristin really is and what her background is. Don’t worry, this article is here to answer all your questions and tell you about Kristin Grannis, her birth, her relationship with Jamie Foxx, and their daughter together.
Kristin Grannis: A Brief Biography
Kristin Grannis was born on January 4th, 1977, in Phoenix, Arizona. She is American and belongs to the Caucasian ethnicity. Her parents are Richard Grannis and Maryann Grannis. As of 2023, her age is 46. After graduating high school, Kristin attended Antioch University in California. She earned a Master’s in Arts in 2012 and became a licensed Marriage and Family therapist. She keeps a low profile, so not much is publicly known about her personal life.
Jamie Foxx: The Award-Winning Actor
Jamie Foxx is an exceptional actor known for his versatility. He has portrayed many different types of characters, from comedy to drama to superheroes. He became famous for his sketch comedy show, In Living Color, which aired from 1990 to 1994. He went on to create his own show, The Jamie Foxx Show, which ran from 1996 to 2001.
Foxx’s biggest role to date was in the 2004 biographical movie, Ray. For this role, he received critical acclaim and won numerous awards, including the Academy Award, BAFTA, Screen Actors Guild Award, Critics Choice, and Golden Globe Award. He has starred in other well-known films such as Collateral, Django Unchained, The Amazing Spider-Man, Jarhead, and more.
Kristin Grannis and Jamie Foxx: Past Relationship
Kristin Grannis and Jamie Foxx‘s relationship was made public in 2017, but it is unknown when they actually started dating. Kristin Grannis met Jamie Foxx while working in public relations. It was only in 2017, a decade after the birth of their daughter, that it was revealed that Kristin is Jamie’s child’s mother. Since then, both Kristin and Jamie have become more open about their connection. Even though they are no longer dating, they still spend a lot of time together, especially with their daughter.
Their time together was not without complications. According to Grannis’s father, Foxx’s prior relationships with high-profile celebrities contributed to the breakdown of their relationship. Foxx notoriously had a secret relationship with actress Katie Holmes in 2013, and he was also linked to actress Cara Santana and former beauty queen Olivia Culpo. Grannis reportedly considered becoming financially independent from Foxx, but the status of their relationship is unclear.
Annalise Bishop: Daughter of Kristin Grannis and Jamie Foxx
Annalise Bishop was born on October 3, 2009, making her 14 years old. She was born in the United States. Her ethnicity is part white and part African American. Annalise lives with her famous father in California and dreams of becoming a soccer player when she grows up.
Jamie Foxx has expressed how proud he is of his daughter’s soccer skills. He has shared on television that she is the only girl on her soccer team and a true star.
The Family Life of Jamie Foxx and Kristin Grannis
Jamie Foxx and Kristin Grannis have had quite the family life, even after their split. Their daughter Annalise Bishop has been at the center of their relationship and they have regularly met up together to spend family time, whether it be at home or at public events.
In March 2019, Foxx was spotted walking around Los Angeles with Grannis and their daughter. Then, in July of the same year, the three of them visited Disneyland together and had a great time wandering around the amusement park. Foxx even posted a sweet photo of them on his Instagram account.
Their family bond only seemed to grow stronger when they spent the holidays together. During Memorial Day weekend in 2020, Grannis and Foxx went on a yacht ride with their daughter along the Malibu coast. Three months later, they were spotted leaving a restaurant together in Malibu after sharing a meal without their daughter.
Their family bond was put to the test when Foxx had a “medical complication” in April 2023. Grannis and their daughter were by his side in the hospital when they celebrated Mother’s Day with him. Grannis brought flowers and balloons and their daughter played guitar or sang for him.
Despite the challenges, Foxx and Grannis continue to prioritize their daughter. Their public appearances together show how their amicable relationship has redefined the meaning of family even after a separation…Read More
Source: News Knol
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garybrower · 1 year
How to Find the Right Couples Therapist in Los Angeles
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Going to counseling with your partner can strengthen, or even save, your relationship. But first you need to pick a counselor.
If  you are considering Family therapy, here’s how to determine what  qualities to look for in a counselor and how to make sure they’re the  right match for you and your partner.
Professional Adult Sibling Relationships in Los Angeles
Do  you have difficulty communicating with your partner? Do you feel  disconnected or alienated from your family or a family member? It is  often difficult to work through relationship problems or challenges you  face with family members on your own. With the help and guidance of a  licensed marriage and family counselor, you will find it easier to  overcome relationship obstacles and mend broken bonds.
Jeannette  York is a Licensed Marriage and Family counselor who provides  counseling services in San Fernando Valley. As one of the best marriage  and family counselor in the area, Jeannette can help you find healthy  and effective ways to mend broken relationships or overcome relationship  difficulties.
With years of experience and knowledge,  Jeannette has helped many Californians struggling in marriage and family  life. If you are looking for professional marriage, Love and family  counselor in California, please contact Jeannette today by phone or  email.
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t5ltherapy · 2 years
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tomorrowedblog · 2 years
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Friday Releases for January 27
Friday is the busiest day of the week for new releases, so we've decided to collect them all in one place. Friday Releases for January 27 include Shrinking, You People, Shotgun Wedding, and more.
You People
You People, the new movie from Kenya Barris, is out today.
Families and cultures clash when two LA millennials from different backgrounds fall in love and face the ultimate relationship test: meeting the parents.
Shotgun Wedding
Shotgun Wedding, the new movie from Jason Moore, is out today.
In Shotgun Wedding, Darcy (Jennifer Lopez) and Tom (Josh Duhamel) gather their lovable but very opinionated families for the ultimate destination wedding, just as the couple begin to get cold feet. And if that wasn’t enough of a threat to the celebration, suddenly everyone’s lives are in danger when the entire party is taken hostage. “’Til Death Do Us Part” takes on a whole new meaning in this hilarious, adrenaline-fueled adventure as Darcy and Tom must save their loved ones—if they don’t kill each other first.
Life Upside Down
Life Upside Down, the new movie from Cecilia Miniucchi, is out today.
LIFE UPSIDE DOWN is a romantic comedy about time, distance, and the human condition. Three couples, connected by friendship, love and work, are each stuck in their respective homes in Los Angeles during the beginning of lockdown. Finally forced to face their spouses, friends, lovers, and eventually themselves head on, their lives turn slowly but surely upside-down.
Blood, the new movie from Brad Anderson, is out today.
After her marriage breaks up, Jess moves her two children back to her childhood home where their lives quickly deteriorate into terror after the family dog bites her son. Giving him a horrific infection, Jess’s morals are tested when the only cure to keep her son alive proves deadly.
Kompromat, the new movie from Jérôme Salle, is out today.
Based on incredible true events, Jérome Salle’s gripping new espionage thriller depicts the remarkable story of a French public servant who unwittingly finds himself in conflict with one of the modern era’s most powerful and dangerous forces: Russia’s FSB. Gilles Lellouche stars as Mathieu, a gregarious and dedicated diplomat who accepts a posting to Irkutsk as the head of Siberia’s Alliance Francaise. He hopes the change will be good for his family and struggling marriage, but before long Mathieu’s staging of cultural events and support of artistic expression sees him fall afoul of local authorities. Accused of a terrible crime, he soon realises someone has fabricated a case with Russia’s Federal Security Service - he has been framed. Arrested, imprisoned and isolated, Mathieu has nowhere to turn. Defending himself is impossible, the French authorities are helpless - it seems he has no choice: to try and escape.
Shrinking, the new TV series from Brett Goldstein, Bill Lawrence, and Jason Segel, is out today.
Shrinking follows a grieving therapist (played by Segel) who starts to break the rules and tell his clients exactly what he thinks. Ignoring his training and ethics, he finds himself making huge, tumultuous changes to people’s lives… including his own.
The Snow Girl
The Snow Girl, the new TV series from Jesús Mesas, Javier Andrés Roig, David Ulloa, and Laura Alvea, is out today.
When a little girl goes missing during a parade in Málaga, a young newspaper journalist becomes fiercely determined to help Amaya’s parents find her.
Lockwood & Co.
Lockwood & Co., the new TV series from Joe Cornish, is out today.
In London, where the most gifted teenage ghost-hunters venture nightly into perilous combat with deadly spirits, amidst the many corporate, adult-run agencies, one stands alone: independent of any commercial imperative or adult supervision – a tiny startup, run by two teenage boys and a newly arrived, supremely psychically gifted girl, a renegade trio destined to unravel a mystery that will change the course of history: Lockwood & Co.
Dead Space
Dead Space, the new game from Motive and Electronic Arts, is out today.
The sci-fi survival-horror classic Dead Space returns, completely rebuilt from the ground up to offer a deeper, more immersive experience. This remake brings jaw-dropping visual fidelity, suspenseful atmospheric audio, and improvements to gameplay while staying faithful to the original game’s thrilling vision.
Isaac Clarke is an everyman engineer on a mission to repair a vast mining ship, the USG Ishimura, only to discover something has gone horribly wrong. The ship's crew has been slaughtered and Isaac’s beloved partner, Nicole, is lost somewhere on board.
Now alone and armed with only his engineering tools and skills, Isaac races to find Nicole as the nightmarish mystery of what happened aboard the Ishimura unravels around him. Trapped with hostile creatures called Necromorphs, Isaac faces a battle for survival, not only against the escalating terrors of the ship but against his own crumbling sanity.
Let’s Start Here.
Let’s Start Here., the new album from Lil Yachty, is out today.
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lianasmith · 2 years
USA Immigration Fraud
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This is a story of fraud, deception, dishonesty, and the breaking of trust.
This is the story of Rashida Khan, who has been known by several different names.
Rashida committed bigamy and even trigamy in her journey from a poor family in India to her present
situation as a marriage and family therapist in California.
Rashida married a wealthy man from India in 1982 and received expensive jewelry and handmade
clothing befitting a woman of her new status and wealth.
While her husband was on an international business trip, Rashida left him, taking her expensive jewelry
and clothing with her as she returned to live with her family. Using her husband’s family influence, she
applied for a visitor visa from the U.S. Consulate in Madras, India.
She then traveled to Los Angeles, California and presented herself as a wealthy woman, though she was
living in her sister’s home. She then married an older man in California, allowing her to apply for and
receive a green card.
During this deception, she identified herself as Rashida Mehboob Abbas.
She later married for a third time, committing trigamy, when she became Rashida Ziauddin.
Her first husband, from India, pursued her to the United States, seeking to recover the jewelry and
clothing she took when she left him.
Now known as Rashida Kahn, she is working as a clinical counselor & marriage and family therapist licensed by Board of Behavioral Science, in Lomita, California.
Her first husband wants her to be punished for her unlawful and unsavory behavior. He believes she is
guilty of bigamy and trigamy, as well as immigration fraud. He wants to see her naturalization revoked
and have her deported back to India.
Rashida’s blatant disregard for marriage and the law should not go unpunished. Contact her husband in
the U.S. at (312) 523-5391 for more details.
Rashida Khan:- Mobile 424 521 2655 , Work Phone 310 375 3511, Mailing Address   P O Box 1434 Lomita CA 90717, 25625 Narbonne ., Apt 35, Lomita . CA 90717
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