#martin druk
i-crav3-blo0d · 5 months
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by i-crave-blood
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catholicfacade · 1 year
there is a surprising lack of martin x reader (student) fics, i am truly suffering rn.
[gif of me suffering from lack of fanfiction]
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zillabean · 1 year
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Sweet drunk Martin.
Somebody get this poor man home before he wanders into someone else's! XD
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yournoeliafan · 11 months
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some-sick-deja-vu · 1 year
Mads Mikkelsen as Martin in Another Round (Druk): A thirst post
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hot nerd
adorable and huggable
soft, cute clothes
little bit of beard goin' on
disaster midlife crisis
chaotic desperate
DADDY (I'm not wrong, he has two kids in the film. Totally what I'm referring to 🫠) Want more? Me, too! Below the cut...🥵
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🚨 forearm alert why was this necessary i ask you
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hello sir, I'm here for office hours 😩👋🏻🥴💦
To be continued...
(none of the images are mine, found on Google, all credit to owners)
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rhiannon-girl · 10 months
0:13━◉───────── 03:57
⇆ ⤪ ◁◂ ❙❙ ▸▷ ⥹ ↻
❝𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓪 𝓬𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓽𝓸 𝓶𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷
𝓣𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮, 𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓸𝓯 𝔂𝓸𝓾, 𝓪 𝓿𝓮𝓻𝓫 𝓲𝓷 𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓯𝓮𝓬𝓽 𝓿𝓲𝓮𝔀
𝓛𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓙𝓸𝓷𝓪𝓱 𝓸𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓸𝓬𝓮𝓪𝓷
𝓦𝓱𝓮𝓷 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓶𝓸𝓿𝓮, 𝓘'𝓶 𝓶𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓭❞
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mermaidsandroses · 2 years
Blood and Wine are Red
Despite Hannibal's thorough enjoyment of Will's werewolf state, he inevitably found himself curious about what it would be like to have him as a vampiric companion instead.
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A Mads poll with a difference!
A poll of Mads Mikkelsen movies where the selection is based on range of factors, including but not limited to: genre, writer/director, country of release, date of release and 🎉vibes 🎉
Some of the movies may fit in more than one category, so vibes have mostly informed those decisions.
Round Three:
Choose your fave!
With Le Chiffre getting 53.8% of his poll, and Martin at 67.6% in his, who will come out on top in round three?
Casino Royale is the 2006 reboot of the James Bond franchise, based on Ian Fleming's first Bond novel, of the same name. Mads plays antagonist Le Chiffre (whose name Jean Duran was later revealed in the video game of the movie), a private banker who has lost his client's money and is trying to recover it.
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Druk (Another Round) is a 2020 Danish comedy-drama following a group of teachers who decide to divert themselves from the boring lives by testing Skårderud's theory regarding humans having a blood alcohol content deficiency. Mads plays Martin, a history teacher who dramatically derails his life over this alcoholic pursuit.
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yokichikun · 7 months
Well. I just saw Druk. And now I don’t know who to choose for a one shot. Will you help me decide the character?
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vredvaesel · 8 months
Mikkelsen - Martin - Gifs
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Mads Mikkelsen as Martin in Another Round (Druk), 2020
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Happy Bottom Hannibal day y'all
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Absolutely delicious.
Watched druk| another round with some people from the FAD server and had fun. Martin is pathetic and cute.
Need more housewife Hannibal content, if you have any hit me up pls
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khangthecinephile · 1 year
Another Round (2020): Alcoholism
Using alcohol or being drunk is often seen as a very bad thing, especially in a professional environment like a school. But four teachers decided to consume alcohol all day throughout their teaching. Although that might sound very irresponsible, that’s basically what happened in Another Round, directed by Thomas Vinterberg released in 2020. Another Round also known as Druk is a movie from Denmark in association with Sweden and Netherlands to illustrate alcohol influences in everyday life. The movie is a very realistic portrayal of existential crisis and most importantly alcoholism. 
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Martin is a middle aged teacher who’s kind of going through an existential crisis. He is not very efficient in class which causes the student’s parents to doubt his teaching ability. At home, Martin also doesn’t feel very connected to his children and wife. One day, one of Martin’s friends proposes the idea of testing out the Skaderud theory. Which basically means that they will consume alcohol to elevate their mind and become more efficient in their everyday life. He and his friends use alcohol to escape from their reality of living a boring and mundane life. 
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At first, alcohol helps Martin to become more sociable, confident and energetic which obviously leads to progress in his teaching. The students become more interested in his lectures and he also feels better about himself. But things tend to take a nosedive from here. Nikolaj wants to increase the amount of their drinking to support their research of the Skaderud theory but Martin decides to stop. But then when he gets to the door, he comes back and joins his friends. This detail shows that Martin is becoming dependent on alcohol and can’t resist the urge of drinking more. Wine and spirits aren't helping him as much anymore but he still wants them. Next morning, he is found lying on the road by his son. The boy couldn’t hide the disappointment on his face but still helps Martin to go back home. The consequences of overconsuming alcohol starts to appear when Martin and Nikolaj have to experience the sense of disappointment and losing trust as their family falls apart. The scene of Martin breaking down on his wife for cheating on him is a realistic depiction of family conflicts when the man of the family has drinking problems. Even when Martin’s wife is unfaithful to him, Martin and his friends are fully aware that these problems come from their absences, lack of care and attention to their loved ones due to alcohol consumption. At certain moments, the men had chosen to drink and be happy rather than be sober and being sad and lifeless. But sadly, this experiment just ends up with even more loneliness and depression for anyone involved. 
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When Martin asks his wife to go boating with him, his wife replies by asking what happened. Martin just says that he was thinking of her when she was young. It shows that he’s grabbing on to the past and wants to be young again, really missing the time when their love is still burning and to be in the time when he actually had some kind of control over his life. Again proving that he’s currently lost and finds alcohol as a way of escape. It’s also an effort by Martin to reconnect with his wife and fix whatever was wrong between him and his family. Being dependent on alcohol doesn’t only cause separation and isolation between family members but it can also create hatred, prejudices and contempt from people around. The school where the four friends work at and the student’s parents had shown extreme concern of some faculty members using alcohol during working time. 
Martin, Peter and Nikolaj after witnessing and experiencing the consequences of their own actions, had stopped consuming alcohol. But obviously alcoholism isn’t that easy to get off, Tommy who’s the only one in the friend group who can’t escape from the trap of alcoholism has soon become violent and self-destructive. Tommy is probably the loneliest person of the four, he lives by himself in a small house with his dog. After seeing Martin’s progress in teaching, he accepted to be part of the experiment immediately and has soon achieved some progress of his own. With the help of alcohol, Tommy finds enthusiasm in his work as a football coach and spreads his positivity to his players. His team played better than ever and had some victories. But that is just the tip of the iceberg, like Martin, Tommy becomes heavily addicted to alcohol to a point that he shows up to the school meeting drunk. That incident got him fired, which just created more time for Tommy to be with his wine. A while after that, the man sadly committed suicide despite of the help and care of the other three friends in the group, especially Martin. Unlike the other three’s stories, Tommy’s story focuses heavily on the impact that alcoholism could have on one’s mental and physical health. It has definitely left the biggest impact on not only the other characters in the movie but also the audiences. Even though it’s heartbreaking, it’s the reality of many alcoholics out there in the real world. There’s a lot of stories out there about successful people who consume alcohol and drugs to support their work but it’s just a very small part of the reality where most alcoholics have to get help from therapy or even rehab to get back to their normal life. 
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Another Round wouldn’t have been as significant of a movie if it only shows a pessimistic attitude towards alcohol. Alcohol can be unhealthy and leaves many negative impacts but people can’t deny the fact that it has become an essential part of the party culture. Right after Tommy’s funeral, the movie ends with one of the best ending scenes in all of 2020. A party was hosted between the three friends and their students. After all of the tragic incidents that happened throughout the movie, the teachers have had a great time with their students, with alcohol involved. The scene where Martin dancing and running under a rain of champagne would always be an iconic portrayal of how alcohol can be fun and exciting if people use it for the right purposes and use it responsibly. 
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Drinks with alcohol like wine, beer and spirits has been around for a long time and has been associated with many tragic incidents. But it has also been part of many special occasions and great events throughout history. Another Round has definitely portrayed both sides of alcohol consumption in an unique and memorable way. Over-consuming alcohol can lead to family separations, divorces or even create violent and abusive figures. Although the consequences of liquor have been taught all across the world, people would still be drinking it in celebrations, parties and special events. The most important thing is to consume it for the right purposes and consume it at an appropriate amount.
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zillabean · 1 year
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Utterly delightful commission for Eryn, who wanted a drunk and tipsy Martin getting a little grabby with himself~
Patreon | Zillabean
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ninaemsaopaulo · 9 months
Druk: mais uma rodada
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Há formas de manifestar arte que influenciam demais em nossas vidas e, a partir delas, criamos hábitos bons e ruins. Quando li Meu ano de descanso e relaxamento, da Ottessa Moshfegh, coloquei em prática a ideia de me dopar e dormir por longas horas, tendo duas de intervalo para “viver”. A leitura do livro coincidiu com o início do meu tratamento psiquiátrico, mas eu só poderia ficar dopada nas festividades de fim de ano. É difícil atravessar essa fase sozinha e colecionando perdas, é muito fácil pensar nas piores coisas para fazer contra si mesma. Ficar dopada é um meio-termo aceitável: você não está se matando, mas flerta com a possibilidade.
Quando comecei a usar aplicativos de relacionamento, tive a sorte de conhecer um cineasta. Digo sorte porque, com ele, tive os melhores diálogos sobre cinema: ele permitia que eu falasse o que quisesse, qualquer bobagem era permitida. Por isso, achei que estivesse apaixonada e nos afastamos. Quando um ano depois tentamos reaproximação, ele me contou que se emocionou muito assistindo Druk na passagem de ano-novo — lhe fez lembrar do pai e do fato de que ele mesmo parou de beber por conta do alcoolismo. Lembro que ele tinha várias garrafas de vinho em casa para as visitas, mas nunca bebia junto. Nem sozinho. Ele também tinha uma rede em casa, obviamente um projetor, e estava escrevendo um livro sobre cinema — mas nada disso entra na história.
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Druk é um vencedor do Oscar (melhor filme internacional de 2021) que coloquei na minha lista de “preciso assistir” assim que foi lançado, mas outros filmes passaram na sua frente, até que o esqueci. Recentemente foi anunciado como a grande estreia de fim de ano na Netflix, então lembrei do cineasta e do quanto sua voz estava emocionada quando me falou desse filme, ele fazia indicações muito confiáveis. Na Dinamarca, quatro professores, três deles do ensino médio e um de educação básica, estão insatisfeitos com suas vidas de um modo geral: um deles é pai de três crianças pequenas e diariamente acorda com urina delas na cama de casal; o outro é professor de educação física, outro de música; e tem o Mads Mikkelsen que, distante do grande circuito Europa e Estados Unidos de cinema, despe-se quase que completamente de seu sex appeal e vocação para vilão ao interpretar um homem absolutamente comum. Martin, seu personagem, é professor de história, casado e pai de dois filhos adolescentes. Seu trabalho é em horário comercial, ao contrário de sua esposa. Quando ele chega em casa, ela está praticamente se arrumando para trabalhar a noite inteira. Uma dinâmica meio Tomas e Tereza já em declínio em A insustentável leveza do ser, quando ele deixa de ser médico para tornar-se limpador de vidraças e ela fica como garçonete no horário noturno. Ou, se isso fosse uma comédia, a música Ela é dançarina, do Chico Buarque, que conta a história de um funcionário público que se apaixona por uma passista de carnaval. No início do filme, Martin é confrontado por seus alunos do último ano que pretendem aplicar para a universidade, mas a forma de ensino do professor não os ajuda. Há uma insatisfação geral entre o pessoal e o profissional nas vidas desses professores.
Uma noite, Nikolaj, o pai de três bebês, faz aniversário e convida os amigos para jantar. Ele mesmo fala dessa interessante teoria sobre o nível “ideal” de álcool no corpo, com a qual se deparou. É quando Martin tem um momento de epifania sobre o quanto sua vida está sem perspectiva, como se estivesse no fim, em comparação aos quarenta anos recém-feitos de Nikolaj. Outro dia estive no aniversário de uma amiga que escolheu comemorar em um rodízio de vinhos que me lembrou essa cena, pois o garçom passava pela mesa oferecendo e narrando as qualidades das bebidas, enquanto eu ficava cada vez mais bêbada (sou fraquíssima) e Martin era o único que não deveria beber, tendo em vista que pretendia dirigir. Mas acaba cedendo, ficando mais deprimido. No dia seguinte, por conta própria, coloca a ideia em prática: bebe antes e durante o serviço e sugere que os outros faça o mesmo. Para dar um sentido maior ao que estão fazendo, Nikolaj propõe que seja publicado um artigo com tal experiência. Todos aceitam, Nikolaj começa a escrever e esses capítulos dão o tom do filme, dividindo-o em partes, como o documentário de um experimento social.
Essa ideia é 100% uma ideia de homem hétero e, obviamente, só pode dar errado. Nenhum deles é discreto levando o projeto adiante, não tem como ser. Pessoas alcoolizadas não oferecem discrição. São cambaleantes, falam alto demais, transpiram mau-cheiro — em um determinado ponto do filme, isso fica claro, é jogado na cara deles. Inicialmente, sobretudo no campo profissional, tudo parece um mar de rosas: as aulas fluem, a vida sexual é reativada, então, que tal elevar o nível? Mais uma dose? É claro que eu tô a fim.
E então, o declínio: o casamento de Martin, que parecia ter reacendido a chama da paixão, entra em um conflito quase sem volta. Nikolaj sobrecarrega a esposa, que chega a tornar-se mãe do próprio marido. Peter, o professor de música, incentiva um aluno a beber antes da avaliação final que pode decidir se ele vai para a faculdade ou se repete o ano. E Tommy, o professor de educação física, esse é quem mais sofre com o alto nível alcoólico no corpo.
Dirigido por Thomas Vinterberg, Druk é um filme tão bonito, com essa cara de cinema independente e que oferece, no final, uma sequência maravilhosa de Mads Mikkelsen dançando e é por esse motivo que amo cinema. Quero reproduzir essa cena, um dia, quando estiver bêbada o bastante e estivermos nas ruas comemorando seja lá o que for. Como quando rodopiei ao som de David Bowie no meio da Faria Lima, com meus fones de ouvido, me sentindo Frances Ha e ninguém entendeu. Druk quase entra nessa lista que ainda vou fazer, de filmes sobre o nada. Nada em específico acontece, são apenas pessoas comuns tomando decisões ruins, vivendo suas vidas e acertando corajosos passos de dança que só uma boa cerveja pode permitir.
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some-sick-deja-vu · 9 months
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Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Druk | Another Round (2020), Tempo (2003), Hannibal Extended Universe - Fandom Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jack Ganzer/Martin (Druk) Characters: Jack Ganzer, Martin (Druk) Additional Tags: Romance, Shameless Smut, Age Difference, Bratty Jack Ganzer, Indulgent but Strict Daddy Martin, Dom/sub, Domestic Fluff, Exhibitionism, Public Sex, Public Hand Jobs, Library Sex, Strangers to Lovers, Established Relationship, Drabbles, Spanking, Discipline, Butt Plugs, Dirty Talk, Shameless Jack, Secretly insecure Jack, Caring Martin, Daddy Kink, Praise Kink, Dom Martin, sub Jack Ganzer, Falling In Love, they cute Summary:
A series of short, smutty and cute stories about the bratty but sweet Jack Ganzer and his adoring, but (happily) exhausted Daddy, Martin. ❤️
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mijndagboekblog · 1 month
Zal ik met Joanne bespreken, dat Martin alles invult voor mij?
Doe maar niet, dan maak je je echt te druk.
Dat komt na de vakantie wel.
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